Netmonkey Weekly Report Issue LXI October 12th, 1999 g#S$ d. ____ ascii by garflozzy ____ $$$: -- ,$b ----- $$$ ___ $$$$$s __ :$$l $',$$$$.`$$ :$$$._l$$: ,s#S$$$$: $$$"�$$b.`�$i $$$ ',$$'�$$,`$ l$$$T$$$$._ --------- l$$$$$$$$ :$$l b,`Y$$,`l l$$.d$P . �$$,` $$l" $$$�T$S#g._ ----------- ��������� :$$$$$$$l l$$: $$b.`Y$$, :$$$$' d$b �$$,d$$: :$$l ,.`"�T$S# ��������� $$$$$$$: $$$ :$$$$. Y$$.s$$$' d$$$b '$$$$l l$$: l$'.d$$' $$$$$$$. $$$ l$$$$$. $$$Sl$' d$$$$$b '$$$: :$$l .'.d$$' $$$$$$l :$$l $$$$$$l l$$::P :$$$$$$$b.`$l l$$: ~~~~~~~ ------------------ l$$: ------- :$$l.' ---------- `: ;$$l --------------------- $$$ ������� .l$$ :: ~~~~ � $$S#s,$$$ ::: ``^"�Y$$$ `Y$ [ n ] ETMONKEY [ W ] EEKLY [ R ] EPORT Well, Well, Well. Ryche promised me a "REAL" article for this week to get back into the flow of things. BUT, he was MIA again as usual. Now we have a staff change this week. Blitz has left us for good and Devestato is the current and hopefully permanent replacement for our good friend Blitz. Sorry to see you go old buddy. Also, the iso charts I promised are MIA as Djay is a fag and never sent me them! (DJAY msg me or call my ass and get me those reports:)) I have also decided to return to the courier report for awhile. Cedric is a good replacement but he refuses to do it without stats and nobody ever gives me weektops. :( PLEASE send your weektops to or contact me/nd on irc. Thankyou -Lester [Co-Editor/Head Writer] Well.. We lost Blitzkrieg this week, and in my mind, that signals the end of an nwr era. His report was *always* top quality - incisive, cutting, to the point, and full of tremendous insider info that the average scene member can only guess about. Thanks for all your work here blitz.. (ps: private to blitz: no, seriously... it *is* coming back.. soon! i'll call you when it does, so you can unretire!! ;D ... ) So we had a games vacancy for a period of a couple hours, but no sooner did i find out that blitz was gone, when lester informed me that we have a new guy now: Devastato of CLASS. Good luck to you, Devestato! I am slowly starting to work myself back into scene shape. I need more leech accounts, please... Remember: the staff of nwr *can* be bought. We're willing to whore more than our integrity!!! Hmmm.. .... that might be a good new slogan. Oh.. also: webpage is done.. I'll post the URL in the #nwr chan once we have made sure that the box hosting it is 'secure' from all the 31337 h4x0rZ.. Ciao! ndetroit [Co-Editor/Head Fatass] -----------[ index ]----------- I.) Intro a) Lester b) ndetroit II.) Quotes of the Week III.) Stats - Ndetroit's Weekly Stats, and comments on Sites. IV.) Lester's Biased Courier Report V.) Articles a) Devestato's Games Report b) Bud's Biased Utils Report c) Lester's Movie Reviews d) Ryche's Heavily Biased VCD Review e) Monthly Iso Charts VI.) Scene News - All the news that's fit to print VII.) Rumors! VIII.) Closing ---------------------[ Quotes of the Week! ]--------------------- - today i had a adoctors appointment cause of my kidney and the fag doctor started to ask me about my penis with my dad in the room i think he wanted some action fucking homo he made me cough just for the hell of it too it has nothing to dow tih my kidney he just wanted to see my dick - i have armani deodorant but its in aerosol can and i sprayed itonce on my saq omfg alcohol and balls DO NOT MIX thats a true story oh my god you are a circus freak it was like last week i fucking screamed like a girl and i went in the shower with my shirt on - yo when umm iw as 8.. some whore try to rape me.. and she said to suck her penis but hulk hogan saved me from her after she threw rocks at the cars, it was all on cops.. you have to believe me honest. - stix lets cyber! ill pass :P - so very very good. -(your stupid comment here!) And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee. -----------[ ndetroit's sites and stats section ]----------- Hey... sorry, i don't really have much to say this week.. ;/ No one has added me to TOS yet, and i am running out of credits on HOG. I would appreciate those 2 situations being rectified by next week's issue. Thank you. New site up on the hut: PD. Its 100mbit, rise, mission, and rebels. Talk to xload if you wanna be hooked up. STH is gone, but... who narked it? Now that blitz has retired... will rfo be able to keep up its status as the #1 site in canada, or will.. .. ... ... ALL THOSE OTHER... .. good canadian sites ... take its place. Ermmm... FFX is gone.. i just learned that this week.. So is mgoh.... ... where the hell is that guy? Siteops!! send your weektops to: Thanks to all those that support us every week... ;) =--------------------------------------------------------------------------= Sites are rated on a 3X and 2X scale.. if you want to know why we do it that way, read an old issue. Couriers get 10 points per site they get #1 on, 9 points for 2nd place, 8 points for 3rd, etc, etc. Sites are rated by us. If you don't like the ratings, then.... heh... fuck off and die.. =--------------------------------------------------------------------------= The Top Ten sites for this week are: no stats again. PLEASE send us weektops. ---=NETMONKEY COURiER REPORT=--- * = no weektop this week. * = no weektop this week. =--------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Lester's Biased Courier Section ]----------- Biased Courier Report Amnesia: AMN had a pretty dead week once again, not much of any action. Few guys placing on certain sites, but they clean up the group a little bit with some kicks and add a few resources from what inside sources say. We will see if anything pans out. Still needs alot of work. Overall: 1/10(Activity Needed) AOD: Well as of yesterday AOD ran into some bad luck. Losing Creater, Grave, Thug, Johnny, Yoda, Phenyx and some boxops. AOD has been in a bit of trouble as of late, we will see over the next few weeks if they can hold it together. Already other traders are looking at other groups to join. Would be a shame to see this group fall apart after doing so well. Overall: 4/10 (Rough waters but still maintain some good talent) Ascension: Our newest addition to this little report. ASN is run by Aeiou(you probably know him from any other courier group you've been in), Thug(ex risc courier, and aod guy, hasn't moved a meg in years), Grave(box recruiter type guy for AOD and aodiso co-leader?), Dv(i forget where he comes from, but I know him), and Zeus21(Former AMN and a few other groups, kicked from AMN shortly before ASN started for idiotic behavior). They have a few decent traders like Ydevil and..uhm..well they have ydevil I know, not sure who all else they have. So far things aren't looking super bright, but they claim to have alot of great things, so we will see if they do or not. Overall: XX/10 (No performance yet to rate) Devotion: Godbless and more godbless.Officedog is also trading and Prozax has begun to show up on more and more sites. So dev is starting to pick up a little more momentum again. Overall: 6/10 Risc: Not alot happening here, Flavor trades and Psedo trades as well. They have no new blood and not a bunch of excitement, but they aren't totally idle anymore. Overall: 3/10 Vice: Mrpie and company continue to do their thing, but they aren't blowing anybody away now that Nailz isn't super active and Redman is still doing school. They seem to need a little new blood. Overall: 4/10 Bla this report sucks ass For those of you who remember my article in the early days of NWR may remember that I used to be pretty much an asshole to everybody. And after reading back, I think it was alot more fun when I was an asshole and caused trouble. So now that I'm coming back to this report. I will be heading back to my roots. The "Weekly Happenings" will return to the report and Themed reviews as well. If you don't like it, I don't really care and never did, but it's more fun for me this way. Lester [Still Retired, so don't msg me] =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Articles ]----------- =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ The Devestator Report ]----------- THE Devestator REPORT FOR THE WEEK OF 10/04/99 - 10/10/99 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This week sure was a slow week, with an awful lot of garbage releases. Not much racing this week, CLS easily took the week with a boatload of small games. THE RULES ~~~~~~~~~ - Games are rated on a 0-5 scale. The average rating for a game will be 3.0. Games are rated on how good the game is, and how anticipated the title is. - Fixes are punished by deducting half the points for the game. If a competing group fixes the release, they recieve those points. If a fix is very minor in nature, or is embedded late in the game, a single or no deduction is possible. - Faction compliancy is NOT required to recieve points. If a faction compliant rip is released at any time without having essential gameplay components removed, it will supercede the previous attempt. - Trainers for games that rate higher than 4.0 will be given a half point. Only one trainer per group, per game can recieve points. This includes level skippers and cheat codes, as well as editors and multiplayer cheats. A truly remarkable trainer for a major game could recieve a full point. - Patches are worth a half point. Major patches for important games could recieve a full point. - Addons for games are given a 1.0 addition provided the addon is not: (a) a movie addon of any kind... or (b) An essential component removed for faction compliance (3DFX) (c) For a below average (under 3.0) game Any group may release a game addon, regardless of the original release group. Multiple addons packed within one release (a speech and music addon for example) may be given two points. ______ /| ___ /\______ /\______ / \/ | / _ \ / _____/ _____> / |_ / |/ | \\____ \ \____ \ < | < / | / | \/ | \ \ _____\_<____|___\_____ /\_____ / +=\/======================\/=======\/== Class released a shitload of stuff this week, but nothing really that great. Facts are these days an average game just isn't worth playing. CLS also threw in their usual assortment of below-average fare, including B-Hunter, Scooby Doo, and a snowmobile racing game game. Throw in yet another Hoyle game and you get 15.5 points worth of crap. Points Release Title ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.5 Warhammer_40K_Rites_Of_War_v1.1_Update_Cracked-CLS 3.0 TANKTICS-CLS 2.0 B-HUNTER-CLS 0.5 Descent_Freespace_2_v1.01_Patch_Cracked-CLS 0.0 Armored_Fist_3_Mission_Cheat-CLS 2.0 Scooby_Doo_The_Mystery_Of_The_Fun_Park_Phantom-CLS 0.0 B-Hunter_All_Missions_Cheat-CLS 2.0 Snowmobile_Racing_Championship_2000-CLS 0.5 Shadowman_Patch_1_Cracked-CLS 3.0 Creatures_Adventures-CLS 2.0 Hoyle_Word_Games-CLS --- 15.5 _ ______ ______ ____ _____ ____ _____ \// _ \ _ \_\__/ _ \_\__/_\_ \ / / / / /. / / / / / / \______/ \____|_/\___ /___/___/ / --------|___|---------/____\------/____\- Origin was pretty quiet this week, just a trainer for Freespcae 2, which according to our rules earns them 0 points because CLS did the cheat codes last week. Points Release Title ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.0 Descent.Freespace.2.Plus.5-ORiGiN --- 0.0 ������� ��� �� ���� ���� � �� �� �����۲ݲ���� ��� � � ���� ���������������������۲�� ����������� �������� ޲��� �۲ ����� ������ � ����� ��� ���� ��������� �������� ������� ����� ��� �������� �۲������ �۲�� �۲�۲�� �۲�� �۲ ���� ������������������������������۲�� �۲ ==============================���=����===== �������� ����� Paradigm has been pretty quiet ever since the mag stuff, yet another released ISO title for them, and a movie addon which gets them no points, gives them a whopping 3 points this week. But hey, it's enough to give them second place for the week. Points Release Title ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3.0 Extreme_500-PARADiGM 0.0 Extreme_500_Movie_Addon-PARADiGM 0.0 Corum_III_Plus_4_Trainer-PARADiGM --- 3.0 ���� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ������� ������ܿ � ������ ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��۳ ���� ��� ��� �۲ ��� ��� ۲� ��� ������ � :�۲ ��� ۲� �۲ ��� ��� �۲ ��� ��� ���: ��۲ ��� �۲ ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��۳ ������������ ����� ��� ��� ��� ���ܲ�߳ Not much here. Two fuckups for a patch for C&C2, you'd figure they would give up after a while. :) Points Release Title ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -0.5 Command.And.Conquer.Tiberian.Sun.v1.13.Update-DVN -0.5 Command.And.Conquer.Tiberian.Sun.v1.13.Update.CRACKED.FOR.RIP.ONLY-DVN 0.5 Command.And.Conquer.Tiberian.Sun.v1.13.Update.CRACKED.FOR.RIP.ONLY. REPACKED-DVN --- -0.5 _______ ______ ______________ _______ \ . \\_ \ \_ ___ /. \PoYZ . / __\/ |\ \| \ \_:__|_/ / \ \_/ /| \/__ \_/ .|_) _)__|\ \ ____/: |\ \_ (_|. \_/ / o|\ \|\____ \ \_| | |_) / /|o \ /____| \__ | \__\______| ___/__/ |____\ <*+=======|__|-RAZOR 1911-|__|===========+*> With just two updates the good old blade won't be ablt to win any weeks at all. They get 1 point for the descent 3 patch, since it is such a popular title. Points Release Title ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.5 Heroes_of_Might_and_Magic_3_v1.2_Update_and_Generic_Crack-RAZOR 1.0 Descent_3_v1.2_Patch_Cracked-RAZOR --- 1.5 Well seeing as this is my first week taking over for Blitz, you might see a few point system changes and look for some great upcoming interviews with some members of the gaming scene! Lets hope we can get some fresh blood in the scene to give Class a little competition, maybe grind should restart TPC. =) =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Bud's Biased Utils Section ]----------- Bud's Biased Utils Report #37 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm not going to even try to write an intro after all the blabbing I did last week. Disclaimer: It's BIASED moron. My opinion. So don't send me a bunch of mail & messages bitching about this or that. If you don't like it... SCREW YOU =] Rankings: Groups get a score out of 10. Points are given for amount of releases, but QUALITY titles will give a group a much higher score. Nukes for duping, broken releases and just plain CRAP will lower a groups score. However on the occasion that a title is nuked which I don't feel should have been, MY OWN JUDGEMENT TAKES PRECEDENCE. Cuz I'm writing this. Groups can also get points for any other reason I see fit. Week: Week is based from 10/05/99 to 10/11/99. I'm in the EST time zone so dates/times run according to it. Groups: (In no particular order) � ����� � � � ��� ������ � ��� ����� A Group ��� �� �� ����� ��� � That Gives ������ �������� �� �� Slightly ���� ���� �� ������ � Less Than ��� ��� �� ���� �� A Fuck. � � � � -XeN PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE: Releases: Project.Launcher.v1.0-PWA Spectrum.Element.Manager.v2.2-PWA Microsoft_Photodraw_2000_Version_2_Final-PWA When the breakup of SGE took place, we all saw PWA gain a ton of potential power. What we witnessed was the strongest incarnation of the group in what was probably years. Last week, it seems much of that newfound support left the fold and moved over to SCUM. That's about all the hyping I'll do on the issue... but the question remains: Is PWA back to Winbetas and the occasional good release? This week, well, suprise, suprise we see an oversized PWA app, which I'll pretend I didn't see and tell you all to get the ISO, should one be released. Aside from that, two standard apps, nothing compared to the quality and output of several weeks back however. For now at least things aren't looking great for PWA. Total: 4/10 ������ ��� ���������� ��۲� ��� � � ܲ� � � �����۲ ������ �������� ������� � ����� ������������ �����޲� ���۲ ����� ޲�� ����޲ � ߲߲� ����� ��������� ��� ܲ۲ ۲� ��������۲ ��۲�� � ���� � �� ޲ �߲�� ��������+ The Corporation +� �� �gas!�� THE CORPORATION: Releases: HARLEQUIN.WATSON.V4.1-CORP LT3D.COMMERCIAL-CORP Another group hurt my member movement, and basically the same result. Two standard apps, nothing notable. Total: 4/10 ����������������������������������[XX/XX]� ��� ��� � ������ ���� ������ ���� ���� ۲� ۲� � ��� ۲� � ۲� �� ۲� � ��� �� ۲ ۱� ۱� ۰� �� �� ۱� �� ۱� � ��� ���� ������� � ۱���� �� ۰� �� ��� ۲� �� �� ۱� ۲� � ۲� � ۲� ۰� �� � ۲� ۱� �� ۲ ��� ۱� � ��� ���������� � ������� ����� ��� ��� � ���������������� � ����� sikos � X-FORCE: Releases: C-FORGE_V1.3-3_LINUX-XFORCE Well due to the fact that most people felt it wasn't necessary to score *nix applications, I'm still not counting them, and thus XF gets a donut... mmmmm... sprinkles... Total: 0/10 /\______/| ___/\_ _/ ______ :|; . __/\ ____/\ __| // %%%\____ \ |__:_\__ \/ ~~ :\_ | __/%%%% iii_/ :| \\_ \ ;| \_ |____/ \iiiii :::\__ ; _/ | \\_ : // | \\_ | \\_::: \____/---|____/____/_______/-|____/kaz SHOCK: Releases: Output.Enabled.Mjuice.Plugin.v2.0.1.1.for.Winamp.v2.5e-SHOCK DBInstaller.v1.1.Oracle.Edition-SHOCK Shadow.IP.Central.v1.06-SHOCK Shadow.IP.Central.v1.06.Missing.Crack-SHOCK Progress.IPQoS.v2.0.54-SHOCK NetOctopus.v3.5-SHOCK Web.Server.4D.e-Commerce.v3.1.1-SHOCK A few decent cracks this week, including the final build of Progress Software's IPQoS 2 (it's scored as full here since it's a) the Final build and b) hasn't been released since For WinAmp users, the Mjuice plugin has been cracked allowing you to decode mjf to wav files. Total: 6/10 �������� � ��� ������� [xx] �������������� �������� ��������� ����� � �������� ���� �� ����������� ����� � � � �� ���������� �� ���� ��� ���� ���� �� ��� �� ���� ������� � ������� � �������� � �� �� � ������������������ ��������� ������ � ������������ � �� ���� ��� � �� ���� ��� �� ��������� ��� �� ������� �� ��� ���� �� �� ���������� � ������������ � ��� ����������� ������������������������ ��� pENTIUM fORCE tEAM �����������b1� PENTIUM FORCE TEAM: Releases: Cognos.PowerPlay.v6.5.Enterprise.Server.REPACK-PFT Cognos.Powerplay.v6.5.Excel.Client-PFT Cognos.PowerPlay.v6.5.Personal.Server-PFT Cognos.PowerPlay.v6.5.Windows.Client-PFT Cognos.Transformer.v6.5.for.WinNT-PFT Excalibur.RetrievalWare.v6.71.DIZ.FIX-PFT Excalibur.RetrievalWare.v6.71.for.WinNT-PFT Netscape.Application.Server.v4.0.for.WinNT-PFT PFT nail a bunch of nice apps, taking Cognos's PowerPlay 6.5, Netscape Application Server 4, and the latest Excalibur RetrievelWare, which all add up to one of the better weeks for PFT of late. Total: 7/10 � � � � �ܲ�� � ������۲� �����߲�� ����� ����� ��۲� ���� �۲� ޲��� ޲��� ��۲ ���� ��۲ ��� �� ���� ��۲ ���� ��۲� ��۲ �۲���۲ �۲����۲ ���۲ ���� ��۲ �۲ �۲� ����� ��۲� mg � �������۲� �� �۲� � ������ � ������� �߲� � �� ��������������� � :: ::: :: � ������������������������������������� � LEGENDS NEVER DIE: Releases: N/A Total: N/A .__________. [xx/xx/98] \_ ___ ) Da ToP oF Da LiNe! .___. ===/ _/ /=======================/ /===== .:/ _____/__./(___.____/\.______./ /_____. :/ /__/ . ) . )____ ) _ ) / __ ) /__/ / / / / // __ / /__/ / /___/: .:/ /__/__/__/__/(______\____ /__/_____ /MO =/__/========================\/========\/=== = THE PINNACLES OF RELEASING (C) PNC 95-99 = PINNACLE: Releases: ES.Monitor.v1.2.1-PNC MD.Solids.v1.7-PNC Request.Tracker.v2.0-PNC SoftCD.v3.0-PNC Batmaster.v1.0-PNC Filehunter.v1.05-PNC Pinnacle put out their usual batch of unknown middle of the road type apps... if I had to pick one... I'd probably guess :P Total: 6/10 _______________ ____________ ____________ \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[om]\________/== d(*)d D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 8 d(*)d ===================== [ DOD * xx-xxx-99 ] == DRINK OR DIE: Releases: Jtools_v1.2_Win9x-DOD *cough* dusty around here *cough* Total: 1/10 _______________________________[xx/xx] \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS >> RELEASING WITHOUT PERMISSION << REBELS: Releases: Excosoft_Documentor_v2.2.3-RBS FlexGen.Version.2000.1-RBS Read_Japanese_v1.3-RBS Synplicity.Synplify.V5.2.2.LICENSED-RBS ZBrush_v1.0_CRACKED-DISKFIX-RBS Mentor.packaged.Power.Elite.V2.1.LICENSED-RBS Bom.Explorer.v3.1.22.CRACKED-RBS Mentor_Graphics_Renoir_v99.2-RBS Modelsim_V5.3_FlexLM_License_fix-RBS OnTime.Enterprise.4.75.Cracked-RBS ZBrush_v1.0-RBS Exemplar.Leonardo.v1999.1e.build6.62.licensed-RBS I think we covered FlexLM enough last week, don't you? OnTime Enterprise was nuked on certain sites as "Bad"... note to nukers, broken means broken, dupe means dupe, bad means your dog pissed on the rug. Mentor Power Elite got killed as being a collection of dupes. RBS fixes the ModelSim license, both the SCUM and SLT releases had problems due do a dongle on top of the FlexLM protection. Best release here is Renoir 99.2 in the end. A strong week discounting the nukes. Total: 7/10 ..._______________________.___ ____.____... ::/ _______/ ____/ | \/ | \:: _/\____ \/ /___/ | \ \: \ > \ \ \/ \ \ :\__________/\________/_________/|_____|___/ ::.. .:[ SCUM ]:. .:[SCUM]:. .:[SCUM]:. ..:: ```````````````````````````````````````````` SCUM: Releases: ADOBE.PHOTODELUXE.HOME.EDITION.V3.1-SCuM METACREATIONS.PAINTER.V6.0-SCuM STAR.OFFICE.V5.1A-SCuM AUTODESK.AUTOCAD.EXPRESS.TOOLSS.VOLUME.7-SCuM Not too much too show for the PWA influx yet, but Painter 6 is a very nice pickup for SCUM. StarOffice was nuked as free however, although at least SCUM realized their mistake and requested the nuke. AutoDesk Express Tools and PhotoDeluxe Home 3.1 are both strong titles, but SCUM has thwe potential for more, and it's time they stepped up in the release department. Total: 7/10 _______________________ ____________ __\ _______/ ______/______/__ / \ __/ / / \/ / / /_______\ /______________\____ /________\ -------------------------------\/----------- (*) F a t i g u e - Couriers Network (*) ___________________________________________. ________________________________________wK!. FATIGUED COURIERS NETWORK: Releases: CUESoft.CUEXml.ActiveX.v2.0-FCN CUESoft.CUEXml.Delphi.v2.0-FCN CUESoft.CUEXsl.ActiveX.v1.0-FCN CUESoft.CUEXsl.Delphi.v1.0-FCN Classic_Component_Set_v2.20_For_Delphi-FCN Envision.Image.Library.v1.03.For.Delphi.And.CPPBuilder.With.Full.Source-FCN RT.Registration.Control.DLL.v2.13-FCN RT.Registration.Control.for.Wise.v2.13-FCN RT.Registration.Control.OCX.v2.10-FCN RT.Registration.Control.VCL.v2.16-FCN Signum.DX1100.v2.3-FCN Several controls released at the start of the week, followed by... nothing. Simply marketing towards developers this week. FCN went silent after the first few days, hope to see more next week. Total: 6/10 ____Elocinnn_____ <$$$$$$$$$$$$$b �����������)$$ |$$$$$$$$$$$$$' |$$T```X$f''' |$$$ '$$$L |$$! '9$$$i. |$$ `'$$$$> r a d i u m ���������������� RADIUM: Releases: Finale.2000.working-Radium Reaktor.v2.05-Radium Two decent tools in Reaktor and Acid Pro (even if it is a bit minor)... Finale 2000 was ripped from an ISO a while back, no idea, but over a megs-minded courier ripping for credits and Radium, there's really no question in which to take. Total: 5/10 ____________________________________________ __________/\________/\______/\_______/\ \ __ / __ / __ \ _____/ / /__/ / /__/ / /__/ /\___ \ / _____/ ____/ / ) /____/ /___\ \\________/_________/ -s8RO-- -the.\_____\.professionals-- - ____________________________________________ THE PROFESSIONALS: Releases: N/A Total: N/A ---�-----------�----------- _ _ _ _ �_� �_� � � � � �_� �_� ��� � � � � ��� ��� �_� �_� � ---�-----------�----[xx/xx] HARVEST: Releases: DIGIMATION.BONES.PRO.V2.0e.UPDATE.FOR.3DSMAX3-HARVEST DIGIMATION.FRACTAL.FLOW.V1.6e.UPDATE.FOR.3DSMAX3-HARVEST DIGIMATION.SHAG.HAIR.V1.02e.UPDATE.FOR.3DSMAX3-HARVEST DIGIMATION.TILING.TOOLS.V3.00E.UPDATE.FOR.3DSMAX3-HARVEST 5D.CYCLONES.V2.1.FOR.SOFTIMAGE.3.8.SP2-HARVEST INCITE.V2.5.FINAL-HARVEST Premier app here is Incite, taking 2.5 away from XF, who had bagged v2.0. Aside from that, plugin heaven, mainly Digimation stuff. In case you couldn't read that yourself. Total: 6/10 . )\_______)\__)\_______)\_______ . . __/ __ _/ _/ ____/ ___/ . . \__ / _\ \_____ \ ___/__ : . :/ \ \ / \ / \| : |\___/ /___/_____ /___ /| : | \_/_____/\____ /_____/___/_____/ | :...`---\_____\/----/_flr_/---/_p^D_/--' Really Into Spreading Elite: Releases: DELCAM.POWERMILL.V2.495.FINAL.ADDON-RiSE DELCAM.POWERMILL.V2.495.FINAL.CRACKED-RiSE FORMZ.RENDERZONE.RADIOZITY.V3.1.3.ADDON-RiSE EDS.UNIGRAPHICS.MOLDWIZARD.FOR.UNIGRAPHICS.15.02-RiSE FORMZ.RENDERZONE.RADIOZITY.V3.13.FINAL.CRACKED-RiSE STEEL.CAD.DETAILING.SYSTEM.6.114.DAMAGED.ZIP.FIX-RiSE EDS.CORPORATION.UNIGRAPHICS.V15.03.UPDATE.FINAL-RiSE Now we get interesting. I over-hyped RiSE last week, but they are a good group. However, several days after the end of last week several of the Rise releases I listed turned up to have problems. It doesn't help much that NO ONE bothered to nuke them, so again we see what a major problem nuking (or lack thereof) has become in the scene. In those supposedly broken releases were Staad Pro Design Studio 3.1 and Steel CAD Detailing System 2 v6.114 for WinNT. Now Steel CAD I can't vouch for, but I've tested out Staad Pro Design Studio and it *seems* to be working fine for me. However, given the complexity of CAD apps, and this app in general, there could be bugs anywhere, so I won't discount the complaints (sorry but I've only had a couple of hours to play with it, and given my schedule I won't get many more any time soon). If anyone can email me ( with a bug that I can replicate or /Msg me on IRC, it would help, so if you use this app feel free to do so. Not sure if a fix from RiSE is pending on these or not... for now the points issue is mute, as there's too many iffy factors here. For this week we see and update for Unigraphics, as well as an addon (MoldWizard) for the previous version... not sure if it will work with the 15.03 update. Steel CAD Detailing system got a damaged zip fix, but that doesn't answer the functionality questions that have been floating around. Best of the week for RiSE was the newest Delcam Powermill release. Total: 7/10 New this week: Idle this week: Quote(s) of the Week: <_n> i release gay vcds whos ugly? i know im not ugly rumor has it elo ugly be :~ <^Maz> my whole fucking system crashed yesterday... <^Maz> so have been hellofalong night.. <^Maz> well.. <^Maz> i pushed the litte red button that says NOOOOOOOOOOOOO on <^Maz> :) <^Maz> lost almost 36 gb <^Maz> sooo... <^Maz> lazy I am.. yes. poison on my car it says "P i M P i N" on the back window so recognize when i'm here if i was bill gates ide buy redhat and all the rights to the name of linux Elo ugly be? Lazy I am?? Does everyone think they're Yoda these days?!? (*editors note: no bud... not YODA... K-B0T!!*) Seems no one got an 8/10 this week... 7 turns out to be a hard earned score. Why? RBS and SCUM faced nukes, RISE was forced to fix some mistakes and didn't really come up with anything major, and PFT really didn't do as much as it seemed. Looking at the four I give the advantage to PFT however, while the Cognos stuff is really one package split up, it's still a nice catch (grrr my free 30-day trail CD was in the mail :P). An Interview with Poison of SCUM: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An interview with scum?!? Yeeeckkk! J/K. Well I finally followed through on a promise, and this week present you with an interview with Poison, a driving force behind the success of Scum. ----- Near the beginning of 1999, SCUM made it's return to the utils scene. So the readers can have some background info, kindly tell us about yourself, and your past affils/positions in the scene. well.. ive been in both versus and pinnacle before, jroger pretty much brought me in with pnc (been in other groups, but ill stick to the utils ones ;>) .. since we were about the only ones working in pnc at that time we decided to split and reform jr's old utilgroup scum where he was a ppe coder back then now i am in scum / tfl / ambition Where there any other reasons in bringing back Scum at that time, aside from the lack of activity in PNC? Also, what was your role in making the comeback a success? well.. the reason was that we both were interested by the utils scene, and both already familiar with it for some time helped that we didnt just quit utils, but wanted our own group. we basically were (and still are) a good team together, and jroger still had contact with his buddies from the old scum so it was more like a natural decission for him and i gladly joined it with him. making it a success was a combination of dedicating a lot of time, and bringing in the right skilled & hardworking people. besides that i think we did right by keeping the group small most groups expand too much too soon and what ive basically seen before is that a crew cant get used to eachoter and gets a lot of misunderstandings. Scum perhaps suprised quite a few people by putting out a steady, if small, amount of quality apps... one never heard many complaints with cracks/broken releases from Scum. To what do you attribute your success in this area, and what if any pressures were added in trying to live up to the reputation of the earlier incarnation of SCUM? well, sounds like a cliche but we always prefered quality over quantity, so we always make sure that an app is 100% by letting it get tested by one or 2 skilled people, i personally never felt too much pressure in what we're doing Sounds something like a certain slogan from a certain utils group.... Quality Over Quantity... hmm who could that be hehe.. i wouldnt know.. shoot me :) In the first few months of Scum's return, we saw some decent networking apps, developments apps, etc... then this past spring we saw you make a move into the CAD/CAM/Related field, coming up with some apps like Solid View, ModelSim, etc. Was this a calculated step towards the CAD/CAM field, or more of an accidental occurance? well it was a natural move towards it, while we were going more good crackers teamed up with us able to crack hard licenses and dongles, so we were able to get harder protected programs out, and cad/cam/cae/fea stuff is often harder protected. Ofcourse we also gained new suppliers who worked more in cad related fields of supplying which helped :) .. it wasnt planned completely but the stuff we do now interests me more then the stuff we did in the first few months for various reasons At the time Scum moved into the field, LND was dominating CAD/CAM titles, to a certain degree anyways, and seemed extremely sure of themselves. Aside from the odd release by SGE, and a decent showing by RiSE, SCUM was the first real competition that LND recieved. With the retirement of SGE, and the slowing then retirement of RiSE, PWA gained some CAD/CAM power and managed to get some titles (such as Cimatron IT 10) out, making it a player in the field. So at any given time there's been three main groups competiting over a fairly small niche market... With the recent idleness of LND, and the loss of several PWA members to SCUM, do you feel SCUM has a real oppurtunity to dominate the CAD/CAM field? up to a certain level i do think we can be dominant in that way yes, a recent proof of that was today since we released 7 apps all $40-50k titles in that area. tho.. were not a 100% cad/cam group.. since we like to release apps in diffrent areas aswell, which u can see from other recent releases. basically aslong as it is quality, and we like it, we will give it a go if time available :> So as opposed to what may be LND's fatal mistake, you continue to branch out into other areas. Who do you feel is your main competition at this point? at this point im not sure yet, lnd seems dying due recent events.. and the restart as rise i dont see as a real competition yet (which might change i dunno) .. also pwa i dunno how they will turn out now. so its hard to tell.. Where do you see Scum at in the new year? as i see it now, i see scum dominating the utils scene (with an expection of the highend gfx stuff by harvest) for a long time. Hard to live up to, but possible nonetheless well the will is there along with the skills, so it is possible :> That's about all I can think of right now, so I just want to thank you for taking the time for this interview. :) yea sure.. np ;> hehe I better write this thing now or NWR will be late again :P hehehe.. well what else is new =) Ok... done... with a few hours to spare for once. No promises for next week, if I do an interview, well, then we're lucky. For now I just want to watch the shifts in power in the utils scene play out... or meddle a bit and actually do something... whatever... . - Bud =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= =---------[ Lester's Movie Reviews ]----------= Sure he's a prominent scene member, leader of the #1 courier group, and former "Miss Scene 1995".. But did you also know that in real life, Lester's real name is "Roger", and he hosts a popular syndicated television show, where he plays a big fatass who has nothing better to do with his time than go to every single movie ever released? Well.. now you know.. Nothing worthwhile came out this week. I have nothing to review. Though I did see a vcd. Double Jeopardy Starring: Ashley Judd and Tommy Lee Jones Telesync Video Quality: 3 - Nothing special and nothing terrible, few glips and slips and a few head shots but with the shittiness of recent TS's I've seen, this one was top notch. The groups need to go back to a little more quality control. Audio Quality: 4 1/2 - Good solid sound, no problems here. Movie Quality: 2 1/2 - This is an even movie. It's not really good and it's not really bad. I didn't exactly find it all that believable, but it was something to do for an hour or 2. Judd goes sailing with her hubby and wakes up to find blood everywhere and him missing. The cops arrest her and she is convicted of murder. She gives up custody of her boy to her best friend who is actually fucking her husband and they run off with the boy. In prison she finds out that she can't be convicted of the same crime twice so when she gets out she decides to hunt down her husband who is actually not dead and find her child. Tommy Lee Jones plays her parole officer. (he seems stuck in that Fugitive role) Peace ratings are 1 for worst, 5 for best =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= =---------[ VCD Group and Movie Reviews ]----------= We would like to begin by explaining some of the common terms used in VCD releasing. These formats are: CAM - A cam is usually a handheld camera snuck into a full theatre. The base is shaky, the audio is poor, you can hear people laughing and talking. A cam is distinguishable by usually having a combination of all three or more of these flaws. Most sites nuke cams for their general poor quality. Workprint - An early release of a movie. These are usually stolen or leaked copies of movies that have made their way onto VCD from VHS or a variety of other sources. These will usually contain running time codes as well as other identifying marks used in movie production. The quality on these can vary from bad to very good depending on the quality of the source material used to encode the VCD. Note: This category is also used for very bad screeners or copies of movies that just didn't fit into any of the other categories due to defects or problems with the quality of the VCD's audio/video image. Telesync - Basically a very good Cam. A steady base such as a tripod is used, the theatre is empty or very close to empty, and the audio and video are up to par. Although, you can usually detect some flaw with a TS. You may see a random head pop up, the screen edges are noticable, or the audio isn't always crystal clear. While not perfect, the quality in general of a telesync ranges from good to very good and is usually the first type of VCD made of a new movie. Screeners - These are the top quality VCDs. They can be in either widescreen (letterbox) or in full-screen (pan and scan) with excellent audio and video. These are made from video distributors demo tapes, reviewers copies, insider copies of the film or from any number of sources. Most screeners will contain "1-800-NO-COPIES" or "Property of.." messages somewhere in the film, but it's not a requirement to fit into the screener category. These most closely resemble a VHS or LaserDisc copy of the movie. They're easily identifiable by their top quality. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No Ryche =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= -----------[Your Article Could Go Here!]----------- =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= -----------[The Scene News]----------- All the news thats fit to print... and then some... -Blitz is gone, but his legend lives on... -Hey! Check our fucking shit out on the best scene-site on the whole goddamn world-wide-waste-of-time: These SOB's have got every fucking NWR ever!... jesus!! ... thats more than we have!!! Ipggi = owns. - -group moves: zeus21 kicked from amn, thug leaves aod for ASN, ydevil joins ASN, dv joins ASN, blitz retires from the scene (razor1911, RFO) -*yawn*... for all you dipshits that messaged me asking who 'Lester' was, and why he narked STH... . .. .... uhhh... .... ... .. .... uhhh.. ..... .. turns out it was garoto... so there. -Also: turns out garoto was not narked, as we reported last week.. he was simply 'arrested'. Could it be possible that the FBI actually arrested someone without having a disenfranchised scene member draw them a map? Blah.. doubt it... .... good luck, garoto. - -Please check out: Help control the lemming population. Excellent... -sky masterson =----------------------------------=----------------------------------------= --------[Stories from the Watercooler]---------- Ahh yes, rumors. We all love them, even though we love to say how much we hate them when they are about us- and these are some of the better ones circulating around this week. Email us or find us on irc if you have a good rumor you'd like entered, (your name will not be included), and we do not add rumors like "Tdpriest is having anal sex with Fusion" because we know that Fusion is only having sex with Xtremist and therefore there is no hard evidence of that rumor. So, if you have real rumors, let us know. Let's begin! -Rumor has it that Lester narked STH. -Rumor has it that AOD will be broken up within the week. Not only will ASN be a splinter group, but a second splinter group will soon form. -Rumor has it that Garoto narked STH. -Rumor has it that eternal is going to make a comeback, and lead RiSC out of 'its darkest hour' (like rodimus prime). -Rumor has it that Chinablu is carrying riches's baby. -Rumor has it that riches narked STH. -Rumor has it that loke will be returning to the trading scene soon, to trade for AMN. -Rumor has it that Fusion narked STH. -Rumor has it that Cedric and Lester are staging a duel to the death. More details as they become available. -Rumor has it that Sins is really an acronym for : Supremely Idiotic Naieve Shithead Bla, it started off good, N and S was tough. Sorry, I suck. =-------------------------------------=--------------------------------------= Well friends.. Thats about it. If you've read this far, we sincerly thank you. We like to know this thing gets read, so if you get the time, drop one of us a quick msg, and tell us what you think, give us suggestions, tell us it sucks, or just say "hi" to us!.... Greets fly out to: jaydee, mgd, stix, tdp, hr, eci, jamili, raptor, skill, mandrake, notzeus, speedy, subzero, superfly@okcomputer, wu-dave, dee, sj, bud, prozac, bernis, paledeth, dthangel, blitzkrieg, duranged, tech+his crew, Kusa, ssava, CRC 97, acidapple, and all the rest of you that we love... Find us on IRC in #nwr, (channel commands: !nwr, !nwr 23 or whatever issue you want. Support NWR and email your weektops to: Thank you! take care.. peace. -ndetroit + lester. NWR 10/12/99