Netmonkey Weekly Report Issue LXXVI March 7th, 2000 g#S$ d. ____ ascii by garflozzy ____ $$$: -- ,$b ----- $$$ ___ $$$$$s __ :$$l $',$$$$.`$$ :$$$._l$$: ,s#S$$$$: $$$"�$$b.`�$i $$$ ',$$'�$$,`$ l$$$T$$$$._ --------- l$$$$$$$$ :$$l b,`Y$$,`l l$$.d$P . �$$,` $$l" $$$�T$S#g._ ----------- ��������� :$$$$$$$l l$$: $$b.`Y$$, :$$$$' d$b �$$,d$$: :$$l ,.`"�T$S# ��������� $$$$$$$: $$$ :$$$$. Y$$.s$$$' d$$$b '$$$$l l$$: l$'.d$$' $$$$$$$. $$$ l$$$$$. $$$Sl$' d$$$$$b '$$$: :$$l .'.d$$' $$$$$$l :$$l $$$$$$l l$$::P :$$$$$$$b.`$l l$$: ~~~~~~~ ------------------ l$$: ------- :$$l.' ---------- `: ;$$l --------------------- $$$ ������� .l$$ :: ~~~~ � $$S#s,$$$ ::: ``^"�Y$$$ `Y$ [ n ] ETMONKEY [ W ] EEKLY [ R ] EPORT Well ontime again, or damn close to it if your not westcoast it may appear to be late. Bud is back, and so is TPK, and also Dennison makes his return on the gaming review, Moon is out sick for the week and no one felt like filling in for him. We also will be having a new story for NWR for once in a long time. It's an interesting topic, and I don't wanna spoil the surprise. Remember, is still up and the issue is now posted in incoming every week. -Les -----------[ index ]----------- I.) Intro a) Lester b) ndetroit II.) Quotes of the Week III.) Stats - Ndetroit's Weekly Stats, and comments on Sites. IV.) (Your Name Here)'s Biased Courier Report V.) Articles a) The Gaming Report b) Bud's Biased Utils Report c) Iso Monthly Utils Report d) Lesters Moview Reviews e) VCD Group and Movie Reviews f) Da' Game Review(Not to be confused with TGR):P VI.) Scene News - All the news thats fit to print VII.) Rumors! VIII.) Closing ---------------------[ Quotes of the Week! ]--------------------- I'm sure glen said alot of stupid shit that could go here. -----------[ sites and stats section ]----------- Pick up our good friends at CWS's magazine this week for the stats. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Group Review For This Week ---------------------------------------------------------------------- AOD: Owned the shit out of everyone. AMN: Virus/Jfk raped alot of ass, not much else DEV: Very little shizzit Risc: not bad eh whoever else exists sucked or i dont give a shit. -----------[ Articles ]----------- =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ The Gaming Report ]----------- =============================================================================================== OMG YET ANOTHER GAMES REPORT ISSUE #7 ------------------------------------- Note: This report is best viewed in DOS Editor, AcidDraw, some other good ASCII editor, or on the chest of a Playboy Bunny. It's the first full week since the formation of Myth, and the first week in over a year without a couple of groups named Paradigm and Origin. With some good titles hitting the shops this week, it looks like the race between Myth and Class is on! This issue is only covering about six days since I was forced to finish up a bit early just to make it in time for NWR. - The Preacher Kane The Points: ----------- * Games will be scored on a scale of 0 to 5, points being awarded according to the quality of the title. And not just quality by name - after all, an anticipated "blockbuster" can suck as badly as the worst budget schlock. * A fix will result in a loss of .5 (one half) of a point. If the fix is released by a group other than that which released the game, they will earn the extra point. * Addons such as Movies and Music will earn between 1 and 2 points, depending on the title AND whether or not they actually ENHANCE the gaming experience. Addons released by groups other than the group who originally released the game will not be considered. Addons of essential features (IE Textures, 3DFX, stuff that should not have been ripped to begin with) will result in the loss of 1 point. Which means certain titles can earn points even if some people consider them "rapes" - I'm on a modem after all! * Retail addons will recieve a score of between 1 and 4 points if they are developed by the original developers of the game, or are officially licensed. Unofficial addons will not be considered. Standalone addon packs are always preferable to a standard addon release. If a group releases an addon which is later released as a standalone, only the standalone will recieve points. * Update patches and trainers will earn 1 point each provided they are fully working. A trainer released by a group after an existing trainer has already been made available in an earlier release will only be considered if it offers something NEW, otherwise it will be considered a DUPE. * Cheat codes will be worth .5 (one half) of a point. Since updates and trainers take more skill to produce, simple cheat codes cannot be assigned an equal value. * A DUPE of a game will result in the loss of 1 point, with the following exception: A game that was lost during a race between two groups will not result in the loss of any points (we do need some competition in the scene!). * Repackaging of a game will result in the loss of .5 (one half) of a point. * Non-English games will not be considered. Sorry, I only speak one language. * I retain the right to bend the rules any way I see fit! * DATES * This time around I'm including all the releases since my last report - 03/01/00 thru to 03/06/00. Or something like that. Now on with the report... The Groups: RELEASE NAME (c) COMPANY [xx/??] ������������������ �� �� �� ����� �������� �� :����� �� �� �� � ����� �� �� �� ���� ����� |�� ۲ ����� �� � �� �� �� ����� �� �� �� �� ������ �� ۲ ����� �� ۲ ����� ۲ ����� �� ۲ ����[ RELEASE DATE: ??/???/1999 ]�����roy���� BACKLASH: RELEASES: POINTS: Total: Nada. Comments: They did some German stuff that I'm not going to list or count. The Good: N/A The Bad: N/A The Ugly: N/A RELEASE NAME (c) COMPANY ______ /| ___ /\______ /\______ / \/ | / _ \ / _____/ _____>1 / |_ / |/ | \\____ \ \____ \ 9 < | < / | / | \/ | \ 9 \ _____\_<____|___\_____ /\_____ / 9 +=\/hh!===================\/[XX/??]\/==+ CLASS: RELEASES: POINTS: Lucky_Luke_On_The_Daltons_Trail-CLS 2 Sammy_Sosa_Softball_Slam-CLS -2 Trophy_Bass_3D_v1.2_Update_Cracked-CLS 1 Puzzle_Trouble-CLS 1 Croc.2.Plus.2.Trainer-CLS 1 Total: 3 Comments: With some good games out in shops this week, Class is feeling the pressure of the newly formed Myth. Managing to win on only one decent title, they blundered it, and basically handed the credit over to Myth. The Good: There's not really much to say that's positive this week. The two legit games Class did basically sucked. Lucky Luke is, according to CLS, the sequel to some old game Paradigm released. I'm not sure why Class bothered to mention this in their NFO - was it to justify the release of this title, by saying "Hey PDM released it, so it can't be TOTAL crap"? This one was a prospect for MiniMe. However, MiniMe closed its doors this week - perhaps another sign that CLS might be willing to slip in some lower quality games just to keep up the pace. The Bad: I put Lucky Luke under "The Good" because I had to put SOMETHING there. Honestly it could fit in right here. So here I'll talk about Puzzle Trouble, published by Software Enterprises and developed by some German company (I would assume, since there's a German language option), because it's one I played for a while, as it was three disks and didn't waste my download time. Here's my mini-review: The game sucks, don't download it. Sorry, but I might as well be blunt. Puzzle Trouble consists (in one-player mode) of a screen similar to Tetris or Dr. Mario or any of those old puzzle games which were very popular on Gameboy. The gameplay is similar - the blocks fall, you match them up. In this case the "blocks" are picture squares. Move them with the keyboard, get three in a row (or other combos) to make them vanish, don't let them pile up to the top of the screen. The graphics look like something I'd expect to see on my my worst 16bit Nintendo title. Uninspiring, to say the least. The game falls victim to something which plagues most puzzle games in the graphics department- lack of creative, original backgrounds. You get stuck choosing from a limited selection of backdrops which do absolutely nothing to make the game more enjoyable. I'd have the same reaction playing on a field of black. Sound follows this uninspired pattern, simple sound effects, pure old-style console stuff. The small amount of voices are annoying as hell - some wacked out monkey whines "Game Over" when you croak, as if you hadn't noticed. Actually, that might be the ONLY voice, I couldn't bear the pain of playing this game long enough to find out. There is a multiplayer option, but I didn't even bother with it - trust me, it won't help, and you could just play Tetrinet instead, which is a hell of a lot more fun (even if it's no great graphical feat itself). One last note: Puzzle Trouble allows two player gameplay on the same machine, so if you and a friend feel like torturing yourself at the same keyboard, go for it. I said Lucky Luke was a candidate for MiniMe, well, Puzzle Trouble has MiniMe written ALL OVER IT. The Ugly: Sammy Sosa Softball Slam. Just what the hell happened here? Class, who are usually the ones ragging on groups for mistakes like this, screws up with a passion on this title. A bloated, 43 disk "rip" of the game, which Myth preceded to release at 13 disks, with nothing extra ripped. Where was the Class conversion crew when this one got released? Normally, CLS is fairly diligent about converting and compressing - so, was this a simple screw up that slipped by quality control, or was Class in a panic to win on at least one decent title this week and thus decided to rush it out? RELEASE NAME (c) COMPANY [XX/??] �� 1999-??-?? ����߲� �۲ ��߲ �����߲�� ��� ��߲�� �ܲ���� � ���� ۲ �� � �� ۲� ����������� �����۲ ����� ۲ �� � � ۲� �� ��� �۲�ܲ��� �۲ ۲۲� � ۲ ۲�� ޲�� ۲ ۲� � ۲�۲���� ���۲� � ۲ ۲ ������߰ ۲ ۲� ۲������ MtD ����� ۲ �� ��� �� ��� ���� ����� �������� �� �������������������������� �� ��� Dominate as to erase DIVINE: RELEASES: POINTS: Desperados_Trainer_Plus_5-DVN 1 Total: 1 Comments: Until their supplying team gets stronger, DVN is going to be feeding off the scraps left by Myth and CLS. The Good: They did a +5 trainer for Myth's Desperados, whereas Myth only managed to do a basic trainer with a single feature... you'd think, having ripped the game, Myth would have taken the extra time and trained the game fully. The Bad: Nothing. The Ugly: Nothing. _ ___ _______ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ __\\___ \ _/ \/ \_/ \__/ \_/ \_ \ _ / /_\__ /_ ___/ _ __\ / /_/ // / / / / / // / _\__/_ \__/ \______/ \__/_ \__/ \__/_ __ _ frx!sac [xx.xx.xx] MYTH: RELEASES: POINTS: Sammy.Sosa.Softball.Slam.PROPER.RIP-MYTH 3 Driver.Update.v2.1.Cracked-MYTH 1 Desperado-MYTH 3 Desperados_Trainer-MYTH 1 Pharaoh.Ehancement.Pack.Patch.v.1.1.Cracked-MYTH 1 3D.Ultra.Lionel.TrainTown.Update.v1.1-MYTH 1 Armored.Fist.3.Update.v.1.00.20.Cracked-MYTH 1 Delta.Force.2.Update.v.1.06.14.Cracked-MYTH 1 Might.and.Magic.VIII.D3D.Addon-MYTH -1 Might.and.Magic.VIII-MYTH 5 Croc.2-MYTH 4 Might.and.Magic.VIII.Plus10.Trainer-MYTH 1 Riding_Star_Patch_1.2p1-MYTH 1 Rollercoaster.Tycoon.Added.Attractions.Update.v1.10.021 1 Total: 23 Comments: That is one ugly DIZ. And I'm getting rather tired of the lengthy recruitment adds and self promotion in their NFO files - it seems the OGN tradition of boring the public to death is alive and well, living on in Myth. On the other hand, Myth rocked out all the top titles we saw this week, and completely demolished the competition. So expect one hell of a war over the next while between Class (who will want to make up for this week) and Myth, and beware of flying egos, we wouldn't want to see an innocent bystanders hit in the crossfire. The Good: Might & Magic VIII - one hell of a rip. At least one other group got close to winning this one (no, I'm not counting the crap done by TRSI), but Myth got it out first, a hell of a rip from 4 cd's. To do it, they had to remove D3D support, but beggers can't be choosers, and if you'd rather leech the 4 cd ISO, be my guest. The game itself is recieving mixed reviews, but there's plently of fans of this popular series, making it the top title of the week. Croc 2 is the other big one. Croc suprised some people when it originally came out, by being better than most people had anticipated. So this is another nice grab for Myth, although I haven't checked it out myself yet. Finally, Myth lives up to its CLS bashing (ok, I know it's a merger of two pre-existing groups, but couldn't they wait a month at least before launching into the verbal diareaha?) and does a good rip of a huge CLS screwup, getting Sammy Sosa Softball Slam down to 13 disks from Class's 40+ monster. The Bad: If you've got all that time to rip the game and do a trainer, add some more features. Sammy Sosa Softball Slam could have been even smaller without the BIK videos... would have been much nicer as an addon, since they aren't that great. And more on Sammy Sosa Softball Slam... I actually scored it the third best game of the week. Which it was, but M&M VIII and Croc 2 are far better. Keeping in mind that it was SOFTBALL and not a normal baseball title, I tried to find ways to like this game on other levels. And couldn't. It looks like someone drove a dumptruck full of money up to Sammy Sosa, and he signed off on this one without looking into it. Without exagerating, I've seen HeadGames titles that were better designed than this one. Softball Slam offers the ability to... play softball. Yipee! They do offer you about a half a dozen different parks, some different teams with different characters, the ability to edit rosters and the usual stuff. Unfortunately, the characters are basically big, bulky polygons with a real lack of professional rendering. Backgrounds aren't great graphics-wise either. The movies which Myth left in the game were useless (the intro is a bunch of people you've never seen before playing softball, grreeaattt, really), and the interface... well, they decided to make the menus and such a bit cartoonish. To go with the charicature of Sammy Sosa that appears when you first load the game. The result, however, is the feel that this is an amateurish, almost kiddie, baseball game (ok, softball game), that will turn off serious sports enthusiasts in about five seconds. And since it doesn't offer anything new to gamers who aren't already into sports titles (besides inter-gender play and the ability to play as Sosa in a softball game), they aren't going to open any new markets. Controls in this one are extremely simple - again, I feel like I'm in a HeadGames title. Pitching basically consists of hiting enter and releasing it at the proper moment. The moment is judged by the familar meter founded by Golf sims - the old crescent. Hold it while the power increases, let go when it's in the green, and you let loose a decent pitch. The interface in this instance is tried and true, but they've simplified it (You just hold and let go, no extra click for accuracy), and you don't really do anything but toss the softball. Aiming is pretty much of of the question. So are any trick pitches. Batting has the same flaws. In this case, you can move around the betters box, but really, I feel like I'm playing RBI Baseball on my old 8bit Nintendo when I come up to bat in this game. Move around and swing. You don't really increase or decrease your strength in the swing, and don't really have much of an oppurtunity to aim well, plus, since the ball is always lobbed in the good ol' softball underhand toss, it becomes hard to judge when timing your swing. You hit enter and swing. And as if the developers knew about the hideous gameplay flaws, you can generally get on base without trying too hard. I hit a home run on my very first swing in this game, and I wasn't even sure of the keys at that point - I just hit enter for the hell of it without even realizing the pitcher had thrown the ball. The replay ability in this one is nill, for me anyways, and the sounds were annoying - how many times can you take hearing "Pitcher's got a rubber arm" in the background? Yes, I forgot to mention, the players rag on one another. And after five minutes, you want to run out onto the field and take some heads off with the bat. What else can I say but this: At least I didn't have to leech over 40 disks to discover what a letdown this game is. The Ugly: That damn DIZ, and an update for one of the worst games I've ever seen, Riding Star. �������������������������������������������� � Game Name: [ RELEASE NAME (c) COMPANY ] � ������������������������������������������������������������������� � ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������� ��� ��������� ��������� � � ۲� � ۲� ۲� � ۲� ۲� � ۲� ۲� � ۲� ۲� ۲� � ۲� ۲� � ۲� � � ۱� � ۱� ۱� � ۱� ۱� � ۱� ۱� � ۱� ۱� ۱� � ۱� ۱� � ۱� � � ۰� ۰� ۰� ۰� ۰�v64۰� ۰� � ��� ۰� ۰� ��� ۰� ۰� � � � ������� � ������� � ������� � � � � � ��������� � ������� � � ۰� ����� ۰� � ۰� ۰� � ��� ۰� � ��� ۰� ��� � ۰� ۰� � ��� � � ۱� ����� ۱� � ۱� ۱� � ۱� ۱� � ۱� ۱� ۱� � ۱� ۱� � ۱� � � ۲� ����� ۲� � ۲� ۲� � ۲� ۲� � ۲� ۲� ۲� � ۲� ۲� � ۲� � � ��� ����� ��� � ��� ��������� ��������� ��� ��������� ��������� � ������������������������������������������������������������������� � RLSDate: [??/??/99] � � Disk Count: [XX/??] � ����������������������� ����������������������� PRECISE: RELEASES: POINTS: BROWNING.AFRICAN.SAFARI.DELUXE.MONEY.TRAINER-PRECiSE 1 Farm_Land_USA_Money_Trainer-PRECiSE 1 Total: 2 Comments: This week Precise graced us with not one but TWO trainers. Hurah! Apparently, Farm Land USA (which I hope has Deviance members hiding in shame, for releasing such crud) really needed a trainer. Obviously, farming is damn difficult, and thus this trainer is for those who aren't sure whether they should F%&! the cow or milk it. The Good: They did release two trainers. The Bad: They're for games no one will ever play. The Ugly: Now that I think of it, the Precise DIZ is even worse than Myth's... lets work on the size issue there, that's a freaking NFO header, not a DIZ. RELEASE NAME (c) COMPANY [XX/??] /\______ /\______ ____/\______ __ \____ \/ \__ \/ _ \____ \ __/ \____ / _/ _/ \/ / / / _/ _// / / / / / / \ \ /\ / /\ / / \ \/ /\ / / / \__/\ \/RTX______\___/\__/\ \/ / /_/_/ =====\___)===\__)============\___)=\/======= RAZOR: RELEASES: POINTS: Railroad_Tycoon_2_The_Second_Century_v1.54_Update-RAZOR 1 Revenant.Update.v1.2.WORKING-RAZOR 1 Total: 2 Comments: How many times can I comment about all the patches? Yeesh... come on guys, put out a game! The Good: Activity. The Bad: I'm going Patch-Crazy. The Ugly: Nothing. ___________ __________ _________________________ \ _____/___\ ____/____\______ /\ _ / \_______ // / / \/ \ / / // // . \ \_____\ /___________\____________\\____________/______\ ..........................................s.c.a.r.. . SCAR: RELEASES: POINTS: BIG_GAME_HUNTER_III_THE_NEXT_HARVEST-SCAR -2 BROWNING_AFRICAN_SAFARI_DELUXE-SCAR 2 Total: 0 Comments: It was all hunting week for Scar, but in the process of pleasing the hicks, they forgot one of the basic rules of releasing. The Good: I guess someone will play African Safari Deluxe. I suppose probably the same people who played the original. And I have no idea what's "Deluxe" about it, but I remember Browning African Safari and it wasn't great. Considering the original was released in 1997, I hope there's a LOT new. The Bad: Scar should have been wondering about Big Game Hunter III: The Next Harvest Expansion Pack as soon as DVN didn't release it. When the master of all hunting games passes on one, there's something dead wrong with it. And it this case it's obvious: TNH an addon for nothing. Big Game Hunter 3 was never ripped. And if ISO users want the addon, they'll take the ISO from CIFE, who also released the original. God knows how this rip will even react with the ISO, although I'm hoping Scar tested it. But still, you can't release an addon for a game that wasn't ripped, unless you plan on making it standalone, which Scar didn't do. This is the same reason we haven't seen any of the BGH games in the rip scene since the first game of the series. BGH II marked the end of the series being rippable under current rip standards. The Ugly: See above I guess. Group Rankings: RANKING: POINTS: TO DATE: RANK TO DATE: 1) Myth (23) (36) 4 2) Class (3) (171.5) 1 3) Razor (2) (24) 5 3) Scar (2) (43) 3 3) Precise (2) (5.5) 6 4) Divine (1) (67.5) 2 5) Backlash (0) (2.5) 7 Top 3 Releases This Report: Might & Magic VIII (MYTH) Croc 2 (MYTH) Sammy Sosa Softball Slam (MYTH) Springerish Final Thought: Despite the fact that the game sucks, Sammy Sosa Softball Slam winds up as the third best of the week. Don't be fooled by this - it's simply because there were only two good titles this week and I needed a third. In other words, DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS THING. It's still early, but I've got two observations about Myth: 1) The horribly inflated egos seen in Paradigm and Origin just won't die. 2) They are capable of some damn good work when they put some effort into it. Take that any way you want it. One last note to Myth: Fix your damn installer so it doesn't error like crazy just because I didn't extract your NFO file. "Fatal" error messages due to a missing NFO are pointless... I could understand the error if I was actually trying to VIEW the NFO, but since I'm not, ditch the check on startup. No one's really going to read all that junk anyways. Myth and Class will battle it out... Divine will soon slip to third on the charts... if DVN was smart they'd let CLS and MYTH tire themselves out, and in the meantime prevent any of the others from challenging them, by winning everything those two miss... if RZR was smart, they'd do an actual game within the next few months, while there's still a hope of rebuilding... if Scar was bright they'd leave hunting games to DVN... if PCS was bright they'd train something worth playing... if BLH was was bright they'd stick to German releases and "retire" from the English scene entirely. - The Preacher Kane. =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Bud's Biased Utils Section ]----------- Bud's Biased Utils Report #48 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wow. It's been quite some time since I sat down to write one of these. My apologies for missing so many weeks, but as avid readers of NWR, you should all have come to expect one thing from our magazine by now: Rampant inconsistancy! I'm rearranging a few of the listings this week. I'll explain as we go along. I'd also like to thank Elocin for filling in last week, also please note some of my dates may be overlapping his. Disclaimer: It's BIASED moron. My opinion. So don't send me a bunch of mail & messages bitching about this or that. If you don't like it... SCREW YOU =] Rankings: Groups get a score out of 10. Points are given for amount of releases, but QUALITY titles will give a group a much higher score. Nukes for duping, broken releases and just plain CRAP will lower a groups score. However on the occasion that a title is nuked which I don't feel should have been, MY OWN JUDGEMENT TAKES PRECEDENCE. Cuz I'm writing this. Groups can also get points for any other reason I see fit. Week: Week is based from 02/29/00 to 03/06/00. I'm in the EST time zone so dates/times run according to it. Groups: (In no particular order) � ����� � � � ��� ������ � ��� ����� A Group ��� �� �� ����� ��� � That Gives ������ �������� �� �� Slightly ���� ���� �� ������ � Less Than ��� ��� �� ���� �� A Fuck. � � � � -XeN PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE: Releases: N/A Total: N/A ����������������������������������[XX/XX]� ��� ��� � ������ ���� ������ ���� ���� ۲� ۲� � ��� ۲� � ۲� �� ۲� � ��� �� ۲ ۱� ۱� ۰� �� �� ۱� �� ۱� � ��� ���� ������� � ۱���� �� ۰� �� ��� ۲� �� �� ۱� ۲� � ۲� � ۲� ۰� �� � ۲� ۱� �� ۲ ��� ۱� � ��� ���������� � ������� ����� ��� ��� � ���������������� � ����� sikos � X-FORCE: Releases: N/A Total: N/A /\______/| ___/\_ _/ ______ :|; . __/\ ____/\ __| // %%%\____ \ |__:_\__ \/ ~~ :\_ | __/%%%% iii_/ :| \\_ \ ;| \_ |____/ \iiiii :::\__ ; _/ | \\_ : // | \\_ | \\_::: \____/---|____/____/_______/-|____/kaz SHOCK: Releases: Bill.Power.v7.3.135-SHOCK Genitor.Surveyor.v4.5.Beta215-SHOCK Sax.Comm.Objects.v7.0.2162-SHOCK EnCase.Pro.v1.99L-SHOCK Informed.Designer.v2.7.1-SHOCK Informed.Filler.v2.7.1-SHOCK IntelliCAD.2000-SHOCK Informix.Internet.Foundation.2000.v9.20.TC1.for.WindowsNT4-SHOCK Rhinoceros.v1.1.Multilingual.Platform.Enabler-SHOCK Shock has what can easily be seen as its best week in the past month, grabbing Bricsnet's IntelliCAD 2000, a low end CAD system which has been designed and marketed as the main competition for AutoCAD. Being compatible with AutoCAD's DWF files doesn't hurt either. They also pick up some more of the usual stuff we see from them - a new version of EnCase (which is now being used by the Toronto Police Services, the New York State Police & US Customs, amongst many others), a new Informix package, and Shana's latest edition of the Informed series. They also put out a patch for Rhino 3D 1.1 for users who were getting errors on non-english editions of Windows, which were supposedly supported by the software but don't seem to be (this was a problem with the software and not the release). Total: 7/10 �������� � ��� ������� [xx] �������������� �������� ��������� ����� � �������� ���� �� ����������� ����� � � � �� ���������� �� ���� ��� ���� ���� �� ��� �� ���� ������� � ������� � �������� � �� �� � ������������������ ��������� ������ � ������������ � �� ���� ��� � �� ���� ��� �� ��������� ��� �� ������� �� ��� ���� �� �� ���������� � ������������ � ��� ����������� ������������������������ ��� pENTIUM fORCE tEAM �����������b1� PENTIUM FORCE TEAM: Releases: TestStand.1.0.2-PFT Not exactly a busy week for PFT. Ok that's it, I'm out of practice. Total: 1/10 � � � � �ܲ�� � ������۲� �����߲�� ����� ����� ��۲� ���� �۲� ޲��� ޲��� ��۲ ���� ��۲ ��� �� ���� ��۲ ���� ��۲� ��۲ �۲���۲ �۲����۲ ���۲ ���� ��۲ �۲ �۲� ����� ��۲� mg � �������۲� �� �۲� � ������ � ������� �߲� � �� ��������������� � :: ::: :: � ������������������������������������� � LEGENDS NEVER DIE: Releases: CE.TOL.6.SIGMA-LND THINK_DESIGN_V4.0-LND LND has had fewer than fifteen releases this YEAR so far, but they do manage to get two out this week, albeit their first two since about the second week of February. Consistancy for LND is their achiles heel these days, especially since they've long since lost their domination over the CAD/CAM field, as groups like SCUM, RISE, SHOCK, etc., have really worked on picking away at some of the better titles. Total: 5/10 .__________. [xx/xx/00] \_ ___ ) Da ToP oF Da LiNe! .___. ===/ _/ /=======================/ /===== .:/ _____/__./(___.____/\.______./ /_____. :/ /__/ . ) . )____ ) _ ) / __ ) /__/ / / / / // __ / /__/ / /___/: .:/ /__/__/__/__/(______\____ /__/_____ /MO =/__/========================\/========\/=== = THE PINNACLES OF RELEASING (C) PNC 95-00 = PINNACLE: Releases: N/A With all the idle groups of late, Pinnacle has been given a real oppurtunity to shine through. PNC is one of those few groups which has been around for quite a while but never really reached their full potential. Unfortunately, PNC themselves instead went idle, and really missed out on a great oppurtunity to snag a few titles. Total: N/A _______________ ____________ ____________ \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[om]\________/== d(*)d D r i n k O r D i e 2 0 0 0 d(*)d ===================== [ DOD * xx-xxx-00 ] == DRINK OR DIE: Releases: Madge.TrueView.Enterprise.Edition.v1.1a_Repacked-DOD GTXRaster_Cad_Suite_v6.0_for_AutoCAD2000-DOD DOD got fairly busy while I was gone, and they put two decent titles out this week, Raster CAD Suite 6 for AC2K perhaps being the better of the two. This addon has been available for a short while, and it was just a matter of time before someone picked up on it. Total: 3/10 _______________________________[xx/xx] \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS >> RELEASING WITHOUT PERMISSION << REBELS: Releases: IBM.JavaBean.Compendium.v1.34.Enterprise.Edition-RBS VinDecoder_99_CRACKED-RBS Two rels for the Rebels, the better definately being the JavaBeans Compendium from IBM. Despite this RBS has been damn idle of late, and their pace has slowed greatly since the end of 1999. Total: 3/10 ..._______________________.___ ____.____... ::/ _______/ ____/ | \/ | \:: _/\____ \/ /___/ | \ \: \ > \ \ \/ \ \ :\__________/\________/_________/|_____|___/ ::.. .:[ SCUM ]:. .:[SCUM]:. .:[SCUM]:. ..:: ```````````````````````````````````````````` SCUM: Releases: SYNAPTICAD.VERILOGGER.PRO.V6.5-SCuM SYNAPTICAD.WAVEFORMER.PRO.V6.5-SCuM ARDENT.DATASTAGE.SERVER.CLIENT.V3.6-SCuM Despite having a good season overall, Scum really wasn't all that impressive to me this week. The DataStage Client/Server package was a nice pickup, but those Synapticad titles have been waiting months for someone to crack them, and they really aren't that great - I found the interface to be messy. And, though it doesn't apply in this case, if you were a legit user wanting to register the program, the unlock method on the trial is damn nasty, as several programs with different features can be unlocked through a single trial package. That I can't hold against Scum though. Total: 5/10 _______________________ ____________ __\ _______/ ______/______/__ / \ __/ / / \/ / / /_______\ /______________\____ /________\ -------------------------------\/----------- (*) F a t i g u e - Couriers Network (*) ___________________________________________. ________________________________________wK!. FATIGUED COURIERS NETWORK: Releases: Aebacus_Popup_Controls_Library_1.04.0290-FCN WISE.INSTALL.MASTER.v8.02-FCN Ultimate_Bulletin_Board_v543D-FCN FCN loves those Wise Solutions titles, and they haven't lost on one since the new Wise for Windows installer. This time they pick up v8.02 of Install Master, and they're the heavy favorite for Install Manager once it is updated. Total: 4/10 __okifixedit!__ <$$$$$$$$$$$$$b �����������)$$ |$$$$$$$$$$$$$' |$$T```X$f''' |$$$ '$$$L |$$! '9$$$i. |$$ `'$$$$> r a d i u m ���������������� RADIUM: Releases: N/A I have, unfortunately, decided to say goodbye to Radium as far as my report goes. Of course, I'll still use and appreciate their great work in the field of Audio tools. However, reading last weeks report by Elocin, I realized something: I can only go through so many weeks saying "Radium owns the Audio market". Seeing him fall into the same pattern I've been in when reviewing Radium pretty much set the bells off in my head. Although they've been rather idle of late (a disease plaguing many of the top groups over the past month or so), they still do own the Audio market. Unfortunately, their output and strict adherence to their niche make them segregated from most of the other groups on this list, and since I'm honestly not going to have the time to review every app that comes out, I'd rather not do a half-assed job on Radium. So good luck to Radium, keep up the great work. Oh, yes, one more thing:] Radium owns Audio tools. :) Total: N/A ---�-----------�----------- _ _ _ _ �_� �_� � � � � �_� �_� ��� � � � � ��� ��� �_� �_� � ---�-----------�----[xx/xx] HARVEST: Releases: EDLMAX.V.7.02-HARVEST MAXMAN.V1.0.FOR.3DSMAX.V2.5.AND.3.FINAL-HARVEST ARETE.DIGITAL.NATURE.TOOLS.V3.0.FOR.SOFTIMAGE.3.8SP2-3-HARVEST KROKODOVE.V2.05.FOR.DIGITAL.FUSION-HARVEST In a slow week, Harvest had a good outing, considering the overall lack of activity shown by the rest of the field. With only four apps they look like quite the releasing power, since over half the field failed to get more than three titles out. The one thing I'd really like to see from Harvest is more standalone tools, although I realize plugins are their speciality. This week we see just one, in the Edit Decision List Toolbox (EDLMAX). Total: 5/10 . )\_______)\__)\_______)\_______ . . __/ __ _/ _/ ____/ ___/ . . \__ / _\ \_____ \ ___/__ : . :/ \ \ / \ / \| : |\___/ /___/_____ /___ /| : | \_/_____/\____ /_____/___/_____/ | :...`---\_____\/----/_flr_/---/_p^D_/--' Really Into Spreading Elite: Releases: INPRISE.BORLAND.C.PLUS.PLUS.BUILDER.V5.0.ENTERPRISE.EDITION.REPACK-RiSE ALLAIRE.HOMESITE.V4.5.1.BETA.2-RiSE ALLAIRE.COLD.FUSION.STUDIO.V4.5.1.BETA.2-RiSE DASSAULT.SYSTEMES.CATIA.MACHINIST.R1.2.FINAL-RiSE IMAGEN.NT.PAYMASTER.V4.0.12.NFO.FIX-RiSE IMAGEN.NT.PAYMASTER.V4.0.12-RiSE MICROWAVE.OFFICE.2000.V3.22-RiSE FIRSTSENSE.ENTERPRISE.V2.2.1.12-RiSE ALTERA.MAX.PLUS.II.V9.5.RiSE XMETAL.V1.2.RiSE Rise was the only group to really put an effort into things this week. They snag a highly anticipated title in C++ Builder 5 Enterprise. But boy was that a bad one to have to repack. Come one guys, it's the best title of the week, double check it! Rise was plagued by packing again with ImagenNT Paymaster needing an NFO fix. As for the rest, nothing special, and Allaire beta's are a dime a dozen, but they do come out with the weeks best title. The one standout is XMetal from SoftQuad, the makers of HotMetal. Total: 8/10 __ ______ \// / _______ _______________ _/ _/____/ _ \_____\_ \ _ \ \ \ \ / | _/ _/ / / \__________\________|____\_____ ____//\ - - imo -----------xx/xx/2000- |____| -- �� d$$""""�$�" """""$$b """""$$b $$"""���" $$$ ` �$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ `""""$$b $$$ ��""$$�" $$ $$$ $$$ $$P ,d, $$$ $���"""""` """""""` """"""` $$$"""""` """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""`d$$[Y] The Corporate Gods: Releases: CISCO.SECURE.VPN.CLIENT.v1.0a.DES.RETAIL_WIN9xNT-CORPGODS MICROSOFT.WINDOWS.MILLENNIUM.BUILD.2481-CORPGODS Communique.Communicate.32.v8.0.83_Win9xNT2K-CORPGODS COMMUNIQUE.COMMUNICATE.i2000.v2.0.881B_WIN9xNT2K-CORPGODS FUTURE.FANTASTIC.GENESIS.v2.01.PRO.FOR.PHOTOSHOP.RETAIL.RIP_WIN9xNT2K-CORPGODS MSC.WORKING.MODEL.4D.v6.0.0.1102.RIP.FULLY.WORKING_WIN9xNT2K-CORPGODS A winbeta. I'm suddenly feeling a great lack of emotion. Actually, now that I look at it, I'm a bit afraid. Every new MS OS has meant new bugs for me (I've spent all week with Win98 freezing for no reason, even when nothing is running) so I'm not really looking forward to Windows Millenium. Which, for the record, I will refuse to call "Windows ME", which has to be the WORST abbreviation for a program I've ever heard. How about "Windows BILL" or "Windows Sucks Your Money Out of Your Wallet And Never Actually Works Right"? Think they'll catch on? Oh well. I said Rise was the only group putting an effort into releasing this week, but I shold also include both Corpgods and Shock in that one. These three (with Scum and FCN trailing) pretty much defined the week. Nothing great but they were fairly active. So that about sums it up, in this case, leech Windows if you dare, FF Genesis if you're a Photoshop user, and that's it. Total: 6/10 __________________________________________________________ / \ \ / / \ \__________________________________________________________/ / ___ ________ _________________ _______ _____ \ \ // \ / \ ( ! / / \ | \__// \ / / /' \(# ��� / \ ____/��� | \| |__/ ___/ \ \ // ��� \ __ \___\ \( |? /. \ (___ / / / ___ \ \ \ \ \ ��� | |\ / \ \ \ \=\__/===\__/___/==\__/________)______\___|=\_\____/_____/=/ /==============================================-sleighty-==\ \__________________________________________________________/ ARSENIC: Releases: CadControl32.v3.10.O-ARSENiC Rapid.Recovery.v1.1-ARSENiC Software.Submission.Wizard.v1.0-ARSENiC Fast.Access.v3.3.2-ARSENiC Fast.Start.9000.v3.0.1-ARSENiC Fast.Start.v1.0.For.Solidworks-ARSENiC Fast.Track.v1.0.1-ARSENiC MD.Solids.v1.7.5-ARSENiC Alright, I've been promising to include these guys for a while, since I've removed a few groups from the list. Arsenic formed several months ago now, and they've managed to survive the new-group growing pains. They still aren't really a contender as a top group, but they've been doing fairly well, sticking to low-end CAD addons/titles and other small stuff. Despite the fact that they seem to spend too much time raiding, they've done some decent titles, and managed to throw in a few good cracks. This week there really wasn't much that was impressive to talk about, Fast Track claims it will elimiate hand generated time cards - well, guess what, I haven't seen a traditional system like that in years anyways, so they're pretty much already eliminated! One last thing... that ASCII has got to go, it's way to bulky guys. Total: 6/10 New this week: Arsenic Idle this week: PWA, XF, PNC, RADIUM. Quote(s) of the Week: * SphereHwk eats Bud tastes like alcohol bathed chicken <|deviant|> Time is 8:16pm, computer has been up for 4h 9m 16s <|deviant|> damn.. that's gotta be a new record running win98 Well, no one releasing this week made my job easy. It's also damn easy to pick out the best titles for the week, and they'd be called C++ Builder 5, IntelliCAD 2000, XMetal 1.2, Think Design 4, and what the hell since I want to choose five, CE/TOL 6. Rise definately won the week, Corpgods and Shock both deserve notice, and LND did put out two decent titles. - Bud =---------------Monthly Iso Utils Review------------------------= End of March eh. =---------[ Lester's Movie Reviews ]----------= Sure he's a prominent scene member, leader of the #1 courier group, and former "Miss Scene 1995".. But did you also know that in real life, Lester's real name is "Roger", and he hosts a popular syndicated television show, where he plays a big fatass who has nothing better to do with his time than go to every single movie ever released? Well.. now you know.. Honestly did not see anything. :) ----------------- =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= =---------[ VCD Group and Movie Reviews ]----------= VCD Group and Movie Review We would like to begin by explaining some of the common terms used in VCD releasing. These formats are: CAM - A cam is usually a handheld camera snuck into a full theatre. The base is shaky, the audio is poor, you can hear people laughing and talking. A cam is distinguishable by usually having a combination of all three or more of these flaws. Most sites nuke cams for their general poor quality. Workprint - An early release of a movie. These are usually stolen or leaked copies of movies that have made their way onto VCD from VHS or a variety of other sources. These will usually contain running time codes as well as other identifying marks used in movie production. The quality on these can vary from bad to very good depending on the quality of the source material used to encode the VCD. Note: This category is also used for very bad screeners or copies of movies that just didn't fit into any of the other categories due to defects or problems with the quality of the VCD's audio/video image. Telesync - Basically a very good Cam. A steady base such as a tripod is used, the theatre is empty or very close to empty, and the audio and video are up to par. Although, you can usually detect some flaw with a TS. You may see a random head pop up, the screen edges are noticable, or the audio isn't always crystal clear. While not perfect, the quality in general of a telesync ranges from good to very good and is usually the first type of VCD made of a new movie. Screeners - These are the top quality VCDs. They can be in either widescreen (letterbox) or in full-screen (pan and scan) with excellent audio and video. These are made from video distributors demo tapes, reviewers copies, insider copies of the film or from any number of sources. Most screeners will contain "1-800-NO-COPIES" or "Property of.." messages somewhere in the film, but it's not a requirement to fit into the screener category. These most closely resemble a VHS or LaserDisc copy of the movie. They're easily identifiable by their top quality. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= ---------------------[ Da' Game Review ]--------------------------------= DENNISON'S GAME REVIEW ---------------------- Okay, I wasn't able to make any reviews last week as I was idle as hell with all the workload I have to carry out especially with the final examinations drawing near (only about a week left w00h00!) So, well I was able to read a part of Lester's comment hoping that I'll be consistent with this report so that made me feel a bit guilty for not having a report last week and seeing Bud was idle as well and Lester's not watching much movies anymore (which is a bad sign) I decided to go leech.. umm. I mean, download.. er, "trade" a few *cough* LEGAL *cough* copies of games that er.. aren't even out in the market (my dog works at Eidos and my cat works at EA so I get games really really early.. believe me it's strange but true!) and so PREPARE TO BE ELECTRIFIED BY THE MOST ELECTRI- FYING REPORT IN SCENE ENTERTAINMENT TODAY!@#$$%$^^& (damnit, been watching too much wrestling lately) and that's the bottomline :P This week I have 2 special guests, Fade (MM8 review) and Neo (Croc2 review) cos I didn't have time to get those two (and after reading their reviews I don't think I ever will :) so big big thanks to them ;D Ok I know my computers suck, here are the specs. I will be mailing them over to my great pal JEFFK after I type this report so he can "haxxxx0r" my "computrar" and my AOL cos I hear he's good this shit, so with luck my Pentium 550 will be "overclocked" into a "PENTUIUM 99999 GIGAHERZ COMPUTAR" by JEFFK Test system (singleplayer): Windows 98 OSR2, Intel Pentium 550, 64MB RAM, 32MB ASUS Riva TNT2, Sounblaster AWE64 PCI, 52x CD-ROM Test system (multiplayer): Windows 98 OSR2, Intel Celeron 300a, 64MB RAM, 32MB ASUS Riva TNT, generic 32bit PCI soundcard, 32x CD-ROM, 10Mbit generic PCI LAN card, 100Mbit HUB Comments, suggestions, constructive criticism, money email Flames, insults, curses, spam, fanmail, or sex email root@ Sammy Sosa Softball Slam ------------------------ Publisher...: 3DO Interactive Developer...: Team .366 Homepage....: Genre.......: Sports Accelerated.: YES Price.......: $29.99 Demo........: Unavailable Requirements: Win9x, Pentium 233MHZ PC Compatible, 32MB RAM, 200MB HD space, 2MB video card, DirectX compatible sound card, 4x CD-ROM ESRB Rating.: Everyone - contains comic mischief Graphics....: 7/10 - The graphics are mediocre, the players, bat, and ball are in 3D but the background, audience, and everything else is all 2D sprites. They didn't even bother to animate the audience, which gives the game an eerie feeling that you are being watched by zombies. Anyway the game lets you choose between software and accelerated mode, as well as choose from a bunch of resolutions from 512x384 to 1280x1024, so I ran it at the highest possible res and it still ran smoothly, great! You can also create (edit) your own characters and leagues, as well as choose from an array of arenas and decide whether you want to play during the day or during nighttime, although I noticed that the only difference between playing at night and day is that you get a different background :P Sound.......: 9/10 - Ok, the sound effects per se are okay, and you get a wacky announcer that says funny things once in a while. You can hear the "audience" (or whatever you call it) pipe in once in a while with shouts like "Score!," "Strike her out!," "Oh no! It's Sammy Sosa!!!" and "What's taking you so long!?" which added to the comic atmosphere of the game. Control.....: 7/10 - Control varies on the level of difficulty you chose before the start of every game. If you chose easy, all you have to do is press the enter key at the right moment and the computer will control your basemen and fielders for you. at normal to hard level, you will have to control your basemen on your own, as well as run between bases on your own, so you have greater control over your player and teammates than in easy mode. I can't find any place where you can redefinte the controls and I don't think it can be redefined, so that's a boo-boo, since most people who don't read manuals (like me) usually refer to the controls configuration to find out the appropriate controls. Gameplay....: 8/10 - This is probably the first softball game ever to hit the PC, and it's not bad, but not perfect either, there are still a few stitches on controlling that would be nice to see resolved in future versions of this game, if ever there are plans to turn this game into a sequel. Story.......: - Emm. I don't think sports games need a story not unless it's a WWF game, then you gotta have a friggin' story or I'll personally take my mouse, go over to the developers, AND STICK THAT THING RIGHT UP INTO THEIR CANDY ASS!#!@$ uh.. sorry, got a bit carried away by the WWF mania there. Stephanie is so sexy and I wanna mary her ;D oh and bye bye Mick Foley *sniff* Movies......: 5/10 - They have a not-so-bad intro movie. Aside from that, nothing else... Replay......: 7/10 - Ok, well, unlike other baseball games where you get the pros, here you only get Sammy Sosa, so I don't think many hardcore baseball fans will replay this game much, but this game definitely fits the "fun for the whole family" category and I'm sure the whole family will enjoy playing this game just to pass time. Gender Bias.: 10/10 - Ok you get a fair amount of both male and female characters in the game, and there aren't any sexist things and such in the game, so it's all good.. the female model is sexy ;D Fun Factor..: 8/10 - I have to admit I'm not a big softball fan but this game still is definitely fun to play especially if you have some company to enjoy the game with.. damn goody goody family-type games ;[ Multiuser...: 3/10 - Ok, well.. not mutliuser support, no profiles no nothing. Multiplayer.: none Overall.....: 7/10 I think this is quite an impressive shot at creating the first ever softball game for the PC and although there are a lot of limitations and downsides, there are a lot of strong points in the game as well. - The Bottomline: Is it worth buying? For $30? umm, maybe :) - Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun Firestorm Expansion Pack --------------------------------------------------------- Publisher...: Westwood Studios Developer...: Westwood Studios Homepage....: Genre.......: RTS (Request to.. er.. Real-time Strategy) Accelerated.: YES Price.......: Not yet available Demo........: Unavailable Requirements: Win9x, Pentium 166MHZ PC Compatible, 32MB RAM, 300MB HD space, 4MB video card, DirectX compatible sound card, 2x CD-ROM ESRB Rating.: Unrated, my rating: Teen (13+) Graphics....: 10/10 - Same old Tiberian Sun style units and terrain that never ceases to impress me. Sound.......: 9/10 - Same old Tiberian Sun style music and sound effects that never ceases to impress me. Control.....: 8/10 - Same old Tiberian Sun style music er.. countrols that never ceases to impress me. Gameplay....: 6/10 - Same old sucky, outdated Tiberian Sun style gameplay that never ceases to disappoint me. Story.......: 7/10 - Same old.. um, okay so it's a continuation of the ever- boring Command and Conquer universe.. *yawn* Movies......: 8/10 - Of course, same old Tierbain Sun style movies that never ceases to bore me. Replay......: 5/10 - *yawn.. zzzz* Gender Bias.: 7/10 - A game primarily for the male population, but I am sure girls would love to play this game too. Fun Factor..: 5/10 - *zzzzz..* mommy? I don't wanna review this game anymore Multiuser...: 7/10 - Limited number of saves which you can use to save and load gamestates. Multiplayer.: 6/10 - Just like Tiberian Sun, it's a game a few people will even notice (and they're die-hard C&C players at that) Overall.....: 6/10 Just like my comments up there, this game is crap. Westwood, unlike Blizzard, is a sales-oriented company. They are in this just to make money, that is why they put a lot of hype into their products to make sure many will buy it (ie. Dune2000 and the many C&C revisions). Surely, Firestorm will be another one of those games that many people will buy (because of a lot of hype on Tiberian Sun) , but will never really enjoy. The C&C style gameplay is: go up the tech tree, build, attack. There is no strategy, and although Tiberian Sun has a bit more of strategy than its C&C predecesors, it's still predominantly a unit-building game. Whoever controls the most units win. Oh, and do I have to remind everyone that NOD still overpowers GDI by 10 times? Gee, talk about balance, and now with the new units in Firestorm, GDI just got stronger. GDI now acquires mobile EMP generator, and NOD gets a f*cking mobile stealth generator, now they're unstop- pable! If in a typical game stories the good guys always win, and obviously that is not the case here. new units, new maps, new upgrades, kane is dead and there is a new leader, new.. give me f*cking a break! Okay, so maybe I'm being a bit too harsh, it's still a good game, so I checked the shop's statistics on how many people really play Tiberian Sun and it seems that a few customers come in to play it once in a week, so that's not really good stats. - The Bottomline: Is it worth buying? Uhh, what's the title of that game again? - Might & Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer ---------------------------------------- Publisher...: 3DO Developer...: 3DO Homepage....: Genre.......: RPG (Role-Playing Game) Accelerated.: YES Price.......: $44.99 Demo........: Unavailable Requirements: Win9x, Pentium 233MHZ PC Compatible, 32MB RAM, 500MB HD space, 2MB video card, DirectX compatible sound card, 4x CD-ROM ESRB Rating.: Teen (13+) - contains animated blood, animated violence Graphics....: 5/10 - Boring 2D sprites, nothing special, seems like the game is still using the outdated engine used by 3DO in MM6 Sound.......: 7/10 - Mediocre sound effects and voices. Control.....: 8/10 - Same old point and click interface. Gameplay....: 8/10 - The game starts out strong and interesting, but it drags and starts to get tiresome after a few hours, heck it's a 2-cd game even. Story.......: 7/10 - The Destroyer is back! Good must prevail over evil! woohoo Movies......: 7/10 - The movies, although good, could use a few more effects and better animation and graphics, the characters seem to move very unnaturally. Replay......: 6/10 - Once you get absorbed in the worlf of Might and Magic like a lot of my friends are, you get hooked, forget about eating, install a toilet in front of your computer, and forget about sleep. Gender Bias.: 10/10 - It's RPG games like these that interest both males and females alike, heck, girls could solve puzzles faster than I could, hehe.. they totally own me at MM. Fun Factor..: 6/10 - It may be fun for others, but I find reading through pages of text boring that it just scroll through the important parts or else I might get a migraine from reading too long. Slow engine and jerky graphics bring down the fun factor of this game Multiuser...: 10/10 - You can create your own characters and save them. You can also save your progress in the game to be loaded and continued later on (of course) Multiplayer.: none Overall.....: 6/10 MM8 was about 40 hours of gameplay, and still long away from good old MM6 that was like 120 hours (only thing that's better with MM8 is that it use D3D acceleration). Something that was new in MM8 was that you just started with one person in the party, and had to pickup other partymembers through the game, my personal thought is that this option should be a choice if you want to start with a whole party or not. And WTF happend with the Archmage ? Just Necromancers, Dark Elves, Trolls, etc.. oh yah, you could be a cleric, It was like the only "person of light" you could be, so MM8 is a game for ppl that liked the dark path of MM7, also it's a musthave for a RPG fan, myself for exaple started to play at 12pm thursday, and had it done on sunday afternoon, so it's kinda gets to you. MM8 is a very easy game, just let a dragon join your party and no dungeon is hard to finnish. Nearly no puzzel's at all, as it use to be in Might and Magic games, just a few riddle's in the end of the game, and ofcourse the famous Obelisk quest. Final thoughts, this game is a really good game, but after MM6, I know that New World Computing could make it so damn much better. And yah, a new engine, it's up for MM9, they are going to use the same engine as "Shogo - mobile armor division". But anyway, It's a good RPG and beats games like FF8 easily.. - The Bottomline: for $45, I think I'll wait for MM9. I hope 3DO wakes up and starts putting a little more quality for their fans - (rated and reviewed by Fade) Croc 2 ------ Publisher...: Fox Interactive Developer...: Argonaut Software Ltd. Homepage....: Genre.......: Arcade Accelerated.: YES Price.......: $19.99 Demo........: (32mb) Requirements: Win9x, Pentium 266MHZ PC Compatible, 32MB RAM, 32MB HD space, 4MB video card, DirectX compatible sound card, 4x CD-ROM ESRB Rating.: Everyone - contains mild animated violence Graphics....: 4/10 - Simple objects, nothing spectacular. Sound.......: 4/10 - Simply annoying, especially when you have a conversation with another character. Control.....: 5/10 - Simple, but bad, the controls won't allow you to walk backwards. Gameplay....: 7/10 - Generally it wasn't so bad, at least I am sure younger kids would find it fun. Story.......: 3/10 - Extremely bad introduction, I didn't really understand what the story was. Movies......: 4/10 - No movies except 3D rendered sequences. Replay......: 1/10 - Annoying and boring, after that first try, I didn't want to play it anymore. Gender Bias.: 10/10 - Great for both gender young or old, but definitely younger kids. Fun Factor..: 3/10 - Tell you the truth, I didn't find it every fun at all, more like boring. Multiuser...: 2/10 - Doesn't allow multiple profiles.. you're always the same chracter and the story doesn't change nor can you change the playble character. Multiplayer.: 3/10 - Tried it for about 10 mins then quit, so not much here.. Overall.....: 4/10 As you can see from the above rating, this game is targetted towards younger kinds, probably about the game of 8-11. Personally, I thought the game to be too childish for teens or adults, but perhaps some people will have a different view. I was annoyed by the fact that I couldn't use the back arrow to walk backwards. This contributed the fact that I kept on falling into the lava pit. - The Bottomline: If you're a parent, it would be a good game for your kids, but if you're a teen or adult, I don't recommend you trying it. It will most likely turn out to be a waste of time. (You'd better be off downloading porn? :P -Ed) - (rated and reviewed by Neo) -----------[The Scene News]----------- All the news thats fit to print... and then some... 1. COD goes down on Sunday, March 5, 2000 after 4 years ;( 2. TR is now confirmed to be perm down, another good old site gone.. :( (damn that, tr was the ONLY site for me.. my favorite -dennison :( 3. TD is back up.. same userbase, affils, box, everything.. w00t! 4. according to minime.nfo in alchemist, MiNiME is disbanded: BLUEBALL: Some will be disappointed, others will be glad in cheer. This is the final Minime release to the rip scene. After 6 months, it was time to say goodbye to the end, to move on, and to sure as hell not merge with any group. After 25 releases to the scene, it was time to move on and do better shit in life. We brought you all types of games, and hoped you enjoyed them all. 5. DBZ is also back up --------[Stories from the Watercooler]---------- Ahh yes, rumors, we all love them even though we love to say how much we hate them when they are about us. And these are some of the better ones circulating around this week. Email us or find us on irc if you have a good rumor you'd like entered, your name will not be included, but we do not add rumors like that Xtremist is having Jess' baby or that Elocin is being gang raped by Cedric and Sins, because we all know that those are both true. Rumor is that Xtremist is going to have triplets! =-------------------------------------=--------------------------------------= Well friends.. Thats about it. If you've read this far, we sincerly thank you. We like to know this thing gets read, so if you get the time, drop one of us a quick msg, and tell us what you think, give us suggestions, tell us it sucks, or just say "hi" to us!.... Greets fly out to: Ryche, Edge, Bernis, Elocin, Sins, Crackz, Zip, Goatass, Dma, Bigmom, Bud, Preacher K, Bohnz, Ceddie, Glenfag, Prs, Tyger, Dopestar, LS, PaleDeth, Humble, Xtremist. Find us on IRC in #nwr, (channel commands: !nwr, !nwr 69 or whatever issue you want. +lester 03/07/00