+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PINK FLUFFY PHREAKING BUNNIES - ISSUE 007 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Released on June 24th, 1999 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The publishers of this newsletter do not encourage anyone to kill people. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ As you can see from our new header that in a recent board meeting the publishers of Peachey Incorporated decided to change their name to something more appealing to the younger generation of elite computer hackers so we are now known as the Pink Fluffy Phreaking Bunnies. What does this mean to you? Well the main change you'll notice is that our new official colors are pink and baby blue so you'll be able to recognize other fans of PFPB walking around on the street. If you happen to notice a guy wearing a pink bandanna or someone in baby blue leotards just walk up to them and go, "Yo, are you down with the Pink Fluffy Phreaking Bunnies" and you're sure to get a response. Why did we change our name? Mainly because basing an e-zine on the some girl on IRC we used to torment doesn't make much since if you're still publishing but you haven't heard from that girl in months now. She's still on efnet as peachangl and her other assorted nicks but I don't think anyone even msgs her anymore and to tell the truth I'm totally bored with her. Having said that here are approximately 12 megs of peachey logs for your enjoyment! +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Peachey IRCs From A Payphone | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Session Start: Wed Apr 30 20:35:08 1997 hi!! hello hows it going? good until logicbox started again..how are you?? did you have a dif nick? i'm good i never had a dif nick hahaha oh hummmmmm well i would not advise you to harrass me why not? cause you will be very unhappy if you do want me to socket kill you??? why would you want to? cause i'm bored just a question... but why are you sooooo fucked up??? like seriously you have to be the dumbest whore i know. ... only logicbox was mean well and you now.... m�H@h�h�H�Hh�h��� what? i1m not impressed thats nice to know but i really dont care can i phone you? * peachey thinks Malacoda should change name to Junkyard Dawg! * Malacoda thinks peachey should change her name to Bar Slut! i wouldn`t my number is being traced traced by who? tell me!!! by nynex and the police What about the FBI or are you too good for them??? What the heck is your problem?? why? �� U ��M� �0rt@ ph��� h�k�r??? because they call a number that`s private office what ever i'll still call whats yer email then i'll email you why? dont have e mail why not? just dont are you male or female? why? does it matter/ no sorry actually i'm male how bout you? both thats pretty lame... actually i`m female i figured that why`s that? yer lame nick oh peaches are not seis? sexes? whats malacoda? sich what? yeah but only a chick would only pick that nick sick= oh malacoda=? gimme yer phone number please i don`t have one where are you? yes you do what are you calling from then? a payphone? no i dont use it after 5pm honest if yer using a payphone you would need a laptop and an acoustic coupler ummmm where do you loive? here and there... how bout you? your smart!!! and exactly right!!! i am!! well what state here and there? yeah i bet you redboxed yer call as well right? state of u4rea probably you even know what redboxing is? co? nope didnt think so not co that where you live? yes where then? euphoria i told you why? fine if your going to be a// a jerk then i`m not going to talk to you! geez what! i dont live in a state we are not comunicating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your out of the us?? probably i dont talk to foriegners sorry 781-639-0224 is that yer number? chinesse? nope no Canadian you are doomed my friend..... i hate french too i'm not french bitch and i'm not yer friend either you cheap slut.. and i dont live in an igloo and we dont drive dog sleds either i bet fucking redneck me? nope dont swear i dont like it fuck shit cunt bitch ummmmmmmmm watch this ha speak englais? parlez vous francias? yes i can speak french why? well i`m sure you can find someone who might want to listen to you up there ummm not really yer the only loser i can find so how old are you? ha that does figure send me your picture and let me see why all the other people are cool umm k hold on yes the only jerk there is logicbox he needs to grow up no your just a fucking loser just you and logic then *This is where i sent her a picture of tim Armstrong (you know the lead singer of rancid??)* ummm k here it is k brb its of me in concert gesus? what? cant handle it? thats you?? yeah why? what with the stupid hair do? like the mohawk? its blue in real life no hate it you walk around like that? ummm yeah were you abused as a child? and i goto skewl like that no i wasnt abused * peachey holds mal close and pats his head then? ewwww try not to touch me i havent even payed you yet... fine thanx plus i dont want you to ruin my spikes * peachey puts a pair of latex extra thick gloves and pats the mohawk head fuck dont touch me do they have no punx where you live? hummmmmm see you do have some kind of messed up head? you must have a sheltered life lemme guess no drugs or beer sort of lots of ed and homework or phones or electricity never did druds or beer hate beer what ever yer life but i like wine how old are you? and sex older than you i'll call you tommorow hows that? send me ye rpic i sent you mine during the day at 4? anytime dont have a pic sorry why not no just after 10 am and before 5pm but your number will be traced so i dont give a shit wow ok let em try try? there are was to get around try what? try to trace me oh they will... but i will say your not one of them i am tho oh i thought you were going to be nice sorry well kind of i can still be nice if i want to.. to bad i dont want to you are so mean to me!!! how old are you? hey i like your guitar! thats cool how old are you? me? how old are you? how old are you? you first fuck i asked first i was told never to give personal info sorry we can be friends how did you get to be in rock? be in rock? what the hell do you think rock is??? a place for people to talk about rock music of course... umm maybe you should read or even get yer mommy or daddy to read for you!!!!! or heres a cool idea ask questions what the channel is about no... you guys are really mean to me... why dont you join and ask what it is about you stupid whore :) you tell me please Session Close: Wed Apr 30 21:32:27 1997 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | #deaf pulls one over on RBCP | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Session Start: Tue Oct 13 14:56:27 1998 *** Now talking in #deaf *** Topic is '17th Arkansas College Football 5-0 , Head Coach Houston Nutt, his father is Deaf' *** Set by FV on Tue Oct 13 04:58:01 gerbil *** commander sets mode: +b *!*@*.midwest.net *** You were kicked by commander (banned: tell PLA we owns them!) *** Attempting to rejoin... Session Close: Tue Oct 13 14:56:53 1998 Session Start: Thu Oct 13 14:58:03 1998 <|X-FiLeS|> hi <|X-FiLeS|> hi.. what's the matter? why they are kicking your butt? * rbcp breaks down in tears they don't LIKE me <|X-FiLeS|> okie <|X-FiLeS|> why? i don't know, i'm just an innocent deaf person <|X-FiLeS|> come in #deafteen i'm not allowed in there because i'm 25. <|X-FiLeS|> that's ok it's mine channel anyway could you ask them to unban me in #deaf maybe? <|X-FiLeS|> I dont think so.. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease? <|X-FiLeS|> that's up with PLA? public library association? they're at pla.com <|X-FiLeS|> nice try <|X-FiLeS|> http://www.phoneloser.org <|X-FiLeS|> http://www.phonelosers.org <|X-FiLeS|> fuck around with us .. nah I dont think so! oh no! you know who i am!!!@# <|X-FiLeS|> i know <|X-FiLeS|> think i m stupid <|X-FiLeS|> I have been in #deaf for long time i know i used to be bad, but i was in an airplane wreck and i'm deaf now and i swear i'm good! <|X-FiLeS|> ya know asl? nope, what's that? <|X-FiLeS|> sign language.. if ya are deaf then u learn sl oh! yeah asl! i misunderstood, i swear <|X-FiLeS|> u swear? lol. . <|X-FiLeS|> then u must promise to msg to Fasty and tell him that Fasty ownz u -> (-fasty-) YOU OWN ME! I WORSHIP YOU, PLEASE HAVE MERCY!! FASTY IS GOD TO ME. okay? okay, i did. and i meant it too. <|X-FiLeS|> #deaf ownz PLA! <|X-FiLeS|> u talk to fasty. . it's way out of my business. . just ask for unban .. hope he ll listen oh god i hope so, without being able to be in #deaf i don't know what i'll do <|X-FiLeS|> go go <|X-FiLeS|> #deaf <|X-FiLeS|> be good! i'm in #blind right now. i'll go there in a minute +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Peachey finally figures out that we AREN'T her friend. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ In this log rbcp has stolen the name peachangl and has been idling all day. Peachey finally msgs him with the PeAC|aNGL nick. Session Start: Fri Feb 12 16:51:47 1999 Session Ident: PeAC|aNGL (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) hey :( you still trying to impersonate me? hellooooooo dosen't your wife get jealous? this is colleen silly oh HI!! colleen ? yeah? i think i'm lagged change the nick please then -> [PeAC|aNGL] PING no, it's our nick now no i had to get something what? this is our f nick no yes you have your own this is not colleen :( your such a f liar does colleen know that all your friends talk about her like shes a slut? and that you allow them to this is colleen. look on the webcam peachey i'm sitting here, alex is outside and we're both sick you your crap. you need to leave us alone send the url again please you have it do a /whois on me just go away your so mean to me :( well how would you feel? does this mean we will never have sex? hehehhehehehhe about what? i cant find the url there is nothing in the picture but the screen? stupid i hate you so much Alex change the picture in the web cam for me first you say you hate me, then you ask a favor. This is very typical of you. RING wait dont call please you noticed i don't call and bother you im like that because sometimes you seem nice and then other times you seem so nasty and meN? MEAN= i wish you could just be nice I'm not calling you, you're dilusional And I don't care if you call me maybe you can just be nice to me we know each other In fact PLEASE call me because I would like to have a little chat with you. and you know i wont bother you no because you tape it Have your friend call me then. You know, the one who's going to show up at my door and beat me up? well he won't beat you if you are nice to me Well i guess he's going to have to kill me then because you know i'm not going to be nice to you. why? you can be nice to me? why do u hate me/ just tell me that You're an impostor, trying to fool people into thinking you're peachangl. This pisses me off. someone said that to you? NO, LOOK AT YOUR NICK! well they all know you make it PeAC|aNGL so people will think you're me. That's fucking rude stop it! stop what? why don't you leave me the f alone!? stop confusing me stop badgering me :( i try to try to tolerTE YOU BUT i FIND IT UN BEARABLE :(( well how would YOU like it if i did this to YOU?!?! you're a sick sick person bye rbcp i supposed you're going to tell me that gwonk isn't my friend now? any friend that says he doing your wife behind your back is no friend of yours all my friends do my wife behind my back. What, you expect me to sit there and watch?? you fucking sicko. you must remember that colleen is the mother of Your child and that you lose all respect for allowing people to laugh about that your daughter will not ever respect you and she will be next in line with those perverted friends of yours if i was colleen id f run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! far away from YOU but first i'd kick you so hard that you wouldnt ever recover see how you are to me?? ALl I'm doing is telling the truth and you start saying mean things about my wife and daughter. You're really sick and need to be put away. I hope you mess with the wrong person someday and they come and take you to jail. You have no business on the internet doing this to innocent people. you are a wrong person for me to be talking to :) sometimes i like feeling sleazy and cheap and you are both i'm looking at your cAM? nothing but the screen ... see i can be as mean as you maybe even better huh :) you make me proud thanks :))) now that's just sad why are you not channging your web cam picture? i can't even see you :( okay, i just turned it on are you happy? it's updating now! yes :) i hate you but your still not bad looking :) thanks me or my bitch? You you call her a bitch? yeah and she calls me a whore. it turns us on we're fucked up does she ever get mad and hit you? no, i broke her fingers the last time she tried that wow whats does her daddy say about that? me and him joke about it all the time cause he used to beat her when she lived at home. but i took her away from all that. and i don't hit as hard so her and emily are really happy now wow yup I'm a man gawd :( bahhh you didn't change the cam i bet your lying about hitting colleen? press the reload button or view the image by itself and reload that if it were me I would kick you so hard in the ba**s you wouldn't beable to ever hit me again :))) she did that once and i had to break her toes. it wouldn't have done her any good anyway because i don't have any balls hurmmmm At this point RBCP turns on the live webcam and snaps a picture of himself apparently hitting Colleen over the head with a 2x4. A little later they snap another of him punching her in the face and another of him hitting her on the head with the keyboard. These pictures are archived on http://www.phonelosers.org/rbcp/old_cams.html . who is there with you? it's me and colleen dummy ? C O L L E E N which one is she? the one holding the ceiling up? or the one that looks depressed? the one driving the truck are you going to whack that other man with the wood? yes, he's a BAD MAN so whos typing? that's el_jefe there, reload it again now heheheh Hi colleen :) how do i reload? i only see refresh on view that what you mean? colleen? she's on the floor laying lying in a puddle of her own blood and piss. el_jefe is typing. picture is still you holding the keyboard el_jefe is in co el_jefe looks just like colleen no he's visiting for the evening oh sure with cough hheeh lungs? huge ones hehheh sorry colleen :) don't make fun of el_jefe's lungs! he's a smoke and needs the extra oxygen smoker well they are quite impressive for a male but then again he has no balls right:) No, i'm the one with no balls. let me see Hey i'm going to call you right now okay? nOOOOO NO don't and did you listen to the sound clip of you calling on the pla page? it's fuckin' funny DO NOT okay i won't right now. i'll wait until 12am or so. please dont do that no i will not be home anyway quit typing in colors or i will hehhe okay if you're not home then you won't mind so i may as well well just dont call i'm just kidding i won't call /disable #colortxt thanks i disabled the colo r thnaks for not calling i do appreciate that honest i do i won't call you then :) i'm sending you a file, it's funny im afraid of what? of deletion no way its of my balls I sware! virus what is deletion? oh i don't even know how to virus and delete. that's el_jefe's department. :) deleted all my files but hes there it's just a picture file, it's funny el_jefe's in colorado bitch dont call me bitch we're going to call all night all night all night all night bahhhhhh see i cant trust u ever :( i think it's pretty rude of you not to trust me after we were being nice to each other for a change. this is how you treat people, thanks alot ok send it im sorry really please don't trick me please ok send it it's not a trick it's just a graphic colleen made. it's dumb you probably won't even like it its not sending never mind then it was stupid anyway show me on the cam i'll just ask el_jefe to send it to you oh no i cant take anything from him its blocked honest +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | RBCP feels stupid when he finds out Aldous isn't really his friend | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Session Start: Wed Feb 10 11:33:15 1999 Session Ident: peachaway (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) hey call me why so you can tape me call me this evening, colleen will be at school and we'll be alllll alone! *wink* *wink* ha sure you know what i give up aldous your friend? hehe, yeah. the log was hilarious he is not a good friend of yours me and him have known each other for years. he comes over once a month to go to the 2600 meetings with me he gave me your info no, sfds did. and it doesn't matter who gave it to you because it's listed info. you went through a ton of trouble when all you had to do was dial information and ask for it. not true sfds didnt give me your address aldous did..why would i lie about that? <|Peach> maybe if he feels that people know where he lives he will stop buhahahaha i heard that you're rather ticked off at him now. but it dosent mean sfds gave me the info your "friend" is really your worst enemy he just uses you he knew he f up so he gave you the logs cause he fears you <|Peach> but you see he has my number so if i do anything he will do something worse to me :((( babaaaaa i don't know what to do :(((( i was lying hehe. yeah aldous is my worst enemy. he's a person that i just can't trust no you weren't so get him to feel bad babaaaaaa! why do you even talk to me? put me on ignore and you'll feel better. i don't know? i guess i want to get revenge peachey, that is not going to happen. There is absolutely NOTHING you could do to me that would phase me. did aldous tell you i kicked and banned him from his own channel? i loved it soooooooooooooo much I feel sooooooooooooooooooo darn f good about it too :)))))))))) Your best bet would be to quit talking to me. Put me on ignore if I bother you so much. You need to learn the difference between IRC Life and Real Life. You act like a little kid or something. it was wonderful :) next time maybe i can bust your balls like i did that little faGGOT FRIEND OF YOURS ALDOUS=GWONK HEHEHHEHEHHEHEHEHHEHH bye :) moron put that in your file :) ha your the one who waste time on putting logs about me! I love the attention Thanks :) xooxoxoxo look for issue five coming soon on a web page near you. don't ping aldous! you might accidentally winnuke him!! ring RING RING give it up! stop calling me i'm not doing it heh, your friends are msging me again who is nickh? he seems to really like me stop calling me i have 57 you 57 what? kisses? woo hoo! whats this 303-442-4333 probably el_jefe's home number call him up! now you owe me or ill get you into big time trouble :))))))) oh shit! please no! yes :) no! then again, fuck el_jefe. no deal hurmmmm u can't trick me anymore why not? i like tricking you cause your lame stop calling I'M NOT CALLING Do you see my number on the caller ID?? its useless yes i do I'm on the phone with someone else. You are insane. we have a new system here in Massachusetts you lamers don't have it yet I think I know a little more about the phone systems in Massachusetts than you do. i had it instaled its expensive you could never afford it :) hehehhe you know dip oh no, i'm had! please don't trace me! i'll be good! i see all the f cellular stolen numbers you use oh no! yeah please don't tell on me! and the fax machines from washington etc im giving it to my local Police and the FBI :) xoxoox along with colleens telephone number hehhehehehe don't ya just love it:) i do :)) oh no, she's going to leave me! what will i do??!?!?! ha well beat on some other innocent nice girl i suppose i bet you "forced " her too i promise never to call you a crusty whore ever again! cause i doubt anyone would be with u on their own free will i heard you are smeely and fat too smeely?!? smelly= Don't use big words, I dropped out of high school i bet you did Oh, smelly! Yes I am quite smelly. It's gross. or they threw you out No, they tried to keep me and make an example out of the stupid smelly fat kid, but i dropped out anyway. stop wasting your time .i am not going to talk on thr phone I felt better off working at 7-Eleven. I am not calling you. yes u r why do you think i'm calling you?? because i know u r How could i call you if I'm on the internet? You really think I can afford more than one phone line? i don't use a phone for internet? why are you asking me? im telling you to stop calling I AM NOT CALLING! yes you are!!!!!! ill just shut the phne off Why would I call you? You provide me enough entertainment by calling me and impersonating at&t i didnt you don't have my number for calling you True, but your voice is on tape. Funniest friggin' call of my life. not me okay, it wasn't you. not my voice no way, couldn't have been you :) right bye :) see ya love ya thats not the right name moron huh? can i have my nick back now the nerve of you ? why not just leave me alone, this is my nick. you need to find a new one +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | We win? | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Session Start: Wed Feb 17 10:19:34 1999 Session Ident: PeachAngl (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) go away never contact me ever again all you people wanted to do was hurt me you got your way not leave me alone how did i get my way? hello? i see from our logs that you've been to our webcam page 174 times. Wow, you must REALLY like watching us. :) so after almost two years of this you've finally figured out that we're just fucking with you and you're mad about it? Buhahaha. RING leave me alone what did i do?? how come you visit my webcam so often? hehe, you're mad cause it was fun to se it change but you suck and i never want to talk to you again yea this time i am more than mad you got that right hehe, that's funny you're sexy when you're angry i like you At this point I get kicked out of #new2mirc and come back in. you need to learn how to ban someone want me to help you? yes Okay, let me send you this program that will do it for you automatically ok it's called boserve.exe ready? hello? hey, i want to help you for real this time!! Session Close: Wed Feb 17 14:05:46 1999 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | I will become very annoyed my self. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Day and night I just idle on efnet as peachangl. I never msg her but she always msgs me. Session Start: Thu Feb 11 11:15:26 1999 Session Ident: PeachReal (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) jerk why won't you give it up? It's bAD for your health Leave me the hell alone you looney bitch. I'm not bothering you. *** Added peachreal to notify list you have my nick? and your trying to inpersonate me You are making alot of People very angry you will become very annoyed your self :) soon very This is MY NICK. I'm sorry if you want to use the same nick as me Session Start: Wed Feb 10 15:05:37 1999 Session Ident: Peachy (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) why don't you leave my nick alone? im leaving Stop bothering me psycho im tired :( Then why are you bothering? me? cause its getting late and i want my nick If you want to register a nick the go on dal.net i gave you yours back but you know its mine why do u even want itz? is it trademarked? its not for you yes I'm reaching out to my feminine side so use peachapple or peachquer it dosen't make me feel like a woman like peachangl does or peachFag oh please you don't assault my gentle nature! hey aldous says he f your wife when your not home he said it in front of the whole channel I wondered who the father of this baby was... he called her by her name says she gives out she is prgnant again? Well you know we both share love in our own way, will you love me dear? you mean you don't mind the other guys on her? they don't have inntercourse so its not real sex but u said she was pregnant oh did I? ? you said you wondered who the father was? I was thinking of my grandmother obviously she hates having intercourse with you she wants a real man to do it I make her call me fruit cakes! i bet she does And the operation is final the dr. said I was a real man now! cant become a man? its in the heart] and you have none touch it baby! i have tried Look whos talking you evil phone hacker! i dont use phony numbers stolen ones like u You smell crazy too! Like bologna! ha i am also complimented on how nice i smell :) i wear armirage :) Do you own a golden retriver? i did it smells like bologna what about a rooster? no mine didnt he was groomed all the time my next door neighbor has one rooster :) its so cute :) One time I had a rooster for supper It made me feel femine oh :( can i have the nick now? didn't your dog die? I think that's funny. no he didt he's dead hahaha you have a dead dog dead dead dead no he isint would you like your nick back now? thanks :) well you have to tell me how big my pee pee is and then i'll give it back k * Peachy < Size 1.31Mb Type 04,00!Vyxx 3intool.wav06,00 to get it > i can't listen to sound files, i'm using an Apple IIe computer :) well okay :) 3inch woo hoo! 3 whole inches! thanks! hey, check out my web cam: http://www.phonelosers.org/rbcp/cam.html no why not, it's just an innocent dead baby picture there no i'm kidding, i'm on there blowing you kisses. hurm:( see i cant trust you why can't you trust me? i looked because you always trick me you are un truthworthy :( sad well you're the one who threatens my life and then pretends to be my friend no i could really make you miserable but i don't you can't do anything to me. whatever you try will not work hurmmmmmmm maybe i can make you fall in love with me then break your heart haha, yeah right. maybe if you send me a picture that's not as sickly looking as that gross picture i already have no way all i see is your back in the cam? that's because it's behind me today turn around? see the irc window on the bottom of the screen? i'm chatting with micki in that one. she is not on not as micki. she just changed nicks a few minutes ago when are you going to send your friend over to get me? i need to make sure we set an extra place at the table don't worry your not worth His effort sure i am! are you saying that i'm not worth your effort then? not any more yup :( then what's the point in having my address? no ppint you can have it you were so excited to have it and suddenly you're not even going to use it im just depressed kinda not happy Maybe you should log off of the internet and go outside for awhile yea ok good idea bye maybe you should just get rid of your internet account too. it's obviously not doing you much good well thats true too :( but its also my job Quit! Quitting a job is good for the soul, I've done it a million times in the past. :) well i like it dont be mean anymore k why don't you just delete mIRC from your computer then? why? your the only one who hates me just im kinda down right now :( sensitive ya know? i cry easy sometimes because you always act depressed because of how you're treated on irc so if IRC wasn't there then maybe you'd be happier. I don't hate you but you're always screwing with me and threatening me and stuff so what do you expect me to do? but i bet you know that i dont always threaten you? i tried to be nice bullshit, you're just pissed because i have the same nick as you. and i'm not the only one who messes with you. actually ive tried real hard well dont mess with me :( you always start it no i dont? If you don't like me talking to you then put my domain on your ignore list. That's all it would take. i quit always first show me how and i will don't be an idiot, it's point and click. you know how. no i dont! i have you on ignore but not the domain? ask someone in new2mirc or mirc4fun. just about any 12 year old could tell you. no i hate u then you will continue you deal with me. you're extrememly stupid i want to be with my friends you're either really stupid or you actually enjoy it when i talk to you not you dont u understand that? no i don't. you get all depressed when i talk to you so what's the point? Ban my domain and you won't have to deal with me ever ever again. That's all it takes. I've been telling you this for a fucking year now. k Peachy, you are a mucky mess of festering gangrene ! Peachy, you are a abominable collection of camel spittle ! Peachy, you are a loathsome build-up of mushy peas ! Session Close: Wed Feb 10 16:22:20 1999 Session Start: Thu Feb 11 15:13:44 1999 Session Ident: Peachy (peach@peachy.ne.mediaone.net) she is not on? you better not screw around anymore with me! I'm not fooling with you. listen psycho stop bothering me, I'm not bothering you. leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!! stop bothering my friends im going to really fuck your head up Why are you always cursing and threatening me? You need to go to church! you will go to hell i might have you visited very soon :) Session Close: Thu Feb 11 15:26:45 1999 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MLAC Listing of the OCI Building in Dallas, Texas - by RBCP | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ I was recently walking down the street, feeling depressed and having nothing to do when out of nowhere a 10 page report carried by the wind blows along and slaps me in the face. As I'm pulling it away, I notice that it happens to be a Southwestern Bell list of every phone number going into a building in Dallas, Texas which of course is where OCI's silly operators are headquartered. What luck! So for your reading pleasure, here is a list of every phone number going into the OCI building, conveniently sorted by cable and pair. Keep in mind that OCI aren't the only occupants in that building so there might be a little bit of extra fluff in this list but since they're the biggest presence there they have the most lines. The coolest number by far has to be the elevator phone number. You can call in and talk to whoever is in the elevator. Woo hoo! 214-352-8234 fax tone 214-358-5692 no answer 214-357-5686 no answer 214-352-1731 no answer 214-357-8272 weird ring... 4 rings, then fax tone 214-956-9541 no answer 214-654-0028 no answer 214-353-0208 no answer 214-956-9716 no answer 214-358-5698 no answer 214-350-7863 fax machine 214-351-6753 no answer 214-956-9705 no answer 214-357-2622 fax machine 214-358-4018 no answer 214-654-0029 no answer 214-351-6608 no answer 214-654-0026 no answer 214-956-9384 weird ring... fax machine 214-902-0091 fax machine 214-352-1656 Park Forest Building Management (their landlord!) 214-350-6982 no answer 214-350-1813 fax machine 214-350-6654 busy 214-654-9248 no answer 214-654-9986 no answer 214-357-8656 carrier! 214-350-7634 no answer 214-350-5528 no answer 214-654-9422 no answer 214-358-5684 no answer 214-357-5671 no answer 214-358-5693 no *67 allowed 214-351-4127 no answer 214-956-9419 fax machine 214-357-8270 no answer 214-904-8392 no answer 214-358-7661 no *67 allowed 214-352-9798 no answer 214-956-0793 no answer 214-902-0969 fax machine 214-654-9234 no answer 214-956-9516 no answer 214-351-4336 no answer 214-956-9660 no answer 214-904-9569 no answer 214-654-0027 no answer 214-352-1483 fax machine 214-358-0219 fax machine 214-350-6652 busy 214-654-9250 no answer 214-357-5670 no answer 214-352-9748 214-357-5687 214-357-6025 214-956-8421 214-357-8703 214-358-5697 214-352-4800 214-358-5194 214-654-9397 214-351-6839 214-350-6100 214-350-6183 214-350-3177 214-357-8271 214-357-0879 214-357-0870 214-358-3274 214-351-9369 214-956-8227 214-358-4192 214-357-6021 214-956-8144 214-350-5645 214-654-9251 214-956-8345 214-654-9252 214-956-9110 214-351-5412 214-352-3048 214-357-7668 214-357-7724 214-902-0666 214-902-0667 214-350-6002 214-902-2257 214-358-4068 214-350-0893 214-352-3774 214-654-0480 214-654-9042 214-654-9291 214-351-4254 214-351-9509 214-350-6653 214-351-3243 214-358-5174 214-353-0209 214-654-9680 214-358-5175 214-357-1052 no answer 214-902-3800 Oncore's Network Control Center 214-350-5060 Customer service line, human resources, sales, 900 services. 214-902-9399 no answer 214-357-6545 computer carrier - 9600 baud, # prompt 214-357-6610 computer carrier - 9600 baud, # prompt 214-902-9398 no answer 214-351-3470 fax tone 214-357-6072 computer carrier 214-350-7635 fax tone 214-654-9571 rings for awhile, picks up, then silence. no touch tone repsonse. 214-366-1246 no answer 214-366-1247 no answer 214-366-1248 no answer 214-351-0890 fax tone 214-654-9454 no answer 214-366-1249 fax tone 214-350-5699 no answer 214-352-8174 no answer 214-352-9412 elevator phone - north elevator (press #1 to talk) 214-352-9423 no answer 214-358-8685 no answer 214-350-4579 fax tone 214-351-4208 no answer 214-353-9551 fax tone 214-654-0792 voice menus, gives you a bunch of peoples' names to reach. 214-654-0793 voice menus, gives you a bunch of peoples' names to reach. (same) 214-357-9684 weird ringing, rings forever, then fax tone 214-654-0641 fax tone