Prophe-Zine, Issue # 12 Feb 1, 1996 Credits.......... Statement of Faith......... & Other stuff......... Raymond Gano..........Welcome to Issue # 12 David M. Williams..... Pre-Millennial Eschatology. Dr. Carl McIntire..........One World Worship Todd Strandberg... The Antichrist...Have you seen this man? William Bonville....What is Outcome Based Education (OBE) Martha Snell Nicholson..."If Christ Should Come Tonight" Prophe-Zine News Bites..... Assorted Authors and News Services Prophe-Zine's Cool World Wide Web Sites Special Thanks to: David Williams. David is a Bible teacher in Australia and currently studying for my Masters in Theology. I want to thank him for his GREAT articles that he has written for Prophe-Zine. Also I want to thank him for helping me make PZ a international newsletter. Publication Cycle Notice: Prophe-Zine will be published (up loaded), on the 1st and the15th of each month. (bi-weelkly) Prophe-Zine is freely distributed to the major on-line services, BBSs, and to the Internet. You can also get back issues at Prophe-Zine's web site. Address: The Editor of Prophe-Zine can be reached by sending e-mail to: Please write the Editor if you are interested in receiving guidelines for submission to Prophe-Zine Statement of Faith THE PURPOSE of Prophe-Zine is to carry out the command of the Lord Christ Jesus, recorded in Matthew 28:19: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations" Prophe-Zine is a Christian publication grounded in the deity of Christ and the inerrancy of Scripture. The major intent of the editors is first, the giving out the message of the Gospel, "For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures," 1 Cor. 15:3-4. The Editor of Prophe-Zine holds to a strictly literal and inerrant Bible interpretation, salvation through Christ alone, a soon pre-tribulation Rapture of all believers and the establishment of a thousand-year kingdom on earth. The evangelism of the unbelievers and the exhortation of the believers take precedence over all other activities of this ministry. Prophe-Zine may not agree with some of the authors and their beliefs, but Prophe-Zine believes that we must endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit (In other words agree to disagree), so Prophe-Zine feels that it must give equal time to other biblically based doctrines in all fairness. Eph 4:3 Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. In His service, Ray Gano The Legal Stuff About Prophe-Zine Prophe-Zine Copyright � 1996 Raymond B Gano All rights reserved. Please ask for permission before reproducing or reprinting specific articles and/or graphics, since some of the individual works appearing in Prophe-Zine are copyrighted works belonging to their respective authors or artists and are used here with their permission. Prophe-Zine may be freely distributed under the following conditions: It may not be included in a software package without prior consent from the author. It may not be distributed or reproduced for commercial purposes. Prophe-Zine's editor uses a Quadra 840 AV Macintosh computer. Programs include: MacWrite, MacDraw Pro, Color-It, JPEGview, Popcorn, OnLine Bible KJV 2.1, plus any other freeware that I can get my hands on to fill up the hard drive and use up even MORE RAM The Editor is currently looking for submissions, artists, writers, fiction, reviews, columnists and other help for Prophe-Zine articles. If interested, please write the Editor to receive a guideline for submissions. Feedback and suggestions from the Prophe-Zine readers are ALWAYS WELCOME! Don't just tell me that you actually liked reading Prophe-Zine, tell me what YOU would like to see in future issues! ********************************** Welcome to Issue #12 Hello all, Thanks for downloading the newest issue of Prophe-Zine. In this months issue I am looking at a little bit of everything and not focusing on just one topic. I though that I would break it up a bit. We at PZ are coming up on our one year birthday (March 15th) and I would like to ask a special request from you, the readers. I want to hear your testimony regarding Prophe-Zine. Has PZ effected you in any way? Has PZ helped you in your ministry? How about leading people to the Lord using PZ? I want to put these letters of testimony in the one year anniversary issue. It would encourage other Christians and show that PZ is producing the good fruits of the Spirit. So if you can help me out on this, please do. I want to hear all of your testimonies, no testimony is to small or unimportant. I get letters for many of you stating that you would love to write for PZ , but do not have the ability to write the heavy duty articles that often appear in PZ. Well now is your chance to shine. I really need your testimonies. Just think, it might be your words and experiences that you share with the rest of us that could change a persons life. So whip out those pens and put those fingers to the keyboards. In His service, Ray Sr. Editor Prophe-Zine ********************************** Pre-Millennial Eschatology. By: David M. Williams INTRODUCTION The pre-millennial, pre-tribulational eschatological system is a theological framework widely held in modern times. It is the eschatological system which most literally follows scripture under consistent and proper hermeneutics (Walvoord, 1978, p. 270), and most closely represents the eschatological hope of the early Church. It further distinguishes clearly between Israel and the Church and their respective programs (Walvoord, 1978, p. 270). This system is marked by a number of essential distinctives. It requires a futurist interpretation of the bulk of the book of Revelation. It holds to the "rapture" - the snatching away of the Church out of the world at an unknown time (I Thessalonians 4:13-18). This in turn will set in motion a series of subsequent events that will culminate in the ascendancy of the Antichrist, who will rule the world for seven years - the seven years being the final "week" of years in the angelic message to Daniel (Daniel 9:24-27) - the time of the great tribulation to come on the earth as Christ treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God (Revelation 19:15). The rule of the Antichrist will be overturned by the victorious descent of Christ at His Second Coming to the Mount of Olives with the Church (Zechariah 14; Revelation 19:11-16), who defeats him at the Battle of Armageddon, inaugurating a literal thousand year reign (the millennium). Uninterrupted bliss would be enjoyed during this time (which is contiguous with the spiritual rebirth of Israel, the Jewish peoples acknowledging Christ as their Messiah). This would continue until Satan is "loosed" for a season (Revelation 20:7-8). Then, heaven and earth will give way to a new heaven and a new earth, the final judgment will commence, and Satan will be cast forever into eternal damnation (Revelation 20:10-21:1). The system derives its name from its chronological ordering of events: the pre-tribulational rapture and the pre-millennial tribulation. HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT It has been contended by some that the pre-millennial system is a recent invention. Thomas Foster, co-founder of the Christian Revival Crusade, noted for its British-Israel doctrine, states : In 1539 Ignatius Loyola founded the Society of Jesus. Their main purpose was to bring Protestants back to the fold of Rome by any means possible. From their number there arose Francisco de Ribera, a Spanish priest, who wrote a commentary on the book of Revelation, which was printed in 1585 A.D. His thesis [pre-millennialism] was inserted in the form of notes in a Vulgate Bible, in order to counter the Protestant Reformers who had identified the Papacy as the Antichrist, and the Catholic Church as the "Babylon" of Revelation 18:5. . . . Dr Maitland discovered this Futurist view of the Revelation, as taught by Francisco Ribera from Spain, and he published it just for the sake of interest. About this time, 1841, the Plymouth Brethren were formed. . . . Their leader was John Nelson Darby and he eagerly read and accepted the Futurist view of Revelation. . . . little realizing that the Plymouth Brethren from then on would be preaching a Roman Catholic message on the Revelation! (Foster, 1983, p. 1-3) Whether Foster's view have any historical truth or not, John Nelson Darby is often considered the "founder" of pre-millennialism (Cartledge, n.d., p. 157). It would be more correct to say Darby was the founder of dispensational pre-millennialism (Zoba, 1995, p. 21), for the faith of the early Church was undoubtedly chiliasm - based on the Greek word in Revelation 20:3 denoting the number 1,000. Chiliasm was an ill-defined pre-millennial outlook (Zoba, 1995, p. 21; Berkhof, 1975, p. 262) which anticipated the imminent return of Christ, and His reign for a literal thousand years before the final judgment. Unfortunately some were inclined to dwell fondly on their millennial hopes in a crassly materialistic manner, such as Papias and Irenaeus (Berkhof, 1975, p. 262). In the fourth century, the great Christian thinker, Augustine rejected the literal and materialistic notions behind chiliasm, concluding that the kingdom of God was already manifest in the presence of the Church. The age between Pentecost and the return of Christ was seen to be the very millennium itself, marked by the ever-increasing influence of the Church in overturning evil in the world before Christ's return (Zoba, 1995, p. 20) - the first incarnation of post-millennial thinking, although by the end of the first millennium A.D. this line of thought developed into a-millennialism, the denial of any literal thousand year period. Berkhof (1975, p. 262) suggests Augustine's thinking was influenced by the material success of the Church since Constantine's edict of tolerance. Indeed, during the Middle Ages the thought of a literal millennium was generally regarded as heretical (Berkhof, 1975, p. 263). The post-millennial position was refined and further developed by Daniel Whitby (Cartledge, n.d., p. 115) but can no longer be held with any serious thought due to the succession of wars experienced in this century. Pre-millennial thought was revived after being meticulously delineated by Baptist lay preacher William Miller in the early and mid-1800s. His views fell into disrepute after two failed attempts to set a date for the Lord's return (Zoba, 1995, p. 20-21). The next rebirth occurred with John Nelson Darby in the late 1850s in the form of dispensational pre-millennialism, mentioned above - the notion that God interacts with humanity in a series of epochs or dispensations. "Darby wove these diverse strands into a tight cohesive system that he buttressed at every point by copious biblical proof texts, then tirelessly promoted through his writing and preaching tours" (Zoba, 1995, p. 21). Cyrus Scofield popularised this system of belief with the publication of his Reference Bible and catapulted it into the Protestant mainstream (Zoba, 1995, p. 21). THE RAPTURE AND THE TRIBULATION Pre-millennial eschatology holds to a "rapture", or catching up, of the Church at a future and unknown time, to be with Jesus in the air. This is based largely on I Thessalonians 4:15-17 and I Corinthians 15:51-52. It is inexorably intertwined with the "tribulation" period which is to follow, and essentially the purpose of the rapture is to deliver the Church which God has ordained for salvation (I Thessalonians 5:9) from the time of wrath to come - the tribulation. This period will have seven years duration, being the final of Daniel's heptads (Daniel 9:24-27), designated specifically for Israel and the Jewish people. It is identified in scripture as a time of trouble (Daniel 12:1), the time of Jacob's Trouble (Jeremiah 30:4-7), the great Day of the Lord (Zephaniah 1:14-18; I Thessalonians 5:2; Revelation 6:16-17), the great tribulation (Matthew 24:21, 29; Revelation 2:22; 7:14) and the wrath of God (Zephaniah 1:15; Revelation 6:16-17; 11:18; 14:10; 15:1; 16:1). This wrath will be unleashed upon the world (Revelation 15:7) and will test those who dwell upon the earth (Revelation 3:10) and purge the nation of Israel (Daniel 11:35; Zechariah 13:8-9). The pre-millennial system holds to a futurist interpretation of the Book of Revelation from 4:1 onwards and this is believed to outline the events from the rapture, detailing specifically the tribulation period. THE BEMA SEAT OF CHRIST The raptured Saints are most active during the ensuing seven year period. Immediately judgment is enacted on the Christians at Christ's judgment seat. It is important to understand the nature of this judgment. As Dr. Lehman Strauss states, In the large olympic arenas, there was an elevated seat on which the judge of the contest sat. After the contests were over, the successful competitors would assemble before the bema to receive their rewards or crowns. The bema was not a judicial bench where someone was condemned; it was a reward seat. Likewise, the Judgment Seat of Christ is not a judicial bench. . . . (Willmington, n.d., p. 827) Christ's judgment seat is not a negative one; the materials to be judged are the individual believer's works for Christ (I Corinthians 3:10-13). These works are classified as gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay and stubble. It is unwise to speculate on what acts fall into each of the above categories, but it is most likely that acts out of a pure motive, with God-given talents, for the cause of Christ will fall into the higher categories. Nevertheless, at the Bema seat no person shall be cast from Christ's presence; rather rewards will be given based on the result of the testing of one's acts (I Corinthians 3:14). THE MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB Immediately following shall be the marriage supper of the lamb. This is described through Jesus' parables (Matthew 22:2; 25:1; Luke 12:35-36) and through John's revelation (Revelation 19:7). The bridegroom is the Lord Jesus Christ (John 3:27-30; Luke 5:32-35) - the very lamb of God (John 1:29) and the bride is the very Church who has been presented without spot or blemish, perfected through Christ's sanctifying work (Ephesians 5:22-32; II Corinthians 11:2). Christ has given His life for the Church (Matthew 20:28) and so shall the Church be with the Lord forever (I Thessalonians 4:17) ! THE ANTICHRIST A different scene transpires on the earth however. The son of destruction, the lawless one (II Thessalonians 2:2-7) will make his appearance, but only after the Church (his restrainer) has been raptured. By searching the scriptures a mosaic of this end-time figure's life may be painted. Undoubtedly society will be troubled both by its increasing lawlessness (II Timothy 3:1-5), but also by the sudden disappearance of millions of people - the Church. "Two men will be in the field;" Christ said, "one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left" (Matthew 24:40-41). Willmington (n.d., p. 827) attempts to describe the confusion and alarm upon the earth at this time. It is conceivable that a troubled society will produce the atmosphere for a dictator such as the Antichrist, and his personality will draw many to him. Yet it is certain that his is not a government given by God : In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a stern-faced king, a master of intrigue, will arise. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy the mighty men and the holy people. He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power (Daniel 8:23-25). He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them (Daniel 11:37- 38). Immediately the Antichrist seeks to resolve the world's problems. He begins by confirming a peace treaty in the Middle East between Israel and the Muslim nations for a seven year period (Daniel 9:27). Yet, as Paul warns, while people are saying "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly (I Thessalonians 5:3). The Antichrist breaks the treaty in the middle of this seven years (Daniel 9:27) and commits the "abomination of desolation" spoken of by Daniel and by Jesus, until the end that is decreed is poured out upon him (Daniel 9:27; 11:31; 12:11; Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14). THE SECOND HALF OF THE TRIBULATION During the reign of the Antichrist in the former three and a half years of the tribulation period, war and famine, plague and death occurred (Revelation 6:1-11). Earthquakes occur, the sun becomes black, the moon like blood and even the very stars shall appear to fall (Revelation 6:12-13), perhaps referring to meteor strikes (Dake, 1963, p. 290). Nevertheless, the situation is dramatically different in the second half of the tribulation period. John provides a parenthetical view behind the scenes - at the spirit realm where war in the heavenly realms takes place (Revelation 12:7-17). Satan, it may be seen, is the real force behind the evil occurring. He fought with Michael the archangel, but was cast down from heaven with his angelic followers. Seeking to enact revenge, Satan, the dragon, gives power to the Antichrist, the beast (Revelation 13:4). With Satanic empowerment, the Antichrist appears to suffer a fatal wound yet is seemingly miraculously healed (Revelation 13:3). The Antichrist even orders a particular mark be emblazoned on the right hand or forehead of people, without which they may not buy or sell (Revelation 13:16-17) - but with which one will be damned (Revelation 14:9-11). The False Prophet arises, instituting a religious system involving worship of the image of the beast (Revelation 13:11-15), the penalty for failure to comply being death. The seven bowl judgements of Revelation 16 are next enacted: grievous sores on those who had received the mark or worshipped the image; the seas become as blood; the rivers and fountains become as blood; the sun scorches with its heat; darkness covers the earth; the Euphrates dries up and demonic armies are released; and widespread destruction takes place - lightning, hail and an enormous earthquake that flattens the cities of the earth and destroys the islands and mountains. THE RETURN OF JESUS The tribulation draws to a spectacular close when suddenly John sees heaven open and he beholds a white horse - the rider is the Faithful and the True and in righteousness he judges and makes war. His eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns. His name is the Word of God and on his thigh is written "King of Kings and Lord of Lords" (Revelation 19:11-13, 16). The tribulation, and indeed this present age, are virtually at a cataclysmic end, with the promised return of Jesus Christ, accompanied by the perfected raptured Church (Revelation 19:14). With swift judgment the battle of Armageddon takes place. The Antichrist and the False Prophet are cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20), their followers are slain (Revelation 19:21) and Satan is bound in a bottomless pit (Revelation 20:1-3). THE MILLENIUM Thus begins the millennium period. Christ and the Saints reign over the earth for a thousand years. The earth is restored, every valley is raised, the rugged becomes a plain (Isaiah 40:4). Longevity, such as before the flood, becomes common - indeed he who dies at a hundred is thought to be a mere youth (Isaiah 65:20). Animals dwell together in peace (Isaiah 65:25). At the culmination of this period, however, Satan is loosed and he immediately proceeds to deceive the nations, organising a rebellion against Christ's kingdom. This rebellion is short-lived with fire coming from heaven and devouring all (Revelation 20:7-9). THE END OF THIS AGE Immediately Satan himself is cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10). The great judgment occurs - all are judged and those not found in the book of life are also cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:11-15). The present heavens and earth pass away and all things are made new. The new Jerusalem descends from heaven and John hears a voice say, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people and God himself shall be with them and be their God" (Revelation 21:1-3). CONCLUSION As may be seen, the pre-millennial position is not lacking for scriptural support. Nevertheless there exists those who maintain that some of the interpretations required are problematic. Croucher (n.d.) states, "This view robs the book [of Revelation] of all value for the early Christians, and, indeed, for all subsequent generations right up to the last". This is an important objection, especially when one considers the opinions of those who give Revelation an early dating, placing it in the midst of Roman persecution. Indeed, the beast worship of Revelation 13:15 bears a remarkable resemblance to the Emperor worship required in such times. The "abomination of desolations" is very remniscent of Antiochus IV's sacrificing of pigs in the Temple (Stern, 1992, p. 827) - although Jesus' mention of this event requires it to have a later fulfillment. However, unlike other systems such as Preterism, pre-millennialism is independent of when Revelation was written. Others question if Revelation has a strict chronological ordering, given that prophetical works like Jeremiah do not, and the existence of passages labelled as "parenthetical" such as Revelation 12. Furthermore, such an interpretation of Revelation requires a relatively non-literal understanding of "the time is at hand" (Revelation 22:10) and "the things which shall be hereafter" (Revelation 1:19), given that the events of Revelation will not take place until at least 1,900 years after John saw them. Yet, this is mixed with a strictly literal understanding of the seven year period, the thousand year period, and even the 144,000 Jews who are saved during the tribulation. Yet, elsewhere in the scriptures such numbers are taken to be figurative. If the Lord literally owned the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10), He would be no more wealthy than a modern-day cattle rancher. Ultimately, however, it must be concluded that if the pre-millennial framework does err, it does so on the side of being too literal, rather than too figurative such as is the case with post-millennialism. Indeed, Walvoord (1979, p. 270) states that pre-millennialism is the only view which allows a literal interpretation of all the Old and New Testament passages pertaining to the tribulation. It is the only view which preserves the unity of Daniel's seventieth heptad, clearly distinguishing between Israel and the Church. Every Christian must ensure they are like the "faithful and wise servant" who ran his master's household assiduously while waiting for the master's return (Matthew 24:45-46). In the words of J. I. Packer, the Christian must live "packed up and ready to go, and packed up and ready to wait" (Zoba, 1995, p. 23). WORKS CITED Berkhof, L. 1975 (1937). The History of Christian Doctrines, Baker Book House, Michigan. Cartledge, D. n.d. Eschatology, Rhema Bible College, Townsville. Croucher, R. n.d. What are we waiting for?, John Mark Ministries, Melbourne. Dake, F. 1963. Dake's Annotated Reference Bible, Dake Bible Sales, Inc., Georgia. Foster, T. 1983. Amazing Book of Revelation Explained!, Crusade Centre, Victoria. Stern, D. 1992. Jewish New Testament Commentary, Jewish New Testament Publications, Inc., Maryland. Walvoord, J. 1978. The Rapture Question, Zondervan, Michigan. Willmington. n.d. Willmington's Guide to the Bible, Pacific College Study Series, Melbourne. Zoba, W. 1995, 'Future Tense', Christianity Today, vol. 39, no. 11. This essay is free for distribution in any manner, with the provision that it remains completely intact, with this notice, the author's name and the full text of the essay. Any comments are gratefully welcomed. Copyright 1995. ************************************* ONE WORLD WORSHIP By: Dr. Carl McIntire The United Nations has finally embraced a Commission on Religion to assist it in bringing the world together in this new world order. These recent developments reported in The New American, April 3rd, quotes the leaders of the United Nations who have projected what must done to have a "One-World Worship for all." According to these reports the UN needs all this for its "sustainable development." To bring the nations together in what is called "Gaia Hypothesis" ... which "holds that the earth itself is the deity which we should worship, and the UN is the instrument through which the earth goddess will dictate our forms of devotion." There is the "Gaia Atlas of Future Worlds" by Dr. Norman Myers who has been, as reported, "an adviser to the UN, the World Bank, the State Department and Rockefeller Brothers Fund." Here is set "forth the basic tenets of the Gaia religion." Here we have these various references to Gaia, Gaia Hypothesis, Gaia community and she is described as the earth goddess, and then there is the Gaia Religion and, Gaia Atlas of the future world. It is assumed that the readers understand. The Webster's New World Dictionary, Second College Edition, definition reads: "Gaia or Gaea, the earth personified as a goddess, identified with the Roman goddess, Tellus, the goddess of the earth." So they are talking about the earth and it is feminist at that. This brings to the fore all that the feminists are promoting as they do not want a male deity and when the two thousand feminists met in the WCC [World Council of Churches] conference in Minneapolis in November, 1993, they brought up Sophia who replaced Jesus Christ, and she represented the female aspect of the Father. This is a part of the road they are traveling everywhere promoting themselves and this one world worship involving gaia. Somehow, apparently they expect to get that victory with them up the road and there is the second development which accompanies and parallels what is here being developed, when all the human race has their one world worship. This comes out of the expanding of dialogue in Latin America in January when the World Council Group there voted to have dialogue with the non-Christian religions because of the beauty that was in them and all of this would be helpful in uniting the religions in their constructive world programs. Then the WCC's own publication followed with an appeal to dialogue with all the religions that there are. For the UN to speak of the need of religion for its "sustaining development" corresponds to what is projected here to be formed eventually: a united religions organization structured in the same way. These two world bodies are synchronizing and combining their whole outreach to the end that their same goals will be obtained. Here the whole human race is to come "together with all our fellow species and other members of the Gaian community." Norman Myers calls it a "new humanism, a new world view, a new planetary concern." This requires "a UN ministry of religion." The September-October 1994 issue of The Futurist magazine explains this development: "Religions are now headed toward what may eventually form a United Religions Organization (URO), structured in much the same way as the United Nations and sharing the same goals." _______________________________________________________ To obtain this one-world worship which is projected, Kung explains "traditional religions have an ethical obligation to cease to exist." _______________________________________________________ The emphasis is that the earth itself is the deity which we should worship, and that the UN is the instrument through which "the earth goddess will dictate all forms of devotion." But the report goes on indicating that these developments are on their way to fulfillment. Also quoted is the creating of a "world ethic for living sustainably." This began in 1991, and so the report continues, "In that same year globalist theologian Hans Kung was commissioned by UNESCO to create a 'Declaration of Global Ethic' which would impose a set of binding commitments upon religious leaders and institutions." To obtain this one-world worship which is projected, Kung explains "traditional religions have an ethical obligation to cease to exist." In his 1991 book, Global Responsibility: In Search of a New World Ethic, here is his quotation: "Any form of... church conservatism is to be rejected.... To put it bluntly: No regressive or repressive religion -- whether Christian, Islamic, Jewish or whatever provenance -- has a long-term future." The totalitarian nature of all this projection is seen in Kung's explanation that "there will be no room for religious diversity because, 'If ethics is to function for the well-being of all, it must be indivisible. The undivided world increasingly needs an undivided ethic.'" So he postulates, "Postmodern men and women need common values, goals, ideals, visions." When the UN was first formed in San Francisco, 1945, all were assured that it would not be involved in any religious act, representation or action. This report on "One World Worship" developed by the UN says "The crusade on behalf of the 'Global Ethic' began in earnest [on] January 25, 1993." At that time, "a colorful collection of religious leaders assembled around the 'Peace Alter' at the UN's Temple of Understanding to inaugurate the 'Year of Inter-religious Cooperation and Understanding.'" In this report even the names of those present at the gathering are given to the public apparently for the first time. They were Daniel Gomez-Ibanez, a Hindu activist who is a trustee at the Millennium Institute (MI), along with MI executive director Gerald Barney, Gomez-Ibanez helped to organize the 1993 Parliament of World Religions at which time the "Declaration of Global Ethics" was unveiled and signed by scores of religious leaders. Where is that list for the world to see? It is clear here that the religious developments are parallel and combined in the WCC. The WCC has gone after this dialogue to secure the support of all these other religions since they cannot do it alone for the one world church and the one world government. The UN and the WCC were paralleling each other, with the WCC having their representatives and consultants in the UN moving in this direction, but since 1991 both are claiming the help of the other to assist them in their ultimate goal of this one world worship. David Ramage, the chairman of this parliament that produced the Global Ethic document is quoted: "An alternative framework for religion to which people will be held accountable." When one looks at all this it is simply a totalitarian one world religious association for the one world worship. These leaders of the UN have finally reached the conclusion that their one world and the new world order cannot proceed until these religious hindrances, which now exist, are removed and all mankind joins in this one world worship. Global Ethics, which these religious powers unite, is nothing more than a world-socialist society and would require the end of traditional religions. When the Parliament of World Religions was held in Chicago, Gerald Barney [CN Ed: a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America] in a keynote address, is reported to have brought forward this Global Ethic as essential. Barney had been a spokesman for this development. The story says he "is a well-connected member of [the] ecological elite." This of course brings the whole idea to its disastrous end. The report says that "Barney disclosed to the Parliament of World Religions that 'an internationally famous, highly influential author on sustainable development told me, 'Religion must die.'" Then it is condemned as "the fundamental cause of virtually all social, economic, and ecological problems and much of the violence in the world." _______________________________________________________ At last we get to the point of what is at stake. "That conference sought to indict 'fundamentalism' as a global menace." _______________________________________________________ Since all of this is now associated and being developed for the benefit of the UN and its program of World Government, it is noticed that in the highest level of world operation, this is now scheduled for implementation. Barney realizes that he is confronted with a difficult program, but he indicated that "the only alternative to the destruction of religion is the 'reinterpretation and even rejection of ancient traditions and assumptions.'" Here there comes to light the realization that this is what is taking place in the ecumenical movement which constantly speaks of the united world church and of humanity. Another quotation is given from Barney. "Five billion of us humans must prepare to die to 20th century ways of thinking and being.... Every person must learn to think like earth, to act like earth, to be earth." The current emphasis on ecology and the observance of Earth Day once a year has for the last 25 years actually had its consummation, as here explained, to make possible this one-world worship. To evidence that our own political leaders and those in the UN are aware of these things, the report here says, "Barney was the lead author of the Global 2000 report for the Carter administration; in anticipation of the Parliament of World Religions, he helped create an updated version of that document entitled, 'Global 2000 Revisited: What Shall We Do?' The appendix to that report contains an invitation for heads of state and religious leaders to convene in Thingvellir, Iceland, on January 1, 2000. There, in a tent, surrounding a stone alter, the gathered leaders would present handwritten covenants pledging loyalty to Gaia. This event would constitute what Barney calls 'a ritual death to and giving up of the old 20th century and its ways of thinking and being.'" These actions and projections reveal what now confronts the world, and deeply involved in this is the World Council of Churches and the ecumenical movement. The article says so: "following the 1993 Parliament of World Religions, 'Ecumenist religious leaders wasted no time in the effort to define 'authentic' religious belief." We are now down to December, 1994, five months back on the world stage. Then "dozens of prominent religious leaders joined Paulos Mar Gregorius, former president of the World Council of Churches, on the banks of the river Ganges," where they composed a document which urged the spiritual "empowerment of the UN" and said, "The UN should have a 'Spiritual Cell' with highly evolved individuals of all religions and cultures in it. These highly evolved masters would be assisted by 'vast armies of spiritual adepts' who would preside over 'multi- religous International Academies' in every country of the world." At this time, where is any of this information that has been distributed to the American people through the Associated Press, The New York Times, etc? In all of this is "Karon Singh, president of the UN's 'Temple of the Understanding' and Father Louis Dolan, another organizer of the Parliament of World Religions. The foot soldiers of 'spiritual enlightenment' were joined by 1,200 religious and political officials from 52 countries." Who heard anything about these developments? Then again in "February 1994, 500 Christian and Jewish clergymen from 90 countries gathered in Jerusalem for the 'Religious Leadership in Secular Society' conference." _______________________________________________________ Another quotation is given from Barney. "Five billion of us humans must prepare to die to 20th century ways of thinking and being.... _______________________________________________________ At last we get to the point of what is at stake. "That conference sought to indict 'fundamentalism' as a global menace." Then the indictment accumulates its support announcing that they have 'to deal with religious extremism.' This note was taken up by Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey, who urged leaders of the three monotheistic religions to 'weed out the extremes' from their respective faiths." Here the leader of the Anglican Church of England, saying this. There was also "an unprecedented media campaign" in the election of 1994 "against the 'Religion Right.'" The article says, they "were demonized as enemies of 'democracy' and 'civil liberties.'" But all of this has its own price. Benjamin Creme, a British Theosophist, claims to speak on behalf of Lord Maitreya, whom he says is the Christ and "is working with other members of the 'Spiritual Hierarchy' to bring about the consummation of human evolution." The elements which are reported here can now be seen in all that is going on and which more and more is heading up in the UN. This leads, they think, to a unity that will produce their One World Worship. These developments, accumulating over the last four or five years, have now reached such proportions that no true believer in Jesus Christ or lover of freedom or independence of the United States and other countries can let it proceed without vigorous opposition on every hand and in talk shows across the land. This commission, which the UN has made a part of its structure in New York, and its denunciation and rejection of fundamentalism has, as a part of it, the very elements which the Bible itself describes concerning the rise of the antichrist or the man of sin as described in Second Thessalonians, Chapter 2. This One World Worship will provide what the Scriptures say, "Whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders." And in Revelation 13:3, 4, there is no doubt the whole world will worship the beast. The Christians, of course, who are faithful to the Word and have not been deceived, will never be a part of any such worship or support of Satan. Now that these activities are in full swing, if the Lord tarries, to take out His own, the year 2000 will be accompanied by the promotion and acceptance and the desperate need of this One World Worship. The worship of the earth, of which Satan is the god of this world, invites the revelation of Jesus Christ, when He will come to the Mount of Olives and bring all this to naught. Satan will be bound up and the Christians will glory in the Lamb who was slain for their eternal salvation. _______________________________________________________ 'The appendix to that report contains an invitation for heads of state and religious leaders to convene in Thingvellir, Iceland, on January 1, 2000. There, in a tent, surrounding a stone alter, the gathered leaders would present handwritten covenants pledging loyalty to Gaia. _______________________________________________________ For such developments that are here revealed in the efforts of the UN to bring to them the religious support, there is a confession that without Satan's program with his agents serving him, there will be no world peace. Here, now comes, the knowledge of these developments, that the believers may truly understand the times, live and suffer for Christ, and wait for the glory that shall be revealed when Jesus comes. "Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovest me before the foundation of the world." John 17:24. Copyright 1995, The Christian News, 3277 Boeuf Lutheran Road, New Haven MO 63068. Used with permission. Dr. Carl McIntire is President of the International Council of Christian Churches. ### ========================= WE OFFER ANALYSIS and reporting about news that really matters: *** US Constitution US & World Security Political Corruption Individual Liberty World Financial Markets Religious Freedom *** INTERNET SUBSCRIPTIONS are available for private individuals, non-profit organizations, and commercial publishers and broadcasters. Email with "Send Catalog" as the subject. THE EDITORS are heard live nationally on the Eagle Radio Network. Satellite receivers can pick us up every Saturday 11-noon PDT on G2 or G6, transponder 14, subaudio 1.57. Ask your local station's program manager to carry us live! Email jinks for information. 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He will charm the Jews into submission then turn against them. This "man of sin" will briefly become the most powerful man on earth. With all of the writings concerning the Beast, many Christians have tried to select the Antichrist from among the men of their days. Some made good assumptions, while others were very much off base in there observations. Of course, as today stands, none have been able to name the true Antichrist. Listed below are the world figures who, at one point or another, have been tagged as the Antichrist. Most are dead and presumably off the hook, but a number are still active on the world stage. The living have their every move observed by hundreds of prophecy watchers. Antiochus Epiphanes He was one of only a few pre-Christian Antichrists and is described by scholars as a type of Antichrist. Epiphanes was predicted by Daniel the Prophet, and he fulfilled many of the prophecies that the real Antichrist will repeat. Roman Emperor Nero One of the first and one of the greatest persons to fit the role of Antichrist was this leader. He put many Christians to death and even killed members of his own family. Nero's actions caused the Church to multiply more than if he had left it alone. He died by poisoning himself, when he learned that the Senate was plotting against him. The Pope Just about every Pope has been given the title of Antichrist. The Pontiff is a favorite among evangelicals. During the Middle Ages when the power of the Pope was more pronounced the title was more plausible. Today the political power of the Pope has long pasted. It would be more probably that the Pope would hold the duty of False Prophet than the one of Antichrist. Charlemagne He lived from 742-814 AD, and control much of central Europe. Charlemagne put himself into the shoes of the Antichrist by trying to rebuild the Roman Empire. This is a task that only the real Antichrist will accomplish. He died before achieving this goal. Napoleon The self crowned French Emperor was not particularly a depraved man. He did not persecute the church and he lacked a number of the qualities needed for the role. His downfall was that he loved war too much. Napoleon like Charlemagne worked toward reviving the Roman Empire. Benito Mussolini Because Mussolini became the dictator of Italy the original location of the Roman Empire, he was the recipient of the great deal of commentary during his rule-- from 1922 to 1943. His extreme arrogance fitted the role of antichrist, but his military capability were laughable. Italy needed help from Germany all throughout W.W.II. Adolf Hitler Most people would describe Hitler as the most villainous man who ever lived. He remains a demonic forewarning of what the real Antichrist will be like. Francisco Franco He was the dictator of Spain from 1936 until his death in 1975. Franco was called the antichrist not because of his actions, but more because of a genealogical connection. Upon his death the dubious honor of be called Antichrist passed to Price Juan Carlos. King Juan Carlos of Spain The late Charles Taylor was a big proponent of the idea that Juan Carlos was the Antichrist. The title of Antichrist was given to him because of his bloodline and by being the king of the tenth nation to join the EU. Ayatollah Kohomeini One of the grumpiest man to ever to live, he bedeviled the US for a number of years. Ronald Wilson Reagan Say it isn't so Ron. During the 80's when he is President there was talk going around about the fact that he had 6 letters in all 3 of his names. I believe the 666 connection with his name, was more of a joke then hard evidence. Mikhail Gorbachev Gorbachev, the first Russian leader to support the rights of the people, has been and still remains a candidate for the task of Antichrist. Until Gorby dies prophecy watchers will have any eye on him. I guess being born will that mark on his head was too obvious for some. Saddam Hussien Even before the Gulf War he was looked on as the Beast of Daniel and Revelations. During and after the conflict, he gained a dominant footing as a possible candidate for the job. Lord Maitreya A New Age personage who is said to be on this earth somewhere waiting for his opportunity to save the world. Sun Myung Moon Moon is the leader of the Unification Church and he openly claims to be the Messiah. Moon recently was sent to jail for tax evasion. Jesus by having a tax collector on his staff didn't suffer from tax problems, you pick which one was the smarter Messiah. PLO leader Arafat When Arafat signed the peace treaty with Israel in 1993, some thought that he was bring to pass the prophecy regarding the Antichrist signing a peace treaty for 7 years with Israel. In order for this to be the case, we would have to be nearly 3 years into the tribulation. Barney the Dinosaur Purely as a joke some have reacted to the popularity of Barney by labeling him the Antichrist Bill Gates If the Beast needs to be computer literate then Bill Gates would make a good applicant. This is yet another joke floating around Cyberspace. I have some observations of my own to make about the Antichrist. First of all I have no idea who he is. When you check history, people who become well renowned, for whatever reason, most of the time were unknowns before they became famous. Hitler is a good example, before he rule much of Europe, at one point, he living in a flophouse. If you walked by and saw him, you would have never guessed that he'd someday threaten to take over the world. When the time for the Antichrist comes he will achieve great office, but right now he could be out pumping gas at some service station. The word Antichrist has lost most of if meaning in resent years. To call some Antichrist, in the past, was on the same level as a cursing. Now to attach the name Antichrist to someone or something brings up mythological connections. The same has become for calling someone a devil. Examples like Barney the dinosaur or Bill Gates only help blur the real meaning of the name Antichrist. Someday he will arise and cause the destruction of more human beings than anyone who has ever come before him. We should take care by not over focusing on the Antichrist, instead our hope lies in the true Christ. Any revelation of the "man of sin" should act as a warning to prepare us for the man of salvation. As a pre-tribulationist I personally have no plans on meeting this "son of perdition," only those who are not ready for the rapture should exspect to see him personally. Email If you know of anyone else who was or is now looked on as possible being the Antichrist, please feel free to E-mail that information to the above address. ********************************** What is Outcome Based Education (OBE) By: William Bonville, Secretary of the American Party of Oregon A WHITE KNIGHT TO THE RESCUE OR A DISASTER IN THE MAKING? There is widespread public awareness that our public schools in Oregon have failed to educate our children. There is an equally widespread clamor for change. The people want schools to be good again. This was the excuse for introducing Outcome Based Education. OBE will cure all our problems by restructuring the schools to meet the desires of the people and the needs of children. OBE is the white knight to the rescue. Or is it? Since in recent decades our schools have been run more and more bureaucratically, adopting more and more new and experimental programs, engaging more and more in social engineering instead of traditional education, one might conclude that public schools over the past three decades have been systematically weaned away from their function of education. Indeed, when one looks into the history of educational policy management at all levels, one can argue convincingly that the educational effectiveness of our public schools has been systematically destroyed in order that something like Outcome Based Education, OBE, could be brought in to "save" the schools. While such a notion is alarmingly consistent with the theories of the experts who developed and implemented OBE (to achieve change, first introduce "dissonance" to produce confusion and the consequent desire for change, they advise), there is little appearance of that when OBE first arrives on the scene. OBE has the appearance of being "local" in origin, a system devised uniquely by people on the actual site of the schools to solve the immediate problems of each individual school. But that is mere appearance. OBE is a cleverly packaged system of schooling handed down through federal and state educational bureaucracies which skilled experts, called facilitators and change agents, implant into each school district. On the surface it looks good to pupils, teachers and parents. They like it because, if nothing else, it feels good. Its initial phase of implementation is designed to be easy to swallow, smoothing things out in preparation for the changes to come. The first thing that leads one to question OBE is discovery that it is not a system invented by experienced educators. Instead it was developed and is managed and guided by a fanatical group of sociologists and psychologists originally funded and directed by an assortment of tax-exempt foundations. Principal among them is the Carnegie Corporation, which has sponsored and led the key organizations that have developed and implemented OBE; and the Rockefeller Foundation, which funds several key organizations involved in the school restructuring movement, organizations which are guided by regents or boards of directors on which a man named David Rockefeller holds membership and calls the shots personally or through his representatives. And David Rockefeller, whatever else he may be, is not an educator. Taking a deeper look at OBE, we discover that it is not about education at all. At least, not in terms of traditional academically-based, teacher-directed instruction that once was the foundation of American education until the social engineers began whittling away at it back in the 1960s. The fundamental strategy of the restructuring movement known as Outcome Based Education is elimination of all moral and psychological barriers to social change. Why social change? Because the political, industrial and banking leaders who lead our society have concluded that, the way the world is going, it will be politically and economically unmanageable in the very near future. OBE is a crucial part of the solution to their management problem. The ultimate objective is to gain socio-political control over all present and future generations of children, conditioning them to be cooperative and pliable workers and citizens who will go along with the New World Order. OBE will be the tool by which those children will be conditioned to operate cooperatively in the New World Order. That "Order" will be an egalitarian society (run by a small elite) marked by total conformity to and control by the ideas of those in charge of the state, in accordance with state-specified values and attitudes. This is the classic notion of Fabian Socialism carried to its logical extreme. OBE is thus global in concept, socialistic in philosophy, and anti-patriotic. It's design is based on a comprehensive view of the future a generation or two on out into the twenty first century. The sociologists work back from that concept to determine what education must be today to accommodate that presumed future. The outcomes of OBE are thus designed to produce an educational product (a student) who will function appropriately in that future. THIS IS THE KEY TO OBE. Those outcomes, these experts have determined, are only incidentally and at best secondarily what we would call academic. Instead, they are fundamentally associated with what one might call a view of the world, what the philosophers call a weltanschauung. And that is less an intellectual grasp of what the world is all about than it is felt understanding, a nexus of attitudes and dispositional feelings about the world and our place in it. And that is what the "outcomes" of OBE would restructure. The crucial point is that the educational outcomes that a graduate must possess to matriculate from the OBE system are attitudinal and relate to values, not to academic skills. Paramount above everything is that the student's outcome must include a high level of self esteem. He must believe and feel that he is the nicest, best, or whatever positive feeling is appropriate to the learning situation, no matter what the reality is due to his basic possession or lack of talent or intelligence. No matter what his capabilities and capacities, no matter where they place him in the order of things, he must feel good about himself so that he will be satisfied first of all with OBE itself, and then with where he finds himself in the social, economic and political order that the experts in world governments are creating for him to live in. OBE will produce this sort of satisfied, happy person because he or she will be able to succeed in mastering everything the system has to offer. That it isn't very much academically, is not beside the point. For if you educate children too well, at least some of them will be apt to challenge the new order of things. The masters of OBE have gained control of the educational system virtually everywhere in the nation, and have established legislation, implementation plans, schedules, and educational goals that are identical from state to state. In each instance they are instituting a system that is: 1. Brainwashing, not education. It uses Skinnerian techniques of psychological conditioning to obtain politically correct and compliant, dumbed-down workers who feel good about themselves. 2. Challenges traditional family values and religiously-based Judeo-Christian moral absolutes by developing a morality of relativism based on what feels good in situations. The objective is destruction of the Judeo-Christian culture and the conceptual and attitudinal anchors that underlie the ideals of individualism and freedom that dominate our prevailing world view. 3. Undermines academic excellence by deemphasizing, eliminating or lowering academic standards such that all students can meet all requirements. Meanwhile it adds other standards which are attitudinal and affective, politically correct, verified by behaviors having nothing to do with academics. OBE focuses on changing behavior, attitudes, values, and feelings. These outcomes drive the system; where core academic subjects are taught, they are treated as processes only, used to achieve the real attitudinal goals. The system uses illegal psychological tests to assess those behaviors. 4. Makes a permanent record of the compliance of each child with these outcomes and, under that part of the law called "Parents as Teachers," intervenes in the family if necessary to obtain those outcomes. The laws are written so that families who object and resist the brain washing of their children can be prosecuted, lose jurisdiction over their children, and be forced into psychological counseling (at their own expense) until they have come around to the government's way of seeing things. 5. Makes that record on each child available to other agencies of the government and to prospective employers. Intends by law that a child who does not comply with outcomes will not get employed or be able to advance educationally. 6. Eliminates Carnegie Units (class hour credits in subjects) as a criterion for graduation; eliminates grading in favor of psychological testing of desired attitudinal outcomes. 7. Supplants the diploma with Certificates of Mastery (CIM and CAM), intermediate and advanced, at 10th and 12th grade equivalents. Forces fifteen- and sixteen-year-old students to make career decisions which become difficult for them to change, and reintroduces fixed "tracks" into the educational process. Keeps your children from receiving certificates if they disagree with the values taught in school, no matter how intellectually gifted or academically excellent they may be. 8. Increases length of school year and class length, in part to make possible the "remediation" of children who resist or reject the desired outcomes. 9. Makes the teacher into a "facilitator" or coach in place of conducting a directed learning environment. 10. Introduces "whole word" reading in place of phonics, and employs group, cooperative and coercive learning strategies in place of motivating individual initiative. The approach deemphasizes individual choices and decisions or the learning of self reliance. Replaces math drills with calculators, vocabulary building with feel-good choices, etc., as it takes the work out of academic learning. 11. Gives control of the system to educators (site based management) in place of school boards and school committees, and thus breaks the last bit of local community control over the educational process. It also assures control of the educators by the system, because teachers and administrators are mandated to learn and utilize the new system, and they will remain dependent upon it for their professional advancement and livelihood. 12. Holds top achievers back by making them teach slower students until all have met the behavioral standards. This allows most members of a group or class to achieve only a small fraction of the academic progress gained under the existing system, bad as it is. For greater detail than above, you are urged to read Ron Sunseri's book: OBE, Understanding the Truth about Education Reform, Questar Publishers, PO Box 1720, Sisters, OR 97759. But how exactly does OBE work? In OBE, a student must demonstrate an approved behavior defined by the state as the required outcome of the educational process. The state: 1. Sets a standard for "mastery" of a specified goal. 2. Tests to verify that the goal has been achieved. 3. Remediates a student who fails to meet the standard until he does. The required outcomes are attitudinal, not academically based. They set outcome attitudes towards and behavioral capacity for adaptability to change, ethical judgment, family living, environment, understanding and appreciating others, and good citizenship (defined as active participation in and support of civic government). The rhetoric of OBE says that children will proceed at their own pace and not be judged by "seat time." In practice, because of emphasis upon group learning strategies, all children in a group must achieve the goals before the group may move on, which puts tremendous pressure on a non-conformist to conform. This group orientation makes OBE a system for education of the group, not the individual. It is "collective" education in which competition is discouraged and the individual learns that the group is more important than the individual. Each school district must develop a plan to meet OBE requirements, submit it to the state and, if state does not approve, or if the district will not fall into line, the state will take over the district. In practice, the state provides the plan to the district, so that the plan is essentially the same in all districts and in all states. A carrot and stick approach is used. If the district cooperates, it gets an open conduit to state and federal money. If it doesn't, it gets taken over at worst, doesn't get money at best. Public Law 103-382, dated October 20 1994, provides $8 billion (yes, that is a B for billion) of grant money for spreading out to those states and school districts who accept the federal mandate to implement OBE in their schools. OBE thus is being implemented as a national curriculum that is to be worked into the system in stages. The following explanation is condensed from Ron Sunseri's book, page 23ff, a book that every parent should buy and read from cover to cover, for we only touch on all that the book covers about OBE. There are four stages in implementing outcome-based education. As you read you will begin to see a pattern that you may be experiencing in your own district. The transition from one stage of OBE to the next is accomplished through gradualism. Bill Spady, the "father of OBE," defines the stages as follows: STAGE 1: TRADITIONAL OBE Here OBE retains its traditional focus on traditional subject area knowledge (math, science, reading, etc.), outcome-based instruction is applied to the traditional disciplines. Shift is made to A,B,I grading (eighty percent = mastery; incomplete (I) doesn't count on grade point average). Teacher takes the role of coach or facilitator. STAGE 2: LOW TRANSITIONAL OBE The focus remains on academic subject areas with some OBE processes such as group collaboration, self assessment on performance terms using open-ended tests and demonstrations with scoring (rubrics) developed by teacher. A,B,I grading continues. STAGE 3: HIGH TRANSITIONAL OBE The instructional focus now shifts entirely to processes and competencies, using subject matter in hands-on, real-life experience situations. Future-driven competence outcomes from spheres of the psychological, sociological, political, using authentic, exit outcome-based performance assessments (portfolios, projects, etc.) Curriculum now becomes interdisciplinary (thematic, traditional disciplines integrated). STAGE 4: TRANSFORMATIONAL OBE Here the educational focus points to functioning in life-roles (knowledge, competence, and orientation towards the community as school, with it defining what we want the student to be like-values). What we now have are future conditions-driven life-role performance outcomes (psycho-socio-political focus) involving authentic role performances (apprenticeship, community service, working in community), with academic subject matters fully integrated into and effectively downgraded, emptied of much content (content is estimated by OBE authorities to be approximately 10 percent of traditional content), and submerged within thematic future-driven curriculum. The outcomes are scored by student- and expert-created rubrics (business and industry will assess and validate competencies through authentic life-role performances), awarding certificates of mastery leading to entry into workforce. Carnegie units are abandoned and criterion validation replaces grading with descriptions of competencies at each level. In 1990: Dept. of Labor formed the Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills. Headed by Arnold Packer, author of 1987 report, Workforce 2000: Workers for the 21st Century." What it spells out are OBE objectives, pure and simple. This led to the School to Work Bill, which requires that states adapt their educational system to facilitate transition from schools into the workplace, and do it as stipulated by the Federal Government. If not, Federal money is cut off. Again, this is a setup for OBE, which is designed to create a flow of compliant, dumb, attitudinally correct cheap labor force. Outcome-based education has a supporting strategy known as developmentally appropriate practices or DAP. While DAP is not technically connected to outcome-based education, proponents of OBE consider DAP imperative to the education of young children, which is why it accompanies the implementation of OBE everywhere. The National Association for the Education of Young Children has described DAP as follows: (again taken from Ron Sunseri's book, p 66ff) Practice: There is an integrated curriculum where learning in all traditional subject areas occurs primarily through projects, learning centers, and play activities. Meaning: No more directive teaching. No more content teaching. Young students will learn on their own by doing fun activities. In this model learning simply occurs, students don't strive to acquire knowledge. Practice: Children learn through active involvement with each other, with adults and older children serving as informal tutors. Meaning: Children learn from each other, not the teacher. The new role for the teacher is a passive tutor or facilitator. Older students are used as passive tutors as well. Practice: Individual children or small groups work and play cooperatively or alone in learning centers on projects that they usually select themselves. Meaning: Children self-direct their "learning." They are not directed by a teacher to do anything they don't want to do. Generally it is inappropriate for the teacher to select work for the student to accomplish. The child decides what is relevant. Practice: The math and science programs enable children to use math and science through exploration, discovery, and solving relevant problems. Meaning: No direct teaching and no rote learning of how to do sums or requiring the memorization of multiplication tables. Children will "explore" these subjects at learning centers. Practice: Social studies themes are identified as the focus of work for extended periods of time and are learned through a variety of projects and playful activities involving independent research through reading, excursions, discussions, relevant use of language, etc. Meaning: No directive teaching of content. Practice: Art, music, movement, and drama are integrated activities in the learning process. Meaning: Obvious. Practice: Teachers promote socialization behavior, perseverance, industry, and independence by providing many stimulating and motivational activities. Teachers promote the development of children's conscience and self-control through positive guidance techniques, includingsetting clear limits in a positive manner and involving children in establishing rules for their class and social living. Meaning: Students begin to learn how to exhibit the behaviors required of them by outcomes. Practice: Teachers view and accept parents as partners. Meaning: The primary responsibility for the children lies with the school. Parents are only one part of a multi-faceted process. "Viewing" and "accepting" parents as partners establishes the teacher and school as the center of control. Parents must fit into the system and know their proper place. Criticisms of OBE on the basis of external criteria are argumentive and arbitrary as far as supporters of OBE are concerned. But internal criticisms are telling. Ask: How do you measure outcomes? For example, the desired outcome of self esteem. How do you score it? How much self esteem is enough? Too much? The only way of measuring such things is by psychological tests, which are illegal. Yet the government has set a standard which a student must meet in attitudes, values and beliefs. Examples: On assessment test the pupil is asked: What is your least favorite country? What is your least favorite religious denomination? Such questions expose a pupil's attitudes and feelings about other people, and tell nothing of his knowledge about the world. Crucial to the system is the facilitator establishing and maintaining a "Locus of Control." The child must learn to go along with the group. If not, the process must create a conflict in the child that will lead to a change in that behavior. This operant conditioning technique becomes part of teacher retraining. But how do you get teachers to be "facilitators"? They are subjected to "sensitivity training." which essentially is "group therapy," designed to upset the teacher's frame of reference. Then too, there is the usual coercion of the administrative system and the union which says, go along or get out. The real goal of OBE, it thus becomes clear, is just what the experts say it is in their research journals. It is to condition the populace to rapid adaptability to change without protest. The outcome sought is a compliant, willing, unquestioning worker used to and desiring to cooperate with his fellows as a not too smart drone working in the global industrial complex managed by the global elite. These compliant drones include parents and teachers as well as pupils. The immediate outcome for the child, parents report, may be rebellion in the home, irritability, nervousness, sleep walking and other psychological disorders. The top ten percent of the students will be siphoned off from the system and trained for leadership, provided they have the proper attitudes. If not, they will be held back and dumbed down with the rest of the kids as material for the new global work force produced by NAFTA and GATT. If they do behave properly, they will be given extra opportunities to rise to the top of the New World (Government) Order. This is not education designed to make a child the best he can be; but one that makes him the best the social elite wants him to be. It is a method for implementing a Fabian-like socialistic New World Order and a globalistic viewpoint. This outcome, visited upon a generation or two of functional illiterates dumbed down to where they don't know any better, will be to the advantage of the "controller" of the new society. In the end, government schools using OBE cannot allow competing schools to survive, since they would produce better educated children and reveal the failure of OBE as a true educational system. They would also be breeding grounds for unreconstructed independent thinkers who might lead the drones in opposition to the new order of things. Therefore, the new laws provide that, when the experts deem the time is ripe, private and religious schools will be brought into the OBE system, and home schooling will be outlawed, all by the simple device that the teacher of any child must be certificated in the OBE technology and use it. To make this happen, the Federal government and states are waiving or ignoring all sorts of laws. This includes the Hatch Amendment, which outlaws psychological testing in the schools. Indeed, the federal Education Act, H.R. 6, has provisions specifically allowing the educational establishment to disregard laws which may interfere with implementation of OBE. The National Education Association has been a leader in the transformation process, enthusiastically hopping on board what the sociologists and psychologists have devised in the name of educational reform. In fact, the NEA not only supports the Federal Goals 2000 legislation now being implemented; the Ten Cardinal Principles of the NEA were virtually a blueprint for Goals 2000, which was no accident. David Rockefeller was an active participant in the NEA's development of those principles. Goals 2000 is a federal blueprint for education, over-riding local control and establishing a mandatory curriculum from the top down. It has no concern for academics. It was developed by Chester Finn. The Goals 2000, Educate America Act, signed by Bill Clinton, is legislation specifying: 1. School based clinics. The ultimate goal is to provide life-long services to the child and his family, making the data developed by these clinics part of the total package of information on pupils and families. 2. OBE, with computer data tracking ultimately extending from birth to death. 3. Parents as teachers, requiring "experts" to come into the home to show parents how to bring up their children with the approved attitudes and values. Those who object or fail to cooperate will be labeled as child abusers and be liable for prosecution and loss of their children to the state. This is part of the guideline that "all kids will arrive at school ready to learn." This gives "experts" an entry into home from birth to graduation of child. If parents refuse to let the experts into the home, they are labeled "at risk" and may be penalized. 4. Race norming of testing. Those of different race, color or income status will be scored differently, recognizing that (at least at the outset) they cannot score as well as middle-class Anglos. 5. No parental privacy, no parental input to the schools. The child belongs to the state and the family is an open book to the state. 6. Establishes a new National School Board, which will: a. Install uniform national curriculum and testing. b. Develop mandatory national outcome standards. c. Implement data tracking on an individual basis, with that data made available to other agencies and employers. 7. Mandatory school standards relative to the number of teachers and their salaries, computers, etc. 8. National Educational Goals Panel , which will issue reports on how well each district is meeting the above 7 goals. The Goals 2000 legislation thus established two new layers of educational bureaucracy at the Federal level: the National Educational Goals Panel, and the National Standards and Improvements Council. The first establishes the common educational goals, the second establishes the detailed standards and tests to assure compliance --- all on a national basis. Bill Jasper writes, "Twisting through the confusing maze of Federal education agencies, bureaus, programs, grants and contracts runs a unifying thread, all leading toward the institution of a centrally controlled computer-based system of schooling employing the operant conditioning techniques of Behavioral Psychologist B. F. Skinner." He continues, "Deceptive and psychologically manipulative courses, curricula, teaching methods and textbooks, running under the label of Mastery Learning, Competency Based Learning, or OBE, are replacing the traditional academic curriculum and causing havoc throughout the country as millions of students are purposefully being dumbed down." Nancy Stable, a former high school teacher in Pennsylvania schools, describes the "values clarification" technique used in OBE. It is a method for teaching decision making that teaches a child to abandon all the traditional values and standards taught at home and church, teaches that there is no absolute right or wrong, but that each individual can choose for himself based on what is good for himself. B. K. Eakman, in Educating for the New World Order (Halcyon House, Portland, OR 1991, pp 258-9), quotes William Bonner, Attorney for the Rutherford Institute: "While the public has assumed it retains its historic input into education on a local school district level, in fact education has been progressively federalized, with the bold new America 2000 as the ultimate expression of the consolidation of power over education directed from Washington. The revised Chapters 3, 5, and 6 respond to Washington's demand that the states effect strict compliance with federal regulation in exchange for federal dollars. Freedom, diversity and local control are being increasingly sacrificed in that exchange. "Undergirding this federalization of education has been a massive invasion of the family and the rights of individual students through curricula utilizing psychological programming and experimentation, as well as a broad spectrum of behavior modification techniques. Data periodically gathered through invasive testing within the affective domain has then, through the illegal demand for students' social security numbers...been compiled on computer systems storing vast amounts of intimate and private information on our children and youth, in violation of their constitutional rights... "The traditional interests and rights of parents have been trampled upon, as educators have proceeded on the proposition that professionals know better than parents how to raise children...." As for the Oregon reform law: It did nothing less than make OBE a required adoption by every school district in the state, whether school boards, parents or the local community like it or not. Local control of education, like the wolf and the grizzly, is extinct in the formerly sovereign state of Oregon. Vera Katz (now Mayor of Portland), Superintendent of Public Instruction Norma Paulus, and Governor Barbara Roberts, those three nice, smiling ladies, have sold us out to the globalists. How to Oppose Outcome Based Education In Oregon, first task is to repeal the OBE statutes put in place by HB3565 in 1991. Circulate the initiative petition. When you fill one sheet, get more. Be sure you follow the instructions for the circulator. Problem: When the initiative is passed by the voters in November 1996 you can bet the political powers will tie up the initiative in court to stop it from becoming law. Also bet the Governor and legislature, when in 1997 they enact the laws required by the initiative, will do everything they can to get around the initiative and keep OBE in place, perhaps by another name. Solution: Frighten the whole lot of those Republican and Democratic politicians into serving the people for a change. How? Vote with your feet! And do it everywhere, not only in Oregon. The Republican Party under President Bush and his Education Secretary, Lamar Alexander (Yup, the same one now running for president), drew up the plans for OBE. The Democratic Party under President Clinton pushed the OBE law through Congress (supported by both Democrats and Republicans). In Oregon, the Democratic Speaker of the House, Vera Katz, shoved OBE through the Democratic-controlled legislature in 1991. Norma Paulus, a long-time Republican and Superintendent of Public Instruction, turned the law into the OBE system now mandated in our schools. Now Governor John Kitzhaber, a Democrat, says he will veto any Oregon bill that would repeal OBE. But he has nothing to fear, for the Republican-controlled legislature defeated a house bill that would have repealed OBE. The lesson for us: The Republican and Democratic Parties at all levels are shoving OBE down our throats whether we like it or not. They refuse to listen to ordinary Republicans and Democrats who fear what OBE is doing to their children. Instead they listen to the power brokers with the money. The solution: Vote with your feet. Get out of the Republican or Democratic Parties. Tell your family and friends to get out also. Reregister immediately. Join a third party or merely be independent. Most of us were Republicans or Democrats. We are now registered and active in the American Party. Another alternative: The Libertarian Party. We chose the American Party because, among other things, it is the only political party that has taken a position against OBE. Its members are active in the effort to repeal OBE and also wake up parents and grandparents about what is being done to their children and grandchildren. OBE is no joke. It is not a passing fad or fancy. It won't go away of its own accord. There are a lot of powerful people who want our kids dumbed down and made compliant by OBE. Their power is money. They use it to control our politicians and our government. They don't want you to know it, but you have more power than they do. You have the vote. Your vote elects those politicians. They have power only because millions of people register in and vote for the Republican and Democratic Parties. But both parties answer to the money, not to you. They make you think you have a choice. Not any more you don't. Not with them. Your only real choice is a third party like the American Party. The Ultimate Defeat of Outcome Based Education Wisdom appears when one least expects it. Such an appearance occurs in The Atlantic Monthly magazine for September, 1995. The article is by George McKenna. The title - On Abortion: A Lincolnian Position. The loggerheads of the abortion controversy have long since bored me (both extremes want the government to intervene and do their bidding, which is antithetical to the principles of the American Party as well as to my personal political disposition), but the mention of Lincoln piqued my interest. Oddly enough, McKenna's argument dealing with abortion was deftly woven into the fabric of the Lincoln-Douglas debates on slavery and the survival of the union and/or states rights. The piece must be read to appreciate the point of view he expresses and the quality of his argument. Along the way, McKenna reveals from his study of Lincoln a maxim of sorts that should not be lost upon we who come along the way of life a century later, and who wrestle with the institution of outcome based education --an institution as evil as slavery and not entirely unrelated. Lincoln, McKenna tells us, found foreign to his thought the idea that he might resolve the slavery question in the courts, whether by argument or stuffing the courts with justices who thought as he did. Instead, "...he intended to conduct his argument before the American people. Lincoln knew that in the final analysis durable judicial rulings on major issues must be rooted in the soil of American opinion. 'Public sentiment,' he said, 'is everything' in this country. "'With it, nothing can fail; against it, nothing can succeed. Whoever moulds public sentiment, goes deeper than he who enacts statutes, or pronounces judicial decisions.'" There is practical truth. Let it be put to use by those of us who have learned of the methodological bankruptcy and moral evil of that educational cancer known as outcome based education, mastery learning, performance based learning, Goals 2000, or whatever its progenitors choose to call it. For freedom's sake, for the sake of our children and grandchildren, we oppose it. We work to defeat it. We will take it into the courts. We will lobby our legislators and use our votes to expel its architects and supporters from the public offices they are abusing. Most of all, as Lincoln advised, we will expose that bankruptcy and evil for all to see. By exposure of the truth about OBE, we will surely build momentum that will capture public sentiment in ever larger segments of the American people. In the end, it will assure that outcome based education shall be consigned forever to the rubbish pile of history. It has begun. In Virginia, Montana, and now New Hampshire and Alabama, the people have raised their voices and refused the federal "blackmail" funds that would tie them into implementation of OBE. All that happened much to the chagrin of Secretary Reilly and the coterie of bureaucrats who know better than you what is best for your children. That story is told on the front page of the August 30 Wall Street Journal, where a Virginian is quoted as informing us, "Goals 2000 will produce stupid children... The government plans to take over the responsibility for raising infants, toddlers and preschoolers." But not if we can help it. Bill Bonville Secretary of the American Party of Oregon For information tel or fax (503) 476-5533 to: William Bonville, Secretary of the American Party of Oregon. *************************************** "If Christ Should Come Tonight" by Martha Snell Nicholson Is my house set in order if Christ should come today? What tasks would be unfinished if I were called away? Suppose an angel told me at early morning light, "Your Lord will come this evening, You shall go home tonight," Would ectaasy be clouded by thought of work undone, The seed I might have scattered, The crown I might have won? The soul I meant to speak to, the purse I meant to share, And oh the waisted moments I meant to spend in prayer! The weight of unsaved millions would press upon my heart. In their death am I certain that I had not a part? And such a few short moments In which to set things right! How ferverishly I'd labor Until the waning light! O slothful soul and careless heart, O eyes which have no sight, - Work, lest you reap but vain regrets! Your Lord "may" come home tonight! *************************************** Prophe-Zine's News Bites China Issues Taiwan Warning...Matthew 24:6 China has warned the Clinton administration that it has prepared for a missile attack on Taiwan, The New York Times reported on 1/24/96. A limited attack could be mounted if the expected winner, Lee Tenghui, of Taiwan's first democratic presidential election in March doesn't change his ways, the newspaper said. China experts say the warnings should be taken seriously. China is trying to force Taiwan, a nation of 21 million people, to abandon the campaign of President Lee Tenghui. Lee is expected to win the election in March. On Jan. 4, President Clinton's national security adviser , Anthony Lake, was told that China has prepared plans for a series of attacks against Taiwan, consisting of one conventional missile strike a day for 30 days. A Chinese official was quoted as saying China could attack Taiwan without fear of U.S. intervention because American leaders ''care more about Los Angeles than they do about Taiwan.'' There is a new urgency in its effort to end Taiwan's quest for ''independent international status.'' +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Yet Another Executive Order By Ray Gano Clinton is issuing an executive order banning federal contracts to businesses which hire illegal aliens, the NY Times says. By issuing an executive order, the President can take action by himself, without needing Congress to pass comprehensive legislation to overhaul immigration policy. White House officials say Mr. Clinton will make increased use of such orders to put his imprint on domestic policy and to show that he has not been stymied by Republicans in this election year. -NY Times, 1/23/96, p.A12. I find this interesting. If the President can do this to a group of people that are looked down upon, he can also do it to Christians, "right wing extremists, militia members, etc. What this does is sets a precedence. If he can do this, what else will he do. What will it take for the American people to wake up. Clinton is slowly knocking down dominos. It is rules, laws, and executive orders much like this that will give the Antichrist all the power he wants. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wars And Rumors Of Wars By: The Van Impe Intelligence Briefing Somalia, Iraq, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Haiti, Rwanda, South Africa, Northern Ireland, the Middle East, Liberia. Welcome to the New World Disorder. The end of the Cold War was supposed to spell a new era of peace and freedom, but conflict and mayhem are the order of the day. Mass killings, summary executions and human rights abuses are on the rise. "In the absence of strong leadership from the world's preeminent power, very serious world disorder is possible, given that many, if not all, of the post-Cold War achievements are on the verge of self-destruction," writes Joseph de Courcy, the respected British intelligence analyst. (II Timothy 3:1-5) The nuclear threat Russia's control over its vast nuclear arsenal is endangered by economic, political and military realities, according to senior U.S. intelligence officials. "The breakup of the Soviet Union, the opening of Russian society and its economic difficulties have subjected the security system to stresses and risks it was not designed to withstand," says David Osias, an expert on nuclear proliferation at the CIA-based National Intelligence Council. Nuclear weapons in Russia are stored in unsafe conditions and can be launched more easily or accidentally than similar U.S. weapons, say U.S. experts. Worse yet, however, Moscow is thwarting U.S. efforts to conduct inspections critical to treaty verification while it maintains prohibited production capabilities. (Isaiah 24:6; Jeremiah 50:32; Ezekiel 38:19-20; Ezekiel 25:5,12; Isaiah 29:5) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Early forms of Mark of the Beast acceptance? Editor's Note: It says in Rev 13:16-18 " that he CAUSETH all men to receive the mark either on their forehead or right hand" I believe that the Mark will be willingly accepted by those who are deceived. If you watch TV or the movies you see "Sci Fi" shows with a person waving one's hand over a reader or placing their hand in a reader, etc. Is this mild forms of acceptance? I think, or at least it seems a way to "dull the senses". Once numb to the situation it is easier to accept and all a person has to do is give you a CAUSE for you to take the mark. Here is a add that was mailed to me by one of my readers. This is a program where a ID chip is attached to ones clothing, but what happens if the person or child's clothes are taken off or lost? Why not implant the chip beneath the skin where it can not be lost? Ray - Prophe-Zine Seniors ID In today's world, we constantly hear about cases of lost, missing or Injured older citizens Consequently, your safety and the safety of your loved ones are foremost in your mind. To help prevent these tragedies, you may now enroll yourself and loved ones in the nationwide SENIOR'S ID PROGRAM. We provide vital Information to Identify accident victims and lost or missing Individuals. The cost of the SENIOR'S ID PROGRAM is $24.95 per registration. After the Emergency Imformation Is returned to us, you or your loved ones will be assigned a personal Identification number. Labels and application Instructions are mailed out as soon as possible after we receive the completed form. Once the labels are applied to the clothlng, the wearer is linked to our 24 hour-a-day emergency Identification hotline. If you or your loved one is lost, the labels are found and the finder calls an 800# and reports the serial number of the wearer to the Identification Center, records are available within seconds and soon the identity and address of the wearer are known to the finder, the lost individual is returned to his home. ID Program Protect yourself and lovedones for pennies a day! Print the form below and fax it to: Alert ID Programs 515-276-6852 Please register myself or loved one with KID'S ALERT Enclosed is $24.95 per individual. Iowa residents add 5% sales tax. Name of person to be registered Street City State Zip Others in family to be registered. Name of Card holder Signature of Card holder Credit Card # Exp. Date If paying by check just place the check here: Make payable to Kid's Alert & Senior's ID Service Allow 10 - 14 days for delivery of registration materials. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If It Doesn't Have The MARK, It Might As Well Not Exist! By: Locke Curfman ( Although this tidbit is certainly not a newsbreaker, it IS a little bit of what happens when you have had your spiritual eyes opened to the events taking place in our world today (Thanks to all of you!) - Last night as I was heading through the checkout line at our friendly, overcrowed, understaffed Wal Mart store, I noticed that the couple in front of me was having trouble with the checker. It seems that one of the items they were intending to purchase did not have the UPC code and although it DID have a price tag, the checker kept saying that she would be unable to ring it up unless someone could find the UPC code for her. Well, the couple looked for another item (while I was WAITING in line) that had the code on it but couldn't find one and the store couldn't find, finally as they were fed up with waiting, the couple declined to purchase the item and FINALLY, I was able to take my place at the register. Being the curious person that I am, I asked, "So you really don't have any backup for a situation like this when the code can't be located?" and she said, "That's right, if it doesn't have the code, it might as well not exist!" - and with that, I had an eerie scene come to mind of a future in which (praise God that we WILL NOT be here!) those who decide NOT to take the Mark will approach a store, vendor,etc seeking to purchase food, clothing, etc. And when asked to waive their right hand, are told, "Sorry, if you don't have the Mark, to the system you don't fact, why don't you just step to the side here for a minute while I contact someone who can HELP you." I truly can relate to the comment someone made once that, "If you're not paranoid, you're not paying attention!" Talk to you soon! Locke Curfman +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Temple Update A New Temple in Jerusalem Coming Soon? By: Triumph Prophetic Ministries (Church of God) 'Jerusalem -- In recent months, the issue of Jewish access to the Temple Mount for prayer has been aggressively renewed by the Orthodox group Hai V'kayam. 'Under a Palestinian State, Jews would again be subject to the Muslim ban of 1267 C.E. that forbids them to enter the Temple Mount or go beyond the seventh step to the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron. Now, as the 1996 date for the later phase of negotiation over the city's status approaches, the issue of the Temple Mount and the aspirations of those in the Temple Movement to rebuild the Temple have again taken center stage. 'Several new excavations have catapulted the Temple issue into focus. First, the Israeli Antiquities Authority recently mounted one of their most ambitious undertakings at the southwestern wall of the Temple Mount. At its base, archaeologists have uncovered important remains of the Second Temple, including early inscriptions and a later prayer for rebuilding it. They also revealed the remains of a large 1,300-year-old Umayyad dynasty Islamic palace next to the site, which was constructed of stones from the destroyed Temple. At present, the Antiquities Authority is dismantling this palace to expose other Temple-related structures and the Herodian period street that lies beneath.... '...this spring Gershon Salomon, head of the Temple Mount Faithful Movement, issued a letter to supporters stating that excavations would soon begin in order to recover the Temple Treasures, which include the Ark of the Covenant, believed by the Orthodox to still remain hidden beneath the Muslim structures.... 'A second excavation provoking controversy is on Mount Gerazim, at the foot of which lies the Islamic-occupied city Nablus (biblical Shechem). There, for the first time in history, an exact replica of the Temple in Jerusalem has been discovered by Israeli archaeologists. Guided by the record of the first-century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, an excavation team under the direction of Yitzhak Magen, Israel's chief archaeologist for Judea and Samaria, unearthed the srtucture beneath the flooring of the Mary Theotokos church, a 5th-century C.E. Byzantine church first uncovered in the 1920s. 'According to Josephus, the replica temple was built by a Jerusalem high priest named Menashe, whose marriage to a Samaritanforced him to leave the Temple service and reside with the Samaritans. Menashe's Temple stood until 133 B.C.E. So far, the Temple's walls, northern gate, sacrificial altar, ritual remains and numerous inscriptions, have been uncovered. Like the Jerusalem excavations, this dig is being prepared for the increased tourism expected in 1996 with Jerusalem's [year] 3000 celebrations. The excavations are significant for Jews seeking to rebuild the Jerusalem Temple, since now an exact copy of the original Temple exists.... 'In a related find, Temple researchers were excited by Shenkar Institute's discovery of a remnant of the priestly purple dye on a 2,000 year-old fabric from Masada. This color, though thought lost, was known to have been extracted from secretions of the murex snail. The presence of these secretions on the ancient fabric has provided scientific verification of the actual color, which those in the Temple Movement consider essential to the future restoration of the priestly service. Rabbi Ben Gershon, of the Temple Institute, said the find provides information necessary for reinstituting the sacred service. 'As a result of these excavations and their timely focus on the Temple Mount controversy, architects of the 'peace process' will be forced to first resolve the issue of the holy places in their 1996 negotiations' ('The Messianic Times,' summer 1995, article 'Temple dig ignites hostility,' Dr. Randall Price, p.1, 10). 'The Temple was at the center of God's purposes with the Jewish people. As the place of God's Presence, it regulated the daily life of all Israel and was the focal point of its prayers. However, this changed in 70 C.E. when the Roman army destroyed the Second Temple. Thereafter, Jews in the Diaspora, and now in Eretz Yisrael, commemorate this day of sorrow by fasting and reading from 'Megillah 'Ecah' (the biblical book of Lamentations). 'Many Orthodox Jews look forward to a future celebration on this day with the physical rebuilding of the Third Temple. Gershon Salomon, leader of the Temple Mount Faithful Movement, has said that this Tisha B'Av (August 6) will be the last before the Temple is built and sackcloth will be exchanged for holy garments of joy...' ('The Messianic Times,' same issue, article The Temple Beyond Time,' Randall Price, p.11). To reach Triumph Prophetic Ministries (Church of God) by phone, please call: (818)797-0075 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Transponder Update RF/ID TAGS: PLEASE PHONE HOME_ Automatic I.D. News January, 1995 Radio Computer Tags combine an onboard processor with satellite/Internet communications to call in their whereabouts An RF/ID tag that can initiate communications to the Internet and report its whereabouts? A system that simultaneously locates and identifies thousands of assets over a wide area? True quantum leaps in technology read like a magical kids' story... Savi Technology of Mountain View, CA, recently received the White House Office of Technology's 1994 Grand Award, given to the small business that has developed the year's "most important new technology/product with strong commercial potential." It's easy to see why. The company has taken radio frequency tags beyond simple identification tags and made them portable computers with a full range of capabilities. The Savi system simultaneously locates and identifies thousands of assets over a wide area. The manufacturer says its tags and management system differ from other RF/ID tags in several ways: * SaviTags and hand-held interrogators have a range of more than 300 feet. Data may be read from or written to tags at this distance, regardless of orientation or location. Savi's cellular RF/ID approach enables coverage of up to four acres for each interrogator. Multiple readers can be linked together to give nearly unlimited reading areas. The hand-held interrogator can read, write and activate a tag's "beeper," making the tagged asset easier to locate. * Savi's proprietary Batch Collection algorithm allows a single antenna to collect data from hundreds of tags virtually simultaneously. * SaviTags operate at an extremely low transmitter power and require no license. The tags operate below the FCC Part 15 power level. The design allows them to operate at 315 MHz and 433.92 without interference, according to the manufacturer. The Savi system uses a variety of transponder tags to identify assets. The tags, which have a memory capacity of up to 128,000 bytes, are powered by lithium/ manganese dioxide batteries with a five-year battery life. New developments include the ability to program the tag with an Internet address and certain instructions: what to do if the tag has not been read before a certain time, if it arrives and is read at a given location, if the container it tags is opened. The tag is able to initiate a message, which is sent to an interrogator, which collects the data and forwards it to a UNIX box that hooks to a modem. The company has also developed a portable solar-powered reader that can be put on a tripod and can relay data to low-earth satellites. Savi is incorporating a special security feature that includes automatic truck identification and lock opening as well as tamper sensors for rail cars, trucks and onboard containers. _MITLA contract_ Savi's $70-million sole-source procurement contract with MITLA (the armed force's microcircuit technology in logistics applications) has kept the company extremely busy, and also out of the limelight in commercial applications. However, the spotlight focused by the White House award convinced Savi President Rob Reis that the time is right to carefully investigate commercial applications for the Savi system. In addition to numerous MITLA projects, the company has completed an installation for Alberta, Canada's Department of transportation for asphalt truck tracking, and is now working with several large rail and shipping companies. "We've been elephant hunting," says Schwartz, describing how the company is carefully picking its commercial market targets. "Freight forwarders and shippers want proof positive that something was delivered and when. Our device tells them when something is late or early and when it's been opened." But what really sets the technology apart, he says, is the ability to interrogate an entire shipyard of tags nearly simultaneously. Also, an individual tag or those in a given category can be located on screen. _Finding assets_ The FindTag software program can estimate the location of a SaviTag by measuring the tag's received signal strength within the Interrogator micro- cell network. Tag OS asset management software uses a database to correlate tag IDs to data about the assets. To find a particular item, the operator clicks on the icon representing that item and selects its characteristics; then the item's location is highlighted on a computer map. The Savi system can also remotely monitor the location and security of trucks and trailers, controlling their movement. Contributing Editors Gabe Shapiro and John Cady describe the application of Savi technology for hazardous waste material in the overview story that starts on page 28. In the military, the The SaviTag system applications include tracking of hazardous materials and munitions between Europe and the U.S., tracking equipment and material in and out of Somalia, Bosnia, Haiti and Korea; and tracking jet engine parts. The U.S. Army is using the Savi System for its Global In-Transit Visibility program, which ties Savi interrogators into its satellite system, to locate assets anywhere in the transportation pipeline. It may also be used to re-route cargo while in transit. New destination information may be written to the tag while the cargo is en route. When it reaches a port or transportation hub, the container is immediately redirected to its new destination. For more information, contact Savi Technology, 450 National Ave., Mountian View, CA 94043-2238. ++++++++++++++++++++++ Big Bro Sells Spy Cam as "Better Quality of Life" AEN News January 28, 1996 Pena Announces National Initiative To Build Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure Washington - Forty years ago President Eisenhower and the Congress paved the way for a better quality of life for future generations by signing a law creating the federal interstate highway system. As the 21st century approaches, the U.S. Department of Transportation is looking to use technology as the means to build the transportation infrastructure needed to improve the quality of life for future generations. With Operation TimeSaver, Transportation Secretary Federico Pena today launched a new initiative designed to cut the daily travel time of Americans living in congested metropolitan areas by 15 percent over the next ten years, and give that time back to Americans. "I believe it's time we set a new surface transportation goal," Secretary Pena said during a speech to the Transportation Research Board annual meeting in Washington, D.C. "Let us set a national goal: To build an Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure across the United States, within a decade, to save time and lives and improve the quality of life for Americans." "Commuting two and three hours a day takes away time Americans could spend on the job, or at home with the kids, or exercising, or reading," Pena explained. With Operation TimeSaver, Americans who commute just two hours a day would save 80 hours a year, the equivalent of two weeks work. Operation TimeSaver challenges state and local transportation planners to "buy smart" by investing in an arsenal of new technological tools to keep the flow of people and goods moving more smoothly, safely, and with less impact on the environment. The Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure (ITI) includes: * The latest traffic information at your fingertips through your home computer, cable television, kiosk, telephone, car phone or beeper; * Traffic control centers that use radar beacons, closed circuit video cameras, and in-road sensors to monitor major roadways and arterials and then provide up-to-the-minute traffic and road condition information to travelers; * Enhanced dispatch systems that can quickly detect crashes or breakdowns and alert emergency serviceproviders; and * Smart emergency response vehicles that can send a message to a traffic signal to stay green so they can pass through an intersection. Pena cited the following areas where transportation planners are laying the foundation for the ITI, and people are already noticing the difference: *In Seattle, an advanced freeway management system has increased interstate speeds by up to 20 percent, reducing travel time by 50 percent; *Minnesota Guidestar has Minneapolis/St. Paul residents driving 35 percent faster during rush hour, cutting their commute dramatically; accident rates have dropped 25 percent; emergency response time is down by 20 minutes; and the freeway capacity has increased by 22 percent; *In Boston, commuters are using SmarTraveler communications systems to get current traffic information over home phones and car phones. Fifty- nine percent of users said using the service saved them time; and *In Houston, congestion has actually declined since 1984 as a result of an integrated network of traffic control systems called TransStar. "I am setting today a tangible measurement to focus our attention where congestion is the worst: our cities and suburbs," Secretary Pena said. "I want 75 of our largest metropolitan areas with a complete Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure in 10 years. And let us make a similar commitment to upgrade technology of 450 other communities, our rural roads, and interstates." "Businesses lose $40 billion a year due to congestion. Just to stay even with the growth of congestion, we would need to build 34 percent more highway capacity," Pena said. "Over the next decade, for just 50 cities, that would cost $150 billion. For the same 50 cities, implementing an intelligent infrastructure, from virtually scratch, would cost$10 billion and increase capacity by two-thirds." Currently, federal transportation funding to states can be used to build almost 100 percent of the ITI, and many states are using federal funds for those purposes. In addition, state and local communities annually budget additional appropriations for the upkeep and replacement of their current systems. With Operation TimeSaver, the federal government will offer advice to these communities on the most efficient way for them to use their already existing funds to meet the program goal. Building the ITI won't mean excessive costs to communities, Pena stressed, adding that DOT's efforts to encourage private sector partners to invest in infrastructure projects will continue. This allows states to count private sector funds toward their required share of construction project funding. "Our world is changing at an extraordinary pace. No one can predict what it will be like 10 years from now," Pena said. "This country will always build great highways. But if we just think in terms of concrete and steel, we'll miss out on the global communications revolution. Operation TimeSaver is one step towards making our highways safer and less congested in the 21st century, and giving our citizens more time to enjoy a better quality of life. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ah, World Peace THE NEW AMERICAN January 22, 1996 In a report which was quietly circulated at UN headquarters in late December, Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali called for the deployment of a heavily armed multinational combat force -- rather than lightly armed "peacekeepers" -- to Croatia to buttress the Bosnia "peace" accord. The envisioned combat force would be assigned to keep vigil over contested Eastern Slavonia. Boutros-Ghali's highest priority, it should be noted, is not preventing bloodshed, or even advancing the empowerment of the UN; it is simple image maintenance. One illustration of this is found in the title of the current UN operation in Croatia: the "UN Confidence Restoration Operation," or UNCRO. The 1,600-troop contingent is composed primarily of Belgian and Russian personnel. Boutros-Ghali sought to replace UNCRO with two combat brigades consisting of 11,300 troops with the mandate to demilitarize local armies and disarm militias within 30 days. Boutros-Ghali's desire to preserve the image of the UN has governed previous decisions in Yugoslavia. In a memo issued last May, Boutros-Ghali stated that "the credibility of the United Nations is of the utmost importance and must be safeguarded at all times. Fewthings damage it more than to give United Nations peacekeepers tasks which cannot be done in prevailing circumstances." This memo provided the justification for the UN's decision to let Serb forces massacre Bosnian Muslims in the "safe area" of Srebrenica last July. It was that massacre which led to an escalation in U.S. involvement in Bosnia. The secretary-general's most recent proposal didn't sit well with diplomatic Insiders, including U.S. Ambassador to the UN Madeleine Albright (CFR). "I believe it is misguided and counterproductive to argue that the UN should avoid this operation because of the risk of exacerbating a negative image of UN activities in the former Yugoslavia," stated Albright. ================================================================== THE NEW AMERICAN -- January 22, 1996 Copyright 1996 -- American Opinion Publishing, Incorporated P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54913 SUBSCRIPTIONS: $39.00/year (26 issues) WRITTEN PERMISSION FOR REPOSTING REQUIRED: Released for informational purposes to allow individual file transfer and non-commercial mail-list transfer only. All other copyright privileges are reserved. 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