Prophe-Zine, Issue # 23 Aug 1, 1996 Raymond Gano..........Welcome to Issue # 23 Berit Kjos... THE OLYMPIC DREAM A Renaissance of Unholy Oneness Todd Strandburg...World's Rejection of The Pre-Trib Rapture Marion Crim....HARLOT OF BABYLON Jim Pinkoski...Ron Wyatt's Discovery of the Red Sea Crossing Site, and the Real Mt. Sinai Raymond Clarke ....The Origin & Results Of The New Age Prophe-Zine News Bites ....Assorted News sources and faithful readers Statement of Faith, publication cycle notice, ect ***************************** Welcome to Issue # 23 Howdy all, Sorry for being late on this issue, I ma having a hard time budgeting my time and getting everything that needs to be done...done. I have been thinking and a thought popped into my head and what I would like to ask for are people who would like to help me put PZ together. I guess I am looking for some staff help. I have one person who helps me send out the weird files to people who can not get PZ in the file format that I send it in. What I need is one or 2 people that can help me put the issues together, spell check, edit, layout, etc. What I am looking for... A person that is willing to put at least 1-2 hours of net time/ computer time per day. (does not have to be all at once) Someone who has had some time "on-line" and knows the ins and outs of the Internet. Someone who is willing to dedicate at least 6 months to help (THIS IS IMPORTANT) Spiritually mature and has been a Christian for some time and has a good foundation in the basics. I am looking more for journalist skills that Bible Prophecy skills. So if this sounds like you and you think you might want to volunteer your time to Prophe-Zine, then drop me a Email at my address and give me you phone #, a short bio, where your live, why you want to do this, past experience, etc. I will be in contact with you a short time later and we can talk. So pray about it. In this issue Berit Kjos has once again written a wonderful article about the Olympics. Was it me or did this Olympics seem real one worldish. Well Berit really goes into great detail. For you Pre-Tribbers Todd Strandburg's "World's Rejection of The Pre-Trib Rapture" article is a VERY good article. Every once in a while a article crosses my desk that just makes me go Hhhmmmm. Marion Crim's article on the "HARLOT OF BABYLON" did just that. Tell me what you think about it. I did not go into heavy study regarding this article, but on the surface it has some very good points and worth reading. Well that is all for now. Keep the Email coming and KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN for any news happening in your area. Things are speeding up and I need more people to be good watchmen / watchwomen. So until we meet here on this earth or in the clouds with our Lord. Always in His service, Ray Sr. Editor Prophe-Zine ************************ THE OLYMPIC DREAM A Renaissance of Unholy Oneness by Berit Kjos The spirit behind Zeus, the ancient god of the Olympics, would have been pleased. Never has so large a flock sung his hymn and cheered his sacred flame. Never have so many people celebrated a timeless ritual involving earth-centered spirits and the "tribes" they inspire. And never have so many international heroes been idolized for their physical prowess, regardless of moral character. Never have so many nations cheered the dream of global oneness. Awaiting a spiritual and physical renaissance "powerful enough to unite the world,"1 the Olympic dream was born in 1896 when Frenchman Pierre deCoubertin revived the ancient Olympic games. Now, on its 100th birthday, the dream burns stronger than ever, fueled by wishful thinking, globalist propaganda, and the utopian ambitions of the United Nations. Few dare burst the politically correct bubble by telling the truth: that oneness without God contradicts all of history's warnings about the cruelties of human nature and the tyrannies of godless rulers. That truth had no place in the opening ceremony on July 19, 1996. Instead, the crowd of 83,000 in Atlanta cheered as five "Olympic spirits" wrapped in silvery cloth and masked as sun gods rose out of the earth. Representing the five regions and colors of the world, they writhed like serpents while chanting mystical invocations to "summon the tribes" of the world. The five tribes came. Costumed in the Olympic colors-blue for Europe, green for Australia, yellow for Asia, red for the Americas, and black for Africa-the five hundred tribes people streamed into the arena. After a frenzied dance to the beat of a percussion arrangement by Mickey Hart, a "Grateful Dead" drummer, the color-coded groups formed the five interlocking rings of the Olympic symbol, welcoming the "the global family" to celebrate the renewal of the Olympic dream. Human butterflies and chrome pick-up trucks were part of a strange medley of Southern impressions. As a token reminder that Christians, too, belong to the global family and Georgia's history, the medley included a parade of "churchgoers"-stiff, lifeless 28 foot tall puppets in elegant white dress and top hats. "O when the saints come marching in..." played the band. A giant thunderbird, a Navajo symbol of divine power and fire-and-rain from heaven, brought an obscure reminder of "the heartache and travail of the South, including the Civil War." But healing was on its way: a white-winged goddess-like "Southern Spirit" came to "reawaken the landscape." "Hallelujah! Hallelujah...." sang the Hallelujah Choir. In a "tribute to the ancient Greek Olympians and...the unifying power of these ancient games," the arena was transformed into the old Olympia. There, back in 776BC-when Nike was the Goddess of Victory, not a trademark for shoes-the original games began. The walls of a fifty-foot-high temple to Zeus showed silhouettes of Greek athletes in action and of victory goddesses crowning the winners with olive wreaths. Suddenly the lights dimmed, celebrations ceased, and the world turned dark. "The darkness represents the 1500 years when the games were forgotten," explained the commentator. He omitted the reason for those dark ages: that the games were banned in AD 394 by Roman Emperor Theodosius who became a Christian and could no longer condone the pagan celebrations. But contemporary Americans, well-trained in multicultural tolerance, have learned to ignore God's warnings concerning "other gods" and pagan rituals. "A new voice was heard," continued the commentator. "Pierre de Coubertin's. He said, 'We shall light the Olympic flame once more, and this time keep it burning-an everlasting tribute to all that is great and noble in mankind.'" All that is great and noble? From whose perspective? Sports and physical exercise is good, but it takes more than athletic prowess to make anyone great and noble. "Exercise yourself toward godliness," said the apostle Paul. "For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things...." (1 Timothy 4:7-8) Forgotten in the flurry of the festivities were the hurt and angry people whose homes had been razed and whose businesses were destroyed to create parking space and more presentable surroundings for Olympic fans. "The Olympics have devastate this neighborhood,"2 said J. Davis, a hairdresser in what was a thriving black-owned business area. But such conflict of interests should come as no surprise. To globalist leaders, the ends justify the means. Personal interests must be sacrificed on the altar of a higher good. Since global celebrations are needed to raise consciousness and spread the dream of unity, individuals must learn to serve a greater whole. This need for public rituals was stressed at the recent United Nations conference in Istanbul. As Dr. Benjamin Ladner, President of American University, said during a day long panel discussion on Solidarity: "We must commit ourselves to the work of imagining our common humanity....and of enacting civic rituals that resonate with the music of our ancestors."3 "What's needed is ...something analogous to the ancient acropolis," added James Morton, dean of the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York, "where today's diversity of national and ethnic customs and religious traditions can be celebrated and upheld for the enrichment of everybody....The new acropolises will... provide opportunity for sacred expression needed to bind the people of the planet into a viable, meaningful, and sustainable solidarity." This global oneness sounds good to those who reject biblical truth and have forgotten the lessons of history. Global peace sounds good to those who want security and have never known political oppression. And global controls sound good to those who fear terrorism more than totalitarianism and are prepared to sacrifice American freedoms to fulfill utopian dreams. Small wonder then, that over 3 billion viewers around the world approve these pagan rites and the "power of the dream." It costs nothing to dream, but the unified world it envisions would be costly beyond measure. The Bible tells us so. God withdrew His protection and blessings when ancient Israel turned from its Creator and Shepherd to "other gods" and pagan rituals. Famine, wars, plagues and oppression followed. Yet, America-built on Biblical truth and blessed by its Creator-has opened its arms to all the pagan seductions that deceived God's people long ago. God has an answer to our problem: repentance-confessing our sin and turning back to the Shepherd who loves us. But even these guidelines have been turned upside-down by those who seek a planetary utopia rather than biblical truth. Millard Fuller, president of Habitat for Humanity, who shared both the globalist vision and the UN platform with James Morton and Dr. Ladner, said: "We must repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand ... What Jesus really said was to ...change your whole way of thinking, because the new order of the spirit is confronting and challenging you." His call was to a renewing of minds with the new globalist, inter-faith perspective, not with biblical truth. False teaching, twisted interpretations, and occult deceptions would multiply in end times. "Christians" would deceive and betray each other. Those who follow Christ "will be hated by all nations.... And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold." (Matthew 24:9, 12) Yet, throughout history, opposition has strengthened, not stopped, the Christian message. Mingling silently with Olympic fans and idolized athletes were two massive armies: (1) the 30,000 soldiers, undercover agents, and security officers who offered physical protection during the games; and (2) countless Christian soldiers offering God's spiritual protection for all eternity. They knew that, for a moment in time, the world's mission fields have come to Atlanta, and they would use every opportunity to show the only Way to fulfill the dream of transcultural oneness and everlasting peace. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To prepare your family for the cultural shift from Christian beliefs and values to the "new" global spirituality and earth-centered values, read Brave New Schools (Harvest House Publishers). Available through Christian bookstores or call 1-800-829-5646. Endnotes: 1 This and other unidentified quotes were part of the ongoing comments by the hosts and narrators--usually not visible to viewers--who explained the ceremony. 2 Ann Killion, "Stung by the Olympic Movement," San Jose Mercury News, July 20, 1996. 3 I attended and taped this conversation. 4 "A reported 3.5 billion people around the world watched...." Joan Ryan, "Inspiring Opening to Olympics," San Francisco Chronicle, July 20, 1996. PERSONAL BACKGROUND: Berit Kjos Berit Kios is a widely respected researcher, the author of books and magazine articles, a popular conference speaker, and a concerned parent who has extensively studied current education systems. Kjos first became aware of New Age and occult influences in our society at a 1974 conference on holistic health. As a registered nurse, she was interested in methods of healing, but soon discovered that the occult powers found in New Age methods brought bondage instead of true healing. As a parrot, Kjos became aware of similar New Age influences in education. She began to monitor the schools for classroom programs that taught occultism and New Age spirituality, then began to share what she learned with other parents and teachers. Now a popular speaker for churches, Christian schools, and home schooling groups nationwide, Kjos has given workshops and seminars at conferences such as the Association for Christian Schools International. She has spoken at conferences for such groups as the Constitutional Coalition,Child Evangelism Fellowship, Concerned Women for America, and Citizens for Excellence in Education. Kjos' newest book, Brave New Schools, surveys the scene in today's public schools and provides guidelines for parents who are concerned about their children's education. Kjos shows how myth, feeling, imagination, and politically correct stories are replacing truth, facts, logic, and history in the classroom. She also explains what programs such as Goals 2000 are all about, and why all students-even homeschoolers-eventually will be required to demonstrate competence in the new social and thinking skills before they can move on to higher education or jobs. A frequent guest on national radio and television programs, Kjos has been interviewed on The 700 Club, Point of View, Bible Answer Man, Beverly LaHaye Live, Crosstalk, CBN Radio, Family Radio Network, and many more. Berit Kjos has authored four books, Your Child and the New Age, Under the Spell of Mother Earth, Brave New Schools, and A Wardrobe from the King, a Bible study showing how to wear the Armor of God. These books were written to encourage Christian families to resist the New Age and Neo-pagan influences that are transforming America. A 1974 conference on Holistic Health first introduced Berit, a registered nurse, to the enticing "universal force" of the New Age. While writing Bible studies and training leaders, she saw the need to show children the basic differences between New Age teaching and Biblical truth--and to help them know and love the truths that counter deception. Berit Kjos' newest book Brave New Schools, shows how the goals of education have been turned upside-down. Socialization--learning global beliefs and values and politically correct behavior--have replaced academics as the main outcome of education. You may hear nice-sounding promises, but factual learning and individual thinking are out, feelings and group thinking are in. If this international system is put in place by AD 2001 as planned, all children will be monitored through a national computerized data transmission system designed to build a permanent, personal file on every child. No one will be safe from the watchful eyes of those who control the new "school-to-work" system-not children taught at home or in private schools, not their parents, not anyone. So be informed. Learn what you can do to help preserve our families and freedoms. Kjos and her husband, Andy, make their home in California. They have three sons and a daughter-in-law: Todd, Anna, Troy, and David ************* World's Rejection of The Pre-Trib Rapture By: Todd Strandburg How the world's rejection of the pre-trib rapture proves its validity. The majority of Christians believe that Jesus Christ will eventually return for his Church. However, there is not as much unity over the timing of Christ's return. Some believe in a pre-tribulation rapture, some a post-tribulation rapture, and a few adhere to a mid-tribulation rapture. Like most Christians, I believed in the pre-tribulation rapture. For some people the word of God is not enough to convince them of the pre-trib rapture's validity. When Jesus said, "for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh."(Mat 25:13) People who believe in a Post-Trib rapture are essentially making Jesus into a liar because Daniel tells us the Tribulation will last 1260 days, and the tribulation saints will need to wait a total of 1335 days.(Dan 12:7;12) Where do you get an unknown date out of a date your already given. This is why thy the rapture and the second coming have to be two separate events. For the "Scripturally Hard of Understanding" I've realized a common sense way of proving the validity of the pre-trib rapture, One good way to determine if a doctrine's factual is to see how the devil reacts to it. If you were sit in your living room watch TV and suddenly the Satan himself appeared before you, and as quickly as he appeared he began chewing you out royally. You could pass out cold, but instead you should rebuke him in the name of Jesus and then thank him for letting you know your must be doing something verypleasing to God get the devil mad at you. The devil doesn't make very many house calls so we don't have him to get his personal reaction, but we do have the world around us which he and his demons control. If the devil controlled world displays an ignores or disfavor towards a teaching, it's almost a asured that the teaching, in question, can be noted as scripturally sound. A good example is the belief that Jesus is the only way to God. The ungodly liberal media hates this doctrine and those who teach it. They prefer to promote the notion that all religions are equal. The Bible quotes Jesus as saying, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6) When I looked to see what the world's view of the rapture was, I found none - I mean there was no secular resources to be found that promoted the rapture teaching. I've listed below five instances where carnal organizations have made what can only be described as an active omission of the pre-trib rapture doctrine: Prophecy Programs In the past few years there have been several networks which broadcasted programs that dealt with the subject of prophecy. These shows did a wonderful job of educating the public about every New Age or occultic position on prophecy, but the rapture teaching was always strangely missing. This oversight had to be intentional because the rapture teaching enjoys a large follow among evangelical. Many of the other teachings that were aired only have scant adherence by both Christian and non Christian groups. The devil knows that coverage of the rapture will warn people to be ready and that's something he defiantly does not want to happen. Supermarket Tabloids Frequently, when I'm passing through the checkout counter at my local supermarket, I'll see one of those tabloids with a headline like, "End of the World Dec 31, 1996" or some other date. I've examined a good number of these rag magazines and I've noticed they always seem to have a Post-Trib or apocalyptic view of end time events. I can't ever recall reading about the pre-trib rapture in one of these tabloids. In fact, I have a service provider that has a data base of several tabloid back issues. I searched through all of the articles that related to the end times and none mentioned the rapture teaching. Satan must have decided there needs to be total suppression of the rapture in all secular resources. You would think having the rapture teaching in one of these tabloids next to a story about the man who gave birth to a three headed baby would help discrediting the rapture through association, but apparently the devil must have decided it would be much too dangerous of a thing to chance. Cults I find cults interesting because most have a fixation with the end times and prophecy. I surveyed several and I noticed that no major cult holds the pre-trib rapture as one of their doctrinal beliefs. Scriptural errors tend to cling together, and you can find some particular errors in several if not all cults. Because the Rapture teaching is the truth, it is not taught in any of the main cults. I know of some cults that sprang from denomination that believed in a pre-tribulation rapture. When the group went their own way, they dropped the pre-trib and adopted a Post-Trib view. The Late Great Planet Earth The book "The Late Great Planet Earth" by Hal Lindsey was the top seller of the Seventies. It sold more than 20 million copies. Normally, with such an amazing number of sales, you would expect the book and its author toreceive a good deal of the media's attention. This wasn't the case for Hal Lindsey - he was largely ignored by the secular press. Mr. Lindsey was declared the best selling author of the decade by the New York times, but they really didn't have much choice - he had three book in their top ten list at the same time. It would have been more noticeable if they had not given Hal Lindsey the title. I do recall ever seeing a major network interview with Hal Lindsey - the Christian media maybe, but not the secular media. What really brings out the media boycott of "The Late Great Planet Earth" is the minor success of some New Age books and how the press reacted them. The Book "Embraced by the Light" which is book dripping with demonic influences was played up tremendously by the liberal media. The press highlighted many of the teachings from the book and talked with the author, Betty J. Eadie, about her experiences. For a book based on true Christian doctrines to get the liberal media's attention, the demand for that book would have to be so great that every tree in North America would need to be cut down in order to publish that book. No Records Found Now that all the magazine, encyclopedias, and various other reference material are being transcribed to CD-ROM, you can easily execute word searches of every article in any magazine going back several years. I wanted to see if any carnal publications ever made mention of the rapture so I used the search functions to hunt for end time related words. Many common words like: end times, tribulation, and Armageddon, came up; but the word rapture, in the context of prophecy, never materialized. The most common reply I received was "No records Found." I would like to conclude by asking any of my Christian bothers and sisters, who do not believe in the pre-trib rapture, a question. If the pre-trib rapture is a lie from the devil, then why do we have the above situations where the pre-trib rapture teaching is excluded by the carnal world? For those of you who are looking forward or wish to be ready for the rapture, I highly encourage you to check out my web page "Are You Ready for the Rapture?" ************** HARLOT OF BABYLON By: Marion Crim Dear Ray: First let me thank you for your Prophe-Zine publication. I believe it to be the most biblically sound instrument on the internet concerning matters of Bible prophecy. It is for this reason I am submitting to you the attached article. It was based on a literal interpretation of Revelations 17 & 18. The conclusion may be of the utmost importance to the United States and the whole world. I am not a writer by trade; so if you decide to publish this article, it may need some editing. I ask that you review the conclusions in this article,. For most of the last year, I have been corresponding with many individuals on the internet concerning the harlot of Babylon. Mostly, I receive many, verydifferent,theories on the identification of the harlot of Babylon from Rome, and the Roman Catholic Church, to Jerusalem, and to a rebuilt old Babylon. None of these theories literally fulfill the scriptures. Those individuals, that hold to these theories, hold to a highly symbolicinterpretation of the whole of Revelations Chapter 17 & 18. Only a few verses of Revelations 17 should be taken symbolically, and those verses the angel explains: Rev 17:7 Then the angel said to me: "Why are you astonished? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and of the beast she rides, which has the seven heads and ten horns. (NIV) The balance of Rev. 17 and the whole of Rev. 18 should be taken literally. (Though the Apostle John may have employed some figurative language in some verses.) It would be better that the conclusion in the attached article is wrong. Unfortunately, I have found no one that can make a viable argument against this conclusion. The prophecy fits very well, and in many different ways. The mystery of the harlot may be solved, and if this is correct, then the following must be proclaimed: Rev 18:4 Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; (NIV) I am seeking doctrinally sound individuals to verify or reject the conclusions in the attached article in light of scripture and the facts of history. Hopefully, individuals who are not jaded by their own biased conclusions. I believe your publication may be the best way to do so. Thank you again for your important work. May God Bless You, Marion Crim HARLOT OF BABYLON Who is the harlot of Babylon as mentioned in Chapter 17 and 18 of the Book of Revelations? For centuries scholars and theologians have been trying to identify the harlot of Babylon. The most popular theories in recent years were Rome, the Pope, the European Economic Community, or Jerusalem? Let us venture to identity this harlot of Babylon in light of the Word of God.. First let us look at the clues. You can follow along in your Bible. The NIV version will give you a clear translation, but other versions will do as well. Rev 17:1 One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, "Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits on many waters. (NIV) Rev 17:15 Then the angel said to me, "The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages. (NIV) Clue 1.) The harlot will be, "peoples, multitudes, nations, and languages." Rev 17:18 The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth." (NIV) Clue 2.) The harlot is a great city, and not just any great city, but one,"that rules over the kings of the earth." Rev 17:2 With her the kings of the earth committed adultery and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated withh the wine of her adulteries. (NIV) Rev 18:3 For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, .........(NIV) Clue 3.) The harlot city will spread adulteries to the "inhabitants" and "nations" of the earth. Rev 18:17 In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!'......(NIV) Clue 4.) The harlot city will possess "excessive luxuries" (Rev 18:3) and "great wealth" (Rev 18:17). Rev 18:5 for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes. (NIV) Clue 5.) The harlot city is a sinful place ridden with crime. Rev 18:11 "The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes any more-- (NIV). And, Rev 18:3 .........and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries." (NIV) Clue 6.) The harlot city must have a vast marketplace from which the merchants of the earth grew rich. Rev 18:17 In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!' "Every sea captain, and all who travel by ship, the sailors, and all who earn their living from the sea, will stand far off. (NIV) Rev 18:19 They will throw dust on their heads, and with weeping and mourning cry out: "`Woe! Woe, O great city, where all who had ships on the sea became rich through her wealth! In one hour she has been brought to ruin! (NIV) Clue 7.) The harlot city has a seaport, and not just any seaport, but a huge seaport, "where all who had ships on the sea became rich." Now let us put the clues that describe the harlot city together. Clue 1: "contains, peoples, multitudes, nations, and languages" Clue 2: "a great city that rules over the kings of the earth" Clue 3: "spreads adulteries to the inhabitants of the earth" Clue 4: "excessive luxuries and great wealth" Clue 5: "sinful place ridden with crime" Clue 6: "marketplace where the merchants of the earth grew rich" Clue 7: "huge seaport" Have you guessed her yet? If not let us help you along. Since the Apostle John wrote his visions in Revelations no city has fulfilled all the prophesies (clues) concerning the harlot, that is until the latter half of this century. Many cities can claim a seaport. Many cities can claim a vast marketplace. Many cities are wealthy. Many cities are ridden with crime. Manycities could spread adulteries. Fewer cities contain peoples, multitudes, nations, and languages, for the vast majority of the cities in the world contains the peoples and languages of the nearby regions. And until now, no city has ruled over the kings of the earth. Not until the formation of the United Nations has a governmental body ruled over all the kings of the earth. And as most people know, the United Nations makes rulings over the earth from its location in New York City. Let's look a little closer. New York City contains the World Government. Some may say the United Nations does not have any real authority; but the prophecies concerning the harlot does not go into the quality of her rule. However, the United Nations does rule with some authority. With the military powers of Western Europe and the United States behind it, the United Nations has been able to dictate sanctions and other actions against the nations of the earth. For example, the coalition of forces during the Gulf War with Iraq was under the authority of the United Nations, with the parameters for this war dictated by this world governmental body. Almost daily the United Nation make rulings over the nations of the earth. There has not been agovernmental body like it since the creation of the world. New York City has a seaport, but not just any seaport, a vital seaport towards world trade. It has one of the busiest, if not the busiest, seaports in the world. How many merchant seamen that has lived a long life transporting goods have not had a stop in New York? The harlot will be a vast marketplace. New York City has this in abundance. The stock exchanges within New York City are the largest in the world. How many companies, that conduct trade throughout the world, have offices in the World Trade Center towers alone? And there are all the many other types of markets, above ground and underground that makes New York City the largest marketplace in the world. It will contain peoples, multitudes, nations, and languages. New York City has long been known as a "melting pot" of peoples from all over the world. Within its environs sits the embassies and consulates of most of the nations of the earth. These consulates are like sovereign territories of their owning nations. The "melting pot" population not withstanding, doesn't touch the many languages spoken in New York City through these many consulates. New York City fulfills this prophecy better than any city since the Apostle John was given Our Lord's most holy revelation. Many people in the United State and throughout the world knows of the crime problem within New York City. Many cities have a crime problem, but none have the problem as infamous as New York City. Who dares to walk Central Park alone at night? And yes, New York City has excessive wealth and luxuries. New York City is the largest city in the wealthiest nation the world has ever known. Think about it! And, finally New York City's adulteries are spread throughout the world through huge networks of media; including, books, magazines, movies, television, satellite broadcast, and the like, of which most pornography and other such filth owe its beginnings; and of which, the powers that control these media originated or presently based (Time Warner, NBC, CBS, ABC, 9 of the 10 largest advertising agencies in the world, and much more).Much of these media owe their existence to New York City. The suburbs of New York City was the birthplace, or mother, of the motion picture industry. And though the motion picture industry, and much of these media are now spread elsewhere in the world, the prophecy is fulfilled by New York City being the"Mother of the abominations of the earth". The prophecy tells us that the "nations" and the "inhabitants of the earth" will drink of the maddening wine of her adulteries. This is a mysterious prophecy until you see the spread of adulteries through television and movies. Nearly the whole world receives programing from the United States, of which much is controlled by powers based in New York City. Television is becoming like a drug to the inhabitants of the earth. Satellite communications have made available all manners of programing, including hard-core pornography, accessible to anyone with a satellite dish. Ironically, the problem was recently recognized in Iran where ownership of a satellite dish is forbidden. Pornography and the constant barrage of sexually explicit material spread through these various media is causing a tremendous strain against the family, and the overall morals of the world. Ask our friends at Focus on the Family, "What are the effects of pornography on a society?" It is no wonder that God is angry, and her doom has been foretold. And consider the following verse: Rev 17:5 This title was written on her forehead: MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. (NIV) The symbolic name Mystery Babylon could be a reference to the old testament tower of Babel when all the nations were under one tongue. Gen 11:6 The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. (NIV) New York City gathers together under the English language many peoples from around the world. From the many who arrived in the land of opportunity from the port of New York City, and as they spread to other parts of United States, this nation has done things that no other nation in the history of the world has accomplished; including, touching the face of the moon. As one people, under one tongue is there anything that we could not accomplish? Only the United States many sins, and the fact we no longer honor the words on our currency, "In God We Trust", prevents us from accomplishing more. We must stand vigil, and we must use this information for the Glory of Jesus Christ, Our Savior and Lord, for whom we all must place our trust. For the beast is coming and he will "hate" New York City, the United Nations , the United States, and the whole of Christendom. So, in conclusion, as a mission to those who are lost, and a warning to those who are found. Revelations 18:4, "Come out of her my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive her plagues." Please contact all your friends and love ones, and urge them to put these clues together for themselves and obey the command of God to "Come Out ofHer." (Note: I am but a messenger, it will be up to you alone to accept or reject this message. We are told to test all things. So please, test in light of scripture, test these things, and should you have any questions or comments, you can E-mail me at No man knows the exact time of the fulfillment of prophecy, or the coming of the Lord. It could be hundreds of years away; but we must assume it could happen today; and we must be prepared for such. May God Bless You and Give You Wisdom, William (Marion) Crim III THE OTHER THEORIES ROME It can not be Rome, for Rome or Vatican City does not have authority over the kings of the earth. Our history books tells us that the English King Henry VIII refused the authority of the Pope in Rome, and formed the Church of England in direct opposition to Rome's authority. The Muslim nations of the earth does not yield to the authority of Rome, and the same is true for many other leaders or other nations. Many claim that the harlot must be Rome because of a verse that talks of seven hills, as in the historical reference to the seven hills where the City of Rome was founded: Rev 17:9 "This calls for a mind with wisddom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. (NIV) Rev 17:10 They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for a little while. (NIV) Though the harlot is shown to sit upon the beast, the seven heads are a part of the beast and not apart of the harlot. Rev 13:1 And the dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and *seven heads*, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. (NIV) THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH or THE POPE Eight times in Revelations 17 & 18 the prophecy calls the harlot a city. It is not going to be a church, a religion, or an individual. It is going to be a city! JERUSALEM It can not be Jerusalem. Jerusalem doesn't have a sea port. ( By-the-way, the city of Rome doesn't have its own seaport either. Rome depends on other nearby coastal towns for access to the sea.) Jerusalem is a relatively poor town. Even the reconstruction of the temple in Jerusalem could not create the excessive wealth and luxuries the prophecies foretells. EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY Scripture tells us that the harlot will be a city, and not a collection of nations. OLD BABYLON (rebuilt) Old Babylon is many, many miles inland. The ships of the sea can not go there. Does anyone believe that Iraq will develop in such a way that the merchants of the earth will grow rich from her excessive luxuries? Maybe in a couple of hundred years! THE BEAST and THE HARLOT ARE ONE Many claim that the beast and the harlot are related. This is not the case. They will oppose one another. Rev 17:16 The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. (NIV) The beast is a man. Rev 13:18 This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666. (NIV) The harlot is a city. Rev 17:18 The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth." (NIV) IRONIES A woman greets all that enter New York City by sea. (Statue of Liberty) The town of Babylon is a suburb of New York City. The word "Babylon" has longed been used as a term to identify decadence. FINAL THOUGHT God will allow the beast to destroy the harlot in an hours time. This destruction by fire will be so complete thatno one will ever live there again. John figuratively referred to this destruction as leaving the city "naked", and the eating of flesh. The beast will more than just kill her, he will destroy her utterly. Rev 17:16 The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. (NIV) Rev 17:17 For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to give the beast their power to rule, until God's words are fulfilled. (NIV) Rev 18:17 In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!' "Every sea captain, and all who travel by ship, the sailors, and all who earn their living from the sea, will stand far off. (NIV) Rev 18:8 Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges her. (NIV) Rev 18:22 The music of harpists and musicians, flute players and trumpeters, will never be heard in you again. No workman of any trade will ever be found in you again. The sound of a millstone will never be heard in you again. (NIV) Rev 18:23 The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the world's great men. By your magic spell all the nations were led astray. (NIV) The Greek word for 'hour", HORA, can mean, " an instant." The city will be destroyed by fire in an instant. Death, mourning and famine will overtake her in a day. Unfortunately it reminds me, too vividly, of the accounts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Does New York City await the same fate? ************** Ron Wyatt's Discovery of the Red Sea Crossing Site, and the Real Mt. Sinai by Jim Pinkoski In Prophe-Zine #19, I wrote an article about Ron Wyatt's discovery of the Ark of the Covenant, and I explained that I am the manager of "The Museum of God's Treasures," a museum that features all of Ron's amazing discoveries, and I have worked with Ron for the past 6 years. I also mentioned that we have a Web Page wherein we are up-loading information on these discoveries, located at: I am writing this article to announce that we have just posted Ron's Exodus material up on our Web Page, and we would like for everybody to be sure to take a look at it! Before you see it, I would ask people to keep in mind 2 things: 1) This work has been undertaken by only one person, and Ron does not belong to any group or organization that has backed him through the years. 2) Accordingly, it has taken a number of years for Ron to visit and then re-visit each of these several archaeological sites (which are somewhat "inconveniently" located on the other side of the planet!), and doing this work has entailed making 50+ trips overseas over the past 18 years. Most of Ron's discoveries were initially made in the 1977-1979 time period, but then it took time to actually complete the documentation process, diligently write it all up in his Newsletters, and then get all of his film footage edited and put all together onto video! This is a HUGE undertaking for only one person! This work is still in the process of being completed, but Ron is nearing the goal of finishing it all -- it is FINALLY time for these things to be shared and seen by everyone! As I tell the people who come to our Museum, Ron made his first trip to Turkey to search for Noah's Ark in 1977, and Ron thought that Noah's Ark was going to be the ONLY thing he ever worked on -- but the Lord had a few surprises in store for him! Within 2 or 3 years Ron kept "stumbling" upon one discovery after another. After all, he was a Christian who had read and cared about ALL of the main stories in the Bible. Noah's Ark is not "more important" than the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, or the Exodus, or the extremely special events that took place at Mt. Sinai! And NONE of these main stories from the Bible had been "settled" sufficiently, in Ron's opinion -- solid archaeological evidence was still missing -- so he became curious as to what he might be able to find and locate to prove that these Bible stories were true. THE DISCOVERY OF THE RED SEA CROSSING SITE For years people have "assumed" that the site for Mt. Sinai was on the Sinai Peninsula, near St. Catherine's Monestary -- but honest archaeologists have admitted that they cannot even be sure "which mountain" it might be! Therefore Ron felt that it is not the correct site, so the real Mt. Sinai still remained to be located. But to find Mt. Sinai, it became very important to first locate the Red Sea crossing site. Around this time a number of absurd ideas were beginning to surface about the location of the crossing site, and certain people even came up with the idea of calling the "Red Sea" the "Sea of Reeds" and having Moses lead the Hebrews through a crossing site where the water was only 2 feet deep -- and then the joke became that then it really would have been a "miracle" to drown Pharaoh's army in only 2 feet of water! It seems that the Christian world was getting tired of looking for this crossing site, and not finding it. So the fanciful stories began to surface. Stories that mocked the truth of this very important event. Ron began his search by believing that the crossing site could be on either side of the Sinai Peninsula, but he favored it being somewhere on the Gulf of Aqaba side. He inspected the maps of the British Admiralty, and he found an area in the mid-portion of the Gulf of Aqaba that was nowhere as deep as the rest of the gulf. Instead of going to a depth of 5,000 feet, this area only went down to a depth of 900 to 1,000 feet at its deepest point. What he found seemed to be a natural underwater land bridge! Another major factor convinced him that this was probably the crossing site was this: On the eastern shore of the Sinai Peninsula there is ONLY ONE PLACE that is big enough to hold the perhaps 2-3 million people, their flocks, and Pharaoh's army! And the underwater land bridge extends DIRECTLY from that beach area! This beach area is so huge that it can even be seen from outer space! On our Web Page you will see a satellite photo of this area, and you will also see a regular aerial view of this massive beach located at Nuweba. Ron Wyatt and his 2 sons made their first scuba dive in this area in 1978, and on this first dive they found chariot remains! Just like the Noah's Ark site, these chariot parts were not in perfect condition. They were covered with coral, which made them difficult to see clearly, but it seems that coral was the agent the Lord used to preserve them. They found numerous wheels. Some were still on their axles, and some were off. Some wheels were 6-spoked, and some were 8 spoked. In 1988 Ron found a 4-spoked gold chariot wheel, which looks almost perfect. The reason for this is that coral does not grow on gold. The wood inside the gold "veneer" had deteriorated and rotted away, which made the gold rim very fragile, and for that reason Ron did not attempt to retrieve it from the water. Video footage of it appears on our "Presentation of Discoveries Video," and on the soon to be released "Exodus Video." The underwater land bridge extends all the way across the midway portion of the Gulf of Aqaba. The distance across the Gulf is approximately 8 miles from shore to shore, and Ron found out that the underwater pathway sloped down from the Egyptian side of the crossing site at a very gentle 6 degree angle, while in the other portions of the Gulf of Aqaba the deeper areas dropped off at abrupt, sharper angles. There is a perfect wadi (canyon) leading through the mountains on the Sinai Peninsula to this huge beach area at Nuweba, and before they put in a paved road there, it was quite obvious that all the large boulders, etc., had been pushed to either side of the wadi -- and when Ron went scuba diving in the water, he found that this same stone-cleared pathway extended in the crystal clear water! The path had been made clear by the multitude so they could cross the Gulf of Aqaba portion of the Red Sea. This discovery has been inspected and double-verified by the Australian archaeologist, Jonathan Gray. In my article in Prophe-Zine #19, I mentioned that Jonathan Gray has done several presentations of Ron Wyatt's material throughout Europe, New Zealand, and Australia. This man has gone scuba diving at the crossing site, and he too reports that he has seen the evidence of the coral-covered chariot parts. One of the most amazing pictures we have in our Museum is a photograph that was taken at approximately 60 feet underwater of a coral-covered human skeleton! The picture was actually taken because there was a very pretty fish swimming there on the sea floor, and the skeleton wasn't discovered until after the film was developed -- but it very clearly shows the rib cage, right hand, and the skull of a person who was drowned in the Red Sea! It is an incredible picture! THE DISCOVERY OF THE REAL MT. SINAI When Ron found the chariot parts in the Gulf of Aqaba he knew that Mt. Sinai was in Saudi Arabia. And interestingly enough there is even a Bible verse that TELLS us that this is where Mt. Sinai is! Galatians 4:25 says, "For this Agar is Mount Sinai IN ARABIA"! Deuteronomy 1:6 says that the Hebrews stayed "in" a mountain when they stayed at Mt. Sinai, so this indicated to Ron that he should look on the map for a curved-shaped mountain range, one that would provide the 2-3 million people protection within its borders. And Jebel el Lawz was the perfect candidate! On the map, Jebel el Lawz was the highest peak in the entire NW Saudi Arabian region, and it is part of a curved ridge of mountains that has a large valley at its base. After 4 1/2 years of repeated attempts to apply for a visa to visit the area, Ron decided that it was going to be necessary to attempt to enter the country without a visa. He made inquires and was told that if anyone was found in Saudi Arabia without a visa, they were simply escorted to the border and made sure that they left the country. He weighed his information and decided it was certainly worth the risk. On January 24, 1984, Ron and his 2 sons arrived in Jordan. They had applied and received a Jordanian visa prior to leaving the U.S. They toured Jordan a bitand then parked their rental car near the border and walked into Saudi undetected. Hitchhiking and hiring taxis and small trucks, they arrived near Jebel el Lawz -- and the sight was awesome! THE ENTIRE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN WAS BLACKENED AS IF CHARRED BY SOME TREMENDOUS HEAT! Ron recalled Exodus 19:18, "And Mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the LORD descended upon it in FIRE; and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly." There is no doubt that this is the mountain that the LORD stood upon! The pictures we have of it are absolutely stunning! Attempting to leave the country, things did not go so well -- Ron and his 2 sons were abruptly arrested at the Saudi border and taken to a jail in Hagl. They were imprisoned for 78 days! When they were released they found out that their confiscated film would NOT be returned to them, and they found out "why" they had been arrested. It seems that a man with whom Ron had worked on Noah's Ark had called up the Saudi Embassy and reported that Ron and his sons were actually Israeli spies! The Saudis told Ron the man's name when they were released. Once the Saudis discovered that Ron and the boys were *not* spies, they were very angry at the false accusation, realizing that this could have led to serious political consequences had they executed them. Before Ron had left on this trip, he had told 2 men that he was going into Saudi Arabia looking for Mt. Sinai -- one was Col. Jim Irwin (who helped to get Ron and the boys released), and the other was the man who called and tried to get them killed. What happened to this man? I saw him in 1988. He had had 5 strokes. And he died last year, a bitter, vindictive man who swore and cursed at Ron over the phone in their last conversation just months before he passed away! (Sometimes the Lord plays hardball.) Ron's and his sons' release from the Saudi jail was reported on CBS's "Morning News" on April 17, 1984. Footage of this interview is on our video. This news program is very important, because it PROVES when Ron first went to find Mt. Sinai. Unfortunately, there are other men who are trying to discredit Ron and say that "they" actually found Mt. Sinai. (NOTE: This material was originally included in this article, but I asked Jim if it could be edited out. I did not find it editfying to the Body...Eph 4:3. If you wish to hear the details of this, please write to Jim via private E-mail and he has agreed to send you the information.) In 1985 Ron was invited back to Saudi Arabia by a Saudi prince who was interested in seeing if Ron had really located Mt. Sinai. This is where David Fasold enters the picture. David Fasold was in the process of making his first trip with Ron out to see the Noah's Ark site (at Ron's request), and David Fasold also managed to come along on this trip to inspect Mt. Sinai. Arriving at the site, the men saw all the evidences. Not only was the top of the mountain peak burned black, but the golden calf altar is still there, with Egyptian-style petroglyphs of cows and bulls painted on those rocks! They also saw the remains of some of the buried 18 foot diameter columns erected 5 feet apart that were to keep the people out of the Holy Precinct area. Ron was congratulated for making the discovery, but the Saudis again CONFISCATED all of his pictures and video. They said that his pictures would be returned to him at a later date when he could come back to excavate. But it seems that they later changed their minds, and instead decided to "squelch" the discovery. Ron has not been able to go back there, and the Saudis put a chainlink fence around the area and posted a guard shack and a warning sign telling people that this area is "Off Limits" by order of royal decree. THE ROCK AT HOREB We have also located the giant rock at Horeb, the rock that Moses struck with the staff! When Ron was there in personin 1984 and 1985, he says that he did not see this certain rock at that time -- only when he received the did he see it! This giant boulder is on the Rephidim side of Mt. Sinai, exactly where the Bible says it should be! This upright boulder is absolutely HUGE, it's at least 5 stories tall, and it is sitting atop a rocky hilltop that itself is at least another 8 stories in height -- and this boulder has a vertical split running right down the middle of it! And on both sides of the split boulder there is evidence of obvious water erosion, as ALL of the rocks around base of this boulder are worn totally smooth from water that once flowed from this rock! The pictures of this rock at Horeb are truly stunning. See it on our Web Page! The final bit of news that we have about the Mt. Sinai site is something that has not been fully documented. It seems that about a year ago the Israelis discovered a lot of activity going on around Jebel el Lawz and thought it was military activity. Now they want to be involved. David Fasold gave a Jewish writer (who may have worked for the New York Times) a copy of Ron's video footage and Ron's newsletter material, and the man is in the process of writing a book about all of it for a major publisher like Simon and Shuster. Again, this information is not solid. It may or may not be something that is in the process of happening. CONCLUSION The **real** Mt. Sinai has finally been discovered! And the true Red Sea crossing site! And both of these things were discovered by Ron Wyatt. I invite everyone to see our Web Page and view this material -- it is truly awesome! And if anyone would like to order Ron Wyatt's "Presentation of Discoveries Video" or his 133-page "Discoveries Volume" newsletter set, please feel free to contact me at 74532, The address for our Exodus Web Page is ************** The Origin & Results Of The New Age By: Raymond Clarke (Raymond Clarke) Exactly what is the "New Age"? My own personal definition of the New Age is that it is a satanic conspiracy whose purpose is to develop a one world government with the expressed purpose of bringing the Anti-christ to power. You will recall back near the beginning of time the story of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel. God looked down and saw an evil world beginning to take form and realized that the people, unified with evil intent, could do whatever evil came to mind and He came down and confused the language in order to divide the "one world " into many different tongues and nations. The world has remained a world of many nations for some six thousand years but today we see that this same evil is once again on the move and rapidly becoming that "One World Government" over which the Anti-christ shall indeed rule during the last seven years of the period of time known as the "Tribulation" This is an anti-God move which is bent upon reorganizing the world under one government which is diametrically opposed to what God did in the beginning of time when He separated the people into many different tongues and nations, therefore, I submit to you that this a satanic conspiracy in the first degree. The New Age can, however, be traced back even into eternity past when Lucifer rebelled against God and declared that he would become like God. Satan has never given up on his plan through the ages and has, throughout the history of man, orchestrated his plan which will come into full fruition during the Tribulation. Satan and his demonic hordes have carefully laid plans throughout the history of man which has even today brought the world to a point in time that he will make his final push for total control just before God takes him down. Even today it appears that he is winning the battle for the heart and soul of mankind. He has carefully worked to organize many religions in an effort to make it appear that Christianity is just another of many world religions. He has cultivated an elite group of menthroughout history who are considered the great thinkers of the day who have deceived the world and through their "great intellect" and mankind, in rebellion against God, has bought into their lies in the name of intellectualism. These men have ranged from those who openly declare that there is no God to those who profess that there may be a God but in this day of enlightenment they really have no need for Him. Since this kind of rhetoric is coming from the intellectual elite, primarily the think tanks and universities around the world Satan has managed to get the world to believe that the Christian is the poor, dumb lack luster, intellectually deficient, narrow minded, Bible thumping, ignorant, soul whose only purpose in life is to hold back progress. In the name of science, (intellectualism) Charles Darwin put forth his ideas on evolution and the world, without one bit of scientific evidence, bought into this theory and almost over night the "scientific method" was trashed as the scholars of the nation and around the world declared evolution fact. The schools around the world have promoted this theory as fact. Charles Darwin realized that evolution was un proven and denounced it but Satan had his explanation for the origin of man before the world and there was no stopping it. No one has done more to promote evolution than the public schools of America and it is a lie out of the pit of hell, therefore, I , as a professional educator, have declared that the public schools of this nation are indeed nothing more than a tool of Satan designed to win the heart and soul of our children. In recent years we have become so concerned about the New Age while evolution is the real culprit and we have just about accepted it along with the rest of the world. As though this were not enough out of the great emphasis on evolution came yet another anti-godly philoosophy known as humanism whic openly declared that there is no God. Even if one could refute my contention that the schools of this nation are teaching evolution as fact, no one can deny that our public schools are filled with the humanist influence. Your children and mine are being taught in the public schools every day that there is no God. They may not come right and say or even proclaim that but humanism is an anti-godly philosophy. Once the creation was trashed by evolution then man became the ultimate being answerable only unto himself. Out of this thinking came the corruption of the morals of this nation as situational ethics became the order of the day in the public schools across America promoted largely by John Dewey, author of the first Humanist Manifesto , and also known as the "father of progressive education". There were many other intellectuals who helped to promote the humanist movement but I can't give "credit" to all who deserve it. However, I do not want to leave out one organization which has pushed the humanist agenda as strongly as any I know and that is the National Education Association and its local affiliates of which I must admit that I was a member but I was a member that fought them on most issues no matter that I was fighting a losing battle. I believe this strongly enough that I now proclaim that public education has lost its right to educate the youth of our nation and if we as parents do not reclaim that right we will see many of our children in hell. Sorry but we no longer have time to be polite to these intellectual snobs and/or institutions whether it is the classroom teacher, the school administrators, the NEA or the great "thinkers" of the day if they are promoting the humanist agenda they are promoting an anti-Godly philosophy. The next logical step from evolution to humanism is from humanism to the New Age which is a conspiracy orchestrated by none other than Satan himself. The new age has been nurtured and carefully cultivated all these many years in the eastern religions and was designed for the sole purpose of bringing the Anti-christ to the throne and we are even now well into that phase of the operation. Wake up America! Wake up Church! Wake up parents! Patrick Buchanan is one of the few politicians who has tried to bring this message to America and America is falling into yet another trap set by Satan as they come to accept the world wide assault upon Buchanan as an extremist. Alan Keys made a gallant effort to deliver a similar message along with a few others but most Americans paid no attention. Now there will be some who may be offended that I brought politics into the discussion for in all probability they believe in separation of Church and State. I ask only one question. What are you going to do when Jesus Christ becomes "King of Kings and Lord of Lords" and the government is upon his shoulders. Do you believe that He is going to separate the two? Hardly! Perhaps I am beginning to sound a little radical myself but it is time for someone to speak out and sound the alarm! I recognize that a part of the "Body of Christ" is awake and alert but I fear that many are completely "in the dark" and consider only economic issues to be important. We certainly heard that during the last presidential election. God's word clearly teaches "...Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all of these things will be added unto you..." It is time to move with all speed to declare God's Word for therein is our only hope but it is the only hope we need! Indeed the "New Age Movement" is undeniably a Satanic Conspiracy designed to capture the heart, soul and mind of our children. Make no mistake about it many of those well intentioned educators do not have a clue as to what the problem is all about. Do not ever believe this newage influence is not even now prevalent in the schools across this nation and around the world. It is constantly in front of our children each Saturday morning in the form of cartoons being beamed into our living rooms via way of TV. It is gradually creeping into our textbooks ever so subtly. It is being promoted by almost every segment of our society many of which do not even recognize what is happening. The Federal Government is either knowingly or unknowingly promoting the "New World Order" as this nation surrenders its sovereignty to world organizations. Under the guise of anti-terrorist legislation, hate laws, environmental laws etc. the US Constitution is being gutted and, given the right time and situation, do not ever believe that these laws will not be turned and used against law abiding citizens and against Christians in particularly. I believe strongly that it is a matter of time before Christians will literally be persecuted in this nation. Even now they are being ridiculed, maligned and portrayed as right wing extremist and this is but a prelude to the coming persecution. It is a sad state of affair to see our government moving headlong into the hands of none other than Satan himself . Terrorism is indeed despicable and no Christian will have any part of it but we have experienced very few major terrorist acts in this nation's entire history, therefore, do we want to so quickly lay aside the Constitution and destroy the God given rights of millions of US citizens under the guise of combating terrorism? I think not! I submit to you that there is a far greater sinister force at work behind the scene and that which we see happening in this nation today is not to combat terrorism but to move this nation methodically toward acceptance of a "One World Government". Even the strong emphasis on crime has always been a politically popular issue but sadly today I fear that it has become a front to move this great nation to a point whereby it is willing to sacrifice its freedoms to gain a little security and once legislated away we will never regain the freedoms we lose. I fear the trashing of the Constitution much more than I fear crime as hideous as crime may be. No legislation is going to solve the crime problem for crime is but a symptom of the decayingmorals of this nation , yet all the politicians want to get on the band wagon of being tough on crime. Think about it. How long have we been hearing about how tough various politicians will be on crime and it has only grown worse? It has gotten to the point that I am turned off when any politician starts talking about how tough they are going to be on crime when they need to be talking about the decaying morals of this nation. All of these problems are paving the way toward the one world government. Just remember one thing. Every time we protect the rights of a criminal we are protecting our own rights and once the criminal loses his rights every American has lost their rights. My brother was a young, twenty-five year old police officer who was slain while in the line of duty. If anyone has any reason to hate crime I do but God forbid that his killer be denied his constitutional right because that would only deny every American his rights. My fellow Americans, we had better wake up before we find ourselves so locked into this "world system" that therewill be no turning back. We may well have passed that point of no return even now. If you do not believe this now just give it a few more years or perhaps months and you will suddenly wake up and realiize that indeed the "one worl government" is upon us and the wonderful freedoms we have long enjoyed in this nation are a thing of the past. We will suddenly realize that the rights we denied the criminal will be denied to each of us. I sense in my spirit that a gradual darkness is even now enveloping this nation and there seems so little that we can do about it and perhaps we can't for Bible prophecy indeed tells us that such a time is coming in this world. There is even now only one recourse for us and that is to get into God's word and stand as we have never before stood upon that word and know that we have an unbreakable covenant with Jesus Christ as surety. There is hope but only in God's word! It will be found in no other place for indeed the "spirit of the Anti-christ" is even now engulfing the world and no one can stand against it save those who know who they are in Jesus Christ and will stand unmoved upon God's Holy Word. May God have mercy on this nation! If you doubt that this is happening just take a look at your child's textbooks especially in the area of social studies. Through our social studies courses, the classrooms of this nation are promoting globalism and de-emphasizing patriotism or nationalism. This nation is surrendering its national sovereignty to world organizations. We are being hit on every front through many different organizations. The overwhelming majority of the environmental groups are straight out of the pages of the New Age Movement, although there is nothing inherently wrong with concern for the environment. "Animal rights" is another code word to watch for in the New Age Movement, although no one believes that we should mistreat animal life. There is something wrong when we spend millions of dollars to protect the "snail darter or the spotted owl" but continue to brutally butcher innocent babes through the abortion mills of this nation. Where are our priorities? Our children are being taught to protect " Mother Earth" and you can rest assured that whether the advocates of such "stupidity" know it or not this is purely "newage" rhetoric.Until then may God bless you and keep you even in the midst of the brewing storm! Submitted By Raymond Clarke 1609 Lakeview Drive NW Cullman, AL 35055 ************** Prophe-Zine's News Bites Prophetic News in UK By: Trevor Thirsk Re Prophetic News. In the UK we have the Mondex trials in Swindon, this is a smart card which is going on for Approx 18 months now. The adoption by retailers has been slow but most larger outlets and store chains in the area now accept the card but there isn't a great deal in the news about this at present. My opinion re this type of card that a really big player will push this forward ie Visa as they will have the info structure and backup to implement the new technology, Mondex is backed by Banks and some big corporations but in essence they are a startup company and have a long way to go to catch up the major credit card organizations. After writing the above this morning I read the following article in Computer Weekly and so I have included it for your information:- BANKS BUY INTO A CASHLESS SOCIETY. "The battle to control the pockets of a future cashless society stepped up a gear last week as 17 banks around the world bought into the Mondex electronic purse experiment at a cost of �76.5m. NatWest Bank, which has footed the bill for most of the development of the stored value payment card being trialled in Swindon, UK, hopes eventually to raise �100m from selling shares in the new company, Mondex International. NatWest held bac 23.5% of the shares for sale to future franchise holders. Stored value cards contain chips which users can load with digital cash. The Swindon trial shows they are popular for small cash transactions such as buying newspapers, bus and parking tickets because users can simply swipe and go. There is no fiddling with cash, or signature and no waiting for authorization from a bank. The new Mondex consortium is backed by Australian and New Zealand banks as well as US based Wells Fargo. Other global payment organizations are already testing versions of stored value card. Europay Mastercard and Visa, which created the EMV specification last year to set a global standard for cards so retailers need just one terminal, updated it last week with the launch of EMV '96." NB Isn't it interesting how only the good points of the new system ie quick, easy, no fiddling are only mentioned, what about the fact that all your purchases can be traced and checked and that your bank account can be controlled electronically. Also the major downside to this system is that the card can be lost or broken or the memory erased. This will bring about the mark of the beast where by all will have to have a mark, this will be voluntary at first heralded as overcoming the short falls of cards but will then become compulsory (Rev. 13:16-18). One point of interest is that at the moment there is great talk and debate about Britain joining the EMU (European Monetary Union), and also whether or not we should be in the European Union or not. The plan is for the first stage of monetary union by 1999, this will involve the major countries, Germany, France, Belgium and UK? possibly others. Some politicians are saying we must keep are options open and others have realized what the EU and EMU (great acronyms) will mean to our country, that is the loss of Sovereignty and government to a Federal European government. We are already feeling the effects of being in the EU as for example a current issue with fishing rights in UK waters. The situation is alot more detailed than I can go into here but the basic story goes that UK fishing trawlers are restricted as to what they can catch in the waters of the north sea, however Spanish fishers can come along and take what they like and are no returning smaller and younger fish to the sea therefore reducing the fish stocks. And guess what, there is not alot that we can do about it and meanwhile people and families who have fished these waters for generations are out of work and because of limited catches are unable to earn a living and repair their boats and slowly but surely the industry is declining. I must point out that I am not one of those families but just reporting the situation to you, this is one instance where we no longer are able to govern our own land and waters that immediately surround us. We are due a general election before May 1997, are system works differently in that a maximum five year period of government is allowed by one party and the governing party can call the next election at anytime during their government and the time is up in May 1997, so the EU and EMU situation is a major political talking point at the moment in fact a minister resign from his post this week stating that he wishes to concentrate his efforts on fighting for us not to join EMU because of the transfer of sovereignty. As has been reported in various articles in Prophe-Zine In the last days the Anti-Christ will reign over the revived Roman empire ie Europe (the original European union treaty which was signed by Britain was called "The Treaty of Rome"). So will we be in Europe or not if we are then we will be under great pressures regarding many things but mainly economics and spiritually, however if we decide to come out of Europe we will have greater spiritual and religious freedom, IMHO. See you soon. Trevor. ++++++++++++++++ The Temple Institute From: The following Information retrieved from: SHOMRON NEWS SERVICE SNS News Service "The Temple Institute" January 26, 1996..5 Shvat 5756..Number 890..Update from Israel This Supplemental Update is a translation of an article which appeared in the "Today" section of Ma'ariv Newspaper on January 21, 1996. The Temple Institute (Machon HaMikdash) in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City has been involved in the research and restoration of the vessels of the Holy Temple for many years. The garments worn by the priests who served and the musical instruments they played are among the items that are being restored. This is the only institution in Israel today that is involved in this project only. Asthe institute policy states, "to prepare the groundwork for the building of the Third Temple." In the eyes of Minister of Education (Meretz) Professor Amnon Rubenstein, who relies on a report prepared by the General Security Service (GSS), the institute is problematic, even dangerous. Dangerous to the point that the Minister is doing his utmost not to cooperate with the institute and is planning to cut off the NIS 40,000 that is received annually by the institute from the State budget. According to Rubenstein, the publications of the institute and its leaders preach racism, call for breaking the law, and in actuality, promote violent acts and possibly terrorism. The persons involved in the Temple Institute state that they deny allegations of their breaking the law. They go on to attack Professor Rubenstein, stating that he is violating their basic rights of free speech and is working towards smearing the institute's good name. The disagreement has reached the Israel Supreme Court. The petition was brought by the Temple Institute against Minister Rubenstein. Rabbi Ariel's eulogy for Dr. Baruch Goldstein brought about the explosion. Last week, Professor Rubenstein presented the High Court with evidence that was given to him by the GSS and is classified as "privileged information" concerning the institute's leaders, Rabbi Yisrael Ariel and Rabbi Mordechai Karpel. Rubenstein: "Based on the information received from the GSS, I am more certain in my belief and therefore carried out a thorough investigation which revealed thorough complete and definitive results - government funding should not be allocated to the Temple Institute. I am convinced of the information that was gathered regarding the institute's heads that painted a negative security profile." The information presented to the High Court makes a connection between the institute's leadership and an old plan that was connected to [members of] the Jewish Underground. "To cleanse the Temple Mount and to blow up the Dome of the Rock." There is also a connection to the "extremist" group Chai Vekaiyam,whose members have engaged in illegal attempts to pray on the Temple Mountand have been involved in skirmishes with police. The privileged information isso extremely sensitive that it received the signature of Prime Minister /Defense Minister Peres ordering it to remain hidden by the High Court in order to not reveal its source and those informants that assisted the GSS in building the case. The Minister of Education did not keep this information to himself. He shared it with the Ministers of Tourism and Religious Affairs. They too allo cate funding from their respective budgets to the institute. "From the discussion that I had with the two Ministers regarding the institute, even though they did not see all the privileged material that tied the leaders to the Jewish Underground, they too decided to freeze financial aid for the time being" added Rubenstein. We are dealing with a sum in the area of NIS 100,000. IT is no secret that the institute is also suffering from financial difficulties. The leaders admit to this publicly. "Identifying with the mass killing which was based on racism" It appears to me that the difference of opinions between the parties involved stemmed from the eulogy delivered for the late Dr. Baruch Goldstein. The eulogywas delivered by Rabbi Yisrael Ariel. In his eulogy, among other statements made, Rabbi Ariel called Dr. Goldstein, "a holy martyr" who is sitting above with the righteous of our nation. According to the state's version, Rabbi Ariel stated:"Baruch Goldstein will be an advocate for us in the heavens. This was not the act of a single man (referring to the killing of 29 Arabs in the Maarat Hamachpelah {cave of the Patriarchs} in Hevron). He heard the shouts from the earth and did what he had to reduce this cry. The cries were not put to rest by peace accords - but rather by bloodshed." The Education Minister explained to the High Court: "With his statements, he (Rabbi Ariel) in essence, identifies with the actions of Baruch Goldstein. It is doubtful if money from the state treasury can be allocated to organizations whose leaders are of the views, and conduct themselves in such a way that is contrary to the acceptable moral standards of the state and the goals of the national education." Rubenstein added that the institute published an article entitled Tzivia, which includes in it articles that would be classified as insightful and advocate racism. Actually, the writings support violent acts and terrorism. The authors who contributed to the written work were among the founders of the institute. Some of the names mentioned were; Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, Rabbi Dov Leor (Chief Rabbi ofKiryat Arba), Rabbi Moshe Asher, and past members of the Jewish Underground. Some of the statements made in the publication, according to the Minister, imply that the authors align themselves with the outlawed Kach Party. In the past, Rabbi Ariel held the number two position on the Kach list for the Knesset. "Must the Ministry of Education and Culture sponsor the distribution of literature which supports the past members of the Jewish Underground which stated their intentions of blowing up the Dome of the Rock (Al-Aksa Mosque)? Is there a connection with this and the institute's goal of erecting the Third Temple? Should the Ministry of Education fund a publication that speaks of 'removing Christians from the land and doing away with the democratic system' and decides that in the war between us and the Arabs it is permissible to cause their death even if they do not endanger us?," the Minister asked the High Court. They published cries to kill gentiles and drive them out of the land According to the Minister, articles that appeared in the first three publications of the institute, include identifying with the actions of the Jewish Underground and their just actions. "The attack against [Arab] mayors and the Islamic College as well as the bombs are acts that should enlist a public outcry." In the publications of the institute they speak of cries to kill gentiles and drive them out of the land, and to break the law if it violates Torah Law (Jewish Law). Minister Rubenstein to the High Court: "I have been unable to separate the institute's mission to speedily rebuild the Temple and the support given to the violent acts and praise for acts such as the calling for the blowing up of the Dome of the Rock. These are ideals that coincide with those of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane." Now with this new information provided by the GSS, the Minister informed the High Court that his position is strengthened. The GSS Non-Arab Investigations Unit Head called "Ehud" stated that for a long period, Rabbi Ariel served as Rabbis Kahane's "right hand." He called for IDF soldiers to refuse orders to evict Jews from Yamit (Sinai). He supported violent acts against Arabs. The GSS has acquired information painting a negative security profile regarding Ariel's activities. The GSS also warned that the General Director of the institute, Rabbi Mordechai Karpel, was among the leaders of Chai Vekaiyam until recently. Chai Vekaiyam is headed by Yehuda Etzion (of the Jewish Underground). In Rubenstein's own words, "Chai Vekaiyam is an organization that denies the legitimacy of the government and calls for a revolution by provocative actions on the Temple Mount. A restraining order has been issued to Karpel prohibiting his going up tothe Mount for a period of six months. "We are investigating the Chilazon and the Red Heifer. " According to the case presented by attorney Moshe Drori, who represents the institute in the case brought before the High Court, the picture is entirely different from the facts presented by Professor Rubenstein. They describe the institute's activities as investigation into the Temple's role from a Halachic (Jewish Law), historical, and archeological perspective. "Our studies have received international recognition. Representatives from universities around the world come to meet with us. To date, we have received some 300,000 visitors. Approximately 50% of them students. In 1994, 34 students participated in our activities and not one of them spoke of the so-called anti-democratic views." In their words they continue their research into the priestly garments, the Techelet (blue dye taken from the Chilazon {species of shell fish} used in religious practice) and the Red Heifer. Actually, points out Drori, the allegations against Rabbi Ariel have not been proven. Even if he did say what he has been alleged to have said, he spoke in thecapacity of a private individual and therefore it is not relevant for the High Court. Drori added that the statements were made in accordance with free speech which make provisions for "dangerous points of view." For his calling Dr. Goldstein "Holy", there are provisions in Jewish law which state anyone dying because of being Jewish is termed "Holy", and this was the case with Dr. Goldstein. Drrori adds that they do not violate Israeli law but stress the important role and necessity of the Temple. "Can the State withhold funding from an institution because the so-called ideals of its leader may contradict the what are being called the democratic and Jewish values of the State? Would we deny funding to a museum whose director advocates transfer?" stated Drori. In a Supreme Court hearing last week, the High Court granted Drori an extension to prepare additional evidence which relates to Professor Rubenstein's recent statements. Once this evidence is presented, the Justices will review the "privileged evidence" presented by the GSS and reach their decision regarding the State's withholding funding to the Temple Institute. **** SHOMRON NEWS SERVICE is an independent news service reporting on the events surrounding the Middle East peace process. SNS is not affiliated with any political party or governmental agency. Archival Web Site: To subscribe to SNS, please e-mail: with the message: subscribeFor questions and all other information, please e-mail: 27 Heathway Court * London England * NW3 7TS * 44-181-458-6510 Fax: 44-181-455-8701 Copyright, Shomron News Service, 1996 ++++++++++++++++ ORWELLIAN EDUCATION As Reported by: William Jasper The New American July 22, 1996 Last October, the House passed overwhelmingly the Careers Act (H.R. 1617) while the senate companion bill, the Work force Development Act (S. 143), sailed through with remarkable bipartisan support. Final passage of the landmark legislation was expected to come before Thanksgiving. A disturbing phenomenon arose to upset the celebration. As one leading House Republican noted, "A grassroots rebellion is taking place around the nation" in response to the proposed new laws. Representative Henry Hyde has taken lead in the fight against this school-to-work legislation, "I'll tell you why it is so important to repeal these laws," said Hyde: "The plan for Goals 2000 was developed by Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Ira Magaziner, and Marc Tucker, president of the National Center on Education and the Economy (funded by the Carnegie Foundation), prior to Clinton's election. It is a concept for dumbing-down our schools and changing the character of the nation through behavior modification (a vital part of this plan). It moves away from an academically intensive curriculum to one that is integrated with vocational training, producing skilled manpower for the labor market. The economy will be controlled by the federal government by controlling our work force and our schools." Moreover, Hyde noted that this dictation of career paths by Big Brother would apply not only to tiny tots, but to adults as well. Under a national school-to-work system, siblings who have already graduated will be forced to return for vocational training and behavioral modification. Adults who want to change jobs or who involuntarily lose their jobs will also be required to enter retraining through adult education and vocational classes in order to qualify for work certificates for future employment. But the work force fascists have even grander usurpations in mind -- like assuming the power to decide what the state's "resources" shall live. Hyde noted. "statewide Work force Development Boards have formed to study which labor skills are needed in each state to determine 'human resources' training requirements. Of course, this will decide also where these human resources will reside. They will have to live where the 'state' chooses, according to what skills the 'state' has chosen for them to learn." Further invasive intrusions into our lives are aimed at ultimately stripping away all privacy. Hyde warned, "national electronic information will be gathered on all students and adults who receive educational and vocational benefits. The information will be disseminated to one-stop career centers and follow them through their working careers (life-long learning)." William Jasper The New American July 22, 1996 ++++++++++++++++ NORTHWEST BIOREGION UNDER CONSTRUCTION Under the Wildlands scheme, the basic unit of governance would be the "bioregion" which would be presided over by a "Bioregional Council" composed of environmental activists. Each of the bioregions would be under the immediate authority of the UN's Trusteeship Council. The May/June issue of _Ecologic_, the journal of the free-market Environmental Conservation Organization, reports that such a bioregion may be under construction in the Northwest: "Cascadia," an area encompassing Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, and the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Colombia. The Cascadia concept is a project of Seattle's Discovery Institute. Alan Bluechel, president of the North West Economic Region (NWER), describes Cascadia as "our regional version of the European Economic Region." The NWER, which is making ambitious plans for joint economic development and planning, is underwritten by the seven states and provinces, as well as by a federal grant. Significantly, many of the major corporate and political players are deeply involved in Wildlands-related initiatives, and Cascadia would fit nicely into a map prepared by the Sierra Club which divides North America into 21 bioregions. The New American July 22, 1996 ++++++++++++++++ RENEWING THE OSLO 2 PROCESS: PM Netanyahu will send Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Yasser Arafat a "staged plan" to continue negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. The Jerusalem Post reports that Netanyahu informed the cabinet on Tuesday that he has authorized FM Levy to meet with Arafat, and sources said the meeting willtake place next week. The plan -- which was first presented to US President Clinton last week -- details Israel's demands of Arafat, and lays out a time schedule for moving forward on outstanding problems between the two sides. During the first stage, Israel will demand that Arafat immediately close all PA institutions in Jerusalem. The PA will also be requested to ensure that activity against terrorism is a continuing policy, not only a tactical decision. One of Israel's top demands will also be that the release of Hamas and Islamic Jihad activists from Palestinian jails be halted. During the second stage, after violations have stopped,Israel will raise the level of contacts with Arafat, ease the closure, and support international aid to the PA. In the third stage, discussions on the Israel Defense Force's (IDF) redeployment in Hevron will be opened. After the Hevron issue is solved, additional redeployments in Judea and Samaria will be discussed in keeping with the Interim Agreement. When the remaining problems with the Interim Agreement are resolved, final status negotiations will be renewed. Meanwhile, Netanyahu, in Cairo Thursday for a meeting with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, said Israel is committed to peace agreements and will honor existing accords, Kol Yisrael reported. Speaking at a joint press conference, Mubarak said negotiations between Israel and Syria, and between Israel and Lebanon must be renewed immediately. Mubarak said Syrian President Assad has said he is indeed pursuing peace (piece?). Netanyahu and Mubarak emphasized that the atmosphere at the meeting was positive. (Israel Line) +++++++++++++++++ TISHA B'AV ON THE TEMPLE MOUNT: On July 25, is Tisha B'Av on the Hebrew calendar. The day is one of mourning for the destruction of the First and Second Temples. It is a day when the Book of Eicha (Lamentations) is recited by Jews worldwide. The Temple Mount And Land Of Israel Faithful Movement makes an attempt to recite their prayers on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City. This has become an annual effort. To date, despite Supreme Court rulings supporting their efforts, it has never been accomplished. Despite several Supreme Court rulings over the years, permitting Jewish prayer on the Mount, Jerusalem District police officials have always utilized a clause permitting the overriding of the High Court ruling. Due to what they call, the provocative nature of a Jewish prayer service on the Mount, which police state will cause a violent Moslem response, Jews are forbidden to pray on the Holy site. This year, members of the Temple Mount Faithful and their supporters are more optimistic. PM Netanyahu has stated his position, one that supports the Jewish right of free worship, including on the Mount. The Temple Mount Faithful have issued a public statement, calling on PM Netanyahu to make good on his pre-election promise, to permit Jews to pray on the Mount. The announcement states: "The prayer, secured by police & IDF forces, will take place on Tisha B'Av, next Thursday at 9 am. Meeting at the Western Wall, next to the Mugrabi Gate (Western Gate of the Temple Mount). This should be the first step to free Har Ha'Baiyit (Temple Mount) of its foreign occupation and establishing the Third Temple." The following is a a review and analysis of the legal parameters, as well as the public policy concerning the Temple Mount, as regards entry and prayer by Yisrael Medad. "Despite the Law for the Protection of the Holy Places, 1967, and its clauses assuring freedom of access to and worship within each religion's holy sites, despite their reconfirmation in the Basic Law: Jerusalem, 1980, and despite the recognition of those rights, in principle, by Israel's High Court of Justice, in practice the Israeli police consistently refuse to permit any form of Jewish prayer in the confines of the Temple Mount compound. In addition, any outward appearance of religiosity such as Tallit (Prayer Shawl) fringes hanging out, a Prayer Book or other religious tome or any ritual object such as Tefillin (Phylacteries), Lulav (palm branch) or the like are banned. In essence, a Jew may enter his Most Sacred Site but may not do so in a way that would be Jewish. Some two dozen petitions have been heard by the High Court of Justice in the past 28 years. Throughout them all, the main thread is less a formalistic argument than an agreement by the justices, that in the matter of theTemple Mount, there is an overriding principle of "sensitivity". The "principle of sensitivity" dictates that because Moslems view the Temple Mount Courtyard as their exclusive domain and will engage in violent acts to counter any display of Jewishness, then it is in the interests of public order to prevent a Jew from exercising his legal rights. The presence of a Jew, as a Jew and not as a "tourist" or "visitor", is a provocation. As Professor Itzhak Englard has written: "In substance, the prohibition of public prayer is a violation of the principles of collective freedom of religion" (Amer. Journal of Comparative Law, 35:1987, p. 198). Jurists and legal experts from the West and especially the United States will readily realize, that based on such a principle, the Civil Rights movement would never had made any gains, not to speak of gay rights and a plethora of social, religious and ethnic issues. In one instance, in 1994, the Justices ordered the police to insure the entry of Jews (H.C.J. 3995/94) but nevertheless gave the police a free hand to cancel their order if public order needed to be preserved. Needless to say, with 300 angry Moslems led by the Deputy Mufti gathered inside the main entrance of the compound, the Jews assembled outside were denied entry. The point should be stressed that it is not the wish of Jews to pray inside any Moslem building. In this regard, though, it is worth drawing attention to the fact, that such an arrangement already does exist in Hevron, where Jews and Moslems pray under the same roof. The Israeli Police and Border Guard Units, utilizing electronic instruments, assure the peace at that holy site. It is undeniable that, legal and security arguments aside, it is a political consideration which denies Jews their civil rights and liberties. For example, although the High Court of Justice has confirmed, inter alia, that the Temple Mount surely is a Jewish holy place, the Department for Holy Places of the Ministry for Religious Affairs does not list the Temple Mount as such, budgets no money for it and in no other way administers the site. Most crucial, the Judges refuse to obligate the relevant Minister to formulate and adopt administrative regulations that would allow Jews to pray on the Temple Mount by defining, for example, the location and times for prayer. The day-to-day administration, actually, is in the hands of the Jordanian Wakf. The religious officials tending to the Temple Mount are not Israeli government employees. They are uniformed and carry sophisticated communications equipment. The Temple Mount is a testing-ground for the undercurrent of tensions between supporters of Arafat, King Hussein and Islamic fundamentalists among those in charge and who run the institutions that exist there: educational, cultural and political. Many people presume that Jewish Halachic (Jewish law) restrictions would deny entry into the Compound because of a Rabbinic Ban on steppinginto sacred precincts. However, that prohibition extends only to a 500 cubit-square area, which is considerably smaller than the current esplanade. Former Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren and others have pronounced in favor of a limited access. Archeological and scientific engineering research, which could contribute to the location of the 500 cubit-square are is disallowed. In fact, Jewish archeological remains are systematically destroyed or covered over. The underground passageways of astounding historical importance are off-limits. What we are witness to is the exploitation of the juridical system to the political demands of policy. Israel's Courts must be convinced that their duty is to uphold the law and the norms of justice. They themselves, lend a legitimacy to the flouting of legal principles. It should be noted that as recently as this month, Israel's High Court of Justice ordered the police to prepare for the protection of the right of Meretz supporters to demonstrate, even in a provocative fashion, along the Bar- Ilan Boulevard. Will they apply the same outlook to allow Jews to pray on the Temple Mount?" (SNS) +++++++++++++++++ THE PALESTINIAN CONSTITUTION: Palestinian lawmakers expect to wrap up debate on a constitution by the end of the month. Details of the latest draft -- published in the regional Arab daily Sharq al-Awsat --call for the creation of an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital. The draft published in the Sharq al-Awsat newspaper says Islam will be the official religion and Arabic the official language of the Palestinian Authority. The draft constitution is known as the Basic Law for the Palestinian National Authority in the Transitional Period. The draft provides the framework for a democratic government to guaranty basic economic, political, and civil rights of the Palestinian people. The Palestinian constitution also includes a clause calling for a council to monitor human rights. The addition is seen as a positive step following the arrest and detention of a leading human rights activist in Gaza after disagreements with Arafat. (VOA) ++++++++++++++ U.S. TROOPS TO BE USED AGAINST U.S. CIVILIANS? By: THE NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE Date: 26 Jul 1996 01:53:32 GMT 82nd AND 101st AIRBORNE DIVISIONS TO BE EMPLOYED AGAINST U.S. CITIZENS? DOMESTIC "UNREST" FORESEEN According to an upcoming report in March's SOLDIER OF FORTUNE magazine, pre-released on the Internet, the elite "All Americans" and "Screaming Eagles" Airborne Divisions may soon be policing U.S. towns and cities and manning checkpoints on U.S. highways, in direct violation of the Posse Comitatus Act, which forbids the deployment of U.S. troops against U.S. citizens. That Act was also notably breached at Waco, where machine-gun firing Texas National Guard helicopters were employed to open the pre-planned ATF assault and where Special Forces/Delta Force troops were utilized in a number of ways. At the present time, public affairs officers at XVIII Airborne Corps, Fort Bragg, Georgia, are refusing to comment. What is known, however, is that about 40 Army and Air Force legal and other personnel attended a secret "research symposium" at XVIII Airborne Corps, between December 6th and 8th, 1994, to strategize and study for the deployment of U.S. Army and Air Force personnel and resources to aid civilian authorities in "the suppression of domestic civil unrest". Something big appears to be in the wind! According to the editor of the Special Forces underground paper, THE RESISTER, interviewed for the SOLDIER OF FORTUNE article, the conference concentrated on the "legality" of using U.S. forces against U.S. citizens and on drafting suitable military rules of engagement. Army lawyers reportedly brushed aside dismissively Airborne officers' concerns that such deployment would violate the Posse Comitatus Act, one lawyer responding cryptically, "Not anymore, it doesn't." During the symposium at the U.S. John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, Fort Bragg, SOLDIER OF FORTUNE states, attendees analysed previous Special Forces operations in Panama, Iraq, Somalia and Haiti, concentrating on experiences gained there in the disarming of local populations via "wholesale gun confiscation, warrantless search-and-seizure sweeps and weapons buy-back programs." A key unit in such internal "suppression" would undoubtedly be the secretive and shadowy Delta Force, which is reported to have also played the leading role in the countries mentioned above. Delta Force draftees, who are largely drawn from the 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum {see our Web page article} and from the 3rd of the 75th Rangers, are primarily routed to the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, and to another division of the 160th based at Hurlbut field, Florida. This latter 160th group are reported to be flying a ninja-suited, ski-masked, heavily-armed unit named CJTF 6 around the U.S. in black helicopters. They are alleged to be able to do this with no accountablity through the simple device of having Special Forces members leave active duty then sign up as reservists and volunteer for "special assignment". Another shadowy black ops group which would doubtless also be employed is 12th Special Forces, originally based in Arlington Heights, Illinois, but recently divided and relocated in two other states. The 10th Mountain Division, a 10,000 man-strong Light Assault Division, is based at Fort Drum in upstate New York, just south of the Canadian border. Fort Drum covers a geographic area the size of metropolitan Toronto, and is intensively used by both U.S. and Canadian troops for urban-warfare and house-to-house "search and seizure" exercises. The entire Division is winter-capable, is trained in shock assault and urban-warfare tactics, and is currently reported to be learning French. Its only attached transportation assets are helicopter squadrons capable of lifting it a relatively short distance very rapidly. At least one respected Canadian analyst has theorized that it has been positioned to intervene in a future Canadian "crisis" by seizing the Canadian Forces communications center at Kingston and cutting Highway 401 at that point. That would effectively paralyze any Canadian military response, cut the country in two at its English/French center, utilize the Canadian Shield [which runs almost down to Lake Ontario in that locality] to block any alternative East-West movement, prevent any reinforcement or defense of Ottawa from Toronto, and permit a rapid advance up the 401 to seize the capital. The only Canadian military unit which could have offered any credible resistance to such an assault, the Canadian Airborne, based at Petawawa, was recently disbanded because of the "furor" which "erupted" - largely in the media - over videos taken of hazing and initiation rites performed by soldiers who, in almost every case, had already completed their tour of duty in the Airborne and returned to their own regiments. U.S. military spokesmen originally claimed that Fort Drum was intended for "jungle warfare training". Now they prefer not to answer questions about it. But the distinct possibility of a crisis caused by Quebec's separation has some Canadian eyes turning nervously, once again, to Fort Drum. This item is taken from the March, 1995, issue of THE NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE. The provisions of the recently- passed Omnibus Counter-Terrorism Bill have now made this an ominous possibility... ************************************************************** (c) Copyright, NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE, 1995, 1996 ************************************************************** YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO DISTRIBUTE BY PHOTOCOPY, INTERNET, BBS, DISK OR FAX. No commercial use allowed. [newsletter, electronic and book authors may quote this item if source and this complete subscription information section are included] The NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS UPDATE is a monthly newsletter which concentrates on geopolitical analysis, the New World Order, current events, legislative and other threats to liberty, and the personalities and groups espousing a global World State. See our Web page at for additional information. Each Newsletter averages 31-50 pages long, in small but clear type. Address subscription or Review Copy requests to: NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE, 651 MOUNT PLEASANT ROAD, TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA M4S 2N2 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES [for 12 monthly issues] ARE: CANADA $120.00 plus $8.40 GST UNITED STATES $110.00US [includes international postage] AUSTRALIA/NZ $215.00 Australian [includes international postage] OVERSEAS $168.00 Canadian [includes international postage] YOU CAN OBTAIN A REVIEW ISSUE BY SENDING: $12.00 Canadian if you live in Canada $10.00 U.S. if you live in the United States $14.00 Australian in Australia and New Zealand $18.00 Canadian for other overseas addresses Please make your cheque or money order out to "TORONTO CHRISTIAN BOOK CENTRE, publishers of THE NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE. You may also order by Visa or Mastercard, provided that your card number, expiry date and signature accompany your order. CANADIANS might also wish to order a copy of our astonishing Spring, 1995, Special Report on QUEBEC AND THE PLANNED BREAKUP OF CANADA, which gives the amazing inside story on the men and motives behind the Quebec Separation movement and their connections to David Rockefeller and the North American elite. We give you the entire script and timetable from insider sources! Send $10 plus 91c GST for the complete Report and learn the TRUTH behind the current political theatre which has, as the culmination of its plot, the destruction of Canada and US-Canadian Continental Union in less than a decade. Detailed, factual and gripping reading which will also alert and prepare you! Send us your e-mail address if you'd like to be on our electronic Prophecy and New World Order news and book review mailing list. +++++++++++++++ "The information superhighway is a revolution that in years to come will transcend newspapers, radio, and television as an information source. Therefore, I think this is the time to put some restrictions on it." -- U.S. Senator James Exon +++++++++++++++ ABUSE OF PSYCHOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM By California Assemblyman Steve Baldwin As Chairman of the Assembly Education Committee, I often receive complaints from parents all over California regarding our public schools. One of the most common complaints is the use of highly inappropriate games, programs, and exercises that utilize psychological concepts. This approach reflects a new trend in education in which educators see themselves more as psychologists and counselors rather than teachers. Indeed, in certain academic circles the premise that all children start school mentally ill seems to be gaining ground. One prominent child development expert, Dr. Chester Pierce of Harvard University said this: "Every child in America who enters school at the age of five is mentally ill, because he comes to school with an allegiance to our institutions, toward the preservation of this form of government that we have. Patriotism, nationalism and sovereignty, all that proves that children are sick because a truly well individual is one who has rejected all of those things and is truly the international child of the future." Some of these programs are called "wellness" programs, "at- risk' programs, or "intervention" programs. But the students targeted aren't special education students; they are normal students in normal classrooms. And the people administering these programs aren't psychologists but are teachers. In fact, the complaints have become so commonplace that professional psychologists have approached the legislature with legislative proposals prohibiting teachers from using psychological techniques without a license. Most of the parent complaints revolved around the following psychological programs: * Life/death Games. Lifeboat is amongst the most common of what they call life-death games. In this game a child is forced to write essays or verbalize about a traumatizing situation usually killing of family members. In Lifeboat, for example, a child is asked to identify which parents should be thrown overboard to the sharks due to a dwindling food supply. The child usually is asked to write an essay as to why they chose to kill that particular parent. * Group Therapy. This usually involves removing small groups of children from classrooms to other rooms in the school and having them hold hands and share feelings about various topics such as parents, divorce, sexual habits, etc. The most common game is one where each child shares a family secret and is urged to think of the group as a new family. Clearly, this undermines family authority. * Psychological Testing. These are tests which usually range from 50 to 100 questions regarding a child's beliefs, values, and behavior. They involved highly inappropriate questions about sex, suicide and one's value system. In some cases the answers from such tests are then used by teachers to assess whether or not the child has politically correct views. If not, the child may be subjected to additional "behavioral conditioning" to meet the school's definition of politically correct citizens. * Guided imagery. The two most popular Guided Imagery programs in public schools are DUSA and PUMSY. Both contain highly controversial new age techniques such as having children visualize out of body experiences. * Self Esteem Programs. These programs, while well intentioned, are designed to give students self esteem by using a number of behavioral modification techniques. The problem is that it is not only inappropriate, but there is not a shred of evidence that self esteem programs work. The latest issue of Psychology Review publishes results of a study of self esteem programs and found that they do not work. The best self-esteem program is teaching students basic skills! * Death Education. This involves reading and writing assignments that focus on death and dying. Sometimes students are asked to write "suicide" notes pretending they are going to kill themselves. The theory is that if we desensitized students to death, they will become better students. However, such assignments also cause trauma at least two suicides in California have been linked to "death education" assignments. In most cases, parents have no idea that such programs even exist in schools, and indeed most schools do not have such programs. But enough schools do that it is a cause for concern. I recently submitted a variety of psychological programs from San Diego area schools to Dr. Malcolm Mornson, a licensed education psychologist. In his assessment of the material, he says, "Are teachers who receive a 4 day training program capable of handling these issues? Absolutely not . . . Too many of these issues are usurping parental prerogatives. Teachers are empowered only to act "in loco parentis." Dr. Morrison concludes by saying the material is, "well- intentioned, but a very dangerous approach. I suggest that the teachers concentrate on doing what they do best--teaching basic skills to children. Obviously, there are children with problems. These should be handled, but certainly not by the classroom teachers. We have an obligation to offer counseling services to students, but as an adjunct to the classroom, not as part of it." The amount of time we spend on teaching basic skills has dwindled in the past 20 years. In some schools, partly due to the shift to behavior based programs and exercises. And the results are in--they are disastrous. Just a few months ago, the latest results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAFP) showed that California was dead last in the country in reading and math scores. Now that the Republicans have taken control of the State Assembly and I have the honor of being Chairman of the Assembly Education Committee, we will be holding hearings on the misuse of psychology in the classrooms. Furthermore, there will legislation introduced this session on this issue. Assemblyman George House has introduced Assembly Bill 3188 prohibiting teachers from practicing psychology, and Assemblyman Scott Baugh has introduced Assembly Bill 2820, which expands the rights of parents to not only be notified of such programs but exempt their children from them. +++++++++++++++ FEDERAL TROOPS GUARDING YOUR CHURCH? As originally reported by: Newsweek July 1, 1996 President Clinton is close to announcing a "very significant deployment" of personnel to the soutth to help prevent -- not jus investigate -- arson at black churches. The White House would start by sending in federal marshals and personnel from agencies such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) to help community groups protect their local churches. If stronger measures are needed, however, Clinton may call on governors to activate National Guard units. "This is a change from investigating the fires to guarding against them." says one Clinton adviser. ++++++++++++++ Are You Fit to Be a Parent? by William Norman Grigg Through the alchemy of controlled media debate, the custodians of respectable opinion transmute the unthinkable into the inevitable. This process appears to be well underway regarding the totalitarian proposal that parents be required to obtain a license from the government in order to raise their own children. (See "Whose Child Is This?" The New American, November 28, 1994.) Since last November, when Dr. Jack C. Westman of the University of Wisconsin-Madison published his book Licensing Parents: Can We Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect?, at least two more self-appointed "experts" have ventilated similar proposals, and Dr. Westman has availed himself of high-profile media appearances to promote his scheme. According to the December 21st Dayton (Ohio) Daily News, noted child psychiatrist Foster Cline has also embraced the notion that "licensing parents is ... an answer to the youth violence occurring in the world today." Cline is director of the Colorado-based Evergreen Consultants in Human Behavior and was an early advocate of "rage-reduction therapy," a process in which (according to the Daily News) children are "forced to deal with their rage and anger." Speaking at the Midwest Children's Con- ference at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Cline declared, "Some parents aren't fit to be parents. If you can't pass the sixth grade, you shouldn't be able to have children." Like Westman, Cline believes that parental licenser would provide pre-emptive protection from crime and other social ills. Targeting the Underclass Similar arguments have been proffered by David Lykken, a professor of psychology at the University of Minnesota. In a forthcoming book, The American Crime Factory: How It Works and How to Slow It Down, Lykken endorses a system of parental licenser. Furthermore, Lykken targets his proposals squarely at the underclass and sketches detailed enforcement mechanisms and sanctions for those who fail to comply. As summarized by the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, "Under Lykken's system, if children were born to unlicensed parents, the state would intervene immediately. Licenses would be checked in hospital maternity wards. Unlicensed parents would lose their children permanently. Adoptions would be final and irreversible." Furthermore, sanctions would extend beyond the abduction of "unauthorized" children. Lykken informed the Star-Tribune, "Repeat offenders might be required to submit to an implant of Norplant [a surgically implanted contraceptive] as a way to keep them from having another baby for five years." Lykken points out that the task of caring for children seized from unlicensed parents would require the development of "alternative parenting mechanisms"; significantly, he believes that this leads us "back to Newt Gingrich's orphanages."* Lykken apparently believes that a system of state-supervised orphanages might be established to replace the nation's foster care system: "The foster-care system in most of the United States is very inadequate. I think we should professionalize [i.e., publicly fund] foster care." ------------------------------------------------ *NOTE: It is interesting to note that the National Task Force for Children's Constitutional Rights, a group whose co-founder, Judge Charles Gill, has endorsed Westman's proposal, supports a "children's rights amendment" which would include "the right to care of a loving family or a substitute thereof"; the enforcement of such a "right" would require the development of "alternative parenting mechanisms." ------------------------------------------------ Although there are literally millions of generous, decent foster families in this country, the system is indeed a serious problem. Many parents who have been falsely accused of child abuse have seen their children kidnaped by "child protection" workers and placed into the foster care system, only to find that their children have suffered genuine child abuse at the hands of inept or corrupt foster parents. Others, like the Jim Wade family in San Diego, have seen their children taken into "protective" custody and placed into foster homes on a fast track for irreversible adoption. In the Wade case, the child "protection" agency was seeking to have the child adopted before the father could be exonerated of sexual molestation charges. Abuses of this sort happen frequently in the foster care system precisely because of the "professional" elements of that system whose powers would be augmented under Lykken's proposal. Dr. Westman has stated that his parental licenser program would begin with homes which receive public assistance. Lykken is even more emphatic on this point: "If you live in the projects on welfare, then you can't have a baby. And that sounds awful.... But the question is, if you liven a plague area, have you a right to bring a child into a plague area?" Such statements raise the suspicion that a third "k" is missing from Lykken's name. However, he takes care to specify that his proposal would eventually apply to all parents, without regard to race or class: "This is not racially based. The facts are, most of the parents who neglect and abuse their children are Caucasian. And from the socio-economic point of view, it is not classist because half of the children who are neglected and abused do not receive public assistance." Guarding the Guardians Should the present welfare system evolve into what Herrnstein and Murray call, in The Bell Curve, the "custodial state," adoption of a parental licenser system like that envisioned by Lykken would be a logical step. Middle-class Americans might even be tempted to embrace such a system as a rational alternative to subsidized bastardy and the incubation of social pathologies in the ghetto. However, in the "custodial state" this question would remain: Who will guard the guardians? Although this system would begin with the underclass, all of the proposals of parental licenser would eventually encompass all American families, and the predictable abuses would ensue. For instance: If, as Foster Cline asserts, a sixth grade education is a necessary prerequisite for parenthood, why couldn't the state make graduation from a government-operated high school a condition of receiving a parent license? If, as Lykken suggests, the state could require implantation of Norplant to prevent "unauthorized" births, could it not also require irreversible sterilization, or even abortion? Furthermore, Lykken's suggestion that state officials prowl maternity wards to deter the birth of "unauthorized" children would not be novel to refugees from Communist China. Media discussions of parental licenser have carefully avoided an examination of constitutional questions, clinging instead to matters of "practicality." Implicit in such discussions is the notion that the state has the power to impose such a system should it become "necessary," and licenser advocates insist that "incompetent parenting" has created a social crisis. Westman notes that "the U.S. Advisory Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect in 1992 declared child abuse and neglect a national emergency, and nobody paid any attention to it." Lykken strikes a similar note, declaring, "The'American crime factory' is turning out these sociopaths at an ever- increasing rate. We can't keep building more and more prisons. We've got to do something to turn off the spigot." To persuade the public of the necessity of parental licensing, Westman, Lykken, and other advocates are pursuing a version of what could be called the "Burning Reichstag Gambit." Just as the National Socialists stampeded the German public into a police state by screaming, "The Reichstag's burning -- suspend the consti- tution!" advocates of parental licensing maintain that the social emergency created by "incompetent parenting" justifies the assumption of unconstitutional powers by the government. In doing this, they appear to be following a script which was composed during the last decade. The Star-Tribune observes that licensing parents "has been suggested before, usually cloaked in whispers or tempered by nervous laughter.... Experts whose jobs involve the protection of children, from teachers to social workers to family court judges, have arrived at the threshold of parental licensing before, only to turn away at the drastic nature of such an idea." In a seminal 1980 essay on the subject, entitled simply "Licensing Parents," philosophy professor and soi-disant children's advocate Hugh LaFollette contended that licensing parents is proper because "any activity that is potentially harmful to others and requires certain demonstrated competence for its safe performance ... is subject to regulation...." According to LaFollette, "since some people hold unacceptable views about what is best for children ... people do not automatically have rights to rear children just because they will rear them in a way they deem appropriate." Among the "unacceptable views" to be eradicated through parental licensing is the belief that "parents, particularly biological parents ... have natural sovereignty over their children." From LaFollette's perspective, "to protect [children] from maltreatment, this attitude toward children must be dislodged." LaFollette is typical of "children's rights" advocates who assume that all parents are potential criminals. Predictably, his essay attracted the attention of other activists who believe that all citizens are potential criminals, and that the fight against crime will require that the state absorb the functions of the home. Criminologist Gene Stephens of the University of South Carolina, who serves as a chapter coordinator for the World Future Society, endorsed the parental licensing concept in "Crime in the Year 2000," an essay published in the April 1981 issue of The Futurist magazine. Writing almost 14 years ago, Stephens predicted, "Parental care inthe year 2000 may be different from today's and better, since by then the movement to license or certify parents may be well under way" (emphasis added). Not content with the usurpation of parental authority, Stephens suggested a fully-realized program of eugenics: "In most cases, certified couples would be allowed to have their own natural children. In some instances, however, genetic scanning may find that some women and men can produce 'super' babies but are not well suited to rear them. These couples will be licensed to breed, but will give up their children to other people licensed to rear them. The couple who raises the child will be especially suited to provide love and compassion and the best possible care that the child feels wanted and needed in society. The very fact that children will feel wanted could lead to better development of their egos and, thus, of their capabilities. Child breeding and rearing, then, may be considered too important to be left to chance.... [Wanted] children will have fewer environmental reasons to turn to crime and controlled breeding will result in fewer biological reasons for crime." "We're All Criminals" Stephens does not appear to be uncomfortable with the totalitarian nature of his proposals. He told The New American, "In China, the government requires parents to obtain a license before they are permitted to have a second child. Unfortunately, when my article people would object that 'oh, that idea's just like the communist Chinese program.'" Furthermore, according to Stephens, regarding crime, "It's not a question of us versus them; it's us -- we're all criminals." This is because "of the way in which people are socialized in this country. The rite of passage for an adolescent is to break the law, or defy authority. As the last election shows, we don't like government, we don't like authority, and we don't like being told what to do." (Of course, in the American constitutional tradition, the state does not exist to tell citizens "what to do," but rather to protect their individual rights and property.) Stephens told The New American that although he doesn't think a full- fledged program of parental licenser is an immediate possibility, "a lot of school districts offer -- and some districts require -- enroll- ment in Parent Effectiveness Training courses beginning in the sixth grade." He also cites "conflict resolution" programs "which are taught on a mentoring basis or using a peer approach, in which high school students are taught the skills and then they teach junior high kids, and so on." According to Stephens, "there's just gobs of these types of programs in school districts across the country." A State Initiative With "experts" emerging to endorse parental licenser, and with preliminary programs like those described by Stephens proliferating through the government school system, traditionalist parents might wish to examine the merits of a proposed Parental Rights Amendment (PRA), which could be adopted at the state level. Of the People, a grassroots pro-family group based in Arlington, Virginia, has created the following model PRA: "The right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their children shall not be infringed." The legislatures of nine states considered proposed PRAs in 1994, and 12 states -- Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Oregon, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin -- are expected to debate the proposal this year. The addition of a PRA to a state constitution would provide a significant obstacle to social engineers such as Westman and Lykken -- a fact not lost upon the child "protection" bureaucracy. When a PRA-style measure was proposed in Kansas last year, its opponents cynically labeled it the "David Koresh Amendment." State Representative Denise Everhart, an opponent of the measure, declared that "I have a thousand stories of child abuse that I will recite on the House floor one at a time if I have to in order to keep this amendment from passing." Jim McDavitt, director of the Kansas Education Watch network, reports that LaFollette's essay "Licensing Parents" was cited by a critic of the measure during testimony before the legislature's judiciary committee. The recent electoral rebuke of Clintonism may deflect some of the more grandiose social engineering schemes at the federal level. However, the states are planted thick with social engineers like Westman and Lykken who will implement their schemes if they are permitted to, creating precedents which will set the parameters of future federal policies. While pro-family activists should not leave matters of federal (and global) social engineering unattended, the battle over parental licenser will probably be fought at the state and local levels. ***************** Publication Cycle Notice: Prophe-Zine will be published (up loaded), on the 1st and the15th of each month. (bi-weelkly) Prophe-Zine is freely distributed to the major on-line services, BBSs, and to the Internet. You can also get back issues at Prophe-Zine's web site. Address: The Editor of Prophe-Zine can be reached by sending e-mail to: Please write the Editor if you are interested in receiving guidelines for submission to Prophe-Zine Statement of Faith THE PURPOSE of Prophe-Zine is to carry out the command of the Lord Christ Jesus, recorded in Matthew 28:19: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations" Prophe-Zine is a Christian publication grounded in the deity of Christ and the inerrancy of Scripture. 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