Prophe-Zine Issue #6 Credits.......... Statement of Faith......... & Other stuff......... Raymond Gano.............. Welcome to Issue #6 Patti Lalonde.................. The Emerging Goddess and the Gender Agenda. Texe Marrs ...................... Earth Day . Texe Marrs ................... The Treaty From Hell. Dr. M. H. Reynolds........ The Truth about the World Council of Churches The Prophecy Club BBS .. What is the New Age and how is it affecting us? David Reagan .............. Georgia Guidestones -The New Age Commandments?. Prophe-Zine News Bites..... Assorted authors and news services Cool Christian Resources plus some cool web sites Special thanks: To Tim and Tess. They are good friends of mine who live in Montana. They took me fishing and I had some great fellowship with them both. Tim and Tess are involved with the Christian Music industry in Montana. Tim is pretty hip to the New Age movement also. He is the one that turned me on to Lord Maitreya and to the C.U.T. Church. So I want to dedicate this issue to the both of them and for all the things they have done for me in my life. Tim is also the one who helped me pull my head out held me accountable to the Lord. Out of that I rededicated my life to the service of our Lord Jesus two years ago. Publication Cycle Notice: Prophe-Zine will be published (up loaded), on the 15th of each month. Prophe-Zine is freely distributed to the major on-line services, BBSs, and to the Internet. The Editor of Prophe-Zine can be reached by sending e-mail to: Please write the Editor if you are interested in receiving guidelines for submission to Prophe-Zine Statement of Faith THE PURPOSE of Prophe-Zine is to carry out the command of the Lord Christ Jesus, recorded in Matthew 28:19: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations" Prophe-Zine is a Christian publication grounded in the deity of Christ and the inerrancy of Scripture. The major intent of the editors is first, the giving out the message of the Gospel, "For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures," 1 Cor. 15:3-4. The Editor of Prophe-Zine holds to a strictly literal and inerrant Bible interpretation, salvation through Christ alone, a soon pre-tribulation Rapture of all believers and the establishment of a thousand-year kingdom on earth. The evangelism of the unbelievers and the exhortation of the believers take precedence over all other activities of this ministry. Prophe-Zine may not agree with some of the authors and their beliefs, but Prophe-Zine believes that we must endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit (In other words agree to disagree), so Prophe-Zine feels that it must give equal time to other biblically based doctrines in all fairness. Eph 4:3 Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. In His service, Ray Gano The Legal Stuff About Prophe-Zine Prophe-Zine Copyright � 1995 Raymond B Gano All rights reserved. Please ask for permission before reproducing or reprinting specific articles and/or graphics, since some of the individual works appearing in Prophe-Zine are copyrighted works belonging to their respective authors or artists and are used here with their permission. Certain products, titles, and services mentioned are trademarks of their respective owners. Apple, Mac, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Prophe-Zine is not affiliated in any way with Apple Computer, Inc. Prophe-Zine may be freely distributed under the following conditions: It may not be included in a software package without prior consent from the author. It may not be distributed or reproduced for commercial purposes. Prophe-Zine's editor uses a Quadra 840 AV Macintosh computer. Programs include: MacWrite, MacDraw Pro, Color-It, JPEGview, Popcorn, OnLine Bible KJV 2.1, plus any other freeware that I can get my hands on to fill up the hard drive and use up even MORE RAM (needs 8 more megs, those graphics are killing me) OOPS.... I Forgot The Editor is currently looking for submissions, artists, writers, fiction, reviews, columnists and other help for Prophe-Zine articles. If interested, please write the Editor to receive a guideline for submissions. Feedback and suggestions from the Prophe-Zine readers are ALWAYS WELCOME! Don't just tell me that you actually liked reading Prophe-Zine, tell me what YOU would like to see in future issues! ********************************************************* Welcome to Issue #7 Hello all and thank you for taking the time to down load issue #7 of Prophe-Zine. I want to take this time to say that I am sorry that I missed August. I was on vacation and was not behind my computer very much. I went to visit some friends in Montana and to check out those Russian tanks I have heard so much about, I did not see any. I did have my camera ready though. I did a little bit of research on the Church Universal Triumphant while I was there.(C.U.T....Elizabeth Claire Prophet) I went to look at their compound. It was very interesting. They are a right wing patriot group who mixes HEAVY New Age theology and patriotism together. In this issue we are going to be taking a look at the New Age movement. I have been really amazed that in this resent summer there has been a boost in "New Age Propaganda". You can't turn on the TV and NOT be bombarded with some sort of New Age Ideology. I have noticed in the past years and months a blurb here or a symbol there, but this last summer I was just blown away. Just look at how many shows are conditioning the masses to the New Age theology. Kung-Fu, Vanishing Son, Star Trek Voyager, Babylon 5,etc. I can go on and on. You can't watch one show and not see some sort of "meditation this" or "enlightenment that". Where have all the Christians gone and why have we allowed this to happen? Have we reached great apostasy? New Age is even sneaking into our churches! In this issue I have gathered some articles from Patti Lalonde of Christian World Report and from Texe Marrs, plus some other VERY good authors. In this issue I would like to bring to the forefront what New Age is and how it is seeping into every corner of our life. I hope that you enjoy this issue of Prophe-Zine. I hope that it educates you to what is happening and how the enemy is hard at work. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to write me at... May the Lord be with you and your family and never stop running the race. In His service, Ray ******************************************************** The Emerging Goddess and the Gender Agenda by Patti Lalonde "First woman became First Mother and she had many children. She called them her rainbow family. She taught them to live in harmony and balance. She gave them a dream of peace and they were nurtured by her abundance. When First Mother knew her time had come and her tasks were finished she began to change into something other than what she had been. But before her rainbow family spread out across the earth they promised First Mother if she ever needed them, if she were threatened, they would reform the rainbow family, stand together and give their strength to protect First Mother, Mother of us all. "We are part of the rainbow family, you and I. And today the Earth needs protection as never before. As we turn into the 21st century, people everywhere are beginning to recover their reverence for the Earth, to draw meaning from an older world, the world of Gaia, the Earth goddess." This ancient Celtic tale summarizes the beliefs of today's neo-paganism and women's spirituality movement, one of the fastest growing spiritualities in North America today. Thousands of women everywhere are embracing "the goddess." "In the beginning, there was no God," writes Sonia L. Nazario. "There was the Goddess. She peered into the great void and created the Heaven and the Earth, and in this new domain women ruled. The world was peaceful and both sexes worshiped her." [The Wall Street Journal; "Is Goddess Worship Finally Going to Put Men in Their Place?"; June 7, 1990] "We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein" (Acts 14:15). I first came in contact with the Celtic tale while reviewing a three-part video series on women's spirituality offered by the National Film Board of Canada. The NFBC's Spirituality Video Collection offers 20 videos that look at "spirituality across the globe." It looks at "life and the afterlife," says its promotional material, "the changing role of religion in Canada, spiritual healing, women and spirituality, Tibetans in exile..." "The Women and Spirituality Trilogy" which I obtained looks at why so many women today are turning to alternative pagan spiritualities. The trilogy is made up of three videos titled "Goddess Remembered", "The Burning Times" and "Full Circle". One thing I noted from reviewing the video series, and from other research I've conducted on the subject, is that many women turn to goddess worship because they have been disappointed with mainstream religions and churches. Over and over again the women interviewed said they felt there was no place for women in the church in which they grew up in. Unfortunately, it is apparent they did not learn of the freedom we have in Christ when we embrace Him as our Savior and allow Him to be Lord of our lives. "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. "For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. "And if ye be Christ's then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise" (Galatians 3:26-29). Remembering the millions of women, in "The Burning Time", who were burned at the stake by the Roman Catholic church during the Inquisition, many women who have turned to neo-paganism feel they are justified in their anti-Christian/anti-God sentiments. Unfortunately, they do not recognize that what took place at the Inquisition had nothing to do with the Word of God. Countless born-again Christians also died at the hands of the Roman Church at the Inquisition. Their crime during the Reformation was their adherence to "sola scriptura". Looking at such historical events, many of these women feel that Christianity is a man-made religion designed to deliberately suppress women and the goddess. It is under this misconception that they have come to rebel against the redemptive power of the cross. "From the time I was a little kid," says radical feminist and witch Susan Gale, "I couldn't accept redemptive suffering. Why is the central metaphor of most religions the bloody, violent death of a male? Why is it not birth?" [The Washington Post; Apr. 28, 1991] Starhawk is a modern witch. She rejected her Jewish heritage to embrace neo-paganism and now is an author and instructor at the Institute for Culture and Creation. In one of her books, Dreaming the Dark, she wrote, "For the image of the tortured male body on the cross confronts our unconscious hope that maleness itself can remove us from the sphere of mortality, from death and pain. But instead of forcing us through that confrontation to a deeper connection with our own mortal flesh and life, Christianity cheats us with the false promise of an other worldly resurrection." In essence, the women's spirituality movement today is a rebellion against what they call a patriarchal system, and God's redemptive plan for all mankind, including women. In their rebellion they have embraced witchcraft and paganism, which they claim are pure traditional spiritualities that have been around longerthan the Bible. Interestingly, the Bible equates rebellion with witchcraft. "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry" (I Samuel 15:23). Neo-paganism appeals to the rebellious spirit sweeping the world today. It is tolerant of diverse spiritual paths. It is intolerant of Christian tenets. "The Earth to survive," says journalist and witch Margot Adler, "has to rely on a certain kind of diversity. And one should not be afraid of that, because I think that if we are facing one problem as a planet, I think it's the fear of that complexity that is driving so many cultures, so many people into the exact opposite extreme fundamentalisms of all types. And I think that the pagan perspective essentially is a cry against that." (Full Circle: The Women's Spirituality Trilogy) Furthermore, neo-paganism appeals to today's spiritually rebellious in that it recognizes self-divinity. Pilgrims journeyed from all over the ancient world to visit the oracle at Delphi. Passing through the gate to the oracle they would read the inscription, "Know Thyself", one of the central teachings of goddess worship, both past and present. Starhawk, a modern oracle for goddess spirituality notes, "For me the goddess is imminent. She is the world. She is us. She is nature. She is the changing of the seasons. She is the Earth herself. It's as if the whole universe were one living being that we are part of. And that's what we call goddess. God, what is sacred, which ultimately means what is valuable, is found outside the world. It's very different if you say goddess is imminent. It's in the world. Then everything in the world has its own value." (Full Circle: The Women's Spirituality Trilogy) "Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord?" (Jeremiah 23:24). As Starhawk noted, goddess worshippers do not see her as a separate Supreme Being in the way Christians view God. They see the whole universe as a living being known as the goddess. To neo-pagans she is a life force to be manipulated through occult practices like visualization, chanting, and the casting of spells. "As witches," comments Ruth (Hard Copy; July 20, 1990), "we ally ourselves with the forces of nature, and when we invoke the elements, we can, in conjunction with them, create what we want--and that's what casting spells is. It's calling on all the forces of nature and our own power to direct our will in a particular way--to get what we want." Because neo-pagans supposedly manipulate forces of "nature", they often accuse Christians of erroneously labeling them as Satan worshippers. They claim they do not to believe in Satan, therefore, they do not worship him. However, as Christians we believe that all who do not worship God have been deceived by Satan, the father of lies (John 8:44). And the common theme running through pagan religions throughout the ages suggests a common source of these lies being embraced. Berit Kjos writes in her book Under the Spell of Mother Earth (pg. 48), "Since pagan societies sought secret wisdom through magic and spiritism, they drew inspiration from the same occult source. It is not surprising that many myths from around the world simulate biblical history and resemble one another. Satan's army of demons, hiding behind the diverse mask of man-made deities, happily supplied pagan priests [and priestesses] with counterfeit versions of God's revealed truth. Thus, man- made myths blended occult revelations with human imagination. Notice how this is happening all around us today." Satan has passed down the same lies from generation to generation, starting with Eve in the Garden of Eden. It was there that the serpent twisted what God had said, thereby, tempting Eve to taste of the forbidden fruit. It is ironic that it is once again women, as part of the goddess spirituality movement, who have been deceived by the serpent and are attempting to pass on the forbidden fruit to others, just as Eve did to Adam. Indeed, many women today get caught up in the feminist/women's spirituality movement unawares. Many think that when they are becoming involved with the women's movement they are fighting for issues like job or salary equality. But some of the issues that the neo-pagan movement lobbies heavily for are lesbian and gay rights, and women's issues, which translates, abortion rights. This is ironic since those in the women's spirituality movement claim to revere life. Now this is not to say that ALL women caught up in these alternative spiritualities embrace ALL of the same beliefs. And it is not to say only women are caught up in goddess spirituality and paganism. Many men have become part of the movement as well. Others think that they are learning about their own health and well being when they become involved in women's issues. I was flipping through some programs on television the other day and I stopped at a program about women's health and well-being. It was the very first episode of this particular show [I can't remember the name of it now] so I decided to watch it for a few moments to see what it was about. One segment was about breast cancer. Another segment was about reducing stress with music therapy, using new age music, chanting, and rhythmic drum beating. Women tuning in to this new program think they are getting information on their health and fitness. But in reality, blended in with the medical information, they are getting some basic lessons on neo-paganism and new age spirituality. The serpent is still subtly at work. And the entire world is his modern Garden of Eden. But one of the main ways in which women get caught up in neo-paganism is through concerns for the environment. They often find themselves indoctrinated in earth-based religions which seek to renew awe and respect for planet Earth, Mother Earth, the goddess. They learn that all living things are sacred and interconnected. Grandmother Twila, an elder of the Seneca Nation, notes in "Full Circle", "It's a family structure. Everything in nature is a relative and our lives are connected to this relationship. We look at the birds and all the animals as our little brothers and sisters. So you cannot separate a family structure like that. The trees are our teachers and the plants and everything are all relatives. We look at the Earth as our mother." While it is true that there are biological links and interconnections throughout the ecosystem, there is definitely not a spiritual interconnectedness. The relationship is scientific, not spiritual, as goddess worshippers would have us to believe. Neo-paganism twists reality and bends truth. Ironically, the word wiccan, used to denote today's modern witches and pagans, is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word "wic" which means to bend or shape. While neo-pagans claim it means to bend or shape one's consciousness, or events in their lives, there is certainly clear evidence that it also means to bend reality and truth. Here's another example in which reality is bent out of shape. Berit Kjos writes in Under the Spell of Mother Earth, "The following 1990 version of the Thanksgiving myth was circulated to about half of all our nation's elementary schools by Scholastic News: "'GIVE THANKS TO THE EARTH: The first Thanksgiving feasts were harvest festivals. People gathered to celebrate successful harvests and to thank the Earth for its fruits. You can celebrate the earth every day by always taking care of the environment.'" [emphasis added] This is an obvious perversion of the historical account of the pilgrims and the Thanksgiving feast. And it is a clear perversion of God's Word which tells us the earth was cursed because of the sin committed by Adam and Eve. "And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; "Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field" (Genesis 3:17-18). "And in the process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord. "And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering:"But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect" (Genesis 4:3-5a). Today's women's spirituality movement, centered on earth-based paganism, is seen as a cry of help for "Mother Earth". Without the dismantling of the current male-dominated, patriarchal system, we are told planet Earth will perish. It is our duty as part of the rainbow family of ancient lore to return to the spiritual traditions of our ancestors. We must have a spiritual awakening for the survival of planet Earth, "our mother." Dominican priest and founder of the Institute for Culture and Creation, Matthew Fox, noted, "I think frankly that the survival of the Earth today depends upon an earth consciousness, that we move beyond nationalism, for example, to a sense of bio-regionalism, and an earth, ugh, survival. That we move beyond dualisms of first world/third world, north/south, communist/socialist/capitalist. It's all, um, it's over with. I think the only future the planet has is a spiritual awakening that's global; global but local. And this is why I think the earth religions are coming forth at this time in history." (Full Circle: The Women's Spirituality Trilogy) Indeed, it is not without coincidence that as we approach the Rapture and the Tribulation we are seeing a renewed interest in earth-based spirituality. Mystery Babylon of Revelation 17 is rising from the ashes. And with her re- emergence we see her goddess being revived as well: Ishtar (Babylon), Astarte (Canaan), Artemis (Greece), Kali (India), Isis (Egypt), Diana (Ephesus). She is the same throughout history, throughout the world. "The written story of the Goddess," observes Berit Kjos (Under the Spell of Mother Earth; pp. 83-84), "began in ancient Sumeria, Mesopotamia, and Babylonia--three nations nestled between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The Sumerians called her Inanna; she was both sister and lover of Shamash, the sun god. But by the year 2000 B.C. when Abraham journeyed through this territory on his way from Ur to Haran, the conquering Amorites had swept through the region, established Babylon as their capital, and renamed the Goddess Ishtar. "Ishtar, Queen of Heaven, represented fertility and victory, and was nostranger to war. For more than a millennium, her 'sacred' prostitution cult with its profane sexual practices marked and molded cultures in a multitude of nations... "Her horrendous religious practices were opposed to everything God had taught His people. In Canaan, as elsewhere, Ishtar's temple worship included astrology, spiritism, sorcery, sexual perversion, prostitution, and ritual murder." It is no wonder that Revelation 17 refers to this woman of Mystery Babylon, a seducer of mankind, the MOTHER OF HARLOTS. "And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: "And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH" (Revelation 17:4-5). ********************************************************************** Tex Mars of the Southwest Radio Church speaks out about Earth Day: There's something very tragic and sad but it's something you need to know about. There's something very incredible that's going to be occurring on April 22, 1990. It's called Earth Day, 1990, and it is the latest and greatest New Age extravaganza. All over the world people will be meeting in various locations and invoking various spirits on behalf of MotherEarth, the earth goddess, Gaya, the Greek earth goddess from the past. They say "Save our environment. Stop world pollution. Let us all be together in unity and harmony as one. Let us protect the sacred soil of our planet. Let this be a planetary day." This sounds so good; this sounds so wonderful. It seems so pure to protect "Mother Earth." But is it pure? Is it harmless? Is it helpful? Or is this simply a diabolical - literally an evil plot dreamed up by Satan and his demons? Are people being lured into participating into nothing more than a massive planetary devil fest? You'll remember the Harmonic Convergence of Aug. 16-17, 1987. They met at various locations around the U.S. - new agers - thousands of them around the globe. They went to Peru, to Egypt; many went right here to what they call sacred locations where the supposed energy forces came in around the universe - our planet. They went to Enchanted Rock in Austin, TX. They were in Seattle - all over the United States New Agers met. Some "ohmed;" some chanted; others had witchcraft ceremonies, incantations to spirit guides. My understanding from what I read is that some actually cried out "666 come forth and seize dominion of this globe." We've also had other devil festivals. We had World Day of Healing. We had World Meditation Day. You'll remember Live Aid, and the song "We Are the World." And they're going to continue. The plan of the New Age masters is to raise our consciousness as human beings. All of this is connected with Mystery Babylon. Read Revelation 17 and you'll understand about Earth Day because there we see pictured in all her horror the Mystery Babylon Woman. The whore of Babylon. There she is astride a beast, drunken with the blood of the saints and the martyrs of Jesus. This is a picture that our Lord showed the Apostle John of the last days' world church of Satan. There are two churches in the last days: the church of the Living God, the only God there is, Jesus Christ, who died for us and loves us. But there is another church, the worldwide church of Satan, and Revelation 17 says it is Mystery Babylon connected with the beast. There is a woman because the Babylonians and all of those false pagan religions worshipped a mother goddess. They said she was literally the earth and she was impregnated by the sun god, Baal. But it all began with Nimrod in Babylon. Nimrod, the mighty hunter according to Genesis who built the Tower of Babyl with his goddess queen, who was the first woman goddess. They believe the earth and stars are sacred; that all is god. There is no personal god but all of us are god: the earth is god, the sun is god and so we have the earth goddess, Mother Earth. That's where the saying came from - you've heard of Mother Nature as well. Earth Day is coming up and we're told to protect our environment. Shouldn't we protect our environment? Oh my goodness, yes! My wife, Wanda, and I have lived in our home for a number of years. It's not the fanciest home in the world and it's not a mansion or palace. It's modest in terms of what others consider a home. But that home is special to us. God put us there; He gave us a home. He takes care of you and I if we follow him as Christians. And we like to keep our home clean. Why? Because we're proud of our home. It's good to take care of the things God has given us. He has given us this earth and of course we should take care of it. But if you put all your interest in on any material things - if protecting, preserving and conserving Mother Earth is more important to you than the spiritual things, then you have a real problem. Some day all these material things will fade away but the spiritual things will last forever. Those past New Age celebrations were like nothing compared to this Earth Day. This news release was put out by the Los Angeles Times - there are some big folks involved in Earth Day 1990. A major fund-raiser, in fact he's been called the fund-raising czar of the world, Roger Craver, is putting all these things together. They're going to get millions of dollars in a kitty to push this campaign. A Los Angeles public relations consultant, Josh Beran, said "We're going to organize this like the movie 'Batman' so that when Earth Day arrives on April 22, everybody will know about it. Earth Day can be the booster rocket for the next 10 years in making people change behavior." Would you like to change your behavior to do what the devil wants you to do instead of God? We're on the threshold of the seventh glorious - I should say unglorious - millennium of man. I believe we're heading to the millennium of Jesus Christ. This is going to be the decade where we see a one-world order, a one-world religion, a one-world economy and an antichrist. Satan certainly has plans to bring everything to a head. Certainly all the signs are there of these last days. One of the people involved in this Earth Day campaign - the chairman, Dennis Hayes, says "We want to change the world." He's an attorney from San Francisco. They've already got 33 nations around the world participating in this Earth Day. They've got Boy Scouts. They've got Girl Scouts. They've got Hollywood stars. This is from the New York Times, Oct. 23, 1989: Here are some of the entertainers involved in promoting Earth Day: Morgan Fairchild, Candice Bergan, Norman Lear... You remember Norman Lear. He bankrolled this People for the American Way. They're the people going around trying to keep the Christianity and prayer out of the schools. I have an article here from USA Today, 1-9-90: Ted Danson says, "The entertainment industry must do our part." Others are going to be participating in a two-hour Earth Day show on ABC. There are so many involved in this. The Walt Disney chairman, Michael Eisner, and his wife, Jane, are participating. They're going to pitch in a lot of money and use Disney studios. I used to love Disney movies, but I don't know with movies like the "Dead Poet Society," where a teen-ager takes a gun and blows his brains out. I feel sorry for kids today. Do they really have a chance when we see this occultism all around the suicide messages like "blow your brains out. What does it matter?" They're gold this in Satanic rock albums. And in all these slasher movies and such that have pictures of gore and bloodshed. It means a lot. God wants you to stay on here every day of your life in good health as much as you can according to His will. He doesn't want you to terminate your life. He wants you to accept Him and witness to others of His love for you, that He has saved you for all eternity. The devil will lie to you. He's a liar. Jesus said he's the father of liars. God will make you an eternal creature - a happy person for the rest of your life. God wants to hear about your problems. Turn to Him in your prayer. President George Bush has already endorsed Earth Day. Reading in the Associated Press, it says there's going to be an Earth Day celebration and President Bush is pushing a bill to go before Congress because he has already "Given the administration official blessings to Earth Day 1990 with a proclamation supporting the nationwide activities involved in Earth Day." It's going to be approved because the U.S. Congress, the Senate and the House won't deprove by April 22, Earth Day. They know it's going to be all over the TV networks and splattered across the front pages of magazines. They want to get in on the act and show they're doing something for the environment. Mikhail Gorbechov has also said he will tape a special message which no doubt will be aired on national television in America - all around the world through satellite TV they'll be broadcasting this Earth Day. You may ask "What does it hurt to clean up the environment?" Well I'm in favor of cleaning up the environment. All ofus as Christians are in favor of cleaning up the environment. But this isn't what the Satanists and the New Agers want. This is only a beginning. If they can get people involved in all these big world gala festivals they believe this consciousness can be raised and there can be a quantum leap into this New Age kingdom. That's what they're all about. That's what their true goal is - a one-world order. Will there be such a kingdom? Will all the world have one mind? Turn to Revelation 17 and you will see where the Bible talks very clearly where there will be basically a one-world mind. About a year and a half ago, the New Age had a huge, world-wide celebration called the Global Mind Line. The Global Mind Link was getting all of mankind's minds together in a network of consciousness to bring in the New Age World Order so all of the world, except the Christians, could be of one mind. When we turn to rev. 17:12-13, we see something interesting. Here's what God told us about the vision he had given to the Apostle John. John said "And the 10 horns which thou sawest are 10 kings, which have received no kingdom yet but have received power as kings one hour with the beast. These (the rulers of the earth in the last days) have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the beast." After the people of this world come together in harmony, unity, love and peace, they're of one mind and of one accord. That's exactly when they will turn to the beast - all of their strength and power goes to the beast. The antichrist. Rev. 13:1 says "The beast who rises up out of the sea." And in Rev. 13 we see that this beast's power will encompass the earth. "All the world shall worship the beast except those whose names are written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." Part II Until Christ comes there is going to be a great tribulation period when Satan has a field day. We know he can't touch you or me as a Christian unless God allows, as we learned in Job. "All things work together for good," the Bible clearly speaks. But this Earth Day has such "good intentions." They want to heal the world...clean up the environment. We all want to live in clean surroundings. It's important to have a clean environment. But there is a difference between those who want to clean up the environment and those who want to use this as a tool for a grand plan. They call it The Plan - to bring in a one-world order. We see in Romans and elsewhere in the Bible there is a distinction between the creator and his creation. Paul tells us the pagans of his day worship the creation instead of giving thanks to God who created the creation. There's a great confusion because the New Age world religion teaches that this planet is a holy, sacred, divine entity whereas the Bible teaches there is a personal God who loves you, the New Age preaches, because it is a Satanic, false doctrine - another Gospel, we see in Gal. 1:8 and 2 Cor 11:4, the New Age teaches this earth literally is sacred. That she is Mother Earth. So when they're talking about Earth Day and the New Age, they're the organizers and promoters, although there are many innocent people who have jumped into it - and they believe for good purposes. and they're being used by the New Age. If you're going to get involved, you're falling right into the hands of Satan. You're going into it for a good reason - to clean up the environment. But Satan has a hidden agenda. In the New age, the earth is sacred. She is divine and we are all part of her. She is Gaya, the Great Earth Goddess restored. That means Mystery Babylon. That was the religion - they worship the old earth. Witchcraft today is the old earth religion. So worshipping the earth is simply nothing more than witchcraft and that's expressly prohibited. We see that throughout the Bible - in Galatians, Deuteronomy, and many other places. We could talk on and on about how God has passed judgment on those who practice witchcraft and the worship of the Earth as a deity. This religion - worship of the earth - began in Babylon. We see in Rev. 17 that it will be restored in the last days. It is restored and i believe Earth Day has a part in that. I was reading a book by a Catholic Dominican priest, Matthew Fox: I will have to hasten to say that a number of Catholics are upset at Matthew Fox, as they should be. and certainly all of us who are Christians should be upset with the teachings of Matthew Fox. He has a book out called the "Coming of the Cosmic Christ." That's not Jesus. The subtitle of Matthew Fox is "The Healing of Mother Earth and the Birth of a Global renaissance." What he actually says, this New age priest, is that Mother Earth has been nailed to the cross. He said we have crucified Mother Earth and it's time to resurrect Mother Earth. This is very sad. We're counterfeiting. It's Jesus who died on the cross for your sins and my sins, not Mother Earth. So these things have come about - his belief in a Cosmic Christ, a planetary Christ (not Jesus Christ) - have come about simply because many people no longer believe in the unvarnished word of god. Well I'm speaking for southwest Radio church today, as speaker and host, and not only that I'm speaking for God because it's God's word that teaches us that Jesus is alive. That Jesus is the only God there is. Our Bible teaches this very clearly. It teaches there is no such thing as a Cosmic Christ. There is only Jesus The Christ. The god of this earth. The Bible is the inerrant word of God. What is a Christian fanatic? Simply that we believe in the unvarnished word of God and that God rules over the affairs of men. And that this New Age is something that's going to pass away because Jesus is going to come again. I just wanted to assure you that God's word preaches that the earth is simply God's footstool and Heaven is His throne. It is not divine; there will be a new heaven and a new earth. All these things shall pass away. There will be a great fire and ferment and heat and there will be a new earth someday, and Jesus Christ will reign for a thousand years. Recently I was reading in Time Magazine about this Earth Day. "Let Earth Have its Day." And they mentioned in here that there is a 115-member American board of directors organizing this Earth Day. This board includes prominent environmentalists, politicians, religious leaders, labor officials, business executives, celebrities, journalists - there are representatives from over 33 countries. The communications director is quoted as saying "We're organizing neighborhoods, regions, special constituencies. Our slogan is "Earth Day 1990: Who says you can't change the world?" According to Time Magazine, six national labor unions have already endorsed the event. And even President George Bush has endorsed it. And there is a legion of entertainers and movie stars and other politicians who have endorsed these Earth Day things. One man who used to push commonest causes has told his fellow New Agers, "This is the way we can get in. I used to tell people to think red. Today I tell them 'think green, not red.'" The commonists, the New Agers, the occultists, believe this false campaign of their to clean up the environment - many of them don't care to cleanup the environment; they simply want you to worship the Mother Goddess Earth instead of Jesus Christ. The official logo of Earth Day is two triangles abutted together, one green, one white. Inside these two triangles which constitute a diamond there is a globe. To Satan the triangle is a symbol of the unholy trinity: The mother goddess of Babylon, the father god of light (who in their minds is Lucifer) and then there is the son, the third member of the unholy trinity. Wanda, my wife, has a book "New Age Lies to Women" which talks about everything you'd want to know about the goddess religion. She points out what Gaya is all about - this earth goddess that the Earth Day is pushing. Example: New Age personalities such as Marilyn Stone and Matthew Fox and others ... On April 6-10, 1988, celebrated Gaya in a large conference held as "The re-emergent Earth Goddess." She is, said New Realities Magazine and New Age Magazine, the goddess of the living earth. They said the importance of the ecological movement is that it is all designed to worship the green goddess. The goddess of the earth. In a book called "The Women's Spirituality" book author Diana Steen, who is a goddess New Ager, explains "The goddess is alive. Magic is afoot." It's the goddess and the horned god that most witches worship today. Recently in Seattle on a TV program the witches were saying "Why do these people like Tex Mars criticize us?" One of the witch supporters said "I am a witch and we never harm anyone. We simply love and protect Mother Earth." And the host turned to me and said "Tex, are you persecuting these witches? They say all they want to do is promote love of mother earth." And I said "Ken, if they're so innocent and harmless, why do the witches right here in this audience worship the horned God and invoke the goddess in their ceremonies and rituals?" And he turned to the witch and said "Do you worship a horned god? And do you invoke the name of the goddess in your rituals?" And the witch smiled and said "Well, yes, we do call up and worship the horned god, but that's not Satan." There may be some people fooled by that, but anyone who's read our Holy Bible knows the identification of satan. He's really probably not any horned God as the witches worship. But Satan is simply a spiritual being, very advanced, very intelligent. He has you in his sights, and we don't have any chance at all without God's word. In 1970 they had the first Earth day. Now 20 years later they're having the second. The first symbol was the peace sign with a U.S. flag inside. This was very, very sad. The peace sign is nothing more than a satanic circle. What does the circle mean to Satan? It's his lie that he is an eternal creature who will reign forever. That he will cast his throne above God in the stars. Well that's a lie. Read Isaiah. 12 and 14 that Satan's boasts will amount to nothing for he will end up in the pit. Now inside this satanic circle is the cross turned upside down. And the bars of the cross are twisted and broken toward the earth - worship of the earth and of the devil who is thought to be under the earth by so many. The upside down cross mocks the crucifiction of Christ. Our whole million in our life is to serve Jesus and spread His word. Get rid of these peace signs. They don't mean peace. It's an affront to Christ. Some of the leaders of earth Day are the very people who gave us the Harmonic Convergence - the great New age festival of a couple of years ago. In a magazine called "A magical blend," July, 1989, Hose R. Guales was interviewed. He is deeply involved in this Earth Day and says it is going to create an image in people's mind. "Whoever controls the image controls the mind." Rev. 13 tells about an image - the image of the beast. He says "Operating out of Hollywood is very important for this New Age celebration because Hollywood is the image capital of the world. He said "This is a campaign for the earth. The equivalent of World War. We need that right now." So he's in Hollywood working full-time with some of the people who put together the Academy Awards and they're involved in an organization called earth celebrations 2000. These people are serious. They literally believe the earth is a goddess and we need to cleanup the environment. How do you understand the New Age? Go to your Bible. Go to Jesus. The New Age is simply a lie. Now they're not calling Earth Day the New age.The New Age is not a popular name any more because they know Christians have been alerted to the dangers of the New age. Now we're going to see more and more of the environment. The earth. The green. Because this is where the New Age is headed along with this goddess movement. The most important thing to remember is Jesus Christ is alive. He can give you the strength to overcome anything that comes your way. And some day 1 :16-17, the Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God and the dead in christ shall rise first and we which are alive and remain shall be called up in the clouds..... Can you believe being with the Lord in the air? How glorious that will be! I believe it because it says so in the word of God. This file has been brought to you by: SMCIS BBS, Sysop: Buggs Bugnon, P.O. Box 463, California, MD 20619 (301) 862-3160 HST 14.4 We would like to thank one of our faithful users for transcribing this file from cassette to this text format. ************************************************************* THE TREATY FROM HELL by Texe Marrs Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States shall be the Supreme Law of the land; and the Judges in every state shall be bound, thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. Article VI, Constitution of the United States of America Most Americans are of the erroneous impression that the U.S. Constitution guarantees them certain rights, such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to protection of property, and if indicted by grand jury, right to a fair and impartial trial by a jury of your peers. The awful truth, however -- unknown to the masses -- is that our founding fathers buried within the body of the Constitution a most disingenuous and diabolical escape clause, a ticking time bomb. These men, the majority of whom were Masons or Illuminists, inserted one, brief, seemingly insignificant provision. This little known provision could, in light of current events, soon prove to be the utter undoing and voiding of every inalienable right, every freedom, and every vestige of liberty we once were privileged to enjoy as Americans. Tricked by Masonic Founding Fathers? What Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Hancock, and other founders did was to specify in Article VI of the Constitution that any and all treaties entered into by the U.S.A. and foreign countries have precedence and authority over every article, jot, tittle, and iota of the Constitution. In other words, our Masonic forefathers masterfully tricked the citizenry into believing a lie -- that the government would forever guarantee the rights of free citizens. In fact, these men made sure that dictatorial, ungodly, and savage breaches and violations could craftily be written later into law simply by the ruse of treaties. Treaties, then, are the Supreme Law of the Land. A treaty, says Article VI of the Constitution, is of greater authority than the basic Constitution itself and all of its provisions. Moreover, every judge in the United States, from Supreme Court justices to local, municipal traffic court magistrates, is legally bound to enforce treaties and favor them over all other laws. As the wording in Article VI puts it, the provisions of a treaty, however satanic, disgusting, and mean- spirited they may be, shall ever be enforced, "any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding." I know this sounds preposterous -- and it is. But it's also fact. A treaty made with, say, corrupt politicians down in Mexico, with Jesuit "Father" Aristide over in Haiti, with commie boss Boris Yeltsin in Russia, or with some Islamic Arab sheik from Kuwait, immediately becomes the Supreme Law of the United States of America. Every provision therein must be complied with by residents of every town, city, and village throughout the U.S.A. How does that make you feel, fellow Americans? Do you feel secure? Treaties become the Supreme Law when approved by the U.S. Senate and the President. That's it. No majority vote by the citizenry needed or requested. Just two-thirds of the corrupt politicians who sit in the U.S. Senate plus the rubber-stamp approval of the one man who resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue -- that's all it takes for Big Brother government to dramatically transform our lives in almost unlimited ways. Court Precedent Elevates Treaties Over the Constitution In sum, our most cherished constitutional rights may quickly and without public debate be legally abolished by a scheming, wicked, Bill Clinton and a passel of graft-taking politicians in Washington, D.C. Together, these traitors are free to draw up a diabolical treaty with any Third World, puppet government, tin-horn prime minister on the face of the Earth. If you don't believe this is possible, I heartily recommend you go to a law library and read up on the following Supreme Court cases. Yes, read for yourself -- and then weep: U.S. v. Thompson, 258 F. 257, E.D. Ark (1919) U.S. v. Samples, 258 F. 479, W.D. Mo. (1919) Missouri v. Holland, 252 U.S. 416, 434 40 S. Ct. 382, 384 (1920). Also see U.S. v. Selkirk (1919); U.S. v. Rockefeller (1919); and U.S. v. Lumpkin (1921). Cerritos Gun Club v. Hall, 96 F. 2d 620 (9th Cir., 1938) Bailey v. Holland, 126 F. 2d 317 (4th Cir., 1942) U.S. v. Jin Fuey Moy, 241 U.S. 394,36 S. Ct. 658 (1916) Stutz v. Bureau of Narcotics, 56 F. Supp. 810, 813 (N.D. Cal., 1944) Balfour, Guthrie & Co. v. United States, 90 F. Supp. 831 (N.D. Cal., 1950) Lowell H. Becraft, Jr., a highly regarded attorney from Alabama, has carefully researched court precedents relating to the chilling abusive power of the federal government based on treaties. He warns: It's easy to imagine what may be on the minds of a multitude of federal agencies: the pursuit of more power which is otherwise prohibited by the Constitution. Based on the Supreme Court's blessing of treaty-based powers, the federales could theoretically feign a "treaty" with tiny Guam to secure huge municipal power over virtually any subject formerly reserved "to the States respectively or the people" by the 10th Amendment. (Anti-Shyster magazine, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1994). Who can doubt that, at this very moment, Attorney-General Janet Reno and her mentors, Bill and Hillary Clinton, are working on a slew of sickening schemes which can be put into action by simple treaty. All that's needed, they must reason, is to grease the palms of a cooperative Mexican, Haitian, Pakistan, or other decadent foreign politician, many of whom are already secretly in the employ of the CIA. It's Here! -- The Treaty From Hell Indeed, the Clinton administration has already sent to the U.S. Senate for ratification the most astonishing, most heinous treaty ever devised by the sinful hearts of evil men. It's called the Convention on Biological Diversity, and if this document is voted into law, you can kiss 220 years of American freedom goodbye forever. ...The treaty itself is vaguely and fuzzily worded. In effect, it gives the Clinton administration's environmental crazies a blank check to rewrite and override the Constitution. It enables the United States and every other nation on earth to change and revise all existing laws to conform to ten United Nations objectives. I don't have room to list and describe all of these ten objectives... Drafted by World's Leading Occultists When you examine this filthy, stealth document for yourself and the ten UN objectives which accompany it, I know that you, too, will be outraged. And you should be! The world's slimiest occultists first put this piece of trash to together at Rio de Janeiro's Earth Summit in 1992. Maurice Strong, the Illuminati baron whose daring exploits I exposed in my book, Dark Majesty, is the chief, conspiratorial plotter behind it. Strong, the chairman of the United Nations Environmental Program, is tiedin with the notorious elitists who run the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, the World Economic Forum, and the Bilderbergers. Here is just a sampling of the malignant UN objectives that are to be accomplished under this treaty: First, it proposes "to make nature worship a state religion." Second, "people will be classified as the enemy," menaces to society. Populations must be reduced to save the planet! Third, entire land areas of the United States will be "made void of human presence" to create huge, unpopulated, environmental "biospheres." The people who now live in these vast regions will be driven off their land. Their homes, farms, and ranches will be confiscated. This is necessary, say treaty sponsors, to protect fungi, plants, bugs, birds, and other endangered species. Fourth, all passenger motor vehicles will be prohibited because they pollute the environment. All home air conditioning systems must be inactivated because use too much energy and theoretically release ozone-destroying pollutants into the atmosphere. Fifth, a global environmental tax will be levied on richer nations, such as the U.S.A. and Canada, so that citizens of these countries can pay for damage they've supposedly done to Mother Earth over the decades and centuries past. Sixth, a world government authority will be set up to enforce the treaty. Seventh, citizens anywhere in the world who fight the system will be arrested and punished by international courts. Illuminati's Bureaucrats to Rule Over Us This is only a brief overview of the tremendous horrors to ensue once this monstrous treaty is enacted. Thousands of bureaucratic regulations based on the Treaty From Hell will forever supersede and take the place of our U.S. Constitution. Moreover, the treaty will render obsolete most state and local laws and ordinances. The Bill of Rights will be history -- trashed and forgotten. The radiant fullness of the New World Order will finally be ushered in. Christians and patriots who dissent will be crushed and discarded. A sun-lit New Age will miraculously be at hand. The ages-old dream of Lucifer and his Secret Brotherhood will be realized. All because of the passage of this one, monumental, but deceitfully innocent, treaty -- the Convention on Biological Diversity. It Can't Happen... Can It? "But," say scoffers, "surely these horrors will not come to pass. Why, they could never succeed in getting such an evil treaty passed by the U.S. Senate." To these uninformed citizens, I say, WAKE UP! Just this year the Republicans and Democrats, working together in Congress, slam-dunked on us the GATT bill, complete with its provision for a dictatorial World Trade Organization. Senator Bob Dole and the boys gave us the Brady Gun Control Act, and they back President Clinton 100% in doling out some $40 billion to the international bankers during the recent Mexican peso financial crisis. When the American people complained, our controlled leaders hollered, "Shut up, and take it!" Keep in mind, too, that the controlled, liberal media is populated by a host of environmental wakos. They're thrilled to promote the politically correct agenda of the biodiversity conspiracy. CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and the rest of the media will never tell Americans the awful facts about this treaty. They don't want the public to know what is about to happen. Instead, the masses are to be propagandized and made to believe that this treaty is just another, wholesome tool to help America clean up its suffering, at risk environment. It's something good, we'll all be told, like recycling and saving the bald eagle from extinction. A mass media blackout of the true facts regarding the Biological Diversity Treaty is already in operation. My friends, if the truth is to be told, it is you and I who must do the telling. ... FLASHPOINT Living Truth Ministries ******************************************************* THE TRUTH ABOUT THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES by Dr. M. H. Reynolds Editor, FOUNDATION Magazine "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES?" This catchy question is also the title of a 1978 publication ot the WCC. It is an obvious attempt to answer some of the vital questions and criticisms which are being raised by those who love Jesus Christ and who value our cherished American freedoms. However, far from answering such questions and complaints, a discerning reader will discover that the WCC actually confirms the chares of doctrinal deviations and political radicalism. This leaflet is written to provide factual, up to date information regarding the World Council of Churches. We are concerned where we find so many true, Bible-believing Christians who still hold membership in denominations which are a part of the WCC (see complete listing of USA and Canada member denominations on the last page) We also believe that others, both within and without the church, who believe in our free-enterprise system should be informed as to how ecumeNical church leaders are seeking to replace capitalism with some form of socialism or comunism under the false label of the Kingdom of God. All quotations given in this article are r either from the above mentioned WCC publication or from one of the official documents presented at the meeting of the WCC Central Committee held in Kingston, Jamaica, January 1-11, 1979, which the author of this leaflet attended as a member of the press. Thus, all information is strictly up-to-date and fully documentable. THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES begins with its organization in 1948 with 147 denominations from both Protestant and Orthodox backgrounds. Today, it has grown to include 293 member denominations representing some 400 million people. It has been and is a major force and voice of what is commonly called ECUMENISM, a term used to describe the effort to bring all churches into "a visible unity in one faith and one eucharistic fellowship". The WCC, while admitting that the ecumenical movement is broader than its own institution, claims with ample justification that it is "the most nearly comprehensive instrument of the ecumenical movement in the world today". It should be further noted that, while the original goal of the ecumenical movement and the WCC was "the unity of the churches", the new vision of the 'WCC is for the unity of all religions--and, in fact, all mankind. It should be clear to all who have been watching the WCC that it has become a modern Tower of Babel. THE DOCTRINAL POSITION OF THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES is deceptive. Supporters of the WCC frequently point to their doctrinal basis when charges of doctrinal heresies and deviations are leveled against the Council. But be sure to read the fine print! Be sure to observe how this doctrinal basis is either ignored or stretched beyond recognition. THE WCC's DOCTRINAL BASIS SIMPLY SAYS: "The World Council of Churches is a fellowship of Churches which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures and therefore seek to fulfil together their common calling to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit." It is hard to find anything wrong with that, right? However, two paragraphs later ir this WCC publication, we read, "Since the World Council of Churches is not itself a church, it passes no judgement upon the sincerity with which member churches accept the basis." Did you get that? You can sign the WCC doctrinal basis whether or not you are sincere are no one will question it. And in the very next paragraph we read the following. "Some very conservative churches judge the basis not biblical enough; some liberal churches DO NOT ACCEPT THE TRINITARIAN FORMULA." What do you think about that? How can anyone claim to be Christian who denies the Trinity? Yet, the WCC admits it has such churches in membership. In fact, the WCC actually boasts of and glories in their doctrinal diversities. They admit that "Ecumenism exists by holding contradictions together." They admit that "it is impossible to speak of a single 'theology of the Council' as such." We remind Bible believers that such unity is not true Biblical unity --it is plain, open disobediance to the Word of God. 11 John 9-11. WCC DOCTRINAL DEVIATIONS WERE CLEARLY OBSERVABLE from the Central Committee documents in Jamaica. For instance, note the FALSE TEACHING OF BAPTISMAL REGENERATION. One document said, "Through Baptism every person is made part of the Christian Community . . " Again,"Through Baptism we are redeemed from the powers ot sin and death and incorporated into the one body of Christ." Note also the FALSE TEACHING OF UNIVERSALISM: "Put succinctly, salvation is a total involvement of God in the world. There is no sphere of life with which human beings, as individuals, as community or as nations, have to wrestle that is not related to God. Jesus Christ is this total involvement of God. In His life, suffering-, cross and resurrection, all humanity with its agonies and struggles is judged, liberated and REDEEMED. It is this Christ who has called us as Christians to follow him in God's continuing work of creation and re-creation." And again, "Christians believe that all human beings are part of a dynamic pointing towards the messianic Kingdom . . . The Biblical witness refers to this final aim as the 'Kingdom of God' which embracesthe two dimensions of redemption of the whole of creator and personal fulfilment for each human being." No wonder the WCC is confused in its programs It is confused in its doctrine! THE POLITICAL RADICALISM OF THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES is apparent. Just as in the case of doctrinal diversities, the WCC boasts of its ability to hold together exact opposites in the realm of politics. They say, "On other issues the churches recognize strong differences of opinion and seek to maintain a continuing dialogue among their own members. These differences are not limited to trivial matters. For example, THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES INCLUDES PACIfiST MEMBER CHURCHES .... IT ALSO INCLUDES REVOLUTIONARIES. Both groups contribute insights to the WCC. They continue to try to influence each other. And the WCC INCLUDES BOTH WITHIN ITS FELLOWSHIP." There you have it in their own words. Do not forget for one minute, however, that when WCC leaders speak and WCC pronouncements are issued IT IS ALWAYS THE VOICE OF RADICALISM AND REVOLUTION THAT IS HEARD. There are repeated attacks upon "Western Imperialism" and "capitalism" but seldom a word of criticism for socialism and communism. Non communist dictatorships are repeatedly attacked but no word is ever spoken against the communist dictators. A few conservative voices are occasionally heard within WCC meetings--but these rarely, if ever, become a part of the official statements which go to the governments of the world and to the United Nations as a "representative voice of the churches". Those who claim that the WCC is becoming more ''evangelical" are either blind or naive. Evangelicals who remain in the WCC are being used as window dressing to hide the WCC apostasy. IN JAMAICA, A PRIME TOPIC OF DISCUSSION WAS THE SB5,000 GRANT TO THE PATRIOTIC FRONT OF ZIMBABWE (actually a communist guerilla group, The Salvation Army, the Irish Presbyterian Church and a Lutheran Church in Germany have all suspended membership in protest. Both the secular and religious press waited for some explanation, some justification of this atrocious grant to a group which has boasted of murdering missionaries and shooting down a commercial airplane. But all the press really got from the WCC was a charge that the news media had mis-represented and falsified the situation. The WCC Central Committee stood behind its PCR Commission which had recommended the grant and the executive officers who approved it. They concluded by saying that "although the adverse image and understanding of the PCR needs to be changed, the content and thrust of the PCR itself should not be changed." Incidentally, PCR is the abbreviation for the WCC's "Program to Combat Racism"--but in reality, it should be calledthe "Program to Continue Revolution". Over three million dollars has been given to radical groups around the world. While it is claimed that all monies in this fund come from designated gifts, this program could not operate without the administrative offices and support of the WCC. Those who remain in membership in WCC affiliated churches cannot be absolved from responsibility for giving this aid to the revolutionaries around the world THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES IS FULLY COMMITTED TO THE CREATION OF A NEW SOCIETY based on socialistic principles and deceitfully called "The Kingdom of God". They state: "The participation of the Church in the creation of a new society is not a secondary or derivative dimension of its existence. It begins at the very centre in the celebration of the sacraments as an anticipation of what the world is to become ...." Dr. Philip Potter, WCC General Secretary, quoted from a 1969 WCC Central Committee directive as follows: "We call upon the churches to move beyond charity, grants and traditional programming to relevant and sacrificial action leading to new relationships of dignity and justice among all men and to become THE AGENTS FOR THE RADICAL RECONSTRUCTION OF SOCIETY." He also made it perfectly clear what this involved when he said, "But the conflict has become intense when it has been perceived that A RADICAL CHANGE OF ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL STRUCTURES ARE NEEDED AND NOT THE MERE PRUDENTIAL TRANSFER OF RE SOURCES AND TECHNOLOGIES." Another WCC document stated: "In the developed countries it means changes in the production structure and employment policies which will ONLY BE POSSIBLE THROUGH A CERTAIN 'SOCIALIZATION' of decisions that have so far been taken autonomously on the basis of interests of the private sector." MR. BUSINESSMAN, MR and MRS FREEDOM LOVING AMERICAN --the World Council of Churches has made it abundantly clear what their goal is! Are you willing to sit idly by or even help support this effort to destroy the very foundations of our faith and freedom? THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES SUBSTITUTES DIALOGUE FOR WITNESSING. Having substituted the building of a new society in place of the preaching of the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, it is not surprising that the WCC should forsake "witness" for ''dialogue" even while claiming that dialogue is a form of witness, In recent years,the WCC has been engaged in official dialogues with almost everyone, Roman Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Humanists, Traditional African Religions and Communists. As previously noted, the original goal of "Christian unity" has been superseded with the goal of the "unity of all mankind" They say, "opportunities and occasions for dialogue cannot and must not be confirmed to men of religious faiths but also must involve men of secular ideologies." This dialogue program is attractively presented as the WCC claims: "Dialogue offers the promise of dis covering new dimensions of understanding our faith." One repeatedly is told of how dialogue "enriches dimensions of understanding our faith" but strangely, nothing is ever said about proclaiming the truth of the gospel in such a way that men "turn to God from idols to serve the living9 and true God." IT IS IMPORTANT TO REALIZE THAT DIALOGUE IS INDEED ONE OF THE GREAT DANGERS AND DECEPTIONS BEING PRACTICED AND ENCOURAGED BY THE WCC. What is dialogue? According to their own definition, dialogue is, " OPENING OF THE MIND AND HEART TO OTHERS." It is an undertaking which requires RISK as well as a deep sense of vocation....THIS OPENING, THIS RISK, this vocation, this sensitivity are at the heart of the ecumenical movement and hl the deepest currents of the life of the churches." Further, the WCC says, "Love requires us to recognize and respect the integrity of our partners who enter into dialogue from the standpoint of their faith and commitment." This is exactly the opposite of Biblical teaching. God says, ''And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them. " Ephesians 5:11. The WCC tells us that dialogue is a required form of witness in a pluralistic world, yet they take special pains to assure their partners in dialogue that they "come not as manipulators but as genuine fellow-pilgrims ...." The WCC principle of dialogue implies that the Christian is a searcher for truth rather than a proclaimer of the truth. The WCC says, "Be open,be vulnerable, take a risk." The Word of God says, "Beware!" "Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves." Matthew 7:15. Will you follow Christ or the WCC? THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES AND THE UNITED NATIONS coninue their close ties. In fact, we might call then ''blood brothers" There were repeated favorable references to all sorts of UN programs in the Central Committee Documents at Jamaica The New International Economic Order, the New International Informational Order, the World Health Organization, the World Court, UNESCO, etc. It was reported that "an intervention was made on behalf of the WCC in the Security Council debate on South Africa in March 1977" It was stated that they were seeking "to sensitize churches, inviting them to lobby with their governments . . as well as to mark the 30th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights." The WCC issued a special document promoting the UN sponsored lnternational Year of the Child, totally ignoring the fact that even though this appeal is made with the image of starving children in mind, the real thrust of this program is toward socialization of the child and the family. Individual believers and churches that are op,c,osed to the philosophy and program of the UN should realize that it is not their voice which is heard in places of power antl decision--it is the voice of the false prophets in the WCC that prevail and speak for you whether you like it or not. THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES stands for DISARMAMENT and against U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY. The WCC is geared for a massive propaganda effort against our historic concept of national security. They want complete and unilateral disarmament and they want it now. But it is ironic that at the very time the WCC is attacking America and the nations of the Free World for wanting to maintain national security, they are insisting on national sovereignty and security for their many llew nations are governments which have been formed through communist revolutions. Following the WCC "Program for Disarmament and Against Militarism and the Arms Race" would leave America defenseless against her enemies. Yet, the Central Committee in Jamaica said that the churches should give "the highest priority" to implementation of this program. But if you read the entire document, you find that the WCC has taken this strong position in spite of the admission that they have not fully explored the underlying theological issues. They say, "These two meetings...have underlined the need for more substantial work on the theological issues involved. They have posed questions rather than providing answers." What dangerous hypocrisy and liberal bias this reveals. Americans should remember that nations which lose their freedom rarely have a second chance. THE CONFUSION, DOUBLE-TALK AND CONTRADICTIONS IN FACT OF THE WCC ARE CLEARLY VISIBLE TO ANYONE WHO WILL TAKE THE TIME TO STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN! As the years have slipped by with little progress toward the goal of "one visible church", their frustrations have been manifested in the use of clever language to hide their failures. Instead of "One Church" we hear talk of "conciliar fellowship' and "unity in reconciled diversity" and trying to "relate the right kind of diversity to the right kind of unity." Through the years, they have followed the old ecumenical motto, "Service Unites, Doctrine Divides". But in spite of their wish to ignore doctrine, the issue continues to re-appear At times, WCC leaders introduce new word games or "theological breakthroughs" which they announce with a great fanfare, seeking to revive the hopes of their disillusioned followers. THE LATEST "BRIGHT SPOT" ON THE WCC's THEOLOGICAL HORIZON is the idea that while they may not all be able to agree on the content of their faith, they can all agree that there is HOPE. The problem is that they cannot even agree on what that HOPE is. One of the WCC documents at Jamaica said, "The difference between the hopes expressed from different parts of the world -- Africa, Latin America, North America, Eastern Europe--diverged so widely that ONE WAS TEMPTED TO ASK WHETHER THEY WERE SPEAKING OF THE SAME HOPE or indeed whether they can even give a common account of hope." But they went on to state, "Yet, the common attempt itself has become a source of hope.'' How sad it is that those in the WCC are ignoring the Bible which tells us plainly that our hope -- our only hope--is the return of Jesus Christ. Titus 2:13. How sad it is that they ignore the teaching of Scripture that the Kingdom of God is not some socialistic kingdom established through the efforts of man, but a perfect and righteous Kingdom to be set up by our Lord Jesus Christ in spite of and apart from any effort of man to either thwart or aid the establishment of that Kingdom. Daniel 2:44. Revelation 19:13-16. AT THE VERY HEART OF THE WHOLE MATTER IS THE FAILURE OF THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES TO ACCEPT THE BIBLE as the authoritative, infallible, inerrant, eternal, unchangeable Word of God. Note the following: "In the WCC we experience both the possibility for common confession of faith and worship together and also the obstacles to Christian unity, We are agreed in giving vital place in our thinking to bible study and worship; we are able to worship our one Lord in the very different way of the churches represented among us. YET WE ARE ALSO AWARE OF PROBLEMS CONCERNING THE AUTHORITY OF THE BIBLE REMAINING UNSOLVED AMONG US and of the fact that we are not yet part of one eucharistic fellowship. It is not surprising therefore that there is controversy among Christians about the meditative use (rather than simply the intellectual study) of the holy books of other faiths and about the QUESTION OF COMMON WORSHIP BETWEEN THOSE OF DIFFERENT FAITHS." One speaker said, "The document on Hope coming out of Bangalore had succeeded in bringing out the fruitful tension between doctrinal unity and union in radical involvement in human hopes. But it has not settled the underlying question." What is that underlying question? "The problem is no longer the problem of loving one another, but the problem of understanding the faith." The doctrinal basis of the WCC is an empty shell -- a front to deceive the unwary. Only by accepting God's Word as our only, absolute and final authority can we enter into true unity with those who truly belong to Christ--and at the same time be fully separated from those who appear as angels of light but are in reality the servants of Satan. MANY OTHER PROGRAMS AND FACETS OF THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES could be helpfully presented and documented if space permitted. Take Roman Catholicism for example. The WCC has grown so close to the Roman Catholic Church that they now say, "The days of wi(lning converts from each other are over . . ." Take the question of communism. You will never find the WCC to be anti-communist. In fact, they state plainly, "The story of primitive anti-communism and anti-communist crusades in the Christian Church is a long and sad one." Red Agents and Communist puppet church leaders sit, work and propagandize at all levels of the WCC organization The WCC and the NCC have been decisive forces in preparing the way for the shameful U.S. recognition of Red China. Though denying charges of pro-communism, the WCC track record is a long and consistent testimony to the fact that they are one of communism's strongest and best allies. The WCC is doing everything possible to indoctrinate young people into the radical, revolutionary ecumenical philosophy. It was reported that four young people, including one WCC staff person, attended the "11th World Festival of Youth and Students" in Cuba in 197B. They reported a "warm and wholehearted welcome from the Cuban people and the freedom to move around the island and to talk to the people." And what was the purpose of this meeting? They said, "These meetings provided opportunities for the Christian Youth to discuss the issues of the festival and the meaning of Christian commitment today, AS WELL AS TO EXPRESS SOLIDARITY IN THE STRUGGLES FOR JUSTICE AND AGAINST IMPERIALISM IN THE WORLD TODAY."Is there any talk of struggling against Communism? Oh, no, it is only against Imperialism! THE NEXT THREE YEARS WILL BE CRITICAL YEARS FOR THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES, largely because of severe financial problems. The fact that most of the WCC money comes from the USA, coupled with the devaluation of the dollar in comparison with the Swiss Franc, means that the WCC is faced with what one leader called "The moment of truth in WCC finances". To avoid drastic and immediate cut-backs of staff and programs, they approved deficit spending for the next three years, drawing on reserves or even borrowing if necessary. Financing is apparently already in hand or in view to proceed with their big conference in Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 12-24, 1979, on the theme, "FAITH, SCIENCE AND THE FUTURE" and their big missionary-evangelism conference to be held in Melbourne, Australia, May 12-25, 1980, on the theme "YOUR KINGDOM COME". The 1979 conference will seek to join religion and science to further socialism and the 1980 meeting will promote socialism in the name of the Kingdom of God. IF ONLY GOD'S PEOPLE WOULD WAKE UP AND SEE HOW THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES IS USING THE CHURCHES TO DESTROY THE VERY FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH AND FREEDOM, what a difference it could make! If only God's people would immediately withhold support and withdraw membership from the WCC and then begin attending and supporting only those churches that refuse to compromise with the ecumenical apostasy, what a difference it would make! Further loss of support now could be critical for the WCC. Are you one of those who are supporting the WCC by your finances and membership even while decrying its heretical, radical programs? If so, why lot obey God -- COME OUT AND BE SEPARATE (1 Corinthians 6:14) and join hands with those who are willing to stand up and speak out for our God-given liberties in which enable us to preach the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ instead of a socialist revolution . WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES MEMBER DENOMINATIONS IN THE USA AND CANADA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA African Methodist Episcopal Church. African-Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, American Baptist Churches in the U.S A, American Lutheran Church; The Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of New York and all North America; Christian Church (Disciples of Christ); Christian Methodist Episcopal Church; Church ot the Brethren; The Episcopal Church; Hungarian Reformed Church in America: International Evangelical Church; Lutheran Church in America, Moravian Church in America (Northern Province); Moravian Church In America (Southern Province), National Baptist Convention of America; National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc.; National Council of Churches of Christ in the U S.A.; National Council of Community Churches; The Orthodox Church in America; Polish National Catholic Church of America; Presbyterian Church in the United States; Progressive National Baptist Convention; Reformed Church in America; Religious Society of Friends--Friends General Conference -- Friends United Meetings, United Church of Christ; The United Methodist Church; The United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. CANADA The Anglican Church of Canada; Canadian Council of Churches; Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends; Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada, The Presbyterian Church in Canada; The United Church of Canada. ******************************************************** WHAT IS THE NEW AGE AND HOW IS IT AFFECTING US? posted on the Prophecy Club BBS SOCIETY * The New Age Movement is the maturing of the hippie movement and the human potential movement. It's plan is to restore to Earth the Ancient Occult Mysteries, the Luciferic Initiation (through altered states), to reveal to man his own divinity, to manipulate and control a universal energy, and to usher in the New World Order. It's conspirators believe society is on the threshold of an evolutionary leap of consciousness. They see the Earth as a living organism, and humanity as billions of cells of a global brain. Many cells are cancerous and need to be eradicated, [Christians?] to complete the transformation. Traditional ways of thinking are being replaced with altered states of consciousness and massive mind control. [Like the Blue Beam Project?] * Ted Turner is calling for one-child families worldwide. (He has five, Jane has two!) * Earth Day has played a major role in society's mindset about the environment. Prior to Earth Day 1990, few knew that Mother Earth was about to croak. Earth Day did what it was designed to do: It was an exercise in thought reform and behavior modification of an entire nation. It told us the Earth was decaying and human beings, industry and development were the reason. There are too many people on the earth, using up all the resources. It created a form of hysteria, instilled guilt and fear-of-the-future and an urgent sense of personal and corporate responsibility - a need to DO SOMETHING QUICK. We began monitoring ourselves and each other. Many even felt guilty for being alive. * Earth Day was manipulated to fall on Lenin's Birthday. The legislation designating April 22, 1990 as Earth Day was carried by then Senator Al Gore. The man who headed it up, Denis Hayes, was a fiery anti-Viet Nam war activist, and is a closet socialist who uses his leadership in the environmental movement to crusade against the American Military and industry. He started the Good Housekeeping Green Seal of Approval. * Wilderness areas and national parks have been predesignated to be set aside and used eventually as collateral in a giant global land-for-debt swap, to set up an international economic system. [When the US economy falls?] A World Conservation Bank (provided for in Agenda 21) will end up owning over 34% of the world's land and rich resources, when the debts cannot be repaid. * A further plan to control the peoples of developed nations is to remove their motor vehicles from the "crowded and congested highways." Germany and other European countries are experimenting with "car-free zones." People are coerced to sign agreements not to own cars, and to ride mass transit, bike or walk - alternative transportation. This forces them to alter their life styles, live in cities and come under the control of the World Banking System. Paul Volker said "the powers that be are going to lower your living standards." The US will become a third world country within a few years * Al Gore has called for a Global Marshall Plan for international population control; a redistribution of the world's wealth and a whole new generation of international treaties that have precedence over all national laws as well as a system for being able to spy on the people of the world, using children and teachers in classrooms globally. Called the Mission to Planet Earth. It's all been set in motion. BUSINESS * New Agers write that the oversoul of the New Age Movement is Lucifer, the light-bearer (Satan masquerades as an angel of light) and that all must undergo a Luciferic initiation. * Businesses, the government, health care industries, education and churches are hiring New Age programmers to teach group thinking and cooperation. * Taxpayers have funded at least $1.6 million in New Age training for 4,000 of FAA's employees, including air traffic controllers, altering their thinking with techniques drawn from the channelled teachings of a 35,000 year-old spirit, named Ramtha. A 600 page report exposing the 9-year training program is now being edited by Washington lawyers, removing names of officials and others who were involved. The IRS, the National Transportation Safety Board and part of the Army have undergone Ramtha training indoctrination. HOE WILL IT BE IMPLEMENTED? * Those who refuse will be dealt with severely. A channelled New Age Bible says we all must change or die, since the pale horse death is about to pass among us to remove at least half of the world's population, who stand in the way of world "peace." [Note: Even Satan's people read Bible Prophecy and know it is true!] CFR member Lester Brown, of Worldwatch Institute and editor of The State of the World report, is calling for the "removal" of four-billion people by the year 2010, to save nature from destruction. [See an American people elimination facility in America Under Siege -see a long brick building with one turnstile entrance with two large furnaces attached -with three large six-inch gas mains going to them. Prophecy is coming to pass. See Rev. 6:8, 17:6 and 20:4] * Oceanographer Jacques Cousteau was quoted in the UNESCO Courier in November 1991 as saying, "to stabilize world population we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It's a horrible thing to say, but it's just as bad not to say it." WHO ARE THE LEADERS OF THE NEW AGE? * Last year's Cairo Conference on World Population Control, the third of its kind, was cochaired by the vice-President of the International Socialist Party, Norway's prime minister Gre Harlem Brundtland. She also cochaired the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992, along with an occultist - billionaire Maurice Strong. * Maurice Strong is on the Board of Advisors for Lindisfarne, a druid association that has its current headquarters at the largest New Age church in the world - the gothic Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York. * NAFTA was the plan of David and Nelson Rockefeller, as was AFTA - the entire western hemisphere as a trade zone and Region One of the New World Order. NAFTA was designed after the European Community model, according to their own literature. * The Recycling myth, started by the mob, has been exposed by the Wall Street Journal. * The NRPE is being funded by New World Order endowments - the Ford Foundation, the Pew Charitable Trusts, Stephen C. Rockefeller, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Turner Foundation. * NEA targeted 45 million school children with Earth Day curriculum that taught kids that the Earth is alive, is their Mother and needs to be protected and prayed to. Kids were pitted against industry and development, adults, and parents. They have become Mother Earth's little police force, even given a toll-free number to the EPA, and surveys to turn people in. Reminiscent of Hitler Youth. PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT OR KILLING PEOPLE? * Mr. Strong has preached at the largest New Age church in the world - the gothic Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York. He also moved from Canada to Colorado, to buy up the Baca Grant Ranch and entice New Age occultists to move to the area. There, he formed American Water Development, Inc., along with former head of FBI & EPA William Ruckleshaus, Dick Lamm and others. They set about trying to legally steal water from one of the world's largest aquifers, out from under the local land owners. Pumping the water out, would have turned the lush Baca valley into a dust bowl. Locals hired a legal firm, sued AWDI and won. * Mr. Strong, who headed up the Earth Summit, still pretends to be an environmentalist, and has made inroads into the Christian community. He has forwarded a book for World Vision called "Patching God's Garment," on the environment and even wrote a chapter for the book, knocking Scripture!! HOW DOES IT AFFECT THE CHURCH? * World Vision has joined a partnership to "green the church" -green means "red" - called the National Religious Partnership for the Environment, and headquartered at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. The partnership is headed by Al Gore, Tim Wirth, Dr. Carl Sagan, Paul Gorman, Amy Fox and the cathedral's dean James Parks Morton - all New Agers. The purpose of the NRPE is to merge science and religion - paganism - and to recruit volunteer laborers for the State, while turning millions of congregants into a spiritual/political action force for Mother Earth. * James Parks Morton believes the Earth is God's Body, and the whole world must become the Cathedral - the Cathedral of Socialism. * The NRPE includes World Vision, the National Council of Churches, the US Catholic Conference, the Evangelical Environmental Network, the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life. It has been joined by Evangelicals for Social Action, the American Baptist Church, Presbyterian USA, Southern Baptist, Disciples of Christ and the National Baptist Convention USA. * They have targeted 53,000 congregations, including every Catholic parish in the United States, with green action packets, which includes a worship activity - praying to the earth to ask forgiveness. * Working with NRPE is a new Christian evangelical group called the Green Cross. Green Cross was introduced by Gorbachev at the Global Forum Conference in Moscow. * The spirit side of environmentalism involves nature worship and a direct relationship between witchcraft and ecology. The Environmental Movement has a pagan agenda; to convince society that the earth is alive, a living interconnected organism which requires the protection of a world government. * Pagans believe that everything is alive, sacred, imbued with a soul, and nature spirits, with which they can communicate. They worship many gods and goddesses and believe there's a living energy that permeates everything - a god-energy. (Pantheism.) They believe in reincarnation and practice magic. * Al Gore believes that a return to goddess-worshipping religions will bring both planetary and personal salvation. * Environmental groups like the Sierra Club promote the pagan idea of Gaia, the Earth Goddess. A goal is to divide the world into regions - or bioregions, according to Her natural landscapes. The bioregions would then cross national borders and dissolve nation-states. * Earth Day 1994 was recognized in Kansas City at the Westin Crown Center Hotel, sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese and the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. After an Earth Mass, 200 mostly Episcopalians joined in a Howl-le-lu-ia Chorus to celebrate Earth Day, by baying at a full moon. * Kansas' Sierra Club is called Kanza, after an Indian spirit and tribe. It promotes the idea of population control, to save the Earth Goddess. * World religions are meeting and merging ideas and beliefs. They are supporting each other and common concerns, like the phoney environmental crisis and overpopulation. The Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago, with initial funding by Laurance Rockefeller and John Templeton, awarded Chuck Colson over a $1 million. HOW DOES THE NEW AGE AFFECT GOVERNMENT? * Gorby, the former archenemy of the United States, is now residing at Presidio AFB in San Francisco. He's part of a group that is overseeing the closure of U.S Military bases. At Presidio, he's formed the Gorbachev Foundation, that is headed up by James Garrison, a son of missionaries, who quotes Scripture and sees his destiny as being instrumental in bringing about a world government. * This fall, Gorbachev will convene the State of the World Forum in San Francisco, with Ted Turner as chairman. An Earth Charter will be presented -a Bill of Rights for Mother Earth - that will supersede any rights of any human being on the face of the earth. The Earth Charter has been written by a ritualistic-practicing druid - Dr. Daniel Martin. It has been endorsed by the Episcopal Church. * The State of the World Forum plans to establish a global brain trust and hold 20 roundtables that will include discussions on the Earth Charter, world law, elimination of nuclear weapons, violence, population control, global trade, global security, and world religion. * The State of the World Forum was designed to be held around the same time as the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, when it emerges as a spiritual UN, overseeing the world's religions, as well. * True environmental scientific facts are blatantly missing. * It's costing taxpayers billions of dollars to fix environmental problems that don't exist, i.e., global warming (a natural Phenomenon), the ozone hole (an annual event), acid rain (carbonic acid - rain is ALWAYS acid and often called a poor man's fertilizer), overpopulation (NOT!), etc. * We are spending 2 times the national DEFENSE budget just to enforce the environmental laws on the books. We are paying 123,000 bureaucrats to write more environmental regulations that will govern every aspect of our lives. Congress authorized this in 1993. 600 new regulations are in the process of being written. THE IRON MOUNTAIN REPORT * Where did the environmental hoax originate? The Iron Mountain Report. [Available through The Prophecy Club as B-14] A group of 15 men, handpicked for their expertise by the Defense Department, worked on a 2-1/2 year study to determine what the world would be like without war. They determined that other enemies (concocted) would need to exist, to do what wars do. Pollution and overpopulation were included. * The Green Party has its origin with children of Nazis. A student revolt in the university system spun off dozens of communist groups. Angry young people were looking for a cause and latched onto the Iron Mountain Report scenarios. They determined to fight to save everything in nature. They became known as the "Watermelon Gang" - Green on the outside, red in the center. ****************************************************** Georgia guidestones -The New Age Commandments? By: David Reagan, Lamb & Lion Ministries, Box 527, Plano, TX 75074 Near Elberton, Georgia stands a set of stones similar to Stonehinge. On these stones are written what may be the New Age Ten Commandments. They are presented in the eight languages which are spoken by two-thirds of, Mankind: -English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Spanish, and Swahili.Is it a New Age Antichrist message? 1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual -balance with nature. 2. Guide reproduction wisely, -improving fitness and diversity. [Population elimination!] 3. Unite humanity, with a living -new language. 4. Rule passion, faith, tradition, and all things with tempered reason. [Eliminate Christianity] 5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. [World Antichrist Government.] 6. Let all nations rule internally, resolving external disputes in a world court. 7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. 8. Balance personal rights with social duties. [Eliminate many of the Bill of Rights.] 9. Prize truth, beauty, love... seeking harmony with the infinite. [World religion, according to the false prophet of Rev. 13:11?] 10. Be not a cancer on earth... leave room for nature - leave room for nature. [Population elimination?] THE FINANCES The project was financed by a mysterious man who identified himself only as "Mr. R. 0. Christian." He admitted that was not his real name, but herefused to reveal his true identity to anyone except the president of the local bank in Elberton.He stated that he represented a small group of loyal Americans who believe in God. He said they lived outside of Georgia and simply wished to "leave a message for future generations." He claimed the group had planned the project for more than 20 years. Despite intensive investigations by many news agencies, the identity of R. 0. Christian and his group has remain a secret to this day. ANALYSIS Based on my study of the New Age Movement, I have no doubt that the Georgia Guidestones are an expression of the basic philosophy of the New Age. Since Satan is using that movement to herald the emergence of a universal False Messiah, the Georgia Guidestones may well contain the ten commandments of the Anti-Christ. Look at how ominous the very first commandment is. There are 4.8 billion people on the earth today. To implement thisfirst commandment, 4.3 billion people will have to be eliminated. Commandment 4 makes it clear that all true Christians would be a clear target of any elimination program, because Christians give primacy to faith. Commandment 2 is an expression of the Nazi concept of controlled reproduction of the species. Commandments 3, 5, 7 & 8 are the cornerstones of centralized, World Government. Commandment 9 is an expression of the essence of most Oriental, mystical religions. FURTHER EVIDENCE Lest there be any doubt left as to the motivation of "R. C. Christian" and his group, consider the following quotation taken from a philosophical document which the group sent to the - builder of the-monument. "It is very probable that humanity now possesses the knowledge needed to establish an effective world government. In some way that knowledge must he widely seeded in the consciousness of all mankind. Very soon, the hearts of our human family must be touched and warmed so we will welcome a global rule of reason." Note the exaltation of human reason and the emphasis on world government as the only hope for Man. The document refers to the monument as "a cluster of graven stones!" whose purpose is "to convey our ideas across time to other human beings . . . We hope they [the commandments] will merit increasing acceptance and that through their silent persistence they will hasten in a small degree the coming Age of Reason."[It will be fun to watch the response of the world when the original Ten Commandments are revealed!] *WORLD ARMY AND WORLD POLICE HEADING OUR WAY - Major powers outline nuclear-threat response The Associated Press, The Orange County Register UNITED NATIONS - Seeking support for a nuclear non-prolifleration treaty, the major powers introduced an outline Friday of what the United Nations would do in case of a nuclear threat. [I thought the United Nations was only a peace-keeping organization with no-weapons! At least that is what we were told in the beginning. Once again, prophecy is coming to pass. Their plan is to take all the "weapons of mass destruction" away from all nations. When they control all weapons they control the globe, then will be fulfilled these two scriptures. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? REV 13:4 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. REV 17:13] The draft resolution appeared, aimed at nations seeking explicit security guarantees before signing the Non-Proliferation Treaty. [Before giving their security to the UN!] The Security Council's five permanent members - the world's only declared nuclear powers will introduce the resolution jointly to the council next week, said U.S spokesman James P. Rubin. The measure describes UN responses in a nuclear attack or serious threat, allowing the organization to restore peace and security. [Wow! Read that again! Proof in your hands. They are forming a World Army to provide World Peace! The headlines are screaming at the prophecy student! Jesus is coming very soon!]Rubin said each of the five - China, France, Britain, the United States and Russia - will issue statements on the use of nuclear arms during the next two weeks. [When you keep in mind that Bill Clinton signed Presidential Directive (PDD25) which places American troops under foreign or UN commanders and under foreign rules of engagement. It is obvious time is very short. The entire copy of PDD25 has not been released yet either! With the other righteous decisions Billy has made you can imagine what is in the entire bill. Now is not the time to be Bible illiterate. Now is not the time to have sins on your soul. Now is the time to make your decision to live for Jesus. Ask the Father to forgive you of your sins in the name and by the blood of Jesus so he can save you in the day of trouble. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. REV 21:8] ******************************************************* Prophe-Zine News Bites Gargoyles For Sale The Spring/Summer 1994 catalog What On Earth had the following gift items available for mail order: Green Man: Legend tells us that as Lord of the Forest, our smiling Green Man, hidden among the leaves, kept watch to see that all was well in the forest. Crafted of concrete, he will add a whimsical touch outside your home. Guardian Dragon: The Guardian Dragon protects your home from unwanted spirits, bad moods and boring conversations. Finely detailed in cast stone with a verdigris "weathered" finish. Zilla of the Gods: If you're getting tired of that purple dino, why not try Zilla? At night, his hand cast, translucent porcelain body offers a soothing glow. But during the day, his wide mouth and bared teeth show is true personality. Shelf-sitting Gargoyle: This fascinating fellow is a replica of those found guarding the majestic cathedral at Notre Dame. Seat him indoors or out...on book shelf, window ledge, mantel, garden wall, or deck. Each description came along with a small photo of a gargoyle or monster figure. Pentagonal Revisionism: A Five Point Program of the Church of Satan In recent years, we've wasted far too much time explaining that Satanism has nothing to do with kidnapping, drug abuse, child molestation, animal or child sacrifice, or any number of other acts that idiots, hysterics or opportunists would like to credit us with. Satanism is life-loving, rational philosophy that millions of people adhere to. Now we're ready for something that goes quite a few steps beyond just explaining our principles. Everyrevisionist movement needs a set of goals -- guidelines that are clear, concrete, and that will effect significant changes. The following Five-Point Program reflects attitudes which allow others to decide whether they wish to align themselves with Satanism or not. Each isnecessary for Satanic change to take place. When asked what we're"doing", here's the answer: 1) Stratification--The point on which all the others ultimately rest. There can be no more myth of "equality" for all--it only translates to "mediocrity" and supports the weak at the expense to the strong. Water must be allowed to seek its own level without interference from apologists for incompetence. No one should be protected from the effects of his own stupidity. 2) Strict taxation of all churches--If churches were taxed for all their income and property, they'd crumble overnight of their own obsolescence, and the National Debt would be wiped out as quickly. The productive, the creative, the resourceful should be subsidized. So long as the useless and incompetent are getting paid, they should be heavily taxed. 3) No tolerance for religious beliefs secularized and incorporated into law and order issues--to re-establish "Lex Talionis" would require a complete overturning of the present in-justice system based on Judeo-Christian ideals, where the victim/defender has been made the criminal. Amnesty should be considered for anyone in prison because of his alleged "influence" upon the actual perpetrator of the crime. Everyone is influenced in what he or she does. Scapegoating has become a way of life, a means of survival for the unfit. As an extension of the Judeo-Christian cop-out of blaming the Devil for everything, criminals can gain leniency, even praise, by placing the blame on a convenient villain. Following the Satanic creed of "Responsibility to the responsible," in a Satanic society, everyone must experience the consequences of his own acitons--for good or ill. 4) Development and production of artificial human companions--The forbidden industry. An economic "godsend" which will allow everyone "power" over someone else. Polite, sophisticated, technologically feasible slavery. And the most profitable industry since T.V. and the computer. 5) The opportunity for anyone to live within a total environment of his or her choice, with mandatory adherence to the aesthetic and behavioral standards of the same--Privatly owned and controlled environments as an alternative to homogenized and polyglot ones. The freedom to insularize oneself within a social milieu of personal well-being. An opportunity to feel, see, and hear that which is most aesthetically pleasing, without interference from those who would pollute or detract from that option. This is the encapsulated version of the current thrust of Satanic advocacy. So when someone asks you, "Well, what do Satanists do?", you will be qualified to tell them. The Nine Satanic Sins For years, people have asked Church of Satan representatives, "Well, okay your philosophy is based on indulgence of human instincts but do have any sins like other religions?" Our answer has always been "No." But the time has come to amend that response. We have grown steadily over the past 21 years and find that it is appropriate to have some clearer guidelines on, not only what we strive for, but also what we work to avoid -- what we disapprove of. The difference is where other religions develop sins that people can't avoid, we consider a number of things "sinful" that people could avoid if they worked a little. 1) Stupidity--The top of the list for Satanic Sins. The Cardinal Sin of Satanism. It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful. Ignorance is one thing, but our society thrives increasingly on stupidity. It depends on people going along with whatever they are told. The media promotes a cultivated stupidity as a posture that is not only acceptable but laudable. Satanists must learn to see through the tricks and cannot afford to be stupid. 2) Preteniousness--Empty posturing can be most irritating and isn't applying the cardinal rules of Lesser Magic. On equal footing with stupidity for what keeps the money in circulation these days. Everyone's made to feel like a big shot, whether they can come up with the goods or not. 3) Solipsism--can be very dangerous for Satanists. Projecting your reactions, responses, and sensibilities onto someone else who is probably far less attuned that you are. It is the mistake of expecting people to give you the same consideration, courtesy, and respect that you naturally give them. They won't. Instead Satanists must strive to apply the dictum of "Do unto others as they do onto you." It's work for most of us and requires constant vigilance lest you slip into a comfortable illusion of everyone being like you. As has been said, certain utopias would be ideal in a nation of philosophers, but unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately, from a Machiavellian viewpoint) we are from that point. 4) Self-Deciet--It's in the Nine Satanic Statement but deserves to be repeated here. Another cardinal sin. We must not pay homage to any of the sacred cows presented to us, including the roles we are expected to play ourselves. The only time self-deceit should be entered is when it is fun, and with awareness. But then, it's not self-deciet! 5) Herd Conformity--That's obvious from a Satanic stance. It's all right to conform to a person's wishes, if it ultimately benefits you. But only fools follow along with the herd, letting an impersonal entity dictate to you. The key is to choose a master wisely instead of being enslaved by the whims of many. 6) Lack of Perspective--Again, this one can lead to alot of pain for a Satanist. You must never lose sight of who and what you are, and what a threat you can be, by your very existence. We are making history right now, everyday. Always keep the wider historical and social picture in mind. That is an important key to both Lesser and Greater Magic. See the patterns and fit the things together as you want the pieces to fall into place. So not be swayed herd constraints--know that you are working on another level entirely from the rest of the world. 7) Forgetfulness of Past Orthodoxies--Be aware that this one of the keys to brainwashing people into accepting something as "new" and "different", when in reality it's something that was once widely accepted but is now presented in a new package. We are expected to rave about the genius of the "creator" and forget the original. This makes for a disposable society. 8) Conterproductive Pride--The first word is important. Pride is great up to the point you begin to throw out the baby with the bathwater. The rule of Satanism is if it works for you, great. When it stops working for you, when you've painted yourself into a corner and the only way out is to say, "I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I wish we could compromise somehow," then do it . 9) Lack of Aesthetics--This is the physical application of the Balance Factor. It is important in Lesser Magic and should be cultivated. It is obvious that no one can collect any money off it most of the tome so it si discouraged in a consumer society, but is an essential Satanic tool and must be applied for magical effectiveness. It's not what's supposed to be pleasing--it's what is. Aesthetics is a highly personal thing, reflective of one's own nature, but there are universally pleasing and harmonious configurations that should not be denied. "Holi" Festival Celebrates Spring March 17, 1995 marked a special day of celebration for people of South Asian ancestry. And this special festival, called "Holi", is now celebrated worldwide by people of different faiths. A Toronto Star report (March 16, 1995) observes that the Holi festival is a day of celebration "when good triumphs over evil, light vanquishes darkness, and the earth gives birth to a brand new cycle of growth. "Holi, the joyous 'festival of colors,' has roots deep in ancient Hindu mythology, but for many centuries has been a major secular bash observed by people of all faiths. "Like all commemorations, it has a serious side--it's a time when celebrants are supposed to undertake to duplicate the renewal of the natural world in their own lives and relationships.. "Originally a fertility festival, Holi hearkens back to an Indian myth involving a tyrannical king who demanded that his subjects worship him instead of God." U.S. Gov Declares War On Cash Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 12:43:11 -0500 (EST) Kiwi #5 on cash, fyi "Whenever any form of government becomes destructive... It is the right of the people to alter or abolish it." [Declaration of Independence (1776)]. Using the "War on Drugs" as justification, the U.S. Government is tightening the screws on cash transactions. The fear is that the next step is a "cashless society," where surveillance is easy. Government bureaucrats don't like cash transactions. After all, cash is difficult, if not impossible, to trace. Cash makes it easier to do business "off the books" without paying taxes. In short, cash is a private way of doing business, and the United States Government doesn't like too much privacy. To fight cash, the United States Government has adopted legislation to discourage its use. The Bank Secrecy Act, for example, requires banks and other financial institutions to report cash transactions over $10,000 and any other "suspicious cash transactions." [Subsequently amended to lower the threshold level of "suspicion" to cash transactions over $3,000] The Act also considers money orders, cashier's checks and traveler's checks as "cash." Amendments to this Act enlist ordinary businesses for the war on cash. The new cash reporting form for business, Form 8300, even requires merchants to report "suspicious transactions" by their customers. No one is exempt, not even your attorney! The money you pay your defense attorney can now serve as the "smoking gun" to convict you of a crime. Section 1957 of the Money Laundering Control Act states that merchants who accept cash from customers they suspect of committing a crime may themselves be entering into criminal conspiracy. But if you refuse to do business with someone you suspect of a crime, you may be sued for discrimination! Forfeiture laws adopted in the 1980s give the federal government the right to seize cash "tainted" by drugs. Yet analysis by the Drug Enforcement Administration's own labs shows 90 percent of all cash in circulation is drug tainted. Does this make cash illegal? You be the judge! NEW DIRT ON MONEY LAUNDERING By definition, money laundering is any action you take to disguise cash tied to an illegal activity. Obviously, income tax evasion is an illegal activity. So, if you earn cash that you fail to report on your tax return, you're not just a tax evader, you're a money launderer. Money laundering now includes the deposit and/or use of cash on which taxes have not been paid, and violators are threatened with prosecution. And the maximum 20-year prison term and $500,000 fine for money laundering is far harsher than the maximum penalties for tax evasion. Moreover, convictions are far easier to obtain, since "money laundering" and "drug crimes" are inexorably linked in the minds of juries. By far, the most insidious money laundering crime is "structuring", defined as any act taken in order to avoid filling out a currency transaction report (Form 4789 for banks, Form 8300 for other types of businesses). This might seem a fairly trivial offense, but fines run up to $25,000 per violation, in addition to forfeiture of the funds involved. This statute, for all practical purposes, makes any attempt to protect financial privacy from government financial inquisitors unlawful. And because the structuring law is worded vaguely, not even Internal Revenue Service agents are sure what it means. It is clear from IRS regulations that a person depositing $2,900 in cash into an account on two consecutive days is "structuring" his transactions. But six consecutive $490 deposits may be considered structuring as well. The regulations don't address this specific possibility, or any of an infinite number of other possibilities. One of the first individuals prosecuted for structuring was Charles Scanio, an ordinary citizen who attempted to pay off a $13,000 loan in cash without filing a currency transaction report. The government never claimed that Scanio had any criminal intent. Even so, he was convicted of the offense, and his money was FORFEITED TO THE IRS. NEW CASH CRIMES The latest salvos against cash come in the form of 13 proposed anti-money laundering bills introduced in the current Congress. The mostcomprehensive bill is HR-26, the Money Laundering Enforcement Amendments. If enacted, this bill will: (1) Prohibit banks from informing customers of an investigation of their financial records by any government agency; (2) Permit the government to seize bank accounts or cash whose origins or transaction records were suspicious, without a trial; (3) Greatly expand the definition of "structuring" by making itillegal to arrange transactions to avoid IRS reporting requirements for money transferred outside the U.S. Currently, structuring is illegal only when it involves a U.S. financial institution; and (4) Require the Treasury Department to recall all $50 and $100bills, and to study proposals for a dual currency; one to circulate inside the United States, another currency for use outside the country. HR-950, the Money Laundering Control Act, duplicates many of the provisions of HR-26, but would also: (1) Permit customs officials to conduct body searches, open mail, and inspect the private correspondence of anyone entering or leaving the United States; and to seize cash or monetary instruments it finds, all without a warrant; and (2) Require the Treasury to study proposals for a "more traceable" currency. HR-3326, the Drug Supply Reduction Act, contains the most incredible provision of all. It would permit the government to confiscate your car or boat if it contains any hidden compartments "not part of the normal vehicle configuration". Such compartments might conceivably be used to hide drugs or "illegal cash", according to the Bill's sponsors. (Do you own some tools you don't want to leave in the back of your pickup truck? Don't construct a "hidden compartment" to put them in, your truck might be seized!) MAGNETIC MONEY If the government can't end the use of cash overnight, the next-best solution from a bureaucratic perspective might be to require all citizens to use currency whose movements can be tracked. The first example of a new, "more traceable" currency, the $100bill, was introduced in 1991. The new $100 bills contain a microscopic line of print circling the portrait in the center of the bill and a tiny thread running vertically down the left side of the bill. The bills also contain magnetized ink. New $20s and $50s were introduced in early 1992. The polyester thread running down the left side of the bill is interwoven with magnetic threads. Moreover, these threads are capable ofbeing encoded with messages, a Social Security number, for instance. Atleast some U.S. banks are said to be already equipped with machines capable of "reading" the messages. Now that the new money has been introduced, the next step might befor an outright recall of the "old money". In 1989, a suggestion for a currency recall came from former Treasury Secretary Donald Regan, who recommended that all $50 and $100 bills be recalled and replaced with a new currency. The changeover should occur in a ten-day period. Regan proposed, and the old money would no longer remain legal tender after that time. Furthermore, Regan recommended that anyone turning in more than $1,000 in old bills be required to prove that all taxes on the cash had been paid, and that the cash had not been generated through illegal activity. Otherwise, the funds would be impounded by the IRS, and their former owner would face further investigation. Shortly after the Regan proposal was made public Senator John Kerry (D-Mass) introduced an act that called for machine-readable bar codes on all U.S. currency, so that all $20s, $50s, and $100s would be "more traceable". Kerry recommended that serial numbers on these bills be tracked by optical scanning devices such as those used in grocery store checkout counters. In this manner, perhaps in combination with a national ID card, the identity of the individual spending the currency could be ascertained. Today, the tools are in place to put into effect Regan's and Kerry's suggestions. If a sudden currency recall were to take place, it would presumably be justified as part of the "war on drugs". And once the old money had been recalled, the Treasury could announce that money laundering, for all intents and purposes, had been eliminated. .c.:A LICENSE TO PRINT MONEY But the recall could have a much more sinister purpose: the introduction of a two-tiered currency--a "domestic" currency to circulate in the United States, and an "international" currency to circulate abroad. The two-tiered system could also be justified as providing a permanent end to the money laundering problem. The real reason for the changeover, however, would have nothing to do with money laundering. The real reason would be to establish a two-tiered exchange rate for the dollar. At first, the values of the domestic and international dollars would be equal. However, the use of a currency that could not leave the country except under restricted conditions would permit the Federal Reserve and the Treasury to inflate away the government's gargantuan debts andunfunded obligations, using the power of the printing press. This would rapidly depreciate the value of the domestic currency against the international currency. A law on the books for nearly a decade makes this kind of debasement completely legal--and the U.S. dollar has already lost more than 90 percent of its value in relation to gold in the past 60 years. U.S. Public Law 96-221, the Depository InstitutionsDeregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 added "bills, notes, revenue bonds and warrants with a maturity date not exceeding six a foreign government or agency thereof" to the list of items constituting "legal monetary reserve" for the U.S. money supply. In other words, it is perfectly legal for the U.S. government to simply buy or borrow a few trillion dollars' worth of foreign bonds denominated in the Russian ruble, Brazilian cruzeiro, or any other Third World currency. It could then use these "assets" as a "legal monetary reserve" in order to print as much currency as is required to meet the obligations for the welfare state. Moreover, the Fed could allow the international dollar to float in the international currency markets. U.S. Treasury securities issued for purchase by foreigners would be denominated in this new currency, perhaps even backed by gold. This would have the effect of greatly increasing foreign purchases of U.S. Treasury debt which have declined from net purchases of $75 billion in 1988 to less than $5 billion in 1991. Treasury securities held by U.S. citizens would be denominated in the virtually worthless, non-gold-backed domestic currency. Only selected banks would be authorized to exchange domestic dollars for international dollars, and the amount of currency that could be exchanged at one time could be made progressively smaller. The domestic dollar would become a "blocked" currency, no longer freely exchangeable in world markets. Currency recall could touch your life directly, even if you don't think you have anything to hide. Millions of citizens have perfectly legitimate reasons to hold cash. For instance, many people who experienced the Great Depression firsthand recall that thousands of banks failed during those years. Anyone who lost money in a failed bank, or fears that the government could someday violate current deposit guarantees, might prefer to keep his or her money in cash. If you think that there would be massive opposition to a new money conversion, opinion polls show otherwise. Market Facts, a market research company, revealed enormous public support for any currency exchange that was part of a fight against counterfeiting or drug trafficking. "Conservative" columnists such as William Safire have gone on record as favoring currency recall to fight money laundering. And when former Treasury Secretary Regan proposed his recall of all $50 and $100 bills, his suggestion met with virtually no criticism outside the alternative press. .c.:THE ULTIMATE BUREAUCRATIC GOAL One way for bureaucrats to do away with cash is to make possible substitutes very convenient. Today, credit cards and personal checks have eliminated most cash transactions. And tomorrow, electronic "debit cards" promise to eliminate the rest. With a debit card, purchases are paid for with a card read by a merchant's computer terminal. Your bank account is debited automatically for the amount of purchase and the merchant's account is simultaneously credited the same amount (minus a service charge). The process is neat, simple, and all the paperwork is done automatically. A paper trail on every item you purchase is created. But if you are making a purchase or contribution that you wish to keep private, then you have a problem. Debit cards are popular with merchants because they provide an instant, foolproof credit that is applied to their account. Credit card chargebacks and bounced checks are eliminated. Debit cards also permit a merchant to categorize his customers by what they purchase and how muchthey spend, allowing the merchant to direct his marketing efforts appropriately. Banks like debit cards because they can deduct a service charge for each transaction. Banks are already imposing service charges for use of automatic teller machines (ATMs), which are nothing more than debit card terminals. Marketing firms like debit cards since the profile created from individual purchases will create a much more detailed picture of consumer spending patterns than is currently available. And government bureaucrats like debit cards because they eliminate cash and permit much more detailed financial surveillance. Debit cards won't eliminate cash overnight. But their convenience will make them a hot product of the 1990s and beyond. A national debit card system is already in use in France. Canadian banks intend to launch a national debit card system as well. A recent agreement between a dozen of the largest regional ATM networks would set up a national debit card system that would allow consumers to instantly deduct purchases from their checking accounts anywhere they travel. In the near future, you will hear much more about debit cards. Elders of World Faiths Call for World Council of Religions KHARTOUM, Sudan (EP)--More than 200 representatives of world faiths gathered in Khartoum, Sudan, Oct. 8-10 to discuss a need for a world council of religions. The proposal, which had strong support from Muslim participants, followed the U.N. Conference on Population and Development, held in Cairo in September, where Muslim and other religious groups stood against the possibility of legalizing abortion worldwide. Muslim groups expressed a desire at the conference to foster cooperation between religions, but at the same time affirm religious liberty and pluralism. The proposed council of religions would enable the major religions--particularly Christianity and Islam--to join together to offer an alternative vision to what is considered to be a materialist, secularist world view that dominates society. One observer said that the meeting called for a new political world order. [emphasis added] Among participants at the conference were religious officials from 30 countries, including high-ranking Islamic political and religious representatives from Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Palestine [their word not ours], and Jordan. One same time affirm religious liberty and pluralism. The proposed council of religions would enable the major religions--particularly Christianity and Islam--to join together to offer an alternative vision to what is considered to be a materialist, secularist world view that dominates society. One observer said that the meeting called for a new political world Among participants at the conference were religious officials from 30 countries, including high-ranking Islamic political and religious representatives from Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Palestine [their word not ours], and Jordan. One of the world's leading Muslims, Hassan Al Turabi, head of the National Islamic Front of Sudan, was a prominent speaker. The Middle East Council of Churches and the Anglican Church were represented, and Cardinal Arinze, president of the Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue, represented the Vatican. "An increasing number of Muslims are putting inter-religious dialogue on their agenda," Tarek Mitri, representative of the World Council of Churches, told Ecumenical News International. "There were in Khartoum people who have not been inclined to interreligious dialogue in the past. Here we have something that may bear fruit." ****************************************************** Cool Web Sites on the Internet hhtp:// This Week In Bible Prophecy PromiseKeepers 1995 Meeting Dates Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper Christian web site yahoo Directory christian coalalition Jews for jesus Wes Peters web site..COOL prophecy stuff prophecy world events web Visa Credit Card (One World One Currency) Cool Resources CHRISTIAN BOOK DISTRIBUTORS P.O. Box 6000 Peabody MA. 01961-6000 Customer Service: (508) 977-4550 Membership and monthly catalog subscription; $3 per year CHRISTIAN COMMUNICATIONS Prison & Ministry Outreach - Online Bible Studies Jeannine Robinson P.O. 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