Prophe-Zine #5 Credits Statement of Faith & Other Information Editor/Publisher: Raymond B. Gano Contributors & their articles: Raymond Gano...................Welcome to issue #5 Raymond Gano...................Born on the 4th of July Robert Lee.........................Victories in the Con-Con Fight Council on Domestic Relations.....NO CON-CON /COS Sen. Charles R. Duke.......The Reason We Are Opposed to a CON-CON, or COS Michael F. Rivero.............FEMA Executive Orders List John DiNardo ...................New World Army John DiNardo....................Public Law 87-297 USA-FOREVER..................The New World Order Timothy George................The Lure of the Apocalypse Clay Willis.......................The Great Tribulation False John Kinsella...................The Real Conspiracy Theory What is the New World Order, A time line of events and dates Prophe-Zine News Bites.....Assorted sources and contributing authors Rudy Hulstrom..................New Age Update **NEW** Special thanks: Publication Cycle Notice: Beginning with Prophe-Zinem #1, Prophe-Zine will be published (up loaded), on the 15th of each month. Prophe-Zine is freely distributed to the major on-line services, BBSs, and to the Internet. The Editor of Prophe-Zine can be reached by sending e-mail to: Please write the Editor if you are interested in receiving guidelines for submission to Prophe-Zine Statement of Faith THE PURPOSE of Prophe-Zine is to carry out the command of the Lord Christ Jesus, recorded in Matthew 28:19: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations" Prophe-Zine is a Christian publication grounded in the deity of Christ and the inerrancy of Scripture. The major intent of the editors is first, the giving out the message of the Gospel, "For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures," 1 Cor. 15:3-4. The Editor of Prophe-Zine holds to a strictly literal and inerrant Bible interpretation, salvation through Christ alone, a soon pre-tribulation Rapture of all believers and the establishment of a thousand-year kingdom on earth. The evangelism of the unbelievers and the exhortation of the believers take precedence over all other activities of this ministry. Prophe-Zine may not agree with some of the authors and their beliefs, but Prophe-Zine believes that we must endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit (In other words agree to disagree), so Prophe-Zine feels that it must give equal time to other biblically based doctrines in all fairness. Eph 4:3 Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. In His service, Ray Gano The Legal Stuff About Prophe-Zine Prophe-Zine Copyright � 1995 Raymond B Gano All rights reserved. Please ask for permission before reproducing or reprinting specific articles and/or graphics, since some of the individual works appearing in Prophe-Zine are copyrighted works belonging to their respective authors or artists and are used here with their permission. Certain products, titles, and services mentioned are trademarks of their respective owners. Apple, Mac, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Prophe-Zine is not affiliated in any way with Apple Computer, Inc. Prophe-Zine may be freely distributed under the following conditions: It may not be included in a software package without prior consent from the author. It may not be distributed or reproduced for commercial purposes. Prophe-Zine's editor uses a Quadra 840 AV Macintosh computer. Programs include: MacWrite, MacDraw Pro, Color-It, JPEGview, Popcorn, OnLine Bible KJV 2.1, plus any other freeware that I can get my hands on to fill up the hard drive and use up even MORE RAM (needs 8 more megs, those graphics are killing me) OOPS.... I Forgot The Editor is currently looking for submissions, artists, writers, fiction, reviews, columnists and other help for Prophe-Zine articles. If interested, please write the Editor to receive a guideline for submissions. Feedback and suggestions from the Prophe-Zine readers are ALWAYS WELCOME! Don't just tell me that you actually liked reading Prophe-Zine, tell me what YOU would like to see in future issues! **************************************** Welcome to issue #5 Hello all and thank you for taking the time to download and read Prophe-Zine. Prophe-Zine is a e-zine that deals with Bible Prophecy and World Events. In this issue I am going to put on my patriot hat and share some articles dealing with the grassroots movements to take away our Liberty and Freedoms and move us into a One World Government. We are going to take a look at some of those "conspiracys" that you hear so much about. More and more people are becoming aware of what is happening and it is very interesting to see Bible Prophecy come to pass. Ever since the Oklahoma Bombing more and more people have been finding out for themselves that there is a major push to lead our country into a One World Government. Because of this, more people have been digging into those dusty Bibles and finding the Lord. with all that is happening in todays world it is very hard to say "it is just a fluke." In this issue I am going to present articles dealing with Con-Con and COS. Both of these are bills that want to rewrite the Constitution of the United States. I am also going to be looking at the UN and what they have been up to and some of the "conspiracys" that are being thrown about. It is funny that more and more, people are seeing for themselves that there really is a push to take our freedom away and sell us out to the New World Order. More people are starting to say "Hey...those militia members were right... So sit back and enjoy this issue of Prophe-Zine. Like always if you have any comments, please write me. I am also looking for people to submit articles. Next month I am going to be dealing with The Days of Noah and New Age. Depending on you the readers and what you send me will dictate what next months issue will be about. May our Lord continue blessing you and your family. In His service, Ray Gano ************************************************* Born on the 4th of July In the beginning of the contest with Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayer in this room for Divine protection. Our prayers, Sir, were heard, and they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending Providence in our favor.....And have we now forgotten this powerful Friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance? I have lived, Sir, a long time, and longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth..... that God governs in the affairs of man. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this. I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel; we shall be divided by our little, partial local interests; our projects will be confounded; and we our selfs shall become a reproach and a byword down to future ages. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter, from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing government by human wisdom and leave it to chance, war, or conquest. I therefore beg leave to move that, henceforth, prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven and its blessings on our deliberation be held in this assembly every morning before we proceed to business. This speech was the turning point in American history. The author, Benjamin Franklin, was a very wise man. He said these words at a time when ourfounding fathers were at wits end and about to give up, in fact, We the people.... almost did not come to pass. That speech that Ben Franklin gave, very quietly and humbly, brought forth a nation..... Two days later, rang these words..... WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES...... Thus begins what has become the oldest written constitution still in effect today. I had the great privilege, by means of modern satellite technology, to view the opening of the 104th Congress. These words spoken by Ben Franklin in 1787 were echoed again by the new Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. He called for a renewal in spirit and a renewal in action. To throw away our little, partial local interests, so that we the people can work the build an even more perfect union, a union for the people, by the people and of the people. We can not just let it stop there. We need to stay informed and to let our elected leaders know what We the people want. Here it is July 4th and to my surprise, people have forgotten that our country was built on the firm foundation that our rights and libertys have been given to us by our creator. It is funny that we the people have forgotten that. I was also surprised to see that not one show about our American heritage was not on. Nothing about our founding fathers, nothing about the brave men who have died for this nation. Nothing in remembrance. There were plenty of adds and stores open having sales though. Is that what we have come down to? The day our nation was born whittled down to a Great Sale day? What are we coming to....World Government? "They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin, 1759 "A lot of people say there's too much personal freedom. When personal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it." President Clinton as quoted on MTV, April 19, 1994 "The strongest reason for the people to retain their right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- Thomas Jefferson I challenge all of you who are God fearing, God loving and God honoring people to remember that the responsibility is OURS. Please let us keep our leaders in prayer. Pray for our God given country. Pray for our president, Vice President, Senators, and Representatives. Let us pray for ALL our leaders. Our state,county, city leaders. Let us remember to especially pray for us, our selfs. For each of us being one in the blood and spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ, are also the leaders of men. When the world is at it's wits end and has no place to turn, the world turns to us, Christians of today. So pray for each other so that we may stand. Ephesians 6:11-13 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]. 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. May the Lord be with you . May he bless you and keep you, till the day we together meet. In His service, Ray Gano ********************************************* Victories in the Con-Con Fight By: Robert W. Lee On May 19, 1994, Utah Governor Mike Leavitt publicly unveiled his controversial proposal to convene a Conference of the States for the purpose of promoting "fundamental, structural change" to restore a proper balance between the federal government and the states. Two days earlier, in a memorandum addressed to interested parties, Leavitt and his deputy for policy, LaVarr Webb, claimed that the Conference of the States process would be "powerful" because it "relies upon precedents established by the Founding Fathers at the time of our nation's birth." Describing our current national government as "outdated and old- fashioned," they asserted that "the problem we confront today regarding balance in the federal system is similar to what the Founding Fathers of this country faced more than 200 years ago with regard to the Articles of Confederation." The duo declared that it is "vitally important to see how the Founding Fathers solved the problems of the weak Confederation," since some of what occurred then "can help guide us today in restoring balance in the federal system." History reveals that the Founders called a meeting of the states, which became the constitutional convention, which, though convened for the purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation, scrapped the Articles in favor of an entirely new document.Less Than a Con-Con? In their May 17th memo, Leavitt and Webb expressed the hope that a process "less disruptive than calling a constitutional convention" can be achieved, but held out the possibility that if "Congress refused to consider or pass the amendments" that emerge from a Conference of the States, "the states would have the option themselves of calling a constitutional convention to consider the amendments."The governor's proposal drew prompt criticism from conservatives concerned about its potential for instigating a constitutional convention. Leavitt "solved" the problem with a semantic adjustment, dropping all references to a con-con while keeping the original blueprint intact. A revised version of the plan, carrying his name alone, was printed in July 1994 by Utah's two largest daily newspapers. The revision dropped the reference to "calling a constitutional convention to consider the amendments," and asserted instead that "the states would have the final option of taking constitutional action themselves." In addition, the reference to reliance "upon precedents established by the Founding Fathers at our nation's birth" became reliance "upon principles established at the time of our nation's birth...." (Emphasis added.) The switch from "precedents" to "principles" was viewed by some as an attempt to divert attention from the only precedent for a Conference of the States, which resulted in the only constitutional convention held to date in our country's history. The potential for a con-con was still there, to be sure. It was merely camouflaged in a way that misled many to believe that it had been abandoned. By January of this year, the Conference of the States had been endorsed by most governors, as well as by such prestigious organizations as the National Governors Association, the Council of State Governments, the Advisory Council on Intergovernmental Relations, and the National Conference of State Legislatures. Quick approval by at least a simple majority of states (26 of the 50) required to convene the Conference appeared to be a sure thing, and talk within pro-Conference circles shifted from whether the conference would be held to what its outcome would be. Moving Ahead The first step after a majority of states signed on was to be an organizing session in July, followed by the Conference itself in late October during which concrete proposals (including constitutional amendments) would be approved.First to pass a "Resolution of Participation," on January 16, 1995, was Governor Leavitt's own state of Utah. To assure that he would have the honor of being first to sign the measure, the legislature passed it on the first day of the session (January 16th) without hearings or debate. The vote was 75 to 0 in the House and 27 to 1 in the Senate. Two days later, Arkansas followed suit, also without hearings. On January 20th, Virginia gave its blessing (without hearings), as did Delaware (without hearings) on January 26th and Kentucky (without hearings) the next day. On February 2nd, resolutions were passed with similar haste and lack of scrutiny in Idaho, Missouri, and Iowa. Ohio, Arizona, Wyoming, and South Dakota soon came aboard, and by mid-February the tally stood at 12 to 0 in favor of a Conference of the States. The juggernaut was rolling, and did indeed appear to be unstoppable. But then the well-oiled Conference machine ran into a brick wall. Whereas early votes approving Resolutions of Participation had been taken in an informational vacuum, a grassroots opposition movement led by the John Birch Society and its nationwide network of educational activists began to materialize. The Birch Society had first drawn its members' attention to the threat posed by the Conference of the States in its January Bulletin, where Don Fotheringham, the Society's point man on the issue, warned that the Leavitt plan was "potentially more dangerous than legitimate calls for a con-con. The governor, it seems, has concocted a whole new strategy for making radical changes to our form of government -- a strategy that conflicts with the amendment procedures provided by Article V in the U.S. Constitution." While acknowledging that the current federal-state balance "tilts to the far left in favor of federal power" and "is in dire need of correction," Fotheringham stressed that "no legislative or structural alterations can properly be obtained by any joint activity of state executives." To date, the most useful educational tool exposing flaws in the Conference of the States has been Fotheringham's article, "Con-Con Call," which appeared in the February 6th issue of The New American.* Once that article began to circulate widely, demands for legislative hearings increased and many lawmakers were made aware of the ominous implications of the proposed Conference for the first time. *NOTE: Reprints are available at three copies for $1.00; 100/$25.00; 1,000/$200, from American Opinion Book Services, P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54913. Add 15 percent ($2.00 minimum) of order total for postage and handling. The Grassroots Grow Serious grassroots opposition to the Conference of the States initially surfaced in Colorado. The Senate approved the resolution in mid-February, but by a surprisingly close vote of 21 to 14. The measure had been expected to pass with minimal opposition. Spurred by Birch Society activists and other concerned citizens, the House Judiciary Committee scheduled hearings. On February 16th, the John Birch Society's Don Fotheringham testified against the Conference. Fotheringham recollects that during his testimony he told the committee that our country's Founders "understood their sovereignty. They exercised it in liberating themselves from England, in issuing the Declaration of Independence, in establishing the Articles of Confederation, and in ordaining the U.S. Constitution. They understood the power that resides in a free people, the power to create a government, and the power to disband one." Fotheringham testified that Resolutions of Participation in the Conference "would consolidate those same powers, no matter what the meeting may be called." In passing such a resolution, he advised the lawmakers, "You establish a delegation that is no longer accountable to the legislature of Colorado. The process of appointing delegates to meet with a majority of the other states to conduct federal business releases them from all accountability to this body. That is because, in a federal setting, such delegates are accountable only to the people. That is the legal, the peaceful, process by which the revolutionary force of a sovereign people is consolidated." Commenting on attempts to add mollifying amendments to the resolution, supposedly to make it con-con safe, Fotheringham described such efforts as worthless, since "no amendment could be written that would have more power than the forces consolidated by this process. Delegates of the people are superior to Article V. They are superior to the Constitution. They are the creators of constitutions, presidents, courts, and congresses."* *NOTE: In a number of states, one or the other (or both) of two amendments have been appended to the resolution in the attempt to appease critics. They read: "Adoption of the Resolution does not constitute an application by the Legislature of [State] for the calling of a federal Constitutional Convention within the meaning of Article V of the United States Constitution"; and, "The Conference of the States may not be convened as a federal Constitutional Convention under Article V of the United States Constitution." At the conclusion of the day's testimony, Senate Majority Leader Tim Foster, who had spoken in favor of the resolution, urged the committee to postpone a vote until a majority of other states had passed their resolutions. That way, Colorado could avoid defeating the measure and thereby slowing momentum for the Conference. No vote was taken, and the resolution died when the legislature adjourned for the year on May 8th. Off Track On April 2, 1995, the Salt Lake Tribune reported that Governor Leavitt's policy director, LaVarr Webb, had "traveled to Sacramento in March to help guide California's formal 'Resolution of Participation' to passage. There, in a legislative committee room, Webb stared down dozens of angry conservatives worried about undermining the Constitution. The California lawmakers killed the resolution" by a vote of four to one. Tribune reporter Laurie Sullivan quoted Governor Leavitt as saying: "They had 80-some-odd people turn out to the hearing. They were booing and demonstrating. LaVarr was basically the only [supporter] there." According to Sullivan, "In a span of just weeks, the John Birch Society has heaved the conference locomotive off-track." For his part, Webb told a reporter for Salt Lake City's Deseret News that "there is a lot of opposition from the real extreme right-wing wackos," whom he described as "irrational" and unwilling to "listen to reason." As we write, Resolutions of Participation have passed both houses of legislatures in 14 states, but have been scuttled in 20 others, including:INDIANA. Representative Dean Mock was instrumental in keeping hiscolleagues up to date regarding the ominous implications of the Conference of the States. Two slightly differing resolutions languished with little support in either the House or Senate. They died when the legislature adjourned for the year on April 30th. LOUISIANA. Don Fotheringham testified against the Conference on March 29th, but the state's House Government Affairs Committee approved the resolution that day by a narrow six to five vote. On April 18th, however, the full House voted down the resolution by a margin of 57 to 27. Babs Wilson, a parish chairwoman of the Republican Party, played a key role in generating opposition to the resolution. MARYLAND. After identical Conference resolutions were introduced in the Senate and House, local John Birch Society members Ben and Betsy Boyce arranged for Don Fotheringham to testify during hearings held in the Senate on February 28th and in the House the next day. Summarizing his "Con-Con Call" article from The New American, Fotheringham urged the Maryland lawmakers to read the article and carefully consider what a Conference of the States would actually entail. When he indicated to committee Chairman (and Senate Majority Leader) Clarence Blount that he was nearing the end of his testimony, the chairman asked him to instead "please go on," which he did. No vote was taken that day.During the next day's hearings before the House Commerce and Government Matters Committee, Colorado State Senator Duke made a strong case against the resolution, explaining the uncertainty of the ratification process even were the Conference to comply with Article V and submit its action plan (States' Petition) to the states. In testimony Fotheringham cited Utah's experience during the debate over repeal of prohibition. Utah was a "dry" state, due in large part to the influence of its heavily Mormon population, and all members of the legislature had agreed to vote against the 21st Amendment. When Congress and the liquor lobby realized that the legislature of Utah and many other states had no intention of ratifying the 21st Amendment, Congress exercised its Article V option to circumvent the legislatures by authorizing state ratifying conventions instead. Congress and special interests then influenced the delegate selection process to assure that even "dry" states would pass the anti-prohibition amendment. It was by that strategy that Utah, ironically, became the 36th and decisive state to legalize the sale of liquor, despite overwhelming opposition from the state legislature. Maryland's Senate committee opted to postpone a vote on the Conference matter. But on March 13th, the House committee rejected the resolution by a lop-sided tally of 16 to 4, thereby laying it to rest for the year. MONTANA. Hearings were held in the Montana House on March 14th. Again, Don Fotheringham was there, as were Montana Governor Marc Racico and Governor Leavitt. It was the first time that Fotheringham and Leavitt had faced each other during a hearing. The governors were allowed to speak both first and last. In between, Fotheringham focused on the enormous power that could be wielded by the Conference due to the Resolutions of Participation process. He explained why the action plan produced by the Conference would not necessarily come back to the state legislatures for ratification, and made clear that the John Birch Society was not accusing Conference sponsors of attempting to hold an Article Vconvention per se, but rather of consolidating the forces that would amount to such a convention. As Fotheringham has pointed out on other occasions, delegates to the Conference of the States would already have the con-con power, so there would be no need to announce to the world that it was a con-con. If and when 26 legislature-approved Resolutions of Participation are secured, the delegates to the Conference "can do whatever they please, whether they call it a constitutional convention or not." The resolutions, Fotheringham stresses, are the problem. "They energize the concept. When you meet in a federal setting with other states to do federal business, you are a con-con whether you call it one or not." The hearing was thorough, both sides were given ample opportunity to make their case, and the event was extensively covered by both the print and electronic media. The House committee opted not to vote that day, but later rejected the resolution (March 14th) by a vote of six to five. NEW MEXICO. On March 7th, Fotheringham arrived at the state capitol in Santa Fe to give testimony at hearings which, according to the day's printed agenda, were to be held on the House side. It soon became apparent that a proverbial "fast one" was being attempted, since the House hearings were merely for the purpose of appropriating expense money for Conference delegates. Some sleuthing by Fotheringham and John Birch Society members Lee Gonzales and Gary Krieger eventually determined that the Conference, under another name, was being scrutinized by the Senate Rules Committee. The three arrived at the hearing room as Senate Minority Whip Timothy Jennings was about to call for a vote. Jennings mistakenly assumed that Fotheringham was representing Mike Leavitt, and told him, "Governor Leavitt offered to come here today, but I told him I didn't think it would be necessary and that we had everything all worked out here." After allowing brief statements by Fotheringham, Gonzales, and Krieger, the committee passed the resolution unanimously. It was subsequently approved by the full Senate and sent to the House Judiciary Committee. The bill was placed on the House calendar for March 15th. By law, the legislature would adjourn by noon on March 18th. No hearings were held on the 15th, nor at any other time. Over the next four days, however, a number of key legislators availed themselves of the opportunity to study the issue more thoroghly. At the last moment, only three minutes prior to adjournment, the House Speaker called up the Conference resolution for a vote. He claimed that there was no longer a con-con problem, since the measure had been amended to preclude one. Thanks to some last-minute floor work by State Representative Lorenzo Larranaga, however, it quickly became apparent as the voting lights flashed that a major upset was in the making. The resolution went down to defeat, 42 to 21. Other states in which the Resolution of Participation has either been voted down, or the legislature has adjourned without passing it, include Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Kansas, Minnesota, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and West Virginia. New Strategy The Conference of the States will not be held in 1995 as planned. Governor Leavitt and other spokesmen admit that burgeoning grassroots opposition has forced them to cancel the July organizing meeting and to postpone the confab itself that was originally scheduled for October 22nd-25th in Philadelphia. On April 21st, the Conference of the States steering committee, chaired by Governor Leavitt, met in Florida to figure out how to reverse the misfortune that has befallen the Conference cause. Earlier, Leavitt had indicated that he might be willing to forego the Resolutions of Participation, which would solve the problem, but the steering committee (with his support) not only decided to keep the Resolutions as part of the process, but increase the effort to achieve passage by a majority of state legislatures next year. Leavitt himself questioned whether or not it would be possible to attract governors and other state leaders to the Conference if the Resolutions were abandoned, since it would be perceived as a defeat, and there would be a risk of losing top- level delegations because they would have lost a sense of urgency.The steering committee also decided to launch a massive effort to establish a fund-raising and lobbying entity to help spread the pro-Conference message to state lawmakers prior to legislative action next year. According to a March 25th report by the Salt Lake Tribune's Laurie Sullivan, the "American Legislative Exchange Council [ALEC] and the State Legislative Leaders Foundation will join the Council of State Governments, the National Governors Association, and the National Conference of State Legislators as official conference conveners." ALEC has for many years advocated a constitutional convention, if necessary, to achieve approval of a balanced budget amendment. The Washington-based Heritage Foundation, which periodically lends its aura of conservatism to questionable causes (it backed GATT and NAFTA, and is presently urging that NATO be expanded to include "former" communist countries that the U.S. would be obligated to defend), is, according to Governor Leavitt, one of the entities "drafting scholarly position papers stating the conference could not, would not become a constitutional convention." As noted earlier, the Conference resolution has passed in 14 states, but has been rejected by vote or inaction in 20. As we write, the count since mid-February stands at two for and 20 against the Resolutions of Participation. It is an impressive turn- around, but is also merely the first skirmish in what could prove to be a long, drawn-out conflict. Those who would defend the Constitution by opposing the Conference must guard against complacency, and re-double their efforts in coming months, lest they risk the fate of the hare that raced the tortoise in Aesop's instructive fable. Plans are presently underway for a "federalism summit" this autumn which, Conference promoters hope, will attract the support of at least 26 states. If that magic number is reached, Governor Leavitt has said that the "summit" will be transformed into a "convening meeting" at which governors and legislators will make plans for a future Conference of the States. Otherwise, the event will simply proceed as a "summit," and may include not only governors and legislative leaders, but "perhaps even mayors, city councilmen, members of the courts -- both state and national...." It will, Leavitt predicts, "be an important watershed event in and of itself..." As for the Conference of the States, he speculates that "it will happen, and it will happen sometime, but it doesn't have to happen immediately." THE NEW AMERICAN -- June 12, 1995 Copyright 1995 -- American Opinion Publishing, Incorporated P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54913 SUBSCRIPTIONS: $39.00/year (26 issues) WRITTEN PERMISSION FOR REPOSTING REQUIRED: Released for informational purposes to allow individual file transfer and non- commercial mail-list transfer only. All other copyright privileges are reserved. Address reposting requests to or the above address. ************************************************ NO-CON-CON! Very Important Ammunition !!! Date: 19 Mar 95 13:31:58 EST From: Dan Druck To: All Subject: NO-CON-CON! VERY IMPORTANT AMMUNITION !!! The following is a text transcript of a *VERY IMPORTANT* letter faxed to our national headquarters. We would be happy to fax a copy of the letter to any requests. Call (217) 854-4008. COUNCIL on DOMESTIC RELATIONS P.O. Box 138 Carlinville, Illinois 62626 Voice: (217) 854-4008 / (708) 471-6747 Fax: (217) 854-4343 E-Mail: 73543, __________________________________________________________ [LETTERHEAD] The Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida 32305-1063 "College of Law" March 10, 1995 Mr. Eric J. Thorn Legislative Analyst House Republican Office 323 The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300 Dear Mr. Thorn, This is in response to your inquiries regarding HCR 1401, which calls for the convening of a "Conference of States" and would authorize Florida's participation in such a conference. As professors of constitutional law at the Florida State University College of Law, we are extremely troubled by the possibility that this proposed Conference could be construed as an application for a constitutional convention under Article V of the United States Constitution. Such a convention could evolve into a wholesale assault on our Constitution, and lead to proposals for destroying our present constitutional system. The history of the 1787 constitutional convention indicates that once a constitutional convention is convened, the delegates to that convention could expand the agenda of the convention beyond its original purposes, dictate their own rules for the ratification of the convention's proposals, and therefore circumvent the fairly stric requirements of Article V. Moreover, again using the 1787 experience as our model, no external authority -- neither Congress, the courts, nor states that disagree with the convention's proposals -- would have the legal authority to reject the convention's decisions if the convention itself deemed those decisions binding on the entire country. Our conclusions about the dangers of the "Conference" proposed in HCR 1401 are not mitigated by the ambiguous phrasing of the proposal, nor by the final subsection stating that the Concurrent Resolution "does not constitute an application by the Legislature of the State of Florida for the calling of a federal Constitutional Convention within the meaning of Article V of the United States Constitution." It is essential to keep in mind that the "Conference of the States" could define its objectives for itself, and could reject preexisting limitation on its authority, just as the 1787 convention abandoned the limitation imposed on it by the Articles of Confederation. The broad language of the Concurrent Resolutionauthorizes the Conference to "reform the Federal Government" and authorizes conference delegates to "propose, debate and vote on elements of an action plan to restore checks and balances between the states and the national government." These broad mandates could easily be construed by the Conference as providing it the authority to fundamentally revise our existing constitutional structure. It is the strange (and dangerous) nature of a constitutional convention that it defines its own objectives and sets the guidelines for its own success. Once a constitutional convention begins, the only limit on its power is political. The federal courts have consistently refused to entertain questions regarding the legitimacy of constitutionalamendments (see Coleman v. Miller, 307 U.S. 433 (19139)). Therefore, a new constitutional convention presents the disturbing prospect of many different political bodies -- the Conference, the existing federal government, dissenting states -- all vying for preeminent political authority without the possibility of judicial review to settle the dispute peacefully. This is truly a recipe for a constitutional crisis, and the destabilizing effects of such a crisis would reach into every aspect of our political, legal, and economic life. We emphatically urge the Florida legislature to reject CDR 1401, or at the very least to postpone the decision of the concurrent resolution until the legislature has given careful and detailed consideration to the many potentially disastrous implications that accompany even an ambiguous call for a constitutional convention. The United States Constitution is the greatest political document since the Magna Carta. Much of this country's strength and international moral authority are attributable to the Constitution's careful balancing of rights, responsibilities, and powers. Joining a "Conference of States" as defined in HCR 1401 is the first, radical step down a very slippery slope toward upsetting that balance. We urge you to resist taking that step. Sincerely, [signature] Steven G. Gey "John W. and Ashley E. Frost" "Professor of Law" [signature] Nat Stern "Professor of Law" ____________________________________ THE MESSAGE: "Only 13 states have approved the COS resolution and only one of those was in the past six weeks. Since March 5th, 16 states have killed or tabled the resolution because documentation has become available that demonstrates there is an intent to generate a Constitutional Convention. The Denver Post (3-31) carried an AP article which stated the planners of the COS hoped to have 38 STATES BY JUNE . The relevance here is that 34 states can petition Congress for a Con-Con and 38 states are required for ratification (either legislatures or ratifying conventions -our legislators can be bypassed in favor of ratifying conventions). GINGRICH TO ATTEND COS AS A CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATE? Many legislators believe the COS cannot become a Con-Con because under Article V the Congress must call a convention when 34 states apply. Governor Leavitt said Newt Gingrich and Bob Dole are very "friendly" to the COS and hope to have a "Congressional Delegation" at the Conference. To confirm that, Trish Katsen, free-lance journalist and Spotlight reporter, said today she spoke with Newt last week at the Capitol Hill Club. When she asked him if he was going to the COS he said if he is invited he will. Trish then told him she had heard he already had been invited and he said he would join a congressional delegation. When asked how many members of Congress would be there Gingrich replied that he didn't know - that it would be up to the Governors to decide and that he was working with them on this. The relevance here is that if 34 states have sanctioned delegates at the COS and pass a resolution (their States' Petition?) calling for a Con-Con the Congressional Delegation, representing the U.S. Congress, could open the Con-Con on the spot. They could amend or rewrite our Constitution and if 38 states are represented, it can be ratified all under one roof. They go in representing our Republican form of Government under the Constitution for the United States of America and come out... God only knows what. Can you see how urgent your involvement is?. ..and if not you, then who? MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GUIDE OUR EFFORTS TO KEEP HER FREE ******************************************** The Reason We Are Opposed to a CON-CON, or COS By Charles R. Duke Colorado State Senator - District 9 January 23, 1995 (719) 481-9289 (303) 866-4835 For some time now there has been a movement afoot in this nation for states to call for a Constitutional Convention (Con-Con). To date, 32 states have made a request for a Con-Con by passing a joint resolution through their state legislative bodies. Colorado is one of these, having passed Senate Joint Memorial 1 in 1978. There are many, this writer among them, who believe this would be a very serious mistake. Usually, the Con-Con (sometimes called Philadelphia II) is proposed to meet in Philadelphia and the document most often suggested to replace our present Constitution is the Newstates Constitution, which will be the subject of a future column. There are three states which have rescinded their request. The promoters of the Con-Con, however, contend that passing a joint resolution to rescind that state's request does not actually alleviate the fact that the request was in fact made. It is the same philosophy that says you cannot unring a bell. At least one of these three (Nevada) included in their rescission resolution the direction to return to the official records for 1979, which was the year Nevada adopted their request (SJR 8) for a Con-Con, draw a black border around the portion of the journal which contained SJR 8, and write the words, "Expunged by order of the Assembly this 24th day of June, 1989", across the face of the record. The effect of this, which passed the Nevada Assembly in 1989, is to actually remove from the historical record the request itself. This should place Nevada in a stronger position legally to deny that its request for a Con-Con is any longer valid. For a Con-Con to happen, it must have been requested by 34 states. Depending on your viewpoint concerning rescissions, we are either 2 short or 5 short of that moment. The promoters of Philadelphia II have been unable to secure the final two states. You will see why when you see more details of the Newstates Constitution. As the States' Rights Movement gains momentum across America, there have been and will continue to be attempts to stop or sidetrack the movement. In general, Philadelphia II promoters are moving in the opposite direction from state sovereignty. A clever but insidious device created by Governor Michael Leavitt of Utah last year calls for a Conference of States (COS). This idea was picked up by a lobbying organization known as the Council of State Governments (CSG), which may be thought of as the ultimate government lobbying agency. Its members, with memberships paid by tax dollars, belong to all levels of government, from state to county to city. Late last year, the idea of the COS was endorsed by the National Governor's Conference. This COS is an extremely dangerous action to take. An officially sanctioned meeting by 38 states has the power, if it wishes, to turn itself into a Con-Con by simply passing a resolution to that effect. It derives this power from the Tenth Amendment, which fundamentally says that states have any power they wish, so long as it is not prohibited by the Constitution. The COS differs from other national meetings that might be held because the appointment of the delegates and the state endorsement of the meeting are by a resolution from your legislature, most unusual. As further evidence, CSG speaks of the need for "structural, long-term changes" to government being needed. It is proposed that COS be held in Philadelphia in the late Summer or early Fall of 1995. Gov. Leavitt's own position paper on the COS states that our national government is "outdated and old- fashioned." He states, "It is not suited for the fast-paced, high-tech, global marketplace we are entering. There is a much better way." In the Colorado general Assembly, we have Senate Joint Resolution 9, introduced on January 19, 1995, by Senator Jeff Wells, the Majority Leader of the Colorado Senate. It is Colorado's request to participate in the COS. Our delegation would consist of seven members, one from the Governor's office and three each appointed by the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate. It is said their work will have to be ratified by the states, and people no doubt think that means the Legislature. But our Constitution permits ratifying conventions to ratify changes or replacement of our Constitution, completely bypassing the state legislatures. The COS could decide all these matters in convention, including the appointment of delegates to a ratifying convention. SJR 9 represents a process that should be defeated. The last Conference of the States that was called in 1786 ultimately resulted in a new Constitution. Although that document was momentous, many participants in that conference warned us not to let it happen again. The Con-Con con must be stopped. Charles R. Duke Colorado State Senator - District 9 *************************************************** FEMA Executive Orders List In response to queries as to what the FEMA laws really comprise, I am posting this article which was mailed to me. I have called the Federal Registry to confirm that the actual Presidential Executive Orders listed below are factual. All other contents have not yet been checked. PLease take it upon yourself to verify EVERYTHING you read here.Take nobody's word for anything (not even mine). Find your own facts. ----- F.E.M.A. (Federal Emergency Management Agency) has been authorized for the past 15 years by Presidential Executive Orders to confiscate all property from the American People, separate families in the current 43 internment camps (already built and operational by the way, 5 of which are located in Georgia. The largest can confine somewhere on the orderof 100,000 American citizens), called relocation camps by the government, for assignment to work camps; declares martial law and totally overrides the U.S. Constitution. Presidential Executive Orders that are related or control this are given at the end of this. Two of the state prisons here in Georgia are currently empty, although manned by a minimul number of staff, have been setup and intentionally unpopulated by prisoners just to support this political policy. Concentration (internment) Camps. An Executive Order signed by thenPresident Bush in 1989 authorized the Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A.) to build 43 primary camps (having a capacity of 35,000 to 45,000 prisoners EACH) and also authorized hundreds of secondary facilities. It is interesting to note that several of these facilities can accommodate 100,000 prisoners. These facilities have been completed and many are already manned but as yet contain no prisoners. (Remember all the talk of over-crowded prisons that exist...). In south Georgia there are several state prisons that except for a few guards, are completly devoid of prisoners. Under F.E.M.A., the Executive Orders which are already written and is the current law of the land, calls for the COMPLETE suspension of the United States Constitution, all rights and liberties, as they are currently known. The following executive orders, which are in the Federal Register located in Washington DC for anyone to request copies of, call for the suspension of all civil rights and liberties and for extraordinary measures to be taken in, as most of the orders state, "any national security emergency situation that might confront the government." When F.E.M.A. is implemented, the following executive orders will be immediately enforced: E.O. 12148 - FEMA national security emergency, such as: national disaster, social unrest, insurrection, or national financial crisis. E.O. 10995 - "... provides for the seizure of all communications media in the United States." E.O. 10997 - "... provides for the seizure of all electric power, petroleum, gas, fuels and minerals, both public and private." E.O. 10998 - "... provides for the seizure of all food supplies and resources, public and private, and ALL farms, lands, and equipment." E.O. 10999 - "... provides for the seizure of all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports, and waterways." E.O. 11000 - "... provides for the seizure of ALL American people for work forces under federal supervision, including splitting up of families if the government has to." E.O. 11001 - "... provides for government seizure of all health, education and welfare functions." E.O. 11002 - "... designates the postmaster general to operate a national registration of all persons." (Under this order, you would report to your local post office to be separated and assigned to a new area. Here is where families would be separated). E.O. 11003 - "... provides for the government to take over ALL airports and aircraft, commercial, public and private." E.O. 11004 - "... provides for the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, designate areas to be abandoned and establish new locations for populations." E.O. 11005 - "... provides for the government to take over railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities." E.O. 11051 - "... the office of Emergency Planning (has) complete authorization to put the above orders into effect in time of increased international tension or economic or financial crisis." All of the above executive orders were combined by President Nixon into Executive Order 11490, which allows all of this to take place if a national emergency is declared by the President. The Omnibus Crime Bill of 1990. Ensures confiscation of all private property via money laundering, environmental violations of the Clean Water and Air Act, and extends as far as child abuse. This act also coordinates activities through F.E.M.A. and the Department of the Army, Commanding General, U.S. Forces Command, Fort McPherson, GA which is the executive and implementing agency upon initiation of many of these acts.The responsible agency within U.S. Army Forces Command was what used to be known as the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Plans Division (DCSOPS, Plans), which was changed several years ago to J-3 after the Headquarters became a joint headquarters. They keep on file copies of all F.E.M.A. Emergency Management Operation Plans, including those plans developed by the Army to support the F.E.M.A. plan to eliminate the U.S. Constitution upon implementation. According to current plans, the Constitution will be temporarily discontinued and shelved until the real or perceived and declaired 'threat' has been neutralized. But once 'shelved,' as with almost every other action of the Government, it stays shelved. The Crime Bill of 1994. Banning of all military weapons which are necessary to the formation of a militia (when needed), denies other military equipment to the people's militia units, prelude to confiscating ALL guns in the hands of private citizens, destroys the 1st Amendment, and makes virtually every American an outlaw. The agency responsible for the actual implementation and search is the Department of the Army in concert with local and state police, including F.E.M.A., FBI, BATF, and other Federal Agencies. Michael F. Rivero - *********************************************** Spotlight - FEMA Takes Over Reserve Forces No responses The following article appeared in the 7/3/95 issue of The Spotlight. FEMA Takes Over Reserve Forces A "helpful" federal agency now has its own army for use internally or externally. The U.S. Army Reserve Command (USARC) will be totally integrated into a new plan by September 1996, which will relegate it to control by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). FEMA was established under President Jimmy Carter, by executive order, to have virtual dictatorial powers over the people of the United States during any "national emergency", as declared by the president. During the early days of the Clinton administration the plan was altered somewhat to place FEMA under the control of the National Security Council and the president's national security adviser, a post currently held by Anthony Lake. According to headquarters of USARC, the plan will reorganize its structure "in a move that will enhance its ability to support domestic missions and improve it's readiness to go to war. "An important feature of the plan is that it will permit the Army Reserve to provide greatly enhanced federal military support to civilian authorities and other federal agencies for domestic assistance missions. The Regional Support Command boundaries coincide with the Standard Federal Region (SFR) boundaries used by all federal agencies, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency." According to documents obtained from Army Reserve sources in Texas, the following explanation of the new Regional Support Commands, under FEMA, was provided to reservists as follows: "You may have heard the expression that once a railroad train comes through your living room, it will never be the same again. A train has passed through the living room of the U.S. Army Reserve structure and it will never be the same again." In a Texas reserves briefing paper describing the "impact" of the new alignment, it was stated "reservists will become to FEMA what National Guardsmen are to state governors." In other words, the reserve will serve at the direction of FEMA as the National Guards of the various states are supposed to serve at the direction of the governors. In what appears to be an indication of dissension within the Army Reserve, at least in Texas, individual reservists have been advised to "Pay close attention to what you hear in the next few months. Position yourself to take advantage of opportunities as they arise. Only you can decide if the new Army Reserves will be compatible with the goals you have set for yourself." FEMA IN CHARGE According to an explanation of the realignment reported by the head- quarters of the USARC, under the new plan, 20 U.S. Army Reserve Commands (ARCOMS) will now be reporting directly to ARCOM headquarters, and three Regional Support Groups (RSGs) will report directly to Regional Support Commands, configured within the ten FEMA boundaries. From its strength of 319,000 soldiers in 1989, the Army Reserve will be reduced to 208,000 by 1998. Sources in Texas told the SPOTLIGHT there has already been an announced reduction of 20,000 combat ready reserve troops and an additional 50,000 combat ready reservists will soon be added to the hit list. According to ARCOM headquarters, the plan is "aimed to transform the Army Reserve, not into a smaller version of the Cold War force, but into a new Army Reserve, able to provide fully ready units for America's Army of the next century and to provide a greatly enhanced capability IN SUPPORT OF DOMESTIC ACTIONS." FEMA Regions are also Standard Federal Region boundaries. All federal agencies use these boundaries except for DOD (Department of Defense). "This alignment allows the USAR to use our combat support and combat service support capabilities to support DOMESTIC MISSIONS and add intrinsic value to the Administration's domestic agenda..." According to Army Reserve sources in Texas, the reorganized reserves "will give the nation a new level of capabilities for military supportto civilian authorities. By establishing regionally based and focused assets to compliment existing structure, FEMA will have regional planners and managers to ASSIST IN DOMESTIC SUPPORT MISSIONS. The plan aligns the Army Reserve with current administration commitment for an Army that can address this country's needs both externally and internally in the form of domestic support when called upon...." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Spotlight 300 Independence Ave. SE Washington, D.C. 20003 301-951-6292 ********************************************** THE NEW WORLD ARMY By: John DiNardo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GUN CONTROL AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER Today's "trivia" questions are...... "What are the *actual* connections between U.S. and Canadian military base closings [and Armed Forces reductions] and the "New World Order", with its accompanying "New World Police Force"? Why are a number of these U.S. bases, currently slated to be closed for U.S. military use, currently undergoing expensive renovations and additions? And why is GUN CONTROL suddenly a PRIORITY political issue, with sweeping and accelerating legislative momentum?" You can check the following item out very quickly at the Library of Congress, or at any large metropolitan reference library, and I can promise you that it won't be time wasted! Ask for a copy of VOLUME 9 of the 1982 EDITION [*not* the current, replacement edition] of the U.S. CODE. Turn to page 554, where you'll find the beginning of PUBLIC LAW # 87-297 [1961]. This law was signed by President Kennedy in 1962, has received 18 subsequent updates, and its provisions have been steadily implemented by every President since. IT CALLS FOR THE ELIMINATION OF THE U.S. NATIONAL ARMED FORCES and further declares that "NO ONE MAY POSSESS A FIREARM OR LETHAL WEAPON EXCEPT POLICE AND MILITARY PERSONNEL". The progressive steps in its implementation are: 1. the reduction of the U.S. Armed Forces to 2.1 million personnel. 2. their irrevokable merger with Russian and Chinese forces, in two stages, to form a World Army [50% of total U.S. force strength will be merged in the first stage; the remaining 50% in the second stage]. 3. the irrevokable surrender of authority over such forces to the U.N. Secretary-General [ who alrady has a military planning staff of 80 general officers]. 4. THE CONFISCATION OF ALL PRIVATELY-HELD FIREARMS. This law is taught and explained in the National War College, and the various U.S. Armed Forces Academies. The New World Order will require an Army: this is it, and presumably the U.S. itself [and Canada!] could then find itself policed by foreign troops under the U.N. flag. By agreement, THE COMMANDER OF THIS ARMY MUST ALWAYS BE A RUSSIAN! [See below for documentation on this astonishing fact] The relevant pages and sections are: page 554; page 555 [lower right-hand side of page: defines "disarmament" as elimination of U.S. Forces and calls for absolute restrictions on privately-owned "deadly weapons"]; page 557, sections [a] and [d] [again, require U.S. to eliminate its Armed Forces]; page 558 deals with "policy formulation" [i.e. the accomplishment of these goals]. George Bush said that the passing of authority to the Secretary-General was "in transition"; the Supreme Court has already ruled that the U.S. Constitution and its provisions stand UNDER the U.N. Charter and the Resolutions of the United Nations. The U.S. Armed Forces are acting as the U.N.'s "world policeman" in the interim. The provisions of this law are further explained in STATE DEPARTMENT PUBLICATION 72-77, which itself is published in unabridged form in the 35-page "BLUEPRINT FOR THE PEACE RACE", published by U.S. ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT AGENCY [PUBLICATION #4, GENERAL SERIES #3, MAY 1962]. I'm sure you find this hard to believe, but it's all there in black and white; read it for yourself! The implications are staggering but the multiple military base closings around the U.S take on a new perspective when you see the agenda which that law commits the U.S. government to follow! Another small tip is that new issues of uniforms [e.g. the new Air Force uniform] reportedly have no "U.S."insignia. Canadian politicians are operating in lockstep with their U.S. counterparts. Please do go and read these documents for yourself. It's astonishing, but it's exactly as I've described it to you. NAFTA is a small but vital part of something *much* bigger! Don't be misled by the wording of "Policy Formulation" on page 558 in volume 9, U.S. CODE, 1982. It was re-written in 1963 to pacify objectors, and forbids removal of firearms from the populace or reduction in national armed strength "UNLESS IT IS PURSUANT TO THE TREATY-MAKING POWER OF THE PRESIDENT OR AUTHORISED BY LEGISLATION OF THE CONGRESS"! The U.N Charter is regarded as an already-binding treaty, so all that is required is a U.N. Resolution or Congressional legislation to ban all "citizen" armaments. George Bush's father, Preston, helped push this law [87-297] through Congress. One of the experts on it is ex-State Senator Bernadine Smith [Box 1776, HANFORD, CALIFORNIA 93232], who resisted it bitterly, and knows its contents and intent as well as anybody. Or you could just call the National War College and ask innocently for more information on it! Two interesting footnotes on PUBLIC LAW 87-297 {1961}: * 200 members of the Trilateral Commission had a late-March, 1993, meeting over several days in Washington, at which they discussed and agreed on the need for [guess what?] A NEW WORLD ARMY and for U.N. SOVEREIGN CONTROL OF INDIVIDUAL STATES' IMMIGRATION POLICIES AND DECISIONS. On the evening of the 28th of March, their representatives dined with key U.S. government officials and presented these "recommendations", and then did the same thing over breakfast the next morning with Clinton. So here it comes! This will lead ultimately to an enormous concentration of power in very few hands. * AFT, as the "compliance and enforcement" arm of the Treasury Department [which has a CFR man heading it], has been unlawfully "compelling" gunshop owners across the U.S. to provide the names, addresses and zip codes of all "long gun" [rifle and shotgun] purchasers, when no legal requirement exists for this. They are apparently creating a computerised registry of ALL private weapons across the United States, by locality, street and house. REMEMBER THE CONFISCATION REQUIREMENT FOR ALL PRIVATE WEAPONS EMBODIED IN "A BLUEPRINT FOR THE PEACE RACE" AND IN STATE DEPARTMENT PUBLICATION # 72-77? THIS LAW IS STILL IN THE *CURRENT* EDITION OF THE U.S. CODE, ALTHOUGH THE PAGE NUMBERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED. YOU CAN FIND IT FAIRLY EASILY BY CHECKING THE INDEX TO THE U.S.CODE. Part 2, THE NEW WORLD ARMY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE NEW WORLD ARMY MUST ALWAYS BE HEADED BY A RUSSIAN: When Alger Hiss [later convicted and executed as a Soviet spy] set up the U.N. with his U.S. State Department colleagues, they established the U.N. DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL AND SECURITY AFFAIRS, which would have jurisdiction over ALL future U.N. military operations. WRITTEN INTO THE FINE PRINT OF THE RULES AND REGULATIONS WHICH GOVERN THE U.N. IS THE RULE THAT THE HEAD OF THIS U.N. DEPARTMENT WILL ALWAYS BE A SOVIET CITIZEN, MILITARY OFFICER, OR PERSON DESIGNATED BY THE SOVIETS. THIS HAS BEEN THE CASE FOR THE PAST 47 YEARS, WITH THE FOLLOWING 14 COMMUNISTS HAVING CHAIRED THAT VITAL U.N. POST SINCE 1946: 1944-49 Arkady Sobolev 1949-53 Konstantin Zinchenko 1953-54 Ilya Tchernychev 1954-57 Dragoslav Protitch 1960-62 Georgy Arkadev 1962-63 E.D. Kiselyv 1963-65 V.P. Suslov 1965-68 Alexei E. Nesterenko 1968-73 Leonid N.Kutakov 1973-78 Arkady N. Shevchenko 1978-81 Mikhail D. Sytenko 1981-86 Viacheslav A. Ustinov 1987-90 Vasilly S. Safronchuk All were Soviet citizens. If you think that "Communism is dead", you're in for a rude awakening! The names and faces have changed - not the politicians, parties, military hierarchies OR the vast Russian expenditures on military weaponry and material. And if you think that the U.N.ARMY will be benign, you'll quickly reconsider whenforeign U.N. troops under, ultimately, Russian command are drafted into your neighbourhood to suppress dissent or "restore order" under the New World Order! They'll be armed, and YOU won't. - o O o - So you think that this is fanciful? Read this UPI news item, which appeared on 09/08/93..... RUSSIAN-AMERICAN DEFENCE AGREEMENT CALLS FOR JOINT MANEUVERS WASHINGTON: The United States and Russia signed an agreement Wednesday on military cooperation that provides for joint military maneuversby the two former Cold War foes. The Russian Defense Minister, General of the Army Pavel Grachev, who is visiting Washington, signed the memorandum of understanding with Defense Secretary Les Aspin at a Pentagon ceremony. The agreement calls for the two sides to hold joint maneuvers that practice peacekeeping techniques. The agreement also calls for annual meetings between Grachev and Aspin and their successors, exchanges between the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and his Russian counterpart and a bilateral defense working group to formulate projects of Russian-American defense. "This ceremony demonstrates again that the relationship between our two countries is undergoing historic transformation," Aspin said. "As President Clinton and President Yeltsin said at their Vancouver summit meeting," he said, "we are establishing a strategic partnership," Aspin said. "It is a partnership in which military and defense relations play a leading role." "Russia places its highest priority on its cooperation with the United States," Grachev said, "We promise to do all in our realize this agreement." The Russian-American ground maneuvers will train the two sides in peacekeeping techniques. The first units to participate will be the U.S. 3rd Mechanized Infantry Division and the Russian 27th Motorized Rifle. Both division commanders, U.S. Maj. Gen. Leonard Holder, Jr. and Russian Maj. Gen. Anatoliy Sidyakin, were on hand for the Pentagon ceremony. "Our two commanders, right after the signing of this agreement, will sit down at a table and start working out a whole series of steps to make this all happen," Grachev said. Both Grachev and Aspin said they wanted to establish a "hotline" between their respective defense establishments although provision for that was not actually in the agreement they signed. In addition to joint peacekeeping exercises, the memorandum calls for annual meetings between Aspin and Grachev and their successors, exchanges between the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and his Russian counterpart and a bilateral working group to think up more projects for Russian-American military cooperation. No date or place for the first joint Russian-American ground maneuver has yet been set. Pressed on whether the exercise would be held this year, Grachev noted that the planning time needed for maneuvers of so large a scale would mean that if so, it would probably have to start during the [?] "The 3rd Division commander," he joked, "said if it's OK with them, we can go to Siberia and hold them there." - o O o - Interested in learning more? Download NWO_NO!.TXT from CRS Online, Toronto, for more background information and an excellent reading list. One of the best, most detailed and readable books you can find on this is TOWARD A NEW WORLD ORDER, by DON McALVANY [available through any Christian bookstore - Toronto Christian Book Centre [416] 481 4868 stocks it, for example]. McAlvany is an ex-Intelligence officer whose McALVANY INTELLIGENCE ADVISOR NEWSLETTER is universally held in high esteem for it's readability, accuracy and coverage of forthcoming political, social and economic events [Toronto Christian Book Centre has electronic "back issues" of this invaluable publication on computer disk at just $3.99 each!]. Read, prepare yourself and your family, get involved and ACT to protest and resist the steady erosion of individual rights, privacy and freedom which is the precursor to a New World Order of unimaginable regimentation, control and slavery. PLEASE COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MATERIAL AS WIDELY AS YOU CAN. If you *STILL* don't think it's happening? Read on.... Part 3, THE NEW WORLD ARMY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >From UPI, 09/05/94: By JEFF BERLINER MOSCOW, Sept. 5 (UPI) _ U.S. and Russian soldiers Monday set up checkpoints in the strife-torn capital Atlantis, carrying out a U.N. mandate to try to restore order, control a massive influx ofrefugees, calm a hostile crowd, react to sniper fire, stop a gang of hooligans and *manage a weapons handover* - a fictional scenario being played out in a training exercise in Russia. Atlantis is really Totskoye, a military site and town 800 miles (1,280 km) southeast of Moscow, and the 250 troops on each side are participating in Peacekeeper '94, the first joint U.S.-Russian exercises held in either country. ``This is based on the past experience of peacekeepers - ours in Somalia and theirs in Moldova, Tadzhikistan and Georgia,'' Col. Richard Bridges, U.S. spokesman for the exercise, said in a telephone interviewfrom Totskoye. The scenario being played out at Totskoye involves a U.N.-dispatched peacekeeper force sent to the capital of a country torn by civil war. Russian and U.S. peacekeepers each occupy a sector of Atlantis and man a combined checkpoint in the chaos-ridden but imaginary city while quick reaction platoons are dispatched to trouble spots to deal with sniper fire and outbreaks of violence. Peacekeepers must deal with a surge of refugees, attempts by hostile crowds to break through troop lines, hooligans on the loose and the *wholesale surrender of weapons*. A separate group of Russian soldiers is acting as hooligans and refugees, making the language barrier a realistic part of the scenario when U.S. peacekeepers confront hooligans whose talk they cannot comprehend. For other parts of the exercise, the peacekeepers are acting in separate sectors of Atlantis or, where they interact, they rely on interpreters. The U.S. side brought two dozen of its own interpreters. A bilingual manual - ``Russian-United States Guide for Tactics, Techniques and Procedures of Peacekeeping Forces During the Conduct of Exercises'' - serves as the guiding document for the maneuvers, and could serve as the basis for real-life joint U.S.-Russian peacekeeping duties, though the exercise will also tell whether the peacekeeping guide needs revision, Bridges said. Peacekeeper '94 spokesman Bridges, who described himself as a 23-year veteran of the cold war, said it was refreshing to see Russian and U.S. soldiers drilling side by side in preparation for what could become real joint duties. ``Both sides are intent on making this a success,'' Bridges said. However, not everyone has been pleased by the maneuvers which generated considerable controversy in Russia and calls by communists and nationalists to cancel the operation. Protesters even journeyed to the scene to parade their objections and display ``Yankee Go Home'' slogans and sentiments. The U.S. colonel surprised the protesters, led by strident communist Viktor Anpilov, by inviting them to a meeting for what was described as a frank exchange of views. Bridges said he told Anpilov that the protesters' presence was what democracy was all about, but the two sides parted ways without resolving their political differences. The Russian far left and far right object to U.S. soldiers on Russian soil and see it as a fearful sign of things to come. However, Anpilov made good on his promise to remove the demonstrators if U.S. military officers met them _ and the protesters left. Another visitor set to observe the joint maneuvers, U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry, cancelled his trip to Moscow and his plans Wednesday to go to Totskoye, citing more pressing events. Russian Defense Minister Pavel Grachev still plans to go to Totskoye Wednesday. The U.S. soldiers come from an infantry regiment based in Schweinfurt, Germany, while their Russian counterparts are from a rifle regiment based in Totskoye. - o O o - If you doubt the direction that all of this is leading us in, read the legal testimony of Dr. William R. Pabst of Houston, TX, reproduced by Bill Cooper in his book, BEHOLD A PALE HORSE [ISBN 0929385225; Light Technology Publishing; US$25], which I've *summarized* below. Dr. Pabst was engaged in *suing* the US Government back in 1976 over it's concentration camp program. Here are some of the salient points from his deposition: * under *martial law* citizens have no rights. This was emphasized to police and militia recipients of L.E.A.A. [national police force training] and, before Operation Cable Splicer Three, the Deputy Attorney General of California commented that *anyone who attacks the State - even verbally - becomes a revolutionary and an enemy by definition. ["Garden Plot" is the code-name for control of the civil population; "Cable Splicer", the code name for Federal Government-assumed control of State and local governments] * An investigation was concluded in November, 1974, by AMERICAN CHALLENGE [a conservative publication], the leftist NEW TIMES, the FUND FOR INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM, and the OZARK SUNBEAM. They concluded that this activity involves the potential creation of a police state by the use of the Pentagon and its computerized intelligence dossiers nf thousands of citizens, by the National Guard, state and local police depts., the L.E.A.A., plain-clothes military forces, SWAT teams, and the Dept. of Justice. * Brig. Gen. J.L. Julenic, senior Army officer of the Pentagon National Guard Bureau is quoted as admitting: "I know of no state that did not have some form of these exercises within the last year". * General Stanley R. Larsen, then-commanding general of the Sixth Army said, at the conclusion of these exercises: "The most serious challenge facing all of us will be the challenge of discharging our "legitimate responsibilities".....Part of this challenge we must be prepared to deal with; a *potentially dangerous portion of our society which, in truth, could well become the domestic enemy*". * the CABLE SPLICER manual includes instructions on operation of confinement facilities, handling and processing prisoners - including searching, transporting, feeding, housing and handling of the special class of persons called "detainees". *The plan also specifically includes a proposition for confiscation of privately-owned weapons and ammunition* I urge you to post the episodes of this ongoing series to other newsgroups, computer networks, computer bulletin boards and computer mailing lists. It is also important to post hardcopies on the bulletin boards of campuses, churches, supermarkets, laundromats, etc. -- any place where concerned citizens can read this vital information. Our people's need for Paul Reveres and Ben Franklins is as urgent today as it was 220 years ago. John DiNardo *********************************************** Public Law 87-297 By: John DiNardo "What are the *actual* connections between U.S. military base closings and the "New World Order", with its accompanying "New World Police Force"? Why are a number of these bases, currently slated to be closed for U.S. military use, currently undergoing expensive renovations and additions?" You can check the following item out very quickly at the Library of Congress, or at any large metropolitan reference library, and I can promise you that it won't be time wasted! Ask for a copy of VOLUME 9 of the 1982 EDITION [*not* the current, replacement edition] of the U.S. CODE. Turn to page 554, where you'll find the beginning of PUBLIC LAW # 87-297 [1961]. This law was signed by President Kennedy in 1962, has received 18 subsequent updates, and its provisions have been steadily implemented by every President since. IT CALLS FOR THE ELIMINATION OF THE U.S. NATIONAL ARMED FORCES and further declares that "NO ONE MAY POSSESS A FIREARM OR LETHAL WEAPON EXCEPT POLICE AND MILITARY PERSONNEL". The progressive steps in its implementation are: 1. the reduction of the U.S. Armed Forces to 2.1 million personnel. 2. their irrevokable merger with Russian and Chinese forces, in two stages, to form a World Army [50% of total U.S. force strength will be merged in the first stage; the remaining 50% in the second stage]. 3. the irrevokable surrender of authority over such forces to the U.N. Secretary-General [ who already has a military planning staff of 80 general officers]. 4. the confiscation of all privately-held firearms. This law is taught and explained in the National War College, and the various U.S. Armed Forces Academies. The New World Order will require an Army: this is it, and presumably the U.S. itself could then find itself policed by foreign troops under the U.N. flag. By agreement, THE COMMANDER OF THIS ARMY MUST ALWAYS BE A RUSSIAN! The relevant pages and sections are: page 554; page 555 [lower right-hand side of page: defines "disarmament" as elimination of U.S. Forces and calls for absolute restrictions on privately-owned "deadly weapons"]; page 557, sections [a] and [d] [again, require U.S. to eliminate its Armed Forces]; page 558 deals with "policy formulation" [i.e.the accom- plishment of these goals]. George Bush said that the passing of authority to the Secretary-General was "in transition";the Supreme Court has already ruled that the U.S. Constitution and its provisions stand UNDER the U.N. Charter and the Resolutions of the United Nations. The U.S. Armed Forces are acting as the U.N.'s "world policeman" in the interim. The provisions of this law are further explained in STATE DEPARTMENT PUBLICATION 72-77, which itself is published in unabridged form in the 35-page "BLUEPRINT FOR THE PEACE RACE", published by U.S. ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT AGENCY [PUBLICATION #4, GENERAL SERIES #3, MAY 1962]. I'm sure you find this hard to believe, but it's all there in black and white; read it for yourself! The implications are staggering but the multiple military base closings around the U.S take on a new perspective when you see the agenda which that law commits the U.S. government to follow! Another small tip is that new issues of uniforms [e.g. the new Air Force uniform] reportedly have no "U.S."insignia. Please do go and read these documents for yourself. It's astonishing, but it's exactly as I've described it to you. NAFTA is a small but vital part of something *much* bigger! Don't be misled by the wording of "Policy Formulation" on page 558 in volume 9, U.S. CODE, 1982. It was re-written in 1963 to pacify objectors, and forbids removal of firearms from the populace or reduction in national armed strength "UNLESS IT IS PURSUANT TO THE TREATY-MAKING POWER OF THE PRESIDENT OR AUTHORISED BY LEGISLATION OF THE CONGRESS"! The U.N Charter is regarded as an already-binding treaty, so all that is required is a U.N. Resolution or Congressional legislation to ban all "citizen" armaments. George Bush's father, Preston, helped push this law [87-297] through Congress. One of the experts on it is ex-State Senator Bernadine Smith [Box 1776, HANFORD, CALIFORNIA 93232], who resisted it bitterly, and knows its contents and intent as well as anybody. Or you could just call the National War College and ask innocently for more information on it! Two interesting footnotes on PUBLIC LAW 87-297 {1961}: * 200 members of the Trilateral Commission had a late-March meeting over several days in Washington, at which they discussed and agreed on the need for [guess what?] A NEW WORLD ARMY and for U.N. SOVEREIGN CONTROL OF INDIVIDUAL STATES' IMMIGRATION POLICIES AND DECISIONS. On the evening of the 28th of March, their representatives dined with key U.S. government officials and presented these "recommendations", and then did the same thing over breakfast the next morning with Clinton. So here it comes! This will lead ultimately to an enormous concentration of power in very few hands. * AFT, as the "compliance and enforcement" arm of the Treasury Department [which has a CFR man heading it], has been unlawfully "compelling" gunshop owners across the U.S. to provide the names, addresses and zip codes of all "long gun" [rifle and shotgun] purchasers, when no legal requirement exists for this. They are apparently creating a computerised registry of ALL private weapons across the United States, by locality, street and house. REMEMBER THE CONFISCATION REQUIREMENT FOR ALL PRIVATE WEAPONS EMBODIED IN "A BLUEPRINT FOR THE PEACE RACE" AND IN STATE DEPARTMENT PUBLICATION # 72-77? THIS LAW IS STILL IN THE *CURRENT* EDITION OF THE U.S. CODE, ALTHOUGH THE PAGE NUMBERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED. YOU CAN FIND IT FAIRLY EASILY BY CHECKING THE INDEX TO THE U.S.CODE. So you think that this is fanciful? Read this news item, which appeared earlier this year..... RUSSIAN-AMERICAN DEFENCE AGREEMENT CALLS FOR JOINT MANEUVERS WASHINGTON: The United States and Russia signed an agreement Wednesday on military cooperation that provides for joint military maneuvers by the two former Cold War foes. The Russian Defense Minister, General of the Army Pavel Grachev, who is visiting Washington, signed the memorandum of understanding with Defense Secretary Les Aspin at a Pentagon ceremony. The agreement calls for the two sides to hold joint maneuvers that practice peacekeeping techniques. The agreement also calls for annual meetings between Grachev and Aspin and their successors, exchanges between the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and his Russian counterpart and a bilateral defense working group to formulate projects of Russian-American defense. "This ceremony demonstrates again that the relationship between our two countries is undergoing historic transformation," Aspin said. "As President Clinton and President Yeltsin said at their Vancouver summit meeting," he said, "we are establishing a strategic partnership," Aspin said. "It is a partnership in which military and defense relations play a leading role." "Russia places its highest priority on its cooperation with the United States," Grachev said, "We promise to do all in our realize this agreement." The Russian-American ground maneuvers will train the two sides in peacekeeping techniques. The first units to participate will be the U.S. 3rd Mechanized Infantry Division and the Russian 27th Motorized Rifle. Both division commanders, U.S. Maj. Gen. Leonard Holder, Jr. and Russian Maj. Gen. Anatoliy Sidyakin, were on hand for the Pentagon ceremony. "Our two commanders, right after the signing of this agreement, will sit down at a table and start working out a whole series of steps to make this all happen," Grachev said. Both Grachev and Aspin said they wanted to establish a "hotline" between their respective defense establishments although provision for that was not actually in the agreement they signed. In addition to joint peacekeeping exercises, the memorandum calls for annual meetings between Aspin and Grachev and their successors, exchanges between the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and his Russian counterpart and a bilateral working group to think up more projects for Russian-American military cooperation. No date or place for the first joint Russian-American ground maneuver has yet been set. Pressed on whether the exercise would be held this year, Grachev noted that the planning time needed for maneuvers of so large a scale would mean that if so, it would probably have to start during the [?] "The 3rd Division commander," he joked, "said if it's OK with them, we can go to Siberia and hold them there." John DiNardo ***************************************** The New World Order Date: Sun, 11 Jun 1995 11:39:54 -0400 (EDT) In the past century, we have experienced an overwhelming social transformation. We are moving towards what one scholar, Bertram Gross, calls "friendly fascism" or socialism. We may already be there. When the difference between lies and truth no longer means anything, we become easy to manipulate-fair game for "mass media, world spanning corporations, armies and intelligence agencies," he wrote. " Meanwhile, the majority of people have little part in the decisions that affect their families, workplaces, schools, neighborhoods, towns, cities, country, and the world". Our Founding Fathers revolted against the near-total government of the English monarchy. But they knew that having no government at all would lead to chaos. So they set up a Constitutional Republic with a very limited government. They knew that men prospered in freedom, and it was Thomas Jefferson who said, "the government that governs least, governs best." Jefferson knew that if government were not enslaved, people soon would be. This is the case in all communist and socialist countries. Socialism is usually defined as government ownership and/or control over the basic means of production and distribution o goods and services. When analyzed this means government controls everything, including you. This means no private property, eliminating the family and wiping out religion. We are being socialized in America and everybody knows it. The individual pushing hardest for socialism have their own personal wealth protected in family trusts and tax-free foundations. Men like Rockefeller and J.P Morgan (the Insiders) are for every socialist program known to man which will increase our taxes. yet they pay little, if anything, in taxes themselves. An article published by the North American Newspaper Alliance in August of 1967 tells how the Rockefellers pay practically no income taxes despite their vast wealth. The article reveals that one of the Rockefellers paid a grand total of $685 in personal taxes during that year. The Kennedys have their Chicago Merchandise Mart, their mansions, yachts, planes, etc., all owned by their myriads of family foundations and trust. Taxes are for the peons! All their actions betray them as power seekers. Although Rockefeller may insist that he wields no real "power," and here in the United States his name rarely appears in the news, citizens of other nations have some difficulty with his demure attitude toward his own world position. In some countries, particularly in Latin America, where loans from Rockerfeller's Chase Manhattan Bank propped up tyrannical regimes, his mere presence causes riots. Rockefeller's 1986 visit to Argentina set off the worst domestic uprising that country had seen in years. The fact of the matter is that these men are very powerful and extremely influential in creating policies in the world. They are the insiders. How did they attain such powerful positions? And just how powerful are they? First of all, we must ask this. Where do governments get the enormous amounts of money they need? Most comes from taxation; but government often spends more than they are willing to tax their citizens and so are forced to borrow. Our national debt is several trillion dollars and growing-every cent of it borrowed at interest from somewhere. The public is led to believe that our government borrows from "the people" through savings bonds. Actually, only the smallest percentage of the national debt is held by individuals in this form. Most government bonds, except those owned by the government itself through it's trust funds, are held by vast banking firms known as international banks. Whenever a business firm borrows big money its creditors obtain a voice in management to protect its investment. Like a business, no government can borrow big money unless it is willing to surrender some measure of its sovereignty as collateral. Certainly international bankers who have loaned hundreds of billions of dollars to governments around the world command considerable influence in the policies of such governments. Nothing drives government deeply into debt like a war; and it has not been uncommon practice among international bankers to finance both sides of the bloodiest military conflicts. For example, during our Civil War the North was financed by the Rothchilds through their American agent, August Belmont, and the South through the Erlangers, Rothchilds relatives. Once the government is in debt to the bankers it is at their mercy. A frightening example was cited by the London Financial Times of September 26, 1921, which revealed that even at that time, "Half a dozen men at the top of the Big Five Banks could upset the whole fabric of government finance by refraining from renewing Treasury Bills". These international bankers owned as private corporations the Central Banks of various European nations and wished to do the same in the United States, which the founding father were strictly against. Except for a brief interlude, the US operated without a true central bank from the time of its founding until 1913, a period of 124 years. From the earliest days, the founding fathers had been conscious of attempts to control America through money manipulation, and they carried a running battle with the international bankers. Thomas Jefferson wrote to John Adams:" ...I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies....." Karl Marx said that the establishment of a central bank was ninety percent of socializing a country. Through manipulation and propaganda these powerful and influential men were able to "stage" the panic of 1907 in which people lost faith in the banks and pulled their money out causing many banks to fail. All of this was part of J.P. Morgan and others plan to start a Central Bank in America, but they knew the term "central bank" had to be avoided because the people didn't want it. What they came up with was the Federal Reserve System, and with their money and influence it was not difficult to manipulate President Woodrow Wilson to get the Federal Reserve Act Bill passed. When the Federal Reserve system was foisted on an unsuspecting American public, there were absolute guarantees that there would be no more boom and bust cycles. The men who, behind the scenes, were pushing the central bank concept for the international bankers faithfully promised that from then on there would be only steady growth and perpetual prosperity. However, Congressman Charles A. Lindenbergh Sr. accurately proclaimed: "From now on depressions will be scientifically created". Using a central bank to create alternate periods of inflation and deflation, and thus whipsawing the public for vast profit, had been worked out by the international bankers to an exact science. Having built the Federal Reserve as a tool to consolidate and control wealth, the international bankers were not ready for a major killing. Between 1923 and 1929, the Federal Reserve expanded (inflated) the money supply by sixty-two percent. Much of this new money was used to bid the stock market up to dizzying heights. This was the stock market crash of 1929 and it was no accident. It was followed by the worst depression in U.S. history. Although we have not had another depression of that magnitude, we have suffered regular recessions. Each of these has followed a period in which the Fed tromped down hard on the money accelerator and then slammed on the brakes. It is clear that those who run the Federal Reserve run the country. What are the insiders plans for America or the world? In the Fall and Winter of 1989, communism collapsed in Eastern Europe. By mid-1990, the once-mighty Soviet Union was in economic and political ruin. In the late summer of 1990, war erupted between Iraq and Kuwait, and the following spring America and her allies-on the strength of superior technology and dynamic leadership-crushed Iraq's military force in a lightning-fast, one-hundred-hour war that was witnessed, via satellite, by virtually the entire world. Against this backdrop of history, from the podium of the legislative chamber of the United States House of Representatives, the elected president of the United States of America announced the beginning of a New World Order. The world of 1917 differed from both 1782 and 1848, yet Woodrow Wilson called for a new world order in 1917. The world in 1938 differed from that of 1917, yet Adolph Hitler called for his new world order in 1938. And the world of 1968 differed from that of 1938, yet Nelson Rockefeller called for his new world order in 1968. Can it be that the phrase new world order means something entirely different to the inner circle of a secret society (the insiders) than it does to the ordinary person? The Insiders are the spiritual descendants of the Illuminati, inheritors of the conspiratorial crest. They have names like Rothschild, Bilderbergers, Carnagie and Rockefeller. The most important of the Insiders' regular meeting places in the conspiracies' modern era is the Henry Pratt House, on West 68th Street in Manhattan, home to the Council on Foreign Relations(CFR). Since its founding in the aftermath of World War I, the CFR has been the intermediary between the world of high finance, big oil, corporate elitism, and the U.S. government. Its members slide smoothly into cabinet-level jobs in Republican and Democratic administrations. The policies promulgated in its quarterly journal, FOREIGN AFFAIRS, becomes U.S. government policy. Through the CFR and its offshoot, David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission(TC), the Insiders program a destructive course for America. The goal of the Council on Foreign Relations is to establish a "One World Government," or a "New World Order," according to John Birch of the Birch Society. Sounds pleasant, but the reality, Birchers say, will be a commie/illuminoid nightmare with the Insiders in charge. The grand design of the Insiders is nothing short of total world power. World government will redistribute the world's wealth among all nations, resulting in "a reduced standard of living for Americans." Worse yet, there will "no longer be any freedom of movement, freedom of worship, private property rights, free speech, or freedom of the press. In its own literature, the Trilateral Commission list "collective management" of global "interdependence" as its objective. Defending the Trilateral Commission, David Rockefeller said, "Far from being a coterie of international conspirators with designs on covertly ruling the world, the TC is, in reality, a group of concerned citizens interested in fostering great understanding and cooperation among international allies....." (New York Times 1980). Rockefeller also says he finds the charge that all Trilateralist are of one mind "totally absurd". There is no "Trilateral conspiracy." "The commission is merely a forum for discussion and has no power anyway". But is it powerless? The membership roster since its creation reads like a who's who in politics and big business. Perhaps the most elite of the elitist think tanks. Presidents, chiefs of staff, secretaries of state, directors of the Central Intelligence Agency, industrialist, financiers, media moguls and academic authorities wander in and out of the building housed in Manhattan. The power of the Establishment is beyond question. Since 1940 every United States secretary of state except for one (former Governor James Byrnes of South Carolina) has been a CFR/TC member. And since 1940, all secretary of war/defense, from Henry L. Stimson through the current Clinton appointee, have been CFR members. The CIA during most of the years since its creation has been under CFR control, starting with Allen Dulles, founding member of the CFR. In fact almost all cabinet level positions in the White House have been filled by CFR/TC member, Republican and Democrats. This is how they keep power through presidential transitions across party lines. Former President Jimmy Carter, the hand pick president of Rockefeller, the Insiders' "outsider", given CFR/TC media backing, admitted that the cabinet positions selection was "out of his hands". Government is not the only place where CFR and TC members exists. There are members in all the major newspapers, publications and television networks, virtually the entire media, thus given the insider the power of the press and the ability the manipulate the entire country or world. The present United Nations organization is actually the creation of the CFR and is housed on land in Manhattan donated to it by the family of current CFR chairman David Rockefeller. According to State Department Publication 2349, entitled "Report to the President on the results of the San Francisco Conference" submitted by CFR member and then secretary of State Edward Stettinius, "a committee on post-war problems was set up before the end of 1939 at the suggestion of the CFR. Imagine, two years before the United States entered World War II, the CFR was already planning how to order the world when the war was over! We may assume from this initiative that the entry of the U.S. into World War II was certain to these people two years before the attack on Pearl Harbor. For the sceptics, please note that the Rockefeller Foundation in 1946 appropriated over $139,000 to produce a history of the United States' entry into World War II which would counter any "revisionist" histories that might argue that we were tricked into war by the Roosevelt Administration, the way several highly successful academic studies of World War I demonstrated in the 1920's and 1930's. Let us not forget how profitable wars can be. In fact, at the same time American was spending trillions of dollars on it military machine and sending troops to Vietnam. Rockefeller was financing the Soviets and the Vietnamese with oil refineries and aluminum plants. Only the absence of a formal declaration of war in Vietnam keeps the Rockefellers from being actionable for treason. We may never know the truth about these things but we must ask why these things are not brought out by the media. Isn't there one branch of the media devoted expressly to the truth? aren't newspapers and television news programs still devoted to letting us know what's really going on in the world? Both the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars have resolutions demanding congressional investigations of the CFR/TC but for now we must ask questions of our government, hold them accountable. We must educate ourselves be prepared to find out that not all things happen the way we are told they are. NOTE: During May 1994, President William Jefferson Clinton signed Presidential Directive #25 [details secret even from congress] which place the United States military under the direction of the United Nations. To unsubscribe or subcribe send email to "usa-forever put nothing in the subject line and in body put either unsubscribe or subscribe. USA-FOREVER is dedicated to preserving our inalienable rights! ****************************************** EDITORIAL: The Lure of the Apocalypse By Timothy George Christ's second coming is not just fodder for fanatics, but a nonnegotiable truth. One hundred years ago, Christians anticipated this century with the unbridled optimism that echoed their slogans: "ever onward and upward," "the evangelization of the world in our generation," "the absoluteness of Christianity." A new journal launched by some broad-minded believers in 1900 was dubbed The Christian Century. In those days, talk about the imminent return of Jesus Christ was relegated to fringe movements and fiery fundamentalists who seemed out of sync with the spirit of the times. Now, at the end of an era of unparalleled brutality and moral meltdown, perhaps the most un-Christian century since Jesus' time, we are awash in a sea of apocalypticism. End-times hysteria rules the airwaves and repeatedly surfaces as a distinctive feature of such bizarre and deadly tragedies as the Branch Davidian killings in Waco, the recent subway attack in Tokyo, and the even more recent carnage in Oklahoma City. Yet evangelical Christians, beset by unfulfilled prophecies and extremist predictions, tend to shy away from any serious engagement with the doctrine of the second coming of Christ. That would be a real loss, for the "blessed hope" of Jesus' return in glory is a vital wellspring of biblical faith. To guard against this understandable reaction to end-times discussions, we need to remember three things: First, date setters and place namers have been with us since Jesus first promised, "If I go away, I will come back." Based on special revelations they had received, second-century Montanists were sure that Jesus would come back to Pepuza, a village in the Phrygian region of Asia Minor. During the Reformation, the radical prophet Hans Hut predicted the return of Christ for Pentecost 1528 and set about gathering 144,000 elect saints to prepare for this event. Another prophet, Melchior Hoffmann, set a different date (1534) and place (Strasbourg). Both Hut and Hoffmann died in prison with their prophecies unfulfilled and their disciples disillusioned. At the turn of a new millennium, we should not be surprised by new predictions. Second, evangelical, Bible-believing Christians honestly differ with one another over the details of the end of time. Neither Luther nor Calvin wrote a commentary on the Book of Revelation. We should not sweep reasonable differences under the rug nor pretend that they are unimportant for a fuller understanding of the history of redemption. But neither should we promote them as a test of evangelical identity or biblical fidelity. One of the patriarchs of the Southern Baptist tradition in which I was nurtured used to tell us that when the doctor asked us to open our mouths and say "Ah" we were to reply "pre"! I am still a premillennialist, but I have learned to live in more tranquil equipoise with brothers and sisters who interpret the ten horns, the seven trumpets, and the bottomless pit in other ways. This is all the more important because prophetic understandings, even within established traditions, are in a state of flux. The resurgence of postmillennialism, once thought to be extinct, and the rise of "progressive dispensationalism," two words not usually spoken in the same breath, are evidence of the hermeneutical ferment among serious students of God's Word. Finally, the certainty and reality of Christ's parousia remains what it has always been for true believers everywhere: a nonnegotiable truth of divine revelation and an urgent expectation of the people of God. Seduced by modern doctrines of progress, Christians are apt to forget that the kingdom of God is promised as something other than a mere human possibility. We are seeking that city with foundations whose architect and builder is God, not a contrived community pieced together out of utopian illusions and fuel-oil-and-fertilizer solutions. This eschatological itch is endemic to Christianity and has occasionally induced escapism and a retreat from responsible engagement with culture. But the greater temptation faced by Christians today is that we will become so cozy in our accommodation to the world that we lose any prophetic distance from it. Consequently, we become so "earthly minded that we are of no earthly good." For it is only one who engages the world from the perspective of God's overcoming grace and ultimate triumph in Jesus Christ who will be able to live and work with joy and purpose in an era marked by death and destruction, a world that "in its present form is passing away," as Paul told the Corinthians. In the aftermath of Oklahoma City, we serve our Savior and our neighbors best when we truly live in the light of Christ's second advent, remaining faithful here and now, working within history, but also from beyond it, toward overcoming the demons of this world. ****************** By Timothy George, senior editor of CHRISTIANITY TODAY and dean of Beeson Divinity School, Samford University, in Birmingham, Alabama. Copyright (c) 1995 Christianity Today, Inc./CHRISTIANITY TODAY Magazine ctcurrmrw5T7016566b *********************************************** The Great Tribulation False???? By: Clay Willis Do you believe there is a "great tribulation" ahead for the world to go through? That this "tribualtion" will last for either 7 years or 3 and one half years? That this "tribulation" is prophecied by Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13, Luke chapter 21 and Daniel chapters 9, 11 and 12? For many years, "fire and brimstone" preachers and teachers have tried to scare people into obeying God by threatening them with eternal punishing -- roasting someone over the spit forever -- in a fire and brimstone (burning sulfur) "hell". This is clearly a pagan doctrine and is no where taught in the Bible! Study it carefully for yourself and you'll see. Today, many false prophets and preachers predict the emminent "end of the world" preceded by a "great tribulation" lasting either 3 and one half or 7 years based on the above mentioned scriptures. In both cases, these false prophets and preachers are misleading their followers and helping to mask the true message of the Bible and to mask real, unfulfilled prophecies about our future with their balderdash about "hell" and the "great tribulation". In some cases they are misled or stupid themselves; in others, they mislead deliberately so that you will do what THEY want you to do. The gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke are parallels -- that is, they tell basically the same story from slightly different viewpoints. The parallel accounts of the "great tribulation" are especially enlightening. What is the "end of the world" [Matt. 24:3 KJV] and when did/will it happen? The "end of the world" is really the "end of the age" as many translations correctly put it. The Greek word is "aion" and much better translated as "age" rather than "world" because it has nothing to do with the physical world. The Greek words "kosmos" or "gaia" are more representative of the physical universe and the world. When Jesus died and one generation -- 40 years -- later, giving time for the people of that day to repent of their sins, Jerusalem was razed to the ground, it was the "end of the age" -- the end of the first covenant age. With the final destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, it was the end of that first covenant age. [The first covenant was the one established with the people of Israel at Mt. Sinai and can be read in Exodus chapters 20-14]. The death of Jesus established the "new covenant". What is/was the "abomination of desolation", the "holy place" in which the abomination stands/stood in, and when did/will this occur? The parallel accounts explain the "abomination that causes desolation" [NIV]: Matthew 24: 15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains; Mark 13:14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that read understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains; Luke 21:20 And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed about with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Luke doesn't mention the Daniel prophecy but speaks of "armies". Matthew and Mark mention "the abomination" but they don't mention "armies". They are the SAME thing. The "abomination that makes desolate" was the pagan, idol-worshiping, hierarchical, pompous, proud Roman army. THE ROMAN ARMY made Jerusalem desolate. The "holy place" is mentioned by Matthew; Mark calls it the place where the abomination "ought not" stand; and Luke spells out that the "holy place" is Jerusalem. Jerusalem was "holy" because this is the place where God chose to "place His name". [I Kings 8:43,48; 9:3,5,7]. After Jerusalem rejected Jesus and killed Him, God refers to Jerusalem as "Sodom and Egypt" [Revelation 11:8], hardly "holy" places. Even if there was an "abomination of desolation" today, there is no "holy place" in which it could stand. At the end of the age of the first covenant, God removed His name from the earth and the only thing "holy" on this earth are those people who are in the process of becoming the sons of God. When does this occur? Titus and Vespacian and the Roman armies laid seige to Jerusalem in AD 66 and exactly 3 and one half years later, they razed the city. This was the "great tribulation"! [Matthew 24:21; "affliction" Mark 13:19; "days of vengence" Luke 21:22-24] If someone wants to teach you that prophecy is "dual" or that this was a "type" of things to come in OUR future, ask them to prove it from the Bible. The Bible is VERY clear when speaking of dualities and "types": Christ was the "second Adam"; Jesus was in the grave 3 days and 3 nights just as Jonah was in the "belly of the whale" that same time, etc. The "great tribulation" occurred in AD 70. The "abomination of desolation" was the Roman army that razed the "holy place" (Jerusalem) in AD 70. Teaching otherwise keeps Bible students from searching the scriptures to learn the real prophecies that God has given us of times yet to come and allows charlatans and false teachers yet another tactic in scaring people into doing what these men want their followers to do. Don't be fooled! Read the Bible for yourself. God will help you understand the truth if you ask Him to and if you don't try and use the Bible to support what you already believe. (Clay Willis) *********************************************** The Real Conspiracy Theory by John Kinsella President Kennedy remarked in a speech back in 1960 that everyone from his generation remembered where they were and what they were doing when the news was announced of President Roosevelt's death. Three years later, President Kennedy was himself assassinated, becoming a generational barometer. Today, everyone over forty can remember exactly what they were doing on Nov. 22, 1963 when it was announced, "the President has been shot" while driving through Dealy Plaza in Dallas. Wednesday, April 19, 1995. Another event burned itself into the consciousness of a nation--the systematic destruction of hundreds of American citizens in Oklahoma City, when a 4,000-pound home-made bomb destroyed the nine-story federal office building in the heart of the city. It was the heart of America. Oklahoma City is very nearly the geographic dead center of the United States. If there was a place on earth where Americans could feel safe from foreign attack, it was Oklahoma City. But this attack wasn't from without--it was from within. The suspected bombers are Americans--members--at least ideologically-- of what is commonly called the "patriot movement." As America struggles to make sense of the senseless, the media is focusing on this movement, its plans and objectives, while glossing over the major issues the movement raises. In watching the coverage of these groups, I was amazed to see, for the first time, a major network broadcasting a segment from the video, "Waco, The Big Lie" produced by the Center for American Law and Justice, a patriot organization affiliated with the 700 Club and Pat Robertson. The segment used on CNN showed a tank backing out, after having crashing through the wall of the Branch Davidian compound. The video purports to show flames emanating from a flame thrower, or similar object, mounted on the front of the tank. We received a copy of the video when it was first released. We studied it with fair judgment, but remained skeptical of it. We discounted it, however, as a 100% reliable source after its producer, Linda Thompson, admitted on a radio talk show that it was factually incorrect on several critical issues. What astonished me, however, about the CNN story was this. They showed what appeared to be photographic evidence that supports a charge of murder committed by agents of the US government. But, nobody batted an eye! Nobody offered an explanation to the contrary. Nobody suggested it was a doctored video. In an unintended demonstration of the power of the media to use facts to distort truth. The clip was broadcast as evidence of how radical the militia groups are! Lunatics without excuse Before the mail starts flying in, I want to state, categorically, that the bombers are lunatics without excuse. I personally have no objection to the application of the death penalty--not just for the bombers, but for those involved in the planning and preparation. And I think I can speak for just about everyone here at This Week in Bible Prophecy ministries in this regard. Also, I need to point out that while we are a Canadian-based ministry, I myself spent sixteen years defending the US Constitution, on the front lines--six years as a US Marine during the Vietnam War and ten years as a police officer in Texas. There are people who say the government perpetrated this crime. This view is utterly without evidence, and should be discounted unless and until such charges are conclusively proved. There are others who blame civil libertarians, that is, those who are concerned about the erosion of civil rights. This is like blaming white people for producing Adolf Hitler, or black people for producing Idi Amin. But, it also creates more questions than it does answers. Who is the "government" and who are the "civil libertarians" and, how can a group be held accountable for the actions of a few pyromaniacs who are obviously not the sharpest tools in the shed to begin with? The "Patriot Movement" The media coverage is intense. We know intimate details about the life, loves and history of the suspects in this case: where they grew up, who their friends were, even details about their family life. In searching for the answer to the question "why" they are looking everywhere except where the problem is. The patriot movement is a grass roots response to what its participants believe is an erosion of civil liberties in America. They have some compelling arguments--arguments we have ourselves presented. Where we differ dramatically, however, is in the area of what would be considered an appropriate response. The patriot movement believes we are moving toward a one-world government, and they oppose it. They advocate armed resistance. Many of them claim to be followers of Jesus Christ--giving the media plenty of ammunition to support their contention that this is yet another example of what Christian fundamentalism really is--intolerant rednecks who want to force their view on the rest of America. A spiritual battle We see things somewhat differently. We believe we are moving toward a one-world government, because this is what God said would happen. But we reject any suggestion that armed resistance is biblical. Jesus told us to, "render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's" (Matthew. 21:21). When Pontius Pilate reminded Jesus of his authority as Roman procurator, Jesus rebuked Pilate, saying, "Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above" (John 19:11). The Bible not only teaches against armed resistance to the government, but Jesus makes it plain that our leaders occupy their positions according to His plan. The new world order is a spiritual issue, being played out in the carnal arena. Using a bomb to win a spiritual battle is like trying to lead somebody to Christ by hitting them in the face with a Bible. It's loud, but ineffective. To try to overthrow, by force, that which God says He has ordained is tantamount to trying to overthrow God. It's either His will, or ours. Force is NOT the answer--prayer is! Godly living, holiness, and personal integrity--these are the weapons the world cannot combat or condemn--much as it would like to. Bombs just even the playing field, and bring us into an arena where the other guys have all the advantages. Resorting to violence is a denial of Christ. Colossians 3:3 teaches, "For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God." We are to be witnesses of the love of Christ. I saw little evidence of Christianlove reflected in the maimed bodies of innocent children in Oklahoma City. The blame game The blame game began almost immediately following the blast. President Clinton seized the opportunity to rail against "hate mongers who keep us paranoid and at each other's throats." There is ample reason for paranoia. The drive toward global government is real. It is documented. It is coming, and it does not bode well for freedom-loving people anywhere on earth. We saw our 4th Amendment rights diluted as a measure against drug dealers. Yet the provisions that allow the government to seize the assets of drug dealers is being applied against other citizens, like tax protesters, abortion protesters, and other politically incorrect types. HR 666 relaxes the constitutional guarantee against unreasonable search and seizure. The 5th Amendment provides for the right of the accused to face his accusers. The Omnibus Anti-Terrorist Act of 1995 will enable the government to introduce evidence from "secret" sources--and denies defendants the opportunity to cross-examine those sources. And the 1st Amendment guarantees our right to speak out against government abuses. And that right is now in peril. The President is advocating the use of an Executive Order to gag such protests. His reasoning? People who protest influence others to take action. Well of course! That is what the Founding Fathers intended. Except, it is the government that is supposed to act. The American system was designed to make government responsive to the people, not the other way around. So who's the enemy here? Blaming the "government" for the erosion of the Constitution is like blaming the "patriot movement" for the bombing. The "government" is us--the people, both bad and good. The same applies to the patriot movement. Both ar idealistic and at least theoretically draw their views from the same Constitution. In the Oklahoma bombing, a few nut bars loosely associated with a legal, constitutionally-protected protest group blew up their own countrymen in their misguided belief they were doing the right thing for people who didn't recognize the danger. Within the government, a few officials have conspired with unelected elitist groups like the Council on Foreign Relations to bring about a system of global government, probably in the belief they were doing the right thing for people who don't recognize the "benefits" involved. But all protesters are not killers. And all government officials are not globalists. The enemy here is the mastermind behind the whole conspiracy--a conspiracy so vast it incorporates elements from both sides without either side ever being aware of it. That mastermind is Satan, the father of lies! There is a conspiracy, but it is not one that can be fought with bombs, bullets, or even ballots! The conspiracy predates Adam and Eve. And the conspirators are putting into motion a plan that has existed since Lucifer first shook his fist in the face of God and shouted "I will." This is the enemy. This is the threat, and this is the battlefield! We report on the global government-in-waiting, not to alarm people and send them scurrying to the militia training field. Our reports on this subject are celebration of the fact that God is still on the throne, that what He promised would happen is indeed taking place, and that we have nothing to worry about. As Jesus told us, "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" (Luke 21:28). *************************************************** What is the New World Order? 1700's - Illuminati (Adam Weishaupt-Founder, Jesuit Priest and Freemason) Illuminati name translated to "bearers of the light" - Lumen derived from Lucifer, ancient "angel of light" spoken of in the old testament. 1800's - FreeMason/Illuminati Organizations: Rothschilds/Jacob Schiff Nathan Rothschild vows to kill Czar of Russia and his family. 1900's - Illuminati: Rothschilds/Cune, Loeb & Co. (Jacob Schiff)/ Rockefellers 1913 - Federal Reserve Act put into law by Rockefellers on Dec 24 1913. Only 3 congressmen were present as it was Christmas Eve. 1913 - 16th Amendment (IRS TAXES) added to Constitution. 1917 - Czar of Russia is killed by Bolshevik revolutionaries. Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin are financially backed by Jacob Schiff with 20M in Gold (paid by Rothschilds/Illuminati). 1920 - League of Nations proposed by Woodrow Wilson. 1921 - COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (CFR) created by Rockefellers/ New York, deemed as Illuminati Organization in US. 1921 - Royal Institute for International Affairs created by Rothschilds/ London. 1929 - Rothschild/Rockefellers/Carnegie/Morgan (CFR) created stock market crash, worldwide depression ensues. 1933 - President Roosevelt (CFR) declares US. bankrupt - Signs over US. monetary power to world bankers (Rothschilds/Rockefellers - Illuminati) 1939 - Hitler Invades Poland - Financial backing by Rothschilds/Warburgs/ Krupps. 1939 - Rothschild companies financially back both Hitler and Stalin for World War II. 1941 - US. enters World War II (planned by Rothschild/Schiff/Rockefeller/ Roosevelt. 1945 - World War II ends - UNITED NATIONS created as solution to war. 1950 - Land donated for UN Headquarters/New York, by Rockefellers. 1950 - UN starts Korean War. 1959 - UN starts Vietnam War. 1963 - President Kennedy killed by One World conspirators - News media reports only one gunman (Lee Harvey Oswald) - 5 bullets found from different guns. Prime witnesses for multiple gunman theory found dead or missing. 1963 - Jack Ruby kills LeeHarvey Oswald - Ruby dies in jail of mysterious illness. 1967 - Martin Luther King killed. 1968 - Bobby Kennedy killed. 1971 - President Nixon (CFR) declares US. in state of emergency. 1973 - Nixon withdraws troops from Vietnam, bowing to extreme public pressure. 1973 - David Rockefeller forms TRILATERAL COMMISSION (TLC)/ New York. 1976 - Jimmy Carter (CFR) elected - Zbignew Brzezinski (CFR/TLC) appointed National Security Advisor. Five other high level members of president's staff all members of CFR/TLC. 1977 - Carter signs UN charter removing US. sovereignity under UN military command. 1977 - Benjamin Creme publishes books and speaks publicly about Maitreya, the new age Christ returning to earth. 1981 - Congressman Larry McDonald calls for comprehensive congressional investigation of the CFR and Trilateral Commission. Congress is urged to investigate these organizations. 1983 - Larry McDonald is killed along with 268 other passengers on Korean Air Lines (KAL) flight 007, shot down over Sakhalin Island in the Sea of Japan. All bodies recovered, except the bodies of the pilot and copilot. Some of the extremely suspicious information regarding KAL 007 include: o Flight was off course with plenty of fuel. Commercial flights commonly take a short cut over Sakhalin when low on fuel. Radio response in Russian airspace commonplace, with Russian pilots monitoring path of commercial planes. o Russian pilots radioed KAL 007 with no response from pilots. o Russian pilots fired warning shots with visible tracers past cockpit, KAL pilots did no acknowledge warning shots or tracers. o Two parachutes were seen by inhabitants of Aleutian islands prior to plane being shot down. o Flight recorder recovered by US. submarine, data classified by CIA. 1983 - Andropov (USSR) dies of mysterious illness, Chernenko appointed. 1984 - Chernenko (USSR) dies, Gorbachev appointed USSR Secretary General. 1985 - Gorbachev introduces Glasnost and Perestroika to USSR. 1986 - Chernobyl (Wormwood) nuclear disaster. USSR requests massive massive aid from USA and Germany. Public opinion of USSR swayed. 1988 - George Bush (CFR/TLC/FreeMason) elected president. 1989 - Berlin Wall falls - East Germans pour into West Germany. US military is regarded as "obsolete" by media organizations. 1990 - UN starts Gulf War. President Bush verbally announces a "NEW WORLD ORDER" on TV. 1991 - Fake coup attempt of Gorbachev in Soviet Union. Yeltsin named leader. 1991 - Yeltsin elected president of Russia. Crisis in Bosnia develops. Russia is now seen as US ally and friend. Disarmament of US military technology starts. 1992 - President Clinton (CFR/TLC) elected president. Orders US military base closures. Orders gays to be allowed into the military/raises taxes/implements NAFTA/signs bill allowing US troops to be under UN command. Sends US troops overseas to Bosnia/Somalia/Germany/Peru. Begins dismantling military equipment and bases in US. Signs bills allowing illegal house to house search and seizure, signs bills removing our 2nd amendment rights, proposes national computer ID via health care card, signs bills allowing wiretaps of any phone/modem/or fax. Proposes "Clipper" chip on computers to allow tracking of data by government. Allows Russian and East German military equipment to be brought on US soil. 1992 - Los Angeles riots started from incedent on Florence and Normandy. Many buildings professionally torched in a very logical, military- style action. National Guard called out. Citizens introduced to FEMA organization as friend and ally to the public. Citizens take up arms to protect their own businesses, and are ARRESTED by federal agents. Media portrays event as gang created and instills great fear in public. Gang leaders claim no responsibility for building torchings - not publicized in media. 1993 - Gorbachev starts Gorbachev Foundation USA in the Presidio in San Franciso. Starts developing plans and strategies to disassemble all US military weaponry. 1993 - BATF and FBI agents flood Branch Davidian compound in WACO, Texas with C.S. gas - purported to be only "tear gas" (when CS gas is ignited, it becomes cyanide gas). 75 men women and children killed. Subsequent coverup by Attorney General Janet Reno, FBI, BATF and CIA. Linda Thompson releases video showing BATF agents setting fire to compound with exhaust from rear of tank. Building ignites all CS gas inside, killing everyone. Media portrays David Koresh as madman cult leader and ruthless killer. 1993 - Russian and Nepalese Ghurkha combat troops begin military manouvers and training exercises on US soil. US citizens are alarmed but are regarded as "radical extremists". 1994 - Clinton proposes National Health Care. National ID card would be required. 1994 - H.R. 666 passed by congress allowing illegal search and seizure. 1994 - NAFTA implemented allowing US and Asian manufacturers to have plants in Mexico, where wages are controlled at poverty level and environmental requirements are not controlled or monitored. 1994 - GATT agreement signed and implemented. 1994 - Vladimir Zhirinovsky gains popularity in Russia based on his ultra nationalist platform. Zhirinovsky plans to take back all former Russian territories including Poland, Finland and Alaska and also plans a warm water sea port for Russia in the Indian Ocean. In his book "Last Dash To The South", Zhirinovsky states that when he becomes the new leader of Russia, he will kill all crime band leaders on the spot, with public executions without trials. He will pile up nuclear waste on the border of Lithuania and blow the radioactive vapors over them so they will all die. He also claims he will send a group of nuclear submarines to circle underwater around Japan and "if they so much as 'chirp' he will nuke them". Many claim Zhirinovsky has knowledge of UN takeover of the United States which is why he claims in his book "that the USA will collapse and will be without food and many people will immigrate to Europe and Russia". 1994 - Zhirinovsky regarded by many Christians as prophetic world leader to arise out of the east. Many claim that his birthplace in Alma Ata, Khazakhstan is purported to be the land of "Magog" described in the bible. His name (Vladimir) in Russian means "Ruler of The World" and his middle name (Wolfovich) means "Son of a Wild Canine". Zhirinovsky regarded as the New World Order version of Hitler or Stalin. 1994 - Various patriot and militia groups formed in USA, regarded as "psychos" and "kooks" by media. Militia of Montana distributes tapes and literature regarding New World Order movement. Linda Thomson forms American Justice Federation and distributes literature and videos showing Russian military equipment on US soil and UN controlled "concentration camps" complete with gas chambers, being constructed in Indiana. Linda exposes UN black helicopters on video tape. Her family is then continually harassed and UN black helicopters fly over her office and home. 1994 - Mark Koernke from Michigan distributes tapes and videos on militia movements, the New World Order and UN takeover of the US. Michigan Militia holds meetings. 1995 - UN black helicopters spotted in many states and all over California. 1995 - InfoPet injectable transponder introduced as a way to monitor pets. Many Christian books and videos appear claiming that the injectable transponder is actually the "Mark of The Beast" prophesied in the Book of Revelation. 1995 - Bob Fletcher (former toy manufacturer, testified in Iran/Contra hearings, now currently working with Militia of Montana) produces video in febuary of 95 complete with actual video footage describing in great detail the New World Order Movement, world socialism, UN takeover of the United States, the CIA involvement in New World Order clandestine operations, injectable transponders, black helicopters and concentration camps in the United States. Bob Fletcher has multiple attemps made on his life, resulting in hospitalization and intensive care. 1995 - Federal building in Oklahoma City bombed. Government suggests possible link to patriot militia groups. Patriot groups claim government conspiracy relating to bombing. Government discredits and begins media assault on patriot organizations and militia groups. 1995 - Uni-bomber strikes 2 days after the Federal Building was bombed bombed was bombed. Media does "blitz" on militia groups trying to portray them as dangerous and possibly behind these bombings. Prime Time Live, 20/20 and Nightline all carry cover stories of militia organizations attempting to portray them as a dangerous bunch of "kooks" and "paranoid-right-wing paramilitary" organizations. NBC, CBS and ABC simultaneously carry stories on local militia organizations in an attempt to scare the public. 1995 - President Clinton and Bob Dole sign bills enabling 1,000 more federal anti-terrorist agents and also implement tough new "anti-terrorist" legislation. Public opinion is swayed by Oklahoma and Uni-Bomber bombings to allow more freedoms to be taken away in favor of "tougher anti-terrorist" laws. Some patriot groups claim both bombings were created by the New World Order movement to scare the US public into accepting greater anti-gun control and greater "anti-terrorist" Federal control. Are you willing to accept what happens next? For the sake of your freedom and liberty, the sake of the OUR country, and the sake of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, please take action now. Reprinted from the 5/30/95 issue of Contact. Contact, Inc. P.O. Box 27800 Las Vegas, NV 89126 1-805-822-9655 ***************************************** Prophe-Zine News Bites U.N. Treaty to Enforce Feminist Gender Confusion in Textbooks ------------------------------------------------------------- A UN Treaty voted to the floor of the Senate has authority toenforce leftist gender confusion on all school texts, uncluding those used by homeschoolers and Christian private schools. That treatyobliges the state to "take all measures.....Toward the elimination ofstereotyped roles [sic] of men and women at all levels and in all forms of education..." In essence, the treaty obligates the state to forbid naturalistic views of men and women in educational materials andindoctrinate students with the artificial "unisexism" imposed by leftist ideology. The treaty calls for a UN committee to ensure compliance by signatory nations. The UN treaty was first submitted by a lame-duck Jimmy Carter in November of 1980. It never passed and has laid dormant until the Clintonista Secretary of State Warren Christopher reopened the issue with Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman, Clairborn Pell. The treaty would make it illegal to teach children that mothers are biologically inclined to nurturance and fathers toward shouldering the objective situational control need to provide a living. - News release from "National Center for Home Education", Box 125, Paconian Sprgs, VA. ****************** National ID card ** Freedom Alert II ** IT'S EVEN WORSE THAN WE THOUGHT! (revised 5/26/95) Clinton-Kennedy FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER of all private employment in America moves forward! WHERE ARE THE REPUBLICANS?!! The proposal by the Clinton Administration and Senator Teddy Kennedy for a FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF ALL PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT IN AMERICA continues to move forward! S.B. 754 soon to be heard by the full judiciary committee, will require that every private employer in America ask the federal government's permission before they hire any worker. Hiring anyone without the government authorization will be a FEDERAL CRIME! All of this will be enforced by a NEW FEDERAL COMPUTER IDENTITY DATABASE KEEPING RECORDS ON EVERY MAN, WOMAN, AND CHILD IN AMERICA! Republican Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas) has promised to fight the Clinton-Kennedy takeover of private employment in America. He's now been joined by leading conservatives such as Phyllis Schlafly, Bill Kristol, Grover Norquist, the Cato Institute, and the National Federation of Independent Business. But the Republicans in the Senate are still wavering. Clinton says we need a federal computer database on all Americans in order to fight illegal immigration and track down the Oklahoma City bombers, and the Republicans are afraid to oppose him. Moderate Republican Senator Alan Simpson has actually endorsed the federal takeover and sponsored a similar bill, S.B. 269. Senator Diane Feinstein (D-Calif) now wants to take the Kennedy proposal even further. Her S.B. 580 includes a mandatory NATIONAL IDENTITY CARD, and wants every American to be legally required to carry an identity card with a magnetic strip containing VOICE PRINTS, RETINAL SCANS, and perhaps even DIGITIZED DNA CODES, with MANDATORY FEDERAL PRISON TERMS for ID tampering. She believes this system would be perfect for tracking down future GUN OWNERSHIP violations. Feinstein also wants IMMEDIATE IMPLEMENTATION of the proposal. There is an excellent proof piece in today's (5/26) WALL ST. JOURNAL on the editorial page (Give Me Your Tired, our Poor, You Fingerprints) by Paul Gigot. GET THE WORD OUT! Stop the Clinton-Kennedy-Feinstein federal takeover from getting through congress. Force the Republicans to take a STAND FOR LIBERTY. Call the talk shows and call the key members of congress. Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas) OPPOSES the Kennedy-Clinton takeover: Dick Armey (R-TX): 1-202-225-7772 / 1-202-225-7614 (FAX) These other important Republicans are SUPPORTING Clinton-Kennedy or are WOBBLING: Jon Kyl (R-AZ): 1-202-224-4521 / 1-202-224-2207 (FAX) Alan Simpson (R-WY): 1-202-224-3424 / 1-202-224-1315 (FAX) Lamar Smith (R-TX): 1-202-225-4236 / 1-202-225-8628 (FAX) Spencer Abraham (R-MN): 1-202-224-4822 / 1-202-224-8834 (FAX) Chris Cox (R-CA): 1-202-225-5611 / 1-202-225-9177 (FAX) Henry Hyde (R-IL): 1-202-225-4561 / 1-202-225-1166 (FAX) ************** BIG BROTHER WORKING FOR IRS by M. Pietrantoni - American Survival Mag ------------------------------------------------------- Just before Christmas last year, the Internal Revenue Service, IRS,placed a little noted announcement in the back pages of the FederalRegister, the official weekly publication of the US Government. The IRSannouncement concerned the agency's plans to build a massive newdatabase called Compliance 2000 will also gather information on individuals from private and commercial organizations, as well as from media reports. What this means is that anytime you fill out any form which uses yourname and/or social security number, such as an application for a bank loan or a subscription form to a magazine, the IRS now plans to have that information collected and stored in the Compliance 2000 database. Privacy rights groups have assailed the Compliance 2000 plan on a number of different fronts. They note for example that not only was the required notice buried in the back of the Federal Register near Christmas, but that the notice said the IRS would only accept comments from the public up until January 19 of this year, and would then begin the program just 11 days later on January 30th. Privacy advocates further note that in the IRS plan the agency has exempted itself from the 1974 Privacy Act which allows individuals to access information the government may have on them. Indeed the notice in the Federal Register specifically states that "...this system is exempt from notification, access and contest provisions of the Privacy Act (1974)." In essence this means the IRS doesn't even need to correct false information it may have collected. Marc Rotenberg, director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, EPIC in Washington, DC, said of the IRS plan: "If this program goes forward, the IRS agents will be given access to a wide range of detailed personal information...(and that)...Given the recent incidents of 'browsing' we are not convinced that the IRS's privacy policies are adequate to prevent the harms that would result from access to this information." Rotenberg was referring to the discovery last July by Senator John Glenn (D-OH) that some 1,300 IRS employees have been investigated for 'browsing' through the tax returns of friends, neighbors, and relatives, and that some might have even sold the information they found. Business and industry groups have also spoken out against the IRS plan. Says Jerry Cerasale, senior vice president of the Direct Marketing Association, DMA, which represents 3,500 companies that sell products and services directly to the public: "If the public believes that information collected for the purposes of buying magazines, winter parkas, or ladies lingerie is going to be that basis of an online database, we believe this will significantly chill the willingness of individuals to transact business." Congress may yet have the last word on Compliance 2000. Senator David Pryor (D-ARK), a member of the Senate subcommittee on the IRS sent a letter to the agency concerning its plans. The letter read in part, "Various individual taxpayers and organizations have become alarmed that this Notice in the Federal Register raises the spectre of Big Brother intruding into the lives of our citizens. I share their fear." --- ********************** Reprinted in its entirety from The Daily Southtown, Southwest edition, June 14, 1995 Ed's note: I cancelled my subscription to this paper two years ago in disgust at their liberal, anti-gun policy. I bought today's paper because their coverage of the event described below was somewhat more detailed than that of the Chicago Sun Times- another rag not known for its balanced coverage of topics. Lemont survives `attack' by Joe Robertson-Staff Writer For those who thought Lemont was under military attack Monday night, the Department of Defense assures us that the low-flying helicopters and window-rattling bombs were just part of a routine Army training mission. At ease. As you were. That was NOT the Battle of Lemont. Armageddon was not at hand. It was merely the Battle of the Abandoned St. Vincent DePaul Seminary. The vacant seminary on 127th Street west of Archer Avenue was the prime target of the training assault between 10 PM and midnight for Special Operations forces from Fort Bragg, N.C. If the Army's mission was to blow out windows in the old buildings and scare the living daylights out of some of the neighbors, well then, it was mission accomplished. "There were some small demolitions," said Department of Defense spokesman Mike Sienda. Small? Maybe by Army standards. In a subdivision just north of the training area, the Kasperski children were in tears. "They scared the dickens out of the kids," said Jeanie Kasperski, whose boys, 4 and 6, were jolted out of bed as were many residents in the area. "I thought our furnace had blown up," she said. "It sounded like dynamite going off." Helicopters racing over the Beechen home were so close that Kendra Beechen claims she saw the green lights of their instrument panels. "The whole house was shaking," she said. "They were flying around at treetop level. They could've landed in my back yard." Southwest Central Dispatch, which handles 911 calls for the Lemont area, reported about 30 calls from confused residents, Director Bill Shanley said. The dispatchers had been apprised of the mock invasion so people who called 911 were assured they were not under attack. Some residents in the homes closest to the old seminary were notified by state police who went door-to-door about a half-hour before the assault began. The Army has been training in the Chicago area for two weeks, Sienda said. Special Operations Command in Fort Bragg is constantly seeking out training sites around the country to hone the skills of its helicopter teams. "Pilots need training in urban environments," he said. "There are obstacles and lights that are a lot different than a rural area." The five buildings of the old seminary had been vacant for several years and had been used in the past for training exercises by the Illinois State Police and Lemont police,Sienda said. Developer Pat Cronin, who owns the property, said the buildings were due to be demolished within a few weeks to make way for the growing Abbey Oaks subdivision. The Army negotiated with Cronin to use the property for its practice. In return, Cronin got to ride in one of the helicopters. "They're flying through the night, and it's pitch black," he said. "They were wearing those night-vision goggles and they landed right on top of the buildings. It was amazing." The Special Operations forces were blasting their way through doors and windows, and running from room to room, Cronin said. If there had been any American hostages inside, he figures the troops would have gotten them out. Not all the nearby residents were happy to see the old seminary attacked. Grecca Vanlue, one of the residents who received the warning at her front door from the state police, went to look at the scene the morning after and was upset at the glass-littered debris the Army left behind. "I'd hate to see kids coming around and getting inside," she said. "It's unsafe." Lt. Col. Ken McGraw in Fort Bragg said the Army would return to clean up its mess. Safety before, during and after the training exercise is the Army's top priority, he said. "We train all over the United States, and we always coordinate an exercise with local police forces," McGraw said. The sites are surveyed beforehand and the low-flying helicopters follow all Federal Aviation Administration rules. As for the poor battered seminary, Cronin pointed out that vandalism and broken glass had been a problem at the abandoned buildings long before the Army stormed in. What the Army doesn't clean up will be taken care of once demolition starts, he said. The Army tries to keep advance notice of its training exercises to a minimum because it doesn't want to raise the curiosity of civilians who might try to get a front-row seat too close to the action, Sienda said. "If we announce these things ahead of time, we could have a safety problem," he said. Once the assault is under way, anyone who hasn't heard about it finds out soon enough, neighbor John Beechen said. "Everyone was out watching," he said. "No one could sleep because of the explosions. It sure seemed a little strange." Ed's notes: 1) As in Des Plains, all but a few residents were taken by surprise. 2) It was a summer night in the burbs. Was the area cleared before the assault? If vandalism had been a problem, who ensured that there were no kids in the buildings? 3) Was the area sealed in order to prevent a panicked resident or motorist from seeking shelter on the grounds? 4) I think this verifies the use of live ammunition. 5) Children were again traumatized. 6) Robertson, with his comments about Armageddon and the Battle of Lemont, thinks this is a big joke. NOT FUNNY. 9) Beechen's statement- "It sure seemed a little strange," confirms the unusual nature of the whole event. 8) I called the offices of Governor Jim Edgar to protestthese maneuvers on the points listed above and was asked if I personally had been disturbed by either the Des Plains raid or the Lemont raid. Replying in the negative, I was questioned then, as to why I should be upset. My reply was that this is MY STATE, that what happens to my neighbors can happen to me, that I don't like the idea of Army helicopters flying over residential areas in mock attacks, and that in light of recent media and political ridicule of people who believe a New World Order is trying to be born here, this event seemed designed to intimidate or provoke those people. All I know for sure is I am very glad it did not happen over my neighborhood, some twenty miles away- because I think I very well could have mistaken this for an all-out assault by our government on the people- and reacted accordingly. 9) I urge ALL citizens of Illinois and any other state (such as West Virginia) where these maneuvers are being conducted to call their governor's and protest this type of exercise in residential areas. There have been enough military air crashes in recent months to warrant concern about the safety of civilians, and again, in light of the tension in society about the excesses of the Federal Government, "missions" such as these could be easily construed as attacks against the people. EP ************************** THE NEW WORLD ORDER: Spying Into the Minds of Our Children ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are very, very dangerous things you're talking about because first, on several levels, what it does to the individual, what it does to a data bank to have that about the individual, and how you would use that to selectively eliminate or to incorporate people whom you want to support your position of power and dominance in a "new world order" -- or how you could target those people for elimination, as far as power goes, or even physical detention. Keep in mind that we went through McCarthyism where over a hundred thousand Americans and their families were destroyed by this one completely psychopathic, deranged, mentally warped, perverted scum-bag. And those are the good things I could say about Joseph McCarthy. That man was one of the most evil men who ever lived. Yet, he had the FULL participation of many members [of Congress] because he said that he was speaking for the consensus, and for the "right" way of thinking. What about all the innocent people who he hurt and who committed suicide? And there are many instances of that. When I look around at the people whose lives have been affected by this so-called "consensus thinking", or where they've had dossiers on people, and the moment they see that you don't support their particular economic, religious, political or social agenda, they're able to target you as (quote) "the enemies". During Nixon's reign, they had the "enemies list". And also, it was during his reign that executive order 1140 was implemented. And there was another executive order later which allowed for detention camps to be created. That executive order is STILL in place. In fact, it was during the last administration, the Reagan Administration, where there was a contingency plan, if there was ever any major social upheaval, that some fifty-five thousand Americans, on whom they had dossiers (not so dissimilar from what you're discussing here), could be isolated. And, without trial, without conviction, without being formally charged, with no civil liberties and rights, without legal representation, these Americans could be indefinitely incarcerated in different U.S. Government facilities. They even had these facilities ... and during a major undercover story that I was doing, I've actually gone to some of these facilities to see if they actually existed. Fifty-five thousand Americans! And that was just the first batch. Now, could you imagine, with the data systems that we have, people of all backgrounds, conservative and liberal -- if you didn't answer those questions correctly, and if they had a dossier on you which show that you legitimately hold certain views which they feel could be a threat, then in all likelihood, your dossier is going to make you one of those people who are not on the "RIGHT" side of the issue. And, since you're not the one in power or control, you're the target. And it's not as if there is no precedent for this. There IS precedence for this, and there is precedence in virtually every country of the world, where they have harrassed or arrested or denigrated or used surreptitious and illegal means to discredit, to destroy, to defame people whom they felt threatened by. So, they have an opportunity to create a WHOLE generation of thinking based upon a curriculum, and a model of education that will eliminate people from any positions in the future .... people who would never have a chance -- never -- of getting into a position of being either a policy-maker or an opinion-leader. Why? Because they have been able to track these people. They're tracking their parents. They're tracking their friends. They know where they live. They know what they eat. They know which television shows they watch. They know everything about them because, during this whole teaching process, they've kept EXTENSIVE files on all of their results. So, anyone who IS an individualist, who chooses to respect the autonomy of their own mind, who is capable of making assertive decisions, who wants to be an active participant in anything that is going to affect their lives ..... Think of all the women who have decided to forego caesarian [operations], or who havechallenged the radical mastectomy [operation]. Those women, in answering a questionnaire that they would be seeking a second opinion, or that they would seek complementary therapy, etc., .... those women would not be accepted into anything where you had to have a woman who would simply accept what she was told to do. So, those women who finally have begun to free themselves would be excluded, and as a result, you would have two classes. You would have the ruling majority by consensus and the excluded minority that is left out of everything. And that is a very, very frightening thought. And it's not as if it is theoretical. This, you're telling us, is being done NOW. This is being taught NOW. This is illegal. The Federal Government has been caught doing this illegal act NOW. We are not theorizing about the future. And I'm concerned about this. Is that a fair or an unfair summary of your statements, Bev? BEVERLY EAKMAN [author of EDUCATING FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER]: I'm not sure that the Federal Government deliberately got itself in this mess. Some people, some individuals did, but I think what happened was that they didn't realize how much footsy they were playing with the Carnegie Foundation, which is practically taken over ..... Well, I'm not going to say "practically". It IS taken over by behaviorists. When you look at the credentials of the leadership ... and those are the people who are sitting on every important task force, who are making virtually all of the decisions about education. The problem is that they OWN most of the computer banks. They own the testing service. They own that National Assessment of Educational Progress. They own the Scholastic Aptitude Tests. They own the National Teaching[ers?] Exam. You can keep going on and on about all the tests that they own, as well as many of the state assessments under separate contract, which is a slight conflict of interest, by the way. They own a lot of the computer systems. They are in the position right now that if they said: "We're going to take our computers and go home," the Federal Government would be in deep trouble. I mean, they would panic because they have traded so much money back and forth; given so much money, not just to the Carnegie Foundation, but the Carnegie Foundation has given money to the GOVERNMENT! Gobs and gobs of grants for them to establish these computer systems and what-not. And I think our Federal Government got in over their heads. John DiNardo ******************** PROOF That UN Will Abolish Private Ownership of Firearms Go to your nearest federal document repository. Ask for a copy of VOLUME 9 of the 1982 EDITION [*not* the current,replacement edition] of the U.S. CODE. Turn to page 554, where you'll find the beginning of PUBLIC LAW # 87-297 [1961]. This law was signed by President Kennedy in 1962, has received 18 subsequent updates, and its provisions have been steadily implemented by every President since. It declares that "NO ONE MAY POSSESS A FIREARM OR LETHAL WEAPON EXCEPT POLICE AND MILITARY PERSONNEL". The progressive steps in its implementation include the confiscation of all privately-held firearms. This law is taught and explained in the National War College, and the various U.S. Armed Forces Academies. The relevant pages and sections are: page 554; page 555 [lower right-hand side of page: defines "disarmament" as elimination of U.S. Forces and calls for absolute restrictions on privately-owned "deadly weapons"]; page 557, sections [a] and [d] [again, require U.S. to eliminate its Armed Forces]; page 558 deals with "policy formulation" [i.e. the accomplishment of these goals]. George Bush said that the passing of authority to the Secretary-General was "in transition". The Supreme Court has already ruled that the U.S. Constitution and its provisions stand UNDER the U.N. Charter and the Resolutions of the United Nations. The provisions of this law are further explained in STATE DEPARTMENT PUBLICATION 72-77, which itself is published in unabridged form in the 35-page "BLUEPRINT FOR THE PEACE RACE", published by U.S. ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT AGENCY [PUBLICATION #4, GENERAL SERIES #3, MAY 1962]. Don't be misled by the wording of "Policy Formulation" on page 558 in volume 9, U.S. CODE, 1982. It was re-written in 1963 to pacify objectors, and forbids removal of firearms from the populace or reduction in national armed strength "UNLESS IT IS PURSUANT TO THE TREATY-MAKING POWER OF THE PRESIDENT OR AUTHORISED BY LEGISLATION OF THE CONGRESS"! The U.N Charter is regarded as an already-binding treaty, so all that is required is a U.N. Resolution or Congressional legislation to ban all "citizen" armaments. George Bush's father, Preston, helped push this law [87-297] through Congress. One of the experts on it is ex-State Senator Bernadine Smith [Box 1776, HANFORD, CALIFORNIA 93232], who resisted it bitterly, and knows its contents and intent as well as anybody. Or you could just call the National War College and ask innocently for more information on it! AFT, as the "compliance and enforcement" arm of the Treasury Department [which has a CFR man heading it], has been unlawfully "compelling" gunshop owners across the U.S. to provide the names, addresses and zip codes of all "long gun" [rifle and shotgun] purchasers, when no legal requirement exists for this. They are apparently creating a computerised registry of ALL private weapons across the United States, by locality, street and house. REMEMBER THE CONFISCATION REQUIREMENT FOR ALL PRIVATE WEAPONS EMBODIED IN "A BLUEPRINT FOR THE PEACE RACE" AND IN STATE DEPARTMENT PUBLICATION # 72-77? THIS LAW IS STILL IN THE *CURRENT* EDITION OF THE U.S. CODE, ALTHOUGH THE PAGE NUMBERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED. YOU CAN FIND IT FAIRLY EASILY BY CHECKING THE INDEX TO THE U.S.CODE. -- Dave Feustel N9MYI Internet: 219-483-1857 Compuserve: <73532,1747> ****************** America's Future, Inc Behind The Headlines October, 1994 MARX DOING WELL ON U.S. CAMPUSES ******************************** It's a study in bizarre contrasts. Even as desperate Cubans risk their lives to escape communism, the teaching of Marxism continues to flourish on U.S. college campuses. But with a "modern" twist. Unlike the radical `60s, today's Marxists for the most part are not planning worker revolutions or the collapse of capitalism. Instead, they're offering schemes for economic equality and social justice. "These days," says the Wall Street Journal's education reporter Amanda Bennett, "Marxist academics are studying the economics of race and sex, the concepts of comparable worth and welfare reform, the future of world trade and the environment." All of which sounds a lot like the agenda of today's mainstream liberals. Indeed, rather than folding their tents with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the neo-Marxists are adapting to changing times. An academic conference titled "Marxism in the New World Order" drew 1,500 enthusiastic participants. At this year's annual meeting of the American Economics Association, a session on "What It Still Means to be a Marxist in Economics" drew a standing-room only audience. Freed from association with the failed Soviet Union, "Marxian economics has regained the liveliness and the debates," says Richard Wolff, a Marxist professor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. "It's fun." Well, maybe Marxism is a ball for some academics. But it's more likely to be a tragedy for millions of people forced to live under what used to be called Marxism-Leninism. Actually, Karl Marx, the 19th century German philosopher and revolutionary, had little to say about communism, which took over in Russia during and after World War I. It was under the machinations of Vladimir Lenin that Marxism-Leninism began its bloody, 70-year drive for world domination. Both Lenin and his successor, Josef Stalin, have become non-persons among today's Marxist intelligentsia - Stalin after his murderous proclivities were exposed by Nikita Khrushchev in 1956, and Lenin after his evil past was fully uncovered only recently. According to Dmitry Volkogonov, senior military advisor to President Boris Yeltsin and a prominent Russian author and historian, Lenin's "main quality was his enormous, fanatic belief in the Communist Utopia. To achieve it in practice, Lenin would not stop at anything: terrorism, lies and hostage-taking." Volkogonov said a study of 3,724 once-secret Soviet documents confirmed that Lenin unquestionably initiated the terror that Stalin carried on to kill millions of Russians. And contrary to previous Communist Party portrayals of Lenin as a patriotic hero, the historian found that he frequently referred to the Russian people as "fools" and "idiots." Today's Marxists seem to have no difficulty in consigning Lenin to the "dustbin of history." And they offer ready explanations for the failure of the former Soviet and East European systems. Power was never equally distributed in the Soviet Union, says Stephen Resnick, another University of Massachusetts at Amherst economics professor. Instead, he says, the Soviet system was a form of state capitalism. Mainstream economists scoff at such Marxist alibis. Paul Samuelson, emeritus professor of economics at MIT and author of a classic economics textbook, puts it this way: "Some Americans went from believing in the Soviet Union and becoming disillusioned, to believing in Castro's Cuba and becoming disillusioned, to Mao's China and becoming disillusioned. If you are a serious student of history, you have to ask yourself if it's the system that cannot work." Yet, modern American Marxists still believe the system can work. John Roemer, a Marxist professor of economics at the University of California at Davis, would distribute equal numbers of shares in U.S. companies to all adult Americans in the form of vouchers. He argues that the basis of socialism is not state planning and ownership but "egalitarianism." Antonio Callari, a professor at Franklin and Marshall College, would impose a so-called "social tariff" on imports from countries with repressive social policies. Julie Mattaei, a Wellesley College economics professor,says today's Marxists are concerned with an "analysis of how institutions are oppressive, based on gender, race and sexuality." And Stephen Resnick, the University of Massachusetts economics professor, among others, would like Congress to pass a law giving workers control over all company profits. "The workers at General Motors," he says, "should get the profits of General Motors." Somehow, a lot of these "new" Marxist schemes have an old and familiar ring. =================================================================== Behind the Headlines, written by Philip C. Clarke, is a syndicated column distributed by America's Future. It is available to interested newspapers and other publications on a gratis basis as a service of this non-profit educational organization. For more information, please write or call Mr. John Wetzel, c/o America's Future Inc., P.O. Box 1625, Milford, Pa. 18337 (717) 296-2800. ********************* Abortion-Related Legislation in Congress ** Ban on Partial Birth Abortion Method (Canady bill) Most Americans know little about the actual methods of abortion or exactly what those methods do to an unborn child at various stages of development. For the most part, the mass media have "protected" the public from receiving such information in news coverage or even in paid advertising. Most Americans believe that abortion is only legal early in pregnancy, and they would be particularly shocked to learn about the methods that are used to perform late-term abortions. This year, Congress will consider legislation that will throw a spotlight on one approach to late-term abortions - the partial birth abortion methods. Members of Congress, including Charles Canady (R-FL), Barbara Vucanovich (R-NV), Tony Hall (D-OH), and House Judiciary Chairman Henry Hyde (R-IL) have introduced a bill to ban partial-birth abortions nationwide. The same bill is being introduced in the Senate by Senator Bob Smith (R-NH). Contrary to some press reports, the bill would not apply to only "third trimester" abortions, but to all abortions that meet the bill's definition of "partial-birth" abortions. This definition covers all methods that involve the delivery of most of the living baby's body before the baby is killed (generally by stabbing the baby through the skull with surgical scissors, then removing the brain with a suction machine). These procedures are usually performed between 19 weeks and 40 weeks of pregnancy. ACTION: This legislation will force many lawmakers to reflect anew on how far they wish to go in defending violent attacks on innocent human beings. The House Judiciary Committee is expected to vote on the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act during July. Please contact your Congressman and urge support for this legislation. Even abortion proponents have no reason to oppose sensible legislation of this type. For further information on these matters, including legislative language and background material, contact National Right to Life at: 202-626-8800. For updates on recent Congressional events, call the NRLC Congressional Hotline at: 202-393-5433. ************************** Money in your pocket - who needs it? Not Swindon By Alan Raybould LONDON, June 30 (Reuter) - On the face of it an unassuming former railway town in the south of England called Swindon is an unlikely setting for a financial revolution. But from July 3 Swindon will be the test-bed for Mondex, an "electronic cash' system that could revolutionise the way people all around the world pay for everyday goods and services. The Mondex system is the brainchild of Britain's National Westminster Bank. At its heart is a plastic "smart card' that looks like any credit card in your wallet, except that it contains a microchip for storing electronic cash. The chip is "charged' with money through special cash dispensers or by using telephone lines to access a bank account. The electronic cash can be paid to a shopkeeper simply by slipping the card into an electronic reader in special cash tills, or it can be transferred to another person's card via a special "wallet' that resembles a pocket calculator. Britain's Midland Bank and telephone company British Telecommunications have teamed up with NatWest to develop Mondex, and their ambitions are lofty. "I think in the long term we would expect electronic cash to account for about a quarter of all the transactions that take place in society, which is a massive figure," Mondex public relations manager David Morton told Reuters in an interview. "You'd be hoping to see the vast majority of people beginning to carry (Mondex) cards, including children, in five to 10 years time," he added. But one step at a time -- Swindon has to be won over first. So for six months the Mondex system will be used there free of charge by 40,000 people, who will be able to spend their electronic cash in 1,000 retail outlets, having charged their cards using state-of-the-art phone boxes. They will be able to use Mondex to buy food from the Tesco supermarket and newspapers from the corner shop. They can get a beer or two at the local pub and, if they need a taxi home, there's a good chance the cabbie will accept the card, too. So what's wrong with notes and coins? A big selling point for electronic cash is its convenience -- no more piles of coins on the bedside table after a night on the town, no more chasing around looking for a cash machine. Morton estimated there were some 10,000 dispensers a Briton can get notes from in each of the competing bank networks. "In comparison, there's 150,000 public phone boxes, and probably another 150,000 semi-public phones in places like restaurants that you'll also be able to use. So you suddenly go up to 300,000 places where you can get cash," he said. "Better than that, you can have a mobile phone that is Mondex-compatible, and you've got your own personal, mobile cashpoint," he added. That is no pipedream -- far eastern manufacturers are already asking for Mondex specifications. Security is another plus, since the card can be "locked", using the wallet and only unlocked with a four-digit code. Morton gave the example of someone buying a second-hand car. "Typically, your used car salesman doesn't want to take an Access card or whatever. He likes cash, that's the sort of economy it is. Equally, they're usually in slightly unsalubrious places, so rather than wandering around with 500 quid ($800) in your pocket all day, just waiting to be mugged, you carry the 500 pounds ($800) locked in Mondex," Morton said. "Or, if he's got a phone in his office, you'll actually take the money out at the last minute." Once the system becomes more international, you will also be able to load your card with foreign currency before going on holiday -- "bikini-friendly money", Morton called it. "You can get your currency in, lock it up and go swimming with it in your pocket. And then buy an ice-cream as soon as you get out of the sea," he said. For the retailer, convenience and security are just as important. A small business gets its cash immediately. There is no hanging around waiting for a cheque to clear, no worry that the cheque-book or credit card has been used fraudulently -- and there's no trip to the bank with bags full of notes and coins. Which is also good news for the banks, and probably the reason why NatWest put money -- real money, but exactly how much it won't say -- into the project in the first place. Cash transactions only account for four percent of all trade in Britain, by value, but moving cash around costs the banks 250 million pounds ($400 million) a year according to one estimate. If all goes well in Swindon, Mondex will be progressively extended around Britain, through selected retailers at first. After that, a pilot scheme in Canada is planned for early next year, then one in the Far East. And one day, so NatWest hopes, Mondex will be common currency around the globe. REUTER Transmitted: 95-06-29 18:22:28 PDT *********************** THE NEW AMERICAN -- April 3, 1995 Copyright 1995 -- American Opinion Publishing, Incorporated P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54913 ARTICLE: Overview TITLE: UNITED NATIONS CHRONOLOGY: FIFTY YEARS OF SHAME AUTHOR: Robert W. Lee Though far from complete, the following record demonstrates the extent to which the United Nations has, since its founding in 1945, worked to pull down the economic, political, and moral pillars on which the American Republic was built: APRIL 25, 1945. The United Nations founding conference convened in San Francisco with U.S. State Department official Alger Hiss serving as Secretary-General. Hiss, a Soviet spy, would eventually be convicted of perjury for lying about his pro-Soviet activities. FEBRUARY 6, 1946. The Senate confirmed Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Harry Dexter White to be executive director for the United States of the UN's International Monetary Fund (IMF). White served as chairman of the committee that established the IMF. In November 1953, Attorney General Herbert Brownell confirmed during a speech in Chicago that White, like Hiss, was a Soviet spy. Brownell asserted that "the records in my department show that White's spying activi ties for the Soviet government were reported in detail by the FBI to the White December of 1945. In the face of this information, and incredible though it may seem, President Truman subsequently on January 23, 1946 nominated White" to the IMF post. SEPTEMBER 8, 1954. The Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty was signed by the eight participating nations, including the United States. The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), is a regional subsidiary of the UN, later served as the primary "legal" justification for U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Writing in the New York Times for March 2, 1966, C. L. Sulzberger revealed that former Secretary of State John Foster Dulles "fathered SEATO with the deliberate purpose, as he explained to me, of providing the U.S. President with legal authority to intervene in Indochina." After the war, which formally ended with a communist victory on April 30, 1975, SEATO, having served its purpose, was disbanded (February 1976). SEPTEMBER 13, 1961. The UN launched Operation Morthor, a full-scale military invasion of the independent, anti-communist province of Katanga in the former Belgian Congo. The UN assault included the bombing of hospitals, attacks on ambulances, and general violence so extreme that the 46 civilian doctors of Katanga's capital of Elizabethville issued the book-length report 46 ANGRY MEN which, accompanied by pictorial examples of UN atrocities, documented the horror that the UN inflicted in the name of "peace." SEPTEMBER 25, 1961. President John F. Kennedy presented the U.S. disarmament plan, subsequently published as State Department Publication 7277 (Freedom From War: The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a PeacefulWorld), the ultimate aim of which is the creation of a world order in which "no state would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. Peace Force...." The treasonous policy outlined in this sovereignty-destroying document remains in effect to the present. NOVEMBER 11, 1965. Rhodesia declared its independence from Great Britain, and the UN General Assembly immediately branded it "a threat to international peace and security." On December 16, 1966, the Security Council voted to impose mandatory sanctions (for the first time in UN history), which the Johnson Administration promptly endorsed. In 1971, Congress approved an amendment allowing the U.S. to import strategic materials from communist nations, but repealed the amendment in 1977. On April 18, 1980, Rhodesia officially expired, becoming the Marxist-ruled nation of Zimbabwe. UN sanctions were lifted and by late September the U.S. and other Western countries had pledged more than $300 million in aid to the new communist regime led by terrorist Robert Mugabe. OCTOBER 25, 1971. The General Assembly voted to admit Mao Tse-tung's Red China into the UN, and ousted Nationalist (Free) China. In an unprecedented move, Secretary-General Thant subsequently expelled Free China's press representatives from UN headquarters. The 1975 edition of The Guinness Book of World Records reported that the "greatest massacre in human history ever attributed to any nation is that of 26,300,000 Chinese during the regime of Mao Tse-tung between 1949 and May, 1965." APRIL 16, 1974. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) announced plans to aid communist North Vietnam and areas held by the Vietcong inthe South. The program, described in a report by UNICEF director Henry Labouisse, called for $18 million of the $22.5 million amount to be spent in the North. NOVEMBER 13, 1974. Yasir Arafat, leader of the terrorist Palistine Liberation Organization (PLO), addressed the UN General Assembly. It was the first time that a representative of any group lacking offcial UN status had appeared before the assembly. In subsequent months, the PLO was invited to participate in many UN agencies, and the UN announced on October 7, 1978 that its Secretariat had launched a $500,000 publicity campaign to, among other things, create a moderate image for the PLO in the United States and other Western countries. APRIL 2, 1992. The U.S. Senate ratified the United Nations Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, many provisions of which are diametrically opposed to tenets of our own Bill of Rights. Article 20, for instance, requires states "to prohibit by law any propaganda for war and any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence." In the United States, the right to preach, print, and propagandize even wrong-headed views has been one of our most cherished and vigorously defended freedoms. JULY 1993. The UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) granted consultive status to the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA), a coalition which includes the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). NAMBLA promotes pedophilia and advocates sex with children as young as six years old. On January 26, 1994, the U.S. Senateunanimously voted to withhold $118.8 million in fiscal year 1994, and in 1995 if necessary, from the U.S. annual contribution to the UN unless ECOSOC severed its ties with ILGA. In September 1994, ECOSOC did indeed suspend ILGA, but only until the homosexual group proves that it has in turn cut ties with NAMBLA and any other groups that condone, promote, or seek to legalize adult-child sexual relations. END OF ARTICLE THE NEW AMERICAN -- April 3, 1995 Copyright 1995 -- American Opinion Publishing, Incorporated P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54913SUBSCRIPTIONS: $39.00/year (26 issues) WRITTEN PERMISSION FOR REPOSTING REQUIRED: Released for informational purposes to allow individual file transfer and non-commercial mail-list transfer only. All other copyright privileges are reserved. Address reposting requests to or the above address. ****************** NOW IS THE TIME WASHINGTON - For the first time on U.S. soil, NATO soldiers will hold a peacekeeping exercise with troops of the former Warsaw Pact, the Pentagon announced Friday. The exercise, called Cooperative Nugget '95, will be held Aug. 6-28 at Fort Polk, La. About 4,200 troops from 14 central and eastern European countries as well as the United States, Canada and Britain will participate. Nine countries will send observers, including France, Austria and the former Soviet republic of Georgia. The non-NATO countries participating are members of NATO's"Partnership for Peace," a new arrangement designed to encourage Russia and other former Soviet republics, as well as the newly democratic East European nations, to adopt Western democratic practices such as ensuring civilian control of the military. This will be the sixth military exercise held as part of the Partnership for Peace, but the first in the United States. The Clinton administration had wanted Russia to participate in the August peacekeeping exercise, but Moscow has made no commitment. A joint U.S.-Russian peacekeeping exercise, separate from the Fort Polk event, is to be held in Kansas in October. At the Fort Polk exercise, each participating country will contribute a rifle platoon. The platoons will be combined to form a NATO-Partnership for Peace battalion. The national contingents will receive linguistic and technical support from elements of the 10th Special Forces Group, from Fort Carson, Colo. The scenario at Fort Polk will be a fictional border dispute between two hypothetical countries. The United Nations will attempt to resolve the dispute and establish a peacekeeping force to monitor the buffer zone between the two sides. Of the approximately 2,500 U.S. troops participating, most will be from the Army's 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment based at Fort Polk, said Maj. Walter Thorp, a spokesman at U.S. Atlantic Command, which is helping organize the exercise. The non-NATO countries scheduled to participate are Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, the Slovac Republic, Slovenia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Each is expected to contribute between 30 and 40 soldiers plus about 10 to act as observer-controllers. ************************* Windows 95 - Big Brother is Watching You? Date: Wed, 31 May 1995 16:05:11 -0500 (EST) Check this out!! Rumor??? Windows 95 Warning on comp.risks, in Information Week Microsoft officials confirm that beta versions of Windows 95 include a small viral routine called Registration Wizard. It interrogates every system on a network gathering intelligence on what software is being run on which machine. It then creates a complete listing of both Microsoft's and competitors' products by machine, which it reports to Microsoft when customers sign up for Microsoft's Network Services, due for launch later this year. "In Short" column, page 88, _Information Week_ magazine, May 22, 1995 The implications of this action, and the attitude of Microsoft to plan such action, beggars the imagination. An update on this. A friend of mine got hold of the beta test CD of Win95, and set up a packet sniffer between his serial port and the modem. When you try out the free demo time on The Microsoft Network, it transmits your entire directory structure in background. This means that they have a list of every directory (and, potentially every file) on your machine. It would not be difficult to have something like a FileRequest from your system to theirs, without you knowing about it. This way they could get ahold of any juicy routines you've written yourself and claim them as their own if you don't have them copyrighted. Needless to say, I'm rather annoyed about this. So spread the word as far and wide as possible: Steer clear of Windows 95. There's nothing to say that this "feature" will be removed in the final release. ************************************************ Thje New Age Update By: Rudy Hulstrom The following is a sample of the articles that you will see within the pages of New Age Update.A monthly publication that will change your understanding of the world around you. Using today's headlines,daily events will take on new meaning!! New Age Update is written from a Biblical Christian world viewpoint and exposes the New Age/New World Order and it's foundation of occult philosophy. Each issue of New Age Update brings you current news,information and commentary that you can use. Our goal is to educate,edify and strengthen all who thirst for the truth that is hidden in the pages of a biased news media. In these last of the last days, New Age Update may be one monthly newsletter that pulls no punches and brings you the truth about the growth of the New World Order as it is prophesied in the pages of the Bible. If you are not afraid of the truth.If you have sensed that the news media is not telling you the whole story,then you need New Age Update to put today's news stories in their proper perspective. Subscription rates are a mere $8.00 per year for(12)issues,plus surprise bonus reports along the way. For a sample copy of this 8 page newsletter,includes graphics,cartoons and fancy fonts(neat stuff), just send $1.00 to Rudy Hulstrom 1504 Cardinal. Melrose Park,IL.60160 This is what you would have found in the July issue of New Age Update! New Age-What is it? Throughout New Age News,the term "New Age "is used consistantly.We realize that there are some people who do not as yet understand just what the New Age is or isn't.Therefore here is a brief description and definition of"New Age". The New Age is not a cult or a sect.It has nothing to do with any type of organized religion.There are no sets of doctrinal beliefs,with the exception of one. Everything opposite of Christianity. The best way that I could describe it would be a philosophy.It is a mixture of spiritual,social and political beliefs. People can be a part of the New Age and not even know it. And only the people who are well educated in the"spiritual"aspects of it fully understand what it means. It is fully occult. Though there are many versions of it,it will be the only acceptable religion in the New World Order. It will be the"tolerant"religion where you can believe whatever you want,(all or part of their beliefs )as long as you don't try to change anyone else. (a good example would be,if you are pro-life,keep it to yourself ). Elements of the New Age philosophy have infiltrated every area of our life.It's in the major corporations,poitical groups (to include the White House where there meditation rooms that people can go into and "meditate,empty their minds and recharge their spiritual energies".)schools,health clinics,television,( even commercials ),movies,amusement parks,such as Disney World,and even the MIlitary. Evolution is a major belief of New Agers.They believe that man will eventually evolve into godhood. (the Aryan blond-haired blue-eyed Hitler race ).It's called the"Divine Higher Self"which puts everyone on the same level as God. Reincarnation is a major belief.They believe that if you don't get it right the first time,you'll come back again and againuntil you do.Eventually you evolve into godhood.This helps support their belief for in abortion. If it's not meant for that baby to be born,they'll just return in another life. Some of the practices of the New Age are communication with the spirit world,( they call it Channelling ),searching for"new" knowledge,holistic healing, (the healing of the body,mind and soul )done with the use of crystals and with the mind,out of body experiences,meditation,altyered states of conciousness,understanding the powers of the brain,human potential (a term used consistently with New Agers ),and mysticism. They practice astrology, tarot cards,psychic readings (spiritual connection to the earth and animals ). Crystals and pyramids are very important to New Agers because they believe that they channel psychic powers. There is something interesting about the pyramids if you look at them.The corner stone of the pyramid is the top point.I thgough that this was peculiar because in any building the cornerstone is at the base and the structure is built on this foundation. You can see by this that the New Age/occult New World Order is building their dream backwards and upside-down. Christ's name is used freely in the New Age,but it doesn't mean the same. To them there have been many"Christs"as to them it is nothing more than an office to be held until someone else takes over. There are many people who practice New Age and have absolutely no idea of what they are in to,which is another accomplisment of The New World Order. *************************************************************************** *************************** Who Are "THEY"? Ever wonder who "they" are? They are those who fancy themselves as having the only mature minds,who regard the average citizen as disposable labor. Consider them a global country club,an alliance of groups. The Council on Foreign relations and the Trilateral Commission are not paranoid fantasy. The CFR originated as a banker's lobby. Now they are a group of movers and shakers who view national sovereignty as an impediment to doing business. They have an address in New York City where you can write for information. The CFR publishes a scholarly magazine called "Foreign Affairs" where they are astonishingly candid about their plot. The Trilateral Commission was formed by David Rockefeller as a higher level of the CFR.The head of the snake appears to be the shadowy "Illuminati",which draws from the dethroned royalty and anglophiles who believe that America is still England's property,Freemasonry and assorted other secret societies". Most of their organizations consist of thousands of misguided and deceived people who want to know the"secret knowledge"kept only for the elect few. If fact,one of their cardinal beliefs is the worship of knowledge. It is their belief that Adam and Eve were held prisoner in the Garden of Eden by an unjust and vindictive god. They believe that Satan,in the guise of the serpent,gave mankind the gift of intellect and the ability to become gods. The Masons and others freely admit in their own writings that it is Lucifer that they worship as the one true god. "They"occupy the highest levels of government,business,military (especially the intelligence arms )and education. They believe that through population reduction and a one-world-system of government,they can achieve utopia. They refer to themselves as"adepts",they refer to others as"profane" Many of our Pesidents have been or are now,33rd Degree Masons and Rhodes Scholars and Anglophiles. *************************************************************************** *************************** I just took a look at one of the New Age techniques for improving a person's life through the use of"subliminal affirmation tapes".This is truly an amazing system that outright lies to it's users and somehow makes them believe that it works. In case you don't know what"affirming"is all about.Here it is in a nutshell,( nutshell,get it? )I'm sorry,my mind wandered. Affirming is repeating a statement to yourself,over and over so that you believe what you have told yourself. Now that you understand that, the rest is easy. The use of phrases such as,"I control my health and my body". "I am calm and relaxed", "I deserve wellness","I am safe","I am a wonderful person and deserve a long and healthy life" are found in this life affirming program. The use of the word "I" is the clue to the problem of"affirmation".It leaves no room for the relationship between man and his Creator God.It simply says that"I"can do all things through myself. Where the Bible states firmly that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!! Phil 2:13. Now I want to get to the heart of this matter straight from their own advertising letter that accompanied this tape and literature. According to their"Secret Behind Subliminal Tapes". They say "The reason why subliminal tapes are effective in changing behavior and modifying a person's self image,is because the affirmations ( positive experiences )go directly into the subconcious. Most self-improvement techniques work only with the concious mind. And the problem is that when you tell your concious mind,"I am wealthy",or"I am thin",it knows that you are lying." "Subliminal affirmations succeed because they do not produce a mental conflict with your critical concious mind which questions and rejects change. The subliminal technique bypasses the concious mind and is picked up by the subconcious only. The subconcious then goes about acting upon this new experience." "The most important fact about the subconcious is this: The subconcious mind doesn't know the difference between a real and an imagined experience". ( Please read that last sentence again! ) There it is boys and girls! They tell you that it is all a lie and then expect you to pay for it. Each of these"programs" sell for $40 to $50. Simple faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life does much more than any"subliminal affirmation program".Because He is The Way,The Truth and The Life.and to top it off faith in Christ is free! For God so loved the world that HE GAVE his one and only son,that whosoever believes in him would have eternal life. ( John 3:16 ) *************************************************************************** *************************** Chicago Tribune 5/29/95 Washington- In the wake of the terrorist bombing in Oklahoma City,Americans already suspicious of the "New World Order"are viewing the Trilateral Commission,long regarded by critics as a world-government in waiting,with increasing alarm. The New York office of the commission,a 22 year old organization of world corporate and political leaders,fas experienced a significant increase in inquiiries about its activities since the Oklahoma bombing and news reports about state militias. "We can always tell when we are being talked about as an example of the new world order,"Rohesia Witte,who manages the Trilateral Commission's publications and databases,said in a telephone interview last week. Among conspiracy theorists,the Trilateral Commission-little more than a discussion group on world affairs-is a"perrenial evergreen," Richard Powers,a history professor who lectures on conspiracy theories at City University of New York,said in an interview. "It's one of those elite,insider organizations that arouse the suspicions of people who feel themselves very far removed from the centers of power,"Powers said. It is internationalist,which Powers added,is"right at the heart of suspicions"that there "only two forces in the world"-patriots and "those who want to impose an international world government." Consequently,The Trilateral Commissin adds to the alarm of militia groups,which express fear not only of the federal government but also of invading UN forces imposing a world government. And it concerns the commission that it fuels such fears. "It is a disturbing thing that there's such a large amount of what seems to be an ignorant anger-that people are focusing on groups and forming opinions without being informed,"Witte said. The commission was established in 1973 by banker David Rockefeller to promote international cooperation. It maintains offices in New York,Paris and Tokyo. Its annual budget of about $700,000 from personal and corporate donations pays rent and salaries for no more tha 12 employees. Its 335 members meet once a year-the meetings are open to the press-and issue a report on a major issue of international importance.This year's report is on Russia. The fact that its members are high-level corporate executives,academicians and public policy leaders from North America,Western Europe and Japan contributes to the conspiracy theories. "Its understandable," Witte said."There are a lot of corporate and political heavyweights." *************************************************************************** *************************** Medium A Medium is one possessed by (Lev. 20:22) or consulting (Deut. 18:11) a ghost or spirit of the dead, especially for information about the future. Acting as a medium was punishable by stoning (Lev. 20:27); consulting a medium, by exclusion from the congregation of Israel (Lev. 20:6). The transformation of Saul from one who expelled mediums (1 Sam. 28:3) to one who consulted a medium at En-dor (28:8-19) graphically illustrates his fall. The Hebrew word translated medium (ob) may refer to the spirit of a dead person, to the medium possessed by the spirit, or to images used to conjure up spirits. Manasseh made such images (2 Kings 21:6; 2 Chron. 33:6). Josiah destroyed them as part of his reforms (2 Kings 23:24). Saul's success in quickly locating a medium (1 Sam. 28:8) points both to the popularity of the practice of consulting the dead and the difficulty of eradicating it. Isaiah 8:19 suggests a possible connection between the consulting of mediums and ancestor worship. Those to be consulted are termed "fathers" and "gods." (Compare 1 Sam. 28:13 where Samuel is described as elohim or "god.") The chirping and muttering of the spirits perhaps refers to the inarticulate sounds which must be interpreted by the medium. Consulting of mediums defiled the land and was described as prostitution. God's people were to trust God in times of distress and not resort to other "gods" in an attempt to learn the future. So much for the Pyschics that we see and hear on the television and all the others who dare to take the place of the only true God. *************************************************************************** *************************** "We staked the whole future of American civilization,noy upon the power of government,far from it. We have staked the future of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self government;upon the capacity for each and all of us to govern ourselves,to control ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God." James Madison-The Architect of The Constitution for The United States of America Does this sound like separation of church and state to you?? *************************************************************************** *************************** Have you ever been"initiated"? The following comes from an article in a new age magazine titled New World's of Mind and Spirit.It is a description and definition of initiation rituals of many of the mystical societies. Maybe you know of someone who has experienced these things and then has gone on to higher levels within that certain "society"or "fraternity".This is especially dangerous,due to the communication with certain"spirits" or "gods"and the ultimate interaction with them. For the Christian these things are forbidden.Deuteronomy 18:10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. The time is near.The music is low and incessant-the sound of bells and chanting priests.Great clouds of sweet-scented smoke drift over you,wave upon wave.The temple in which you stand is dark with dimly lit candles,yet full of energy and presence. You are in a heightened state of awareness;your adrenaline is pumping and your senses seem more sharpened than ever before. Although you are blinfolded,you can still barely perceive the silhouettes of figures moving gracefully around the room. A priestess comes near and annoints your forehead with water. Another steps forward and waves a censer of incense toward you. A God's voice addresses you:"Why seekest thou admission to our hall?" Without fear,you answer,"Because I seek the Light of the Hidden Wisdom." You are a seeker of spiritual knowledge.You aspire to become an Initiate of the Sacred Mysteries. The scene above describes an experience that has been undertaken time and time again by mystics and magicians down through the centuries. These words could well portray the initiation of an Egyptian priest in ancient Thebes,or the induction of a citizen of Athens,Greece,into the Eluesinian mysteries in 400 c.e. It could also depict the initiation experience of any of the great Mystery religions,including those of Isis,Serapis,Dionysos,Attis,or Mithras. It could equally portray the inititory encounters of more modern spiritual seekers,such as Masons,Wiccans and Ceremonial and Hermetic magicians. The common thread of ritualized initiation is the experiential link between all of these various traditions. The word"initiation"means literally"to begin". It is the beginning of a new stage of life;the passage into a distinctly new type of existence. Initiation represents spiritual growth,the dawning of a new life,which is dedicated to an entirely new set of principles from that of mundane or materialistic society. The earmarks of this"new birth"are indicated by an expansion of the mind,which now recognizes higher levels of conciousness.( altered states of conciousness ) The rite of initiation is meant to purify the spiritual seeker and prepare him/her to receive the secrets and teachings of that magical or mystical tradition. A new initiate does not receive the bulk of this knowledge immediately,but in gradual stages. This process of spiritual growth begins at the bottom of a heirarchical ladder,each step of which is accompined by an additional initiation ceremony and further study work. *************************************************************************** *************************** Pope invites talks on role of papacy Chicago Tribune 5/31/95-Rome In an appeal for greater unity among Christians,Pope John Paul II invited leaders of other churches to join him in a discussion on the role of the papacy,one of the most divisive issues in the history of Christianity. In an encyclical letter on ecumenism titled"Ut Unum Sint" ( That They May Be One ),the pope said he has a particular responsibility to promote unity among Christians,given what he called the"primacy"of the Roman pope as the successor to St.Peter. Thus,he said,he must heed calls"to find a way of excersizing the primacy which,while in no way renouncing what is essential to its mission,is nontheless open to a new situation." In the encyclical,the most authoritative form of papal messages,the 75 year old pontiff reiterated his hope that Christianity-after a series of bitter,often violent schisms and divisions during the last 1,000 years-would be reunified by the year 2000. Well,how about that! It seems that the push for a Global-United One World Church and Religion is on the agenda officially.Sanctioned by non other than the pope himself.Scripture declares that there will be this kind of religious reorganization in the last days,before the return of Jesus Christ to this earth. As it says in revelation 13:11 Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon. 12 He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. 13 And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. 14 Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. *************************************************************************** *************************** Chicago Sun-Times Jan,25,1995 The number of Americans without health insurance rose slightly between 1992 and 1993 and accounts for 18.1 percent of the population. About 41 million people lacked health coverage at some time during 1993. Get ready for another attack to gain control of your personal information,health records,and any and all other associated private and priviliged statistics.The plan for a National I.D.Card is still in effect and it doesn't matter who is in the majority.Last years defeat of the "health care"bill was only the opening round ,they do not intend to give up so easily.Please remeber that it is absolutely necessary for the world powers to bring this type of I.D.Card to this country.The Mark of the beast can take many forms and this could be just one of them,in the interest of"national security"of course..If you believe that I have some mountain top oil property just north of Orlando,Florida..... *************************************************************************** *************************** Chicago Tribune 6/13/95 An article on the benefits,methods and uses of the Enneagram appeared in the Tempo Section of this newspaper.The article goes on to describe what the purpose and meaning of this symbol has to do with your personality traits,compulsions and how to spiritualy cure your problems with the use of this ancient occult symbol. When I firat saw this symbol in the paper,I said I need to look this up in my trusty book,Mystery Mark of the New Age by Texe Marrs. Below you will find the definition and origin of this completely occult and Satanic of symbols. . A current popular variation of the triangle is the enneagram,a symbol that has several triangles arranged so that nine points touch an outer circle.Sir John Sinclair,inhis commentary on the legacy of Alice Bailey,founder of Lucis Trust,remarks that the enneagram originated in ancient Egypt. He suggests that the nine points represent nine different groups of New Age workers;financiers and economists,psychologists,telepathic communicators,workers in the field of religion,educators of the New Age,trained observers,scientific servers,political organizers,and magnetic healers. Djwhal Khul,the spirit guide who revealed this diagram and its meaning to Alice Bailey,confided to her that once these nine groups come together,a"tenth group"-which he failed to identify-will come forth to bring in a One World Order. The enneagram also is a Hindu symbol. Sri Aurobindo,an Indian Hindu Guru whose writings and teachings hold a strange fascination for American and European New Agers,connects the enneagram not only to the Mother Goddess of the Hindus but also to the goddess myths of Greece and Rome. Spouting a mishmash of astrolgical nonsense,Aurobindo maintains that the secrets of the enneagram hold the key to the energies of the planet Pluto. He who unravels these secrets and discovers the mystery of the"Sacred Triangle,"as he terms the enneagram,will enjoy riches and wealth and sexually fertile. Now a new use for the enneagram has been devised. A Cotholic priest,Reverend Jim Cook,is giving special seminars. He calls the enneagram"a system of spiritual self-discovery."Cook teaches that the enneagram identifies nine basic personality types,the compulsions of each,their causes and how to spiritually overcome these compulsions.Somehow this New Age cleric even ties in the personality traits of Jesus. The use of the enneagram is the rage among Catholic charismatics-Roman Catholics who speak in tongues.Its popularity is spurred by a 1984 book: The Enneagram:A Journey of Self-Discovery,by two priests,Rev.Robert Nogosek and Rev. Patrick O'Leary,and a nun,Sister Maria Beesing The enneagram is simply adevice of the Devil to introduce thousands to his symbol,the triangle,and to acquaint these people to the use of symbols as a panacea for their life problems. 59