Prophe-Zine Issue #8 Credits.......... Statement of Faith......... & Other stuff......... Raymond Gano............Welcome to Issue #8 Jack Van Impy....The Rise of 'Biometric' Identification Technology Paula Demers..... Will You Be Safe In The New World Order (NWO)? Author Unknown......Blue Prints for a New World Order William R. Pabst .....Concentration Camps???? Paula Demers.... Iron Mountain---A Hoax Or Betrayal? Dan Druck.... Towards A One-World Government Prophe-Zine News Bites..... Assorted Authors and News Services Rudy Hulstrom...New Age News Update Cool Christian Resources plus some cool web sites Publication Cycle Notice: Prophe-Zine will be published (up loaded), on the 15th of each month. Prophe-Zine is freely distributed to the major on-line services, BBSs, and to the Internet. The Editor of Prophe-Zine can be reached by sending e-mail to: Please write the Editor if you are interested in receiving guidelines for submission to Prophe-Zine Statement of Faith THE PURPOSE of Prophe-Zine is to carry out the command of the Lord Christ Jesus, recorded in Matthew 28:19: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations" Prophe-Zine is a Christian publication grounded in the deity of Christ and the inerrancy of Scripture. The major intent of the editors is first, the giving out the message of the Gospel, "For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures," 1 Cor. 15:3-4. The Editor of Prophe-Zine holds to a strictly literal and inerrant Bible interpretation, salvation through Christ alone, a soon pre-tribulation Rapture of all believers and the establishment of a thousand-year kingdom on earth. The evangelism of the unbelievers and the exhortation of the believers take precedence over all other activities of this ministry. Prophe-Zine may not agree with some of the authors and their beliefs, but Prophe-Zine believes that we must endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit (In other words agree to disagree), so Prophe-Zine feels that it must give equal time to other biblically based doctrines in all fairness. Eph 4:3 Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. In His service, Ray Gano The Legal Stuff About Prophe-Zine Prophe-Zine Copyright � 1995 Raymond B Gano All rights reserved. Please ask for permission before reproducing or reprinting specific articles and/or graphics, since some of the individual works appearing in Prophe-Zine are copyrighted works belonging to their respective authors or artists and are used here with their permission. Certain products, titles, and services mentioned are trademarks of their respective owners. Apple, Mac, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Prophe-Zine is not affiliated in any way with Apple Computer, Inc. Prophe-Zine may be freely distributed under the following conditions: It may not be included in a software package without prior consent from the author. It may not be distributed or reproduced for commercial purposes. Prophe-Zine's editor uses a Quadra 840 AV Macintosh computer. Programs include: MacWrite, MacDraw Pro, Color-It, JPEGview, Popcorn, OnLine Bible KJV 2.1, plus any other freeware that I can get my hands on to fill up the hard drive and use up even MORE RAM (needs 8 more megs, those graphics are killing me) OOPS.... I Forgot The Editor is currently looking for submissions, artists, writers, fiction, reviews, columnists and other help for Prophe-Zine articles. If interested, please write the Editor to receive a guideline for submissions. Feedback and suggestions from the Prophe-Zine readers are ALWAYS WELCOME! Don't just tell me that you actually liked reading Prophe-Zine, tell me what YOU would like to see in future issues! ******************************************************** Welcome to Prophe-Zine #8 Hello and thank you for downloading this months issue of Prophe-Zine. Prophe-Zine is a monthly newsletter that deals with Bible Prophecy and World Events. In this month are going to be looking at conspiracies and The New World Order. In today's media we hear so much about "Right wing Extremist" and the "Christian Right". These "Extremists Christians" talk about the New World Order, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Freemasons, Bilderburgers, etc. The press blows many of these "Right Wing Fanatics" off and they are discredited as being "hate mongers" , "Racists" ,ect. Now, because of this title much of the American public is disregarding much of what these people have to say. I do have to state that there is "Right Wing Hate Talk" going on out there ie KKK, Farahkan, Hamas, etc. The sad thing is that the media is linking ALL Christians and other Monotheistic religions to these extreme groups. If you want an example, look at the OK bombing. The first people the media blamed was Christians and Militias. A very recent example is the Rabbin assassination. Look at what the media has demonized...Right wing religious extremists. Well I have to say that I am one of these "conspiracy freaks", and if it means standing up for my Lord and what is moraly right then I guess I am an extremist too. I do not tote guns nor do I conspire to over throw the government. I am though, a well informed person and I do believe in the US Constitution and my God given rights. Now before someone writes me off, let me say there is Conspiracy Fact and Conspiracy Fiction. Here is an example.. Conspiracy Fact: The French Revolution started by Napoleon (33 1/3 Freemason) was initiated by the Freemasons/Illuminati. Freemasons are also known as the Templars. This was a Luciferian occoultic religion which can be traced back to Babylon. Through the ages these mystery religions have been known by many names, but these "secrets and ceremonies" have been passed down throughout history. This is a Conspiracy Fact and if you do your homework, you will see this. Many of you know this already. A good book to read is by Gary Kah called En Route to Global Occupation, He has gone into much research about this topic. Conspiracy Fiction: There is a secret military base on Mars that is occupied by Greys (bad space aliens) and the people who belong to the CFR / TriLats / Bilderburgers, who by the way, are in kahoots with the Greys. Oh, by the way, the born-again Christians and Jews are also in league with these "Soldiers of Darkness". This is Conspiracy Fiction. There is no way to "prove" this theory. In fact, it is a theory that MANY New Agers quote. The way they (New Agers) know about these secret bases are through "Channeled Sources". (mental exchange of information, from "Enlightened beings" or "Soldiers of Light"...another New Age ideology) Now you may ask, why am I covering this and what does this have to do with Christians? When you start reading and looking into some of the "conspiracies" they come close to Bible Prophecy. Look at what is Conspiracy and the possible Biblical implication. So this month we are going to look at some of these theories so that you can do some research and come to your own conclusion. Examples are..... UN / NWO = One World Government under the rule of the Anti-Christ. (Rev. 13) Implantable Bio Chips = Mark of the Beast (Rev. 13:16-18) Concentration Camps = Christian martyrs during the tribulation (Luke 21:12-19) Now these are just a few correlations. When you look, there are even more. This not me being a prophet or anything, these are just observations. So what is Conspiracy Fact and Fiction? I hope to shed a little light on this in this months issue. Many of these conspiracy theories needs to be weeded out, so please use discernment when you look into this area. Also please remember it is VERY easy to get all caught up into this conspiracy stuff. Recognize the attacks of the enemy. He will do anything to get you out of fellowship with our Lord. He will even use all this conspiracy stuff. Believe me I know because I fell to his tricks. Conspiracy is "exciting an mysterious", just do not allow the enemy a foothold. In all of this, I pray for you all. In His service, Ray Gano Sr. Editor Prophe-Zine ******************************************************* MARK OF THE BEAST The rise of 'biometric' identification technology By: Dr. Jack Vam Impy --------------------------------------------------------- "Let me see your papers." That has been one of the terrifying demands of every police state the world has known. But computers, surveillance technology and other scientific breakthroughs are bringing us ever closer to the day when identification papers will no longer be necessary. One day soon, say the experts, human beings may be required to receive a biochip implant in the hand or head that will limit one's right to buy and sell, travel and work. Terry Cook, a man who has studied developments in such "biometric" devices, puts it this way: "We are getting closer all the time to that day when biochip implants will be used on human beings. Hitler's Third Reich demanded that all German citizens had to carry identification and could be stopped at any time by either civilian or military people. The day may not be far off when we can be stopped at any time and have scanners waved over us as we approach the final stages of the biochip and ID technology of the New World Order system." Actually, the biochips necessary for such a program have been around for more than a decade. The technology is already in full use by several U.S. cities and counties in animal control work. Animal shelters and clinics are clamoring for a national ID system linking all government animal regulation and control agencies, pounds and veterinarians across the country. Not surprisingly, the cheerleaders of one-world government have been quick to champion such a system for people, too. "The technology behind such a microchip is fairly uncomplicated and with a little refinement could be used in a variety of human applications," explains Tim Willard, executive officer of the World Future Society. "Conceivably, a number could be assigned at birth and go with a person throughout life. At the checkout stand at a supermarket, you would simply pass your hand over a scanner and your bank account would automatically be debited." But don't look for U.S. government officials to be quite so bold -- at least not yet. Americans are naturally skeptical about such Big Brother ideas. To promote national identification as a real priority, there must be the perception of need -- some crisis in need of solving. Several California officials are suggesting there is just such a crisis in the illegal immigration problem. Democrats such as Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Republicans such as Gov. Pete Wilson agree that the time has come for a national identity card, perhaps including biometric data. Such a card is already in use by the federal government. It's called, interestingly, MARC -- for Multi-Technology Automated Reader Card, and all armed services personnel are familiar with it. Feinstein recently called on her colleagues in the U.S. Congress to make carrying such a card mandatory for every American citizen. Her remarks, memorialized in the daily Washington journal Roll Call, are stunning in their candor and chilling in their content. "I believe that a new, phone- or machine-readable card that all job and benefits applicants would be required to present to verify their work or eligibility for assistance deserves careful consideration," she said. "As (the Senate subcommittee on immigration) heard (from representatives of the State Department, INS, FBI, Social Security Administration, Secret Service, state and motor vehicle authorities), counterfeit-resistant cards that incorporate 'biometric' data are available and in use today. Whether the card carries a magnetic strip on which the bearer's unique voice, retina pattern or fingerprint is digitally encoded, or whether it incorporates a digitized photo and signature integrated into the plastic card itself, it is clear to me that state-of-the-art work and benefits eligibility IDs can and must replace the Dinosaur Age documents now being used." Feinstein urged Congress not to wait -- but to act immediately to begin creating such a system. "Is it really necessary to take three to four years to study the issue?" she asked. "Shouldn't we press forward with a single integrated system now, require everyone (not just immigrants) to obtain the new document within a reasonable phase-in period, and subject that document to annual renewals to minimize the effect of any residual fraud or change in eligibility status?" Fortunately, some opposition has arisen to Feinstein's plans. But most Americans are blissfully unaware that such dangerous designs are even being considered in the hallowed halls of Congress. "A national ID database represents the slipperiest of all civil liberty slopes," says Ron K. Unz, himself a computer software entrepreneur. "A system employing tens of thousands of government clerks and administrators and costing tens of billions of dollars to build and operate would surely not remain limited to catching illegal nannies. Why not use it, at virtually no additional cost, to track convicted child molesters as well? Who would dare object? Why not then also track the movements of convicted murderers.And rapists. And drug dealers and felons in general. And fathers behind in child support. And tax-evaders. And 'political extremists.' Members of 'religious cults.' Drug addicts. AIDS carriers. Gun owners. With each turn of the political cycle, left and right would add their favorite batch of social enemies to the surveillance list." The Bible tells us that in the future a one-world system of government will require every person to receive a "mark" in their right hand or in their foreheads. Without this "mark of the beast," no one will be permitted to buy or sell. Putting in place such a system would not have been possible without technological breakthroughs in computers and biometrics. Is there any doubt that we are well on our way to a Big Brother-style global dictatorship? (Revelation 13:16-18) ***************************************************** WILL YOU BE SAFE IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER (NWO)? By: Paula Demers If I had a nickel for every time I was called paranoid, or every time people disagreed with me based on their opinion instead of investigated fact, I would never have to work again. People, being aware of the world around you and telling people is not paranoia. It's called reality. We have many folks who shy away from becoming involved with what's happening in our country today. The "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" attitude seems to make people think that they will be safe. There is only one group of people who will be safe in the New World Order. The very few elite who are controlling it. Let me explain further. Though we hear cry's from our government about "separation of church and state, there is a definite religion behind the NWO. The religion is called New Age. It is not a set church, as we know churches today, but a philosophy. The philosophy is everything against traditional Christianity. Right now there is "hate movement" towards Christians, being pushed on society in the same way the "hate" Jew movement happened in Nazi Germany. It started slowly, was consistent and built up to an all out hatred. David Spangler, who is the Director of Planetary Initiative, said, "Now one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.' The Planetary Initiative is a United Nations world government group. Right now there is a computer chip, the size of a grain of rice, that is ready to be implanted into people's right hand or fore head. No one will be able to buy or sell, unless they have this chip. We also see the scanners set up all over the county that will be able to scan this chip. Right now, there are simply too many people for the NWO to control. That's why we hear the terms, "over population" and "population control" and "improve the quality of living". Let's see who will be the first not to be safe in the NWO, so they can get the"population under control". Right now you are not safe if your are an unborn baby. Unborn babies have no right in our society today, because they are considered sub-human. With the pro choice movement, they have been able to stop the birth of over 36 million unborn Americans alone. Using the term woman's rights, they have been able to make people believe that anyone who believes an unborn baby has rights is unloving and uncaring about women. In China, they have a population reduction plan of one child per family. (Two children per family would be zero population growth.) If a woman in China gets pregnant twice, the second is aborted. According to "Family News in Focus" many times these baby's are not aborted until right before delivery, so the babies organs can be used for transplants. They are also used for health food. You are not safe if you are a Christian. Yes, I know, most of you all don't do anything, and have a live and let live attitude. But, even if you don't do anything, you are considered a threat to the NWO. You are considered a "disrupter" and a useless eater. You will be dealt with. Remember, the Jews in Nazi Germany were very peaceful, and did not disrupt. Yet they were arrested and exterminated. You are not safe if you are a patriot. A Patriot is simply one who believes in our constitution and what our country was founded on. Militia's are at the top of the list. This is because these folks know their constitution rights and are willing to defend them. They are portrayed to be "white supremist terrorists". When in reality, all races are members of Militia's. The media will not tell the truth about these groups. You are not safe if you are a gun shop owner. You belief of the second amendment if very dangerous to the NWO. Even if you just own a gun, you are not safe. They cannot control an armed people and are working very hard to take care of this. All weapons they can get will be confiscated. If you are crippled/and or handi-capped, or too old to be of any value, you are not safe either. Just being around you lower the quality of life, taking resources that would be more beneficial to a more worthy person. The New Age philosophy is the same philosophy that Hitler had. The Aryan Race. (Don't have space to go into this too much here, but this can easily be verified through a little research by anyone.) I find this interesting. Hitler was against minorities and gays. And, yet our government seems to be pushing affirmative action. I was commenting about this to a friend, and he said, "Well, Paula, how else do you expect them to get the homosexual community out of the closet?" So, I commented, "You mean the government is using people to push for their own extinction?" To which he said, "You bet!" Affirmative action causes much strife and hatred between the races. To the point that it has even caused riots. With racial problems being encourage by the media, this could, in my opinion, be one way the government will be able to have a visible police state. I haven't mentioned you yet? You don't fall in any of these categories? Do you disagree with the NWO at all? Are you not willing to take an oath to Lucifer? I still haven't mentioned you? Are you physically strong and healthy? Well they are going to need you for labor. Remember in Germany when people were rounded up just to work in the factories? Many people that have supported various aspects of the NWO and didn't even know it are supporting their own extinction. People who have kept quite don't know that they have supported their own extinction. Like Benjamin Franklin said, "When men make sheep of themselves, the wolves eat them." There are several reasons why people don't become involved. Some are afraid they are going to lose their job, or their status in the community. This is very interesting, because shortly these things are not going to matter. The Federal Reserve, to whom Americans owe all the money to, is not a government agency. Out government doesn't control it, it controls our government. I going to make is simple as to how the Federal Reserve (which is owned by foreign bankers) works. We pay our income taxes. They do not go to the government, they go to the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve, in turn gives us more money than we put in to run our government and all it's programs. It is a cycle, we pay a little in, and they give us more than we pay in. As a result of this, the Federal Reserve holds a lean on all the property in the US. Kind of like a bank holding a lean on your house, when it is not totally paid for. All the Federal Reserve has to do is say, "We want all debt owed to us." Since we can't pay it, they will own America, to include your house and your cars. They are going to do it, and it will cause complete caos. Then it is not going to matter what your salary or status in the community is. We will all be in the same boat, slaves to the NWO. Another reason people don't speak up, is because they are afraid of their Government. This is tyranny. The people of the United States are suppose to control their government, not the government controlling it's people. ("It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; It is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error."--U.S. Supreme Court in American Communications Association v. Douds, 339 U.S. 384, 442) We should have no fear of our government, because we are suppose to control it. And if our government should reach a point that we are afraid of it, then no one will be safe. People need to get past this fear, and start becoming part of the solution. The pen is mighty and we can use it to let our government know where we stand. There are more people who do not want to be controlled then there are who are going to control. People also don't get involved because it is not hurting them Others may be losing their freedom, but they aren't. So, they stay away. Abraham Lincoln said it well, "To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men." IN AMERICA They came for the unborn babies. I didn't stand up for them because the media said they weren't human beings, thus didn't have the rights of humans. They came for the pro-lifers. I didn't stand up for them because the media said pro-lifers didn't want women to have any rights. They came for the Branch Davidians. I didn't stand up for them because the media said they were a cult that hurt children. They came for the gun owners. I didn't stand up for them because I didn't own a gun. Our government said it would reduce crime. They came for the militias. I didn't stand up for them because our government said they were terrorists. They came for the right-wing conservatives. I didn't stand up for them because the media said they were radicals. They came for the conservative publishers. I didn't stand up for them because the publishers spread hatred. They came for the fundamental Christians. I didn't stand up for them because the media said these people were unloving and intolerant. They came for the parents. I didn't stand up for them because the United Nations said it was in the best interest of the children. They came for the old, crippled, lame and minorities. I didn't stand up for them because it was none of my business. Then they came for me. There was no one left to stand up for me. As I sit in this processing center, wondering what will become of me, I remember all the talk of certain groups not deserving their constitutional rights. It didn't affect me, because I had my constitutional rights. I remember hearing talk from these enemies of the state. Talk about concentration camps, UN troops stationed here to be a peace keeping force. I remember them talking about the New World Order. And that people would loose their freedoms. I didn't take the time to check out what they were saying. I believed the liberal media. I believed our government. NOW IT'S TOO LATE.... This article was written by Paula Demers. For more of her offers send two F/C stamps to Home Profits Business builders, PO Box 280, Ft Walton Beach, Fl 32549-0280 ******************************************************* Blueprint for a New World Order The Bible is very clear that at the time of the end there will be a world government and world economy in place: World Government: "...and power was given over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations" (Rev. 13:7). "The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces" (Daniel 7:23). World Economy: "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads; And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" (Rev. 13:16-17). As we have been documenting through this ministry for years, we can see trends leading in this direction today. The term new world order is becoming a regular phrase in news reports and political speeches, not just in the articles of prophecy teachers. In this century there have been several brazen and open calls for world government by globalists. In its special report titled "Globalists v. The nation state," Intelligence International Ltd. [The Stoneyhill Centre, Brimpsfield, Gloucester, GL4 8LF, UK] observed: "On 17 February 1950, for instance, a leading member of the Council on Foreign Relations, James P. Warburg, told a US Senate Committee: 'We shall have world government whether we like it or consent or by conquest.' "In 1976, Professor Saul Mendlovitz, director of the World Order Models Project, said there is 'no longer a question of whether or not there will be a world government by the year 2000.' "One prominent advocate of global government is Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as national security adviser to President Carter. Over 20 years ago he declared in his book Between Two Ages that "national sovereignty is no longer a viable concept.' He suggested a piecemeal 'movement toward a larger community of developed nations...through a variety of indirect ties and already-developing limitations on national sovereignty.' "More recently, the advocates of world government have toned down their rhetoric, not wanting to frighten the audience. For instance, Senator Alan Cranston (D-Calif.), a former president of the United World Federalists, told Transition, a publication of the Institute for World Order, that: 'The more talk about world government, the less chance of achieving it, because it frightens people who would accept the concept of world laws.' He added: 'I believe deeply in the need for world law...I believe in the concept of federalism on the world scale.'" Indeed, globalists did tone down their rhetoric, and also toned down the role of the multi-purpose world government institutions in favor of specific international organizations for certain issues. This is part of the theory of piecemeal functionalism which Brzezinski was referring to in the reference quoted by Intelligence International Ltd. Harland Cleveland, in his powerful role at the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, argued that if the powerful globalist institutions wanted to bring about world government, they would have to make a change in plans. He pointed to the League of Nations and the United Nations as two complete failures. The new plan which must be followed according to Cleveland was called piecemeal functionalism. David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission, of which Zbigniew Brzezkinski is a member, is perhaps one of the most powerful of the globalist groups even though not much is heard of it in the public media. The Trilateral Commission picked up on Cleveland's plan and explained it this way. "In general, the prospects for achieving effective international co-operation [control] can often be improved if the issues can be kept [to appear to be] separate--what we call piecemeal functionalism...Coalitions of specialists can be built across national boundaries in specific functioal areas, blunting the nationalism that might otherwise hinder agreement...Functionally specific internaional organizations succeed far better than multi-purpose organizations [such as the UN] in accomplishing concrete tasks." Quite simply, the concept of piecemeal functionalism says that trying to create a new world order directly, through large all-encompassing organizations such as the UN will not work. However, if the focus of activity is taken away from such large organizations and is dispersed among many organizations, and if the pieces that will make up the whole can be kept to appear separate--then piece by piece, treaty by treaty, law by law, issue by issue and organization by organization--all of the pieces can be put together like a giant jigsaw puzzle. And when the puzzle is complete, the final picture that will appear is that of a new world order. One of the pieces of this global puzzle requires that national trade barriers be dismantled. Giving a speech in Vancouver, BC in May 1995, the Japanese Minister of International Trade and Industry, Ruytaro Hashimoto, noted, "You can point to many things that the ending of the Cold War has done to our world, but one of them, certainly, is a general shift of interest from the pursuit of ideological goals to the pursuit of economic prosperity. As centrally planned closed economies have begun to try to become open market economies, the frontier for the world economy has greatly expanded. This, coupled with rapid advances in information and transportation technologies, has turned the entire world into a single market, where dynamic forces of competition are at play... "In an age when corporations choose a country, not the other way round, the economic prosperity of a nation will depend on its ability to offer an attractive business environment as part of the global business network. A country that builds barriers to protect its domestic industry ends up depriving itself of its own economic vitality in the medium- and long-term. "By extension, the whole world can hope to achieve economic prosperity, as well as political and social stability, only by removing barriers against global businesses so that they may operate freely." This was the reasoning behind the establishment of the World Trade Organization, to dismantle national trade barriers. According to Peter Sutherland [the first head of the WTO], speaking at the Davos Economic Forum in January, 1995, "the most immediate specific need is for revised structures for co-ordination on international economic issues at the highest political level. We have in short a structural deficit in the world economy, in terms of both the making of policies and their execution." The reason for dismantling trade barriers is to enhance economic cooperation as the Japanese MITI noted in his speech. This is something that is taking full swing in the form of trading blocs or regions. Hence we have seen the birth of so many trading blocs in recent years like NAFTA, APEC, and ASEAN. The earliest example of this type of trading bloc was the European Economic Commission. The EEC, now the European Union, is a shining example of how these trading blocs will ultimately lead to a supra-national global government. Intelligence International Ltd. observes, "[I]n the attempt to move towards supra-national government without anyone noticing it much, has been to concentrate on the economic and trade spheres. "There has been a proliferation of regional trade blocs, most of which start life as innocent-sounding associations for the promotion of trade but which soon develop wider governmental-type ambitions. "The European Union (EU) is the best and most-developed example of this. When the British were faced with the question of whether or not to join this organization in 1972, it was a Common Market they were joining. It progressed to become the European Economic Community, then the European Community, and finally the European Union. "This progress in nomenclature has been matched by a progression in the accumulation of supra-national powers. The EU is very much more than the customs union it started life as. It is now quite close to achieving its aim of creating a political union in Western Europe. "The pressure for a single currency, a European police force, and a joint defence and foreign policy is growing. "But if the EU is the best and most-developed example of this process at work, it is far from being the only one. Sooner or later all regional trade blocs move from espousing free trade to promoting 'fair' trade. In other words, regional trade blocs lead inevitably to regional government, with supra-national authority seeking to control all the elements that make up the price of the freely-traded goods and services, including working practices, environmental standards, the currency, product quality, product liability, legal systems, and so on and so on until there is little or nothing left for national governments to control--and until all comparative advantage which is the whole basis of trade) is eliminated." The main reasoning behind the globalist push for economic cooperation globally is the belief that economic stability will eliminate war. The new world order they envision will be an age of peace and prosperity, a kingdom built on earth by man without God. ******************************************************* Concentration Camp Plans for U.S. Citizens You've no doubt heard the rumors that there are massive concentration camps under construction within the borders of the US. Below is an article (apparently written in 1979) that details a number of ideas and theories behind the "concentration camp rumors." While this is a VERY old article, it does offer some valuable insight into a number of executive orders and "disaster" laws on the books in the US and how they could be used in times of crisis to create a fascist police state. *Editors Note* If you drive on Highway 80 heading towards Elko Nevada from Reno Nevada, there are 2 prisons one is occupied. I have driven this road many times and within a years time, a new prison was built. So far I have not seen any people out there at this "new prison". Is this new prison a concentration camp? I do not know. I just do know that it is a new facility and it is not occupied and basically popped up in a very short time. Description: This facility is about 500-1000 yards off the Highway 80 and visable on the right hand side of the highway heading north towards Elko NV. It has 4 towers and barbed wire all over. It is also UN blue in color (Hhmmmm). The distance between the towers are approx. 150-200 yards. Last time I saw it, it was not occupied, this was around 4/94. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Concentration Camp Plans for U.S. Citizens Supplied by Free Enterprise Society 300 W. Shaw Avenue Suite 205 Clovis, CA 93612 209/294-0665 Call for quantity discounts Transcript of taped message concerning the implementation of a dictatorial government in the United States. A NATIONAL EMERGENCY: TOTAL TAKEOVER This is William R. Pabst. My address is 1434 West Alabama Street, Houston, Texas, 77006. My telephone number is: area code 713/521-9896. This is my 1979 updated report on the concentration camp program of the Department of Defense of the United States. On April 20, 1976, after a rapid and thorough investigation, I filed suit on behalf of the People of the United States against various personages that had a key part in a conspiratorial program to do away with the United States as we know it. This is a progress report to you, the plaintiffs, you the People of the United States. The civil action number is 76-H-667. It is entitled, Complaint Against the Concentration Camp Program of the Department of Defense. It was filed in the U.S. District Court for southern district of Texas, Houston division. The judge responsible for the case was Judge Carl Beau [phonetic spelling]. You have no doubt heard the story: Once upon a time, under the Nazi regime in Germany, a man worked on an assembly line in a baby carriage factory. His wife was going to have a baby, but the Nazi government would not let anybody buy a baby carriage. The man decided he would secretly collect one part from each department and assemble the carriage himself. When this was done, he and his wife gathered up the pieces and assembled it. When they were finished, they did not have a baby carriage; they had a machine gun. And that is exactly the situation that I am going to present to you at this time. The center for the Study for Democratic Institutions recently completed a proposed constitution for the Newstates of America. The Center is Rockefeller funded. To give you an indication of the type of constitution proposed, the term national emergency is mentioned 134 times. The document did not have a Bill of Rights, and the right to own arms was taken away. At the same time, House Concurrent Resolution #28 awaited for calling a constitutional convention on or before July 4, 1976. The presiding officer of such an event would have been Nelson Rockefeller, Vice President and president pro tem of the Senate. This particular resolution awaited in committee. Obviously money would not be spent on these massive programs unless there would be the chance for the actual implementation of such a scheme. However, in case the American people do not voluntarily adopt a new constitution less troublesome to those who desire dictatorship, there is Executive Order #11490, which will include its predecessors when it is site herein. The Executive Order authorizes the secretaries of the various agencies to prepare for any national emergency type situation including, but not limited to, those specified in the Executive Order itself. If you read the Order, there is nothing at all left to the imagination. For any conceivable pretext, a national emergency may be declared based upon this frightening decree, dated October 1969. The Order itself was prefaced in March of 1969 by another Executive Order which established the federal regions and their capitals. All the departments of the government were involved, including the LEAA (Law Enforcement Assistance Administration) and HEW (Health, Education and Welfare). Congressman Larry McDonald has revealed to Congress that various guerilla and terrorist groups were being financed by the federal government. If they (the terrorist groups) actually began in search of activities, Executive Order #11490 would be activated. But as mentioned previously, if you will read Executive Order #11490, you will see that a national emergency may be declared for any conceivable pretext whatsoever. If the Order itself were activated, here is what would happen. The next day you and your family would be standing in front of your local post office with your neighbors, the front doors bursting with block-long lines of people waiting to be registered. After waiting in line with your family for hours, you finally get channeled through the doors. Once inside, you overhear the postal clerk with his sidearm on telling a frightened registrant, Look, there is nothing I can do. The truck behind the building will take you to a work camp where you have been assigned. Your wife has been assigned to a factory and theres nothing I can do. Then your son or daughter looks up at you with a quivering voice and asks, Dad, why are we here? IMPLEMENTING THE NEW GOVERNMENT Well, you see theres much more to life in a free country than paying your mortgage. You have to be aware of what is going on and act accordingly and participate in government; that is, get involved. Examine the organization chart on Executive Order #11490 to discover how we have all helped finance (through our tax dollars) the mechanics of the overthrow of our Constitution. Executive Order #11490 designates certain authorities to the Office of Preparedness which in turn designates authority to the various departments of the federal government. If the Order were implemented: Post Office Department would be responsible for a national registration. The State Department would be responsible for the protection of the United Nations personnel or property and prevention of escape from the United States. The Department of Defense would be responsible for its expropriation of industry; direction of service and national production systems; control of censorship; and communication expropriation of non-industrial facilities. The Commerce Department would be responsible for expropriation, selection and international distribution of commodities (which would be the actual looting of the United States), census information and human resources. The Treasury Department would be responsible for collection of cash and non-cash items and the recreation ofevidence of assets and liabilities. The Justice Department would have concurrent responsibility with the Department of State for prevention of escape from the U.S.; for replenishing the stockpile of narcotics; for a national police force; for correctional and penal institutions; for mass feeding and housing of prisoners; and for use of prisoners to augment manpower which would be slave labor. The Federal Bank (which is not a FEDERAL bank would be responsible for regulation of withdrawal of currency. The GSA (General Services Administration) would be responsible for confiscation of private property for government use. HEW (Health, Education, Welfare) would be responsible for nationalization of education (which the Department of Education has already done), health services, hospitals and mental institutions. The Labor Department would be responsible for recruiting manpower, referring manpower, and allocating manpower so each particular person that was registered at the post office in this national registration would be told where he (or she) was going to work. HUD (Housing & Urban Development) would be responsible for transfer of persons to temporary or permanent housing in regional emergency planning and cooperation. The Transportation Department is responsible for emergency enforcement and control and movement of passengers and the emergency operation of the Alaskan railroad. There are two specific agencies here that we need to look at and to keep in mind. They are: HEW and the Justice (Department), as those two agencies are related to the Department of Defense. The various military departments are part of the Department of Defense. Under it, we have the Secretary of Army, Chief of Staff, Deputy Chief of Staff of Personnel and law enforcement, U.S. Armys forces command, and continental Army Reserve & National Guard. And under that we have the four armies dividing up the Untied States. Under the Fifth Army we have the provost marshal, who is directly connected to the Deputy Chief of Staff for law enforcement personnel. Under the provost marshal for the Fifth Army we have the 300 Military Police Prisoner-of-War (POW) Command at Lebonia, Michigan. At this point I quote from retired Admiral Elmo Zumoffs [phonetic spelling] book, On Watch: "Kissinger states, I believe the American people lack the will to do the things necessary to achieve parity and to maintain maritime superiority. I believe we must get the best deal we can in our negotiations before the United States and the Soviets both perceive these changes and the balance that occurs. When these perceptions are in agreement, and both sides know the U.S. is inferior, we must have gotten the best deal we can. Americans at that time will not be happy that I have settled for second, but it will be too late". Zumoff said, "Then why not take it to the American people? They will not accept the decision to become second best while we are in a position of Gross National Product twice that of the USSR." Kissinger responds, "Thats a question of judgement. I judge that we will not get their support, and if we seek it and tell the fact as we would have to, we would lose our negotiating leverage with the Soviets." Zumoff stated, "But isnt that the ultimate immorality in a democracy; to make a decision for the people of such importance without consulting them?" Kissinger stated, "Perhaps, but I doubt that there are one million who could even understand the issue. " Zumoff responded, "Even if that presumption is correct, those one million can influence the opinions of the majority of the people. I believe it is my duty to take the other course." Kissinger responded, "You should take care, lest your words result in a reduction in the Navy budget. So we see what the intention of the State Department is regarding the People." Another fact: On December 30, 1975, the California National Guard announced in a press release (which I have) that the states Military Police battalions were organized and trained to provide immediate response to virtually every civil and man-made disaster, as well as to assist law enforcement officers in emergency situations; to carry out their law enforcement as well as their military mission. When I asked four of the defendants in this case for their mission statement they did not provide it although they say it is public information. The training spoken of for the California National Guard covers such subjects as dealing with individual civilians/civil population, detention procedures, citizens rights, and similar matters. And you know as well as I do that when there is Martial Law, or Martial Rule, citizens have no rights because the Constitution is pre-empted. Even the uniforms of the National Guards who participate in this program are different from the regular uniforms. But the Los Angeles Sheriffs Department paramilitary units, who have received this training also, have army fatigues died black for their uniforms. A further fact is the disaster preparedness plan for the Marine Corp Supply Center in Barstow, California. Quoting from the document: Under the Constitution and the laws of the United States, the preservation of law and order is the responsibility of local and state government. And the authority to maintain the peace and enforce the law is invested in the authorities of those governmentts. There are specific exceptions to the above concept. One of these pertains to federal intervention to civil disturbances in certain situations. Military commanders are deemed to have the inherent authority to take any measure reasonably necessary for the protection of life and property in the event o fa sudden unexpected public calamity which disrupts the normal process of government and presents an emergency so eminent as to make it dangerous to await instructions from appropriate authorities. This includes law enforcement duties. The manual mentions something called Garden Plot Forces, which we will discuss at length in a few minutes. Don Bell (who writes a weekly report) reported on July 25, 1975 that in May of 1975 the 303 Civil Affairs group of the U.S. Army Reserves in Kearny, New Jersey, conducted an exercise to sharpen plans for a military takeover of the state government in New Jersey. According to Colonel Frances Clark, they had conducted similar studies on how to seize municipal and county government over the past few years. But this was the first time they had studies state government. Such units were trained during World War II to operate captured governments in the foreign. We never had federal troops training to take over governments in the United States. When local violence or catastrophe struck, the National Guardunder command of the governorwent into action. This is definitely not the situation at this time CONTROLLING THE MASSES On February 16, 1975, in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune it was reported that the LEAA (funded by the Department of Justice) and the Police Foundation (funded by the Ford Foundation) are prime movers toward implementing a national police force. Each, however, contends they support local police agencies. The total program involves military units that have the function of taking over the administration of local nad state governments. That program is Operation Cable Splicerby Army civil affairs groups, a sub-plan of Operation Garden Plot (the Martial Law program). The method by which the national police concept is being presented to the public has changed. It was first disguised under the cover of protection against civil disturbances. This program was as follows: A) Keep the people from gathering in the streets. B) Isolate and neutralize the revolutions leadership. C) Dispersal of crowds and demonstrators. This is followed by successful prosecution in order to: 1) Validate the action of the police; 2) Denying the arrestees propaganda materials; and 3) Denying them the opportunity to recover money damages against the police for arresting them. Let me quote for you the scenario which was developed for Cable Splicer One, Two and Three to justify the needs for dealing with civil disturbances: Phase One an arrest and shooting provoke crowd unrest and threats against public officials and a riot begins for form; Phase Two police vehicles are ambushed, various attempted assassinations of public officials occur, destruction and raiding of armories occur, and thousands of people begin to gather and local police lose control; Phase Three increased movement of rioters and the crowds must be dispersed before they become sympathetic with the rioters. The National Guard and the local police lose control. This scenario provides for an orderly transition from state to federal control. The Deputy Attorney General of California commented at a Cable Splicer Three conference, that anyone who attacks the State even verballybecomes a revolutionary and an enemy by definition. They are the enemy and must be destroyed. This program was taught in almost every state west of the Mississippi River and included as participants local active military, reserve military and civilian police. The course name was Civil Emergency Management Course. The official explanation that was to be given if any questions were asked about the program was: This activity is a continuous, joint law enforcement-military liaison effort and a continuation of coordination established last year. In 1976, the Oakland Tribune carried the most complete explanation of what is planned. It is reported in its entirety in the National Chronicle which added an analysis to the story. (The Oakland Tribunes editor died suddenly after the story was published.) And I quote: Last Saturday the California National Guard unveiled a new Law Enforcement Assistance ForceLEAF, a specially trained and outfitted Military Police Unit, whose members will serve as shock-troops in the states war against political protesters and demonstrators. I saw a full-dress exhibition of what the California National Guard has planned for the next American revolution. Helicopters, SWAT teams, civilian military policemen in jack boots and helmets, twelve-guage shotguns, .38 and .45 caliber pistols, radios, walkie talkies, and electrically-controlled intelligence centers wired for instant communications with any police force in the state. LEAF is a 1,000 member unit put together this year to handle unique law enforcement problems such as mass civil disobedience, protest demonstrations and riots. In other words, breaking heads and taking names. LEAF has the support of Governor Brown, a quarter-million dollars worth of grants from the federal government, and no public opposition from civil liberties groups. For all its ineptitude, however, LEAF has a frightening possibility from a civil liberty standpoint. It is a direct product of the California Cable Splicer conferences a series of high-level secret meetings between government officials, law enforcement officers and military planners held during the late 60s and early 70s. The meetings were held as late as 1975 so far, as many public records show. These were the conferences which Counter-Spy magazine had identified as Californias Garden Plot Sub-plan. Gary DavisGovernor Browns right-hand mansays LEAF is to assist civil police, not to replace them. Gary says, Civilians could expect a civilian type law enforcement rather than what is commonly known as Martial Law. Despite this assurance, LEAFs exercises look disturbingly like the military coup described in the novel, Seven Days in May. LEAF soldiers with nightsticks stood at intersections, stopping cars with suspicious occupants, checking ID cards and generally intimidating onlookers with their SWAT-style uniforms, their sidearms and helmets. Perhaps more ominously, several participants in the role-playing exercises Saturday admitted that even under simulated pressure there have already been a number of incidents where the LEAF troops used excessive force to quell disturbanceseven though their orders forbade it. (That ends the quotation.) Former LEAA administrator, Charles Ross Dovan [phonetic spelling], is on record as having stated that local law enforcement has failed and must be replaced by a national police force. Patrick Murphy, the administrator of the Police Foundation, states, I have no fear of a national police force. Our 40,000 police departments are not sacred. Ex-Attorney General William Saxby warned that if we can go on as we are, crime will invade us and the national police will take over. For the policemen who do not cooperate and still want to be policemen, there is a program of Contemporary Research, organization of psychologists, sociologists, education specialists and economic expertswho work toward a solution of many of todays social problems. The same organization develops specialized computer programming for the new world-wide military command and control system, as well as computer base systems for law enforcement agencies at all levels of government. The LEAA alone will receive over a billion dollars a year over the next four yearseven though it has been ineffective against crime. This is because the LEAA is not geared to fighting crime; its geared to developing a system for takeover of the United Styates with the assistance of the Department of Defense. THE PLANNED POLICE STATE One of the programs the LEAA works on in its fight against crime is psycho-surgery. If you dont cooperate with their programs, you are merely operated on so that you will be as cooperative as an adding machine. Or, the LEAA supports drug research for the same purposeto neurological sources violence. Hence, as an example, if a law were passed whereby the ownership of firearms was declared to be illegal, you would be placed in one of these programs if you did not cooperate. The LEAA control exercise (at the states level) is from the Office of Criminal Justice Planning of the Governors Office. Here in Texas, Mr. Robert C. Klowers is still the executive director in that office. But all states have that particular department. In May, 1975, the LEAA Newsletter describes the function of one of its organizations: the National Institute of Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice. This organization funds something called the United Nations Clearinghouse in Rome, Italy. The function of that organization is, among other things, the exchange of Criminal Justice System information with the Soviet Union. And it goes without saying that we have nothing to learn from the Criminal Justice System of the Soviet Union. These incredible projects are being funded with our tax dollars. The code name for these projects are: Garden Plot and Cable Splicer. Garden Plot is the program to control the population. Cable Splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local governments by the federal government. An investigation was completed in November, 1975, by four sources: The conservative publication American Challenge, the leftist New Times, the foundation-financed Fund for Investigative Journalism, and Don Wood of the trustworthy Ozark Sunbeam. It involves the potential creation of a Police State through the use of the Pentagon and its computerized intelligence dossier (lodged in the Pentagon basement) of thousands of citizens by the National Guard, state and local police departments, the LEAA, plainclothes military forces, SWAT teams and the Department of Justice. Brigadier General J. L. Julienit [phonetic spelling], senior Army officer of the Pentagon National Guard Bureau, has admitted, I know of no state that did not have some form of these exercises within the last year. Today the Cable Splicer handbook is composed of six loose-leaf three-ring binders that are merely an outline for the impending takeover and destruction of our Constitution. The Sixth Army used the term Cable Splicer for the name of the operation, but it is not revealed the name of the operation in the other military areas within the U.S. On page four, paragraph ten on Public Information, the instructions state: As a means to prevent adverse publicity or misleading psychological effects in regard to coordinating, planning, and conducting this exercise, all military participants involved will perform such duties in civilian clothing when exercise oriented activities are conducted at lwa enforcement facilities. In the event inquireies are received regarding this exercise, the response should be limited to identifiying the activity as a continuous, joint law enforcement-military liaison effort for a continuation ofcoordination established last year. On page six, security guidance is explained to the effect that if anybody asks any questions, limit the information that is given out on the basis of it being in the interest of national interest (security). Now, in the festivities celebrating the success of completion of the exercises, Attorney General Stanly R. Larsen, the commanding general of the Sixth Army, stated, The most serious challenge facing all of us will be the challenge of discharging our legitimate responsibilities. For a significant portion of a society at large is likely to regard us with suspicion and toquestion, even challenge our authority on the basic assumption of our profession. Part of this challenge we must be prepared to deal with; a potentially dangerous portion of our society which, in truth, could well become the domestic enemy. The manual includes instructions on operation of confinement facilities, handling and processing prisonersincluding searching, transporting, feeding, housing and handling of the special class of persons called detainees. The plan also specifically includes a proposition for the confiscation of privately-owned weapons and ammunition. FILES ON POTENTIAL PRISONERS The Army has over 350 separate record centers containing substantial information on civilian-political activities. Virtually every major Army unit has its own set aside from this. The Fifth Army of San Antonio has over 100,000 files of its own. The overall operation command post is a domestic room at the Pentagon. There are 25 million cards on individuals and 760,000 on organizations held by the Defense Central Index of investigations alone. And this information includes political, sociological, economic and psychological profiles. All this type of information on 25 million Americans. Since 1970, local, county and state police forces all over the country have undertaken crash programs to install various kinds of computerized information systems. A large portion of this is being paid for by the LEAA. Beginning in 1970, Congress and the Joint Chiefs of Staff ordered the destruction of all these data banks, but they were not destroyed. All the outlawed collection is now located at Mt. Weather, Clark County, West Virginia and similar Pentagon facilities designed as adjuncts to the presidents emergency powers under the Executive Orders. The cadre of specialized persons to enforce this plan are found in the U.S. Army Reserves-Military Police POW Command at Lebonia, Michigan. Mr. Fenren [phonetic spelling] of the 300th Military Police POW Command at Lebonia told me, when I called him from the Federal Information Center at Houston, that the camps in the Command were for foreign prisoners-of-war and for enemies of the United States. I asked him if enemies of the United States included U.S. citizens. He became angry, wouldnt deny it, and referred me to a very sinister individual at the Army Reserve facility here at Houston who I talked to; who explained to me that the prisoners were called inventory and internees. He would not deny that the camps were for U.S. citizens. I called the Pentagon, spoke with the defendant there, and then with the provost marshal for the Fifth Army, and do you know what? Not one of these persons would deny that the system was for U.S. citizens. The provost marshal for the Fifth Armywhen I mentioned the names of all the camp sites said, Well at least youve got that right. The names of the detention facilities that I gave him were a list that I had acquired from the Ozark Sunbeam. That list of names was the same list of facilities designated under the old Detention Act of 1950 as emergency detention centers. But there is only one problem: That act was supposed to have been repealed in 1971. After some research, I found out what the problem was. One Congressman when the hearings were held for the repeal of the Emergency Detention Actmentioned that there are 17 other bits of law that provided for the same thing. So it didnt matter whether they ever repealed the Emergency Detention Act. The public was in fact tricked by the Congress of the United States! Here the designated sites: Tucked away in the Appalachian Mountains of central Pennsylvania is a bustling town of approximately 10,000 people. Fifteen to twenty years ago it was a sleepy village of 400. Allanwood, Pennsylvania, is linked to New York City by Interstate U.S. 80. It takes up approximately 400 acres and is surrounded by a 10-foot barbed-wire fence. It now holds approximately 300 minimum security prisoners to keep in shape. It could hold 12,000 people from one day to the next. Thirty miles from Oklahoma City on U.S. 66 is El Reno, Oklahoma, with an approximate population of 12,000. Due west, six miles from town, almost in sight of U.S. 66, is a complex of buildings which could pass for a small school. However, the facility is overshadowed by a guard house which appears to be something like an airport control tower except that its manned by vigilant, uniformed guard. This is a federal prison camp or detention center. These camps are all located near super-highways or near railroad tracks or both. The federal prison camp at Florence, Arizona, could hold 3,500 prisoners. It is presently kept in condition by approximately 400 legally convicted prisoners. Wickenburg, Arizona, is famous for its municipal airport, which was once government-owned. It is now occupied by a private party. It is rumored to be capable of being taken back by the federal government without notice. Now there are a couple other of these facilities which are probably existing under the same arrangements. This particular rumor of instant taking back without notice has existed for about nine or ten years. The only way it can actually be established is by looking at the local contract for the Wickenberg Municipal Airport itself and the parties that have possession of it. As I mentioned previously, these names were ratified by the provost marshal of the Fifth Army, who is in charge of the 300th Military Police POW Command. He is the one who verified them. He said, as I mentioned before, Well, at least youve got that right. Some of the locations are: Tool Lake in California now in private hands. It can be retaken without notice. Some of the others: We have Mill Point, West Virginia. I couldnt find a thing on Mill Point, West Virginia, but in that area we have all kinds of prisons. Among them are: Alderson, West Virginia, a womans federal reformatory; Lewisburg, West Virginia, a federal prison; Greenville, South Carolina in Greenville County is now occupied by the State Youthful Offenders Division. Even that is a mystery to the people of that area. Montgomery, Alabama, we have a federal civilian prison camp at Maxwell Air Force Base. Now does that sound right? Theres one at Tucson, Arizona, David Munson Air Base. In Alaska we have Elmendorf at Eielson Air Force Base. And that brings us to a facility in Florida called Avon Park, Florida. I sent a representative to see what was at Avon Park, Florida. He found the Avon Park Bombing and Gunnery Range, which is also listed as the Avon Park Correctional Institute. No one is permitted because it is a bombing and gunnery range. This was one of the places ratified by the provost marshal of the Fifth Army. In 1976, as well as on March 20, 1979, I went to the Sheriffs Department in Houston to see if our local Sheriffs Department had been infiltrated by these plans. Well, it appears so. I was put in contact with a Lt. Kiljan [phonetic spelling] who was in charge of some secret unit in the department. I asked him if he had participated in military training or in training with military personnel here in the Sheriffs Department. He denied it, and when I asked him if he would testify so under oath he became angry and stated, You are just an ordinary citizen. I dont have to tell you anything. I later discovered that Lt. Kiljan is the ex-director of the Houston branch office of the U.S. Secret Service. Now, where does his money come from? The area is administrated by the Houston-Galveston Area Council. In this regional-government plan, each federal region is divided into state clearing houses, and each state clearing house is divided into area clearing houses. And for our area we have the Houston-Galveston Area Council. It serves as a conduit for federal funds in two major areas: LEAA and HEW. Most everybody thinks this organization (the Houston-Galveston Area Council) is for the development of the areathe geographical area here in Houston. But it is not. It is for the development of LEAA and HEW projects. Now, this finds its counterpart in every community across the U.S. It provides for these agencies a liaison for intergovernmental communications, interaction and coordination. MENTAL COOPERATION IN TAKEOVER PLANS I examined their projects to see what they were doing. This regional-government program distributes federal funds for two major purposes: 1) Radio hookups between every police agency in the state to Fort San Houston, and: 2) Mental health programs, including programs for the mentally ill having priority of beds and hospitals. Another interesting fact to consider is that in the Pine Bluff Arkansas Arsenal B-Z is stored. Its a nerve gas which creates sleepiness, dizziness, stupor and the incapacity to move about. According to the Associated Press, the agent can be sprayed by aerosol, injected or sprayed over large areas by a bomb. The Military has admitted that one potential use of the gas is for civilian control. So whatever is planned, theyve also planned a way for you to go to your destination in a tranquil state of mind. HEW, by law, is operated in conjunction with the United Nations through the World Health Organization. Back in 1948, the International Congress on Mental Healtha U.N. organization declared in its pamphlet, Mental Health and World Citizenship, that prejudice, hostility or excessive nationalism may become deeply imbedded in the developing personality without awareness on part of the individual concerned. In order to be effective. Efforts of changing individuals must be appropriate to the successive stages of the unfolding personality. While in a case of a group of society, change will be strongly resisted unless and attitude of acceptance has first been engendered. Principles of mental health cannon be successfully furthered in any society unless there is progressive acceptance of the concept of world citizenship, the document states. Programs for social change to be effective require a joint effort of psychiatrists and social scientists, working together in cooperation with statesmen, administrators and others in positions of responsibility. The three phases of the development are: 1) Mental hospitals for segregation, care and protection of persons of unsound minds; 2) Community Mental Health Care Centers, so that persons may be treated in their own neighborhood; 3) Child Care Centers for dealing with early difficulties of nationalism in a childs life. Two years earlier, Major General G.B. Chisholm, Deputy Minister of Health in Canada who later became director of the United Nations World Health Organization explained, Self defense may involve a neurotic reaction when it means defending ones own excessive material wealth from others who are in great need. This attitude leads to war. So his solution to the problem is: Lets redistribute the wealth among everyone. Further, the reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the individuals concept of right and wrongwhich has been the basis of child trainingare the belated objectives of practically all effective psychotherapies. Now if we digress even further, to Buria [phonetic spelling], the director of the Soviet Secret Police in the 1930s, we see he explained the communist political strategy through the use of mental healings of psychiatry: Psycho-politics is the art and science of asserting and of maintaining a dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of individuals, officers, bureaus and masses, and the effecting of the conquest of enemy nations through mental healing. You must work, he stated, until every teacher of psychology unknowingly or knowingly teaches only communistic doctrine under the guise of psychology. If you look at the Russian manual of instruction of psycho-political warfare, we see in chapter 9, Psycho-political operations should at all times be alert to the opportunities to organize for the betterment of the community mental health centers. Now, under the new national Mental Health program at this moment there are more than 600 of these community mental health centers across the United States. The whole thing was promoted by Dr. Stanly F. Yoles [phonetic spelling], who was the director of the National Institute of Mental Health in 1969. And he stated back then, that the newest trend in treating mental illness is care at local health care centers where the patient is not isolated form his (or her) family and friends. They have been working on this program for 46 years publicly, and now across the U.S.through your tax dollarsyou have 603 centers (to be exact); Community Health Centers that are all part of this program. And this is how they are part of the program. (It has already happened): In the mid-1950s, there were set into motion an interesting chain of events. About 1956 the Alaska Mental Health Bill was proposed and later passed. It granted approximately $12 million and one million acres of public land to Alaska so that it could develop its own mental health program. Now this was a little abnormal since Alaska only had a little over 400 people who were classified as mentally ill! After the bill was passed, Alaska passed its own enabling legislation to get into the mental health business. They started by adopting the essential elements of the Publis Health Service Draft Act on the hospitalization of the mentally ill in the old Interstate Compact on Mental Healthnow called the Uniform Mental Health Act. There were no provisions for jury trial in it or anything else. You would just be picked up and taken to the Alaskan-Siberian Asylumincommunicadoand the state would also confiscate all of your personal and real property! And they actually tried to do it in 1954 in the case of Ford vs. Milinak [phonetic spelling], which declared the act as adopted in another state (the state of Missouri) as unconstitutional. But the act itself still existsand modifiedbut essentially in the same form, the Uniform Mental Health Act, to which approximately six states subscribe. And in passing most State Constitutionsif you will check them from the period of 1935 made a part of their constitution the practice of having a person submit to a 90-day mental examination to determine his (or her) sanity, without any provisions for a trial by jury. This was part of the national program at that time. In this act, the governor could have anyone picked up and sent to the Mental Health Institution in Alaska or elsewhere. The results as rumors back in the 50s, were that there was in fact a sinister, Frankenstein-type mental health prison in Alaska. I wrote to Alaska (the officials, that is) and asked them for a description of the land of one million acres that they were eligible to receive under the Alaska Mental Health Act. And I also asked them for a copy of the inventory they ran for their facilities back at the same time. Well, so far no answer. And probably, I will never receive an answer without a court order. But through the years, there was a spot in Alaska that was continually referred to: Southeast of Fairbanks; southwest of Fairbanks; northwest of Fairbanks; somewhere near Fairbanks. Then I received information that a pilot had flown over the area once and had had his license revoked. And so, for $1.85 each, I ordered the low-level navigation maps from the federal government for Alaska and located the Alaskan-Siberian Asylum for the treatment of enemies of the United States. Its right where rumor over the past twenty years had placed it: Southwest of Fairbanks. It stands out like a sore thumb! Its the only one of that geometric configuration within the state of Alaska, and you will note a black line running up through Fairbanks and down over near that area of the map. That is the railroad that the Department of Transportation would take the emergency operation of, under the Executive Orderif the Executive Order went into effect. And HEW would be responsible for making a determination of whetheror not you were mentally disturbed because of your nationalistic tendencies, your love for the United States, or your adherence to any political or religious doctrine. But lets look a little further into the type of program that the LEAA is paying for through the Department of Justice. The Federal Bureau of Prisons located in the backwoods of North Carolina, near a tiny village called Butneris constructing a mammoth 42 acre research complex for prisoners from throughout the East. Who will be sent for experiments to test the new behavioral programs and techniques? Target date for completion of the entire system is ironically 1984. And so, theyre using right now, under the LEAA program, something called anectine [phonetic spelling]. Punishment for troublesome behavior within the prison is being done by drugs and shock, likely to be the most selected examples of programs that have made use of anectinea derivative of South American curari. Anectine was originally used as a beginning factor to electro-convulsive shock. Such shocks applied to the head are so strong they can break and graze bones under the strain of resulting muscle contractions. Since anectine paralyzed the muscles without dampening consciousness or the ability to feel pain, by first injecting the inmates with it, researchers can turn up the voltage as high as they want without cracking the inmates skeleton when his body is thrown into convulsions by the jolt. What the anectine does, in short, is to simulate death within 30 to 40 seconds of injection. It brings on paralysis first, with the small rapidly moving muscles in the nose, fingers and eyes, and then in the diaphragm and the cardiovascular system. As a result, the patient cannot move or breath and yet remains fully conscious, as though drowning and dying. This is from the 1974 publication, Human Behavior. THE PEOPLE VS. THE CONSPIRATORS The federal government answered my suit in June (1976) by filing an unsworn general denial of everything I had alleged. I spoke with the assistant U.S. Attorney in charge of the case and asked him if he had gone to the trouble to call any of the parties mentioned in the suits since I had provided not only the addresses, but thier telephone numbers to provide a faster means of investigation. He said he had not. He had not even done a minimal amount of investigation of the case, but yet he filed a denial of my allegations. I filed a motion in the mean time to take the deposition of theperson who writes the training programs for the concentration camp guards, Mr. Richard Burragethe 75th Maneouver Air Command at Army Reserve Center at Houston, Texas stating that in light of all the recent activity of government agents, one of the agencies involved might attempt to murder this key witness, the author of the training camp program. The federal judge denied my motion, stating that I had not quoted enough cases to him justifying my request. However, he was also aware as that there were no cases existing on this set of facts, but as you will see as I go along with this report, he chose to ignore it. I then made an agreement with the assistant U.S. Attorney to take the deposition to Mr. Burrae. After I made the arrangements, the U.S. Attorney refused to voluntarily go along with taking the deposition. It is very difficult to find justice in our system of courts, which usually practiced by the buddy system, hence the court rules are overlooked or not followed. On July 20, a hearing was held at the magistrate of Norman Black, U.S. District Court in Houston. The courtroom was completely filed with spectators. And although thenews media had been contacted, no representatives of the press were there. There is a news media blackout on this matter here in Houston. Brief oral arguments were presented. The U.S. Attorney explained that I was not the proper person to bring the suit because, although the free exercise of my constitutional rights was threatened by the concentration camp program I alleged, it did not constitute my injury. The magistrate was impressed with the information I had thus far collected and stated that he would bring it to the attention of the federal judge. The U.S. Attorney tried to have my investigation of the case halted, but the magistrate would not go along that far with a pre-arranged decision. As an additional indication of what I was up against, the original hearing was scheduled for 10:30 in the morning. However, the U.S. Attorney had secretly had the time changed to 2:30 in the afternoon. The magistrate gave theU.S. Attorney permission to file for motion to dismiss becasue he felt that the speech did not present any injury. Now, on July 23, I had placed in the Houson Post and in the Houston Chronicle newspapers the following advertisement in the legal section. Quote: Solicitation for witnesses in Civil Action 78-H-667, Ford et. al. The action titled: Complaint Against the Concentration Camp Program of the Dept. of Defense. Attention: If you have participated in Operation Garden Plot, Operation Cable Splicer, the 300th Military Police Prisoner of War Command, or the Army Reserve Civil Affairs group, you may be involved in a program that needs to be disclosed for this suit. To give your testimony call or write; (and here I placed my name, address and telephone number). As I previously mentioned, there is a news media blackout on the story here in Houston. Both newspapers refused to carry the ad. First, at the Houston Post, I had to threaten them with a law suit to carry out the ad, even though I was paying for it. And then at the Chronicle, I had to meet with the president and various vice presidents becasue a refusal from that paper had come from their own lawyers. Both newspapers finally carried it, but only after two days of complaining. The inital response of both papers was We dont carry stories like that and Dont you think that the people planning the concentration camps have our best interests in mind? As you will hear for yourselves, the policies definitely do not reflect our best interests. The next event that occured was that the U.S. Attorney filed a Statement of Authority, showing the reasons that he could find why I should not be allowed to take depositions to get more information from the person who was writing the concentration camp guard training program. However, his brief was completely filed with misquotes of the law from many cases. Hed mention the case and then invent whatever the case should say. In my brief to the court at this point, I notified the judge of the violation of the law requiring honesty in such matters. But the notificaiton was ignored by the judge, who apparently sanctioned this most dishonest of acts commonly known as quoting out of context. THE GENEVA CONVENTION My brief was filed on August 27. On August 31, formal arguments were set. The new courtroom of the magistrate was almost filled again. However, no one from the news media showed up for this hearing either. The few who were contacted had been told not to go; they would lose their jobs. At the hearing I introduced evidence that heretofore had never been introduced in any court of law in the U.S. The U.S. Attorney had denied, you will remember, everything in my suit without so much as even a tiny investigation. So I introduced him to evidence the following letter from the Department of the Army, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff of Personnel, signed by; 1B Sergeant, Colonel G.S., Acting Director of Human Resources Development. Quoting: On behalf of President Ford, I am replying to your letter 27 May, 1976, regarding a news article in the Dallas Morning News. As much as he would like to, the president cannot reply personally to every communication he receives. Therefore, he has asked the departments and agencies of the federal government in those instances where they have special knowledge or special authority underlogued. For this reason your communication was forwarded to officials of the Department of Defense. Within the Department of Defense, the Army is responsible for custody and treatment of enemy prisoners of war and civilian internees as defined under terms of the Geneva Convention of 1949. Therefore, the Army is prepared to detain prisoners of war and detainees as defined in Article IV of the 1949 Geneva Convention relative to the treatment of prisoners of war and protection of civilian persons. It is U.S. policy that its Armed Forces adhere to the provisions of international law to set the example for other countries of the world to follow and respecting the rights and dignity of those who become victim of international conflict. It should be noted that the Army program is designed for implementation during conditions of war between the U.S. and one or more foreign countries. The Army had no plans nor does it maintain detention camps to imprison American citizens during domestic crises. The problem with this letter is that its not true, and thats what Im going to discuss at this point. First of all, in verifying the authenticity of the claims in the letter, I checked the Geneva text. There is no article in the Geneva Convention entitled as the letter states. There is, however, on each of the classifications; Protection of War Victims/Civilian Persons: and a separate article on Prisoners of War. That was the first discrepancy. Then I turned to Article IV of the Geneva Convention. That article did not set up any requirements or authorizations for military units of any type and does not even suggest it. Hence, the second discrepancy. The next problem with the letter from President Fords representative is that it states that the prisoner of war guard program is set up for the implemenation for conditions of war between the U.S. and one or more (foreign) countries. However, Article III of the Geneva Convention reads that the treaty applies to (and I am quoting): In case of an armed conflict, not of an international character, occurring within the territory of one of the high contracting parties. Obviously an armed conflict occurring within ones own territory did not mean between one or more of the parties to the treaty, especially if only one is involved. Now, the examples of this type of conflict are: civil ware, armed insurgency and guerilla activities. In other words, theyre speaking of a domestic conflict. An even more shocking item is found in the last pages of the 1949 Geneva Convention under Protection of War Victims/Civilian Persons. You will find the index card, the identification card, forms to be sued to writing your family, and everything necessary for the administration of a concentration camp is contained in this treaty that the U.S. signed and ratified. Further, if there is a conflict in the U.S. involving only the U.S. this convention or treaty can go into operationwhich includes the procedures for setting up the concentration camps. Article LXVIII of the Convention states (and I paraphrase): If you commit an offense that is soley intended to harm the occupying power, not harming the life or limb of members ofthe occupying power, but merely talking against such a forcesuch as the Martial Law situationyou can be imprisoned provided that the duration of such imprisonment is proportionate to the offense committed. Well, President Dwight Eisenhower didnt feel that provision was strong enough. So he had the following additions placed in the treaty, which states: The U.S. reserves the right to impose the death penalty in accordance with the provisions of Article LXVIII without regard to whether the offense is referred to therein are punishable by death under the law of the occupied territory at the time the occupation begins. So not only can you be imprisoned for having exercised freedom of speech; you can be put to death under the provisions of the Geneva Convention in 1949 for having exercised, or attempting to exercise freedom of speech. The next item that I introduced into evidence was a field manual: FM 41-10, Civil Affairs Operation. You will remember at the outset that I mentioned Civil Affairs groups. Let me quote to you from that manual what one of the functions of the Civil Affairs activities includes: Item 4. Assumption of full or partial executive, legislative and judicial authority over a country or area. So lets see what a country or area is defined as in the same manual. It includes: small towns and rural areas, municipalities of various population sizes, districts, counties, provinces or states, regions of national government. Nowhere in the manual does it exclude this program from being put into effect right here in the United States. As a matter of fact, in Kearny, New Jersey, the Civil Affairs group went into that area and practiced taking over that governmental unit. And yet the Army in its letteer of June 16 states that these programs are not for us. Yet they are practiced here in the United States under conditions that can only occur here at home. The study outline of field manual FM 41-10 on page j-24 under Penal Institutions 1-B, you see there is a program on concentration camps and labor campsnumber, location and capacity. It is important to note that a concentration camp and a labor camp are always located near each other for obvious reasons. Again on page d-4 of the same manual youll find a sample receipt for seized property; a sample receipt written in English and containing terminology applicable to only U.S. territory. On page 8-2 of the same manual, under the heading Tables of Organization and Equipment, we find that there are three other organizations that would be working along with the Civil Affairs operation: the Chemical Service Organization, the Composite Service Organization, and the Psychological Operations Organization, along with the various Civil Affairs organizations. In July of that year (1976), the following Civil Affairs groups met with the following airborne groups at a staging area in Fort Chaffee, Arkansas. A staging area is where military units meet before they go into action. They met with the 82nd Airborne and part of the 101st Airborne; the 32nd Civil Affairs group of San Antonio, Texas headquarters; the 362nd Civil Affairs brigade from Dallas, Texas; the 431st Civil Affairs company from Little Rock, Arkansas headquarters; the 306th Civil Affairs group, U.S. Army Reserves, Fayetteville, Arkansas commanded by Lt. Colonel N. McQuire [phonetic spelling] and William Highland. The 486th Civil Affairs company from Tulsa, Oklahoma; the 418th Civil Affairs company from Kansas City, Missouri; the 307th Civil Affairs group from St. Louis, Missouri; the 490th Civil Affairs group from Abilene, Texas; the 413th company from Hanlin, Louisiana; the 12th S.S. group, 2nd Battalion (headquarters unknown). Theyre ready to go into action. The problem is as it appears they were ready to take over the entire government of the United States as their mission sets out. One man who attended this staging area talked to a Civil Affairs sergeant and asked him what his job was. The sergeant explained that the civilians of this country will really be surprised some day when the Civil Affairs groups begin to operate the government. Now, the Department of the Army still maintains that all this is not for the United Statesyet this training continues here for us. The evidence is overwhelming; the plan exists for the imprisonment of millions of U.S. citizens. And even though all this information was presented to the federal magistrate, he still felt that no one was injured by such a plot. On the 2nd day of September, 1976, the magistrate recommended to the federal judge that the case be dismissed. And the sole basis for his reasoning to dismiss was that we have to be actually physically injured before we can maintain a law suit of this type. He did not feel that, although all this active planning, preparation and training had been going on, that any U.S. citizen had been injuredeven though the citizen may fear exercising his or her freedom for fear of being detained and imprisoned in a concentration camp at a later date. IGNORING THE CONSTITUTION Battalion (headquarters unknown).The case of Tatum B.Laird, heard before the Supreme Court in 1974, is a case in point. It involved the Army intelligences collecting apparatus, which was developing a list of names of persons who the Army felt were troublesome. The Supreme Court held that the making of lists of this type did not of and by itself present any injuries. The minority opinion in the case was that the injury in the case with a program such as this made people afraid to use their freedom of speech for fear of being sent to jail for it. But the majority did not buy that argument. The difference between that case and this case although we also have the computer program is that we have something much further past that point: the concentration camp guard program and the Civil Affairs program for the taking over of all functions of our government. In light of that, the federal judge said that this is not an injury. As a matter of fact, the U.S. Attorney alleged that even if people were placed in concentration camps, if they were all treated the same they would still not have the right to go to federal court. On the 20th day of September, I filed a memorandum to notify the magistrate and the federal judge that I had discovered that the federal government had a program for a number of years to suspend our constitutional right of the writ of habeas corpus. This information substantiated the complaint. Habeas corpus is the name of that legal instrument utilized to bring someone before a judge when that person is being illegally imprisoned or detained so that he or she may obtain his or her freedom. The Constitution states that the writ of habeas corpus shall never be suspended. I found the disturbing information in a report: 94-755, 94th Congress, 2nd Session Senate, April 26, 1976, entitled Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans Book II. On page 17-d, entitled First Amendment Rights, the report states that more importantly the government surveillance activities in the aggregate, whether expressly intended to do so, to deter the exercise of First Amendment rights by American citizens who become aware of the governments domestic intelligence program. Beginning on page 54 it is stated that, beginning in 1946 four years before the Emergency Detention Act of 1950 was passed the FBI advised the Attorney General that it had secretly compiled a secret index ofpotenti ally dangerous persons. The Justice Department then made tentative plans for emergency detention based on suspension of the priviledge of the writ of habeas corpus. Department officials deliberately avoided going to Congress. When the Emergency Detention Act of 1950 was passed, it did not authorize the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. But shortly after passage of that act, according to the bureau document, Attorney General J.R. McGraft told the FBI to disregard it and to proceed with the program as previously outlined. A few sentences later on page 55 it states, With the security index, use broader standards to determine potential dangerousness than those described in the statute. And unlike the act, Department plans provided for issuing a master search warrant and a master arrest warrant. This is the center importance; it is the same thing that I am alleging in federal court. And yet the magistrate chose to ignore these facts also. We have government officials not only ignoring the will of Congress, but doing the opposite of what the Constitution provides by planning illegally for the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. In addition, as mentioned before, the master search warrant and the master arrest warrant are forms fed into the computer, which prints the names and addresses on them from the tapes previously prepared by the intelligence-gathering program. As you are arrested, your home will be searched and anything found may be confiscated. This program has existed since 1946 up to and including 1973, and without proper access to judicial discovery techniques. It cant be determined whether the same plan now exists under the same name or under another name, right now. This memorandum was filed on September 28, to make the court aware of the danger that our rights of freedom of speech and lawful assembly are in. But the court, on September 30 after this notification was receiveddismissed the case. However, in keeping with the practice of federal courts in Houston of actively participating in the obstruction of justice, I was not notified of the dismissal until the 6th of October which gave me just two working days to submit any further motion in a 10-day period before tiem starts running for the appeal. What I have just said regarding the federal courts in Houston is not only my opinion. The Houston Chronicle, surprisingly, published an extensive document severely criticizing the federal courts in Houston for making up their own rules as they go along with the proceedings, as well as commenting on the communist-like Supreme Court attitude of the judges and the court personnel. My experience here has been that the court has returned to me almost every document I filed. Then after a big argument, they reacceptthe document, stating that they just made a mistake. In reality, the power structure doesnt want these types of cases in any federal court. SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE On the 8th of October I had submitted a request for finding the facts in the filing which had been established by the evidence presented: 1) The 300th Military Police POW Command is located at Livonia, Michigan. 2) The Department of the Army has stated that said Command exists per se the Geneva Convention of 1949, a treaty of the U.S., Article IV thereof under the title relative to the treatment of prisoners of war and protection of civilian persons. 3) However, no such title exists in the Geneva Convention per se. 4) Nevertheless, there are separate titles, one of which is: a) Multilateral Protection of War Victims/Prisoners of War; b) Multilateral Protection of War Victims/Civilian Persons. 5) Nevertheless, Article IV of both titles does not provide for the creation of any military programs for concentration camps. 6) Whether Mr. Henren of the 300th Military Police POW Command has stated that the prupose of the Command is for the detention of foreign prisoners of war and enemies of the United States. 7) Further, Article III, concerning civilian persons, makes the treaty applicable to conflicts occurring solely within the territory of the United States that are not of an international character, which is capable of including any type of conflict in its description whether it be civil war or guerilla activity or anything else. The text states: In case of armed conflict not of an international character occurring in the territory of one of the high contracting parties, each party to a conflict shall be bound to apply to the minimum of the following provisions. 8) Department of the Army field manual FM 41-10, Civil Affairs Operations of Civil Affairs Organization, lists as one of its functions the assumption of full or partial executive, legislative and judicial authority over a country or an area and there is no specific exclusion of the United States as such a country or area. 9) Said manual defines country along certain geographical population basis, county, state regions and national government. 10) Said organization has in fact conducted practiced takeovers of local and state governments in the continental United States, including but not limited to the state of New Jersey. 11) Said organization includes in its study outline on page j-24 a section on concentration camps and labor camps. 12) Said organization includes in its operations composite service operations and psychological operations organziations. 13) Said psychological operation is working with the U.S. Public Health Service, are prepared to operate any and/or all mental health facilities in the United States as tools of repression against outspoken but nonviolent political conduct of the United States citizens in conjunction with all the above, which is to be used for the same purpose. 14) Further, the Department of Justice, in conjunction with this program, has had plans for the suspension of writ of habeas corpus since the year of 1946; has planned depriving persons being detained under this total program any means for protection against tyrannical repression. The plaintiff requested that the court make findings of fact and draw conclusions of law, consistent therewith as shown by the evidence on record before the court. The effect of this request is that the case must go back to the district jude for further consideration. I mentioned that it appeared that all this planning for concentration camps was to be directed against anyone regardless of his political persuasion or his deo-ideology who exercised freedom of speech against the established power structure of international bankers and multinational corporations. But with Proposition B-type movements threatening to reduce taxes throughout our nation, I foresee the activation of emergency programs so that the parasites on the federal take will continue to receive their checks. THE PRICE OF PATRIOTISM In the same Senate document, on intelligence activities on the rights of Americans referred to on pages 166 and 167, you will find that the federal government has targeted its intelligence activities against one group of Americans. On page 166, the first classification listed is rightists and anti-communist groups. And the first group on page 167 on Army surveillance lists the John Birch Society as number one and the Young Americans for Freedom as the number two target. Therefore, the groups of U.S. American citizens considered to be the biggest enemy of the United States by the federal government at this point is the conservative patriot. Although this information has been available since April of this year (1979), no one has mentioned this incredible discovery that the federal government considers the patriotic conservative as its greatest enemy. I have received all kinds of information regarding this case from all across the United States. PRICE OF APATHY I obtained the 1945 report of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services)the precursor of the CIA7th Army, William W. Quinn, GFCAC of the G2, on the liberation of Dachau, a concentration camp during the liberation in Germany. It contains much groups of information, but the relevant portion of the report concerns itself with the section on the towns people. Quoting from his report, on why the people of this little town didnt complain or didnt overthrow oppressors but just continued to go along and get along even though they lost their freedom in the process. And I quote: These words crop up and up again. They are the rationalization of a man who admits that he was a member of the Nazi party. I was forced to do so by business reasons, they state. We were lied to in every respect but they admit they knew the camp existed. But they saw the work detail to the inmates passing through the streets under guard, and in some instances the SS behaved brutally even towards the townspeople. When asked if they realized that within the last three months before the liberation 13,000 men lost their lives within stones throw of where the people lived, they claimed they were shocked and surprised. When asked if they never saw transports of dead and dying pass through the streets along the railway, they referred only to the last one. They insist that most of the trains came in at night and that they were sealed cars. Did they never ask what was in the endless procession of cars that came in full and always went out empty? A typical reply was, We were told it was all army material and booty from France. It is established that anyone who stated that he saw only one train come in in the daytime was telling a flat lie. There are quite a few such people in Dachau. The analysis of the anti-Nazi element of the town: 1) The people knew what was going on in the camp, even ten years prior to liberation; 2) The town did a thriving business from the concentration camp guard; 3) Ninety percent are guilty and have dabbed themselves with the blood of innocent human beings; 4) The people are to blame for their cowardicethey were all too cowardly. They didnt want to risk anything. And that was the way it was in all of Germany. The conclusion of this report written on Dachau written in 1945 on the liberation of the concentration camp applies today. The conclusion is as follows: If one is to attempt a tremendous task and accept the terrible responsibility of judging a whole town, assessing it en masse as to collect a guilt or innocence of all its inhabitants for their complicity in committing this most heinous of crimes, one would do well to remember the fearsome shadow that hangs over everyone in this state in which crime has been incorporated and called the government. So you can see how the whole program is related here. My lawsuit was against one single aspect of the total program: The enforcement arm of the conspiracy. The people who make up the cadre that is going to occupy the concentration camps where enemies of the United States will be placed. Remember Solzhenitsyns words in the Gulag Archipelago: Resistance should have began right there but it did not begin. You arent gagged, you really can and you really ought to cry out that arrests are being made on the strength of false accusations. If many such outcries had been heard all over the city arrests would have no longer been so easy. They, the tyrants, cant work in the public eye. Those people who were so apathetic, hoping that nothing was really wrong, that nothing would happen to their persons and property, sat back and watched. The anarchists, financed by multinational interests, looted and pillaed their country. If you think that all [that] is necessary is to pay your house notes, to pay your TV notes, to go vote when there is an election, and to stand back during the rest of the year and watch as your country and way of life are replaced by a system in which you will be a slave in a concentration camp, younot the conspiratorsare guilty, because you, by silent acquiescence, invite tyranny and oppression. And when you have to steal food to eat because our production is for foreign use because the Department of Commercethrough Executive Order 11490 and its predecessorsis responsible for international distribution of our commodities, dont sit in the culvert hiding and eating and wondering what happened, because you made it all possible. When your family is split up and spread across the United States to do slave labor and you never see your loved ones again, it will be your fault because you did nothing to prevent it. And once we lose our freedom we are never going to regain it. That is why we must stand together to prevent the loss of our freedom as citizens of the United States. Thank you very much. [Conclusion of taped report.] ====================================== This document is part of the BeastNet archives. 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By: Paula Demers In 1961, the Kennedy administration ordered a "Top Secret" study to determine what problems the United States would face if the world moved from an era of war to a golden age of peace. In other words, how to bring America into the New World Order. By 1963 the selection of the specialist had been made. This study group consisted of 15 experts in various academic disciplines who were selected for their expertise in their various fields. The first and last meetings were in an underground nuclear survival retreat called Iron Mountain. In the same year that this "Top Secret" study was called, 1961, The Department of State put out a publication (#7277) called "Freedom From War, The United States Program for a General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World". This publication describes a three step program to disarm the American military, shut down bases and have one military under the United Nations. This "military" would be the world wide police force to be used as "peace keepers" throughout the world. The plan would include that "all weapons of mass destruction" be eliminated with the exception of "those required for a United Nations Peace Force" (page 12 paragraph one). In order to "keep the peace, all states will reaffirm their obligations under the UN Charter to refrain from the threat of use of any type armed force" (page 16, Paragraph eight) To support the UN Charter, the average citizen will need to be disarmed; so they cannot defend themselves against these "peace keepers". You don't have to watch much news to see that today, the UN forces are used as "peace keepers" throughout the world, disarming people so they can't defend themselves against oppressive governments. To quote Sarah Brady, Chair of Handguncontrol, Inc. "Our Task of creating a socialist america can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed." I also want to point out the interesting things that happened in the mid 1960's: The protests against the war in Veit Nam. The protests against Nuclear Arms. The protests for arms reduction......Much of these protests were done by college students. Many who graduated and became the doctors, lawyers, people in politics, and even the President for today. In 1963, the same year as the selection of specialists for this "Top Secret" study, President John F. Kennedy made an astounding statement. On November 13, while speaking at Columbus University, Pres. Kennedy stated, "The high office of the President of the United States of America has been used to foment a plot to destroy America's freedom, and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of their plight! Ten days later, President John F. Kennedy wasshot and killed. The study was completed in 1966. President Johnson gave the order that the report was never to be released, due to the nature of the conclusions reached. The purpose of this Report was to see what it would take to bring the United States into a New World Order. The"experts" decided that the American people were not intelligent enough to understand what "big brother" had decided for them; and what "big brother" would need to do to accomplish what was decided for them. If the truth came out too soon, the American people would be able to stop it. To quote directly from the cover letter of this report: (paragraph three) "Because of the unusual circumstances surrounding the establishment of this Group, and in view of the nature of its finding, we do not recommend that this Report be released for publication...such actions would not be in the PUBLIC INTEREST (emphasis mine)..a lay reader, unexposed to the exigencies of higher political or military responsibility, will misconstrue the purposeof this project, and the intent... We urge that the circulation of the Report be closely restricted to those who's responsibilities require that they be apprised of its contents..." Those who responsibilities require they know? Would this be the people who will be working to bring us into a New world Order? One man involved in the study elected to release it to the general public. He did it at great risk to himself using the name John Doe. Mr. Do must have believed the American people were smart enough to decide for themselves if they wanted to loose their ffreedom to a "golde age of peace". After John Doe released the information, the Establishment renounced it saying it was a hoax. There are not many copies of this Report left. Some largelibraries have copies and it would be worth the effort to check it out. This in itself would be proof it is not a hoax. There are very interesting terms used and repeated throughout the report. Some of these include "general condition of peace", "functions of war", "change social structure", "problems of peace", "transition of world peace", replacing the "function of war", "saving the species" (man), "disarmament transition", "social control", "selective population control", "gross population control" and "loss of national sovereignty". The stated purpose of this Report (taken from the first paragraph of the cover letter) is "1.) to consider the problems involved in the contingency of a transition to a general condition of peace, and 2.) To recommend procedures for dealing with this contingency. " We will do our best to capture the basic message in this report. This 34 page report basically deals with the "functions of War" and how to replace those "functions" with other options. So there can be peace and the "species" (man) can survive. THE IRON MOUNTAIN REPORT The introduction of this Report shows some interesting observations this group came up with during their 2 1/2 year study. If there came a "condition of world peace" (paragraph three) it would change the social structures of all the nations of the world. There is nothing that has happened to compare with the change that would occur in such an instance. They point out that there would be consequences to peace. Not just the economy, but every other aspect of life would be touched also. It would touch the "political, sociological, cultural, and ecological" aspects. The reason they included these aspects in their study is that the world (at that time) was totally unprepared to cover all the demands that would come in these areas in such a situation of peace. They conclude that at the end of the report they give their recommendations for what they believe to be a "practical and necessary course of action." (paragraph six) These 15 experts set you straight in the first section that they are doing to be totlly objective in their study. (Section one, paragraph five) They made a "continuously self-conscious effort" to keep the values of "good" and "bad". They admit that it wasn't easy, but as far as they could tell, it had never been done before. The previous studies for peace had taken certain things into consideration:"...the importance of human life, the superiority of democratic institutions, the greatest 'good' for the greatest number, the 'dignity' of the individual, the desirability of maximum healthier and longevity,...." These experts did not. Instead they attempted to "....apply the standards of physical science...." and go on to quote Whitehead who said, "...ignores all judgments of value; for instance, all esthetics and moral judgements." In other words, people the idea of human rights, and the value of human life are not at all taken into consideration in the putting together of the Report. They took their assignment, and decided how they could take care of all the problems without considering the people involved. In this report, as you will see, human beings are being brought down to the level of herds of animals. Section four is interesting. (War and Peace as Social Systems). They point out that wars are not "caused" because of international conflicts of interest. (paragraph seven). They further comment that "...war-making, active or contemplated, is a matter of life and death on the greatest scale subject to social control..." In paragraph six of this same section, they comment that the "threats" against the "national interest" are created or accelerated to "meet the changing needs of the war system". This will be in more detail in the next section, where they discuss the "Functions of War".(Section five) for each section, along with their "Substitutes for the Functions of War (Section six). We will include booth the "functions" and the "substitutes" under each heading. FUNCTION OF WAR / SUBSTITUTES FOR THE FUNCTIONS OF WAR They go into great detail on the "Functions of War" (Section five) and the "Substitutes for the Functions of War" (Section six). The areas covered are: economic, political, sociological, ecological, cultural and scientific. These areas are all affected by the "functions of war" so they will have to find "substitutes for the functions of war" in order to have peace. ECONOMIC One "function of war" is that it uses organized violence to defend or advance "national interest". They believe it is necessary for a military establishment to "create a need for it's unique powers" (Section five, paragraph two) Another major "function of war" is that it produces waste. This waste is a means to control surpluses. It also produces jobs and industrial advancement. War, basically, stimulates the economy. Paragraph eight states, "It is, and has been the essential economic stabilizer of modern societies." In section six, they come up with options that can replace war. They have two criteria: they must be wasteful, and must operate outside the normal supply and demand system. They make a list of social welfare programs, such as heath and housing. But they comment that there is a weakness in changing the money form the military spending to social-welfare. Unless it was run like the military , "subject to arbitrary control". (paragraph 12) This control would com in the form of building (public housing--medical centers) that can be accelerated or stopped, depending on what it would take to create a stable economy. Another option would be a series of "giant space research programs". (paragraph 13) POLITICAL One "function of war" in the political sense, is that war is "virtually synonymous with nationhood" (paragraph two) War has been essential for nations to exist independently. So, with "peace", nations lose their national sovereignty. So a "substitute for the function of war" politically would have to come up with something that would be compatible with no national sovereignty. Nations can still exist in the "administrative sense" (paragraph two). But there would have to be institutions, such as a "World Court or a United Nations" that had the real authority. One of the things considered was generating a type of space enemy. They acknowledge that, "...most ambitious and unrealistic space project cannot of itself generate a believable eternal menace...."(paragraph seven) Even the "flying saucer instances" were not encouraging enough to be used to unite "....mankind against the danger of destruction by 'creatures' from other planets...." An effective substitute for war, would require "alternate enemies". (paragraph seven) They go on to say that a "gross pollution of the environment" could eventually replace the mass destruction by nuclear weapons, as a "threat to the survival of the species", (meaning humans). In paragraph eight, they go on to say that "...Poisoning of the air, and the principles sources of food and water supply, is already well advanced,". This, at first glance, would seem to be promising. But they go on to say, " present indications it will be a generation to a generation and a half before environmental pollution, however severe, will be sufficiently menacing, on a global scale....." In other words, pollution can offer a solution to get rid of the population that nuclear war does; and it's already being done, but it would take a generation to a generation and a half to accomplish the desired goal. They go on to explain that the rate of population could be "increased selectively". (paragraph nine) If there was a "modifying of existing programs" that deter the pollution, it could speed up the process to make this solution credible sooner. Paragraph ten stresses the fact that even though some of the alternate enemies mentioned may seem unlikely, they are sure that one must be found. It must be of "...credible quality and magnitude, if a transition to peace is ever to come without social disintegration. Plain English? There must be some type of "disaster" found that will unite the nations to come under one roof. SOCIOLOGICAL The "function of war" in this section is, in the author of this report's opinion, an insult to human intelligence. In the third paragraph, they discuss the fact that military service has a "patriotic" priority in society. This as an idea needs to be "maintained for its own sake". It can be used as a "...control device over the hostile, nihilistic, and potential unsettling elements of society in transition, (meaning, though they don't use the term, people) the draft can again be defended, and quite convincingly, as a 'military' necessity." They go on in the fourth paragraph that the "...armed forces in every civilization have provided....state-supported haven .....for the 'unemployable'..." They go on to comment that a replacement for this "function of war" must "involve a real risk of personal destruction..." If the substitute doesn't provide a believable life and death threat, it will not serve the "...socially organizing function of war." (paragraph 12) In the "substitution for the function of war" there were two critical classifications. In order for there to be a stable society in a world of peace, the following tow criteria would be needed: "1.) and effective substitute for military institutions that neutralize destablizing social elements" (which means neultralize anti-social people) This would be essential for "social control", and "2.) a credible motivational surrogate for war that can insure social cohesiveness", which would be the basic way to adapt human drives to what the society needs. (paragraph one) One possible solution to control "potential enemies of society" (paragraph six) would be to reintroduce slavery. They asserted that the "traditional association of slavery" should not blind us to "..its adaptability to advanced forms of social organization..." They acknowledge that the "Western moral and economic values" do not line up with slavery. But it is possible to develop a "....sophisticated form of slavery..." that may " an absolute prerequisite for social control in a world of peace..." They maintain that the first "logical" step would be the "adoption of some form of 'universal' military service." In paragraph seven, they comment that the "'alternate enemy' must imply a more immediate, tangible, and indirectly felt threat of destruction." This enemy must justify taking and paying a "blood price" in the wide area of human concern. They go on into paragraph eight to say, "...inconsiderable actual sacrifice of life; the construction of an up-to-date mythological or religious structure for this purpose would present difficulties in our era,...certainly be considered." They go on to discuss the development of "blood games" (paragraph nine) to effectively control individual aggressive impulses. To be realistic, a ritual of this type might be "socialized" like the Spanish Inquisition and the "witch trials of other periods". The purposes would be for "social purification", and "State security". Though this type of thing is doubtful, it is "...considerable less fanciful than the wishful notion of many peace planners that a lasting condition of peace can be brought about without the most painstaking examination of every possible surrogate for the essential functions of war." They considered this, "in a sense" the quest for "William Jame's 'moral equivalent of war'." ECOLOGICAL This "function of war" is put in a way very degrading to man. It starts out in paragraph one with, "Man, like all other animals". Man is brought down to the level of beasts. They go on to comment that, "To forestall the inevitable historical cycles of inadequate food supply, post- Neolithic man destroys surplus members of his own species by organized warfare." It gets better in paragraph two, where man is compared "in a limited degree" with rats. This is because they kill their own kind. One of the "functions of war" they state, has "...served to help assure the (survival) of the human species." (paragraph three) They go on to say that in nature, it is survival of the fittest; the "inferior" disappear. With war, this function is reversed, because those who fight and die during wars, are "in general its (its meaning man) biologically stronger members." In paragraph six, they state: "Conventional methods of warfare would almost surely prove inadequate, in this event, to reduce the consuming population to a level consistent with survival of the species." Species, of course meaning man. So conventional warfare may not be able to kill enough people. They go on to say (paragraph seven) that, "The second relevant factor is the efficiency of modern methods of mass destruction. Even if their use is not required to meet a world population crisis, they offer, perhaps paradoxically, the first opportunity in the history of man to halt the regressive genetic effects of natural selection by war." They have some interesting ideas for "substitutes for the functions of war". Since war has shortcomings as a way for "selective population control", they believe that coming up with substitutes for this function "s hould be comparatively simple". (paragraph one) They believe that even though war has not "been genetically progressive", it cannot be fairly faulted as a "system of gross population control to preserve the species". They believe to have a "universal requirement" for procreation be limited to "artificial insemination "would be fully adequate substitute control for population levels". Conception and embryonic growth would take place under laboratory conditions. This type of "reproductive system" would have the advantage of "being susceptible of direct eugenic management". (Sounds like a "Brave New World" to me.) When this report was written, steps to have "total control of conception with a variant of the ubiquitous 'pill', via water supplies or certain essential foodstuffs, off set by a controlled 'antidote'" was already being developed: by teams of experimental biologists in Massachusetts, Michigan, and California, Mexico and the U.S.S.R. (paragraph four) This solution, they realize, cannot come about a substitute for war while there is still war. The reason? "...excess population is war material." (paragraph five) As long as there is even "a remote possibility of war" societies "must maintain a supportable population" even if it effects the economy. CULTURAL AND SCIENTIFIC The "function of war" wouldn't make too much difference in the area of art. They do believe that it has a role " the fundamental determinant of culture values." (paragraph two) Right now art shows "...The exaltation of bravery, the willingness to kill and risk death in tribal warfare". The "function of war" concerning science is a different story. What motivates the development of science on all levels. A "substitution for the function of war" for art would simply be for art to change. It could be used as previously "in a few primitive peace-oriented system". (paragraph three) Art would be "reassigned" to "...decoration, entertainment, or ply...". it would be "entirely free of the burden of expressing the sociomoral values and conflicts of a war-oriented society..." In science a "substitution for the function of war" could be to go into a "giant space research program" (paragraph four) They have found, if all war threats were to end tomorrow, the quest for scientific knowledge could go forward, without slowing down for "perhaps two decades". (paragraph five) There are many "unresolved" social issues that can be researched and dealt with. OTHER We have combined section's five and six to show you that what the "experts" said the "functions of war" are in our society along with some of their "substitutions for the functions of war". Section five ended with some extra comments that we will summarize here. They consider war a "general social release" (paragraph two) It provides "the release and redistribution of undifferentiated tensions". In other words, a type of therapy. It is a "generational stabilizer" (paragraph three) that enables the "deteriorating older generation" to "maintain control of the younger, destroying it if necessary". It clears ideology. It is a basis for international understanding. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Since war is not a "political issue" but used as a means of control, if an "era of peace" were to come, there would have to be drastic changes. Section Seven gives the "bottom line". War has provided a dependable system to maintain economies. Any substitute would have to be able to take the place of what war does to maintain economies. There would have to be a way to take care of the "waste" war does that will permit it to be independent of the normal supply and demand economy. It must be subject to "arbitrary political control". (paragraph three-Substitutes for Functions of War: Criteria) In the political aspect, war has been the foundation for a stable government. Political authority is accepted. War has made it able "to maintain necessary class distinctions". It also ensures the "subordination of the citizen to the state" though the concept of nationhood. (paragraph three, functions of war) The substitute for war must make it so an external menace would require people to accept the political authority. The sociological function has been able to control dangerous social dissidence and destructive tendencies. It has been able to motivate human behavior with social allegiance. To replace this, a credible omnipresent and understood fear of personal destruction must be generated. This fear must be big enough to transcend the value of an individual human to the greater good of the whole. The ecological function has been used to maintain a balance between gross human population and the supplies available for its survival. The substitute must insure the survival of the species. (man) SUBSTITUTES FOR THE FUNCTIONS OF WAR: MODELS Here are a few examples these "experts" came up with in order to replace some of the functions of war. The economic function can be replaced with an in depth social-welfare program. This program can be directed towards the improvement of the conditions of human live. An unreachable space research program is another option. Disarmament inspection system with variants of such a system. The political function can be a omnipresent (virtually omnipotent) international police force. There should be an established and recognized extraterrestrial menace. They recommend massive global and environmental pollution. They even suggest fictitious alternate enemies. The sociological function (they call the Control function) can be programs derived from using the Peace Corps as a model. Slavery in a modern, sophisticated form is another option. A motivational function to get control can be intensified environmental pollution. Also, making new religious or other mythologies. Socially oriented blood games is another option. Since war isn't choosey on who dies, the ecological function can be a comprehensive program of applied eugenics. (Plain english: breeding superior races) I am going to end the summary of this report here. Yes, there is much more in the report, but I believe you get the jest of it. I am going on to bring this report into what is happening today. ARE THE RECOMMENDATIONS BEING FOLLOWED? This report was concluded in 1966. President Kennedy was shot before he could explain what he was talking about at Columbia University. Johnson ordered this Report to be sealed. The "experts" recommended that no one, except those who needed to know, be exposed to the contents of this report. One man, to whom the American people owe a debt of gratitude, thought we had a right to know. Let's take a look at what has been going on in America in the past 30 years. Are we being manipulated and conditioned to accept a New World Order from an outline of 15 experts? (Because of lack of space, I will be summarizing. I encourage people to further investigate any examples given to verify). THE HERD I found it very interesting that these "experts" took all moral issues out of their evaluations. Man was brought down to the level of animals, like a herd of cattle that needed to have decided what was best for the greater good of the herd. Who would have to be slaughtered and who could be used to increase the herd? What could be done to get rid of the excess members of the herd? What about the potentially "criminal" cattle who would not go with what the owners decided would be best? This Report made us to be pawns that have been used to benefit the elite. Great study and care was taken as what to do to re-condition these pawns to a whole different type of thinking. These pawns who have been conditioned so long to think one way. Though the types of things I will be discussing are happening all over the world, I will be mainly talking about America. There couldn't be a New World Order if America didn't fall first. POPULATION CONTROL Since the legalizing of abortion, over twenty years ago, there have been over 36 million Americans murdered before they could be born. That is more Americans than have died in all the conflicts America has been involved with all put together. American's have been conditioned to believe that this is not "murder" but is "choice". For Desert Storm, our soldiers had to have shots to "protect them against chemical warfare". These shots were the germs of botchulism and amtrex. Since then over 7000 of our best service men have died. Euthanasia and the "right to die with dignity" are being pushed so the "quality of life" can be improved. Extermination camps are being built to do away with "undesirables". Aids is a government made disease that the spread of it is encouraged by our government. GLOBAL PEACE KEEPERS The United Nations (UN) has a military that goes around the world as "peace keepers". The members of the UN forces come from all countries. These "peace keepers" are also stationed in the United States in the closed bases throughout the country. They are also in some of the bases that are opened. Foreign tanks and vehicles are coming to America and secretly being painted white (UN color) in various military installations around the country. The US is disarming their military and closing down military bases all over the country. Our president can sign an executive order that will put the military under the command of the UN. US soldiers are already having to put aside their oath and take the oath of the UN forces. Racism is being pushed over the media and though the government. Should riots develop, as in other countries, we will need a "peace keeping" force in the US. They are ready. NEW RELIGIONS? BLOOD SACRIFICES? The New Age will be the only acceptable religion of the NWO. It is everything against Christianity and has infiltrated every area of our lives. Satanism and other Occult religions are already having ritual human sacrifices. EXTRATERRESTRIAL ENEMY? When this was written, over 30 years ago they acknowledged that this would be hard to convince the people of. Even with the UFO sightings that had already been put out. What has happened in the past 30 years? Well, there have been "alien abductions", and many more UFO sightings. To top it off, there are UFO clubs where people who have "seen aliens" or "been abducted" can get together for conventions. To top that off, we have had over 25 years of Star Trek, which has enforced a one world government. Throughout both series and the movies they have the "New Age" philosophy. (New Age will be the only philosophy accepted by the NWO) These folks have all kinds of experience with various races on other planets. Star Wars has also conditioned people to believe in a "galaxy far far away". These reinforce extra terrestrial life on other planets. The two movies, "V" and "V the Final Battle" and then the series shows and invasion from another planet. The movie "Alien" shows this also. The world would have to unite, should the "movies and television programs" come to life with a "real" enemy. ENVIRONMENT There is not scientific evidence available to prove all the environmental problems our government it trying to push on us. There is no such problem as "global warming" for example. But, people such as Vice President Gore and "NWO Lieutenant" Rockefellor are coming out with books that if we don't unite as a world, to work on the environmental problems, we will not survive. (Fictitious Enemy?) MORE FICTITIOUS ENEMIES It is interesting that the media, with the help of the government, is coming up with all these "potentially dangerous" groups of people? These extremist groups, such as Christians, Militia members, talk show hosts, right wing radicals, conservatives etc., are being mentioned regularly as "potential terrorists". Between this and the racism the government is pushing, it will make it easy for them to call a police state, and round up all the people who disagree with them. Those considered to be "enemies of the state". SLAVE LABOR Anyone on welfare is already a slave to the government. They are working on legislation where these people will have to work for their benefits. After 1996, (around May)these benefits will not come in the form of cash or food stamps. There will be a debit card. This will stop "welfare fraud" and give the government more control over it's welfare slaves. There are also several labor camps built, ready to activated. These labor camps will be for strong prisoners who are considered "dissidents". GENETIC EXPERIMENTS These experiments are already done on aborted babies. Thanks to a bill signed into law by Pres. Clinton to support fetal experiments. What many folks don't know about are the bio-spheres being built in the mountains. (The two I know about are, in Washington state and North Carolina.) No one can have access to these places now as they are surrounded by guards. Bio-sphere is the UN term for Colony. It is rumored that these "colonies" are being used for breeding of the "superior race". There are also concentration camps built that have "storage facilities" for human organs. These camps will be used for genetic experiments. IN CLOSING I would like to comment that in all the reports this author has done, and all the information I have read, Iron Mountain has had the biggest impact on me. The fact that a few men can come up with a plan to bring a "once free nation" into fascism upsets me. The fact that many of their suggestions are being followed makes me angry. The fact the majority of the American people don't know, and don't want to know is very unbelievable to me. I'm sure our founding fathers are "spinning in their graves" as they watch us give upwith out a fight what they fought and died for without a fight. NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD MEN TO COME TO THE AID OF THEIR COUNTRY! ************************************************************* The following is a transcript of the speech I gave at the Pro-US Sovereignty / Anti-UN Rally in Columbus, Ohio, which contains new, damning evidence about the Council of State Governments (CSG). For example, did you know the CSG: * was started with Rockefeller money? * admits it's anti-gun rights policy? * actively pursues the destruction of the States via Regionalism? The transcript also contains a preview of the contents of the CSG's "States Petition" -- the destruction of the 10th Amendment. Dan Druck, Council on Domestic Relations Towards A One-World Government - The Council Of State Governments / Un Parallel Plan by Dan Druck, Council on Domestic Relations SPEECH GIVEN AT COLUMBUS, OHIO - October 21, 1995 COS Back in January of this year, our Constitution and therefore our freedom came under one of the most dangerous attacks in its 209 year history when the Council of State Governments launched its Conference of States Resolution blitzkrieg in the state legislatures. Bypassing house and senate committees and taking the Resolution directly to the floor for vote, the COS was passed in 12 states in only 6 weeks. It took that long for the grass-roots to mobilize an opposition force. Since that time, the COS has only been passed in 2 more states but was defeated in 27 -- a testament to the power that we as common Americans DO have. Even CSG Co-Chief Honcho Nebraska governor Ben Nelson grudgingly admitted, "They're frankly very well organized and have done a good job in raising doubt in the minds of people...." Well Ben, if you were amazed at what we all accomplished then, wait till you see what we're going to do in the next round of this battle! Oh, the globalists would like us to go on believing that we are hopelessly outnumbered, outfunded and have lost the battle. I implore everyone who hears my words not to succumb to these psychological warfare tactics. By the grace of God we can and we will return to this nation a Republican form of government as defined by the Constitution! And we will do everything in our power to accomplish this peacefully through our Constitutional system. Every totalitarian / unconstitutional act, law, Executive Order or Presidential Decision Directive foisted upon America wakes up that many more to the fact that something is dreadfully wrong and... more importantly..... that something has to be done about it! The COS proponents in collusion with the major press say we're all crazy. Quoting COS Honcho and Utah's Governor Mike Leavitt, "The militia groups and the patriot organizations and the John Birch Society and a lot of gun-related type organizations concluded that it was part of a larger global conspiracy that would essentially mutate this conference into a constitutional convention," Leavitt told the Associated Press. "The logic is beyond me." That's horse-hockey, Mike. One only has to look to the major power behind Leavitt to find the real orchestrators of the COS and then ask the question, "What is the Council of State Governments?" According to the CSG's "Book of States" first published back in 1937, it is a tax-exempt non-profit private international organization which was started in 1933 with a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation's Spellman Fund. The force behind the CSG's creation is the same force that was behind the United Nation's creation. What are the CSG's stated objectives? I'll let them tell you in their own words. I quote from the CSG's quarterly publication, "The Journal of State Legislators", 4th Quarter, '91: "Every state legislature has a productive role to play in the globalization phenomenon. Although legislators should proceed cautiously, they must be open-minded, progressive, diligent, well-informed and amenable to new methods to deal with old problems." "Over the past few years, there have been substantial socio-economic and geopolitical changes that should promise a more prosperous and more peaceful world, where human rights are respected. It has been gratifying and moving to witness the fall of the Berlin Wall, the thawing of the Cold War, the abolition of centrally planned economies and abusive Communist systems and the liberation of peoples from the Ural Mountains to the Andes. International cooperation and commitment in dealing with global problems has soared astronomically. State governments have an important role to play, not only in understanding were they fit in but also in erecting what President George Bush has called the New World Order. This order -- if implemented properly -- will emphasize collective security, international cooperation and a dependence on international law to resolve conflicts, promote economic and social development and create a respect for human rights. Predictably, state governments -- and legislatures in particular -- will be pivotal players in this international scenario. We are living in a global environment that offers new challenges, demands and problems. We must prudently, yet forcefully seize the opportunity and be constructive players." I think their own words make their globalist, New World Order agenda very clear. We know the CSG and not Leavitt orchestrated the Conference of States because in 1989 the CSG along with the ACIR published a paper proposing the same amendments to our Constitution as Michael Leavitt now promotes -- and that was before Leavitt was elected Governor of Utah. Should the Pro-Gun groups fear the CSG's activities? On page 92 of the 1937 "Book of States" the CSG subcommittee on Control and Regulation of Firearms agreed, "Almost every serious crime involves the use of firearms, and some method of checking the sale and possession of firearms is of utmost importance." And you, Gov. Leavitt, say you're perplexed. You, Sir, are a yliar! As to their comments inferring that we're crazy to think the COS could evolve into a Con-Con. Could it? The short answer is "Yes". I won't waste podium time with the details but the evidence we brought forth was obviously solid enough to convince legislators in 27 states. In fact, like the evidence I'm using in my presentation today, much of the anti-COS evidence we use comes from the CSG itself! Members of the Press who are here today: I challenge you to look at the evidence on which our assertions are based. We have a complete document / info package available for those who would like it -- see me after my presentation. With this evidence in hand, if you, members of the press, continue to participate in spreading propaganda to the contrary, you will be knowingly participating in the theft of your own children's freedoms and liberties! Well.... a Con-Con in the 1990's? What would be the outcome? Based on the history of the Con pursuit and the goals and objectives of the "Con Men" who promote it, perhaps we would end up with a "Constitution for the NewStates of America" which is a product of the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations. At any rate, we can be assured that whatever the result, our Constitution... and therefore our country... would be gutted and trashed. After all.... the Constitution is the main obstacle facing the proponents of one world government. To destroy it would be the final step towards the realization of their goals. The CSG has been responsible for promoting many other programs designed to destroy the Republic, including the complete dismantling of the States themselves by way of Federal Regionalism. From page 97 of the 1935 "Book of States": "...There should be about ten regional headquarters in various parts of the United States, each of which would serve as the operating center for the appropriate interstate commissions.... ...the federal government may take over the major functions of the states, and build an organization from the top down; Washington at the top, ten regional offices below it, and the states below them." The press calls us conspiracy freaks if we suggest that such destructive pursuits are part of a major, organized effort. But along with the CSG, the American Legislative Exchange Council, the Advisory Council for Intergovernmental Relations, Rush Limbaugh, the Council on Foreign Relations, Paul Weyrich, and many others have been promoting and/or installing regional government in America. Even the Multi-National corporations who are at the heart of such destructive plans get into the act. I hold in my hands a copy of the back of a Kicks cereal box with a map showing "America's (10) Regions!" - General Mills' attempt at brainwashing our children. State Legislators need to know the CSG's true agenda. They need to cut through the slickly packaged rhetoric of the CSG and see what is truly behind the garbage which they promote. At the American Legislative Exchange Council's May 19th meeting in Richmond, Virginia, Virginia's Governor and COS advocate, George Allen said. "The COS would be a good idea -- it would be a bi-partisan gathering of state leaders to develop a unified agenda for [implementing] structural changes that would restore power of states under the US Constitution." "We need to have some specific ideas on structural changes and improvements to the Constitution. I and you and ALEC support the allowance of 3/4 super-majority [of the states] to initiate amendments to the constitution without having to go to Congress or a Con-Con. And I would go a step further -- I think when 3/4 of the states formally resolve that Congress has exceeded its constitutional authority in enacting a statute, I believe that should be sufficient, in effect, to repeal that federal statute." What is Governor Allen trying to do? Gutting the 10th Amendment. In fact, that is one of Allen's proposed amendments in his EO#37. Currently, any one state acting totally independent of the others can reject unconstitutional statutes. Allen is attempting to change the 10th Amendment so that it takes 3/4 of the states to reject unconstitutional statues. To make this worse Allen's proposed amendment (detailed in his EO#37) to the 10th Amendmentwould allow 2/3 of the vote of Congress to override the 3/4 of the states rejection by resolution. What Allen is proposing is the complete destruction of the 10th Amendment. The large number of state legislators who applauded Allen's words should show you, the grass roots, the urgency and the critical need for you to step up your efforts to educate your state legislators. Gov. Allen, Ross Perot, and the rest of you who promote changing our Constitution I say to you this: The problems we face in America today are not because of Constitutional flaws but because of the lack of Constitutional enforcement! DON'T CHANGE IT, ENFORCE IT!!! Is the COS battle over? Far from it! Tomorrow the CSG will begin their 3 day "Federalism Summit" - a brainwashing / propaganda campaign funded by millions of dollars donated from the Multi-National Corporations and Foundations. It is up to every American who hears this message to contact their state legislators, make them aware of the FACTS by providing them with the documented evidence which we have compiled. Get on radio talk-shows, write letters to your local papers, help anti-COS candidates to either stay in office or get elected. The very foundational cornerstone of the American Republic -- the Constitution -- is at stake. UNITED NATIONS I mentioned earlier that the CSG and the UN were siblings as both owe their birth to the major Foundations such as the Rockefeller Foundation. The parallels of the CSG's agenda to that of the UN's cannot be ignored. The pursuit of Regionalism is big on the UN's Agenda. Another name for Regionalism is "Metro Government". The United Nations report (1967) entitled "Planning of Metropolitan Areas and New Towns" lays out a blueprint for regionalizing the world, including the Sovereign States of the united States of America. And just hot off the press is the United Nations Report of the Commission on Global Governance celebrating its 50th anniversary - which is the very reason we're all here today... To indicate the progress being made toward world regionalism, here are a few quotes from the UN's new report: "REGlONALlSM - The UN must prepare for a time when regionalism becomes more ascendant world-wide, and even help the process along. It is committed to doing so: the Secretary-General has called repeatedly for a strengthening of regionalism in global governance, in development no less than in peace and security." - another - "REGlONALlSM and GLOBAL GOVERNANCE - The development of regionalism cannot be isolated from global institutions. Affecting each other in many ways, these groups should be linked in a dynamic process of interaction. Regional arrangements have the potential to complement and contribute to GLOBAL GOVERNANCE, but may not produce a positive outcome automatically." Is this the "experimentation" to which Governor Leavitt's COS reports refer? We now see many of our national parks and other "federal" land being classified as "UN Biospheres" which, in essence, proclaims all life as equal. By what authority did our government reclassify OUR land as a UN anything? Certainly NOT the Constitution!!! Leading up to the UN's 50th Anniversary, there has been much talk of "reorganizing and strengthening" the UN from people ranging from Bill Clinton to the Pope. And yet the press continues to poo-poo the statements made by those in fear of being merged into a UN Global Government. In the UN's March, 1993 edition of the "UN Chronicle", "the general assembly is facing an historic challenge to truly become a functional world parliament on the basis of the United Nations Charter." A functional world parliament, indeed! Even in a parliament, the members are elected. Does the UN expect us to believe that this parliament will be comprised of ELECTED members? As to the evidence of the efforts to thrust us into world government, a 1950 U.S. Senate report on "Resolutions Relative to Revision of the United Nations Charter, Atlantic Union, World Federation, Etc." pg. 494 James P. Warburg (CFR), grandson of Federal Reserve founder, Paul Warburg (CFR) testified: "... the great question of our time is not whether or not one world can be achieved, but whether or not one world can be achieved by peaceful means. We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest." Again, members of the press who deny that a UN sponsored pro-one-world-government propaganda campaign exists, we have the words right out of the UN booklet, "Headline Series #59" (New York: The Foreign Policy Association., Sept.-Oct., 1946) pg 46, quoting Allen W. Dulles (CFR): "There is no indication that American public opinion, for example, would approve the establishment of a super state, or permit American membership in it. In other words, time - a long time - will be needed before world government is politically feasible... This time element might seemingly be shortened so far as American opinion is concerned by an active propaganda campaign in this country..." These are THEIR words, not ours. Members of the press including Mr. Limbaugh, as to your snickering of the mention of the words, "New World Order" and the CFR's involvement, I quote from the April, 1974 issue of the CFR's flagship publication, "Foreign Affairs in which Richard N. Gardner states in his article, "The Hard Road to World Order": "..the house of World Order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than the top down... an end run around [American] sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault." In his book, "Foundations", Dr. Rene Wormser, Chief Council to the Reece House Committee Investigation on Tax-Exempt Foundations tells us what the 1953 Reece Investigation discovered about the link between the tax-free foundations, the CFR and the United Nations. He says, "The Council on Foreign Relations, another member of the international complex, financed both by the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations, overwhelmingly propagandizes the globalist concept. This organization became virtually an agency of the government when World War II broke out. The Rockefeller Foundation had started and financed certain studies known as The War and Peace Studies, manned largely by associates of the Council (CFR); the State Department, in due course, took these Studies over, retaining the major personnel which The Council on Foreign Relations had supplied". "Foundation activity has nowhere had a greater impact than in the field of foreign affairs. It has conquered public opinion and has largely established the international-political goals of our country." [He goes on to list some of the "major instruments" as the Council on Foreign Relations, Foreign Policy Association, Institute of Pacific Relations and, United Nations Association.] "It would be difficult to find a single foundation-supported organization of any substance which has not favored the United Nations or similar global schemes; fantastically heavy foreign aid at the burdensome expense of the taxpayer; meddling in the colonial affairs of other nations; and American military commitments over the globe. This was comparatively easy to accomplish because there was no organized or foundation-supported opposition. The influence of the foundation complex in internationalism has reached far into government, policymaking circles of Congress and State Department". So there you have it, members of the press including YOU, Mr. Limbaugh. To downplay the CFR-backed efforts to install the United Nations as a One World Government is to participate in this treasonous act against your country, your countrymen, yourselves and your children. And what about the active policies and laws to dismantle our military and turn things over to a United Nation's "peace keeping" force? Will the members of the press laugh at us for this assertion? >From the "State Department Publication 7277" which spawned PL87-297 and 101-216, I quote: "a world in which adjustment to change takes place in accordance with the principles of the United Nations." ........"The disbanding of all national armed forces and the prohibition of their re-establishment in any form whatsoever other than those required to preserve internal order and for contributions to a United Nations Peace Force". And most ominous, "In Stage III progressive controlled disarmament and continuously developing principles and procedures of international law would proceed to a point where no state [nation] would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. Peace Force..." This dismantling of our military and the transference to the U.N. was laid out to take effect in a three-stage plan. We are nearing the completion of Stage II and transitioning [sic] into the third and final stage. U.S. soldiers, "in defense of the World Order, are killing and dying" in foreign countries while our closed military bases are swarming with foreign troops under the guise of multilateral training. They call it "Partnership for Peace". As Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. said in the July/August, '95 issue of "Foreign Affairs"... "We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money." "In defense of world order... US soldiers would have to kill and die." In the spirit of a TRUE American hero, Army Specialist Michael New has taken the bold stand by refusing to wear the UN Blue Beret. We must rally behind this fine young gentleman as if he was our own son or brother. Indeed, he IS truly our son and our brother!! The September issue of our national newsletter clearly spells out why Michael New does not have to don the blue beret of the United Nations. I urge you to get a copy. Additionally, Bill Clinton does not have the power to order any of our military ANYWHERE. Article 2, Section 2 clearly states, "The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States..." Since only Congress can order our Military into battle, therefore calling them into the actual service of the United States, until such time as that has occurred, the President is NOT the Commander in Chief!! The controlled media has referred to grass-roots American political activists as "a dangerous lunatic fringe". In the first place we are not a "fringe". There are millions of us working together to block their insidious global schemes. And secondly - if we must name-call... let's have something to back it up. We have it and we assert..... THEY are the dangerous lunatic fringe. As example.... >From the Des Moines Register on the 7th of this month a headline reads.... "UN. GROUP RECOMMENDS TAX ON CATTLE" Washington, DC. - "The United Nations, which generally brokers international peace agreements, has turned its attention to METHANE EXPELLED BY COWS." It goes on to tell us that "a UN. group, looking to combat global warming has recommended that Western nations impose a tax on livestock to reduce the number of cattle and thus limit the production of methane, a green-house gas." The recommendation came out of commitments made at the UN Rio Earth Summit in '92, and if adopted it would shift cattle production from "developed Western nations" to "developing countries". These UN "experts" tell us that cattle are adding to the global warming problem - which, by the way is another hoax - "through eructatation - essentially burping - and through flatulence". So... we not only have the UN World Military Police - it looks as though we may also have to suffer the UN World Fart Police. On a not-so-humorous note, this next revelation speaks not only to their insanity but the perversion and immorality being promulgated world-wide. The language and topic is delicate. However, if we don't speak about it now we will be living it in the near future. From a report on the "United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing" we find a series of workshops presented - among which were listed the following: * Lesbian Flirtation Techniques Workshop * Lesbianism for the Curious * Spirit and Action: Lesbian Activism From an Interfaith Perspective... Those are just a few and the most unbelievable and appalling was the workshop entitled "The Role of Inflatable Life-size Plastic Dolls and Dildos in Improving Health". The description reads... "The inflatable life-size plastic doll will take the brunt off women and help to solve many global problems". Now, I ask you... Who is the "dangerous, lunatic fringe"? CONCLUSION You have just heard many examples of attempts to destroy the Constitution and a very small sampling of the on-going usurpations of our Supreme law. Many within our own movement would have us believe that our Constitution has been suspended by laws, Executive Orders, treaties, the War Powers Act, etc. That is not only dangerous, it is inaccurate. There is NOTHING in the Constitution which gives the power or authority to nullify, void or suspend it. Although our federal government may use such bogus laws in an attempt to bamboozle us into thinking it's dead, but NOTHING IS OVER UNTIL WE THE PEOPLE SAY IT IS!!! The Constitution resides in our hearts and lives by our demand for the enforcement of its provisions. I implore all of you here today to double your efforts in demand for such enforcement. Warn your state legislators about the CSG's COS shannigans. Freedom isn't free - it must be paid for. "...we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor". These are the words of the founders of our country and that's the price they were willing to pay for freedom. The price of freedom continues... for each generation. When a generation fails to make it's payment in full, that portion of the debt with its ensuing penalty carries forward to the next generation like numbers on a ledger. Are we to leave a legacy of servitude and bondage to our children? What do we possibly have or what could we ever obtain that would be worth that price? In that light, freedom is a bargain at whatever cost. To those of you here today who have looked beyond the main-stream press for answers, I am here to urge you to double your efforts to reclaim our Republic. For those who may only now be waking up to the reality of what's really wrong with our country, I pray to God almighty that he has given me the words that will convince you that what I'm telling you is worthy of consideration and substantive enough for you to seek out the documentation to prove these claims to yourselves, your families and your friends. How pompous and grandiose we are when we assume that tyranny is something that only befalls those of other countries. How selfish and myopic we are regarding our future generations and the legacy we are leaving them. If we don't all come together now, roll up our sleeves and get to work, we will go down in history as the generation who stood by and did nothing as the foreign and domestic enemies of our Republic marched the masses into a UN totalitarian nightmare. We MUST take an active role to preserve our Republic. It is our right... it is our responsibility.... it is our duty. May God bless our efforts to save America. Thank you Permission to repost/reprint the following (in whole or in part) is granted so long as such is accurate and proper credit is given. 95NCC33 ************************************************** Prophe-Zine News Bites New World Order at Opryland Themepark Recently Gaylord Entertainment and OPRYLAND THEMEPARK opened a new attraction by the name of CHAOS CHEMICALS QUARANTINE , even though taken straight from the Bible, is intended to be used for family entertainment. Right now in Nashville, Tenn. thousands of people are lining up, night after night," to take the mark,"and enter the NEW WORLD ORDER in OPRYLAND THEMEPARK. The crowds wait innocently in line and allow their hands to be stamped, listening to a loud speaker, which uses a futuristic, soothing, hypnotic, monotone female voice to endlessly proclaim. "This is the voice of Chaos, Prepare yourself to witness the future. You have been sanctioned. Check-in for purification. The bar code is your passport for decontamination. Prepare yourself to be quarantined for inventory. Please step forward: take your place in the line to enter the New World Order If you do not wish to witness, abort now: repeat: abort now! Lock; six, double=six, nine, nine, please report to omega level 3< Activate Cerebral Scanner. Cerebral Scanning now Activated. Chaos Chemicals is proud to guide you into the New Era Warning: contamination is imminent; warning: contamination is imminent. One must purify. Purification is the wave of the future. The chamber is now sealed; decontamination in progress." Americans what does it take to Wake You Up ? What further proof do you need to confirm that there is a movement under way to take total control of our country and the lives of every person in this land. Does it matter who or why? Will it really matter in the end if we are slaves without a voice nor concern for who our master is? How much more will it take for people to begin to understand that they are slowly being oreintated {brain washed} into believing that this is just a harmless progression into the future. I personally hope that this posting will be of service to those who are willing to stand up and be counted to spread the word to those around them, only UNITED TOGETHER can we begin to defeat the monster that is amoung us! Lance R. Crowe Public Information Officer Southern Kentucky Citizens Mitilia For verification you may contact CONCERNED CITIZENS FOR CHRIST 2370 COOKTOWN ROAD AUSTIN, KY. 42123 1-502-427-5889 You may call 1-615-889-6600 or write to Opryland 2802 Opryland Drive Nashville, Tn. 37214, if you have any questions or comments. From: (Psi co 1) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thursday November 2 2:51 PM EST Militias May Grow as Millennium Approaches WASHINGTON (Reuter) - Anti-government militias may grow for the rest of this decade in anticipation of Armageddon in the year 2000, an expert on the movement told Congress Thursday. Brent Smith, a University of Alabama at Birmingham professor, said many militia members share the belief that Christ will return soon after the millennium. ``Adherents are urged to prepare for mortal combat to deal with the comming Armageddon, the great battle where Christ will vanquish his enemies and establish his reign on earth,'' Smith told the House Crime Subcommittee. ``During the remainder of the decade, the movement can be expected to continue to increase in size as fear of this possibility expands,'' he said. Concern about militias has grown since last April's bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City which killed 167 people. Defendents Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols had ties to militia groups although they were not members. The blast came on the second anniversary of the fire at the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas which killed some 80 cult members after the FBI used tear gas to end a 51-day siege. Right-wing groups and others cite Waco as an example of excessive force by federal law agencies. ``America is at risk. The armed radical groups we will hear about today are a sickness of hate, paranoia and violence,'' Rep. Charles Schumer, D-New York, said at the hearing. ``We need to know who these people are, who their leaders are and what their goals are,'' Rep. John Conyers, D-Michigan, said in a statement. Schumer called for quick passage of an anti-terrorism bill sought by President Clinton to give law enforcement greater authority to deal with domestic and international extremist groups. It has been stalled by concerns of conservatives and some liberals that it gives the government too much power. Subcommittee Chairman Bill McCollum, R-Florida, said some militia members were a threat but others were law-abiding citizens who had different views. Law officers from several areas of the country said they frequently had confrontations with members of anti-government groups who often flouted the law by refusing to pay taxes or use state license plates on their cars. Rick Eaton of the Simon Wiesenthal Center said over 50 militias and hate groups were using the Internet computer system, cable and satellite television and radio to spread their messages and recruit members. Copyright � 1995 Reuters NewMedia. All rights reserved. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ UN Troops to patrol the 96 Olympics In response to the question of whether UN Troops will participate in the 96 Olympics I offer the following: I have been with the Ga. Dept of Corrections (GDC) Tactical Units for Approximately 6 years, a veteran of 15 prison riots/disturbances in that period. Prior to my joining this elite group I was recruited by the Tactical Commander for the GDC because of my prior military experience (Marines) and advised that while it was still 6 yrs away I would see extensive duty at the Olympics and in return recieve a sizable chunk of overtime pay, (thousands he said). He stated we would be training with FBI SRT/HRT and the like. He stated that GDC Tactical teams would be the backbone of security at Atlanta, that this was a State jurisdictional area and the Feds would simply be there to advice and offer support. During this time it was also reported that they where forming a MJTF unit involving us extensively. We where going to recieve the best in training, supplies, and ,equip. ( insert loud uproarous laughter here) RRRIIIGGGHHHTTT! Today, 09-15-95 I recieved a briefing from the GDC trainer from the GA. Public Safety Training Center, He stated that the once Grandious scheme of GDC mass participation had been thrown to the wind by departmental bickering and cutthroating. Every agency now wanting a piece of the Limelight pie. Our participation has now dwindled to next to nothing, probably guarding gates or some menial task versus the role we have diligently trained for for 6 years. And finally to answer your question, are there going to be UN troops at the Olympics.... YES!!! It is my understanding (unofficially) that upwards of several thousand UN troops may be present to lend their "considerable international expertice"to this truly "international event"!!! Imagine that!!! UN troops in Ga!! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RF-ID System Requires No Human Intervention For Tracking During the tribulation period the antichrist will be able to keep track of all goods and services because he will be able to prevent people from buying and selling unless they have what the Bible describes as the mark of the beast. This will be no doubt a monumental task and the proper tools would have to be available to make it work. There are many technologies being developed today that could eventually help fulfill this prophecy. One such technology is Radio-Frequency ID devices. According to US Tech (April 1995), "Locating and identifying thousands of assets or items in minutes is now possible with a new wide area radio frequency ID and tracking system. This system makes it possible for transporters, the military, commercial and industrial companies to locate and identify thousands of assets (items) in transit or stored over a wide area--automatically and simultaneously--in minutes. "The system represents such a significant breakthrough in tracking that Savi Technology has received a $70 million contract for the "SaviTag"--reportedly the largest contract ever received in the radio frequency identification (RFID) industry--from the US Department of Defense. "This technology development is what the company describes as the world's first wide area radio frequency identification and tracking system. It is comprised of radio tags, handheld or fixed omnidirectional transmitter/receivers, call SaviTags, and a central computer...The Savi system provides the only method available today that does not require human intervention to find and identify assets. "The US Army is using the system for its 'Global In-Transit Visibility' program. To locate assets anywhere in the transportation pipeline, Savi Interrogators are tied into the Army's satellite system. "Other types of automatic identification, such as bar-code, cannot be used to locate an asset. A manned search is first required to find the item in order to identify it." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ID Chips The use of ID inside a living body is possibly going to be pulled off using one of two, (Or both), reasons: Missing children and Socialized medicine. Americans are left with no choice but to spot the obvious "track you down" aspect. How right Americans are. Americans are so right on target the obvious is in front of their faces. It is to make sure that really is you because impacting American on a mind blowing level are spy replacements. Those spy rings now pick the general population rather than a Senator. They pick individuals who are EASY to "clone." A loner. A person who has moved away from home and there are interesting family connections. A small tight family that avoids the general population...then "clone-you" enters the military etc., I went into the AOL MCO chatroom. I was told by officers in it that the military is finding a rather intimidating number of these "clones." The Government does not want to break the news to the American general population that it is trying to save your life and the reason is bone chilling. The US Department of Justice wrote me that it is appropriate for civilians to turn in spy rings to the FBI. From: (Harold3248) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HR1710 the Anti-Terrorist Bill I urge you to look into HR1710. This is the Anti-terrorist bill that the current administration wants passee SO BADLY. If this is passed, I foresee this law being used against Christians or any other Dissidents who oppose the government. This is just a small section defining Terrorism. The problems that I find questionable is Section (A), (B), (C). The wording of this entire bill is very questionable, and can be used to turn against the American people to the point that it issues in a Dictatorship / Tyrannical form of government. Just another little tidbit for all you Republicans who support Bob Dole. He is the Author of this bill for the senate side. So I wonder what type of President he could be if he thinks this way regarding the American Public. H.R.1710 Comprehensive Antiterrorism Act of 1995 (Introduced in the House) SEC. 315. DEFINITION OF TERRORISM. Section 2331 of title 18, United States Code, is amended-- (1) so that paragraph (1) reads as follows: `(1) the term `terrorism' means the use of force or violence in violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State, or that would be in violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or that State that appears to be intended to achieve political or social ends by-- `(A) intimidating or coercing a segment of the population; `(B) influencing or coercing a government official or officials; or `(C) affecting the conduct of a government through assassination or kidnapping;'; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EUTHANASIA LAW PROPOSED FOR PHILIPPINES 10/31/95 In Manila a Filipino congressman said he has proposed a euthanasia law to allow people in this country (Philippines) the right to die. Congressman Edgar Avila said he filed the law on the eve of All Saints' Day (Halloween...a highholiday for pagans), when millions of Filipinos go to the cemeteries to pay their respects to their loved ones. Congressman Avila said ''(This will consider the cases) of the unconscious, incapacitated and the insane whose right to live or die must be resolved,'' he told reporters. He said ''helpless, hopeless'' patients who have no chance of recovering should be allowed to exercise their right to die in peace and dignity. This is the same of kind thing that the Germans were saying in the 1930's. This is the kind of thinking that later lead to the killing of millions of handicap, mentally retarded people along with all the Christians and Jews that were also put to death. The measure is likely to draw strong opposition from the powerful Catholic Church, which has already clashed with Manila over its population program and its promotion of condoms to combat the spread of the virus which causes AIDS. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ E-Money is Online AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) - Money takes on a new meaning today as the Internet gets its first electronic cash. The new digital currency will be offered by Mark Twain Bancshares Inc., a regional bankholding company based in St.Louis, Mo., using technology developed by the Amsterdam-based company Digicash. David Chaum, a mathematician who founded Digicash, is a highly regarded expert on protecting privacy in the information age. The system is geared toward small purchases and extending the ability of small companies to reach a global audience. Despite the Internet's explosive growth, less than $200 million in business was done on the global web last year - and that was just processing credit or debit card transactions. While those transactions involve little more than putting cardholders' numbers in encoded software envelopes to protect them from theft, the Digicash software actually creates a new form of currency. The U.S. government has so far made no policy statement on digital currency. But no one has told Mark Twain Bancshares it can't go ahead with the project. During an 11-month Internet trial run using play money, the "e-cash" system attracted more than 30,000 users and 70 merchants, Chaum said. To use "e-cash," both merchant and buyer must have accounts with Mark Twain Bancshares and pay a fee for "e-cash" privileges. The bank has a "mint" that creates "coins" - specially encoded symbol strings - based on the actual deposit. To buy something with "e-cash," depositors download the "coins" to their computer hard drives and transmit them to the seller. Because Chaum's system involves using software, there are concerns it could be compromised. Hackers are certain to mount attacks. If someone figured out the secret key that makes the money, they could produce counterfeit "e-cash." The company hopes one day to use "e-cash" in concert with other banks. Source: Associated Press -- October 23, 1995 Submitted by: Wes Peters ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Subject: National ID card intrusive STUDY RELEASE September 7, 1995 National ID card ineffective and intrusive, study says Congressional Republican proposals to create a national computerized registry and an ID card for all American workers would establish "a dangerous, invasive, and unworkable new expansion of federal police-state powers," according to a new Cato Institute study. In "A National ID System: Big Brother's Solution to Illegal Immigration" (Policy Analysis no. 237), John J. Miller and Stephen Moore say Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.) and Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Tex.) are taking the "critical first step" toward implementing a potentially invasive national worker authorization system. Moore is director of fiscal policy studies at the Cato Institute, and Miller is vice president of the Center for Equal Opportunity. An Orwellian system The authors say that Smith and Simpson want to require an ID card and computerized worker registry for the 150 million Americans and legal immigrants in the U.S. labor force. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) wants that national ID card to include such information as a photograph, fingerprint, and retina scan. The study says such a system would, in effect, "require employers to submit all of their hiring decisions for approval to a federal bureaucrat." The authors call the proposed registry and national ID card "Big Brother's solution to illegal immigration." They say the national ID card would constitute a massive invasion of privacy and violation of basic civil liberties; cost the government $3 billion to $6 billion to implement; subject workers to the effects of potentially huge error rates, with perhaps millions of legal aliens denied jobs because of faulty government databases (even a 2 percent error rate would lead to 1.3 million Americans being wrongfully denied jobs); increase discrimination against Latin and Asian Americans; and, ultimately, fail to affect illegal immigration. Moore and Miller say that, once established, the computer registry could be easily expanded and applied to other areas, vastly increasing the size and scope of government. Some of the potential uses of the system include implementing a Clinton-style health care plan and security card; ensuring employer compliance with affirmative action requirements; tracking child support payments; verifying that parents are getting their children vaccinated; and conducting background checks on would-be gun purchasers, among others. Better approaches available After spending a year defeating the Clinton administration's health security card, Moore and Miller say, the new GOP Congress now wants every American to carry a "work authorization card" that would create similar potential for intrusion and abuse. The authors claim there are ways to address the problem of illegal immigration that would expand, rather than curtail, Americans' basic freedoms. We could, for example, expand legal immigration quotas, eliminate employer sanctions law, establish greater economic integration between the United States and Mexico, restrict welfare eligibility of legal and illegal immigrants, facilitate the deportation of criminal aliens, tighten visa control, and improve border enforcement. Why it matters It is an iron rule of politics that whenever there is a perceived "crisis" in Washington, Congress responds by passing bad laws that expand the powers of government. Moore and Miller say the immigration issue is fertile ground for such laws. The implications of a national ID system would range far beyond today's debate over illegal immigration. The study says the proposed worker registry system has no redeeming feature. It will not curtail illegal immigration, and it will create opportunities for abuse. At a time when Americans are loudly demanding more freedom and smaller government, Moore and Miller say a computer registry is a giant step in the wrong direction. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ New Age Update By Rudy Hulstrom What Is The New World Order? We hear the term all the time these days and yet many people don't understand what it is. The New World Order wants to have a one world leader,with a one world religion and a one world economic system. A world government which will have total control of all people on the planet. There are many things that have to be done in order for this to happen. The thinking patterns of the world population need to be changed. There can be no national sovereignty,no independent thoughts,absolutely no Judeo-Christian beliefs. This would interfere with the occult religion that the NWO is based on. Everyone has to work for the good of the global community. Nothing will be owned personally,we will have to share with all others. There are many ways the NWO is preparing the people for this change,such as doing away with all moral absolutes. People who hold to these beliefs are made to look like insensitive,mean spirited,intolerant and unloving. You can see this in the media and at all levels of public school,including college. The media is also used to spread the religion of the NWO.Children's programming in particular with "cartoons"like the Smurfs,Captain Planet,Power Rangers and Disney's Pocohantes reveal all the aspects of the occult religion of the NWO! They are trying to do away with the traditional family. At the recent Women's meeting in China, the word gender was broken into five definitions. One for Male,one for Female,one for Homosexual,one for Lesbian and one for Bi-Sexuals.This was done to insure that all so-called "families"would achieve a world wide acceptance. We can't force our morality down their throats,but they can force their "beliefs" on us through the use of the U.N. Hmmmmm. Parents are loosing their rights to discipline their own children. I said "discipline"not abuse. Eventually they want the children to belong to the state so that they they are not contaminated by their parents. Dr. Chester Pierce,while giving a lecture to 2000 school teachers in Denver,CO.,said that children"were mentally ill"when they entered school. Why?,because they were taught such things as patriotism,nationalism ,sovereignty and right from wrong. It's time to WAKE UP AMERICA!! ========================== Ministry Attacks Censorship Charges Focus on the Family,a nonprofit Christian ministry,accused the American Library Association of calling some parents censors when they are simply concerned with what their children are reading. The ministries report comes one week before the ALA"s Banned Books Week,which promotes free expression. The Library group has noted 47 incidents in which books were taken from school libraries by the decisions of school boards, superintendents, teachers, or school librarians after requests from parents. That,according to the report issued by Focus on the Family,does not imply censorship.Instead the actions constitute"involvement of parents in their children's education and the selection of age-appropriate material",the Christian group said. Judith Krug,director of the library groups Office for Intellectual Freedom,responded that the criticism was foolish.She said complaints of just one or two parents-as was the case in many instances-shouldn't be enough to take a book from the shelves. ============================ A Blatant Attack on the The Rights of Parents So it is foolish to criticize the content of reading material that is offered to our children. It is foolish when parents involve themselves in the education of their children.And it is foolish for one or two parents to take a stand against what they believe is harmful to their children. This is what the American Library Association says.This is the attitude that will prevail more and more as we slide down the slippery slope into the abyss of World Government. Slowly but surely,step by cruel step their plan to remove the power and authority of the parents is spreading and taking hold. Those of us who are parents and grandparents, who have influence over our families, watch in unbelief,as the rest of the world falls right into place in the parade to their own destruction. Thank the Lord that there are those who will stand and fight for their families. As Hezekiah says in 2 Chronicles 32:7-8 7 Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him: 8 With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the LORD our God to help us, and to fight our battles. And the people rested themselves upon the words of Hezekiah king of Judah. =========================== Panel Clears Controversial Data Registry 9/22/95 Chicago tribune Washington D.C. The House Judiciary Committee approved a plan to establish annotation registry of names,Social Security numbers and immigration data ON ALL CITIZENS AND LEGAL ALIENS and to require employers to use it to verify the legal status of job applicants. The 17-15 vote,which crossed party lines,came after a debate that pitted public anger over illegal immigration against concerns about privacy. Seven Republicans voted to delete the verification system from a bill to revamp the nation's immigration policy while four Democrats,including some of its staunchest liberals,voted in favor of the proposal. Under the measure,the attorney general would have four years to set up a national system to verify the legal status of ANY POTENTIAL EMPLOYEE. Proponents say it is the only way to put teeth into a 1986 law that provides sanctions on businesses that knowingly hire illegal immigrants. ============================ MARK OF THE BEAST? They just don't give up do they? The Health Care Plan didn't work,so now through the magic of crisis management,they will use the fear of illegal immigration to force the use of personal, national identification. Remember that it is control that they are after. Think about this:what if you,as a hard working,law abiding,tax paying citizen were suddenly and mistakenly thought to be an illegal immigrant? Your life as you know it would be turned upside down,and you would have to prove your legitimacy as a citizen. One more thing,this system could be used against those who whose religious beliefs don't conform to the world system. As it says in Revelation 13 : 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. This could be interpreted as a form of national identification,don't you think? ================================== Thirsty Idol?? Chicago tribune--A picture appeared in this newspaper of a Hindu woman offering milk to an idol of the elephant-headed god Ganesha in New Delhi. Millions of devotees rushed to temples across the country to make the offering after reports that the idols were drinking milk. This god Ganesha or Ganesa is supposedly a god of wisdom and art,a benign deity generally assumed to offer help when invoked to overcome difficulties. This is just one of hundreds of Hindu gods. Hindu Polytheism The polytheism (worship of many gods) in Hindu belief is found to be increasing here in the United States. The amount of newspaper articles devoted to this is evidence of the rise of this belief system here. I have done a little research and found that for every one article on "Christianity",there are five that promote other "religions" or belief systems. It is no wonder then that the foundation of Christian belief that this country was built upon is cracking and caving in all around us. But that question was asked long ago by King David,as we see in (Psalms 11:3) "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" The Psalm's message is as follows . Faced with the temptation to flee at a time when lawful authority was being destroyed,the psalmist held fast to his faith in the Lord,who will ultimately destroy the wicked whom He hates and deliver the righteous whom He loves. What can the righteous do? These foundations refer to the Law and the order of society based on the Lord's rule.The temptation from the fainthearted, then, was based on a fear that the nation might crumble. Their view was experiential and inward, David's view was higher. David responded that the righteous can trust in the real Source of secure government. As we see the spread of the New Age-New World Order,and as we see it take its place on the global stage, we can be sure that God is still in control, that His Word is still unchanged, even though there are those who would dare to try to change it. ========================== Use of Cash Cards to be Investigated International authorities called for tight checks on new rechargeable cash cards,which they said could allow drug barons and other criminals to launder profits via the Internet. The computer chip cards,which make it possible to order goods and services from personal computers,also could allow money transactions and bypass the banking system. "It's a way of moving vast sums of money with no record of the transaction,"warned Ronald Noble,a U.S.Treasury official leading the Financial Action Task Force,which groups 26 wealthy nations. Noble says the makers of the cash cards are cooperating with authorities to make transactions more transparent. ============================= HERE GOES MORE OF YOUR PRIVACY In their never ending attack on the honest, law-abiding citizen, here is another way to keep an eye on you and the criminal at the same time. You and I,as honest law-abiding citizens must now suffer the investigation of our financial transactions due to the illegal use of the personal computer. Using your cash cards will now be subject to investigation by the Treasury Dept. Keep in mind the last sentence that states that your transactions will be made MORE TRANSPARENT. This violates the constitutional right to privacy,but under the New World Order there will be no privacy to violate.This is just another reason for trashing the Constitution for the United States of America. The only document that stands between our freedom and the totalitarian world government that is now being formed. With this in mind keep on the lookout for "constitutional conventions"that would"modify,or alter,or override,or supersede the power of the Constitution. Such as United Nations Treaties which do supersede this document. =============================== Needle Exchange?? Allowing drug addicts to trade dirty needles for sterile ones can reduce the spread of AIDS without encouraging the use of illegal drugs, according to a National research Council report. The study said needle exchange programs provide such a powerful benefit for public health that restrictions on federal funding should be removed, laws controlling availability of syringes should be withdrawn and more communities should be allowed to participate. Congress in 1988 prohibited federal funds for needle exchange programs but allowed the policy to be reversed if the surgeon general finds them effective. The council's study recommended that the department of Health and Human Services clear the way for federal funding. ========================= No War On Drugs It is obvious by this report that our government has no intention of combatting the illegal flow of drugs into and out of the United States. Under the New World Order it seems that the use of drugs is not only condoned, but encouraged. It is the same destructive reasoning that says give the children condoms, because they are going to have sex anyway. By the way,aren't these the same people that cry for more "education" to decrease the use of illegal drugs, sex and mindless violence? I've got an idea,why not give each violent criminal the proper tool for his "trade"? And make sure he/she is educated in the proper use of that tool. The reasoning is simple enough. If the use of "clean needles" reduces the spread of AIDS, then the proper use of tools of destruction should reduce the amount of deaths by those tools. So let's give the drive by shooters guns fit for the job and the proper training in the use of those guns. After all,they are going to do it anyway. ( editor ) =========================== Has Channeling Influenced the Church?? Spiritism has, unfortunately influenced the church. many professing Christians fail to see anything wrong or unchristian about channeling. For example, Larva Cameron fraser, the first woman Episcopal priest of the Pacific Northwest, chose to resign as rector of her church rather than renounce her faith in a channeled spirit named "Jonah". To cite one of many illustrations of such influence in the church, a number of spiritistically-produced books have ignorantly been accepted by some Christians because they sound spiritual or claim to be inspired by God or Jesus. These include the devotional text "God Calling" (Revell publishers) which has been on the best seller list for many years. Others are surprised to discover that Jonathan Livingstone Seagull was also on the best seller list, in spite of the fact that it was inspired by supernatural sources. Another one is the three volume "A Course in Miracles". Both God Calling and A Course in Miracles claim to be written by God or Jesus, which is impossible because they deny the Biblical Jesus and contradict the Bible. The most obvious reason for the acceptance of such material is the fact that Biblical ignorance and worldliness are common among Christians. The church is failing to educate her people properly in these areas. There are many books on the shelves that claim to be "Christian" that are not! We must become like the one who detects counterfeit money. Only by the study of the real thing ( the Bible ) can we tell the counterfeit. =============================== New Age Split Over New Oxford "PC" Bible This article came to New Age Update through the wonders of the Internet. It shows the attitude of New Age believers to this new "Bible" and Christians in general,or what they call "Fundies" (fundamentalists) . Greetings Chuck, Cautiously, I comment on the Oxford Revised Bible. To the world in general, this revision is an attempt to acknowledge the growing societal changes that require a more tolerant view toward all beings, regardless of race, sex, sexual preference, creed, etc.. and for the effort to acknowledge the need for a change of attitude, some good can be said. It would be a milestone accomplishment, if it were done with purely those intentions... but, it has not been. This work, considered blasphemous and abhorrent by many die-hard fundies, causes only more rifts and divisions, and give another reason for an extra concerted effort by these fundies to wage war against New Age advocates, citing their part in the influences leading to these changes. New Age adherents should brace for the backlash. Co-incidentally, this same work does great damage to the portions of the Bible that even New Age advocates should consider valuable, the parts that describe the esoteric and metaphysical concepts of spirituality that are woven deep within the symbolic images and teachings... the stuff that even the normal Christians have never figured out because they take the stuff too literally. This is an unfortunate dilution and corruption of the powerful teachings hidden in the symbolic and allegorical meanings of the text, and therefore, generations to come will be even further lost trying to decipher these meanings. For this very reason, I believe that the leadership promoting the Oxford Revised Bible have a hidden agenda... that of attempting to look attractive to New Age wannabe's while adding further confusion to the actual teachings of the Bible as a means to continue their power base, ensuring followers for generations to come. If the esoteric meanings are lost among today's scholars and literalists; tomorrow's students will be even more clueless.... and ~Churches~ of all types will capitalize on the need to render interpretative explanations of this garbled text. I am truly amazed at the depth of the strategy behind this ORB revision... it alienates both the fundies and the New Age advocates in one fell swoop, with a built in guarantee of no chance that those two opposite factions would ever join forces to counter the revision. Perhaps it also "alienates" (why is it necessary to use such psychobabble?) ordinary thinking people who expect a translation to be a faithful attempt to render what the original document says. It is one thing to offer a modern rendering for modern readers. It is another to add and subtract based, not on what is there but on one's own agenda (as you indicate). But whether it alienates anyone or not, the main thing is that it is dishonest, no matter who it attracts or alienates. Even if it successfully attracted both New Agers and Fundamentalists that would be no justification for arbitrarily translating it to suit your program. It would be just as bad if fundamentalists would reword the passages to eliminate the more uncomfortable parts and make their message more attractive. But the deconstructionists, who believe that nothing anyone ever said or wrote can be treated objectively, believe that this gives them license to twist it to say anything that suits their purposes. =================================== Who's in Charge of this Country ... and Who's Accountable? While fighting the Conference of States brought to us by theCouncil of State Government, how will the new Federalism Summit (COS) address the issues of who's in charge of the US ... or are they just a party to the plans being drawn up by the Gorbachev Foundation and a one world global organization? The State of the World Forum was held September 27th to October 1, and consisted of 500 participants of senior states people, current political leaders,scientists, business leaders, spiritual leaders at the Presidio in San Francisco alludes to the fact that Gorbachev, Bush, Ted Turner, Alan Cranston, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Robert Muller, Carl Sagan, George Schultz,Al Gore, John Naisbitt and an endless list of governments and government officials are all party to changing our country, laws,and society as we know them. The plans are so in depth. How do the two inter-twine? There are no nations according to reports ... Brzezinski noted, "In brief the precondition for eventual and genuine globalization is progressive regionalization because by that we move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units." Brzezinski stated, "Finally, I have no illusions about world government emerging in our lifetime." According to Gorbachev, "We need the UN, governmental organizations, non-government organizations (non-profit/non-accountable) and regional organizations. Selfish interests and nationalism are two of the biggest impediments to their vision for a 'new era". One of their themes out of countless listings is :Towards an Earth Charter in the 21st Century, Should there be a bill of rights for the earth similar to the UN Declaration of Human Rights? The framework of a new Earth Charter would provide a moral and legal basis to evolve a new relationship between people and their planet. The question is how such a Charter is to be implemented and with what kind of sanctions for global violations; would this require a global ombudsman or a global court which can give final verdicts on violations of the Earth Charter; and the time frame within which such a Charter should be evolved and gradually introduced. Is the power behind the COS or Federalism Summit to blend our nations sovereignty into the regionalism as outlined at the Gorbachev World Forum. Each and every one of our elected representatives have to be asked what plans do they have for our states, what plans do they have to ensure that we remain a sovereign state or nation. We don't need elected followers to take us into the no-nation state, but leaders in this country who ensure our freedom and rights. Just who's in charge? It's time we really found out! This article came to New Age Update through the courtesy of Ray Gano, the editor of Prophe-Zine. A monthly publication that can be found on America Online in the Christian Forum. You can also e-mail Ray at: Raymond 673@AOL.COM or I highly reccomend that you read Prophe-Zine along with New Age Update to gain a fuller understanding of the world situation. I have talked with Ray recently and found him to be on fire for the Lord and highly knowledgeable in the area of Bible prophecy and current events. If you don't have access to a computer and would like a sample of Prophe-Zine, simply send your name and address plus a stamp to me and I'll send one out to you. Rudy Hulstrom 1504 Cardinal Melrose Pk.IL.60160 ================================ PREPARING FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER? READ NEW AGE NEWS UPDATE! New Age Update is a monthly paper,edited and published by Rudy Hulstrom 1504 Cardinal. Melrose Pk.IL.60160 Subscription rates are $8.00 per year for 12 issues, FREE REPORTS and SPECIAL OFFERS all year long. Please make all checks or money orders payable to Rudy Hulstrom The New World Order is more like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic We can't force our morality down their throats, but they can force their "beliefs"on us through the use of the U.N. Your Rights as Parents are Under Attack! Parental involvement called"foolish"by Judith Krug,director of the American Library Association. IS IT TIME TO RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION? Don't forget to check your mailing label! If it reads 11/95 then your subscription to New Age Update has run out. Remember that when you renew your subscription as a bonus you may take your pick of any (1) one of the reports listed on this months flyer FREE. Why not take the time right now and send in your subscription renewal. New Age Update is also an economical gift for that special friend who may or may not know the Lord Jesus as his Savior. With each gift subscription at the regular $8.00 rate you may take your pick of any three (3 ) reports listed on this months flyer FREE....just write GIFT SUBSCRIPTION on the order form and the 3 reports are yours as our way of saying thank you for your support...... 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The CHRISTIAN WORLD REPORT (Prophecy and current events newspaper from Peter LaLonde) ($29.95 annual, 11 issues per year) US: P.O. Box 1440, Niagara Falls, NY 14302 Canada: P.O Box 5091, Burlington, Ontario L7R 4M2 DECISION MAGAZINE ($7 annually, 11 issues per year) Billy Graham Evangelistic Association P.O. Box 779 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440-0779 FOCUS ON THE FAMILY MAGAZINE P.O. Box 35500 Colorado Springs, Co 80935-3550 (free upon request) HIGHWAY A magazine for Truck Drivers Transport For Christ - Highway P.O. Box 303 Denver, PA 17517 IN OTHER WORDS Newspaper of Wycliffe Bible Translators PO BOX 2727 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 NEW AGE UPDATE Subscription rates are $8.00 per year for 12 issues, FREE REPORTS and SPECIAL OFFERS all year long. Please make all checks or money orders payable to Rudy Hulstrom. Rudy Hulstrom 1504 Cardinal. 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