Ocean County Phone Punx Presents OCPP07 February 26, 1998 Last Updated February 26, 1998 Contents Intro - Mohawk Phreak World News - Mohawk Learning How To Phreak - Mohawk Resource Bin - Mr. Seuss The AOL Problem Revisited - Editorial - Mohawk Rural Output Devices - Neptunium Overkill NXX Scanning - Mohawk Reality - American Anarchist Anarchy With Paging Systems - Mohawk 1-800 GUSWAG0 - Mr. Seuss Payphone Profiles Part 2 - Mohawk Fighting Back - Mohawk Busted - Mohawk Letters News Intro-Mohawk This is starting off to be a very interesting year for phreaking. I'll talk more about that in the new section, "Phreak World News". About a week after Issue 6 was released, we had to move the webpage. Not everyone knew about our new URL at ocpp.home.ml.org, so a few people were left wondering where the page was. That should be our URL for a long time. However, your never sure what's going to happen, so you should get on the mailing list by mailing ocpp@hotmail.com. The next issue which will be released on April 26th will mark our 1 year anniversary. It will be our biggest issue to date. But before that issue comes out, there are a few things that need to be cleared up. First off, the OCPP is published on the 26th of every other month. The January issue was our first special issue. Our next special issue will probably be in July. Within the next two months, the site will be updated many times. We hope to get more of the text file section back up. We will also redo the layout of some section on the site. The alt.phreaking site will also be worked on extensively. .....The Staff of the OCPP..... Mohawk.................Editor in chief Mr. Seuss .............Technical editor/Head technical writer Checkmate..............Staff writer Phear..................Staff writer/Graphics American Anarchist.....Staff writer Punkroq................Editor X-Logik................News editor The Assassin...........The official hitman of the OCPP V-Rok..................He just looks slick all day If you would like to become a distro site, mail: ocpp@hotmail.com To be notified of any URL changes and issue releases, get on the mailing list: ocpp@hotmail.com Disclaimer and Copyright info is located at the end of the issue. Phreak World News-Mohawk This is the first installment of Phreak World News. PWN will cover the news that is happening in the "scene". We will mostly be covering updates of websites and zines. This is also where I'll put updates of Matrix and any cons that might be going on. If you would like your new zine, new site, update, movie, con, or whatever, email: ocpp@hotmail.com Headlines Telephone Free Planet update The Havoc Technical Journal and it's problems PLA updates and AOLRIOT 98 The debut release of Security Breach Telephone Free Planet update Telephone Free Planet has released what might be it's final issue. Issue 6 was released on January 25th. Keystroke had to finish editing this issue for unknown reasons. The site says that TFP will end in April. Issue 7 will come out in March or April. My prediction looks to becoming true but I'm not at all happy about it. You can visit the remains of TFP at: http://tfp.nothing.org The Havoc Technical Journal and it's problems It just keeps getting worse. In the beginning of February, thtj.com went down. It remained down till this day. I thought that they switched servers and I just didn't know about it. I was proved very wrong on February 22nd when the long overdue Issue 19 was posted on alt.phreaking Here is the beginning of the post of that post: -------------------- Hi. THTJ 19 was almost ready for release on February 2nd; Scud sent me a preview release, all that was left was for Scud to write the editorial (a tribute to KungFuFox [cause he had died{sorta}]) and for me to edit it. But then... [20:51] *** Scud-O has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Scud-O[mulder.clark.net]) He was never to be seen again. Now, Scud has a habit of disappearing for a few days before and after a new THTJ is scheduled for release, so I didn't worry much, until.... Session Start: Thu Feb 05 15:49:45 1998 [15:51] dude...whats happened to www.thtj.com?!?!?!? E-GAD&(&$#(*#@&$(*#@&()$&#@$&#(@*$&!@()$#@ !*($)#*@! I DUNNO BRB!#!# strange I thought things couldn't get any worse... until!!@#@!#@! Session Start: Mon Feb 09 15:39:54 1998 [22:30] *** alienphrk (b33r@ has joined #phreak [22:31] oh fuck when is kff getting back? [22:33] this is so not cool * KeyIdol Returned: Idle 225 mins hi he isnt! [22:34] KEY [22:34] dood [22:34] i need yer help sure thing! [22:34] check yer msg Session Start: Mon Feb 09 22:34:30 1998 [22:34] uhmm.. [22:34] i got a letter from a gov. offical [22:34] talking about lightspan2000 in one of the thtj articles tee go on [22:34] hehe [22:35] they are going to sue me unless i take the thtj issue of my page maybe thats why www.thtj.com is down <-- clever, am i not?! [22:36] to stop distrobuting the issue [22:36] the guy came up to my house today [22:36] and handed it to my mom [22:36] im at private school so she called me about it [22:37] exactly [22:37] and then i take it off the page [22:37] they told me to delete it [22:37] off of my putah IM THE ONLY ONE LEFT FOX AND SCUD ARE GONE ALIEN IM NEXT TO GO [22:43] what issue was it in? dunno hehe! [22:43] damnit heh [22:44] found it what one? [22:45] written by XiLiCoN [22:45] LiteSpan2000 errr what issue :P [22:48] 16 Session Close: Mon Feb 09 23:22:56 1998 Scary, eh?! The plot thickens later on, but I wun go into details. It seems that some company is upset with Xilicon's article in THTJ 16; I doubt any government agencies are involved. So, since thtj.com is down and Scud doesn't come on IRC anymore (even though I ping his static IP and nbtstat -a it and he is connected to his ISP) I'll post THTJ19 here. THTJ 20 is due out in a week, but since I don't have any articles for it yet, it probably won't be out for a long time. You can still read TFP though, issue #7 should be released sometime next month. http://tfp.nothing.org ------------------------- Until thtj.com gets back up, you can get all the issues of THTJ at the OCPP at: http://ocpp.home.ml.org If you would like to contact Keystroke to help him out with the THTJ and/or TFP email him at: Keystoke@thepentagon.com PLA updates and AOLRIOT 98 Finally some good news. The PLA is still kicking ass after almost a year since they stopped releasing new issues. Here is a mass mailing that they sent out: ------------------ KPLA! ---- A few of us have made the final decision to go ahead and run with the idea of KPLA Internet Television so be expecting our mini-episodes to start appearing on phonelosers.org within the next six months. Basically KPLA will be the old 'zine in RealMedia format. You'll see instructional videos, practical jokes, cool music and a lot of really idiotic stuff. The nice guys over at http://www.freespeech.org have even offered us storage space for the streaming RealVideo files. Each episode will vary in length but probably average around 10 - 20 minutes. We'll also offer the episodes on video tapes and/or .AVI zip disks/CD-ROMs for those of you who can't stand streaming RealVideo. If you have something you think would be worth contributing to the show, you can send videotape to PLA, 1013 Kingswood Court, Celina, OH, 45822. CGI Scripts: ----------- I've started exploring the wonderful world of cgi scripting. If you'd like to download a few useful CGI scripts such as a web discussion board, a chat room or a logging utility, visit the FruitWare CGI page at http://www.phonelosers.org/FruitWare/scripts.htm . New to phonelosers.org: ---------------------- Here are a few of the newer features on phonelosers.org: Screw the PLA! This page is a listing of people/organizations/whatever that have tried to end the PLA or tried to cash in on the PLA name. A recent experience with a company that sells hardcopy texts of PLA on the web motivated me to make this page. http://www.phonelosers.org/screw_us.htm Private Investigator Links: If you're trying to get the goods on someone, this is the place to begin your search. A lot of web search forms are located here to locate people, businesses and just about everything else. Also, you'll find phone company homepages and links to real private investigators when you finally give up trying to find the guy yourself. http://www.phonelosers.org/pi.htm Discussion Board: Fire up a discussion with other losers on our discussion board. This has a wide range of topics and usually you'll find plenty of morons just yelling back and forth at each other but it's kind of fun. http://www.phonelosers.org/FruitWare/ Other PLA Sites: As always, there's a slew of other PLA sites on the web, hopefully near your home town. The sole purpose of these sites are to help people find others who live around them and are into the same sort of computer & telephone shenanigans. Check out this list and see if there's a Loser in your hometown and if there isn't, create a page yourself! http://www.phonelosers.org/plasites.htm New PLA GIFs Released!: In case you haven't noticed yet, there are now 12 PLA GIFs for your viewing pleasure. The latest one was released just a few months ago. Check them out on http://www.phonelosers.org/photos.htm ---------------------------------- There is another AOL Riot being planned calling AOLRIOT98. The interesting thing is it is sort of a phreak riot. For more details go to the PLA website at http://www.phonelosers.org They aren't organizing it, there just postin the info. The debut release of Security Breach The first issue of Security Breach has been released. You can get it at the OCPP at: http://ocpp.home.ml.org This zine looks to have a lot of promise. Issue 2 should be out soon. The OCPP will be the official distribution site of Security Breach as they do not have a website at the present time. If you would like the OCPP to be a distro site for your whether you have a website or not, email ocpp@hotmail.com Learning How To Phreak-Mohawk It has come to my attention that there are a number of people that read this zine that don't even know a thing about phreaking. That's OK though and that's why we have a variety of articles, from newbie to advanced. However, none of our articles dealt with people that are clueless. Now I could sit here and talk about boxes and dumb crap like every other beginner phreak text but the way I see it, you learn a lot better when you find stuff out yourself. This article will teach you how to search and learn. Websites Websites are where you will get the bulk of your info and they are the best place to start. To find a website go to a search engine and type in words like: phreaking, hacking, redbox, wardial, etc. That will bring up a list of websites. Click on each one until you find one with some phreaking stuff on it. There aren't too many websites that have just phreaking stuff on it so you will have to sift through a lot of hacking texts to get to the phreaking ones. Some of the stuff the search engine finds will be a text file. Download this but then go to the site it is on to get more. If the URL for the text file is: http://www.sss.com/jjj/redbox.txt, backtrack to sss.com/jjj/ and find the page itself. It will most likely be jjj/main.html or index.html Once you find some texts, download everything. You might want to download a few beginner hacking texts but that's up to you. Now that you have downloaded everything you can, go to the links section on that page. I suggest you bookmark this site so you can come back to it, especially if it has a lot of links. Follow the links until you find another website with different phreaking texts. Follow this process until you have a ton of texts. Than read, read, read, and read some more. Once, you have an idea of what phreaking is about than you will be able to concentrate on what you want to learn about. Because technology changes so often the methods of phreaking also change. Many articles you will find were written during the early 80's, or "the golden age of phreaking". These are some of the best phreaking texts you will find but they are very outdated. There aren't too many texts that were written within the last few years. But that's where zines come in. Phreaking zines provide some of the best up to date info that you can ever hope to find. Read every issue of every zine you can find. Most zines have letter sections where you can write in and ask a question. Some zines are to busy to answer you personally. I'm not gonna mention any names but there probably to busy doing Hacker TV specials where they think there cool as shit cuz they got 5 whole seconds of air time. Some zines only release a few issues and then close down. That's why it's important to download all the issues while you can. In fact, that rule should be followed with all H/P sites. If you put off gettin some files from a site for a few days, it might not be there tomorrow. News Groups This is the place to go to once you know the basics of phreaking. The best one to go to is alt.phreaking. Other newsgroups are: alt.2600, alt.2600.phreakz, alt.hack.nl, alt.hacker, alt.hacking, alt.ph.uk, de.org.ccc. Whether you just read posts and never respond or you become responsible for half of the posts on there, newsgroups are a great way to learn and keep in touch with what's goin on in the phreaking world. When you first get on to a NG you might want to watch for a while to see how things work. Each one is different and one stupid post can brand you as a lamer. I don't make these rules. One thing to look for, is the FAQ if the NG has one. Hopefully this will answer some of your questions. Once you get a feel for the NG and the people on it, you can post stuff like, I'm interested in learning more about XXX, anyone got any suggestions? Bulletin Boards All the old timers, like myself, remember the good old days of BBSing. Remember FidoNet? Now that almost everyone is on the internet and underground BBS are pretty much a thing of the past. However, their are some great BBS still out there. These are a great (and free if their local) way to get files and meet people in your area. How do you find BBS in your area? The best way to do it is ask on a newsgroup. BBS are pretty much self explanatory. If you don't find any in your area, you might want to call up a BBS that isn't in local. You'll have to shell out some dollars (assuming your paying for it) to call but most all BBS have numbers to other BBS on them. Write these numbers down and call them up. Repeat this process until you find one in your area. Like I said before, don't hold your breath. Meetings Check 2600 magazine to see if there are any meetings in your area. If there is, go to one. If you go and say your new to phreaking, you've been reading a lot, and you want to learn as much as possible, they'll be glad to have you. Everyone is always looking for phreaks in their area. As long as you don't go their and say you own your own warez chatroom on AOL, you'll be fine. If you find that their isn't a meeting in your area, then post a message on a few news groups like: Any meetings in the XXX area?? You should get a few responses. If you don't get any, try again about once or twice a month. If all else fails move to New York City. That should get you off on the right foot. I went a little farther than just how to learn about phreaking but I figured I'd help you guys out a little. The Resource Bin-Mr. Seuss Ever been told to go look it up, but had no clue WHERE to look? This is a list of websites, newsgroups, and other places that has aided in my own research. Websites Bellcore Search: This should be really obvious. Info on very theoretical stuff, mostly switching. Bite your tongue if you come here because they let almost nothing by for free. (http://www.bellcore.com/ BC.dynjava?PowerNavigationAndSearchPNASGeneralPowerNavigationAndSearch) Telecom Archives: This page is an archive of the comp.dcom.telecom newsgroup. The FAQ is excellent, the articles are good and if all else fails you can post to the newsgroup. (http://hyperarchive.lcs.mit.edu/telecom-archives/) Telecom Information Resources: This is simply a monstrous list of telecom/networking FAQs and sites. Don't bother unless you're looking into arcane topics and have a good working knowledge of the topic already; most people listed on this site never heard about PCMCIA. (http://www.spp.umich.edu/telecom/technical-info.html) PacBell Search: Surprisingly helpful, PacBell search will outline lots of InterLATA carrier information for you (including the law), COCOTs, and other sundry phone related info. (http://www.pacbell.com/ir/search/index.html) LexiCat Search Demo: This site is a REAL gem. It offers a searchable index of terms (it cross references everything), as well as articles and reports on related topics. Warning: This is a demo for a product. After 10 searches it resets itself and won't allow you back. Reload the page after every few searches or else. (http://www.tra.com/cgi-bin/ft-LexiMot/ID=19970912152925603/lexi7800.html) Blackbox Search: Try their search if you need info on LANs or direct connection. This is an online catalog, but you can still extract enough useful stuff to make going here worthwhile. (http://www.blackbox.com) Lucent: These people are pretty straightforward about what they offer. Lucent makes STUFF, unlike Bellcore which peddles information. Accordingly, Lucent will talk and talk and talk about their products. (http://www.lucent.com/search/search.html) Raytheon: These people unsettle me a bit. Raytheon is a blanket electronics firm that holds primarily DoD contracts. If you have a morbid interest in missile guidance you'll LOVE this site. They also hold contracts on encrypted voice switches used in the DSN. (http://www.electrospace.com/business/telecomm.htm) Lockheed Martin: Now controls NPA allocation (They bought it from Bellcore. Here ends an era.), and is happily distributing for free all sorts of useful information Bellcore used to sell for A LOT of money. This site lists all SACs, NPAs, and some stuff I didn't think was publicly available. (http://www.nanpa.com/) 555-1212: These people appear to be a low budget setup, but they offer an RBOC map (It only shows major providers. Local dialtone offices are not displayed), NPA lookup, telephone number lookup, etc. (http://www.555-1212.com/) Country/Area/City/Code/Decoder: Pretty self explanatory. (http://www.xmission.com/~americom/aclookup.html) International payphone index: (http://www.cybercafe.org/cybercafe/pubtel/pubtel.html) AT&T Toll Free Directory: I use the print edition for browsing in general, but this is a handy site to have around. (http://att.net/dir800/) Database America: This is the only Web based reverse directory in service. It's far from infailable, but it works often enough. (http://www.databaseamerica.com/html/gpfind.htm) Newsgroups alt.dcom.telecom alt.dcom.telecom.tech These are the newsgroups where networking specialists hangout in their off hours to BS about work. Ask them questions, they will usually answer at length. I've received a handful of hostile responses, but only when I came right out and started asking about military phone systems (I got the answer anyway so I don't care). comp.dcom.sys.nortel A spinoff newsgroup for discussion of Nortel systems. Printed Materials Bellcore Catalog: Handy-dandy reference for acronyms and vague ideas. If you have the money to purchase the documents (they do take credit cards and personal checks) I would recommend requesting this catalog. It's free. AT&T Catalog: I know it's there, it's usability is unknown. Better be good, $5 shipping. Blackbox Catalog: Shiny and colorful, the Blackbox catalog looks neat if nothing else. Reading it will give you a decent idea of where the industry is at, and it will provide you with ANYTHING if you have the money (if it isn't listed they'll custom build it for you. Too bad i�m broke). Catalog is free. DMS Books: If you ever take an interest in Nortel's DMS line they distribute catalogs of software modules that have excellent descriptions of what the switches can do. AT&T Business Buyers Guide. Printed toll free directory, it's really useful for simple browsing. I have no idea why I own one or how it came to my door, but it did. Any library will have a copy. Graybar Catalog Phone Numbers Ameritech RespOrg: The only 800/888 reverse directory known to us at the OCPP. This service will also usually give a trouble reporting number, the POTS number the 800/888 terminates at. (800-337-4194) Mail Tasty Bits from the Technology Front: Bulky title, great service. This is an automailer that sends out telecom/computer related information on an irregular schedule. Subscribe, it'll keep you informed about general topics and you can be conversational if nothing else. (http://www.tbtf.com/#autosub) The AOL Problem Revisited - Editorial - Mohawk In Issue three, I wrote an editorial talking about the discrimination of people who use AOL. Now that it's six months later, I've come to realize that this problem isn't gonna stop. The fact is, there are a ton of ignorant people in the world and a lot of them are on the Net. No matter what we do, we can't change the stereotype that has been stuck to AOLers. Some people just love to stir things up. This can be seen a lot in Newsgoups. Somebody will post something that is going to cause controversy and fighting. I guess some people just get off on that stuff. Instead of replying "Not all AOLers are lamers" and stuff like that, just ignore them. If they have a webpage, don't go there. If they have a zine don't buy it or read it. This kinda sucks because I always support zines even if I don't like them. However, I'd rather see no zine, than a zine full of hatred and ignorance. This was posted on alt.phreaking. This post inspired me to write this editorial. >I realy like AOL, it gives the lamers something to do rather than hack >BBS's and keeps them from fucking with other systems on the net. >Imagine what all the bored oh-day k0de kiddie AOL w0rri0rz would do if >they didn't have AOL to fuck with. They'd get an ISP account, start >reading bugtraq, and actually start learning something. Then we'd all >be fucked cause the hacking rate on the net would "shewt threw the rewf", >the phedz would be called in, CERT would actually serve some purpose, >people would get busted, people would go to jail. Everyone should get >down and pray that AOL never goes away. This is my reply to his post. It turned into a speech. Is this really necessary? I'm sure most of you on AOL wanna write this guy back and tell him what an asshole he is. I've expressed my opinion on this matter a number of times in many different forums. I realize that this problem of judging people by what ISP they have is never going to end. Writing/posting back saying "not all aolers are lamers" and shit like that only makes things worse. Think about who your dealing with. Most, notice how I say most and not all, of these people are fat, ugly, 13 year old kids who have no friends outside of cyberspace. They get judged everyday in school by their looks and get their asses kicked day in and day out. They are very ignorant and they are really pissed off. So what do they do? They sit home all day, memorizing the in and outs of UNIX, watch wargames 10 times in a row, sit on IRC for 14 hours strait and they get qualified as a hacker. Then they degrade people for not being as smart as them and for having a certain ISP. The best thing to do in this situation, is just ignore them and be glad your not as ignorant as them. Judging people before you get to them is wrong no matter what the case is. It's a cyber version of racism in my opinion and that really sucks. If your one of these ignorant people, think for a second. "I'm judging people because they look a certain way or they have a certain ISP". How stupid is that?? Where will that get you. I've never heard of a girl not going out with someone because the guy had a certain ISP. I never heard of someone gettin turned down because they had a certain ISP. Grow up already. You wanna talk about lamers. Sure their are a ton of misinformed kids out there that ask stupid questions. Just ignore them. But who's more lame, some kid asking a dumb question or some kid being ignorant? I got so many emails telling me how much they liked the post, I figured I'd put it in this issue. The following is just one of those emails. From: MD I LOVED THAT SPEECH MAN....... MADE ME CRY INSIDE I AGREE WITH YOU 100% Rural Output Devices-Neptunium Overkill INTRO: This article is about, you guessed it: Output Devices in the country. A fellow phreak and I camped out in the country and checked out the output devices there. They have the tall greenish ones, and of course are not locked........our phone company is Ameritech: no, I don't live in NJ, so yours may differ but will probably follow the same idea. Well, let's have some phun, shall we? MATERIALS: 7/16 Hex Driver Beige Box (See OCPP05 for more info) Flashlight PROCEDURE: OK, unbolt it and remove the covers. There should be 20 terminals total, 10 rows, two terminals in each row. There should be a blue wire hooked up to the left terminal in the 6th row and a blue and white wire connected to the right terminal in the 6th row . Clip the red clip to the same terminal that the blue and white wire is connected to. Connect the green clip to the same one that the blue wire is hooked up to. If you have a dial tone, good work. If you don't have a tone, then your beige box is probably made wrong. Here's a quick diagram: ----------------- | o o | | o o | | o o | | o o | Clip the | o o | Clip the tip here------>o o<------ring here | o o | | o o | | o o | | o o | ----------------- o = terminals TIPS & TRICKS: If you didn't get a dial tone there may be a few problems besides the beige box, so try clipping onto the actual wires and you might get a dial tone that way. Warning while participating in this expedition you may get a few small shocks, but don't worry because it's only 6v. Also make sure you are using the 6th terminal, we didn't have much luck with the other terminals. Well, good luck. NXX Scanning-Mohawk Most of us are familiar with exchange scanning. We scan for VMBs, terminals, test numbers, and so on. However, most of us are not familiar with scanning for exchanges themselves or, NXX scanning. I don't know if anyone else has ever wrote about this subject before, and if it has another name, but that's what I'm gonna call it. My theory is this: In some areas, there are certain exchanges that are reserved for special needs. These NXX's are kept secret by not being published in any phonebook and they do not serve the general public. The main use for these is most likely government related. Washington D.C. probably has the most of the secret NXXs. From what I hear, when you call most government buildings, you always get an operator. I can't see this happening. I'm sure there are a lot of operator assisted numbers but not all. There has to be a few direct. I have yet to prove any of these claims, so I am leaving it at a theory. Besides secret exchanges, you can also find a few test exchanges and your local ANAC (3 digit number you call to hear what number your calling from). I'm sure there is more out there that that but, I have 5 mins of free time in each month so I have yet to look into this deeper. How do you go about doing this? Open up any wordprocessor program and type the numbers 00-99. Do it neatly and in a row so you can fit 2 of these tables on a page. Print out at least 8 of these tables. There are no NXX's that begin with 0 or 1 so label the first table 2, then the second table 3, and so on. Now that you have your nice little tables printed out, open up your trusty phonebook. Start with 2XX and go through the first NPA. Cross out each NXX that appears in the phonebook. Before you start you should cross out all the N11 service numbers, 211, 311, etc. Also cross out, 500, 700, 800, 900, and 950. You should try the service codes in your area because many places don't use them for their intended purposes. For example, 211 is a popular test exchange. Also, NXX's that are the same as the NPA's in that state are not aren't used so that you don't get confused when calling 213-213-XXXX. After that, about half of your numbers will be crossed out. Now move on to the next NPA and repeat the process. To really cut down on time, use big NPA's and/or NPA's that are right next to each other. Once you have about 10-15 NXX's write them down on a seprate sheet of paper. Repeat this process for all the NXX's. This sounds like a real bitch but I did it in about 20 minutes. Now you have a list of numbers. One of these should be your local ANAC (or the number you call to hear what number your calling from) unless you live an in area where ANAC's aren't reached as a plant test. These places use NXX-XXXX numbers for ANAC. The rest of these are either test exchanges, exchanges that are not being used, and hopefully, secret exchanges. This is where the scanning part of it comes in. Take your list of numbers and dial them up. Try them with different NPA's and different XXXX's. Don't worry about calling long distance. If any of these numbers work, it'll be worth it. Reality - American Anarchist The hacking and phreaking community. The active ones that belong to this community seem to have their own set of guidelines, rules, boundaries, and expectations. We have our beliefs and thoughts on the actions of the Feds (Federal Government) and Secret Service. We complete actions that many citizens find disturbing. We have the information in our possession that controls the outcome of tomorrow. There is also the jail sentences that plague the nation. The anger that arises in the minds of the public. The terror that continues forth when a mishap has taken place. Welcome to reality. The Beginning When the newcomers arrive and enter the hacking and phreaking community, they feel this warm "tingly" feeling inside of them. They are like a seven-year-old on Christmas morning. They jump at firsthand that they will learn a lot more than they are supposed to and that they will later use this mass amount of information to impress their friends. All neophytes have their way of receiving this information. Some may go straight to the search engines [which are always a plus for the beginner], or they ask around. They have so many questions that are unanswered and they will continuously ask until their benefits and answers are met. It seems that the information that is freely available (in some places), is a fantastic treat to the neophyte. The savor the "treat" and use it to their own benefit. Although, sometimes the beginner may seem that they know enough, this is absolutely not so. You can never learn enough. As time progresses, the neophyte has already had a wealth of information flowed into his brain. He has most likely subscribed to countless mailing lists and newsgroups. It is a normal routine for the neophyte. When they awaken from their sleep, they check their mailbox (which most likely is congested with posts from his mailing lists and they check the newsgroups for the latest "hacker information". It seems that the newcomers do not yet understand what hacking and phreaking is all truly about, and what the hackers and phreakers of this world go through each and every day. It is common to where the "elite" stare down at the newcomers and ridicule them that they will never become as "cool" and "k-rad" as them. It is all around us, and disgusts a lot of us, but we have learned to tolerate a portion of it. The ones who consider themselves "elite" find it humorous to make the newcomers afraid and angry. They chortle and try to create the fact that the newcomers are useless and pathetic. But, weren't the "elite" newcomers once to get where they are today? The Conflict As the Feds and Secret Service breathe down the necks of hackers and phreakers twenty-four hours a day, we began to ponder why they are so against us. The first point we consider is their incompetence. They do not yet [and probably will never] understand why we are the way we are. As every hacker and phreaker uses in their defense (which is actually true), is that we just want the information the Internet and computers bring us. When we hear about a particular, interesting bit of information about the Internet or computers, we jump at the first moment to get as much detail about it. The Feds and Secret Service do not take that into consideration. They do not seem to hear us when we try to make our point. They consider everything we have to say in our defense "pointless". They do not understand that the only way to find more information that is not freely available is to "hack" into systems and experiment with the telephones, phone lines, and telecommunications. Although, the Feds and Secret Service still seem to see us as "terrorists" and "highly dangerous". The public also sees eye-to-eye with the Feds and Secret Service. The parents of the hacker and phreaker teenagers do not listen to the complaints and defense that the sons and daughters try to tell to them. The parents seem to think that the teenage hackers and phreakers are not serious and that they are only "a kid". This enrages the teenagers. Many perform specific acts to try and prove to their parents and the public that they are just more than "a kid". Even though the parents do not see it, the children of this world are the most powerful [and most likely most intelligent] people on Earth. Many teenagers are teaching their parents about the Internet and computers and the parents and public still seem to think that they are just "a kid"! But, there are parents and adults that respect how a child and teenager lives and acts. They take their intelligence into consideration and support them anyway they can. This can bring a smile to a concerned hacker and phreaker. The History Hackers and phreakers have came a long way. From MIT, the development of UNIX, to the Kevin Mitnick saga. We all come from different countries, religions, and backgrounds. We think and act in different ways and share information with strangers. The technology we have today started with computers, and that was where the first "exploring" and hackers and phreakers appeared. "Hackers and phreakers run the planet", as some would say. "We control how the Internet works. We control what happens in tomorrow's New York Post. We control the lives of others." This may be true in some areas, but mostly they assume that since there are thousands of hackers and phreakers out there, that we can take over the planet. This also may be true, but it probably will not happen in the next few decades. Many of us have been thrown in a jail cell for a number of months [or years], and most of the accusations from the police and so called "crimes" that we commit are based on harmless acts. Let's take a look at Ed Cummings a.k.a. Bernie S. He was thrown in jail for having possession of modified tone dialer that was [and can] be legally purchased at a Radio Shack store and programming equipment. This got some of the public and fellow hackers and phreakers enraged. While in jail, he was brutally beaten by an inmate and was not put in maximum protection. As the story continued, he had to go through much pain, aggravation, that caused the ones who looked up to him to become even more incredibly furious. Later, a giant amount of cheers and gratitude arose when the notice of Bernies release spread. That relieved a lot of tension and anger in the Internet dimensions. As the Feds and Secret Service continue to prosecute harmless and innocent hackers and phreakers for an unlimited number of reasons. This yet again infuriates the hackers and phreakers who read and hear about it. The government sees no disturbance in this. Since we are just "pathetic little losers", we have no control of what events could follow because of the government's foolish acts and prosecutions. Hackers and phreakers have a long history and would take a country-size library to record it all. We all have our own beliefs, ideas, emotions, and thoughts. Maybe even one day, one of us could become president. The Codes There are hundreds of codes in the hacker and phreaker community, and most of them are made up by a few people that the hackers and phreakers in the world live by, but the more official ones are listed here: Respect. This is a code that must always be taken into consideration. Hackers and phreakers come from many nationalities, religions, races, and backgrounds, and we each have our way of acting. Whether or not someone likes another or if one despises what another knows or has, respect should be first. We cannot quarrel each day for hours on that one person "doesn't use Linux so they are not k-rad", or that "he doesn't know how to hack DSS, so he must be a dumbass". Respect should always be in our mind and we should take the word into great thought and consideration. Trust. As some would say, "Don't trust everyone or everything you hear." This is mostly true. There will be ones who will worm their way out of something and lie to you either to gain your respect or your belief that what they say is true. But in some cases, trust can bring problems. If you are arguing with yourself on something that is yet to be decided if it is true or not, you will get aggravated and angry and get yourself into a tough spot. If you ask someone of their abilities and skills and do not trust them [even the are telling the truth], then you will gain the assumption that you cannot trust anyone. Trust is yet a very important factor in the hacking and phreaking community and should be taken close look at and understood thoroughly. Fear. This is very common in the hacking and phreaking community. Most of the fear arises in chat rooms. A group of combatants verse each other into "hacker wars" and continue the "war" until there is finally a winner. The "war" is usually between a group of cocky high- schoolers. The many of them usually show of their "hacking ability" by threatening the "opponent" and this is where trust usually comes in. The combatants base their trust on if the other is telling the truth about what he can do or what he will do to. Ones who have fairly not enough knowledge onto whether the other can really do what he is bragging that he can do, fear comes into the game. The neophyte would develop this sense of fear inside him thinking, "Oh damn! I don't want that to happen! I might lose my Internet account! Oh man!..." But the neophyte tries to avoid showing fear to make the other more dangerous and making the neophyte more vulnerable. Lamers. It seems that everyone of us belongs to a certain position. It seems that the "elite" continue to look down on the neophyte and think, "Oh god, another hacker wannabe wanting to be elite. Like that will ever happen! What a lamer!" It seems that if the neophyte does not know a certain amount or know something specific about something, then they would be considered a "hacker wannabe lamer". Many try to talk the "elite" into ceasing the ridiculous ways, but it is unavoidable. Everyone has their own beliefs and thoughts toward others, and since there are an incredible number of them, it stands to be unavoidable. The neophyte can take this rather serious and the neophyte might happen to panic from their own anger, that they might get reckless and start searching for ways to "destroy" the person who called them a lamer. But then, shouldn't we all think back? How did the "elite" get "elite" in the first place? Weren't we all neophytes once before? The Forthcoming The hacking and phreaking community will never fall. The community itself and the ones who belong to the long-time community will never disappear. The hacking and phreaking spirit will remain in those who are active in hacking and phreaking and the ones that have retired. We will always remember the trial and error some have gone through and the discoveries we have unearthed long ago. The old school ways will never die, as well as the new paths and treasures. Hacking and phreaking has circulated all over the world since it began. There are those who use it toward their knowledge and desire and those who use it toward their own mischievous ways. Either way, hacking and phreaking has it's own attitudes, beliefs, ideas, reflections, and point of views. Hacking and phreaking still have many hidden secrets that are left to find and we will just have to explore and wait for the new face of hacking and phreaking. Anarchy With Paging Systems-Mohawk Phreaks would love to grab hold of a paging system and do whatever they please with it. Years ago you could say "transfer me to extension XXX and then you'd be heard throughout the store screaming weird crap and obscenities, Nowadays, people have become smarter and paging systems have become more sophisticated. This article will teach you create anarchy with a paging system using a very simple method that requires no phreaking knowledge whatsoever. This method uses social engineering (SE) and is a great way to hone your SE skills. At first this might seem like it is rather lame but, if you read it all the way through, you will be amazed at what you can accomplished with very little effort. First of all, find one of those big home improvement stores. The best stores to get are the ones with phones in every isle and that are very busy. Once you get that done, look in the phonebook and get the number to the store. Now, call the place up. Ask to be transferred to a certain department, it doesn't matter which one. Then ask them to transfer you to another department. Then tell this department that you Joe Cool from department X. Make up a story that your a new employee and the phone is busted. Ask how the paging system works (specifically, what to dial to page people). They'll give you some kind of code to access the system. This can be anything from a 1 digit code to a 5 digit code, maybe even more. Ask some more questions about how the phones in general work, extensions, accessing outside lines, etc. Write down everything. BS with the guy a little just to look legit. These places employ so many people that it is near impossible for anyone to know everyone. Ask him to transfer you to the front desk, operator, or whoever controls the phone. Sometimes the customer service desk controls the phones. Tell this person the same story. Ask them how to work the phones, access an outside line and from what phones you can access them. Basically, have the same conversation but go into more detail. After you got all the information you need, ask them to page someone for you just to seem legit. Now you have to go to the store. Don't bring your notes because if you get caught, they will provide nice evidence to the cops. Try to wear an outfit similar to that of an employee's uniform. That way you won't stand out when your on a phone. Find a phone in an isle that's not to visible and is not busy. Dial the extension to get on the paging system. Depending on how sick you are will depend on what you do. For a simple joke, page weird people to certain places. Keep in current and someone who everyone knows. If I was doing this today I would say "will Monica Lewinsky please come to the oval office". This will make everyone in the place laugh and you probably won't get in trouble at all. That can be rather lame and is hardly worth all the trouble. If you wanna cause a mild riot and you're pretty daring, you can say "Attention all customers, for the next 10 minutes everything in the paint department is free" or something to that effect. Can you imagine the employee's reaction when they have a 100 or so people demanding free stuff? Make sure you leave the place and don't come back. Try not to look suspicious. However, there are those people that are really, really twisted. I advise none of you to actually do this. I could care less if you kill someone but I don't feel like being in court so don't do it. Make sure you have a getaway car handy for this one. Get on the paging system and say "Attention all customers there is a bomb in the building, do not panic. We are experiencing problems with our fire alarm system so we are asking you to slowly and calmly exit the building." This will cause a huge panic and a stampede that looks like the running of the bulls. You'll probably kill someone cuz old people have heart attacks in situations like this. This is also a great way to rob the place or the people there. If you get caught you'll be in a lot of trouble. Either way you'll probably make the news and you'll be ruining hundreds if not thousands of people's day at the same time. And that's what it's all about isn't it? Ruing someone's day. Some of the more technical advanced might have found this article kind of basic and lame, but think about all the damage one person can do with such little effort. That's the main point of this article. 1-800 GUSWAG0-Mr. Seuss MCI�s 1-800 GUSWAG0 is one of the most popular ANACs on the circuit. However, most users fail to question the extra information read back to them. This ANAC is the only one known to the OCPP that reads back ANI II information. The information read back is mostly used for internal auditing and can be ignored. The ARU ID identifies the audio response unit, the hardware that synthesizes speech. The line number identifies the hunt group trunk the call was routing on. The purpose of the call interactive number is unknown. The important information follows the prompt: "the ANI number is". The first two digits are the ANI II digits, which identify the class of service of the calling party. ANI II Digits 00 Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) - non-coin service requiring no special treatment 01 Multiparty line (more than 2) - ANI cannot be provided on 4 or 8 party lines. The presence of this "01" code will cause an Operator Number Identification (ONI) function to be performed at the distant location. The ONI feature routes the call to a CAMA operator or to an Operator Services System (OSS) for determination of the calling number. 02 ANI Failure - the originating switching system indicates (by the "02" code), to the receiving office that the calling station has not been identified. If the receiving switching system routes the call to a CAMA or Operator Services System, the calling number may be verbally obtained and manually recorded. If manual operator identification is not available, the receiving switching system (e.g., an interLATA carrier without operator capabilities) may reject the call. 06 Station Level Rating - The "06" digit pair is used when the customer has subscribed to a class of service in order to be provided with real time billing information. For example, hotel/motels, served by PBXs, receive detailed billing information, including the calling party�s room number. When the originating switching system does not receive the detailed billing information, e.g., room number, this "06" code allows the call to be routed to an operator or operator services system to obtain complete billing information. The rating and/or billing information is then provided to the service subscriber. This code is used only when the directory number (DN) is not accompanied by an automatic room/account identification. 07 Special Operator Handling Required - calls generated from stations that require further operator or Operator Services System screening are accompanied by the "07" code. The code is used to route the call to an operator or Operator Services System for further screening and to determine if the station has a denied-originating class of service or special routing/billing procedures. If the call is unauthorized, the calling party will be routed to a standard intercept message. 20 Automatic Identified Outward Dialing (AIOD) - without AIOD, the billing number for a PBX is the same as the PBX Directory Number (DN). With the AIOD feature, the originating line number within the PBX is provided for charging purposes. If the AIOD number is available when ANI is transmitted, code "00" is sent. If not, the PBX DN is sent with ANI code "20". In either case, the AIOD number is included in the AMA record. 23 Coin or Non-Coin - on calls using database access, e.g., 800, ANI II 23 is used to indicate that the coin/non-coin status of the originating line cannot be positively distinguished for ANI purposes by the SSP. The ANI II pair 23 is substituted for the II pairs which would otherwise indicate that the non-coin status is known, i.e., 00, or when there is ANI failure. ANI II 23 may be substituted for a valid 2-digit ANI pair on 0-800 calls. In all other cases, ANI II 23 should not be substituted for a valid 2-digit ANI II pair which is forwarded to an SSP from an EAEO. Some of the situations in which the ANI II 23 may be sent: * Calls from non-conforming end offices (CAMA or LAMA types) with combined coin/non-coin trunk groups. * 0-800 Calls * Type 1 Cellular Calls * Calls from PBX * Trunks * Calls from Centrex Tie Lines 24 800 Service Call - when an 800 Service database location converts an 800 number to a POTS number, it replaces the received ANI code with this "24" code before returning the POTS number to locations requesting ANI. If the received 800 number is not converted to a POTS number, the database returns the received ANI code along with the received 800 number. Thus, this "24" code indicates that this is an 800 Service call since that fact can no longer be recognized simply by examining the called address. 27 Code 27 identifies a line connected to a pay station which uses network provided coin control signaling. II 27 is used to identify this type of pay station line irrespective of whether the pay station is provided by a LEC or a non-LEC. II 27 is transmitted from the originating end office on all calls made from these lines. 29 Prison/Inmate Service - the ANI II digit pair 29 is used to designate lines within a confinement/detention facility that are intended for inmate/detainee use and require outward call screening and restriction (e.g., 0+ collect only service). A confinement/detention facility may be defined as including, but not limited to, Federal, State and/or Local prisons, juvenile facilities, immigration and naturalization confinement/detention facilities, etc., which are under the administration of Federal, State, City, County, or other Governmental agencies. Prison/Inmate Service lines will be identified by the customer requesting such call screening and restriction. In those cases where private paystations are located in confinement/detention facilities, and the same call restrictions applicable to Prison/Inmate Service required, the ANI II digit for Prison/Inmate Service will apply if the line is identified for Prison/Inmate Service by the customer. 30-32 Intercept - where the capability is provide to route intercept calls (either directly or after an announcement recycle) to an access tandem with an associated Telco Operator Services System, the following ANI codes should be used: 30 Intercept (blank) - for calls to unassigned directory number (DN) 31 Intercept (trouble) - for calls to directory numbers (DN) that have been manually placed in trouble-busy state by Telco personnel 32 Intercept (regular) - for calls to recently changed or disconnected numbers 34 Telco Operator Handled Call - after the Telco Operator Services System has handled a call for an IC, it may change the standard ANI digits to "34", before outpulsing the sequence to the IC, when the Telco performs all call handling functions, e.g., billing. The code tells the IC that the BOC has performed billing on the call and the IC only has to complete the call. 52 Outward Wide Area Telecommunications Service (OUTWATS) - this service allows customers to make calls to a certain zone(s) or band(s) on a direct dialed basis for a flat monthly charge or for a charge based on accumulated usage. OUTWATS lines can dial station-to-station calls directly to points within the selected band(s) or zone(s). The LEC performs a screening function to determine the correct charging and routing for OUTWATS calls based on the customer�s class of service and the service area of the call party. When these calls are routed to the interexchange carrier via a combined WATS-POTS trunk group, it is necessary to identify the WATS calls with the ANI code "52". 60 TRS - ANI II digit pair 60 indicates that the associated call is a TRS call delivered to a transport carrier from a TRS Provider and that the call originated from an unrestricted line (i.e., a line for which there are no billing restrictions). Accordingly, if no request for alternate billing is made, the call will be billed to the calling line. 61 Cellular/Wireless PCS (Type 1) - The "61" digit pair is to be forwarded to the interexchange carrier by the local exchange carrier for traffic originating from a cellular/wireless PCS carrier over type 1 trunks. (Note: ANI information accompanying digit pair "61" identifies only the originating cellular/wireless PCS system, not the mobile directory placing the call. 62 Cellular/Wireless PCS (Type 2) - The "62" digit pair is to be forwarded to the interexchange carrier by the cellular/wireless PCS carrier when routing traffic over type 2 trunks through the local exchange carrier access tandem for delivery to the interexchange carrier. (Note: ANI information accompanying digit pair "62" identifies the mobile directory number placing the call but does not necessarily identify the true call point of origin.) 63 Cellular/Wireless PCS (Roaming) - The "63" digit pair is to be forwarded to the interexchange carrier by the cellular/wireless PCS subscriber "roaming" in another cellular/wireless PCS network, over type 2 trunks through the local exchange carrier access tandem for delivery to the interexchange carrier. (Note: Use of "63" signifies that the "called number" is used only for network routing and should not be disclosed to the cellular/wireless PCS subscriber. Also, ANI information accompanying digit pair "63" identifies the mobile directory number forwarding the call but does not necessarily identify the true forwarded-call point of origin.) 66 TRS - ANI II digit pair 66 indicates that the associated call is a TRS call delivered to a transport carrier from a TRS Provider, and that the call originates from a hotel/motel. The transport carrier can use this indication, along with other information (e.g., whether the call was dialed 1+ or 0+) to determine the appropriate billing arrangement (i.e., bill to room or alternate bill). 67 TRS - ANI II digit pair 67 indicates that the associated call is a TRS call delivered to a transport carrier from a TRS Provider and that the call originated from a restricted line. Accordingly, sent paid calls should not be allowed and additional screening, if available, should be performed to determine the specific restrictions and type of alternate billing permitted. 70 Code 70 identifies a line connected to a pay station (including both coin and coinless stations) which does not use network provided coin control signaling. II 70 is used to identify this type pay station line irrespective of whether the pay station is provided by a LEC or a non-LEC. II 70 is transmitted from the originating end office on all calls made from these lines. 93 Access for private virtual network types of service: the ANI code "93" indicates, to the IC, that the originating call is a private virtual network type of service call. Payphone Profiles Part 2-Mohawk Intellicall Astratel 2 This phone is your normal Bell style payphone. Nothing to fancy about the design. They seem to be rather behind in the payphone business. Some of the stuff they offer is pretty old. The software that comes with it gives you an example of how behind these people are. They have pictures of their software on floppy disks. I haven't seen a floppy disk since high school. The computer in the picture is old as dirt and the software looks like the automated card catalog that libraries use. The only interesting thing this phone has is the way it protects the owner from international coin call fraud. When you place an international coin call the phone dials into the Intellicall network. The call is then monitored to make sure that coins continue to be collected. If the line gets screwed with, the phone disconnects the call. Specs- Operating temperature -30 to 60 degrees C Operating Humidity 10-90% relative Line Powered Weight 45 pounds Processor 32-bit, low voltage Memory- RAM 1MB, upgrade to 2MB ROM 2MB, upgrade to 4MB Features- Spanish and English voice prompts built in. The owner can program the phone to use either language or both. I want to own a phone where their is no Spanish speaking people but have the phone programmed for Spanish only. I have a sick sense of humor. Electronic Coin Handling System (ECHS). The ECHS consists of an anti-stuffing device coupled with the MARS MS16 electronic coin validator. This eliminates coin jams and coin chute stuffing. This is done by capturing foreign objects inserted in the coin slot. What happens is: If it doesn't fit through the coin validator, it goes into this little trash can like section for the technician to remove. This is what got me into phreaking over 10 years ago when my dad showed me how to stuff a payphone. I never thought I'd be writing an article on how it is being prevented. 211 automated customer refund service This provides immediate customer service. Callers dial customer service and the operators give them another call. They have a complete call detail record to review the last transaction. This is suppose to save money by eliminating the process of mailing out 25 cent checks. I can see 6 dollar checks but who goes to the bank with a 25 cent check? Now that I think about it, can you imagine the look on the tellers face when she realizes you waited on line for 10 minutes for a quarter? You get to phreak people out and get paid for it. Now it would be 35 cents but it's the same idea. For an added kick, ask to have that it in one dime, 5 pennies, and 4 nickels. Coin collection alarms and cash box totals This monitors for unauthorized entry and generates automatic call outs during cash box collections to identify time of coin collection and coin total to make sure no ones rippin you off. Alarm call outs are generated that identify immediate service requirements such as full coin box, missing handset, low activity, coin jam, and system/software problems. I wonder if that payphone had an alarm when I took a bunch of M-80's and, uh, nevermind. Service callout Allows the service technician in the field to request a download of rates and program the phone without the assistance of office personnel. Options- Coin handling Can be fitted with mechanical or electronic coin mechanisms. Intelli*star This is Intellicall's patented store and forward technology. It performs all functions associated with placing a 0+ phone call. 0+ calls are changed to a 1+ call inside the phone. This also lets you control your 0+ traffic so that you don't have to rely on outside service providers. Card reader options Phones can be ordered from the factory with card readers. Nortel Millennium payphones Millennium payphones are the top of the line phones. You usally see these phones in hotels and airports. These phones have everything. You can even have advertisements on the scrolling display screen. As you would expect, they also have some of the most advanced fraud protection features. Millennium Desk Terminals The Desk phone series are found in hotels and large businesses. They don't use coins so it's a lot cheaper to run. It's also harder to phreak cuz it validates the card instead of you typing in pin numbers. The coolest thing about it is that it has a data jack so you can hook up laptop. Specs Weight - 3.3 pounds Operating temperature - 0 to 50 degrees Celsius Non operating temperature - -40 to 70 degrees Celsius Line Requirements - Standard analog loop with answer supervision using battery reversal Features RJ-11 data jack This let's the you connect a computer so you can access email and other services. Self Diagnostics This allows the phone to monitor it's operation. But unlike other phones that just tells you what's going, this phone actually does something about it. The phone calls the nearest service center when it needs attention. That's pretty damn cool. "Yeah Joe, your phone called me today. Said somethin about some Phone Punx reprogramming the display screen". Quick Access Keys These are one touch keys that allow you to access security, local businesses, and other services. These keys can be programmed to dial a free or a paid call. Vacuum Fluorescent Display This is what I talked about before. The screen gives you instructions on how to use the phone. It can also be programmed to display ads. Language Select Key This key allows callers to choose the primary or alternate language. The primary language is always English. The primary language can be either Spanish, French, or Japanese. This changes audio and visual instructions. Voice Prompts Voice Prompts gives you dialing instructions. The prompts are recorded and not synthesized. Next Call Key This key makes it easy to place a multiple calls with the same card. I guess it's a bitch to keep putting the card back in and setting it back up. You can also use this if you screw up when dialing. Specific Models of Desk terminals M1351 Desk Terminal with Magnetic Stripe Card Reader This phone has a Magnetic Stripe Card Reader so the caller can pay for the call with a credit card or a calling card. M1361 Desk Terminal with Multi Card Reader This phone has a Multi Card Reader so that the caller can use a credit card, calling card, smart card, or cash card. The smart card and cash card are known as integrated circuit or chip card. These cards are pre-paid cards and the phone subtracts the amount of credit you used and stores the value on the card. Millennium Multi-Pay Terminals Multi-Pay Terminal is just a fancy name for a payphone that accepts a variety of payment methods. This phone looks like your normal bell style phone except it has a card reader, display screen, and all the other buttons that I will talk about. Unlike the Desk Terminals, these phones except coins. Specs Weight - 42 pounds Operating temperature - -40 to 60 degrees Celsius Non-Operating temperature - -50 to 70 degrees Celsius Line requirements - Standard analog loop with answer supervision using battery reversal. Features Multi-Pay Terminals have many of the same features that the Desk Terminals have. Therefore, I will not add a description of the similar features because I will just be repeating myself. Language Select Key Voice Prompts Self Diagnostic System Vacuum Fluorescent Display Next Call Key Quick Access Keys Multi-Card Reader Recessed Coin Slot The Recessed Coin Slot can except all US coins including $1 coins. Electronic Coin Validator The Electronic Coin Validator is equipped with a sensor to prevent the use of slugs of foreign coins Specific Models of Multi-Pay Terminals (MPT) M1231 MPT with multi card reader This phone accepts coins, smart chip, and magnetic stripe cards. It can also accommodate future card technologies. M1221 MPT with smart card reader This phone can accept coins and smart chip cards. M1211 MPT with magnetic stripe card reader This phone can accept coins, calling cards, and credit card. Fighting Back-Mohawk Security and Fraud Newsletter Frequency: 12 issues per year Subscription Price: �645/US$1097 This is proof that phreaking is a money making business. Not for us, but for the people trying to stop us. Basically this guy gets paid $1100 a year person for taking articles in different zines and putting them in his own words. Damn, if he gets only 50 people to buy the newsletter that's about $55,000 a year. Hell, I'm gonna quit my job and sell articles. Seriously though, I would never do that. This is almost like a scam in my opinion. The following is a summary of what the newsletter is about. Each month the S&F Newsletter uncovers all the latest issues, identifies problem areas and highlights the methods, products and current industry solutions to this prevalent problem, or so they say. They show you how to combat fraud and to speed up the time that you detect it. Each issue covers: Fraud Detection and Prevention Phone Cloning & Subscriber Fraud Card Forgery & Phone Breaking Standards & Imminent Legislation Privacy & Data Protection Customer Care & Billing Issues They also give you: Analysis - Find out how just how big the fraud problem really is Reports - Instances of Fraud, including prosecutions undertaken Competitor Information - Know what your competitors are doing to beat fraud and find out how effective their strategies are proving. Product Reviews - keeping you informed about the latest and best telecoms security products They claim that S&F newsletter will allow you to: - Stay up to date on the most effective ways of combating each type of fraud - Avoid being out-flanked by the fraudsters or overtaken by your competitors -Find out what anti-fraud software is currently available and in use by telcos world-wide -Discover what fraud detection packages will reap the best rewards for your business -Keep informed on the grey areas currently being exploited by fraudsters -Spot the potential gaps in your procedures and systems before someone else does Corsair completes PhonePrint expansion for AT&T Wireless Services Fraud prevention system fights roaming fraud in Southern California and Las Vegas Corsair Communications, Inc. announced today the expansion of its PhonePrint* cellular fraud prevention system into three AT&T Wireless Services markets. The system protects subscribers in Santa Barbara, Oxnard-Ventura, and Las Vegas. In 1995, AT&T Wireless was among the first wireless providers to adopt the Corsair system. AT&T Wireless began the recent expansion project to reduce exposure to roaming fraud in markets in Southern California and Las Vegas, Nevada. "While our sister company in Los Angeles has used PhonePrint to make serious progress in their fraud fighting efforts over the past two years, we had seen roaming fraud gradually increase in our adjacent markets," said Erin Cord, AT&T Wireless' director of business security for the Western Region. "The cloners were being shut down in Los Angeles, and they were moving out to our markets to harvest numbers for use in L.A., as well as other major metropolitan areas. We implemented PhonePrint primarily to stop this infiltration of roaming cloners." According to David Thompson, Corsair's vice president for marketing, the situation in California and Las Vegas is part of a trend, in which fraud is moving to smaller cities and suburban areas. "Even markets with no home fraud problem now have to watch their exposure to roaming fraud closely," said Thompson. "There's no predicting where the cloners will turn next, nor when they'll do it. They can target a market and wreak financial havoc with amazing speed. Carriers understand the seriousness of this exposure, and they're protecting themselves now." Busted-Mohawk Swedish police nab cannabis promoting hackers Two young Swedish hackers who turned a Swedish county's home page into an advertisement for pornography and cannabis and broke into the U.S. space agency's computer system have been tracked down, local media reported. After a year-long hunt, police in Umea in northern Sweden finally traced the two youths, aged 18 and 15, and seized their computers, the newspaper Vasterbottens Folkblad said on Wednesday. Police were quoted as saying no charges would be laid because no economic crime had been committed. They said the older of the two youths was known to the authorities after his involvement in a case of illegal data entries and computer fraud two years ago for which an older youth was sent to jail. Letters-Mohawk From: DSto3133 I have read with great pleasure your posts and newsletter. However, I tried to get the CNA division of Bell Atlantic for the 609 area code and the # that you had on the list doesn't work anymore. I think it was 201 xxx 7676 ( I don't have it right next to me at this moment) Could you please give me the new # I really need to do a look up on a non-pub # and the operators in this area have no clue what a FACS or MLACS or DPACS is. I could use some help here. Thanks for any you can provide. From: Ralph How do I find the number to dial that will ring back the phone I'm calling from? I'm in area code 410. From: Rising Sun First, I don't know if you use AOL as server space or as your primary ISP but I have never run into any one from AOL that has actually known what they are talking about. I would say I'll trust AOLers a little more, but your what 1 out of 50,000,000 or something like that, but anyways its a great zine. In issue one, about turning your car into a phreaking unit, a good power converter for the car can be found at the shack. I think they discontinued them this year, but they run about 50 dollars and have 4 sockets instead of 2. Also, i wouldn't recommend trying to run a pc off of a car battery for more then about 30 min, we had one running for about an hour and a half and out battery was DRAINED!!! We couldn't even turn the engine over (the look at the tow guys face when he saw the monitor in the back seat hooked up to a tower was worth the 30 dollar bill. Issue one is the only one I've read so far, any ways, me and a few buddies are starting a um, what the hell would you call this, kinda like a club I guess. We're calling it CIT, we want to get local chapters together and publish a zine, which is still in progress. I don't know where you are geographically, but we're in IL. If you would be interested in starting a local chapter kinda thingy would be kinda cool. We hold our meetings on the second or third saturday of every month (we have had two on the 2nd and two on the 3rd saturday, so its still kinda undecided), it keeps the 2600 meetings and these pretty balanced. Our meetings have consisted of a few different things. The first meeting we went around and jumped into Amertich dumpsters and played with a junction box. The second we sat in a cafe and talked. The people that are attending are generally more phreaking related and not so much into hacking. I am just starting to make a web page for the group. We would like to have articles and what not written by us, and not stolen from other people. If you would like to maybe publish your articles in a CIT monthly\weekly\yearly\ what the fuck lets go for quarterly news letter zine kinda thing it would be cool. I dont mean this to come off like I'm trying to absorb the whole zine or anything. Anyways its late, I kinda got to get going. Tell me what you think about all this. From: Sheepdog Holy Shit! How the hell did a phreaker group come out of a shity place like Ocean County?! It's great that you managed this but to my knowledge I wouldn't think possible. Anyway add me to the list. From: Mr. N I really like your zine. I want to help you guys but I'm not much of a writer. Is there anything else I can do. I'm just a begining phreak so that's why. I know a lot about hacking so I could write about that if you want. If I do write something, are their any benefit's that I would get? From: Crash Override Hackers Unite! Hack the Planet! Take down the Gibson! News Headlines Bell Atlantic introduces Name and Number Deliver Service Intersphere launches website for MGM's upcoming Interactive game, WarGames Bells go 0-4 in long distance requests with FCC Bill Gates gets egg on face in Brussels Corsair completes PhonePrint expansion for AT&T Wireless Services FBI probing "hacking" of U.S. defense computers Bell Atlantic Introduces Name And Number Delivery Service Bell Atlantic-New York has taken the frustration out of phone calls that are never answered. Callers can now leave their name and telephone number for the person they are calling when their call goes unanswered. This new Bell Atlantic service, known as Name and Number Delivery Service, is available to many customers on the east side of Manhattan; Long Island City and Astoria in Queens; the Kingsbridge section of the Bronx; and in the Bay Ridge and Canarsie sections of Brooklyn. Those who use the service will be able to leave their name and telephone number for most Bell Atlantic customers in the New York metropolitan area -- Long Island, the five boroughs of New York City, and Westchester, Rockland and Putnam counties. Here's how the service works: When a call is unanswered, callers hear a series of simple voice prompts, or commands, that will enable them to leave their name and telephone number for the person they are calling. Bell Atlantic's network will record the information and then call the number every half-hour for the next eight hours. No attempts to deliver the message will be made between 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. weekdays or 10 p.m. to 9 a.m. weekends. When the call is finally answered, a recording will announce that someone was trying to reach them, and that Bell Atlantic is attempting to deliver that person's name and telephone number. The information is played twice. The charge for the service is 75 cents for the caller. There is no charge for the person receiving the message. The service can be used by callers with either Touch Tone or rotary service. "Despite the widespread use of voice mail and answering machines, many calls still go unanswered," said Rich McCusker, Bell Atlantic director of Messaging Services "This innovative service takes the hassles out of trying to reach someone. It's easy to use, providing our customers with greater control and convenience." Where available, Name and Number Delivery Service is automatically on customers' lines. They do not need to call Bell Atlantic to order the service. If customers want more information about the service, or if they want the service removed from their line, they should call 1-800-742-2220. Intersphere launches website for MGM's upcoming Interactive game, WarGames Intersphere Communications Ltd. Monday announced the launch of the newest website for client Metro Goldwyn Mayer, designed to promote the MGM Interactive game WarGames. The site is created for the upcoming release, which is based on the very successful movie of the same name. It can be found at http://www.wargamesmgm.com/. This is the second site designed by Intersphere for MGM. In October of this year Intersphere launched the site for the interactive game Return Fire II (http://www.returnfire2.com/). Created by Interactive Studios, UK and distributed by MGM Interactive, the strategy game builds on the hacker theme of the movie. Players will experience up to 30 campaign-based missions scripted by the original producer and director of the motion picture. High resolution SVGA display and a 3D engine will allow for full rotation of the playfield. The playfield itself will feature six environments with real-time weather, realistic sound effects and an intense soundtrack. The game will allow for both single and multi-player gameplay. The site features game information, sound files from the movie and the opportunity to logon and register to receive e-mail as the site is developed. Compelling graphic, copy and audio content provide users with an exciting preview of the upcoming game. There are also links to the Return Fire II, Machine Hunter and MGM sites, as well as Mplayer. Intersphere Communications Ltd. is a full-service advertising agency that emphasizes the use of the internet as a creative communication medium. Company information can be found at their WWW site at http://www.intersphere.com/. Intersphere Communications Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Interactive Gaming and Communications Corp., a publicly traded company on the OTC Bulletin Board under the ticker symbol SBET. MGM Interactive, a unit of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc., manages creative development and production of interactive products for a variety of multi-media platforms, as well as talent and developer relationships. In 1996, MGM Interactive released the critically acclaimed The Ultimate James Bond: An Interactive Dossier and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang's Adventure in Tinker Town. In 1997, the company released the widely popular game Machine Hunter. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. is actively engaged in the worldwide production and distribution of entertainment products, including motion pictures, television programming, home video, interactive software, music, licensed merchandise, a 1,600-title library, a 4,500-title home video library and a significant television library. The company's operating units include MGM Pictures, United Artists Pictures, MGM Worldwide Television, MGM Telecommunications Group, MGM Distribution Co., MGM Home Entertainment and Consumer Products Group, MGM Music, and MGM Interactive, among others. URLs: War Games Intersphere Communications Ltd. http://www.wargamesmgm.com/ http://www.intersphere.com/. MGM http://www.MGM.com. Bells go 0-4 in long distance requests with FCC The government rejected a Bell telephone company's plan to offer one-stop shopping for local and long distance services in Louisisana. The 5-0 Federal Communications Commission vote marked the fourth time the agency has turned down a regional Bell telephone comapany's request to provdide long distance service to its local customers. No requests have been approved. As in the earlier cases, the FCC concluded that Bell South Corp. has not sufficiently opened its local phone market to rivals, a condition for entering the long distance business. Bill Gates gets egg on face in Brussels Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates got a face full of custard pie during his visit to Brussels on Wednesday, organizers of the visit said. The attack took place as Gates, fresh from a visit with world and business leaders in the Swiss ski resort of Davos, was about to attend a reception given by the Belgian Flemish community. Organizers said five people, equipped with stocks of pies, appeared to be involved in what was believed to have been a prank with commercial intent. Shortly after the incident, a caller offered to sell Reuters Television some film of the attack, from which Gates emerged spattered but seemingly unscathed. A Microsoft spokeswoman said Gates was "surprised and disappointed" but unhurt by the attack. "From our perspective it's very unfortunate that anybody should have to go through this," said Erin Brewer from the company's Redmond, Wash. headquarters. She said Gates took some time to clean up and then went ahead with his planned speech on technology and education. Brewer said she did not believe Gates or Microsoft would press charges. She said the company understood the incident was the work of Noel Godin, a Belgian who has made a name for himself and a lucrative business out of hurling custard pies in the faces of the rich and famous. Asked whether Microsoft was concerned about Gates' security, Brewer said, "We look at this is an isolated incident. He does have appropriate security at all times." Corsair completes PhonePrint expansion for AT&T Wireless Services Fraud prevention system fights roaming fraud in Southern California and Las Vegas Corsair Communications, Inc. announced today the expansion of its PhonePrint* cellular fraud prevention system into three AT&T Wireless Services markets. The system protects subscribers in Santa Barbara, Oxnard-Ventura, and Las Vegas. In 1995, AT&T Wireless was among the first wireless providers to adopt the Corsair system. AT&T Wireless began the recent expansion project to reduce exposure to roaming fraud in markets in Southern California and Las Vegas, Nevada. "While our sister company in Los Angeles has used PhonePrint to make serious progress in their fraud fighting efforts over the past two years, we had seen roaming fraud gradually increase in our adjacent markets," said Erin Cord, AT&T Wireless' director of business security for the Western Region. "The cloners were being shut down in Los Angeles, and they were moving out to our markets to harvest numbers for use in L.A., as well as other major metropolitan areas. We implemented PhonePrint primarily to stop this infiltration of roaming cloners." According to David Thompson, Corsair's vice president for marketing, the situation in California and Las Vegas is part of a trend, in which fraud is moving to smaller cities and suburban areas. "Even markets with no home fraud problem now have to watch their exposure to roaming fraud closely," said Thompson. "There's no predicting where the cloners will turn next, nor when they'll do it. They can target a market and wreak financial havoc with amazing speed. Carriers understand the seriousness of this exposure, and they're protecting themselves now." FBI probing "hacking" of U.S. defense computers The Pentagon and FBI are investigating intense, successful efforts by computer ``hackers'' this month to obtain information from U.S. military computers, a top defense official said Wednesday. Deputy Defense Secretary John Hamre told reporters there was no indication that the electronic break-ins over the last two weeks were connected to a crisis over U.N. arms inspections in Iraq. He stressed that ultra-sensitive classified systems had not been breached. Hamre said it was apparently the most intense such effort to date and although it might have been just a game, it was a "wake-up call" on the vulnerability of government and corporate computers. "During the last two weeks the (Defense) Department has experienced a fairly heavy-duty cyber attack," Hamre told reporters. "In this case, we have been working very closely with the attorney general and the FBI." "We did not have any penetration of our classified networks," he said. "The unclassified networks, however, were penetrated." Hamre said the incidents had intensified attempts by the department to more quickly spot break-in attempts and catch those responsible. "It has dramatically accelerated the Pentagon's and federal government's plans to get on top of this problem,'' he said, stressing that sensitive data on personnel, payrolls and other information was often not adequately guarded by electronic "firewalls" in both corporations and the military. Hamre said it was not yet known where the attempts originated. But he suggested they might be by amateurs in response to "contests" among hackers. "There are hackers that enjoy just breaking into people's computers to see what they can see. And, of course, there is always a mystique about the Department of Defense," he told reporters. "There are actually hacker clubs and there are hacker contests. And, in that sense, the Department of Defense is vulnerable." But James Glave, a senior technology writer for "Wired News" - an Internet news service on the impact of computers on daily life - said he had seen no indication that there had been a recent hacking effort aimed at the Pentagon. "I've scanned the Internet news groups where hackers meet and often boast about their accomplishments, and I haven't seen any bragging," Glave told Reuters. Hamre declined to discuss details of the latest efforts or to reveal what information had been obtained. But he said the incidents appeared to be similar to previous attempts by hackers to show that they could get into protected systems. "This has all the appearances of just being a game, somebody trying to get in so they can say they got it," Hamre said, adding such attempts were no joke to the government. He said the recent incidents included attempts to set up electronic "trap doors" in software systems through which information could be siphoned. Sophisticated amateur computer hackers have been previously convicted, fined and jailed for breaking into sensitive military and other government information databases. The director of the super-secret U.S. National Security Agency said in October 1997 that the number of break-ins of Defense Department systems was increasing dramatically. "I think it was, in many ways, a wake-up call," Hamre said Wednesday of the recent incidents. The OCPP is a free publication. Copyright 1997, 1998. All information in this issue is property of the Ocean County Phone Punx. Nothing may be copied or reproduced. Our staff and our ISPs are not responsible for your actions. What you do with this information is up to you.