Netmonkey Weekly Report Issue LXXIX April 3rd, 2000 g#S$ d. ____ ascii by garflozzy ____ $$$: -- ,$b ----- $$$ ___ $$$$$s __ :$$l $',$$$$.`$$ :$$$._l$$: ,s#S$$$$: $$$"�$$b.`�$i $$$ ',$$'�$$,`$ l$$$T$$$$._ --------- l$$$$$$$$ :$$l b,`Y$$,`l l$$.d$P . �$$,` $$l" $$$�T$S#g._ ----------- ��������� :$$$$$$$l l$$: $$b.`Y$$, :$$$$' d$b �$$,d$$: :$$l ,.`"�T$S# ��������� $$$$$$$: $$$ :$$$$. Y$$.s$$$' d$$$b '$$$$l l$$: l$'.d$$' $$$$$$$. $$$ l$$$$$. $$$Sl$' d$$$$$b '$$$: :$$l .'.d$$' $$$$$$l :$$l $$$$$$l l$$::P :$$$$$$$b.`$l l$$: ~~~~~~~ ------------------ l$$: ------- :$$l.' ---------- `: ;$$l --------------------- $$$ ������� .l$$ :: ~~~~ � $$S#s,$$$ ::: ``^"�Y$$$ `Y$ [ n ] ETMONKEY [ W ] EEKLY [ R ] EPORT Well, you all may have noticed last weeks blunder of the nwr-77.txt inside nwr-78, my bad. Anyhow, we are back again and the month as ended, so iso report is upon us, a couple other things I'd like to bring up. unless someone wishes to volunteer their time to the stats and courier rankings section, NWR will be abandoning that. There are plenty of stat mags and it's just too time consuming for me to do right now. So if you want to volunteer, be my guest, but if your not going to do it for real every week, dont volunteer. Another couple things are, it appears Ryche will never return, so if you want to take over the vcd group review, then contact me and we'll give you a shot. Also, since we now have a gaming review once again, i was thinking it might be interesting to have a PSX review as well, so if you are into PSX and play all the games, let me know and we'll see if you can write. Anyways, enough about me, let's get on to the show. New picture this week from Tdpriest is of Jess tricking Sins into thinking he's goin to get some of that great squirtage, but he gets a yellow surprise. Cool Person of the week: Well as it stands, this may become the Jess award, nobody else has made much effort to attain this title, and so it goes to Jess again for the webpage: Keep up the good work squirtie. Loser of the week: Well I messed up last week, it should have gone to Gza for leaving Rise over a name calling incident, so now I will rightfully give the award to Glen this week, since he didn't really get it last week and i'm sure he's very upset about it. So glen here you are, loser of the week. Grumblings and Observations: Well, I will grumble a bit first of all about Stile, I give a nice msg to vote for him and support his page, and he rips on us for using a couple of the pics from his page. Very well, fuck off and die Stile, thank you. Next on the agenda is movie prices. Now I know theaters dont make much off the door, and that is why the snack food is so outrageously high, but now ticket prices are up around 8-8.50 a pop, and so that's an increase of over a dollar in some theaters in the span of a month or 2. Now this might be ok if like say the concession stands deflated their prices, to help equal it out, people are going to movies more than ever before, and it is ludicrous to assume that theaters and Hollywood are not making money. So you could look at it from the standpoint of, well they are going to the movies anyways so let's make a few more bucks off them since they are gonna go anyways. But if you looked at it from a standpoint of a non-money grubbing facist bastard, you would see that since so many people are going, and if you have to raise ticket prices, then maybe a little downslope on the concession wouldn't be that horrible, to lighten the blow to us poor bastards who take their girls out to a movie. So a big fuck you to movie theaters, especially the Block at orange for being the most expensive one. Ok guys, let's have a little thing here, you the readers write in, on the topic of my grumblings, this weeks is kind of 1 sided and I dont care what any of you think about it, so let's base it upon last weeks Riding tips for morons. write or find me on irc and tell me of your worst recent road rage or moronic driving items, and i'll put the best 5 or so in and you guys win a chocolate dildo from Nicki's porn world. email me at or find me on irc. I have a new topic to grumble about, but I'm gonna save it for next week, since we are already late and last week some people said my rant was too long. Les -----------[ index ]----------- I.) Intro a) Lester b) ndetroit II.) Quotes of the Week III.) Stats - Ndetroit's Weekly Stats, and comments on Sites. IV.) (Your Name Here)'s Biased Courier Report V.) Articles a) The Gaming Report b) Bud's Biased Utils Report c) Iso Monthly Utils Report d) Lesters Moview Reviews e) VCD Group and Movie Reviews f) Da' Game Review(Not to be confused with TGR):P VI.) Scene News - All the news thats fit to print VII.) Rumors! VIII.) Closing ---------------------[ Quotes of the Week! ]--------------------- <[armand]> are you and kruzin virus ? <[armand]> and <[armand]> he just does the irc part <[armand]> with no speaking english <[nj]> no you cannot kill yourself <[nj]> i wont be able to live without you :( have any of you fags ever used linfxp i cant get it to work listen... very carefully, oke ? ok nwr comes out tonight.. or you die :P not bad .. waiting to start cracking again having withdrawls omg <__z-> haha i scream bpx me baby during sex -----------[ sites and stats section ]----------- Pick up our good friends at CWS's magazine this week for the stats. -----------[ Articles ]----------- =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ The Gaming Report ]----------- =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Bud's Biased Utils Section ]----------- Bud's Biased Utils Report #51 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here I am, two weeks in a row! Can I beat 3??? I said last week that I'd tally points for all the original groups who've been here all 50 weeks, and do that last 10 weeks for the rest. Then I started on it and realized that issues 9 & 31 didn't have scores. I had forgot about 31. So you'll get it next week. While I'm on the subject, I've changed my mind about who to include. I won't do any of the groups not here since day one, since some of them haven't been on the charts for 10 weeks yet. I'll only give a tally for PWA/XF/SHK/PFT/LND/PNC/DOD/RBS. I should note that RiSE disbanded for a period last year so that's why they aren't included. Eventually I'll do some sort of averaging thing for everyone. When I'm feeling up to it. NOT anytime soon though. Disclaimer: It's BIASED moron. My opinion. So don't send me a bunch of mail & messages bitching about this or that. If you don't like it... SCREW YOU =] Rankings: Groups get a score out of 10. Points are given for amount of releases, but QUALITY titles will give a group a much higher score. Nukes for duping, broken releases and just plain CRAP will lower a groups score. However on the occasion that a title is nuked which I don't feel should have been, MY OWN JUDGEMENT TAKES PRECEDENCE. Cuz I'm writing this. Groups can also get points for any other reason I see fit. Week: Week is based from 03/28/00 to 04/03/00. I'm in the EST time zone so dates/times run according to it. Groups: (In no particular order) � ����� � � � ��� ������ � ��� ����� A Group ��� �� �� ����� ��� � That Gives ������ �������� �� �� Slightly ���� ���� �� ������ � Less Than ��� ��� �� ���� �� A Fuck. � � � � -XeN PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE: Releases: BYTE.INTO.THE.MARKET.2.103-PWA ProSTATS.Tracking.System.V.2.0-PWA Hillgraeve.HyperAccess.V.8.32-PWA MetaStock.PRO.v7.0-PWA PWA continues to move along. While they're not exactly the strong group of old, some dedicated members are getting some releases out. Highlights this week are MetaStock Pro 7 & HyperACCESS 8.32. MetaStock was actually being requested by several people I know since v7 was announced, and the Pro offers a ton of features - although some may confuse novice users. Total: 5/10 ����������������������������������[XX/XX]� ��� ��� � ������ ���� ������ ���� ���� ۲� ۲� � ��� ۲� � ۲� �� ۲� � ��� �� ۲ ۱� ۱� ۰� �� �� ۱� �� ۱� � ��� ���� ������� � ۱���� �� ۰� �� ��� ۲� �� �� ۱� ۲� � ۲� � ۲� ۰� �� � ۲� ۱� �� ۲ ��� ۱� � ��� ���������� � ������� ����� ��� ��� � ���������������� � ����� sikos � X-FORCE: Releases: SYSTEM_ARCHITECT_2001_V6.6.2-XFORCE ALIASWAVEFRONT_MAYA_FUSION_2-XFORCE Two decent releases from XF this week. As usual they win with Maya. I'm not sure what suprises me more, that XF is still around or that they're still managing to win titles like this. Should they ever loose their grip on the core library of apps they release time and time again, XF will be in a lot of trouble. Total: 4/10 /\______/| ___/\_ _/ ______ :|; . __/\ ____/\ __| // %%%\____ \ |__:_\__ \/ ~~ :\_ | __/%%%% iii_/ :| \\_ \ ;| \_ |____/ \iiiii :::\__ ; _/ | \\_ : // | \\_ | \\_::: \____/---|____/____/_______/-|____/kaz SHOCK: Releases: Sax.Basic.Engine.Enterprise.v6.3.1-SHOCK VTComposer.v2.0-SHOCK MSCE.Windows.98.Study.Guide-SHOCK Lofting.Tool.for.TurboCAD.Professional.v6.0-SHOCK PC.MACLAN.v8.0.for.Windows.2000-SHOCK Quicken.Business.Lawyer.2001-SHOCK Quicken.Family.Lawyer.2001-SHOCK SHK's week on paper looked good, but there's really nothing major here, besides a gem in PC MACLAN for Windows 2000. The Quicken Legal apps may look nice but they really aren't all that noteworthy. Total: 6/10 �������� � ��� ������� [xx] �������������� �������� ��������� ����� � �������� ���� �� ����������� ����� � � � �� ���������� �� ���� ��� ���� ���� �� ��� �� ���� ������� � ������� � �������� � �� �� � ������������������ ��������� ������ � ������������ � �� ���� ��� � �� ���� ��� �� ��������� ��� �� ������� �� ��� ���� �� �� ���������� � ������������ � ��� ����������� ������������������������ ��� pENTIUM fORCE tEAM �����������b1� PENTIUM FORCE TEAM: Releases: BaanFrontOffice.2000.v98.4.SP2.Release.540-PFT VERITAS.Backup.Exec.8.0.3314.NON.STOLEN-PFT VERITAS.Backup.Exec.8.0.3314.NON.STOLEN.nfo.fix-PFT I'm always supportive of groups getting credit for their work, thus I'm fine with PFT releasing their own copy of Backup Exec. *BUT* - there's always a "but" - if you're going to do it, do it right. Don't screw up the NFO when you should be taking the time to write an extra-detailed one describing the reason for releasing something saying "non-stolen". For the record, the -MGY release was the stolen one, and I have no idea what MGY is. Total: 3/10 � � � � �ܲ�� � ������۲� �����߲�� ����� ����� ��۲� ���� �۲� ޲��� ޲��� ��۲ ���� ��۲ ��� �� ���� ��۲ ���� ��۲� ��۲ �۲���۲ �۲����۲ ���۲ ���� ��۲ �۲ �۲� ����� ��۲� mg � �������۲� �� �۲� � ������ � ������� �߲� � �� ��������������� � :: ::: :: � ������������������������������������� � LEGENDS NEVER DIE: Releases: AEA.CFX-4.3.REPACK-LND Another CFX app. Total: 2/10 .__________. [xx/xx/00] \_ ___ ) Da ToP oF Da LiNe! .___. ===/ _/ /=======================/ /===== .:/ _____/__./(___.____/\.______./ /_____. :/ /__/ . ) . )____ ) _ ) / __ ) /__/ / / / / // __ / /__/ / /___/: .:/ /__/__/__/__/(______\____ /__/_____ /MO =/__/========================\/========\/=== = THE PINNACLES OF RELEASING (C) PNC 95-00 = PINNACLE: Releases: N/A Total: N/A _______________ ____________ ____________ \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[om]\________/== d(*)d D r i n k O r D i e 2 0 0 0 d(*)d ===================== [ DOD * xx-xxx-00 ] == DRINK OR DIE: Releases: Sophos_AntiVirus_Sweep_v3.32_for_WinNT2K_Network-DOD Sophos_AntiVirus_Sweep_v3.32_for_Netware-DOD Sophos_AntiVirus_Sweep_v3.32_for_WinNT2K_Single-DOD Sophos_AntiVirus_Sweep_v3.32_for_Linux-DOD Coolmaps_Netobjects_Fusion_v4.0_and_v5.0_Components_Pack_Win9xNT-DOD Sophos_AntiVirus_Sweep_v3.32_for_Win9x-DOD Sierra_Circuit_Simulator_v1.1_for_Win9xNT-DOD Myob_Premier_v3.1_for_Win9xNT-DOD WebLab_ViewerPro_v3.5_Win9xNT-DOD It's time siteops got some balls and kept Netware applications. (My apologies to all female siteops). DOD had quite the week, by their recent standards. Some good titles, with software from NetObjects, the usual AV stuff, and MYOB Premier. Total: 7/10 _______________________________[xx/xx] \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS >> RELEASING WITHOUT PERMISSION << REBELS: Releases: 1099-Etc_and_ATF_Payroll_2000_vA1-RBS TimeValue_TaxInterest_v2000.2-RBS Novell_Netware_v5.1-RBS I was happy to see RBS put out Netware 5.1 this week, despite the fact that I've had some *lovely* (feel the sarcasm) encounters with Novell software this week. Unfortunately, RBS pretty much died off after that. Total: 4/10 ..._______________________.___ ____.____... ::/ _______/ ____/ | \/ | \:: _/\____ \/ /___/ | \ \: \ > \ \ \/ \ \ :\__________/\________/_________/|_____|___/ ::.. .:[ SCUM ]:. .:[SCUM]:. .:[SCUM]:. ..:: ```````````````````````````````````````````` SCUM: Releases: TANNER.LVS.V3.01-SCuM PERCUSSION.RHYTHMYX.V2.5-SCuM IBM.DISTRIBUTED.DEBUGGER.AND.OBJECT.LEVEL.TRACE.V8.4-SCuM IBM.VISUALAGE.FOR.JAVA2.PRO.V3.0.2-SCuM METROWERKS.CODE.WARRIOR.PRO.FOR.PALM.OS.V6.0-SCuM A pretty good week for Scum, much improved from the last time out. Code Warrior Pro for the PalmOS is a development tool for Windows, NOT a Palm app in itself. We also get some IBM stuff this week, though nothing great. Total: 6/10 _______________________ ____________ __\ _______/ ______/______/__ / \ __/ / / \/ / / /_______\ /______________\____ /________\ -------------------------------\/----------- (*) F a t i g u e - Couriers Network (*) ___________________________________________. ________________________________________wK!. FATIGUED COURIERS NETWORK: Releases: Trusted.Systems.Advanced.Checker.2.0.Site.License-FCN Integral.Accounting.v1.0.For.Access97-2K.SOURCE.CODE-FCN HTML.VCL.Components.Suite.v7.24.for.Delphi.and.C.Plus.Plus-FCN Trusted.Systems.SuperCals.2.5.2-FCN Integral.Accounting.v1.0.For.VB6.SOURCE.CODE-FCN Integral.Accounting.v1.0.For.SQL7.SOURCE.CODE-FCN MsgBar.Control.v1.10.0090.for.VB5.6-FCN NewsList.Control.v1.10.0056.for.VB5.6-FCN Artisoft.Visual.Voice.Pro.v5.0-FCN Report_Builder_Enterprise_v5.0_for_Delphi4-FCN SysTools_v3.0-FCN PC_Miler_v14.0-FCN Report_Builder_Enterprise_v5.0_for_Delphi5-FCN ShipRush_v1.0-FCN Varian.Workshop.3.34-FCN A lot of effort from FCN this week, mostly development stuff. Again, we see a source code release, but I went over that issue in last week's report and don't really feel up to delving into it here. The NFOs and dirnames are a tad confusing but the Integral rels are apps + source code - I think. Yes, I'm too lazy to leech the 2MB to find out. Honestly I don't care either way, I'm sure those who want it will find out. Total: 6/10 ---�-----------�----------- _ _ _ _ �_� �_� � � � � �_� �_� ��� � � � � ��� ��� �_� �_� � ---�-----------�----[xx/xx] HARVEST: Releases: AVID.SOFTIMAGE.XSI.V1.0.FINAL-HARVEST CANOPUS.SOFTXPLODE-HARVEST BIGFX.FILMFX.V2.2.0330-HARVEST PHOENIXTOOLS.PARTICLESUITE.FOR.SI.V3.8SP2.AND.UP.REPACK-HARVEST AVID.XSI.VIEWER.PLUS.V.1.0-HARVEST I gave ParticleSuite points last week, so the repack gets a fat zero. It just came out too late for me to get in last week, I'd passed out by that time. Canopus SoftXplode was nuked - for not having a version. Problem is, if the program didn't have a version, Harvest had no choice - some apps don't, especially with plugins. No idea what the case with SoftXPlode was, but nukers need to be aware of this. SoftImage XSI v1.0 is the gem here. Total: 5/10 . )\_______)\__)\_______)\_______ . . __/ __ _/ _/ ____/ ___/ . . \__ / _\ \_____ \ ___/__ : . :/ \ \ / \ / \| : |\___/ /___/_____ /___ /| : | \_/_____/\____ /_____/___/_____/ | :...`---\_____\/----/_flr_/---/_p^D_/--' REALLY INTO SPREADING ELITE: Releases: PTC.PRO.DESKTOP.2000i2-RiSE CISCO.CWSI.CAMPUS.V2.4-RiSE ASPENTECH.PIMS.V12.0-RiSE PC-DMIS.V3.0864.FINAL-RiSE LOTUS.DOMINO.V5.0.3-RiSE LOTUS.NOTES.DOMINO.DESIGNER.AND.ADMINISTRATOR.V5.0.3-RiSE MODELSIM.SPECIAL.EDITION.V5.4.FINAL-RiSE MODELSIM.SPECIAL.EDITION.V5.4.FIX-RiSE ALDEC.ACTIVE.HDL.V4.0.606.XE-RiSE RiSE had a strong week despite the need for a fix for Modelsim. They pulled out the newest version of PTC's Pro Desktop 2000i, and picked up some Lotus apps, which seem to be fair game these days. Total: 7/10 __ ______ \// / _______ _______________ _/ _/____/ _ \_____\_ \ _ \ \ \ \ / | _/ _/ / / \__________\________|____\_____ ____//\ - - imo -----------xx/xx/2000- |____| -- �� d$$""""�$�" """""$$b """""$$b $$"""���" $$$ ` �$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ `""""$$b $$$ ��""$$�" $$ $$$ $$$ $$P ,d, $$$ $���"""""` """""""` """"""` $$$"""""` """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""`d$$[Y] The Corporate Gods: Releases: PASCO.SCIENTIFIC.DATASTUDIO.v1.0.1.SITE.LICENSED_WIN9xNT2K-CORPGODS CISCO.SECURE.VPN.CLIENT.v2.11EB5.DES.RETAIL_WINNT-CORPGODS Corpgods are still struggling to make an impact... not much more to say than that. Total: 2/10 ... ��� �۲�߲� ܲ�߲����ܲ�� �� ۲ ܲ� ��ܲ�� ޲�߲� ۲ ޲�޲� �� ߲��޲��� ۲ ��� ۲ ��� ��� ߲��ܲ�� ��߲� ߲� �� ߲� ߲�� ������ ��� ޲�����߲� �߲�� ܲ۲ ܲ� ۲�� ��޲� ��� ޲�� ������ ����߲� �� �� ������� cHAC �� ARSENIC: Releases: IntelCAD.BLITZ.xRepath.v2.2.0.7-ARSENiC I gave Arsenic 5 last week but forgot to mention it. Don't start drinking halfway through something you're writing - you tend to rush to the finish. I have no CLUE what that app this week is btw... but I'm not sure it matters, because as I was writing this Arsenic gave word that they'd merged into SLT. Total: 1/10 New this week: N/A Idle this week: PNC Quote(s) of the Week: <[nj]> i tried driving while i was stoned yesterday <[nj]> and i drove into a fuckin tree :/ RISE and DOD did some good stuff. This week was rather slow, aside from Arsenic merging there wasn't much action, and Arsenic was a young group so it wasn't a big shakeup or anything. Kudos to Rebels for doing Netware 5.1, despite the fact that Novell's client royally f@&!ed up my networking last week. - Bud =---------------Monthly Iso Utils Review------------------------= Well well well, it seems NWR can't do anything without being copied. A new iso utils report has popped up, and though we welcome some added opinions, it is funny that NWR seems to start alot of trends. Guess thats why I agreed to do this when Lester asked me to. Anyhow, enough about that other report, it's time once again for us to delve into the iso crap. *NOTE*: This list was made by dupechecking on some good sites, so some dates may be off or possibly a release missed, if we miss anything, please email with your release list at the end of the month to help us properly catalog and review your group each month. Thank you. So no in no particular order: �������� ������� ��������߲�� � �ܲ ���������۲�������۲����۲�� ����߲�����۲�� ��� ��� � ��߲�۲߰����۲�������� � ��۲�� �ݰ �������۲��� � � ��� � ��� ���۲� ��۲����۲�� ����۲ � ߲� ܲ ��������� �ܲ� ���������۲� � �����۲�� ܲ����۲����� �۲� ܲ��� �� ��۲ �������۲�� ���۲�� ܲ�����۲� �����۲�� ����۲��� ߲� ��������۲� ܲ�� ޲�������۲� �����۲�������������۲�� ��� ��������۲� ���߲������ �߲������۲� ��� �� �� ����۲�� ���۲� � ������ ��������۲�� ������۲�� �� � ��۲��� ߲���� ܲ��� ��ܲ� ��۲� �� ���������۲���� ������۲����� ��۲��� �������� �� ������۲� ���۲� ��������߱ ��������� ܲ��� ��������۲��� �������۲�� ��۲�� ������ � ܲ�� �� � �������۲��� ��������۲�� ��۲�� �� � ��� � �� � ����۲�� ����������۲� ܲ��� � � ��۲� ޲�������� ��� ���۲� ޲� �� �߱ ���۲� ߲����۲�� � � �߲� ������۲�� RiSE ... �����������۲� cH�SAC � ������۲� P R E S E N T S .. ܲ� ߲� � RiSE : INPRISE.BORLAND.C.PLUS.PLUS.BUILDER.V5.0.ENTERPRISE.EDITION.ISO-RiSE SONIC.FOUNDRY.ACID.DJ.V2.0.ISO-RiSE CAST.FOR.UNIGRAPHICS.V16.ISO-RiSE CADLINK.PHOTOSCRIPT.PLUS.V6.0.ISO-RiSE SOLID.VIEW.PRO.V3.53.ISO-RiSE PC-DMIS.V3.0864.FINAL.ISO-RiSE CISCO.CWSI.CAMPUS.V2.4.ISO-RiSE Well Rise has easily it's weakest month since the rebirth, starting out really strong with the BC++B release which was indeed very nice. Some contraversy was surrounding this release, but only by jealous people I assume, as if you pay attention to the website, you can get companion discs for BC++B, but they are not actual parts of the program, and so the iso that Rise released was still the valid iso. Just not *retail* as that other report points out, those companion discs are free of charge, so obviously if you bought it from a store, you would receive them, just like receiving an AOL disc when you buy crap, should groups start releasing those too just because they came with the retail package? Anyways, After that, they kind of hit a big lull, grabbing only SF Acid DJ in the span of 2 weeks. The end of the month was strong with a UG16 addon, and the Photoscript plus is a nice scanning program but won't come close to our top10. But then you come to a new SolidView Pro, which is a big title and a nice update since the last, and also PC-DMIS, which was extremely small, but I don't rate based upon site rules, I rate based upon merit of title. PC-DMIS is an overlooked cad/cam app but indeed a popular and good one. Cisco got nuked on sites as old, but it was from 99, which isn't that old in my opinion so I'll give them the credit. Hopefully we will see Rise do better next month. Top Releases: SolidView Pro, PC-DMIS, Borland C++ Builder Total Releases : 7 Overall: 6/10 � � � ��������� � � � � � � � ����ް�۱� ����� � � � � � � � � ���� ���۰���۲� ���� � � � � � � � � ��� �������۱�۲���۰ ��� � � � � �� � � �� ����������۲�۲���۱� ��۰ � � � � � ۲��������� � ��� ��������۲������������۱ �� � � ��� ��۲ � ��� ���������۲ ����� ��������� �۰ � � ������������������ � ��۱ ���� � �����۰� ���۰ ���� �۱����� �� ������ � � �޲ ��۰���� �۱� ����۲ �������� ��� �������� �� ������� ��۱�� � ��۱� ��� ��۰�� ���۲ �� ��۲ �� ��� �����۱ �� ������ ���۲����۱ � ���������������� ����۰������۱� �� �� �����۰ � � ���� �������������۰ � �޲ � ��۱ ������ ������۱�����۲ ۱ � �����۱ ������ ���������������۲� � � ���� � �� ����� ������߲���۱� ۱ �� �����۲� � ���������۰���۱���۱ �� ����� �۲ �� ����� ��۱� ����۲ �� �� ������۲����������۰���������۲�� � � �� ���۲ �� ���� ����۱� �� �� ��� �۱���۱��������۰����������۰�� ��� � ����۱� � ��� ������۱� �� �� ��������������۰��������������� ���� ��������������� ���������������������������������������������������aph.tfl TFL : EYEWIRE.ENDLESS.SKIES-TFL IBM.VISUALAGE.FOR.JAVA.ENTERPRISE.SUITE.V3.0-TFL SYSTEM.COMMANDER.2000.REPACK-TFL ARDENT.DATASTAGE.CLIENT.SERVER.V3.6-TFL BUYSITE.V6.1-TFL EYEWIRE.WATER.EVERYWHERE-TFL MECHANICAL.DYNAMICS.ADAMS.V10.MISSING.CD.READ.NFO-TFL MACROMEDIA.FREEHAND.V9.FLASH.V4.SUITE-TFL LOTUS.SMARTSUITE.MILLENIUM.EDITION.V9.5.2-TFL ORACLE.WEB.DB.V2.1-TFL MICROSOFT.MCSE.TRAINING.KIT-NETWORKING.ESSENTIALS.PLUS.3RD.EDITION-TFL VERIBEST.SUITE.V2000-TFL CISCO.WORKS.FOR.WINDOWS.V5-TFL PEOPLESOFT.PEOPLETOOLS.V7.5.8-TFL PHOTODISC.EXTRAORDINARY.CLOUDS-TFL VUE.D.ESPRIT.V3-TFL 3D.CAFE.3DSMAX.ULTRA.PACK-TFL APPLIX.ENTERPRISE.SUITE.V7.5.10-TFL MASTERING.MAYA.COMPLETE.V2.0-TFL MASTERING.MAYA.COMPLETE.V2.0-REPACK-TFL AUTODESK.VIP.LIBRARY.1Q2K-TFL NEWTEK.LIGHTWAVE.3D.V6-TFL IBM.VISUALAGE.FOR.JAVA2.PRO.V3.0.2-TFL ARTBEATS.REELFIRE.VOLUME2-PART2-TFL If you look at TFL's month on paper, it looks like they blew up in what was a fairly quiet month for the other big groups. But if you examine the repacks and the clipart, you realize they had alot of filler in between the big titles, but they did do well, no doubt about that. Couple notes about last month, they receivsed possitive points for the delcam powermill/powershape isos, and come later to find out the translators are not cracked and no fix has been made. So a thumbs down to them for their work ethic on fixing titles. I don't care much for clipart, but I know alot of people do so they aren't going unnoticed, but getting past all that and the MCSE crap and the repacks, we are left with one of the best apps of the month, in Lightwave 3D V6, a really nice pickup for them, although nearly a month after the rip. Macromedia freehand 9 and Lotus smartsuite millennium are nice pickups, notable mentions would be Cisco Works and Veribest suite, but overall the total # of apps kind of sag against the actual # of really good apps. Top Releases: Lightwave, Freehand9 and Smartsuite. Total Releases: 22 Overall: 8/10 � � � � � �� � � �� �� ������� ���� ������������������� � ��� � ����� ����� �������������۲�� ����� ���� ������� ����������� ����� ���� ����� ����� ����� ��۰ ����� ���� ����� ���� ����� ���� ����� ��۱ ����� ���� ����� ���� ���۲ ���� ����� ��۲ ����� ��۲ ����� ���� ���۱ ���� ����� ���� ����� ��۱ ����� ���� ���۰ ��۲ ������ ���� ���������۰ ����� ���۲ ��۱ �� ����� ��۱ ߰ ߰ � �� ��� ������������ ���� ������� ����� ������������� ��� �� � ���� ������� � ��� ��� ��� ��� ����� ������� -/- RiSCiSO Proudly Presents for Your Enjoyment -\- RiSCiSO : MindQ_Developer_Training_for_IBM_VisualAge_3.0-RiSCiSO Symantec.WinFax.Pro.10-RiSCiSO Microsoft.Preinstalling.and.Deploying.Windows.2000-RiSCiSO Microsoft.Installing.and.Configuring.Windows.2000.Servers-RiSCiSO MIL3_OPNET_6.0-RiSCiSO Microsoft_SDKs_and_Tools_February_2000-RiSCiSO Office.2000.Developer.Tools.with.Access.Workflow.Designer.SQL.Server-RiSCiSO Statsoft.Statistica.AX.5.5-RiSCiSO Norton.AntiVirus.Enterprise.Solution.v7.01.WORKING-RiSCiSO Ganymede.Chariot.v3.1-RiSCiSO Ganymede.Chariot.V3.1.BIN_CUE-RiSCiSO Fulcrum_PCDocs_4.0-RiSCiSO Solaris_8_Intel_FINAL-RiSCiSO Oracle8i.ENTERPRISE.for.NT.Rel.8.1.6-RiSCiSO VERITAS.WINInstall.v6.5.2-RiSCiSO SYSTEM_ARCHITECT_2001_v6.6.2-RiSCiSO Risciso has a big month, some of the apps are pretty mediocre, but they do pick up Solaris 8 which tho not PC, is still a nice app to grab, opnet and Winfax and Oracle Enterprise round up the better apps here, Missing the bin/cue of that Gay chariot app wasn't a very good move. But a strong month for them, their best since our inception anyways. I'm sure alot of the MS freaks out there would appreciate those apps, but if your MCSE you get them anyways, so..:) Top releases: Solaris, Oracle8 Ent, Opnet 6 Total Releases: 16 Overall: 7/10 � �� � ����� �ܲ���������������� �۲�������������� ��� � �� ����� � ��۲����� ��� ��������� ��ܲ���� ������ � ������������ ������� �� ���������������۲��� �������� ������������������������� �������� ����� �������� ������� ���������������������� ���۲� ��� � ����۲�� �� � �������۲��� ��۲���� � ����۲�� �� � ���������� �������۲��� ��۲ �� � ����۲��� ����������� � �������۲�� ��۲ � � �� �۲ ��ܲ ����۲�� �� ����������� ������� �������۲�� ���� �� ��۲ �� ��۲���۲ �����۲� � ������������������ � ����������� ��� �������۲��������� ����������������۲� � ������� ������ ���߲������� ���� ������������������ ����������� ���������������������� ������ � ���� �������� ������������������ ��������� sQz!SAC � �������� ����߳ �� p r o p e r s t u f f � � PSF : FX.Realm.Studios.Creature.Creator.1.5.Standalone-PSF Future.Fantastic.Genesis.V2.Pro.PS.2.01-PSF SILVERSTREAM.ENTERPRISE.EDITION.V3.0.FINAL-PSF RATIONAL.REQUISITE.PRO.V2000.02.10-PSF Adobe.Premiere.5.5-PSF With cedric leavin for Risciso, PSF has a very very quiet month. Which probably also explains Risciso's surgence in releasing, Adobe Premiere is a good app, not sure of the benefits of a whole iso, but I'm sure it has plenty of useful fluffed up shit. Not much to say, the Creature creator sounds pretty impressive to play with. Top Releases: Premiere/CC. Total Releases: 5 Overall: 5/10 �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ѻ ������ ����ź ��ϼ ������� ������������� �������������� ������ �������������� �������������� ��ع �� � ��� ���� ������� �� �� �������� ������� ���� �������� � �� �������� �� �� �� � ���� ����������� ��� ������������ �� ���� ������������ ���� ������������ �� �� �� � ��� ���� ����� ����� ������ ����� ����� ����� � �� �� �� � ��� ���� ���� ����� ����� � ���� ���� ����� ���� ����ݱ� �� �� � ����� ��� ������ ����������������������������������Ŀ ���� ������ ���� � �� �� � ��� ��� ���۲�� �iNDEPENDENT � COURIERS � OF � iSO� ���� ������ ���� � �� � �� ��� ��� ���۲�� ���������������������������������������� ���� ������ ���� � � ǿ � ��� ��� ������� ��� ���� ��� ��� ������� ��� ���� ��� �� ڶ �� � ��� ��� ����� ��� � ���� �� ���� ��� ���� ���� ���� �� ���ݱ� �� �� �� ���� ���� ��� ��� ����� ����� ���� ������ ����� ��� ����� ����� � �� �� � ����� � �����������ݱ� �� ��������� �� ����ܱ�� ����������� �� �� ��������� �� �� �� �� ��� ��������� �� ���� ����� ���� �� �� �� ��� ����� �� �� �� ������� �������������� ���������� ������ ������������� ����������� �� ��ѻ ��ع ������������������������������������Ŀ ����������������������������������Ŷ iCOiSO : Streets.USA.2000-iCOiSO Seagate.Crystal.Reports.8.0.Developers.Edition-iCOiSO LearnKey.Adobe.Photoshop.5.5.Course-iCOiSO Only 3 titles from the boys at iCO, Streets USA is a neat map program and whatnot, a mainstream app which tends to be ignored by the bigger groups. Crystal Reports 8 is a solid app for them as well. Top Releases: Crystal / Streets Total Releases: 3 Overall: 4/10 _,�S$�, _,�S$$$$$$$$$�, ,�S$$$$$$7�` `�7$�, ,�S$S�, l$$$$$$�` `�7$S��S$7�"``�$$, ..fCN.. $$$$$$$ ,�$$7�` l$$$,__ ;$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$',$$$$$; ;$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$S�, . l$$$$$$$; $$$$$$l `�77$$$$` . ``�$$$$$$, ,_ ` $$$$$$$$l `?$$$$$�, . ,�S$$$l l$$$$$$,`$$S�, ,�S$$$$$$$$$$$,`7$$$$$$7',�S$$$$$$$�, ` ,$$$$$$$; ;$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, ,$$$$$$b�,_`�7$$$b, ,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$�,__`�$S�,_ ,$$$$7�`,$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$S� `�?$$$$S�,`�?$$$7�"````�?$$$$$ $$$$$$SSS7',$$7�`,s$$$$$$$7�` `�7$$$$$$$$7�' `ȼ"`` ` __,�$$$$$$7�`,7�` ' .�` ` _ ` ��=� FATIGUED COURIERS NETWORK �=�� FCN : ReportBuilder_Pro_4.24-FCNiSO FCN needs to get like more than 1 title a month or they'll be dropped next month sadly. Top Releases: Well duh Total Releases: 1 Overall: 1.5/10 ��� � ��������������� ������������������� ���� ����� ����� ����۰�۲  S H O C K i S O  ��۲ ���� ���۲ ����۰�۲ ��۲ ���� ���۲ ���� ������� � �������� ������� ��۲ ���� ��� ���������������� � ���۲ ���۰���� ��� ���� ��۰���۰������� ��۲���ܰ���� ��۰���� � ���������ܰ�۲ ���۰�۲ ���۰�۲ ���߰�۲ ���� ��۲��۲ ��� ��۲ ���� � ��� ����۰�۲ ���۰�۲ ���۰�۲ ��۲ ���� ��۲��������ܰ�۲ ���� � � ����� �����۰�۲ ���۰�۲ ���۰�۲ ���۰�۲ ���� ��۲ �۲ ���۰�۲ ���� � � ���۲ �����߰��� ���۰��� ���۰�۲ ���۰��� ���� ���۰��۰���۰��� ���� � ��ܰ�������� ��� ܰ���ܰ������ ܰ������ ��� ܰ����� ��� � ������ ܰ������ ��� ���������������� ��� �������� ��������� ��ް��vekݰ �� �������� �������� � � �� �� ��� � ShockISO: N/A Top Releases: N/A Total releases: N/A Overall: N/A ������ REBELS ROX YO I missed their diz, sue me. RBS: Cognos.Powerplay.Enterprise.Server.v6.6.ISO-RBS Cognos.Powerplay.Transformer.Server.v6.6.ISO-RBS IspDESIGN_EXPERT_V8.0_ISO-RBS BNA.Tax.Management.IRS.Rulings.R1.2000.ISO-RBS HP.Openview.Network.Node.Manager.Computer.Based.Training.ISO-RBS Kana_Response_v4.0_ISO-RBS SAGE_MAS90_v3.41_ISO-RBS PADS_PowerPCB_BlazeRouter_v3.5_ISO-RBS Visual_Basic_for_Applications_6.0_SDK_v6.2_ISO-RBS Novell_Netware_v5.1_ISO-RBS HP.Openview.Network.Node.Manager.CBT.REPACK.ISO-RBS Well RBS has a positive month, it's nice to see people are getting back into releasing Novell, the whole Novell super crackdown seems to be less severe than back in the days when no one would even touch their stuff. Seems RBS has gone the way of Rise and dropped the ISO part of their name. I'm not familiar with much of this other stuff. the Vbasic SDK is nice to see though, the repack hurts them though. Top Releases: Novell/Vb SDK Total Releases: 10+Repack Overall: 7/10 -------------- Every month I will be rating in my personal opinion, the top 10 releases of the month. These are also in no particular order. -------------- 1. NEWTEK.LIGHTWAVE.3D.V6-TFL 2. INPRISE.BORLAND.C.PLUS.PLUS.BUILDER.V5.0.ENTERPRISE.EDITION.ISO-RiSE 3. SOLID.VIEW.PRO.V3.53.ISO-RiSE 4. Novell_Netware_v5.1_ISO-RBS 5. Solaris_8_Intel_FINAL-RiSCiSO 6. PC-DMIS.V3.0864.FINAL.ISO-RiSE 7. MACROMEDIA.FREEHAND.V9.FLASH.V4.SUITE-TFL 8. LOTUS.SMARTSUITE.MILLENIUM.EDITION.V9.5.2-TFL 9. Streets.USA.2000-iCOiSO 10. MIL3_OPNET_6.0-RiSCiSO Again, those are in no particular order. I would have too much trouble trying to decide which was supposed to be where in the top 10. ------- This was a bad month overall. I had trouble even picking out 10 apps, despite the large # of crap released by some of the groups. The month clearly goes to TFL, mainly for Lightwave and a slew of clipart. Next month Shock or FCN will be gone and with LND coming back, they'll be added to the list, and some other groups will get tossed in. I think I'm going to modify some things and score a little more regularly, but it could just be BS as usual, but NWR is late and so am I. lester is yelling for me to close up, so enjoy and look for us in a month. -NWR Staff. You make this all go away.... C-ya next time.. =---------[ Lester's Movie Reviews ]----------= Sure he's a prominent scene member, leader of the #1 courier group, and former "Miss Scene 1995".. But did you also know that in real life, Lester's real name is "Roger", and he hosts a popular syndicated television show, where he plays a big fatass who has nothing better to do with his time than go to every single movie ever released? Well.. now you know.. The Skulls Starring: Joshua Jackson, Paul Walker Rating: 2 3/4 out of 4 Stars ----- High Fidelity Starring: John Cusack, Joan Cusack, many others. Rating: 3 out of 4 Stars ---- The Road to El Dorado Starring: Gay cartoon people Rating: -1 out of 4 Stars -------- =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= =---------[ VCD Group and Movie Reviews ]----------= VCD Group and Movie Review We would like to begin by explaining some of the common terms used in VCD releasing. These formats are: CAM - A cam is usually a handheld camera snuck into a full theatre. The base is shaky, the audio is poor, you can hear people laughing and talking. A cam is distinguishable by usually having a combination of all three or more of these flaws. Most sites nuke cams for their general poor quality. Workprint - An early release of a movie. These are usually stolen or leaked copies of movies that have made their way onto VCD from VHS or a variety of other sources. These will usually contain running time codes as well as other identifying marks used in movie production. The quality on these can vary from bad to very good depending on the quality of the source material used to encode the VCD. Note: This category is also used for very bad screeners or copies of movies that just didn't fit into any of the other categories due to defects or problems with the quality of the VCD's audio/video image. Telesync - Basically a very good Cam. A steady base such as a tripod is used, the theatre is empty or very close to empty, and the audio and video are up to par. Although, you can usually detect some flaw with a TS. You may see a random head pop up, the screen edges are noticable, or the audio isn't always crystal clear. While not perfect, the quality in general of a telesync ranges from good to very good and is usually the first type of VCD made of a new movie. Screeners - These are the top quality VCDs. They can be in either widescreen (letterbox) or in full-screen (pan and scan) with excellent audio and video. These are made from video distributors demo tapes, reviewers copies, insider copies of the film or from any number of sources. Most screeners will contain "1-800-NO-COPIES" or "Property of.." messages somewhere in the film, but it's not a requirement to fit into the screener category. These most closely resemble a VHS or LaserDisc copy of the movie. They're easily identifiable by their top quality. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavy Metal FAKK 2 WORKPRINT Starring the voices of : Michael Ironside, Julie Strain-Eastman. =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= ---------------------[ Da' Game Review ]--------------------------------= DENNISON'S GAME REVIEW ---------------------- ok, if you will notice this issue we have only reviewed 2 games, well, i decided to cut our reviews down to only 4 games per issue since these reviews take A LOT of time! :( so I'm really sorry. anyway, knowhing that a lot of you out there have very short attention spans like me, loading up an issue with a lot of reviews would only make you skim through the good parts and not actually read them, and what I want is for you to actually read the reviews because they're really good and we spent a lot of time testing them and doing research for each game just to come up with a high-quality review (yeah right :P comparable to those that you get in commercial magazines like pcgamer .. and for free too! :) WTF you're still reading??? duh :) for all i know not many people would even bother to read up to this part but if you're still reading then good.. hehehe Oh my.. you're really reading this shit huh? *blush* Ok ok fine.. Anyway, this isn't a 0sec release review, heck it isn't supposed to be warez-related so if you're expecting a review for a game that already "came out" like sof and messiah, then you'll probably find them next issue since we don't wanna rush and well, wtf are you still reading this crap for? hey did you ever notice i rarely use caps?? you do? screw you man! you're giving me the creeps! hey that reminds me of the time when i was a little kid, i had this pet frog named cedric, i used to kiss her (yes, my frog is female) everyday thinking that one day she might turn into a princess, she was the only friend i had! i was a lonely kid.. i had no friends except for my little pet froggie.. i was so close to this frog that i even brought her to school everyday, wherein i carried her on my bike. but, one day, the unthinkable happened.. while i was going to school cedric jumped out of my backpack and i unkowingly sqished her with my bike! :( i was heartbroken. i cried and cried.. i had lost the only friend i had.. :( oh wtf am i saying.. damn too much vodka.. wtf are you doing still reading this shit!?? argh!# -dennison After playing EA games for a long time now, I got the chance to play some other games from different companies, like Microsoft and Eidos. Cool thing is I got 2 baseball games Microsoft Baseball 2001 and Triple Play 2001 so I thought why not compare them in a review? That's what I did, so you can read what one is better for you to get. It was a week full of sport games again :) -senator Games reviewed this week: (in descending order) 9/10 - Majesty 8.5/10 - Triple Play 2001 1/10 - Star Trek: Hidden Evil 7/10 - Microsoft Baseball 2001 Dennison's test system: Windows 98 OSR2, Intel Pentium 550, 64MB RAM, 32MB ASUS Riva TNT2, Sounblaster AWE64 PCI, 52x CD-ROM, 10Mbit generic PCI LAN card, 100Mbit HUB Senator's test system: Windows 98 OSR2, Intel Celeron 400, 64MB RAM, 16MB Diamond Viper V550 + 12MB Voodoo2, Soundblaster AWE64 PCi, 40x CD-ROM, 10Mbit PCi LAN card Majesty ------- review by dennison Developer...: Cyberlore Studios Publisher...: Microprose Homepage....: Genre.......: A cross between RTS/Simulation/Adventure Accelerated.: NO Price.......: $39.99 Demo........: 43.5Mb Requirements: Win9x, 266 Mhz or faster Pentium, 32MB RAM, 4x speed CD-ROM drive, DirectX 7 compatible video card, 16-bit sound card ESRB Rating.: E (Everyone) Graphics....: 10/10 - The graphics are simply spooge-able, they are very sharp and highly detailed, from the peasants to the heroes, to the small structures, to the trees, down to the majestic castle.. simply spooge-able. Remember how games like Age of Kings (AOE 2), Pharao, and Setllers almost blew your eyes right our of their sockets? Well, wait `till you get a load of Majesty! Sound.......: 9/10 - The sounds are crisp, clear, and high quality, I have no complaints here either. Control.....: 9/10 - The controls are very easy, and the game presents a lot of keyboard shortcuts which I find very handy and useful. Gameplay....: 8/10 - Unlike most strategy games, in Majesty you don't erect structures or direct your units like they were dummies waiting for directions from high above. Here, houses just spring up on their own as the community expands, units like the guards, peasants, tax collectors, etc. all do their own thing without need of care or instructions. Basically you cannot directly control everything which can be a bit frustrating for control freaks like me, but the tradeoff is that this adds more to the realism of the game where in you rule and organize rather than control and direct. And this is what gives the game its own glory and charm. Story.......: n/a - Basically you're some sort of ruler in a fantasy kingdom wherein you are supposed to enlist the aid of Wizards, Elves, Barbaians, and other fantastic heroes in order to aid you in conquering neighboring kingdoms. Hence, the story unfolds as you play the game. Movies......: n/a - I haven't played the game much to see see much movies from this game yet so in fairness, I won't rate it. Replay......: 10/10 - Definitely an addictive game. Its uniqueness and charm has this magical pull which makes me want to come back for more action. Gender Bias.: 9/10 - Well, this game may involve a lot of action and fighting but the avoidance of gore and foul language would surely entice women to play too. Fun Factor..: 8/10 - This game has high production values and is very well- planned. The game balance is good, and the gameplay is so unique. It may prove a bit challenging for some people who aren't into fantasy or strategy type of games but it should still prove to be fun no matter what. Multiplayer.: 8/10 - Registered users may play for free over The Zone, wherein you can play head to head against up to 7 players in an all-out deathmatch. Could be better if they added other game modes like capture the flag or quest mode or something. Overall.....: 9/10 With Majesty, Microprose presents to us a new game concept wherein strategy, adventure, and simulation are presented all in one game. Although it leans more into the strategy side, you can't control your units directly, which makes it somewhat like Settlers. The units and structures are controlked by the computer AI, which makes it a simulation, and the prescence of heroes, foes, items, attributes, and quests make it an adventure game. I don't think there is a game out in the market that plays Majesty, so maybe the developers are trying to start a new trend here? Only time will tell.. all I know is I almost ran out of words to describe how great, fantastic, unique, majestical, cool, superb, pr whatever this game is, so check it out for yourself :) This game goes up to one of my game of the year candidates. - The Bottomline: WTF are you waiting for??? Diablo 2?? Daikatana? well, while you're waiting for those.. go get this!$#$!@ Gee.. Microprose should start paying me for this kind of advertising ;D Anyway, get this game, seriously. - Triple Play 2001 ---------------- review by senator Publisher...: EA Sports Homepage....: Genre.......: Baseball Accelerated.: YES Price.......: $ 39.95 Demo........: N/A Requirements: Windows 95/98 (Windows NT and Windows 2000 are not supported), 166 MHz or faster Intel Pentium or AMD K6 processor, 62 MB free hard disk space plus space for saved games, 32 MB RAM, High Color (16 bit) capable 2 MB PCI or AGP video card with DirectX 7.0a compatible driver, 4x or faster CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive ESRB Rating.: Everyone Graphics....: 9/10 - As aspected from game by EA the graphic are great as always. The players are extremely detailed, same for the stadiums. One thing that EA does great too is the menu interfaces and once again, they made an awesome one for this new title, no complicated menus with nice graphics. The player animation is done very good, every year you think EA can't improve the great games, but they prove you wrong again every year :) But there is one thing, the crowd. In every sport game of EA I played the crowd is just a bunch of different colors. But on the other hand of you would have 3d rendered crowds you would need a much faster cpu. Sound.......: 7/10 - When you arrive in the menu, you will hear some cool music. During the game there are two commentators. Probably well known people but I don't know them, but that's because I life in Europe and MLB isn't on tv much here :) I really liked their commentary...doesn't get boring fast. Control.....: 9/10 - I started a quick game and I noticed the controller I got was the mouse, I thought better change it, but that wasn't nescessary. Controlling the game with the mouse is very easy and it's really cool. When you are pitching you get a little screen with all blocks so you can aim easily, you choice how you wanna pitch, for example, curve, sinker etc. Point the mouse in the block where you want to throw it, press the left mouse button to actually pitch. The longer you press the left mouse button the harder you throw. Can it be more easy? :) Gameplay....: 8/10 - Playing the game isn't really hard, depends on your difficulty settings though. I played with the default ones. If you control the game by mouse and you are the team in the field you can easily throw to all 4 bases. When you catch the ball in the field a small map of the field will appear on the screen and you simply click the base you want to throw the ball too. If you played some matches you will be really comfortable with playing the game. And if you got the right players and you know how to really hit the ball the best, you will make nice homeruns and win games :) Story.......: 7/10 - This game is all about the best baseball league in the world, Major League Baseball. Most people know it, so I don't think I have to explain it some more. Movies......: 7/10 - It's getting the same story with all EA games I review. Like no other game from EA sports this game also features a very cool intro movie, with great sounds and very cool footage. Replay......: 8/10 - This game will definately keep you busy for a while. Every time you play the game you improve your skills and will be able to take on a higher difficulty level. Triple Play 2001 also features the option to create your own players and put them in your team. I always like such options ;) Gender Bias.: 7/10 - I can be short with this part. The game is real fun to play for everyone no matter the gender :) Fun Factor..: 8/10 - Maybe in your first few matches you don't think it's that much fun, when loosing all the time. Maybe it's because I suck playing this game, who knows :) But after sometime you will make the coolest homeruns and stuff and you would really enjoy playing this game. Multiplayer.: 7/10 - I played the game on LAN, it was easy to setup and it worked fine. According to EA it's possible to play this game on the internet too, I didn't have the time and oppurtunity to test it. Overall.....: 8.5/10 (This aint an average of all seperate scores) Microsoft Baseball 2001 ----------------------- review by senator Publisher...: Microsoft Homepage....: Genre.......: Baseball Accelerated.: YES Price.......: $ 39.95 (Estimated) Demo........: 30.31 MB Requirements: Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98 operating system, Multimedia PC with a Pentium 166 MHz or higher processor with 4 MB video card, 32 MB of RAM, 100 MB of available hard-disk space for minimum install, Quad-speed or faster CD-ROM drive, Microsoft Direct 3D compliant 3D accelerator card and 8 MB VRAM recommended ESRB Rating.: Everyone Graphics....: 7/10 - During the install I was getting curious, because of what the voice in the installer said: " notch 3d rendered graphics". Time for me to play and judge if this is really the case. Well, if they ment the players faces I would have agreed with MS. The people out in the field are far away from being "top notch 3d rendered". The only player that is really great rendered is the player that is on the batting place. The stadiums are not bad. The thing that is really good readable are the advertisements, why didn't this surprise me? :) Sound.......: 8/10 - Microsoft also puts commentary in their installers, pretty original. In the menu you will hear a nice tune. During the game this game also features commentary done by one guy. Good commentary. I liked the crowd noises, finnaly some that are not the same all the time. Control.....: 7/10 - Microsoft did a good job on making the controls be as easy as possible. When pitching you choice your type of throw, like fastball, a white block will appear on the screen with a circle in it that projects the spot where the ball will come. Very easy. Same with batting. You simply choice the way you want to hit the ball, normal/power etc. The button to bat with is always the same no matter what type you choise. Gameplay....: 6/10 - I noticed immidiately when I played the first time the batting is very hard. After the pitcher threw the ball, it's a matter of 1 second till the ball is has reached the spot where you should hit it. You have to really get used to it and be very fast. When you bat and the cpu pitcher throws you can see if the ball goes wide or not. I don't know if this is a good thing or not, but one thing is for sure it will prevent you from trying to hit balls that are wide. Story.......: 7/10 - This game is all about the best baseball league in the world, Major League Baseball. Most people know it, so I don't think I have to explain it some more. Movies......: 7/10 - It's getting the same story with all EA games I review. Like no other game from EA sports this game also features a very cool intro movie, with great sounds and very cool footage. Replay......: 8/10 - Because I have to be as unbiased as possible I need to forget I played Triple Play 2001 :) I think when you are a baseball fan and you are used to the controls I think this game is will keep you inside your house for a while. Microsoft implented some nice features that also makes this game partly a management game. It lets you control everything from the financial responsibilities of tracking a club's payroll to the general managerial duties of fostering trades and signing free agents. Gender Bias.: 7/10 - No matter if you are a girl or a boy, if you like Baseball you would like Microsoft Baseball 2001 Fun Factor..: 7/10 - With actually playing the game and the management features this game will be alot of fun for the true baseball fans out there. For people that aren't into this sport that much, you better think twice to buy the game. Multiplayer.: N/A Overall.....: 7/10 Ok, here is what you have been waiting for what games is better: EA's Triple Play 2001 or Microsofts Baseball 2001? - The Bottomline: Triple Play 2001. I came to this conclusion because TP 2001 was easier to control, the game has better graphics, it features multi-player support unlike MS Baseball 2001 that doesn't feature any type of multiplayer gaming except 2 players on 1 computer. Microsoft did a nice job of putting some management into the game though. I like the sound of MS Baseball 2001 better than the sound of TP 2001, it is has some more variation. Supposing the prices of these two games are about the same, I advice you to get TP 2001. Enjoy it! - Star Trek: Hidden Evil ---------------------- review by dennison Publisher...: Adcivision Developer...: I don't care Homepage....: but why bother? Genre.......: CRAP Adventure Accelerated.: YES Price.......: $19.99 Demo........: 24 Mb Requirements: Pentium 200, 32 Mb RAM, 225 Mb hard disk space,4x CD-ROM, DirectX compatible sound card, 4Mb DirectX compatible video card ESRB Rating.: T (Teen 13+), contains animated violence Graphics....: 6/10 - Yeah it has 3d acceleration.. but the world is still in 2D Sound.......: 0/10 - Blurred, lifeless voices that I don't understand wtf he's saying.. lasergun sound effects, no ambient or environmental sounds. Control.....: 0/10 - You can only play by the keyboard and there's no option to change the keys.. and I hate the default controls too. Gameplay....: 0/10 - You're supposed to be following this lame storyline which and solve gay puzzles, overcome stupid obstacles and waste your time thinking, WTF you're doing and why you even bothered to play this stupid game. Story.......: 0/10 - Eh? You're supposed to defeat the forces of evil.. why do I even bother to review this crap? Movies......: 0/10 - CRAP Replay......: 0/10 - CRAP Gender Bias.: 0/10 - CRAP Fun Factor..: 0/10 - OF COURSE, CRAP! Multiplayer.: 0/10 - I don't care anymore, I won't spend another minute playing the game. Overall.....: 1/10 If you want to waste your money on another crappy Star Trek game, then be my guest, but get the demo first. Don't blame me if this review is as shitty as the game is, it's here to help people avoid wasting money for overhyped games that only serve one purpose--to feed the pockets of money-hungry gimps who are already fat and rich, like Activision. I have yet to see a good Star Trek game. Too disappointing. Even the game's catchphrase "An Epic Adventure to Save Paradise" is lame. What Paradise??? Epic Adventure?? OH GIVE ME A F*****NG BREAK - The Bottomline: Yeah so it's 30% cheaper than your normal games out there. Now you know the reason why. - -----------[The Scene News]----------- All the news thats fit to print... and then some... --------[Stories from the Watercooler]---------- Ahh yes, rumors, we all love them even though we love to say how much we hate them when they are about us. And these are some of the better ones circulating around this week. Email us or find us on irc if you have a good rumor you'd like entered, your name will not be included, but we do not add rumors like that Xtremist is having Jess' baby or that Elocin is being gang raped by Cedric and Sins, because we all know that those are both true. =-------------------------------------=--------------------------------------= Well friends.. Thats about it. If you've read this far, we sincerly thank you. We like to know this thing gets read, so if you get the time, drop one of us a quick msg, and tell us what you think, give us suggestions, tell us it sucks, or just say "hi" to us!.... Greets fly out to: Ryche, Edge, Bernis, Elocin, Sins, Crackz, Zip, Goatass, Dma, Bigmom, Bud, Preacher K, Bohnz, Ceddie, Glenfag, Prs, Tyger, Dopestar, LS, PaleDeth, Humble, Xtremist, Rook, MANDRAKE@#!)#@)*!#@!@ Find us on IRC in #nwr, (channel commands: !nwr, !nwr 69 or whatever issue you want. +lester 04/03/00