[LoU] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [LoU] %%%%% &&& &&& &&& &&%% %% keen veracity &&& &&& &&& &&& %% &&& &&& &&& &&& %% volume 2: "the freshmaker" &&&&&& &&& &&%%%%%%%% &&&&&&& &&& &&& august 1998 release &&& &&& &&&&& &&& &&& &&& an LoU joint http://www.legions.org [LoU] ---------------------------------------> [Legions of the Underground] _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Table of Contents ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ 00 * Introductions - | | - tip * --------------------------- | | - 01 * Unix Security - | | - Hyperlogik * --------------------------- | | - 02 * Local Digital Switching - | | - JF * --------------------------- | | - 03 * GSM System Security Study - | | - David Dane * --------------------------- | | - 04 * Disrupting DSU Satellites - | | - optiklenz * --------------------------- | | - 05 * Playing with Loopback - | | - ralph * --------------------------- | | - 06 * Active X - | | - Defiant * --------------------------- | | - 07 * Windows with Sockets - | | - Sreality * --------------------------- | | - 08 * Life of a Wingate - | | - sektor * --------------------------- | | - 09 * Lighter Side of Anarchy - | | - Danse Fevah * --------------------------- | | - 10 * In Conclusion - | | - tip * --------------------------- | | - [00] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [00] _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Introductions by: tip ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Obviously this is issue two of Keen Veracity. After an incident involving the media, chilling out at Defcon, and putting shit together, finally this issue has materialized and now resides before your very eyes. It's a smaller issue than the last, but we feel it is a better product. Regarding the incident involving the media: somewhere along the line, the concept and ethics of hacking became lost. What was an intellectual exercise with no malicious intention was subject to the prejudging eye of self-claimed leetists. Ask yourself: What is hacking? Was anything harmed? Would it have been better if people with indeed malicious intentions did the same thing, yet not tell anyone about it? The public eye for the scrutiny of perfection in terms of security is always the best way to improve. How else would an operating system, applications, or even a company's dial-ups be secure unless tested and given attention to? Ask yourself that. The word "bitch" applies to: colfax, Coolio, J. Gabel, and C. Meinel. Links to check out: http://rhino9.ml.org http://www.sekurity.org http://www.insecure.org http://www.linenoise.org http://www.dope.org Please contact us for article submissions, letters, comments, criticism, etc. Thank you. [01] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [01] _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Unix Security by: Hyperlogik ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Overview of Security Administration Security is an aspect of the operation of your computer that must always be kept in mind. A machine connected to phone lines or a local network has the potential for intruders. Even an isolated machine is subject to idle browsing by its legitimate users. Consider the possible loss if a file is altered, destroyed, or if the wrong person sees it. Suggestions for Making Your System Secure The security of any system is ultimately the responsibility of all who have access to it. As the administrator of your system, you need to consider the following: Restrict physical access to your computer (especially if it is a small machine) so that someone does not simply walk off with it. Set the access permissions to directories and files so that they can be accessed only as needed by the owner, group or others. Publicly writeable directories are a security hazard. Allow them only if you have a good reason. Assign passwords to all logins and change them regularly. You can force them to be changed by implementing password aging. Do not pick obvious passwords: six-to-eight characters nonsense strings using letters and numbers are recommended over recognizable words. Remove or lock logins that are no longer needed. Do not keep sensitive information on a system with dial-up ports; the security of your system with dial-up ports is difficult to guarantee. Users who use the su command to become root, can compromise the security of your system by accessing files belonging to others users without their knowledge. For this reason, a log is kept on the use of the su(1) command. Check the file /var/adm/sulog to monitor use of this command. Keep in mind that login directories, user profiles, and files in /sbin, /usr/sbin, and /etc that writetable by others are security give-aways. Encrypt sensitive data files. The crypt(1) command together with the encryption capabilities of the editors (ed and vi) provide better protection of sensitive information. The Security Administration Utilities package (U.S. customers only) , must be installed be fore you can run crypt(1). Do not leave a logged-in terminal unattented, especially if you are logged in as root. If you must be away from your terminal, log off before leaving. As system administrator, use full pathnames for critical commands (for exmaple /usr/bin/su instead of su). Don't mount a medium (such as diskette) unless the contents are trusted. These file systems may contain set-user-ID or Trojan horse (undesirable gift) programs. Don't add packages or programs for untrusted sources. This is the most common way of spreading computer viruses. Logins and Passwords To log in to the UNIX system, a user must enter both login name and a password. Although logins are publicy known, passwords must be known only by their owners. To enhance the security of your system and data, ask your users to change their password occasionally. For a high level of security, users should change their passwords about every 6 weeks. System administration logins (such as root and sys) should be changed monthly or whenever a person having the root password leaves the company or is reassigned. Although voluntary compliance with this practice is desired, the UNIX operating system provides a mechanism to force compliance called password aging. Choosing your Password Most security breakins of computer systems involve guessing the person's password. While the passwd(1) command has some criteria for making sure the password is hard to obtain using mechanical means, a clever person can sometimes guess a password just by knowing something about the person and his/her habits. Bad choices: - names of family members or pets - car license numbers - telephone numbers - Social Security number or employee number - names related to a person's hobbies or interest - words currently popular in the media (such as slangs from TV shows), - seasonal themes (such as "turkey" in November or "superbowl" in January). - any variations on this by substitution or addition of a special character. Good choices: - puns - words in a foreign language - a word reversed (yekrut for turkey), or a nonsense word made up of the first letter of every word in a phrase (Mhallifwwas - Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow). - an additional non-alphabetic character in the middle of the password (be careful about magic characters such as #, @, and control characters). - substitute a number for a similar letter (for exmaple, 0 for o, 3 for e, 1 for l or i). Remember that a clever code-breaker is also aware of the preceding rules. Password Aging The password aging mechanism forces users to change their passwords on a periodic base. Provisions are made to prevent a user from changing a new password before a specified interval. Password aging is selectively applied to logins by using the passwd(1) command. If you require more access control than what is provided by password aging, you can also change the /etc/profile to require a second access code as part of the login process. The password aging information requires setting the following parameters for each login: min The minimum number of days required between password changes. max The maximum number of days the password is valid. warn The number of days that a warning message appears to a user before the password becomes invalid. As a result of using passwd(1), the following parameters changes: lastchanged The number of days between January 1, 1970, and the date that the password was last modified. Displaying Password Information Password and aging information can be displayed using the -s option of the passwd command. For example, if you type passwd -s SynnerGy the following information appears if there is password aging. SynnerGy PS 06/23/98 14 84 7 If password againg is not turned on, only the first two fields appear. The six fields contain the following information: Login name (SynnerGy) Password status (PS). The following string may appear: NP No password for this login LK Login is locked PS Anything else Date the password was last changed (06/23/98). Minimum number of days after lastchanged before the user can change the password (14). Maximum number of days after lastchanged until the user will be forced to change the password (84). Number of warning days before the password must be changed (7). Thus, the information obtained for this example shows that there is a password for the login SynnerGy that cannot be changed before July 6 and that must be changed by September 15, 1998. On September 8, 1998, this users will see a warning message that the password will expire and should be changed. To display the password status aging information for all users on your system, use the -a option to the passwd command, instead of specifying individual logins: passwd -s -a Only a privileged can use the -a option for the passwd command. Sample passwd Commands Password administration can be set up in a variety of ways to meet the needs of different organizations. Some examples follow: 1. Change a password: passwd login_name Because this command is run by the administrator, no prompt for the old password is given. Instead, as a privileged user, the administrator is prompted to enter the new password. The password is not displayed as it is typed. The command requires you to enter the password twice to assure it is typed accurately. 2. Turn on aging, set max to 84 and min to 7 days, respectively: passwd -x 84 -n 7 login_name 3. Force a user to change the password at the next session. passwd -f login_name 4. Lock a passwd, set max to 7 and min to 10 days: passwd -x 7 -n 10 login_name Because min is greater then max, the password is locked and cannot be changed but the user can still log into the system. Only root can change this password. 5. Turn off aging by setting max to negative one: passwd -x -1 login_name 6. Warn the user starting 14 days before the password is set to expire that a new password must be chosen. passwd -w 14 login_name Starting 14 days before max, the user will see this message: Your password will expire in 14 days Each day, the number will decrease until the password expires or the user changes the password. Password Recovery Limiting the number of people that know the root password is an important part of maintaining system security. Ideally, few people will know the password for this privileged login. However, when fewer people know the root password, the chances of losing or forgetting this password will increase. If you cannot recover your root password, call your support hotline. File Protection Because the UNIX operating system is a multiuser system, you usually do not work alone in the file system. Systems users can follow pathnames to various directories and read and use files belonging to one another, as long as they have permission to do so. If you own a file, you can decide who has the right to read, write in it (make changes to it), or, if it is a program, to execute it. You can also restrict permissions for directories. When you grant execute permission for a directory, you allow the specified users to change the directory and list its contents with the ls(1) command. Only the owner or a privileged user can define the following: Which users have permission to access data. Which types of permission they have (that is, how they are allowed to use the data). File Types When you display the contents of a directory with the ls -l command, the first column of ouput describes the "mode" of the file. This information tells you not only what type of file it is, but who has permission to access it. This first field is 10 characters long. The first character defines the file type and can be one of the following types, as shown below. Type Symbol Text, programs, etc. - Directories d Character special c Block special b FIFO (named pipe) special p Symbolic links l File Access Permissions In the first of the ls -l output, the next nine characters are interpreted as three sets of three bits each. The first set refers to the owner's permissions; the next to permissions of members in the file's group; and the last to all others. Within each set, the three characters show permission to read, to write, and to execute the file as a program, respectively. For a directoy, "execute" permission is interpreted to mean permission to search the directory for a specified file. The permissions are as shown below. Explanation Symbol The file is readable. r The file is writeable. w The file is executable. x This permission is not granted. - Mandatory locking will occur during access. l (The set-group-ID bit is on and the execution bit is off.) The set-user-ID or set-group-ID bit is on, and the s corresponding user or group execution bit is also on. The set-user-ID bit is on and the user S execution bit is off. The sticky and the execution bits for other are on. t The sticky bit is turned on, and the execution T bits for other is off. Explanation Symbol The directory is readable. r The directory may be altered. w (Files may be added or removed.) The directory may be searched. (This permission x is required to cd to the directory.) File removal from a writeable directory is limited t to the owner of the directory or file unless the file is writeable. Setting a default umask When a file is created, its default permissions are set. These default settings may be changed by placing an appropriate umask(1) command (see below) in the system profile (/etc/profile). Level of Security umask Disallows Permissive 0002 w for others Moderate 0027 w for group, rwx for others Severe 0077 rwx for group and others Set-User-ID and Set-Group-ID The set-user identification (set-UID) and set-group identification (set-GID) bits must be used carefully. These bits are set through the chmod(1) command and can be specified for any executable file. When any user runs an executable file that has either of the bits set, the system gives the user the permissions of the owner (or group) of the executable. System security can be compromised if a user copies another program onto a file with -rwsrwxrwx permissins. For exmaple, if the switch-user (su) command has the write access permission allow for others, anyone can copy the shell onto it and get a password-free version of su with no sulog entry being made. Experience has shown that people who have had root permissions once, tend to keep such a file around. The following paragraphs provide a few examples of command lines that can be used to identify the files with a set-UID bit. A vigilant system administrator will check the system for potential problems periodically and investigate any unusual occurrences. For more information about the set-UID and set-GID bits, see chmod(1) and chmod(2). Check Set-UIDs The following command line lists all set-UID programs owned by root. The results are saved in a file in /tmp. All mounted paths are checked by this command starting at /. Any surprises in the output should be investigated. Search time is dependent on the number of entries in the directory to be searched. This program can be run by sys, bin, and mail, as well. # find / -user root -perm -4000 -exec ls -ldb { } \ ; > /tmp/ckprm # cat /tmp/ckprm -r-sr-xr-x 1 root bin 38836 Aug 10 16:16 /usr/bin/at -r-sr-xr-x 1 root bin 19812 Aug 10 16:16 /usr/bin/crontab ---s--x--x 1 root sys 46040 Aug 10 15:18 /usr/bin/ct -r-sr-xr-x 1 root sys 12092 Aug 10 01:29 /usr/lib/mv_dir -r-sr-xr-x 1 root bin 33208 Aug 10 15:55 /usr/lib/lpadmin -r-sr-xr-x 1 root bin 38696 Aug 10 15:55 /usr/lib/lpsched ---s--x--- 1 root rar 45376 Aug 18 15:11 /usr/rar/bin/sh -r-sr-xr-x 1 root bin 12524 Aug 11 01:27 /usr/bin/df -rwsr-xr-x 1 root sys 21780 Aug 11 01:27 /usr/bin/newgrp -r-sr-sr-x 1 root sys 23000 Aug 11 01:27 /usr/bin/passwd -r-sr-xr-x 1 root sys 23824 Aug 11 01:27 /usr/bin/su # In this example, an authorized user (rar) has made a personal copy of /usr/bin/sh and has it made set-UID to root. This mean rar can execute /usr/rar/bin/sh and become the privileged user. If you want to save this output for future reference, move the file out of /tmp. Check Set-UIDs by File System The command line entry in the following example shows the use of the ncheck command to examine the /usr file system (/dev/dsk/c0d0s4, assuming a singledisk system with default slicing) for files. The -F tells ncheck that it should expect an s5 file system type. The output of the modified ncheck used as an argument to the ls command. In the following example, the complete pathnames for the files start with /usr. /usr is not part of the ncheck output but must be added [using sed(1)] for the ls to work. The use of the ls command is possible only if the file system is mounted. # ls -l 'ncheck -F s5 -s /dev/dsk/c0d0s4 | cut -f2 | sed 's:^:/usr:'' -r-sr-xr-x 1 root bin 72579 Mar 3 07:25 /usr/bin/at -r-sr-xr-x 1 root bin 33608 Mar 3 07:25 /usr/bin/atq -r-sr-xr-x 1 root bin 23040 Mar 3 07:25 /usr/bin/atrm -r-sr-xr-x 1 root bin 28424 Mar 3 07:25 /usr/bin/crontab ---s--x--x 1 root uucp 74762 Mar 6 11:15 /usr/bin/ct ---s--x--x 1 uucp uucp 83346 Mar 6 11:15 /usr/bin/cu -r-sr-xr-x 1 root bin 29370 Mar 3 10:44 /usr/bin/df -r-xr-sr-x 1 bin sys 11990 Mar 14 12:34 /usr/sbin/fusage -r-xr-sr-x 1 bin sys 36068 Mar 3 01:37 /usr/bin/ipcs -r-sr-xr-x 1 root bin 34514 Mar 3 10:46 /usr/bin/login -r-xr-sr-x 2 bin mail 88724 Mar 3 10:46 /usr/bin/mail -r-xr-sr-x 1 bin mail 85034 Mar 3 10:54 /usr/bin/mailx -rwsr-xr-x 1 root sys 8718 Mar 3 10:44 /usr/bin/newgrp -r-sr-sr-x 1 root sys 21154 Mar 3 10:44 /usr/bin/passwd -r-sr-sr-x 1 root bin 24202 Mar 3 10:46 /usr/bin/ps -r-xr-sr-x 2 bin mail 88724 Mar 3 10:46 /usr/bin/rmail -rwsr-xr-x 1 root sys 17526 Mar 3 10:44 /usr/bin/sacadm -r-xr-sr-x 1 bin sys 39508 Mar 3 02:50 /usr/sbin/sadp -r-sr-xr-x 1 root root 35128 Mar 14 13:07 /usr/bin/su ---s--x--x 1 uucp uucp 78668 Mar 6 11:15 /usr/bin/uucp ---s--x--x 1 uucp uucp 36628 Mar 6 11:15 /usr/bin/uuglist ---s--x--x 1 uucp uucp 32254 Mar 6 11:16 /usr/bin/uuname ---s--x--x 1 uucp uucp 77550 Mar 6 11:16 /usr/bin/uustat ---s--x--x 1 uucp uucp 81424 Mar 6 11:16 /usr/bin/uux -r-xr-sr-x 1 bin tty 14438 Mar 3 10:47 /usr/bin/write -r-sr-xr-x 1 root sys 15864 Mar 3 10:52 /usr/lib/mv_dir ---s--x--x 1 root bin 26801 Mar 3 02:46 /usr/lib/pt_chmod -r-xr-sr-x 1 bin sys 16682 Mar 3 02:52 /usr/lib/sa/sadc -r-sr-xr-x 1 root sys 23824 Mar 11 01:27 /usr/rar/bin/su -r-xr-sr-x 1 bin tty 17488 Mar 3 10:43 /usr/sbin/wall -r-xr-sr-x 1 bin sys 11274 Mar 3 09:25 /usr/sbin/whodo # In this example, the /usr/rar/bin/su should be investigated. Security Audit After the system has been fully configured, the system administrator should perform a check for SETUID/SETGID files and devices on root and /usr using one of the previous procedures. The output from the check should be saved on some medium (for example, on a diskette) and printed in hard-copy. The system administrator should periodically rerun the procedure, compare its results with the previous output, and investigate changes such as additions, deletions, or changes in size or date. [02] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [02] _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Local Digital Switching by: JF ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ In the late 1990s in the UK there are really only two types of Switching systems that are used. Both are Digital systems which are installed over the majority of the country. The Electronic switches (TXEs) which were used in the passt throughout the country have been slowly replaced by the newer digital systems which at one time were only installed in the major cities. There are two types of Digital Systems which are used at residential level to deal with the majority of calls, System X and System Y which is based on AXE10. There are however other Digital Systems that are used to control other networks such as 5ESS which is used for the DDSN (Digitally Derived Service Network) which controls the 0800/0500/0891 service networks, the freefone numbers, premium rate numbers etc. System X was the first Digital System to be used in the UK in the larger cities and was suppose to be installed 100% as the premium Digital System for the UK but this it deamed unfair that one digital system be able to take over the market and be installed fully that other companies were enabled to step in. One notable company that stepped in was the Swedish company, Ericsson. Ericsson had designed and developed a digital system of switching that was based on System X but highly improved and greatly technologically advanced. This was mainly due to the fact that System X was designed by an Independant committee rather than a company and the committee were rather slow at producing and releasing their final version of the switch, which by the time it had been released was already outdated by AXE10 which had become known as the System Y Digital System. The Basic principles of working within the Digital Systems are the same between the two due to the fact that System Y was based on the original System X. The detailed workings within the system are seperated into particular modules, with each module dealing with a specific function and a certain stage of the switching process. It all starts on a local level with smaller digital exchanges performing tasks which make up the modules within the system to make sure the processes run smoothly. A lot of processes make up for the local level of the system, which is really the most important part of the system. The lowest level is where the meeting point for the lines is formed, these meeting places are called Remote Concentrator Units (RCUs), these are where a very large number of lines meet and basically form your locally telco depot. The step up from RCUs are the Digital Local Exchanges (DLEs) which host all the RCUs in the area and form for a much wider distribution area, say, over the area of quite a few miles. The wide distribution of these DLEs into smaller areas, with the use of RCUs makes for a much more organised and proficient system of switching and exchange. The higher level switching of calls is dealt with by the Digital Switching Unit (DSU) which deals with a high volume of calls in an area, for example, the size of a large city. The Digital Switching Units then distibution the switching of calls to the smaller Digital Main Switching Unit (DMSU) which controls the switching of calls on a smaller level and delegates calls even further down the scale to the Digital Local Switching Units (DLSUs) which forms the basis of call switching by making sure it reaches its destination by setting the call along to the right connections and Subsystem. A few important factors effect whether a call is switched to its destination perfectly. The main factor relies on the Call Processing Subsystem (CPS) which takes overall control over a local line, registering its state whether engaged, free or otherwise out of order. This function is very sophisticated and a fundamental part of the digital exchange as it is needed to ensure that harmony is achieved among the fonelines. The next needed function, or module, is Common Channel Signalling (CCS) which is the process British Telecom (BT) use to reserve a speech channel for switching and to enable the lines to coherently exist without cross-overs etc, this is therefore the standard form of signalling on any digital system and is used successfully in countries that make use of a digital system of switching. Although BT have produced a method of packet cutting for signalling the voice along the channels to ensure perfect arrival. They use a method called Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) to cut down voice into smaller packets sending them down the channels, several calls are cut at the sent time and sent seperatly without confusion, as the modulation is programmed to be sensitive enough to control the lines and the differences between each without any problems. When all the modules that make up the Digital System are combined and put into functional order they work in harmony automatically with no problems and with great efficiency. If one module fails, the whole process fails, each module relies on another and they all deem equal importance in the system. I hope this text has enabled you to grasp the concepts of the UK Digital Systems of Switching and Signalling at the local level. More texts can be found on the Linenoise website addressing other issues within the UK fone system. [03] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [03] _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ GSM System Security Study by: David Dane ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Article 1 [David: Note that all the Figures and Pictures meaned in this article are not included with this Article, that's because I didn't get them with the Article. Sorry.] Overview of GSM Security Features The object of this part of the report is to provide an overview of the security features in the GSM system. The description is brief, and focuses on the algorithms which are needed and how they are to be used: for a more detailed description the reader is referred to the GSM recommendations GSM 02.09 and GSM 03.20. Three distinct security services are provided. These are subscriber identity authentication, user and signalling data confidentiality, and subscriber identity confidentiality. Each of these is considered in turn, and the mechanisms used to provide them outlined. Actually the second of the services is a grouping of three GSM features: user data confidentiality on physical connections, connectionless user data confidentiality and signalling information element confidentiality. The reason for combining them into one service is that they are all provided by one and the same mechanism. Subscriber Identity Authentication This subscriber identity authentication service is the heart of the GSM security system. It is used to enable the fixed network to authenticate the identity of mobile subscribers, and to establish and manage the encryption keys needed to provide the confidentiality services. The service must be supported by all networks and mobiles, although the frequency of application is at the discretion of the network. Authentication is initiated by the fixed network, and is based upon a simple challenge-response protocol. When a mobile subscriber ( MS ) attempts to access the system, the network issues it a random challenge RAND. The MS computes a response SRES to RAND using a one-way function A3 under control of a subscriber authentication key Ki. The key Ki is unique to the subscriber, and is shared only by the subscriber and an authentication centre which serves the subscriber's home network. The value SRES computed by the MS is signalled to the network, where it is compared with a pre-computed value. If the two values of SRES agree, the mobile subscriber has been authenticated, and the call is allowed to proceed. If the values are different, then access is denied. The same mechanism is also used to establish a cipher key Kc for encrypting user and signalling data on the radio path. This procedure is called cipher key setting. The key is computed by the MS using a one-way function A8, again under control of the subscriber authentication key Ki, and is pre- computed for the network by the authentication centre which serves the subscriber's home network. Thus at the end of a successful authentication exchange, both parties possess a fresh cipher key Kc. The pre-computed triples ( RAND, SRES, Kc ), held by the fixed networks for a particular subscriber, are passed from the home network's authentication centre to visited networks upon demand. The challenges are used just once. Thus the authentication centre never sends the same triple to two distinct networks, and a network never re-uses a challenge. In practice the two functions A3 and A8 are combined into a single algorithm, called A38, which is used to simultaneously compute SRES and Kc from RAND and Ki. In this report this combined algorithm is referred to as the authentication algorithm. The protocol described above makes it quite clear that this algorithm need only be available to an authentication centre and the mobile subscribers which that authentication centre serves. In particular, there is no need for a common GSM authentication algorithm; different networks may use different algorithms. ( The algorithms do, however, need to have the same input and output parameters; in particular, the length of Kc is determined by the GSM cipher algorithm ). Never-the-less it is desirable that there is a GSM standard authentication algorithm which may be used by all networks which do not wish to develop a proprietary algorithm. There is just one candidate for such an algorithm; it was proposed by the German administration, and is analysed in Part VI of this report. User and Signalling Data Confidentiality As mentioned earlier, this service consists of three elements; user data confidentiality and signalling information on physical connections, connectionless user data confidentiality and signalling information element confidentiality. The first element provides for privacy of all user generated data, both voice and non-voice, transferred over the radio path on traffic channels. The second element provides for privacy of user data transferred in packet mode over the radio path on a dedicated signalling channel, whilst the third element provides for privacy of certain user related signalling elements transferred over the radio path on dedicated signalling channels. All of these elements of service are provided using the same layer 1 encryption mechanism, and must be supported and used by all networks and mobiles. The mechanism is now briefly described. Encryption is achieved by means of a ciphering algorithm A5 which produces a key stream under control of a cipher key Kc. This key stream is then bit-for-bit exclusive-or'd with the data transferred over the radio path between the MS and the base station ( BS ). The cipher key is established at the MS as part of the authentication procedure, as described in the last section, and is transferred through the fixed network to the BS after the MS has been identified. It is essential that the MS and BS synchronise the starting of their cipher algorithms. A technique for achieving this is described a different text, but this only directly addresses the situation when the network initiates an authentication check. The procedures still need to be specified in detail to cover the situation when the network does not authenticate the MS. When the network intends to issue an authentication challenge, the BS starts deciphering all data immediately after the MS has been identified using the cipher key Kc which the MS will derive upon receipt of the challenge RAND. The MS starts ciphering and deciphering the moment it has computed Kc ( and SRES ) from RAND, as described in the last section, and before SRES is transmitted. On the BS side, enciphering starts as soon as SRES has been received, deciphered and found to be correct. To cope with possible transmission loss or errors, the authentication request and response message are repeated under the control of timers. Synchronisation of the ciphering key stream is maintained by using the TDMA frame structure of the radio sub-system. The TDMA frame number is used as a message key for the cipher algorithm AS, and the algorithm produces a synchronised key stream for enciphering and deciphering the data bits in the frame. For each frame, a total of 114 bits are produced for enciphering / deciphering data transferred from the MS to the BS, and an additional 114 bits are produced for deciphering / enciphering data received at the MS from the BS. A frame lasts for 4.6 ms, so that the cipher has to produce the 228 bits in this time. The cipher algorithm A5 must be common to all GSM networks, and three algorithms have been proposed as candidates for the GSM standard: a French algorithm, a Swedish algorithm and a UK algorithm. These algorithms are discussed in detail in subsequent parts of this report. Subscriber Identity Confidentiality This service allows mobile subscribers to originate calls, update their location, etc, without revealing their International Mobile Subscriber Identity ( IMSI ) to an eavesdropper on the radio path. It thus prevents location tracing of individual mobile subscribers by listening to the signalling exchanges on the radio path. All mobiles and networks must be capable of supporting the service, but its use is not mandatory. In order to provide the subscriber identity confidentiality service it is necessary to ensure that the IMSI, or any information which allows an eavesdropper to derive the IMSI, it not ( normally ) transmitted in clear in any signalling message on the radio path. The mechanism used to provide this service is based on the use of a temporary mobile subscriber identity ( TMSI ), which is securely updated after each successful access to the system. Thus, in principle, the IMSI need only be transmitted in clear over the radio path at registration. In addition, the signalling elements which convey information about the IMSI are enciphered as described in the last section. The TMSI updating mechanism functions in the following manner. For simplicity, assume the MS has been allocated a TMSI, denoted by TMSIo, and the network knows the association between TMSIo and the subscriber's IMSI. The MS identifies itself to the network by sending TMSIo. Immediately after authentication ( if this takes place ), the network generates a new TMSI, denoted TMSIn, and sends this to the MS encrypted under the cipher key Kc as described in the last section. Upon receipt of the message, the MS deciphers and replaces TMSIo by TMSIn. The French Proposal for the Cipher The cipher proposed by France has always been considered as a hardware rather than a software algorithm. The study of this cipher is based on the description reproduced in Appendix A and described in PDL ( program definition language ) in Section 4. Software and hardware implementations of the cipher are considered in Sections 5 and 6. The statistical tests applied are discussed in Section 71 and there is a mathematical analysis in Section 8. PDL Description of the Cipher Main Algorithm ( Load Base Key ) FOR each base key bit from 1 to 64 Load bit into corresponding LFSR cell END FOR ( Load Message Key ) FOR each message key bit from 1 to 22 shift_bits = f() ( Call to shift function f ) FOR each register i, from 1 to 3 Exclusive-or message key bit into lsb IF bit i of shift_bits is set THEN Shift END IF END FOR END FOR ( Produce both enciphering and deciphering streams ) FOR i from 1 to 2 ( Perform additional shifts ) FOR j from 1 to 100 shift_bits = f() FOR each register k from 1 to 3 IF bit k of shift_bits is set THEN Shift END IF END FOR END FOR ( Output stream of 114 bits ) FOR J from 1 to 114 shift_bits = f() FOR each register k from 1 to 3 IF bit k of shift_bits is set THEN Shift END IF END FOR Output = Exclusive-or msb of all three registers END FOR END FOR The Shift Function f BEGIN FUNCTION f FOR each register i from 1 to 3 Let middle[i] = the 'middle' bit of register i END FOR IF less than two of the 'middle bits' are '1' THEN bit-complement code END IF RETURN code END FUNCTION Software Estimates In this section the cipher is described in a readable form similar to microprocessor instruction code and an estimate of the speed is made from this. It was suspected that it would not be practical to implement this code in software, so the code was based on a very specialized microprocessor, which may not even exist. If the cipher can not meet the time requirement of 4.6ms on the specialized microprocessor then it will not be able to meet it on a more general one. This special microprocessor has a word size5 at least as long as the longest register, i.e., 23 bits, it also has the function PARITY6 which exclusive-ors all the bits in the accumulator and places the result in the least significant bit while setting all the other bits to zero. Additionally it is assumed that the CARRY can be loaded from the least significant bit of the accumulator. The problem of directing the feedback bit to the appropriate part of the accumulator is ignored. The external memory, considered to be arranged so that REG contains the registers and MASK contains bit masks for both the extraction of the central bits of each register and for the calculation of the feedback values, with the feedback masks last and in reverse order. The symbol & is used to mean 'address of' Evaluating the Shift Function f The following code extracts the central bits of each register and calculates the corresponding output of the shift function f. Load registers and masks LOAD index register 1 with ® LOAD index register 2 with &MASK 5 Word size is considered here to be the natural size or accumulator and memory 'portions'. 6 Which will be considered as an ALU operation Extract middle bits of each register LOAD acc with MEM(index 1), POST INC index reg 1 AND acc with MEM(index 2), POST INC index reg 2 PARITY acc STORE acc in M1 LOAD acc with MEM(index 1), POST INC index reg 1 AND acc with MEM(index 2), POST INC index reg 2 PARITY acc STORE acc in M2 LOAD acc with MEM(index 1), POST INC index reg 1 AND acc with MEM(index 2) PARITY acc STORE acc in M3 Calculate shift function f XOR acc with M2 AND acc with M1 STORE acc in I LOAD acc with M2 AND acc with M3 OR acc with I XOR acc with M1 STORE acc in M1 LOAD acc with I XOR acc with M2 STORE acc in M2 LOAD acc with I XOR acc with M3 STORE acc in M3 Loading the data itself requires: 2 index register operations k cycles each Extracting the middle bits of each register requires: 6 index register operations @ k cycles each 3 ALU operations @ m cycles each 3 load / store operations @ n cycles each The function f requires: 7 ALU operations @ m cycles each 8 load / store operations @ n cycles each This part of the code requires 8k + 10m + 11n cycles per iteration Performing the Shifts The following code clocks the appropriate registers using the results of the shift function. Note that the values of M1, M2 and M3 determine whether or not each register is clocked. Note also that the registers are treated in reverse order since index register 1 'points' to the contents of shift register 3 at this stage. LOAD acc with M3 BRANCH if zero to A LOAD acc with MEM(index 1) AND MEM(index 2) to acc PARITY acc STORE acc in CARRY ROTATE acc right through CARRY STORE CARRY in 03 STORE acc in MEM(index 1) A: DEC index register 1 DEC index register 2 LOAD acc with M2 BRANCH if zero to B LOAD acc with MEM(index 1) AND MEM(index 2) to acc PARITY acc STORE acc in CARRY ROTATE acc right through CARRY STORE CARRY in 02 STORE acc in MEM(index 1) B: DEC index register 1 DEC index register 2 LOAD acc with M1 BRANCH if zero to C LOAD acc with MEM(index 1) AND MEM(index 2) to acc PARITY acc STORE acc in CARRY ROTATE acc right through CARRY STORE acc in MEM(index 1) C: LOAD acc with CARRY XOR acc with 03 XOR acc with 02 OUTPUT acc To estimate the speed it is assumed that 9/4 of the registers are clocked on each iteration, i e., that 3/4 of the operations to shift the registers are performed for each iteration. Shifting the registers requires: 3 branch operations @ j cycles each 13 index register operations @ k cycles each 6 ALU operations @ m cycles each 8 load / store operations @ n cycles each The calculation of the output bit requires a further: 2 ALU operations @ m cycles each 1 load / store operation @ n cycles Therefore, the clocking requires a total of. 3/4 x (3j + 13k + 6m + 8n) + 2m + n = 9/4j 39/4k + 13/2m + 7n cycles per iteration. The data loading and shift function calculation requires a further 8k + 10m + 11n cycles per iteration. Therefore the total number of cycles required is given by: 9/4j + 71/4k + 33/2m + 18n For typical values of j = k = 5 and m = n = 4 this gives 11.25 + 88.75 + 66 + 72 = 238 cycles per iteration. The algorithm must be iterated 450 times to produce 228 bits of output. This corresponds to ~~ 450 x 238 = 107100 clock cycles to produce 228 bits. On a 1ms microprocessor this would take approximately 107 ms. Summary These estimates show that even on a specialized microprocessor, and ignoring some of the detail, this cipher can not operate at the required speed. It is therefore reasonable to assume that it would not be viable to implement this cipher in software on a more general microprocessor. In light of the unsuitability of this algorithm the memory requirement was not estimated. Hardware Estimates The following estimates are based on the two Figures 2. and 3. Only the hardware necessary for the shift registers and the shift function f is considered, i.e., none of the control, interfacing or test circuitry is studied here. The overall architecture is shown in Figure 1. The transistor counts for various components are based on the Racal Research Ltd., 2.5 mm CMOS microcell library. Figure 1: Overall Architecture Notation The elements of the circuits in Figures 2 and 3 are shown as boxes marked with various symbols as described in the following table. ______________________________________ Symbol Function ______________________________________ MUX Multiplexor . _ Exclusive-or gate . - Exclusive-nor gate . . And gate + Or gate Unmarked D-type, i e., register stage ______________________________________ [Symbols partly illegible] All the signals shown are single bits. However. the various "Load Control" signals in Figure 2 are different signals which control different parts of the loading mechanism. Shift Registers Figure 2 shows the register R1. The number of exclusive-or gates necessary for each register depends upon the feedback function for that particular register; in total seven such gates are needed for the three registers. Figure 2: Shift Register Architecture for R1 [Poor original] To load the base key, the registers are concatenated together and the key is shifted through, suppressing the output so that the key does not reappear again. To load the message key the key bits are exclusive-or'd into the feedback path. In ordinary operation the feedback path is fed back to the left hand cell without obstruction. In order to implement this a multiplexor is used to chose between the feedback and input, while an and gate is used to suppress the external input to the exclusive-or on the feedback path when it is not required. The overall components together with their respective transistor counts are: 64 D-types @ 22 transistors each = 1408 transistors 6 2-input AND gates @ 6 transistors each = 36 transistors 10 XOR gates @ 10 transistors each = 100 transistors 3 2-input MUXs @ 12 transistors each = 36 transistors 1580 transistors An additional two exclusive-or gates are required to combine the output of the three registers, each requiring 10 transistors. This gives a total of 1600 transistors to implement the shift register. Shift function f The shift function is implemented by producing a signal comp which is true if the three bits M1, H2 and M3 need to be inverted. Th;s signal is the exclusive- ored with each of the three original bits to effect the inversion. If the three bits are regarded as numbers, then comp is true if and only if their sum is greater than or equal to 2. Thus, if the three bits are fed into a full adder, then comp is the negation of the carry out signal. The equation for this carry out signal is: . M1 .(M2 - M3) + (M2 . M3) . which was also employed above. This is shown in Figure 3. Rather than inverting this value, and then using exclusive-or gates, exclusive-nor ( XNR ) gates are used. Figure 3: Shift Function f Architecture [Poor original] This requires: 2 AND gates @ 6 transistors each = 12 transistors 1 OR gate @ 6 transistors each = 6 transistors 1 XOR gate @ 10 transistors each = 10 transistors 3 XNR gates @ 10 transistors each = 30 transistors 48 In addition three further And gates are required to combine the output of the shift function with the clock signal, see Figure 1. The total number of transistors required is 1600 + 48 + 18 = 1666. Speed Estimates In order to produce the two 114-bit key streams the shift registers have to be shifted the following number of times: 64 : to load the base key 22 : to load the message key 100 : intermediate shifts 114 : to produce the encrypt stream 100 : intermediate shifts 114 : to produce decrypt stream 514 If these shifts take two clock cycles each then 1028 clock cycles would be required. At a clock speed of 50ns per cycle then it would take 51.4ms to produce the key streams from the keys, which is well within the requirement. Summary A hardware implementation of this cipher requires a relatively small number of transistors. approximately 1666. If the base key was loaded in parallel then the circuitry would be more complex, however, given the speed estimate above it is unlikely that this would be necessary. These estimates suggest that it should be possible to produce a hardware implementation of this cipher which meets the speed requirement using a relatively small number of transistors. The German Proposal for the Authentication Algorithm The authentication algorithm need not be universal and different networks are free to use algorithms of their own choice ( provided that the parameters are of the correct length ). However, there will be a GSM standard which can be used by any administrations who do not wish to develop their own proprietary algorithms. The AEG have already decided to recommend the German proposal also referred to as COMP128 in some literature for this purpose. This algorithm was included in the study in order to assess its suitability for the task. The algorithm is specified in [8]. which is reproduced in Appendix D ( with the exception of the details of the tables ). The functionality of the algorithm is described in PDL ( program definition language ) in Section "PDL Description of the Algorithm" below. Using this description an estimate for the complexity of a software implementation is made in Section "Software Estimates" below. This algorithm will eventually be implemented in the Subscriber Interface Module ( SIM )1 which will be either a smart card or plug-in module. Both options for the SIM contain a microprocessor thus the authentication algorithm will be implemented in software rather than hardware. Therefore no hardware estimates were made for this cipher. PDL Description of the Algorithm ( Load RAND into last 16 bytes of input ) FOR i from 16 to 31 x[i] = rand[i] END FOR ( Loop eight times ) FOR i from 1 to 8 ( Load key into first 16 bytes of input ) FOR j from 0 to 15 x[j] = key[j] END FOR ( Perform substitutions ) FOR j from 0 to 4 FOR k from 0 to 2j - 1 FOR l from 0 to 24-j - 1 m = 1 + k x 25-j n = m +24-j y = (x[m] + 2 x x[n]) mod 29-j z = (2 x x[n] + x[n]) mod 29-j x[m] = table [j,y] x[n] = table [j,z] END FOR END FOR END FOR ( Form bits from bytes ) FOR j from 0 to 31 FOR k from 0 to 7 bit [4*j+k] = the (8-k)th bit of byte j END FOR END FOR ( Permutation but not on the last loop ) IF (i < 8) THEN FOR j from 0 to 15 FOR k from 0 to 7 next bit = (8 x j + k) x 17 mod 128 Bit k of x[j + 16] = bit[next_bit] END FOR END FOR END IF END FOR At this stage the vector x[ ] consists of 32 nibbles. The last 8 of these are taken as the output SRES. Software Estimates In order to estimate the complexity of a software implementation of the German authentication algorithm, it has been described in a readable form similar to microprocessor instruction code. This code is then used as a basis for the estimates. Assume that the external memory is arranged as follows: TAB contains the compression tables. KEY contains the 128-bit key. SRES is 256 bits of external memory used to store the intermediate and final values - assuming that the last 16 bytes have been initialised with RAND. TEMP is 16 bytes of external memory available as working space. The symbol & is used to mean 'address of'. Substitutions The following code performs the substitutions using the tables. Note that the indices of the j, k and l loops run 'downwards' for reasons of simplicity of coding. The corresponding PDL segment is FOR j from 4 to 0 step -1 FOR k from 24-j - 1 to 0 step -1 FOR l from 2j-1 to 0 step -1 m = 2j -1 - 1 + (24-j - k - 1)x (2j+l) Code to Perform the Substitutions LOAD index register 2 with &SRES LOAD acc with 8 STORE acc with I ( Top of I loop ) I: LOAD acc with 16 STORE acc in J ( Load key into first 16 bytes ) A: LOAD index register 1 with &KEY LOAD acc with MEM(index 1), POST INC index reg 1 STORE acc in MEM(index 2), POST INC index reg 2 LOAD acc with J DEC acc STORE acc in J BRANCH if not zero to A ( Perform substitutions ) LOAD acc with 5 STORE acc in J ( Top of J loop ) J: DEC acc STORE acc in J STORE acc in X LOAD acc with 1 STORE acc in T1 LOAD acc with 16 STORE acc in T2 LOAD acc with X BRANCH if zero to C B: LOAD acc with T1 SHIFT acc LEFT STORE acc in T1 LOAD acc with T2 SHIFT acc RIGHT STORE acc in T2 LOAD acc with X DEC acc STORE acc in X ( T1 = 2**j ) BRANCH if not zero to B ( T2 = 2**(4-j) ) C: LOAD acc with T2 STORE acc in K ( Top of K loop ) K: DEC acc STORE acc in K LOAD acc with T1 STORE acc in L ( L = 2**j ) ( Top of L loop ) L: DEC acc STORE acc in L LOAD acc with T2 SUB K from acc DEC acc STORE acc in M LOAD acc With J INC acc STORE acc in X D: LOAD acc with M SHIFT acc LEFT STORE acc in M LOAD acc with X DEC acc STORE acc in X ( M = (2**(4-j)-K-1) BRANCH if not zero to D * 2**(J+1) ) LOAD acc with M ADD T1 to acc SUB L from acc DEC acc STORE acc in M ( M = M+(T1-L-1) ) ADD T1 to acc STORE acc in N ( N = M + T1 ) LOAD index register 1 with &SRES LOAD acc with M ADD acc to index register 1 LOAD acc with MEM(index 1) STORE acc in XM ( XM = X[M] ) LOAD index register 1 with &SRES LOAD acc with N ADD acc to index register 1 LOAD acc with MEM(index 1) STORE acc in XN ( XN = X[N] ) SHIFT acc LEFT ADD XM to acc SHIFT acc LEFT ( Lose last bit of Y ) SHIFT acc RIGHT STORE acc in Y ( Y = XM + 2*XW ) LOAD acc with XM SHIFT acc LEFT ADD XN to acc SHIFT acc LEFT SHIFT acc RIGHT STORE acc in Z ( Z = 2*XM + XN ) LOAD index register 2 with &INDX LOAD acc with I ADD acc to index register 2 LOAD acc with MEM(index 2) STORE acc in P LOAD index register 2 with &TAB ADD acc to index register 2 ( Point to correct LOAD acc with Z table using INDX ) ADD acc to index register 2 LOAD acc with MEM(index 2) STORE acc in MEM(index 1) ( table[Z] -> X[N] ) LOAD index register 1 with &SRES LOAD acc with M ADD acc to index register 1 LOAD index register 2 with &TAB LOAD acc with Y ADD acc to index register 2 LOAD acc with P ( Point to correct ADD acc to index register 2 table using INDX ) LOAD acc with MEM(index 2) STORE acc in MEM(index 1) ( table[Y] -> X[M] ) ( Bottom of L ) LOAD acc with L BRANCH if not zero to L ( Bottom of K ) LOAD acc with K BRANCH if not zero to K ( Bottom of J ) LOAD acc with J BRANCH if not zero to J LOAD acc with I DEC acc STORE acc in I DEC acc ( No permutation BRANCH if zero to Z if I = 1 ) [04] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [04] _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Disrupting DSU Satellites by: optiklenz ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ overloading a remote satellite 651 dsu/csu station assuming the satellite is run using T1/FT1 Frame Relay services Exploiting outdail frq service Line Rate Internal or external clock; 1.544 Mbps +/- 50 bps. When timing is derived from input signal: 1.544 Mbps +/- 200 bps. Output line rate follows input line rate. There are 2 ways of exploiting the service one is being directly connected and the other declining known digital frq's (frequencies) The satellite's line code is AMI, B8ZS (B8ZS set as default) In order to remotely change this you need to establish a direct connection to the satellite module wether the connection be one that is idle or accepted as a trusted user. Using a binary overload method via terminal connection you can change the line code 2 different numeric values. This will cause the dsu connection to send out differnt frq's to other stations causing an over load in data. The time it takes to throw the station offline depends on how many communicated systems there are. Terminal Binary method: Input Level DS-1 from 0 dB to -27.5 dB �q�=�]�¯� �a�C�e�;�õ � �q�Per TR6241=�]�¯� �q�=�]�¯ If you are prompted with "DSU:" tpye /DS-1 from 0 dB%per to -27.5 dB as 0 is default Using T1/FT1 to overload DSU module: ********************************* ====Compatibility=============== ********************************* (+AT&T+) | TR 54016-1989 | | TR 62411-1990 | | TR 54019A | | PUB 43802 | You can run a remote loop back test by using 00.6000 as a default frq than running a Data port loopback test via remote terminal connection. All you need is a #. They probably won't figure how this happend so once they've fixed things all you have to do is dailup and do it again. I should have my DSU satellite prefix scanner out for the next zine [05] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [05] _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Playing with Loopback by: ralph ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ This article is going to be fairly simple and I'm not going to get to deep into how this shit works because it's easy to find out, and really, this entire little trick is completely useless:) Anyways here we go... Have you ever wanted to BE the whitehouse computer? or the FBI computer? Or any other computer for that matter? Well heres how you can, sorta. This is really easy, theres two programs youll be using to do this, 'ifconfig' and 'route', both of which are network configuration tools. Read ROUTE(8) and IFCONFIG(8) if you wanna know more about them than what I tell you here. In a nutshell, ifconfig is used to setup a new network device, and assign it an IP address, and route is used to setup network routes for your computer. All a route is, is the route a packet will travel to get from point A to point B. If you type ifconfig, right now, it will most likely have two interfaces shown, depending on your situation. If you use a dialup and havn't messed around with the route tables, it will probably show 'lo' and 'ppp0'. If your on an ethernet or a cable modem etc... you will have an 'eth0' there. If you type route, right now, there will be several routes setup, one of them being for your local loopback. It should look something like this.. loopback * U 0 0 0 lo The command that enters this route into the kernel route table is in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 on linux systems, it reads '/sbin/route add -net netmask lo' **NOTE: is overrated, as you can see here, the netmask is used, so you can use 127.whatever.whatever.whatever for the same effect as** So the first thing we have to do is take that route out of the kernel routing table. To do this we enter ' /sbin/route del -net netmask lo' again, a complete syntax can be found in the man page, but you'll just have to trust me for now. After you've done that type 'route' to make sure the route is out of the routing table. Next thing we have to do is take down the 'lo' interface. To do this type 'ifconfig lo down' this takes DOWN the lo interface. Type 'ifconfig' to make sure the interface is gone. Now we have to chose who we want to be. Let's use whitehouse.gov as an example. We nslookup whitehouse.gov to find it's IP address ( and we then create the 'lo' interface and assign it the whitehoust.gov IP address ( To do this we type 'ifconfig -a lo', now type 'ifconfig' to make sure the interface was created, and with the correct IP address in the inet addr: field. Now we have to add a route that says "anything outbound towards whitehouse.gov ( should be redirected to the local loopback". To do this we type 'route add -host lo', type 'route' to make sure the route entered the routing table. If it did, your pretty much all set. Make sure telnet is enabled on your mashine and 'telnet whitehouse.gov' and watch it connect to your mashine. Next thing you'll want to do for convinience is to open /etc/hosts in a text editor and change the line that says... localhost to say... localhost That way localhost means YOUR MASHINE instead of Now if you decide you want to KEEP your computer this way there are some other things you must do as well, otherwise next time you reboot everything will go back to normal. Open /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 in a text editor, and change the following lines... # Attach the loopback device. /sbin/ifconfig lo /sbin/route add -net netmask lo to say... /sbin/ifconfig -a lo /sbin/route add -host lo And that should pretty much do it, of course you could have just edited /etc/hosts to say whitehouse.gov but then you can only use the HOST NAME and plus it's more fun this way:) bye. [06] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [06] _-_-_-_-_-_-_ Active X by: Defiant ~-~-~-~-~-~-~ ActiveX poses many security dangers to people, especially as you cannot tell what something is before you click on it most of the time. ActiveX really is OLE, and Microsoft has repeatedly stated this. ActiveX / OLE is basically a Windows software component, this means that an ActiveX component is a Windows program that can be distributed from a web page, such as this. ActiveX components also have the same control over your computer as a normal windows program, complete. If i wanted it would be possible to create an ActiveX component that could install backdoored Windows DLL files so that I could have complete control over your computer, or even write one which could format your hard drive. Most people thought that if someone signs with an AththentiCode is means its safe, but all it does is attempts to identify who signed it. Anyone can go out and get a code signature, all you need do it go to a page, fill in a few details, that could be totally fake, and you will soon receive your own code signature. This is one of the major problems, the code signature is like sticking a label on a bomb, with anyone's name on it. ActiveX poses a little more of a security threat that a downloaded program you run. When you download a program, you have the choice to install it, and run a virus scanner before you even run it, but with ActiveX you don't have this choice. Once you click you give full control of your computer over. All that happens is a little scary dialogue box, that you have just clicked on before and nothing dangerous happened. As a demonstration of how ActiveX can control your computer there is an ActiveX component called exploder here for you to see. Exploder performs a clean shut down of Windows 95 from a web page. Computers which include power conservative BIOS, may also find that the power is shut of too after shutdown. What this does is use an API function ExitWindowsEx() with the flags EWX_SHUTDOWN and EWX_POWEROFF set, which is the same as using the shutdown menu item in the start menu. If you wish to see a demonstration of exploder you can. I haven't signed it due to the legal problems the original author has experienced. If you wish to see if you need to set the security options in internet explorer to medium and then follow the demonstration link. I take nor the original author take any responsibility for what happens, it is used at your own discretion. [07] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [07] _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Windows with Sockets by: Sreality ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Winsock 2 ------- Winsock has been laughed at in the past as the most pathetic sockets implementation out there.. Among its faults is the fact that you cant do IP header inclusion.. And, unfortunatly, you still cant. However, with the advent of winsock 2, you can make applications that have almost the same syntax that of thier unix couterparts (at least with the socket coding)... For instance, you have integer socket handle numbers now, rather than a class. And most socket commands have the same input arguements, but the function name is different. (example: write(int sockfd, void* data, int size) -> send(int sockfd, void* data, int size, int flag)) As you can see, its bascially the same command. They both send data to an open client socket.. This facilitates porting of your unix sockets applications to a windows 95+ environment.. "So What", you say.. well, for that, I have no answer, but at least its now an option that you might not have had if you'd learned all unix/berkley sockets programming, and dont have the time to learn new implementations.. for me, winsock 2 is a welcome development, and I hope to see more exploits and the like coded, if not for windows, with macros or #ifdef's with windows code.. Cygnus/w32 -------- Another option for the unix coder moving to windows, is the cygnus w/32 suite available from www.cygnus.com, its a free port of the GCC compiler and headers for making win-32 apps and porting unix programs to the windows domain.. rather than facilitating windows styles under unix, it does the oposite. In fact, most applications will work as they are, with minimal to no modification, making this application suite one of the better unix/windows porting suites out there.. "Whats wrong with it?" you say, well.. I'll tell you.. it still doesnt support IP header inclusion nor RPC support either. Therefore (for the lamerz) you cant port exploits like statd, or some spoofers.. However, even with its faults, it purposes many options to the avid unix exploit coder, who maybe in windows, and doesnt feel to reboot to goto a unix or whatever. Fact being, to me, its a welcome package, and I hope to see it support everything that the gcc/unix package supports. Wrap Up ---- In the end, windows has the ability to be another choice for the hackers of the internet.. and with the fact that windows has no multiuser support, in the way of telnet in and shells, etc etc.. you can remain "un-0wn'd" while continuing your 'sploits against other machines.. don't get me wrong, I dont wanna see windows flourish, however, with a few modifications, it can prove quite useful.. Maybe someone aughta write a replacement winsock dll with support for IP header inclusion... (*ahem*).. P.S. This shit was written by a true procrastinator, therefore it was written very quickly.. so don't complain, aiight ;) [08] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [08] _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Life of a Wingate by: sektor/matsonic ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ It all starts with little Bobby Joe Lamer scanning for wingates on his shitty ass 14.4 going at 1 ip per hour.. he is really el8 becuase he has this wingate scanner he got from rootshell that doesnt do shit but sit there becuase it uses stream sockets. ok. after about a month the class-b he scanned is finished and he got about 100 wingates out of it.. pretty neat eh? "OK! now its time to distribute these fuckers and use them all up!", Bobby Joe said. As you can see he doesnt seem like the type of person who wants to use a wingate for real purposes. So.. Bobby Joe Lamer sits on irc in #2600 and gives out all his wingates to a bunch of script kiddies who think they are leet putting clones on wingate proxies. Within minutes, half of #2600 and then soon other channels thoughout irc are filled with anxious lamers on Bobby's wingates. The next week or two the 100 wingates that Bobby has is now narrowed down to about 20. All of the lamers trying to use them to get on irc are having no luck because they just so happen to be banned from every irc server on earth. A week later Bobby is pissed and starts scanning again for more wingates while instead of using the wingates for irc the lamers are now using them to connect to shells that they ripped from rolex's goons. In the mean time.. here we are trying to use the wingates Bobby gave us for good purposes like protecting ourselves from anal sysadmins of the systems we 0wn but instead of getting that nice WinGate> prompt all we get is lame messages like 'connection refused' or 'access denied'... ohh I like the one that says 'too many connected users - try back later'. that message tells you that there is a huge block of lamers sucking it up dry.. when it says 'try back later'.. that really means 'in about an hour the message will change to access denied'. So as you can see the life of a good wingate is only about 3 weeks max depending on its use and how smart the owners are. I hope this gives you wingate crazed assholes out there a little light on the fact that your favorate wingate will soon die. It all depends on the way you use it. [09] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [09] _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Lighter Side of Anarchy by: Dance Fevah ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ [Note: this is only for comic relief and is not to be taken seriously] #$%$#%#$%%#$%#$%#$%#$%$%#$%$#%#$%#$%#$%$#%#$%#$%#$%$#%#$%#$%$#%#$%$# %$#%$#%#$%$#%#$%##%$#%$# LIGHTER SIDE OF ANARCHY @#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@# @#$@#$@#$@#$#@$@#$@#$#@$#@$#@$#@$#@$#@$#@$@#$#@$#@$#@$#@$@#$@#$@#$@# Contents: Disclaimer 1a. Intro Blowing Up Things 2a. Blowing up Animals 3a. Blowing up your spouse 4a. Blowing up your spouse after you have already blown up your spouse the first time. 5a. Blowing up a baby animal while it is in process of leaving the mothers womb. 6a. Blowing up a squerials nuts. 2a. Intro Lighting Things on Fire 2b. Starting a fire 3c. Lighting your little sister/brother on fire. 4d. Covering it up so no one notices you lit your little siter/brother on fire. 5b. Lighting Animals on fire. 6b. Putting out the fire 1c. Intro Stealing Things 2c. How to steal without getting caught. 3c. The laws of stealing. 4c. Stealing someones pride. 5c. Stealing someones pride after you have stoled it the first time. 1d. Intro Blowing up and lighting breeding animals on fire 2b. How to get them to start breeding. 3b. Fire in goat ass. 4b. Kittie Kat Barbacue 5b. Doggy Style 1e. Intro Blowing up Electronics Equipment 2e. Blowing up your stereo 3e. Blowing up someones car stereo while its still in the car. 4e. Blowing up a hand held radio while a relative is holding it. 5e. Escorting your relative to the hospital. 1f. Words from the Author 2f. Things you might need (alot of fucking water) and the number to your local medical facility, some more water, A couple of animals, sister/ brother or adopted child. 3f. Conclusion Disclaimer: This document was produced for educational purposes only. I feel the topic's I discuss in this document is of real importance that is why I am providing it for people to download and use at their own will and discretion. And now on with the show..... 1a. Introduction Section 1a will discuss the topic of blowing things up. 2a. Blowing up Animals You can blow up animals many different types of ways all you need is the animal and the materials you will need to blow the animal up. In this Issue of "The Lighter Side of Anarchy" I am going to tell you different ways of blowing up mouses, and snakes. First things first for this you will need a long peice of wick gun powder and a small box. Fill the bottle with the gun powder(not to much) stick the wick in leaving a strand of the wick sticking out of small box and close the box. After the box is closed tie the end of the wick to a stick and shove the box end into the mouse. Hold on to the stick tightly while lighting the wick then quickly release the stick and RUN! Seconds later you should have a blown up mousey. Using this method on mouses and snakes at the same time. Do the samething you did to the mouse except this time do not light the wick instead feed the mouse to the snake (if its a rattle snake just stick the rattle in the mouse's ass) then take a knife and plant a hole in the area where the mouse is in the snake. Then take the a peice of wick tie it to a stick implant that into the mouse and light the wick on fire then you guessed it RUN! 3a. Blowing up your spouse. Almost everyone who has a spouse knows how annoying they can be well using the method provided below you can still sexually pleasure yourself with your spouse. Without your spouse bitching at you. Here's how. Blow off your spouces lips by putting gasoline or spraying something flamable at the tip of their ciggarettes (also a neat way to get people to quit smoking) I'm going to throw in a freebie for the men (not that I'm sexist or anything). The following has nothing to do with blowing up things. Another way to injure your spouse is a small knife in the maxi pad or lots of needles in the tampon. Although this method still isnt as cool as blowing them up. 4a. Blowing up your Spouse after you've already blown them up. After you have blown your spouse up the first time blow them up a second time by adding gun powder to the nicatine in their cigarette. Or feeding them Pepto Bizmo and Vinager while they are laying helpless on the ground. If that doesnt blow them up try plugging up their anal socket and pumping air threw their eye sockets while slowly inserting your index finger in and out of the persons pussy to create tension. 5a. Blowing up a baby animal while it is in the process of leaving the womb. For this you will need 3 or more fireCrackers if you dont have any then make your own, preferbaly M-80's or M-100's Method: Put the pregnant animal in a box tie a strand of firecrackers together stick one of the fire crackers up the pregnant animals ass when you see the babys head pop out quicky light the wick on one of the firecrackers make sure you shove one of the firecrackers up the pregnant mothers ass though. then RUN!!! 6a. Blowing up a squerials nuts. I found that squerials like to rub their food on their nuts before consumption so I got an idea. Since I live nearby a college with alot of walnut tree's there are many squerials in the area. Precedure: You will need 2 or 3 walnuts, gasoline, gun powder, and vasaline, wick, matches 1. Dip the first walnut in gunpower on one side only the other side dip in gasoline. After doing that wait for the squerial to get the walnut and proceed to rub the walnut on his own nuts. The reason the squerial does this is the clean off the outer shell. Anyhow doing this will cause the squerial to rub the gun powder and gasoline all over its balls. when done the squerial will either consume the nut, or stash it for later. Either way your gonna see some blown up squerial genitles. The suqerial will most likely return to the same area the first walnut was at. 2. -The second walnut- The second walnut should just be covered in vasaline. While the squerial was eating his first walnut you should have already placed a line of wick in front of the walnut as well as a small puddle of gasoline. Once the squerial goes for the walnut throw a match directly in the puddle of gasoline this will cause the squerials nut-sack to ignite due to the excesive amount of hair on the squerials nuts the animal might not relize that its testicles are on fire instantly so it will continue going for the vasaline covered walnut. When it trys picking up the walnut it will slip out of its grip, and also ignite. [rest to be continued] [10] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [10] _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ In Conclusion by: tip ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Nothing is to be taken seriously. Believe in the funk. Special thanks to Kan. 98/06/06 01:49:38 i feel like going on a warez kiddie expedition 98/06/06 01:49:41 brb 98/06/06 01:49:52 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (-k 7-11) 98/06/06 01:49:53 hrhr 98/06/06 01:49:56 === (part\#kode) EMF[~emf@opticb.uoregon.edu] @[01:49:56am] 98/06/06 01:49:59 bleh 98/06/06 01:50:33 heh 98/06/06 01:50:52 the goal and mission is to be so elite that our heads explode 98/06/06 01:50:54 === (join\#kode) papagallo[birel@p631.wirehub.net] @[01:50:54am] 98/06/06 01:51:02 uhhahmm 98/06/06 01:51:11 wtf 98/06/06 01:51:16 anyone have macromedia fireworks? 98/06/06 01:51:17 === (join\#kode) javato[huessin@] @[01:51:17am] 98/06/06 01:51:20 wtf? 98/06/06 01:51:25 what sites you giving out? 98/06/06 01:51:31 this ain't no warez channel 98/06/06 01:51:40 hi people 98/06/06 01:51:45 err 98/06/06 01:51:47 === (part\#kode) papagallo[birel@p631.wirehub.net] @[01:51:47am] 98/06/06 01:51:49 what teh fuck is this 98/06/06 01:51:49 dude 98/06/06 01:51:53 hi javato 98/06/06 01:52:04 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (-o+b javato *!*huessin@142.194.47.*) 98/06/06 01:52:04 === (kick\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] kicked [javato] off #kode [GET THE FUCK OUT YOU SACK OF SHIT] 98/06/06 01:52:17 hahaha 98/06/06 01:52:17 i didn't get enough peopel :( 98/06/06 01:52:18 brb 98/06/06 01:52:35 bleh, give us ops so we can have sum phun 98/06/06 01:52:48 why do you need ops? 98/06/06 01:53:05 bleh, i'll go to #2600 and say #kode for conf info 98/06/06 01:53:14 heheheheh 98/06/06 01:53:34 hmm 98/06/06 01:53:39 here we go 98/06/06 01:53:50 gimme libX11.so.6 98/06/06 01:54:27 COME TO #KODE FOR WAREZ AND INFO ON APPLYIN G 98/06/06 01:54:31 ONLY DEDICATED AND ELITE UPLOADERS MAY APPL Y 98/06/06 01:54:53 === (signoff\#kode) chron1c[chron1c@del-ca6-02.ix.netcom.com] @[01:54:53am] [Ping timeout] 98/06/06 01:55:10 === (join\#kOde) PLaiDJaM[PLaiD@sea214243.foxinternet.net] @[01:55:10am] 98/06/06 01:55:23 only dedicated and elite uploaders ? you meant couriers? 98/06/06 01:55:28 this guy is schooling me 98/06/06 01:55:46 blewh 98/06/06 01:55:54 hehe 98/06/06 01:55:54 hmm 98/06/06 01:55:58 hi plaidjam 98/06/06 01:56:06 zup 98/06/06 01:56:17 im in dire need bro 98/06/06 01:56:27 whut up 98/06/06 01:56:39 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (-o+b PLaiDJaM *!*PLaiD@*.foxinternet.net) 98/06/06 01:56:41 === (kick\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] kicked [PLaiDJaM] off #kode [I'M IN DIRE NEED OF YOUR MOTHER YOU CUM GUZZLING SHIT EATING PLUMBER] 98/06/06 01:56:51 === (nick\change) M_M ��> MassWarez 98/06/06 01:56:53 bleh 98/06/06 01:56:58 === (join\#kOde) jumper[8919@harper.uchicago.edu] @[01:56:58am] 98/06/06 01:57:01 === (nick\change) jumper ��> warez-bot 98/06/06 01:57:04 coolers 98/06/06 01:57:18 === (join\#kode) huessin[huessin@] @[01:57:18am ] 98/06/06 01:57:28 msg warez-bot for info 98/06/06 01:57:36 sup where are the sites you giving away? 98/06/06 01:57:40 WAREZ AND CONF INFO 98/06/06 01:57:45 juerz 98/06/06 01:57:50 er, juerez 98/06/06 01:57:50 === (join\#kode) chron1c[chron1c@del-ca6-02.ix.netcom.com] @[01:57:50am] 98/06/06 01:57:57 we're giving out pron and gamez 98/06/06 01:57:57 www.MASSWAREZ.COM 98/06/06 01:57:59 in 10 minutes 98/06/06 01:58:04 we need to collect peeps first G 98/06/06 01:58:06 hello...??????? 98/06/06 01:58:07 heh 98/06/06 01:58:08 serious juerez 98/06/06 01:58:13 === (join\#kode) H-man[colin@] @[01:58:13am] 98/06/06 01:58:17 www.MASSWAREZ.COM 98/06/06 01:58:23 bring your friends people 98/06/06 01:58:24 === (join\#kode) mll[chicken@] @[01:58:24am] 98/06/06 01:58:25 hullo 98/06/06 01:58:27 where'z the warez??? 98/06/06 01:58:28 we're starting a warez-fest 98/06/06 01:58:29 hmm... 98/06/06 01:58:33 we've got the hook up for warez 98/06/06 01:58:44 10MORE MINUTES TIL WE DROP DA BOMB WAREZ YO 98/06/06 01:58:44 what do we have to do to get access to those warez sites? 98/06/06 01:58:48 www.MASSWAREZ.COM <---------PORN-GAMEZ-CONF INFO 98/06/06 01:59:12 uhhh 98/06/06 01:59:50 what are we doing here? 98/06/06 01:59:55 wtf 98/06/06 01:59:58 warez 98/06/06 01:59:58 www.MASSWAREZ.COM <---------PORN-GAMEZ-CONF INFO 98/06/06 01:59:58 yer waiting 10 minutes 98/06/06 02:00:03 !list for info 98/06/06 02:00:04 then we're dropping THE LIST 98/06/06 02:00:08 of warez sites 98/06/06 02:00:09 === (join\#KODE) Soundclub[gal@ts014p16.tlv.netvision.net.il] @[02:00:09am] 98/06/06 02:00:15 www.MASSWAREZ.COM <---------PORN-GAMEZ-CONF INFO 98/06/06 02:00:32 masswarez be quiet 98/06/06 02:00:36 if its gonna be a good warez channel.u need some free warezftp's and advertise 98/06/06 02:00:37 COME TO #KODE FOR FREE DISTRO'S AND INFO ON APPLYING TO THE HOT NEW WAREZ GROUP 98/06/06 02:00:38 COME TO #KODE FOR FREE DISTRO'S AND INFO ON APPLYING TO THE HOT NEW WAREZ GROUP 98/06/06 02:00:38 COME TO #KODE FOR FREE DISTRO'S AND INFO ON APPLYING TO THE HOT NEW WAREZ GROUP 98/06/06 02:00:45 hi all 98/06/06 02:00:45 COME TO #KODE FOR FREE DISTRO'S AND INFO ON APPLYING TO THE HOT NEW WAREZ GROUP 98/06/06 02:00:46 COME TO #KODE FOR FREE DISTRO'S AND INFO ON APPLYING TO THE HOT NEW WAREZ GROUP 98/06/06 02:00:47 COME TO #KODE FOR FREE DISTRO'S AND INFO ON APPLYING TO THE HOT NEW WAREZ GROUP 98/06/06 02:00:48 COME TO #KODE FOR FREE DISTRO'S AND INFO ON APPLYING TO THE HOT NEW WAREZ GROUP 98/06/06 02:00:48 COME TO #KODE FOR FREE DISTRO'S AND INFO ON APPLYING TO THE HOT NEW WAREZ GROUP 98/06/06 02:00:48 COME TO #KODE FOR FREE DISTRO'S AND INFO ON APPLYING TO THE HOT NEW WAREZ GROUP 98/06/06 02:00:49 COME TO #KODE FOR FREE DISTRO'S AND INFO ON APPLYING TO THE HOT NEW WAREZ GROUP 98/06/06 02:00:51 COME TO #KODE FOR FREE DISTRO'S AND INFO ON APPLYING TO THE HOT NEW WAREZ GROUP 98/06/06 02:00:51 www.MASSWAREZ.COM <---------PORN-GAMEZ-CONF INFO 98/06/06 02:00:51 welcome 98/06/06 02:00:52 COME TO #KODE FOR FREE DISTRO'S AND INFO ON APPLYING TO THE HOT NEW WAREZ GROUP 98/06/06 02:00:53 !list for info 98/06/06 02:00:54 COME TO #KODE FOR FREE DISTRO'S AND INFO ON APPLYING TO THE HOT NEW WAREZ GROUP 98/06/06 02:00:56 COME TO #KODE FOR FREE DISTRO'S AND INFO ON APPLYING TO THE HOT NEW WAREZ GROUP 98/06/06 02:00:58 oh 98/06/06 02:01:02 wrong channel 98/06/06 02:01:04 hehe 98/06/06 02:01:04 www.MASSWAREZ.COM <---------PORN-GAMEZ-CONF INFO 98/06/06 02:01:06 brb 98/06/06 02:01:12 jsbach: are you the only guy in the group? 98/06/06 02:01:20 � Soundclub is looking for SoundClub Crack / Can 1ny help me PLZ ?! 98/06/06 02:01:27 Iam in the group 98/06/06 02:01:35 welcome 98/06/06 02:01:37 WareZ_2000 98/06/06 02:01:39 !list for info 98/06/06 02:01:56 nope 98/06/06 02:01:58 we're all in it 98/06/06 02:02:13 erm 98/06/06 02:02:17 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (+o Kanuchsa) 98/06/06 02:02:19 === (join\#kode) AFeX[eightbal@as01-13.ppp.gu.edu.au] @[02:02:19am] 98/06/06 02:02:20 in where? 98/06/06 02:02:20 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (+o tip) 98/06/06 02:02:23 warez 2000? 98/06/06 02:02:25 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (+o MassWarez) 98/06/06 02:02:26 � Kanuchsa looks around 98/06/06 02:02:33 welcome 98/06/06 02:02:34 okayy 98/06/06 02:02:35 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (+o d_silver) 98/06/06 02:02:36 !list for info 98/06/06 02:02:39 � Kanuchsa goes back to whatever it was he was diong 98/06/06 02:02:40 doing 98/06/06 02:02:43 � mll looks around 98/06/06 02:02:47 I see we got company 98/06/06 02:02:53 5 MINUTES TILL THE BOMB 98/06/06 02:03:01 WE WILL DROP THE 0-DAY FTP LIST 98/06/06 02:03:03 WE WILL DROP THE 0-DAY FTP LIST 98/06/06 02:03:07 !there's no 1 in warez_2000 98/06/06 02:03:07 WareZ and Porn ON the Way 98/06/06 02:03:16 jsbach: do you have Japanese windows 98 final? 98/06/06 02:03:18 === (signoff\#kode) huessin[huessin@] @[02:03:18am] [Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)] 98/06/06 02:03:26 y3a 98/06/06 02:03:30 on 0ur ftP 98/06/06 02:03:34 ok :) 98/06/06 02:03:36 === (join\#KODE) Amperage[dasmail@zenith159.hhs.net] @[02:03:36am] 98/06/06 02:03:37 mml why do u need japanese? 98/06/06 02:03:46 === (join\#kode) huessin[huessin@] @[02:03:46am ] 98/06/06 02:03:51 === (part\#KODE) Amperage[dasmail@zenith159.hhs.net] @[02:03:51am] 98/06/06 02:03:51 welcome 98/06/06 02:03:55 !list for info 98/06/06 02:03:55 H-man: I got a japanese game need jap windows to play 98/06/06 02:04:02 !list 98/06/06 02:04:05 what sites are you giving away and do you need a bo t master because i have some eggdrops 98/06/06 02:04:07 !list 98/06/06 02:04:10 win 98 usa and Jap on Our FtP site 98/06/06 02:04:11 === (topic\#kOde) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net] sets topic (THE NEW ELITE COURIER GROUP. ONLY _ELITE_ MAY APPLY.) 98/06/06 02:04:16 you schumk 98/06/06 02:04:16 wait 98/06/06 02:04:17 you shumk 98/06/06 02:04:17 wait 98/06/06 02:04:22 /clear 98/06/06 02:04:22 === (signoff\#kode) Soundclub[gal@ts014p16.tlv.netvision.net.il] @[02:04:22am] [Forgot to pay m t internet bill!!!] 98/06/06 02:04:26 winCe progs on our Ftp 98/06/06 02:04:34 ya 98/06/06 02:04:35 /clear 98/06/06 02:04:43 masswarez: what site? 98/06/06 02:04:45 whats a big warez channel besides good ol #warez950? 98/06/06 02:04:55 jsbach: do you have chinese windows 98? 98/06/06 02:04:59 nope mll 98/06/06 02:05:06 only japanese and engl1sh 98/06/06 02:05:14 jeez i need to talk more elite 98/06/06 02:05:14 === (part\#kOde) warez-bot[8919@harper.uchicago.edu] @[02:05:14am] 98/06/06 02:05:20 jsbach: is japanese windows 98 final? 98/06/06 02:05:25 === (join\#kOde) warez-bot[8919@harper.uchicago.edu] @[02:05:25am] 98/06/06 02:05:28 4 MiNuTeS TiLL ThE BoMb 98/06/06 02:05:28 #linuxwarez 98/06/06 02:05:29 4 MiNuTeS TiLL ThE BoMb 98/06/06 02:05:30 4 MiNuTeS TiLL ThE BoMb 98/06/06 02:05:30 kode / kode for lost of warez....microm3,kknd2 , sensible soccer98 and tons of mp3's and more.. 98/06/06 02:05:33 !list 98/06/06 02:05:41 you schumk 98/06/06 02:05:42 wait 98/06/06 02:05:44 0-day winCe hack Progs 98/06/06 02:05:47 ? 98/06/06 02:05:48 === (join\#kode) eazye[ruthless@GF8.initco.net] @[02:05:48am] 98/06/06 02:05:49 === (join\#kode) GABBAH[forget@tl0137.wxs.nl] @[02:05:49am] 98/06/06 02:05:52 === (join\#kode) Wipe0ut[tribe7-8@sladl5p11.ozemail.com.au] @[02:05:52am] 98/06/06 02:06:10 hi 98/06/06 02:06:13 yew 98/06/06 02:06:17 sup 98/06/06 02:06:18 ok anyone got army men here? 98/06/06 02:06:19 welcome 98/06/06 02:06:19 where the fuck are the free distros ? 98/06/06 02:06:21 !list for info 98/06/06 02:06:25 3 MiNuTeS TiLL ThE BoMB 98/06/06 02:06:25 !list 98/06/06 02:06:28 yes 98/06/06 02:06:28 3 minutes eazye 98/06/06 02:06:29 ohh 98/06/06 02:06:29 you schumk 98/06/06 02:06:30 wait 98/06/06 02:06:30 okey 98/06/06 02:06:32 i have army mean 98/06/06 02:06:33 men 98/06/06 02:06:34 whats the bomb 98/06/06 02:06:35 we're gathering as much ppl as possible 98/06/06 02:06:36 kode / kode for lost of warez....microm3,kknd2 , sensible soccer98 and tons of mp3's and more.. 98/06/06 02:06:43 kool 98/06/06 02:06:44 THIS IS THE NEW WAREZ CHANNEL 98/06/06 02:06:45 :\ 98/06/06 02:06:45 h-man 98/06/06 02:06:46 jsbach .... what bomb ? 98/06/06 02:06:46 who is prez? 98/06/06 02:06:49 can i have it 98/06/06 02:06:50 =] 98/06/06 02:06:50 ? 98/06/06 02:06:51 jsbach: why? 98/06/06 02:06:53 IT IS THE PLACE TO BE FOR THE _ELITE_ WAREZ DOWNLOADER 98/06/06 02:06:54 *faint* oh.. 98/06/06 02:06:55 got a site buddy? 98/06/06 02:07:00 not now.. 98/06/06 02:07:00 hheehh 98/06/06 02:07:05 maybe l8r... 98/06/06 02:07:06 up in 2 min ftp.MASSWAREZ.com 98/06/06 02:07:08 count me in as a perm joiner to this chan 98/06/06 02:07:14 i'm doing alot of xfer now ok? 98/06/06 02:07:16 masswarez 98/06/06 02:07:22 u got army men 98/06/06 02:07:22 l8r 98/06/06 02:07:23 ? 98/06/06 02:07:24 welcome 98/06/06 02:07:25 k 98/06/06 02:07:26 !list for info 98/06/06 02:07:27 cool 98/06/06 02:07:29 !list 98/06/06 02:07:31 you schumk 98/06/06 02:07:31 wipeout; right on 98/06/06 02:07:32 wait 98/06/06 02:07:41 gotta fix that bot 98/06/06 02:07:43 i can u/l to u doods if ya need anything 98/06/06 02:07:45 i can mass msg all of efnet if you want 98/06/06 02:07:45 jsbach-can i have it? 98/06/06 02:07:49 to join this channel 98/06/06 02:07:51 i will see when it is up i guess 98/06/06 02:08:17 ok enough of this madness 98/06/06 02:08:21 who here has army men and can give it to me 98/06/06 02:08:21 ? 98/06/06 02:08:29 2 MINUTES UNTIL THE BOMB IS DROPPED 98/06/06 02:08:32 ..."!" 98/06/06 02:08:38 what bomb? 98/06/06 02:08:41 ummm 98/06/06 02:08:45 all the warez sites 98/06/06 02:08:46 who here has army men and can give it to me 98/06/06 02:08:46 ? 98/06/06 02:08:48 that we've gathered 98/06/06 02:08:49 heaps good 98/06/06 02:08:52 2 MINUTES UNTIL THE BOMB IS DROPPED 98/06/06 02:08:53 2 MINUTES UNTIL THE BOMB IS DROPPED 98/06/06 02:08:54 2 MINUTES UNTIL THE BOMB IS DROPPED 98/06/06 02:08:56 h0h0h0h0h0 98/06/06 02:08:58 kool 98/06/06 02:09:00 =) 98/06/06 02:09:03 === (join\#kode) partdude[~scriptdud@fire.tgsa.edu] @[02:09:03am] 98/06/06 02:09:04 what is ELITE? 98/06/06 02:09:11 gah gah gah 98/06/06 02:09:14 === (signoff\#kode) huessin[huessin@] @[02:09:14am] [Excess Flood] 98/06/06 02:09:17 heheh 98/06/06 02:09:20 elite is a state of mind 98/06/06 02:09:22 it's being devoted to the warez movements 98/06/06 02:09:23 === (join\#kode) huessin[huessin@] @[02:09:23am ] 98/06/06 02:09:28 indeed 98/06/06 02:09:28 movement i mean 98/06/06 02:09:30 hussein 98/06/06 02:09:35 u got army men? 98/06/06 02:09:41 it's believing that ALL software should be free. 98/06/06 02:09:48 and crusading 98/06/06 02:09:49 :\ 98/06/06 02:09:50 we have a network of 30 puters every thing must g o 98/06/06 02:09:51 for that cause 98/06/06 02:09:52 ok.. 98/06/06 02:09:55 jsbach... good theory I agree 98/06/06 02:10:06 i liek it too 98/06/06 02:10:11 army men? 98/06/06 02:10:11 elite is a state of mind 98/06/06 02:10:14 otherwise i woudnt be in warez 98/06/06 02:10:16 yes 98/06/06 02:10:17 that is as true as true is 98/06/06 02:10:19 army men 98/06/06 02:10:20 hmmm 98/06/06 02:10:22 ;) 98/06/06 02:10:24 who has it? 98/06/06 02:10:26 If u got the feel lets spread the warez's and no ratio plz!!!nananananan 98/06/06 02:10:34 shit... Army Men isn't that great anyways 98/06/06 02:10:35 hehe 98/06/06 02:10:37 NO RATIO 98/06/06 02:10:37 what do you mean by army men 98/06/06 02:10:41 hhehe 98/06/06 02:10:42 guys with guns and bombs? 98/06/06 02:10:42 SPREAD THIS CHANNEL TO AS MANY WAREZ FRIENDS AS POSSIBLE 98/06/06 02:10:44 cool 98/06/06 02:10:45 the game hussein 98/06/06 02:10:46 EVERY THING MUST GO 98/06/06 02:10:49 i will doods 98/06/06 02:10:49 no the game title 98/06/06 02:10:53 I will SPREAD 98/06/06 02:10:53 =] 98/06/06 02:10:55 hehe 98/06/06 02:10:55 ok i'm spreading 98/06/06 02:10:56 1 MINUTE TO THE BOMB 98/06/06 02:10:58 liquidation 98/06/06 02:11:03 welcome 98/06/06 02:11:06 !list for info 98/06/06 02:11:07 powEr to da l33t 98/06/06 02:11:10 We need more ppl in here so we can drop the bomb 98/06/06 02:11:11 im spreading shitloads 98/06/06 02:11:11 i was elite, now i'm fucking GAY! 98/06/06 02:11:13 umm the bnots mad =) 98/06/06 02:11:13 every ratio advertiser will be kicked 98/06/06 02:11:22 yea!! 98/06/06 02:11:31 fuck ratios up their tight asses!!! 98/06/06 02:11:31 NO RATIO'S. ALL FREE. 98/06/06 02:11:35 YES!! 98/06/06 02:11:38 EVERY THING MUST GO 98/06/06 02:11:40 whats da ftps speed ? 98/06/06 02:11:41 Or fake http's NO PORN!!!! 98/06/06 02:11:43 === (topic\#kOde) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net] sets topic (NO RATIOS. EVERYTHING IS FREE. BELIVE IN DA WAREZ.) 98/06/06 02:11:46 === (signoff\#kode) huessin[huessin@] @[02:11:46am] [Excess Flood] 98/06/06 02:11:48 t3 98/06/06 02:11:52 heheh 98/06/06 02:11:55 wait up 98/06/06 02:11:59 === (join\#kode) huessin[huessin@] @[02:11:59am ] 98/06/06 02:12:07 fuck i messaged 1000 people and got kicked off 98/06/06 02:12:08 also i hate those banner sites to get passwords 98/06/06 02:12:09 === (topic\#kOde) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net] sets topic (NO RATIOS. EVERYTHING IS FREE. BELIVE IN DA WAREZ. FREE SOFTWARE _FOREVER_.. FUC) 98/06/06 02:12:11 kick all of them 98/06/06 02:12:29 is it anon login doods ? 98/06/06 02:12:34 most of em 98/06/06 02:12:36 hehehe 98/06/06 02:12:39 up for cue soon: win98, solaris 2.6, office98, more 98/06/06 02:12:41 welcome 98/06/06 02:12:46 === (join\#kode) WarBirD_[colin@] @[02:12:46am] 98/06/06 02:12:48 cool 98/06/06 02:12:55 office 98 not on pc i dont think 98/06/06 02:12:57 =) 98/06/06 02:13:08 === (join\#kode) JrLuv[dark-lotus@ts1-16.eden.spacestar.net] @[02:13:08am] 98/06/06 02:13:10 === (join\#kode) Heaven_[~me@] @[02:13:10am] 98/06/06 02:13:10 === (join\#kode) Mocks-[L0rdmocks@ip120-97.globalink.net] @[02:13:10am] 98/06/06 02:13:20 === (join\#KODE) _Smokey[~Tomy@dial110.abacom.com] @[02:13:20am] 98/06/06 02:13:21 ahah 98/06/06 02:13:24 SPREAD THE WORD. #KODE IS THE NEW STANDARD FOR WAREZ . 98/06/06 02:13:26 === (join\#kode) nitroh[fossum@appnet-ppp11.applause.no] @[02:13:26am] 98/06/06 02:13:34 _EVERYTHING_ IS FREE IN #KODE 98/06/06 02:13:37 TRADERS WILL BE BANNED 98/06/06 02:13:37 Does anyone here have WinFax v8.xx. PLEASE /msg me! 98/06/06 02:13:38 WORD 98/06/06 02:13:39 Ftp.MASSWAREZ.com up in 5 min 98/06/06 02:13:45 EVER THING MUST GO 98/06/06 02:13:48 dis chan rules 98/06/06 02:13:50 if you have ms word or home essentials msg me please 98/06/06 02:13:51 LIQUIDATION SALE 98/06/06 02:13:51 IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING AND REFUSE TO GIVE IT TO SOMEONE, YOU WILL BE BANNED 98/06/06 02:13:52 keep it real homeys 98/06/06 02:13:56 ;) 98/06/06 02:13:57 IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING AND REFUSE TO GIVE IT TO SOMEONE, YOU WILL BE BANNED 98/06/06 02:14:04 =) 98/06/06 02:14:06 Does anyone here have WinFax v8.xx. PLEASE /msg me! 98/06/06 02:14:07 alright 98/06/06 02:14:10 SPREAD THE WORD 98/06/06 02:14:12 when's the bomb gonna blow? 98/06/06 02:14:14 i need ms word or home essentials if you have it msg me 98/06/06 02:14:23 i have a coupla ppl joining 98/06/06 02:14:33 === (join\#kode) Sawtooth[peace@d5-u30.acld.clear.net.nz] @[02:14:33am] 98/06/06 02:14:37 10gig PORN 98/06/06 02:14:52 BLAh... it ain't all pr0n is it ? 98/06/06 02:14:52 any ftp? leech ftp? 98/06/06 02:14:59 fuck 98/06/06 02:15:00 === (join\#kOde) OverR|de[prick@ti21a96-0180.dialup.online.no ] @[02:15:00am] 98/06/06 02:15:07 up for cue: 6 gigs of xxx pics and mpegs, more 98/06/06 02:15:08 welcome 98/06/06 02:15:11 override eh? 98/06/06 02:15:13 80 gig GameZ 98/06/06 02:15:14 anyone here has directx6? 98/06/06 02:15:15 oh ok.. hehe.. ya scared me for a minute there =] 98/06/06 02:15:18 everone: override has a ratio site 98/06/06 02:15:22 he trades always 98/06/06 02:15:27 === (signoff\#kode) huessin[huessin@] @[02:15:27am] [Excess Flood] 98/06/06 02:15:29 � chron1c is away: (Auto-Away after 10 mins) [BX-MsgLog On] 98/06/06 02:15:35 === (part\#kode) Sawtooth[peace@d5-u30.acld.clear.net.nz] @[02:15:35am] 98/06/06 02:15:37 === (join\#kode) huessin[huessin@] @[02:15:37am ] 98/06/06 02:15:44 === (join\#kOde) Aciddude[kponith@dyn245ppp175.pacific.net.sg ] @[02:15:44am] 98/06/06 02:15:53 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (-o+b OverR|de *!*prick@*.online.no) 98/06/06 02:15:54 === (kick\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] kicked [OverR|de] off #kode [YOU DISOBEY THE WAREZ ETHICS, GET THE FUCK OUT ] 98/06/06 02:16:04 YEA!! 98/06/06 02:16:07 === (signoff\#kode) Aciddude[kponith@dyn245ppp175.pacific.net.sg] @[02:16:07am] [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)] 98/06/06 02:16:08 yeah!!! 98/06/06 02:16:10 up for cue: 3 gigs of mp3s, more 98/06/06 02:16:13 FREE DA WAREZ 98/06/06 02:16:19 any one got ms word or home essentials? msg me 98/06/06 02:16:35 keep dat sheeit phree phlowin 98/06/06 02:16:37 welcome 98/06/06 02:16:41 KEEP THE WAREZ FREE!!! 98/06/06 02:16:45 FREE DA WAREZ 98/06/06 02:16:45 FREE DA WAREZ 98/06/06 02:16:47 KEEP THE WAREZ FREE!!! 98/06/06 02:16:52 === (join\#kOde) DaMansion[DaMansion@annex1-p11.hy.cgocable.ca] @[02:16:52am] 98/06/06 02:16:53 KEEP THE WAREZ FREE!!! 98/06/06 02:16:56 bomb us babe 98/06/06 02:17:00 KEEP THE WAREZ FREE!!! 98/06/06 02:17:14 0 RATIOS 98/06/06 02:17:19 =] 98/06/06 02:17:31 UPLOAD IF YOU WISH 98/06/06 02:17:38 welcome 98/06/06 02:17:43 goddam, that bot's fucked 98/06/06 02:17:44 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (+ooo partdude gewf warez-bot) 98/06/06 02:17:44 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (+ooo huessin Mocks- DaMansion) 98/06/06 02:17:45 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (+ooo WarBirD_ JrLuv mll) 98/06/06 02:17:45 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (+ooo Heaven_ GABBAH H-man) 98/06/06 02:17:46 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (+ooo Wipe0ut AFeX chron1c) 98/06/06 02:17:46 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (+ooo _Smokey eazye nitroh) 98/06/06 02:17:50 === (join\#kOde) Mrdalvin[tommy@207-172-57-3.s3.tnt2.ann.erols.com] @[02:17:50am] 98/06/06 02:17:50 === (kick\#kode) partdude[~scriptdud@fire.tgsa.edu] kicked [AFeX] off #kode [Doink!] 98/06/06 02:17:51 === (kick\#kode) partdude[~scriptdud@fire.tgsa.edu] kicked [chron1c] off #kode [Doink!] 98/06/06 02:17:51 === (kick\#kode) partdude[~scriptdud@fire.tgsa.edu] kicked [DaMansion] off #kode [Doink!] 98/06/06 02:17:51 === (kick\#kode) partdude[~scriptdud@fire.tgsa.edu] kicked [d_silver] off #kode [Doink!] 98/06/06 02:17:51 === (kick\#kode) huessin[huessin@] kicked [partdude] off #kode [Mass Kick Protection! (4 Kicks in 0 second(s) of 10. (7th Sphere] 98/06/06 02:17:51 === (join\#kode) chron1c[chron1c@del-ca6-02.ix.netcom.com] @[02:17:51am] 98/06/06 02:17:51 IF YOU SUPPORT WAREZ YOU GET OPS 98/06/06 02:17:52 === (join\#kode) partdude[~scriptdud@fire.tgsa.edu] @[02:17:52am] 98/06/06 02:17:55 === (kick\#kode) WarBirD_[colin@] kicked [partdude] off #kode [<<-NE>> Mass Kick Protection!] 98/06/06 02:17:56 === (join\#kode) partdude[~scriptdud@fire.tgsa.edu] @[02:17:56am] 98/06/06 02:17:57 === (join\#kode) d_silver[~work@randolphmax4-78.megsinet.net] @[02:17:57am] 98/06/06 02:17:59 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (-ooo gewf huessin warez-bot) 98/06/06 02:17:59 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (-ooo MassWarez Mocks- WarBirD_) 98/06/06 02:18:00 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (-ooo JrLuv mll tip) 98/06/06 02:18:00 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (-ooo Heaven_ Kanuchsa GABBAH) 98/06/06 02:18:01 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (-ooo H-man Wipe0ut _Smokey) 98/06/06 02:18:01 lemme fixk it 98/06/06 02:18:01 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (-oo eazye nitroh) 98/06/06 02:18:03 wtf?? 98/06/06 02:18:10 === (join\#kode) DaMansion[DaMansion@annex1-p11.hy.cgocable.ca] @[02:18:10am] 98/06/06 02:18:10 partdude?? 98/06/06 02:18:16 partdude again? 98/06/06 02:18:19 waddup d_silver 98/06/06 02:18:20 ok he dies 98/06/06 02:18:25 welcome 98/06/06 02:18:29 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (-o+b partdude *!*scriptdud@*.tgsa.edu) 98/06/06 02:18:29 === (kick\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] kicked [partdude] off #kode [get the fuck out.] 98/06/06 02:18:34 === (join\#kode) pahtz[~scriptdud@sc24-17-215.thegrid.net] @[02:18:34am] 98/06/06 02:18:39 I will u/l if ya don't already have it =] 98/06/06 02:18:43 but im sure ya will have 98/06/06 02:18:44 hehe 98/06/06 02:18:47 up for cue: $1 $2, more 98/06/06 02:18:50 hmm 98/06/06 02:18:53 === (signoff\#kode) warez-bot[8919@harper.uchicago.edu] @[02:18:53am] [Leaving] 98/06/06 02:18:54 === (join\#kode) AFeX[eightbal@as01-13.ppp.gu.edu.au] @[02:18:54am] 98/06/06 02:18:56 === (part\#kode) AFeX[eightbal@as01-13.ppp.gu.edu.au] @[02:18:56am] 98/06/06 02:18:58 === (join\#kode) AFeX[eightbal@as01-13.ppp.gu.edu.au] @[02:18:58am] 98/06/06 02:19:01 FREE DA WAREZ. IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING AND DON'T OFFER IT TO SOMEONE IN NEED YOU DISOBEY THE WAREZ AND WILL BE BANNED 98/06/06 02:19:07 Ftp.MASSWAREZ.com is Comming 98/06/06 02:19:14 this channel is stupid! 98/06/06 02:19:15 this channel is stupid! 98/06/06 02:19:16 this channel is stupid! 98/06/06 02:19:17 Does anyone here have WinFax v8.xx. PLEASE /msg me! 98/06/06 02:19:17 Does anyone here have WinFax v8.xx. PLEASE /msg me! 98/06/06 02:19:17 Does anyone here have WinFax v8.xx. PLEASE /msg me! 98/06/06 02:19:18 Does anyone here have WinFax v8.xx. PLEASE /msg me! 98/06/06 02:19:18 SPREAD THE WORD 98/06/06 02:19:18 Does anyone here have WinFax v8.xx. PLEASE /msg me! 98/06/06 02:19:20 === (part\#kode) nitroh[fossum@appnet-ppp11.applause.no] @[02:19:20am] 98/06/06 02:19:21 === (part\#kode) JrLuv[dark-lotus@ts1-16.eden.spacestar.net] @[02:19:21am] 98/06/06 02:19:25 === (signoff\#kode) huessin[huessin@] @[02:19:25am] [Excess Flood] 98/06/06 02:19:27 so get OUT!!! 98/06/06 02:19:29 ok 98/06/06 02:19:31 hi 98/06/06 02:19:33 === (join\#kode) huessin[huessin@] @[02:19:33am ] 98/06/06 02:19:52 whens da bomb gonna explode ? 98/06/06 02:19:58 Jsbach lets release the list 98/06/06 02:20:02 ok 98/06/06 02:20:06 Question for the OP. If some one asks for somethin g and I know a sight that has it, will I get my ass banned if I teel them it is a ratio site ? 98/06/06 02:20:07 === (signoff\#kode) huessin[huessin@] @[02:20:07am] [Excess Flood] 98/06/06 02:20:14 98/06/06 02:20:15 98/06/06 02:20:15 98/06/06 02:20:15 98/06/06 02:20:15 98/06/06 02:20:16 98/06/06 02:20:16 === (join\#kode) huessin[huessin@] @[02:20:16am ] 98/06/06 02:20:17 98/06/06 02:20:19 98/06/06 02:20:21 98/06/06 02:20:23 98/06/06 02:20:25 98/06/06 02:20:28 98/06/06 02:20:28 YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS 98/06/06 02:20:29 98/06/06 02:20:31 FREEEEEEEEE DA WAAAAAAREZ 98/06/06 02:20:31 98/06/06 02:20:33 98/06/06 02:20:34 WIRD 98/06/06 02:20:35 98/06/06 02:20:36 WORD 98/06/06 02:20:36 =] 98/06/06 02:20:36 98/06/06 02:20:39 98/06/06 02:20:41 98/06/06 02:20:41 you guys fucking RULE 98/06/06 02:20:43 98/06/06 02:20:44 LET DA WAREZ FLOW 98/06/06 02:20:46 wow golly, that's a lot of juerez 98/06/06 02:20:46 LET DA WAREZ FLOW 98/06/06 02:20:47 98/06/06 02:20:49 98/06/06 02:20:50 LET DA WAREZ FLOW 98/06/06 02:20:50 98/06/06 02:20:52 LET DA WAREZ FLOW 98/06/06 02:20:53 98/06/06 02:20:55 98/06/06 02:20:57 98/06/06 02:20:59 98/06/06 02:21:01 98/06/06 02:21:03 98/06/06 02:21:06 you guys fucking RULE 98/06/06 02:21:06 98/06/06 02:21:07 98/06/06 02:21:09 98/06/06 02:21:10 ? 98/06/06 02:21:10 98/06/06 02:21:11 THE BOMB HAS BEEN DROPPED 98/06/06 02:21:12 98/06/06 02:21:14 THE BOMB HAS BEEN DROPPED 98/06/06 02:21:14 THE BOMB HAS BEEN DROPPED 98/06/06 02:21:14 98/06/06 02:21:17 98/06/06 02:21:19 98/06/06 02:21:21 98/06/06 02:21:23 98/06/06 02:21:25 FREEE THE WAZE 98/06/06 02:21:27 SPREAD THE WORD OF #KODE 98/06/06 02:21:30 the NETWORK WILL BE OPEN FOR 24 hours only 98/06/06 02:21:32 === (part\#kode) Mocks-[L0rdmocks@ip120-97.globalink.net] @[02:21:32am] 98/06/06 02:21:35 WORD 98/06/06 02:21:37 ::: ((dns)) Attempting to resolve 98/06/06 02:21:39 ::: ((dns)) Resolved to hpg30b.csc.cuhk.edu.hk 98/06/06 02:21:44 === (join\#kode) YepYep[whatup@02-097.015.popsite.net] @[02:21:44am] 98/06/06 02:21:49 SO GET IT WILL ITS HOT 98/06/06 02:21:51 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (+o chron1c) 98/06/06 02:21:56 what login? 98/06/06 02:21:58 anonymous ? 98/06/06 02:21:59 anyone have pagemill? 98/06/06 02:22:15 thanks 98/06/06 02:22:18 === (mode\#kode) chron1c[chron1c@del-ca6-02.ix.netcom.com] sets mode (+o tip) 98/06/06 02:22:19 === (mode\#kode) chron1c[chron1c@del-ca6-02.ix.netcom.com] sets mode (+o gewf) 98/06/06 02:22:21 === (part\#KODE) _Smokey[~Tomy@dial110.abacom.com] @[02:22:21am] 98/06/06 02:22:24 ok 98/06/06 02:22:27 OK ALL 98/06/06 02:22:30 WE HAVE LEECH NO RATIOS 98/06/06 02:22:32 MROE TO COME 98/06/06 02:22:32 original #kode members 98/06/06 02:22:33 anonymous logins ? 98/06/06 02:22:35 wowsers, that's a lot of juerez! 98/06/06 02:22:37 doh 98/06/06 02:22:42 hehe 98/06/06 02:22:43 time for plan B 98/06/06 02:22:44 ready? 98/06/06 02:22:47 OK 98/06/06 02:22:50 ok 98/06/06 02:22:51 HERE IS ONE 98/06/06 02:22:52 O-Tay 98/06/06 02:22:57 98/06/06 02:23:00 L/ANonymous 98/06/06 02:23:01 LEECH 98/06/06 02:23:11 OK START PLAN B 98/06/06 02:23:13 === (mode\#kode) chron1c[chron1c@del-ca6-02.ix.netcom.com] sets mode (-o+b GABBAH *!*forget@*.wxs.nl) 98/06/06 02:23:14 === (mode\#kode) tip[tip@nathan.enteract.com] sets mode (+b *!*ruthless@*.initco.net) 98/06/06 02:23:14 === (kick\#kode) chron1c[chron1c@del-ca6-02.ix.netcom.com] kicked [GABBAH] off #kode [HAHA LEMUR] 98/06/06 02:23:14 === (kick\#kOde) tip[tip@nathan.enteract.com] kicked [eazye] off #kOde [mll h-man wipe0ut] 98/06/06 02:23:17 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (-o+b YepYep *!*whatup@*.popsite.net) 98/06/06 02:23:18 === (kick\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] kicked [YepYep] off #kode [GET THE FUCK OUT YOU PIECE OF SHIT] 98/06/06 02:23:18 === (mode\#kode) chron1c[chron1c@del-ca6-02.ix.netcom.com] sets mode (-o+b AFeX *!*eightbal@*.gu.edu.au) 98/06/06 02:23:18 === (kick\#kode) chron1c[chron1c@del-ca6-02.ix.netcom.com] kicked [AFeX] off #kode [WAREZ SUQ] 98/06/06 02:23:26 === (mode\#kode) tip[tip@nathan.enteract.com] sets mode (+b *!*chicken@207.137.188.*) 98/06/06 02:23:26 === (kick\#kOde) tip[tip@nathan.enteract.com] kicked [mll] of f #kOde [Bitch-X BaBy!] 98/06/06 02:23:30 >>> (msg(chron1c)) fuck you heheh.. 98/06/06 02:23:31 -chron1c(chron1c@del-ca6-02.ix.netcom.com)- [Away (Sat Jun 06 01:19AM)] [Current (Sat Jun 06 01:27AM)] [BX-MsgLog On] 98/06/06 02:23:32 === (mode\#kode) tip[tip@nathan.enteract.com] sets mode (+b *!*colin@192.116.247.*) 98/06/06 02:23:32 === (kick\#kOde) tip[tip@nathan.enteract.com] kicked [H-man] off #kOde [Bitch-X BaBy!] 98/06/06 02:23:36 === (mode\#kode) tip[tip@nathan.enteract.com] sets mode (+b *!*tommy@*.erols.com) 98/06/06 02:23:36 === (kick\#kOde) tip[tip@nathan.enteract.com] kicked [Mrdalvin] off #kOde [Bitch-X BaBy!] 98/06/06 02:23:36 === (mode\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] sets mode (-o+b huessin *!*huessin@142.194.46.*) 98/06/06 02:23:36 === (kick\#kode) jsbach[jsbach@ts022d03.oak-ca.concentric.net ] kicked [huessin] off #kode [you cheap whore] 98/06/06 02:23:41 ummm 98/06/06 02:23:42 === (mode\#kode) tip[tip@nathan.enteract.com] sets mode (+b *!*me@209.37