�� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� July 2002 - Issue #7 outbreak magazine - v7.0 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' "Yo baby I love you. I love you more than you know. But you did me wrong. Give one dude a bj, shame on you. Give two dudes a bj, shame on me. If you think I can't get to you, you're wrong. You ain't nothing but a stupid hoe, and you will always be a stupid hoe. Love always, you're teddy bear. Spoonie" - Spoonie Luv from Up Above (Crank Yankers) [editorial] Welcome to issue #7 of Outbreak Magazine. As you can see we have a new layout. I hope you all enjoy it. Fwaggle got bored one day and decided to make it for us. I like it. Anyway, this issue is jam full of some pretty good stuff. So read away, and learn something. If you have any articles that you've written sitting around collecting dust, send those puppies our way. Give them a chance to be read by a bunch of people. Send all text files to: outbreak@fwaggle.net Thanks! Hope you enjoy #7. - kleptic [/editorial] [staff writers] faught the law, and the law won : kleptic would walk 500 miles : fwaggle wants you to want him : amatier he will do anything for love : dropcode he's more than a feeling : antimatt3r he's kung-fu fighting : rambox broke on through to the other side : Prodigal|Son whipping it good : GPC it's raining men : gr3p rocking the casba : Ryan wants to wang chung tonight : Radioactive_Raindeer got knocked down, but got up again : Timeless wants you to pour some sugar on him : TheEnigma wants to be sedated : dirV wants to be a california girl : Turbanator [/staff writers] [shout outs] All @ #hackerzlair on irc.dal.net, phonelosers.org, scene.textfiles.com, diegeekdie.org, hackerzlair.org, fwaggle.net, dsinet.org, ameriphreak.com, surviveall.net, gr3p.net/heavenly/, gr3p.net, gr3p.net/ravagrrl/, guruworld.org, dark-horizon.org, #outbreakzine on irc.dal.net, Everyone that helped out with this issue of Outbreak. You all rule! [/shout outs] [contact us] ������������������������������������ \-� http://www.fwaggle.net/~outbreak �-/ ������������������������������������ Vist Us @ IRC.DAL.NET Join #outbreakzine Send all articles for submission to: outbreak@fwaggle.net [/contact us] ��ܲ � ���� ��������� �� ��� ���߲ ��� � �� ���߲��������������۰۰�������� �� �� �߱������۰�� ���� ���� �� ����߲۲��� �ܰ ߲����� � ��� �ܰ�� �� ���� ��� �� ��۱� ��� �۰� � ��۲��� �� issue ���ܱ��� �۱� ��� ����� ����-fwaggle ��� july �� �� #7 ��߲ � ����� 2002 ޲ �� ޲ �� file description author ޲ �� ~~~' ~~~~~~~~~~' ~~~~~' ޲ �� ޲ �� [00] Editorial kleptic ޲ �� [01] Take Advantage of Me, I'm Drunk rambox ޲ �� [02] Recursive Function Calls Timeless ޲ �� [03] Very Interesting kleptic ޲ �� [04] Anatomy of Your Enemy Justin Sane ޲ �� [05] The anTrojan Filez 5 Timeless ޲ �� [06] 3l33t 0d4y Virgin CC's dirV ޲ �� [07] IRC - Did you ever notice...? GPC ޲ �� [08] Uselessness and Dangers of Identd antimatt3r ޲ �� [09] In The Game of Life sin|cal ޲ �� [10] Responsibilities of Trusted Hosts dropcode ޲ �� [11] Cordless Beige Box snadman ޲ �� [12] Turncoat Mayhem atomichael ޲ �� [13] SMTP:Fakemail and SPAM Turbanator ޲ �� [14] Black Box Plans evo225 ޲ �� [15] A Little Rantin' On The Hackin' bluecat9 ޲ �� [16] Conclusion Outbreak Staff ޲ �� ޲ ۲� ܲ� ߲����� � � ����۲� � � [video notice] windows users: (win98 or higher) you can open these files in notepad, and set your font to terminal, size 9. if you prefer console or MS-DOS, then just open it in MS-DOS editor, making sure if you're using windows that you hit ctrl+enter to make it full screen. linux users: view in console using an editor such as joe, or use less -R . x windows users can view by using a font such as nexus, or the terminal.pcf font that fwaggle created but lost. [/video notice] [legal notice] all texts used in this magazine are submitted by various contributors and to the best of our knowledge these contributors are the rightful copyright owners. feel free to redistribute this magazine in it's entirety, but you may not redistribute or reproduce parts of this publication without express permission from the staff. [/legal notice] �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #7 - Article 1 of 16 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' [3:17pm] *** Now talking in #teensex [3:18pm] any1 want 2 take advantage of a drunk guy? [3:19pm] i want to take advantage of a drunk guy [3:20pm] r u a girl or a guy? [3:20pm] why does that matter? i just want to take advantage [3:20pm] ok so [3:20pm] heres the agenda [3:20pm] i need my laundry done [3:20pm] and my lawn mowed [3:21pm] clean my toilet and tub [3:21pm] go out and buy me some beer with your own money [3:21pm] sound good? [3:22pm] hello??? [3:22pm] you must be already workin on those chores huh? [3:22pm] hehe [3:22pm] nice [3:22pm] i AM drunk [3:22pm] yes [3:22pm] but i AM not that drunk [3:22pm] hehe [3:23pm] you're drunk so you can't decipher that im taking advantage of you [3:23pm] dont shrink my lucky boxers [3:23pm] dont make me bust out jedi mind tricks [3:23pm] ehhh.. [3:24pm] * rambox uses the force [3:24pm] wash my jockies you will.. HMMM [3:24pm] damn it i want girls not guys with boxers.. [3:24pm] ewwww [3:24pm] hehehe [3:24pm] but seriously.. [3:24pm] i just want you to do my personal stuff [3:24pm] get my cum stains out of my bedsheets [3:24pm] buy me beer [3:24pm] i'm really drunk right now.. but i don't want another guy.. [3:25pm] handwash my jockstrap [3:25pm] i dont want you, i just want you to clean my house and laundry [3:25pm] me too [3:25pm] ok good [3:25pm] i don't anything 2 do with u.. [3:25pm] no no, your going to do my laundry [3:25pm] you want to do my laundry [3:25pm] geez.. u want a maid or something.. i'm not THAT drunk!!! [3:26pm] you want to clean my toilet [3:27pm] hm [3:27pm] any other drunk man would be elbow deep in my jockstrap right now [3:27pm] washin that shit with a sponge [3:27pm] while scrubbin my floor with there feet [3:28pm] so get to work country fucker [3:31pm] eehh.. u hav a really dirty house there dude.. seriously u should get some professional help.. [3:32pm] do you have a job? [3:33pm] neh.. [3:34pm] oh [3:34pm] well anyway i just took a sloppy shit on my floor [3:34pm] i hope you have a rug cleaner [3:35pm] u hav a shitty, life dude.. i mean 2 take a dump on ur floor?! [3:37pm] well i was expectin you to clean it [3:37pm] since im taking advantage of you an all.. �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #7 - Article 2 of 16 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Recursive Function Calls ======================== by Timeless 2002-06-10 One day I was messing around because I was bored and thought I'd try writing some one-liner code in JavaScript. The first thing that came to me to try was a function that calls itself without any hope of breaking out of the sprial. I simply placed the following in the address bar of Internet Explorer to run the code and pressed Enter (some people like to use the "Go" button): javascript:function me(){me()}me(); Naturally, it ran out of stack space and presented me with an error stating the fact. This is perfectly acceptable behaviour. Very well, so I tried a different approach. What if I made the function add characters to the web page (document body) recursively. Naturally I would either expect to see a stack space error or an out of memory error (whichever happens first). So here's my next one-liner: javascript:function w(){document.body.innerHTML+=' ';w()};w(); Well, shock, horror and disbelief... there was no stack nor memory error at all! In fact, the browser just died on me! I had mixed results though and needed to tweak the code a bit because in some cases it would only crash on the second attempt. So I made it look like this (fit on one line please): javascript:function w(){document.body.innerHTML+=' ';w()}; setTimeout('w()',100);w(); This new code would manage to run a second recursive call even after the first one had died (silently!). This time it killed the browser much more consistently. Notice that I am using "innerHTML", that's because "document.write" behaved as it should - it reported an out of memory error. So basically, if the innerHTML property can be overflowed... *insert your imagination here* - Timeless PS. Greetz to all at #hackerzlair and #outbreakzine and to Radioactive_Raindeer and splitfeed, and all my other friends - you know who you are. �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #7 - Article 3 of 16 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Very Interesting ---------------- By: kleptic What makes someone an interesting person? To answer that question I'm going to use an excellent example of an interesting person: me. I am far more interesting than anyone else I have ever met. I am interested in all the same things as myself. The defining feature of an "interesting person" is that they are interested in the same things you are. This is an undisputable truth. If you do not share interests with the person in question, you simply will not find them interesting. It is also true that the more interests you share with a person, the more interesting you probably find them. Therefore, seeing as you are interested in every single thing that you yourself are interested in, you must find yourself more interesting than anyone else you know. Don't worry, this doesn't make you a snob, just human. This could be proven untrue, of course, if it was essential for a person you find interesting to be a separate entity from yourself. For some people, this is undoubtedly the case. They find many other people interesting, but take no interest in their own activities. This is probably the result of the person wanting to do what the people they find interesting are doing, but judging themselves unfit to participate, for some reason. Laziness? I could be wrong. Maybe some people truly are not interested in any actual activity, only other people. In that case, you could not possibly find them interesting, seeing as they have no interest that can be matched with one of your own. I find the existence of people who are only interested in other people fascinating. How do I classify my interest in them? I'm not intrigued by the actual people they are interested in, nor any specific activity of the person, unless you consider not being interested an activity in itself, or at least an inactivity. Does that mean I'm interested in not being interested? �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #7 - Article 4 of 16 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Anatomy of Your Enemy --------------------- By Justin Sane from Anti-Flag (off the mobilize cd) 10 easy steps to create an enemy and start a war: Listen closely because we will all see this weapon used in our lives. It can be used on a society of the most ignorant to the most highly educated. We need to see their tactics as a weapon against humanity and not as truth. First step: create the enemy. Sometimes this will be done for you. Second step: be sure the enemy you have chosen is nothing like you. Find obvious differences like race, language, religion, dietary habits fashion. Emphasize that their soldiers are not doing a job, they are heatless murderers who enjoy killing. Third step: Once these differences are established continue to reinforce them with all disseminated information. Fourth step: Have the media broadcast only the ruling party's information this can be done through state run media. Remember, in times of conflict all for-profit media repeats the ruling party�s information. Therefore all for-profit media becomes state-run. Fifth step: show this enemy in actions that seem strange, militant, or different. Always portray the enemy as non-human, evil, a killing machine. Sixth step: Eliminate opposition to the ruling party. Create an "Us versus Them" mentality. Leave no room for opinions in between. One that does not support all actions of the ruling party should be considered a traitor. Seventh step: Use nationalistic and/or religious symbols and rhetoric to define all actions. This can be achieved by slogans such as "freedom loving people versus those who hate freedom." This can also be achieved by the use of flags. Eighth step: Align all actions with the dominant deity. It is very effective to use terms like, "It is god�s will" or "god bless our nation." Ninth step: Design propaganda to show that your soldiers have feelings, hopes, families, and loved ones. Make it cleat that your soldiers are doing a duty; they do not want or like to kill. Tenth step: Create and atmosphere of fear, and instability and then offer the ruling party as the only solutions to comfort the public�s fears. Remembering the fear of the unknown is always the strongest fear. We are not countries. We are not nations. We are not religions. We are not gods. We are not weapons. We are not ammunition. We are not killers. We will NOT be tools. I'm not a fucker I will not die I will not kill I will not be your slave I will not fight your battle I will not die on your battlefield I will not fight for your world I am not a fighter I'm in unity. �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #7 - Article 5 of 16 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' "The anTrojan Filez 5" by Timeless -=�~"^"~�=-.,__,.-=�~"^"~�=-.,__,.-=�~"^"~�=-.,__,.-=�~"^"~�=-.,__,.-=�~"^"~�=-. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-.,__,.-=�~"^"~�=-.,__,.-=�~"^"~�=-.,__,.-=�~"^"~�=-.,__,.-=�~"^"~�=-.,__,.-=�~ --------oOOo-------- aStRaL hAcKiNg --------oOOo-------- INTRODUCTION - OPEN YOUR MIND, WE'RE GOING IN (OR OUT?)! If you look back to "anTrojan Filez 3" (outbreak issue #4, page 2) you will see a glimpse at what you are about to learn in this article. Some people ask me from time to time "are you still hacking the astral plane?". They are of course referring to astral projection (AP). Astral projection is a technique for "travelling" out of your body. I'm not going to go too deep into this, and if you're really interested you can go and get some pretty decent books on the subject from your local library or book store. I am also not going to get into any religious or philosophical debates about it either! So don't even go there! A BIT OF HISTORY I've been experiencing weird and paranormal shit ever since I was a kid. When I was 16 I decided to learn about hypnosis in order to try and enhance any "gifts" I might possibly have, or that may lie dormant within me (such as telepathy, telekinesis, ability to see ghosts, sense emotions, sense people's locations, etc. - some of which I can do already). Hypnosis helped me with my French (using self hypnosis) and rid my cousin of his smoking habit (using auto suggestion). Hypnosis got me thinking about meditation, so I started doing T'ai Chi Chuan (a martial art) to learn about a natural energy called Chi. Chi can make your arm as stiff as a board, or ground you firmly to the spot, or even make your opponent do things they did not want to do (like fall down), for example. Eventually I came across astral projection and another technique called Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV - once secretly used by the military to a large degree of success). THE DESIRE TO LEARN By this stage I was researching free energy, and in particular the use of magnets as a power source. There is much that I learnt about the subject, but it got to a point where human understanding of the topic became limited. This was the turning point where I decided to make use of the tools I had. This is when I started "hacking" the astral plane for "new" information that humans did not have already. THE DARK SIDE One of the possible activities of astral projecting is looking up information in what is known as the Akashic Records. Imagine the Akashic Records as the universe's database of everything. It's like being in "flat land" in a computer, and you can see any piece of data you like. Bring this back into the context of your short, mortal life on this planet. Want to have some fun? Of course you do! You can use the Akashic Records to see info from the recent past, present and near future. If you get really good at it, you could probably even get someone else's passwords! CONCLUSION I'm off now to be some insignificant and - hopefully - wealthy inventor. Don't just take my word for all this though, go and read up on the topic for yourself and draw your own conclusions. -=�~"^"~�=-.,__,.-=�~"^"~�=-.,__,.-=�~"^"~�=-.,__,.-=�~"^"~�=-.,__,.-=�~"^"~�=-. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-.,__,.-=�~"^"~�=-.,__,.-=�~"^"~�=-.,__,.-=�~"^"~�=-.,__,.-=�~"^"~�=-.,__,.-=�~ And so it continues, as your mind gets infected by the anTrojan filez (and after reading this article you now begin to see how). Greetz to all at #outbreakzine, #hackerzlair and #tinylittlepyramid (it didn't need to be a very big pyramid after all) on DalNet. - Timeless 2002-06-10 Disclaimer: may or may not be fictional. You are responsible for your own actions and state of mind. More people are into this than you might realize at first, so don't single me out if you have an issue. �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #7 - Article 6 of 16 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ----------------------------------------------------- 3l33t 0d4y Virgin cc's by dirV ----------------------------------------------------- Aight guys heres some 0day l33tn3ss - It is really really easy to get virgin cc's. All you really have to do is goto a gas station- The gas station has to be a Quck Pay at the Pump One. Then go look in the garbage next to the pumps. You should find a few reciepts in the cans. On the reciepts you will see 1. Credit Card Number 2. Expiration Date 3. Name on Card. ----------------------------------------------------- Then you take the reciepts to your Home and get out the old phonebook. You look up the persons Name in The phonebook and get there Address and phone number ----------------------------------------------------- If you Need a Cvv2 (three digit # on back of card) just goto #!chk #!check or type /list CC on dalnet, goto a CC channel and they have !cvv2 triggers! ----------------------------------------------------- Also If you dont have a gas station buy you, and you happen to be walking down the street and you see any kind of reciept on the ground, pick it up and look at it because if the product that was purchased- was purchased by a credit card - The CC# - expir dat - and Name on card WILL ALWAYS BE ON THERE. ------------------------------------------------------- Now your l33t, go have fun. dropcode rambox i lub u guys!!! ------------------------------------------------------- �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #7 - Article 7 of 16 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' **************************************** * IRC - Did you ever notice...? * * * * Written by GPC * * On 20:52 11/06/02 * * heelflip_the_biscuit_tin@hotmail.com * * * **************************************** PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT : [The views expressed in this file are fucked and are not necessarily the views of anyone. Just becausa log appears here doesn't mean it hasn't been shamelessly edited to make 'snadman' and 'Timeless' look bad :p] Many would say that this was the best text file ever to come out of the publishing corporation on Ersa Minor, but they'd be wrong. I'm sure a lot of you see the people on IRC as completely normal, but have you ever take the time to step back and look at just what kind of person 'ten_inches' is? Perhaps the best example of this is chat rooms. For some reason men see 'Lesbian Chatroom' and go bannanas. Say the room has 20 people in it. How many of those do you think are women? All of them right? Wrong. You really think you're the only man in their pretending to be a woman and fumbling your way through the spelling of clitoris? Think about it. No, think harder. Yeah, that's right, I bet you wish you never gave 'busty_blonde' your mobile number now do you. This poses some deep physcological questions like 'If the fantasy is there, what does it matter who its with?' but I know Timeless would just get lost so I won't go into them. IRC channels generally tend to fall into 5 catagories in my experience: 1) RANDOM CHANNELS where one person with a name like 'single_n_looking' seems to be talking to everyone but no one seems to be talking to him. Or there are a load of people all talking at once and no one knows what message is being sent to them. For example: but 4 real a turtle head is pking out laughing at the inside of my boxers so i gotta get to the pot piking* poking* ahhh back good shit? T-A-K-I-N-G--A--D-U-M-P spells RELIE F yehp T-A-K-I-N-G--A--D-U-M-P spells RELIEF* :) oui,cest bon 2) RANDOM ROOMS that seem to be completely full but no one talks. The room is dead, there's not a single person saying anything. These rooms are 'cool'. 3) SILENT HACKING CHANNELS where people go to hang out to be cool but are too scared to say anything cos they're too scared of being called a script kiddie. 4) HACKING CHANNELS with about 5 "l33t hackers" who are only ops cos their mate runs the channel. They won't answer any1s questions cos they don't actually know anything: haha ur no l33t, im l33t. i have AOL 9.0 from a l33t underground warez site lam0rs. * SuCkEr has joined #ubergodl33thaxx0rs can u guys help me with some command shut up lamer. i was coding operating systems b4 u were born. look. i just wanna know how to convert hex to decimal so I can re-write my .ini files to redirect my IP port scan. * Long Silence someone boot this lamer, he is tlking whack shit man. Only l33t people shud be on this channel er, are any of the ops even hackers in here? SOMEONE KICK THIS LAM00000R. HE IS ANGERING MY L33TNESS!!!!!!!! 5) CYBERING CHANNELS usually populated by the following: a) Boys pretending to be men b) Men pretending to by boys c) Girls pretending to be women d) Women pretending to be girls e) Men pretending to be lesbians f) Kids who haven't realised what it is g) Timeless So, in conclusion (its been a long time comming), next time you give your number to 'tits_bigger_than_the_USA' remember its probably a balding perverted 50 year old man choking his chicken while he's talking to you with some girl's used pants on his head. PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT 2: [I apologise for any damage this file might have done for any l33t egos. I also apologize to 'snadman' and 'Timeless' for absolutely mis-representing them. They're safe dudes :D] �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #7 - Article 8 of 16 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the uselessness and dangers of identd by: antimatt3r Jun 6 2002 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The identification protocol (also knows as 'auth' on *nix systems) is specified by RFC1413. This protocol in my opinion is useless and potentially dangerious. The objective of this text is to inform you of the uselessness and insecurities and make you wonder why the hell someone integrated this protocol into the Internet. Okay the first thing is that its rediciolusly pointless. The first fundamental assumption behnd this protocol is that computers are multi-user timesharing systems with secured operating systems. So if someone is running windows you've already got that one falsified. The second is that the computer user and the computer admin are different people. This isint such a bad assumption, because most of us dont log in as root on *nix and start running our everyday routine. But, on windows, most of us have our user account set as the administrator. The third and final assumption is that the systems admin is trustworthy. This is about the most brilliant one of them all. The upshot of these assumptions is that when recieving an ident response you can trust the data that identifies a user who is trying to use a network service on your server, because the admin on the other side who is watching over his system and users with an eagle eye will readily and happily identify his users to you, because you asked. Once again, the majority of computer systems on the Internet violate ALL the assumptions, becuase they are running windows which are single user, not secure at all and have the user and admin as the same person. As for the admin being trustworthy who knows. The data that any computer will return has no bona fides or other utility other than as a random string or bits which may or may not relate in any way to the user of the system. Even the author of RFC1413 says that the protocol cant be used for anything real ( section 6). The reason that the identification protocol is dangerous is that there are some server admins who seem to believe that ident has some utility, because they require it to use their services. (dalnet admins) These people are deluding themselves, lulling themselves into a completeley false sense of security - they believe that with ident they have an audit trail which they can use to grab users who abuse their services. As the protocol description above demonstrates, this is the assumption of a fool. For the final part of this text I would like to talk about why dalnet requires that you give a ident response. When connecting to dalnet you get the 'checking ident' signal and then usually ident response comes through, if there is no ident response, you/we get akilled. If you whois someone on dalnet and they have a ~ in front of their hostname (eg. ~antimatt3r@suckme.net) their ident was not verified. It seems that dalnet dosent really care if people send fake ident responses because if you look on http://kline.dal.net/exploits/unixident.htm they supply a 'fakeident' RPM package. So now not only is the dalnet hierarchy fucking dumb, but they are supplying tools to evade the rules that the have put in place. If your stuck without ident working, make sure your auth port is uncommented in /etc/inetd.conf and try fowarding ports 5990 thru 6000 as well as 113 if your on a routed intranet. If your using mIRC its in options - connect - idnetd. EOF �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #7 - Article 9 of 16 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Society is what we picture it. Some picture it as a playground full of wonderment and chaos. Those people are the ones that stand out mostly and are criticized by local peers and put down. Maybe if only we took a step back and picture ourselves the way we wish to be pictured society would be awhole better place. Now that I have that out of my way, lets begin. Why are hackers so discriminated upon? Wait, let me rephrase that real fast, why are people that want to gain knowledge and freedom frowned upon? Why does society try to make us fit in their "mold" of what we should look like and dress? The fact is that there are those out there that must fit into this mold and be "cool" and there are those that could give a flying fuck. Those are the ones that society discards and throws to the side. You never see "hackers" portrayed appropriately in movies and on TV. Most movies I see now adays show "children" breaking into someones highly confined system and wrecking it till theres nothing left. Which is in some cases sad but true, but the involuntary acts of kindness are astounding, most "hackers" are in it for the thrill of knowing they did something. They did it themselves, from what they have learned and read themselves, it has paid off. But is that how it portrayed?? I don't think so. Therefore they must turn the public against us, and make everything we do wrong and obscene. The truth is that the government is scared of us, because of want we know, and what they don't. I believe that this will all come to end, its like history, everything evolves and falls, it is only time before the so called "hackers" are running your life, and you would of wished that you hadn't blasted them so much before. How can I say this? Well, lets see..... technology is going to expand and run your life. Everything that you do will concentrate on a guy or machine typing on a keyboard somewhere in the world, and who is this? Its the guy you blasted during school, just because he didn't have friends, just because he didn't have a social life, just because he was different, Just because every time you saw him he was doing homework and reading books. Just you wait the tables will turn my friend, and when you, the "cool" people are drowning in your own vomit of stupidity and realize what has happen it will be to late. The day is coming you just wait and see. sin|cal �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #7 - Article 10 of 16 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ###################################################################### ########### responsibilities of trusted hosts -dropcode ############ ###################################################################### just as in real life, here on the internet we mustn't make the assumption that we can fall vitcim only to our own insecurities. often, it is the insecurities of others that target us as victims. what follows is the opinion of the writer and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher, however it might... and probably should. *smirk* a certain class of vulnerability, known as cross-site scripting, has been increasingly potent on the internet over the last two years. since its original recognition by CERT in February of 2000 cross-site scripting vulnerabilities have surfaced in thousands of websites all accross the web. cross-site scripting takes advantage of weak verification procedures when dynamically constructing webpages containing user-entered data. this vulnerability makes it possible to embed malicious code into websites with poorly written cgis. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- the attack itself is simple, the solution to the problem is simple, but the implications and impact of the vulnerability are tremendous. simply passing malicious code as an attribute to a vulnerable cgi will cause the user to inadvertently execute the code. for those having trouble grasping this, consider the following. sure, malicious code has been a problem for promiscuous websurfers for as long as malicious coders have been making webpages, but when malicious code can be embeded into webpages that are trusted by even the most wary websurfers, thats when it becomes epidemic. cross-site scripting vulnerabilities have been found on some of the most widely trusted hosts on the internet. Microsoft, NBC, Lycos, Excite, CNet, Netscape, Ebay, and plenty more. now, imagine visiting a site with as much credibility as those listed above and coming away from it with a virus. where does the blame go? considering the amount of dependency people put on personal computers, and the amount of traffic generated by sites so credible, compensation for loss is probably very daunting in the eyes of the organizations who own those websites, and whos weak programming was exploited. this is probably why they always use the malicious coders as the scapegoat. don't get me wrong, of course those putting malicious code into effect should be held responsible for the damage they cause, but i also feel that a certain amount of responsability comes with self-promoted credibility. after all, the damage could have been easily avoided had their cgis filtered the certain tags. i suppose the only real purpose this text has is to educate the audience of the great injustice presented when large organizations can mass-promote themselves, and not take responsibility when their insecurities victimize people. *shrugs* i guess thats big business. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- greets go to savvyD, ramb0x, gr3p, kleptic, dirv, jenny, lexi, lenny turb, oj, smiley, snad... anyone i'm forgettin, sorry. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #7 - Article 11 of 16 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Cordless Beige Box ------------------ By snadman Purpose Have you ever been beiging off of cans and all of a sudden, well you see someone and you don't have a grey box with you? Well, if you had a cordless Beige Box, then there wouldn't be a reason to worry in the first place, because you'd be up in the bushes on the side of someone's house while you're beiging off of a can right by the street! The cordless Beige Box gets around the problems of being seen. Only time you have to worry about being seen is when you're unscrewing the security bolts on the can and hooking your beige up, and then when you're going to leave that area and have to take off your beige. Through creating this, though, there were a few minor difficulties which were overcome through use of what we already had. Materials Cordless Phone (Base and Handset) 2 ft. Phone Cord 1x 9 volt 1x 7.2v Rechargeable Battery (from remote control cars) ^^^NOTE:Prolly want to buy a nice $20 trickle charger^^^ 4x Small Gator Clips Base/Charger Schematic CLIP=gator clip BASE= the base? lol RB= 7.2v rechargeable battery RBPlug= 7.2v rechargeable battery plug MB= magnet buzzer R= Red line G= Green line += + line -= - line ||= Power Plug on Base []= Modular Plug on Base _= antenna *= Clip connection point BASEBASE_________________________ BASEBASE BASEBASE||+++++++++++++CLIP*RBPlug++++RBRBRBRB BASEBASE||-------------CLIP*RBPlug----RBRBRBRB BASEBASE BASEBASE[]RRRRRRRRRRRRRCLIP*terminal BASEBASE[]GGGGGGGGGGGGGCLIP*terminal BASEBASE Step By Step OK, now the schematic is tough so you may need this. First, with your phone cord, leave one end with the modular plug still attatched, but strip the other end. Now strip the Red and Green wires inside, which will be the center two if not colored or if there are only two that's them. Solder on the clips to the two stripped Red and Green wires. Electric Tape/shrink-wrap to insulate them. Now, your *old* (hopefully) cordless phone base should have a little power supply for power which goes to a power plug thingy in the wall. Well, unplug the power supply from the wall first (dumbass alert if you didn't do this) and cut the power supply's wires. Now that it's cut, the end that doesn't plug into the wall is the one you want. It should be a little circle on the end that plugs into the base of your phone. Strip these wires so the wiring is exposed. Solder on some alligator clips. Now, please please do this...electric tape/shrink-wrap the alligator clips so they never touch. They will be close together later on and if they touch, not only will it drain your batteries but it will that to glow, ruin your clips, and also start some plastic on fire (which does not smell good!). Now, plug the circle part into the base of the phone, no lights come up as there is no power to the base yet. Now, with a charged 7.2v Rechargeable Battery, position the alligator clips so that they are clipped onto the metal pegs inside the plug on the battery. If it doesn't turn on, well then you have them mixed up (pos and neg) so switch which clips are clipped ot which pegs. There are only two clips and two pins so there are only two ways to do it, should work on way or the either. Somehow mark on the wire that ash the clips that goes to the base which is negative and which is poisitive for convenience. Next... Now your base has power and the phone cord is ready to be hooked up to the terminals in the can, but what if all of a sudden your cordless handset dies...do you want to waste battery power as well as time to charge that bitch up? No! So do what I did, get a bunch of cheap 9 volts. Here's how to do that... Handset Setup This isn't too tough. Take your *old* cordless battery for that phone. It should plug into the handset through its own plug which isn't a normal one. Cut the wires from the irregular plug to the battery as close to the battery as you can and strip the wires. Now, take a 9v battery plug(thing with two silver circle to clip the 9v into with red and black wires coming out of it) and twists red to red, black to black. It's simple dude. Here are some pictures of mine. Of course, I never go out Beige Boxing and I don't support people doing that, this is just a bunch of rambling information. Disclaimer #1 This Is Meant for Educational Purposes Only, and is not meant To Be Directly Related To Illegal Conduct Such As Beige-Boxing. I Also Do Not Take Responsibility for People Who Use This Document In an Illegal sense... Disclaimer #2 Anyone Who Alters This Text will be Sentenced To Hell, Or Better Yet, Afghanistan... Greetz: Hmmm...everyone in #mymeat and #outbreakzine... �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #7 - Article 12 of 16 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As ye hath sewn so shall ye reap... (Atleast that is what my korn poster says) By Atomichael aka Atomic Chaos About a year and a half ago I was getting pretty bored. Bored and Lonely in this shit hole they call a city I decided to write some simple code that would scan all of Pacbell's DSL subnets for users in my area running *nix based systems.To my suprise I came across several insecure routers (in this case no password) used by either home users or small businesses to connect their LANs to the internet. Oh yea and I also found like 2 or 3 redhat boxes joy! With these routers I did nothing more than test them by creating a loop back to my machine. The routers offered me little entertainment since they were some generashits anyway. I soon forgot about the routers, the three redhat boxes, my doomed quest to find geeky friends in the local area, and eventually the logs were deleted. Everything was fine until a couple days ago when I recieved these notices while trying to connect to IRC on dalnet: liberty.nj.us.dal.net- *** Got Ident response You have been Autokilled. liberty.nj.us.dal.net- *** You are not welcome on this network. liberty.nj.us.dal.net- *** Autokilled for Your host is banned due to excessive infected drones and open insecure routers. Please go to http://kline.dal.net/exploits/ or contact pacbell.net. [AKILL ID:1024243947K-a] (2002/06/16 12.12) liberty.nj.us.dal.net- *** Your hostmask is atomichael!fold@adsl-64-168-101-190.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net liberty.nj.us.dal.net- *** For more information, please mail kline@dal.net and include everything shown here. Closing Link: (Your host is banned due to excessive infected drones and open insecure routers. Please go to http://kline.dal.net/exploits/ or contact pacbell.net. [AKILL ID:1024243947K-a] (2002/06/16 12.12)) And Dalnet's http://kline.dal.net/exploits/ : Pacbell DSL Users Due to a severe security issue we have regrettably been forced to suspend access from Pacbell's DSL accounts to DALnet. We are in close contact with Pacbell and hope to resolve this issue within the next couple of weeks. Updates to the situation will be posted here as they become available and further details on the issue can be found by clicking here. There were no further details. I will not be clicking here on dalnet for a while. All criticism for supporting ma bell aside I like my adsl. I like being able to connect to IRC with my adsl. I do not like little kiddy zygotes who create packet shit storms for their own malformed and superfluous goals. Don't make me come to your homes and wrap garden hoses around your necks until your beady little eyes pop out of your deformed little heads. Despite my overwhelming hatred for these putrid sacks of shit I cannot help but think that I am somewhat responsible for my own fate. Could this have been avoided had I informed Pacbell or would they have just ignored me and allowed such decadence to progress? We will never know. Perhaps a lesson can be learned from all of this. If your neighbor's dog is eating chickens cut off it's balls before it reproduces and KFC goes out of business. No that's not it. If your chicken is cutting off your neighbors balls.. I mean when your dog is choking on a bone at KFC don't blame the chicken because you didn't have the balls to cut your neighbor off while pulling out of your drive way thus altering the space time continuum just enough to maybe save yourself a trip to the vet. Efnet rules Dalnet drools. Oh yea and who's idea was it to implement DCCALLOW on dalnet anyhow. I do not appreciate being forced to /quote dccallow +nickname for every person I'd like to recieve a -virus- from. �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #7 - Article 13 of 16 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SMTP:Fakemail and SPAM By: Turbanator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SMTP is a pretty simple thing to learn. First of all SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocal. That means "(SMTP) A protocol defined in STD 10, RFC 821, used to transfer electronic mail between computers, usually over Ethernet. It is a server to server protocol, so other protocols are used to access the messages. The SMTP dialog usually happens in the background under the control of the message transport system, e.g. sendmail but it is possible to interact with an SMTP server using telnet to connect to the normal SMTP port, 25". Usually to take advatage of SMTP you would need a SMTP server, or a shell account that supports SMTP. Lets use my telnet shell account at freeshell.org. (NOTE:THE $ indicates the command prompt at the shell, whatever is after the $ is what would be typed.) First telnet to the host through port 25 $Telnet sdf.lonestar.org 25 Then one connected, be nice to the host by typing Helo $Helo sdf.lonestar.org Then think of who your going to send the email to, who it will be from, and what it will say. Once you've done that you can begin the mail by typing the following into the shell prompt: (NOTE:This is only used as an example, you can type in whatever you want for the from, rcpt, and data.) $Mail from: aol@aol.com rcpt: bob@aol.com data:Hi bob this is AOL, your powned! .quit The .quit at the end will tell the SMTP server to end the message and send it. Now why would I want to know this you ask? There are alot of reasons. Spammers for instance use techniques like this to send you spam, maybe now you can send them a little spam (although I dont encourage it!). Also this is good for freaking people out and making them cancel their AOL accounts (I havent dont that ;) ). SMTP can be used for good and for bad, it all depends on the person who imputs the information. I hoped this has helped anyone who has been wondering about SMTP, or just wants to read something cool. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This text file was written by:Turbanator For:Outbreak The author can be contacted at:turbanator2k2@yahoo.com, AIM=Turbanator2k2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #7 - Article 14 of 16 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' /-/-/-/-/-/-\-\-\-\-\-\ <:-\-Black Box Plans-/-:> \-\-\-\-\-\-/-/-/-/-/-/ By - evo255 email - evo255x@hotmail.com / dalnet> #hacking Ok so here we go after many days of work with this " simple to build " box I've come to a conclusion .... This shit doesn't work! And feel free to prove me wrong. Lets start with what a black box is. BLACK BOX is a device that is hooked up to your phone that fixes your phone so that when you get a call, the caller doesn't get charged for the call. This is good for calls up to 1/2 hour, after 1/2 hour the phone company starts charging anyway because they think something weird about your phone just ringing for half and hour. The box keeps the line voltage from dropping to 10v when you answer your phone. The line is instead kept at 36v and it will make the phone think that it is still ringing while your talking. Now after much testing of the line with my electricity tester I've come to many discoveries that aren't mentioned in other text's, the voltage you want to measure in to see if its working is AC because it is kept at 0 volts until someone calls you from that point it will jump up from 0 to 36-49V ... why somewhere in between there you ask? Well it seems in different area of the U.S and I think the world it supplies different voltage, in U.S GA it was 44V. So someone calls you ( pfft right as if someone would call your loser ass ) and it jumps up... you pick it up it should drop down to around 10V and stay there... What the resistor your going to put on the line is "SUPPOSED" to do is keep that voltage from dropping below 36V so it looks like its ringing and ringing (simple eh?). But after much testing with the proper resistor and other resistors I've proven it fails to work, and not only does the voltage drop but also it kills the connection and gives the caller a busy signal. Anyway, here are the schematics for the box try it your self I'm sure you will find the same results as I tried this with multiple phone lines and phones. I think what happened is this used to work somehow previously but the phone company found a way to fix the line for it * shrug * All parts are available at Radio Shack. (As fucking usual) ** Schematic 1 for most phones ** ** LED ON: BOX ON ** FROM >--------------------GREEN-> TO LINE >--! 1.8k LED !---RED--> FONE !--/\/\/\--!>--! ! ! ------>/<------- SPST Parts: 1 1.8k 1/2 watt resistor 1 1.5v LED 1 SPST switch *You may just have two wires which you connect together for the switch. ** Schematic 2 for all phones ** ** LED ON: BOX OFF ** FROM >---------------GREEN-> TO LINE >------- ---RED--> FONE ! LED ! ---->/<--!>-- ! ! ---/\/\/--- 1.8k Parts: 1 1.8k 1/2 watt resistor 1 1.5v LED 1 DPST switch If you look close and your not a retard you will notice all your basically doing is putting a 1.8k 1/2watt resistor on the red wire of your phone line. Simple right? WRONG. How do you know it's working? How do you know your phone will work? Well, you got to test it! So get daddies old AC/DC/Ohm tester out and touch the red pen to the red wire and black to green and make sure your testing the AC on the wire. That way when it doesn't work you will see how it doesn't work. =) Anyway, this evo255 pissed because he wasted a lot of time and came up with the result that this shit doesn't work any more. Feel free to try and experiment and hack it yourself maybe you will find another way to get the same result... when you do email me and tell me how you did. Much thanks to dropcode for his help in obtaining most this info as well. - evo255 (evo255x@hotmail.com) �� �� �� �� �� �� ��� �� �� �۰����߰� ��� �� �� ����ܰ����۰� �� �� � �۱� �� �� �������ܱ���߰����� �۰��� �� � �۱� �� �� �� �۱� ��� �����۰� �� �� ��� ���� ���ܰ������߱� ����߰���۲�� �� Outbreak Magazine Issue #7 - Article 15 of 16 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' bluecat9's rantz on Winblowz Netbios Protection & Hackin'. So you have Winblowz and you wanna hack the planet?!? Why not? Protection: If you use MS Windows, Broadband, and your PC is on a home network (LAN), with "Shares" you may be a redneck. To test obtain your IP (Start>Run>Type: WINIPCFG), Then (Start>Run>Type: \\YOURIP) and press ENTER. Wait a second, if you got an error message your not vulnerable and can skip to "Hack the Planet." But, if you got an Explorer-Like window with your shares displayed you ARE vulnerable. By this I mean, everyone on the Internet can access your "Shares" just as you or other people in your house on other computers do on your network. So, how do you protect yourself? Here are some resolutions, the easiest but 100% fix is to change your Share's name from "C" or what ever it is named, to "C$" this will make the Share hidden. The only difference now is when you want to access a share you will have to type in the full path to the share. Example: Start, Run, Type \\YOURPCNAME\C$, and press Enter. Now, if someone does happen to peek at your network they will not see the shares, but if they guess the name of your share they can access it just as you would. It's not a good idea to use simple share names such as A, B, C, which can be easily guessed. Password protection is not a 100% fix for this problem, but a good idea. Some other solutions are, installing a firewall, using USB vs Ethernet for your broadband modem, removing the shares altogether, unbinding the service (File and Printer Sharing) from the protocol (TCP/IP) that is bound to the adapter (NIC) that is attached to your broadband modem. Purchasing a new broadband modem which has a built-in firewall. Ok so your protected, let's hack already! Hack The Planet: Now you know about the issue, let's find someone that isn't protected! (evil laugh) It's as easy as obtaining an IP and performing the following, Start, Run, Type: \\THIERIP. Man was that hard! So, you got someone's IP, tried that, and you got an error message? They're not vulnerable, deal with it? Or� You saw all the pretty little shares!!! Alriiiight! The best we can hope for is a user who has their entire hard drive shared out with full access. If not, you may have fun just browsing their files? So you didn't get an error message but they don't have any viewable shares?!? Try guessing a few hidden share names, like A$,B$,C$,D$,E$,HD$, MY DOCUMENTS$ and PRINTER$. Oh sure you'll have fun printing to their printer. OK, you know how to get in the door, but it takes to long trying one IP after another! Sure it does. Search the internet for "NETBIOS SCANNER" or "SHARE SCANNER" and I'm sure you'll come up with something fun which will most likely let you scan entire class C's! (x.x.x.0 to x.x.x.255) That should get the party started! Now your on your way to hackin' the planet but you've run into shares that are password protected, no worries. Because lo and behold there are programs available to crack share passwords in a matter of seconds! A good search for "NETBIOS SHARE PASSWORD CRACKER" or something similar should do the trick. Know this, some ISP's block netbios communication (Port 139) through their network leaving you unable to connect remotely to another network using netbios, so sorry. Remember. You're limited only by your own imagination. --bluecat9 _______________________________________________________________ |______________________________________________________________ | || || || ___ _ ____ _ || || / _ \ _ _| |_| __ ) _ __ ___ __ _| | _ || || | | | | | | | __| _ \| '__/ _ \/ _` | |/ / || || | |_| | |_| | |_| |_) | | | __/ (_| | < || || \___/ \__,_|\__|____/|_| \___|\__,_|_|\_\ || || || ||_____--------------------------------------------------______|| |_______/-----------------------------------------------\_______| ___ _ _ | __(_)_ _ __ _| | | _|| | ' \/ _` | | __ |_| |_|_||_\__,_|_| \ \ / /__ _ _ __| |___ \ \/\/ / _ \ '_/ _` (_-< \_/\_/\___/_| \__,_/__/ ���������������������������������������������������������������� PUT THE WORDS IN HERE: Well, here is issue #7. We're finally learning how to get these out a bit quicker with more content. So I hope you all enjoy this issue. It's jammed packed full of some good stuff. And as always, we are ALWAYS looking for articles written by our readers. That's how Outbreak strives. So if you have an article that you've written laying around on your hard drive.. send that puppy our way. Or if you want to write something for us, that would be cool to. The more articles the better. Send all texts to: outbreak@fwaggle.net Well, enjoy #7, and start sending me stuff for #8. Thanks to everyone who submitted articles for this issue. - Outbreak Staff ���������������������������������������������������������������� ++++++++++++++++++++++++++WATCH THIS SPACE++++++++++++++++++++++ ����������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ -���������������������۲������-|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰������������������۲�����- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ����������������������������������������������������������������ij Outbreak Contents may not be used with out express written permission By the Editor - outbreak@fwaggle.net COPYRIGHT�� 2002.