[BOF] +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _______ $Y"""""""""""""""Y$Y"""""""" $Y"""""""""""""""Ys $` $ `$' $ $' $ `$ $ $ " $ $ $ $ $ $ a $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ;$ $ " ;$ $ $@#%ss%#$$$ " a $@#%ss%#$$$ `7#%seee$$$$$$$$$$$$#%seeeeeeeeeeee$$#%seee$$$$$tMM$P' Prohibited Data Processing +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .@$""""""""""""�S$$$$$""""$""""""""""""�S$@. $$$ $$$$$P"""Y@s.`$$$$ $ $$$$$P"""Y@s.`$$ $$$ $$$$$ $$$,`$$$ $ $$$$$ $$$,`$ $$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$ $ $$$$$ $$$$ $ $$$ $$$$$sssss$$$$ .n $ $$$$$ssssS$$$$ $ $$$ $$$$S sssss $$ $ $$$$S sssssssss$ $$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$ $ $$$$$ $$$$$P""Q$ $$$ $$$$$ $$$$$L $$ $ $$$$$ $$$$$ 02 $ $$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$L. $ $$$$$ $$$$$b,,d$ Q$$sssssss$$$$$S$$$$$$$$$$$sssssss$$$$$$$$K9 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ MEMBERS OF THE PDP Switch Tech Mitch ... "Gang bang me, Gaurdian." TELEPHONE JOAN ... "You can take a Kode to water, but you can't make it drink." PBXReX ... "Oh God, I'm glad that's not our trunk they're hacking." Motorola Coca-cola ... "DOWN WITH THE MAN!" rEdbOxrOb ... "Operator, no, operator, no ma'am, no, listen ma'am, I wasn't trying anything funny." ANI Lord ... "call my vmb." Anonymous Ansi Coord ... "I'm quitting ACiD!" p1c0-b00 ... "U R M/F????? MSG ME!!!!!!!!!" 26oo SKaNK BLoW0FF ... "Hackin' Chicks in '96, Kid." c0d3 blU3 ... "The weasels are wonderful tonight." sKILLBILLY ... "I just haqed *CHICAG0*, D0oD!" Beigebox Pornoline Victim ... "y0y0y0! pDp iz da shizzgnaghtzz!#" dork: Lish peon: Mephisto +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ OWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG RFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT GHTTHEPOWE RFIGHTTHEP THEPOWERFI TABLE OF CONTENTS GHTTHEPOWE POWERFIGHT THEPOWERFI ERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHT IGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHE PDP headers...............................anonymous ansi coordinator tawktawktawktawktawk.................................PDP productions iNTRo To iSSue 02.....................................TELEPHONE JOAN social engineering animals......................Motorola Coke-a-Cola tElc0 hEllc0.......................................Switch Tech Mitch stolen telephone books.....................beigebox pornoline victim how to hack a friend.......................................c0d3 blU3 MSG FRUM DA LEGI0N 0V DEWM..................................p1c0-b00 K0D1N6 B4TCH F1L3 TR0J4N5.................................sKILLBILLY * as i think of you....................................girlieseventeen THERE IS ONLY DARKNESS.....................................c0d3 blU3 ToP 10 WaYz 2 GeT a StR8 d00d To d0 Da Naz-T WiT CHU!..........erikb ** ANARCHY ON IRC........................................TELEPHONE JOAN eXTRo To iSSue 02..........................beigebox pornoline victim * == x-tra h0t gnu info!! ** == guest writer!# +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ TTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOW EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEP THEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWE iNTRo To iSSue 2 POWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT HTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFI TELEPHONE JOAN ERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEP HEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHT IGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWE OWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG RFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT hello, kids! it's me-me-me, the assistant editor of the wonderous PDP! this issue mitch was going to score & decided that it would be ok for me to do the intro & extro for this glorious issue. that's right - it's a brand new week and a brand new PDP! we have been getting so much positive feedback over our first "pack" that we have been pressing ourselves extremely hard to the challenge of issue two. since the first issue we have allied with various other people in "THE SCENE!!!" to create a strike force of doom. but more importantly, we are here to spread the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION! FUCK ALL NARCS! FUCK YOU AT&T! FUCK YOU RBCP! (HeHeHeHe!) we here at PDP would firmly like to thank the members of #2600 for ban/kicking all the members of PDP. we don't need ur lame channel ne-wayz. next issue of PDP we will have a collection of the feedback we have gotten on our releases thus far. *this is your chance to appear in PDP!* send it all to jwilkinson@mail.utexas.edu, he owes us warez. you've got all my love!!!!! keep spreading the info!!!!!! LA LA L8R TELEPHONE JOAN PDP in '96, muthafucka +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ___________________________________________________________________________ |PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!| || |2-MUCH-2-FEER!|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|2-MUCH-2-FEER!| |2-MUCH-2-l0VE!| "social engineering animals!" |2-MUCH-2-l0VE!| |2-MUCH-4-YOU!#| -*- the survival series -*- |2-MUCH-4-YOU!#| |2-GOOD-4-YOU!#| by - Motorola Coke-a-Cola |2-GOOD-4-YOU!#| |I-LUV-THE-PDP!|____________________________________________|I-LUV-THE-PDP!| || |PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!-PDP!| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ this t-file is the first in my series of articles in self survival. that's right, FUCK THE MAN. in order to understand this t-file you're going to have to understand the theory behind survivalists. you see, THE MAN makes you think that the only way to live is in HIS world with HIS rules. government? supermarkets? farmers? at&t? taco bell? toilets? fashion magazines? rudyard kipling? those are HIS institutions. FUCK THAT. the survival series is about YOU taking on the WORLD & saying "FUCK YOU, WORLD! FUCK YOU, RBCP!" in our first installment, we will be discussing various ways in which you can get around on the planet earth (without the use of modern day devils!) by only communicating with our friends the animals. to do this, we're going to have to become aware that animals have various inherent qualities that are worth of exploiting. when you're social engineering animals, the usual things to attempt to get are various forms of information, in addition to probing for various services that the animal may be able to provide for you, whether this means pulling a cart, or you clubbing it over the head & making a rug. the technique to approaching animals you want to socially engineer is simple. talk to them. try to make them think that you're their friend. give them a false sense of respect. often it might be necessary to pretend to be someone your not - for example, a farmer. today we're only going to look at the social engineering of three animals, as there are quite a few in the world to go through. we will cover the pig, the puppy, & the cat. HACKING PIGS: _____ oink. 6/ ^..^ / \_____(oo) <- this is what a pig looks like. you can find various pigs WW WW in emmanuel's basement, tided down, with the rear legs strangely spread wide. emmanuel is a very good pig hacker. (approach the pig slowly) you - hello, pig. how are you doing today? pig - OINK@#!$~*!$ oink oink oink#$*!$*!$ you - well, that's certainly interesting! i am farmer joe's assistant & i am here to feed you today. pig - oink? you - yes, that's right. (proceed to feed the pig) pig - oooooooooooink.... oHhhoInK!#! you - pig, you wouldn't happen to know colleen's visa number, would you? pig - oink 2223-4552-34242-3434 you - thanks! (see how easy that was?) HACKING PUPPIES: .-----. v0 0v <- this is what a puppy looks like. you can also find the /\x/\ - w00f. puppy in emmanuel's basement, although often he is set | ||| | free, near various organs dipped in dog food. erikb | ||| | taught emmanuel everything he knows about pup hacking. '~^^^~` (approach the puppy with an outstretched hand & i friendly smile) dog - BOW WOW WOW w0oF wOoF ARf!@%!!%! you - hello, doggy! dog - rUfF#!!# bark%!$*!!$ w00f#$(!*$ you - don't be afraid! dog - grRrRRRrRrrrRrRrRR!(!%**$ w00F!@#!@## *CH0MP!#* you - ahHHH!@HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 dog - rF#$!( ARF!@#!#*! you - STOP! PLEASE! I MEAN YOU NO HARM! dog - w00f#$!# w00f!#!#%! rdist can be overflowed#!@#$! arf!#!# you - thanks!@ (dogs are much more tricky than pigs!) HACKING CATS: _ /| <- many cats can be found around g0ff & lb. \'o.O' - MEoW. they are catophiles, you know. =(___)= really! no joke!# U (approach the cat with some string) you - hello, cat. cat - FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU ALEX!!!!!!! you - meow? cat - GO TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you - meow meow. cat - YOU ARE A LAMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you - meow!@ cat - the password to #k-rad is to type /msg k-k00lb0t !nvyt3 #k-rad excellent work. as you can see, social engineering animals takes patience & common sense. you can make it work for you!! l8r sk8r! +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ POWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFI ERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHT IGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWER OWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHE TTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG -> t3LC0 - h3LLC0 <- RFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOW EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT by switch tech mitch GHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEP THEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGH FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTH HTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPO I punched myself in a little after 12AM. As usual, Phil was already inside. I told the security guards it was going to be a short night, which is insider slang for an evening of numerous snack runs. Phil was in the Inner Sanctum sleeping on some employee data shreds he was supposed to take out next week. Something I've never understood about Phil is how he can sleep next to those whirring DNRs. I kicked Phil in the stomach with my tennis shoes. He muttered and got up. Ameritech is always sending us these dumb memos about how we don't take our job seriously. We skipped those and discovered there were no interesting memorandums for the night. We opened up a bag of Cheetos and started clacking at our monochrome terminals. Telephone phreaks are always asking me what kind of switch I work at. To be honest, I don't know. It's either a DMS-100 or a 1A though, because we have those manuals strewn around, but be damned if I know. Like I said it was going to be a short night, and it was. We finished giving our friends call waiting and started making coffee. Neither Phil nor I are coffee drinkers, so we poured it all out onto the faxes (we save the grounds for the memos). Ah, there was nothing left to do. Phil went back to sleep on the employee records in the back. I went out to have a conversation with Corporate Security, but they were all asleep. I had been smoking cigarettes for about an hour when this van pulled up. A few guys got out, and some giggling girl. They proceeded to remove trash from our dumpster, oblivious to my presence. "Oh, it's them," I said, instinctively reaching for the Cheetos, "Hey guys, what's up!" They made motions to me to quiet down, point towards Corporate Security. "Aw, fuck that bros, they wouldn't wake up to a structure hit." "Actually, Mitch, that's why we're here." They came over towards the light and I could get a good look at all of them. Why, they were my PDP brothers and sisters! There was TELEPHONE JOAN at the end, rEdbOxrOb in the middle, and of course 26oo SKaNK BLoW0FF on the end. It would appear that today was 2SBO's initiation. They had had him carefully construct one of those trademarked PDP rockets loaded with PDP Secret Sauce and ammonium nitrate. I marvelled for a little bit and then helped them finish with the trash. Apparently they were going to do my CO, but I talked them down. "Yeah," RBR said, "Why not just do the one on Washington?" "Hee hee!" concurred TELEPHONE JOAN. And with that, my brothers were off to parts unknown, gone before I could say, "PDP Secret Sauce is volatile, no potholes!" but I yelled it anyway. I was happy to have saved Phil's life, despite where he sleeps. With that, I sighed, finished off my Cheetos, and jumped in one of the Ameritech Little Cars, making a halted motion to my belt's keyring and then opening the glove compartment. Grabbing the keys, I sighed with contentment. stm, editor. PDP in '96. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ POWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFI ERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHT HEPOWERFIGHT WERFIGHTTHEP IGHTTHEPOWER @@ stolen telephone books @@ TTHEPOWERFIG OWERFIGHTTHE an anarchist's handbook accessory OWERFIGHTTHE TTHEPOWERFIG by beigebox pornoline victim IGHTTHEPOWER WERFIGHTTHEP HEPOWERFIGHT FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTH HTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPO I see you on AOL through the window. "Point, click, and die, bitch." I see your mail in *da* street, yo, redboxes. and i want to open it and read it and read your phone bill, mr. nice-house-guy-person. and steal your telephone book, yeah, yoyoyo! you incontinent uh .. son of a lamer-bitch. and ultra-call forward your kid's bbs, on our all nite hookur konfs, with lewp linez from here to way way over there. to japan, again. and stuff. yea, yea, yea, yea .. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ POWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFI IGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWE WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHE TTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFI HOW T0 H4CK 4 FR13ND FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOW WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHE HEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGH ERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHT FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTH IGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG HEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHE EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEP BY C0D3 BLU3 RFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWE GHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGH HTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPO [ "this article is a little overdone, but we here at pDp believe that we must bring to you the most complete info at all times." - TPJ. ] finally, the t-file that should have been written long ago. yes, an easy-to-follow guide to hacking a friend. one word of advice before i reveal these steps: use with caution when attempting to hack a friend who is smarter than you. he/she might already know how. 1. there is a basic theory to hacking a friend. be of a mindset throughout the experiment to bring your friend to your line of thinking; convince them that you know best. keep in mind that your past words and known ideals will be factors in your ability to hack a friend. generally, if you have had moderate to good success at winning fights in the past, you will be more likely to do this. as for those with worse records, do not despair - read on! 2. ponder the friend in question. think about the objective you want to reach. do you want money? do you just want more time spent doing what _you_ enjoy? how likely are you to win them over? the more you think about it, the more clear it should become. 3. when you approach your friend, be cheerful and agree with most of what they say. just sort of nod. be noncommittal if you like. the best way to hack a friend is gently. and, for heaven's sake, don't make it obvious. a hacked friend will not continue to remain hacked if they discover your ploy. (if you're a stereotypical vampire-wanna-be goth teen, just growl, cut yourself, and talk about death a lot.) 4. it may pay in the end to spend a little money at the onset. a little bit spread lightly on the surface can be leeched back in three- or fourfold. make it a pack of cigarettes, or a soda at the convenience store. don't waste your cash, though, on meals out. let them "pay you back" for them. this is just the beginning of hacking a friend. 5. go to their house a lot. even if its a mess or its just plain boring, it gives them less access to your stuff, and you more to theirs. you can "borrow" cds and clothing. you can "accidentally" find their smaller possessions in your pockets when you do the wash later that night. 6. blackmail will work in some cases. make certain that they have less dirt on you than you have on them. a good memory or an overhead conversation can mean cash, food, and/or a nice little slave of your very own. if you can readily accomplish this, you're on your way, baby. 7. simple extortion. are you bigger than them? do you own a larger, more powerful arsenal than they? if so, than invite them over on pay day, and show them your fine collection... fully loaded. clubs and bats are okay if you have enough power to render them unconscious. if they babble at all, hit them again. 8. become really good friends with their parents/sister/friend. if you know someone they know, you can find out more about them, and stay closer to their wallets and their minds. 9. use a mind box. **detailed description in the appendix**. if you can get to their minds, you have it all. 10. keep them talking. the longer they talk, the more hints you can pick up. you can tell a lot by their movements and their mannerisms. the more you know about them, the closer you'll come to finding the cracks in their walls, so to speak. 11. find out more about their favorite hobby, or their favorite music group. if you can show that you like what they like, they'll be more likely to identify with you, making them more vulnerable to hacking. 12. put a virus in their computer, without their knowledge, and then fix it for them when they discover it. you'll be the hero of the day. maybe they'll buy you something. or, you could save it; you can always recall the favor later. 13. kidnap their favorite pet or video game. keep it hostage, and make them pay you ransom. of course, a pet might find a higher ransom than a game, since you can't expect more than the half the price of the game, whereas love is priceless (aww shucks.. i'm blushing.) 14. if they're competent, get them a job where you work. you can tell them what to do _and_ steal their paycheck. you'll have a power over them that you can't imagine. if they drive, make them give you rides. 15. under no circumstances should you branch off from the main directives for hacking a friend, unless you are a seasoned mind warrior. this information in the hands of a novice could be extremely dangerous unless followed precisely. *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* ** --[ appendix: the mind box ]-- ** materials needed: o 1 container, approx. between the size of a sucrets case and a cigarette pack. metal, plastic, or cardboard will do. o 1 "lucky charm", be it the traditional rabbit foot, a skull ring, or a nice joint. o 3 pennies. the first symbolizes the money you put into the friendship. the second symbolizes the money they've spent on you. the third symbolizes an immense amount that you can squeeze from the victim (friend, that is). o 1 condom, if sex is indeed your objective. o 1 small piece of paper with a command written on it that you want your friend to follow. for example, if you want money, write "i want all your cash". fold the paper in half twice, in any direction. procedure: a. pick up the container, and place the other materials inside. b. close the container. now you have a mind box. c. keep on your person at all times when using the other 14 steps to hacking a friend. the mind box works by gathering your energy together to be used for the purpose of hacking your friend. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ TTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOW EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG ERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG HTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEP MSG FRUM DA LEGI0N 0V DEWM THEPOWERFIGHTTHEPO FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT p1c0-b00 IGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT HEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWE EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWE OWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG RFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT pdp% write joan eye'm gunna go get me sum kiddiep0rn!!@@ ^D pdp% ftp lod.com Connected to lod.com. 220 lod FTP server (Version wu-2.4(6) Tue Jun 18 11:04:28 CDT 1996) ready. Name (lod.com:p1c0-b00): anonymous 331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password. Password: 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. 230- \\//////// 230- =============================================================| OiNk |== 230- WELCUM NET-SURFUR TO LEGI0N 0V DEWM WORLD HEADQUARTERZ !@!! X 0 230- ==============================================================\ /=== 230- WE AT L.O.D. SAY A BIG "NO!" TO OLDWAREZ! KEEP IT 0-DAY !@! (O O) 230- ~~~~\ 230- K-KURRENT K-RAD K-MEMBER LIZT @#! 230- Marauder --- HAY DAT'Z ME @!# 230- Erik BlooDaXe --- HE WR1TEZ PHRACK !@# 230- 230- IF U R INTERESTED IN J0INING OUR K00L GROOP DOWNL0AD LOD.APP FROM 230- THE G3NERAL CHAT F1LE BASES. 230- 230- ALSO WE ARE LOOK1NG 4 NEW MEMBERZ Ph0R OUR UNCLES-AT-LARGE PR0GRAM. 230- BETTER GIVE US A KALL AB0UT THAT ONE. 230- 230- CU LAYT0R D00DZ [:^) 230- 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Connection closed by foreign host. fuck. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$ PDP $$$$ $$$$ PDP $$$$ $$$$ PDP $$$$ K0D1N6 B4TCH F1L3 TR0J4N5 $$$$ PDP $$$$ $$$$ PDP $$$$ $$$$ PDP $$$$ $$$$ PDP $$$$ By -> sKILLBILLY $$$$ PDP $$$$ $$$$ PDP $$$$ $$$$ PDP $$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ HI . MY FUK'N COMPOOTER BROKE SO I NEED TO TYPE THIS SHITT ON MY DAD'S FUCKIGN TRS-80, FUCK YOU NE-WAY TODAY I AM GONNA TEACH YOU HOW TO CODE SOMETHING THAT COULD BE CONSIDRED A TROJAN USING ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL AND UNDERRATED LANGUAGES THAT EXIST------> THE BATCH(.BAT)FILES. FIRST STEP ::: YOU NEED TO KNOW SOME BASICS OF THE BATCH FILE LANGUAGE TO DO THE FOLLOWING.DO NOT DO THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING.OK LAMER?~!!! LET;S BEGIN @ECHO OFF ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ YOU NEED TO DO THIS COMMAND UNLESS YOU WANT THE USER TO IGNORE WHAT IS GOING ON.U WOULDNT WANT THE GUY TO SEE THE ACTUAL COMMANDS YOU USE TO BE HAQING HIS SYETEM, DONT YOU?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! THAT ISWHAT THSI COMMAND IS FOR ECHO ONE MOMENT D0OD I AM FORMATTING YOUR HD!@!@ ^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS COMMAND IS VERY IMPORTANT BECAUZ YOU NEED TO TELL THE USER YOU ARE CURRENTLY WORKINH ON SOMETHING.OR ELSE THE GUY COULD THINK NOTHING HAPPENS & REBOOT HIS COMPUTER WHICH IS SOMETHING YOU DO NOT WANTTT!!!!!!!! ECHO Y>TEMP.$$$ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DOOD THIS COMMAND IS COMPLICATED SO I WONT WASTE ANY TIME EXPLAINING IT FORMAT C: GIRLIESEVENTEEN EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGH WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGH FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTH HTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPO i'm confused when am i not so many changes so much forgot at first we met had some fun the uncertainty began when the evening was done no one had treated me like you that night no one had been upset when i forgot good-bye but i didn't mean to seem that way i had only learned that guys don't stay please forgive me if i'm shy you are different and i know why no one cared until you i thought they had but reality grew they were there their emotions not i was the one who always was caught left behind misunderstood trying to find a way that was good i hope you know that I was wrong influenced by the things we'd done i never knew it would be like this i want to talk to you alone - uninfluenced then maybe i'd tell you that i've been hurt but with you i hope it would work i could never say it unless i knew that you felt the same way too .. yet how am i supposed to know unless you say it let it show so my thoughts are with you and i know that you'll come through .. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ POWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFI IGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPO FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHE TTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWER THERE IS ONLY DARKNESS!#@ HTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOW WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT OWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGH ERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHT FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTH IGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG HEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHE EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEP BY C0D3 BLU3 RFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWE GHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGH HTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPO CONNECT 57600 death waits; so can you... please choose one of these terminations: x ... death by fire a standard method of dying, generally speaking. x ... death by torture an excrutiating experience - come on in! x ... crucifixion the old school way! choose a letter from x to x: x __________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | welcome, my son. welcome to the machine2. | | | | | | | |__________________________________________________________________________| if you already have a s3kr3t c0d3 n4m3 on the machine2, inhale and type it. otherwise type "die": c0d3blU3 p4ssw0rd: ***** you fucked up! the s3kr3t p4ssw0rd you typed in is fUx0r3d. one more chance.. p4ssw0rd: ***** welcome to a boring login feature. enter the last digit of your social security number. >8 [now logged on to machine2] hi c0d3blU3, it's a real shame that you're back again! enter your s3k0nd4ry s3kr3t p4ssw0rd: ***** fantasy awaits you in lisa, the game for adults. ���������Ŀ there is � gNU �Ĵ pr1v4t3 email waiting for you! ����������� will you bother yourself with it right now (Y/N)? yup date: Sunday, June 23rd, 1996 11:02pm email from: pathetic wreth msg#: 1437218 to: c0d3blU3 re: yo. haha. axs, bitch. yo. kin ah git tha secret werd or some shit? fo da s3kr3t k0d3 s3ction. haha. yo. ahm out. -wretch. (r)edeem, (e)rase, (f)uck, (c)ut, (b)erate, (p)eel, or (n)othing? f t0p1k: just a little note to say..... ...goodbye. /s do you wish to attach a file? n *** confirmed: msg #1803024 written to hell // no more room *** do you want to send this to any others? n you have reached the end of these annoyances. departing the email menu.. returning to machine2 j00 h4v3 t00 m4ny kr3d1tz! w3rd Up: "oliver always said he wanted to travel." -anonymous ==-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-== sp3c14l n0tic3: there is nothing particularly special going on. -st4pH- ==-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-===-== let's all wish a delightful extermination to: g01ngm4d what's today? mydyingkin huh? dream invader tonight and every night ilovekurt he's gone, man. totalcrackhead i'm dying? bl0ated i can't recall hades we _will_ meet again. korn they called me a poseur!@ waaaah! lordofchaos i don't have a life? can i take yours? george blandname am i the only sane one here? d3th2sys0pz (t)0-day iamnotalive i can smell the rank decay of death. it has arrived! come & play *sell your soul*! type /go sellsoul to play! n0d3 alleged alias area rank kills sex skillz time ============================================================================ 04 inearthed a p0w3rfUl oN3 *g0d* infin n x 78 56 stranded gNusro0m drudge 00001 n 34 23 plague k0d3 c3nt3r s3ndk4sh 00298 n 6 69 c0d3blU3 a p0w3rfUl oN3 *g0d* infin n x 1 33 isolated h4x0rn3t _st4ph_ 17132 n x 542 13 hackingismylife n0wh3r3 gNUj00z3r 00000 n 3 (skillz: X=gotz skillz) xP3rT pr0mpT: chat machine2 chat room loading... crashed. you're in a nonspecific channel. topic: look, i told you its nonspecific... inearthed & telephone j0an are also present. : *isolated just entered machine2 chat room* isolated: i'm tired of working so much for so little access. :i feel for you. i really do. -l3ft //kill isolated ***isolated just died. there are _5_ others in agony*** : you're in a nonspecific channel. topic: look, i told you its nonspecific... inearthed & telephone j0an are also present. : *hackingismylife just entered machine2 chat room* ://info hackingismylife s3kr3t c0d3n4m3.............. hackingismylife sex.......................... n sp3c14l msg.................. love2haQ ax0unt kr34t3d............... 06/23/96 l4st l0g0n................... 06/24/96 r4nk......................... gNUj00z3r t1m3 0n t0d4y................ 0:04 sp3c14l.s3kr3t.c0d3n4m3...... t34ch m3 t0 h4x!@ area......................... machine2 chat room killz........................ 00000 n0d3......................... 13 skillz....................... laymur :w0w. a new user! -l3ft : hackingismylife: im not new. do u hax? :"i'm not new. i've been here since yesterday!" :-l3ft :haha -l3ft :neat. i don't know you. -l3ft : you're in a nonspecific channel. topic: look, i told you its nonspecific... hackingismylife & inearthed & telephone j0an are also present. : :and i don't particularly like you. hackingismylife: i want to hax. do u hax? :-l3ft ://kill hackingismylife ***hackingismylife just died. there are _4_ other users in agony*** : you're in a nonspecific channel. topic: look, i told you its nonspecific... inearthed & telephone j0an are also present. : ://page stranded s3nd m0r3 k4sh!@ p4g1ng l4m3r... ://kill stranded ***stranded just died. there are _3_ other users in agony*** : inearthed: why are you killing everyone? :they're all worthless. -l3ft inearthed: that's a novel way to keep our users, c0d3. :have you downloaded pdp01 from the file section yet? -l3ft telephone j0an: eye wr0t3 f0r it!@# :i wasn't talking to you, joan! :-l3ft inearthed: sorry, not yet. my modem sucks. :do it. -l3ft :you must. -l3ft :inearthed: no :its is only right and just for you to do so. inearthed just disappeared from sight. ***inearthed just died. there are _2_ other users in agony*** -l3ft : you're in a nonspecific channel. topic: look, i told you its nonspecific... telephone j0an is also present. : telephone j0an [whispered]: d00d. wr1t3 stUph //kill telephone j0an ***telephone j0an just died. you're the only one in agony*** : you're in a nonspecific channel. topic: look, i told you its nonspecific... there are no other live souls here. : :I hate life. ***there are no other live souls here*** //kill c0d3blU3 ***c0d3blU3 just died. there is only darkness*** +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ POWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFI ERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHT HEPOWE GHTTHEP IGHTTH "ToP 10 WaYz 2 GeT a StR8 d00d To d0 Da Naz-T WiT CHU!" OWERFIG OWERFI bY(s3xuAl!#) - erikb (we think!?#!) EPOWERF WERFIG ERFIGHT FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTH HTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPO HeY0HoW-D D()0Ds! WoW tHiZ iZ thA (capslock!!!!) K00LeST HeRe! WiT THa SPeCiAL-ED (HeY 1 WaZ iN SPeC-E|> aT SCHo01!) oF THa K-C00L-AiD MaGaZYnE C4L'D pHRaCK 4gIN! DiS iZ Da Se00|> To d0 Da NaZ-T Wiff CHo'! #1 - GiT HiM (StR4iGHt |>00|>) 2 CuM o\/eR! TeLL HiM YoU'rE NoT a LiF3lEsZ L0oZ3R aN|> YoU'Re HaVn' A /<-/<00L PaR-T! WiT LoTz oF CHiC/ 0N yeR KeYBoARd fEr m3!!! 0Oh yeS! 0 WoW! ... dAt wAZ FuNN!! oK NoW tHe LaZT WaY tO GiT a STr4iGHT D0oD's C0Ck In' YoU'r3 Azz and Mouth (In' DaT OrDeR iZ BeST!!!) U haV 2 KiDnApp HiS SiSteR aND FaMiL33! AnD LoCK eM' iN ummm, dA CloS3t oR B4THr00M oR oTher RooM!.. and teLL iM, dAt if hE d0N't d0 y0u RiGhT, y0U'lL KiLL deM 0N3 Bi 1 UntIL hE doES!!! MaKe' SuRe YoU d0n't d0 DiZ UnL3sz YoU' l00K lIEk daT dood ... aRN01D SwARtzNIggER! CuZ WhEn'S I tRI'ed it, DeY AlL BeaT mE uP cUz I l00K lieK aRNoLD dA gUy (oH dAt SeXy B0D!) oN Da TV ShOW Ca1L'd Da WoNDeR YeARz! BuTT Da'Ts oK, cUZ StR8 GuI's ArN't Az Mu god iz a lamer ship: there is no doubt with the holy spirit. god iz gay ur god iz ded god iz a homo what the hell? i did da naz-t wiff ur god god h8z u god iz a dum n gay lymr god haz no o-day warez quit that lamer!!!!!! god iz a doodleboy "hi i m ur god n i m dum" ur god iz fat i wunder if ur god sux .. yez! he doez!# god liztenz 2 nin n iz goth god kan't evun read an ana dump ur god haz no opz drinking is bad for you, if you think about it i wipe ur god'z azz wiff da amerikan flag a dum god? yup!! god kan't evun nickcollide god ritez dum kuntry musik songz u r owned by jewz god iz a slakker god serfz the www <_Fallen> some1 ban him!!!! god kan't make good ramen god feerz the PDP! i think you get the point. *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* [ "the nick flood" ] *** FONEJOAN (joan@pdp.org) has joined channel #zines *** Topic for #zines: YOUR MOM HAS SO MUCH ANGST SHE DONT DRIVE A CAR, BUT A GOD DAMN TANK!!!@!@ *** topic for #zines set by eerie-kun on Jun 24 20:41:05 *** Users on #zines: FONEJOAN @Joltcola @bF @jamesy fatslayer @mogel @tMM @Jestapher cerkit orestes suavedave @y0lkb0t @SnuffyII @crank hello lamerz!!!! uh prepare 4 a flood!!!! *** FONEJOAN is now known as zeengeek *** zeengeek is now known as k0d3k1lla *** k0d3k1lla is now known as t0okRaD *** t0okRaD is now known as uR2dUM4mE *** uR2dUM4mE is now known as hrtz2bel8 *** hrtz2bel8 is now known as dTor00lZ *** dTor00lZ is now known as d1eLaMeRz floods! 2 eleet! *** d1eLaMeRz is now known as WaReZ4uS *** WaReZ4uS is now known as n1ck-gURu *** n1ck-gURu is now known as f3erj0an *** f3erj0an is now known as pDpoWnzU holy shit, you're pathetic. *** pDpoWnzU is now known as haQnURmom *** haQnURmom is now known as pHReAK_m3 *** pHReAK_m3 is now known as erikz *** erikz is now known as i_l0v_b0w *** i_l0v_b0w is now known as _gImMes3x *** _gImMes3x is now known as EatAtJoes phreak_me? hehe :) *** EatAtJoes is now known as dMsMAZtUr *** dMsMAZtUr is now known as sW1tChsTa keep going, FONEJOAN!# *** h3h3h3h3 is now known as m3_fuNN33 *** m3_fuNN33 is now known as FONEJOAN bye lamerz!!!! *** FONEJOAN has left channel #zines *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* METHOD #2 - MASSDCC *|* this is a good way of distributing t-files 2 lamerz so that they can learn some sk1llz n become az kool az pdp. i wrote thiz irc skript myself!# *** FONEJOAN (joan@pdp.org) has joined channel #2600 *** Topic for #2600: women suck, but thats the point i guess *** topic for #2600 set by nefarius on Jun 24 00:31:13 *** Users on #2600: FONEJOAN zoro-a LiON @halflife Joe630 @mujahadin Lefty Grampa-E cstone @nefarius Hellcore @ip Ziochaq @teklord @zorch @kluge @static_ *** dccing everyone on #zines: pdp-01.txt *** Sent DCC SEND request to static_ *** Sent DCC SEND request to kluge *** Sent DCC SEND request to zorch *** Sent DCC SEND request to teklord *** Sent DCC SEND request to Ziochaq *** Sent DCC SEND request to ip *** Sent DCC SEND request to Hellcore *** Sent DCC SEND request to nefarius *** Sent DCC SEND request to cstone *** Sent DCC SEND request to Grampa-E *clinton* u ownz me *** Sent DCC SEND request to Lefty *** Sent DCC SEND request to mujahadin *** Sent DCC SEND request to Joe630 *** Sent DCC SEND request to LiON *** Sent DCC SEND request to halflife *** Sent DCC SEND request to zoro-a *** DCC SEND connection to zoro-a[,44239] established *** DCC SEND connection to Grampa-E[,4341] established *** DCC SEND connection to teklord[,1560] established *** DCC SEND:/home/fonejoan/0day/pdp-01.txt to Grampa-E completed 8.561 kb/sec hehe lamerz!!!! *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* METHOD #3 - PRETEND 2 B A GRRL *|* *** JOAN (joan@pdp.org) has joined channel #hack *** Topic for #hack: not a help desk, dick. er, cunt. *** topic for #hack set by Mark_ on Jun 24 20:27:45 *** Users on #hack: JOAN Devious rbcp ladyada @kemo gWAr @wr @tcp bash @xgirl @Mark_ @y ao_ @r0ach phried telmnstr ][ceman @b @_8-Ball_ swallow @ReDragon Rebel @t3 L1-A HomeySan jasonf @BioH tersIan @f1b3r RAgent @ophie @cg @Professor emmanuel * JOAN has a vagina. *** Mode change "+o JOAN" on channel #zines by b *** Mode change "+o JOAN" on channel #zines by Mark_ *** Mode change "+o JOAN" on channel #zines by t3 *** Mode change "+o JOAN" on channel #zines by y *y* I love you. hehe smooch lamerz!!!! *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* METHOD #4 - FAKE WAREZ!@ *|* *** #warez Sorry, cannot join channel. (Banned from channel) FUCK!!!!!! RBCP AGAIN!!!!!!!! *** FONEJOAN is now known as JOAN^PDP *** JOAN^PDP (joan@pdp.org) has joined channel #ansi *** Users on #ansi: mogel @ky- kirin Zard0z _9l SToNeD_ gk[f1re] Cybrdeath @_mcp_ THa_dEEbA Rad_Man rdel @maxwell- @_tm Mr_Yuck armdonut firestone KoKane_ loi m0rph^_ Dupree _cb[blur] @Sabby @quisling eVer_ msd S-DEATH pH fB TGuardian @pHLOMe ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG JOAN^PDP XDCC SEND #N for autosend pack #N #1 LOTS OF ANSI, ANSI, ANSI!# ACID! ICE! CIA! [2kb, 1 file] <_9l> ky-: that was a very good job at shading! [+PDP.IRC+] Sending #1 to _mcp_ [+PDP.IRC+] Sending #1 to m0rph^_ [+PDP.IRC+] Sending #1 to TGaurdian [+PDP.IRC+] Sending #1 to Sabby _9l: why thank you! you are an excellent artist! anyone want to join my group? dcc me saten i'm a fucking idiot. hey kirin you rule :) :) <_cb[blur]> radman offered me 2 join ACiD, but i feel more stable in BLuR. *eVer_* what is this pdp shit???? *KoKane_* what are you sending me?!?!?! *** DCC SEND connection TGuardian[,1560] established *** DCC SEND:/u/d/doomed/irc/pdp-01.txt to TGuardian completed 8.561 kb/sec hehe lamerz!!!!!1 *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* METHOD #5 - PHOREIN PHUN!# *|* *** FONEJOAN is now known as fieutra *** fieutra (joan@pdp.org) has joined channel #france *** Topic for #france: Meteor s'est fait mordre par un cochon fou *** topic for #france set by THX-1138 on Jun 24 10:13:01 *** Users on #france: mogel kimo JEFFO PetitAnge Overscan infoo magalie suzy24 cricri DOWN PASCAL zorglub HaPpYbEn @MeteorUS pitou DonJuan matou barry KnottyGrl zappy _elle_ rym Matt Wallace2 kidney Alexxxx shak zic styx Gandalf_ Djisus DTP ^Linda^ Nathy1 chepa mmmmm uma @PookMaN @LadYPooK allo lmrz magalie: Alors te sens-tu mieux maintenant que tu as mange un croissant?! HaPpYbEn: tu es muy guapo french toaste en pheare. si seulement je n'etais pas une damner grenouille! j'ai ri de cinq americains aujourd'hui! qu'est-ce que je suis cool, dis donc! shak: glooputreu fondu hickri dji: merci tu french fries bon appetite? fie> Mais qu'est=ce que tu dis???? holy blue! il parle probablement une autre langyue!! je suis un bon matin on mi amigos. JEFFO: flur polyjesuti yusier dewe JEFFO: derupir!!!!!! je crois que ce gars as inhale trop de smog! ha ha!!! -> *techmitch* hehehe theze guyz r lamrz!!!! soufflet et wareze!!! la yaourt et la car et la peeppe dans la pottye? DTP: Je suis anorexique depuit deux ans!! est-ce que je suis grosse?!?? fieutra est un lamer!!! *** You have been kicked off channel #france by LadYPooK ( Arrete de te moquer des francais, fils de pute! ) *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* *|* so, as you can see - the world of irc is a place where you can have lotz of phun no matter how many lamrz ther r owt ther. gathur up ur skripts, get lotz ov phree time, n start sum anarchy today!!!!! +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ TTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOW EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFI ERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGH FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHT GueST eXTRo To iSSue 02 IGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTH HTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHE Beigebox Pornoline Victim TTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPO HEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOW EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWER OWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG RFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT You're damn RIGHT this is the end of pDp #2, you!@# We have finally found our niche in the underground hierarchy of hackers and phone hackers. How many t-philes do we have to write before you recognize our awe-some powers and skills and stuff. You will never understand us; we are eleet on too many levels. Step back and phear@#! Pre-payer ph0r pDp's imminent elimination of all other 'poseur' hacker-wannabe-defcon-warez-traydurz-groups. Alright, now you have read pDp @2, we are about to decode some serious AMA-hexa- fukin'-decimal k-rad k-k0dezz. And Switch Tech Mitch is on his way to San Antonio to cut the phone lines off of Marauder's trailer. His real name is Chris and his mom's name is Rebecca!@# Here'z sum greetz: The Alphabet Posse, Dummercon 2, FLaK, L0CK, PLA, poupey, SSF, t0c, TNo, 8ball (the stoner not the innumerable warez geeks), Samantha A. Abad, DTO, Anika, Anonymous Hovering Psycho, Asriel, b3lial, Cavalier 303, Carpet, CCRider, The Clash City Rocker, Corporeal, crank, Da5id, daemon9 (=mogel??), DeMoNiKa, DisordeR, eerie, Erik Bloodaxe (shirts), erzebet, ip, Ilsundal, goo, gothic, grind, girlie seventeen, Guido Sanchez, James Hetfield, kokey, tMM, The Major, MARX, Metalchic (l'amour est avec moi quand je vous pense), MIB, Miss March, Mistress X, mogel, Morpheus, Nicole, Nightfall, Obsidian, Orestes, Liz Phair, The Pinball Wizard, The Ponderer, Professor, Sabeena, The Proletarian Revolt, Quarex, Raduga, Deth Veggie, Rage-303, rattle, c0rp, Shadow Tao, RedBoxChiliPepper (your nick is so PDP... anyway thanks for the Colleen pix), the Sea Green Girl, Sparhawk, Swisspope, Synectic, Drunkfux, Telecom Legend, Telecon, Third, The Voyager, The Wanderer, x, xgirl. Unofficial greetz: b, cg, t3, Set0n, bl1nk, Erikt, Swallow, Junkman, & Ophie. "See you boys next issue, with a big smile on my face!" - Switch Tech Mitch. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ [eof]