+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ gssa $$$$$$$$$$$$$$SS$$$S@s, $$$$"""""�$$$$S$""""�$s $$$$ .s$$$$S$ .s$" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$S$$$$$$� $$$$$$$"~~$$$$S$$$P" $$$$ $$ $$$$S$" $$$$ $$. $$$$S$ rohibited Data Processing $$$$ $$$b.$$$$S$ '96 $$$$ ` $$$$$$SS $$$$ "$$$$SS $$$' `$$S' `� ! presents $$$$$ `"~.s $s."$ `"~.s $s."$ `"~.s $s."$ "S$SS%. in an `"~.s alliance ~""' with $s."$ `"~.s $s."$ """"" ., ".,"S ., ,$$$S, ,$$$S, ,$$$S, ,$$$$$$$S, ,$$$$$$$S, ,$$$$$$$S, $$$$$$$P' $$$$$$$P' $$$$$$$P' `$$$$P'.s, `$$$$P'.s, `$$$$P'.s, .sS$$S" "��$$$$P' "��$$$$P' "s$$$$$P' ~"' ,SSS$S" ,SSS$S" "Y$$s. ,$$$$$� ,$$$$$�.s `$$$$, "S$SS%. .sssss, ~""' THE SAMURAI $$$$$ STRIKE FORCE $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $%$$$ $%$$$ $%$$$ $%$$$ $$$$' $$$' P" ' +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .@$""""""""""""�S$$$$$""""$""""""""""""�S$@. $$$ $$$$$P"""Y@s.`$$$$ $ $$$$$P"""Y@s.`$$ $$$ $$$$$ $$$,`$$$ $ $$$$$ $$$,`$ $$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$ $ $$$$$ $$$$ $ $$$ $$$$$sssss$$$$ .n $ $$$$$ssssS$$$$ $ $$$ $$$$S sssss $$ $ $$$$S sssssssss$ $$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$ $ $$$$$ $$$$$P""Q$ $$$ $$$$$ $$$$$L $$ $ $$$$$ $$$$$ 01 $ $$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$L. $ $$$$$ $$$$$b,,d$ Q$$sssssss$$$$$S$$$$$$$$$$$sssssss$$$$$$$$K9 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ MEMBERS OF THE PDP Switch Tech Mitch ... "Fuck, hit my 513, will ya?" TELEPHONE JOAN ... "Why did God put codes on Earth if He did not want us to use them?" PBXReX ... "Oh God, I'm glad that wasn't our trunk they were searching." Motorola Coke-a-cola ... "I like veggies... but people suck!" rEdbOxrOb ... "Yo I'll make it worth your while." ANI Lord ... "60 more years until the oppressive and corrosive overlords of society wear me down to submission." 26oo SKaNK BLoW0FF ... "Why is it that whenever I need them, I've never got them?" peon of the issue: Lineman Stan +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ OWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG RFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT GHTTHEPOWE RFIGHTTHEP THEPOWERFI TABLE OF CONTENTS GHTTHEPOWE POWERFIGHT THEPOWERFI ERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPO-stm-GHT IGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHE pDp headers.........................anonymous ansi coordinator t0ct0ct0ct0ct0ct0c.............................pDp productions iNTRo To iSSue 01............................Switch Tech Mitch EZ fun 4 da phonez..............................TELEPHONE JOAN SOCiAL ENGiNEERiNG for FUN and PROFiT................rEdbOxrOb Poetry Interlude: "i heard..."................girlie seventeen the whitehouse experience............................rEdbOxrOb How 2 Hack Wrists...........................26oo SKaNK BLoW0FF Eleet Music V....................................internet pimp Poetry Finale: "poetry by toc".......................DETH GRRL eXTRo To iSSue 01............................Switch Tech Mitch +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ TTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOW EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEP THEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGH FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWE iNTRo To iSSue 01 POWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTH HTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFI Switch Tech Mitch ERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPO HEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHT IGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWER OWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG RFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT Greetz 2 all telephone phreakz & computer hackerz!!!! This is the first of a l0ng seriez of filez my PDP brethren hope 2 release 2 the community. Let me first say that I speak 4 all of my PDP brotherz and sisterz when I say, "I am proud this is a PDP production." Second I want u 2 know that this phile has been designed with the intermediate 2 advanced telephone phreak in mind, if u can't understand nething well duhhh go read more t-filez. In this issue we feature articles from virtually all of our PDP brotherz and sisterz with the possible exception of Motorola Coca-cola, whoz being lame this week. Also that bitch TELEPHONE JOAN broke our pdp2ascii translator which fucked up the formatting. But anyway we have all kindz of eleetness from boxing info from the queen of boxing (hehehe) TELEPHONE JOAN 2 a laceration file from our newest member, 26oo SKaNK BLoW0FF (cool nick dude). As u might expect we have put 100% of our effortz towardz providing u with the most eleet info available in the scene. OK I think that's all I got 2 say... oh yeah I didn't write any t-files about life in the CO this issue because of JOAN's nefarious foot. Word out brotherz! PDP iz and ownz more than u know! PDP '96!! Fight the powerz that b!!! If you do not have [EOF] at the end of this t-file you do not have all possible eleetness. Njoy! Switch Technician Mitch. Editor. PDP in '96. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ POWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFI ERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHT IGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWER OWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHE TTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG EZ fun 4 da phonez RFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOW EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT by: TELEPHONE JOAN GHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEP THEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGH FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTH HTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPO ungnown 2 mozt peepul anarky n phone phreakz r very much alike. u muzt remember 1 sakred rool when deeling wiff ma bell - uze her own stuff againzt her. heer r sum intereztin box t-filez i hav kompiled: ============================================================================ "the tv box (or) the bread box" this box allows you to watch tv while you pretend to be listening to someone. also has an attach feature (called the shit box) that descrables cable for you. ______ <-----put tv here | **** | ______ |__**__| ______ ( \_____|__|_______/ ) \ / <---phone \_________________________/ || // // <---cable for tv and fone (( \\ +-----+ "the 'let's hack it!' box (or) the shoe box" this box hacks everything. here's the schematics. if you don't know anything about electronics then you shouldn't even attempt to make this box. if you do really know about electronics then you should see how this works immediatly. >>-|-<< <--- the k00l antennea part | | ______ cool display part | <| || \ ________ |____| || | _____ | urrad \ / || |+-| | <--- like, a battery there. |______ .^ u |__| u |__ '\ 0 ) __| g * / this is more +- 00 ( cool parts --| 6 @ @ \ .________ | $$ $$ $$ $$ *$$ |====== ooo % | <--plug into |__[]___[]___[]___[]___[]__#====== ooo % | phone |________| ^\__this is where money comes pouring out +-----+ "the sexual-repression box" this box is made for the insertion of several objects. it moves around and makes you have that warm bubbly k-rad feeling. _ / \ _ _ |\_/|/ \ / \|---|\_/| _ |\_/| | | / \| | | | |/ |\_/| |=-=| | / /__ | |=-=| |=-=| \ \ sQUIRt!# (hEEHEE!!) |=-=| | | ||\ \ | | | | | \> | | | | | \ | - - - - |) ) | / \ / \ / \ / \ / | | <-- heehee!!!!!! lamr!!!! | | | | [ Note: I heard Spinoza was the first sr boxer. - stm. ] +-----+ "the i'm-a-pathetic-loser-in-the-dark box (or) the pizza box" this is for the phreaker in the dark. it's a big damn light. __ / | | / | | | |___ / aaa battery --> [| | / [| |__\ <----- friggin' light | | \ the ----> | \ receiver \___| +-----+ "the-i-am-a-preppy-and-my-dad-pushes-paper-for-the-phone-company-and-i'm- rebelling-against-society-in-general-because-i'm-full-of-angst-and-sr-box- 24-hours-a-day-to-cheesy-adult-gifs-of-women-and-animals box (or) the box." this t-file has a eleet-detector. if you do not see schematics below for this box, it means you weren't rad 'nuff. +-----+ "the mcbox" this box orders you ("to go" is optional) any mcd0naldz ph00d stuff. actually, this box is just some little kid that you beat up and force to go get you stuff cause you're a real anarkizt and they know not to mess wiff you. )))))) / \ | *)(*))| | > | i phear the PDP!!! \ == / __/ | | +-----+ "the _mcgyver_ box" this box is made out of a stick of gum, a paperclip, a tampon, a small piece of cheese and a half-bit eraser. it's a stun gun that opens prison jail cells. [ Note: this only works in women's prisons. - stm ] ,---==========[] <--- piece of cheese bullet _.| ^|__tampon the piece of gum trigger -> (/>| ^^| <----paperclip ___|_ (_____| <---eraser cross ur legs and hope u don't waste another in the assembly! +-----+ "the sand box" this box is hooked up to a tape system that replays one of three random statements on adjustable intervals. the sounds it make are "uh-huh." "yeah." and "yup." which can asist you when you don't feel like talking to someone but don't want to hurt thier feelings. +-----+ "the hammer box" this box is a large instrument that gets you free cash from payphones. all you do bring the device to the phone and begin pounding the shit out of it. it works better when you aim it at the place at the bottom where the money is kept. also, you should wait till no one is around to use the box. it's often detectable what you are doing. it seems people know something is amiss when you use the hammer box even though they don't know anything about phreaking. _________ | | <--- elite tip #1 : hit things w/ this. |___ ___| | | | | <--- elite tip #2 : hold this part. | | | | | | |_| |_| <--- elite tip #3 : hold this part, too. |_| +-----+ "the box box" this box is for the ultimate phreaker on the run. all you do is program it with a big red button and a large display window. when you press the button, a random type of box is displayed on the screen. this is the box that you should work on that day to make. you should unfairly adjust the random affect to lean towards selecting red and blotto. ________________ /__________________\ || || || bl0tt0!!! || ||__________________|| \__________________/ | | / 0 \ (_______) +-----+ - taken from h0e #80 - "the return box" uses: this is for all you guys that wonna look like the kinda guy that is a guy and can do that guy type-o-guy stuff with the "i know you - even if you don't know how i know you" guy guy guy. that's the kinda guy I am, I can tell you all my supah phreakin' sekretz. ok, here goez: *69 command - this is a command implemented that calls the person that just called you back. we in the h4qr biz call it "return calling". it's like tracing. except not as good. but what can you expect from ma b3ll!? ah, but there's more. all kinds of neat trixxx are abound in the mysterious *69 k0de 4 y3w t3w r4p3. here's just s0me: 1] dual crank-caller - when you get one of those rude crank callerz that hang up as soon as you pick up the phone you can use the box and call them back. then as soon as they pick up the phone you hang up on them - perfect equality!@! 2] revenge. go to one of your enemies homes and continuously keep dialing *69 and rack up the phone bill, slowly adding 30 cent charges. this might seem slower than simply calling Guam and leaving the phone off hook, but hey you can hit some buttons!!!!!!!!! 3] this is an optional way to construct a box, in case you think it's "not a real box" unless you go to radio shack. Go to Radio shack. Ask the guy behind the counter for a tone dialer .. laugh when he calls he calls you a "hacker" and and say "n0t m33 d00d!@!". call gigikey -> 1800DIGIKEY. order the same crystal that's already in the box! Now buy a new soldering iron, even if you already have one. Properly de-solder the crystal and make sure that there's no glue left over. Solder the new crystal in, but make sure the side of the crystal you solder in has the numbers up, so people know it's NOT the crystal the box came with. screw yer box back together. now go back to radio shack. This part takes 4 months, but it's worth it - ask the d00d behind the counter for a "battery of the month club". Get one of the red aaa batteries with your "battery the month card" and let him punch out this month's "number" (elite tip - do this at the end of the month so you can go back the next day and get yer second battery) do this until you have 4 batteries. Place the batteries in yer return box and take the card out of the back where you list all yer stored phone numbers. write "return b0x"with a red crayon in the "p1" slot. now flip the card over and read the instructions on how to program the memory spot to make your return box activate with one button. now go to sk00l and sell it one of yer hacker d00d friends for 50 dollars. you are now truly 3113t3 and a phreaker. you will be famous and your work is in demand. it takes 4 months to make each one so it's even more in demand. man, this paragraph was long. Needs -> a fone at least one working finger a way to get the phone to your ear the "*" and the "6" and the "9" buttons a dial tone an iq over 75 sufficient motor skills to hit the buttons cost -> approximate $.30 /<-features -> do you really need some selling points for this box??!?! ok, here you go: a) makes a cool noise. b) only 3 digits! whee! c) if you take off the * it's a cool position. d) the 6 and 9 are close together so it's real easy to hit. e) the letters spell "my", "ox", and "ow". f) you can pay 6 bux to not have any more *69 charges. m4k3z zentz. g) if you get off on the operators voice, then it's extra cool. h) you don't have to go to radio shack to buy parts. i) there's not too many digits in it, so if you wonna (note: wonna!) dial with your pinky then it won't get you tired. j) it's so elite! it starts with a hip '*'! k) it's just really 'k'. +-----+ this concludes your lesson in bein' elite. h4ppi3 phr34kin' and r3m3mbuh that these planzzz are all mineminemineminerienreremreerflsdfkdlf. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGH FIGHTTHEPOWERFI HEPOWERFIGHTTHEP HTTHEPOWERFIGHT SOCiAL ENGiNEERiNG for FUN and PROFiT O E HEPOWERFIGHTTHE R by rEdbOxrOb F OWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF G RFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT iNTRo: ~~~~^~ I know you all are thinking to yourself, "How can I be eleet like the pDp?" Three words: social engineering. Everybody knows how dumb operators are, or they wouldn't be operators! Duh! This technique has worked out three of four times. Here's how I social engineer. SoCiaL eNGiNeeRiNG MY WaY: ~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~^~^^~^^^ Dramatis Personae. r0b. Acne riddled kid. Operator. Acne riddled adult female. Operator. Hello, operator Lish. r0b. hey baby. Operator. Can I help you? r0b. yeah, i'd like some free long distance Operator. I'm sorry, I can't do that. r0b. yo, i'll make it worth your while [ Operator giggles. when do you get off work? Operator. 6 r0b. how about you give me some free long distance? Operator: OK. eXTRo: ~^^^^^ You gotta be suave to do this shit, you can't have a high voice. And remember, pDp owns you. Thanks to Daemon 9 and the rest of *the Guild posse (if u know what he means -stm) for teaching me all this kewl technique. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ TTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOW EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOW THEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGH FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF Poetry Interlude POWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTH HTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGH girlie seventeen ERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPO HEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTH IGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWER OWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG RFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT i heard... ~~~~~~~~~~ you hear the voice know the name but still something's not the same he says good-bye you say oh well another relationship gone to hell your life goes on it's ok you see a face special...some way the person inside makes you smile you feel better for awhile then he's gone doesn't explain you'll never know why he went away you get a call a reliable source tells you your love could've worked a little birdie from the past flew inside his spell was cast a piece of advice a simple test the hope of your dream was laid to rest so it is possible for your past you to haunt what an ass +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ RFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT GHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEP THEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWER HTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWE POWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG the whitehouse experience HEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFI ERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT another file by rEdbOxrOb OWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHT IGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEP RFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHE TTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOW EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF % telnet whitehouse.gov Trying Connected to whitehouse.gov. Escape character is '^]'. UNIX(r) System V Release 4.0 (whitehouse.gov) login: president Password: Login incorrect login: president Password: Login incorrect login: president Password: Welcome, Mr. President. You have new mail. % ls conspiracies.txt hillary.gif launch.codes.txt % rsend rbr:pdp.org * % irc rEdbOxrOb irc.whitehouse.gov *** Connecting to port 6667 of irc.whitehouse.gov ***** *** Welcome to Internet Relay Chat rEdbOxrOb *** umodes available oiws, channel modes available biklmnopstv *** There are 128 operators online *** 3502 channels have been formed *** This server has 2 clients and 1 servers connected(+i) *stephan* sir? *** rEdbOxrOb (~president@whitehouse.gov) has joined channel #phreak *** Topic for #phreak: 31337? *** topic for #phreak set by backstree on Jun 12 20:48:27 *** Users on #phreak: rEdbOxrOb pH gothgrrl panik BabeBunny @backstree CrusaderX invizible kokey firebug bacidoy Voyager wr nicearab groundpig tr0ut darkfox haha, lamers. pDp owns the whitehouse. pDp owns ALL *** rEdbOxrOb has left channel #phreak *** Topic for #pDp: ,.d(pDp)b., Preachers of Da Phreak ,.d(pDd)b., *** topic for #pDp set by `fonejoan on Jun 12 18:24:32 *** rEdbOxrOb (~president@whitehouse.gov) has joined channel #pDp *** Users on #pDp: rEdbOxrOb @`fonejoan @techmitch @anonansi @ANIl0rd did u get that mitch?? i haxed the whitehouse@!#!@# *** Mode change "+o rEdbOxrOb" on channel #pDp by techmitch eleet rbr, btw pdp 01 TONIGHT <`fonejoan> cool rbr i gotta go, guyz#@! /var/spool/mail time. yeah thx aansi *** Signoff: rEdbOxrOb (pDp in da houz) % rlogin -l -froot # rsend rbr:pdp.org /var/spool/mail/* # rm * # logout # % logout +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ IGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHE TTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOW EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHE TTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOW How To Hack Wrists EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGH FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF 26oo SKaNK BLoW0FF WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTH HTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGH FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPO HEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWER OWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG You know the feeling, and I know the feeling. You are sitting at home, forearms on your knees, staring at your wrists. You have been puzzling for HOURS over them. You're stuck in a rut. It seems that your wrists are the only things left out there that you can't get into. You can smack a Solaris box at any given moment, bring entire phone networks to thier knees with 3 little tones, and score a chick with 3 beers and a Yugo. But you just can't get into your wrists. Well, I'm here to help. There are several methods of getting into your wrists. Since many of them are expensive, and I am assuming that you have little money, I will only cover basic, inexpensive methods. NOTE: These methods are frilless and cheap, and, like anything that is cheap, it's easy to get caught using these methods. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Method NuMBaH #1:--> This is the cheapest, but most difficult, way to hack your wrists. it involves: A comb (straight, single-filed bristle type) You should *CAREFULLY* place the comb between your thumb and forefinger (I say *CAREFULLY* because if you use the wrong hand positioning, you may end up hacking into something you don't want to!) and place it perpendicular to the line of your wrist. move your fingers to the middle of the comb (make sure the bristles are resting pointed end on your wrist, otherwise this won't work) and press down HARD on the comb. While doing so, move the comb back and forth (lengthwise) along your wrist. after about 10 minutes of such activity, your wrist will be fully hacked. M3th-hud N00mbah #2:--> This is slightly more expensive than the last method, but MUCH quicker. It involves: A razor blade (A scraper-blade is acceptable, and you may have to disassemble a disposable shaver if you don't have any razors.) This method works in much the same was as Method #1. Hold the razor, sharp side towards wrist, in the same way you held the comb. Apply pressure to your wrist with the razor and drag it lengthwise. In one stroke you should have a sizable incision. This method takes only about 3 seconds to complete. MeTHUDD nUMBER #3:final method--> This is by far the quickest, most expensive way to go. It involves: a short-burning fuse (candlewicks WON'T work) 5 pounds of trinitrothalamine (alternatively mercury fulminate) a blasting cap 15 yards of duct tape make a container out of duct tape large enough to place all 5 pounds of trinitrothalamine inside. place the short-burning fuse inside the blasting cap and the blasting cap inside the trinitrothalamine. duct tape the entire deal to your wrist and light the fuse. It should explode, causing a major hack on your wrist (and perhaps systematic nervous shock). WARNING! THIS METHOD IS VERY DANGEROUS AND HAS BEEN KNOWN TO CAUSE TERMINAL MATTER LOSS! In closing, I must say that I do not condone any of the activities mentioned above, and that this article is intended ONLY for educational ( smirk) purposes. I waive ALL legal responsibility resulting from the usage of methods described in this file. - - -- ---< 26oo SKaNK BLoW0FF >--- -- - - +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ OWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG RFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT GHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHT OWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEP THEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHE Eleet Music V RFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWE POWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOW internet pimp GHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFI ERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF THEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHT IGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHE TTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOW eh yo, i own yor entire switch, like lassie be ownin a bone with muh operator assisted skillz, cocot confz, listenin for the tone dms manualz with oki9 clonez steelin telco hedsetz, by simply throwin stonez so when im rollin, n'a bitch wuntz to ride blue box in the front, as the hoe gets back seat, left side. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGH FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTH HTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT Poetry Finale WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPO HEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEP by: DETH GRRL FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWER OWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWE HTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG RFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT GHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEP "poetry from toc" OK! I my poem am not is gonna be about the only one -> boys who <- i like boys a lot. thinks about boys. they're fun to michelle and i kiss. talk. i'm do still young u like grung? and i've had sex it's a way of saying -> only 2 or 3x society SUCKS <- i forget i hate my but it felt parents. real good. hehe. i & am mad a lot ur cuz my older bro only -> says 12 <- 2 me that but i'm not ur a whore i just like cuz u sleep around. to have fun. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ TTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOW EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERF WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEP TTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGH FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWE eXTRo To iSSue 01 EPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTH HTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFI Switch Tech Mitch WERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPO HEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHT FIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWER OWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIG RFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTTHEPOWERFIGHTT Greetz go out to: Dummercon 2, FLaK, L0CK, PLA, SSF, t0c, TNo, Anika, carpet, clashcr, crank, Dead Cheese, DeMoNiKa, DisordeR, eerie, Ender, ip, goo, gweeds (thankz 4 twodix.jpg!!!!), Joltcola, kaia, kokey, the Major, MIB, Miss March, mogel, Morpheus, Orestes, The Pinball Wizard, The Ponderer, Raduga, Rage (303), rattle (masturbate someday d00d) Sab, Shadow Tao, Telecom Legend, Telecon, The Wanderer. No tampons were harmed 2 make this issue of PDP. Hehehe ;) FIGHT THE POWER '96. Switch Technician Mitch. Editor. PDP in '96. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ [EOF]