Netmonkey Weekly Report Issue LXXVIII March 29th, 2000 g#S$ d. ____ ascii by garflozzy ____ $$$: -- ,$b ----- $$$ ___ $$$$$s __ :$$l $',$$$$.`$$ :$$$._l$$: ,s#S$$$$: $$$"�$$b.`�$i $$$ ',$$'�$$,`$ l$$$T$$$$._ --------- l$$$$$$$$ :$$l b,`Y$$,`l l$$.d$P . �$$,` $$l" $$$�T$S#g._ ----------- ��������� :$$$$$$$l l$$: $$b.`Y$$, :$$$$' d$b �$$,d$$: :$$l ,.`"�T$S# ��������� $$$$$$$: $$$ :$$$$. Y$$.s$$$' d$$$b '$$$$l l$$: l$'.d$$' $$$$$$$. $$$ l$$$$$. $$$Sl$' d$$$$$b '$$$: :$$l .'.d$$' $$$$$$l :$$l $$$$$$l l$$::P :$$$$$$$b.`$l l$$: ~~~~~~~ ------------------ l$$: ------- :$$l.' ---------- `: ;$$l --------------------- $$$ ������� .l$$ :: ~~~~ � $$S#s,$$$ ::: ``^"�Y$$$ `Y$ [ n ] ETMONKEY [ W ] EEKLY [ R ] EPORT Well, we are a day and a week late, so what. You expect that from us. But anyhow, we are back and spicin up the mag again for the first time in a long time. New features include, cool person of the week, our photographer is back in full force, 2 pics this week, one of the person of the week and just another neat little pic. Anyhow there will be some misc bullshit added throughout the coming weeks, so long as I don't lose interest. First up, gotta give a quick shout to Stile project, he's up for this years webbies and you all should go check out his page and vote for him. The 2nd pic is of Edge and rook, caught in a moment of bliss. Cool person of the week: This award goes out to Jess for the second week in a row, as nobody else was very impressive, and she also was so kind as to pose for yet another Jess pic, check it out in the zip. Loser of the week: Well, this goes to Glen, as I imagine it will always go to him. Observations and Grumblings: I have a question for anyone who drives, do you find yourself in the fast lane on the freeway doing a mere 65 or less mph? Do you find yourself slowing down and craning your neck to see an accident or just a mere car on the side of the road with flashers on? Do you merge into other lanes completely oblivious of other cars in that lane? Do you flash your lights at someone who merges in front of you without cutting you off? Do you tap your brakes every 10 seconds for no reason whatsoever? Do you say to yourself, i'm not going to get over, I'm doing the speed limit, even when a car is riding your ass and flashing lights? Do you get on the freeway at about 40 mph and attempt to force your way into traffic? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then get the FUCK OFF THE FREEWAY#@! The fast lane is FOR FAST DRIVING. If you are doing the speed limit, that is NOT fast enough, you go do the speed limit in another lane. If someone comes up fast and wants you to get over, get the fuck over. The only exception to this is if you are already speeding excessively, and this means 90+ mph, and a car comes flying up behind you, it is his responsibility to figure out the best path to get around you, going that fast he ought to be able to maneuver it, otherwise get the fuck out of the way. Hey, we've all seen accidents before, and if you need to see blood and guts, go watch the news when you get home. The rest of us would like to continue on an even driving pace irregardless of the car stalled in the right lane, it doesn't fucking concern you, if you wanna glance and maintain your speed, be my fucking guest, if you want to pull over and get out and stare, hey more power to you, but dont fucking slow down in the middle of the god damn freeway and cause everyone else to do the same. You know who you are, knock it the fuck off. ok we all took the fucking driving test right? If you need to merge, then you turn on your blinker and look over your shoulder for oncoming cars, now also take into consideration whether or not someone is coming up fast in that lane, and that someone will be forced to slam on his brakes because your doing 35 as you merge over. Merge like a normal fucking person, and just because you see your exit approaching 2 miles off, doesn't mean you need to slam on your brakes and make a beeline for the right lane, you have plenty of time to get over without encouraging fellow drivers to shoot you. Now, if you need to hit your brakes, so be it, but if a car 5 cars ahead of you touches his brakes, that does not mean you need to, or if a car 3 lanes over, slows down, you don't have to, you only have to fucking slow down when a car in front of you is doing the same thing, and you don't need to touch your brakes every 15 seconds because your so fucking nervous about being on the freeway with all these cars or whatever the fuck your problem is, this also goes to tailgaters who speed up and hit the brakes, speed up,brakes,etc..if your going to tailgate, do it properly, get the speed down and ride comfortably on their ass, you only need to release the gas and slow down somewhat to match their mood changes, brake lights are evil things, they indicate traffic, only use when appropriate@!# Lastly, if your getting on to the freeway, get your speed up to the flow of traffic before merging your stupid ass into the freeway lanes, thats what that onramp is for, you dont have to just turn left and your on the freeway, you get a nice little stretch of lane to pick up some speed and make a smooth transition!#@ --- That will do it for our driving education for this week. I'll have some other thing pissing me off next week to talk to you about. Enjoy the rest of the mag and see ya next week with the monthly iso review and some other goodies. Les -----------[ index ]----------- I.) Intro a) Lester b) ndetroit II.) Quotes of the Week III.) Stats - Ndetroit's Weekly Stats, and comments on Sites. IV.) (Your Name Here)'s Biased Courier Report V.) Articles a) The Gaming Report b) Bud's Biased Utils Report c) Iso Monthly Utils Report d) Lesters Moview Reviews e) VCD Group and Movie Reviews f) Da' Game Review(Not to be confused with TGR):P VI.) Scene News - All the news thats fit to print VII.) Rumors! VIII.) Closing ---------------------[ Quotes of the Week! ]--------------------- -----------[ sites and stats section ]----------- Pick up our good friends at CWS's magazine this week for the stats. -----------[ Articles ]----------- =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ The Gaming Report ]----------- =============================================================================================== OMG YET ANOTHER GAMES REPORT ISSUE #8 ------------------------------------- Note: This report is best viewed in DOS Editor, AcidDraw, some other good ASCII editor, or on the chest of a Playboy Bunny. Well it was kind of hard not to write this week. I just HAD to comment on the most recent events. Mainly, new "rules" for the rip scene (games only of course, utils groups seem to have enough brains to rip independently without needing any help, and generally do a better job of it). Don't take that the wrong way - the games scene is my true love, providing endless hours of mindnumbing entertainment - plus I get to play games! - The Preacher Kane The Points: ----------- * Games will be scored on a scale of 0 to 5, points being awarded according to the quality of the title. And not just quality by name - after all, an anticipated "blockbuster" can suck as badly as the worst budget schlock. * A fix will result in a loss of .5 (one half) of a point. If the fix is released by a group other than that which released the game, they will earn the extra point. * Addons such as Movies and Music will earn between 1 and 2 points, depending on the title AND whether or not they actually ENHANCE the gaming experience. Addons released by groups other than the group who originally released the game will not be considered. Addons of essential features (IE Textures, 3DFX, stuff that should not have been ripped to begin with) will result in the loss of 1 point. Which means certain titles can earn points even if some people consider them "rapes" - I'm on a modem after all! * Retail addons will recieve a score of between 1 and 4 points if they are developed by the original developers of the game, or are officially licensed. Unofficial addons will not be considered. Standalone addon packs are always preferable to a standard addon release. If a group releases an addon which is later released as a standalone, only the standalone will recieve points. * Update patches and trainers will earn 1 point each provided they are fully working. A trainer released by a group after an existing trainer has already been made available in an earlier release will only be considered if it offers something NEW, otherwise it will be considered a DUPE. * Cheat codes will be worth .5 (one half) of a point. Since updates and trainers take more skill to produce, simple cheat codes cannot be assigned an equal value. * A DUPE of a game will result in the loss of 1 point, with the following exception: A game that was lost during a race between two groups will not result in the loss of any points (we do need some competition in the scene!). * Repackaging of a game will result in the loss of .5 (one half) of a point. * Non-English games will not be considered. Sorry, I only speak one language. * I retain the right to bend the rules any way I see fit! * DATES * This time around I'm including all the releases since my last report - 03/07/00 thru to 03/20/00. Or something like that. Now on with the report... The Groups: RELEASE NAME (c) COMPANY [xx/??] ������������������ �� �� �� ����� �������� �� :����� �� �� �� � ����� �� �� �� ���� ����� |�� ۲ ����� �� � �� �� �� ����� �� �� �� �� ������ �� ۲ ����� �� ۲ ����� ۲ ����� �� ۲ ����[ RELEASE DATE: ??/???/1999 ]�����roy���� BACKLASH: RELEASES: POINTS: Total: Nada. Comments: Nothing by the next report and I'll just give up on them. The Good: N/A The Bad: N/A The Ugly: N/A RELEASE NAME (c) COMPANY ______ /| ___ /\______ /\______ / \/ | / _ \ / _____/ _____>1 / |_ / |/ | \\____ \ \____ \ 9 < | < / | / | \/ | \ 9 \ _____\_<____|___\_____ /\_____ / 9 +=\/hh!===================\/[XX/??]\/==+ CLASS: RELEASES: POINTS: Need.For.Speed.High.Stakes.v4.43.Cracked-CLS 0 Panzer.Campaigns.Smolensk.41.v1.03.Update.Cracked-CLS 1 Life.or.Death.2.Cheatcodes-CLS 1 Majesty.Money.Trainer-CLS 1 Majesty-CLS 1 Risk.2.Trainer.Working-CLS 1 Scrabble.2.v1.20.Update.Cracked-CLS 1 Twelve.OClock.High.Bombing.The.Reich.v1.04.Update.Crack 1 Formula.1.Championship.2000-CLS -1 Risk.II.Fix.for.CLS.rel-MYTH -1 Risk.2-CLS 3 Might.And.Magic.VIII.Mega.Trainer-CLS 1 Die.Hard.Trilogy.2.Win2k.FIX-CLS 1 Rogue.Spear.Urban.Operations.+4.Trainer-CLS 1 Freespace.2.Sci.Fi.Sim.of.the.Year.Addon-CLS 1 Freespace.2.Sci.Fi.Sim.of.the.Year.Edition-CLS 3 Tomb.Raider.3.The.Lost.Artifact.+3.Trainer-CLS 1 Tomb.Raider.3.The.Lost.Artifact-CLS 3 CC2.Firestorm.Money.Trainer-CLS 1 Total: 20 Comments: Busy week with a lot of ups and downs for Class. Wonder what they think about this new limit. The Good: Won on some store pickups, including Tomb Raider 3: The Lost Artifact (basically TR3 Gold, same idea as doing Gold for 1 & 2, new levels make some quick cash for Eidos). Also Majesty, a not-great-but-ok RTS style game that just doesn't cut it with some of the better games of the genre. The Bad: A few fixes. And I gave the NFS patch 0, since it didn't work on my system, but I didn't knock it a point because I'm not sure if anyone else has reported the problem. The Ugly: Formula 1 Championship 2000 was a pretty obvious beta - I haven't tested it but I've been told that along with the really obvious version (v.99 or so while the final was 1.04) certain teams have the wrong colors (yes, racing teams have colors, for those not into the sport). RELEASE NAME (c) COMPANY [XX/??] �� 1999-??-?? ����߲� �۲ ��߲ �����߲�� ��� ��߲�� �ܲ���� � ���� ۲ �� � �� ۲� ����������� �����۲ ����� ۲ �� � � ۲� �� ��� �۲�ܲ��� �۲ ۲۲� � ۲ ۲�� ޲�� ۲ ۲� � ۲�۲���� ���۲� � ۲ ۲ ������߰ ۲ ۲� ۲������ MtD ����� ۲ �� ��� �� ��� ���� ����� �������� �� �������������������������� �� ��� Dominate as to erase DIVINE: RELEASES: POINTS: Hunt.Challenge.Series.Regfile.Fix-DVN -1 Browning.Turkey.Hunter.Deluxe-DVN 2 Pheasant.Hunt.Challenge-DVN 2 Turkey.Hunt.Challenge-DVN 2 Deer.Hunt.Challenge.Special.Edition-DVN 2 Virtual.Skipper-DVN 2 Quake.3.Arena.Patch.1.16n.FIX-DVN -1 Quake.3.Arena.Patch.1.16n-DVN 1 Croc.2.Trainer.Plus.3-DVN 1 Total: 10 Comments: Not one but TWO big turkeys from Divine this week, literally! The masters of hunting titles are back in action with FOUR hickware games in a span of about three days. The Good: Divine has solidified third place. Precise/Scar/Razor/Backlash aren't much of a challenge, so if there's an underdog it's these guys. Five games this week. The Bad: None of the five games were any good. Well, Deer Hunt Challenge SE wasn't bad. Good graphics if you've got them cranked on full (at the minimum the background is just a blue screen, there's a wide range of GFX settings in this one). Problem with the graphics though - on full, the game runs at a snail's pace. Many 3D accelerator cards are not supported in the game - but hey it's hunting. On the up side, you're in a full 3D hunting world with plenty of room to move around - you can explore and walk around, drop to you knees and hide, unlike most of the lesser-known hunting titles where you just rotate in a circle on one spot shooting at little furry creatures. All three games in the challenge series are from EA, so you know the quality's decent. Turkey Hunt Challenge and Pheasant Hunt Challenge are basically the same game as Deer Hunt Challenge SE (which has new levels not in the old DHC). Same engine, scenery, backgrounds, sound, but different animals to shoot at and a handful of different options. The Ugly: Two fixes. One for the Quake 3 patch, and one for ALL the Hunt Challenge games. The latter is a reg fix that apparently not everyone needs. So only certain hicks should download it. � � � ��ܰ ���� � ۲� �� � �ܲ�� �۲�� ܲ��۲�� ۲����۲���۲� ��� �۲ ��� �۲ �����۲ �۲ ��� �����۲��� ��߲�۲ ��� ۲� �� �۲� �۲ � ��� ���۲ ��� ��۲ ۲ ��۲��� ��۲ �߲ ۲� ����� � �۲� � ���� � ��߱ �� � � Frx � � MYTH: RELEASES: POINTS: Need.For.Speed.5.Music.Addon-MYTH 2 Need.For.Speed.5.Porsche.Unleashed-MYTH 4 NFS5 Size Issue -1 Formula.1.Championship.2000.Suzuka.Track.fix-MYTH -1 Life.or.Death.2-MYTH 2 Formula.1.Championship.2000.Music.Addon-MYTH 1 Formula.1.Championship.2000.FINAL-MYTH 4 Risk.II.Fix.for.CLS.rel-MYTH 1 Chessmaster.7000.Update.v1.06.Cracked-MYTH 1 Fishs.Revenge-MYTH 2 Die.Hard.Trilogy.2.Cheats-MYTH 1 Subspace.The.Captains.Chair-MYTH 3 Age.of.Wonders.V1.36.Update.Cracked-MYTH 1 Die.Hard.Trilogy.2-MYTH 3 Die.Hard.Trilogy.2.Win2k.FIX-CLS -1 Rollercoaster.Tycoon.v1.08.183.Update.Cracked-MYTH 1 Castrol.Honda.Superbike.2000.Tnt2.Geforce.Update-MYTH 1 Seven.Kingdoms.2.v1.18.Update.Cracked-MYTH 1 Seven.Kingdoms.2.v.1.16.Good.Version.Update.Cracked-MYTH 0 Army.Men.Air.Tactics.Cheatcodes-MYTH 1 Sammy.Sosa.High.Heat.Baseball.2001-MYTH 3 Rogue.Spear.Urban.Operations.STANDALONE-MYTH 3 Army.Men.Air.Tactics-MYTH 3 Delta.Force.2.v.1.06.15.Update.Cracked-MYTH 1 Total: 36 Comments: Apparently the people in Myth read and value my opions greatly. Yeah right, I'm not that full of myself! They did get a better DIZ though. A big week for Myth, not even considering the fact that they're tried to single-handedly raise the disk limit. While it probably won't work out exactly according to their rules, they've set a process in motion (read the editorial later). But even discounting that ploy, we saw a lot of action from Myth again. The Good: Plently of action, some good titles. Sammy Sosa High Heat Baseball 2001 is from Interplay, who also spread Sammy Sosa Softball Slam. HH 2001 is much more of a serious baseball game, but it has many of the same failings. Dennison had an in-depth review of it last NWR so check that out for info. I'll note that this is two Sammy Sosa endorsed games now - someone was really throwing the cash at him. Die Hard Trilogy 2 and Army Men Air Tactics are both decent games, though neither offer much new to the gaming experience, and the Army Men series has really played itself out. The Bad: Myth and Class seem to love fixing each other's mistakes. DHT2 fix from CLS for Myth, Risk 2 fix from Myth for CLS. Hey guys, why not just make your own stuff work?! Two Seven Kingdoms patches close together, only one will recieve points. Remember Deer's Revenge? No? Not suprising. Fish's Revenge is the same idea, same developer. Watch out hicks - now the fish is trying to catch you! Life or Death 2 is a really crappy English version of an Asian game. The Ugly: Rumors of BETA. Urban Operations, an addon for Rogue Spear, REEKS of beta. It's way too early, buggy, and there's still no ISO of it. I scored it three points but don't be suprised if in a few weeks Myth looses points due to it. Need for Speed 5 - again, I've scored it. But it broke the limit, although Myth tried to avoid the issue by suddenly changing the rules on their own. While they may succeed (the rules WILL have changed by next week, though probably not exactly to what Myth proposed), they still released a game at 62 disks which most are now saying can be done within 50. And under Myth's own proposed rules, other groups have 36 hours to do a smaller rip. So maybe they shot themselves in the foot. NFS 5 also REEKS of beta - the version number on the game has apparently been REMOVED, presumably by Myth, for reasons unknown. They already watermarked the cracked EXE, so there's really no reason. And there's no ISO of this one to judge by. It is fairly close to the release date however, about six days off. In the end I gave it points, docked one for breaking the limit and trying to masquerade the breach as a "change" in the rules, and left it at that. If it turns out to be beta or someone gets it smaller, I'll fix that next issue. �������������������������������������������� � Game Name: [ RELEASE NAME (c) COMPANY ] � ������������������������������������������������������������������� � ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������� ��� ��������� ��������� � � ۲� � ۲� ۲� � ۲� ۲� � ۲� ۲� � ۲� ۲� ۲� � ۲� ۲� � ۲� � � ۱� � ۱� ۱� � ۱� ۱� � ۱� ۱� � ۱� ۱� ۱� � ۱� ۱� � ۱� � � ۰� ۰� ۰� ۰� ۰�v64۰� ۰� � ��� ۰� ۰� ��� ۰� ۰� � � � ������� � ������� � ������� � � � � � ��������� � ������� � � ۰� ����� ۰� � ۰� ۰� � ��� ۰� � ��� ۰� ��� � ۰� ۰� � ��� � � ۱� ����� ۱� � ۱� ۱� � ۱� ۱� � ۱� ۱� ۱� � ۱� ۱� � ۱� � � ۲� ����� ۲� � ۲� ۲� � ۲� ۲� � ۲� ۲� ۲� � ۲� ۲� � ۲� � � ��� ����� ��� � ��� ��������� ��������� ��� ��������� ��������� � ������������������������������������������������������������������� � RLSDate: [??/??/99] � � Disk Count: [XX/??] � ����������������������� ����������������������� PRECISE: RELEASES: POINTS: Boarder.Zone-PRECiSE -1 SubSpace.The.Captains.Chair.Money.Trainer-PRECiSE 1 Total: 0 Comments: Precise is new, so I'll just assume they don't keep up to date with Euro/US releases which are identical to one-another but have different names. The Good: Trainer for the new Subspace game. The Bad: Boarder Zone is actually Supreme Snowboarding, BZ is the US release. Game's the same. The Ugly: No new DIZ yet. Come on guys, Myth did it! RELEASE NAME (c) COMPANY [XX/??] /\______ /\______ ____/\______ __ \____ \/ \__ \/ _ \____ \ __/ \____ / _/ _/ \/ / / / _/ _// / / / / / / \ \ /\ / /\ / / \ \/ /\ / / / \__/\ \/RTX______\___/\__/\ \/ / /_/_/ =====\___)===\__)============\___)=\/======= RAZOR: RELEASES: POINTS: Risk.II.Trainer.Plus.1-RAZOR -1 Alien.Invaders.2000.Plus.2.Trainer-RAZOR 1 The.Alchemist.Plus.1.Trainer-RAZOR 1 Total: 1 Comments: Trainer 1911 as opposed to Patch 1911. The Good: Two working trainers. The Bad: One broken trainer. The Ugly: Still no games. ___________ __________ _________________________ \ _____/___\ ____/____\______ /\ _ / \_______ // / / \/ \ / / // // . \ \_____\ /___________\____________\\____________/______\ ..........................................s.c.a.r.. . SCAR: RELEASES: POINTS: Total: Nada. Comments: N/A The Good: N/A The Bad: N/A The Ugly: N/A Group Rankings: RANKING: POINTS: TO DATE: RANK TO DATE: 1) Myth (36) (72) 3 2) Class (20) (191.5) 1 3) Divine (10) (77.5) 2 4) Razor (1) (25) 5 5) Scar (0) (43) 4 6) Precise (0) (5.5) 6 7) Backlash (0) (2.5) 7 Top 3 Releases This Report: Need for Speed 5 (IF it's FINAL) (MYTH) Tomb Raider 3: The Lost Artifact (CLS) Army Men Air Tactics(MYTH) Springerish Final Thought: Well, judging by the output of the groups outside of the top three (CLS, MYTH, DVN), this report could suddenly get a lot smaller. Myth is hot on DVN's trail in the points race and will soon overtake them. Rules have "changed" according to Myth... they will probably change again soon, but this time they'll be official. I don't count, care about or like IND, DD, TRDogs, Specter, or any of the other junk labels. DD was once Prozac's BBS and a fun label but he is incognito and there's really no reason for some of the junk put out under it recently, aside from Deer Hunter 3 Gold perhaps. TRDogs has also been around a while but as with DD, while it was fun it the past, it's idiotic now. The recent TRDogs NFO series looks to be written by someone with a grade one education, and actually includes mother jokes. Now all we need is Blade Runners to come out of retirement. Suddenly I miss MiniMe. CFL Football 99 is a legit game, but the rip of it (released 3 times in about five minutes) is crap, I have no idea why it was so fucked. But if there's a full version around try it, it doesn't look that bad. Oh and this again is why nameless front-groups need to be done away with. With all the absolute CRUD coming out lately, I wouldn't download anything that doesn't say CLASS, MYTH, or DIVINE on it. Or maybe RAZOR if they ever get a game. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SPECIAL FEATURE JUST TO FILL SPACE AND KILL TIME: YET ANOTHER EDITORIAL: THE NEW RIP RULES ```````````````````````````````````````` Around a month before Christmas, the five major games groups had a semi-decent dialog going about rip rules. This was in response to a number of "unrippable" and "hard-to-rip" games that hit the market (UT, WOT, U9). While some of them did get done, it was clear that rule changes were needed in order to make rips playable. And besides this, a change to the disk limit was required. Now, this wasn't the first time groups had been talking - there's been chatter for over half a year, probably more. This week with a rather hefty release (size and title wise) Myth has proclaimed new rules. Now lets get one thing straight. Despite some confusing wording, these rules were devised by Myth, although many of the ideas were proposed by other groups. Neither CLS nor any other group has agreed to them. So this set of rules is a mute point. What Myth has done is set a course of events in motion - they've acted as a catalyst. You can expect, within a week, that an official set of rules will be adopted by all groups. So there's not too much to debate here. Some of these rules are decent, some are a bit off - 70 disks is a tad large for any game if you're a modem user, as is 35 disks for an addon, however the re-rip rule if used correctly could prevent abuse of the inflated limit. --- Myth's PROPOSED Rules This ruleset-draft was written in an attempt to restore fair competition and at the same time encourage all groups to make the best possible rip. Quality AND speed should be the main motives to rip a game. The BEST rip is the one that includes ALL the essential gamedata at the SMALLEST size in a TIMELY manner and not necessarily the one that gets released first. 1. The disk limit is as of now 70 x 2,915,000 bytes. This equates to a total of 204,050,000 bytes of compressed data. Acceptable compression formats at this time are ACE or RAR, followed by the traditional PKZIPing. The limit for standard game addons is 35 x 2,915,000 bytes. This equates to a total of 102,025,000 bytes for the addon. ONLY the group that won a rip is allowed to release addons for it, as too many times in the past addons that were released by third parties did not work. 2. Every release under this limit MUST be a functionally and playably complete game. This means that included will be every component necessary for the successful completion of the game e.g.: - all game executables that are needed, - every level (single AND multiplayer), - every track or course, - all actor graphics etc, - all registry entries used by a game (for Zone-multiplay etc). Not necessary to complete a game are usually manuals, editors etc, but those should stay inside a rip if possible, else released as an addon. 3. Any lossless compression method to reduce the size of selected game data is ALLOWED (e.g. uharc). 4. Lossy compression is ALLOWED for sound, videos and non-texture graphics (e.g. jpeging of menu screens). Lossy compression of textures is expli- citly FORBIDDEN to prevent the many problems inherent to that. 5. Sound effects WILL and MUST be included. To reduce the size of rips when possible, standard waveformat files (PCM) should be mp3-compressed. If the soundfiles exist inside a bigfile its highly regarded when time is invested to extract those files to compress them. Groups are not to re- quired to index bigfiles though (for further comments read rule 13). It is allowed to rip music, commentary/speech and ambient sounds as long as the game remains playable. Speech files MUST be included if there exist no on-screen subtitles. If possible, ALL sounds and music should be included in a rip and not intentionally as addons. 6. It is ALLOWED to remove gamedata that exists in multiple resolutions or formats as long as the game remains playable on a typical system which is defined by a PII-300 with a D3D-card and soundcard. This means it is ALLOWED to rip the folowing gamedata as long as it gets released in an addon not more than 4 hours after the main rips release: - low-resolution textures for lowend systems, - high-resolution textures for highend systems, - high-screenresolution graphics data (above 640x480 or 800x600), - hardware-dependent data (e.g. Glide textures). 7. Movies (intros, cutscenes) should be removed if they are not game-related Movies must be ripped in a way so that the gameplay experience is not compromised, e.g. framing of movies is highly regarded. It should always be avoided to create situations in which user-input is necessary on black screens because the video normally shown has been blacked out. When movies/cutscenes are necessary to understand the game they MUST be included in the game. 8. Other allowed addons for games include: - cutscenes/movies, - commentary/speech, - music, - manual, - editor. Intro addons are EXPLICITLY FORBIDDEN. Not more than 2 addons should be typically released for a game. 9. Children's games (aka Kiddie games) and Edutainment software do not qualify under these rules guidelines for acceptable releases. Kiddie games are usually definied via the game target audience of '5-12 years' as stated by the game's producer. Common sense should be used by all groups to identify what really is a kiddy game. 10. Levelpacks, game addons etc. for rips are only allowed if they are offi- cially released/authorized by the same company/developer/publisher that put out the original game. That means e.g. an Age of Empires II addon by some lame-o-webstuff company is EXPLICITLY FORBIDDEN, while an addon by Microsoft / Ensemble Studios is ALLOWED. Also allowed would be an addon that was 'officially authorized' by Microsoft/Ensemble. 11. In regard to games distributed in the United States that are LATER distributed in Europe or vice versa under the same or different name / publisher. These games if released AFTER another group's release are counted as DUPES unless it can be proven that there is a clearly noticeable PLAYABLE difference in the latter release (more than just tiny differences in graphics or sound). Differences in filedates between Euro and US releases are NOT a good enough reason to rerelease the game (example: Supreme Snowboarding and Boarder Zone are the same game, with different Euro/US names and filedates. But as there was no PLAYABLE dif- rence in the games, the release of Boarder Zone was a dupe). 12. If two or more rips of the same game get released, the first working rip wins. Sites should not nuke any release until the winning rip has been proven to work correctly and follows the above ruleset. 13. To prevent sloppy rips, a rerelease of a game is ALLOWED and defined as the winning release if: a) it can be ripped in >=10 disks less than the previous release by using only lossless compression methods. b) it can be ripped in >=15 disks less or <50% of the size of the previous release by using mp3-compression. That means all the essential gamedata must be still included in the rere- lease. If data gets removed, the rip-nfo must state why that data was not essential to the gameplay. The rerelease of a rip must be done in at most 36 hours after the release of the original rip, as possibly every game is rippable in a smaller size if enough time is spent. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Once the rules get finalized, I'll do a better editorial. I had one written, but then rumors of an official rules change from all the groups started spreading, and they came from several sources in several top games groups, so I decided to wait. - The Preacher Kane. =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Bud's Biased Utils Section ]----------- Bud's Biased Utils Report #50 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yes, NWR was nowhere to be found last week. Yes, it's my fault. That may soon become my standard disclaimer.... =) I reeaalllyyy need to stop writing with freakin' happy faces all over the place. Just a personal observation. For those of you who weren't aware, Zion's Hideout was busted some time ago. Earlier in the month, the case was in court, and a guilty plea by the defendant was entered. Though I respect the privacy of all those involved, I suggest reading this article, presented with the appropriate bia by our "good friends" over at the SIIA. You can view it at: Should any information come availble about the poorly named "Operation Cyberhook" (it seems the FBI is no more creative in naming than most scene members) it will be included here. And if you don't know what the hell I'm talking about, go read the article. See, this isn't JUST for utils gimps. Disclaimer: It's BIASED moron. My opinion. So don't send me a bunch of mail & messages bitching about this or that. If you don't like it... SCREW YOU =] Rankings: Groups get a score out of 10. Points are given for amount of releases, but QUALITY titles will give a group a much higher score. Nukes for duping, broken releases and just plain CRAP will lower a groups score. However on the occasion that a title is nuked which I don't feel should have been, MY OWN JUDGEMENT TAKES PRECEDENCE. Cuz I'm writing this. Groups can also get points for any other reason I see fit. Week: Week is based from 03/21/00 to 03/27/00. I'm in the EST time zone so dates/times run according to it. Groups: (In no particular order) � ����� � � � ��� ������ � ��� ����� A Group ��� �� �� ����� ��� � That Gives ������ �������� �� �� Slightly ���� ���� �� ������ � Less Than ��� ��� �� ���� �� A Fuck. � � � � -XeN PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE: Releases: BESTColor.XXL.v4.0-PWA Rhinoceros.v1.1.SR1.Update-PWA Modsim.III.v1.3-PWA I didn't even notice that Rhinoceros update till today, I probably should have given the amount of time I've spent on the app. Not sure if it will work with the non-English platform crack that Shock put out a few weeks back, so if you apply this and you're not on English Win9X/NT, make a backup of the main files first. All in all I can only say one thing - it's good to see PWA still releasing. Total: 5/10 ����������������������������������[XX/XX]� ��� ��� � ������ ���� ������ ���� ���� ۲� ۲� � ��� ۲� � ۲� �� ۲� � ��� �� ۲ ۱� ۱� ۰� �� �� ۱� �� ۱� � ��� ���� ������� � ۱���� �� ۰� �� ��� ۲� �� �� ۱� ۲� � ۲� � ۲� ۰� �� � ۲� ۱� �� ۲ ��� ۱� � ��� ���������� � ������� ����� ��� ��� � ���������������� � ����� sikos � X-FORCE: Releases: FULCRUM.PC.DOCS.V4.0-XFORCE CCMAIL32.8.5X.WIN9X.NT-XFORCE PL.SQL.DEVELOPER.V3.0.2.329-XFORCE C.FORGE.V1.5.4.1.LINUX-XFORCE X-Force seems unable to make any solid steps forwards. For the past few months there's been some internal rumblings about crackers who are unwilling to put effort into utils they aren't personally interested in. Take that as rumor though, since XF has some excellent people. They've just been unable to come through for soem time now. This week we saw some uninspiring apps, with rather minor versions of PL/SQL Developer and C-Forge's Linux version. PC Docs 4, a business/organizational tool, is decent, Lotus CCMail 8.5 will be popular as well. Total: 5/10 /\______/| ___/\_ _/ ______ :|; . __/\ ____/\ __| // %%%\____ \ |__:_\__ \/ ~~ :\_ | __/%%%% iii_/ :| \\_ \ ;| \_ |____/ \iiiii :::\__ ; _/ | \\_ : // | \\_ | \\_::: \____/---|____/____/_______/-|____/kaz SHOCK: Releases: MetaIP.DNS.v4.1.SP3-SHOCK Embarcadero.ER.Studio.v4.0.FINAL-SHOCK Bill.Power.v7.3.139-SHOCK Sax.Setup.v6.0.2447-SHOCK Sax.Comm.Objects.v7.0.2163-SHOCK Sybergen.Secure.Desktop.v2.0.REPACK-SHOCK EndNote.v4.0-SHOCK EnterNet.300.v1.34-SHOCK Symantec.pcAnywhere.v9.2-SHOCK VSI.Fax.Server.v4.01.with.Clients-SHOCK Genitor.Surveyor.v4.50.309.FINAL-SHOCK Call.Attendant.Pro.v1.0.2-SHOCK Shock had a decent week, despite a repack that I for some "odd" reason won't dwell on. They did get some respectable titles out, with pcANYWHERE 9.2 and the finals of both Genitor Surveyor 4.5 (309 is the date of the final, the company stamps it into the version number) and ER/Studio. For those of you wondering about ER/Studio because they saw Demon's release - the Demon rel was a horrible job, it was RC1, said beta ALL over it (I counted about 4 mentions of beta before the install was finished) so I don't know what those guys were thinking. Plus file date and size discrepinscies... shall I go on? Shock's is 100% final. Also worth noting is VSI Fax Server, though not much has changed since 4.0, and MetaIP DNS 4.1 SP3, and I have no idea what's new in there, MetaIP seems to have been gathering dust since Check Point took over the original developers, MetaInfo. Total: 7/10 �������� � ��� ������� [xx] �������������� �������� ��������� ����� � �������� ���� �� ����������� ����� � � � �� ���������� �� ���� ��� ���� ���� �� ��� �� ���� ������� � ������� � �������� � �� �� � ������������������ ��������� ������ � ������������ � �� ���� ��� � �� ���� ��� �� ��������� ��� �� ������� �� ��� ���� �� �� ���������� � ������������ � ��� ����������� ������������������������ ��� pENTIUM fORCE tEAM �����������b1� PENTIUM FORCE TEAM: Releases: N/A Where's PFT? Total: N/A � � � � �ܲ�� � ������۲� �����߲�� ����� ����� ��۲� ���� �۲� ޲��� ޲��� ��۲ ���� ��۲ ��� �� ���� ��۲ ���� ��۲� ��۲ �۲���۲ �۲����۲ ���۲ ���� ��۲ �۲ �۲� ����� ��۲� mg � �������۲� �� �۲� � ������ � ������� �߲� � �� ��������������� � :: ::: :: � ������������������������������������� � LEGENDS NEVER DIE: Releases: CFX.5.3-LND LND got a release out! They'll also have at least one in next week's report, should I manage to get it finished. So at this rate they should have a full thirty or so releases this year! ISO users, LND put the ISO of CFX 5.3 from AEA Tech out as well. Total: 2/10 .__________. [xx/xx/00] \_ ___ ) Da ToP oF Da LiNe! .___. ===/ _/ /=======================/ /===== .:/ _____/__./(___.____/\.______./ /_____. :/ /__/ . ) . )____ ) _ ) / __ ) /__/ / / / / // __ / /__/ / /___/: .:/ /__/__/__/__/(______\____ /__/_____ /MO =/__/========================\/========\/=== = THE PINNACLES OF RELEASING (C) PNC 95-00 = PINNACLE: Releases: VisualSoft.Web.Project.v1.1.for.WinNT-PNC Bid.Blazer.v1.1-PNC WhizBase.v2.000.Enterprise.Edition-PNC AudioPoint.System.v3.0-PNC SDS.Helpdesk.v4.7-PNC McAfee.VirusScan.v5.0-PNC Screen.Saver.Studio.Deluxe.v4.01-PNC Omnis.Studio.v2.4.for.Windows.NT-PNC Omnis.Studio.v2.4.for.Windows.9x-PNC Screen Saver Studio is pretty much as lame as it sounds - make your own screen savers. I think the deluxe version gives you the rights to sell what you make. Yay. On the up side, it does cost quite a bit, so maybe PNC saved someone a few hundred bucks. VirusScan 5 is the best release from PNC this week - say what you want about McAfee tools, a lot of people want them, and it is a retail app. And this is a major version increment. So when I saw this nuked on a site with "AVS SOFTWARE SUCKS" I almost shit myself. The same thing happened with some recent Norton AV rels. What, suddenly people are immune to viruses? Some nuker is now delegating to the public what they can download based on what he likes? On this basis I can nuke just about every game since frankly, most of them are rushed out, boring, overpriced, and are about as stable as some alpha apps I've tested. Total: 6/10 _______________ ____________ ____________ \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[om]\________/== d(*)d D r i n k O r D i e 2 0 0 0 d(*)d ===================== [ DOD * xx-xxx-00 ] == DRINK OR DIE: Releases: MediaWare.Solutions.M1.Edit.PRO.v2.2.Win9x-DOD DRCauto.Smart.Architect.2000.for.Autocad2000-DOD Abirnet.SessionWall.3.V. M2.Edit.Professional.v2.2.Win9x-DOD Innovativecad.Inc.CAMTastic.99.v2.5.1.Win9xNT.REPACK-DOD Abirnet.Sessionwall.3.v1.4.1.12.Win9xNT-DOD Drink or Die continues its recent resurgance with some decent video editing tools in M1 & M2 Edit, as well as Smart Architect for ACAD2K. Would have been nice if the SessionWall keygen had gone in with the original release, but it's a nice afterthought. Total: 6/10 _______________________________[xx/xx] \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS >> RELEASING WITHOUT PERMISSION << REBELS: Releases: Visual.Basic.for.Applications.6.0.SDK.v6.2-RBS PADS.PowerPCB.BlazeRouter.v3.5-RBS Microsoft.Interix.v2.2.5.for.Win9xNT2K-RBS KANA.RESPONSE.v4.0-RBS NAT32.V6.4.5.1107.Incl.Keygen-RBS SAGE.MAS90.v3.41-RBS Expert.Estimation.v3.0.001.010.incl.Keygen-RBS The Rebels crew had a decent week, although I get the feeling next week for RBS might be a tad more interesting. This week we see some a new version of the VB6 SDK, as well as MS Internix, which was also released by UFO, I don't know who won, but frankly Internix is a big piece of junk, just another ploy to get users away from the *nix hierarchy. Internix lets you run Unix apps in WindowsNT/2K. Lets hope Corel does well with it's new Linux offering so we can watch the pendulum swing in the other direction. Total: 6/10 ..._______________________.___ ____.____... ::/ _______/ ____/ | \/ | \:: _/\____ \/ /___/ | \ \: \ > \ \ \/ \ \ :\__________/\________/_________/|_____|___/ ::.. .:[ SCUM ]:. .:[SCUM]:. .:[SCUM]:. ..:: ```````````````````````````````````````````` SCUM: Releases: DELCAM.POWERSHAPE.V2.426-SCuM NETSCAPE.APPLICATION.SERVER.V4.0.SP2-SCuM Both these releases are decent, but lets face it - this was a pretty idle week for SCUM. Total: 3/10 _______________________ ____________ __\ _______/ ______/______/__ / \ __/ / / \/ / / /_______\ /______________\____ /________\ -------------------------------\/----------- (*) F a t i g u e - Couriers Network (*) ___________________________________________. ________________________________________wK!. FATIGUED COURIERS NETWORK: Releases: Component.Set.v1.07a.for.Windows.NT.for.Delphi-FCN Videosoft.VSspell.v6.0.0.12-FCN WebApp.2.5.Professional.and.Server.Edition.for.Delphi.4.and.5-FCN Bold.v2.0.20.for.Delphi5-FCN Bold.v2.0.20.for.Delphi4-FCN GM.Components.v3.40.Incl.Source.Code-FCN TZipTV.v2.52.Source.Code.Only-FCN A slow week compared to the standard FCN "Lets-rel-a-ton-and-crash-our-HQs" outing. Ummm... not too much to say here. I'll touch on the source code issue. A lot of people have mixed feelings about it. Most developers in the scene (and outside) are against releasing source code, for obvious reasons. Aside from the open source community, few developers want anything to do with it. That said, I'm of the opinion that IF a company is SELLING their source code, as some tend to do, then it's fair game for a warez release. I have no idea if that's the case with TZipTV however. If it's not being sold, however, I don't see a need for it - let developers package their product as they see fit, I'm much happier stealing what they officially offer. Total: 5/10 ---�-----------�----------- _ _ _ _ �_� �_� � � � � �_� �_� ��� � � � � ��� ��� �_� �_� � ---�-----------�----[xx/xx] HARVEST: Releases: NOTHING.REAL.SHAKE.NT.V2.2.0324-HARVEST PHOENIXTOOLS.YELLOWCD.FOR.SI.V3.8SP2.AN.UP.REPACK-HARVEST PHOENIXTOOLS.PARTICLESUITE.FOR.SI.V3.8SP2.AN.UP-HARVEST DELIRIUM.FOR.AFTER.EFFECTS-HARVEST HOLLYWOOD.FX.V4.02.GOLD-HARVEST STAGETOOLS.MOVING.PICTURE.V3.16.2000-HARVEST STAGETOOLS.ONSTAGE.V2.15.2000-HARVEST ANIMATEK.WORLDBUILDER.V2.2056b.UPDATE-HARVEST MAXMAN.V1.2.FOR.3DSMAX2.5.AND.3.X-HARVEST I missed the week where Harvest released LightWave 6 from NewTek, so I'll congradulate them now, that was an EXCELLENT score, and a lot of people were expecting to see XF tagged on it, though the way X-Force is going I don't think we should be expecting much of them period. This week was fairly busy for Harvest, and it was pretty much an all plugin week with a very few exceptions, so I won't get into it. Total: 7/10 . )\_______)\__)\_______)\_______ . . __/ __ _/ _/ ____/ ___/ . . \__ / _\ \_____ \ ___/__ : . :/ \ \ / \ / \| : |\___/ /___/_____ /___ /| : | \_/_____/\____ /_____/___/_____/ | :...`---\_____\/----/_flr_/---/_p^D_/--' Really Into Spreading Elite: Releases: DASSAULT.SYSTEMES.CATIA.V5.R3.SP3-RiSE REIUSA.STAAD.PRO.DESIGN.STUDIO.2000.WORKING-RiSE ALDEC.ACTIVE.HDL.V4.0.579.XE.FINAL-RiSE ALLDATA.CAR.V3.2-RiSE ARC.PLUS.RENDER.PRO.V7.1.RELEASE.1-RiSE ALLAIRE.HOMESITE.V4.5.1.RELEASE.CANDIDATE.2-RiSE RATIONAL.ROSE.2000E.ENTERPRISE.EDITION.BETA.1-RiSE CADLINK.PHOTOSCRIPT.PLUS.V6.0-RiSE ACTUATE.DEVELOPER.WORKBENCH.V4.0.6-RiSE ACTUATE.REPORT.SERVER.V4.0.6-RiSE Two RC's and a Beta was the only thing that prevented Rise from winning the week hands-down, since they don't get full points. Some good stuff here though. I was rather suprised to see HERITAGE release the final of STAAD Pro Design Studio 2000, despite a recent resurgance in that crew. Seems their crack wasn't working however. Other notables are Catia 5R3 SP3 and ARC Plus Render Pro 7.1, and CADLink Photoscript Plus 6. Total: 8/10 __ ______ \// / _______ _______________ _/ _/____/ _ \_____\_ \ _ \ \ \ \ / | _/ _/ / / \__________\________|____\_____ ____//\ - - imo -----------xx/xx/2000- |____| -- �� d$$""""�$�" """""$$b """""$$b $$"""���" $$$ ` �$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ `""""$$b $$$ ��""$$�" $$ $$$ $$$ $$P ,d, $$$ $���"""""` """""""` """"""` $$$"""""` """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""`d$$[Y] The Corporate Gods: Releases: VISSOFT.ENGINEERING.GEOMETRY.ASSISTANT.v1.3.4.0.WIN9xNT2K.CORPGODS Yawn. Maybe some students will enjoy it. Total: 1/10 __________________________________________________________ / \ \ / / \ \__________________________________________________________/ / ___ ________ _________________ _______ _____ \ \ // \ / \ ( ! / / \ | \__// \ / / /' \(# ��� / \ ____/��� | \| |__/ ___/ \ \ // ��� \ __ \___\ \( |? /. \ (___ / / / ___ \ \ \ \ \ ��� | |\ / \ \ \ \=\__/===\__/___/==\__/________)______\___|=\_\____/_____/=/ /==============================================-sleighty-==\ \__________________________________________________________/ ARSENIC: Releases: Total: FME.2000.Beta.ARSENiC Animation.Master.2000.v8.0J.ARSENiC Stress.Check.v5.0.26.ARSENiC Cadsi.DesignWorks.99.For.SolidWorks.99.ARSENiC FME.v2.3a.REPACK.ARSENiC Ketiv.Bom.Plus.v4.0.For.AutoCad.Mechanical.Desktop.ARSENiC FME 2.3a and FME 2K Beta in the week. Best here is Designworks 99 for SolidWorks 99, nothing else worth mentioning. New this week: N/A Idle this week: PFT Quote(s) of the Week: make me leet [21:11] * nickeee jizzes on stix [21:11] :P [21:11] *slurp* [21:11] * nickeee pets stix [21:11] :o [21:11] :D quote that :P | Pikachu ( * LS is away, FUCK, movie, +AMN*CWS*DQF*USCR+ [log:OFF] [page:OFF] FUCK movie? Is he watching porn or is he pissed that he has to watch a movie? he always does that heh no FUCK, sleep FUCK, food FUCK, wank Looking back, RiSE did win hands down. Boring week overall. Yeah I know I gave PWA 5 points for relatively little, but hey, I'm happy to see them releasing, and I do believe the word BIASED is used somewhere in the title of this report. Some gimp from SWAT has been bugging me to mention them... well msg'ing me asking for inclusion never works. BUT. I have noticed SWAT has really picked up the pace after a LONG idle period. So that is nice to see, hopefully it will continue. So ok maybe messaging me did work, it reminded me to mention that anyways. As for people asking for their group to be included on a weekly basis, well, no one new is being added until I can get the damn thing done on a weekly basis again. It's enough work now! Next issue, WHENEVER it may be - notice I'm not promising next week - I'll tally up the scores of groups who have been here the full fifty weeks I've had reviews out. There aren't too many left, but it should be interesting. To bad I'm far too lazy to come up with some sort of handicapping system for groups who've gone idle for long periods of time. Everyone else who hasn't been here since day one, I'll do the last ten weeks or something. - Bud =---------------Monthly Iso Utils Review------------------------= Next week. =---------[ Lester's Movie Reviews ]----------= Sure he's a prominent scene member, leader of the #1 courier group, and former "Miss Scene 1995".. But did you also know that in real life, Lester's real name is "Roger", and he hosts a popular syndicated television show, where he plays a big fatass who has nothing better to do with his time than go to every single movie ever released? Well.. now you know.. Romeo Must Die Starring: Jet Li, Delroy Lindo, Aaliyah, AND DMX@#!)* :) Rating: 2 out of 4 Stars well, Jet Li kicks alot of ass, and there were funny parts, but this martial arts adaption of Romeo & Juliet, lacks any real acting power. It's kind of laughable in points, but I mean if you sum it up as a martial arts movie trying to be a serious film as well, it's not so bad an attempt. Jet Li is the shit as always and surprising Aaliyah wasn't as terrible as oh say, Brandy. But as a whole it's not that great of a film. ---- Whatever it Takes Starring: Jodi Lyn O'keefe, and some other people and that guy from the juicy fruit commercial where they strip the pants off each other. Rating: 2 1/2 out of 4 Stars Well in our latest installment of the teen guy wants girl who doesn't want him flick, we get a cast of relative unknowns again. Though this one isn't as bad as oh say, that movie with Prinze Jr. and the chick from 10 things i hate aboutyou whatever that was called, that was dismal. This is kind of cute, and the chicks are indeed very hot, no nudity though. It has good moments, but dont go in expecting anything more than every other teen movie you've seen. -------- Here on Earth Starring: tall guy from American Pie, Lelee Sobieski, Josh Hartnett Rating: uhm..2 out of 4 stars Well, this is most definately a chick movie. The only real highlight is Hartnett who is actually pretty good in this and I like anyways from Faculty. Until about the last 30 minues, it's not much fun for a guy, but it's bonus points for taking your girl. The end is decent, but it's not really worth the first hour to get to it. ---- FIN Oh yea Drowning Mona vcd i watched maybe a 3rd of this incredibly horrific film. --- =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= =---------[ VCD Group and Movie Reviews ]----------= VCD Group and Movie Review We would like to begin by explaining some of the common terms used in VCD releasing. These formats are: CAM - A cam is usually a handheld camera snuck into a full theatre. The base is shaky, the audio is poor, you can hear people laughing and talking. A cam is distinguishable by usually having a combination of all three or more of these flaws. Most sites nuke cams for their general poor quality. Workprint - An early release of a movie. These are usually stolen or leaked copies of movies that have made their way onto VCD from VHS or a variety of other sources. These will usually contain running time codes as well as other identifying marks used in movie production. The quality on these can vary from bad to very good depending on the quality of the source material used to encode the VCD. Note: This category is also used for very bad screeners or copies of movies that just didn't fit into any of the other categories due to defects or problems with the quality of the VCD's audio/video image. Telesync - Basically a very good Cam. A steady base such as a tripod is used, the theatre is empty or very close to empty, and the audio and video are up to par. Although, you can usually detect some flaw with a TS. You may see a random head pop up, the screen edges are noticable, or the audio isn't always crystal clear. While not perfect, the quality in general of a telesync ranges from good to very good and is usually the first type of VCD made of a new movie. Screeners - These are the top quality VCDs. They can be in either widescreen (letterbox) or in full-screen (pan and scan) with excellent audio and video. These are made from video distributors demo tapes, reviewers copies, insider copies of the film or from any number of sources. Most screeners will contain "1-800-NO-COPIES" or "Property of.." messages somewhere in the film, but it's not a requirement to fit into the screener category. These most closely resemble a VHS or LaserDisc copy of the movie. They're easily identifiable by their top quality. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= ---------------------[ Da' Game Review ]--------------------------------= DENNISON'S GAME REVIEW ---------------------- Welcome note from dennison: Ok Senator decided to team up with me in reviewing games so he'll also be doing this on a regular basis, and so I guess this section needs a new name, but I'm too lazy to think of one.. hehe.. I know we're one week late, heck last week was a very busy one, not only for me, but I guess for everybody else as well. Gaming companies are on a releasing season again since the summer vacation has arrived, and we can expect more games to come out.. but well, the only games I've been waiting for that hasn't gone gold yet are Diablo 2, Soldier of Fortune and Daikatana.. argh !@#!@#!@# I also noticed a lot of games are adapting to this Title: Subtitle thingy ie. Star Wars: Force Commander, etc.. maybe this is a trend..? - dennnison Games reviewed this week: (in descending order) 9/10 - Star Wars: Force Commander 9/10 - F1 Championship 2000 9/10 - Thief II: The Metal Age 8/10 - Need for Speed 5: Porche Unlimited (also known as Need For Speed 2000) Ok I know my computers suck, here are the specs. I will be mailing them over to my great pal JEFFK after I type this report so he can "haxxxx0r" my "computrar" and my AOL cos I hear he's good this shit, so with luck my Pentium 550 will be "overclocked" into a "PENTUIUM 99999 GIGAHERZ COMPUTAR" by JEFFK Test system (singleplayer): Windows 98 OSR2, Intel Pentium 550, 64MB RAM, 32MB ASUS Riva TNT2, Sounblaster AWE64 PCI, 52x CD-ROM Test system (multiplayer): Windows 98 OSR2, Intel Celeron 300a, 64MB RAM, 32MB ASUS Riva TNT, generic 32bit PCI soundcard, 32x CD-ROM, 10Mbit generic PCI LAN card, 100Mbit HUB Welcome note from Senator: After doing a few reviews for dennison I got the hang of it and wanted to continue reviewing. Dennison asked me to join the mag and I said yes right away. So you can expect reviews by me in every issue from now on. This week was a great week for gamers, allot of games were released. Unfortunately we didn't have the time to review them all, but we still made enough reviews that will keep you reading for a while. My sucky test system: Windows 98 OSR2, Intel Celeron 400, 64MB RAM, 16MB Diamond Viper V550 + 12MB Voodoo2, Soundblaster AWE64 PCi, 40x CD-ROM, 10Mbit PCi LAN card Comments, suggestions, constructive criticism, money email Flames, insults, curses, spam, fanmail, or sex email root@ Star Wars: Force Commander -------------------------- review by dennison Publisher...: Lucas Arts ( Homepage....: Genre.......: RPS (role-playing strategy) Accelerated.: YES (required) Price.......: $37.99 Demo........: Not Available Requirements: Win9x, 266 Mhz or faster Pentium, 64MB RAM, 4x speed CD-ROM drive, 3D accelerator video card required, 16-bit sound card ESRB Rating.: T (Teen 13+) Graphics....: 10/10 - The graphics are simply splendid, the 3D engine is fast, and the units do a very good job in capturing the real Star Wars world. The game is almost real, whenever I play it I feel like I'm watching a star wars movie. There are a lot of objects and persons you can interact with, and little effects such as gusts of sand, a trilobyte speeding by, little jawas and desert creatures you can encounter, and skeletons buried in the sand make this game a real eyecandy. Sound.......: 7/10 - I have no complaints about the voices, they sound perfect. One thing this game is lacking, though, are ambient and environmental sounds-although you can hear your footsteps walk through the sand, some things are lacking such as the sound of the wind blowing, or sounds of people talking in a camp, or the sound of the vehicles as the pass by. I don't even think I can hear the clunkin sound of metal hitting the ground as an AT-AT walker walks by, that could be another fine addition. Control.....: 8/10 - The controls are fine, althought it may be difficult to control the camera at first, once you get used to it then controlling the camera would be easy. The rest are point and click, with a few keyboard shortcuts to handle unit movement and actions. Gameplay....: 8/10 - It could be boring for some people because the game doesnt tell you things like where to go, where the camp is, etc. so you might end up searching the whole map for hours, but overall the gameplay is fantastic, a bit slow though for people who are used to playing games like starcraft at its fastest setting, but I guess this game is more into the action rather than building massive amounts of units, and it's also hard to gain congrol points (the resource you need to build units) so that your building expenditures are limited, and you must also take good care of your units since resources is scarce. I don't think there is a food cap either cos the most number of units i was able to control at one time is only around 20. I can see in this game what Warcraft 3 could be--an RPS or Role-Playing Strategy game which is more focused on battles and quests rather than just building massive units to attack, and its a slow game which gives for more time to think than just build units and sending them to the enemy camp. Story.......: 9/10 - In order to understand what is going on, a certain amount of knowledge from previous Star Wars movies would help in greatly appreciating and understanding the story. Like, who knows who Darth Vader is if you've been living under a rock for the past century? The story unfolds progressively as you play the game so since I was only able to play 6 missions so far, I can't say what the whole story is, but basically it's uh.. the rebels versus the empire, what else do you expect? :P Movies......: 9/10 - The intro rocks, one thing I just love about this game is the use of the game engine for the movies, I guess this is cheaper or easier to produce than creating an fmv (full- motion video) but the engine itself is so realistic that the movies using the engine don't suck at all, although it lacks the changing of camera angles, etc. I assume they used fmv only for the intro and ending and the rest uses the game engine. Replay......: 10/10 - Aside from the deeply immersing singleplayer games, the package also offers multiplayer which greatly adds to the re-playability of any game. And the singleplayer missions are so immersive and intriguing that you may find yourself playing mission after mission just to find out what's going to happen next. Gender Bias.: 9/10 - Tis a guy's game but hey it's Star Wars and there are no blood or bad language, etc. that could be distasteful to females, it's just that all I ever see in this game so far are male soldiers, etc.. darn, where did Princess Lea go? @_@ Fun Factor..: 9/10 - Could be a bit boring because of the slow gameplay, I wish they added the feature to be able to adjust game speed so that fast-paced players like me could enjoy it more but it's still a superb gaming experience overall. Multiplayer.: 8/10 - Multiplayer is all about teamwork if you want to achieve victory. You can assign up to 4 teams consisting of.. I haven't tried yet but maybe up to 2 players each so that makes 8 players max. overall. The game just has a lag problem once there are a lot of units and I don't think you can create a dedicated server either which could have been added to reduce lag. Overall.....: 9/10 Like I said, I feel this is what Warcraft 3 is going to be like-a game more into fighting and action than building, I find it hard to build a lot of units with the control points being diffult to earn so that it's more about managing your units' attacks rather than micromanaging your base. There is a hero, too, in the single player missions who you have to keep alive or else the game is over.. heh if you've been reading about Warcraft 3 then you know what I'm saying... if not then I don't care :P Overall, this game is definitely one of the best Star Wars game out there, if not the best, I remember playing Jedi Knight, Star Wars Pod Racer, and other first-person Star Wars shooters out there and none of them comes close to the amount of detail and story which this game gives you. - The Bottomline: What do you mean you ain't buying it? I did, and I'm proud of it :P - F1 Championship 2000 -------------------- review by Senator Publisher...: EA Sports Developer...: EA Sports Homepage....: Genre.......: Racing Accelerated.: Yes (required) Price.......: $39.95 Demo........: Not Available Requirements: Pentium-2 450 Mhz, 128 Mb RAM, 500 Mb hard drive space, 16 x CD-ROM, Direct 3D Compatible 3D card Steering Wheel or Joystick, Force Feedback Supported (Recommended) ESRB Rating.: Unrated, my rating: E (Everyone) Graphics....: 9/10 - The graphics are awesome, even though I don't have a state-of-the-art 3D card, they still looked great. And I didn't expect anything else form EA. The graphics are sure photo-realistic.. The cockpit view, chase view they all kick ass! Sound.......: 7/10 - Most F1 fans remember GrandPrix 2 and I must say that game still has the best engine sounds of all games, including this game. In particulair the sound when braking for a corner and you get the hard bangs out of the exhaust when shifting back. But the F1 2000 sounds aint bad at all.. Control.....: 8/10 - One thing, damn hard to control the cars! After running some laps with all the help stuff on, I thought it was time for me to drive fully manual (except shifting). A bad choice, first corner I went off the track and crashed the precious Ferrari into a wall :P I put the anti-lock brakes and some others back on and gave it another try, with more succes! I also thought the controls were a little sensitive so I got back to the configuration and put it some percentages down. Back in the game I noticed it made alot of difference. Once you fully got the controls configured in the way you like, the cars run like a dream, so fast! Gameplay....: 9/10 - This game is made for die-hard F1 and Racing game fans. It takes some while to get used to it, but once you have, you can't stop playing. One thing I love in the game is that EA did a great job on the crash realism. Every part of your car can be damaged, the car can even roll in the air, this is the first F1 game on the PC that has this possibillity. The computer controled cars run very realistic too, they spin, crash and overtake too.. The car setup menu is pretty advanced too, with alot of options for the people that really want their car too handle as smooth as possible. I can keep talking hours about the gameplay, but there is other stuff to be reviewed! Story.......: */10 - Story? It's Formula 1! Movies......: 7/10 - Like with any other EA Sports game there is always a very cool intro movie included. I didn't see any other movies in the game so far. But maybe that's because I can't finish on the podium! :) Replay......: 10/10 - If you really like the game and got the hang of it you can't stop playing. You wanna qualify first and also finish the race, maybe the season, on that spot. Gender Bias.: 8/10 - Well I even think girls would love to race on these awesome tracks with speeds upto 340km/h+ and feel the sensation of racing! Don't you girls? :) Fun Factor..: 9/10 - For true F1 and Race game fans this game will be total fun. It's the best F1 Sim made on the PC so far. Multiplayer.: 8/10 - What can be more fun that racing your friends, maybe enemies, in this thrilling F1 sim?! Overall.....: 9/10 This game rocks and is simply the most complete and realistic, not to forget best looking F1 race sim ever made until now. EA Sports did it again! Like they did with so many sport games before. They managed to make the game as realistic as possible, and they succeeded in my opinion. Thing I want to know now is how MicroProse's long awaited Grand Prix 3 will stand up to this great game. Guess we all have to wait some time to find out! One thing that GP3 probably wont have are the teams of 2000, like this game has. - The Bottomline: GET IT!! (I can't express myself more clearly :P) - Need For Speed 5: Porsche Unleashed --------------------------------- review by Senator Publisher...: Electronic Arts ( Homepage....: Genre.......: Racing Accelerated.: YES Price.......: $39.95 (Estimated) Demo........: Not Available Requirements: Win9x (WinNT is not supported) 200 Mhz or faster, 32MB RAM, 4x speed, 150MB Harddisk space, Hardware accelarted D3D compatible 4MB videocard with DirectDraw support. ESRB Rating.: Everyone Graphics....: 8/10 - The graphics are good, especially the environment. It looks alot like High Stakes. The dashboards are 3D rendered, no photos. EA made some nice improvements. If you know how High Stakes look, you will now how this one looks :) The graphics improved some. But don't expect major changes. Sound.......: 7/10 - The sounds are well done, every porsche has it's own engine sound. The shifting gear sound is good too. Not to forget the different horns the cars have. Control.....: 8/10 - Well, the controls are done just fine. I played it with my keyboard and got my dusty Thrustmaster T3 out of the closet and tried it also :) There are alot of options that involves the control configurations. Nice deadzone option for steering wheels too. The cars react very direct on the controls, which is very good.. Gameplay....: 8/10 - As mentioned above, the cars handle very good. Once you have driven a few laps you can control the car perfectly, avoid spins and others. A cool thing that's new to this NFS is that when you press the horn you actually see the hand of the driver press the center of the steering wheel. Same with shifting gears. A small improvement but it adds some more realism. Story.......: 7/10 - Doesn't Need For Speed say enuf? :) Well, this NFS title needs some special explenation, because it's a little different than the others. This title (like the name says) is focused on the german car manufacturer Porsche. The game features 3 modes: Quick race, Porsche Evolution and Factory Driver. Evolution will take you through the Porsche history, you start out in one of the oldest porsches and end with the newest porsches made. The factory driver is a very cool mode. You need to complete a small course on a test track to get hired. Once hired you start testing cars takeon challenges and demonstrate people the power of the porsches. Movies......: 7/10 - As aspected from a game by EA this game also features a kickass intro. Replay......: 8/10 - Once you started to play this game you can't stop play it especially in the factory driver mode. Gender Bias.: 7/10 - I don't think this type of game is especially aimed at men, but it's a fact that the race game genre game is more popular with the guys then the girls. But the game is fun for everyone :) Fun Factor..: 7/10 - The game is very good and it will keep you busy for a few days maybe weeks. I rated the Fun Factor a 7, because sometims it could get pretty frustrating when you have to deliver a car without making a scratch on it and you crash your porsche into another vehicle and have restart all over again. Multiplayer.: 7/10 - The game features it's classic multiplayer support with 8 players on a LAN game. EA promised it will have better online gaming support than the other titles. Overall.....: 8/10 I found it very hard to overal rate this game, because when you are a real Porsche fan you would love the game and rate it 8 maybe. On the other hand for some people it can be disappoiting to only have Porsches to drive in. But it's another top quality Need For Speed title. - The Bottomline: If you are a true Porsche fan you would love this game. Also the people that are NFS fans need this title in their collection, that also counts for people loving race games. - Thief 2: The Metal Age ---------------------- review by dennison Publisher...: Eidos Interactive ( Developer...: Looking Glass Studios Homepage....: Genre.......: FPS (first-person sneaker) Accelerated.: YES Price.......: $34.99 Demo........: Requirements: Win9x, 266 Mhz or faster Pentium II CPU, 48MB RAM, 4x speed CD-ROM 250MB free harddrive space, 3D accelerator video card required DirectX 7.0 compliant sound card ESRB Rating.: M (Mature 17+) - contains animated blood, animated violence Graphics....: 8/10 - The graphics are a whole lot better than those in the previous Thief: The Dark Project. There are a slew of new effects that add to the mood of the game such as fog, rain, lighting, sky effects, and much more. One complaint I have about ever since Thief tho is that the surroundings look awfully plain and very smooth. Also, whenever I play Thief II I always get this eerie feeling of loneliness, as if it's just you and 2-3 AI guards. It's all too simple. Sound.......: 9/10 - Sound? or no sound? :) the environment sounds are just fantastic, and it helps make you become aware if you're making any sound or not. You can also eavesdrop on conver- sations, which I think is very cool and a very original concept. Control.....: 10/10 - Controlling your character is very easy, you can configure the game to use your favorite controls, but the default WSAD controls are allright as well. Gameplay....: 10/10 - Thief introduced a new gaming concept called "first-person sneaker". If you're expecting a fast-paced "first-person shooter" a la Quake, then you're in for a surprise. The game is very slow-paced and would require a huge amount of thinking, as opposed to the fast-paced, shoot-all-that- moves idea of games like Quake and Unreal. In Thief II the producers were trying to get away from combat, and although that is inevitable, you find that you spend more time solving puzzles and trying to figure out a way to do something undetected. The AI has also improved, they are more aggressive and will pursue you until you are stopped. Story.......: 9/10 - Basically the story is a carry-over from Thief wherein you need money again to survive, and there's this new dark officer (he's some sort of high-ranking police officer) who appears to be a good person but is actually corrupt and so the main character (Garrett) is out to stop him and survive at the same time. Movies......: 8/10 - I haven't seen many movies from this game but what I've seen so far are decent fmv's that add flavor to the story Replay......: 9/10 - Although a slow game, it leaves you wondering what will happen next and challenges you with puzzles that will keep on bugging you even after you turn off the computer, add that to the great outdoor graphics and big levels to explore, you will just want to keep combing back for more. (hehe now that's a rhyme) Gender Bias.: 8/10 - This is another boy's game which might attract a few ladies out there to play, and they already added female characters compared to the all-man's world in Thief which adds to the realism of the game Fun Factor..: 10/10 - I sure do take a lot of fun in looting, sneaking, and hiding, and that's what this game is all about :) There are also a lot of new weapons to choose from, such as throwable remote cameras that allow you to observe things from a safe distance, the Vine Arrow which allows you to climb up walls, the Frog Beast, the bow and arrow, and of course, the blackjack club from way back in Thief. There could be more in the later missions which I haven't found yet, tho. Multiplayer.: n/a Overall.....: 9/10 Everyone else probably knows by now what Thief is, a revlotuionary game that encourage more thinking and skills than plainly slaying enemies like in first- person shooters. Branded as a first person "sneaker", Thief II offers a lot of never-before-seen enhancements over Thief: The Dark Project, the most obvious of which are the AI and the Graphics. Also, the levels have grown bigger so that there is more to explore in a level than just a stupid building, and the game is more focused on stealth than its predecessor, which would force you to hide better and avoid battles as much as possible. Also, Thief II: The Metal Age introduces some new things such as machinery, there are robots guards and new, high-tech equipment which would greatly help you in your missions as a thief. - The Bottomline: Even if you're more into fast-paced mindless killing games, this game is still worth a look, and if you're a Thief fan, well I guess my review says it all :) - -----------[The Scene News]----------- All the news thats fit to print... and then some... - Badass new iso site with a famous name is up - Gza leaves Rise. - LND is up for sale --------[Stories from the Watercooler]---------- Ahh yes, rumors, we all love them even though we love to say how much we hate them when they are about us. And these are some of the better ones circulating around this week. Email us or find us on irc if you have a good rumor you'd like entered, your name will not be included, but we do not add rumors like that Xtremist is having Jess' baby or that Elocin is being gang raped by Cedric and Sins, because we all know that those are both true. - Jess is not actually nicki's mommy =-------------------------------------=--------------------------------------= Well friends.. Thats about it. If you've read this far, we sincerly thank you. We like to know this thing gets read, so if you get the time, drop one of us a quick msg, and tell us what you think, give us suggestions, tell us it sucks, or just say "hi" to us!.... Greets fly out to: Ryche, Edge, Bernis, Elocin, Sins, Crackz, Zip, Goatass, Dma, Bigmom, Bud, Preacher K, Bohnz, Ceddie, Glenfag, Prs, Tyger, Dopestar, LS, PaleDeth, Humble, Xtremist, Rook, MANDRAKE@#!)#@)*!#@!@ Find us on IRC in #nwr, (channel commands: !nwr, !nwr 69 or whatever issue you want. +lester 03/29/00