Netmonkey Weekly Report Issue XXVII December 13thth, 1998 g#S$ d. ____ ascii by garflozzy ____ $$$: -- ,$b ----- $$$ ___ $$$$$s __ :$$l $',$$$$.`$$ :$$$._l$$: ,s#S$$$$: $$$"�$$b.`�$i $$$ ',$$'�$$,`$ l$$$T$$$$._ --------- l$$$$$$$$ :$$l b,`Y$$,`l l$$.d$P . �$$,` $$l" $$$�T$S#g._ ----------- ��������� :$$$$$$$l l$$: $$b.`Y$$, :$$$$' d$b �$$,d$$: :$$l ,.`"�T$S# ��������� $$$$$$$: $$$ :$$$$. Y$$.s$$$' d$$$b '$$$$l l$$: l$'.d$$' $$$$$$$. $$$ l$$$$$. $$$Sl$' d$$$$$b '$$$: :$$l .'.d$$' $$$$$$l :$$l $$$$$$l l$$::P :$$$$$$$b.`$l l$$: ~~~~~~~ ------------------ l$$: ------- :$$l.' ---------- `: ;$$l --------------------- $$$ ������� .l$$ :: ~~~~ � $$S#s,$$$ ::: ``^"�Y$$$ `Y$ [ n ] ETMONKEY [ W ] EEKLY [ R ] EPORT Well ND is a clown, he left out the death.txt that went along with the AMN profile, removing a large chunk of the history, we will include it in this issue to just show you people it. I am also rushing this because ND is a bitch. I won't say much else here other than that Powertool is a fucking idiot. -Lester [Co-Editor/Head Writer] Its beginning to feel a lot like christmas... Well.. I guess next week will be our big XMAS issue... I'll be writing from beautiful Prince Edward Island in Canada, so... lets hope to god they have the internet there.. ;p While we are on the holiday subject, let me just say that a channel that i think is a GREAT idea is now open for business: #SiEGEXMAS... They will be offering all 400 of this years releases between now and Christmas via xdcc offer bot... Good work, SiEGE!! We are damn lucky this week, because we got the (seriously) legendary Prozac on board with NWR now, writing a Kind of Biased Games Report. Nice work, to him.. Bud is back again, with a nice utils report, and we have a new guy, alkivar, doing "the scene's biggest idiots", and a nice commented log on the 1000th TRPS release.. ;> We have THREE pictures this week.. The first was taken in alkivar's home in suburban Los Angeles, and is a picture of mgd... (thats MGD on the top, btw..) Its called "manwithhugecock1.jpg" The second was taken a small farm in Toronto, and is a pic of STiX.. its called "manwithhugecock2.jpg" And just to round things out, we got such a huge response from people wanting to see another pic of JESS, that tdpriest actually FLEW to omaha, NB, and had a little photo session with her... that pic is called "cisco-jesspic2.jpg".... (faces not shown to protect the guilty) And we also have a really bizaare log in which barnil and gollie get married... hooray! I rushed Lester on his reports etc this week, so if they suck, its my fault... mostly.. Anyways, report had to come out today, and it will prob be late next week, so don't bug lester about where the fuck it is.. and i won't be online until late in the week, so.. deal with it.. ;p And finally, a lot of ppl have been asking why NWR has been getting so big lately... the answer: i am such a lame trader that these are the only megs i ever get to up to sites like FS, etc... BAHAHAHAHA! ndetroit [Co-Editor/Head Fatass] -----------[ index ]----------- I.) Intro a) Lester b) ndetroit II.) Quotes of the Week III.) Stats - Ndetroit's Weekly Stats, and comments on Sites. IV.) Lester's Biased Courier Report V.) Articles a) Prozac's Kinda Biased Games Report b) Bud's Biased Utils Report c) Unbiased Idiots of the Week - Alkivar d) 1000th TRPS Release - Alkivar e) Lesters Moview Reviews VI.) Scene News - All the news thats fit to print VII.) Rumors! VIII.) Closing ---------------------[ Quotes of the Week! ]--------------------- -<_TecH_> heya Garoto.. gimme a quick interview for nWR !info _TecH_ heya Garoto.. gimme a quick interview for nWR. - i didnt hit someone they threw themself against my car it wasnt my fault fucken dickhead, shouldnt have been on the pedestrian crossing anyway -*** Pixel- changes topic to 'DO NOT SUPPORT CO, digger msg pixel, mgd is pregnant' -*** Bones changes topic to 'DO NOT SUPPORT CO, digger msg pixel, mgd is expecting twins' - No one is alive =[ i am Well no one is alive tha ti wanna talk to heh. - hey i got my furby last night -- i already taught it to say "MNM is dead" - New UTILS dir on 'e' - 'Garoto.Rocks.The.Couriering.Scene-uGAH' created by 'snkeyes' can devotion be lamer? - what about duranged? he doesn't know how to log onto a fucking site properly with out his handicapped monkey helping him. - I consider myself to have traits of both. I have a pussy yet a cock grows out of my left ear, I have one and a half tits as well - fell asleep, thats no excuse should be having jolt on IV all the really good couriers do - duranged = sex machine in pakistanian not in RL ? ;) duranged = h0mo in portuguese -*** S^J invites you to join #sex'r'us. *** - WTF??? DIE$&&$# I AM BOMBED WITH MSG <^Garoto^> X-frog getting any msgs ? ARGGGGGGGG DAMN GAYOTO -----------[ ndetroit's sites and stats section ]----------- I guess you could say that the US scene is no longer dead, eh? With sites like IC and TOS (both affilled with Siege, Devotion, and Class), TV, and a certain site sequal site whose nonsensical name shall remain unsaid, (BAHAH, bonus points if you know wtf i am talking about!) the US scene is finally beginning to return to the same level as the days of The Corner Deli, The Rising Sun, and Dreamland. Speaking of which..... ...... i heard DL was... ? New US site: Biohazard: 2xT1, 120Gigs, Razor, KAC, Rockforce(who?), MnM, and RiSCISO among others.. Now if we could only get RiSC and VGN to return to the US as DMS and DEV have done, we might have a bit of competition on our hands.. ;) Apparently its Hardware problems that are keeping DF down. Covert Operations is another new US site, affils to be named. I say new, because even tho they are claiming its the "Return of the Old CO", how much of a return can it be with a new daemon, new userfile, new siteops, and new affils? While we are at it, FUBAR is supposed to be coming back.. I think it was risc/dod/rzr with it went down... Not sure what is up with MPOWER, as i haven't heard much from it lately, but another very oldschool site is... ermm up... and... hehe.. well, i'm not allowed to say much more than that, other than it was in the x3 row when it when down, and there are a lot of people who are VERY DAMN READY for it to come back... i'll let you figure out the rest, as i'm sure the news of its return will spread very very quickly.. OK.. so i was wrong last week, (not my fault, sky masterson told me), and RAY is NOT MNM WHQ... it is Esprit WHQ.. Tho who is to say how long THAT will last.. Apparently it was CORP WHQ, but then easy pissed off CORP, so CORP dropped them. Easy was then kicked as siteop, but.. easy = ept, so... who knows what RAY will end up with in the end.. :) The new MiLLENiUM WHQ is NCT. I don't know a lot about it, other than MNM has pledged to make it a fast top5 site... I guess we'll see. =--------------------------------------------------------------------------= Sites are rated on a 3X and 2X scale.. if you want to know why we do it that way, read an old issue. Couriers get 10 points per site they get #1 on, 9 points for 2nd place, 8 points for 3rd, etc, etc. Sites are rated by us. If you don't like the ratings, then.... heh... fuck off and die.. =--------------------------------------------------------------------------= The Top Ten sites for this week are: x3 FS -*- STH -*- ET -*- E -*- RDX x2 MDK -*- IC -*- ROC -*- DLS -*- MG ---=NETMONKEY COURiER REPORT=--- trader group FS STH ET E RDX MDK IC ROC DLS MG pts pos -------------------------------------------------------------------- godbless DMS 2 1 3 2 1 1 0 0 6 3 181 [1] garoto DEV 9 3 2 6 8 0 3 0 0 0 97 [2] kruzin RiSC 0 0 8 3 3 0 5 4 0 10 87 [3] tc VGN 10 6 4 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 85 [4] cedric MnM 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 85 [4] grad IND? 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 77 [6] dirtman TFA 0 0 5 4 0 0 0 0 3 0 58 [7] wishmaster DMS 0 0 6 0 10 4 6 0 10 0 51 [8] jess DMS 6 8 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 [9] tirre EQL 0 9 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 42 [10] * = no weektop this week. =--------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Lester's Biased Courier Section ]----------- Lester's Biased Courier Report Well I've had a couple people tell me I'm building a little bit of a hateclub. I should lay low in my ragging for awhile. But I keep saying, well then why the fuck would you guys want to read it if I was nice? I must do my readers justice! On with the slandering Dimension: Ownage and a half. Despite the fact that I personally have yet to move a file(though I did log into some sites this week), DMS is still destroying the competition on any site it sees fit. Disproving Risc's belief that E's move was a mistake, as of right now dms is #1-5 on E's weektop for the new week, terrible isn't it? Devotion: Well it was brought to my attention that Jaydee is not officially Dev anymore, So devotion is highly fucked in the ass. I have heard that a certain number of important people will be fleeing devotion soon if certain changes are not made. Even the Garoto lifeboat will not be able to survive this tidal wave. Risc: *cough* Can we say babies? Millennium: Glen is back! They are saved! CO is backup, despite the lack of stats/staff/affils of the original CO! MNM is so fucking good I can't stand it. AOD: Morbid and Siim are elite man. I dunno anyone else in that group offhand though. But good job to them 2..:) TFA: Pftping sluts, banned from sites..laf Some other group msged me about not being included..i can't remember who the fuck.. VGN: Laugh That'll do it friends, it's rushed as i've stated before..ND is a whiny bitch..peace out =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Articles ]----------- =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Prozac's Kinda Biased Gaming Report]----------- Prozac's Kind of Biased Gaming Report If you remember the RCN days, I use to write reports for them. At first it was courier reports, then I got involved big time into games and started writing reports about games. My passion use to be couriering, but now it's the gaming scene. I eat, drink breath games, and love the competition in it. If you have no idea who I am, I'm with Class at this very moment. I joined the day they started on Jan. 1st, 1997, and will probably be there to the end. I had been wanting to get back to writing a weekly gaming report like I did in RCN, but I didn't know where to go to. I picked up NWR issue #26, and boom, I decide I wanted to bring back my report. So here I am. Now starting NWR #27, a weekly report will be coming from me about the games groups during the weeks. The fall rush is slowing down, so for now expect to see a couple games a week, but that doesn't mean the games groups won't be around trying to get what they can get out to the scene. My weekly report will include what important releases came from each group, and some commentary about each group. If you don't like what I'm talking about, bitch to me on IRC or tell me in your next release NFO. Class- A couple small titles has come out from Class, nothing exceptional, but they get the job done. Expect the usual so-so titles to come out from Class in the next coming weeks, with the usual one or two great titles per month. It might not be pretty over the next coming weeks, but they get do get the games out on a regular basis. Also, with Miramax & Devil around, expect quite a few trainers & cracked patches to be coming in the next couple weeks. Hot Releases: Top Gun:Hornet's Nest - 38 disks Trophy Buck - 20 disks Paradigm- Now that I have my own report, I can truely say this. What PDM did on tuesday was ultra-lame. I talked to OFD personally. Ubisoft is based in frog land. He got the box copy there. When OGN duped CLS on Motormash, other groups collaberated to stand behind CLS and nuked it. The other groups should stand behind CLS on S.C.A.R.S., since it was a Frog final. Please PDM, stick to non-working board games (Scotland Yards). well both of pdms releases in december are gay, SCARS FINAL (your guys was final) and X-Games Pro Boarder (obvious ISO rip and non working crack, no fix) The US store team is obviously back with the smash titles Uprising 2 & Falcon 4.0. And the EA connection comes through with Recoil. A surprise aussie EA game also came from PDM, AFL 99. The euro side of PDM also comes through with a cool title called Skullcaps. This week has actually been decent for PDM, but things might slow down for PDM when Drizzt goes on vacation. Hot Releases: Gangsters Fix - 1 disk Uprising 2 - 49 disks AFL 99 - 40 disks Recoil - 41 disks Falcon 4.0 - 48 disks Skullcaps - 19 disks Razor-Except for Thunder Brigade last week, it's been pretty quite from the blade. Even after getting some new suppliers, it's been the same 'ol trickle coming from RZR. Are they going back to there old ways even after The Punisher came back as the leader? We'll see in the forthcoming weeks. Hot Releases: N/A Origin- The UK crew is back, and will be swinging on more titles the next couple weeks. The US store team also came through, and they keep saying things will be a lot better, but the scene is full of talk. Hey OGN, talk the talk with putting out releases, not saying your going to put out releases in the future. Hot Releases: Pinky and the Brain World Conquest - 46 disks + Fix Ultrafighters - 37 disks Football Masters 99 - 11 disks Divine- Wow, they just came out of left field. This usually dead group comes out with a huge game for the month of December, Abe's Exoddus (Oddworld 2). Let's see if this is just fluke, or if they can keep it up for the rest of the month. There's one major prob. The game is 1M over the limit. But I don't think anyone will really care. Hot Releases: Abe's Exoddus - 50 disks Also should note that Backlash came out with a real good game (Excessive Speed - 37 disks), thanks to now Ex-HBD, Hoson. This just shows to the scene HYBRiD has died, now that HBD's two main suppliers, Hoson & Mad Turnip has jumped to different groups. Last minute comments: In the beginning of December, Origin came out storming with four games in three days, showing that the holiday rush has hit the UK. They also managed to get a top game of the month, Thief. Then CLS came back at the end of the week with 4 games. PDM and RZR also put out a game to show they're around and bout. This week PDM has fixed OGN's fuck up of Gangsters (which had "Postal" protection where you basically couldn't do anything because of protection when you started the game). The rest of the week was your normal bullshit, but PDM managed to put out quite a few games. OGN has cooled down lately. DVN & BLH topped it off by putting out there one game a month. Next week should be intersting, to say the least. =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Bud's Biased Utils Section ]----------- Bud's Biased Utils Report #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OMG here it is for the second week in a row... some changes to the format this week. Groups that haven't released aren't going to get a review, unless they do something outrageously stupid in regards to another area so I can have some fun. I'm also adding my QOTW (Quote of the Week) section... these can be in response to my report, or just something really stupid I've come across that I feel should be paraded about =) Disclaimer: It's BIASED moron. My opinion. So don't send me a bunch of mail & message's bitching about this or that. If you don't like it... SCREW YOU =] Rankings: Groups get a score out of 10. Points are given for amount of releases, but QUALITY titles will give a group a much higher score. Nukes for duping, broken releases and just plain CRAP will lower a groups score. However on the occasion that a title is nuked which I don't feel should have been, MY OWN JUDGEMENT TAKES PRECEDENCE. Cuz I'm writing this. Groups can also get points for any other reason I see fit. Week: Week is based from 12/06/98 to 12/12/98. I'm in EST time zone so dates/times run according to it. Groups: (In no particular order) PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE: PWA started the week off with SpecBuilder 3.3... and then basically stalled. Now PWA's not exactly known for mass releasing, but they're going to have to release more than this to stay amongst the top groups week to week. Total: 6/10 THE CORPORATION: Well Corp let me down this week... after giving them credit for Director 7 it turns out to be Beta3. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to test it till after I passed in last weeks report. Set your clock ahead a month and it expires, with a "This Pre-release copy has expired" message. So you can't even use it as a beta! (There were other signs as well, version 7.0r190, and the readme.html). And on top of all this their "FINAL" could have been a lot smaller... the Corp version is 11 2.88MB disks.. 10 * 1.44MB is what I got it to compress to in my test, where I used rar (same as corp) with multimedia compression at max. Again Corp "forgot" max compression. Honestly guys, is the -m5 flag REALLY that fuckin' difficult? They've done this before and wound up repacking, so Corp should have learnt its lesson by now. Needless to say I was very disappointed when I downloaded D7, and I'm knocking 2 points off Corp this week for a really bad job on that release. Now on to this weeks releases from Corp... Corp put out some of the Veribest 99 series, I haven't tried either of the releases myself but so far no one's made any complaints. Not much to be said about ProtoShare Broker Edition... Highlight of the week was MS SQL Server Enterprise Edition... Corp would have had a much better score if not for loosing 2 points. Total: 6/10 RISE: Rise got back into it this week starting with a couple releases at the beginning of the week. Unfortunately one was a repack but the apology from "A sad RiSE Staffer" earns their salvation. They broke out a couple of nice cracks of Materialise programs =) The leadership in RISE is excellent, so its great to see them do some titles this week. More mainstream utils would be a nice change though. Total: 7/10 SIEGE: The SGE team picks up where it left off last week by releasing WiseCAD on monday, and kept rockin by releasing Kai's Power Tools 5, and excellent title from Metatools. This tool is arguably the best util this week, and undoubtedly one of the most popular, although it's limited to PhotoShop and Painter 5.5 users. They also picked up on Corp's failure and rocked out Director 7, beating out several other groups in the process. Taking the two top releases this week gives SGE a 9! Total: 9/10 X-FORCE: XF hasn't done much again this week. MS Publisher 2000 beta2, but it would be nice to see more releases outta these guys, other than just betas. Other releases include Ultimate Toolbox for MFC December... which if you hadn't noticed is released by them twice a month (1st & 2nd edition) so it doesn't even register on me anymore. Highlight of the week for XF was Rayflect Phototracer. They also did a linux proggie which I won't take into consideration. This will hold true for any group as I don't run linux. So what else about XF can be said? Well... *** Now talking in #x-force *** Topic is '--X-FORCE DOMINATING THE WORLD AS USUAL--' Dominating what exactly.... Beta's? Idling? See ya next week. Total: 6/10 SHOCK: Well despite a fucked up rumor in NWR #26 last week, Shock isn't planning on banning LND on any sites, and I have no idea where that rumor came from. They did benefit from LND getting nuked for stealing though, and the releases in question (Informix titles) went out under the proper group. On top of this, some Roguewave development tools for C++ made a good start on Sunday. They seemed to stall in the middle of the week, but picked up on Thursday by releasing Java Embedded Server from Sun Microsystems & some other apps. SHK finished the week with some titles from the ObjectStore series by Object Design. Total: 7/10 ENTITY: Well I said ENT was far from out of it last week, but I might have to take it back. On top of loosing MGD and other members to Corp over the past month or so, Hazzy has retired. They are still getting the releases out though, and that's what counts. These guys seem to have a bit of a packaging problem of late - their NFO's give almost no information on the programs released. The Bytecode and Sourcecode editions of JClass Enterprise Suite have identical descriptions aside from the name, although there's a huge size difference between the two. (Bytecode contains the actual apps, but not everyone is going to know this). Their NFO for Lotus DevPack 1.5 In Action gives a short paragraph taken from the Lotus website - only it's the description for the normal DevPack, and doesn't mention a thing about differences found in the In Action copy. They got more bad news near the end of the week as Dthangel left the group and MDK, their EHQ, dropped them. This apparently occurred due to some comments Hazzy (hey isn't he retired anyways??) made. They did get quite a few big releases out however, but next week is not looking so great for Entity. Total: 7/10 PENTIUM FORCE TEAM: PFT drop out of 1st place this week, but still did some nice releases, including SolidView 3.3, NetObjects Script Builder, and a preview (ick!) of NetObjects Fusion 4. Not a whole lot to say here.. a few good utils and a repacked English version of a messed up TFT multilanguage util, and a bunch of average titles. Not enough to hold top spot but still good... hrmm that's about all I have to say here I guess, though Seagate Manage Exec is nice just cuz I like Seagate. =) Total: 7/10 LEGENDS NEVER DIE: No comment. Fuck but then this would be much too short... well lets see... a fix for CabinetVision Solid started the week for LND. Actual releases this week started with products from Ciscoworks and a minor version of CimatronIt. They also beat all other groups to ripping the Adobe Premier 5.1 ISO. A couple other releases rounded out the week which I didn't really check out do to exams on my part, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt on those. They finished the week much like they started it - one of their last releases was a fix. Total: 5/10 PINNACLE: Hello? HELLO???!!?? No answer :P Total: N/A DRINK OR DIE: Well DOD has pretty much owned Command Antivirus, and they released a new version of it this week... AuraLine v1.6 was a much nicer title, unfortunately that's all we saw from DOD in the past 7 days. Total:6/10 MANIFEST DESTINY Would the real MFD please step forwards? Manifest always seems to be a little confused as to wether they're going to be a crack group or a utils group. But its pretty much worked out for the better. They were a dominating force on the crack side of things, and some Sierra products got them onto the utils list. A couple Midisoft proggies were decent as well. Switching to FS from STH hasn't phased them (kinda like going from coke to pepsi), and they picked up MG. Good work MFD! Only question that remains is if they can step up the utils releasing and be a real force. Total:7/10 HERITAGE: More nukes really hurt HTG again this week, and they only got out 2 legit releases this week. Rumor has it they wanted a merge with Entity but were declined. Total:4/10 REBELS: Uh-oh... one of RBS's first offerings this week looked nice: Microsoft.Visual.Basic_6.0_Professional-RBS, until, that is, you realize that it was included in Entity's earlier release, MICROSOFT.VISUAL.STUDIO.v6.0.PRO.EDITION.FINAL-ENTiTY, which included some other great features on top of VB 6 Pro. They did do a lot of cracks this week however, and can be given credit for a couple larger apps. Total:7/10 TRPS: Well after some criticism for not including these guys, and considering that I decided to include MFD, I've added them in. I'm not going to consider the slew of small regged and cracked minor updates of programs a lot of people don't want anyway, instead I'll look at what they released on top of it (those releases are more comparable to those of cracking groups which I said I'll keep out of the report due to time/size restraints). The utils this week for TRPS were highlighted by NetManage Support Now 2.1 Client&Server... also Config Pro plus. CWS apparently ranked TRPS high due to # of releases, since I look at quality first and foremost I can't quite agree there. TRPS also celebrated their 1000th release recently, so congrats to them. (It needed a fix though :P) Total: 6/10 New this week: Manifest Destiny & TRPS are new additions this week. Idle this week: Pinnacle Quote of the Week: oh yea and youre ugly you even talk like a wannabe Siege took top slot again this week with a solid week of releasing and some very nice titles. Next week will determine if I keep MFD & TRPS on the list. Premiere's rumored return to the utils scene should be interesting, we'll have to see whether old members return to the flock - this could hurt many of the groups which benefited from their earlier demise. It will also be interesting to see the type of PRM this time round, hopefully the quality problems of the last incarnation will not be seen again. This of course depends on if the heavily rumored reformation even takes place - although PRM leader Fusion has been about, and #premiere has once again become populated. Their return(?) is yet another entry into the crowded utils field, so don't be surprised if at least one of the groups reviewed this week makes its exit within the next few months. Well that's about it for this week. Any errors in the above I blame on my exams, so don't bitch too much cuz I'm in a bad enough mood already ;) - Bud =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= --------------[Unbiased Idiots Of The Week]-------------- __ __ / \\ // \ /=-=\\ //=-=\ /=-=-=\\ Alkivar's //=-=-=\ -------- <=-=-=-=>>---- Unbiased Idiots Of The Week -----<<=-=-=-=> -------- ========= \=-=-=//========================================\\=-=-=/ ========= \=-=// \\=-=/ \_// \\_/ "We Aint Biased --- They Really Are This Stupid" Names Are Not Protected In Hope They Will Be Harassed ============================================================================ Idiot #1 Straight Outta #uCF2000 Joe6Pack ( ============================================================================ 2:37 AM 12/13/98 I used a dupechecker to get a listing of the program files I need at but there are no ftp addresses. --- shall we just say DUH!!!!! ============================================================================ Idiot #2 ============================================================================ <------> ANYONE HAVE LINUX FOR WINDOWS? --- this guy is so dumb we had to protect him otherwise he'd buy real estate on mars ============================================================================ Idiot #3 #trps ced0r ( ============================================================================ nah, MnM is kewl and it's coming back --- Cedric needs to get off the crackpipe we all know MNM is dead :) =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= --------------[1000th TRPS Release!]-------------- Well.. This is a log that was given to us by ALKIVAR, of DMS, UCF, APC, and TRPS (not for long?) hehe.. We were originally going to just put it in the, but it was so funny, that we had to stick it in the mag... apologies for the SIZE of all this, but it really is is funny.. Now, we all know alkivar is a bastard, but to be fair to him, he had been drinking VERY heavily at the time of this log, so... NWR would also like to point out that no matter how shitty their 1000th release was, 1000 releases is still a good accomplishment in this day and age, so congrats to TRPS.. Too bad #1000 was such a shitter! BAHAHAHAHA! And now, the rest of this is Alkivar: -editors --- tRpS Member Channel --- Little Background Information Session Start: Wed Dec 02 21:14:07 1998 Topic: 974 rls & counting Session Start: Thu Dec 03 20:51:11 1998 Topic: 979 rls & counting | Whos gonna be here for 1000? Session Start: Sat Dec 05 14:21:29 1998 Topic: 991 rls & counting !!!!!!!!! --- By This Point We're Waiting For #1000 To Be Announced Soon Session Start: Sun Dec 06 15:49:30 1998 Topic: 997 rls & counting! Session Start: Tue Dec 08 18:51:35 1998 Topic: 999.05 rls - RELEASE BUT LETS NOT COUNT THEM FOR 1000TH RLS --- Can You Say Still Not Announced ??? *** HiGhLaNdR changes topic to '999.05 rls - RELEASE 1000TH is coming any minute, being finished :P' --- Eventually The Good News Came <_BoNkErS_> just release it already! really <_BoNkErS_> what is it gonna be? what is it? <[LaZaRus]> You'll see when you see... Relax, and be one with the TRPS what is the app to be released? its a combination of "TRPS made" applications thats all im allowed to say <_BoNkErS_> watch it be like Calculator.Win9xNT-TRPS haha no Solitare.v1.0.Win9xNT-1000-releases-TRPS <[LaZaRus]> no that would suck.. I'd raather have a calculator hehe McDonalds.Online.Menu.Win9x.NT-1000-rls-TRPS Lots-A-XXX-4-FREE--1000--RLS--T.R.P.S lol it's in-house software they said it'll be like: Pizza-Hut-HACK.Win9xNT-TRPS lol TRPS.Neato.Elito.Parreca-1000th.RLS-TRPS haha No im pretty sure its an online dupe checker with a couple more cool features Windows2000.Final.Release.1000-rls-TRPS heh HiGh, ill have those AVI's for m8 and TRPS in about 10min just fukin rls 1000th heheh i wanna see what it is and get it to some 0-sec heheh now that i finally got on a site ;D heh i need more creds on TV I would give you. But i have leech :P. heheh cuz you're #1 all-timer heh It helps yea :P. 1000th ready! ? of course not. ;D nim? When is the rls coming ? :( DAMMIT DUDE heheheh almost done argh, this must be big heh what the fuck is #1000 i wanna piece of the trading on this i'm gonna get some of it eheheh it's been longer than a second ;D nym: what language did u do it in? the program that is <[Nym]> vb6 [TRPS] -> CD.Database.Search.v3.0.One.Year.1000th.Releases. Aniversary-TRPS <- PRE going to TRPS SiTES! [TRPS] [dCt] -1208- (trps - TRPS) CD.Database.Search.v3.0.One. Year.1000th.Releases.Aniversary-TRPS [RaTzHoLe 0-Day] -12-08- (trps/TrPS/No Tagline Set) CD. Database.Search.v3.0.One.Year.1000th.Releases.Aniversary-TRPS cd search? *** HiGhLaNdR changes topic to '1005 rls - RELEASE 1000TH out get it now!!!!!! | PG msg nap' :P [XquiziT] (trps - TRPS) CD.Database.Search.v3.0.One.Year.1000th. Releases.Aniversary-TRPS that's a BIG releasE?? :P the big 1000 :P ray its special has my art work in it whooohoo it's a special release grab it we'll im Special ed --- No Comment is #1000 only 3MB ? and it took 1 week to do? ya hehe lazy programmer hehe that was fun, what a rush heheh <[Nym]> fuck u ehhehe heh what language nym? <[Nym]> vb6 im' downloading it now english heheh whanna see what it actually DOES heheh <[Nym]> ehehee heh same <[Nym]> it does u a free blowjob interesting what is a ; what's it called it? leeching this for a laugh brb [23:48] [San Bruno Club] -1208- CD.Database.Search.v3.0. One.Year.1000th.Releases.Aniversary-TRPS (blind-M8) that cd database thang heh g'night all be back tomorrow [Mutually Assured Destruction] -1208- (eins/VOLiTiON/We'll remake man in our image.) CD.Database.Search.v3.0.One.Year.1000th.Releases. Aniversary-TRPS whats fukin 1000th? what was so special? nothing special cept it was eSPECIALly late ahhahaah so plz tell me its fukin name i want to go to sleep ;) hahahaha all i hear is how our 1000th release doesnt work tisk tisk ahh geeze wont even work on my machine poop crap shit caca <|W-devil|> hehe <|W-devil|> cedric? yes? <|W-devil|> woah <|W-devil|> hehe Ah. heh <|W-devil|> hehe diff nick Why ppl dont recognize me with that nick hehe. You're like the 10th that needs 10 mins to notice i'm cedric. heh what was the 1000th rls ? ) CD.Database.Search.v3.0.One.Year.1000th.Releases.Aniversary-TRPS kewl hitting the bed *** Quits: Cajoline (i wish i was blank) --- DMS Home Channel Before The War Started who wants a laugh? dont send us your pic we are busy i'm tRpS and i'm about to nuke our own release cause its CRAP me BAHAHAHAHAH! they can kick me for all i care ive had better offers they made the dir name super long so you couldnt nuke it easily i gotta rename the damn dir to nuke it --- Here's Where All Hell Broke Loose --- Terminal Velocity Announcement Channel NUKE on Terminal Velocity: Factor: 2x Nuker: alkivar / Nukee: blind (1.6MB), cedric (0.5MB) / Program: CD.Database.v3.0.1000th.Releases. Aniversary-TRPS [CRAP] haha X2 for crap ? hehehe --- Back To tRpS Member Channel NUKE on Terminal Velocity: Factor: 2x Nuker: alkivar / Nukee: blind (1.6MB), cedric (0.5MB) / Program: CD.Database.v3.0.1000th. Releases.Aniversary-TRPS [CRAP]. WTF??? it sucks ass man what a waste of space sorry but its true h? what"? Cd databse? yes haah should have put it with one of my relesae;P CRAP? wtf?! alkivar you on drugs? doesnt work says i need a new version of some shit some shit? everyone telling me that too yeah <[Nym]> upgrade yout lame OS audio files are 0.1 db missing VBX file all it has going for it is the artwork the user interface still sucks just like v2 i installed here and worked, omg well ALk nuked it now thats a sin <[Nym]> who fuckin cares alkivar? <[Nym]> even if it looks like shit Third ... i'm not ashamed to nuke crap ... if blind and cedric want their credit tell em to bitch to me i'll give em credits well i use it all days and nights but 4MB aint gonna hurt cedric at all heh <[Nym]> me too!! well I have 2000 cds to look for :) High every single person that msg me said it gives them the blah blah requires a newer version of blah blah does the same to me :) <[Nym]> maybe alkivar only got 2 and that easy to look for :) he's right HiGh ... it has problems wont run w/o a missing file ... luckily i had it on floppy but it shoulda been in the installer which file?! some vbx file i must fix it thirdtime get me the name plz that Avi was weak too who made that? webmasta haha i need to smack that fool that was such a waste of time i could make that avi in GIF ANIMATOR for christs sake Threed20.ocx <------ ? yeah ocx my bad like the one it installed was corrupt or something said "corrupted or missing file Threed20.ocx" OLEAUT32.DLL is out of date this program requiers a newer version well then my error is diff than 3rds im running newesy Win98 i'm running Win95C OSR 2.5 so i need to find ole wow win98 so much better :D and the audio files were sooo quiet like i had to max my speakers out just to barely hear them and i have my system going thru a 400watt amp heh honestly for something we waited about a week to release it was a bad choice for #1000 well you shouldn'tnuke your group releases i'm pissed very pissed you break a important rule amongs us (TRPS) uh o nuke if it's dupe only and requested by trps, nothing more i'm surprised this will be a good meeting subject fine kick me if ya want ... doesnt really bother me your only hurting yourselves wtf? hurting ourselves? howcome explain that plz tRpS loose about 9 shells ... but i could care less i care! (= highlandr shut yo mouTh hehe =P let's see 1st you are a trps member 2nd who gave ya the right to be a judge you nuked our release for crap alkivar dude ... it is crap and it dont work you think that is a right thing to do to your own group? 2 gives me a right to say highlandr regardless of my group is my loyalty to the warez scene in general he does have a point somewhat that is 24h for the fix its a crap program i'm keeping people from wasting valuable bandwidth crap for you not for alot of people who use it wtf are you saying when i use it all the time? me and lot's of people1?!? dude you don't liek fine but nuke it? eheh 1 week for a broken 1000th release? besides my ass has been drinkin since 5pm --- Actually More Like Since Lunchtime ;) ~10.5 hours like i care i'll give you your fuckin credits back we rushed it, it's true but nuking as crap bah w8 our release doesnt work? highlandr let it go our 1000# release sucks and did not work now continue to go on with more great releases amoss or you shut tha fuck up or i'll boot your ass and this will teach us a lesson for the next on hm i'll not warn 2nd time welp then im out ill be in here tommorow so ill keep my mouth shut [Mutually Assured Destruction] -NUKE 1x- CD.Database.Search.v3.0.One. Year.1000th.Releases.Aniversary-TRPS (Nuker: swan Nukee(s): eins (10.0M) Reason: CRAP) --- Nuked On Their Own Site --- DMS Home Channel *** Alkivar changes topic to 'hey bones does that Entity offer still stand ;)' --- And What Does This Teach Us Kiddies??? Dont give a drunk guy nuke ;) & TEST A FUCKIN RELEASE BEFORE YOU RELEASE IT -alkivar =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= =---------[ Lesters Movie Reviews ]----------= Sure he's a prominent scene member, leader of the #1 courier group, and former "Miss Scene 1995".. But did you also know that in real life, Lester's real name is "Roger", and he hosts a popular syndicated television show, where he plays a big fatass who has nothing better to do with his time than go to every single movie ever released? Well.. now you know.. Seeing as how ND is being a whiny bitch, I am forced to do all this in the next 10 minutes or so. So if you think anything I did this week sucks. It's HIS fault. Very Bad Things Starring: Christian Slater, Jon Favreau, Cameron Diaz and other peopz Rating: 3 and 1/2 / out of 4 stars I finally got around to seeing this film and I'm glad I did. This is Slater at his best, psychotic and over the top. We havent' had a movie that fully utilized Slater's acting ability in awhile, and so it's good to see him back. I must say he's one of my favorite actors from his older movies like Kuffs, Gleaming the Cube, Pump up the Volume, and even newer ones like Bed of Roses and shit like that. Oh can't forget True Romance either:). But enough about him, the whole movie is a solid cast. You know all the people from other movies of course. And the action that ensues is quite good. They play off of each other well and mesh together nicely. It all starts with a bachelor party gone terribly awry. Stripper dies in a freak accident and they decide to cover it up, and shit keeps piling up. Slater is the one to watch in all of this, but the others are good performances as well. I'd suggest checking this out if your into demented comedy. ^^^^^ Pick of the Week ^^^^^ Rugrats Starring: Who the fuck knows? Rating: If your a little kid? 4/4. if your 19 and bored shitless? 2/4 Well, out of boredom and lack of options, I decided to check out this flick. Surprisingly it was not too bad overall, if you look at it subjectively, I know little kids would love it. When I was at the point where I was saying I think I'm gonna leave, it ended, so I didn't have to walk out. But if you have little kids or you like the tv show, check it out for some decent fun. Though I'd suggest Antz/Bugs Life before this if you need to relive your childhood. -- Star Trek Insurrection Starring: Patrick Stewart and all those trekkie people Rating: 3 out of 4 Well I have never been a big Star Trek fan, I've always been a Star Wars devotee. But I have started watching them since Generations, and they aren't so bad, this one being the best of the 3 I've recently seen. I mean we all know Voyager the TV show owns if nothing else but for 7of9 in that tight ass outfit that has caused her asphixyation. But unfortunately she is not in this movie. None the less, the action flows well and it doesn't seem like the same old story or anything, you have to give the creators credit for coming up with new storylines all the time:) If your a trekkie, you already saw it, but if you are a closet trekkie, go see it, it's good. --- Ndetroit's Moms Anal Escapades Rating: 4 Erections Fuck you ND:) =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= -----------[The Scene News]----------- All the news thats fit to print... and then some... -So.. apparently there is a bit of speculation over who the fuck i am, eh? BAHAHAHAH! male, female? who *is* sky masterson? ;p hrmm.. who is Sky Masterson? <_TecH_> Everyone is asking. Some think he is a she and some a he? make sure that "it" knows i am in mnm, mossyoak is not a joke and mnm isnt dead hehe yea I read both NWR and CWS dude is a good writer< he's funny -And on that note: Congrats to GLEN, who managed to stay with MiLLENiUM for a WHOLE WEEK... ;p -i guess SEMAJ couldn't take the heat, as he bolted from the sinking ship that we all like to call CORP.. probably a good idea. -Here's a little piece of news a disgruntled member of the cracking scene sent me: TRPS says they CARD software that is only uncrackable and to take the load off of their crackers, they "demonstrated" this when they carded Web Racer, and TNO released the cracked version 20 minutes later... But then... it wasn't really TRPS's week, was it??? btw.. congrats on your 1000th, guys... -ever been to Of course you have.. what is this i see? Why.. its a major "legitimite" commercial website offering trainers from OGN, RZR, etc, without paying any credit or royalties... Hrmm... this might be a job for the Origin Legal Team! -Mason isn't sick any more, and M8 have a new USHQ, "ATA".. -QSR, one of the most shortlived groups out there is now officially disbanded. They had a meeting this afternoon to announce it, but only 4 former-members bothered to show up.. BAHAHAHAHA. While we are on the subject, they did NOT merge with MnM.. MnM got 4 or 5 members, and a couple of shellboxes, because lord knows MnM needs shellboxes, what with all those active curries they have... -group moves: semaj quit corp, dthangel is now known as [ben], tho he will trade as "dthangel" for DMS (wtf?), plush didn't join RTS last week (just seeing if you were awake), bigrar to MnM, and toth to ???, and everyone quit QSR. -BigRAR applied to join RiSC, but at the last moment changed his mind, and went with the ever more prestigious MnM.. -dasker/EPT is about the shittiest courier i have ever seen. If i had a pre for every fucked-up dir or PFTP mistake that dude has made, i would be weektopping firesite.. ;p -someone broke into ndt's house the other day, but he scared them away.. if it was you, you'd better be careful, cause in his own words he's gonna "fuck you up, you muthafuckin cocksucking whore" -ok.. i admit it.. i was wrong last week.. MnM's WHQ is NOT RAY.. RAY = shitty ept site with no good affils... MnM's WHQ is actually NoCTurne.... NCT = shitty MnM site with no good affils... -KAC seems to be on a bit of a roll with 25 releases in the past 2 days, and picking up the nice US site, TMS as their new WHQ.. -So HAZZY is such a smarty-pants that he managed to get ENTitity dropped from MDK.. Seems he was badmouthing the site to dthangel, going on about how duranged and geemoney were "a bunch of little kids" (a debateable point, to say the least), so MDK dropped ENT.. Now the question is.. who will they take? CORP? BAHAHAHAH! -the Cellar (SLR) a US site has dropped OGN, because OGN didn't pre to them.. -LND rips ISO's.. There are several concerned members of the utils scene who wanted nd to make a mention of this.. Of course, all i have to say is: WHO THE FUCK CARES? blah, blah, blah.. i know, blah, ripping it off, blah, stealing, blah... uhh.. wtf? THIS IS PIRACY, FOR GODS SAKES... ;] -Future Couriers (you ever heard of them?) may just become the next plucking ground for groups like DMS, AoD, or (gasp!) MnM.. They have some good curries..... of course, that has never really factored into MnM's recruiting anyway.... BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! -MAGNUM finally got a cracker... Thank god! FLUKE wasn't already pumping out enough shitty unworking freeware releases.. *whew*, its a good thing that MAGNUM will finally be able to compete with them in that category... ;p -And finally, all i have left to say is: "Rugrats.Movie.Activity.Challenge-RiSCiSO" Another quality RiSCISO release.... -sky masterson =----------------------------------=----------------------------------------= --------[Stories from the Watercooler]---------- Ahh yes, rumors, we all love them even though we love to say how much we hate them when they are about us. And these are some of the better ones circulating around this week. Email us or find us on irc if you have a good rumor you'd like entered, your name will not be included, but we do not add rumors like that say "Tdpriest is having anal sex with Fusion" because we know that Fusion is only having sex with Xtremist and therefore there is no hard evidence of that rumor, so if you have real rumors, let us know. Let's begin! -Rumor has it that members of RiSC with useradd on RAY deleted all of morbid's(AoD) IPs from the site earlier this week, so that he couldn't beat RiSC on the site... -Rumor has it that 2 oldschool sites are coming back.. One is already up and adding curries... the other "cartoonish orchestra" site debating a return set for 2 weeks from now... Anyone have any guesses? ;) -Rumor has it that MANDRAKE is FINALLY BACK... hell, thats not a rumor, its true! (hi mandy!)... the rumors of course abound as to WHERE'S GEORGE, his AUSSIE LOVER?? could it be true that couriering has finally driven MANDRAKE to separate from GEORGE? True Love with the man he was destined to be with, or Immortal adulation from the currying scene... which will MANDRAKE choose?? =-------------------------------------=--------------------------------------= Well friends.. Thats about it. If you've read this far, we sincerly thank you. We like to know this thing gets read, so if you get the time, drop one of us a quick msg, and tell us what you think, give us suggestions, tell us it sucks, or just say "hi" to us!.... Greets fly out to: jaydee, mgd, stix, tdp, hr, eci, jamili, raptor, skill, mandrake, zeus, speedy, subzero, superfly@okcomputer, dee, sj, paledeth, dur, tech+his crew, Kusa, ssava, acidapple, and all the rest of you that we love... Find us on IRC in #nwr, (channel commands: !nwr 23, or whatever issue you want), or email us at our phearsome address: (that may or may not still work!) Please Support This Emag And Collect Weektops And Send to: take care.. peace. -ndetroit + lester. NWR 12/13/98