Netmonkey Weekly Report Issue XXX - Main January 10th, 1999 g#S$ d. ____ ascii by garflozzy ____ $$$: -- ,$b ----- $$$ ___ $$$$$s __ :$$l $',$$$$.`$$ :$$$._l$$: ,s#S$$$$: $$$"�$$b.`�$i $$$ ',$$'�$$,`$ l$$$T$$$$._ --------- l$$$$$$$$ :$$l b,`Y$$,`l l$$.d$P . �$$,` $$l" $$$�T$S#g._ ----------- ��������� :$$$$$$$l l$$: $$b.`Y$$, :$$$$' d$b �$$,d$$: :$$l ,.`"�T$S# ��������� $$$$$$$: $$$ :$$$$. Y$$.s$$$' d$$$b '$$$$l l$$: l$'.d$$' $$$$$$$. $$$ l$$$$$. $$$Sl$' d$$$$$b '$$$: :$$l .'.d$$' $$$$$$l :$$l $$$$$$l l$$::P :$$$$$$$b.`$l l$$: ~~~~~~~ ------------------ l$$: ------- :$$l.' ---------- `: ;$$l --------------------- $$$ ������� .l$$ :: ~~~~ � $$S#s,$$$ ::: ``^"�Y$$$ `Y$ [ n ] ETMONKEY [ W ] EEKLY [ R ] EPORT Support NWR and CWS, and email your weektops to: Thank you! Welcome to Issue #30. And this is our Year in Review of 1998, but also we have the usual installments of our reports. So enjoy, and the few of you who seem to think NWR is ruining the scene. Give it up, we are the comic relief and guidance to the old and new scene. (And no, I have no delusions of grandeur), So enjoy and please continue to read the mag into 1999. -Lester [Co-Editor/Head Writer] Hrmmm... So this is issue XXX, eh? heh.. NWR, for all your HARDCORE Double-penetration anal asian-teen on gangbanging asian-teen scene news.. Or something.. This is the double issue that we were gonna do last week, better late than never, thats what duke from GIJOE always said.. The 1998 Year in Review is in NWR-1998.txt Check it out, its worth a read.. hell, be like glen, print it out, and take it with you to the can... ewwww... We have another pic of jess this week.. jesspic6.jpg... nice to see that all that hair she had shaved off 2 weeks ago is growing back so nicely.. (hi jess!) And we also have a log of glen and mossyoak that you may have already found on blackacid's page.. Now, i hate to say it, but, this log actually makes mossyoak look pretty good, so... who knows, maybe there is hope for MnM yet... or maybe glen just needs to tame his ego a tad.. ;p Anyways... lotta hours went into this issue, so i hope you like it. If you don't, well.. just lie, and pretend you do.. ;p Bring on the dancing bears!!!! ndetroit [Co-Editor/Head Fatass] -----------[ index ]----------- I.) Intro a) Lester b) ndetroit II.) Quotes of the Week III.) Stats - Ndetroit's Weekly Stats, and comments on Sites. IV.) Lester's Biased Courier Report V.) Articles a) Prozac's Kinda Biased Games Report b) Bud's Biased Utils Report c) Lesters Moview Reviews d) Story: Lester Masturbates to Foreign Films ** VI.) The Year in Rewiew! ==> MOVED TO NWR-1998.TXT** VII.) Scene News - All the news thats fit to print VIII.) Rumors! XIX.) Closing ---------------------[ Quotes of the Week! ]--------------------- -*** Joins: WebMasTa| (bitch@* thanks for the log of trps we really appreciate that now, you can goto hell thanks (unqoute) *** Parts: WebMasTa| (bitch@* - jess, why you leave VGN in the first place? temporary retardation -*** glen changes topic to 'thanks for the memories, glen calls it quits from mnm' *** morbid- changes topic to 'aodftp 2.6a is out...msg thedealer, welcome glen in AO motherfucking D --rw-r--r-- d:0 kruzin RiSC 240900 Jan 11 03:36 mgot teh zip pressed mput macro 11 times :( - how about someone other than me gets sodomized for once.. ;p -<[eX]> just that when I say HOE <[eX]> every1 thinks I'm talking about their female parent -* _TecH_ is gone, is Here.. just ignoring you [pager: on] email: not@set] can we expect nwr 30 within 2 hours? i was told 2 hours, about 1+1/2 hours ago ;] ah.. kewl so it should be out.. wednesday then - [tMS]: Nuked! Baan.FrontOffice.v98.4.FULL.RELEASE-READ.NFO-TRPS Reason: over limit Nuker: acidapple Victims: acidapple (5.59 MB) over limit? 5.59 MB yea, max size for apps is 4mb on tms huh? 2.5x 1.4mb i didnt know that heh everything over 4mb gets nuked ndetroits rules people gotta improve their ripping skills - wtf does mossyoak mean? is that swahelii for idiot? - how many .se boxes we have now? who cares, get more ;) -<[sitez]> netanyahoo owns <[sitez]> LEFTIST GOVERNMENTS SUCK SHIT <[sitez]> LEFTIST GOVERNMENTS SUCK SHIT <[sitez]> LEFTIST GOVERNMENTS SUCK SHIT *** [sitez] was kicked by PRM-Bish (flood) -----------[ ndetroit's sites and stats section ]----------- Ok... I have been hearing a lot of siteops out there talking shit in channels, etc, cause they think that their site should be on the list, or rated higher, or whatever... Uhh.. to them, i have to say a great big: FUCK YOU.. I don't give a shit what sites you think yours is better than. We'll leave it at.. ;) On to the news.. Well, i guess the biggest news of the week definately has to be that HADES is back up, on a phat EURO link (i miss the old US HADES!!) ;] This time around its called Hades On Earth. (HOE, for all you slow ppl out there!) Not only is it back, but it has a good bunch of affils already, including CLASS, PNC, and DMS... It doesn't take a genius to figure out that this site will be on our list soon enough.. The famous US site H2 was narked earlier this week.. All the gruesome details are readily available on union or bacid's page. This site really meant a lot to a lot of the scene, and ppl are understandably upset about it going down. At the time of its demise, H2 was CLS USHQ, PFT USHQ, PGC USHQ, and DMS.. In addition its ISO affils were MnMISO, RiSCISO, and KALiSTO.. R. i. p. New US site: TDi, The Desert Inn. ENT, UCF, and RVT HQ. uhh.. contact the siteop to be added. PB picked up the 2000ad EHQ spot.. According to union's page, rzr dropped xqz cause "the siteops smoke crack..."... uhhh... since when has that been a bad thing? ;p Ummm.. last week i said smth about "TDP having lame affils".. well, i originally hadn't intended to say that uCF is lame (!), but i guess that it was worded confusingly... Anyways.. after the huge amount of bitching that ucf did, i would just like to clear things up and say "YES, UCF IS LAME! EVERYONE IN UCF IS LAME! ALKIVAR, YOU ARE LAME!" hehehe... ;) Btw, turns out TDP's affils aren't all lame: they have FUTURE as their curry affil, and FTR rocks.. ;) (hi pd!) TG dropped ENT, and picked up the PFT USHQ affil. I saw someone in a channel the other day trying to say that TG was faster than TD now.. Uhhh.. no. Not even close. TD and TV are the two fastest US sites. Too bad most of TD's affils are so lame.. ;p PPL tell me that affils matter to them, that they would never trade to a site with no affils.... Why is VDR so good then? Will it last? I don't think so. VDR was awesome when it was up.. But, at the time it was up, it had the BEST affils in the scene. The site is living off of it's reputation right now.. Or is it?... Since it came up, it has been getting faster, and FASTER.. maybe x3 next week, i dunno.. That would really say a lot about the site, making x3 with NO AFFILS.. Bleh.. who knows.. ;p If you are running a site called "The Sadistic Grandaughter", then i think that you need to seek some professional help.. I am afraid to even ask for a login to that site... reminds me too much of family reunions.. ;/ STH is not a PRM site, as someone in this mag reported last week, tho i have had ppl tell me that they have seen local mput's go there, so who can explain this crazy crazy world.. ;) I didn't get very many weektops this week, so the Top 10 is kinda crappy.. only 6 sites represented... so... sorry if it sucks. =--------------------------------------------------------------------------= Sites are rated on a 3X and 2X scale.. if you want to know why we do it that way, read an old issue. Couriers get 10 points per site they get #1 on, 9 points for 2nd place, 8 points for 3rd, etc, etc. Sites are rated by us. If you don't like the ratings, then.... heh... fuck off and die.. =--------------------------------------------------------------------------= The Top Ten sites for this week are: x3 FS -*- STH -*- ET -*- E -*- MW x2 RDX -*- DLS -*- VDR -*- HOL -*- TV ---=NETMONKEY COURiER REPORT=--- trader group FS STH ET *E *MW *RDX DLS *VDR HOL TV pts pos ---------------------------------------------------------------------- godbless DEV 3 2 1 0 0 0 2 2 1 3 135 [1] tc VGN 5 1 4 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 69 [2] wishmaster DEV 8 7 5 0 0 0 9 1 0 2 61 [3] jaydee DEV 1 0 8 0 0 0 0 7 0 1 59 [4] garoto DEV 0 5 3 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 56 [4] nightsky LND 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 47 [6] gollie AOD 10 0 6 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 46 [7] kruzin RiSC 0 0 7 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 44 [8] grad LND 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 [9] mrpumpkin DMS 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 23 [10] * = no weektop this week. =--------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Lester's Biased Courier Section ]----------- Lester's Biased Courier Report h0h0, trading again this new week, wtf is wrong with me..let's see whats wrong with everyone else! Dimension: Wishmaster, a week after Godbless leaving to join Devotion, has followed suit, leaving some to wonder if DMS is in some trouble. But, considering I have good sources in this group, I am told that DMS is quite fine and will be back to it's normal self in no time. Time will tell! Already this week they have picked up the reincarnated Hades (now Hades On Earth). Devotion: Devotion has exploded in 99, grabbing some big traders and getting some of the old guys back in action. They are the team to beat right now. AOD: Picking up Glen from the sinking ship that is MNM, AOD continues to impress me with their lack of political bullshit and continous trading. MNM: Aye, the boat is sinking. All those people that MNM picked up..are jumping from the ship faster than you can say Mossyjoke. Glen, Zeus21, Bizzybone, and a bunch of other ppl i can't think of right now, have jumped to other groups or just IND to get out of MNM. Risc: Rumor has it that even the Risc staff is admitting to the fact that Risc is in REAL trouble and they do not seem optimistic about the future. I've been saying it all along, Risc is goin down. VGN: The return of Jess has only led to Semaj being removed, other than that, there is no noticeable difference in VGN's performance. The best things about this week are the MNM happenings, check out our log of Glen/Mossyoak..:) =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Articles ]----------- =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Prozac's Kinda Biased Gaming Report]----------- Prozac's Kind of Biased Gaming Report - Jan. 3rd - to Jan 8th. - #4 Ugh, don't you hate slow months? I warned you all before before in the past and its true. It seems nothing but the unknown and missed holiday games are coming out. You should expect this to be true for a couple more weeks. Just bear with it and just keep telling yourself, "It will get better... I will not be bored!" This week the day I'm writing this report CLS tears it up with 3 games (not withstanding the critics!), while the rest just release update patches. Also this week Razor dupes CLS on a game (since it's a dead month, I'll go into detail why it was a dupe). To top it off, were now seeing groups duping on patches! (CLS & RZR each duped PDM once). Let's take a look at each group, with some side comments. Class- As typical of CLS they came out with 3 games, all on one day. I've heard nothing but grumbling of "Typical CLS". Hey people, its JANUARY. One of the SLOWEST months of the year. The scene should be glad they get some games out! Interestedly, the most complaining is coming from OGN who has yet to produce in '99 (except a trainer!). Anyway, CLS will keep producing more games, count on it ;) Hot Releases: BattleCruiser 3000AD v2.0 - 20 disks Rising Star - 37 disks Eat This - 46 disks Paradigm- The crackers for this group must be bored. They've been doing all the newest patches yet the suppliers are kicking back and drinking 40's. A lot of rumbling and grumbling are being heard from Camp PDM and it's not good. PDM better keep everyone entertained and be a little bit more productive or they might take off to a group that get things done. Maybe things will change when Driz & Germans come back from partying. Hot Releases: N/A Razor- Beck has been messaging me all week saying that Extreme Tennis was not a dupe, and CLS shouldn't of had sites nuke the release. The game that CLS is saying RZR duped on was a game we put on in Sept. 98 called Tie Break Tennis made by Hammer Technologies, based in Spain. These people ALSO made Extreme Tennis, PUBLISHED BY Head Games/Activision. We downloaded both games and the gameplay is exactly the same, except different intro screens. RZR broke rule 8 of The Faction: 8. In regard to games distributed in the United States that are LATER distributed in Europe or vice versa under the same or different name / publisher. These games if released AFTER another group's release are counted as DUPES unless it can be proven that there is a clearly noticeable PLAYABLE difference in the latter release (eg. new levels, enhanced graphics, or other new features). Nothing new = Dupe. RZR also duped PDM on a patch they cracked a month ago. Hello!? Ever hear of a dupe list? Does anyone in RZR ever log on to any ftp sites besides their own? Apparently not. This is not the first time RZR has done this due to poor research. Hot Releases: Extreme Tennis - 14 disks (DUPE) Origin- It's '99. OGN claims they will own this year, yet the only games to come out this year have been from CLS. Cypher keeps going off that they will really truly own the WORLD now with DVNiSO at its side [to help fund]. Hey, I will say this again; I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR HUGE EGOS. As a true cliche that really matters in the scene, actions speak louder than words. I think in the UK they are taught in grade school how to grow an ego because most UK people I've met in the scene cop a big one. OGN has the team, now they need to use it. OGN was also going off about the quality of the CLS games. Hey OGN, I have several logs of OGN people asking Principal to pick up Rising Star FOR OGN. Sigh, a group operated by hypercritics. I liked it how they are desperate for attention and post the Myth 2 trainer on AGN3D.COM. Hot Releases: N/A Divine- I'm starting to lose faith in this group. If I don't see some production soon from this group, I'm going to ax it from my weekly report. Hey! Hey you! Yeah you! Go get more of those 3D Maze games OGN has wisely passed up sitting at stores! Lets see some life, or just close shop! My ultimatum: no releases by issue #32, I clump this group under "Other" (more to come in later issues). Hot Releases: N/A Springer'ish final thoughts: With the new year here, it's already asking who will dominate. Who will fold. In '98 we saw the end of HBD, and the start of OGN. ISO's became a huge part of the scene. In '99, people are already starting to mold what the future of the scene will be become. Some are convinced that the end of rip scene is coming, and that it'll be ISO. What are my predictions? That ISO will keep growing, and that one major group will at least fold up 1999. But ultimately, everyday is a new day. We can never truly predict the future and it's true in the scene. But with ADSL & Cable becoming more and more available, we should see games getting to the scene faster including rips & full CD'S. Perm. Ad for my website, be sure to check out =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Bud's Biased Utils Section ]----------- Bud's Biased Utils Report #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here we are back on schedule! I hope... =) I'd like to thank Union for posting Report #4 on his site when NWR was delayed. So go visit - now! (ok read the report first). Hmmm... anyways I don't exactly have much of an intro planned this week, so... ummm... the first full week of 1999 started with a bang, just go read the damn thing. Disclaimer: It's BIASED moron. My opinion. So don't send me a bunch of mail & messages bitching about this or that. If you don't like it... SCREW YOU =] Rankings: Groups get a score out of 10. Points are given for amount of releases, but QUALITY titles will give a group a much higher score. Nukes for duping, broken releases and just plain CRAP will lower a groups score. However on the occasion that a title is nuked which I don't feel should have been, MY OWN JUDGEMENT TAKES PRECEDENCE. Cuz I'm writing this. Groups can also get points for any other reason I see fit. Week: Week is based from 01/03/98 to 01/09/99. I'm in the EST time zone so dates/times run according to it. Groups: (In no particular order) � ����� � � � ��� ������ � ��� ����� A Group ��� �� �� ����� ��� � That Gives ������ �������� �� �� Slightly ���� ���� �� ������ � Less Than ��� ��� �� ���� �� A Fuck. � � � � -XeN PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE: Releases: Corel.Draw.v9.beta.1-PWA [11 x 15MB] Infinite_Voice_V1.0_FINAL-PWA [05 x 2.88MB] FlashClone_V2.0-PWA [08 x 1.44MB] Extensis.Intellihance.Pro.v4.01-PWA [03 x 1.44MB] I think maybe these guys read my report and decided to get their asses in gear... ok well maybe not, but they did release this week. Which is nice to see... except their Corel Draw beta was over the limit, which bought it a nuke on quite a few sites (and was later ripped as an IND). Infinite Voice is a nice release though, and they they threw in an Extensis app for good measure. PWA shows they still have what it takes - or so it seems for now. Total: 6/10 ������ ��� ���������� ��۲� ��� � � ܲ� � � �����۲ ������ �������� ������� � ����� ������������ �����޲� ���۲ ����� ޲�� ����޲ � ߲߲� ����� ��������� ��� ܲ۲ ۲� ��������۲ ��۲�� � ���� � �� ޲ �߲�� ��������+ The Corporation +� �� �gas!�� THE CORPORATION: Releases: IBM.PC.DOS.2000-CORP [17 x 1.44MB] Pantone.Color.Web.Pro-CORP [01 x 1.44MB] Asymetrix.ToolBook.II.Neuron.v6.5-CORP [05 x 1.44MB] Asymetrix.Digital.Video.Recorder.v1.0-CORP [07 x 1.44MB] Pro.Venture.Billing.Solution_V2.01-CORP [09 x 1.44MB] MS.Dev.Studio.SNA.Server.4.0.517.Enterprise-CORP [23 x 2.88MB] MS.Dev.Studio.SNA.Client.4.0.517.Enterprise-CORP [09 x 2.88MB] Corel.Print.Office-CORP [30 x 2.88MB] Synthetic.Aperture.Video.Finesse.for.Premiere-CORP [02 x 1.44MB] Internet.LanBridge.Client.v.1.44-CORP [01 x 1.44MB] Internet.LanBridge.Server.v.1.44-CORP [02 x 1.44MB] Internet.LanBridge.SurfWatch.Server.Addon.v.1.01-CORP [01 x 1.44MB] Alright I'll admit it.. I'm a huge DOS fan. I miss that damn OS so much, and I was very happy to see the Y2K compliant DOS 2000 come out. So congrats to Corp for doing it even if it is a bit of a throwback (hey I'm nostalgic). For the rest... Asymetrix titles are always nice, and ProVenture... well the current ProVenture series (Brochures, Database, Mail List and others) has been on the shelf for a while... 2.01 just contains a bug-fixed 2.0, but it's still legit. The only title I'm not really familar with here is Pantone Color Web Pro, since I don't do a whole lot of grapic work, but even without that Corp had a strong week. Corp is really starting to look like the group of old - the strong, quality Corp that is. They've also done a LOT of recruiting recently, and it shows with more activity as a result. Good work with the Corel Print Office and the MS. Total: 9/10 . )\_______)\__)\_______)\_______ . . __/ __ _/ _/ ____/ ___/ . . \__ / _\ \_____ \ ___/__ : . :/ \ \ / \ / \| : |\___/ /___/_____ /___ /| : | \_/_____/\____ /_____/___/_____/ | :...`---\_____\/----/_flr_/---/_p^D_/--' RISE: Releases: SEAGATE.CORP.REPLICATION.EXEC.v1.5.FINAL.CRACKED-RiSE [06 x 1.44MB] PARAMETRIC.CORP.PRO.MECHANICA.r20.NT4.ALPHA-RiSE [71 x 1.44MB] Rise releasing for the second straight week! They started it off with a pretty nice Seagate app... they also put out the Alpha platform version of Pro Mechanica, which unfortunately was nuked since most people use the Intel (which Rise released the previous week). So I can only give points for the Seagate. Unfortunately that was all the activity this week. But I still love you guys! ;) Total: 4/10 ��������� � �� �- ��� �� ��� ����-��-�-� ��� -��-��-�Ŀ : ������������������ ��������������� �� ����۲ ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� �: : ��� ��� ��� ������ ��� ��� ������ . �� ��� �۲ �۲ ��� �۲ ��� ��� ��� ������ : ������������������� ������� ��� ��� : � �� ����������������� roy��� ��� ��� �� �� ��� ��� �۲ �� ��� ������ ��۲ �� SIEGE: Releases: QFX.V6.27.FOR.WINNT-SiEGE [02 x 1.44MB] ZBIG.V1.01.FOR.DISCREET.LOGIC.EFFECT-SiEGE [04 x 1.44MB] ZBIG.V1.01.FOR.DIGITAL.FUSION.V2.1X-SiEGE [04 x 1.44MB] ZBIG.V1.01.FOR.ADOBE.AFTER.EFFECTS-SiEGE [04 x 1.44MB] ULTIMATTE.V2.04.FOR.DIGITAL.FUSION.V2.5-SiEGE [01 x 1.44MB] 5D.MONSTER.PLUGINS.FOR.DIGITAL.FUSION.V2.5-SiEGE [04 x 1.44MB] DIGITAL.FUSION.POST.V2.5.FINAL-SiEGE [09 x 1.44MB] DIGITAL.FUSION.V2.5.FINAL-SiEGE [09 x 1.44MB] CHARACTER.STUDIO.V2.1.FOR.3DSMAX.V2.X-SiEGE [01 x 1.44MB] IRONCAD.V1.4-SiEGE [35 x 2.88MB] ASNA.VISUAL.RPG.R2.2.V7.425-SiEGE [11 x 1.44MB] BLADE.PRO.V.2.1.2-SiEGE [01 x 1.44MB] DISCREET.LOGIC.PAINT.V2.0.TO.2.1.UPGRADE-SiEGE [04 x 1.44MB] DISCREET.LOGIC.EFFECT.V2.0.TO.2.1.UPGRADE-SiEGE [04 x 1.44MB] Fuck.. I can tell already that this is gonna be a hard week to score. SGE takes Digital Fusion 2.5 final (NT compositing software which will be popular with the graphics crowd I'm sure), and Character Studio for 3DSMAX - one of the most popular addons for 3DSMAX (made by Kinetix, who makes 3DSMAX itself). I've seen the end results of Character Studio and I was pretty damn impressed (this comes from someone with almost no artistic inclination). Outside of that it was a fairly average week for the SGE team. Total: 8/10 ����������������������������������[XX/XX]� ��� ��� � ������ ���� ������ ���� ���� ۲� ۲� � ��� ۲� � ۲� �� ۲� � ��� �� ۲ ۱� ۱� ۰� �� �� ۱� �� ۱� � ��� ���� ������� � ۱���� �� ۰� �� ��� ۲� �� �� ۱� ۲� � ۲� � ۲� ۰� �� � ۲� ۱� �� ۲ ��� ۱� � ��� ���������� � ������� ����� ��� ��� � ���������������� � ����� sikos � X-FORCE: Releases: Turbo_Tax98_Home_Business-XFORCE [11 x 1.44MB] FOTOSYNC_PICTURE_FLOW_3.0_BUILD_53-XFORCE [03 x 1.44MB] REALPRODUCER_PLUS_G2_FINAL-XFORCE [04 x 1.44MB] ULTIMATE_TOOLBOX_FOR_MFC_1ST_EDITION_JAN_1999-XFORCE [06 x 1.44MB] YES!!! The first Ultimate Toolbox of the year!!! Only 23 more to go :P Another FotoSync build - the version is new though. TurboTax98 H/B is a bit nicer, but limited to American users. Which is fine, taxes are a bitch, but I'll never give a high score for tax software. Finally XF RealProducer Plus G2, only a few MONTHS after PGC released it. XF claims theirs is a final... well I never had a problem with the earlier release. Total: 4/10 /\______/| ___/\_ _/ ______ :|; . __/\ ____/\ __| // %%%\____ \ |__:_\__ \/ ~~ :\_ | __/%%%% iii_/ :| \\_ \ ;| \_ |____/ \iiiii :::\__ ; _/ | \\_ : // | \\_ | \\_::: \____/---|____/____/_______/-|____/kaz SHOCK: Releases: Sax.mPower.98.Professional.v3.0.0.3-SHOCK [05 x 1.44MB] InfoPower.Professional.v4.02e-SHOCK [08 x 1.44MB] WebPlus.v4.0.Build.23.for.WinNT-SHOCK [08 x 1.44MB] Informed.Filler.v2.6-SHOCK [18 x 1.44MB] Informed.Designer.v2.6-SHOCK [26 x 1.44MB] Java.Web.Server.v1.1.3-SHOCK [06 x 1.44MB] Informix.Dynamic.Server.Workgroup.Edition.v7.30.FC1.WinNT4-SHOCK[53 x 1.44MB] Stay.Organized.Quick.and.Easy-SHOCK [01 x 1.44MB] Iris.Antivirus.Plus.v22.15-SHOCK [04 x 1.44MB] Iris.Antivirus.Plus.v22.15.Upgrade-SHOCK [04 x 1.44MB] MetaInfo.MetaIP.DNS.v4.1.for.WindowsNT-SHOCK [23 x 1.44MB] Ugh a build! And after I picked on XF. =) Oh well about the same as last week for the SHK crew quality wise overall... they boomed on Thursday, releasing 5 apps. The Informed series from Shana Corp was definately the highlight of the week for them, and they put out another Sun Micro app as well as the lastest MetaInfo tool. As usual not bad overall, but not enough to take the lead. Total: 7/10 _ ___________ _ ________ ___________ __ _ ____________ \_________ \_________ \____ _ _/_ / _ __/ / ____/ / _ __/ / ______//_ / /_ /_____/ _//_ _ \_ / /_ / \_______/ _ _//__/ _ _// _ _//mG(CiA) =[ENT]===/______/==/_______/_____/=====[ENT]= ENTITY: Releases: JCLASS.SWING.SUITE.v1.1-ENTiTY [03 x 1.44MB] PGP.CERTIFICATE.SERVER.v1.01.WINNT-ENTiTY [03 x 1.44MB] Hmmm.. Entity released this week... but not much, and they're going to have to do a lot more to really stay in the race. My January comment still stands - this month will show whether ENT really has it in them. In the middle of the week Redux had some weird spat with Entity and dropped them, then promptly took them back... beats me. Release more guys. Total: 4/10 . ��� ��� ��� .����������� ���������������� --- .------. : ���� ��� ���� ��� . | ���� ���� ���� ��� : | ���� ��� ���� ���� ���� . : | ��������� �۲� �������۲� . .ܲ���� ����� �� PRESENTS : | : : [xx/xx]. '---.-------PENTIUM FORCE TEAM-- ---- - -' PENTIUM FORCE TEAM: Releases: Dynasty.Development.Enviroment.v3.5.3.WinNT-PFT [15 x 1.44MB] Dynasty.Development.Enviroment.v3.5.3.Win9x-PFT [15 x 2.88MB] Quickbooks.Pro.99-PFT [11 x 2.88MB] Netscape.Application.Server.2.1.WinNT-PFT [10 x 2.88MB] Matrox.Guardian.Manager.v2.50-PFT [03 x 1.44MB] IQ.Objects.v6.12-PFT [13 x 1.44MB] FutureTense.Designer.2.5-PFT [06 x 2.88MB] InstallShield.Java.Edition.2.02-PFT [07 x 1.44MB] Seagate.Software.WinINSTALL.6.04-PFT [15 x 2.88MB] QUARTERDECK.CLEANSWEEP.V4.1.DELUXE.SUITE-PFT [05 x 2.88MB] Microsoft.Windows.NT.Server.Resource.Kit.4.03-PFT [08 x 2.88MB] IBM.WebSphere.Studio.V1-PFT [09 x 1.44MB] Shiva.Configurator.1.5-PFT [07 x 2.88MB] Shiva.Access.Manager.4.5-PFT [09 x 1.44MB] LabWindows.CVI.v5.01.for.Win3.x-PFT [15 x 2.88MB] LabWindows.CVI.v5.01.Manual.Addon-PFT [09 x 2.88MB] LabWindows.CVI.v5.01.for.Win9xNT-PFT [36 x 2.88MB] Baan.Front.Office.98.4-PFT [28 x 2.88MB] TestStand.v1.0.for.Win9xNT-PFT [29 x 2.88MB] Salvo.Server.4.00.230.WinNT-PFT [09 x 2.88MB] Salvo.Impact.v2.00.155.WinNT.Diz.Fix-PFT [01 x 1.44MB] Softics.DeskPack98.Professional.Diz.Fix-PFT [01 x 1.44MB] Cold.Fusion.Enterprise.4.0.1.Beta1-PFT [11 x 2.88MB] Cold.Fusion.Studio.4.0.1.Beta1-PFT [09 x 1.44MB] Rumba.MainFrame.v5.2.U00A.DIZ.FIX-PFT [01 x 1.44MB] Rumba.MainFrame.v5.2.U00A-PFT [30 x 2.88MB] Softics.DeskPack98.Professional-PFT [09 x 1.44MB] Salvo.Impact.v2.00.155.WinNT-PFT [06 x 1.44MB] Remove.IT.98.v4.0-PFT [05 x 1.44MB] Wow! PFT really exploded on the this week, doing some great apps in the process. They did pick up some nukes for the MS and IBM releases, as well as for the betas (I do count betas but never as high as a final), but the good outweighs the bad in this case. Cleensweep 4.1 Deluxe has been in stores for a bit, and PFT took advantage and grabbed it. Quickbooks Pro 99 was another great edition to their resume this week. A lot of DIZ fixes this week - learn how to fill em out, it's not hard. Still an excellent week though (I don't deduct for DIZ fixes). Total: 9/10 ________ ________ | |_________________________|__ | | | _ \ ___/ | | | / \ \ | |________|_______/ [xx/xx]/\________________| ----------------/________/>bds!------------ LEGENDS NEVER DIE: Releases: ARCserveIT_v6.6_Workgroup_Edition-LND [19 x 2.88MB] CGTECH_VERICUT_V4.0-LND [38 x 2.88MB] LOTUS_DOMINO_DOC_V2.1-LND [04 x 2.88MB] PTC_PRO_MECHANICA_R20_9834_FINAL_WINNT-LND [30 x 2.88MB] PTC_PRO_MECHANICA_R20_9834_FINAL_WIN95-LND [28 x 2.88MB] VOICE_XPRESS_PROFESSIONAL_v2.02-LND [22 x 2.88MB] LND beat all other groups to ripping the Voice XPress ISO, and were even kind enough to include the ISO group's serial. They also put out a version of Pro Mechanica which they claim is several months newer than the one Rise put out recently. I haven't compared the two (and probably won't, to be honest it isn't worth the download time). ARCServeIT is the bright spot here. Total: 7/10 .__________. [xx/xx/98] \_ ___ ) Da ToP oF Da LiNe! .___. ===/ _/ /=======================/ /===== .:/ _____/__./(___.____/\.______./ /_____. :/ /__/ . ) . )____ ) _ ) / __ ) /__/ / / / / // __ / /__/ / /___/: .:/ /__/__/__/__/(______\____ /__/_____ /MO =/__/========================\/========\/=== = THE PINNACLES OF RELEASING (C) PNC 95-98 = PINNACLE: Releases: Lotus_Sametime_v1.0_Final-PNC [50 x 1.44MB] Netegrity.Site.Minder.Server.v3.02-PNC [22 x 1.44MB] Rational.Clearquest.v1.0.Final-PNC [25 x 2.88MB] SolidView.v3.05-PNC [07 x 1.44MB] DataPro.InfinityPower.Accounting.v4.4-PNC [14 x 1.44MB] Rational.ClearQuest.DeBugger.Addon-PNC [18 x 1.44MB] Rational.ClearQuest.Drivers.Addon-PNC [19 x 2.88MB] Avilon_World_Studio_98_Win9xNT-PNC [05 x 1.44MB] Well here we have the most activity from PNC that we've seen in quite a while. Even last week, when they did alright, they weren't at this level. To be honest I was very suprised that they did this well - but a lot of groups suprised me this week. There's a lot of nice Enterprise level apps in there, including the overly expensive (imo) Netegrity Site Minder. So in the end PNC is up two points from the last time round. Total: 8/10 � �� �� ��� ��������İ������������ ��� �� � �� ��� �� �� � � �� � � � � � � ��� � � ���� � ���� ������� � ���� �� �� ���� ��������� ���� ���������������� � ������� ߲� ߲� ߲� �߲� � �� ߲�߲� �޲� ߲� � �� � ��� � � �� �� � � ���� � �� ��� İ� �� PREMiERE 1998 RELEASES WITH STYLE [xx/xx/98] �������������������������������������������� Premiere: Releases: AllCLEAR.v4.5-PREMiERE [09 x 1.44MB] Option.Simulator.Real.Time.v3.1-PREMiERE [03 x 1.44MB] Email.Forwarding.Server.Advanced.v4.03-PREMiERE [02 x 1.44MB] Learning.Director.v1.05.Client.Server-PREMiERE [10 x 2.88MB] VDOnet.Multicast.Player.v1.0.for.WinNT-PREMiERE [08 x 1.44MB] Presto.PhotoAlbum.v1.57-PREMiERE [38 x 1.44MB] CoffeeCup.HTML.Express.v3.0-PREMiERE [02 x 1.44MB] Consiglieri.v4.02-PREMiERE [02 x 1.44MB] BaanConnector.98.3-PREMiERE [11 x 1.44MB] CyberMotion.XL.v2.02-PREMiERE [04 x 1.44MB] Urchin.ISP.v1.3b-PREMiERE [03 x 1.44MB] SignPoster.v1.24-PREMiERE [02 x 1.44MB] AnswerWorks.v3.0.15-PREMiERE [07 x 1.44MB] WinVRS.99.v1.01-PREMiERE [12 x 1.44MB] QuikLink.Explorer.v4.0.32.Gold-PREMiERE [05 x 1.44MB] QuikEdit.Web.Site.Development.Studio.v1.0.21-PREMiERE [05 x 1.44MB] PC.Temp.Clean.v1.4-PREMiERE [02 x 1.44MB] Aspect.Explore.v4.1.1.7-PREMiERE [09 x 2.88MB] Shiva.Net.Manager.v5.41-PREMiERE [04 x 1.44MB] NewsMate.v3.94-PREMiERE [04 x 1.44MB] PRM had a nice week this week, especially compared to the contreversy of the last one. No nukes, no dupes, nothing questionable - these are the weeks that show they are a good releasing team, even if they didn't get any of the major titles this week. I hemmed and hawwed and finally settled on and 7/10, considered an 8 and stuck with the 7. They still had a nice week, with some decent apps. Total: 7/10 _______________ ____________ ____________ \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[om]\________/== d(*)d D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 8 d(*)d ===================== [ DOD * xx-xxx-98 ] == DRINK OR DIE: Releases: Sophos_AntiVirus_V3.17_OS2-DOD [03 x 1.44MB] Sophos_AntiVirus_V3.17_NW-DOD [01 x 1.44MB] Sophos_AntiVirus_V3.17_DOS-DOD [01 x 1.44MB] Sophos_AntiVirus_V3.17_W95-DOD [03 x 1.44MB] Sophos_AntiVirus_V3.17_NT-DOD [05 x 1.44MB] Norton.System.Works.for.Win9x.v1.01-DOD [38 x 1.44MB] TransCOM2001_Standard_Edition_v.3.9.10_Win9X-DOD [05 x 2.88MB] Genitor_V4.01-DOD [05 x 2.88MB] Blue.Marble.Geographic.Translator.v2.0-DOD [04 x 1.44MB] Blue.Marble.Geographic.Transformer.v3.09-DOD [05 x 1.44MB] Blue.Marble.Geographic.Explorer.v2.0-DOD [04 x 1.44MB] Well even DOD got into it this week, with their first titles of 1999. So congrats guys and welcome to the new year! As usual I hate the Novell rule so the nuke on the Netware AV doesn't hold here. (It's not even made by Novell - do you nukers even know the reason for the rule I wonder?). The DOS/OS2 I'm a little more iffy about... but I'm still a bit nostalgic over the DOS thing so I'll let it slip. Not so for the OS2 (tried it and hated it). They also got out a Symantec app.. which is great cuz DOD does way to many antiviral apps. A couple more releases towards the end made this the most active week DOD has had in a while. Total: 7/10 ___ _ __________ ____________ ____ _____ ___ \__\\_\_______ \__ _ ______/___ \_ __//__/ ;;;;;;; / \/ \\ ____/ / \\ mg/SAC -)--- _/ / \_ \_/ -/ \_ --(- ;;;;; \____/_ _ _//_ /______ _ _// ;;;; [xx/xx/98]/________/==\/====/________//[MfD] =[X]==][= MANiFEST DESTiNY RELEASE =][==[X]= MANIFEST DESTINY: Releases: NAI.Management.Edition.v2.0-MANiFEST [13 x 1.44MB] BusinessObjects.v4.1.3-MANiFEST [28 x 2.88MB] Greenleaf.CommX.v1.1-MANiFEST [01 x 1.44MB] GridWiz.ActiveX.OCX.v3.55-MANiFEST [06 x 1.44MB] EdgeworX.v2.0.1-MANiFEST [12 x 1.44MB] APEX.True.DBSuite.v6.0-MANiFEST [07 x 1.44MB] PowerQuest.ServerMagic.v2.0-MANiFEST [12 x 1.44MB] Dialogic.System.Software.SDK.for.Windows.NT.v98.02-MANiFEST [27 x 1.44MB] WN.Help.Desk.v4.2-MANiFEST [10 x 1.44MB] Materialise.Magics.RP.v4.52-MANiFEST [05 x 1.44MB] Some pretty nice titles here, notably Edgeworx and Apex TrueDB Suite. In any other week this showing could have been considered great, this week I can only call it average. Total: 7/10 .� [xX/Xx]�. : [xx/xx/98] : : .__ .____ : |__l \._____.___\__/___ /^\__ /\___ .____ | l | \ _ l \__/ l__ \ \l _ \| l : | __/.:__| \ __/ | \ -- | __/l l _. | \ | | | \/\ _ | . | \ l__: |____/__\|___|_ /_:__|--: |\____/ ||||___/:::::::��������\_/���:/_____/|[war]| |:�|-| HERiTAGE 1998 PROUDLY PRESENTS |-|�:| |||||||::::::::��������������::::::::||||||| [HTG] Looking for a WHQ [HTG] HERITAGE: Releases: Web.Jpg.v2.5.Cracked-Heritage [01 x 1.44MB] Well this doesn't really fit into the Utils category, but I'll still give it a point. HTG needs some major work though. Total: 1/10 _______________________________[xx/xx] \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS >> RELEASING WITHOUT PERMISSION << REBELS: Releases: Adobe.Acrobat.Exchange.4.0.beta3-RBS [27 x 2.88MB] Blah. Come on guys you can do better. That lone beta does nothing to show RBS's real skill. Total: 2/10 �ܲ��߰� Teknorage and Pirasoft Present: ܰ��ܰ�� � �� � � ۲�cH/SAC ���� ����� [xx\xx] ߲� � ������� � ��������۲ ��۲����۲� ��������� � �����۲ ��� ����������������������������������� ��������������� ���������� ���� ����� ����������� ������ ������������ ����������������� ��� ����� �������������� ���������� ���������� �� ������� ܲ��۲ܲ�������������߲�� ���۲�� �����ݲ������� ��������� ������ ��� ��� ������������ ���ܲ��� ��� � � ��� �� ��� ����� xx/xx/98 ������ Ratzhole WHQ � ߲��� Teknorage & Pirasoft: Releases: TurboCAD.Professional.v6.0.Win9xNT-TRPS [23 x 1.44MB] Self.Extracting.Archive.Utility.v2.3.Win9xNT-TRPS [02 x 1.44MB] MicroFocus_FastFindPlus_7.0_wth_Resolve2000-TRPS [17 x 1.44MB] Cactus.3.v6.40B.READ.NFO.Win9xNT-TRPS [14 x 1.44MB] Progress.IQOS.v1.0.WIN9XNT-TRPS [06 x 1.44MB] VisionCLICK.v7.0.for.Win9XNT-TRPS [22 x 1.44MB] Insync.Mailbox.Agent.v1.0.0.14.for.Exchange.Win9xNT-TRPS [01 x 1.44MB] ISMTP.MTA.for.VINES.v4.25.300.0.Win9xNT-TRPS [02 x 1.44MB] Intelligent.Sync.v4.00.404.for.Vines.Win9xNT-TRPS [04 x 1.44MB] Windows.Commander.v3.53-TRPS [01 x 1.44MB] Fusion.Administrator.v4.2.Win9xNT-TRPS [04 x 1.44MB] DNS.Commander.v2.0.0.19.WinNT-TRPS [07 x 1.44MB] Installshield.Java.Edition.v2.50.Win9xNT-TRPS [07 x 1.44MB] StarChild.v1.07.Cracked-TRPS [03 x 1.44MB] Aventail.Connect.v3.0.Win9xNT-TRPS [08 x 1.44MB] Alcom.LanFax.v5.5.WinNT-TRPS [17 x 1.44MB] Another group I hemmed and hawwed over. Sure they released a lot. But nothing major... plus they saw a few nukes, and as usual they did far too many minor versions. TurboCad Pro 6 stands out amongst the crowd as a very nice title however. Total: 7/10 -/ ACE /- �� [??/??] ��� ��ܲ��۲� ���� ������۲� ����������۲� �������۲� ������۲� ���۲� ��۲� ��� ��۲� �۲ �۲�� ޲��� ��۲� ��� ���۲� ��� �۲��� - ��������� ��۲� ۲ � ��۲� ��� �� ��-- - ޲����� ��۲� ��� ��۲�� ��� Strick9 � ����� ��۲� �� ����� ������ �� ��޲��� ��۲� ���� ����� ��������۲� � � ߲���� ��۲� ����� ��۲�� ��������۲��� ����� ����۲�� ߲�������۲� ��� ���� �� � ��� �� �������� ������۲� ���� ������ ������ ������� �� �� [0x/??] ������ ACE: Releases: REFLECTION.SUITE.FOR.TCP.7.50-ACE [30 x 1.44MB] TOGETHER.J.2.2.DEVELOPERS.EDITION-ACE [05 x 1.44MB] RAPPORT.FOR.TAPI.v3.0-ACE [05 x 1.44MB] Avanti.Journal.v1.4-ACE [05 x 1.44MB] XingDVD.Player.v.2.03-ACE [01 x 1.44MB] VariCAD.7.0.For.Linux-ACE [04 x 1.44MB] ADPLAN.PROMOTIONAL.BUSINESS.SOFTWARE.3.0-ACE [09 x 1.44MB] ACE makes its debut in the report this week. They've been around for a little while, and had their ups and downs. The current group seems fairly strong and they put forth a good effort this week. Some decent titles, although the Linux is discounted points wise. The only down side is Avanti Journal 1.4, which SHK released in January 98. :P But for the most part they did alright. Total: 6/10 _____ ____________ ____ __________ / __/_ ___/\_ \ ___\_/ __/\ ___\_ \ \ / _/ /_ /___ / \ ___ / \___/\_____/___\ ____/______/_____/pn \_/ VERSUS: Releases: PersonalFAQ.v1.00-VERSUS [07 x 1.44MB] NovaView.Administrator.v1.0-VERSUS [10 x 1.44MB] NovaView.Client.v1.0-VERSUS [10 x 1.44MB] Web.Remote.Control.for.Office.v2.0.Win9xNT-VERSUS [04 x 1.44MB] WebTraxPC.v2.05a-VERSUS [05 x 1.44MB] Verus has turned from a cheesy small app/crack group into a half decent Utils release crew. They haven't got any major titles, but they've managed fairly well to avoid junk, and I'd give them a most improved group award of some sort if there were any. They got five titles this week, all average stuff... not a lot else to say. They earned a spot on this list, so congr Total: 6/10 New this week: ACE, VRS. Idle this week: None! Quote(s) of the Week: You know i've always had an idea of taking normal ad slogans, and make them sexual.. and sell them on shirts. First idea was "I love my carpet ;)" New UTILS dir on 'e' - 'Hot.Off.The.Web.III-PREMiERE' created by 'godbless' oh god another hot of the web app :P <[eX]> hrmm is this a release ? <[eX]> or are they just comenting on who their main supplier is ? Woah another tough one to score. Tuesday alone saw enough decent utils to almost make a week by itself. This is one of those times where a single big name, high-quality release can really make a difference, since almost every group did some nice apps. In the end I felt CORP and PFT really put forth the best effort... but thats not to downplay the performance of many of the other groups who did well. The utils side of the scene really made up for the lull in games this past week (with the exception of CLS's work on Saturday). Lets hope it can keep it up. (And lets hope for at least one decent game soon as well :P). Scum finally released their first title as a reborn group after the end of the week. Expect to see them in next weeks report... the first release did not go smoothly though, they wound up racing PFT and lost on most sites. But at least their releasing, after so much talk it's about time we saw some action. That wraps it up for this week... lets all hope next week is this good. - Bud =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= =---------[ Lesters Movie Reviews ]----------= Sure he's a prominent scene member, leader of the #1 courier group, and former "Miss Scene 1995".. But did you also know that in real life, Lester's real name is "Roger", and he hosts a popular syndicated television show, where he plays a big fatass who has nothing better to do with his time than go to every single movie ever released? Well.. now you know.. A Civil Action Starring: John Travolta, Robert Duvall, William H. Macy Rating: 3 out of 4 stars. Well, I am not a John Travolta fan, but I am a big Duvall and Macy fan, so I went in expecting this to be a really good movie, and I was not really disappointed, but I didn't consider it to be one of the 10 best of 1998. John Travolta is a lawyer in a small firm, who takes on a huge food chain(defended by Robert Duvall) in the contamination of water supply in a small town that has led to 8 childrens deaths. The best parts of this film are when Duvall and Travolta are paired off. The story is not as good as I feel it could have been if certain things were explored, and I have heard that the book is much more in depth. But movies can only be so long I guess. I do recommend seeing this and checking it out. If nothing else but for the stars performances. =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= =---------[ THE YEAR iN REViEW! ]----------= I had originally planned on putting our YEAR IN REVIEW section here, but instead, i've moved it to its own separate NWR-1998.TXT file... grab it and read it, and disagree with us!! hahahaha =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= -----------[The Scene News]----------- All the news thats fit to print... and then some... -Blah, blah, blah, fucking blah.. Everyone hates me, blah, blah, blah. I'll keep it easy: if you don't like my news, then make up your own news... or don't read mine.. i don't give a shit.. I am leaving the scene soon anyways, cause MGM is making a movie of my life story.. Its gonna be sort of a "hackers" style movie, only its gonna be called "Warez!".. with the exclamation point.. i heard christian slater was gonna play me... as soon as he gets outta jail from ass-raping that chick.. - [VF] New release: (dasker\Esprit) _________ {tgm} [SLR] -Utils- (dasker - ESPRiT) _________ New Util Release on TheDome _________ by dasker ( EPT ) New Util Release on TheDome : by dasker ( EPT ) New Util Release on TheDome ::: by dasker ( EPT ) Uhhh... dasker.... dude... you fucking suck... -Hades is back.. yay.. same siteops, same daemon, same userbase? I dunno. Should be a lot of fun tho.. Provided that "cardiel" motherfucker doesn't nark it out again.. ;p -Glen.. i KNEW it.. i KNEW that you couldn't stay in one group for longer than a month... Have fun in AoD.. ;p -wishmaster, probably DMS's best active trader, (and an all around nice guy) has followed godbless to DEV. Is DMS a sinking ship? Their 2 best active traders in 2 weeks!!! Should we start the funeral preparations? nahh.. lester will pull something out of his ass i'm sure.. -Dopestar gave this link to ndt, i thought it was pretty fucking funny: Yeah.. Now we know what "Intel Inside" means... CLASS-POWERED PC.,, -Blah, blah, blah.. STH isn't PRM HQ.. i suck.. eat me. -As far as i can tell, RiSC is still being run by monkeys.. -The NBA is back. HADES is back... Coincidence? i think not. -in a weird turn of events, garflozzy was kicked from DEV, because the original vote on him was considered "invalid", as their weren't enough DEV ppl there at the time. Garflozzy then retired. As the main NWR artist, we are sad to see garflozzy go.. (Even if he did say that "NWR sucks" on bacid's page!) His work is featured on many sites and nfo's out there. -Do my eyes decieve me??? Is that TECH of RTS trading again? good lord, i think that i need to lay down for a while.. -group moves: wishmaster to DEV, vylent left MnM for EQL, zeus21 left MnM for EQL, geno to AoD, madboy to AoD, SJ to RNS (the mp3 group?), powertool to iCT, _-zeus-_ to iCT, cablegod to KAC, aldog to PRM, glen to AoD, garflozzy retires, and the grizzlies signed abdur-rahim to a multi-year deal. -Equality with a few nice pickups this week, but still can't be beat by the awesome vacuum power of DEVOTiON!... -And finally, my question: New [23:32:31] - FS: Now.Youre.Urinating.V4.67-SEIKO Made by: Garoto Shouldn't RiSCISO have been releasing this?? -sky masterson =----------------------------------=----------------------------------------= --------[Stories from the Watercooler]---------- Ahh yes, rumors, we all love them even though we love to say how much we hate them when they are about us. And these are some of the better ones circulating around this week. Email us or find us on irc if you have a good rumor you'd like entered, your name will not be included, but we do not add rumors like that say "Tdpriest is having anal sex with Fusion" because we know that Fusion is only having sex with Xtremist and therefore there is no hard evidence of that rumor, so if you have real rumors, let us know. Let's begin! -Rumor has it that a certain tandem of former Utils super-powers are set to re-unite and kick some ass. One is a former (retired) trading legend. The other person is a very active scene member. Together they will form a team of such awe-inspiring power that one utils group leader upon hearing the news could only say "oh shit... fuck.. shit... thats gonna be hard to beat.."... people are running scared.. -Rumor has it that all those pics of jess that tdpriest has been leaking to NWR are actually picture of MANDRAKE!!!!!!.... but wait... wouldn't that.. wouldn't that make tdpriest... GEORGE, mandrake's GAY LOVER?!?!?!?!!!?? -Rumor has it that MSV is set to come back.. No word on affils yet. =-------------------------------------=--------------------------------------= Well friends.. Thats about it. If you've read this far, we sincerly thank you. We like to know this thing gets read, so if you get the time, drop one of us a quick msg, and tell us what you think, give us suggestions, tell us it sucks, or just say "hi" to us!.... Greets fly out to: jaydee, mgd, stix, tdp, hr, eci, jamili, raptor, skill, mandrake, zeus, speedy, subzero, superfly@okcomputer, wu-dave, dee, sj, paledeth, duranged, tech+his crew, Kusa, ssava, CRC 97, acidapple, and all the rest of you that we love... Find us on IRC in #nwr, (channel commands: !nwr, !nwr 23 or whatever issue you want. We can't afford email, so we just steal CWS's... ;) Support NWR and CWS, and email your weektops to: Thank you! take care.. peace. -ndetroit + lester. NWR 1/10/98