P H R u W T o 4 . o o o R E L E A S E D : M A Y 1 , 1 9 9 5 (c) P H R u W T i N C . 1 9 9 5 _______________________________________________________________________________ INDEX - INDEX - INDEX - INDEX - INDEX - INDEX - INDEX - INDEX - INDEX _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.oo1 - rant & rave - the boogeyman - 9k 4.oo2 - Blabber - FiLBERT - 18k 4.oo3 - At Ease For Work Groups Esoterica - Moral Phibre - 9k 4.oo4 - dumpster divin' 1o1 - the boogeyman - 9k 4.oo5 - the phield phreaker's manual - the boogeyman - 9k 4.oo6 - United States of Anarchy #1 - ReK - 9k 4.oo7 - Holes in North American # System - Phoney Phreak - 14k 4.oo8 - SilverBoxing - Nixx - 9k 4.oo9 - AoHell warez tradin... - FiLBERT - 9k 4.o1o - Get high legally! - ReK - 9k 4.o11 - The Social Security Scam - Blue Balls - 9k 4.o12 - Scanning Cell/Cordless Fones - stowAway - 9k 4.o13 - Random Hacks - PHi - 9k E.oo1 - PHRuWT.APP - PHi app - 9k E.oo2 - PHRuWT.NFO - PHi info - 9k INDEX - index of files in this ish - Editors - 9k DISCLAIM - disclaimer - Editors - 9k _______________________________________________________________________________ PHRuWTo4 - h/p/a/c/v for dairy cows (m000) - PHi - ____ __ _ ____ ____ ____ ___ __ / `\ /\| \`| `| / `\ /\ `\/ `/ `| | |'// \ | _| | |'// \ / ___| | | \ | \ || | | | \ | \ /| _|_ |__|__\____\|_||_| aND |__|__\____\_/ |____| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ P H R U W T o 4 , V O L U M E O N E . M A Y 1 , 1 9 9 5 . P U B L I S H E D B Y P H R u W T i N C . ( c ) P H R u W T i N C . 1 9 9 5 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Hmmmm, what can I say? April wasn't that exciting. Hehe, except getting chased by Bell security, but that's another story. On with the ranting! greetz: greetz? you want greetz? well fuck you, no one deserves greetz this month! ha! :D @@#(#) I'm sick of all of these AoLamers that claim that they can hack. What the fuck do AoL'ers know about hacking? I do admit, there are a few (and i mean very, very few) cool AoLers, but most of them are just lame. An example of this is when i was reading alt.2600 the other day (i know, alt.2600 is stupid, but i needed a good laugh), when i came across what had to be the fucking dorkiest post to there ever. It went a little like this: >Title: Can I run SATAN from AOL? > >Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to run SATAN from AOL. >Thanks, > >BiLLy THe HaCKeR (well, somethin like that) I mean, how fucking dumb do you have to be to ask that question? It just shows the mental ability of AoLamers. Another thing, there's a group on there called CiA (not the art group, some lame WaReZ d00dz) that just totally sucks. They claim that they are 'ReaL eLeeT h4ck3r d00dz'. Man, they are so lame. They put out a bbs listing with MY BBS ON IT. They said I had warez on my board. um.......NO! what the fuck have they been smokin? I got at least 100 (no fucking joke) AoLamers calling 24/7 asking for warez. Finally, I just got sick of it and posted a giant No-AoLamers ansi instead of the feedback option. To show you how blatently stupid they are, one didn't even know what a handle was!!#*@# He said, 'come on, tell me, i'm a quick learner'. uGH! what a loser!$$#@# Luckilly I think they have gotten the point and have stopped calling. @@#(#) I am really getting pissed at people not handing in their articles. I mean, it's not that hard to get at least one t-file out a month, is it? Is it too much to ask? Fuck, I run a board, write about 3 t-files a month, make asciis, get a 4.o, and still have time for my girlfriend. Geesh. Not saying that I'm perfect (shit, that's too funny), because no one is, but at least you guys can hand in yer fucking articles on time, if at all! NOTICE: All articles are due by the 20th of every month now, because the 25th doesn't give me enough time to edit everything and still make it out on the 1st of the next month. Please try to get all of yer articles in by the 20th... thanx... @@#(#) PHi newz Well, we gained some cool new writers this month, Blue Balls and Dr Hate. They have previously both written for DnA magazine, and Blue Balls is (was?) in BGR (are they still alive, or is it just Mr. Sandman?). Also, this ish rEk wrote two pretty cool articles, including one that's gonna be a continued thing i guess called 'United States of Anarchy'. hmmmmmm, what else? Oh yeah, we got a few more distros this month, thanx to rEk. Check em out if yer local to one of em. All of them are really badass boards (especally tPt :D). No word from RiCo, because Midnight Maniac's bbs has been down for a while, due to a mysterious hardware problem with his comp... But, in the tradition of EK comes another lame group! Yes folks, there is actually a group that might take the lameness prize from those RiCo! They call themselves CiA (see above rant about their shitty bbs list), and supposedly can hack AoL. Who the fuck would want to hack AoL though? What do they want, more shareware? Well, actually no, they are all little warez pupps, trading games and such on their /<-rad carded accounts. To all CiA members, GET A FUCKING LIFE! Also, we decided to take out the archive stuff this month and forever unless people actually write in saying that they want it. I felt that it took up too much space, and you can get that stuff on any good h/p board anyway. Oh well. I have really nothing more to say about PHi news this issue. Look fer issue o5 though. its gonna r00l! We might be going every other month because lack of submissions wtc, and plus i dont wanna get burned out so quick. @@#(#) I hate the IRS. They totally rip everyone off. Yeah it's cool to have money for schools and shit, but they take too much from hardworking people. Do you know that they actually take a bigger percent of money from you, depending on how much you make? i.e. a guy makin 30,000bux a year pays like 7%, and a guy making 60,000bux a year pays 13% or somethin like that, that's prolly not right, but it's somethin like that. uGH! Government is just lame. We should live in anarchy. @@#(#) well, if ya wanna actually talk to me, reach me here: irc: #ansi, #cafbl, #phruwt mail: boogeymn@psyber.com bbs: the PHRuWT tree 916.652.8941 (nup) tune in next time kiddies, same phruwt time, same phruwt channel... the boogeyman why do you persist looking down here? you think that there's gonna be some useful info here or something? get a life! stop bothering me! ____ _ _ ____ __ _______ | _ \| | | | _ \ _ \ \ / /_ _| | |_) | |_| | |_) | | | \ \ /\ / / | | | __/| _ | _ <| |_| |\ V V / | | |_| |_| |_|_| \_\\__,_| \_/\_/ |_| _ _ _ _ _ (_)___ ___ _ _ ___ _| || |_| || | | / __/ __| | | |/ _ \_ .. _| || |_ | \__ \__ \ |_| | __/_ _|__ _| |_|___/___/\__,_|\___| |_||_| |_| [ THE WAY I SEE IT...] [PHRuWT ISSUE #4] [MAY 1995] [FILBERT] ______________________________ _ _ _______ _______ | \ | | ____\ \ / /__ / | \| | _| \ \ /\ / / / / | |\ | |___ \ V V / / /_ |_| \_|_____| \_/\_/ /____| ______________________________ Welcome to PHi NEWz and Review. This day in PHi history: NOTHING HAPPENED! alright...well lets see whats been goin down with the crew. We did some spring cleaning on the board the other day. Weve decided to go "Eliete" or what ever its called now. We deleted all the lamerz (sorry roadkill, you suck!). Were supposedly going "underground" and are gonna be total hack/phreak, but somehow it dont believe it (no offence tb). Lemme see, i guess we got a bunch of new affils and stuff. I think we got RKL to join, but they changed there name to something diffrent. umm..Lemme see, NPC has joined up with us, so watch for upcomming anarchy paks to be released from PHi/NPC. Apprently DFT died, cause Death Adder couldnt deal with running an art group. I say GOOD RIDDENS! the world doesnt need another art group! Art groups are st00pid, all it is, iz a bunch of fuck up with way to much time on tere hands and egoz the size of fucking texas! Enigma Klan is gone. We havent heard much from them, though there was an interesting discussion about EK on Sac Cable a few weeks back, but it dies quickly because rico could support himself with only 10 fake accounts supporting him, and the other 1500 BBS users laughing in his face. Lemme think, oh yeah i went to Cake the other night, it was pretty slick. Though there were way to many people in such a small place. they played some killer stuff, i like "Shut the fuck up" but i donno who its by...i know its not a Cake song though. Jackpot SUCKS a fat one. i hate them with a fucking passion. i wanted to just go up on stage and beat the hell out of the singer...but i didnt.. My HD crashed the other day...but i fixed it. I lost ALL my killer filez, so im kinda bummed.. PHi might be putting a sever on the net soon. phruwt.sac-co.k12.ca.us so look for that in the next few months. We do need donations if anybody would like to contribute hi-speed modems (14.4k or up) to us, or external HD's or even BIG-ASS internal ones would be nice. im planning on getting a 730meg drive in the next few days (i hope). if you know anything about MachTen and its setup for UseNet and PPP could you please email me. thanks. Weed hasnt killed anything lately. thank god. Midnight Maniac is down temoraraly because his disk drive is skrewed. i got deleted from AoL (oh big loss...) Hermes Killer 3 is available from The PHRuWT Tree or Technicolor Highway BBS. FTP: ftp.netcom.com /pub/fi/filbert - phruwt archive for hacking shit! I can be found on IRC almost all day on #phruwt (/msg filbot hello - my bot ) or on #macwarez or in #uudw or #cake boogeyman can be found at his new home: boogeymn@psyber.com or his home away from home on IRC #ansi Well that about does it for this edition of PHi NEWz and Review... ____________________________________ _ __ __ ____ | | __ _| \/ | ___| _ \ ____ | | / _` | |\/| |/ _ \ |_) ||_ / | |__| (_| | | | | __/ _ < / / |_____\__,_|_| |_|\___|_| \_\/___| ___________________________________ i hate freshmen. i hate little fucking kidz who think there so fucking k-rad kewl. i just wanna beat the living fuck outa all of them. Listen to this. last night we went to coffie and i met this girl there that i saw at the Cake show (which btw was hella lame cause people were moshing to Cake and that just ruined the whole damn thing), so i was talking to her and shes all hey wanna go to kava with me and my friends. I said yeah sure. So i got in there car and we were talkin and the whole fucking time KEVIN CLARK (916.791.2026 - call him, fuck with him, bill long distance phone calls to China to him) - (who if you ever meet i suggest beating the fuck out of) was jumping up and down on my bumper and he fucked it up. He put big as dents in it. i told the fucker to stop but he woldnt listen. Now hes gonna have to pay for it cause i got hella busted. if that iznt the most fucked up thing. Im hella nice to him and i take him like ANYWHERE he wants to go, and all i get iz dents in my car and a "fuck you, im not gonna pay for it." Fuckin lamer. im gonna kick his ass next time i see him. hes skared of me. He called me this morning and tried to applogize for doing it. fuck that, he souldnt have done it in the first place. Well back to the story, so we ALL drove to Kava (another kewl coffie shop in old roseville) and we were sitting there and joel (the ONLY kewl person in the car that night) met some more people we knew and so we started talking again. Well my lamer friends start whining "we wanna leave, this sucks" and shit like that. So tey decide to go piss on my car! fuck that. I left just to stop those assholes from doing anymore damage to it. It was gonna be a hella killer night, we were gonna go to a party as well... but the idiots ruined it all. now im NOT allowed to drive anywhere EVER again, i cant get my new HD i need (if anybody wants to donate a 730meg HD to me id appreciate it..) and im basicly stuck at home now till hell freezes over. fucking krazy. fucker just called me again. said "fuck you. im not paying for it. i didnt do it. nobody saw me do it." LIAR. i saw him, joel saw him, the girls saw him. WE ALL SAW him but his gay lovers BRENADN HANCOCK (916.797.1187 - call him, fuck with him, bill LD to him..it ok with me, i dont care what you people do with there nummbers) and JARED COOK (donno his number) claim that they didnt see anything at all..wonder why? probably cause kevins dick was in there mouth! I hate little kidz. i cant say that enough. i wish they would fucking GROW up and realize that they have to be responsable for what they do, and they cant just fuck with other peoples shit and expect them to do nothing about it. If anybody has any good ideas for revenge, lemme know. im willing to do just about anything short of killing the bastards. ________________________________________________ _ ___ _ ____ _ / \ / _ \| | / ___| _ _ ___| | _____ / _ \| | | | | \___ \| | | |/ __| |/ / __| / ___ \ |_| | |___ ___) | |_| | (__| <\__ \ /_/ \_\___/|_____| |____/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\___/ _________________________________________________ Wanna know what else pisses me off? AOL. I was on there the other day (yeah yeah i dont wanna hear it). that place annoys the fuck out of me. how can you like it? its SOOOOOO LAME! everybody there is a fucking dork. the all think there some kinda modem godz or something. I was in one "room" and they were talking about satan, and they didnt have a clue what the fuck they were saying. One guys all "I tried to click on it, but all it did was open up a text file" i just wanted to hurt them! Steve Case fucks monkeys, dogs, pigeons, small barnyard critters, pigs, ducks, geese, cats, fish, seals, small fluffly microscopic critters that live on moldy bread... Well anyway, that place does have one good side, one hell of a warez trade. my god! i was there for less than 20 minutes and i have a mailbox full of at least 200 megz of shit. Im talking Code Worrior Gold, C++ 7.0, Virex 5.5, Civilization, 40 megs of hacking shit, MAOHELL betaz, AOL admin software, Beta AOL software, System 7.5, Windows 95 the full release, QuickKeys, Second Sight BBS, NovaLink Pro 4.0b and about 45 other things.. it was krazy! _______________________________________________ _ _ | | ___ ___ __ _| | ___ ___ ___ _ __ ___ | |/ _ \ / __/ _` | | / __|/ __/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \ | | (_) | (_| (_| | | \__ \ (_| __/ | | | __/ |_|\___/ \___\__,_|_| |___/\___\___|_| |_|\___| ________________________________________________ alright welcome to my review of our local modem scene..and other local shit.... to start id like to say that marathon with more than 2 people kicks fucking ass..!! we play the other day at weed's house with 3 people (me, boogeyman, weed) and it just plain ruled. the thing that sucked though was that we had to go get phonenet adapters and shit from CompU-got-taken...hehe..well as the story goes, we "borrowed" a few things that we WAY over priced...oh yeah boogeyman hacked the store computer. theyve got some kinda modem dialup to the other stores. though our hacking spree didnt last long cause people we looking at us. we were standing infront of a computer with BIG stickers that said "employees only" and shit like that...well we got what we needed and it was slick shit. that game files over a network. i got my ass kicked, but not as bad as boogeyman. on on level when we decided to quit, he was at -45...heheheh even i dont suck that bad. well back to the issue at hand...the local scene. i found a k-rad h/p board the other day. it sucked. i got deleted because i suggested that they use the hot keys menu not the tpye-till-you-die-menu that comes with PA 09b15. the board its self sucked. the ansi sucked, the people sucked. the messages lacked substance, or should i say the board lacked messages. the only atantage would be that its 28.8kbps, but that doesnt matter cause i havent got a 28.8. tPt has been active. maily due to CiA's posting of a warez bbs list in which the board was listed, but everybody knows THERE ARE NO WAREZ on the PHRuWT tree so i dont know why people call looking for them. it was kinda funny, tb changed the "feedback" option from the login shuttle to a disconnect so they would try and get an account and get bumped..heheh lamers deserve it. lemme se what else. Weed's boards been doing good. he keeps complaing about not enough HD space, but he has like 700 megs, and 600 of them are full of crap. he put the ENTIRE 125 meg system 7.5 CD-ROM on his HD just for the phuck of it. and he complains about lack of space?? fuckin crazy... If we didnt mention our trashing trip in the last issue i will tell the story again...we went to the local telco and tried to get in, well tb and lenex decide to take apart the electric gate opener...that was smart because security comes...so we ditch back to the car and drive around the corner and stop cause we see some ungaurded trash cans..well things just get ugly. somebody saw them try and bolt cut it so they come running out, lenex like an idiot runs for it...security comes running around the corner and its a full on chase..like in movies and shit. i drove a ways and they ran and got in the car and we took off..it was hella kewl. but LENEX the idiot almost got us busted... ______________________________( ) + (-) � R__________________________________ O T H E R FILBERTS MISC HACK OF THE MONTH: do you have system 7.1 still? like more ram? do you use Ram Doubler v1.0.1? well now you can have 9 times the ram. its that easy. just take resedit and open that bitch up. in the 1st resource in the second row (PREF Resource) you gotta open that one. browse through it. you will find a string like: $000200 or something damn similar. it should be the only one that looks like that. change the 2 to a 9 and restart for 9 times the ram. it kinda slows your computer down and can possibly crash your system or cause strange bugs and shit to appear..at least mine did, but thats not the only thing i changed :) so i recomend just doing that and nothing should happen. FILBERTS SOFTWARE REVIEW: [MachTen 2.1.1] It sounds good, but in reality it sucks a fat one. its a good idea, but the people who made it didnt do a very good job. it conflicts with just about everything, it doesnt work with VM, or ram doubler, it barley works even then. you need like 8 megs o HARDWARE RAM for it run good, you need at least 35 megs to install it and probably sevral hundred if not sevral gigs to run a good site. the pppd setup is almost impossible, and it doesnt work half the time. the text files are in a "special" format which you need to use a special application to decode. that makes editing the passwd file offline a pain in the ass.a good thing though is that it is a rather good copy of a BSD unix system and it run pretty smoothly after you get past the 10,000 bugs and other glitches that cause your system to freeze and die. if you do decide to get it abd try it, be sure to get the update to 2.1.1g which is available from there ftp site: ftp.tenon.com. it fixes SOME of the bugs but not many, though by the time YOU read this it may be years, and it might work one hell of a lot better, but as for now it doesnt. NOTE: this is from my experience with it. if yours worked the first time GREAT! im fucking hapy for you. if you have something youd like to share lemme know. WHAT WE NEED: What we need is a fucking 16 color ansi program. im tired of having to make multi-screens in ansi muse and cut and paste them together in teachtext. its fucking annoying as hell. i think somebody should make one and make it now! i tried but i couldnt do it because i lack programming skill..heheh..so do it, it cant be that hard. what it should have: 16 colors scroll able screen size (up and down) auto fonts (like The Draw) ability to make circles (like it does boxes in ansi mouse) better animation tools (i hate the way ansi mouse fucks up all the time) easier to use "ansi pallet" (like ansi creator has) auto shade ability (so you dont have to fumble with it) pick the like source for auto shade (wouldnt that be neat) if somebody could do all that, we would have the most kick ass ansi creator on planet fucking earth! but noooooo..nobody wants to take the few hours and code it out..cause there LAZY! do it or ill hunt you down and kill you! well maybe not kill you...but it hurt you real bad.. thats all folks...see yeah next time... ______________________________________________________________________________ __ _ _ _ _ / _ (_) | |__ ___ _ __| |_ | |_| | | '_ \ / _ \ '__| __| | _| | | |_) | __/ | | |_ |_| |_|_|_.__/ \___|_| \__| _______________________________________________________________________________ At Ease For Work Groups Esoterica and More By Moral Phibre My experience with the nefarious At Ease for Workgroups (AEfW) comes from two years of being on both sides of the fence. Here are some nifty things about AEfW: Before you begin: AEfW can create a log file of everything that was done, so watch out. You can't even have the machine generate this file unless you have adminsistrator's priviledges, so wacth out. If you have the resources, copy the system onto an external drive, hack around, and then replace the system, covering your tracks. (1) Ways to crash a system using Norton. AEfW when installed creates a "shadow" partition. If you run Norton Disk Doctor, you can see this partition...It has a screwed up name, and if you examine it, it will say that the drive is screwed,a nd that there is all sorts of stuff you need to fix. If you try to fix even one thing on this At Ease partition, YOU WILL SCREW UP THE ENTIRE SYSTEM. When you restart, the machine will NOT boot up off the drive, and you must boot up off a different drive, and reinstall a driver. BTW, All the Apple Tech Support people I've talked to deny that AEfW does this, but it really does, so check it out sometime. Just be careful not to try to "fix" anything :-) (2) Unlock Included with your purchase is a disk called At Ease Utilities. On there is a program called Unlock. Thing is, you need a password to use unlock. How do you get it? Call up Apple, and tell them that you have a machine with a damaged driver, and since AEfW locks this, you can't do anything. Then you give them your serial number for the software. They give you a code which you type in, and it unlocks the disk. This code changes weekly! If you manage to steal a copy of the registration and the disk, then you might want to use this to hacke through, but otherwise forget it, because there are many easier ways. I won't go into these, becasue they've already been beaten to death before, and there is no sense in me repeating them. (3) Uninstall As long as you are stealling disks, steal disk number one of the install disks. "What da ph*ck?!?" you are saying right now, "Why would I ph*kin want to unstall that sh*t on my computer." You don't, dumbass! If you insert the install disk in, then hold down the option key, the pull down menu changes from install to deinstall! It's been a little while since I've done this, so it might be the command key, but I am like 90% sure it is option. Just select deinstall, and your problems are gone. You need to run this in order to get rid of the program, because if you thorugh it in the trash you just fuck up the system, cause of those hidden partitions I told you about. If you don't remember that then you must be stoned :-) (4) Conflicts In my experience, AEfW sucks! It can cause major problems, and besides, FoolProof is much better. One of these conflicts is that LocalPathx when installed for a month or two, then causes problems (like the machine taking 15-20 mintues to start up!, or random crashing) This can be repaired by getting rid of the software and reinstalling, or just getting rid of At Ease :-) If you can install LocalPath onto a whole load of machines, it will make the Sys Admin crazy, if they don't know where to look. Speaking of FoolProof, the two can be run together, but it is really not a pleasant thing because they cause all sorts of trouble. (5) Starting up off a boot volume Apple say that you can't boot up from a different volum if you use AEfW. This is wrong. Although I have had little success in using a disk to start it up, you can use the system CD-ROM that comes with most late-model macs that have CD-ROMS. Out the bugger in and hold down delete-option-command-shift (D-O-C-S) to boot off of it instead. Wait a couple minutes and you will see the familiar At Ease folder. By now you are thinking that it didn't work, because here is At Ease...Just click the button "Go to finder' and you're there, with No AEfW. If you are lucky, then At Ease might even be on the disk, and you can de-install it then! (6) How AEfW deals with files 'n applications One sneaky thing about At Ease is that it will let you open a document that "belongs" to any application on the hard drive, even if that application is not available to you through At Ease. This can be helpful, if you need to type up reports, and the only machine available is a CD-ROM workstation that only lets you run reference CD's (but the librarian uses Claris Works or whatever to type stuff up on off hours). Just insert a disk containing a file from that program, and then open it. Now you can create new files, whatever. One good way to do this is to use Apple File Exchange to bury a game deep somewhere, and then put a saved game on a disk. That way, only those who know can use it, and you are less likely to be caught. (7) Annoying things sysops face: * People taking loads of screen-snapshots (Shift-Command-3) and filling up the volume. * Take screen snapshots of trying to break into the Administrator account. * Running Res Edit and modifiying the At Ease Preferences File, so that it ways things like "Sacrifice a disk to the great Jobs". * Using Apple File Exchange to put programs into the the setups folders in the System's folder, so that grade school kids get access to stuff like Ooze E-Zine. * Reverse the process so people can't run anything :-) * Create an obscene startup screen about certain teachers been members of NAMBLA and then put it into the startup folder using Apple File Exchange :-) Use your imagination, be creative, and most of all, don't get caught. Next time: Hacking TRW ------------------------------------------------------------ | Moral Phibre | Political Insight and Mac Programming | ------------------------------------------------------------ | "If AT&T owned all the caves, then would we regard | | spelunkers as desperate criminals?" | ------------------------------------------------------------ /-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\ | dumpster divin' 1o1 by the boogeyman | \-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-/ hey all you hacks and phreaks... since lack of texts from me in the last ish i thought i'd do some for this one :D. hope you enjoy... Good places to trash: Telefone Co (duh) Large Businesses Department Stores Banks Credit Card Companies Computer Manufactures (hardware or software) Well, it really depends on where the fuck to go by what you are lookin for. Mostly for cc#'s look at banks and suck because they have a very loose sekurity team if one at all. Telco places are usually a no-no unless you are james friggin bond or somethin. Supplies you'll need: Car (necessity) Bolt Cutters 3 people or so (never more than 4 or 5 though) Your Phreak Kit (look in this issue for supplies) It's a really good idea to go during the day to scope out the site you are gonna hit. This way you can see what you are up against. Mostly I have found that big corps and banks are the easiest to hit. I've even seen people just go up in the daytime and trash. Pretty funny. It also helps if you are in your hobo-gear when you go, therefore people won't suspect anything. *NOTE: Be sure you know when trash-day is around where you are going. It's hella lame to be out trashing and find nothing. When it's nightime drive on up to your desired dumpster. Have two people in the car circle the can, keeping a lookout for baddies. Have the other two people hop out and one go into the can. The other should just look out for the car and the phedz. After you are in the can, look for paper trash, not food trash. Food trash is all yicky and gross. Grab the paper (be careful, they can be VERY heavy) and wait for the car. Once in, shoot off like a motherphucka and sort your prize. You are likely to find fonebills, cc#'s, logins, etc. There is an unlimited number of things that you can find. Anyways, if you have any questions or comments mail my ass... the boogeyman <-+-( the phield phreaker's manual )-+-> by the boogeyman ==================== In this article I'm going to try and put together all the info you need to make a successful phreaking kit to use when you go on those box-hunts and trash runs or whatever you like to do...Also I will explain some techniques on exploring various telco things. Note: this is definately not a manual, but it seemed like an appropraite title... Whatchu gonna need: =================== - Backpack : I reccommend a black cloth type with many pockets... - Box(es) : Beige, Red, and maybe a Goldbox are always good. - Ratchets : 7/16" for boxes and 3/8" for underground types. - Screwdrivers : Variety - S, M, L. Regular and Phillips heads. - Flashlight : Mini-maglite with red-lens thingy. - Gloves : Not wise to leave fingerprints... - Pen&Notepad : Use a PEN cause pencils can brake. - PocketKnife : For stripping fone wires, etc... - Lighter : See bombs. - Bomb(s) : Smokebomb, whatever else you might need for a getaway - Mask : Cover your face when in manholes, cover from gestapo. - Marker : Tag PHi on every box you can see >:D - Repellant : Mace or pepperspray. Use on gestapo or fuckheads... - Bolt Cutters : To go where no phreak has gone before... :) - Crowbar : Manholes, manholes, manholes... Everyone should have one! - Telco ID Card: See Below... Making a Telco ID Card: ======================= To make a telco id card first try to find a telco guy on the side of the road or in your neighborhood somewhere. Ask him to see his card. Most likely he'll show it to you and ask you why. Just tell him that you were going to call his boss and say how nice of a person he is or some bullshit like that. After that, go home and find print up a card on your comp (color is good) that looks like the one you just have seen. (They look different so I'm not gonna tell what one looks like, you'll have to figure it out for yourself) If you can't see a card, just go and print up a card with the logo of your telco company on it. Slap a picture of yourself on there, add an id # and a name, and go get that bitch laminated! This is a handy thing to have on you, since if someone stops you you can say you work for ____ Bell. This has saved us many times... Exploring Telco Sites: ====================== A good place to check out is the nearest telco truckyard. There, if open, the truckyard houses lots of telco vans, trucks etc. and you can walk right in and take what you want. We don't advise doing this, because you are walking on THEIR turf and stealing stuff. I suggest looking out for grey whales in your neighborhood or around when you are out driving or whatever. Then, when the dumbass is off working on something, or taking a leak you can just walk right up and take what you need. It is cool to catch them going in a quickiemart or something, because they usually leave their window rolled down or door unlocked. Usually the toolbelt is on the back of the seat in the front. It has the test set and various tools in it that you would just love to have. The manuals are mostly always in the glovebox or between the passenger and driver seats. Telco Boxes: ============ I'm not going to go into detail about telco boxes in this issue, because this you probably all know a little about already from experience. Use your imagination when exploring telco boxes. Call a 9oo# on one line, and splice it into another line. Wire tons of lines together with the included spool of wire. Hell take the wire, I don't give a shit. We usually like to leave little messages for the telco guys in there. Hehehe, my favorite is still, 'Have a nice day. (Signed) Phiber Optik.' hehe, I can just imagine the guy freaking out and pissing his pants. Trashing: ========= I would go into detail on this, but read article 4.oo4 by myself of trashing. Conclusion: =========== Well, that about sums it up for this article by me. If you have any questions, comments, etc. shove em... the boogeyman - ReK - nPc.PHRuWT.ASiA.CraVe Presents � � � � ��� ������� �� �� �� �� ��� �� ���� ��� � �� �� � ������������������� � �� �� � �� �� ������� United States of Anarchy! a PHRuWT mini.zine Volume 1 1995 Discussed in this installment: Part 1.Stealing, How to do it and not get caught. Part 2.This months easy made bomb. Part 3.Information Every Stoner Should Know. Part 4.Whats up next time. PART 1. STEALING, HOW TO DO IT AND NOT GET CAUGHT. As a veteran thief, I pass on my hints and tips to all that follow in my foot steps. As a thief you must ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings, look for asshole workers, Rent-a-pigz (security), under cover narcs (There are lotz of these in TARGET), and cameras (cameras=GET OUT AND FIND A BETTER STORE). always make shure you have a place to ditch the stash if it gets hot so you can get it later. If they have those stupid ass security sensors no problemo! Always make sure to look for the trigger to the alarm (Little white stickers are most common). Wearing a jacket with long sleaves and hidden pockets are a good uniform for stealing. Say you want a candy bar, just push it up into your sleeve and walk out! For bigger things you can always stick um in your hidden compartment or your crotch (NEVER steal a 40 and stick it in your crotch, I learned my lesson). Always make sure no one is around when you steal because most people are fucking rats. A good way to steal is to switch the price stickers on the item with a real cheap sticker. -Thats All.... PART 2. THIS MONTHS EASY MADE BOMB. This month you all will learn the all mighty ETCHANT BOMB (my favorite). WHAT TA GET!: 1 16oz bottle of ARCHER PC BOARD ETCHANT from Radio Shack for $2.89 Foil 1 or 2 liter bottle A squeezable bottle. (optional but nice to have) NOW TA DO!: First you need to prepare the etchant for use by putting it in a squeezable bottle so you can put it in the 1 or 2 liter bottle. Start by putting it in a old mustard or ketchup bottle (or something simular). Now you need to dilute it with water to control the reaction time. I put about 1/2 a cup of water in and then it takes about 40 seconds to go but you can control the reaction time by the amount of water. Cut a 1foot by 1foot piece of foil. Tear it up into 1in wide by 2in long strips. Drop the foil strips into the empty bottle until it is 1/4 full. Take it to where you want to detonate it, Take off the cap, fill it about an inch full of etchant, cap it quikly and shake it quikly so all the foil gets covered with the etchant, throw it or set it down but make shure your at least 15 feet away, and kick back and watch it blow! PART 3. INFORMATION EVERY STONER SHOULD KNOW! Easy ways to get bigger hits of your joint: 1.Take the tube of a metal pencil and stick your joint in one end and hit the other (you will be inhaling pure smoke and no air!). 2.Make a fist around the joint and make a hole on the other end of your fist and take some mega hits! 3.Wrap the top of a match book around one end for power hits! 4.Same with credits cards and Zig Zag covers. I found that if you go down town and ask the homeless to hook you up you always get a fat hookup (unless you got a 5 buck an once hookup like me!). Always put a little bud in the tube of your pipe so after about a week the bud is so fucking resinated..... PART 4. NEXT MONTH Another easy bomb! More stoner stuff! I havent decided what else so your just gonna have to fuckin read it to find out! I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK WHAT YOU DO WITH THIS INFO. AS LONG AS YOUR SHIT DON'T COME BACK ON ME.. -ReK- nPc.PHRuWT.ASiA.CravE Holes in Phone Systems beginning January 1, 1995... North American Numbering Plan (NANP) ==================================== In the next six years, more than a dozen area codes throughout North American will be unable to meet customer demands (attachment 1). The reason for this is due to the rapid emergence of different methods of communication such as cellular phones, faxes, data lines, pagers, and other personal communication devices. It is not uncommon for the typical business person to have three or four telephone numbers reserved for their personal use. This along with the steady increase in overall population has put a drain on the pool of existing telephone numbers. To combat the dearth of numbers, the current North American Numbering Plan is being revised. Interchangeable Area Codes -------------------------- At the heart of the original NANP is a N(0/1)X-NXX-XXXX dialing format. In this scheme, N is equal to any digit between 2 and 9, the second digit of the area code is limited to either a 0 or 1, and X is equal to any digit between 0 and 9. As a result of these restrictions, the area code pool has been limited to 160 codes (144 geographic plus 16 service codes). Under the revised NANP, the format will become NXX-NXX-XXXX where N is any digit between 2 and 9, and X is any digit between 0 and 9. This will allow the creation of 640 new area codes. Because it will be possible for both the area code and central office codes to be identical, this facet of NANP expansion is commonly referred to as Interchangeable Numbering Plan Area or INPA. Expanded Carrier Identification Code (CIC) ------------------------------------------ In addition to INPA, the Carrier Access Codes will also be expanded. To access a preferred long-distance carrier today, the required dialing sequence follows a 10XXX format. The letters XXX are unique, 3-digit identifiers assigned to a particular carrier. For example, 10288 is AT&T�s code, 10222 is MCI�s, and 10333 is Sprint�s. With the newly revised NANP, the current 10XXX format will be changed to 101XXXX. This change is expected to take effect in mid 1995. International Calling Procedures -------------------------------- Currently, placing an international call from the United States requires a country code plus a 12-digit maximum number. To increase number availability, this requirement will be expanded to include a country code plus a 15-digit maximum. This change is planned to take effect late in 1996. Dialing Plans ------------- Under this revised numbering scheme, callers who currently dial 1-NXX-XXXX to reach someone in their own area code (intra-state call) may not get through. This is because where interchangeable area codes have been activated, it would be possible for callers dialing a 10-digit number to be connected to the wrong number due to the network switch reading the �1� plus seven digits as a valid call. To combat this, callers will need to dial �1� plus ten digits for all direct dialed calls other than local calls within the home area code (intra-state). Local Calls = NXX-XXXX Intra-State Calls = 1-NXX-NXX-XXXX or 0-NXX-NXX-XXXX Inter-State Calls = 1-NXX-NXX-XXXX or 0-NXX-NXX-XXXX Numbers not affected by NANP changes are 700, 800, and 900 numbers, 411 and 1-411 information numbers, 911 emergency numbers, 0 and 0+ operator assist numbers, directory assistance, and local calls remain 7 digits. Impact ------ Virtually all PBX and call accounting systems in use today will need some degree of either software or hardware upgrades to accommodate NANP expansion changes. Since these systems have been programmed for compatibility with the original NANP, new area codes and dialing schemes will not be recognized. In addition to PBXs and call accounting equipment, the following is a list of equipment which will be affected by NANP expasion: Centrix services Automatic route selection tables Least cost routing tables Station message detail recording rating tables Automatic dialing equipment Computer dial-back devices Alarm dialers Security systems Speed call lists Fax machines Private paging networks Call forwarding numbers Telephone answering equipment Modems Private networks PBX equipment modifications will differ from one manufacturer to another but in most cases, a simple software modification to the memory and area code database would be made. The central processing unit of some switches may need to be upgraded since more processing speed will be needed to execute a search on the larger database of number combinations while memory increases may be necessary to handle increase data processing, routing and billing information. Consequences ------------ For those businesses who are unaware of NANP implications or those who choose to ignore them, the consequences can be quite costly as in the hospitality, health care, and education institutions where telephone systems often act as an important revenue source. PBX systems will not be able to recognize an INPA being dialed and therefore, block the call; without being programmed to identify one number as a toll call and another being local, facilities may lose toll costs; if the call accounting system is not upgraded, it may not keep track of toll and international calls and managers may not have the ability to detect unusual call patterns which often indicate toll fraud; toll restriction tables will not be updated and pay per service and other frequently abused numbers will not be blocked. Attachment 1: AREA CODES PROJECTED TO EXHAUST PRIOR TO 2003 --------------------------------------------- STATE/PROVINCE AREA CODE PROJECTED EXHAUST DATE Alabama 205 1996 Q1 Texas 214 1996 Q1 Georgia 404 1996 Q1 Texas 713 1996 Q2 Texas 817 1996 Q3 Arizona 602 1996 Q3 Illinois 708 1997 Q1 Florida 813 1997 Q1 Oregon 503 1997 Q2 Washington 206 1997 Q2 Virginia 703 1999 Q1 California 310 1999 Q2 Caribbean 809 1999 Q2 California 619 2000 Q1 British Columbia 604 2000 Q3 Indiana 317 2000 Q3 Tennessee 615 2001 Q1 Minnesota 612 2001 Q2 Wisconsin 414 2001 Q2 Ohio 513 2001 Q3 Connecticut 203 2002 Q1 Florida 904 2002 Q2 Colorado 303 2002 Q3 Florida 305 2002 Q3 South Carolina 803 2002 Q4 Attachment 2: AREA CODE LISTING (AS OF 1/1/95) -------------------------------- 201 NEW JERSEY 415 CALIFORNIA 707 CALIFORNIA 202 DIST. OF COLUMBIA 416 ONTARIO 708 ILLINOIS 203 CONNECTICUT 417 MISSOURI 709 NEWFOUNDLAND 204 MANITOBA 418 QUEBEC 712 IOWA 205 ALABAMA 419 OHIO 713 TEXAS 206 WASHINGTON 423 TENNESSEE (9) 714 CALIFORNIA 207 MAINE 501 ARKANSAS 715 WISCONSIN 208 IDAHO 502 KENTUCKY 716 NEW YORK 209 CALIFORNIA 503 OREGON 717 PENNSYLVANIA 210 TEXAS 504 LOUISIANA 718 NEW YORK 212 NEW YORK 505 NEW MEXICO 719 COLORADO 213 CALIFORNIA 506 NEW BRUNSWICK 770 GEORGIA (10) 214 TEXAS 507 MINNESOTA 801 UTAH 215 PENNSYLVANIA 508 MASSACHUSETTS 802 VERMONT 216 OHIO 509 WASHINGTON 803 SOUTH CAROLINA 217 ILLINOIS 510 CALIFORNIA 804 VIRGINIA 218 MINNESOTA 512 TEXAS 805 CALIFORNIA 219 INDIANA 513 OHIO 806 TEXAS 281 TEXAS (8) 514 QUEBEC 807 ONTARIO 301 MARYLAND 515 IOWA 808 HAWAII 302 DELAWARE 516 NEW YORK 809 CARIBBEAN 303 COLORADO 517 MICHIGAN 810 MICHIGAN 304 WEST VIRGINIA 518 NEW YORK 812 INDIANA 305 FLORIDA 519 ONTARIO 813 FLORIDA 306 SASKATCHEWAN 520 ARIZONA (6) 814 PENNSYLVANIA 307 WYOMING 540 VIRGINIA (7) 815 ILLINOIS 308 NEBRASKA 562 CALIFORNIA (5) 816 MISSOURI 309 ILLINOIS 601 MISSISSIPPI 817 TEXAS 310 CALIFORNIA 602 ARIZONA 818 CALIFORNIA 312 ILLINOIS 603 NEW HAMPSHIRE 819 QUEBEC 313 MICHIGAN 604 BRITISH COLUMBIA 901 TENNESSEE 314 MISSOURI 605 SOUTH DAKOTA 902 NOVA SCOTIA 315 NEW YORK 606 KENTUCKY 903 TEXAS 316 KANSAS 607 NEW YORK 904 FLORIDA 317 INDIANA 608 WISCONSIN 905 ONTARIO 318 LOUISIANA 609 NEW JERSEY 906 MICHIGAN 319 IOWA 610 MASSACHUSETTS 907 ALASKA 334 ALABAMA (1) 612 MINNESOTA 908 NEW JERSEY 360 WASHINGTON (2) 613 ONTARIO 909 CALIFORNIA 401 RHODE ISLAND 614 OHIO 910 NORTH CAROLINA 402 NEBRASKA 615 TENNESSEE 912 GEORGIA 403 ALBERTA 616 MICHIGAN 913 KANSAS 404 GEORGIA 617 MASSACHUSETTS 914 NEW YORK 405 OKLAHOMA 618 ILLINOIS 915 TEXAS 406 MONTANA 619 CALIFORNIA 916 CALIFORNIA 407 FLORIDA 630 ILLINOIS 917 NEW YORK 408 CALIFORNIA 701 NORTH DAKOTA 918 OKLAHOMA 409 TEXAS 702 NEVADA 919 NORTH CAROLINA 410 MARYLAND 703 VIRGINIA 954 FLORIDA (4) 412 PENNSYLVANIA 704 NORTH CAROLINA 970 COLORADO (3) 413 MASSACHUSETTS 705 ONTARIO 414 WISCONSIN 706 GEORGIA _______________ 1 205 to 334 - Mandatory dialing on 5/13/95 2 206 to 360 - Mandatory dialing on 5/21/95 3 303 to 970 - Mandatory dialing on 10/1/95 4 305 to 954 - 2Q 1995 5 310 to 562 - 1996 6 602 to 520 - Mandatory dialing 7/23/95 7 703 to 540 - Mandatory dialing 7/13/96 8 713 to 281 - Mandatory dialing 3/1/96 9 615 to 423 - 4Q 1995 10 404 to 770 - 4Q 1995 -=- Phoney Phreak of PHi -=- Improved Silver Box After looking at the box plans that were available on silver boxes, and deciding that they weren't all that useful, I've written this short phile on a method to make a generic silver box, which should work on most phones. Although its only been tested on desk type phones, the principals can be applied to any touch-tone phone. Intro. A silver box is a device that can produce the Dual Tone Multifrequency (DTMF) tones that are associated with an extended keypad. That is gives you four extra buttons (labeled A, B, C and D), which are not normally assessable. If you want to know what these frequencies are look in the alt.2600 FAQ. Basic Principle The DTMF tone is generated by an IC which sends dual tones down the phone line. One of the tones (the low frequency one) corresponds to the row on the keypad, and the other (the high frequency one) corresponds to the column on the keypad. So when a key is pressed on the keypad the tone you hear is made up of two separate tones. On a normal keypad there are four rows (labeled R1 to R4) and 3 columns (labeled C1 to C3). If the button "1" is pressed this is indicated by output from R1 and C1. These outputs are fed into the DTMF generator, which produces the correct tones according to row and column inputs. On all the DTMF generators I've encountered there is also an input for C4 (for example with the DTMF generator TCM5087 this is pin 7), so all one has to do to generate the correct tones corresponding to A, B, C or D is send a signal into R1-C4 to generate A, R2-C4 to generate B and so on. Putting this into Practice You'll Need: A Phone (make it cheap, say from Goodwill, about $5. Desk ones work best) 4 DPDT switches Some wire Solder Volt/Ohm meter is also useful First thing to do is take apart the phone, and you should find several sections in there. The ones of interest are 1) the keypad and 2) the DTMF generator. The DTMF generator will be the chip nearest the keypad, and will have a 3.579 MHz crystal wired to it. After you've identified the parts you need to look at the keypad. There will be at least 8 pins with the keypad, one carrying the signal in, the 7 out (4 rows and 3 columns). Sometimes there are 9 pins, with the ninth pin used for C4, but isn't wired up. You'll want to identify which of the pins is carrying the signal into the keypad. One method to do this which I use, and is quick, is to plug the phone in and with a voltmeter connect one clip to earth (say that wire on the plastic sheet which goes around the keypad) and then test each pin connecting the keypad. One will give you a signal of about 3.2V (this may vary). This pin is the live pin (it was pin 5 on the ones I've used). Know you want to find outwhat the other pins are for. Put the meter into resistance mode and connect one clip to the live pin. Then hold down key "1" and test the other pins for no resistance. This will give you 2 "hits", R1 and C1. Go through the other keys until you have the pins for R1-4 and C1-3. An alternative method is to pull the keypad apart and follow the wiring around and figure it out that way (not very elegant though). Now we want to follow the pinouts to the DTMF generator and find out which pin they go into. This should present no problem as there are no components between the pins of the keypad and the chip. You'll notice that the chip inputs seem to go in order, i.e. R1-14, R2-13, R3-12 and R4-11. This may help you find out where C4 goes (look at C1, C2, and C3). If that doesn't appear to be working try looking for a pin on the chip that goes nowhere. This will be C4. Alternatively if your phone has a 9-pin output from the keypad, follow the unconnected pin, and this will lead to C4. You should now have enough information to put together a silver box. To complete the box take the 4 switches and connect them to the live pin (all 8, its easiest to run one wire from the connection between the keypad and the printed circuit board and one pin of one switch, then connect each pin in series with the one next to it ie 1 to 2, 2 to 3....7 to 8. Then for switch one (A) run one output to R1 and the other to C4 (again its easiest to solder the wire to R1 at the connection between the keypad and the printed circuit board). A quick crude diagram would look like this: R1 R2 R3 R4 | | C4 | | | | | | | | _____________ | ______|______ | ___________ | _ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ A \ \ B \ \ C \ \ D \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ____________________________________________________ | | | Live Pin Then just take the keypad plate in the phone and cut 4 holes for each of the switches to go through, and reassemble the phone, which should now be a fully working silver box. If anyone has question/queries/comments/threats/sisters phonenumber I can be reached on the PHRuWt mailing list. For a more information check out Understanding Telephone Electronics by Stephen J. Bigelow for a nice introduction on how a phone works. Standard disclaimers apply. Nixx hello. im sure by now we all have heard stories about the warez trade on AOL. We'll this is a personal account of exactly what goes on there. sevral weeks ago i was at a local book store when i saw a copy of MacWorld with an AOL disk attached to the front of it. well itd been a fucking long time (like almost a year) sence i was last on AOL so i decided id take another look and see if i liked it. so i grabed the mag, walked to the far side of the store and slipped out the side door into the night (well twilight..it was almost dark). i quickly drove home (god its great to drive) and went to set it up and check out what was new. the software installed quickly and was pretty much the same from the pevious time i used. well i logged in using a TCP connection cause its "local" access number is long distance and a 800 number is free..:) i proceeded to fill out the info sheet with bogus info about a supposedly real person, based on some info i found while trashing. i gave them a name, a REAL address, of who i dont know and a credit card and within minutes i was online enjoying my new 10 free hours at somebody elses expense.. i remembered about the warez trade and quickly went to "macwarez" thsome of the people knew who i was and had read the zine so i was accepted quickly into there group. with in minutes i was asked to join a massmailing..i said "yeah sure what is it?" they said that was how the distributed the warez and by getting on the "list" id recieve them all..so i signed up. i got kinda bored and left to get something to eat, and when i came back i went to read my new mail. ialmost shit myself when i saw what was there...over 200 megs of shit! this is just what i can remember off the top of my head! now dont get me wrong about this, im not out to get these people in trouble, im just here to show you what's going on. What might you ask is AOL doing about this? i say nothing. they would like you to believe that there stopping the warez trade but there is no way in hell they possibly can. with probably over 100 people with FAKE accounts with other peoples credit cards using there own or even hacked accounts...theres no way you can stop them. thats the beauty of it all, there is nothing anybody can really do about it. This is the latest word i hear AOL is "in development" of call tracing software. hahaha yeah right. your gonna have to dig through 1,000,000+ users phone records + god knows how many calls per day to the system, just to track down a "warez d00d?" fuck that. besides, they dont even have direct dialups, everything goes through sprintnet...that makes it even harder. what about the people who use TCP connetions like i did? then not only do they have to dig through there own phone records and log files, but throgh the system that connected's phone records and logs. i doubt that catching 1 single person, or even 10 people is worth the possible MILLIONS of dollars and HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of hours of reading logs you may have to send a ware or two to get on the list, but sometimes you dont. just try and social engeneer your way onto a list if they want files. dont give i now if you are successful, get all the files as FAST as you can out of your mailbox. they will sit there for 5 days after theyve been read, but your acount will not last that long. you have at the most 48 to 72 hours before somebody like Steve Case catches on that your account iz fake and you get bumped. thats why you if you're unsuccessful and are mad, get even. forward a log of all the conversation in the room to steve case and skrew over all the assholes in the channel. or if you wanna be especially mean, take all there warez and still skrew them over. ehhehe thats what id do. tell them once you get all there shit that your a nark if your gonna go do that last bit, i suggest you DONOT use your regular net/bbs handle. you wouldnt want word to get out that your a nark. the way to identify who people are is by there names. if you see the following in the room, you will *xxx* - where XXX is a group name, that person is afiled with XXX (ex: fbtPHi dont quote me on that exactly, but thats kinda what i noticed. so now you know the basics of AOL warez tradin. go and have a good time and remember, if you get anything kewl, forward it to me or find me on IRC and DCC it to me...:) ehehhe [filbert] . .___ .___ __..__ . : ._________..____| \._________..____| \ / || \___________ : -)-X---| .___. \ | \ .___. \ | \ / || \ /-X-(- : | | \ _ \ | \ | \ /\ \ __ / : | | .______/ | \ .____/ | \ \ \ \/ | | | | | | / ! \ ` / /\/\ / \ | : | ___| |____|___ /___|\__ /________ / / \ /__ / : -)-X---|/------------------\/--------\/---------\/-\/------\/---\/------X-(- : : . . PHREAKERS/HACKERS/RuTHLESS/WACKED/TERRORISTS iNCORPORATED . .___ . : ._____.___| \._______ : -)-X--------------------|_____\ | \ \------------------------X-(- : .______ \ .___<. : | | \ \ \ | | | / \ / / | : |___ /_____\_ /_____ / tb [asia] : -)-X------------------------\/--------\/------\/------------------------X-(- : : . . P H R u W T i N C . a P P L i C a T i o N So, considering applying for PHi? Well here's how ta do it. PHi is looking for distro sites and quality members. Members are required to write at least one article for every other zine. Alright, so just fill er' out and return it to any of the places below. ------------------------------------ cut here --------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* -= PHRuWT iNC. member app =- handle: e-mail address: real name (yes this is NECESSARY): voice fone # (this too): data line #: where ya from?: groups you are in (define all acro's): what's your speciality? (hacking, phreaking, carding...etc...): what can you do for PHi?: ******************************************************************************* -= for sysops only =- name of your bbs: handle(s) of co-(s): group affiliations (please define all acros): number of users: calls per day: hd space: speed: bbs software: type of files online (h/p, warez, all access, etc...): number and nup (if you have a nup): what's your board like?: ******************************************************************************* list the three BEST boards that you're on (any PHi board is VERY good): NAME: NUMBER: NUP: SYSOPS: 1) ( ) - 2) ( ) - 3) ( ) - users that will vouch for you (preferably users that i know): 1) 2) 3) ******************************************************************************* DEFINE THESE TERMS/GROUPS (don't phreak out if you don't know some of em'): TERMS: HACKER: PHREAKER: ANARCHIST: VIRUS: REDBOX: BEIGEBOX: 2600hz: h/p/a/c/v...etc...: GROUPS: PHi : DoS : HoE : NPC : XTC : LoL : DnA : LoD : USE : BGR : ******************************************************************************* Please attach a sample of your work for this application here: (If you don't want to write, but become a coder, attach a file that you wrote here or in a folder etc...) ------------------------------------ cut here --------------------------------- PLACES TO RETURN APPLICATION: boogeymn@psyber.com TRANSMiT LiBERATiON: (email for #) the PHRuWT tree : 916.652.8941 nup: (haha) PHi's in da' house for the 95! PHRuWT iNC. bringin' ya the fresh h/p shiznit. . .___ .___ __..__ . : ._________..____| \._________..____| \ / || \___________ : -)-X---| .___. \ | \ .___. \ | \ / || \ /-X-(- : | | \ _ \ | \ | \ /\ \ __ / : | | .______/ | \ .____/ | \ \ \ \/ | | | | | | / ! \ ` / /\/\ / \ | : | ___| |____|___ /___|\__ /________ / / \ /__ / : -)-X---|/------------------\/--------\/---------\/-\/------\/---\/------X-(- : : . . PHREAKERS/HACKERS/RuTHLESS/WACKED/TERRORISTS iNCORPORATED . .___ . : ._____.___| \._______ : -)-X--------------------|_____\ | \ \------------------------X-(- : .______ \ .___<. : | | \ \ \ | | | / \ / / | : |___ /_____\_ /_____ / tb [asia] : -)-X------------------------\/--------\/------\/------------------------X-(- : : . . � Founders � the boogeyman filbert � Senior Staff � sUMsDos stowAway ReK � Members � Midnight Maniac Zork916 spooty Phoney Phreak BlazeN1 Rasputin Santiago c0c0t Dr Hate Zardoth Saraduakar C-D Moral Phibre DaRKPRoPHeT Genaside ][ BlueBalls Razorboy � PHi Boards � ������������������������������������������������������ World HQ the PHRuWT tree 916.652.8941 Western HQ Radiation-X 8o5.588.1739 Member HQ TRANSMiT LiBERATiON 8o3.215.oo5o ������������������������������������������������������ 2o3 Member The Depths 2o3.762.o1o7 51o Member Deadly Force 51o.54o.6726 9o4 Member Razorboyz Empire 9o4.335.1355 916 Member Midnight Maniac 916.961.35o1 ������������������������������������������������������ 2o3 Distro Translucent Dreams 2o3.758.o342 216 Distro Eternitys Salvation 216.834.oo85 315 Distro UToPiA 315.656.5135 4o8 Distro Immortal Thoughts 4o8.847.44o9 41o Distro Kentucky Fried Chicken 41o.477.o63o 518 Distro AWoL 518.383.1369 6o7 Distro Phist Phuck 6o7.253.2598 614 Distro Inner Tube 614.777.4879 714 Distro Digital Decay 714.871.2o57 717 Distro The Immortal's Grave 717.394.3643 8oo Distro Void Where Prohibited 8oo.fuk.fedz 916 Distro Technicolor Highway 916.973.o111 ������������������������������������������������������ � Internet Stuff � ������������������������������������������������������ FTP site ftp.netcom.com pub/fi/filbert FTP site ftp.netcom.com pub/va/vandal Mailing List phruwt-l@netcom.com IRC Channel #phruwt WWW Page http://www.armory.com/~phi/ ������������������������������������������������������ � PHi News � PHRuWT iNC. is looking for distro sites, writers, and programmers If you think that you can help us with this, e-mail boogeymn@psyber.com for info, or call the WHQ board. In addition to the monthly zine we are going to start releasing t-files on h/p and such plus maybe a program or two. =============================================================================== | ' D A D I S C L A I M E R | =============================================================================== ******************************************************************************* [ ] [ DUE TO LEGAL SHIT BEYOND OUR CONTROL, WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SAY WHAT WE ] [ REALLY FEEL, SO WE ARE LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING ONLY ] [ ] ******************************************************************************* PLEASE KEEP YOU ARMS, LEGS AND HEAD INSIDE THE 'ZINE AT ALL TIMES. ANY LOST, STOLEN, MISPLACED, BROKEN BONES, HACKED ACCOUNTS, LARGE FONE BILLS, ANGRY NEIGHBORS, DEAD PETS, STOLEN CARS, BROKEN PAY FONES, ELECTROCUTIONS, DISMEMBERMENT OR EVEN ACCIDENTAL OR WRONGFUL DEATH CAUSE BY THESE FILES IS _NOT_ AND I REPEAT THAT FOR THE HELL OF IT, _NOT_ OUR RESPONSABILITY... SHOULD ANY OF THESE THINGS HAPPEN TO YOU, WELL YOU PROBABLY SHOULDNT HAVE BEEN DOING WHAT EVER CAUSED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.. >:D ******************************************************************************* [ ] [ WHAT WE WOULD LIKE TO SAY, BUT ARE NOT REALLY SAYING ] [ ] ******************************************************************************* ALL OF THE FILES PROVIDED WITHIN THIS 'ZINE ARE FOR YOU TO DO AS YOU PLEASE WITH. WE _WANT_ YOU TO HACK YOUR FRIENDS ACCOUNTS (PROVIDING YOU EMAIL US THEIR PASSWORDS AS WELL...:), WE WANT YOU TO PHUCK WITH THE TELCO AND EXPLORE SHIT THATS NOT YOURS. THIS IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT. SO WHAT IF YOU BROKE YOUR ARM FALLING OVER THAT 25 FOOT WALL, WHILE YOU WERE BEING CHASED BY THE COPS, AFTER BREAKING INTO PACBELL..THATS OK, AT LEAST YOUR DOING SOMETHING BESIDES SITTING AT HOME WATCHING RICKI LAKE INTERVIEW SATANIC-THRILL-KILLERS WHO'S MOMS WERE MOLESTED BY CROSSDRESSING TRANSVESTIES WHEN THERE WERE PREGNENT... THOUGH YOU SHOULD REMEMEBER THAT ITS NOT _OUR_ FAULT IF YOU BLOW UP YOUR NEIGHBORS HOUSE OR KILL HIS CAT.. YOU CANT USE "PHRuWT MADE ME DO IT" AS YOUR DEFENSE IN COURT EITHER, SO DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT (WERE SAVING THAT ONE FOR WHEN WE GET BUSTED...) SO I GUESS I'M SAYING THIS: HACK/PHREAK/KILL/MURDER/BREAK SHIT, JUST DONT BLAME US IF YOU GET CAUGHT... ******************************************************************************* 'DA DISCLAIMER BY: FILBERT (FILBERT@NETCOM.COM) *******************************************************************************