Netmonkey Weekly Report Issue XXVI December 6thth, 1998 g#S$ d. ____ ascii by garflozzy ____ $$$: -- ,$b ----- $$$ ___ $$$$$s __ :$$l $',$$$$.`$$ :$$$._l$$: ,s#S$$$$: $$$"�$$b.`�$i $$$ ',$$'�$$,`$ l$$$T$$$$._ --------- l$$$$$$$$ :$$l b,`Y$$,`l l$$.d$P . �$$,` $$l" $$$�T$S#g._ ----------- ��������� :$$$$$$$l l$$: $$b.`Y$$, :$$$$' d$b �$$,d$$: :$$l ,.`"�T$S# ��������� $$$$$$$: $$$ :$$$$. Y$$.s$$$' d$$$b '$$$$l l$$: l$'.d$$' $$$$$$$. $$$ l$$$$$. $$$Sl$' d$$$$$b '$$$: :$$l .'.d$$' $$$$$$l :$$l $$$$$$l l$$::P :$$$$$$$b.`$l l$$: ~~~~~~~ ------------------ l$$: ------- :$$l.' ---------- `: ;$$l --------------------- $$$ ������� .l$$ :: ~~~~ � $$S#s,$$$ ::: ``^"�Y$$$ `Y$ [ n ] ETMONKEY [ W ] EEKLY [ R ] EPORT Wooohoooooo! we are fucking on time. Can you believe it? This is a big issue! We have lots of shit. A biased utils report, a profile of Amnesia, and some other shit too. The profile of a prominent group will happen maybe once a month. This is the first and kind of rushed, I expect to do more thorough of a job next time. But I hope you enjoy and learn from it. Enjoy the mag! -Lester [Co-Editor/Head Writer] Its beginning to feel a lot like christmas... Well.. i'm currently drunk, as i put this 26th issue of NWR together. To all who i insult tonight in my drunken wu-rage: uhhh.. sorry.. To all who deserve it: well.. dammit.. you deserve it! ;) Nice fucking work to Bud, who comes at us this week with the first of his weekly biased utils reports.. I am still on the lookout for an experienced and active member of the games scene who might want to do a similar weekly thing.. Thanks this week to digger, mgd, and kane for clarifying a few historical facts for me, and thanks to sick for the sweet log of duranged, and his religi0us hax0ring... ;p The .jpg that we included this week is from the most ridiculous online auction item i have ever seen.. go over to: and check that shit out.. ;p For all those interested, i have also included a few more logs regarding the HADES/cardiel situation, courtesy of our good friend, zeus.. For those of you who don't want to read them all, and like to be spoon-fed your opinions: CARDIEL SUCKS, and deleted HADES cause he is a little pussy.. there we go.. :) We also have some AWESOME funny logs. One called "lamelog.log" in which a pretty fucking dumb LND member goes off about how much he hates NWR (hey, i didn't know i traded!) ;D And we have a fucking INCREDIBLE log of BARNIL, pretending to be a shellbox owner, pimping himself out to RiSC/AOD/DMS/RTS, and whoever else he can fuck with.. read it! :) Coded mag/HTML version coming soon... welcome back bacid! ndetroit [Co-Editor/Head Fatass] -----------[ index ]----------- I.) Intro a) Lester b) ndetroit II.) Quotes of the Week III.) Stats - Weekly Stats, and comments on Sites. IV.) Lester's Biased Courier Report V.) Bud's Biased Utils Report VI.) Articles a) Hackin' for Jesus - Sick b) AMNESIA Retrospective - Lester c) Lester's Moview Review - Meet Joe Black d) Fuck Corp? VII.) Scene News - All the news thats fit to print VIII.) Rumors! XIX.) Closing ---------------------[ Quotes of the Week! ]--------------------- -*** Topic is 'just released -- bizzy furby! it learns to trade!' *** Set by Pixel- on Sun Dec 06 21:40:46 - I own the scene :) no u do not i bought it from kruzin last nite but i think his papers were false - ill get added tonight i could use a 19th screen - jess lets have sex let's go RIGHT NOW ILL RAPE YOU -<[grind]> never put my name in nwr again <[grind]> dont you know anal rapists are msging me now grind defer them to me, i havent had hot anal sex in a long time - Pixel: give me a cool name for DMS p0rn HQ.. - i have sisters they suck! literally? they suck? :) wonder if they're good at eating carpets - oh shit its gonna take 21 hours to leech this 10 meg file to my shell leet shell -----------[ ndetroit's sites and stats section ]----------- Oh man.. if you run a US site, and its affiled with Class, just do yourself a favor, and pack the damn thing up, cause it just isn't your week.. The respected US site, XENOSIS (XNS) finally closed its doors on dec2 this week, after (apparently?) being narked out. At the time of its close, its affils were CLASS, RiSE, DNG, and PHOENiX... The site is perhaps best known for its actions earlier this summer when they dropped MnM after lackluster support. Tower Of Power is also rumored to be going down soon, no word yet on why. TOP's affils are currently CLASS and Siege. That leaves IC (i'm sure i'll be corrected if i'm wrong) as class's only US HQ right now, tho a source from class made it quite clear to me that they are *A* US HQ, not *THE* CLS USHQ.. everyone got that? ;p While we are on the subject of downed US sites, no-one is quite sure what is happening with DF.. its been down for a while now, and the siteop is nowhere to be found.. Over on the other side of the pond, yet ANOTHER class site has inexplicably disappeared. MPower is down, and there seems to be a bit of contraversy over whether or not it will ever be returning. One staff member i spoke to assured me that it would be "back soon", while another said "there is no way it will ever be coming back"... Reading between the lines gets you: "We sure hope it comes back soon, but we haven't heard a damn thing from the boxop, so it could be gone for good, but how the fuck do we know?" DMS picked up yet ANOTHER site, this week stealing MDK from AoD (formerly AOD WHQ).. Add that site to the DMS MP3 HQ, the DMS ISO HQ, the DMS VCD HQ, the DMS pr0n HQ (not i'm NOT shitting you) and the heap of warez sites that they have, and that brings the total number of DMS sites to... .. 257. Ermm... maybe i counted wrong.. ;p PDM is pre'ing to STH now, apparently.. PDM trying to woo themselves a new HQ? DST picked up OGN and uCF this week, giving them XFORCE, MFD, OGN, and MFD... ermm... can you say DUAL-GROUPED? TH, the site that has been "going down forever" for the past 2 months has now decided that it will be up forever.. Firesite, the new SEiKO WHQ continued to do well, on the strength of over 5 megs (!) of Seiko pre's this week, including the tremendously useful: (biohazard/TFA/TEE - EFF - AAY) Apparently Millenium has a new WHQ, called RAY... ... ..... or.. ermm.. wait.. nm, mnm is dead, sorry, i forgot... in fact, RAY is the new iND WHQ... so, congrats to the RAY staff on that nice affil. =--------------------------------------------------------------------------= Sites are rated on a 3X and 2X scale.. if you want to know why we do it that way, read an old issue. Couriers get 10 points per site they get #1 on, 9 points for 2nd place, 8 points for 3rd, etc, etc. Sites are rated by us. If you don't like the ratings, then.... heh... fuck off and die.. =--------------------------------------------------------------------------= The Top Ten sites for this week are: x3 FS -*- STH -*- ET -*- E -*- MP x2 RDX -*- ROC -*- DLS -*- IC -*- MDK Sadly, no TOP 10 Courier Section this week, as i was unable to get enough top sites.. :( If you wanna grab some weektops and DCC them my way, would be greatly appreciated... thanks! * = no weektop this week. =--------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Lester's Biased Courier Section ]----------- Lester's Biased Courier Report Well it's been another week, I got the good news of my super shell being up today, so next week I should actually have alot to say! But let's do it one more time halfassed. Dimension: Continuing to grow strong internally, owning their sites and other peoples. Starting to regain the strength they had at the beginning. Will it continue? (I guess I should know that) Devotion: Well shit, I just found out Jaydee isn't Devotion anymore, and word on the street is that a few others wont be either. Jaydee was about all they had going for them besides Garoto. So Dev is really up a shits creek. Risc: Well havent' we responded maturely to the loss of E? Hah, and you ask me why they left. Take a look in the mirror folks. VGN: See below, semaj remarks. But as you can see in the rumors later, it's rumored STH will be leaving VGN shortly. Just too bad for STH it's a little too late. VGN still alive and kicking though, TC is trading and I saw Daman on some weektops. But Semaj was a dick so I'll say they suck again. AOD: I'm really sorry, I just dont have much to say about you guys. Morbid is elite though, oh ya and Siim is real cool for giving me the TFA quote.:) TFA: Hah, ask and ye shall receive huh? see quote of pftp action later. Go live in a hole boys, I was also messaged by the mp3 coordinator of the group, apparantly they specialize in porn/mp3/warez/art/iso/vcd. So aren't they talented. MNM: Glen quit, what a laugh, the only thing they had going for them and they fucked it up! WEEKLY HAPPENINGS: insanity-> 200- |< > 6 | nightshad | Detected: pftp stealth | Idle for 00:34 <[semaj]> "VGN: Yew Suck!" <[semaj]> wanna fix that next week please? what else is there to say?:) <[semaj]> we arent dead <[semaj]> fix it i didn't say you were dead now did i <[semaj]> close enough <[semaj]> you wanna elaborate on dms <[semaj]> do some nice shit for vgn also you wanna not tell me how to do my report?:) Just a couple quotes, thats all. Enjoy the mag, it's big this week:) =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Bud's Biased Utils Section ]----------- Bud's Biased Utils Report #1 (see below) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to the biased Utils report. It's been a while since the last one graced the pages of NWR, and I wasn't involved with that, but with the mass quantity of utils released each day, people need to be able to weed out the shit, and those who consistantly put out a good effort should get the credit. So lets get on with it... Take note I'm writing this on Saturday, so it takes into account only the releases of the week up to the time I finish this crap. However, I'll probably spew out a bunch of junk from earlier in the month. These won't be counted in the groups score however. Notes: Disclaimer: It's BIASED moron. My opinion. So don't send me a bunch of mail & messages bitching about this or that. If you don't like it... SCREW YOU =] Rankings: Groups get a score out of 10. Points are given for amount of releases, but QUALITY titles will give a group a much higher score. Nukes for duping, broken releases and just plain CRAP will lower a groups score. However on the occassion that a title is nuked which I don't feel should have been, MY OWN JUDGEMENT TAKES PRECEDENCE. Cuz I'm writing this. Groups can also get points for any other reason I see fit. Week: Week is based from 11/29/98 to 12/05/98 - any late 1205 releases were probably missed. I'm in EST time zone so dates/times run according to it. Groups: (In no particular order) PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - Well, aside from one HUGE ass 200MB+ release of MS SQL 7 Desktop & Server, the PWA crew has been pretty quiet this week. Not much to say here really - that one title was quality, and the couriers loved it - when they weren't nuked for size. Good marks to PWA just for being consistant over the years, and 7 marks for the SQL title, cuz a lot of people have been waiting for it. Total: 7/10 THE CORPORATION: Corp is affirming that they are serious about their comeback, but then how many times has Uncle John tried this? No matter. I have mixed feelings with Corp (being part of an earlier brief Corp comeback), they have the talent - if the important players are active. So far it seems as if they are - but honestly someone should teach these guys to use Max compression when they package. Releases are steady - and good points go for releasing Macromedia Director 7. With a couple months under their belt now, it looks as if they're here to stay. Total: 7/10 RISE: Quality over quantity - very true of RISE, but I almost want to kick them and say "Release More!!" Almost no presence this week, but still overall a true quality group, and consistantly bringing out excellent titles. Thus even though we didn't see anything from em this week I'm still giving em a good score just for being RISE =) Had they released something they probably would've seen at least an 8. Total: 6/10 SIEGE: Nothing extraordinary, but some decent utils, and some cool Director plugins. Should be some more of these coming with Director 7 here. A couple of dupes didn't help their effort, and having to put out a fixed Extra Office Client 4.6 took a point off their total, but still a very good week for these guys. Arguably the best group this week. Since their cracks keep showin' up in LND rels, maybe I should give em extra.... Total: 8/10 X-FORCE: Woah, what's happened here? Just Lotus Betas this week, and not great at that :P I mean, really, Beta2_163.1 NORTH AMERICAN VERSION ??? Not a whole lot of people want to take the time to download stuff like this, but I guess there must be some. They lost out on SQL 7 to PWA, which is a blow as we saw some betas from XF in that area. This is NOT the X-Force of old... hell it's not even the Clip-Force we all know and love ;) Hopefully we'll see them back again next week. Total: 5/10 SHOCK: Decent steady releasing... but then they've always had steady releasing. No nukes, nothing broken, no incredible titles but consistancy is what works best. (Note to the idiot who uploaded Bill Power Plus 4.6 -SHOCK - the group released it months ago. They released 5.0 since that time. Please quit the courier game as your vain attempts for credits are pathetic). Good points for having a steady week. They took some heat for re-releasing what LND stole but tough shit. Total: 7/10 ENTITY: A VIRUSFREE repack on the IBM Visual Age Generator release didn't help what was a slow week for Entity. They've lost a lot of the dominance they showed in past weeks, and saw the loss of MGD to Corp about a month. Still, they're far from out of it. Not much else to say, see ya next week guys. Total: 6/10 PENTIUM FORCE TEAM: PFT continues to be a releasing force, and one that seems to be underestimated by quite a bit. Steady releasing again this week. A lack of ego's and good quality titles make them an excellent group. No nukes or fix's for the week... hrmm I dunno what else to say so I'll stop there. They get 8 points for an excellent week. Total: 8/10 LEGENDS NEVER DIE: What THE FUCK happened to this group? The current incarnation of LND, even with some cool members (hiya Powertool,) does not live up to past editions. Check out releases saying "Cracked by: Siege" - LND does not have the cracking talent it once did, and now resorts to taking cracks from other groups. They also got nailed for stealing serials from SHK and that earned them a nuke on a lot of sites. The blame for all this lays entirely on Grad, and he's admitted as much, but refuses to change his ways. Now LND does have some legit releases, but the crap outreaches the quality. Lets hope someone in LND can talk some sense into Grad. Or get him to quit the scene. LND place dead last for trying to take the credit of others. Total: 3/10 PINNACLE: Pee N' Cee had a HORRIBLE October, then improved a bit in November. So what is ahead for the PNC crew? Well in the past week, not much. Showbase Forms is an ok title, File Fission Wizard I've used (and released) so I won't harp on it... but thats ALL Pinnacle has done this week, and that won't win them top marks. Pinnacle should take their own advice, FUCK THE COPYRIGHT - a little more often, and get their name out there. Otherwise you have to wonder why sites like (their WHQ) hang on to them. Total: 5/10 DRINK OR DIE: Alright DOD is one of my favorite groups, they've established their name over the years - quality over an extended period of time is the top factor in a good group, nevermind these 3 month wonders that pop up and then promptly die. That said it wasn't a great week for them, but for all those expecting DOD to die everytime they have a slow week: Fuck off and get a clue. The DOD team picked up MNS this week as well, strengthing the site side of things. Total: 6/10 HERITAGE: It's been rough for HTG the last while. They are putting a bit more out in the past few weeks, and JrMafia is putting a lot off effort into bringing the group back to its feet. Both John Astig and JrMafia are cool guys (thought I'd plug em). Now they just need a stronger supplying team - a lot of dupes and nukes are really hurting them. Near the end of the week HTG lost their WHQ, MNS, to the Drink or Die clan, another blow against them. Not a stellar week, as the points show. Total: 5/10 REBELS: Rebels is simply a cool crew, and while I haven't used a lot of their releases over the years, I've never had a single problem with what I did use. RBS had a slow week with just 2 standard releases at the time I was writing this, so they're low on points, but don't let that fool you. Total: 6/10 So thats it for this week. Top slot goes to PFT & SGE for a well rounded week, and LND hit the bottom of the barrel. Cracking groups were totally left out because I don't have the time to check out all those little keymakers... it's not that I don't appreciate them though, its just too much work. Groups may be added or dropped week to week as they keel over and die, and make their presence known... now enough of this shit. Go actually USE something.... feed yer feeble minds. - Bud =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= -----------[ Articles ]----------- =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= --------------[Hackin for Jesus]-------------- This ridiculous log was sent into us from Sick, after having a short chat with duranged.. Don't ask me how it started, or what duranged was on at the time... just read it, its fucking HILARIOUS.. ;) ---------------- SiCki> do u hack for jesus? yes i am hacker 4 jesus ok... what do u get in return for hacking 4 jesus? return ? i get nothing i found jesus while rooting a box what is your goal in hacking for jesus? to spread jesus i root http servers among the hackers? and link there pages to no among the entire internet why the fuck are u asking me this/ does jesus use that language? ya havent u talked to jesus b4 his nick is durjesus is yer box holy? yes jesus blessed my box if ur seeking jesus sick come to #hackers4jesus and we will show u the way how many boxes has jesus blessed in the past 5 years? countless jesus is everywhere my friend I CALL UPON THEE 'JESUS' hello my son. hello holy one can u bless my penis? * durjesus places his hand on sicki's penis and blesses it. ---------------- as u can see.. duranged has found the light.. the way he calls it.. if u wish to hear him preech go to #hackers4jesus every weeknight at 7pm Pacific Standard Time. He is currently working on a few rls's that if i mention he will damn me. Good Luck On your Quest duranged. -SiCK =----------------------------------=--------------------------------------= --------------[AMNESIA Retrospective]-------------- Note: Every now and then we are going to try to feature a bit of history on a famous or influential scene group. The first of our NWR Retrospectives focusses on Amnesia.. read on if you want to learn a bit about what the scene used to be like....... Amnesia was started 199? by Lester, HR, The Resistance and Captain Blood. They had all been in Malice for the past few months and after a bonehead move by Dorian Hawkmoon, they decided to walk, and let the best malice people follow them. This was how it began, originally Rapier and Amnesia were nearly the same group, but it never panned out, thus spawning the later rivalry. Amnesia was rocky at the start, Captain Blood being named as a narc and becoming one of the more hated men in the scene at that time. He was removed from the Amnesia leadership and then it became just the three amigos. Amnesia quickly grew into a power. Some of the better traders in the scene who were already in Malice, quickly moved over to the newer, less fucked up group. Lester quickly capitalized on this, picking up some of the better traders from smaller groups with alot of potential. TSA, Yoss, Crazy, Aurora(mgd), Davan, Shafter. Two of the top sites at that time moved over to the group. BBX and CRC. The problem was simply that there was not enough loyalty to go around. Risc being highly threatened by AMN's emergence as a solid competitor, began deleting traders who wouldn't quit, nuking them x2, doing whatever it took to take AMN out of the fold. So many many traders would move to risc, at the end of AMN, only Lester and Prozac were left from day one of AMN. But it was one hell of a ride. AMN dethroned Risc and removed the monopoly on sites that they had, also taking the BBS scene away from them as well. In the peak of AMN's days they were undisputedly #1 on BBS and NET. Having such bbses as Street Spydrs, Malevolence, The Screwy Gecko, etc. AMN linked up as Official Couriers for PWA, a task that has since not been accomplished. But AMN was not perfect, there was the incidents with Trite and Dreamland. Couriers leaving and trying to steal people. Gahn breaking off and forming Empire, a group war that amounts essentially to what MNM and DMS is right now. I just wanted to sum it up for you guys, included below is some quotes from people who were around or in AMN during it's days. Also are some info files, I could not find the first info unfortunately. -Lester - Co-Editor/EX-AMN Founder QUOTES - From what i can remember about AMN.. they had a really neat looking header in their .nfo file. Laugh. Very organized group.. and very good couriers.. much of the top talent from my trading era was in or had came from AMN at some time. Too bad the trite/DL thing brought it down.. or maybe Lester would still be AMN leader.. therefore resulting in no MNM vs DMS fights back in the day.. :) <_HR_> Sometimes you need to break apart a group to bring its members together, thats what AMN did for Malice. i remember them :) i remember when you wanted me to join AMN :) i remember Fubar was AMN USHQ :) i remember AMN was very good until whats his name ummmm trite! i think AMN was one of the best groups that had a shitload of potential and gave RISC nice competition. And was also the most fun to be in. AMN? where to start, back then everyone loved us, except risc, because we were their main challenger, we had all the best traders, and sites that were considered to be some of the best ever like BBX and CRC were AMN and SWMP was pretty much made by AMN, on top of that we all did it with us shells and self supplied shells when traders actually deserved any credit for what they did, they weren't a buncha clueless brazillians or isrealis, back then the net was elite and to be even a trader was an honor. I can recall risc phearing us so much that they would allow risc traders run scripts and cheat on risc sites back then just so risc would win - i.e. why bizzy was even worth a damn. Also, all the traders in AMN made it in amn cuz they were worthy, not cuz their macros were worthy, no one in AMN used macros, or any trader at that time. Wasnt AMN the only official couriers ever for PWA? what can be called the greatest utils group ever? when amnesia died it took with it the last true courier scene. AMN was the bomb..we had hot couriers, good organization/leadership, and lots of fun..the only prob was the fighting and lack of loyalty.. the best couriers ever had went through AMNESiA and it made me feel good to be a part of the organization well I've been out of the scene for like a long time now....but I remember AMN being a well organized group with leaders with good experience...they had competetive traders...I was asked to join but I guess I liked being in RiSC or whatever group I was in... that's about as vague as you can get cuz I don't wanna sound like i'm on crack or some shit I have this opinion of Amnesia like a little band of Peter Pan boys....mischievous fast, great curries that just ran all over efnet like little mice getting pre's hehe hehe that's what i thought of you guys cuz of Bomb and you and the rest of the guys a little merry band of thieves =) AMN, it was fun for awhile, but warez back then was like, you go with whoever is good, it wasnt really about loyalty and AMN fell apart because of a lot of that, not realy loyal people, but i was one of them, but when AMN was on top they werent even letting anybody come close to them, #1 BBS #1 NET AMNESIA was a group formed out of the negative degredation that occurs amongst powerful groups that is, groups that are powerful eventually rub off and form new groups AMN started the seed that has shown true leadership in the new kind of courier group AMN was always the next best, during the RISC-monopoly days many people had no loyalty, while the few did, and carried the seed along the few but dedicated stuck through the thick and thin and taught new traders the same morals: trade and have fun, but kick everyone's ass =) Amnesia: Great in concept, terrible in implementation I had hoped to get some quotes from more Risc people, but time limitations have made that not possible. I want to thank everyone for contributing. -Lester =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= =---------[ Lesters Movie Reviews ]----------= Sure he's a prominent scene member, leader of the #1 courier group, and former "Miss Scene 1995".. But did you also know that in real life, Lester's real name is "Roger", and he hosts a popular syndicated television show, where he plays a big fatass who has nothing better to do with his time than go to every single movie ever released? Well.. now you know.. Home Fries Starring: Drew Barrymore, Luke Wilson Rating: 2 and a half / out of 4 stars Well I would call this a solid date movie. I saw it simply because Psycho was sold out that night. Turned out to be a decent flick, funny and different from the same old movie you see every week. Drew has been able to put together a pretty good string of different roles and she's quite good in them(See Scream, Wedding Singer, Ever After). Luke Wilson is her current real life boyfriend and he's pretty good in this as well. There's his brother, don't know the guys name but he's been in some flicks like Starship Troopers and he's a good goofball. Their mom is played by the mom from Home Alone and she's a great neurotic freak. The premise of the movie is that Drew is pregnant by a married man. The man is the father of Luke's character. He ends up dying and Luke begins to fall in love with Drew, and it weaves a nice little comedic web. I don't want to give away all the information because that would take away more of the fun. But I suggest you see it with your girl, show her your sensitive and into those Drew flicks. Psycho Starring: Vince Vaughn, Anne Heche, Viggo Mortensen, William H. Macy, and Julianne Moore Universal Pictures Directed by: Gus Vant Sant Well, I'll be blunt, rent the original and pay true homage to the great fat man. If you can't STAND black and white, then go see this. I was disappointed to put it mildly. Although Vaughn is quite good in the Norman Bates role, and the other actors are all fine actors. They had said the murder scenes were spiced up and gory even by todays standards, and that just is not the case, they seem to be hardly gory for even those days standards. So rent the other one, fuck the B&W. I would congratulate Vaughn on his performance though. He was quite good. =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= This file was written by Vantmas, a clearly disgruntled member of the scene. It is a sad little bit of rambling, written by someone who has nothing better to do than attack a group that seems to have just a *little* bit of dislike for.. We include it for comedy purposes and also possible truths. Note: we are not agreeing in any way with what Vantmas has to say.. We will try to add some comments to his points.. Enjoy! -editors -------------- CORP: Bunch Of God Damn Retired Circus Clowns This File is about CORP, the biggest joke (literally) on the scene, and made up of mainly former Clowns and Video Store Clerks ( "Filmrarians" as they like to call it). The scene shouldnt put up with such anticts. CORP pretty much based its existance around members recruited blatently from other groups. First I would like to comment on there releases. That MS release, you know, the tutorials one, all i have to say is WOW, what a dumbass release. And there Reflections NetApps release, which before packed was 11 megs, and all of a sudden after packed was 23 megs, deserved moron release of the year. Its like getting 20$ from someone, putting it in your empty wallet, opening it back up and having 60$, like you wouldnt NOTICE that. (Nice packaging Beck, btw). And Beck, who's only friends are in CORP, and they just suck up to him cause he's a rare cracker, has serious loser problems. Can he please make fun of every group other then CORP? I dont go around making fun of your freakishly small penis. Beck is clown #1. clown #2 in corp that deserves a paragraph is mgd a.k.a Midnight Gimp. Defected Senior from about 2,000 groups, recently leaving Entity for Corp. He has the loyalty of my 7 year old brother in a handball game. He is also very power hungry, ironic since he still lives with his mom and he's 32. just one of those guys you just wish would die or get hired by the circus again. *Editors Note* MGD has been clearly loyal to the editor and DMS for some time now. Lets next comment on clown #3, UncleJohn a.k.a AuntJemima. He is good in the heart, but what were you thinking of merging with a shitty group Delusion, lost a lot of respect for CORP bro. First, you inherited a true asshole ([Semaj]) and the only cool guy was kicked out for dual grouping (knoweffex). Good one! *Editors Note* Semaj, I agree.:) Clown #4 is a man by nature, woman by surgery. His nick is Easy_. He is a member of a group called Massive, known for its massive amount of lameness, and leader of Esprit, some sorta couriering group last time i checked. He siteops on a couple sites (to this day i am trying to figure out one thing: HOW? ). Note to Easy: Learn how to speak english before cracking a not funny joke. As i have mentioned before in this report, CORP has blatently tried to recruit members from many other groups including: Entity, FCN, ACE, Heritage, HV98, RiSE, and FATE (rumored to be making a comeback, CORP wanting to recruit there l33t couriers). This is very sad and pathetic, not something the scene or its members should be proud of. Last time i checked, the prupose of the scene was to release things that ordinary people could not afford, not to mess it up. I am suprised no one has done anything about it! Here are the Video Store Clerks, in no particular order: ^Jman^- One of those d00ds thats in like EVERY group, but you dont know wtf he does, so i'll leave him alone, but his nick deserves a gimp label. machv- semi-responsible for the breakup of one of the greatest couriering groups in my opinion, ViCE. If he's not a chick, he is one god damn bitchy dood. *Editors Note* Machv is probably completely responsible for the breakup of Vice and is a disgrace to the scene. omega- former RiSE guy, no loyalty whatsoever, came from the Delusion merger. Nice guy, one of the very rare CORP members I like. Lithium- Prez of PGC and formerly of RiSE (Safe to say CORP raped RiSE of some DECENT members, err, stole i should say). He acts like he's high all the time, note to my bro lithium: Cigarrettes DO NOT make you high! A waste of members space in my opinion. MrPumpKin/Zip- The only true members of CORP which CORP should be proud of. Both are very respected and are very good people. Btw, they're the only members of CORP who dont own a blow up "girlfriend". Shout outs go to them, why the hell are you in CORP guys??? I would like to comment on Corp's WHQ, which goes by the initials of RAY. Please, any site that has the same name as my grandpa has some serious problems. Please, someone name a site DANIEL so i can laugh my ass off even more. Scattered Thoughts: * They have a site called The Dome, makes me think of my penis everytime I hear that name @#$@#!$ * Observing Semaj in the channel, I have laughed harder having dinner with my grandparents then watching him. <[semaj]> prs, your late fucker!=) Believe me, I'm laughing on the inside bro. He is clown #4-25. * CORP's slogan: Why form our own group when we can steal members from existing groups! ( I got that from a CORP member, exposing there slogan for the first time to the public). * Rumors were that [Semaj] was 13, but in fact its been confirmed that he's 19, many people did not believe, but its true. As I close this story, I encourage everyone to join the corp channel and laugh at them or give them the cyber finger, they deserve it! Also, I could devote 2 pages on how semaj is an asshole/backstabber/as funny as spoiled milk in your cereal, but he doesnt deserve even a paragraph! I end on one final note: *** Linda_Tripp ( has joined #corp 'Nuff Said' (If you dont know who she is, then your a moron) - the Winged Lewinsky shout outs: Delphic, Bones, FCN, ENTiTY, SiEGE, Lester (NWR RULES), Bandido, SlyFox, Tacti[c] R.I.P The Courier Scene- It was fun while it lasted (ie. Apoc, Empire, ViCE) The true scene was great while it lasted. Now the current state of the scene is crap and i consider it dead, and will never be great like the old school days. Shout out to PFTP for ruining it, PSi for coding it, and [trite] for releasing the source code. ' FUCK CORP 98 ' =----------------------------------=-------------------------------------= -----------[The Scene News]----------- All the news thats fit to print... and then some... -glen joined qsr. glen quit qsr. glen joined mnm. glen quit mnm glen joined mnm. i don't even want to elaborate, other than saying: GLEN, FUCKING QUIT IT!!#%$^!%!%$#*$ -The dude that i left out from last week's news section was BRAIN.. Brain is the 4th council member to the new RiSC regime... i know you were all dying to find out who it was.. ;p -group moves: glen quit mnm, [Kane] to mnm, plush from DMS to RTS, glen to mnm, K_LeCTeR to twmc, dthangel to DMS (bringing his big fat box with him), and randy johnson to arizona. -to all those who disbelieved me last week, YES, MiLLENiUM is STILL DISBANDED, AND DON'T LET MOSSYJOKE TELL YOU OTHERWISE.. .... ......... ....... ;] -Revolt got a new USHQ, SBC.. good for them.. ;p -XNS+TOP down, NCT to MNM, and OGN finally filled its USHQ position. Grad is still king of the prewhores, and darkiex still pftps.. I could print yet ANOTHER copy of proof, but why bother, since QSR won't do shit about it anyway.. ;p -Is Rise dead? -KAC = could be set to make the comeback of the year.. or smth. fuck.. what do i know.. thats what a kac member told me anyway..;p -Is PDM run by a bunch of monkeys with typeriters? -Powrtool is a fucking moron. He needs a serious bit of castration. That "lamelog.txt" thing in the fucking zip is by him... what a tool. LND could go a long way towards cleaning up their image if they gave that slutty whore the boot.. ;p -In case you haven't already noticed, DiViNE and DVNISO have now completely split.. But the kicker is that DVNISO is now supplying for other groups! The first game they supplied was Space Bunnies (Should Probably Die), which OGN payed them for.. bizarre... not a lot of love between those 2 factions, eh? -The Hole has been "going down soon" for the past 2months, but apparently is here to stay for good. -And finally, a source of scene news that i have abso-fucking-lutely nothing to do with, The Crazed Asylum, (better known as Bacid's Page) has RETURNED... thank god, now i can just steal all my weekly news from him, and relax for a while... ;p BAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAH! -sky masterson =----------------------------------=----------------------------------------= --------[Stories from the Watercooler]---------- Ahh yes, rumors, we all love them even though we love to say how much we hate them when they are about us. And these are some of the better ones circulating around this week. Email us or find us on irc if you have a good rumor you'd like entered, your name will not be included, but we do not add rumors like that say "Tdpriest is having anal sex with Fusion" because we know that Fusion is only having sex with Xtremist and therefore there is no hard evidence of that rumor, so if you have real rumors, let us know. Let's begin! -Rumor has it that STH is SERIOUSLY considering dropping VGN.. Now that they have lost 2 of their affils, curries are starting to ignore it, and they need a massive kick in the ass.. No word on who they are looking to pick up... won't be dev or dms, thats for sure.. That leaves AoD, RiSC, and *cough*MnM*cough* -Rumor has it that Mandrake's scene comeback could be soon. Seems that mandrake and george have returned to .au to live together for a while, and listen to old village ppl and Pet Shop Boys albums while learning to swing dance... bizarre... -Rumor has it that some sites are debating BANNING LND releases for their "incorrect releasing behavior".. Shock apparently took offense to the fact that LND stole some ISO release, (ermm.. an ISO release that was.... ..... already stolen....?) and is on the warpath to get LND banned.. we'll see what happens! =-------------------------------------=--------------------------------------= Well friends.. Thats about it. If you've read this far, we sincerly thank you. We like to know this thing gets read, so if you get the time, drop one of us a quick msg, and tell us what you think, give us suggestions, tell us it sucks, or just say "hi" to us!.... Greets fly out to: jaydee, mgd, stix, tdp, hr, eci, jamili, raptor, skill, mandrake, zeus, speedy, subzero, superfly@okcomputer, dee, sj, paledeth, dur, tech+his crew, Kusa, ssava, acidapple, and all the rest of you that we love... Find us on IRC in #nwr, (channel commands: !nwr 23, or whatever issue you want), or email us at our phearsome address: (that may or may not still work!) take care.. peace. -ndetroit + lester. NWR 12/06/98