PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR P::::::::::::::::P R::::::::::::::::R P::::::PPPPPP:::::P R::::::RRRRRR:::::R PP:::::P P:::::P RR:::::R R:::::R P::::P P:::::P ooooooooooo R::::R R:::::R P::::P P:::::Poo:::::::::::oo R::::R R:::::R P::::PPPPPP:::::Po:::::l33t::::::o R::::RRRRRR:::::R P:::::::::::::PP o:::::ooooo:::::o R:::::::::::::RR P::::PPPPPPPPP o::::o o::::o R::::RRRRRR:::::R P::::P o::::o o::::o R::::R R:::::R P::::P o::::o o::::o R::::R R:::::R P::::P o::::o o::::o R::::R R:::::R PP::::::PP o:::::ooooo:::::oRR:::::R R:::::R P::::::::P o:::::::::::::::oR::::::R R:::::R P::::::::P oo:::::::::::oo R::::::R R:::::R PPPPPPPPPP ooooooooooo RRRRRRRR RRRRRRR --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------PoR Release # 3---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- # Members include: I-baLL - Current PoR webmaster; maintainer of the PoR community; and, currently, the most prolific member of the group. # Judas Iscariot - Judas Iscariot is a pissed off individual who doesn't care what you think. It's my Kool Aid motherfucka'. If you wish to send him free hardware or porn of your girlfriend, he can be reached at adderall@gmail.com He, along with Gonzo, Scientist, Murd0c, and Enamon, is a true founder of PoR. # Gonzo - a longtime veteran of the Underground, started out in the group L.O.S. in 1990. After L.O.S.'s disbanding, he continued to stay active in the hacker community, was published in various publications, and has even been seen in "Freedom Downtime." He is a founding member of P.O.R. Gonzo's web zine site is: http://www.reprimandmag.com/ He is the editor in chief. # Murd0c - Murd0c likes phones. He also likes to drink alot. One time murd0c drank so much, he social engineered AT&T to send beer through his phoneline. He called his new invention the telebeer. He is also one of the true founders of PoR. His site can be found at: http://www.murd0c.net/ # Enamon - Enamon is. # MikeTV - MikeTV was born a poor little black boy and crawled his way to stardom in a greusom series of gladiator matches. He has since left the arena behind and resigned himself to creating art for POR. No hacking skils. No Nunchuck skills. He is only a Mascot. # Scientist - He is currently the firearms master(being the only one who actually owns any), and lockpicks master(of the group at least...) He is also one of the true founders of PoR. # Venadium - Resident Krusher of Emo # Rob T. Firefly - Rob T. Firefly is an amateur hacker, prankster, and comedian from Long Island. Formerly known as Rufus T. Firefly, he has been active in the scene for over a decade. Rob went on to become a staff member and occasional editor of the PLA's spinoff zine, United Phone Losers. Rob's personal site can be found at http://www.robvincent.net. # Sephail - Programmer, magnetic stripe reader, DTMF decoder. His website is located at: http://www.sephail.net *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ In today's issue we will discuss such important topics as: +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | "Introduction to PoR Official Release 3" written by I-baLL | | x | | "Corrections, errors, and shameless excuses, and updates on | | previous articles" by I-baLL | | x | | "DCT2500 Diagnostics, Comcast Digital Cable, and You" by Judas | | Iscariot | | x | | "MSL's and you...and using BitPim" by Scientist | | x | | "Hacker History" by Gonzo | | x | | "How to Spoof CPN/CID Without Asterisk" by I-baLL | | x | | "Transcription of John Draper's words taken from the "Making of | | 'Sneakers'" feature on the Sneakers Collector's Edition DVD | | x | | "Transcription of Found Page of OSSGI Manual" found during a | | trashing run | |_X_x_X_x_X_x_X_x_X_x_X_x_X_x_X_x_X_x_X_x_X_x_X_x_X_x_X_x_X_x_X_x_X_x| &0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0 &0&0&0&0&0& "Introduction to PoR Official Release 3" &0&0&0&0&0&0 &0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0 Hola, seniores y senioritas. Mi llamo I-baLL and I never learned how to speak Spanish so I'll drop that facade right now. Anyways, lemme apologize for this late release. PoR Issue 3 was actually ready over a month ago. I just took my sweet time trying to verify some stuff for an article but never ended up actually getting to try it out. Success is 20 percent intelligence, 20 percent ideas, and 60 percent drive. Well, I don't have my license yet (long story) so I can't drive therefore...eh...bad joke. But seriously, so much shit happened since our last release. Waay too many people died. Hunter S. Thompson died (It's extremely hard to express my feelings over his death. All I can say is that he will be missed. That may sound like cliche that everybody says but beneath that statement lays my frustration at the loss of an icon, a pioneer, and a..fuck. This sounds cheesy. Anyway, the guy didn't shy away from conflict. And he wrote. It's from him, as well as the fictional character of Spider Jerusalem, that I get my romanticized mental image of just going into midst of things with my senses, a laptop, a net connection, and a voice to write out. But fuck, too much ME here and not enough PoR so I'll shut up right now.), Terry Schiavo died (OMG PUNK RAWK!), Mitch Hedberg died (fuck!), and the Pope died as well (A trusted source tells us a rumour that: "The pope died cause he couldn't wait for PoR #3 to come out!") Life happens. Death happens. Shit happens. PoR Official Release # 3 happens. Fuck, people, correspond with us! Send us emails. We are like human senses. Craving feedback. But preferably with a high signal to noise ration. Our email is, as always, patternsofrecognition at yahoo dot com. Id you got an idea, a tip, a rumour, a question, or maybe even an article, then write to us! Also link to us from your websites so we can claim faim in the scene and stuff. And so we can write cheesy books like "Become a Phreaker in 12 easy steps" or something shitty like that. Yes, I am rambling to fill up space..... -= I-baLL =- _____________________________________________________________________________ !@#$%^&*(_)!@#$%^&*(_)!@#$%^&*(_)!@#$%^&*(_)!@#$%^&*(_)!@#$%^&*(_)!@#$%^&*(_) "When reading Por, I often touch myself." - El Gordo Uno !@#$%^&*(_)!@#$%^&*(_)!@#$%^&*(_)!@#$%^&*(_)!@#$%^&*(_)!@#$%^&*(_)!@#$%^&*(_) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________/|_/-=Department of Correctional Facilities=-\_|\_______________ This isn't really a correction as much as a follow up. Basically TCC Teleplex has fixed up their web kiosks so you can't use the google images trick to get free internet access. They fixed it by making only www.google.com free. If you click on "Preferences" or "images" or whatever then the kiosk asks for money. Well, that sucks. By the way, if any TCC Teleplex employees are reading this: Put notifications, on your web kiosks, that point out that you ban the accessing of some sites. Like 2600.com and binrev.com and phonelosers.org. I don't want to discover that these sites are banned AFTER I put in my quarter. Okay, now in the second part of this section Judas will address my comments that I snuck into his article in the last PoR issue....: ***(INSERT PRETTY BORDER HERE)*** I was sitting at my computer reading PoR issue #2 and this awesome ass article by a guy named judasiscariot (I-baLL rudely inserts comment: "Refering to yourself in 3rd person is one of the first signs of the presence of Paranoid Schizophrenia.") Further down in the article, I made a comment about some of the people that attended HOPE. I-BaLL, as editor, added in his own comments saying that I shouldn't judge people off how they look. This kinda made me really think how sometimes you are perceived by your style of writing. Truth is, I give everyone a fair chance and don't base someone 100% off their looks. I think a good deal of the hacker/phreaker world were outcasts in this fucked up society at one time. We all know what it's like, and the hacker community is one with very open arms. As long as your here for a pursuit of knowledge, you are pretty much accepted. Tr0n might not like you, but it'll be okay. My style of writing is one of that of sarcasm and wit. I guess you could say I like working in the blue. Just how I am. (I-baLL adds: "You still look like a hippie to me!" *ducks*) I will now take the time to apologize to everyone in the hacker/phreaker community. (except the ugly people) <333s, Judas Iscariot ***(INSERT PRETTY BORDER HERE)*** _________________________________________________________________________ (())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(()) "Why the fuck are you asking me for a witty comment to your silly zine!?" - Ilya (())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(()) _________________________________________________________________________ ******************************************************* * DCT2500 Diagnostics, Comcast Digital Cable, and You * ******************************************************* ************** -= By: Judas Iscariot =- *************** Okay. Let's talk Digital Cable. This new medium of television broadcasting is taking the world by storm and has been on a steady pace of world domination for the past few years. I think the FCC has a mandate that says sometime in 2005 or 2006 all broadcasting must be digital. Or something like that. Comcast will gladly provide you, the end user, with a brand spanking new Motorola DCT2500 if you sign up for their digital cable service. I think there's a rental fee for the box, but that�s not important to this article. The DCT2500 has standard cable connections, some AV jacks, a serial port, and a detachable power cord. I have a black version DCT2500 system since I didn't shell out the moola for the DVR (Digital Video Record) model. After carefully watching my cable guy hook it all up and setting up the system, I started playing around with it, trying to recreate the steps he was taking. *** Ready kids? Here comes the phun part! *** Power on your DCT2500. After the box boots and your getting channel reception, press POWER to turn the box off. As soon as you do this hit the "SELECT/OK" button. You have about a 2 second window to do this. On some models an additional press of the "MENU" key is required. Once you do this, a blue diagnostic screen should appear. My output was as follows, DCT2500 DIAGNOSTICS 01 GENERAL STATUS 02 OOB STATUS 03 IN BAND STATUS 04 AUDIO/VIDEO STATUS 05 UNIT ADDRESS 06 FIRMWARE VERSION 07 CURRENT CHANNEL STATUS 08 RENEWABLE SECURITY 09 UPSTREAM MODEM 10 APP CODE MODULES 11 MEMORY CONFIG 12 INTERACTIVE INFO 13 MAC FREQUENCY TABLE 14 CONTROL CHANNELS 15 MESSAGE TYPES 16 IN BAND PAT 17 IN BAND PMT 18 TASK STATUS 19 USB STATUS 20 IB MCA STATUS 21 KEYBOARD/LED Phew. That's a lot of menus to play around with. Shitty thing is that everything is Read-Only. You cannot make any changes through the remote or control panel on the box in these sub- menu's. Remember, D-I-A-G-N-O-S-I-T-C-S. We're not here to change anything......yet. While that does suck, one does gain a lot of information from these menus. Most of them contain technical information regarding values on the box. The first menu, GENERAL STATUS, contains box error codes, PPV and On Demand purchases, Machine ID, and time zone information. PPV Purchases is interesting because the machine keeps a record of how many things you have ordered through it. Comcast will send a signal to the box which relays the purchase information back to headquarters. Since the DCT2500 contains EEPROM (Elect- ically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory), this value cannot be reset. More on this later. Menu's 2 through 10 just give information regarding settings and parameters in the box. Video settings such as MPEG layering and Firmware revisions are reported. Just incase anyone is curious, my DCT2500 contains a firmware of 02.42 with a BOOT of 02.31. Menu 12, INTERACTIVE INFO, is what my cable guy was looking at after he booted the box for the first time while had his tech on the phone. This menu contains your box IP address on the Comcast network, Box state, and a listing of what ports are being utilized and which are not. My IP was in the range and 2 ports were open. My port output was follows: Sockets/Ports 0 5555 RECVING 1 1024 Ready 2 UNUSED 3 UNUSED 4 UNUSED 5 UNUSED I haven't had time to experiment and I know the security must be a pain in the ass, but there has to be a way to hook this box up to a machine and drill through those ports. Menu 14, CONTROL CHANNEL INFO list out channels, band, and it's PID. Wait a minute? PID number? Can we say Process ID! This menu has changing values every tick (one second of refresh). Weird thing is that while your viewing this menu, the value for CNT raises by a few intervals. Output as follows: CHN BAND PID CNT OVFL ERROR 0 INB 0000 234 0 0 * 1 INB 003B 1308 0 0 * 2 INB 0000 0 0 0 (continued) Pretty neat stuff. Just flipping through the menus gives one a world of information. I didn't know that functions such as On Demand and TV Guide were loaded in as modules. Now that we've covered all that, your probably sitting there saying "That's great Judas, just tell us how to get free digicable god damnit!@#" Truth is, it's going to be a pain in the ass to get free digital cable and the risk of cable theft is great. Digital filters for the cable line have been appearing on the internet. In a nutshell what they do is block the transmission from your box to Comcast. Remember the PURCHASE information? Comcast essentially POLLS the boxes to send this information so they can charge you. The filter keeps the box from sending, so Comcast never sees the charges. Here's the problem with that. With your remote, you can only charge up to $80 or $85. After that you have to call Comcast to order anything. So you take off the filter and BAM! $80 of you hard earned l33t hax0r money is gone. It's a no win situation. The only way to get around this would to find a way to overwrite that address of the memory. Nothing has been found yet. I do not present this information as fact. This was all concluded based off my own research and conclusions. I know there's gonna be people out there that think they are holier then thou and know this shit, but out of all the people I showed that menu to, only 1 knew about already so suck my dick you pretentious egotistical fucks. If you'd like to discuss digital cable or anything mentioned here further, please email me at adderall (at) gmail (dot) com _______________________________________________________________________ >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< "Eat more crab rangoon, and you'll grow strong like me." - Brisk Attivo >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< >|< _______________________________________________________________________ o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 0o0o0o MSL's and you...and using BitPim o0o0o0 o0o0o0o0o0o0oo0o by sCi 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o Okay, maybe not profit...but definitly fun First things first, if you remember in my last article I gave lots of codes...and some of those asked for an MSL. Exactly what is an MSL, you might ask yourself? Well, its this fun neat code that keeps us from doing anything too dumb...like fucking up the phone REAL good. It also keeps us from switching the phone to another CDMA network... which actually would be pretty dumb too... But this is the age of information, right? MSL stands for Mobile Security Lock(im pretty certain), and there are some reasonable ways to get them! They are created by some form of formula within Sprints formulas of Oz...but thats not the important part. The important part is that simply by calling up Sprint's PCS Activation Number(an 800 number you can look up yourself) and acting like a cellphone reseller with an annoyed customer who needs his phone reset, they'll look up the code for you. This is called Social Engineering children, the important part is to remeber...your in some kind of store, with an angry customer, that you have to keep from going insane(remember to reassure your customer that youll fix this in a second, they just have to look up the code for you...etc). The important thing is to have the phones ESN handy, which will be convinently located under the battery on most modern Sprint phones. Well, how does the phone know what the MSL is? Well, simple: its stored in there. This is where BitPim comes in. First things first: cellphones all have a file system. The phone allows your computer to read these files for neat programs like FutureDial(as evil as it may be...$50 for fucking software) that can backup your phonelists, put porn on as your backround, mess around with your calendar...all sorts of fun stuff. However, the phone lets you read EVERYTHING...including a file with the MSL. BitPim is an open source program that does exactly that...reads the whole data system for you. www.bitpim.org. Even lets you play with these files...and for most phones it allows you to edit calendar, ringtones and other such file system stuff. You'll need a cable and drivers for them, you can get the cable and drivers for the cable at Radio Shack, some independant cables will work. This might cost you a bit, but you can use the cables for lots(I am actually uploading this via one...) Back on topic... Beyond this point your on your own. First thing would be to find out how many digits are in your MSL...there were 6 in mine. Next is to look through the folders in the filsystem tab of BitPim for the variable file. Mine was under the nvm folder, you might want to give it a check there. At one point youll see something like this 00000070 00 01 35 39 33 37 01 00 00 00 00 01 33 30 30 37 ..5937......3007 00000080 38 32 01 32 35 38 32 36 37 01 20 20 20 20 20 20 82.258267. Gee...two 6 digits codes seperated by a period...wonder what that could be? Well, remember that the first one is a one time use only code...the second one is your MSL Look around! Discover more! Dont be a script kiddie! Send anything you find to me! Happy Hunting _____________________________________________________________________________ ?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x "Knowledge.. A breath of cool air to quench parched thoughts. Lives lived in shadows of ideas, people waiting to see the light. They feel the tingle, in the back of the neck�those who fear it, they feel it, they know its there, wanting to understand it failing to embrace it. It haunts their thoughts as they live every day conforming to realties given to them, truths cloaked in lies surrounding facts� enigmas wrapped and warped in riddles and puzzles confusing the simple minded giving no choice but to believe in what they are told�Information is freedom, freedom is knowledge, knowledge is power.. " - Subzero1037 ?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x?x!x ____________________________________________________________________________ Hacker History By: Gonzo Gather 'round, kiddies. It's time for a history lesson. No one can say with certainty just how the term "hacker" came into use. There are so many stories about the word's origin that we will probably never know. What ever the case, hackers are what we are. On numerous occasions, I've had people ask me "How do you hack?" I tell them "It's not that easy." It's not, either. Gone are the days when hackers were on side of the aisle, and phreakers on the other. Future shock got to us, too. We've progressed to the point where no one really knows all there is to know about one thing anymore. At any rate, I can't stress the importance of knowing hacker history, be it something that happened last week, or something from the M.I.T. days in the late 50s/early 60s. Here are some bits of hacker history that really capture the hacker spirit. In 1961, Caltech students hacked the Rose Bowl game. One student, in an act of social engineering, posed as a reporter, and interviewed the director of the University of Washington card stunts. These are usually the people who have had way too much beer, have painted themselves in team colors, and are the ones who hold up the cards that make pictures. It was revealed how the stunts were pulled off, and that the director would be out for dinner later. While the director was eating, the students, known as the "Fiendish Fourteen," picked a lock, and got away with a blank direction sheet for the card stunts. They made 2300 copies of the blank. They picked the lock again the next day, and made off with the master plans for the stunts, large sheets of graph paper colored in with the stunt pictures. This could be considered to be the first known grep. Using these as a guide, they made new instructions for three of the stunts on the copied blanks. They broke in again, and replaced the new sheets for the original ones. The result was three different pictures. Instead of WASHINGTON, CALTECH was shown. Another trick showed the word HUSKIES, the Washington nickname, backwards. The last was supposed to have been a picture of a husky, but showed a beaver instead. Caltech and M.I.T. use the beaver as a mascot. Here's one more. In 1982, M.I.T. hacked the Harvard-Yale football game. After Harvard's second touchdown, in the first quarter, a small, black ball popped up out of the ground, and grew bigger, bigger, and bigger with the letters "M.I.T." all over the ball. As everyone watched, the ball grew to be six feet in diameter, and them popped with a bang and a cloud of white smoke. The Boston Globe said of the experience "If you want to know the truth, M.I.T. won the game." The stunt was pulled of by M.I.T.'s Delta Kappa Epsilon frat. The ball was actually a weather balloon, a hydraulic ram that ran on freon gas to lift it out of the ground, and a vacuum motor to inflate it. They made eight trips to Harvard Stadium anywhere between 1 to 5 in the morning, finding an unused 110-volt outlet running buried wires to the 40-yard line, where the unit was buried. When it came time for showtime, all that had to be done was flip a circuit breaker, and plug something in. This had the hoof prints of a killer hack. Surprise, publicity, safety, and genius were all present. The fact that it was manually controlled allowed for perfect timing because it was set off during plays. There was even a note attached saying that no explosives were present. Pranks are always fun. When I get the chance to walk through Times Square, or look at the screens over MSG, I get a strange itching in my fingers. Don't you? ______________________________________________________________________________ @P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R "blech!" - Strom Carlson @P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R@P@o@R ______________________________________________________________________________ &!!!!&!!!!&!!!!&!!!!&!!!!&!!!!&!!!!&!!!!&!!!!&!!!!& &!!!!& How to Spoof CPN/CID Without Asterisk &!!!!& &!!!!&!!!!&!!!!&!!!!&!!!!&!!!!&!!!!&!!!!&!!!!&!!!!& So too many people are asking how to spoof CPN/CID. Hell, pay services have popped up that let you do that nowadays. Star68 (or whatever) and Covertcall. Well there's a better and cheaper way to spoof CPN/CID. Get an account with a VoIP provider that allows you to choose your CPN/CID. Like VoIPJet. Then download iaxCOMM. Now set up iaxCOMM with your VoIPJet account details + the host that you'll be using. Now go to "Preferences" and select "Caller ID. Now select which Caller ID you want to use. That's it! Fast. Easy. And cheaper than CovertCall. ______________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what you can do for your country. Except for." -Compudroid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ |"Transcription of John Draper's words taken from the "Making of| | 'Sneakers'" feature on the Sneakers Collector's Edition DVD | ***************************************************************** (NOTE FROM I-baLL: " 'Sneakers' is a great movie. I definatly recommend that you buy the DVD. I transcribed this just so those of us who don't have spare cash can have a way of finding this info out. But if you have the cash then buy the DVD. It's freaking awesome.) John Draper aka Captain Crunch: "Captain Crunch" came from a whistle in the Captain Crunch cereal box which was figured out by this guy named "Sid" in Los Angeles. Sid was a person who discovered the whistle and he discovered that the whistle was capable of emitting a tone that is used by the phone company to disconnect long distance calls. All it does was - All it does is issue a disconnect signal. It really couldn't make a free call with a whistle but you could in certain circumstances. In some very, very old exchanges, if you blew the whistle 3 times in rapid succession, doot-doot-doot, like that, then you would dial the digit "3" and so you could dial - actually dial numbers by blowing the whistle with a long burst to, first of all, clear the line and then burst it with pulses to actually dial a number. Those only work on very, very old step-by-step exchanges that were controlled by tones. Since that time they've converted all those - all those equipment over to multi-frequency tones and the multi-frequency tones are what the blue box's sound when you make a call. And these are the internal switching tones, they are not the same as touch-tones you would normally use on a - on a today's modern phones. They're a totally different set of tones. *There's some speaking by somebody else right now. The guy's basically saying a small version of what Crunch says next....* The story essentially was that I was incarcerated in jail and, while I was in jail, I was - I was exposed to the criminal element in jail and talked quite - quite a bit extensivly about my activities to the other prisoners in jail as what normal people would do when they're in jail. So I did a lot of information exchange and told quite a few - gave - gave out quite a bit of information about how to do things and it was made very clear that if I didn't do that that my life in jail would be very uncomfortable. ______________________________________________________________________________ `'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`' "witty like how? i mean, its like 3am, i think my wit went to sleep hours ago" - Daravinne `'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ \_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\ \_/^\_/^ Transcription of Found Page of OSSGI Manual \_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^ \_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^ Found During the course of \_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\ \_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^ \_/^\_/^\ trashing run /^ \_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_ \_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\_/^\ (EDITOR's NOTE: I-baLL says: "OSS stands for "Operational Support Systems". I'm guessing that GI stands for "General Interface" but I am probably wrong.") *START OF PAGE* To Post A Jeopardy Step Action 1.) On OSSGI ln in the CMD field type JEO 2.) in the C filed next to the event in jeopardy enter an x 3.) under the JEO enter the Jeopardy Code that best describes the problem. 4.) hit Enter. The screen will be populated with the Jeopardy Code. To Post An MFC When Completing the Order Step Action 1.) On OSSGI, Enter O in the C field next to the DD. 2.) Under the MFC column enter the last jeopardy code posted. 3.) Hit PF11. The date will be completed and the MFC posted. Valid Numeric Codes: REASON CODES 90 - Exception (To be used for weather, disaster, or work-stoppage) 01 - Customer 02 - Service Order Late 03 - Service Order Incorrect 04- Related Order Problem Internal - company generated any pending order against circuit, i.e., GOC stacking problem External - customer generated problem, i.e., work is complete but customer won't accept the order turn up until a leter time or an entire project is completed 05 - Late Word Document 06 - Incorrect Word Document 07 - Incomplete/Missing Loop Make-up (LMU) 08 - Facilities Defective 09 - Incorrect Facility Assignment or loop assignment is changed on DD and CO does not drop the pairs in a timely fashion 10 - Facilities Equipment Missing/Unavailable 11 - Plug-In Missing/Incorrect/Defective 12 - Provisioning Process Breakdown 13 - Software (translations, DACS Mapping) 14 - Trunk Side Switch Termination Unavailable (5ESS=DFI, DMS=DTC) 15 = Work Load (NOT FOR USE BY CS CENTERS - CS Centers must use Reason Code 12) 16 - Corridor service not complete (See MP-CTRS-01009) Valid Alpha Codes: The following are the only valid Missed Function Codes permitted: MISSED FUNCTION CODES A - Service Order Neogtiation & Issuance Group B - SSDAC/SS I&M C - Customer D - Independent Telephone Company E - FMAC/TCC F - CO/RCMAC/Switching G - Facilities Loop H - Facilities & Equipment Inter-Office I - Circuit Provisioning Center J - PICS K - Provisioning Control Center L - Operating Ssytem Support M - Exception Code N - Operating Systems/Intelligent Network Elements (OPS/INE) *END OF PAGE* _________________________________________________________ x\/x/\x\/x/\x\/x/\x\/x/\x\/x/\x\/x/\x\/x/\x\/x/\x\/x/\x\/ "it remains to be seen whether it is better to have been, and to have been an asshat, or to have been at all" - b9punk x\/x/\x\/x/\x\/x/\x\/x/\x\/x/\x\/x/\x\/x/\x\/x/\x\/x/\x\/ _________________________________________________________ Well, we've reached the end of another PoR release. So, before I forget, a little rant from yours truly: Do not abuse information. Use it. Have fun with it. But don't kill it. Please do not burn your bridges. Don't destroy but explore and create. With great information comes great responsibility. Uncle Ben! Uncle Ben! That's it for the rant. Now for something else: A current idea is that PoR will go on break for a bit. Issue # 4 will be released soon though and will be mostly composed of found stuffs. That is stuff found while trashing, through social engineering, whatever. That way we'll just transcribe stuff and/or cut and paste. A concentrate of disorganized data injected into the text stream of a PoR Official Pubic...uh...Public Release. Don't forget to email us at: patternsofrecognition at yahoo dot com. Okay? Coolness. -= I-baLL =- ___________________________________________________________ \\\?????????????????????????????????????????????????????/// "Wow, finally done. Now I feel like I need a shower.." - I-baLL \\\????????????????????????????????????????????????????/// __________________________________________________________ MONKEYS ATE MY NEIGHBORS! ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ||P |||. |||o |||. |||R |||. || ||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|| |/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|