Netmonkey Weekly Report Issue XXXI January 17th, 1999 g#S$ d. ____ ascii by garflozzy ____ $$$: -- ,$b ----- $$$ ___ $$$$$s __ :$$l $',$$$$.`$$ :$$$._l$$: ,s#S$$$$: $$$"�$$b.`�$i $$$ ',$$'�$$,`$ l$$$T$$$$._ --------- l$$$$$$$$ :$$l b,`Y$$,`l l$$.d$P . �$$,` $$l" $$$�T$S#g._ ----------- ��������� :$$$$$$$l l$$: $$b.`Y$$, :$$$$' d$b �$$,d$$: :$$l ,.`"�T$S# ��������� $$$$$$$: $$$ :$$$$. Y$$.s$$$' d$$$b '$$$$l l$$: l$'.d$$' $$$$$$$. $$$ l$$$$$. $$$Sl$' d$$$$$b '$$$: :$$l .'.d$$' $$$$$$l :$$l $$$$$$l l$$::P :$$$$$$$b.`$l l$$: ~~~~~~~ ------------------ l$$: ------- :$$l.' ---------- `: ;$$l --------------------- $$$ ������� .l$$ :: ~~~~ � $$S#s,$$$ ::: ``^"�Y$$$ `Y$ [ n ] ETMONKEY [ W ] EEKLY [ R ] EPORT Support NWR and CWS, and email your weektops to: Thank you! Well, another week goes by and NWR is here again. Some news this week of a new emag, and that maybe will be reopening as well. So we wish them luck and we will continue to do our little show here. I didn't finish my story tihs week because ND wants to goto sleep early like a little bitch, but we have some pretty good logs this week. :) -Lester [Co-Editor/Head Writer] Bah! Some of us have jobs to go to in the morning! (Or rather, HOPE that our jobs will still be there when we get there, after we spent all week IRC last week..) For all of you who were wondering why there were no Games predictions from prozac last week, well.. uhh... its cause... i ... uh I forgot to tell him to do some... so, he graciously included them in his report this week, as always, definately worth reading. ;) Check out "crcfight.log" that mgd gave me.. This is a log from 1996 from the site CrC... THIS was what curries had to go through when they had a pre 3 years ago... HAHAHAH.. some things HAVE changed for the better.... maybe... OH MAN! are we ever gonna take a lot of flack over our Eternal log... *sigh*... I just *know* i am gonna get a few sternly worded letters over this one.. ;p Apart from all that shit, we got the usual good stuff this week, news, utils reports, game report, curry stuff... you know what its all about. Coded version coming soon (no, really! it IS coming soon!) and we got a bunch of ppl doing spiffy webpages for us.. maybe when i get some fat ADSL we will go to a realaudio version of all this shit.. We tried to keep the size down a bit this week, as i'm sure it will get pretty out of control when we start to release in different mediums. Thanks to glen, snakeeyes, wishmaster, and mgd for their help with weektops, logs, and news.. take care everyone ndetroit [Co-Editor/Head Fatass] -----------[ index ]----------- I.) Intro a) Lester b) ndetroit II.) Quotes of the Week III.) Stats - Ndetroit's Weekly Stats, and comments on Sites. IV.) Lester's Biased Courier Report V.) Articles a) Prozac's Kinda Biased Games Report b) Bud's Biased Utils Report c) Lesters Moview Reviews d) One HELL of a Funny Log (Lester vs Eternal) VI.) Scene News - All the news thats fit to print VII.) Rumors! VIII.) Closing ---------------------[ Quotes of the Week! ]--------------------- -*** Pixel- changes topic to 'x/f rel approved -- exile mount jaydee & fsck mgd' - i find you very attractive uhm would you goto bed with me? - is X-Frog a little coo-coo? - and yes pft is lame :P - i'd suck your cock if you recruited him - fuck i just vacuumed up my c key :/ life just isn't the same with out my c key.. im quitting the scene :/ - i had like 70 bad disks yesterday alone - | 1 AOD Army of Drunks 84 154.797 megs 8 | who set that unfo btw ? :P <[eX]> I did ;) <[eX]> some1's like "add group aod" <[eX]> so i'm like wtf does that stand for <[eX]> so I just guessed - i'm messaging you on behalf of gayfat stop saying stupid untrue shit in the nwr - ill nuke pft or scum? make this a carefull choice ur country only has two routers;) - im getting another tattoo and ive decided its gonna be like a necklace around my neck with a toth comming off it down my chest - [FOSD:NEWDIR] [ brain ] who wears the colors of [ RiSC ] gains honor in [ ] - here's Eternal's *philosophy* if we can get a bunch of mediocre couriers we can be a top group which is true megs here and there adds up :) -----------[ ndetroit's sites and stats section ]----------- Oh man.. ok.. i gotta say this first, before i get to the rest of the sites.. HADES (HOE, i guess) has just about the nicest damn daemon i have ever seen... It blew me away. A lot of time and attention to detail has been spent making it what it is... So, good work to the HOE staff, and the rest of you: GET TO WORK ON YOUR CODING! On to the news.. mgoh has a new site up, its called ROOT, and is on the same link as as the old dafat was, tho its a different staff, daemon, and box.. (hence, different site). Its already fairly fast, and i'm sure they will have no trouble finding good affils for it. FLASH (fmud) has been getting faster and faster and faster these days, an especially impressive feat, considering it has NO AFFILS. Fmud is 35 gigs, 0day+ISO, and has a couple of old siteops... Oh, and the site is sitting on an OC3 backbone somewhere on the US west coast. Dee tells me that TG is 10x faster than TD/TV, now that RiSC, DEV, PHX, (and iCT?) were all racing for an affil there. Decide for yourself. I logged in there, and it seemed fairly fast enough for me.. RiSC won the affil contest, by more than 400mb over the next group. That means TG will be the first US since TRS went down a year ago. A sign of things to come? DL is back, after being down for a while.. Same place as before. Is the US getting to the point where it can rival euro again? Maybe not quite yet, but I'd say that they are definately on their way to a big fat comeback. With sites like TV, TD, TG, FMUD, DL, TOS, TMS, and a few others that i won't name, things are looking good for the yanks. VDR became corp and dev. DOPE became corp, trps, and aod. MSV is back. We'll see if they have what it takes to make our list. They are Blizzard WHQ, Dev, and Premiere. To my knowledge, prm only has msv and tms as sites now, so... that affil will likely help them out a great deal. If you are wondering why HOE isn't yet in the X3 column, its because one of our little informal rules is that a site can't start out in the x3 row.. It will be there next week, i am sure, as the site is certainly fast enough, has good affils, and.... .... did i mention the daemon yet? For those of you keeping track at home, there are now 5 sites that we never mention in NWR... see if you can figure them out all by yourself ;p Thanks to all the siteops who went out of their way to give me weektops for this week, the NWR TOP 10 should be a little more accurate.. For all you who bitched about it last week, well JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, WHY DON'T YOU READ A LITTLE CLOSER NEXT TIME.. if its gonna ruin your week to see an incomplete top10 released, then get off your useless asses and fetch me the weektops yourselves, bitches... ;p =--------------------------------------------------------------------------= Sites are rated on a 3X and 2X scale.. if you want to know why we do it that way, read an old issue. Couriers get 10 points per site they get #1 on, 9 points for 2nd place, 8 points for 3rd, etc, etc. Sites are rated by us. If you don't like the ratings, then.... heh... fuck off and die.. =--------------------------------------------------------------------------= The Top Ten sites for this week are: x3 FS -*- STH -*- ET -*- E -*- MW x2 HOE -*- VDR -*- DLS -*- HOL -*- TV ---=NETMONKEY COURiER REPORT=--- trader group FS STH ET E MW HOE VDR DLS *HOL TV pts pos -------------------------------------------------------------------- wishmaster DEV 5 4 4 7 2 4 2 5 0 2 161 [1] godbless DEV 4 2 5 3 5 0 6 7 0 0 105 [2] glen AoD 0 6 6 5 4 6 3 8 0 0 101 [3] tc VGN 0 1 7 4 3 9 8 0 0 0 93 [4] kruzin RiSC 0 0 2 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 86 [4] cedric AoD 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 68 [6] mossyoak MnM 9 10 10 6 7 0 5 9 0 0 55 [7] rz3 DMS 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 9 0 0 50 [8] redman DMS 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 45 [9] grad iND 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 41 [10] * = no weektop this week. =--------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Lester's Biased Courier Section ]----------- Lester's Biased Courier Report Another week..another waste of time by alot of ppl..:) Dimension: Pretty down week, not alot of action here. Resurgence at the end of the week, but still the stats were down for this week. We'll see what happens in the new week. Picked up Rz3 in the middle of the week though. Devotion: Lost Dragoth to IND, and rumors of others to follow. But the group still had a decent week, despite Wishmaster being removed from VDR for excessive restarting. If other siteops follow, it will be bad for Devotion. Millennium: Mossyjoke is back trading, and rumors of his pending retirement are abound and if that happens, MNM may not be able to survive. Risc: Well after some stirring conversations with Eternal this week, my respect for risc continues to decline. Kruzin was removed from MW/VDR this week and other sites are following suit. Their "best" trader will soon be gone from all sites. Does not bode well for Riscy. Vengeance: doing well on STH. Not alot happening elsewhere besides the usual effort from TC. Rumors about a VGN/AOD merge were abound. But AOD spokesperson states that it will never happen. First Risc, and now AOD. Seems VGN is worried about their existance. AOD: The kids continue to grow, picking up the site DOPE and retired Geno from Risc. They continue to quietly build a stronger and stronger group. Good job Well, I strove for objectivity this week, to see how the fans like it. Next week I'll be back to normal..:) =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Articles ]----------- =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Prozac's Kinda Biased Gaming Report]----------- Prozac's Kinda Biased Gaming Report - Jan. 9th - Jan. 17th - #5 The talk of the week has been SimCity 3000 = Beta or Final? The evidence shows it is beta, but others are siding with OGN that it is final. The truth shall be told in a couple weeks. To finish off the week, RZR quietly puts out a stellar game, only to be shot down as not being 100% final. All this and much more in my weekly gaming report. We start it with.. Predictions in '99: In NWR #30, the best of 1998, at the end of the article was a prediction's section on what will happen with each group in '99. NDetroit forgot to mention this when I wrote my best of '98 report, and didn't find out until I read NWR #30 I was suppose to write a game group prediction's article So to make it up to the scene, here are my predictions of '99. Class - Will make it through '99 having another good year. Will be kind of lackluster compared to '97 & '98, but it'll be another good year. Paradigm - This group is a little shaky coming into '99. It'll be year to make or break this group. Razor - Going down the downward spiral. I think the only thing that'll keep this group together through '99 is its past. But don't be surprised if they don't make it in '99. Origin - If the guys in this group can keep things in check, we could have a pretty good group in '99. Backlash - Long live those germans. It'll be another time of monthly surprises. Divine - This group is on life-support in my books. Fusion - This unknown french group could be some trouble in '99. Class- It wasn't pretty. When Class can only muster a card game, you just know it's January, the dead month for the scene. There hasn't been too much activity from this group for the last couple weeks. Quality has not exactly been on Class's side this month. Lets hope for some changes over the coming weeks. Hot Releases: Bridge Master Class II - 4 disks Paradigm- Patch-digm? That's what it seems like it's been all month. There has been no activity from the suppliers, so the crackers are working on other things. At least we know who's been active in the scene. Until the suppliers show some life, it'll be like this for a while. Hot Releases: N/A - 2 weeks in a row. Razor- Just when you think everything is starting to turn for RZR, another blow to the belt happens. No, I'm not talking about a Punisher vs Tyson fight, I'm talking about EA coming out on the 17th saying there isn't a final gold master yet: Going Gold...One More Time Scott Udell has posted the following on the Computer Games Online AC forum: Just found out that the *second* "gold master" was found to have a crash bug in it, so they're working on yet another one. They said they never officially announced the game's release date, so the planned date of Feb. 9th may or may not now hold true. The brand spanking new "third final" is supposed to be ready "early next week." thats one game dupe, one patch dupe, and a beta for razor this month i don't think RZR's version was even the most recent beta build Sad, sad, sad. What is RZR doing? Trying to purposely self-destruct? This just puts tarnish on the blade's reputation. When will it ever quit? Hot Releases: Alpha Centari - 20 disks Origin- During the week ][ce messaged me and told me I hurt his feelings making fun of UK people in my report. I should iterate that my report in NWR #30 was intended at Cypher, who has yet to learn any self-control. During the week we see the alliance of DVNiSO take full action with the well-awaited release of SimCity 3000. This also created & fueled rumors of it being a beta, then a blow at OGN when it was found out that the word brings up version number in Simcity 3000: SC3KBeta102991.1 OEM VERSION: SC3KBeta102991.1. It might be just another game that says beta, but really final. PDM's angwee is behind OGN saying they did put out a final. We'll know in a couple weeks of the truth. I'm now at an impartial state of opinion on this matter. Let's get the truth, and have it confirmed before screaming bloody beta. The rest of the week ends with a game ripped up by OGN that's been in euro stores for a while/weeks, along with another hunting game. Hot Releases: Natural Fawn Killers - 17 disks SimCity 3000 - 56 disks Liath - 45 disks Divine- Dead. Dead. Dead. I was thinking of starting soon the "other" groups, the people in the gaming scene that put out good games iND, or groups that aren't too active in the scene that put out once in a while. Divine will fall under this label soon. Starting in issue #32, all future GOOD games worthing mention from iND, DVN, BLH, FSN or other no name groups will be mentioned. I'll also give a weekly update about the groups that are active. Hot Releases: N/A Springer'ish Final Thoughts: With the power of Real Audio & Shoutcast available to the people on the Internet, it is surprising that noone in the scene has taken advantage of these technologies for the benefit of helping the scene. We have seen magazines for years now and now people should take the time to reap these great pieces of software. I had been contemplating of starting up an audio scene report and would like your feedback. Hell, I want your feedback for anything I do, which's what I live for! I did a test broadcast last week which was mildly successful. We should get the word of the scene out. The press is one way, but here is a chance for a larger audience. Perm. Ad for my website, be sure to check out =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Bud's Biased Utils Section ]----------- Bud's Biased Utils Report #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey! Yeah you... you weren't thinking of SKIPPPING my intro just to see what your group scored, now were you???? Naughty! =) Anyways after the huge week last week, I'm not sure if the utils scene can actually top themselves. But I'm hoping everyone at least gives it a shot. Now a lot of people are always telling me how crappy the utils scene is, and how only games really matter, and so on and so forth. (I'm bringing it up because I heard it again yesterday...). I'll admit, the utils scene can be tedious at times... a lot of junk gets released. So why review it? Well for one thing so people know who's to blame for that junk. ;) Mostly for the part that isn't junk, and for the people who might actually use some of the programs released. Of course the reports are just my opinion... but there are people who use what's released, a LOT of it. And something else I've noticed... the people who tell me how the utils scene sucks are always the ones I see asking for some app they can't find. Disclaimer: It's BIASED moron. My opinion. So don't send me a bunch of mail & messages bitching about this or that. If you don't like it... SCREW YOU =] Rankings: Groups get a score out of 10. Points are given for amount of releases, but QUALITY titles will give a group a much higher score. Nukes for duping, broken releases and just plain CRAP will lower a groups score. However on the occasion that a title is nuked which I don't feel should have been, MY OWN JUDGEMENT TAKES PRECEDENCE. Cuz I'm writing this. Groups can also get points for any other reason I see fit. Week: Week is based from 01/10/98 to 01/16/99. I'm in the EST time zone so dates/times run according to it. Groups: (In no particular order) � ����� � � � ��� ������ � ��� ����� A Group ��� �� �� ����� ��� � That Gives ������ �������� �� �� Slightly ���� ���� �� ������ � Less Than ��� ��� �� ���� �� A Fuck. � � � � -XeN PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE: Releases: DVB_Library_for_SystemView-PWA [01 x 1.44MB] CDMA-PCS_Library_for_SystemView-PWA [01 x 1.44MB] Gone back to the land of the idle to hibernate for a while. We saw a short glimmer of activity, but that was it. Total: 4/10 ������ ��� ���������� ��۲� ��� � � ܲ� � � �����۲ ������ �������� ������� � ����� ������������ �����޲� ���۲ ����� ޲�� ����޲ � ߲߲� ����� ��������� ��� ܲ۲ ۲� ��������۲ ��۲�� � ���� � �� ޲ �߲�� ��������+ The Corporation +� �� �gas!�� THE CORPORATION: Releases: Active.Words.Plus.v1.45-CORP [06 x 1.44MB] MWCS.Pathway.Pro.v2.2-CORP [02 x 1.44MB] IBM.WebSphere.Performance.Pack.v1.0.NT-CORP [23 x 1.44MB] Hitachi.TinyPEG.v02-10-CORP [02 x 1.44MB] Autometrix.SmSw.v.6.0-CORP [03 x 1.44MB] The.Economist.Diary.1999.v1.01-CORP [04 x 1.44MB] Sierra.Fashion.Trip.For.Designers-CORP Somebody, and I honestly don't remember who, passed on to me that the Asymetrix apps Corp put out last week were freeware. So I decided to check it out. Corp put out two, I looked at one due to time constraints. I chose Aymetrix Toolbox II Neuron 6.5 because I saw it first. Anyways, I decided to check Corps's NFO to see if any work had been done on the program. Nope, no crack according to them. I then downloaded two versions - one from Asymetrix's public FTP site and the CORP version. Both filenames identical, but Corp's was smaller by a wee bit. Installing them, I was given the exact same setup routine. No protection in either. Running them, no difference in usability, and no limits on the Asymetrix public copy. Exact same license agreement. The size I can give to the fact that the app was recently updated on the Asymetrix FTP site. But anyways, looks free to me. So -1 to Corp for that. This week saw IBM's WebSphere Performance Pack 1 for NT, which looks very nice (can't test it, don't run a server). Autometrix SmSw 6, despite its price tag, is only useful to those making sails. I don't even have a boat! And if I did I wouldn't be making my own sails, nor do I plan on working in that industry... oh well it is legit! Active Words = another voice recognition app that lets you load up programs and shit... is clicking the mouse that hard ya fucking lazy bastards?!? Ok it does more than just that. Cracked by UCF though? Hmmm... beats me, MFD cracked the last version. Sierra Fashion Trip for Designers??? This kinda freaked me out... reading the NFO it says video's were "reduced" 30% by Corp... blah who wants fashion video's?? Corp NFO states: "If you love style, you'll love this revolutionary, interactive, personalized fashion consultant." Sorry, I don't love style. And anybody who needs the advice of a computer program for style tips is just... fuck do I even need to explain??? I don't need to try on "Over 30 brands worth of outfits and accessories." And I thought warez was a fantasy world... Anyways I'll stop bashing Corp now... they did do some decent apps this week, and they are a good group. Personally MWCS Pathway appealed to me the most. Not what I expected from Corp though - the week just really paled compared to last. The lost point hurt them. Total: 6/10 . )\_______)\__)\_______)\_______ . . __/ __ _/ _/ ____/ ___/ . . \__ / _\ \_____ \ ___/__ : . :/ \ \ / \ / \| : |\___/ /___/_____ /___ /| : | \_/_____/\____ /_____/___/_____/ | :...`---\_____\/----/_flr_/---/_p^D_/--' RISE: Releases: DRAGON.SYSTEMS.INC.DRAGON.POINT.AND.SPEAK.v3.01-RiSE [20 x 1.44MB] BENTLEY.CORP.MICROSTATION.J.ENTERPRISE.EDITION.V7.00.01.11.CRACK[77 x 1.44MB] BENTLEY.CORP.MICROSTATION.GEOGRAPHICS.J.v7.0.FINAL.CRACKED-RiSE [04 x 1.44MB] BENTLEY.CORP.MICROSTATION.TRIFORMA.J.EDITION.FINAL.CRACKED-RiSE [25 x 1.44MB] INTUIT.QUICKBOOKS.PRO.EDITION.99.KEYGEN.FIX-RiSE [01 x 1.44MB] As usual, RiSE owned the Bentley products, so we get to see the crackers at work. Nice suprise with a new Dragon Point and Speak version, an actually GOOD voice recognition program... but the NFO says it all. Type..........: Lazy Typing Prog - exactly. ;) They finished off with a keymaker for QuickBooks Pro 99 that PFT/RiSCiSO released earlier... apparently the PFT release won't support large amounts of users (ie 10+ PC's on a network). Dunno since I haven't tested it, but a good week for RiSE - and a nice bonus for Quickbooks users stuck with the limitation. Total: 8/10 ��������� � �� �- ��� �� ��� ����-��-�-� ��� -��-��-�Ŀ : ������������������ ��������������� �� ����۲ ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� �: : ��� ��� ��� ������ ��� ��� ������ . �� ��� �۲ �۲ ��� �۲ ��� ��� ��� ������ : ������������������� ������� ��� ��� : � �� ����������������� roy��� ��� ��� �� �� ��� ��� �۲ �� ��� ������ ��۲ �� SIEGE: Releases: WAVEFILTER.TOOLS.V1.28-SiEGE [03 x 1.44MB] EDLMAX.PRO.V7.00.1-SiEGE [01 x 1.44MB] ACCPAC.SYSTEM.MANAGER.V3.A-SiEGE [25 x 2.88MB] ACCPAC.SYSTEM.MANAGER.ADDONS-SiEGE [10 x 2.88MB] NEWTEK.AURA.V1.0C.UPDATE-SiEGE [02 x 1.44MB] I missed out on mentioning SGE's IronCAD release last week, simply due to the fact that I had already handed in the report by the time I checked it out. Blame it on Ndetroit, he said there was no time for any additions. ;P But it's a great app (if you're involved with CAD that is). As for this week, kind of slow for the normally busy Siege team. First release of EDLMAX, and WaveFilter Tools, a suite with several components that LightWave users will likely enjoy. Also on the plus side, Accpac looks like a decent financial management app, although its not my area - no experience with running finances for large companies (warez groups do not count!). Still there's a fairly wide audience for this, and corp's are usually the ones hit with nasty licensing fees on this type of app. Total: 7/10 ����������������������������������[XX/XX]� ��� ��� � ������ ���� ������ ���� ���� ۲� ۲� � ��� ۲� � ۲� �� ۲� � ��� �� ۲ ۱� ۱� ۰� �� �� ۱� �� ۱� � ��� ���� ������� � ۱���� �� ۰� �� ��� ۲� �� �� ۱� ۲� � ۲� � ۲� ۰� �� � ۲� ۱� �� ۲ ��� ۱� � ��� ���������� � ������� ����� ��� ��� � ���������������� � ����� sikos � X-FORCE: Releases: ANSYS_V5.5.1_COMPLETE_SUITE-XFORCE [48 x 2.88MB] Someone get these guys into the ER quick! They need a blood transfusion ASAP! Life signs are fading... they did release Ansys, which is a nice enough corporate app, but it was a tad large... enough sites kept it though. I'll give it to them. Total: 4/10 /\______/| ___/\_ _/ ______ :|; . __/\ ____/\ __| // %%%\____ \ |__:_\__ \/ ~~ :\_ | __/%%%% iii_/ :| \\_ \ ;| \_ |____/ \iiiii :::\__ ; _/ | \\_ : // | \\_ | \\_::: \____/---|____/____/_______/-|____/kaz SHOCK: Releases: Scala.iPlay.Studio.Release.A-SHOCK [07 x 1.44MB] WinWay.Resume.v6.0-SHOCK [27 x 1.44MB] Sax.Setup.98.1237-SHOCK [04 x 1.44MB] IBM.e-Business.Startup.v1.0.Win9xNT-SHOCK [28 x 1.44MB] Bill.Power.Plus.v6.0-SHOCK [03 x 1.44MB] Capture.Professional.v4.06e-SHOCK [01 x 1.44MB] Lariat.Stats.v2.1.for.WindowsNT-SHOCK [02 x 1.44MB] Quicken.Business.Law.Partner.v4.0-SHOCK [05 x 1.44MB] Indius.Grid.for.IFC-SHOCK [01 x 1.44MB] Indius.Base.for.IFC-SHOCK [01 x 1.44MB] Arcsoft.Photo.Fantasy.v2.0-SHOCK [08 x 1.44MB] Biz.Shipperz.v4.0v1-SHOCK [04 x 1.44MB] Biz.Purchasing.v4.0v1-SHOCK [04 x 1.44MB] Biz.Projects.v4.0v1-SHOCK [02 x 1.44MB] Biz.Contactz.v4.0v2-SHOCK [05 x 1.44MB] Good week for SHOCK, with a few pretty good apps and the usual assortment of average titles in between. They took WinWay Resume 6, which had been out for a little while, as well as Arcsoft's Photo Fantasy 2, and an overpriced (imo) IBM app. This week was the first in a while where SHOCK put out a large number of titles like the old days of the group... hmmm nothing else outstanding so I'll end it there. Total: 7/10 _ ___________ _ ________ ___________ __ _ ____________ \_________ \_________ \____ _ _/_ / _ __/ / ____/ / _ __/ / ______//_ / /_ /_____/ _//_ _ \_ / /_ / \_______/ _ _//__/ _ _// _ _//mG(CiA) =[ENT]===/______/==/_______/_____/=====[ENT]= ENTITY: Releases: CLOUDSCAPE.DEVELOPER-ENTiTY [12 x 1.44MB] I get the feeling ENT is really on its last legs. I kinda hope I'm wrong, since I really like Entity as a group. Like I said January was gonna prove if Entity still had it in them, and so far they've been mostly unproductive. It's one thing to be this idle when you've been around for a few years, it's another for a relatively young group. On the bright side, Bones gives the follow statement: btw bud, no ent releases this week but next week im busting out Total: 4/10 . ��� ��� ��� .����������� ���������������� --- .------. : ���� ��� ���� ��� . | ���� ���� ���� ��� : | ���� ��� ���� ���� ���� . : | ��������� �۲� �������۲� . .ܲ���� ����� �� PRESENTS : | : : [xx/xx]. '---.-------PENTIUM FORCE TEAM-- ---- - -' PENTIUM FORCE TEAM: Releases: OnTime.Enterprise.4.64-PFT [28 x 2.88MB] Seagate.Client.Exec.1.01-PFT [07 x 1.44MB] Shiva.Net.Manager.5.42-PFT [06 x 1.44MB] Storage.Exec.5.11.WinNT-PFT [09 x 2.88MB] Viewsoft.Internet.3.2.1522-PFT [11 x 2.88MB] Wise.Installbuilder.7.0-PFT [34 x 1.44MB] ARCServeIT.Enterprise.Edition.6.6.WinNT-PFT [24 x 2.88MB] Cognet.v3.03.for.Win9xNT-PFT [12 x 1.44MB] POET.Content.Management.Suite-PFT [14 x 1.44MB] spyWorks.6.0.Pro-PFT [06 x 1.44MB] Cognos.Impromptu.Administrator.Edition.v5.0.213.51-PFT [11 x 2.88MB] WinRunner.Professional.5.01-PFT [17 x 2.88MB] PFT raced SCUM on OnTime Enterprise (see the SCUM review for info on that). Pretty much up to the siteops which they want to keep. For the rest, as usual they got a mass amount of megs out. A few Seagate apps, Desaware's spyWorks 6, and a new version of WinRunner stand out. They got a bit sloppy on Wise InstallBuilder 7, as FCN's InstallMaster 7.01 release was a higher edition that contained InstallBuilder's features. Aside from that an ok week, although nothing we haven't seen from PFT before. Still a nice week overall. Grrr I'm repetitive. Total: 7/10 � � � � �ܲ�� � ������۲� �����߲�� ����� ����� ��۲� ���� �۲� ޲��� ޲��� ��۲ ���� ��۲ ��� �� ���� ��۲ ���� ��۲� ��۲ �۲���۲ �۲����۲ ���۲ ���� ��۲ �۲ �۲� ����� ��۲� mg � �������۲� �� �۲� � ������ � ������� �߲� � �� ��������������� � :: ::: :: � ������������������������������������� � LEGENDS NEVER DIE: Releases: STORAGE_RESOURCE_MANAGER_ENTERPRISE_EDITION_V3.0-LND [08 x 2.88MB] STORAGE_RESOURCE_MANAGER_NETWORK_EDITION_V2.1-LND [07 x 2.88MB] CIMATRON_IT_9.041-LND [24 x 2.88MB] CIMATRON_IT_V9.041_KEYCODE_CORRECTION-LND [01 x 1.44MB] ARCserveIT_V6.6_WE_OpenFileSupport-LND [22 x 2.88MB] ARCserve_IT_V6.6_WE_OPENFILE_MISSING_CRACK-LND [01 x 1.44MB] ASCEND_NAVIS_CONNECT_V1.1_BETA-LND [04 x 2.88MB] LOTUS_SMARTSUITE_9.1_FINAL-LND [29 x 2.88MB] LOTUS.DOMINO.DOC.IMAGING.CLIENT.V2.1.BETA1-LND [20 x 1.44MB] Autodesk_Mapguide_Author_v4.0-LND [04 x 2.88MB] LOTUS_DOMINO_AND_NOTES_4.6.3_SOLARIS_INTEL-LND [26 x 2.88MB] Note to LND: Please include cracks with your releases. They work better that way. =) For the releases, we see a minor update of the minor update of Cimatron It that LND released last month. And another copy of ARCServe IT. This one allows open file backup support, and it is indeed a seperate product from the last ARCServe IT release. Hightlight of the week is Lotus's SmartSuite 9.1 final - which is LND's own work (wow!), and they got the ISO out as well. So I can't knock em for it. Autodesk Mapguide Author isn't too shabby either. Dare I say LND's improving? Well they still aren't the LND of old... and PowerTool, one of the few LND members I really respected, stepped down this week and went to RiSE. He commented on the change: Got tired of all of Grade's bitching Easy and Grad should marry Many people are still at odds with the use of other groups cracks/serials, myself included. But this is BIASED, remember! That about wraps it up on the LND front. No points for the Solaris app since I can't run it (holds true for all groups). Betas don't get full points.. still not too bad. Total: 8/10 .__________. [xx/xx/98] \_ ___ ) Da ToP oF Da LiNe! .___. ===/ _/ /=======================/ /===== .:/ _____/__./(___.____/\.______./ /_____. :/ /__/ . ) . )____ ) _ ) / __ ) /__/ / / / / // __ / /__/ / /___/: .:/ /__/__/__/__/(______\____ /__/_____ /MO =/__/========================\/========\/=== = THE PINNACLES OF RELEASING (C) PNC 95-98 = PINNACLE: Releases: Presto.Copier.v2.1-PNC [02 x 1.44MB] WorldView.For.Developers.v2.1-PNC [04 x 1.44MB] Extensis.PhotoGraphics.v1.0.FINAL-PNC [03 x 1.44MB] CGI.Expert.Professional.v4.5.3-PNC [01 x 1.44MB] SiteManager.Developer.v4.5-PNC [05 x 1.44MB] SiteManager.Server.v4.5-PNC [05 x 1.44MB] 4D.Server.v6.0.6-PNC [07 x 1.44MB] (Get Repack) Lantronix.EZWebCon.v1.1.6-PNC [01 x 1.44MB] TimeSlips.v9.0.0.52-PNC [21 x 1.44MB] Smart.Meeting.Pro.v1.0-PNC [03 x 1.44MB] Uncle.Bill.Accounting.v1.5-PNC [08 x 1.44MB] Damn I can't make fun of these guys being idle anymore. This week wasn't up to par with their last though. WorldView Developer's Edition 2.1 has been out for quite some time, I had planned on releasing it a few months ago but never got around to it. It is a nice VRML development app, and I'm a big fan of the WorldView Plugin for Netscape (I never thought much of Cosmo), but I figured it was too old (april98) to release... guess PNC didn't. Presto Copier is a middle of the road type app as far as scan software goes, it's a nice enough package but nothing special. I really wanted to comment on PhotoGraphics from Extensis, makers of many a fine PhotoShop plugin. PNC got this nice and early - however, I later learnt that PNC's serial didn't work, so grab the HTG release instead. Rest of the week was decent, some decent web tools. Hopefully next week will be smoother. Total: 6/10 � �� �� ��� ��������İ������������ ��� �� � �� ��� �� �� � � �� � � � � � � ��� � � ���� � ���� ������� � ���� �� �� ���� ��������� ���� ���������������� � ������� ߲� ߲� ߲� �߲� � �� ߲�߲� �޲� ߲� � �� � ��� � � �� �� � � ���� � �� ��� İ� �� PREMiERE 1998 RELEASES WITH STYLE [xx/xx/98] �������������������������������������������� PREMIERE: Releases: VVSPlayer.Revolution.v1.4-PREMiERE [02 x 1.44MB] Explore.CIS.C.Plus.Plus.API.v3.6.0.3-PREMiERE [11 x 1.44MB] Shiva.Accountant.v4.0-PREMiERE [13 x 1.44MB] I missed out on something last week which I should have caught. PRM's Presto Photo Album 1.57 was included in the TRPS release of Mr. Photo v2.0, so technically it's a dupe. I really should have caught it since I reviewed Mr. Photo in edition #3 of the report. Not sure I can blame PRM too much as they would have to be familiar with Mr. Photo to know what was included. Moving on to the current week, first thing that caught my attention was the lack of PRM's usual mass releasing. Sure, they haven't been releasing as much as the prior group since the start of this comeback, but even so I expected a little more. Still, what they did put out was decent. Total: 6/10 _______________ ____________ ____________ \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[om]\________/== d(*)d D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 8 d(*)d ===================== [ DOD * xx-xxx-98 ] == DRINK OR DIE: Releases: Software_Artisans_FileUp_v.2.21-DOD [03 x 1.44MB] SafeBoot_Corporate_Database_v.3.2-DOD [07 x 1.44MB] Alchemy_v.6.0-DOD [14 x 2.88MB] Looks like Lester's DOD prediction may come true (gee suprised? ;)). They certainly are doing better in the first few weeks of 1999 than they did in the last few months of 98. Still, after day one this week, it was all quiet on the Eastern front. My prediction is things will pick up for them next week, but as anyone who's seen my test scores knows, I'm frequently wrong. ;) Total: 6/10 ___ _ __________ ____________ ____ _____ ___ \__\\_\_______ \__ _ ______/___ \_ __//__/ ;;;;;;; / \/ \\ ____/ / \\ mg/SAC -)--- _/ / \_ \_/ -/ \_ --(- ;;;;; \____/_ _ _//_ /______ _ _// ;;;; [xx/xx/98]/________/==\/====/________//[MfD] =[X]==][= MANiFEST DESTiNY RELEASE =][==[X]= MANIFEST DESTINY: Releases: All.Media.Library.v7.0-MFD [05 x 1.44MB] Wave.Surgeon.v2.56.Advanced-MFD [01 x 1.44MB] JRun.Pro.v2.2.1-MANiFEST [07 x 1.44MB] JRun.Scripting.Toolkit.1.0.1-MANiFEST [01 x 2.88MB] Sheridan.Component.Suite.v2.0-MANiFEST [18 x 1.44MB] Ulead.GIF-X.Plugin.v1.0-MANiFEST [01 x 1.44MB] Macon.MapKit.v1.5-MANiFEST [11 x 1.44MB] Visual.UML.v1.03-MANiFEST [08 x 1.44MB] WN.Help.Desk.Pro.v4.3-MANiFEST [10 x 1.44MB] As usual, MFD's utils division, which isn't their main focus, upstages many other groups this week. So congrats to them - it shows their real talent. Hightlights here are Ulead's Gif-X, Sheridan's Component Suite 2 (Sheridan anything will be popular with developers), and another development app, Visual UML. Total: 7/10 .� [xX/Xx]�. : [xx/xx/98] : : .__ .____ : |__l \._____.___\__/___ /^\__ /\___ .____ | l | \ _ l \__/ l__ \ \l _ \| l : | __/.:__| \ __/ | \ -- | __/l l _. | \ | | | \/\ _ | . | \ l__: |____/__\|___|_ /_:__|--: |\____/ ||||___/:::::::��������\_/���:/_____/|[war]| |:�|-| HERiTAGE 1998 PROUDLY PRESENTS |-|�:| |||||||::::::::��������������::::::::||||||| [HTG] Looking for a WHQ [HTG] HERITAGE: Releases: Software.Companion.v1.0.Win9x-Heritage [02 x 1.44MB] Archivista.v1.0.Win9x-Heritage [05 x 1.44MB] Extensis.PhotoGrpahics.v1.0-Heritage [03 x 1.44MB] AnzioLite.v12.0j-Heritage [01 x 1.44MB] Heritage improves a little this week, and it's really the first week that they seem to fit in with the other groups in the field. PNC released Extensis PhotoGraphics first, but after chatting with Kirk Hammet the other night I discovered the serial included by PNC wasn't working. Since they still haven't put one out, HTG gets credit for the crack. On the minus side, AnzioLite was a dupe of some cracking group (my memory fails me as to which), but thats not all bad because personally I think Anzio sucks. I'm not familiar with the other two apps so lets move on. =) Total: 5/10 _______________________________[xx/xx] \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS >> RELEASING WITHOUT PERMISSION << REBELS: Releases: TopSpice_V5.71_Cracked-RBS [01 x 2.88MB] PCAD_MASTER_DESIGNER_V8.5-RBS [06 x 2.88MB] Imagix_V3.30_V4.27_V5.0_Cracked-RBS [07 x 1.44MB] GameSpy.v2.07.-.110.percent-RBS [01 x 2.88MB] Grrr.. Imagix was nuked for something or other... filenames maybe, I forget now. Come on you guys, release! Anyways RBS will always be one of the best (and most open, friendly) groups in my mind. But I can't give them much for this week. Total: 5/10 �ܲ��߰� Teknorage and Pirasoft Present: ܰ��ܰ�� � �� � � ۲�cH/SAC ���� ����� [xx\xx] ߲� � ������� � ��������۲ ��۲����۲� ��������� � �����۲ ��� ����������������������������������� ��������������� ���������� ���� ����� ����������� ������ ������������ ����������������� ��� ����� �������������� ���������� ���������� �� ������� ܲ��۲ܲ�������������߲�� ���۲�� �����ݲ������� ��������� ������ ��� ��� ������������ ���ܲ��� ��� � � ��� �� ��� ����� xx/xx/98 ������ Ratzhole WHQ � ߲��� Teknorage & Pirasoft: Releases: Crescent.Internet.Toolpak.v4.1.Win9xNT-TRPS [03 x 1.44MB] 1998.Amtax.Tax.Prep.Software-TRPS [03 x 1.44MB] Hometax98.Deluxe-TRPS [02 x 1.44MB] Constructor99.v3.Cracked.WIN9XNT-TRPS [03 x 1.44MB] Intelligent.SMTP.Gateway.v4.25.325.0.Win9xNT-TRPS [08 x 1.44MB] Maplex.v3.3B.Win9xNT-TRPS [10 x 1.44MB] Sterling.Workstation.v5.1.1.WIN9XNT-TRPS [13 x 1.44MB] Vision.Jade.v4.0a.Win9xNT.Cracked-TRPS [17 x 2.88MB] The.Automated.Shift.Scheduler.v1.6.0.Win9xNT-TRPS [09 x 1.44MB] ShowSize.v2.6.5.Win9xNT-TRPS [01 x 1.44MB] Self.Extracting.Archive.Utility.v2.4.Win9xNT-TRPS [01 x 2.88MB] Pro.Desktop.v4.0.380.Win9xNT-TRPS [24 x 1.44MB] Romanian.AntiVirus.V6.53.Retail.Windows-TRPS [03 x 1.44MB] Netobjects.Fusion.4.0.Retail.100.percent.Working-TRPS [24 x 1.44MB] Netobjects.Fusion.v4.0.Serial.Fix-TRPS [01 x 1.44MB] The first thing from TRPS that really caught my attention this week was Crescent's Inet Tookpak, which is a nice little package. Intelligent SMTP gateway looks like a crappy minor version until you notice that the last release of it was in 97, and it's not half bad either. On the downside, two Tax apps... a lot of sites nuke them. (I count them but will never score them high, as they're localized). The biggest TRPS "incident" this week was their release of NetObjects Fusion 4, which they claim to be retail. Now if you recall, Premiere released this recently, with a crack of questionable origin. Nonetheless, it worked, and was accepted. PRM apologized, gave UCF credit for the crack, and all was well. But. TRPS decided to release a copy. Retail + Working they said. Some sites nuked it, seeing as how the PRM version worked. TRPS members then went ballistic over the nuke, saying that their "retail" copy had more features. What features, nukers asked? TRPS says that PRM's inserts "made with trial of net objects fusion" on pages it creates, and says trial on several screens. Nukers felt that saying trial didn't mean shit since limitations were removed, and the message in the HTML could simply be deleted. A nice angry log can be found on (ReleaseHQ) in the features section. It shows what NOT to do when you release something questionable. Nukers pointed out that TRPS's release was essentially the same as the PRM, only TRPS included the manuals which could be download free anyways. They also asked TRPS members what features their release had that the PRM was missing - possibly giving TRPS a chance to have it unnuked. But TRPS REFUSED to give any proof, instead bitching at the siteops - like I said, what NOT to do. Anyways check the log. I agree with the siteops, and especially Sanctuari, who handled it quite well. Total: 6/10 -/ ACE /- �� [??/??] ��� ��ܲ��۲� ���� ������۲� ����������۲� �������۲� ������۲� ���۲� ��۲� ��� ��۲� �۲ �۲�� ޲��� ��۲� ��� ���۲� ��� �۲��� - ��������� ��۲� ۲ � ��۲� ��� �� ��-- - ޲����� ��۲� ��� ��۲�� ��� Strick9 � ����� ��۲� �� ����� ������ �� ��޲��� ��۲� ���� ����� ��������۲� � � ߲���� ��۲� ����� ��۲�� ��������۲��� ����� ����۲�� ߲�������۲� ��� ���� �� � ��� �� �������� ������۲� ���� ������ ������ ������� �� �� [0x/??] ������ ACE: Releases: Together.C.Plus.Plus.2.2-ACE [04 x 1.44MB] Picture.This.1.0-ACE [24 x 1.44MB] ACE did Together J++ last week, and release C++ right after it - however it was after Midnight on Saturday, so it didn't make the report. Here it is though, I didn't forget it. Picture This is a decent app... been on shelves a little while, ACE did a nice job of getting it done. Unfortunately that's all we saw this week from ACE. Total: 5/10 _____ ____________ ____ __________ / __/_ ___/\_ \ ___\_/ __/\ ___\_ \ \ / _/ /_ /___ / \ ___ / \___/\_____/___\ ____/______/_____/pn \_/ VERSUS: Releases: WinVRS.99.v2.0-VERSUS [13 x 1.44MB] WN.Help.Desk.Web.v1.3-VERSUS [01 x 1.44MB] ImageAXS.v4.0.Pro-VERSUS [06 x 1.44MB] Speak.v1.8.7-VERSUS [04 x 1.44MB] TradeLogic.Financial.Suite.v4.1.Cracked-VERSUS [08 x 1.44MB] AtGuard_3.0-VERSUS [01 x 1.44MB] SpeakMail.v1.9.6-VERSUS [05 x 1.44MB] WN.Help.Desk.Web.v1.4-VERSUS [01 x 1.44MB] CD.RUNNER.SL.v2.31-VERSUS [03 x 1.44MB] First of all I REFUSE to give points to both versions of WN Help Desk, not that it's worth much anyways. But two in one week? Crap. Good job on getting ImageAXS Pro 4 done though. The rest was pretty basic. Total: 6/10 ..._______________________.___ ____.____... ::/ _______/ ____/ | \/ | \:: _/\____ \/ /___/ | \ \: \ > \ \ \/ \ \ :\__________/\________/_________/|_____|___/ ::.. .:[ SCUM ]:. .:[SCUM]:. .:[SCUM]:. ..:: ```````````````````````````````````````````` SCUM: Releases: Livelink.Ontime.Enterprise.v4.64.WinNT-SCuM [27 x 2.88MB] Sniff.Plus.Java.v3.0.2-SCuM [32 x 1.44MB] Sniff.Plus.Java.v3.0.2.FIX-SCuM [01 x 1.44MB] Teamware.i-Flow.v3.0-SCuM [19 x 1.44MB] Well one of the most talked about comebacks in the past year finally happened, and made OnTime Enterprise their first release. Not too shabby a title, either. Only one problem. PFT released it as well... after SCUM had started it, but PFT finished first on a lot of sites. Then it got a bit confusing. Some sites nuked the SCUM release saying PFT had won... then about an hour later I saw SCUM unnuked on some of these sites, and PFT nuked instead. Others decided to keep both. I'm not sure if it really matters... SCUM's is a disk smaller, but the two releases finished at almost the same time. The whole point is: SCUM is back. The second release for SCUM came into some problems as well... it needed a fix, just a forgotten reg file though. So my thoughts on SCUM? Well they aren't the SCUM of old, but then they aren't pretending to be. Despite the problems, the titles so far have been decent. Will they dominate as in the past? I doubt it - but expect some good work from them. Total: 6/10 [========================================] [========================================] ______)\______)\_____)\______)\______)\ \ ____)_____ )____ \_____ )_____ \ _\____ \ ;_/ \ ;__\ \ ;_/ \ \__; \ \_____ )____.__)____. )___.__)___\_. \ \____/ xx/xx/99 \____/-/=SodOM=\-\____/ [========================================] Back For You in 1999 ! [XX/03] [========================================] SODOM Releases: BayNetworks.FrameSwitch.Managment.Software.v1.3.3-SODOM [03 x 1.44MB] BayNetworks.Centillion.ATM.Switching.Software.v3.2-SODOM [03 x 1.44MB] Woah, hey what the?!? Well Sodom returns out of nowhere with a few releases. Didn't really expect this, but then I've been out of it the past few days. Dizzident, Cyber Wolf, Sbarro and some others, more to be announced... The first few releases aren't astounding, and out of the two comebacks this week I'd give it to Scum, but the point is they're releasing. Total: 5/10 New this week: SCUM, SODOM. Idle this week: Quote(s) of the Week: [QuadCon] -NUKE 1x- MetaProducs.Offline.Explorer_v1.0-IND (Nuker: himie Nukee(s): pyro403 (0.7M) Reason: nodiz) [QuadCon] -NUKE 1x- MetaProducs.Offline.Explorer_v1.0_incl.diz-IND (Nuker: himie Nukee(s): target (0.7M) Reason: [QuadCon] -NUKE 1x- (Nuker: GaL Nukee(s): dlgr (1.0M) Reason: Didn't Inspire me) <[eX]> HADES ON EARTH - UP WITHIN NEXT 12 HOURS and down within 7 Bud-: haha thats cold ;) <[eX]> site deluser bud <[eX]> oops bonking cows & sheep makes us fertile.. I gave the week to RiSE for Dragon & Bently crack jobs (Dragon being the only speech rec I like, and that anyone would find all that useful), also for fixing up Quickbooks, and to (gasp) LND for Lotus SmartSuite and some other half decent apps, although talent wise I don't consider LND anywhere close to RiSE. Siege came close behind - but I don't feel they made the same presence. PFT/SHK also had decent weeks. Alright so the last seven days didn't live up to the previous week. Oh well, some decent work as usual, nothing really special... I've kinda been out of it this week since the school semester started up again, and the Sodom comeback suprised me. Two groups of old coming back with debut releases this week... pretty cool, especially since they both have a lot of potential. Of course it's going to be tough to live up to past reputations. Alright, that does it... screw you guys, I'm goin' home. =) - Bud =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= =---------[ Lesters Movie Reviews ]----------= Sure he's a prominent scene member, leader of the #1 courier group, and former "Miss Scene 1995".. But did you also know that in real life, Lester's real name is "Roger", and he hosts a popular syndicated television show, where he plays a big fatass who has nothing better to do with his time than go to every single movie ever released? Well.. now you know.. Movie Reviews Well this week I saw two movies, and you'd never be able to guess that the movie made by MTV would be better than the critically revered film by Terence Malick, but that is the case! The Thin Red Line Directed by: Terence Malick Starring: Nick Nolte, Woody Harrelson, Sean Penn, and a shitload of other people Rating: 2 Stars Well, I'm not positive what I expected when I went into this film, but what I got was certainly not it. It is an excruciating 3 hour film, with star cameos flashing by faster than you can realize who they are. The camera finds amazingly beautiful scenery to shoot, but then it is found too often. Malick continually goes back to the beauty of nature and the complexity of men, with their voiceovers and flashbacks that clutter the film. The storming of the hill and actual battle scenes are good, and the movie looks like it will pick up, and then it merely sputters and goes back down hill. There are some good performances, but you bond with no character, and the allstar cast is left to just be pretty faces in the crowd. ---- Varsity Blues MTV Pictures Starring: James Van Der Beek, Jon Voight Rating: 3 and 1/2 stars out of 4 Dawson from Dawson's Creek stars as a backup quarterback in a small Texas town who is thrust into the spotlight after the star QB is injured. Skyrocketing to stardom and trying to bring the team to a district title, he has fallout with his girlfriend, a chance to taste a whipcream bikini(nice scene), and some heavy drinking. The movie is pretty damn funny and also pretty good. Jon Voight plays the big bad coach who is like a god in that small town. The struggles between the team and the coach is what the movie is essentially about, and Dawson plays his first role besides Dawson quite well. Worth checking out, and much worthier of your money than TTRL. =----------------------------------=----------------------------------------= --------[One HELL of a Funny Log]---------- Well, i came across this log that lester gave me, and i just HAD to run it... *THIS* is the "man" that is running RiSC, a group respected, admired, and indeed feared by many for years. Its sad the way things have worked out, isn't it? Again.. this is probably really lame of us to post this log, and lester DID say that this wasn't necessarily for NWR, but hell.. We are already pretty damn lame, i thought the people would be better served if they could get a candid look at 2 of the scene's leaders.. BAHAHAHAHAHA... or rather, one leader, and one semi-dead figurehead... which is which? you be the judge. ;) Session Start: Mon Jan 11 21:46:19 1999 <|Eternal|> you only wish you could've done what eagle_1 did for 5 years eh?:) <|Eternal|> btw..amnesia lost..and you will lose again..wake up and smell the coffee lester..DMS is sinking =) AMN didn't lose, we beat Risc..and as for DMS..i think you need to wake up and realize what is happening to your own group and not worry about mine <|Eternal|> hah <|Eternal|> is that why amnesia died a long time ago ? I dont wish I could have cheated to remain on top in AMN like E1 did for risc AMN didn't wish to ruin it's name to stay on top like Risc has done <|Eternal|> btw..we didnt kick those members..get your facts straight <|Eternal|> and instead of destroying every groups reputation why don't you use a positive way of thinking every groups rep? only risc my friend <|Eternal|> but i guess things will never change ... have fun with your biased reports and false weektops I have a very positive way of things <|Eternal|> yeah right.. <|Eternal|> positive towards DMS and AOD false weektops? haha give me a break..we use the real weektops..only kruzin was replacing weektops to improve his stats <|Eternal|> bash the hell out of risc and mnm and why shouldn't I? you guys make fools of yourselves <|Eternal|> why would kruzin need to change weektops he's owning Enigma <|Eternal|> is that why you started trading ? ask him, he was deleted from FS for doing it <|Eternal|> why don't you tell the whole truth justin i always trade eternal off and on <|Eternal|> Enigma was bought <|Eternal|> plain and simple bought? you think I sent hw? gimme a break <|Eternal|> duh I did NOTHING to get E, except ask <|Eternal|> after 6 years of loyalty you think anyone sane would sell out ? <|Eternal|> right sell out? you all have sold out that's why he left the old Risc is a faint memory..destroyed by people like you <|Eternal|> haha..the old scene will never return we both know that <|Eternal|> my means of getting people is not by bribery nor by buying them so you simply decide to destroy the new scene? <|Eternal|> i'm destroying the scene ? <|Eternal|> i think not I have never bribed or bought anyone eternal..risc has done it many times..ask you friend thepep about his tactics <|Eternal|> your biased and negativity will destroy it <|Eternal|> i can't change the past I bring comedy in NWR, and I also have many articles to attempt to reinstate some morals in the scene..maybe if you paid attention and grew up you might notice that <|Eternal|> only pave the future well, if risc changes for the positive in the future then I will not rag on them, will I? <|Eternal|> I don't know..everyone has ragged on them..I seriously doubt you'll ever change <|Eternal|> nor will the scene Risc has to change, dont you see that you specifically said..EVERYONE has ragged on you guys <|Eternal|> risc is changing why do you suppose that is? christ <|Eternal|> this year we are making a total comeback by placing some of the greatest risc members on "probation" <|Eternal|> you tell me your council is in chaos..brain is retired and doesn't consider himself part of the council <|Eternal|> did you like the old scene or this scene ? the old scene of course that is the point of nwr <|Eternal|> well in the old scene there was only RiSC i have nothing but respect for the old risc the newer Risc..shortly after AMN started, is where I lost my respect for them and as has the rest of the scene <|Eternal|> and my point is i can not change that <|Eternal|> but we'll never die <|Eternal|> realize that and you expect to win my opinion by ragging on me and accusing me of buying E? <|Eternal|> why don't you admit it ? <|Eternal|> then i won't have to accuse you because it's not true? I dont even have HW resources anymore <|Eternal|> clubber was with us for 5 years+ we dont do hw yes he was..and now he realized that what he believed in and was loyal to, is no longer there <|Eternal|> but that's ok..i don't expect DMS to be around much longer <|Eternal|> considering majority of the other groups despise it replaced by new people and disrespectful powerhungry kids <|Eternal|> btw..if you are so damn good, then why did godbless/wishmastr jump the boat to Devotion ? if you expect DMS to die because wish/gb need to think again, I've faced FAR greater adversity in AMN they both had desires to be in Devotion..why did Geno leave for AOD? shit happens <|Eternal|> because he feels close to morbid for some reason <|Eternal|> he said he was never going to trade again and retired fully now and no loyalty to the Risc of today.. <|Eternal|> the risc of today is going to come back <|Eternal|> with a vengeance good for them..but no longer on the strength of the old dynasty <|Eternal|> eagle-1 is still around my friend <|Eternal|> never sell yourself short i saw eagle1 just 3 days ago in risciso what is your point? <|Eternal|> your stupid jokes about him are lame "jokes" ..exactly <|Eternal|> he's dead, nerveous break down..what kind of shit is that ? <|Eternal|> it's a personal attack why? I dont know him personally how can I personally attack an irc acquaintance <|Eternal|> how ?..people actually believe this shit ? haha no one believes he is dead it is clearly meant as a joke..and also I didn't write the part about him being dead <|Eternal|> and don't go posting this conversation..that would be the lamest thing would it? I thought I was already beyond lame <|Eternal|> if you ever want my respect acting lame and bashing the hell out of risc won't get you there <|Eternal|> some people highly regard you..others hate you emensely <|Eternal|> i'd rather have good terms with other group leaders bashing me wont stop me from bashing risc <|Eternal|> regardless of what they stand for and I know that I have my enemies, and that is because I refuse to waver from my beliefs and moral ties to the old scene that i was taught <|Eternal|> i'd rather have good terms with other group leaders <-- repeat this in your brain again you bashed me first..I haven't spoken to you in 6 months so dont say that I was putting you and I on bad terms <|Eternal|> true..well i'm sorry about that..maybe we can be decent after all <|Eternal|> i don't like fighting with people over stupid ordeals if Risc truly believes in changing it's ways then I am more than happy about that. But, if things continue as they have, I will not be letting up. Risc did many things in the past and present that I will not forget. <|Eternal|> the past i know of..what are you talking about in the present ? Risc should consider looking at their traders..Kruzin restarted a file 11 times the other day.. present was the wrong word persay..recent past.. presently all risc is doing is placing members on probation, which is your own business and not mine. and having some lame traders pulling stupid stuff like that <|Eternal|> ahh recent past <|Eternal|> mostly people who we havent seen in months or longer <|Eternal|> it's more of an idle list than probation it was worded to us outsiders didn't sound like that..but again, it's your guys business to do as you please =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= -----------[The Scene News]----------- All the news thats fit to print... and then some... -Yeah.. the movie deal MGM is still on, except Brad Pitt is gonna play me, i guess.. Word on the street is that Lester is gonna play a bit part, except he will not be playing himself, he'll be playing mossyoak.. And he will be anally raped quit profusely, but hey, everyone gets their 15 minutes of (excruciately painful) pain. -Prozac's page has moved to: Be there or be hexagonal. -ftp> site kick Kruzin 200 1 PID's killed (Kruzin) killed ftp> site udel Kruzin 200 User 'Kruzin' removed. good fucking bye cheater And so ends Kruzin's career on yet ANOTHER site. He has now been removed from FS, STH, VDR, and most recently: MW. The exceptional case with MW is that it is RiSE HQ.. And kruzin is a RiSE trader, but you BET they aren't gonna re-add the dude... -Apparently TFA (the flaming arrows) were brought onto the site MNS to "make it faster".. They ended up stealing the affil from MnM, who simply couldn't compete against the mighty trading powers of TFA . Needless to say, union and sitez were less than happy. Union ended up being removed from TFAiSO, and the site is now in the hands of TFA.. I'm sure this isn't the last we hear about this. ;p -There was a curry race on TG, and RiSC won the affil. This is the first US site that they have had since that whole episode where Eternal narked TCD out because it was providing too much competition to TRS... In any case, TRS was the last US site that RiSC had... good luck TG, a word of advice tho: watch your fucking backs.. ;p -Moonshine Vision is back. A top euro site before it went down this summer, MSV is now PRM HQ, and BLZ WHQ.. -group moves: powertool to RiSE, timmyg to iCT, xfrog to CORP, rz3 to DMS, lethal to iND, _-zeus-_ + exhume form MAVerick Games, aldog didn't go to PRM, and Jordan retires. Long live the greatest ever. -Sodom is back? wtf? Phear, they are promising to "Sodomize the competition" i can't wait... ;p -HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Lethal didn't pass his trial at DEV.. I guess that means RiSC will have to pick him up... Or maybe not, as that would seem to go against the new policy that Eternal has come up with: here's Eternal's *philosophy* if we can get a bunch of mediocre couriers we can be a top group which is true megs here and there adds up :) -So VANTMAS is a big fat lying thief. Dude pretended he was a cracker so that he could get onto PFT's pre shell. Then he leeched the thing dry and bolted. Classy. Very classy. Now, PFT should have known better than to trust him, i guess. Still, what a FUCKING LAME THING TO DO. -would someone please sign grad(e)? he has been a free agent for a damn long time now. Come one, people.. he has a family to feed, i'm sure someone out there has room under the salary cap.. -RAY kicked glen from the site, (even tho he was in the alltop), however RAY was Blizzard WHQ at the time, and glen was a blz trader. Needless to say, RAY has been demoted, and MSV is now blizz WHQ.. -And finally, my question: [FLASH] -ISO- (cueball/DVNiSO) BC.New.Choices.Cookbook-KC Shouldn't RiSCISO have been releasing this?? -sky masterson =----------------------------------=----------------------------------------= --------[Stories from the Watercooler]---------- Ahh yes, rumors, we all love them even though we love to say how much we hate them when they are about us. And these are some of the better ones circulating around this week. Email us or find us on irc if you have a good rumor you'd like entered, your name will not be included, but we do not add rumors like that say "Tdpriest is having anal sex with Fusion" because we know that Fusion is only having sex with Xtremist and therefore there is no hard evidence of that rumor, so if you have real rumors, let us know. Let's begin! -Rumor has it that Biggy is gonna be kicked from DEV pretty quick. -Rumor has it that a certain US site is gonna have its lines upgraded to OC48 next month.. The link is already pretty fast, will be interesting to see what happens. -Rumor has it that there were talks between VGN and RiSC to merge together. The deal later fell through tho, and there are no current plans for either group to reform. -Rumor has it that someone on our "Top 10 Alltime Traders" list (and now recently retired) has cheated for his whole career. We could have printed a huge story about it, but we thought we would let it be, and not ruin his retirement. If we'd known this 3 weeks ago, we wouldn't have included him... A word to him tho: don't plan on coming back to trade in the scene, or the story runs... you know who you are. =-------------------------------------=--------------------------------------= Well friends.. Thats about it. If you've read this far, we sincerly thank you. We like to know this thing gets read, so if you get the time, drop one of us a quick msg, and tell us what you think, give us suggestions, tell us it sucks, or just say "hi" to us!.... Greets fly out to: jaydee, mgd, stix, tdp, hr, eci, jamili, raptor, skill, mandrake, zeus, speedy, subzero, superfly@okcomputer, wu-dave, dee, sj, bernis, paledeth, duranged, tech+his crew, Kusa, ssava, CRC 97, acidapple, and all the rest of you that we love... Find us on IRC in #nwr, (channel commands: !nwr, !nwr 23 or whatever issue you want. We can't afford email, so we just steal CWS's... ;) Support NWR and CWS, and email your weektops to: Thank you! take care.. peace. -ndetroit + lester. NWR 1/17/98