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I was awaken by a lound bang. I thought it was thunder. But I mistaken... It was my roomate masturbating. Ya see, he's a loud masturbater. When he's getting his wank on, its explosive. Snails in Canada can hear it. True fact. When hes getting his wank on, he can launch a space ship, and make it propell all the way to Uranus. Who's anus? Uranus. Not Mianus. Uranus. Anyway, i've got nothing else to write. So when you think its thundering outside.. It's really not. It's my roomate Phil masturbating. It really is. ANYWAY! Enjoy issue #6. Start sending me articles for the next issue! Send all texts to: outbreak@fwaggle.net Enjoy! - kleptic ۰�������������������۲�����Staff������������۲����������� � � kleptic............... � � fwaggle............... � � `amatier.............. � � antimatt3r............ � � Strykar............... � � Prodigal|Son.......... � � Ryan.................. � � Radioactive_Raindeer.. � � timeless.............. � � TheEnigma............. � � dropcode.............. � � [encrypted]........... � � Turbanator............� � BadGadget............. � � gr3p.................. � � evo225................ � � � ۰�������������������۲���������𰲲���������۲����������� Shout Outs: All @ #hackerzlair on irc.dal.net, RBCP at phonelosers.org, scene.textfiles.com, diegeekdie.org, hackerzlair.org, fwaggle.net, dsinet.org, ameriphreak.com, surviveall.net, roy.phonelosers.org, gr3p.net, gr3p.net/ravagrrl/ guruworld.org, #outbreakzine on irc.dal.net, Everyone that helped out with this issue of Outbreak. You all rule! ������������������������������������ \-� http://www.fwaggle.net/~outbreak �-/ ������������������������������������ Vist Us @ IRC.DAL.NET Join #outbreakzine Send all articles for submission to: outbreak@fwaggle.net ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� � Outbreak Issue #6 � � �� ���������������������������������������������������������������� ��� � � � � � � � [ 0] Editorial...............................kleptic � � � [ 1] Bosnia Doesn't Like Me Much.............BadGadget � � [ 2] Setting Up A Conference.................gr3p � � [ 3] History And Application Of TELETEXT.....GPC � � [ 4] Internet Security Myths.................fwaggle � � [ 5] What the fuck was I smoking?............kleptic � � [ 6] How to get an 800 # for a local BBS.....Turbanator � � [ 7] A Little Trick to Get an IP in AIM......evo255 � � [ 8] Brief Thoughts on Terror in the U.S.....TheEnigma � � [ 9] Blanks Short Tips For Newbies...........blank � � [10] The Atomic Bomb.........................TheEnigma � � [11] Automatic Number Identification (ANI)...dropcode � � [12] The Return To Mianus (the sequal).......#Mianus � � [13] Payphone Line Fiasco....................Coercion � � [14] Grey Box................................Orange Julius � � [15] Tao of the Firewalker...................dropcode � � [16] Conclusion..............................Outbreak Staff � �� �� ���� ���� ����������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ -���������������������۲������-|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰������������������۲�����- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ����������������������������������������������������������������ij All information provided in official OutBreak Zine, Web sites is provided for.... information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract between the.... Editors or Writers and any person or entity unless otherwise specified............ Information on official OutBreak Zine web sites is subject to change without...... prior notice. Although every reasonable effort is made to present current and..... accurate information, the Editors and Writers make no guarantees of any kind...... The OutBreak web site may contain information that is created and maintained by a variety of sources both internal and external to the Staff. These sites are.. unmoderated containing the personal opinions and other expressions of the persons. who post the entries. OutBreak does not control, monitor or guarantee.... the information contained in these sites or information contained in links to other external web sites, and does not endorse any views expressed or products or....... services offered therein. In no event shall OutBreak be responsible or... liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be.... caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services available on or through any such site or resource..................... Any links to external Web sites and/or non-OutBreak information provided on...... OutBreak pages or returned from Any Web search engines are provided as a.......... courtesy. They should not be construed as an endorsement by OutBreak and.......... of the content or views of the linked materials................................... COPYRIGHT AND LIMITATIONS ON USE : OutBreak Contents may not be used with out express written permission........ By the Editor..........outbreak@fwaggle.net................................. COPYRIGHT�� 2002. �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #6 - Page 1 of 16 �������������������������������������������������������������ij The Day Bosnia Attacked BadGadget --------------------------------- A Log by BadGadget PLISS DONT BAN ME to late bucko I already did pliss i can help pliss? did you can help me I've gotta take a pliss brb ok back. it was a wonderful pliss so what's up buckshot? help me you can? are you yoda now? ok ok what? you hev dat i nuck soory soory yeah, I nucked once it hurt bay you have any luck nucking? Soory no this is erron error you don't like the nuck? i not have nuck i have help at nuck i like at nuck that i no how i nuck so buckshot. what's your feelings on what's going on in cuba right now? you there nuckster? FUCK YOU YOUR MAMM I already did that. the record is 4 times in one day. how about you? hehe You hev nuck me yes nuck me i not good nuck bat good nuck? how you help me zhat i good at this you sound like a fucking stooge nuck nuck nuck i sey i not good you not? nock nick nock? nuck? i find help at this nick nack paddy whack? i find help at this give a dog a bone? FACK YOU LEARN SOME BOSNIA I LEARN GOOD ENGLISH I FUCK ENGLISH I NOT LIVE THAT I MAST IN SCHOOL ENGLSH learn i FUCK ENGLIsH AND THIS WOMEN AND MAN you obviously didn't learn it very well FUCK YOU AND YOUR eNGLISH ok, I will ��� BadGadget fucks his english oh god, that feels so good I not live english your women not good you not good you speak english you learn smoll at comp you face fack you i fuck you and you LEARN bay I'm not good cause I speak english? and our women aren't good? are you mad cause they wont give you any lovin' ? do you hold a grudge against english women cause they wont talk to you, or touch your love nuggets? I FUCK YOU WOMEN END YOUR MAN BAY you fuck our men to? you are ignore you swing both ways? duda duda dedo? yabba dabba do? -------------- then after i got done with him, he changed his name and pretended to be someone else. <__WAR-MASTER__> ej <__WAR-MASTER__> why are you ofending my friend cause its fun can I offend you? you're short, and your mom wears army boots <__WAR-MASTER__> you mother fucking soon of a bitch shut up yeah, so? <__WAR-MASTER__> hehehe so what if I like to fuck mothers its fun you should try it <__WAR-MASTER__> !!!!!!!!!!!!?????????? Ok you made your point. you know how to use the ! and the ? keys can you use any others? �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #6 - Page 2 of 16 �������������������������������������������������������������ij +/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/+ | Setting up a Conference | | By: gr3p | | http://www.gr3p.net | +\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\+ In this text file you will learn how to setup different types of teleconferences. However, this file will not discuss bullshit features or menus that you could learn on your own ;) I. Choosing a Provider There are literally tons of companies that offer audio conferencing. Such as Att, Sprint, Qwest, j2, Raindance, Ilink, Verizon, Conference Center, and even Eintercall. There is a cupple of free ones out there two but they will not set up an 800 number for you ;/ II. Frauding the Provider A. Att Good ole leet ATnTs. You can either set these up by beiging or by credit card. To set them up by credit card go to http://www.att.com/conferencing/restools/index.html. To set them up by beiging get a dial tone. Then dial an ANAC to get the ANI and write it down. Now call 800-232-1234 and setup a conference. It would typically be like this: *call ANAC* *hang up* *write down number* *call 800-232-1234* Operator: Hello at&t teleconference services this is sherry how may I help you? You: Hi I would like to setup a teleconference. Operator: Can I have your conference folder id? You: Im sorry I do not have one of those this is my first time calling. Operator: Oh, well then lets setup a folder. Operator: What is you name? You: My name is Mr. Lar Lar. Operator: And what is you fone number? You: My fone number is 123-123-1234(you know the ANI from the ANAC earlier). Operator: What is your address? You: I live on 1234 Phreak Lane in Columbus Indiana. My zip is 12345. Operator: Ok is this gonna be a operator dialed or a dial in conference? You: Dial in please. Operator: How many people including yourself are gonna be calling in? You: 4 but I would like to have auto port expansion on. Operator: How long will the call last? You: Uhm... about 5 hours.. Operator: Alright I have a 4 port conference for 5 hours with auto port expansion on. I will call you back shortly to verify billing. You: Ok bye. *hang up* *wait* *wait* *ring* *ring* *pick up* You: Hello? Operator: Hi is Mr. Lar Lar there? You: Yes your speaking to him. Operator: Well this is at&t you conference dial in number is 800-123-1234. Your moderator code is 123456 and your participant code is 123455. *write that down* You: Ok thanks a lot! Operator: Alright would you like a confirmation emailed or faxed to you? You: No thanks. Operator: Ok that is it. You: Alright bye. *grins* *hangs up the fone* *runs home to drop conf infro on irc* They also have a java based (I _hate_ java) conference manager where you can dial out, mute, and kick people at http://www.att.com/conferencemanager/. B. Verizon A new service by verizon just came out its called verizon conference connections. These stay up for a long time and when you have quick start on you can use them as a voice bridge. Just have your friends dial in whenever. You can set these up by a credit card at http://www22.verizon.com/conferenceconnections/html/home.html. Supposedly you can also beige these but I have never done it. The dial in numbers for verizon are 8664412942 and 9727172043. The only big downside to this is canucks can not dial into the toll free number. C. Conference Center "Welcome to the conference center. Please enter your passcode followed by the pound sign," said the hot automated operator. I have heard that more then a million times. Anyways these are mad easy to crack just dial 800-260-7078 or 800-930-9525. They are six digit pins just keep trying. You will have a ton of these in no time. Except the company has been ripped off so much lately they even have a operator monitoring at night so these get shut down fast. D. Raindance These are awesome but a little harder to get. With a credit card you can get one at http://www.raindaince.com. It has a really nice web panel that even shows your ANI. The reason they are a little harder to get is because they have a screwy way of validating credit cards. Even the valid ones get turned down a lot. Another thing is never try signing up with an anonymous email because you will get the same error as you would if your card was declined. E. Eintercall or Intercall These are the same thing except one is a web conference the other is an audio conference. These are very similar to the Raindances. They seem to last longer too. You can set these up on the fone by dialing 800-374-2441 and telling them you want to setup a reservation-less plus conference. You will need to have a fone line that you can sit by all day that will not lead back to you. Why you ask? Because they will want to call you back :( F. Sprint and Qwest Sprint and Qwest are two very nice companies that offer teleconferencing. You can set these up at http://www.sprint.com and http://www.qwest.com. To set these up you will find a form on there site where you request an audio conference. They will eventually call you back and setup an account with you. That is a major pain in the ass but its worth it. Be on a look out for more promotional accounts from sprint those were mad fun. G. Ilink I do not why im mentioning this company because if you do not know how to set these up then you probably will not find out. The URL to set these up is kept a secret. Either way this is worth mentioning cause it's a great voice over IP conference service. They give you an 800 number that has an ANI logging voice mail and an option to find the moderator. One neat thing is the moderator can forward people that dial in to different number or just not let the person in at all. :) H. j2 The only conference service I know of that has no dial in. You _must_ use the web panel for this to dial out to you and all your parties. It's a pain in the ass but neat. They also give you a fax and voice mail number. They will however shut these down for over usage. Can set these up with a credit card at http://www.j2.com. These were just examples of how to setup a conference with a few of the many companies out there. The principal is all the same though. You either bill them to a fone line, card them, or crack them. Another way is steal a companies account and set one up but that does not happen very often. III. Dialing in the Conference If your such a dumb shit that you do not understand this section then do us a favor and unplug your internet connection. Btw I wanted to add Att conferences are _not_ to be confused with alliance. Also alliance is pretty much dead and outdated so I did not put infro on it in this file. +/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=/=\=/=/=\=/=\+ | Mad shouts to: lexi, dropcode, heavenly, kleptic, adeamis, rambox, dewey, | | dirv, execute, digid, voyweiser, coercion, and everyone I missed :D | | Email: grthreep@gr3p.net http://www.gr3p.net | +\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=/=\=/=/=\=/=\=/+ �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #6 - Page 3 of 16 �������������������������������������������������������������ij ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The History And Application Of TELETEXT Written by GPC On 14:54 21/04/02 heelflip_the_biscuit_tin@hotmail.com ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You may ask yourself, why is GPC doing an article on TELETEXT and more importantly, who is GPC? To answer the latter I am GPC (duh!) or Geldoff's Poor Cousin. Anyway, I'm writing an article on TELETEXT because it was really the first time that technology and the media were fully integrated but also cos I happen to think that TELETEXT is quite dope :D. Frequently asked TELETEXT (hense forth abbreviated to TT) questions: 1. What is TT? Well if u live outside Europe, chances are you'll never have heard of TT. This is cos for sum reason TT never really took off in America, and every1 else in the world does what America does (apart from Europe :P). But politics aside, TT is a 'data carousel' (more about that later) text information service that holds information in a linear ASCII format. It has info on things such as TV listings and sports news. Teletext also has subtitles (known as 'closed captions' in the US) and can display half on, half off (its difficult to describe). 2. How does it work? The actual teletext pages are broadcast in a hidden part of the television signal (the Vertical Blanking Interval), and decoded by the television. Teletext pages are accessed by a 3-figure number; on most channels, the front page is on page 100. 3. Why isn't it instantaneous? Many people ask this, as, after all, the information is just text and in some cases it can take minutes to load. This is because when u select a page, say 456, theres no way of telling the TT provider what page u have asked for because analogue TV is only one way. So instead, the pages go around on a 'data carousel' and this carousel will only stop at the page u request. This way there is no user to provider link needed. 4. Isn't TT crap tho? Well yes and no. Its not graphical apart from where ASCII is used to convey images. It is, however, extremely helpful for txt services and it requires no special equipment, technical knowledge or encur call costs. For these reasons over 22 million people use teletext in one week. 5. Why cant the TV just cache the pages? This is cos nearly all TVs dont have a cache, let alone the programming to cache pages automatically. Plus there is a chance of blue screen moments of death when the info in the cache clashes with ne updated info on the page. But, if you have a TV card on ur box ur comp can cache it. Digital TELETEXT Digital television has 'digital teletext'. Despite the name, the only thing common to 'analogue' teletext is the fact that the viewer looks at information on the TV screen. The methods used to broadcast and decode it, as well as the way it looks, are much removed. Some channels on SkyDigital, the UK's digital satellite operator, carry analogue teletext despite the promise of digital teletext. Sky's own-brand channels carry an expanded version of SkyText, although it directs viewers to the Sky Electronic Programme Guide instead of carrying TV listings. Channels on the UK's digital terrestrial channels don't carry analogue teletext. This was due to a decision by The Digital Television Group (DTG), who decided that such things were unnecessary. In the long term, this is probably true. Teletext Ltd. will be provides a service on channel 9 of digital terrestrial television with the BBC Text on channel 10. To complicate things for the providers of digital teletext, the systems opted for by Sky and DTG are different. Whilst DTG decided to use MHEG-5, which is an ISO standard, Sky decided on OpenTV. OpenTV is a proprietary 'solution for digital interactive receivers'. Teletext has a demo of Digital Teletext on their web site; the BBC also has some information on their digital site and in a paper (in PDF format). Recoding TELETEXT Direct recording of TT is quite difficult but it is possible to decode the old text pages from old S-VHS video tapes that also recorded the vertical blanking interval. Thats it every1, I hope this has opened ur eyes. Next time ur waiting for the page u want to come round on the loop try to appreciate how amazing it is :D - Geldoff's Poor Cousin heelflip_the_biscuit_tin@hotmail.com (Stop laughing Timeless :P) �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #6 - Page 4 of 16 �������������������������������������������������������������ij Internet Security Myths by fwaggle | Oct 25 '00 (a bit outdated. but still good) http://www.fwaggle.net * note: epinions.com sucks because they owe me $40 -------------------------------------------------------- I can't stress some of the points I'm about to make enough, because surprisingly a lot of people panic when it comes to internet security. First of all, there are these evil people called "hackers" which are lurking around every little corner waiting to break into your computer. First things first, I find it somewhat offensive that people even use the term hacker any more. I mean, the term hacker in the 80s referred to a very small and elitist group of people. These were people who learnt entire computer systems, and how to program them, and exploit security features... Without any documentation or help files... Simply from dialling into a stolen dial-up, and experimenting. A very talented group of individuals... Nowadays, you have any 12 year old geek with some of the latest "toolz" is now a "hacker". Would you appreciate spending a decade of your life learning and improving yourself, only to see in another decade, a stupid 12 year old hot-shot categorized in the same place as you? It may be the same outcome - someone's computer getting invaded in some way, but it still kind of ticks me off. Which brings us back to people's fear. All you need is some technical knowledge (not a lot, just a basic grasp of a few concepts), and some common sense, and you can be reasonably safe without spending a cent on software. Firstly understand that to break into a computer, it must have a service which you can exploit. Windows machines (the kind you're probably using to connect to the internet now) usually have one service nad one service only. This is called NetBIOS. NetBIOS can be exploited with what's called an OOB Nuke. This is old hat, anything over Windows 98a is immune to this. There are ways to prevent your computer from even listening to NetBIOS on the internet. If you read up on how to do this (and have a friend port-scan you and it shows up empty), then there is no concievable way you could be "hacked". Unless, with the lack of services some pimply geek decides to create a service of his own. This is what's known as a "trojan horse". Well known trojan horses are (you may have heard of these): Back Orifice NetBus SubSeven Master's Paradise How do these get onto your computer? Exactly like a virus. You have to run a program which contains one. Which brings us to common sense. NEVER run programs from sources you don't trust. You can set up email filters to block files which end in .exe and so on. Remember things like file extensions. Pictures end in .bmp, .gif, .jpg, and that's about it. If it ENDS in anything else, don't download it. If you run an email client such as Outlook Express, then disable Javascript in Email. You don't need it, and it can be used for malicious purposes. If you use Outlook, get the patches or disable Word Macros to prevent viruses such as Melissa from entering your system. As you can see, with a little common sense there really isn't much to be worried about. If you can get a shell account who will give you permission to run a port scanner, investigate the possibility of doing so (do it quick before the stupid government makes it illegal). If nothing shows up on the port scans, then there are no security holes. Therefore, no need for Firewalls. If you don't accept files from other people, then there is no way for a virus to enter your machine. Therefore, no real need for anti-virus software (although it's probably a good idea anyway). In my opinion, it's probably better to clean up your system yourself, armed with some technical knowledge, rather than paying money from security software which is only as good as the person who installs it anyway. One final note, it's of great importance that if you have children, you educate them in the dangers of accepting files from other people (even their friends, you never know when one of their friends will experiment, leaving you open to attacks from more experienced losers). If in doubt, set programs such as ICQ to ignore file transfer requests (you can do this in the preferances under events), and Email programs to automatically dump attachments with programs in them. Thanks for listening. - fwaggle �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #6 - Page 5 of 16 �������������������������������������������������������������ij What the fuck was I smoking? ---------------------------- By: kleptic At the chime of 12:00 pm I was awaken by a midget wearing sandals and suspenders. He claimed his name was Blasko but I found that hard to believe. Ya see, he had that sort of suspicious glare in his eyes that made me think that one of two things have just occured. He either just got some mad midget lovin', or he killed a man. Well, I wasn't one to ask questions. So I got out of bed and strolled to the bathroom (the water closet if you're british) and proceeded to urinate in the "John." After I releived myself I then went to my basement where I work. Ya see, I don't have your average job. Most people work in offices, or at resturants, or fast food joints. Ya see, I donate sperm to the homeless (hey, vagrants need some sperm to, ya bum!). Anyway, after hours of HARD work. I then took a journy up stairs to find something to eat. There I found Mr. Blasko digging in my fridge. So I was like, "Hey Blasko, what are you doing!?" And he was like, "I'm looking for something to eat." And then I was like, "Hey what time is it?" And then he was like, "It's 3:00 pm." And then I was all like, "No you're wrong........ IT'S FACE PUNCHING TIME!" So I proceeded to punch Blasko in the face. Ya see, when it's face punching... faces just gots ta get punched. So After hours of pummeling Blasko, I opened my fridge to see what was there to eat. To my suprise, I found nothing but a tube of cookie dough. So I made cookies for dinner. That's right.... let me say it again for those that didn't catch what I just wrote... COOKIES.... FOR... DINNER!! What kind of chronic masturbator, manic depressive, butt monkey, would eat cookies for dinner?? Well, all signs point to me. Thats who! Anyway, this story is going no where. I forgot what the moral was supposed to be. But maybe it's.. When a Midget wearing sandals and suspenders named Blasko is eating your hard earned food. You punch them in the face. That's right.... in the fucking face. - kleptic drklep@roy.phonelosers.org �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #6 - Page 6 of 16 �������������������������������������������������������������ij -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to get an 800 # for a local BBS By: Turbanator Ok first go to the drug store and open up a magazine from the magazine rack. Pull out a subscription card and keep it for the address listed for the magazine company. Now get the number of the local AT&T or Verizon office in your area and note it down. Now go to your handy-dandy yellow pages and pick out a technical type business, one not to small, and not as big as Micro$oft. Write down the name of the company. Next go to a payphone or op divert to spoof your ANI, and dial 1-800-222-0400. When you call up tell the nice op that you want to get an 800 number, and save time by telling them that you want the 'Readyline Service'. When they ask you for your name, just make up one, or use one of the person you hate most. When asked for the name of the company, give them the name of the place you pulled out of the phonebook.When asked for the billing address, give them the P.O. BOX of the address of the company on the card u pulled from the magazine. When they ask about a service address, give em the address of your local AT&T or Verizon office.They'll ask for the number you want it to route to, that would obviously be the BBS #. For you contact number, just give em one that doesnt answer, or is constantly busy. If they ask for credit info, just make up the companys name and the presidents name. When asked when started, say anything after 1980, since most somewhat newer companys are likely to set up an 800 #. If they ask for annual sales, just say something about $160,000. Once all that is complete as to have the number assigned while your on the phone, and say you need the line ASAP. Not too long from then it should be up an routing the selected BBS #. This also works for dial-up access numbers, and even normal phone numbers. Doing all this will ensure that you get an 800 number you want, while having the monopoly companys, AT&T and/or Verizon, paying for the number. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This text was brought to you by: Turbanator -- turbanator2k2@roy.phonelosers.org AIM -- Turbanator2k2 �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #6 - Page 7 of 16 �������������������������������������������������������������ij -= Getting an IP address through AIM =- Easy trick that you might already know... Say you hate someone and know they got an AIM name... get a fake one.... chat with them a bit and get them to accept a direct connection with you to show them pics of your car or yourself anything will do to get them to accept a direct connection.. What most people dont know is that when your "directly connected " Your IP's are as well... so once connected, pop open a command prompt and type "netstat" you should see some address along with the port number 4443 Just do a NSlookup on that address or for the simple minded folk / go in to IRC and type /dns guy.address.com (replace that with his address) And there ya go... now you got his IP and if you want to be naughty and especially if the tard dosent have a firewall up, you can be :) - evo255 (evo255x@hotmail.com) �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #6 - Page 8 of 16 �������������������������������������������������������������ij --=Brief Thoughts on Terror in the U.S.=-- -By TheEnigma- With the growing popularity of suicide bombings and other terrorist activities I decided I would let you know what some of my thoughts are on the subject. The recent attacks on American civilians curtailed drastically if not completely when we launched a military attack against the government sponsor of that terrorism. I now feel the real shit is yet to come (not that the events of 9/11 were not real). Americans were targeted by Arabic Terrorists back in the seventies and eighties and we lived through it. Now it is 2002 and we must once again accept the fact that we are the primary targets of homicide bombers, hijacked aircraft, and god knows what else. Israel has been dealing with this for years, and recently they have not done a thing to really stop terrorism. They go blasting up Palestinian villages, which is great for Sharon's ratings because it makes it appear that he's doing something. But the reports say that foreign governments are sending the supplies in to the terrorists, yet there are no reprisals against the foreign governments. Also, reportedly wealthy Arabs are offering financial rewards to suicide bombers'surviving family members. Uh...can anyone say "special ops teams should eliminate said wealthy Arabs"? Special ops teams don't play well on the evening news. Remember that our guys were in Afghanistan on day three, but it wasn't reported for months. I think that, should further suicide attacks or any other form of terrorism visit the United States, we would visit upon supporters of suicide bombers the principle that "payback is a bitch". As far as defending against suicide bombers, there's an old military axiom: "he who defends everything defends nothing". Do you think that, if detecting suicide bombers was a simple matter of getting some dogs, maybe Israel would have thought of that by now? Isn't "Qaeda" Arabic for "Gore"? Scary, huh? �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #6 - Page 9 of 16 �������������������������������������������������������������ij ================================================================= This is a starter kit for those that are new and are very curious ================================================================= Can't sleep.. bored? I have just the thing for all you wannabes....That is if your running windows. First were going to d/l a few tools. 1. A damn good scanner........ http://packetstormsecurity.org/NT/scanners/superscan.zip. Don't let the NT bother you it works on your winderz machine. .....you can set the ports you want to scan from just one or two to all. Write your own .lst....VERY handy. 2. A browser that sends commands to port 80........http://www.astalavistalab.com/files/cgis4.zip. You know all those CGI exploits you hear about. Well this app has all thats known for now and you can ad new ones as there found. 3. A app that uses a file to find passwds and logins on a passwd protected site....... http://www.astalavistalab.com/files/webhammerb.zip. Just get you a dictionary file and get after it. Now I'm not going to tell you how to use these tools......You need to d/l them and play around with them. It's my hope that in doing that you will start to see the wonders that can be done with that windows machine that so many ppl think you can't hack with. If you have questions AFTER learning these tools....drop by #hackerzlair on dalnet and ask what you need to know. The ppl there are always happy to help if you just need a little push in the right direction. But don't ask me...... " I know nothing" blank www.hackerzlair.org �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #6 - Page 10 of 16 �������������������������������������������������������������ij --=The Atomic Bomb=-- -by TheEnigma- =============== !!!DISCLAMER!!! =============== This article is for edicational purposes only. If you're actually stupid enough to make an atomic bomb, then you should get punched in the face. Outbreak Magazine or The Enigma is not held liable for your stupidity. Read this article, learn about The Atomic Bomb and how it works. But if you make one, and if you fuck yourself up and others. Then thats your own god damn fault. =============== !!!DISCLAMER!!! =============== The following is part of a research paper I wrote. On August 2nd 1939, just before the beginning of World War II, Albert Einstein wrote to then President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Einstein and several other scientists told Roosevelt of efforts in Nazi Germany to purify U-235 with which might in turn be used to build an atomic bomb. It was shortly thereafter that the United States Government began the serious undertaking known only then as the Manhattan Project. Simply put, the Manhattan Project was committed to expedient research and production that would produce a viable atomic bomb. The most complicated issue to be addressed was the production of ample amounts of `enriched' uranium to sustain a chain reaction. At the time, Uranium-235 was very hard to extract. In fact, the ratio of conversion from Uranium ore to Uranium metal is 500:1. An additional drawback is that the 1 part of Uranium that is finally refined from the ore consists of over 99% Uranium-238, which is practically useless for an atomic bomb. To make it even more difficult, U-235 and U-238 are precisely similar in their chemical makeup. This proved to be as much of a challenge as separating a solution of sucrose from a solution of glucose. No ordinary chemical extraction could separate the two isotopes. Only mechanical methods could effectively separate U-235 from U-238. Several scientists at Columbia University managed to solve this dilemma. A massive enrichment laboratory/plant was constructed at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. H.C. Urey, along with his associates and colleagues at Columbia University, devised a system that worked on the principle of gaseous diffusion. Following this process, Ernest O. Lawrence (inventor of the Cyclotron) at the University of California in Berkeley implemented a process involving magnetic separation of the two isotopes. Following the first two processes, a gas centrifuge was used to further separate the lighter U-235 from the heavier non-fissionable U-238 by their mass. Once all of these procedures had been completed, all that needed to be done was to put to the test the entire concept behind atomic fission. Over the course of six years, ranging from 1939 to 1945, more than 2 billion dollars were spent on the Manhattan Project. The formulas for refining Uranium and putting together a working bomb were created and seen to their logical ends by some of the greatest minds of our time. Among these people who unleashed the power of the atomic bomb was J. Robert Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer was the major force behind the Manhattan Project. He literally ran the show and saw to it that all of the great minds working on this project made their brainstorms work. He oversaw the entire project from its conception to its completion. Finally the day came when all at Los Alamos would find out whether or not The Gadget (code-named as such during its development) was either going to be the colossal dud of the century or perhaps end the war. It all came down to a fateful morning of midsummer, 1945. At 5:29:45 (Mountain War Time) on July 16th, 1945, in a white blaze that stretched from the basin of the Jemez Mountains in northern New Mexico to the still-dark skies, The Gadget ushered in the Atomic Age. The light of the explosion then turned orange as the atomic fireball began shooting upwards at 360 feet per second, reddening and pulsing as it cooled. The characteristic mushroom cloud of radioactive vapor materialized at 30,000 feet. Beneath the cloud, all that remained of the soil at the blast site were fragments of jade green radioactive glass. ...All of this caused by the heat of the reaction. The brilliant light from the detonation pierced the early morning skies with such intensity that residents from a faraway neighboring community would swear that the sun came up twice that day. Even more astonishing is that a blind girl saw the flash 120 miles away. Upon witnessing the explosion, reactions among the people who created it were mixed. Isidor Rabi felt that the equilibrium in nature had been upset -- as if humankind had become a threat to the world it inhabited. J. Robert Oppenheimer, though ecstatic about the success of the project, quoted a remembered fragment from Bhagavad Gita. "I am become Death," he said, "the destroyer of worlds." Ken Bainbridge, the test director, told Oppenheimer, "Now we're all sons of bitches." Several participants, shortly after viewing the results, signed petitions against loosing the monster they had created, but their protests fell on deaf ears. As it later turned out, the Jornada del Muerto of New Mexico was not the last site on planet Earth to experience an atomic explosion. As many know, atomic bombs have been used only twice in warfare. The first and foremost blast site of the atomic bomb is Hiroshima. A Uranium bomb (which weighed in at over 4 & 1/2 tons) nicknamed "Little Boy" was dropped on Hiroshima August 6th, 1945. The Aioi Bridge, one of 81 bridges connecting the seven-branched delta of the Ota River, was the aiming point of the bomb. Ground Zero was set at 1,980 feet. At 0815 hours, the bomb was dropped from the Enola Gay. It missed by only 800 feet. At 0816 hours, in the flash of an instant, 66,000 people were killed and 69,000 people were injured by a 10 kiloton atomic explosion. The point of total vaporization from the blast measured one half of a mile in diameter. Total destruction ranged at one mile in diameter. Severe blast damage carried as far as two miles in diameter. At two and a half miles, everything flammable in the area burned. The remaining area of the blast zone was riddled with serious blazes that stretched out to the final edge at a little over three miles in diameter. On August 9th 1945, Nagasaki fell to the same treatment as Hiroshima. Only this time, a Plutonium bomb nicknamed "Fat Man" was dropped on the city. Even though the "Fat Man" missed by over a mile and a half, it still leveled nearly half the city. Nagasaki's population dropped in one split-second from 422,000 to 383,000. 39,000 were killed, over 25,000 were injured. That blast was less than 10 kilotons as well. Estimates from physicists who have studied each atomic explosion state that the bombs that were used had utilized only 1/10th of 1 percent of their respective explosive capabilities. While the mere explosion from an atomic bomb is deadly enough, its destructive ability doesn't stop there. Atomic fallout creates another hazard as well. The rain that follows any atomic detonation is laden with radioactive particles. Many survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki blasts succumbed to radiation poisoning due to this occurance. The atomic detonation also has the hidden lethal surprise of affecting the future generations of those who live through it. Leukemia is among the greatest of afflictions that are passed on to the offspring of survivors. While the main purpose behind the atomic bomb is obvious, there are many by- products that have been brought into consideration in the use of all weapons atomic. With one small atomic bomb, a massive area's communications, travel and machinery will grind to a dead halt due to the EMP (Electro- Magnetic Pulse) that is radiated from a high-altitude atomic detonation. These high-level detonations are hardly lethal, yet they deliver a serious enough EMP to scramble any and all things electronic ranging from copper wires all the way up to a computer's CPU within a 50 mile radius. At one time, during the early days of The Atomic Age, it was a popular notion that one day atomic bombs would one day be used in mining operations and perhaps aid in the construction of another Panama Canal. Needless to say, it never came about. Instead, the military applications of atomic destruction increased. Atomic tests off of the Bikini Atoll and several other sites were common up until the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was introduced. Photos of nuclear test sites here in the United States can be obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. --------------------------- Links --------------------------- http://www.atomicarchive.com/ �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #6 - Page 11 of 16 �������������������������������������������������������������ij --Automatic Number Identification (ANI). -dropcode. ::o4.o6.2oo2::---. ----------------------------------------------------------------------. --/ . "The number transmitted through the network that identifies the . calling party. Technically, a Common Channel Interoffice . Signaling (CCIS) parameter that refers to the number . transmitted on an out-of-band basis through the SS7 signaling . network identifying the calling party's telephone number. Also . known as Calling Party Number (CPN)." --\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------. ANI is the standard in CCIS for passing the originators CPN (telefone number) between LECs. Each individual LEC (local exchange carrier, or central office) uses an out-of-band signalling method to transfer the loop ID and routing codes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------. I've yet to confirm whether the original implementation was infact split into multiple classifications or not, but the 4 classes of ANI rumoured to have existed in the beginning are as follows: Level A: Contained only the NPA (area code) of the calling party. Level B: Contained the NPA and City of the calling party. Level C: Contained the NPA, City and the calling parties prefix, or switching exchange. Level D: La whole anchaloda. NPA-Nxx-xxxx/city. whether this is fact or fable, since the implementation of SS7, every LEC using the SS7 protocal forwards Level D ANI. A recent developement in CLID (Calling Line IDentification), known as ANI II, makes use of a two digit pair to identify the Class of Service, or type of line the caller is using, ie. POTS, COCOT, Payfone, etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------. ANI accross an analog trunk is sent in the form of DTMF/MF signalling tones. Though the syntax varies slightly between carriers, it is generally similar to: KP-[NPA]-Nxx-xxxx-i-ST .---------.-------------.----------------------------.----------------. |code.....|decode.......|notes.......................|dtmf/mf.........| '---------'-------------'----------------------------'----------------' |kp.......|key pulse....|seizes a trunk..............|11khz/17khz.....| |[npa]....|area code....|long distance calls only....|n/a.............| |Nxx-xxxx.|loop id......|calling party number, cpn...|n/a.............| |i........|info digit...|identifies class of service.|n/a.............| |st.......|start signal.|end of ANI info.............|15khz/17khz.....| '---------'--------------'---------------------------'----------------' |..........the information digit is sometimes sent after kp...........| '---------------------------------------------------------------------' ANI accross data trunks is sent as the header of a data packet. Due to sketchy standards within the SS7 protocal, i was unable to include an exact diagram of how these packets are formatted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------. All Wide Area Telephone/Telecom Service, or WATS lines are put through a WATS Serving Office (WSO). The WSO has equipment capable of reading/ logging ANI. ----------------------------------------------------------------------. Operator assisted dialing does not always forward ANI with the original CPN. Often the equipment used by the TSPS will forward the call with an ANIF or ANI Fail substituting the originators number. Enhancements in the Automatic Intercept System (or CCI's DAIS II) makes it possible for an end office to flag a line generating an unusually large amount of ANIFs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------. Well, i guess thats about it for this file. i lub you savvy. sorry bout the last one, you know you're mai favourite. -dropcode �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #6 - Page 12 of 16 �������������������������������������������������������������ij ================================= The Return To Mianus (the sequal) ================================= [ka] join (#mianus) kleptic (~piss-off@ [ka] topic for (#mianus) (HAPPY BDAY MISS LAILA) [ka] topic by (erika_) (Mon Jun 03 01:18:47 2002) [ka] You're not opped on #mianus [ka] hash (#mianus) 0.986sec (5) [ka] mode (#mianus) (+n ) hey, mianus is a grand place hi ops in mianus! ��� kleptic waves at the ops in mianus there's new diseases in mianus. [ka] join (#mianus) kleptic (~piss-off@ [ka] topic for (#mianus) (HAPPY BDAY MISS LAILA) [ka] topic by (erika_) (Mon Jun 03 01:18:47 2002) [ka] You're not opped on #mianus [ka] hash (#mianus) 0.931sec (5) hey cletus.. who's coming over for thanksgiving? I don't know.. but we're cooking a big turkey that ain't no turkey that's a big COCK FREAK Keep it in the z0o [ka] join (#mianus) orange_julius (~fdag@ sorry [ka] join (#mianus) JayP (a@ACBA0468.ipt.aol.com) [ka] mode (#mianus) +o JayP (ChanServ) with my big cock lol [ka] nick(Big_CoCk) to (Little_cock) [ka] leave (#mianus) Little_cock (sekjhsad@pcp671339pcs.indpnd01.mo.comcast.net) [ka] join (#mianus) Little_cock (sekjhsad@pcp671339pcs.indpnd01.mo.comcast.net) im gona have some funn in mianus this summer I love mianus <@JayP> i hear we have lamers in here! yup lamers in mianus mianus is infested <@JayP> stfu! [ka] join (#mianus) KHiggs (Dentalflos@AC99624A.ipt.aol.com) <@New_Disease> wow. imagine that... shut the fuck up in mianus? with a (little_cock) [ka] mode (#mianus) +o KHiggs (JayP) <@New_Disease> welcome to the club, KHiggs mianus! [ka] mode (#mianus) +o JayP (JayP) CLub MIanus! <@KHiggs> gracias ND <@KHiggs> and thanks Jay :) CLUB MIANUS [ka] mode (#mianus) -o JayP (JayP) lamers! <@New_Disease> shut up. no one asked your stupid ass yes, mianus is infested with lamers Get ready for his shitty remix I have lamers in mianus [ka] leave (#mianus) JayP (a@ACBA0468.ipt.aol.com) [ka] join (#mianus) JayP (a@ACBA0468.ipt.aol.com) [ka] mode (#mianus) +o JayP (ChanServ) [ka] leave (#mianus) JayP (a@ACBA0468.ipt.aol.com) [ka] join (#mianus) JayP (a@ACBA0468.ipt.aol.com) [ka] mode (#mianus) +o JayP (ChanServ) [ka] mode (#mianus) +m (JayP) <@JayP> fucking fags! asdf [ka] #mianus Cannot send to channel <@KHiggs> hah <@New_Disease> how did they find mianus? <@JayP> i was thinking that haha <@New_Disease> hey, idiots. how did you find this channel? <@JayP> they can't talk! [ka] mode (#mianus) -m (JayP) <@KHiggs> it's moderated nd haha <@JayP> they can now. <@KHiggs> erm <@KHiggs> well it was <@New_Disease> oh..sorry. <@JayP> kleptic, how did you find this channel? <@New_Disease> how did they find mianus? haha ��� New_Disease does some random sign language lol Sorry for talking bad about mianus Outbreak Magazine did a log in this channel <@JayP> hahaha @ kleptic its hilarious <@JayP> wtf is Outbreak Magazine so everyone probably joins it for that reason an underground text file e-zine <@JayP> show me. shit, ive gota scratch mianus http://www.fwaggle.net/~outbreak/ <@JayP> hahaha its in issue #5 <@JayP> thanks uh huh now back to business in mianus <@JayP> hahaha ��� KHiggs dies from all the corniness in mianus <@JayP> kleptic, which text file when i unzip it mianus is infestid by corninus <@KHiggs> fuck this [ka] leave (#mianus) KHiggs (Dentalflos@AC99624A.ipt.aol.com) <@JayP> haha, found it shit... mianus is gettin all wet and brown <@New_Disease> no need for racism <@JayP> hahaha @ this log there's a log in mianus? hehe �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #6 - Page 13 of 16 �������������������������������������������������������������ij -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-- Payphone line fiasco. -Coercion. ::o4.o6.2oo2:: ---. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Coercion What's up everyone? This is my first text file, although I cannot really call what I am going to write in the least bit solid or what one would call elite everything in this text file is purely speculative so bear with it's inaccuracy if any mistakes are found. Recently I have gotten interested in payphones and such since, of course they are so interesting to look at with their shiney buttons and fake recordings ;) So anyhow this brings me to the next part of payphones which I can state are just coin gateways to a semi-normal phone line. With my experience with payphones now is that bell and all those fatcat companies make the line in such a fashion that outgoing calls can be made but incoming calls cannot be received which is quite an interesting phenomenon. When it comes to COCOT's though we get a carrier tone... but lets not go into that for now. Knowing this it gives us phreakers a lot of advantages that is if you find a way of doing what I state below through another method since not all of us are fortunate enough for the following circumstances. What if you have the line of a bocot or even a few bocot's going through the same bridging base (green boxens on the road) or dslams (the brown boxens) as your own phone line, it means that you have a line of which calls being made are untracked and secondly cannot be called back except by the op but what's the chance that out of nowhere a telco operator randomly chooses that bocot to call out of all those other thousands. Sure it may happen but your reaction time in such an emergency will be a lot faster than the local telco company. The first mistake they made was that it's actually the payphone that is restricting you from dialing out directly to the line, because of that beiging is possible but instead how about just hooking it upto your line or even better have it as a second phone line, you have an unrestricted phone line which you can scan off of and do any bloody fucking thing you like except in most instances create conferences. This then raises the question if you have a dtmf decoder device and a small amount of equipment it would be easy enough to construct a box to do this: When you pickup your phone and enter in a code it puts you through to the payphone line and disconnects the payphone so any passerby who tries to use the phone will find it "Out of Order". Sure it would be just peachy keen if I would give you the plans to such a box but wouldn't it be better if you build it yourself with your own custom modifications to enable your microwave to heat up your butter to drink? Apart from a dtmf decoder device if you have a ringback number why not have a goldbox hooked up in-between your line to the dtmf decoder. A diagram would be like this: _________<<__________<<____________ | | _____________ V ^ |Incoming Line|-> YOUR LINE -->>-- GOLDBOX | |____START____| DEFAULT/UNSUCCESSFUL CODE | ^ V | DTMF DECODER -->>-- Timer | V SUCCESSFUL CODE | V Payphone line & switch triggered so line on payphone goes dead As we see above basically before it goes through to your own line you go through 2 devices basically the practicality of this setup is much simpler than it seems since the Timer is usually part of the DTMF Decoder device which of course can be setup for 3 seconds an amount of time which no one feels so its virtually undetectable and if hidden well at the Dslam or Bridging Base you should be perfectly fine. So in conclusion Payphone lines are handy use them to your advantages and most of all use your common sense I don't like seeing people being caught for stupidity or reasons otherwise. I realize that this text isn't as thorough as how people would like but then again working for your shit is always good and most of all you basically learn a lot so take care have fun and happy phreaking. mmmm.... FACE! :) Shouts to all mah bruh's on dalnet I would like to list everyone part of my shouts but unfortunately it's a long list and I am way to fucking lazy to type em all out if you know you should be here and you feel a great deal of injustice not being here please fucking email me at bah2u@hotmail.com apart from that remember, :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :D :P :) -Coercion �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #6 - Page 14 of 16 �������������������������������������������������������������ij GGGGGGG RRRRR EEEEEE YY YY BBBBBB OOOOO XX XX GGGGGGG RRRRRR EEEEEE YY YY BBBBBBB OOOOOOO XX XX GG RR RR EE YYYY BB BB OO OO XX XX GG GGG RRRRR EEEE YY BBBBB OO OO XXXX GG GG RR RR EE YY BB BB OO OO XX XX GGGGGGG RR RR EEEEEE YY BBBBBBB OOOOOOO XX XX GGGGGGG RR RR EEEEEE YY BBBBBB OOOOO XX XX By Orange Julius (AKA) c-k-y Purpose Have you ever gone beiging and some guy walks up on you and asks you what you're doing, well it's happened to me... you usually can jet, but odds are he might know you and might see your face, so why don't we get around having him even comes close to seeing your face. I have made this box, it's called a grey box cause that's the color that it mainly was. This box will buzz if someone enters the area you're in. Most censors have a 60ft range. If you're willing to open someones TNI and place long distance calls to their line then you're probably willing to steal a censor light from someones yard. Unless you're pretty tall, you're gonna need a buddy to boost you up and some wire snippers to cut the lines going from the censor. Watch out, there is 120v going through the power line. This can be potentially deadly. You should probably get your friend to stand on a milk crate or a large rubber platform... Enough Of This Crap!!! Materials Light Censor Magnet Buzzer 6-12 lantern Battery Schematic c=censor b=battery MB=magnet buzzer .= + line _= - line CCCCCCC.......out.......MB CCCCCCC_________________MB CCCCCCC CCCCCCC.......in........B CCCCCCC_________________B Step By Step If you're too stupid to figure out the schematic you've got to do this... on your censor will be 4 wires, two for your output=light (in this case, magnet buzzer) and output DC (in this case, AC). Now wire the DC output to a 12v battery and the other 2 to the magnet buzzer. Now you're gonna need a small magnet buzzer. Magnet buzzers are those things they use in fire alarm systems. The great thing about them is they don't need an amplifier. They're just a magnet that spins and creates a low bass tone... You don't want it to be too loud... Disclaimer #1 This Is Meant for Educational Purposes Only, and is not meant To Be Directly Related To Illegal Conduct Such As Beige-Boxing. I Also Do Not Advice Stealing the Censor or Take Responsibility for People Who Use This Document In an Illegal sense... Disclaimer #2 Anyone Who Alters This Text will be Sentenced To Hell, Or Better Yet, Canada... �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #6 - Page 15 of 16 �������������������������������������������������������������ij ###################################################################### ## firewall detection, interrogation and penetration. -dropcode ## ###################################################################### intro. on todays internet its rare to find a system that isn't behind some type of firewall. be it a software based application gateway, a hard- ware based packet filtering or logging gateway, or some type of acd, firewalls are everywhere. this text will cover various techniques to detect firewalls on the target network, remotely determine the firewalls rulesets and map out the internal network through the firewall. detection. the detection of a firewall on a target network is generally quite simple. as the function of a firewall is to prohibit certain types of data from passing beyond itself and into the internal network, they can easily be discovered by monitoring an orchestrated data flow between you and a target system. detection with traceroute. traceroute is a network administration tool used to map a route between you and a destination box. by default it launches a UDP packet with a low TTL, or time to live, flag set in the IP header. the objective is to force an ICMP TIME_EXCEEDED response for every system on the route. for instance, we start by sending a UDP packet to our target host with a TTL of 1, it will reach the first system on the route and timeout there. that first system will discard the packet and send an ICMP TIME_EXCEEDED packet back to you. you'll then send another UDP packet, but this time the TTL will be set to 2. it will terminate on the second system and we'll recieve a TIME_EXCEEDED from them. so on, et cetera, ad nauseum. thats the general idea, to be technical the standard with traceroute is to send three probes with the same TTL before the incrementation. also, every packet is sent to one port higher then the preceeding packet. so, not only does the TTL increment, but the port does as well. now, that probably seemed like i was getting way off track, but as you'll soon see its all relevant. -- bash-2.05a$ traceroute traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets 1 ( 0.630 ms 0.470 ms 0.413 ms 2 ( 1.599 ms 1.505 ms 1.809 ms 3 ( 1.759 ms 1.714 ms 2.847 ms 4 * * * -- for some reason, the machine on hop 4 failed to return an ICMP TIME_EXCEEDED. theres a good chance that this box is a firewall filtering incoming UDP (or outgoing ICMP?). in either case, we've probably found a firewall :). for windows users, the microsoft implementation of traceroute, tracert uses ICMP by default. of course, traceroute/tracert isn't the only way to find a firewall. there are many ways, often if an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (ping) returns no ECHO_REPLY its because theres a firewall filtering icmp (note: this doesn't apply to users on dalnet *smirk*). there are plenty more tools that can be used in firewall detection, but i'll leave that to your imagination. interrogation. interrogation is the process of remotely determining the rulebase of a firewall systematically. in the previous section we have already done a bit of basic interrogation. we know that the firewall at hop 4 filters either incoming UDP or outgoing ICMP on at least the port we connected to, which is unknown to us. using traceroutes -p attribute we can specify a port to start at and determine if any ports allow UDP. a good place to start looking is DNS (port 53) since some DNS transfers require UDP theres a good chance it will allow UDP packets through this port. since traceroute increments the destination port for each packet we need to do a bit of math. there are three packets for each hop and 4 hops till we reach the firewall. so the port to start at will be 53 - (4 * 3) - 1 giving us 40. -- bash-2.05a$ traceroute -p40 traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets 1 ( 0.630 ms 0.470 ms 0.413 ms 2 ( 1.599 ms 1.505 ms 1.809 ms 3 ( 1.759 ms 1.714 ms 2.847 ms 4 ( 1.831 ms 1.918 ms 1.303 ms -- we now know that the firewall allows UDP to pass through port 53 :) hping and firewalk are two of the most important tools needed for successful firewall interogation. firewalk is a console app used to check for open ports on a firewall. it sends data to a live system behind the firewall on various ports to see what is allowed. hping is a tool for pinging remote systems, but it has alot of nice attributes for playing with different parts of the actual tcp packets. sometimes you can change a few of the features of a packet and a firewall will let it through. hping also gives you the option of fragmenting packets. this means that the packet will be split into more than one packet. most firewalls nowadays have handlers for fragmentation, but you may find one that doesn't recognize the packets and lets them through. now nmap. as important as firewalk and hping are, nmap owns them both hands down. it is the single most important tool in your armoury. ports scanned with nmap will output filtered when there is no SYN/ACK or RST/ACK recieved from the destination. if nmap outputs unfiltered it means we recieved an RST/ACK which means our packets are passing through the firewall but the destination machine isn't listening on the destination port. penetration. using the methods above, it is possible to map out the network behind a firewall. similar to ping sweeping, only every packet sent is care- fully formatted so to not be blocked by the firewall. -- well thats about all for this text. if anyone has any questions, try me at uberego@hotmail.com. regular greets to my bestest phrends: kleptic, ramb0x, gr3p, jenny, lexi, oj, smiley, dirv, adeamis. and to my newest phrends: |arry, turb. and anyone i forgot. sav, i love you. ps. maybe someday i'll be as hardcore as failure. *throws fone at wall* till then, i'll keep practicing. -dropcode _______________________________________________________________ |______________________________________________________________ | || || || ___ _ ____ _ || || / _ \ _ _| |_| __ ) _ __ ___ __ _| | _ || || | | | | | | | __| _ \| '__/ _ \/ _` | |/ / || || | |_| | |_| | |_| |_) | | | __/ (_| | < || || \___/ \__,_|\__|____/|_| \___|\__,_|_|\_\ || || || ||_____--------------------------------------------------______|| |_______/-----------------------------------------------\_______| ___ _ _ | __(_)_ _ __ _| | | _|| | ' \/ _` | | __ |_| |_|_||_\__,_|_| \ \ / /__ _ _ __| |___ \ \/\/ / _ \ '_/ _` (_-< \_/\_/\___/_| \__,_/__/ ���������������������������������������������������������������� PUT THE WORDS IN HERE: Hey Folks! Well, here you go. Issue #6 of Outbreak Magazine. We at Outbreak hope you enjoyed this issue. It's full of some helpful tips, well informed articles, and some comical texts. If you have anything worth submitting. Please send your text to us. We read everything that gets sent our way. Send all articles to: outbreak@fwaggle.net Oh yeah, theres a bonus in this issue. A special prank phone call by our editor kleptic. Enjoy. Thanks! - Outbreak Staff ���������������������������������������������������������������� ++++++++++++++++++++++++++WATCH THIS SPACE++++++++++++++++++++++ ����������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ -���������������������۲������-|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰������������������۲�����- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ����������������������������������������������������������������ij Outbreak Contents may not be used with out express written permission By the Editor - outbreak@fwaggle.net COPYRIGHT�� 2002.