=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - P.I.S.S. Philez Number 56 = = - - Cash! = = - - by Kalony = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1998 _|_| _|_| _|_|_| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _|_|_|_| _|_| _|_|_|_| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _|_| _| _| _|_|_| _| _| by Kalony This is one of the quickest ways I've found to scam money. Find a relatively large store that accepts returns and doesn't only sell worthless crap. Go outside the store and look around for their publicly available trash cans. Without looking too obvious, search through the trash for some receipts. Look at the items on various receipts until you find something that is worth a good amount of cash. Pocket the receipt and enter the store. Look around until you find the EXACT item on the receipt. If it says Hoover DustVac, you don't go and get a Oreck Carpet Shampooer. Check the price to make sure they match. Nothing worse than trying to get a refund on an item from a store in which it wasn't bought. Rip all the tags and shit off so it looks like it may have been used once or twice (the restrooms are a great place to do this). If it is software (make sure they don't have a 'No Software Refunds' policy), be sure to break the seal so it appears that the box has been opened. The object is to make it look like you took the item home and played around with it but didn't like it, so you stuck it back in the fruity multi-colored box in which it was sold. Take this semi-worn box up to a sales counter and give them some shit about how you bought this item on and it sorta blew goats so you wanted to return it. They'll ask for your receipt which you readily hand them. They'll check it with the item, then put the product under the counter and pop open the cash register and hand you your hard earned money. Another thing you can do if you actually want the product and not the money is follow ALL of the steps up until you are at the counter asking for a refund. She'll ask for the receipt, you give it to her, she verifies everything, and she will be about to put it under the counter. This is where you decide that you don't want to return your item after all. You suddenly find some use for it (use your imagination). The clerk will watch you walk out the door with a stolen item and (s)he won't give a damn. Ain't stupidity a great thing? Enjoy the technique and always remember, people are always stupider than they look. Kalony - kalony@hotmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PISS - People into Serious Shit Founders - Defenestrator, PhrostByte Members - Author Parselon Wu Forever kQs Extinction Grench Rhodekyll Dial Tone Psycho Phreak Djdude Circular Reclusion Havok Luther AT2Screech Phantom Operator Apocalypse Skrike Kalony Contributors- Sameer Ketkar The Axess Phreak Devnull PISS, the author, and anyone else does not take responsibility for what you do with the stuff contained in this file. If you get busted, don't cry to us. We don't care. We have never done any of this. Really. And we don't condone it. Uh-huh. Want more stuff? Go to http://piss.hypermart.net E-mail the group at piss@softhome.net � Copyright 1998 PISS Publications and also copyrighted by the author. This file may be posted freely as long as this notice stays on the end. All rights reserved. Or something like that.