Prophe-Zine, Issue # 16 April 1, 1996 Credits.......... Statement of Faith......... & Other stuff......... Raymond Gano..........Welcome to Issue # 16 Raymond Clarke........A Nation In Turmoil: Why? Alan Yusko....Why I Believe The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Prophe-Zine News Bites..... Assorted Authors and News Services Special thanks to: Raymond Clarke. Ray is a retired school administrator and has had many years in the school system. I want to thank him for taking the time to write such a in depth article. I really liked his article because it is coming strait from the horses mouth. Great job and keep the aticles coming Ray.! Publication Cycle Notice: Prophe-Zine will be published (up loaded), on the 1st and the15th of each month. (bi-weelkly) Prophe-Zine is freely distributed to the major on-line services, BBSs, and to the Internet. You can also get back issues at Prophe-Zine's web site. Address: The Editor of Prophe-Zine can be reached by sending e-mail to: Please write the Editor if you are interested in receiving guidelines for submission to Prophe-Zine Statement of Faith THE PURPOSE of Prophe-Zine is to carry out the command of the Lord Christ Jesus, recorded in Matthew 28:19: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations" Prophe-Zine is a Christian publication grounded in the deity of Christ and the inerrancy of Scripture. The major intent of the editors is first, the giving out the message of the Gospel, "For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures," 1 Cor. 15:3-4. The Editor of Prophe-Zine holds to a strictly literal and inerrant Bible interpretation, salvation through Christ alone, a soon pre-tribulation Rapture of all believers and the establishment of a thousand-year kingdom on earth. The evangelism of the unbelievers and the exhortation of the believers take precedence over all other activities of this ministry. Prophe-Zine may not agree with some of the authors and their beliefs, but Prophe-Zine believes that we must endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit (In other words agree to disagree), so Prophe-Zine feels that it must give equal time to other biblically based doctrines in all fairness. Eph 4:3 Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. The Legal Stuff About Prophe-Zine Prophe-Zine Copyright � 1996 Raymond B Gano All rights reserved. Please ask for permission before reproducing or reprinting specific articles and/or graphics, since some of the individual works appearing in Prophe-Zine are copyrighted works belonging to their respective authors or artists and are used here with their permission. Prophe-Zine may be freely distributed under the following conditions: It may not be included in a software package without prior consent from the author. It may not be distributed or reproduced for commercial purposes. Prophe-Zine's editor uses a Quadra 840 AV Macintosh computer. Programs include: MacWrite, , Color-It, JPEGview, OnLine Bible KJV 2.1. The Editor is currently looking for submissions, artists, writers, fiction, reviews, columnists and other help for Prophe-Zine articles. If interested, please write the Editor to receive a guideline for submissions. Feedback and suggestions from the Prophe-Zine readers are ALWAYS WELCOME! Don't just tell me that you actually liked reading Prophe-Zine, tell me what YOU would like to see in future issues! ***************************** Welcome to Issue # 16 Hello All, And once again it is that time for you to download the newest issue of Prophe-Zine. In this issue I am trying something a bit different. What I have done is just posted 2 major articles and then the rest is newsbite. There is SO much going on that I am almost tempted to just do a newsbites special issue just to bring everyone up to speed. A lot has been going on these past few weeks. There has been bombings and the Primaries in Israel, US and Russia, Earthquakes and volcanoes, The Terrorist Bill has passed in a watered down bill, There is a standoff in Montana with the Freemen, I can go on and on. So what I would like to hear is if you are interested in getting a special issue every once in a while with just news. March was pretty busy and a lot went on. Your feelings and opinions? If I do not get much response I will not do it, but if I get a large amount, then I will put something together. I want to thank all of you who have been sending in stories and news items. I also want to thank all of you who have been keeping me in your prayers. I have really felt the difference, please keep it up. Another thing, I would really like to hear what is going on in the rest of the world. If you live outside the US, can you send me situation reports of what is happening in your country and how you see things there fall into Bible Prophecy. So any help that you can offer in this aspect, please let me know. Well that is all that is going on, again I want to remind you that I have my daily mail list of news. If you want on, please let me know. This is news that I officially can not print in PZ because of copy right issues, but is ok for private mail lists. I cover Israel news, UN news, Politics, and ANYTHING that relates to Bible Prophecy. Just recently I sent out to articles on rebuilding the temple and the ark of the covenant. This is just to let you know. So until we meet here on this earth or in the air with our Lord..... As for me and my household, we will always serve the Lord, Ray Prophe-Zine **************************** A Nation In Turmoil: Why? By: Raymond Clarke As a youngster growing up in a small south Alabama town in the forties and fifties when the nation feared God and still held to moral absolutes, I was greatly influenced by the Judio Christian values handed down to me from my parents. Drugs were something you read about in the papers occasionally in the big far-away cities but were largely unknown in small town America. Crime was at a minimum and all of the movies which were available taught very plainly that crime did not pay. It was safe to walk the streets in most cities after dark and murder was rare. Teen pregnancy was an almost unheard of event which usually brought shame and disgrace upon the family name. If a young girl got pregnant often she was sent to live with relatives in a distant town. Abortion was seldom considered a viable option even in the case of teen pregnancy. It was unheard of as a means of birth control and certainly it was not supported by our government. The nation reverenced God and schools were required to begin the day with Bible reading and prayer. The Ten Commandments were a common site in the schools and people lived by them. Having survived two world wars the nation was at the height of its glory and God prospered this nation in a way in which no nation has prospered since. No doubt there were problems but nothing compared to what the nation faces today. Political leaders were for the most part considered to be statesmen and their priorities were upon what was best for the nation rather than their own selfish interests. The greatest problems facing educators were chewing gum in the classrooms and running in the halls. Teachers were highly respected and were almost always given the unquestioned support of parents. If students got into trouble at school seldom did they tell their parents for they knew that it would probably mean trouble at home. People's word was their bond and there was trust among people. In a court of law the bible was often used as an authority and attorneys were well versed in biblical knowledge, for they depended upon it to develop support in their cases. Today we have lawsuits filed for displaying the Ten Commandments in public buildings. Since the Ten Commandments are the basis of our law, this makes no sense whatever. Where have we as a nation gone wrong? During this apparent time of spiritual prosperity sinister forces were even then at work to wreak havoc upon this nation and turn it from its Godly heritage to an anti-Godly institution which now holds spiritual matters in disdain. The attack was coming on many fronts and the Church or the Body of Christ reveled in their freedom of religion in which they could truly express themselves as they desired. As this onslaught started gaining momentum, the Church went to sleep and failed to make a stand. From where did this sudden change come? When did it start? Why did not the Church recognize what was happening and speak out against it? We have awakened today to find this Nation in the throes of turmoil because it has forgotten its spiritual heritage and has rebelled against Almighty God and has, in fact, become an anti-Godly nation bent upon self-destruction. Who is responsible? The nation is searching for answers today but finding few. Most of us have wrongly identified the culprit as our government and I would agree that our government is pushing this nation headlong into destruction with its anti-Godly policies but the problem did not start with our government. The problem started when the Body of Christ started compromising with the world and buying into the lies of Satan. which were presented to the nation largely through our institutions of higher learning who were instructing the teachers of our children. These institutions of higher learning began promoting the humanistic agenda that effectively filtered down through our high schools and elementary schools teaching the younger generation that there is no God. John Dewey, known as the "father of modern education", was the author of the first Humanist Manifesto which declared that there is no Supreme Being and that mankind was the ultimate being responsible only to himself. All prospective teachers were required to study this man's philosophy, thus begins our downward spiral in morality and we are headed for "ground zero" at an alarming rate unless someone is willing to "Stand In The Gap"! Our government is but a reflection of our society and our society is but a reflection of what the Church (Body of Christ) has become. I realize that in saying this I bring the responsibility down upon the Church and this will not be comfortable for many church leaders including those active in the ministry. However, until the ministers of this nation repent for that which they have preached from the pulpits of this nation and for that which they have failed to preach, effectively leading their churches into today's Laodician pitfall, this nation will continue its downward spiral into the worldly values which has brought this nation to this lowest level in modern day history. Lest we hang our ministers out to swing in the wind let us go one step further. It is true that these men of God should not have allowed themselves to fall into Satan's trap as they have because they knew from the beginning that Satan was the master deceiver and that certainly they were probably going to be his number one target. They should have known this and remembered it but the laymen of the church cannot sit smugly in their self-righteous seats of piety and blame the ministers of the gospel for they likewise have fallen into Satan's deceitful trap and demanded of their ministers a watered-down gospel, for they did not want to face the truth as depicted in the infallible word of God: No Compromise With Sin! What is it going to take to turn this nation around? We must all repent and get back into God's word. The problems facing this nation are not those of education as insane as public education has become; it is not our immoral corrupt government as bad as that has deteriorated in recent years; it is not the non-Christian world as evil has continued to perpetuate itself in modern times: it is not even the Madalyn Murray O'Hair's if this nation because we are told in scripture that if we would resist Satan he would flee from us, therefore, we must remember that these representatives of Satan are subject to the power of Jesus Christ which resides in every born-again Christian. In other words we born-again Christians posses the very power of Almighty God! What then is the problem? It is the compromise within the Body of Christ, for indeed we have compromised with sin! Yes, Christians, we have compromised and we must now repent and call the body of Christ to repentance. We must then move with determination and deliberate speed to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the non-Christian world and though it might include the far corners of the earth it likewise means to our next door neighbors. There must be a spiritual re-awakening in America if America is going to survive as we have known it in the past. Anything less than a spiritual re-awakening in this nation will move this nation even closure to destruction and it will literally be brought to its knees either before god in repentance or before the world in shame and defeat! It is decision making time and there is little time left. I want to explore more in depth one of the reasons this nation has reached such a point. It is a sad state of affair to see a nation such as the United States of America, a nation with such a rich spiritual heritage, sink to such a low point morally. We would do well to remember that the Roman Empire crumbled from within because of corruption and moral decay, not unlike this nation is facing today. We must understand that no nation can rebel against Almighty God without serious consequences. Study the history of Israel and you will learn about the seriousness of rebellion against God. It is not so much that God wants to punish his people, even though that option is obviously available to him, but, when a nation goes into rebellion against God, it opens itself to Satan's attack. God, being a God of "absolute perfection" cannot and will not violate his previously established word, therefore, Satan stakes a legal claim and God is bound by his word and must allow Satan certain privileges within that individual or nation unless that individual or nation repents. When that nation or that individual repents, then God can legally step in and turn the tide on Satan but if they fail to repent then God must allow judgment to come upon them. We find an example of this in scripture in Ezekiel 22: 30 - 31. The people had been in rebellion against God and were committing crimes not unlike those we see today in the United States. In verse 30 we read "So I sought for a man who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. Therefore, I have poured out my indignation on them; I have recompensed their deeds on their own heads," said the Lord God. This tells me that while God did not desire to bring judgment upon his people, he had no choice because of their rebellion and without someone standing in the gap or praying for the nation judgment had to fall upon the nation. His previously established word required it of him because he could not violate his word. Since there was no repentance then the judgment fell upon the nation. So it will be with this nation unless we repent. We must remember that God gave mankind dominion in this earth and mankind gave that dominion over to Satan following the fall of Adam and Eve. At that time Satan became the "god of this world" but Jesus reclaimed that authority on behalf of mankind when he arose from the dead following his death upon the cross. Man, upon receiving Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord, has his authority over Satan restored. Born again man can once again exert authority over Satan in the Name of Jesus Christ. You will recall that Jesus, upon his resurrection, was given all authority in heaven and in earth and he instructed man to "...go in his name...". In other words he regained authority over Satan and immediately delegated that authority back to mankind. Although born again man has authority over Satan, it must be noted that Satan is not without power even though he possess no authority of his own and has not yet been incarcerated. He is still "alive and well on planet earth". If Satan is without authority from where does he draw his power today? He draws his power from mankind both Christian and non-Christian. He is automatically in authority over the non-Christian, while the Christian often gives this authority over to him through a lack of knowledge, rebellion, doubt, fear, and/or unbelief. Because of God's respect for the authority of man he will respect and honor that authority even if man chooses to give it back to Satan. Satan has no authority of his own, only that which man continues to give over to him today. In short, scripture tells us that "we can have what we say". We can choose Satan rather than God and we can have Satan and everything he has for us which is absolutely nothing short of total and complete annihilation. God will honor mankind's right to choose Satan. Let us now consider one of the ways man has fallen into Satan's trap. When we begin to understand this we will realize very quickly why this nation is in "big trouble", but where does one begin? Satan has moved on many fronts through many different organizations and institutions, not the least of which is "Public Education". Satan knows that if he can control the minds of our children he can, within one generation, dominate and control the world. He has, therefore, through "the intellectual elite" of this nation, moved to dominate public education. Public education has become an anti-Godly institution bent upon the destruction of Christianity. I have, on many occasions, made the statement that public education has become the "tool of Satan". I have been a part of public education most of my life. I have, of course, participated as a student, as a public school teacher, as a public school administrator at all levels from the elementary principalship through the Central office level and with limited experience at the college level. I have spent at least fifty years in public education either as a student or as a professional educator. There was a time when I believed that public education could solve the problems of mankind if we could only provide the "right kind of educational programs". However, the longer I stayed in public education the problems of mankind seemed to grow worse. Education seldom provided solutions to the problems facing mankind. The problems facing the world today are staggering compared to those in the forties and fifties when I was growing up. At that time Bible reading and prayer were an accepted part of the school day. I dedicated my life to public education and labored to provide that "right kind of education". We met with some degree of success within the parameters which we were able to operate but public education failed miserably in solving the problems of society. It will continue to fail because the problems of society are spiritual in nature and public education has turned a deaf ear and absolutely refuses to acknowledge spiritual matters. By design public education has attempted to remove all vestiges of God or spiritual matters (as it relates to Christianity) from the classroom. At one time I innocently bought into this lie and "gave aid and comfort to the enemy" by accepting the idea that God probably had no place in the public schools. Although I continued to have Bible reading and prayer in my classroom long after the Supreme Court ruled that it was no longer permissible, I gradually came to accept the "politically correct" idea that indeed God had no place in the public schools and that it should be separate and distinct from the church. I was wrong! One cannot leave God out of any part of their lives and especially that part of a young child's life when his/her values are being developed. Often the question is raised, "Do you want to impose your religious beliefs upon others?" Yes, I do, however I believe that I would state the question in different terms. I think I might ask, " Do you want to share in the knowledge of truth in order to avoid eternal damnation and obtain eternal life"? If you are a Christian and know what the alternatives are then you likewise must desire to let the truth be known far and wide. Granted, we must respect the rights of others and allow them to make up their own minds as to what they want to do about Jesus Christ because God, himself, will respect ones right to make his own decisions. Every Christian, however, is under the command of the Word of God to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. We cannot allow any government or institution, including the public schools, to stop us from speaking the truth to any who will listen. We must remember that man is a spirit being, created in the image of God, living in a physical body and anytime we move toward self-sufficiency, having decided that we no longer need God, we are even in rebellion against God. This is exactly what the public schools are teaching today. As a result we are following Satan's lie which ultimately leads to destruction. This is why we see our society crumbling all around us, our children killing children, drive by shootings, drugs filling our streets and schools. We see abortion on demand, fetal tissue being used in experimentation with the expressed support of our government, homosexuality becoming an accepted life style, pornography rampant in our society and our schools moving away from its real purpose toward the promotion of a world government which calls for an end of our national sovereignty ( Read the textbooks even at the elementary level and see for yourself the expanded emphasis toward globalism, especially in the social studies books.) We also see crime rampant in this nation of laws, a rise in the cults, false religions, satanism, and thanks to John Dewey, the father of modern education and an avowed humanist, public schools are teaching children that there are no moral absolutes and that parents should not impose their morality upon their own children. May God forgive us! Is it any wonder that our nation is in "big trouble"? There is an attack upon the family today and public education is leading the charge through the efforts of the National Education Association which is doing everything it can to deny parents the right to a voice in the kinds of things their children will be taught. Do not ever believe that public education is innocent of these abuses. Who has done more to perpetuate the lie of evolution in the world than public education? Who has done more to promote the humanist agenda than public education? Our public schools are almost completely humanistic today and we need to stop and realize what that really means. It is an anti-Godly philosophy teaching our children every day of their public school lives that God does not exist. Of course only a very few classroom teachers may actually teach that "God does not exist" but the hidden agenda of many curriculum writers and text book publishers teach that fact every day. Most of the new curriculum programs and textbooks coming out today promote either the humanistic or new age agenda both of which are strictly anti-God. If the hidden agenda of public education is humanistic or new age and there is no denying that, then it is an anti-Godly incitation teaching that God does not exist or that we no longer need God. It is time to wake up America, for indeed, public education has become a major "tool of Satan"! Sound radical? Of course it does! It is time for America to go to its knees and repent which, to many, is a radical idea but that does not make it any less needed. It is time for a spiritual re-awaking in this nation where the people will stand up and let their concerns be heard loud and clear throughout the halls of the public schools across the nation and the halls of higher education. This is where the real problem exists today and it is coming through the "intellectual leaders usually found on the college and university campuses. I have been in their classrooms and I know what they are doing. This message needs to be heard resounding in the halls of Congress, in the White House, in the halls of the Supreme Court of the land and more importantly it needs to be heard from the pulpits across America. Let's face the facts, there are no secular solutions to the problems facing humanity and there is nothing short of a "Spiritual Awakening" going to solve the problems facing this nation even if we put ten thousand times ten thousand police officers on the streets, for indeed our problems are spiritual in nature and they will not "bow the knee" to the efforts of mere men! Abortion: Murder In The First Degree In he past two articles in this series I have written on " A Nation In Turmoil: Why?" In my last article I dealt primarily with the role of public education and its contribution to the moral corruption of America. I was plain spoken and shall continue to be plain spoken, for I feel that it is time to "stand up and be counted". In this article I will be very graphic because people need to realize what is going on in the abortion mills of this nation. When the American people stop and think about what is actually happening in the abortion mills of this nation they will rise up and demand an immediate halt to this destruction of innocent human life. No matter how much we try to salve our conscious by declaring that a "fetus" is not a human life, it does not change reality and we are kidding ourselves. There is not one straight thinking man alive who really believes that abortion is not the taking of innocent human life- you know it and I know it. I believe as firmly as I live and breathe that because of this holocaust our nation is even now under the judgment of almighty God. As long as our government gives its official sanction to this brutal destruction of human life this judgment shall continue. The problems of this nation shall continue to escalate and, short of repentance, there is nothing we can do about them. There is no way one can justify abortion on demand unless perhaps they buy into the idea of evolution and any who do are completely deceived but for those who may believe that man is nothing more than any other animal and that life is but an accident, then in their own twisted minds perhaps they could justify it. There is no way any born again Christian can support the taking of innocent human life through abortion. If we believe otherwise then we are completely deceived. There are, however, many professing Christians who claim the right of a woman to decide whether or not their unborn child will live or die but this in in direct conflict with God's word and even the Constitution of The United States. Sadly, I have heard many "so called Christian adults" make the statement that if a child is going to be born into a world where they will not be wanted, supported or loved, it would be better that they be aborted. What are we saying when we make such "foolish" statements? Do we really believe that it is better that society simply murder these innocent children? What about their constitutional right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness? Deny that to one we deny it to all. No one comes into the world with any guarantee of wealth or even love with the possible exception of God's Agape Love but they certainly have the right to the pursuit thereof. Many of our politicians do not, in their hearts, believe in abortion but they compromise for political expediency. " Well, I do not really believe in abortion but we have and it would be divisive to change it now and I really will not attempt to change Roe vs Wade, since it is now the law of the land," many of them feebly proclaim. To me this is worse than coming out openly and declaring that we support abortion no matter what. May God forgive this nation! Abortion is still wrong and an absolute violation of God's law or command that "thou shall not kill" and anyone giving support to it shall answer to Almighty God, rest assured of it. While I do not advocate going out on the streets trying to block abortion clinics, shooting doctors who perform abortion ( though I hold them in disdain), or shouting obscenities and hatred to those who are supporting abortion, I do advocate that we do at least two things. First the "Body of Christ" should go to its knees and invoke the spiritual weapons which God has instructed us to use-Prayer! Next we need to, in a calculated and determined manner, make our voices heard by our government and vote accordingly! This movement should start in the pulpits across America! Then we have the "Christians" who are always looking for a way to compromise with sin who will come at you with an emotional laden question such as, "What would you do if your daughter got pregnant by a rapist? Would you not support an abortion for her?" In the first place very few abortions are performed for that reason, however, I believe in the taking of NO innocent human life by abortion even if it is, "God forbid" a rapist conceived impregnation." If I can justify that exception, then I could justify any abortion. But one might ask, " What if the mother's life is literally at stake"? Again a very small percentage of all abortions performed are performed for that reason. However, in such a legitimate situation someone must make a decision. Given all available information the mother to be would have to make such a decision. I would simply ask this question. How many of you would give your life to save one of your children if they were facing imminent death. Most mothers would be willing to die for their children without batting an eye. How different is this? Recently Congress passed a law banning "partial birth abortions" and the Senate passed a similar bill. This procedure is so horrible that even our Congress and Senate are having trouble supporting it. The cruelty of such procedure is horrifying but so is the taking of any innocent human life and we must stop this insanity. In this particular procedure the child is allowed to be partially born. All of the child's body is outside the mother's body with the exception of its head. If the head were to be murder in the first degree but if the head is left inside the mother while the murder takes place then it is legal. May God forgive us! The abortionist then punctures a hole in the innocent child's head at the base of the skull and its brains are sucked out. This tissue is then used in human experimentation which was made legal by President Clinton's executive order soon after he was elected to the presidency. Mr. Clinton stated that he could not support this ban because it did not provide for the protection of the mother should her life be in danger. Have we not reached a sad state of affair when the President of The United States lacks the backbone and courage to make a stand on behalf of innocent human life? Besides, how can it possibly be considered protection for the mother when the innocent's child's head is left inside the mother's body while the abortionist punctures a hole in the child's head to suck its brains out rather than completing the delivery. Would this delay not further endanger the mother if she is in such a bad way? When the child is that far along in the birth process, there is no way it could endanger the mother further to complete the delivery. Then why do it that way? If the baby were completely delivered he/she would come under the protection of the US Constitution and it would become murder. However, in the eyes of almighty God, the mother, the abortionist, President Clinton, this nation and anyone else who gives support to this cruel procedure are already guilty of murder. May God help us! Several years ago, while I was still active in the Cullman City Schools in Cullman, Alabama as an Administrative Assistant working at the Central Office, there arose a big controversy in this area concerning some of the "Newage curriculum" which had found its way into many of the schools in this area including the system in which I served as an Administrative Assistant. It so happened that I had been reading rather extensively on the "Newage" at the time. Indeed, the "Newage Movement had begun to reach its tentacles into nearly every public school in the nation and our local schools were no exception. Parents became very alarmed and protest meetings begin to spring up in the area. because parents were concerned about what their children were being taught in the public schools. Being somewhat concerned myself, I wrote a letter to the editor of one of the local papers and, in effect, acknowledged that it was quiet possible that some curriculum materials with newage leanings may well have crept into our schools and that we needed to take these parental concerns seriously. If indeed we found such materials in our schools then we should take steps to remove it because it is indeed an anti-God philosophy in which students are often encouraged to relax, meditate and call upon "spirit guides" to come to them and help them. I was not sure that the implementation of these programs actually went that far but the possibility was built into some of these programs. Calling upon these "so called spirit guides" was and is in reality calling upon demonic powers. Parents were very concerned and rightly so. Unfortunately, my fellow administrators and especially my immediate superiors were not well versed in the "newage" philosophy and saw this as an attack upon their authority and their so called "academic freedom". To put it mildly my letter aroused "much concern" with my immediate superiors. When I refused to compromise my convictions on the issue and refused to "shut up" about the matter the atmosphere chilled rapidly. How dare I question the authority of this elite "group of educators." However, in all fairness I must say that this was indeed a well meaning group of educators but they simply did not understand the significance and the ramifications of this matter. But when I refused to retreat, in fact I moved ahead with "vigor" on the issue and further inflamed a few of these administrators including my immediate superior, I was called upon ( not very kindly) to explain my thinking. You can discuss a satanic conspiracy in your Sunday School Class or in church but did you ever try to explain a satanic conspiracy to a secular educator? These guys already feel their pseudo intellectual superiority and dare you insult their intelligence with such a thing as a satanic conspiracy. They just look at you a little funny and with disbelief in a slightly sneering manner. They simply cannot understand it nor can they deal with such issues. Regardless, I refused to give in to the demands made upon me concerning that matter. I elected to take my retirement soon after that confrontation because I knew that I would never give in to any such pressure and decided that I could best deal with it outside the system. You can totally disarm such a one when you step from under their direct control. I chose to do that rather than continue in the confrontation a move which left these school administrators completely disarmed. Indeed the "Newage Movement" is undeniably a Satanic Conspiracy designed to capture the heart, soul and mind of our children, make no mistake about it and those well intentioned educators did not have a clue as to what the problem was all about. Do not ever believe this newage influence is not even now prevalent in the schools across this nation and around the world. It is constantly in front of our children each Saturday morning in the form of cartoons being beamed into our living rooms via way of TV. It is gradually creeping into our textbooks ever so subtly. It is being promoted by almost every segment of our society many of which do not even recognize what is happening. The Federal Government is either knowingly or unknowingly promoting the "New World Order" as this nation surrenders its sovereignty to world organizations. Under the guise of anti-terrorist legislation, hate laws, environmental laws etc. the US Constitution is being gutted and given the right time and situation do not ever believe that these laws will not be turned and used against law abiding citizens and against Christians in particularly. I believe as firmly as I am sitting in front of this computer at this moment it is a matter of time before Christians will literally be persecuted in this nation. Even now they are being ridiculed, maligned and portrayed as right wing extremist and this is but a prelude to the coming persecution. It is a sad state of affair to see our government moving headlong into the hands of none other than Satan himself . Terrorism is indeed despicable and no Christian will have any part of it but we have experienced only one or two major terrorist acts in this nation in its entire history, therefore, why do we want to so quickly lay aside the Constitution and destroy the God given rights of millions of US citizens under the guise of combating terrorism. I submit to you that there is a far greater sinister force at work behind the scene and that which we see happening in this nation today is not to combat terrorism but to move this nation methodically toward acceptance of a "One World Government". My fellow Americans, we had better wake up before we find ourselves so locked into this "world system" that there will be no turning back. We may well have passed that point of no return even now. If you do not believe this now just give it a few more years or perhaps months and you will suddenly wake up and realize that indeed the "one world government" is upon us and the wonderful freedoms we have long enjoyed in this nation are a thing of the past. I sense in my spirit that a gradual darkness is even now enveloping this nation and there seems so little that we can do about it and perhaps we can't for Bible prophecy indeed tells us that such a time is coming in this world. There is even now only one recourse for us and that is to get into God's word and stand as we have never before stood upon that word and know that we have an unbreakable covenant with Jesus Christ as surety. There is hope but only in God's word! It will be found in no other place for indeed the "spirit of the Antichrist" is even now engulfing the world and no one can stand against it save those who know who they are in Jesus Christ and will stand unmoved upon God's Holy Word. May God have mercy on this nation! If you doubt that this is happening just take a look at your child's textbooks especially in the area of social studies. Through our social studies courses, the classrooms of this nation are promoting globalism and de-emphasizing patriotism or nationalism. This nation is surrendering its national sovereignty to world organizations. We are being hit on every front through many different organizations. The overwhelming majority of the environmental groups are straight out of the pages of the Newage Movement, although there is nothing inherently wrong with concern for the environment. The renewed interest in "animal rights" is another code word in the Newage Movement to watch for, although no one believes that we should mistreat animal life. There is something wrong when we spend millions of dollars to protect the "snail darter or the spotted owl" but continue to brutally butcher innocent babes through the abortion mills of this nation. Where are our priorities? Our children are being taught to protect " Mother Earth" and you can rest assured that whether the advocates of such "stupidity" know it or not this is purely "newage" rhetoric. Where did it all get started? What has brought us to such a place in the history of our nation? The Origin Of The Newage In the last section of this series I discussed infiltration of the Newage into our public schools in this nation. Exactly what is the Newage and how is it affecting this nation. My own personal definition of the Newage is that it is a satanic conspiracy whose purpose is to develop a one world government with the expressed purpose of bringing the Antichrist to power. You will recall back near the beginning of time the story of Nimrod and the tower of baal. God looked down and saw an evil world beginning to take form and realized that the people could do whatever evil came to mind (paraphrase of course) and He came down and confused the language in order to divide the "one world " into many different tongues and nations. The world has remained a world of many nations for some six thousand years but today we see that this same evil is once again on the move and rapidly becoming that "One World Government" over which the Antichrist shall indeed rule during the last seven years of the period of time known as the "Tribulation" This is an anti-God move which is bent upon re-organizing the world under one government which is diametrically opposed to what God did in the beginning of time when He separated the people into many different tongues and nations, therefore, I submit to you that this a satanic conspiracy in the first degree. The Newage can, however, be traced back even into eternity past when Lucifer rebelled against God and declared that he would become like God. Satan has never given upon his plan through the ages and has, throughout the history of man, orchestrated his plan which will come into full fruition during the Tribulation. Satan and his demonic hordes have carefully laid plans throughout the history of man which has even today brought the world to a point in time that he will make his final push for total control just before God takes him down. Even today it appears that he is winning the battle for the heart and soul of mankind. He has carefully worked to organize many world religions in an effort to make it appear that Christianity is just another of many world religions. He has cultivated an elite group of men throughout history who are considered the great thinkers of the day who have deceived the world and through their "great intellect" and mankind, in rebellion against God, has bought into their lies in the name of intellectualism. These men have ranged from those who openly declare that there is no God to those who profess that there may be a God but in this day of enlightenment they really have no need for Him. Since this kind of rhetoric is coming from the intellectual elite, primarily the think tanks and universities around the world (Snobs is what they are in reality) Satan has managed to get the world to believe that the Christian is the poor, dumb lack luster, intellectually deficient, narrow minded, Bible thumping, ignorant, soul whose only purpose in life is to hold back progress. In the name of science, (intellectualism) Charles Darwin put forth his ideas on evolution and the world, without one bit of scientific evidence, bought into this theory and almost over night the "scientific method" was trashed as the scholars of the nation and around the world declared evolution fact. The schools around the world have promoted this theory as fact. Charles Darwin realized that it was in fact un proven and denounced it but Satan had his explanation for the origin of man before the world and there was no stopping it. No one has done more to promote evolution than the public schools of America and it is a lie out of the pit of hell, therefore, I , as a professional educator, have declared that the public schools of this nation are indeed nothing more than a tool of Satan designed to win the heart and soul of our children. In recent years we have come so concerned about the Newage while evolution is the real culprit and we have just about accepted it along with the rest of the world. As though this were not enough out of the great emphasis on evolution came yet another anti-godly philosophy known as humanism which openly declared that there is no God. Even if one could refute my contention that the schools of this nation are teaching evolution as fact, no one can deny that our public schools are not filled with the humanist influence. Your children and mine are being taught in the public schools every day that there is no God. They may not come right and say or even proclaim that but humanism is an anti-godly philosophy. Once the creation was trashed by evolution then man became the ultimate being answerable only unto himself. Out of this thinking came the corruption of the morals of this nation as situational ethics became the order of the day in the public schools across America promoted largely by John Dewy, author of the first Humanist Manifesto , and also known as the "father of progressive education". There were many other intellectuals who helped to promote the humanist movement but I can't give credit to all who deserve it. I believe this strongly enough that I now proclaim that public education has lost its right to educate the youth of our nation and if we as parents do not reclaim that right we will see many of our children in hell. Sorry but we no longer have time to be polite to these intellectual snobs whether it is the classroom teacher or the great thinkers of the day. The next logical step from evolution to humanism is from humanism to the Newage which is a conspiracy orchestrated by none other than Satan himself designed for the sole purpose of bringing the Antichrist to the throne and we are even now well into that phase of the operation. Wake up America! Wake up Church! Wake up parents! Patrick Buchanan has tried to bring this message to America and America is falling into yet another trap set by Satan as they come to accept the world wide assault upon Buchanan as an extremist. Alan Keys is trying to deliver a message along with a few others. Still others have given lip service but I do not feel the commitment which will be needed to combat this hideous evil. Perhaps I am beginning to sound a little radical myself but it is time for someone who understands what is going on to make it known to America! I recognize that a part of the "Body of Christ" is awake and alert but I fear that many are completely "in the dark" and consider only economic issues to be important. God's word clearly teaches "...Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all of these things will be added unto you..." It is time to move with all speed to declare God's Word for therein is our only hope but it is the only hope we need! May God bless you, keep you and awaken you until the next time this is Raymond Clarke, retired professional educator turned writer with great love and concern for this nation and her children who are, I fear, being led like "lambs to the slaughter" while America sleeps. A short Bio. Raymond Clarke 1609 Lakeview Drive NW Cullman, Alabama 35055 I am a retired public school administrator having served thirty three years in the Public Schools of Alabama. I have served at nearly all levels of education including the elementary and secondary level. I have served as an Assistant Superintendent of Education and have had limited experience teaching and lecturing at the college level. Although I was raised in a Christian home I got far away from my up bringing and, to make a long story short, I came to the point in my life when I decided that God probably did not exist! I came to believe that all of the answers to mankind's problems could be resolved with the "right kind of education". I enjoyed a successful career in public education and some of the programs with which I was a part received national recognition. I lectured to many college classes in the Southeastern part of the nation. But the longer I was in public education I noticed that the problems of this nation only grew worse. No matter what we did thing got worse. I came to the conclusion that none of these problems could ever be resolved unless we could reach the hearts of mankind. The change must come from within and none other than Jesus Christ can bring about such changes. I have in recent years become a sharp critic of public education and today believe that it may, in fact, be one of the major problems of this nation. I am not saying that education is not important, for indeed it is but when you come to the conclusion that it is the answer then we are way off base. That is exactly where I find myself today. ********************************** WHY I BELIEVE THE PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE by Alan Yusko I wrote this tract in light of all the confusion concerning the timing of the rapture. I believe the Scriptures support the pre-tribulation rapture and this tract will outline some of the reasons why. One thing that pre-trib, mid-trib, pre-wrath, and post-trib rapture folks all have in common....they all believe that the Lord Jesus is coming back soon! However the 'blessed hope' is only for those who believe in the pre-tribulation rapture. The other views unfortunately, are all waiting for the anti-christ and not the Lord Jesus Christ. They have lost their blessed hope! The other views are robbers to the Christian as they seek to steal from the believer the imminent, soon, unknown, time & hope of the rapture. Another thing the other views have in common. They all viciously attack the pretribulation rapture. The goal is to disprove the pre-tribulation rapture at all costs. Each of the views contradict and disprove each other but they are all strangely united in their attack of the pre-tribulation rapture. The attacks have confused many Christians and caused some to forsake all prophecy. What a sad thing to happen! Prophecy is a blessing and it should be studied as about 1/4 of the Bible deals with prophecy in some way. Jesus rebuked the people of His day for not recognizing what was written by the Old Testament Prophets. They should have recognized all the prophecies related to the Messaiah. Today we are living in the days before the Second Coming of Jesus. How much more should we study and be encouraged by the sure Word of prophecy in these troublesome days. In this tract I'll present several reasons why I believe in the pre-tribulation rapture. REASONS FOR THE PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE ********* NUMBER 1 The 70 weeks of Daniel's prophecy. ********* This is for Israel not the Church! All the other false views on the timing of the rapture have one thing in common. They don't understand that God has a plan for the Church and God has a plan for Israel. The Church is a mystery, a called out people between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel's prophecy. Daniel 9 24 Seventy weeks are determined upon THY PEOPLE and UPON THY HOLY CITY, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. **Note: notice that the 70 weeks are 'determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city'. This is the Jewish people of Israel and Jerusalem. We could stop right here as Daniel specifically says that the 70 weeks are for Israel and not the Church. The Church is a called out people between the 69th and 70th week. To put the Church on earth during the 70th week is to contradict Daniel above. Notice that 70 Weeks of years (490 years) are determined upon the people of Israel to: - finish the transgression - to make an end of sins - to make reconciliation for iniquity - to bring in everlasting righteousness - to seal up the vision and prophecy - to annoint the most Holy (The Lord Jesus in the Millennial Kingdom) All this has NOT yet been fulfilled. It will yet be fulfilled upon the nation of Israel just like Daniel was told. Lets continue on in the prophecy: Daniel 9 25 Know therefore and understand, [that] from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince [shall be] seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. 26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof [shall be] with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. These verses are talking about the 7 weeks and 62 weeks of years which add up to 69 weeks. At the end of the 69th week the Messiah will be cut off. This happened at the cross of Calvary. So all that is left is that final week of 7 years. For a more detailed explanation get a good prophecy book that studies Daniel's 70 weeks. (Hal Lindsey, Grant Jeffery, M.R. Dehaan, Dwight Pentacost, J. Walvwood, Dave Hunt, Paul LaLonde etc...) For a review: Daniel said there was appointed 70 weeks of years for Israel to bring in all righteousness and setup Messaiah. When Jesus entered Jerusalem in His triumphal entry it marked the end of the 69 weeks. So we are waiting for the 70th week to be fulfilled. This 70th week begins when the anti-christ confirms a covenant with Israel for 7 years. In the middle of the week he will break his covenant and commit the abomination of desolation. 27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make [it] desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. Now between the 69th and the 70th week there is a time gap...commonly refered to as the Church age. Here it is graphically: 69 Weeks of years Church age 70th week |-------------------------| ============================ |----------| 483 years | + The Cross Points to consider: - The prophetic 70 weeks stopped at the rejection and death of the Lord Jesus Christ, The Messaiah. - That occured after 69 weeks or 483 years. - God has been using the Church (invisible body of Christ) during that time period. QUESTION: What caused God's prophetic time-clock to stop ticking after 69 weeks and what will cause it to resume at the 70th Week? Notice the following Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2 3. Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth [will let], until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 [Even him], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, God is currently restraining the anti-christ by His Holy Spirit working in and through the Church (all the Spirit-reborn believers). When this restrainer (The Church) is removed, then and only then may the anti-christ be revealed so he can rise to power and confirm the covenant with Israel. As long as that restrainer is in the world the anti-christ cannot come to power...God's restrainer is preventing that. (2 Thess 2:7) None of the other rapture positions can give any account for what is restraining the anti-christ. To clear upany misconceptions I'll say that the Holy Spirit will NOT be removed from the world. This is a common argument - based on lack of knowledge of the pre-trib rapture. It is usually given by those who say this 'proves' the pre-trib rapture is wrong. But the pre-tribulation rapture does NOT state that the Holy Spirit will be removed, but rather the Church will be removed. How can an omni-present being be removed from anywhere? It cannot be done. God the Holy Spirit is omnipresent and will never cease to be anything less than that. However in this Church age, God is restraining the Wicked One by His Holy Spirit through the Church. When the Church is removed the Holy Spirit will still be here....but the restrainer won't! At that point the anti-christ will be free to rise to power and confirm that covenant with Israel to start the 70th Week of Daniel. To restate, the 70th week is a prophetic week for the Nation of Israel. The first 69 Weeks were for Israel and so it is with the 70th Week. During the 70th week God again deals with Israel and there is really no need for the Church to be present on earth. ********* NUMBER 2 The Wrath of God is NOT to be poured out on His Church. ********* Many scriptural promises of escape from the wrath of the Tribulation or the 70th week of Daniel's prophecy must be ignored by the other rapture positions. Verses like: Luke 21 36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Romans 5:9 9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. 1 Thessalonians 1:10 10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, [even] Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come. 1 Thessalonians 5:9 9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, Revelation 3:10 10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. THE ABOVE VERSES MUST BE IGNORED! It is amazing how the Second Coming will be like the Days of Noah and the Days of Lot. Notice that God did not pour out His wrath UNTIL He had safely removed both Noah and Lot to a safe place. The post tribbers ignore this and expect the Church, the Bride of Christ to endure the full inpact of the Wrath of God....and the question is WHY? Why must the church endure the Wrath of God? It just doesn't make sense. To teach that the Church will go through the 70th week just doesn't line up with the Bible. During the 70th week the book of Revelation will be fulfilled....with the seal judgments, trumpet judgments, and vial judgments. This is the WRATH of God and the Church has no part of it. Why should the Church go through the 70th week of Daniels prophecy when that time is specifically for the nation of Israel and not the Church. God has made provision for Israel after the abomination of desolation. They are told to flee and there is a place prepared for them. There is no such provision for the Church...because the Church will not be here in the 70th week. - God made provision for Noah and the flood. - God made provision for Lot at Sodom - God makes provision for Israel in the 70th week of Daniel. - There has been no provision for the Church to go thru the 70th week. need as the Church will not be in the world at that time. After the rapture at the beginning of the 70th week God will seal 144,000 Jews. The spotlight is again on the nation of Israel and these 144,000 will win an innumerable number of people to Christ. They will take over and do the Commission the Church has done for the last 2000 years. The Gospel will go world-wide and everyone on earth will hear it! So why should the Church be in the 70th week? There is really no reason or purpose. Today we have Christians in every major city....during the wrath of God we will have pestilence, all the vegatation burned, all water polluted and some say that it will not affect the Church? Sorry I find that hard to believe. A final point is that during the Church age the devil (gates of hell) will not overcome the Church. During the 70th week the devil WILL overcome the tribulation saints. ********* NUMBER 3 The coming of Jesus is imminent! His coming will ********* be at an UNKNOWN time and a KNOWN time. The other views destroys the doctrine of the imminent coming of Jesus. Jesus is coming at an unknown time and believers are constantly being told to watch and be ready in Scriptures. All the other incorrect rapture views deny the imminent coming of Jesus. These verses must be ignored - or destroyed by the other views. Notice that the command is to watch because the time of the coming of Christ cannot be known! That is called imminence! it could happen TODAY! Matthew 24:36 36 But of that day and hour knoweth no [man], no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37 But as the days of Noe [were], so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41 Two [women shall be] grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 42 WATCH THEREFORE: FOR YE KNOW NOT WHAT HOUR YOUR LORD DOTH COME. 43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. 44 Therefore be ye also ready: FOR IN SUCH AN HOUR AS YE THINK NOT THE SON OF MAN COMETH. Matthew 24:42 42 WATCH THEREFORE: FOR YE KNOW NOT WHAT HOUR YOUR LORD DOTH COME. 43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. 44 Therefore be ye also ready: FOR IN SUCH AN HOUR AS YE THINK NOT THE SON OF MAN COMETH. Matthew 25:13 13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. Mark 13 31 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. 32 But of THAT DAY AND [that] HOUR KNOWETH NO MAN, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. 33 Take ye heed, WATCH AND PRAY: for YE KNOW NOT WHEN THE TIME IS. 34 [For the Son of man is] as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch. 35 Watch ye therefore: for YE KNOW NOT WHEN the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: 36 Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. 37 And what I say unto you I say unto all, WATCH. Luke 12:36 36 And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately. 37 Blessed [are] those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. 38 And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find [them] so, blessed are those servants. 39 And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through. 40 BE YE THEREFORE READY ALSO: FOR THE SON OF MAN COMETH AT AN HOUR WHEN YE THINK NOT. 1 Thessalonians 5:1 1. But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6. Therefore let us not sleep, as [do] others; but let us WATCH AND BE SOBER. 1 Peter 4:7 7. BUT THE END OF ALL THINGS IS AT HAND: be ye therefore sober, and WATCH UNTO PRAYER. Now as you have read the above verses...let me ask you a question. Can the time of the Second coming be known? Can we know the exact day? ...... According to these verses the answer is NO! We cannot know the exact day of the return of Christ. Jesus is coming at an UNKNOWN time! The UNKNOWN DAY of Jesus' return:....the rapture: We will not know when the rapture will occur. It is an imminent event ... which means it could happen at any time. No prophecy needs to be fulfilled before it happens. In light of the UNKNOWN day there is also a KNOWN DAY of Jesus' return. Did you know that after certain prophetic events the exact day of Jesus's return can be marked on a calendar. Did you also know that you cannot have a KNOWN day of Jesus's coming and an UNKNOWN day of His coming...on the same day? The UNKNOWN day is the rapture and the KNOWN day will occur at the end of the 70th week where Jesus will setup His kingdom on earth. Read on for more information about the KNOWN day. Daniel 9:27 27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for ONE WEEK: and in the MIDST OF THE WEEK he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make [it] desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. ONE WEEK = 7 YEARS MIDST OF WEEK = 7 years divided by 2 = 3 1/2 years Daniel 12:7 7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which [was] upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that [it shall be] for a TIME, TIMES, AND A HALF; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these [things] shall be finished. TIMES, TIMES, AND A HALF = 3 1/2 YEARS Revelation 12:6 6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred [and] threescore days. AGAIN 3 1/2 YEARS Revelation 12:14 14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. AGAIN 3 1/2 YEARS Revelation 13:5 5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty [and] two months. AGAIN 3 1/2 YEARS NOTE: *** a prophetic week is 360 days *** Midst of week | Dan 12:6,7 | <----------3 1/2 yrs------------ | | Rev 13:5 | <------- 42 months------------ | | Rev 12:6 | <------- 1260 days ----------- | | |<-------------------------------|--------------------------------| 7 years: 1 week (Dan 9:27) Jesus Returns The KNOWN day: Once the 70th week of Daniel, or the time of Jacobs trouble begins we can easily tell the exact day when Jesus will return. Once the antichrist and Israel sign the covenant we know that in exactly 7 years Christ will return. In the midst of the week (3 1/2 years) the antichrist commits the abomination of desolation. From that point in time we know there is: 3 1/2 years left, or 42 months left, or 1260 days left. At this point the coming of Christ is KNOWN. So what do we do with all the verses that say His coming is UNKNOWN? Throw them out? Of course not! NOW in light of all this information about the KNOWN day and the UNKNOWN DAY we can think this through. Since the incorrect views put the rapture sometime after the 70th week begins, they have lost the unknown day. All the verses that say that the coming of Christ will occur at an unknown time must be thrown out. If I am here then when the antichrist signs the covenant with Israel then I know that in exactly 7 years Jesus will return. You can be assured that I will mark my calendar!...and count the days! If by chance I miss the beginning of the 70th week, I won't miss the abomination of desolation in the middle of the 70th week. At that point I know that in exactly 1260 days Jesus will return. You see I've lost the unknown day because I can mark the day on my calendar. I may as well throw all those UNKNOWN coming verses out. There is no problem with the pre-tribulation view on the rapture. The rapture will occur at an unknown time sometime before Daniels 70th week begins. At that point the Church is taken to heaven and with the restrainer removed the antichrist may come to power. There an UNKNOWN day and a KNOWN day at the end of the 70th week. We have perfect harmonizing of Scripture with the Pre-tribulation rapture....the correct view. With the all the other incorrect rapture views we have to throw out the Scriptures related to the UNKNOWN day. To repeat: Since the false rapture views believes the rapture will occur sometime after the 70th week then why the command to WATCH and be READY? In the verses above the exhortation is to WATCH, WATCH, WATCH, and be ready! Why WATCH if the rapture will not occur until the end of the 70th week. Why bother watching for the coming of Jesus? Why not wait until you are in the 70th week to begin the watch. Human nature being what it is, that is what most people will do. So not only does the incorrect rapture views rob the Christian of the Blessed Hope of Christ coming to take him from the world before God judges it....he has no purifying incentive in lifestyle. Jesus cannot come today so why live in Holy expectation of His coming? However the pre-tribulation view has a great BLESSED HOPE looking for the coming of Jesus at an UNKNOWN time....that time could be today!!!!! Since the time is unknown and it COULD be today this is a purifying hope also....and encourages Holy living. Titus 2:13 13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; The post/mid/pre-wrath robs the believer of both the blessed imminent expectation of the believer and the purifying hope of Christ's return which could happen today! These views are a robber. Another way these incorrect rapture views robs from the blessed hope is... if the Church has to go through the 70th week it doesn't have much to look forward to. There will be 7 seal judgments, 7 trumpet judgments, and 7 bowl judgments. During that time all the vegation will be burned up, all the water will be polluted and turned to blood, the sun will scorch men, there will be massive earthquakes that shake every city in the world, and 100 pound hailstones. Now for the average person looking forward to going through that....we don't have a hope but rather a dread and something to be feared. Then as a result of God judging the world there will be massive death and not many men will make it to the end...maybe only several million as opposed to 6+ billion currently living. What a 'hope' these views offers... almost certain death as God judges the world with His bride it it. Then they have the nerve to call those who believe in the Pre-tribulation rapture as an 'escape' theology. God has promised an escape from His Wrath and Judgment for His people and these false views make a mockery of that promise. This does not make sense to me!!...or to the intelligent person who thinks it through. ********** NUMBER 4 Populating the Millenium: and Post-tribbers ********** Lets draw the picture here. We are at the end of the Tribulation and Jesus is coming. At this point the post-trib wrath rapture happens and all Gods people are raptured and given new immortal bodies. The wicked are left to be judged by God... So we have all God's people removed from the earth...and all the wicked left. Now the question is: who will populate the nations of the millenium? The fatal error is that there is no one left to populate the nations of the millenium if the rapture happens at the Second Coming. If the rapture occurs according to pre-wrath or post-trib we have a problem. Maybe you can answer that little problem....If all God's people are raptured at the end of the Tribulation at the 2nd coming of Jesus...then who will populate the millenium? Surely not the wicked.. You see the folks with the truth of the pre-tribulation rapture don't have any problem populating the millenium with mortals...but the post trib view does. This is a nasty problem for the incorrect rapture views. You see if all of God's people are raptured at the very end when Jesus returns that leaves only the wicked left. The wicked will all be destroyed at the coming of you have a problem. Who will populate the millenium? If the rapture occurs at the 2nd Coming all of God's people will have their immortal bodies and they will not marry, have children they cannot be the ones who populate the millenium and have children etc. Some of course try to argue that the wicked will inherit the Kingdom of God. What foolishness to lower oneself in order to defend an incorrect doctrine. 2 Thessalonians 1 7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, 8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Notice that ALL those who are not saved will be destroyed. By that time men will have accepted or rejected Jesus. So I repeat at the second coming of Jesus...all the wicked (Christ rejectors) are destroyed and all Gods people are raptured (according to post) then there is no one left to populate the millenium. Lets dig a bit deeper about the lost inheriting the Kingdom: Will the Christ rejectors inherit the other words the wicked. Sorry that will not happen. By the end of the 70th week all mankind will have chosen sides either for or against Christ. Again no problem with the pre trib view as there will be tribulation saints that will survive to the very end of the 70th week. The survivors of the tribulation saints will go into the Kingdom and not the wicked who will be destroyed. These saints will have children who must choose to accept or reject Jesus. As in every dispensational age sinful man has failed and at the end there will be many who have rejected Christ. However if the rapture happens when Jesus returns you have no one to populate the kingdom. Problem for post trib and problem for pre tribulation. For those who are still not convinced and think the unsaved may inherit the kingdom of are some verses that say it all: Psalms 2:12 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish [from] the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed [are] all they that put their trust in him. Zephaniah 3:9 9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent. Malachi 4:1 1. For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. Matthew 13:41 41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; Matthew 24:51 51 And shall cut him asunder, and appoint [him] his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 25:12 12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. Matthew 25:30 30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Luke 17:29 29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed [them] all. Luke 17:27 27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Luke 17:32 32 Remember Lot's wife. 33 Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 2 Thessalonians 1:7 7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, 8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: ********* NUMBER 5 ********* The other tribulation views allows no time for the Judgment Seat of Christ, the Marriage of the Lamb, and the Marriage Supper to occur. The Judgment seat of Christ: ---------------------------- Romans 14:10 10 But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:10 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things [done] in [his] body, according to that he hath done, whether [it be] good or bad. 1 Corinthians 3:9 9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, [ye are] God's building. 10 According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. 11. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; 13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. 14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. 1 Corinthians 4:5 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God. The Wedding and Marriage Supper of the Lamb follows the Judgment seat (Rev 19:7-9). This occurs BEFORE the second coming which is recorded in Rev 19:11-21. Revelation 19:7 7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. 8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. 9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed [are] they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God. Only the Pre-Trib position allows sufficient time for these events to occur. You see believers will be in heaven at least 7 years before the second coming of Christ...lots of time for the Judgment seat, the Wedding, and Marriage Supper. ******** NUMBER 6 24 Elders: Representative of the GLORIFIED Church ******** Here is a description of the 24 Elders: Revelation 4:1 1. After this I looked, and, behold, a door [was] opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard [was] as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. 2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and [one] sat on the throne. 3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and [there was] a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. 4 And ROUND ABOUT THE THRONE [were] four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in WHITE RAIMENT; and they had on THEIR HEADS CROWNS OF GOLD. - location is around the throne - Wearing White Raiment which is a promise to the Church - They had crowns of Gold on their heads indicating that the judgement seat of Christ has already occured and His Church has been rewarded 5 And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and [there were] seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God. 6 And before the throne [there was] a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, [were] four beasts full of eyes before and behind. 7 And the first beast [was] like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast [was] like a flying eagle. 8. And the four beasts had each of them six wings about [him]; and [they were] full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. 9 And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever, 10 The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, 11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Revelation 5:8 8 And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four [and] twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints. - They are kings and priests before God. Another promise to God's Church 9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; 10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. 11 And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; 12 Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. 13 And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, [be] unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. 14 And the four beasts said, Amen. And the four [and] twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever. - They have crowns on their heads. Only the Church will receive and wear crowns which they will then throw at the feet of the Lord Jesus in worship. The fact that they are wearing crowns indicate that the Judgment Seat of Christ has already occurred. This alone refutes the other incorrect views on the timing of the rapture and proves the pre-tribulation position as correct. Some more points proving that the 24 elders represent the Church: - They are numbered (24). On the other hand angels are never numbered - Their position suggests that they represent the Church. They are seated on thrones surrounding the Throne of God. God gave the promise to His Church that she would reign with Him. Here are some promises the Lord Jesus gave to His people related to reigning with Him: Revelation 3:21 21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. Matthew 19:28 28 And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. - They have white raiment again suggesting the Church. The white rainment represents the righteousness that has been imputed to the believer as a result of what Jesus did on the cross. Revelation 3 5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. - They have a priestly ministry: They have "harps and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of the saints." (Rev 5:8) This concludes this section. I think there is enough evidence to suggest that the 24 Elders represent the Church. The fact that they have crowns on their heads proves the Beama seat judgment has already occurred. Only the Church is promised crowns in Scripture and in Revelation Chapter 4 they are wearing those crowns! If that is true, which it is, then the rapture must have already happened! OTHER POINTS Here are a few additional points to consider related to the timing of the rapture. ======= POINT 1 ======= The other incorrect rapture views cannot explain why the church is so prominent in Revelation chapters 1-3, yet so totally absent during the wrath portion (Chapters 6-18) The obvious reason is the Church is not on the earth. Again the question arises? Why must the Church endure the wrath of God? The Seal, Trumpet, and Vial judgments will decimate the planet and there is no purpose at all for the Church to be here during that time. The 70th week, The Time of Jacobs Trouble is for the nation of Israel. ======= POINT 2 ======= Trumpet errors. The post/mid trib view tries to make the trumpet in 1Corthians & 1Thessalonians 4 the same as the trumpets in Revelation & matthew 24. They get really hung up on the trumpets trying to prove the last trumpet is all the same: in Matthew 24 & Revelation, and 1 Corinthians. The trumpet error has lots of holes in it. For example the trumpet Paul is talking about in 1 Cor 15:52 is a trumpet of blessing directly blown for the church. It is associated with great blessing for the Church. Also in 1 Cor 15:51 Paul states that this is a mystery....something new...not revealed. At the trumpet in Matthew will hide and be fearful as Jesus is returning in judgment. The last trumpet in Revelation is a trumpet of judgement. Clearly different trumpets...unless you want to twist, twist, and bend the Scriptures a bit. The incorrect assumption made is that there is only one kind of trumpet blast. This is a bad assumption. There are trumpets of judgment in Revelation. Who says the trumpet calls for Israel, The Church, and the judgments of Revelation are the same type and trumpet???? Only be streeeeeeeching the Scriptures can those trumpets be linked into the same trumpet blowing. THE TRUMPET IN REVELATION IS NOT THE SAME AS THE ONE IN MATTHEW 24 In the book of Revelation the 7th angel sounds and the call is made that the kingdoms of this world become Christs'. BUT we still have the 7 bowl judgments to be poured out on the earth. This is also a proof that we have a different trumpet than the one in Corinthians and in Matthew. When the one in Matthew sounds, Jesus is seen by all on earth as He returns (Matt 24:30). Matthew 24 does not have the bowl judgments as they have already occured...Jesus is returning to earth and everyone will see Him coming. But when the last trumpet sounds in Revelation, this signals the beginning of the bowl judgments. Clearly a different trumpet from the one in Matthew 24. This is proof positive that the trumpets are DIFFERENT. All those who try to twist the trumpets into their incorrect views of the rapture are standing on very shakey ground. (Earthquake!!) ======== POINT 3 No resurrection in Matthew chapter 24 ======= RESSURECTION IN MATT 24??? When Jesus returns....Not in My Bible! But that is what I have been told by some followers of the incorrect views of the rapture. Where is the resurrection in Matthew 24? There is clearly no resurrection in Matthew fact if you look at Matt 25 you will see a separation of Sheep and goats rather than a resurrection. Matthew chapter 25 follows right after Matthew 24 and should not be ignored OR 'ignored by spiritualization'. Matthew 25 31. When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: 32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth [his] sheep from the goats: 33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Notice that after Jesus returns in Matthew 24 there is a sheep and goat separation in Matthew 25. This is not necessary if the rapture happens according to the post trib view. The separation would have already occurred at the rapture. There is no problem with the pre-trib view as the rapture would have happened before Daniel's 70th week and the separation of the survivers of the Tribulation in Matt 25 makes perfect sense. Another point is if the resurrection occurs in Matthew 24 they why bother separating the sheep from the goats in Matthew 25..the rapture would have done that? To have a resurrection in Matthew 24 just doesn't make sense or line up with the Bible OR Matthew 25. Another thing I have been told is that the elect in Matthew 24 are the Church. Where does it say the elect He gathers are the Church in Matthew 24 and not tribulation saints or Israel? Some claim the term 'the elect' only refers to the Church. They are probably the same ones who claim all the last trumpets are the same. The elect can be Israel, or the tribulation saints, or the Church. CONCLUSION: *********** Many times when talking to the adherents of the incorrect rapture views I hear this death question. CLASSIC STUPID QUESTION If a day comes in your lifetime when there is a mark given on the right hand or on the forehead, without which you cannot buy or sell anything, will you receive that mark?...or die? This is a really stupid question ... a standard one given by the followers of the incorrect rapture view. This is not the first time I have heard it. It shows the following: - These people cannot tell the difference between the tribulation that the Church has experienced for the last 2000 years and the tribulation of the 70th week of Daniels prophecy for Israel. Try picking up and reading Foxes Book of Martyr's and read about some 'tribulation' that the church has experienced in days past. Do a few studies on the current persecution of the Church in China, Russia, Mexico and other places. - It assumes a bloodbath in the 70th week for all believers. It is a death question...a what-if that will not happen to the Church because of the pre trib rapture. It will however happen to the tribulation saints. Why would God send His loved bride into the 70th week and into the bloodbath? There is no reason at all and certainly has no part of the 'blessed hope'. The blessed hope of these incorrect views is the bloodbath of the 70th week of Daniels prophecy which is...certain death. - If these people have a martyr complex then why wait until the tribulation of the 70th week. Why not go to Saudi Arabia and preach the Gospel...or go to Tehran and hand out Gospel tracts? I guarantee you will get your desired results TODAY! Prove you do not wish to 'escape tribulation'. For those reasons there is no reason to answer a question that is doctrinally incorrect....and just downright stupid. To conclude: In this tract we have looked at the fact that the 70 weeks of Daniels prophecy is for Israel and not the Church. We saw that the wrath of God is not to be poured out on His beloved Church. Also, there is no reason for the Church to be on earth during Daniels 70th week. We showed that there was a KNOWN day of Christ's return and an UNKNOWN day which is the rapture. We looked at the problem of populating the millenium. This alone refutes the post tribulation view as they leave no one alive on earth but the wicked to populate the 1000 year reign of Christ. We also had a peek at the Judgment seat of Christ, the marriage, and the 24 elders in Revelation who are representative of the glorified & rewarded Church. We covered a few other points but surely enough evidence has been given to show that the pre-tribulation view is Scriptural and is the only view that harmonizes with the entire prophetic picture. Why stop here? There are lots of good books that give Scriptural references to the pre-tribulation rapture. Authors like Dwight Pentecost, John Walvwood, Hal Lindsey, Grant Jefferies, and Dave Hunt, Paul LaLonde give lots more reasons for the pre-tribulation rapture. Here is some points to study or ponder in light of what you have read: - What about the KNOWN day and the UNKNOWN day of Jesus' coming? - Study Daniels prophecy about the 70 weeks to ISRAEL. The post trib, mid-trib, pre-wrath all make the same error. They cannot tell the difference between God's plan for Israel and the Church which is a mystery and a called out people between the 69th and 70th week. - Have a look at the 24 elders in Revelation - Notice they have crowns & sit on Thrones etc... - Sounds like the Judgment seat of Christ has occurred. - Who else but the Church will wear crowns? (no one) - Think thru the 'who will populate the millenium' problem. The post trib leaves no saved mortals after the 'rapture' to inherit the Kingdom of God and populate the nations. The pre-trib leaves the saved, unresurrected Tribulation saints who will go into the millenium, have children etc. The Seed Sowers BBS and home of SON-NET Bible network (416) 498-5259/5962 This tract may be freely copied/printed and distributed in any means possible. The only restriction is that it not be changed. ********************* Prophe-Zine's News Bites, Issue #16 Update: World Religion By: The New American March 18, 1996 The San Francisco Chronicle reports that "Bishop William Swing's proposal for a 'United Religions' headquarters at the Presidio will reach a new stage [in February] when the San Francisco Episcopalian embarks on an ambitious round-the-world pilgrimage to sign up spiritual leaders from Rome to Dharmasala. Swing is collaborating in this effort with the World Conference on Religion and Peace, the Gorbachev Foundation, and private foundations (which he declined to identify). He is proposing to build a "United Religions" (UR) complex -- consisting of a "Ha ll of Speaking", "Hall of listening", "Hall of Action " and "Hall of Meeting" at the Presidio site now occupied by the Letterman Hospital high-rise building. "This is not about creating one big religion. This is about inviting religions to be responsible for global good " Swing insists. "Up to now the world's religions have been co-opted by tribes and ethnic groups and end up in murderous postures that vio late the teachings they inherited." The UP would dispatch "conflict-resolution teams" to areas "where religious extremism leads to violence." Swing presently plans to hold an interfaith summit conference in San Francisco from June 24th-28th with the objective of holding a charter-signing ceremony for the new organization. ++++++++++++++++++++++ Update: Bio-metrics Breakthrough Fingerprint Technology From: Revolutionary Automated Fingerprint Identification Machine (AFIM) International Automated Systems, Inc. of American Fork, Utah has developed a truly revolutionary and unique Fingerprint Identification system that is inexpensive, easy to install, simpleto operate, reliable and accurate and can be integrated into virtually any security system. Other fingerprint technologies can=C6t compete with the AFIM because they lack 4 crucial features of the AFIM: 1. The unique AFIM lens - The AFIM=C6s unique lens will pick up only the ridges of a fingerprint. It will not register color or shades of color. Therefore, skin pigment or an artificial print such as a photocopy or a picture, cannot deceive the unit. 2. Fingerprint reconstructing capabilities: - A person=C6s fingerprint is exposed to more daily wear and tear than other parts of the human body. Unlike other identification technologies, the AFIM simulates an artificial intelligence by automatically reconstructing a weathered, cut or worn print to a familiar state. 3. Digital Fingerprint information can be stored onto a card: - The AFIM=C6s ability to store a fingerprint onto a magnetic-stripe card creates tremendous advantages over other identification machines. These cards are in universal use and extremely inexpensive. Other types of cards can cost from 3,000 to 4,000% more than a simple magnetic stripe card. Thus, the AFIM can be easily and quickly implemented into the current market. 4. Micro-adjustable precision: - The AFIM=C6s print comparison can be pre-calibrated to be more or less meticulous. Thus, the machine can accomodate various applications and circumstances. Simply put, the AFIM requires that the actual card owner to be present before access to a particular area or application is admitted. It can function in any capacity and irrefutably satisy the highest degree of security without sacrificing user convenience. SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: 8.5 in x 6.9 in x 7.2 in Weight: 6.75 lbs. Methods of usage: Unlimited but include Time Clock, Computer File Access, Door Access, Proprietary Cards, Any ID verification. Encryption time: Between 10 and 20 seconds. Verification time: Between 3 and 7 seconds with Pentium 90 processor. Accuracy: 0.01% Projected, 5% guaranteed False Acceptance Rate 0.1% Projected, 2% guaranteed False = Rejection Rate Interface Data: ASCII Code Output, Network Capabilities Serial Ports: One RS232 Serial Port For more information about this product, please contact IAS Enterprises 5271 West Early Duke Dr. Salt Lake City, Utah 84120 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Update: Russian News OMRI DAILY DIGEST No. 55, Part I, 18 March 1996 pages: DUMA DENOUNCES BELOVEZHSK ACCORDS. The Russian State Duma passed a Communist-sponsored resolution, by a vote of 250-98, renouncing the RSFSR Supreme Soviet decision of 12 December 1991 to abrogate the 1922 treaty forming the USSR, Russian and Western media reported on 15 March. The Duma then passed a second resolution, 252-33 with five abstentions, affirming the "legal force" of the 17 March 1991 referendum on the preservation of the USSR, in which 71% of those voting in Russia supported retaining the union. Together, the Duma resolutions assert that the USSR legally continues to exist, and reject the December 1991 Belovezhsk accords that formed the CIS. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Agrarian Party, and the Popular Power faction supported the resolution. Yabloko, Our Home Is Russia, and several members of the Russian Regions faction opposed it. Repeated attempts to push similar resolutions through the previous Duma had failed. -- Scott Parrish REACTION TO DUMA DENUNCIATION. President Boris Yeltsin immediately denounced the Duma resolutions as "scandalous" and unconstitutional, Russian and Western media reported on 15 March. The president accused the Communists of attempting to torpedo the June presidential elections by triggering an international crisis. Yeltsin's representative to the Duma, Aleksandr Kotenkov, said the resolution lacks legal force, as the earlier decision to dissolve the USSR can only be repealed by a new federal law, requiring passage by both houses of the Federal Assembly and signature by the president. Following negative international reaction, Yeltsin ordered Foreign Minister Yevgenii Primakov to inform foreign states and international organizations that the Duma resolution would not affect Russia's international obligations. The U.S. and Germany also criticized the resolution. In Moscow, liberal commentators said it demonstrated the "opportunism" and "hypocrisy" of the Communist- led opposition. -- Scott Parrish ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Update: Bio-Chip Technology Eagle Eye is the developer of a wrist-watch sized mobile satellite terminal. We are designing our equipment to be compatible with mobile satellite communication systems such as Odyssey and Globalstar. The Odyssey System is under development by TRW and Teleglobe. The Globalstar systems is under development by Loral and Qualcomm. Eagle Eye was awarded on Nov. 1, 1995 a Phase II Small Business Innovative Research contract to develop our wrist-watch terminal (The Eagle Eye Tag). The contract was awarded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency / U.S. Department of Defense. The technical monitor on the project is Mr. Stan Smith, U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense Command, Huntsville, Alabama (1-205-955-1666). The Eagle Eye Tag is designed to allow a previously tagged person or object to be located via satellite upon demand anywhere in the world. Applications include tracking Alzheimer's patients, children, executives, probationers and parolees, military personnel, shipping containers, and vehicles. The system works using bent-pipe communication satellites. For more information about Eagle Eye Technologies, Inc., contact Matthew Schor at or at: Eagle Eye Technologies, Inc. 2417 Mill Heights Drive Herndon, Virginia 22071 USA Phone: +1 703-742-8037 FAX: +1 703-742-4045 +++++++++++++++++++++++ Police against the New World Order By: Jeff McLamb We have been developing a new web location in which the focus is informing as many people as possible about what is really going on around them with our government and the new world order. The pages are still under development but are about 60 percent done. We have pages planned for all kinds of interesting stuff; including freebies, links to other related pages, catalogs for patriotic material, letters from police and officers that are taking a stand to the government and saying NO to violating our GOD given constitutional rights, updates on how things are really going (the good things you just don't hear on the news), and much much more. But what I would really like from you, is to come check it and PLEASE give us your feedback on what we can do to make this a site that will best serve as a tool for informing the public about what is Really happening. Please tell us what you would like to see there. We can't have enough patriot Web sites. Any constructive feedback will be appreciated. Every one of the web pages has a link to send email to the author. You may use the web link or reply to for feedback. Thanks, Jeff McLamb +++++++++++++++++++++++ ELEMENTS OF PROOF: A Plot to Overthrow the Constitution and erect a centralized, soviet-style government on ruins of the Republic. By: Archibald E Roberts Fatal steps which transformed the Republic into a dictatorship of the financial elite are set out in the following Congressional statutes, executive orders and proclamations which trace a seditious conspiracy of interlocking subversion in government departments during the period 16 October 1968 to 20 October 1972. (Many important supplementary statutes and regulations omitted for reasons of space.) FATAL STEP NUMBER ONE... 16 October 1968 - Public Law 90-577, 90th Congress, S.698, "Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1968", "To Achieve the fullest cooperation and continuation of activities among the levels of government .. to establish coordinated intergovernmental policy and administration .. to provide for the acquisition, use, and disposition of land within the urban areas by Federal agencies." Public Law 90-577 destroyed the separation of powers which is the principle of the US Constitution. By its Title IV the US Congress purported to yield legislative power to the President. He, in turn, allegedly transferred that law-making power to his appointed directors in the grant-making agencies of the Federal Regions per section 403 of the bill. Out of that arrangement has grown the A-95 regional clearing house review system, designed by the Office of Management and Budget. The resulting Federal Region-substate control system straps regional governance (control by regulation) as a way of life over all Americans. FATAL STEP NUMBER TWO... 27 March 1969 - "Statement by the President on Restructuring of Government Service Systems", The White House. Quoting the Reorganization Act, signed the same day, as his authority, President Nixon divided the United States into eight (later ten) Federal Regions or provinces, each with a new provincial capitol. Coordination and control of the Ten Federal Regions would be administered from Washington. Formation of such `super states' is, of course, a violation of paragraph 1, section 3, Article IV, United States Constitution. Objective: Transfer political power from the respective sovereign State governments to appointed Federal Agencies whose controllers are the directors of the corporate world state. FATAL STEP NUMBER THREE... 30 October 1969 - Executive Order #11490 "Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to Federal Departments and Agencies", The Federal Register. E.O. #11490 authorizes the Office of Emergency Planning to put all controls into effect, "in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis". Takeover by government agencies include communications media, all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals, food resources and farms, all modes of transportation and control of highways,seaports, etc., health, education and welfare functions, airports and aircraft. Provision is also made for the mobilization of civilians into work brigades under government supervision. The order directs the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons; permits the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, and grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in E.O. #11490, and to operate penal and correctional institutions. FATAL STEP NUMBER FOUR... 15 August 1971 - Executive Order #11615 "Providing for Stabilization of Prices, Rents, Wages, and Salaries", The Federal Register. E.O. #11615 designated the Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System as the director of a Cost of Living Council, with authority to request the Department of Justice to bring actions for injunctions "Whenever it appears to the Council that any person has engaged, is engaged, or is about to engage in any acts or practice constituting a violation of any regulation or order issued pursuant to this Order". (See E.O. #11490) The Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board thus became czar over prices, rents, wages and salaries, in addition to his control over money, interest rates, and the stock market, granted under the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act of 23 December 1913. FATAL STEP NUMBER FIVE... 15 August 1971 - Proclamation #4074 "Imposition of Supplemental Duty for Balance of Payment Purposes", The President. The Principal objective of Proclamation #4074 was to "declare a national emergency" and so establish stand-by authority to implement any or all of the provisions of Executive Order #11490 at such time as the American people have been conditioned to accept dictatorship. The people are now being brain washed to accept, in fact, demand, full government control over their lives and property. FATAL STEP NUMBER SIX... 12 February 1972 - Executive Order #11647 "Federal Regional Councils", The Federal Register. E.O. #11647 "...establish a Federal Regional Council for each of the Ten Standard Federal Regions", which Nixon effected by proclamation on 27 March 1969. The Office of Management and Budget was designated the control agency. By this order the ten provincial capitols were staffed by the directors of the grant-making agencies: Department of Labor, Health, Education and Welfare, and Housing and Urban Development; the Secretarial Representatives of the Department of Transportation, and the directors of the regional offices of the Office of Economic Opportunity, the Environmental Protection Agency, and Law Enforcement Assistance Administration. The President subsequently appointed a commissar for each Federal Region. FATAL STEP NUMBER SEVEN... 20 October 1972 - Public Law 92-512, 92nd Congress, H.R. #14370, Federal/State Revenue Sharing, "To .. authorize Federal Collection of State individual income taxes, and for other purposes." The primary function of Public Law 92-512 is to provide that ".. after 1 January 1974, if two or more States request it of the US Government, and at the option of the individual states, all State taxes may be collected by the federal government." (The decision is irreversible.) Under this Act state and county governments will, in time, wither for lack of tax funds, representative government will die (although the trappings of a republican form of government may be retained to fool the people) and dictatorship control over people and property will be imposed upon once free Americans. In the intervening years, by stealth and subterfuge, the American people have been moved into the orbit of a financial/industrial cabal who control their corporate world state through the United Nations Organization, the United States Congress and other front organizations. Citizens, with a plan of action, can instruct state elected officials in their states to confine functions of government to limitations defined in the Constitution (implementing details available). The State is a Principal under the constitutional contract and has the power and authority to correct violations of the Constitution by its Legislative, Executive and Judicial agents in Washington. Information on preparing a `letter of instruction' to state lawmakers, model bill directing state investigation, and model state statute "To Provide for Enforcement of the United States Constitution with Regard to Federal Regionalism" (with criminal sanctions for violators) available. The safety of the state begins with you. Decide now to participate in the mission to restore freedoms of person and property guaranteed to you by the Constitution. THE SILENT REVOLUTION OF FEDERAL REGIONALISM - A SOLUTION is available in electronic magazine format, Committee to Restore the Constitution home page: Program is also available in print or on disk for uploading to computer and downloading to BBS in your area. (Specify Macintosh or IBM). Archibald E Roberts, Ltcol, AUS, ret, Director COMMITTEE TO RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION, Inc Post Office Box 986 Fort Collins CO 80522 e-mail: home page: +++++++++++++++++++ Continued State of Emergency....again By: The White House THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release, March 8, 1996 TO THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES: Section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides for the automatic termination of a national emergency unless, prior to the anniversary date of its declaration, the President publishes in the Federal Register and transmits to the Congress a notice stating that the emergency is to continue in effect beyond the anniversary date. In accordance with this provision, I have sent the enclosed notice, stating that the Iran emergency declared on March 15, 1995, pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706) is to continue in effect beyond March 15, 1996, to the Federal Register for publication. This emergency is separate from that declared on November 14, 1979, in connection with the Iranian hostage crisis and therefore requires separate renewal of emergency authorities. The factors that led me to declare a national emergency with respect to Iran on March 15, 1995, have not been resolved. The actions and policies of the Government of Iran, including its support for international terrorism, efforts to undermine the Middle East peace process, and its acquisition of weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them, continue to threaten the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. Accordingly, I have determined that it is necessary to maintain in force the broad authorities that are in place by virtue of the March 15, 1995, declaration of emergency. WILLIAM J. CLINTON THE WHITE HOUSE, March 8, 1996. ++++++++++++++++++++ Cool Quote: Bill Clinton shows his true colors...Red, Red, and Blu..I mean Red. "As long as you have free societies where people have some ability to move, some right of privacy, some ability to transfer funds and some ability to get access to materials that can be made into bombs, you cannot have a totally risk-free world," --Pres. Bill Clinton. March 15, 1996 while visiting Israel reported by Reuters-- ++++++++++++++++++++ PEACE WATCH REPORT By: Lee Underwood, editor F.Y.I. - Week Ending: 03-16-96/Adar 25, 5756 In the 30 months since the signing of the Oslo accords, the number of Israelis killed in terror attacks has increased by more than 100%, compared to the previous 30-month period, according to a Peace Watch report to be published shortly. From September 9, 1993 through March 8, 1996, a total of 213 Israelis were killed in Israel and the territories in terror attacks, compared to 99 during the parallel period, March 9, 1991 to September 8, 1993. These figures also include foreign visitors to Israel, as well as Palestinians killed in attacks that were aimed at Israeli targets (e.g. the recent bombing of Bus #18 in Jerusalem), but do not include casualties in Lebanon or elsewhere. Although the number of Israelis killed in terror attacks has increased, there has actually been an 8% decrease in the number of fatal terror attack - from 80 during the two and a half year period prior to Oslo to 74 since then. Since Oslo, Hamas has been responsible for the lion's share of the fatal attacks and the casualties: 37 attacks, and 131 casualties. The Islamic Jihad has killed 52 in its 10 attacks, while attacks by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine have been responsible for 9 deaths, and those of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine for 2 deaths. Fatah was responsible for 8 of the fatalities, but has not been responsible for any deaths since mid-1994. Peace Watch was unable to ascertain which organizations were responsible for the remaining fatal attacks, a few of which might have been carried out by individuals acting on their own initiative. (IRIS) +++++++++++++++++++ THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND THE BIBLE By: Paula Demers **All scripture is taken for the King James Version, and when specified the Amplified Bible. We use the Amplified because the meanings of the Greek and Hebrew words are in the scripture, thus clarifying the Scripture. People have a hard time believing that there is a New World Order-One World Government-on the horizon. It's hard to believe that our government would be part of this One World Government, because we as Americans would lose our country and everything that our founding fathers intended for America to be. The New World Order wants control by the year 2000. They want complete control of every person on the face of the earth. It will cover three aspects, political, spiritual and financial. It is mind boggling and hard for many people to comprehend what is happening. POLITICALLY *Revelation 13:1-2 "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. That the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority." This is describing the power of the political leader of the world. I believe the power behind this political leader will be the United Nations (UN). This organization is very active in pushing their global agenda. At presents there are 300 members of our Government who are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the organization behind the NWO and the UN. At present, the United Nations has a global constitution that they want to enforce above all other constitutions. A one world constitution for all countries to follow. Here is a quote from the united nations constitution: "...the age of nations must end....The governments of the nations have decided to order their separate sovereignties into one government to which they surrender their arms." The UN Constitution will take our bill of rights and change them to privileges granted to individuals by the "State" as they see fit. The first step would be to disarm the worlds citizens and put all military from different countries under the control of the UN. In the UN constitution, it is written that only police officers and peace keepers will have the right to bear arms. The booklet, "Freedom From War" describes in detail how this will be accomplished. With all military under the UN, the UN will be a "peace keeping force" . To give an example of what this means, on page 12, paragraph three in "Freedom From War" it states that they plan to have an "effective means for the enforcement of international agreements...settlement of disputes...maintenance of peace". The United Nations have gone further. The have written a treaty called, "The Convention On the Rights of the Child". Which, if passed, will turn the rights of parents over to the state. The "State Parties" will decide what's best for the children. Parents will not have the right to teach their children anything that the "State" doesn't agree with. To include religion. The religion the parents would be allowed to teach their children would be the religion that is legal according to the United Nations Constitution. They already have the "seven heads", which is the seven continents of the world. When NAFTA was passed, it made Canada, Mexico and the United States the first "region" of the New World Order. Many people do not know that. GATT finished it. The UN Constitution will do away with state boundaries and turn the 50 United States into 10 regions. Each region would have an "overseer". The one world leader will control every aspect of what people can and cannot do. There will be strict laws that will have to be followed. Free enterprise will be gone as the world moves into two classes, the very rich and the very poor. The people of the world will be servants to the "State" as the people of communist countries have previously. Only this will be world wide and they will be no where to go to escape it. SPIRITUALLY *Revelation 13:11-12 "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had twohorns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. and he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed." This second beast will back up the orders given by the first beast. He will enforce the worship of the first beast. The first beast will receive a deadly wound to the head and be healed. This beast will do great wonders and deceiveth the people of the earth. He will give live the image of the first beast (a statue) and martyr anyone who does not worship the beast. This will be the only acceptable religion, to worship the Beast. The NWO is already preparing the way for this one world religion. There is a massive evangelical movement with a philosophy called New Age. This philosophy is everything opposite of Christianity and has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. It is in television programming, public schools, theme parks, physiology......... The list is endless. Many New Agers deeply involved in the practice hate Christians and believe the world needs to be purified of them. This will be able to happen as we continued to be brainwashed through the media about human beings being on the same level or lower then the animals. The environmental movement, which is an extremely "spiritual" movement is doing much to push this. Christians will be considered a lower life form, in the same way unborn babies are now and the Jewish nation during WWII. Religion will be a privilege, (as stated in the UN Constitution) that will be granted to whom the state feels deserve. And the religion will not be able to be Christianity because the anti-Christ will be the world savior. Christians will be considered enemies of the state. As of now, Ms. Janet Reno is having government officials compile names and address of Christians and Patriots. Should an emergency break out, these people are to be considered enemies of the State, and can be rounded up. The Bible is quite clear on what will happen to the people who worship the beast or his image: Revelation 14:9-11 "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, an whosoever receiveth the mark of his name." ECONO MICALLY *Revelation 13:16, " And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive in their right hank, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom, Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." The New World Government will be able to control who buys anything and what they buy. People won't be able to buy or sell unless they have the "mark" in their right hand or in their forehead. It will be a cashless society. We have slowly been brainwashed towards a cashless society. Checks, credit cards, debit cards and instant deposit have done much to gear us in this direction. Been grocery shopping lately? Notice the scanners? Groceries are just pushed across a window and the number on the product is scanned and the price comes up on the register. Many stores have a machine that you can just use a credit card to purchase your groceries. Some have a thing that is looks like a modern laser gun that they can lift up to reach the bar codes on bigger products. Interesting. could be used to scan a forehead also. A hand could go over the window to be scanned. Right now, there is a computer chip the size of a grain of rice. (1/4 inch long) This computer chip can carry all information on any individual and is self charging. It is charged by the bodies heat, and after planners spent 1.5 million of your tax dollars, they found out that the best places to put this chip would be in the right hand or if that is missing, in the forehead. This chip will be interjected in the hand or forehead in the same way as a short. There will be 18 digits, your zip code, plus the extra four digits after the dash and your social security number, burned on the chip. These 18 digits will be grouped in three groups of six numbers. (000000 000000 0000000) Dr. Sanders, one of the engineers of this chip (#BT952000--called Emergency Intrusive Identification Locator) commented, "I believe this to be the "Mark of the Beast". Dr. Sanders spends his time traveling and warning people about the coming NWO and the Mark of the Beast. To find out what happens to people who accept the mark, go back in this report and read Revelation 14:9-11. ANTI-CHRIST, COMING BY FORCE? Many people believe that this one world leader will come by force. This is not likely. What is more apt to happen, is for a catastrophe, created by the members of the NWO, to make people want a savior. To make people want someone to help them to have world peace. It could happen in many different ways: an economic crash, a war, riots, weather, the list is endless on what they could do to bring this need about. They have been preparing for this for many years. Knowing it would be impossible to take the world by force, they have gone after the minds and hears of people. In 1958, Cleon Skoussen, a former FBI agent revealed the long-term goals of the communist agenda in his book, "The Naked Communists". We will give a summary on the purpose of the book. Take note on how much has been happening over the past 30-40 years in our nations. The goals are: promote the United nations as the only hope for mankind; to capture one or both of the political parties of the U.S.; to use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights; to have control of the schools; to use the schools for the spread of socialism and current communist propaganda; get control of teachers associations; to get control of all student newspapers; infiltrate the press; control key positions in radio, TV and motion pictures; to eliminate all laws concerning obscenity by calling them censorship or a violation of free speech and free press; to breakdown cultural standards of morality; to present homosexuality, promiscuity as normal, natural and healthy; to eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds of separation of church and state; to infiltrate churches and replace revealed religion with a social religion; to discredit the Bible; to discredit the American constitution by calling it inadequate and old fashioned; discourage the teaching of American history; discredit the family as an institution; and the emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. The battle for a New World Order and One World Government has begun with a battle for the minds and hearts of people. A slow brainwashing that has taken place over many years. this is even predicted as being a part of the last days: 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (Amplified Bible) "But understand this, that in the last days, there will set in perilous times of great stress and trouble---had to deal with and hard to bear. For people will be lovers of self and (utterly) self-centered, lovers of money and aroused by an inordinate (greedy) desire for wealth, proud and arrogant and contemptuous boasters. They will be abusive (blasphemous, scoffers), disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane. (They will be) without natural (human) affection (callous and inhuman) relentless--admitting of no truce or appeasement. (They will be)slanderers--false accusers, trouble makers; intemperate and loose in morals and conduct, uncontrolled and fierce, haters of good. (They will be ) treacherous (betrayers), rash (and) inflated with self conceit. (They will be treacherous (betrayers) rash and inflated with self conceit. (They will be ) lovers of sensual pleasures and vain amusements more than and rather than lovers of God. for (although) they hold a form of piety (true religion), they deny and reject and are strangers to the power of it---their conduct belies the genuineness of the their profession. Avoid (all) such people--turn away from them." This article was written by Paula Demers. For more of her offers send two f/c stamps to Home Profits Buisness Builders, PO Box 280, Ft Walton Beach, Fl 32549-0280 +++++++++++++++++++ THE AMERICAN FORCED LABOR BILL By: Kossor Education Newsletter: The American Forced Labor Bill Alert! Congress is in the process of enacting THE AMERICAN FORCED LABOR BILL (a.k.a. HR 1617 "The Work Force Development Act of 1995") It mandates: * Government data collection on individuals (HR 1617 Sec 183, pps. 91-95) * Government evaluation & treatment centers (HR 1617 Sec 106, pps. 22-26) * Government residential work/training centers (HR 1617 Sec 131-161, pps. 60-75) * Government hiring quotas and controls (HR 1617 Sec 121, 122 and 155 pps. 52-57 and 69) This legislation, inspired by Marc Tucker and Hillary Clinton, *Kills the American Dream, *Destroys limited government and *Ends freedom to live and work without government interference & control. Forced labor systems ONLY exist in totalitarian societies! THERE IS STILL TIME TO STOP THIS NIGHTMARE! Call your U.S. Senator: 1-800-962-3524 Call your U.S. Representative: 1-800-972-3524 Stop HR 1617 (now in Conference Committee) Repeal 1994's School-to-Work Act and Goals 2000! For more information contact Steven Kossor e-mail: site: If we don't stop this legislation, there will be no "Allied Force" in the world to liberate US! +++++++++++++++++++++++++ UNITED NATIONS CRIMINAL COURT On 20 May 1993 the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved a measure (SJ Res 32) sponsored by Senator Dodd that commits the United States government to support (and pay for) the efforts of the United Nations to establish an "international criminal court." Up to this time no legislator dared to offer such legislation which would have the UN conduct trials and bring US citizens before an international court for so-called "international crimes." The resolution also requires President Clinton to submit to Congress a detailed report on US efforts in support of: "establishing such a court with jurisdiction over crimes of an international character by the first of October." Senator Helms of North Carolina asked what actions would be construed as an international crime and he was told: "genocide, colonialism, intervention, environmental offenses, insults to a foreign State and dissemination of false or distorted news, would all be included as international offenses which could be prosecuted." Under this legislation, US citizens could be tried, convicted and punished, not according to the laws of our own country, but under international rules that have yet to be worked out according to those who are engineering the New World Order. Senators who voted in favor of this legislation were: Pell (RI), Biden (DE), Simon (IL), Feingold (WI), Moynihan (NY), Robb (VA), Wofford (PA), Kerry (MA), Sarbanes (MD), Matthews (TN) and Dodd (CT). All these elected Senators took the Congressional Oath of Office which required them "to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same, so help me God." It is obvious that they will not protect the Constitutional rights of their constituents, for they hear only the drums of the internationalists' New World Order. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SPOTLIGHT ON CONGRESS....GOT A COMPLAINT? YOU'RE A TERRORIST By: SPOTLIGHT, March 4, 1996 Have you or family members written or uttered unfavorable remarks about our government? If so, you may soon be a "terrorist" in the eyes of the government-giving them easier access to your credit report, bank accounts, employment history, phone conversations and all the details of your comings and goings. The House of Representatives is expected to consider the latest version of the "anti-terrorism" bill-H.R. 2768-later this month. The former version of the terrorist bill was pulled-thanks in part to the efforts of Liberty Lobby's legislative advocate Trisha Katson-in late December. The bill's proponents have repackaged the old legislation and are conducting a new propaganda campaign. The bill, which patriots are calling "The Bill of Rights Decimation Act," would give federal agencies a carte blanche for abuse. This is especially preposterous considering America's mandate to limited government-not to mention the history of dangerous blundering by federal agencies. First, the "Bill to Combat Terrorism" would give the secretary of state the power to label any person or group a "terrorist." The secretary of state's certification would not be subject to review by a court, and could be applied against anyone who is uncooperative with current political policies or leaders. An aide to Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA.), the bill's sponsor, told The SPOTLIGHT the attorney general "and some other people" would also decide which Americans are to be investigated. This Orwellian provision will certainly suppress any hint of political dissension-a clear violation of our Constitutional guarantees to free speech. Once it has been determined that you or someone you know is associated with a "terrorist" or a "terrorist" organization, the ADL-sponsored bill authorizes federal law enforcement agents to gather personal information on the "suspect." This includes credit reports, employment records, phone conversations, bank statements and travel information. This "legal" snooping can be performed without court orders, moreover, without even a suspicion that the individual is involved in criminal activity. "Federal law enforcement agencies would be authorized to investigate American citizens and compel the disclosure of private information without evidence of criminality," Miss Katson commented. "This guts the Fourth Amendment." Not only could "terrorist" groups be harassed, the proposal would give the secretary of state the authority to make criminal any "material support" of terrorist groups. This includes legal, non-violent, even charitable donations to organizations designated as "terrorist". It is currently illegal to participate in or support terrorist activities. The proposed law would make it illegal to participate in or support the legal activities of organizations an administration disfavors. Gun control advocates should also appreciate this horrendous legislation. Currently it is illegal to sell a firearm to someone if you know it will be used in a crime. The so-called anti-terrorist legislation will put the seller in jail for a five-year mandatory minimum sentence if the seller "should have known" the buyer would use the gun in a crime. This gives prosecutors with a gun-control agenda the ability to put out of business almost any gun store they choose to target. The anti-terrorism legislation would also allow wiretaps to be inadmissible court-as long as the wiretapping federal official was acting in "good faith". A spokesperson for Barr's office told The SPOTLIGHT that "good faith" meant the official was attempting to act in accordance with the law. But the Supreme Court has a history of demanding much tougher standards before evidence obtained by wiretaps is allowed in court. This bill also destroys habeas corpus-the right of persons to seek federal assistance if their rights are being violated at the state level. The provision eliminating habeas corpus is being sold to lawmakers as a measure for speeding up death row executions, although it applies to all cases-not just ones involving the death penalty. Court decisions have already curtailed habeas petitions. The bill also makes so-called "secret evidence" admissible in court to be used against permanent residents and other aliens, who, if convicted, would face deportation or federal prison. Once secret evidence becomes law, this could set a precedent for this procedure being applied to U.S. citizens. This would be particularly dangerous in cases in which informers are involved (i.e., taxes, drugs or unregistered guns). The Senate version of this bill, S.735, which passed last year, is even more dangerous to our civil liberties. S.735 increases funding for implementing the "Digital Telephony Act of 1994"-making the U.S. phone system wiretap-friendly. Soon, federal officials will be able to tap a phone from anywhere-and without court orders. Critics claim this increased wiretap authority is also unnecessary-the FBI already has authority to conduct a wiretap to prevent the crimes which the public associates with terrorism. The Senate bill also includes the expansion of military involvement in domestic law enforcement, re-defining ordinary property and violent crime as "terrorism" and giving the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms an extra $100 million to expand their domestic activities. Both bills claim to provide a fair balance between protecting our country from terrorist activity and respecting our civil liberties. According to -Second Amendment scholar David Kopel, it does just the opposite. "You can read every line of the very lengthy House bill, and its Senate counterpart, and you will not find a single thing that would have prevented the heinous Oklahoma City bombing, or the Arizona train derailment," he said. "But you will find many ways in which ordinary American citizens will be forced to surrender their rights." Most lawmakers have refused to reveal publicly where they stand on the terrorist bill. Now is the time for you to let them know your position and views. Make sure you let your representative know that the First and Fourth Amendments are just fine the way the are. To subscribe to The SPOTLIGHT, call 1-800-522-6292 Cost per year is $40.00 for 52 weeks (?) US. All other countries call the 1-800 number for prices. +++++++++++++++++++++ SOVEREIGNTY AND THE WTO By: The New American March 18, 1996 On January 17th, the World Trade Organization (WTO) enforcement arm of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) - announced its first-ever ruling. The case matched Venezuela and Brazil against the United States. At issue was a 1993 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation that imposed more stringent environmental restrictions on imports of high-pollution reformulated gasoline than on similar fuel produced domestically. A three-member WTO dispute-settlement panel ruled against the United States decreeing that this double-standard violates GATT's "national treatment" clause requiring member nations to "ensure that in respect of technical regulations products imported shall be accorded treatment no less favorable than that accorded to like products of national origin." The EPA regulation which sparked the conflict was an administrative law decree. Congress should properly have ratified modified or scrapped it but opted instead to let it stand. The intervention by the WTO breached the U.S. Constitution, which gives C ongress sole authority to "regulate Commerce with foreign Nations." The WTO sets an ominous precedent for future, more perilous GATT-related assaults on our country's economic independence. More than two decades ago, writing in the April 1974 issue of the Council on Foreign Relations journal Foreign Affairs, professor Richard Gardner (CFR) contended that "the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than fro m the top down," and that "an end run around national sovereignty eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault." Gardner listed a few of the arrangements that he believed would be especially useful in subtly surrendering national sovereignty to international institutions. "Among other things " he wrote "we will be seeking new rules in the GATT to cover a whole r ange of hitherto unregulated nontariff barriers. These will subject countries to an unprecedented degree of international surveillance never up to now sacrosanct 'domestic' policies..." The recent WTO decision against the U.S. signals just such a concession. +++++++++++++++++++++++++