PropheZine #32 16 December 1996 Ray Gano ....................Welcome To PropheZine #32 Gary Kah ...................Clinton/Gorbachev Update Ron Graff ..................Mark of the Beast Moishe Rosen ............"Thanksgiving Litany" Ray Brubaker .............Is Satan Weakening the Nations? Rowland Croucher .........Especially For New Christians #1 Submitted by Wayne Meritt ...Twas the Night Before Jesus Came Lori Eldridge............ Torah Codes 101 Prophe-zine News Bytes COMPASS DIRECT....... 1996--The Year in Review Global News from the Frontlines Jeff Taylor..............Persecution Trends To Watch In 1997 Lee Underwood�������.FYI - Israel Updates Ray Gano .......Britan has a huge breakthrough on terms for single currency Ray Gano ....Prince Charles urges the West to learn from Islam W.B. Howard...... Mental Illness Evaluation Programme Wendy Brewster....7th World In Crisis Seminar from Australia IRIS.........PLO Calls To Confront Isreal With All Means Possible The Final Word ****************** Welcome To PropheZine #32 Hello all, I want to thank you for once again downloading PropheZine. I would also like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas. Now many of you know that our Lord was not born on this date. We really do not know when he was born. There are theories that point to April or May and then others that point to September. It was a while back when the Catholic Church assimilated pagan rituals and in turn "christianized" them to appease the new converts. Now if you do celebrate the Christmas season or not is no big deal. What I do want to point out that during this time of the year is when most non-believers are open to hearing the Gospel. So instead of talking Santa and Christmas trees, talk about the greatest gift given to man and that is Christ Jesus. 1 Peter 3:15 tells us.... 1 Peter 3:15 KJV But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: So remember to look for the open doors the Lord leads you go through in spreading the Gospel. In the ARMY, we used to say " Be Frosty". In hearing this we knew that we were to remain alert to what is happening around us. As Christians we are told by Peter to do the same thing. Be ready to give an answer to why you have the hope that you do. Be ready to give a answer as to why you act the way you do. So I challenge you in this season to be ready and to Stay ready to walk through that door when someone asks you for the Reason of This Season. Now on to the latest issue of PropheZine. We have another new person joining the regulars of ProphZine. I want to welcome aboard Lori Eldrige. Lori is the moderator for the Torah Codes Mail list. The Torah code is something that was just recently discovered. What it is in a nutshell is the hidden signature of God that is found in the Torah. Lori has written a great article called Torah Code 101. If you have read Grant Jeffrey's latest book Signature of God, then you have a general idea about the Torah code and what it means to Christians and Jews alike. We also have a Pastor from S.CA named Ron Graff who wrote a very good article called "The Mark of The Beast." I really enjoyed this article and it reminds me of what Pastor David Wilkerson is expressing in his articles as well. There is an article from Ray Brubaker latest newsletter titled "Is Satan Weakening the Nations?" This is a VERY eye opening article and one you will enjoy. As always, I hope you enjoy the latest issue of PropheZine. remember to share it with your friends, family and fellow Church members. ALSO...If you are going to be in Florida for the Conference, PLEASE email me again. I am putting together a special mail list of everyone who will be there I also encourage you to visit the PZ www site and check out all the new changes we have made. While you are there, take the time to sign the guest book so that visitors can see the fruits of PropheZine through your words and blessings. So till we meet here on this earth or in the clouds with our Lord.... As for me and my house, we will always serve the Lord.. In His service, Ray Gano Sr. Editor PropheZine ****************** Special News Bulletin from Gary Kah Clinton/Gorbachev Update By: Gary Kah Dear Friends in Christ, I am writing this letter quickly since I'm leaving for Europe tomorrow. By the time you receive it hopefully I will be in England. By the grace of God, a special opportunity has arisen for me to speak in churches throughout the United Kingdom; including the cities of Manchester, Birmingham, Portsmouth, Leeds and smaller towns throughout Scotland. I will also be giving a lecture to the students and faculty at a university in Manchester. Altogether, I'll be sharing at least twelve times during the last week of November and first week of December. This is the first time that my testimony and message will be directly shared overseas. Please pray that the Lord would use me in a special way and that peoples' hearts would be open and receptive. I would also appreciate your prayers for my personal safety throughout the course of the trip! (Those of you living in the U.K. may inquire about my schedule by contacting Dr. Emmanuel Olatoye at 0161 273 4211.) The Next Clinton Term With the recent U.S. elections behind us and a new, more determined Bill Clinton at the helm, we expect to see major changes in several important areas. The rapidity of these changes, however, will depend largely on how scandalized the Clinton Administration will be during its second term. A number of different scenarios are plausible. 1. Clinton continues to be investigated on Whitewater and yet-to-be revealed scandals from his past. However, due to twisted reporting by the media and a general apathy by the American people, charges of wrong-doing continue to slide off the President like Teflon. The status quo is maintained, and Clinton systematically moves us toward a system of global government. 2. New allegations against the President and his wife are so serious that he is asked to resign, or else be impeached. He follows Nixon's example and gracefully resigns, under pressure. Al Gore, the darling of globalist New Agers, takes over; and continues to lead this country in the same direction, except more rapidly. 3. Clinton is asked to resign due to the growing seriousness of allegations. However, because of personal pride and an unwillingness to go down in defeat, he speeds up his agenda by taking drastic measures - such as declaring a national state of emergency during a crisis. He suspends the powers of Congress, seizes control through the activation of Executive Orders already in place, and offers America to the United Nations on a silver platter. 4. A fourth, less likely, scenario exists - Bill Clinton repents and truly changes his ways, humbly seeking the Lord's forgiveness and asking Him for wisdom in steering America through its darkest hour. The people respond and a nationwide repentance takes place. God spares America as he did Nineveh. (I know this is stretching it, but it must nevertheless by considered as a possibility!) Whatever scenario is born out depends largely on how badly the International Establishment wants Al Gore in control; how the media portrays Bill Clinton during his second term; and whether America gets serious about repenting before a holy God. A Look Ahead Through a credible source in the White House we have learned some of the details surrounding the recent announced resignnations of cabinet members William Perry, Warren Christopher, and other top administration officials. According to our source, those individuals who are quitting have either been forced to resign by the President, or are leaving their posts because they disagree with the specific agenda Bill Clinton is planning to pursue. Reportedly, some of these individuals expect something big to happen soon - possibly within the next two years - and do not want to be part of the administration when it occurs. According to this and other reliable sources, the move toward world government is expected to go into fast forward during 1997, and especially 1998. Defense In the area of defense, we expect to see more reductions, further weakening our preparedness and ability to respond should our borders be violated. If the Clinton Administration has its way, the United States will submit an increasing amount of military control to the United Nations. The U.S. will continue to serve as a U.N. foot soldier overseas. Unfortunately, Zaire and Bosnia are just the beginning. (Keep your eyes on the Middle East, along with Russia and Korea; the situaion in each of these areas is unstable and could change quickly.) Unless Congress increases its pressure to get the United States out of the U.N. and to keep our young men and women at home, our forces will be committed to one battle after another on foreign soil. The Plan - send more and more of our troops overseas to do the work of the U.N., while permanently locating larger numbers of foreign troops in the United States...under the U.N. banner. Even if Clinton yields to pressure from Congress to push for a stronger American voice at the U.N., and Boutros Boutros-Ghali is replaced by an American, the new U.N. Secretary General, in all likelihood, would still be a globalist through and through. As expected, Clinton has already extended our stay in Bosnia until at least the middle of 1998. This announcement came last week despite repeated earlier promises to have our troops home by the holidays. According to the White House source noted earlier, the chief reason for American involvement in Bosnia is to serve as a catalyst for pulling together a united European military force. Sources in the U.S. military have told us that global insiders want a single standing European Army by the turn of the century, (about the same time that Europe is scheduled to introduce its unified currency.) Apparently they believe European military unity would take longer to achieve without help from the U.S. to coordinate the effort. Since Bosnia is serving as a stage for this experiment, our involvement in Bosnia must continue until the success of the project is guaranteed. Economics On another front, the economy bears close watching! There will be additional budget battles and "moments of opportunity! for globalists to implement their agenda. With the stock market now overvalued by a rate of 3 to 1 and more middle class investors active in the market than ever before, the current market has already shattered most of the records set in 1929, prior to the Great Crash. There is no doubt in my mind that we are being set up for a collapse. The only question is when and how? The answer is: probably when the greatest numbers of investors and funds have been drawn into the market! In spite of the current unprecedented upward spiral of the Dow Jones, the risks far outweigh potential gains. Therefore, we continue to urge people not to be greedy, and to get out while they can. Use your profits to get out of debt; investing any remaining funds in stable, non-security items, such as rental property, land, some precious metals, etc. - anything but stocks and bonds! Other Expected Reforms Along with the economy we believe major global reforms will be attempted in the areas of health care, education, agriculture, and the environment. Attempts will also be made to introduce a national ID card as we move toward a fully automated, cashless monetary system. The possibilities emerging through Internet are certain to be tapped and manipulated for these purposes. More international treaties and agreements are likely to be introduced as well. Most of them will relate specificaly to the development of an international military force, the continued development of a global economy, and the standardization of agriculture and health care worldwide. We also believe that the struggle to control our children's minds will intensify. We expect the pursuit of the Clinton Administration in this area to be relentless. Our kids will increasingly be taught (through public education) that they are global citizens, and that the world needs to come together under a single global system of government. This will all be presented in the name of the environment and healing our planet (Mother Earth). Of all the categories mentioned above, education and the environment are the ones currently receiving the most attention from globalists. Not surprisingly, the top international spokesman on behalf of environmental reform is Mikhail Gorbachev. Gorbachev's Timetable for Change Since the release of my book, En Route To Global Occupation, I have been carefully tracking the life and activities of Mikhail Gorbachev. Most citizens mistakenly believe that Gorbachev lost his position of power and influence after stepping down as President of the USSR. Few Americans are aware of the fact that he is playing center-stage in the worldwide environmental movement; where he, along with Maurice Strong and Al Gore, seem to be the most prominent figures. In September of last year Gorbachev hinted that globalists would use the alleged environmental crisis as a platform to argue in favor of a world government - which they claim is necessary to solve the crisis. His remarks came at the State of the World Forum (a world government planning session held in San Francisco) where he openly declared, "The environmental crisis is the cornerstone of the New World Order." Just a few weeks ago, on October 8th, I had the opportunity to hear Gorbachev speak in person at Clowes Hall in Indianapolis, Indiana. His statements confirmed the fact that the environment would be used to justify the coming global Perestroika (or restructuring). Here are a few excerpts from his address: "We need a new paradigm of development, in which the environment will be priority... World civilization as we know it will soon end... We have very little time and we must act." Gorbachev applauded the efforts of the Club of Rome, which he said warned about the impending environmental disaster many years ago. He expressed his belief in "the need for sustainable development...and the need for global environmental security" which he said would only be possible if we "change our mindset - the way humankind views the world." All the while, he contended: "If we can address the environment problem, we have hope...but it will have to be done within a new system, a new paradigm. Gorbachev went on to argue that it was imperative for us to "change our current values" and to "join forces" with others around the world "since environmental problems are of a global nature." He shared that his organization, Green Cross International, had been leading the way in this endeavor by working closely with Maurice Storng and the United Nations. Gorbachev then revealed that his final push would be launched in 1998. He insistently stated, "By the year 2002 we will be presenting, the final draft of the Earth Charter!" The Earth Charter is a type of global "Bill of Rights" which would be imposed upon the earth's inhabitants through a system of global government, in order to enforce "necessary" environmental regulations. By sharing these dates for the presentation of the Earth Charter, Gorbachev was simultaneously revealing his timetable for the implementation of world government, since the two go hand-in-hand. After praising the efforts of Vice President Al Gore, who supports his agenda, he stressed that "the main work is still ahead of us," and indicated that "the United States can play an important role in helping to establish the New International Order." Upon completion of his speech I was stunned as Gorbachev received a standing ovation from an ecstatic audience, supportive of his proposals and apparently unconcerned about their potential loss of personal liberty and freedom if these proposals are ever implemented. With Bill Clinton and Al Gore reelected, Gorbachev's predicions undoubtedly will come true, as Americans witness an unprecedented push by this Administration to catapult us across "the broad bridge into the 21st Century" - right into the New International Order. Amazingly, it appears all of this will happen with a majority of Americans rocked asleep in willful complacency, oblivious to reality, and not wanting to put credence into Gorbachev's remarks before the Politburo: "Gentlemen, Comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about glasnost and Perestroika and democracy in the coming years. These are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal change within the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep." (Statement made in November 1987) I am reminded of a passage of scripture: "When they say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them,...and they shall not escape." I Thess 5:3 Perhaps America deserves the judgment it will likely receive. May God have mercy on the remnant of Christians in this country who have remained faithful to Him! Aren't you glad that our hope for the future does not depend on Mr. Gorbachev's proposed International Order, but rather on the eternal hope, which is found in Jesus Christ alone? May this reassuring thought brighten your holiday season and grant you peace of mind and spirit. Wishing you a joyous and blessed Christmas, and a happy New Year! In His Service, Gary Kah ****************** Mark of the Beast By: Ron Graff Introduction According to Revelation 13, Antichrist, who will be energized by the Devil, will be considered so wonderful that many of the people of the earth will voluntarily offer to worship him. They will see him as a benevolent dictator. Not content with this, at the height of his power, he will make it mandatory for everyone give him homage. In order to enforce this, he will have his religious leader, The False Prophet set up an image of himself in the newly rebuilt temple, which must be worshipped. He will also institute a system of economic dictatorship that allows only those who agree to worship him to receive a mark (666). Without the mark, no one will be able to buy or sell anything. Those who believe in Jesus Christ will not be willing to accept the mark. No one who does receive the mark will ever be able or willing to repent and become a true Christian (Revelation 14:9-11; 20:4). Those who refuse the mark will be forced underground, living with other true believers in out of the way places. If they are caught they will be put to death for treason against Antichrist's world government. (Revelation 13:10; 20:4 ) Going Underground True Christians will not be allowed the privileges of citizenship and commerce in Antichrist's world government. They will refuse to participate in worship of the beast, and consequently will not be allowed to buy or sell anything. Therefore, they will be forced to hide in secret places like the early Christians did. Christians went underground during the persecutions in Rome. They literally lived in the vast network of catacombs beneath the city of Rome. Visitors to Rome today can visit the places where they lived, including large cavernous rooms where they met for worship and prayer, and hundreds of tombs carved into the sides of the tunnels for those who died during this time. Groups of "underground" Christians during The Tribulation Period will form their own alliances for survival, including sharing of resources, bartering, and standing guard for one another. They may use the Internet and other high tech methods in their struggle. In Revelation 12, the drama of Israel and the Dragon, we read that Israel will be driven out of their land for the last three years of The Tribulation. It appears that Antichrist will be thwarted in his attempt to capture the fleeing people, and will be enraged at "the rest of her offspring" who are described as true Christians (Revelation 12:14-17). It should be remembered that Israel will be spiritually alive during this time, meaning that they will be believers intheir Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is possible that the Christian underground of The Tribulation period will be controlled from the place to which Israel will flee because it seems to be protected by God. Many believe that the ancient Edomite capitol of Petra, located in Jordan, will be the place of their existence during this time. Petra is certainly one of the best places on earth for protection, because it can only be entered by one narrow valley which would be easy to guard. However, given the modern capabilities to fly over the city and bomb it, it seems clear that God provides supernatural protection for Israel even if they do flee to Petra. Martyrdom The word "martyr" actually means "witness" or "one who gives a testimony." Early Christians were very bold witnesses for Christ in fulfillment of His command to be His witnesses in all the earth (Acts 1:8). In those days every Roman subject was expected to acknowledge Caesar as god. They were required to say "Caesar is Lord." Christians, of course could not say this. Instead, they acknowledged "Jesus is Lord." (1 Corinthians 12:3) For this reason many early Christians were put to death by a variety of cruel methods, such as crucifixion, burning at the stake, beheading, and being fed to lions. Historical accounts of these people refer to them as martyrs. There have been a great many Christian martyrs down through the centuries. Even in our days there are people in some places who are put to death for telling others about Christ. This is especially true in fundamentalist Moslem countries. Of course, untold numbers of people were imprisoned or put to death in communist countries for their faith. During The Tribulation there will be many martyrs. The fifth seal (Revelation 6:9-11) is a description of many of these martyrs, asking the Lord, "How long...until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?" (Revelation 6:10) It is also clear that those who trust in Christ and refuse to receive the mark of the beast will be put to death for treason against Antichrist's one-world government (Revelation 13:10; 20:4). Surely the Lord will give them the strength to stand for Christ even if it means suffering in this extreme way. Christians are not promised deliverance from persecution. 2 Timothy 3:12 says, "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." (NIV) Economic Dictatorship Antichrist will rise to the position of virtual dictator of the earth (Revelation 13:7). There are at least three powers that make this possible: Political power According to Revelation 13:5-7, and 16-18, he will lead the development of the emerging one-world government, or New World Order which has been planned for centuries by the super rich behind the scenes. These power brokers are used to controlling who will be chosen for political positions, based on their ability to manipulate their pawns in high places. They will present Antichrist as a benevolent dictator. They will undoubtedly think that they can control him for their own advantage. But he will be very powerful, drawing his energy from the Devil. He will do as he pleases, though it is likely that much of what he does will also please the powerful elite group who have given him support. Religious power- As can be seen even in our own American politics, support from religious groups can be very helpful to a politician. Revelation 13:11-15 tells about a False Prophet who is most likely the head of a one-world religion. This religious unity will finally be possible because after The Rapture born-again Christians will be absent from public life. Even in the churches, those who are left are those who have never had a personal relationship with Christ. These people, for the most part, will not take the Bible literally. They will be willing to give up their doctrines for the sake of unity. The New Age Religion may be the uniting force behind this since it already draws heavily from various religions. The head of this union could be the leader of the World Council of Churches or of an apostate denomination. Technological power- Modern technology has made it possible for Antichrist to do what the Bible predicts: to literally control the right of individuals to buy and sell. See Modern Technologies. Revelation 13:16-17 16 He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. (NIV) Before computers were such a vital part of our lives it was hard to imagine how this prophecy could be enforced. In our generation we have seen the development of all the parts of the electronic system necessary for one person to wield total economic control. Here are some of those pieces: Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Smart Cards, ATM stations For at least twenty years now the banking industry has been pressing for the use of electronic funds transfer. Those who wish to do so may have their paychecks deposited electronically into their accounts, pay their bills automatically by electronic funds transfer, or use their personal computer to make these payments. We can buy most of what we need by use of our ATM debit cards. Service stations have "Pay Point" devices which allow the use of either credit cards or debit cards to buy your gas without the help of an attendant. At your supermarket you may pay for your groceries the same way. In fact, if you need cash, you can get it out of your bank account at the same time. Just enter an extra $20 or so while you are checking out and the checker will gladly give you the cash because that helps them keep the amount of money on hand down, discouraging robbers. Pretty soon you won't want cash anyway. Your favorite fast food place may have these devices too. Smart Cards can literally transfer money from your account into the card, so it can be used to operate vending machines, pay tolls, and whatever else people need. Why should you carry cash? As soon as muggers realize people don't carry cash your life will be safer won't it? We are moving toward a cashless society. Implanted Transponders, Biometrics One of the biggest problems in all of this electronic wonderland is the loss and theft of cards and the problem of verifying that the person with the card is authorized to use it. All of this can be solved by inserting tiny electronic transponders (chip implants) as they already do in livestock all over the world, and as they are beginning to do in household pets. In our area we can have one of these devices implanted in our dog by a simple, nearly painless hypodermic needle, then if he is ever lost, the governmental authorities can just wave a wand over the dog's back and their computer will tell them all they need to know about him. Fingerprints, palm prints, face and eye prints (retinal imaging) are some of the high tech methods now used to verify a person's identity. These, of course, cannot be stolen or lost. How far away from public acceptance of these devices are we? We may be closer than we think! At the time of the publication of this book the United States Senate has approved a bill which would create a national registry and tracking system for the purpose of controlling illegal immigration. The bill calls for a system in which every American will have some form of biometric identification as described above. This plan would give the government the right to approve all employment. This bill is S 269 - The Immigrant Control and Financial Responsiility Act of 1995. ("The Capitol Hill Prayer Alert", April 13, 1996 and May 3, 1996) This alarming legislation must now be considered by the House of Representatives before it would become law. In any case it illustrates the thinking of many in government today. Supercomputers, Satellites, Fiber Optics, Interactive Television and the Internet Until recently we could not have imagined how this astronomical amount of information could be handled. Now we have Supercomputers that are so fast th at they could perform thousands of operations on each person's files in the world every second. New methods of transmitting data, such as satellites which can link the whole world together instantly, sending and receiving unbelievable amounts of data simultaneously, and fiber optics which make the "wires" that service our homes and computers able to carry thousands of conversations, video images, and data transfers possible all at the same time. Businesses large and small may all be linked together instantly through the Internet even if they are on opposite sides of the globe. Daniel 12:4 But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge. (NIV) Six Hundred Sixty-Six (666) Revelation 13 15 He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. 18 This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666. (NIV) This is definitely the age of the computer. Computers do all kind of wonderful things, but, because of the way they work, everything they do must be converted to numbers. Every letter on this screen, every colored pixel, every tone produced by the computer (including your favorite music CD) is saved and processed as a number. Now that modern technology has reached the stage where it is truly feasible for Antichrist to exert economic dictatorship it is increasingly important for everyone to have a distinctive number. Most of us have several numbers already: our Social Security number, drivers' license number, phone, FAX and pager numbers, credit card numbers, and so on. What does Antichrist's personal number, 666 mean? Please notice that the Scripture says plainly that it is "the number of his name." This is significant because the issue in this future story is that of worship. People must vow their devotion to this worst of all the false Christs by allowing either his name, or else the number of his name to be placed on them in a prominent place as a symbol of their allegiance. There are many possible ways of converting a name to a number. Here are some of them: Assignment This is how you received your Social Security number, or credit card numbers. When it was time to be "numbered" the next number in a sequence was assigned. Some systems pick numbers randomly instead of sequentially, and check to make sure no one else has that number before issuing it. Choice This is the process if you, or someone else, should choose a number to represent you. This is sometimes done for jerseys of famous athletes. Other examples of this are when you order a personalized license plate for your car or pick your own phone number. Conversion Returning to the fact that our lives are run, or at least monitored, by computers, there is another way of deriving a number from a name. There are several different numbering systems used by computers to convert any given letter to a number. One of these is the ASCII code (A=65, B=66, etc.) Using this system, and adding up the total of the values of the letters, it is interesting that some names do add up to 666. Some famous names produce this result. Another type of conversion is based on the alphabet (A=1, B=2, etc.) Such a system would not produce a number as big as 666, so some have suggested converting this way and then multiplying by the "number of man", which some suppose is 6 - one short of the number of completion. Again, some notable people's names produce 666 in this way. There are also various techniques for coding this number. These include: Printing Checks, Invoices, and many other documents which need to be recognized and handled by people simply print the number. Data processing clerks or scanning devices convert these numbers back into the numbers needed by the computers. Magnetic strip Credit cards and debit cards (and a host of other identifying devices) use these little strips of magnetic tape to store your number and other information. Transponders A tiny electronic chip which may be injected into an animal or a human will respond to the stimulus of a certain kind of scanner by transmitting your numerical data. Bar Code Laser scanners use the bar codes on products to print your sales receipt. The number on the package is converted to a name, a price, and at the same time it is subtracted from inventory and placed on the store's next re-order form. It has been noticed by some that the UPC bar codes are generally divided into two parts by three bars, one at the beginning, one at the end, and one in the middle. These marks may be longer than the numbers, but they may look the same as one of the codes for the number six. Thus, some barcodes do have the number 666 built into it. This may or may not have any significance in future understanding of prophecy. We have been warned that we can not know who Antichrist is until he is revealed, after the Restrainer (The Holy Spirit) is no longer holding back sin (2 Thessalonians 2:1-11). But those who are alive during that time might recognize him partly by this number. It will be wise and proper for those living during that time to "calculate" his number (verse 18). It should also be noted that, even though it is logical for us to have our own numbers, and that, for security reasons, these numbers might even be tattooed on or implanted in us, the number that will be displayed on the hand or forehead will not be our number, but Antichrist's Those who are more bold in their devotion to him will not have his number, but his actual name! A short bio about Ron Graff Ron Graff is senior pastor of Alta Loma Brethren In Christ Church in Southern California. He has been a pastor and teacher of Biblical Prophecy for 31 years. Ron is a conference speaker, author, and computer software developer. He maintains PROPHECY CENTRAL, a useful web site for the benefit of serious students and teachers of Biblical Prophecy. The site, which is now part of the PZ Prophecy Alliance, offers Scripture, commentary and notes on 26 vital topics. It utilizes numerous links to other Bible and prophecy resources on-line. The Internet address is . "The Prophecy Puzzle" is Ron's latest software offering, combining the content of a prophecy book with computer enhancements such as hypertext, searches, optional drill and practice questions, personalized notes, bookmarks, graphics, cut, paste, and print as well as other features. ****************** "Thanksgiving Litany" By: Moishe Rosen Founder of Jews for Jesus Dear Ray, At Thanksgiving Day in my home we had twelve people read psalms145 and150 sang WE GATHER TOGETHER and COME YE THANKFUL PEOPLE COME. We said the Hebrew table Grace and I led our "family" group in a prayer of litany or psalm that I wrote which is attached. COME YE THANKFUL PEOPLE COME is a hymn with prophetic import and notice the litany and how it mentions a future for Israel. When you believe in prophecy it tends to permeate all your thinking. Moishe "Thanksgiving Litany" For life and health and that you brought us to this day: Response: For,this and more, the blessings seen and unseen, that which is known to us and that which is only known to you we give thanks, praise, and glory to thy name, O, Lord. For family and friends who nurtured us and encouraged us; Response: For,this and more, the blessings seen and unseen, that which is known to us and that which is only known to you we give thanks, praise, and glory to thy name, O, Lord. For teachers, mentors, family and friends, who encouraged, and taught us and strengthened our character by precept and example; Response: For,this and more, the blessings seen and unseen, that which is known to us and that which is only known to you we give thanks, praise, and glory to thy name, O, Lord. For Pastors and Congregations who walked with us in your ways and sought to strengthen us in faith; for those who stood with us in adversity and reminded us of your goodness, mercy, and love; Response: For,this and more, the blessings seen and unseen, that which is known to us and that which is only known to you we give thanks, praise, and glory to thy name, O, Lord. For our nation and its leaders and leaders everywhere, we pray that you would bring to your righteousness and protect from the temptations of power. Response: For,this and more, the blessings seen and unseen, that which is known to us and that which is only known to you we give thanks, praise, and glory to thy name, O, Lord. For the great salvation established at Calvary that was sealed and signified at Y'shuas resurrection; Response: For,this and more, the blessings seen and unseen, that which is known to us and that which is only known to you we give thanks, praise, and glory to thy name, O, Lord. For the Privilege of serving you and victories in our walk, work, and worship. Response: For,this and more, the blessings seen and unseen, that which is known to us and that which is only known to you we give thanks, praise, and glory to thy name, O, Lord. For the gift of the Holy Spirit and the fruit of the spirit we see in one another; Response: For,this and more, the blessings seen and unseen, that which is known to us and that which is only known to you we give thanks, praise, and glory to thy name, O, Lord. For your everlasting promise to Israel and the great destiny of our people beyond what they could think or hope: Response: For,this and more, the blessings seen and unseen, that which is known to us and that which is only known to you we give thanks, praise, and glory to thy name, O, Lord. For the Blessed Hope of Y'shuas return and righteous reign over all the earth; Response: For,this and more, the blessings seen and unseen, that which is known to us and that which is only known to you we give thanks, praise, and glory to thy name, O, Lord. That you are our God and we are your people the flock of your field; Response: For,this and more, the blessings seen and unseen, that which is known to us and that which is only known to you we give thanks, praise, and glory to thy name, O, Lord. ****************** Is Satan Weakening the Nations? By Ray Brubaker God's News Behind The News Lucifer is described in Isaiah 14:12 as the "...son of the morning...." Hisname means "day star" in contrast to Him who is the "...bright and morning star..." which is our Lord Jesus Christ. we read, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" (Isaiah 14:12). How are the nations weakened? David Wilkerson says there are clear evidences that the nations are being weakened financially and economically. In fact, he sees a collapse coming, one unparalleled in our history. It would seem to be time to help ministries in need while money is still worth something! Here is Wilkerson's prediction: Modern Day Prophetic Utterance It's just about to happen - very soon, one nation, and I'm speaking prophetically - if I've ever heard anything from God in my life I heard it - the nation is Poland. Poland owes $30-billion (in) international loans to international banks - they owe $30 billion and they haven't even paid the interest in two years. Saudi Arabia is behind on their payments on $8 billion. The richest country in the world as far as an Arab state (is concerned), and it's not paying its bills. Very soon, a European or North African or Eastern nation is going to default on its international loan; and when that happens, within two weeks, Mexico is going to default. Mexico owes $100 billion, 80% of it toAmerican banks. And here's what's going to happen: About two weeks after the first country goes bankrupt - we're going to survive that because most of that money is owed to European banks, German, Swiss and French banks - a second country is going to go down, probably Argentina or Brazil, and we'll kind of live that out and people will settle down and say, "Well, maybe it's not going to hurt." But two weeks after the first country goes down, Mexico is going to default on $100 billion. And when the banks open the next day at 9 in the morning, $15 billion an hour is going to be withdrawn from our American banks. They're going to be running our banks - the Arabs, all the Latin American countries, they're going to be running our banks - and before the day is over the United States is going to have to declare a bank holiday. And we're going into six months of the worst hell America's ever seen. There's going to be chaos. Not even the National Guard's going to be able to quiet it down; we're going to have to call out the whole United States Army. Now, I've had visions recently, for I've been in New York city and I was in Macy's in vision and I saw people walking around stunned because they couldn't get their money out of the bank. Now, I'm going to give you a word of advice: The first country goes bankrupt - I've documented this and I've got it sealed in an envelope and I'm going to call my friends. And I'm telling you: This is the first time I've said it in a public meeting like this, but the first country that bellies up, you go get every dime you have. Church, get your money out of the bank, because you've got two weeks because there's going to be a bank holiday and you won't be able to get a dime for six months. Now, of course, there's going to be order restored, but the nation will never be like it is again. --given by David Wilkerson We've been warned: 1. Look for a major shaking of Wall Street. A collapse will plunge America into a financial crisis of historic proportions. Better take your stock now and invest into the Lord's work and of Him be amply rewarded. 2. Incidents such as took place in Atlanta (the pipe bombing), will increase, along with the burning of churches, opening of fire upon people on the street for no reason at all except to provoke unrest. Racial violence will be planned by those seeking to trigger increased social unrest. 3. Most frightening will be the detonation of bombs and even nuclear weapons which will set in motion frightening moves to blame organizations such as the militia movement and right-wing groups, resulting in martial law and bringing in U.N. peace-keeping forces to restore law and order. 4. Everything you own can be legally seized, including your home, vehicles, land, food supplies and resources. Christian television and radio stations can be seized. House-to-house searches with families being separated and sent to forced labor is a possibility, as plans for a new world order unfold. 5. Now is the time to show forth the love of Christ. Help those in need, support Christian television and radio ministries that are reaching out with the message, "Jesus is coming soon! Be ready!" *********************** ESPECIALLY FOR NEW CHRISTIANS... From: Rowland Croucher Director, John Mark Ministries Here's something from GROW! Meditations and Prayers for New Christians - addressing 22 key issues new Christians face. Use for adult/teenage confirmation/baptism classes or hand to your enquiring friend. They're being posted onto our list, and will soon be available on our home page. GROW (255pp) is available from John Mark Ministries: see (Note: permissions were obtained from authors/publishers to use their quotes in GROW!) Shalom! Rowland Croucher Director, John Mark Ministries - resources for pastors/leaders. (Bookroom, library, and worldwide F.W.Boreham Trading Post) Home Page: ..... WELCOME TO THE FAMILY! (For Scriptures and quotes from helpful classical and modern authors, see the full version of this article on our home page). AT THE GRAVESIDE of Willie Loman in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, one of the characters standing by says, 'He never really knew who he was.' Who am I? Does anyone care about me? Where can I find meaning for my life? And after death, what then? Or, to paraphrase the philosopher Kant, Why is there anything at all? Why not nothing? The search for identity, love, meaning and immortality is as relevant and urgent for you and me as it has been for people down the ages. Christianity begins by teaching that we humans are like God, made in his image. Although that image is marred by evil we have done, and evil done to us, God loves you and has a significant purpose for your life. You were planned, not an accident; God wants you to become a whole person in this life, and share heaven with him in the next. So, as the Negro spiritual says, 'Get on board!' How? Start being nicer to people? Believe in Christianity? Go to church? Agree with certain dogmas? They're good, but if that's all you do you could be seduced into believing 'I'm just as much a Christian as anybody else!' No, being a true Christian starts somewhere else. In essence, a Christian is 'called' by Christ and then chooses to follow him. There are four ideas here: I am chosen, by Jesus Christ, but I also choose to obey him, my Master and Lord. The early Christians often told the story of Peter, a fiery, quick-tempered fisherman. Jesus, whom he knew, said to him, 'I have chosen you to follow me: with a few others we're going to change the world!' Later he asked Peter and his friends, 'Who do you think I am?' Peter said 'You are the Christ, Son of the living God!' Peter often failed as a Christian, but Jesus kept after him: 'Do you love me, Peter? You've let me - and yourself - down. But come on, you're forgiven, let's start again. I've got a strategic job for you. Trust me, follow me, obey me: I will never leave you or forsake you - even to the end of time!' For 'Peter', substitute your own name... 1. You are chosen! Any friendship, or love affair, involves two people choosing each other. Christianity is a relationship, too, between you and Someone who has always loved you. 2. You are chosen by Jesus. Friendships or love affairs begin with the question: Who is this person? What's he or she like? Can I trust him or her? So who is Jesus? He was a Jew from Galilee, a frontier province of the Roman Empire, and he claimed to have a very special relationship with God. He was truly human, but also, uniquely, the Son of God. Indeed,Christians assert he was and is God. If you want to know what God is like, look at Jesus; as the 'Jesus freaks' used to say, if God is like Jesus, nothing is too good to be true! Now if Jesus is God, he created the whole universe (and you), he died for you, he cares for you, and he will be your judge! Problem is, when you've done wrong, you have not only sinned against yourself and others, but, supremely, against him too. So you must face up to that, by repenting. That is, you change your mind, and instead of rebelling against Jesus, you turn your life around and do what he wants you to do. 3. So you have to make a choice. Jesus invites you to 'come, follow me.' Your response can be dramatic (particularly if you've been running from him!) as with one of the early Christians, Saul, on the Damascus Road. Or it can be a gradual awareness that the Christian values you learned from childhood are true for you personally, and you make a quiet but serious decision to give your life over to Jesus. 4. Being a Christian is a sincere commitment to obey Jesus, whatever the cost. And there is a cost. How much? Everything! G.K. Chesterton once said it's not that Christianity has been tried and found wanting but that it has been found hard and not tried. But let's get one thing straight: it's not Christianity as such you're committed to. Christianity has brought great good to our world (the notion of charity, theconcept of inalienable human rights, the limitations of the power of the State, all derive from our Christian heritage). But Christianity as a religious system, said theologian Karl Barth, stands as much under the judgment of the Gospel as other religions. Sometimes, for example, Christians have backed an unjust ideology - like Nazism. Nor is your primary commitment to a church or denomination, although you should belong to a Christian community. No, you commit yourself to Jesus Christ, and follow other people and systems only as they authentically follow him. Study his life in the Gospels; ask 'what does he want me to do?'; do in your world what he did in his. But you say, 'I don't have much faith.' No problem: most of the best Christians started with little faith. Faith grows as you exercise it. As you get to know Jesus better, and do his will for you, faith will grow. Jesus said we come into his kingdom - or under his rule - as a child. We come to God as Father. Childlike trust is unafraid: perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18). Children are impressionable - they believe anything someone in authority tells them - so we, too, trust God in everything. Children are willing to accept correction (Hebrews 12:7), so if times get tough, we tell ourselves again that God knows what he's doing: it's all, only, for our good Children are expressive: they are spontaneous and uninhibited in the way they express their joy and their trust. You're set for an exciting, hard adventure: hang in there! Some Bible passages to study: Mark 1:16-18, Luke 5:1-11, 9:18-27, John 3:1-17. Then go back to Mark and read it through. .... Thank you, Lord God, for calling me to your service, and adopting me into your family. Loving Lord, I commit my whole life to you: Holy Father, help me to become the person you destined me to be; Victorious Jesus, conquer my fears and resistance; Holy Spirit, teach me your truth; Master, I'm yours: take me as I am and make me what you want me to be. Amen. ****************** Twas the Night Before Jesus Came Submitted by Wayne Meritt Author Unknon at this time 'Twas the night before Jesus came and all through the house Not a creature was praying, not one in the house Their Bibles were lain on the shelf without care In hopes that Jesus would not come there. The children were dressing to crawl into bed. Not once ever kneeling or bowing a head. And mom in her rocker with baby on lap Was watching the Late Show while I took a nap When out of the East there arose such a clatter. I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter Away to the window I flew like a flash Tore open the sutthres and threw up the sash When what to my wondering eyes should appear But angels proclaiming that JESUS was here. With a light like the sun sending forth a bright ray I knew in a moment this must be the DAY! The light of His face made me cover my head It was Jesus! Returning just like He said And though I possessed worldy wisdom and wealth I cried when I saw Him in spite of myself. In the Book fo Life which He held in His hand Was written the name of every saved man. He spoke not a word as He searched for my name; When He said "It's not here" my head hung in shame. The people whose names had been written with Love He gathered to take to His Father Above. With those who were ready He rose without a sound While all the rest were left standing around. I fell to my knees, but it was too late; I has waited too long and this sealed my fate I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight: Oh, if only I had been ready tonight. In the words of this poem the meaning is clear; The coming of Jesus is drawing near. There's only one life and when comes the last call We'll find that the Bible was true after all! God Bless, Wayne ********************** TORAH CODES 101 By Lori Eldridge Jesus said to the Jews intent on killing him: "But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set. If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me." (NIV) Did you catch it? Moses wrote about Jesus. Have you ever seen Jesus' name in the Torah/5 books of Moses? Not on the surface you haven't; but if you know where to look you can see it plain enough. And I'm going to try and show you by embarking on a study of the Codes in the Torah. JEWISH TRADITIONS REGARDING THE TORAH There is a strong Jewish tradition that the Torah contains all knowledge: past, present, and future. Vilna Gaon, an 18th century Rabbi, wrote a commentary on one of the Jewish mystical works, Sifra Ditziuta, where he stated: "The rule is that all that was, is and will be until the end of time is included in the Torah from 'Breishit' (the first verse) to 'L'eynei kol Yisrael' (the last verse of the Torah). And not merely in a general sense, but including the details of every species and of each person individually, and the most minute details of everything that happened to them from the day of their birth until their death". The original Hebrew text had no spaces between the letters. Nachmanides, a 13th century Jewish sage, wrote in the introduction to his commentary on the bible regarding the Torah: "It was black fire on white fire, with all the letters in one string. It was God who told Moses where to put the spaces." Other ancient Rabbis have stated that when Messiah comes he will not only interpret the words and letters but the spaces between the letters. ANCIENT TRADITION OF ENCODED MESSAGES Several Hebrew sages are well known for their belief in multiple encoded messages in the Torah, such as Nachmanides. Another one was Rabbeynu Bachayah (14th century) who wrote a book called Chovat HaLevovot. Shortly before W.W.I. Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl, a brilliant Czechoslovakian Jewish scholar in astronomy, mathematics, and Judaic studies, began to research the codes. He had found in his youth an obscure reference in Rabbi Bachayah's book that described a pattern of letters encoded within the Torah occurring with equal spacing which resulted in a lifelong hobby of searching for codes. Weissmandl had noticed there were messages hidden in the Hebrew Text, i.e. if you skip letters in equidistant letter sequences (ELS) it spells out words or phrases. He noticed this because he used to copy the Hebrew text out on cards, 100 letters per line, 10 lines long, and he noticed they spelled messages vertically and diagonally--similar to some of today's crossword puzzles. When he found the first letter of a word he was searching for he would count forward (or backward) until he found the second letter. He would repeat the same count until he found the third letter. If that didn't work he'd start over with a new count looking for the same word. This was very tedious labor, without the aid of a computer. Rabbi Weissmandl never wrote a book on his discoveries but taught his students how to find the codes, and they published a book called "Torat Chemed," and it was passed on from there. It wasn't proven that Weissmandl's codes were a significant find until the computer age when they could check other books in Hebrew where codes were not found with statistical significance. MODERN CODE RESEARCH WITH COMPUTERS Eventually several Jewish scholars, Doron Witztum, the principal researcher, with Eliyahu Rips and Yaov Rosenberg, as scientific consultants in the fields of mathematics and statistics, got together in 1988 and wrote a paper called "Equidistant Letter Sequences in the book of Genesis". Witztum's study revealed that the book of Genesis contained the encoded names and dates of birth or death, all in close proximity, of dozens of Rabbis throughout Jewish history. Through their research via computer they found that if even one letter is misplaced in the text it would totally destroy the sequence of encoded messages. They have demonstrated this by changing some words around in the book of Genesis. Other Hebrew texts such as the Samaritan Pentateuch, and a portion of the Hebrew translation of Tolstoy's War and Peace have been teste d and so far have not even come close to the phenomenon found in the Torah. This explains why the Jewish Scribes were so diligent in their copying of the O.T. Jesus made a similar statement to his disciples: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished." (Matt. 5:17,18 NIV) Witztum's paper was then submitted to the Statistical Science Journal (the most prestigious statistical journal in the world) for analysis. However it took the SS journal 5 years of rigorous testing before they would agree to print the paper in 1994 with the following comment: "We conclude that the proximity of ElSs with related meanings in the Book of Genesis is not due to chance." (1) To this date no one has ever refuted this paper. DIVINE AUTHORSHIP Chuck Missler has often said, "Jesus [Yeshua] is on every single page of the Bible." I wondered. How can that be? Now I know. The name "Yeshua" has been found encoded in at least 2,861 different locations in just the Torah alone with equal spacing ranging from 1-500. If you multiply the 4 letters in Yeshua's name by the 2,861 locations you get 11,444 encoded letters out of a total of 304,837 that take up space in the Torah (about 3.7%). Now if you also consider the variations of spellings of Yeshua, multiple phrases containing his name, his titles such as Prince of Peace, Messiah, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and etc., etc., then the amount of encoded letters climbs dramatically. Yes. He is on every page of the O.T. Praise the Lord! (2) Grant Jeffrey has stated, regarding the code phenomenon: "I believe that God would authenticate His own true revelation by writing His signature on the pages of His Scriptures. This signature would consist of evidence, knowledge and phenomenon in the Text of the Bible that no unaided human could possibly have written. In other words, the genuine Scriptures should contain supernatural evidence within it's text that no one apart from a Divine intelligence could create." (3) He has also stated that hidden in every messianic prophecy that he has checked in the O.T. is an encoded message about Yeshua. OTHER CODE METHODS According to Jewish tradition there are many other ways in which the Torah is encoded such as the following: Pictographs & Ideograms The type of Hebrew letters that are in use today did not emerge until the Babylonian exile. Moses originally wrote the Torah in ancient Hebrew Pictographs or ideograms--letters that carry basic conceptual values and ideas. They were not only phonemes (carrying sound) but also sememes (carrying basic elements of meaning). These same ideograms are in use today by the Samaritans in their scriptures and can be seen in any good Hebrew dictionary. For example: The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the "aleph" resembled the head of an ox, similar to a capital "A" laying on it's side. This letter symbolized strength or a leader. The next letter "beth" resembled a house and looked like a "b" laying on it's back (only more pointed) to look like a nomad's tent. If you put both of those together you get the Hebrew word "Ab" which means father--i.e., leader of the house or family. This is where we get the word "abba" father. (4) Rashi Tavos This is a means of decoding a message by making note of the first or last letters of consecutive words. They are still in use today as memory aids and are known as acrostics. For instance the first letters of the words hanging above Jesus on the cross were: Ishva Hntsri Vmlkh Hihvdim (Yeshua of Nazareth the King of the Jews). This Rashi Tavos spells out in Hebrew: IHVH or YHVH i.e., God's name, or the preferred version in English YHWH. Shemology Shem is the Biblical Hebrew word for "name" and thus Shemology is the study of Biblical names whereby a list of names from the Bible can give a clear message to the reader. The Key: All things must point to Elohim, God and His plan. For example: If you translate the meaning of the names of the twelve tribes you will find the story of the Gospel. (Read downwards from the Definition list.) Name Definition ********* ***************** Reuben - Behold a son, Look on Me Simeon - Hear Him, Hear Me Levi - (and) Be Joined, With me Judah - Give Him Praise, Now will I praise the Lord Dan - Judge Naphtali - (His) Strife Gad - (and His) Fortune Asher - Happy and Blessed Issachar - (am I for) He Brings (my) Reward Zebulun - Dwelling with Us Joseph - He shall Add Benjamin - (For He is) The Son of His Right Hand (5) Another example is known as the "Gospel in Genesis": If you translate the meaning of the names of the generations of Adam you will find the story of the Gospel. (Read downwards from the Definition list.) Name Definition ********* ***************** Adam Man (is) Seth Appointed Enosh Mortal Kenan Sorrow (but) Mahalelel The Blessed God Jared Shall come down Enoch Teaching. Methusalah His death shall bring Lamech The desparing Noah Rest and comfort. Man's sin was no surprise to God, nor the remedy for it. (3) Gematria Both the Hebrew and Greek alphabets are very unique in that they use letters of the alphabet for their numerical values instead of separate symbols such as in Latin or English. There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet and each letter is assigned a different number. After the 10th letter the numbers count by 10s and after the 20th letter the numbers count by 100s. Therefore one can calculate the numerical value of any word by adding up the equivalent numbers. In gematria the numeric value of a word or sentence is compared with other words or sentences with the same numeric values. For instance the numeric value of the word Machiach/Messiah is 202, as is also the phrase "Hal Amnv" or in English: "God with Us" A popular sample of gematria is given in Revelation 13:18 "This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666" (NIV) The Greek word for Jesus, Iesous, has the value of 888 and when this word is referring to Jesus only it occurs exactly 888 times in the NT. (6) The phrase in Genesis 13:1, "Almighty God," adds up to 345. The phrase in Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am" is 534. Add the two together and you get 888. Here's another example: Malachai 3:6, "I am" adds up to 61. "Jehovah" equals 26. "I change not" equals 801. Add them together and you get 888--the number that represents Jesus. The symbolism of the number 7 is well known in Christian circles, as being the number of perfection or completion used throughout the Scripture. In the book of Revelation we have the 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 thunders, and 7 vials. Not only is the number 7 an important ELS found in code research but also multiples of 7 such as 42 and 49. Gematria vs. Numerology and Kaballah Some people are concerned that gematria is not of God and confuse it with numerology and or Kaballah. Gematria is different from numerology in that the later is used to foretell a person's character or predict the future (which is expressly forbidden by God) whereas the former is merely a useful method of interpreting the Bible. Kaballah on the other hand can involve such demonic activities as channeling spirits, numerology, mysticism, a belief in reincarnation and multiplied other practices that run contrary to the Word of God. The codes cannot, and should not, be used to predict the future because that is strictly forbidden in scripture. I believe God has placed the codes in the Bible to validate what is already there, not to give us "new and improved" prophecies. Too many of us haven't believed the old ones, so why should He bless us with new ones? I believe these codes were designed by God to iron out the kinks and smooth the road to the truth. Summary I first learned about the Codes through Chuck Missler's tape series and articles in his "Personal Update" magazine. (2) Then I heard Grant Jeffrey on TBN advertising his new book "Signature of God" which has a section on the Codes. (3) He recommended Yacov Rambsel's book the "Yeshua: Hebrew Factor" (7) and by then I was hooked. I started searching the Internet for information and communicating with others interested in the codes and being as I had spent the last 6 months being a moderator of a mailing list I eventually decided to start my own mailing list expressly for the purpose of discussing the codes. We now have about 55 members of which I estimate there are a majority of Jews (including Rabbi's), with the remainder being Christians and uncommitted. I believe that once all the facts are in regarding the Codes we will see that they are similar to a map of the Internet--like millions of daddy longlegged spiders interconnected with each other relaying messages backwards and forwards, forming phrases or sentences in multiple layers, or providing interesting matrixes that are beyond a chance happening. These codes have been providing detailed information about historical events from the past clear up to the present--messages that were encoded about 3,300 years ago while man was still writing pictographs on papyrus. CODE SAMPLE I will close with a sample of a 2,700 year old message from our Messiah: In Isaiah 53:10 where it speaks of someone offering themselves as a guilt offering , starting with the sixth to last "yod", left to right, and counting every 20th letter spells "Yeshua Shmi"/JESUS IS MY NAME. The name Yeshua means salvation or deliverer. i.e. the name of the quilt offering is Yeshua/Jesus--the deliverer. In Isaiah 53:11, where it is talking about the righteous one who will justify many by bearing their iniquities, starting with the first "mem" and counting every 42 letters, left to right, spells "Mashiach"/MESSIAH/Christ which means the Anointed One. i.e. the title of the one who will bear the iniquities (sins) of many is Mashiach or Christ. Finding one of these words or phrases is amazing enough but these two codes are interconnected which makes it even more phenomenal. The letter "shin" used in Yeshua's name is also used in the title Mashiach. Put both of those together and you get MESSIAH--JESUS IS MY NAME. Both of these codes are contained in verses 8-11 of Isaiah 53 where it is talking about the suffering servant. (7) May you all have a blessed Christmas rejoicing in the Messiah who shed his blood for our sins--Jesus Christ the Son of God. Lori Eldridge Owner of TCODE A mailing list designed for the discussion of Codes in the Torah/Tanach (O.T.) An Internet Source List on the Codes is available on request. __________________Bibliography_____________________________ (1) Witztum, Doron, Rips, Rosenberg, "Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis," Statistical Science, 1994, Vol. 9, No. 3, 429-438. (2) Missler, Chuck, "Personal Update" Koinonia House. Coeur d'Alene, ID. Chuck's home page: (3) Jeffrey, Grant, "The Signature of God," Frontier Research Pub., 1996. Grant's home page: (4)Seekins, Frank T. Living Word Pictures, 3346 E Charter Oak, Phoenix, Az, 85032. (5) DiGilio, Barbara,"So What Do You Think?: A provocative Study in God's Word" Mayim Hayim Ministry, P.O. Box 11911, Phoenix, AZ. 85061. (602) 937-6141 email: (Barbara DiGilio) (6) Morris, Dr. Henry, Many Infallible Proofs, p 328. (7) Rambsel, Yacov, "Yeshua:The Name of Jesus Revealed in the Old Testament", Frontier Research Pub., 1996, p 95. Rambsel's home page: Shalom, God Bless, Lori *********************** PropheZine NewsBytes 1996--The Year in Review Wide-ranging events affect persecuted Christians during 1996. By: COMPASS DIRECT Global News from the Frontlines 1996: THE YEAR IN REVIEW Wide-Ranging Events Affect Persecuted Christians During 1996 In 1996, the apostasy trial of a Kuwaiti Christian captured the world's attention, while the murder of another Iranian pastor went largely unnoticed. Hundreds of churches worldwide paused for a day of prayer for persecuted Christians. And a missionary hostage was released in Colombia. The following headlines are only a sampling of the many and varied circumstances that faced Christians in the world's more restricted areas. Some serve as a joyful example of answers to prayer. Others remind us that much prayer is still needed. WORLD: Somalia and Saudi Arabia Top Persecution List Islamic-dominated countries occupied all but two spots on the top ten list of countries where persecution of Christians is most severe. China and North Korea were the only exceptions in the JANUARY 1996 World Watch List, a persecution index published periodically by Open Doors. CHINA: Government Reiterates Church Registration Order Chinese officials issued a new order on JANUARY 14 reiterating their demands that all unsanctioned places of worship in China register with the government. Many house church leaders argued that to register with the government would compromise their religious beliefs by giving ultimate authority to the state. CUBA: Evangelist Released from Prison Orson Vila, the Cuban pastor and evangelist sentenced to 23 months in prison, was released on MARCH 2 and placed under house arrest. His refusal to close his church had resulted in his imprisonment. Following his arrest, the Cuban Ministry of Justice sent letters to pastors and church leaders ordering the closure of all house churches on the island. PAKISTAN: Three Acquitted in Christian's Murder Trial Three defendants accused of murdering Manzoor Masih, a Pakistani Christian on trial for blasphemy against the prophet Mohammed, were acquitted on MARCH 31 by a Lahore court. KUWAIT: Islamists Step Up Demands Against Kuwaiti Convert Islamist lawyers in Kuwait demanded that an alleged apostate from Islam be stripped of his citizenship and executed for the "flagrant sin" of changing his religion. The prosecution's demands, voiced at the case's fifth hearing APRIL 17, were a step-up from their already severe petitions against Hussein Qambar Ali, who openly declared in newspaper interviews in December 1995 that he had converted to Christianity. He became known as Robert Hussein. KUWAIT: Islamic Court Rules Convert Apostate from Islam A Kuwaiti religious court declared former Muslim Robert Hussein an official "apostate" from Islam on MAY 29, closing without further comment the first know case of religious apostasy in the Arab Gulf state. Hussein declared the ruling put his life at risk. TURKEY: Appeals Court Orders Retrial of Syrian Orthodox Youth The Turkish Court of Appeals on MAY 29 overturned the death sentence given 18 months earlier to Soner Onder, a Syrian Orthodox Christian. The court ordered a retrial due to the defendant's age. Arrested at age 17, Onder was one of eight defendants given the death penalty for alleged participation in a firebombing attack by Kurdish separatists in Istanbul in December 1991. Onder has testified that he was at Christmas Day mass when the attack took place. MOROCCO: Convert Released from Psychiatric Hospital Moroccan convert to Christianity Ait Bakrim Jamaa, jailed in September, 1995, for "disturbing the Islamic religion" was released on JUNE 4 from a psychiatric hospital where he had been transferred earlier. INDONESIA: Ten Churches Destroyed by Muslim Mobs Ten Protestant churches were attacked and destroyed in the southern Indonesian city of Surabaya on JUNE 9 as Christians concluded Sunday worship services. An estimated 5,000 Muslims took part in the riots, led mostly by Mudurese radicals. COLOMBIA: Missionary Hostage Now Free Raymond Rising, 54, a missionary with the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL), was released on JUNE 17 after being held hostage by an insurgent guerrilla group for more than two years in Colombia. CHINA: Famous House Church Leader Closes Fellowship Alan Yuan, one of China's best-known house church leaders, closed his church on AUGUST 6 after being pressured to register with the authorities. Yuan, who had previously spent more than 20 years in prison for his faith, said he was "theologically unwilling" to register. PHILIPPINES: Mindanao's Christians Brace for Peace Twenty years of war between Muslims and Christians on the southern Philippine island of Mindanao was declared at an end at a peace-signing ceremony on AUGUST 19. Yet Christians harbored fears that Muslims may be receiving too much power. PERU: New Law to Benefit Christians Falsely Accused of Terrorism The Law of Pardon, approved on AUGUST 15, created an Ad Hoc Commission to review between 400 and 700 cases of persons imprisoned for 20 years to life for allegedly participating in the Shining Path revolutionary movement. IRAN: Another Convert Christian Leader Martyred A young Iranian Christian pastor, Mohammad Bagher Yusefi, 34, was found dead in a forest near his home in northwest Iran on SEPTEMBER 28. A convert from Islam, Yusefi was the fourth Christian leader found murdered in Iran under unexplained circumstances since 1994. WORLD: Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church Hundreds of churches and thousands of Christians gathered worldwide for the first annual Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church on SEPTEMBER 29. INDONESIA: Muslim Rioters Kill Five Christians and Torch 25 Churches Five Christians were burned to death as 3,000 Muslims ran amok in a church-burning spree in Situbondo, East Java, on OCTOBER 10. By the time police restored order, more than 25 places of worship had been burned or vandalized. The riots were triggered by the blasphemy trial of a Muslim sect leader. He was given a sentence of five years. The crowd gathered outside the courtroom was calling for the death penalty. PAKISTAN: Blasphemy Charges Leveled Against Another Christian An official case of blasphemy was filed OCTOBER 14 against Punjabi Christian Ayub Masih. Local Christians alleged that the blasphemy charges were a cover-up for a land dispute against Masih. In the wake of the blasphemy charges 14 Christian families were forcibly evacuated on October 31 from the village where Masih lived. UZBEKISTAN: Police Arrest 64 Christians in Tashkent Pastor Dennis Podorozhny and his assistant, Lev Folkovitch, were arrested along with 62 members of their congregation as they gathered to discuss the future of their church on NOVEMBER 18. Most of the congregation were released shortly after midnight. Podorozhny and Folkovitch were released in late November, after serving 12 and 10 days respectively in a Tashkent prison. CUBA: Castro Official Attends Church Cuba's Cultural Minister, Armando Hart, attended a mass in Havana's central cathedral on DECEMBER 8; a first for a Castro government official. The event is believed to be related to a visit by Pope John Paul II in 1997. ++++++++++++++++++ PERSECUTION TRENDS TO WATCH IN 1997 by Jeff Taylor Signs Point Toward Increasing Pressure on Christians in Restricted-Access Areas When Filipino pastor Severino Bagtasos was murdered in his church by a Muslim fanatic during a Sunday worship service, his family and congregation didn't rush to announce a new trend was developing in the southern Philippines. They simply hurt, their mourning mixed with fear that it could happen to someone else they love. When two Chinese Christians in Shanghai were visited by the police, who threatened, "We will shoot you if you keep doing this work!" they didn't write a book on the increasing pressure on house churches in China to register with the government. They simply said, "We have rededicated our lives to Christ. We will do everything we can for Jesus." It's important, however, to recognize the general patterns and trends related to persecution so that our efforts to bring strength and encouragement to the Persecuted Church will be strategic and effective. With this in mind, the following trends are offered as a reminder that sacrificialprayer and intensive work on behalf of persecuted Christians are still desperately needed. THE INCREASING INFLUENCE OF MUSLIM EXTREMISTS Most Christians (not to mention most of the Western world) were abruptly awakened to the power of Muslim extremism when the ayatollah Khomeini rose to power in Iran in 1979. The church in Iran has since come under intense pressure. Four pastors have been murdered during the last three years, including Mohammad Yusefi, 34, whose body was discovered hanging from a tree on September 28. Not content to limit their brand of Islam to Iran alone, Muslim extremism has been exported to other susceptible countries. Sudan is a prime example. This North African country was declared an Islamic Republic in 1983. The Sudanese government, located in the Arab Muslim North of the country, has attempted to force Islamic law on the primarily Christian and Animist South. The result has been a civil war costing thousands of lives. Algeria is another very visible example. Even though the Algerian government has tried to maintain a relatively secular state, militant Islamic groups continue to use terrorist tactics in their attempt to destabilize the government and gain control. Christians are often caught in the middle. Nineteen Catholic clergy have been murdered since 1992. In Upper Egypt, Christians are often forced to pay protection money or risk being killed by Muslim extremists. And many Egyptians, both Muslim and Christian, believe the extremists heavily influence the government. "I believe that even the judiciary is infiltrated by Islamists," a leading Egyptian intellectual told Compass. "We have seen this penetration in other the educational institution. Even in the security institution, and in the state-controlled media institutions." Turkey became the latest country to move toward a more Islamic form of government when the Islamist Welfare Party, led by Necmettin Erbakan, took control on July 9. Milli, a Welfare Party newspaper, wrote, "It has been almost a century that the foes of Islam have governed Turkey. Now a new period begins, the period of the believers.... Now Turkey will accelerate its run toward Islam." Time will tell what effect this will have on the small but growing evangelical church in Turkey, and how the new government will deal with the more established Orthodox churches. Judging by the effects of Islamic-dominated governments in other countries, the changes in Turkey forebode more difficult times ahead for the church. MOVE TOWARD RELIGIOUS NATIONALISM The hopeful expectation of evangelical freedom after the fall of the Iron Curtain and the end of communist rule in the Soviet Union is now being replaced by a growing fear of restriction due to dominance by the Orthodox church in various Eastern European countries. Loyalty to the Orthodox church, with its historic ties to national culture and tradition, is encouraged by Orthodox leaders. Some Orthodox church leaders feel this is their duty to "protects the sheep" from detrimental influences. Others are clearly more interested in maintaining their power base. The Russian national Duma (parliament) continues to debate a bill restricting religious freedom by limiting the ability of non-Orthodox groups to operate in the country. Similar bills have been debated on the provincial level as well. Non-traditional religions and foreign missionary organizations seem to be the primary concern of legislators, most of whom are heavily influenced by the Russian Orthodox Church. In Bulgaria, a Protestant church in Plovdiv was closed following a heavy harassment campaign by pro-Orthodox media and pro-Orthodox organizations. Evangelical Christians in Romania have reported that a number of official and unofficial militia-like groups have been set up at the initiative of Orthodox leaders to terrorize religious minority groups. According to the Executive Director of the Romanian Evangelical Alliance, newly organized evangelical churches are particularly targeted. Orthodox groups have been reported to vandalize churches and harass evangelical believers, often with the approval of local police and political leaders. While considerable freedom remains in the former Eastern Bloc nations, especially compared to the days of communist rule, the threat of evangelistic activity being curtailed by religious nationalistic movements is a serious one indeed. CHURCH ATTRITION IN THE MIDDLE EAST Though not a new trend by any means, it's important for Christians in the West to remember that possibly the greatest threat to church growth in the Middle Eastern and Gulf States is attrition. Unlike Christian believers living in communist-dominated areas, whose rulers go to great lengths to prevent believers from leaving their countries, Christians living in Islamic-dominated areas have much more freedom to leave, and escape the pressure. The restrictions on leaving are usually more economic than political. And they ARE leaving. In Israel, the number of Palestinian Christians has dropped from 27 percent of the population in 1948, to less than two percent today. In war-torn southeast Turkey, where the government has been battling Kurdish separatists for more than 12 years, the number of Syrian Orthodox Christians has dwindled from more than 50,000 just 15 years ago, to less than 2,000 today. A related problem is the large numbers of Christians converting to Islam. One leading Middle East pastor estimates that as many as 12,000 Christians a year convert to Islam in Egypt, primarily due to economic reasons. Parents, especially fathers, are often faced with the agonizing choice between starving and providing for their family. As a result, many succumb to the lure of jobs, monetary rewards and an easier life, and convert to Islam. TIGHTER CONTROL IN THE COMMUNIST WORLD When Lenin came to power in Russia in 1917 and implemented a Marxist regime, it was believed that religion, or superstition, would simply fade away as the masses learned the "truth." Surprisingly, at least to the Marxists, the church didn't die, so the attempt was made to kill it. The atrocities committed by Lenin and Stalin, terrible as they were, served only to purify and grow the church as it went underground. So the next step, since it was obvious the church would not fade away or die, was an attempt to control the church by allowing official churches to open, and imprisoning the pastors and leaders of those who refused to cooperate. The scenario still holds true today in China, Vietnam, Cuba and North Korea. In China, a massive ongoing campaign to force the rapidly growing house churches to register officially has intensified. This is in large part due to the powerful influence Christianity is having on the youth of China. In response to the headline on an Asian journal declaring, "God is Back," one Party official in Beijing explained, "If God had the face of a seventy-year-old man, we wouldn't care if he was back; but he has the face of millions of twenty-year-olds, so we are very worried." The Cuban government has also intensified its effort to control the burgeoning house church movement that began in 1992 when Cuba's economic crisis and lack of fuel supplies made it difficult to travel, even to church. Pastors and leaders have been imprisoned, threatened with imprisonment or placed under house arrest if they refuse to close their house churches. The situation is similar in Vietnam, where more than a dozen church leaders are imprisoned. And the dramatic growth of the church among the tribal groups has brought an intense crackdown. North Korea continues to hide behind their "show" churches in the capital of Pyongyang, while ruthlessly oppressing any vestige of real Christianity. There is little reason to hope for positive change in 1997 as communist rulers, still fearing the major role they perceive the church played in the fall of the Iron Curtain, attempt to solidify their dominance. The historic return of Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty on July 1, 1997 should provide a glimpse of how far the Chinese government will publicly pursue their need for control. THE GOOD NEWS Christian persecution can have positive consequences for the church as a whole. Look no further than China to see how intense persecution has served to purify, strengthen and grow the church there. Perhaps a young Chinese believer said it best: "Persecution makes you spiritually alert." Negative trends are often the very vehicles God uses to promote an atmosphere where His Spirit can work most effectively. A Christian leader in Iran illustrated this a few years ago: "The ayatollah Khomeini has been a great gift to the church in Iran. The ayatollah has helped reveal the hopelessness of Islam. Now Iranians are looking for something to hope in. They can find that hope in Christ." It is easy for us as Christians in the West, who have likely never suffered even mild persecution for our faith, to rejoice in the positive results of Christian persecution. We must be ever mindful, however, that Christian persecution affects people--people like you and me--our brothers and sisters in Christ who suffer physically, emotionally, even spiritually for their faith. It doesn't matter whether they live in Iran, Cuba, Indonesia, the southern Philippines or Shanghai. Our freedom must be used to care for them--through our prayers, our faith, our wealth, even our presence. By carefully recognizing the general trends that affect the church, we can meet their specific needs more effectively. As the saying goes, "It isn't easy to spot a trend before the crowd forms." Unfortunately, a crowd has formed in some very visible ways that can adversely affect the functioning, and even the survival, of the church in the world's more restricted areas. We must recognize these trends...and respond. *********************************** COMPASS DIRECT David A. Hall, Publisher Jeff Taylor, Managing Editor Wendy Batstone, Editorial Assistant Suzi Quinones, Design Bureau Chiefs: Barbara Baker, Middle East Alex Buchan, Asia Correspondents: Willy Fautre, Europe Elisabeth Isais, Latin America David Miller, Latin America Richard Nyberg, Africa Compass Direct is distributed monthly to raise awareness of and encourage prayer for Christians worldwide who are persecuted for their faith. Articles may be reprinted or edited by active subscribers for use in other media provided Compass Direct is acknowledged as the source of the material. Copyright 1996 Compass Direct For subscription information, contact: Compass Direct P.O. Box 27250 Santa Ana, CA 92799 USA Phone: 714/418-9150 FAX: 714/531-2681 E-mail: *********************************** F.Y.I. - Israel In The News Week Ending: 12-07-96/Kislev 26, 5757 "For the Lord will restore the splendor of Jacob like the splendor of Israel, even though devastators have devastated them and destroyed their vine branches" Nahum 2.2 DECISION DELAYED ON TEMPLE MOUNT MOSQUE: The Supreme Court has concluded its debate of a third petition submitted by the Chai Vekaiyam movement against the construction of a mosque in Solomon's Stables beneath the Temple Mount. President of the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Aharon Barak, announced that the decision will be given at a later date. Mustafa Tawil, an Islamic court judge, said the opening of the mosque underscored the Muslims' autonomy in administering the Temple Mount compound. "Israeli authorities have no business with our mosque," he said. Meanwhile, more than 2,000 Muslims worshiped Friday in the Marwani Mosque, the largest crowd since the new prayer hall on the Temple Mount opened. One of Friday's worshipers, Jasser Joulani, said the new hall filled him with pride. "This is a good thing for Muslims," said Joulani, a 24-year-old merchant. "It is one step on the path to victory and the establishment of an Islamic state. It is the destruction of Zionism." In another story, according to a report in Yediot Acharonot, Jerusalem Police are apprehensive of a violent religious confrontation breaking out between Christians and Moslems. The violence is expected to erupt because of the Moslem Wakf's intention to destroy an ancient Christian building at Solomon's Stables. For some Christians, the place known as "Jesus' Cradle" is a sacred site. It is traditionally held that the 40-day- old baby Jesus was placed in his cradle here, and later preached from the same spot. In a classified, internal police document, Jerusalem Police Commander Aryeh Amit urges that the Wakf be severely warned not to destroy the Christian building. (Arutz Sheva, AP, Kol Yisrael, Jerusalem Post, ICEJ) RE-WRITING THE HISTORY OF JERUSALEM: [The following is an excerpt from "Jerusalem, A City Crying Out For Justice" researched and prepared by Walid M. Awad, Director Of Foreign Publications, Palestine Ministry of Information, as it appears on the Palestinian Authority's official WEB site.-ed] "... Any reading of the history of Jerusalem shows that the city took the bulk of its shape, its divine character and historical ambiance since the Muslim Caomar Ibn Al Kattab took Jerusalem without bloodshed in 639 AD. 300 years before that, the city was under the uninterrupted hegemony of Romans converted to Christianity in 313 AD. Under the Omayyad Caliphs (660-750) Jerusalem flourished, and from this period important buildings survive: Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock above all ... Immediately after Israeli soldiers occupied Arab East Jerusalem back in 1967, the Hebrew University, the Israeli Ministry of Religious Affairs, and the Department of Antiquities collectively and individually began a massive excavation campaign in Arab East Jerusalem in a bid to find and locate traces of Jewish existence from the so called 'Temple Mount Era.' The fact of the matter is that almost thirty years of excavations did not reveal anything Jewish, no tangible evidence of theirs was unearthed. Much to their chagrin, what surfaced from their underground excavations turned out to be more Muslim palaces, courts and mosques. Other excavations revealed archeological ruins belonging to the Romans, Greeks and Canaanites. ... Jerusalem is not a Jewish city, despite the biblical myth implanted in some minds. Nothing tangible has been found to give credibility to these claims." (IMRA) UN PASSES ANTI-ISRAEL RESOLUTIONS: The United Nations General Assembly (GA) passed seven resolutions on the Middle East, a majority of which criticize Israel, Kol Yisrael reported. The resolutions criticizing Israel received the support of 152 nations, with only the United States and Israel in opposition. The Head of the Political Department of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Farouk Kaddoumi, told the GA as it began discussing the question of Palestine that the policies of the new Israeli government had caused the Middle East piece process to falter. The PLO official said the new Israeli Government, with its policy of expanded settlements ignored the principle of land for peace which was the cornerstone of the piece process. The Middle East piece process was the only path to security and piece for Israel, the Palestinians and the neighboring States, the representative of Ireland, speaking for the European Union (EU) and Associated States, told the GA as it considered the question of Palestine. To ensure further progress, the EU has urged implementation of agreements already reached, notably the redeployment of Israeli troops from Hevron and the release of Palestinian prisoners, the representative said. Also addressing the Assembly, the Permanent Observer of the Organization of the Islamic Conference said the piece process was today virtually at a stalemate and ministers of that Organization had called upon the international community to compel Israel to cease all settlement activities in the "occupied Palestinian territories", including Jerusalem and the Syrian Golan. By a vote of 159 in favor and 3 against (Iran, Lebanon and Syria), with 2 abstentions (Libya and Sudan), the Assembly called for the immediate acceleration of negotiations on the agreed basis, while stressing the need for rapid progress on all tracks of the Arab-Israeli negotiations. (Israel Line, UN Daily Highlights) ISRAEL PREPARED FOR GOLAN ATTACK: The Israel Defense Force (IDF) is prepared to turn back any attack by Syria, even a surprise attack aimed at grabbing a small piece of the Golan Heights, Israeli officials said Tuesday. Israeli planners have taken into account the possibility that President Hafez Assad will launch a small-scale military option aimed at a sensitive strategic target such as Mount Hermon, which overlooks all of northern Israel, the officials said. One official speaking on condition of anonymity conceded the Syrians might be able to establish a beachhead in the Golan Heights but said Syrian forces would be driven out in a day or two at most. The comments came after a Time magazine report that Israel's army had begun preparations for a possible Syrian military attack on the Golan Heights and that senior Israeli officers were concerned their troops might not be ready for war. Meanwhile, PM Netanyahu told reporters in Lisbon on Monday that there were pronounced indications of a relaxation of tensions with Syria on the Golan Heights, Ha'Aretz reported. Netanyahu refused to detail the signs, but noted that this does not exempt Israel from carefully safeguarding its security. Netanyahu said Israel is investigating the possibility of renewing talks with Syria. "The relations with Syria have been characterized by an artificial increase of tension through statements. A month and a half ago the tension reached its peak, and since, we have seen a relaxation," he said. (Associated Press Dow Jones Report, SNS, Israel Line) MILITARY ZONE DECLARED ALONG EGYPTIAN BORDER: It was revealed Monday that the scenic Nitzana-Eilat road, which runs along the Israeli-Egyptian border, was declared a military zone several months ago. An IDF blockade was erected at the road entrance allowing passage only to armed Israeli citizens. Defense Minister Mordechai explained that the decision was made for security reasons after consultations with the Southern Command. Mordechai claimed that the decision has no connection to the relations between Israel and Egypt. (Arutz Sheva) FRANCE: "YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY COMPLY WITH ALL AGREEMENTS": In a 40 minute meeting with Netanyahu in Lisbon, Portugal, French President Jacque Chirac warned him that, "we do not see eye to eye with your position. Israel is heading to a position of increased isolationism in the eyes of the world. If you do not turn around immediately, it will lead to catastrophe. You policies may lead to the collapse of the piece process and an increase of violence and terrorist activities. You must immediately comply with all agreements reached under the Oslo Accords. Since you took office, you have not implemented any of the Oslo Accords." (Ma'ariv, SNS) MIDDLE EAST WARHEADS: [The following data is from a study by Yiftah Shafir of the Jaffe Center for Strategic Studies-ed] Syria: Frog missiles - 70 kilometer (42 mile) range; SCUD B with one ton warhead - 300 kilometer (180 mile) range; SCUDS with chemical warheads; SCUD C missiles with local production capability purchased from North Korea after China refused to sell M9 missiles; SS-21 missiles - Russia refused to sell SS12 and SS23. Iran: SCUD C from North Korea; SCUD D with 1,000 kilometer (600 mile ) range - 150 were ordered from North Korea but not clear if in production; Iran manufactures by itself the 800 kilometer (480 mile) range M-11 as well as a 130 kilometer (78 mile) surface-surface missile. Iraq: Most experts believe Iraq is hiding 100-200 missiles. They are now limited by the UN to produce missiles with a range of 150 kilometers (90 miles) but they have the technological ability to go beyond this. Egypt: Egypt is developing its own SCUD production but it is unclear how advanced the program is. They are jointly producing a missile with Argentina - Baader 2000; They have Saker 80 rockets to replace the old FROG missiles which are still in use. Saudi Arabia: CSS-2 Chinese missiles with 2,700 - 3,000 kilometer (1,620 - 1,800 mile) range. Libya: 80 missile launchers and "Al Fatah" missile with 1,000 kilometer (600 mile) range developed with the help of German engineers. Israel: Jericho 1 - 480 kilometers (288 miles); Jericho 2 - around 200 missiles deployed according to foreign sources; Shavit 3-stage missile carrying 29 ton payload; LANCE MGM 520 - 70 kilometer (42 mile) range; MAR 290 short range missile; MLRS 130 MK artillery missile. Meanwhile, Ha'Aretz reports PM Netanyahu believes that the primary threat to Israel in the coming years is the massive arming of the Arab armies and Iran in surface to surface missiles which can hit Israeli population centers and interfere with the deployment of the IDF in the case of war. He is particularly concerned that Iran will get nuclear arms as this would change the balance of power in the regime. He believes that Iranian nuclear weapons could serve as a "deterrent umbrella" for a conventional Arab attack against Israel by countering Israel's nuclear option. (Ha'Aretz, IMRA) HEVRON STATUS: PM Netanyahu said on Wednesday that the time has come for a meeting between himself and Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Arafat to finalize the Hevron agreement, Ha'Aretz reported. Kol Yisrael, quoted Arafat as saying that negotiations on Hevron are not yet finished, but that he is prepared to meet with the Prime Minister to complete the accord. Sources in the Prime Minister's Office said that a time for a Netanyahu-Arafat meeting has not yet been set. Meanwhile, the Jewish Chronicle (London) reports on the hostile attitude of Hevron's Arab residents to their Jewish neighbors. One Palestinian in the city told the Chronicle that "[The Jews] must leave here one way or another. This is not their home." Another, a Hevron merchant, agreed, saying, "They have no right to live here, or anywhere in Palestine. They come from Russia or Poland and have only power, not an historical right, to back their claim." Describing the current self-rule accords as only a first stage, he said, "We'll take whatever we can now and maybe our children will take care of the next stage." He predicted in a whisper, "When the [Israeli] army leaves, we will take care of the remaining Jews. We've got the weapons and we aren't afraid to use them." (Israel Line, IRIS) SUICIDE ATTACKS JUSTIFIED: "There is much justification for suicide attacks by Hamas and Islamic Jihad against Israel. Some of the Palestinians live in the diaspora and others under occupation, therefore, these organizations are in a situation of injustice. The Israelis grabbed control in the territories by force. They stole the land, the water and the resources and imposed the occupation while the Western states supported them. ... International law permits opposition to occupation ... the Israelis are forcing the Palestinians to take these actions." Farouk Kaddoumi, head of the PLO Political Department. (Ha'Aretz, IMRA) SETTLEMENT UPDATE: The PA is fighting to secure a 10,000 dunam (2,500 acre) piece of land located near the PA-controlled town of Tulkarm in Samaria. The PA insists the land is its property and is trying to establish a presence on it. According to Israeli government sources, the land is state-owned and the PA has no justifiable claim to it. Meanwhile, Yediot Ahronot reports that Jews living abroad have raised $40 million (US) over the past three months to buy up land from Arabs in the Hevron, Golan Heights, Negev and Jerusalem areas. Hundreds of properties had reportedly already been bought in Hevron and east Jerusalem. The parties involved in the deals are scrupulously ensuring that the change of ownership meets every requirement of the law. In his address to Israeli journalists in Lisbon, PM Netanyahu stated his government would continue to build in communities throughout Judea, Samaria and Gaza. The Prime Minister was responding to criticism towards the government's policies of continued building. Netanyahu also added that the only restriction to the building at this State was budgetary limitations. In a related story, in the community of Kedumim (Shomron), 700 housing units are going to be constructed. The permits for the construction have been granted and the building is scheduled to begin immediately. According to the Head of the Local Council, Daniella Weiss, the building plans call for many more homes in the future throughout all of Yesha. Foreign Minister Levy stated Wednesday that there is nothing written in the Oslo Accords barring the construction of new Jewish communities in Yesha. Levy emphasized that the government has not undertaken to construct new communities but explained, "Whoever believes the Oslo Accords prohibit the construction of news communities in Yesha is mistaken. We have an obligation to strengthen the existing communities in Yesha. That is why we received the mandate from the people. We are working in a most cautious and serious fashion to ensure the peace process is not effected in a negative way." In another story, the Jerusalem Post reported officials in the US are concerned the Israeli government may give Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria a considerable boost after the signing of an agreement on Hevron troop withdrawal. It is feared PM Netanyahu will do so in an attempt to placate right-wing opponents of the Hevron deal. According to the Jerusalem Post, the US feels such a move will undermine its efforts to win support for Israel among Arab states. (Kol Yisrael, SNS, ICEJ, Arutz Sheva) ARAB LEAGUE CAMPAIGN AGAINST YESHA: A major development in the Middle East, one quite threatening to Israel, was the subject of intense discussion in the Arab media. This was the inauguration of a worldwide Arab League campaign against the Jewish communities of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza (YESHA), similar to the campaign that was waged by the League on the eve of the Madrid Conference. The Arab countries, with Egypt leading the pack, have already coordinated their upcoming moves with European states and with UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali. The intent is to bring the Israeli-Palestinian dispute before the UN, and to have the world body serve as arbitrator in the matter. According to the Egyptian daily Al-Wafd, the issue is already being considered today by the secretariat of the Arab League. Syria and Egypt have formulated a joint declaration calling on the entire world to impose a diplomatic boycott on Israel until it implements UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, as well as resolution 425, calling for Israeli retreat from southern Lebanon. (Arutz Sheva) ACCUSED ISRAELI SPY TRIAL DELAYED: Israeli citizen Azam Azam, who is being charged with espionage by the Government of Egypt, may not be brought to trial in the near future. Despite reports that were published earlier in the week, Israeli officials now state that Egyptian diplomatic officials have stated that the accused spy may not stand trial before a special High State Security Court in Egypt as reported. Azam, 35, was arrested by Egyptian forces on November 6th. He is alleged to have enlisted Egyptian citizen Imad Abdul Hamid Isma'il to spy for Israel. The Galil (Galilee) resident work as a technician for the firm which has plants in both Egypt and Israel. Prior to his arrest, he made regular trips between Israel and Egypt over the past six months. (Yediot Achronot, SNS, Channel 2 TV News) JORDAN VALLEY TO BE BUILT-UP: Following five years of a building freeze, PM Netanyahu has given the okay for the construction of 350 housing units in the Jordan Valley area. Leaders of the Jordan Valley area communities stated that following their meeting with the Prime Minister, they have seen the Jordan Valley is a priority in the eyes of the government. David Levy, the Jordan Valley Head, stated "Prime Minister Netanyahu promised to make the Jordan Valley a flourishing area." PM Netanyahu has okayed the building of 350 housing units and approved 100 homes be "unfrozen" and made available for occupation. (Ma'ariv, SNS) THE LESSON OF CHANUKAH: "Chanukah celebrates the Jewish victory over the Syrian-Greek tyrant Antiochus IV, who sought to impose his Hellenistic ideology throughout the Seleucid empire. He succeeded nearly everywhere. But in Judea, religious Jews balked. Faithful to their Torah and their one God, they rejected Hellenism, with its network of pagan gods, its cult of the body, and its obsession with public games. Their resistance was met with horrifying cruelty. Antiochus resolved to destroy Judaism. He abolished Jewish law. He banned Sabbath observance and the study of Torah, two pillars of Jewish life. He dispatched soldiers to set up altars across the country and forced Jewish leaders to sacrifice pigs upon them. He installed a statue of Zeus in the Temple at Jerusalem; those who would not worship it were killed. Among the many martyrs were the seven sons of Hannah, each of whom refused to bow to the idol. One by one, they were slaughtered before their mother's eyes. In 167 bc, the Jewish revolt began. The aged priest Mattathias and his five sons, led by Judah Maccabee, launched a guerrilla war against the vastly more powerful Syrian-Greeks. Though impossibly outnumbered, they won miraculous victories. In 164 bc, the Maccabees recaptured the desecrated Temple, which they cleansed and purified and rededicated to God. The menorah -- the candelabrum symbolizing the divine presence -- was rekindled. It wasn't the end of the war. Not for another 22 years would the Jews regain sovereignty in their land. But to mark that turning point of religious renewal, the day the Temple was restored and the threat to Jewish law repelled, a new holiday was instituted. It was called "Chanukah" -- Hebrew for "dedication." The victory of the Maccabees was an episode of great political moment. But Chanukah is not about politics. Nor is it about presents. We may have secularized it and materialized it, but under the tinsel and the gift-wrapping, this holiday is about religion. It is rooted in the triumph of belief over persecution. Chanukah draws its power from the courage of men and women who endured terrible suffering for their devotion to God. And it is a reminder, as we head into the blackest nights of winter, that nothing can overcome the darkness like the light of faith." (Jeff Jacoby) NETANYAHU ONLINE: Don't miss MSNBC's Chat with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on December 8th at 1 PM ET. The chat will be wide-ranging, covering a broad variety of topics, policies and issues. Computer users worldwide will be able to ask questions of the Prime Minister directly via email. In addition, MSNBC on Cable is planning television coverage of the event. The address for the chat is Questions are being accepted prior to the chat at A transcript will be available following the conference. (SNS) FYI - Israel In The News "For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not keep quiet" Isaiah 62:1 Send comments and subscription requests to Lee Underwood at: Web site: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Britan has a huge breakthrough on terms for single currency By Ray Gano as first reported by the London Telegraph The EU took two came even closer to creating the single currency for the EU on Dec. 13, 1997. Germany and France had been in a long-running dispute over the rules of the monetary union. Millions of Europeans were given their first glimpse of the euro banknotes that will enter their pockets in 2002. John Major voiced doubts about the ability of even the keenest countries to reach the 1999 target date. The Prime Minister admitted that there would be a huge effort to do so but he was very dubious over whether it was possible. German Chancellor Kohl, and France's President Chirac ended a huge deadlock by agreeing to a compromise brokered by the Brussels Commission for dealing with errant members of the new currency zone. The deal came as the European Monetary Institute, the body charged with preparing for the single currency, unveiled Europe's multi-coloured banknotes of the future. John Major, in spite of Britain's current opt-out on monetary union, entered his own reservations. He suggested that the space allowed for the national symbol was not large enough. Herr Kohl, by contrast, was said to have squealed with delight. "Unless the economics are right people will shy away from January 1, 1999," Mr Major said of the reaffirmed starting date for a single currency. The Chancellor echoed this view: "I, too, am not at all sure that we'll make January 1, 1999. Getting all these details right matters far more than some technical timetable." While the appearance of the notes was symbolic, the agreement on the so-called stability pact has cleared a big hurdle on the road to monetary union and its starting date, reaffirmed yesterday. Finance ministers had spent much of the night trying to close the gap between Bonn's demands for tough automatic penalties for high-spending members of the future currency and the wishes of the rest of Europe to leave room for a political judgment by ministers. Mr Major told his news conferences that the launch of the single currency would be the most far-reaching decision the EU had taken. The United Kingdom expected to meet the Maastricht criteria but would continue to exercise its opt-out because "too much of what we need to know is still a mystery". This is yet one more step towards a single global currency. This is also one more step closer to fullfilling Revealations 13:16-18 which states... 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:16-18, KJV +++++++++++++++++++ Prince Charles urges the West to learn from Islam By Ray Gano as first reported by London Telegraph Prince Charles of Wales yesterday condemned modern materialism and made a passionate plea for the West to learn from Islam. Calling for a renewed "sense of the sacred", the Prince, said there had been a "loss of meaning" in Western society and cited traditional Islamic culture as an example of how spirituality can be integrated with modernity. Charles said: "Modern materialism, in my humble opinion, is unbalanced and increasingly damaging in its long-term consequences. Science has tried to assume a monopoly, even a tyranny, over our understanding. We are only now beginning to gauge the disastrous results of this outlook." We need to understand this tradition. "Indeed, tradition is positively discriminated against, as if it was some socially unacceptable disease." The Prince takes regular advice on Islamic issues from a group of 12 religious leaders and academics. He stated that British schools should have more Muslim teachers, and encouraged the exchange of teachers to help establish new links. "Everywhere in the world, people are seemingly wanting to learn English. But in the West, in turn, we need to be taught by Islamic teachers how to learn once again with our hearts, as well as our heads." There are many people in the world who are confused as to who the Moslem god is. Islam / Moslem do not worship the same God that we as Christian and Jews worship. Allah is not the creator of this world. Allah is the god of the moon from the days of the ancient mystery religions of Babalon. So when Charles Prince of Wales calls for "learning from Islam" in the since he is also called for us as Christians to turn from the true and Living God. For more information on this topic there are some very good books that cover this... Cup of Trembling ...Dave Hunt Magog Invasion...Chuck Missler Do not be deceived when people state that Allah and Jehovah are one in the same. They are not. Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mental Illness Evaluation Programme From W.B. Howard TV BROADCAST St.Vincent Hospital in Melbourne, Aust. how has a computerised, mental illness evaluation programme. It has been prepared by the World Health Organization. On this programme, with no human beings (doctor etc.) involved, people are evaluated to seeif they fit into the Internationally accepted official, definition of being nentally ill or insane. Despatch Comment... This could mean that anyone not PC (politically Correct) re the NWO could be declared insane by official definition.(appreciate any info from overseas/comment) W.B. Howard...Director & Editor of Despatch Magazine Endtime Ministries/Christian Resource Center [pub.Q'rtly.Despatch mag.], which exposes the Infiltration of the N.A.N.W.O. in our Churches and Society in General. ============================================================= Visit our Aussie site: ============================================================= Jesus said: " I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the father but by me." Jn.14:6 +++++++++++++++++ REPORT - NOVEMBER 30, 1996, SEVENTH WORLD IN CRISIS SEMINAR HELD IN BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA. From Wendy Brewster Endtime Ministries, distributors of Despatch magazine, held a Seminar on the New Age New World Order, Globalization and apostasy in the churches, at Rainworth Gospel Mission Church, Rainworth Brisbane, on the 30th November, 1996. The day was extremely hot, 40 degrees, Brisbane was in the middle of an extended heat wave, which made the meeting rather trying. However, the fellowship was a great blessing, and the singing was a joy. Numbers were down on what was expected, the weather possibly the culprit, but those who came sat through the heat in that old-fashioned church with enthusiasm which never waned. No air-conditioning, just over-head fans and open windows, and the more than occasional insect visitor. Scripture verses from the KJV lined the walls, as we sang good old hymns accompanied by the organ of the Pastor, Les Randalls. Christians came from as far away as Yeppoon, seven hours drive, and Nanango, two hours drive. There were glowing faces, sometimes tears, deep concern shown by everyone as the globalization of the world by occult forces was explained in depth. Two main speakers took part, with the back-up of mini Biblical messages by two men, Viv Brunjes and Ken Box. Wendy Howard, editor of Despatch spoke on: NWO Globalization, the Environmental Movement, Global Education, the false revivals and dominionism of Christendom, the Goddess Movement, and the Great Falling Away into apostasy of Christian leaders and organizations. Dorothy Dart, NWO investigator for over thirty years, spoke on: The political arm of the New World Order, the technologies, weaponry and identification, brain-washing and computer surveillance of the NWO under L.U.C.I.D. Endtime Ministries thanks the men and women of Rainworth Mission, Toowoomba Country Church and various individual believers for their input during the day. Soloist soprano, Zeilie Hayhurst, came from the Gold Coast to minister in wonderful song. Letters of support were read from these overseas believers: Lyn and Sarah Lesley, Christian Conscience; Ed Tarkowski,.........; Jo Gardner...... Etc Etc. The letters of encouragement were gratefully received by all, they added a quite moving sense of camaraderie from afar, and gave comfort to alarmed hearts. Many who were at the seminar are now excluded from churches, ridiculed and persecuted. One group had been thrown out of their positions of top leadership in a Christian school just days before, a large school involving five denominations. Their crime is they do not accept the Toronto Blessing as being from God. Others who do accept TB now hold their former jobs in administration. It was good for the attendees to realise afresh that the Body of Christ extends around the earth in true unity still, praise God. The seminar went from 9am to 5-30 pm, with lunch and coffee breaks. Getting the information together in that way, with no holds barred, was awesome! The power of this conspiracy of the New Age, documented in its raw ugliness for all to see, brought tears of compassion for the lost to most eyes. There was no fear for self evidenced throughout, the confidence of the believers in the Almighty grew stronger as the hours went by, ending the seminar with such an awareness of God's Presence with us all in this world in crisis. An audio, personal greeting, sent to the gathering by Christian author, Berit Kjos, was played. It was a comfort and a challenge to our faith. Portion of her video on global education was also shown. Berit gave that extra confirmation that others are exposing the very things that the speakers of the day were, leading weaker Christians toward confidence in the main messages. Thanks to all overseas saints for their contributions. Videos and audios were made of all lectures and messages. (Transcriptions will be on Internet in February, 1997). We came away strangely blessed. Despite hearing of planned genocide, mass brain-washing, laser weapons, weather warfare and Tesla, the "melt-down" of Christianity, the astonishing treachery of "Christian" leaders and organisations, the Big Brother snooping on every part of our private lives, the rise of neo-paganism to gigantic prominence on the planet, environmental scams and witches in Aussie churches - we were thrilled with Jesus Christ. He filled our minds. His soon coming for His Bride, the True Church, seemed so near that we moved and had our being in sweet anticipation of being with our Lord. "If God be for us who can be against us?" The prophetic significance of our times was the paramount consideration at the World in Crisis Seminar. The Sovereignty of God over the affairs of men has never seemed more apparent to the writer - and I am sure that the majority left the meeting with the same assurance. Both the main speakers were impressed by the Lord with the same verses, Psalm 2:1-4. How fearful to realise that God has the New World Order, and its willing victims, in "derision", not just in wrath, but our Loving God of Justice and Truth holds the evil rebels of this planet in "derision". He "laughs" at them! That somehow seems worse even than terrible anger - God's heart is hardened against them, He will not always strive with men. "Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the LORD and against his anointed [saying], Let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh the Lord shall have them in derision " "Even so, come, Lord Jesus." -- ><{{{@> ><{{{@> ><{{{@> ><{{{@> ><{{{@> ><{{{@> W.B. Howard...Director & Editor of Despatch Magazine Endtime Ministries/Christian Resource Center [pub.Q'rtly.Despatch mag.], which exposes the Infiltration of the N.A.N.W.O. in our Churches and Society in General. ============================================================= Visit our Aussie site: ============================================================= ++++++++++++++++ PLO Calls To Confront Isreal With All Means Possible By: Leiah and Jason Elbaum BBC World Service radio reports (14 December, 2000 GMT) that the Palestinian Authority issued a statement Friday night calling on Palestinians to "firmly confront with all possible means" Israel's moves to strengthen Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria ("the West Bank") and Gaza. The call was the PA's response to the Israeli government's decision on Friday to classify the Jewish settlements as "areas of national priority," providing tax benefits and financial incentives to their residents. Israel's move came in the wake of Wednesday's drive-by terrorist shooting in which Ita Tzur and her son Efraimwere killed. It should be noted that the Israel-PLO accords do not bar Israel from supporting the settlements, and that the accords protect their status until at least May 1999. ==== Time magazine cites Israeli intelligence in reporting (16 December) that Yasser Arafat's security forces are working to obtain antitank and antiaircraft missiles, weapons which are forbidden to the Palestinian Authority under the Israel-PLO agreements. The PA desires such weaponry in case of a repeat of September's shooting war which began when PA soldiers opened fire on Israeli troops. The fighting stopped only after Israel threatened to use tanks and combat helicopters. The new weapons would strengthen the PA's response to such threats. Palestinian security officials, says Time, admit that they have dozens of LAW antitank missiles which have been confiscated from or donated by local Islamic groups. ==== Reuter's reports (9 December) that an internal memo has warned Palestinian security forces to prepare for a confrontation against Israeli soldiers. "We call on all security forces to prepare for the worst possibilities. We have to be prepared at all levels without any exceptions because the battle is to be or not to be," said the memo issued last Monday by the Palestinian National Forces. "We are not waiting for any positive things from the current Israeli government and from the occupation forces in general. We have to wait and see the Israeli military measures and to be warned against any confrontation," it said. Gaza commander Maj.-Gen. Abdel Razek al-Majaideh dismissed the memo, saying, "There is no state of mobilization." He claimed it referred to the possibility of disturbances by Arabs opposed to the Israel-PLO accords. ==== Leiah and Jason Elbaum IRIS ******************** The Final Word.... Hello dear friend! Well, as you know, it's time for my birthday again. Last year, they had a real big party for me, and it seems like they will again this year. After all, they've been shopping and preparing for it for months now, and there have been announcements and advertisements almost everyday about how soon it's coming! They really do go overboard about it, but it's nice to know that at least on one day of the year some people are thinking about me a little. You know, it's been many years now since they first started celebrating my birthday. Back then they seemed to realize and appreciate how much fun it is for the little children. Just the same, it seems that most folks are missing the point of it all. Like last year, for example. When my birthday came around, they threw a big party, but can you believe it? I wasn't even invited! Imagine! The guest of honor, and they forgot all about me! Here they had begun preparing for the festivities two months in advance, but when the big day came, I was left out in the cold! Well, it happened so many times in recent years, I wasn't even surprised. Even though I wasn't invited, I thought I'd just quietly slip anyway. So I came in and stood off to the side. Everyone was drinking, laughing and having a grand time, when all of a sudden, in came this fat fellow in a bright red suit, wearing a phony white beard and shouting, "Ho, ho, ho!" He looked like he had more than enough to drink, but he somehow managed to weave his way running thefloor while everyone cheered. When he collapsed into a big armchair,all the little children went running over to him excitedly yelling, "Santa! Santa!" I mean, you'd have thought he was the guest of honor and the whole holiday was in his honor! Then he began telling them the most ridiculous stories you've ever heard!...that he lives at the North Pole with a crew of dwarfs and that every year on my birthday he rides in his sleigh pulled by a bunch of flying reindeer, giving presents to children all over the world! I mean there wasn't a word of truth in anything he said! Imagine telling such little impressionable kids such far- fetched fables! Finally I just had to leave. I walked out of the door, and it was hardly su rprising that no one even noticed that I had gone. As I walked down the street afterward, I felt about as lonely and forlorn as a stray dog! I could hardly remember the last time I'd felt that low. Maybe you don't think I cry... That little manger scene you had put up in the corner of your living room was really touching! It's sweet of people to commemorate my birthday like that. But did you know that nowadays, in some countries, the authorities won't even allow manger scenes to be placed in the parks, streets, or public places anymore! Not to mention their schools! And I'm not talking about Communist countries! I'm talking about the USA. Imagine! What could be more innocent that a manger scene to remind people of my birthday? And yet they ban it! They've actually passed laws against it and made it illegal! What's this world coming to? Another thing that amazes me is how, on my birthday, instead of giving me presents, most people give gifts to each other! And to top it all off, it's usually all kinds of stuff they don't even need! Let me ask you, wouldn't you find it odd if when your birthday came along, and all your friends decided to celebrate it by giving each other presents and never gave you a thing? Someone once told me, "Well, it's because you're not around like other people are, so how can we give you a present?" You know my answer to that one. "Then give gifts of food and clothing to the poor, help those who need it. Go visit the lonely!" I said, "Listen, any gift you give to your needy fellow man, I'll count as if you gave it to me personally!" (See Matthew 25:34-40) It reminds me of what happened recently to a friend of mine, a sweet elderly fellow. He's from the poorer side of town and he's been trying unsuccessfully for years to join a church, but it's a very exclusive church for the 'proper' kind of folks. They just did not think he was good enough to be a member. I found him one day sitting by the church steps with his head on his hands bowed, and I asked him what was wrong. He told me about it, and I put my arm around his shoulder and told him I knew just how he felt. I've been wanting to enter that same church for twenty years, and they've never let me in, either! Well there's an end even to my patience. So I'm going to let you in on a secret. Now this is something I've been planning on doing for quite sometime. The way things are going, I'm planning on holding my own party! How about that? It's going to be the biggest, most fantastic feast you could possibly imagine! It might not happen this year. But I'm sending out the invitations anyway, because I know you'll want to come. There's going to be room for billions, for everyone who wants to come! Some really famous old-timers and celebrities are going to be there, and I'll reserve you a seat of honor right with them! (Mat. 8:11) So hold on to your hat, because when everything is ready, I'm going to spring it as a big surprise! And a lot of people are going to be left out in the cold because they didn't answer my invitation. Let me know right away if you'd like to come, and I'll reserve you a place and, write your name in large golden letter in my great big Guest Book! Much Love, JESUS ========================= Sylvia Genders LeReverend "One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness -- it is usually returned." --Court R. Flint ===================================