################################################## ### .... Brown Fuzzy Gerbils Inc Presents .... ### ################################################################################################ ### Kandy Acid's IRC Adventures ### ### - irc from _my_ point of view - ### ################################################################################################ ### Issue One of MANY, MANY, MORE ### ################################################## I went on a search looking for ways to say "I 0wn j00" when i came across to #JAPAN. I guess I used my sweet charm and got opd. That night as you can see Jack came into the channel and totally made an ass out of himself. It was fun, till i kicked him and later banned his lame ass. ;D *** Tbird91 has joined #JAPAN (#G710E010M1) Fuck japan.vive america (#G110E0<0M1) i hate japan hmm.. what is jack's problem (#G310E06:RM1) fuck japan Japan Rox y0. :D hey jack, you're a punk JACK...stop that.. or u will be kicked out bad,,,,,,,,,,,,jack (#G710E010M1) america kill all the fucking japans ... he no chance for that ,,,,,,,,kick (#G110E0<0M1) i like hiroshima I'm warning you (#G710E010M1) fuck you just kick him no warning..........................KICK (#G110E0<0M1) i�ll shit on you all (#G710E010M1) fuck chinese, fuck japan JACK..............BARKING DOGS SELDON BITE (#G310E06:RM1) Heil hitler *** Jack was kicked by ch3RyjAne (Heil Urself!) *** you are now talking in #teen**** Spending a hella lot of time in chatnets #TEEN Ive actualy kept count on how many people think that Jessica` is a real person.(Jessica` is a b0t btw ;/ ) Its even funnier when people think that K9s a person... Heres just one of the logs that ive kept. is jessica a bot? J-man: nope shes a hottie oh msg her where is she? msg her ok i will i have shall i shes my twin sis how old are you 17 18 identical? yes so how old is she then :| 18 :] hello shes my twin dorq ass * keanu was joking hrmmm k it wasnt funny oh * keanu is sad mow so are you msgin my sis? no not me msg her shes a hottie. but then you are * ch3RyjAne nods i guess so. and i prefer talking to you why? youre nicer she doesnt talk hehe am i? yes she does she talks alot when ? i dont know... if she is why arent you a @ a what? like she is *** J-man has left #teen well because im cooler. :p oh thats good i like that :] hrmmm. whatever. * keanu hangs around with you ewwwww!!! what ! dont "hang around" with me jessica` kick keanu this isn't the matrix *** keanu was kicked by Jessica` (this isn't the matrix) :D thank you. *** keanu has joined #teen i was joking come on look my sis dont like you and i wanted Jessica` to talk but she kicked instead she said to fuck urslef. :] oh man are you the same dewd i dont like anyone...here besides... like 4 people. oh im 19,m,englandn jessica` ban keanu this isn't the matrix *** keanu was kicked by Jessica` ((Default) 2 hours) this isn't the matrix) hehe There is always that person who gets on ur nerves but you still cant get enough of their ignorance. Such as this fellow... budsmoker..... Start of #TEEN buffer: Mon May 14 14:55:26 2001 wb. ty damn it easiest 50 points i've ever won! computer d/c then my dad's friend shows up so i have to talk to him ! the pervert!? yeah ;/ i hope i'm like ur dad's friend when i grow up look at my friends teenage daughters freak 'em out yeh their perky breasts lol i member that time u told me about ur dad's friend looking at ur 'perky breasts' lol i love my adjectives heh yeh me 2 gotta go yaw ah well get goin tsk * DayZ kicks eric out the door * Electron walks out arrogantly *** Electron has quit IRC (Got Quit?) lol he spelled that wrong too hi * Dragon says this is from The Sims ehiii ot�rioooooooooooooooooooooos beleza beleza !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ehiii ot�rioooooooooooooooooooooos beleza beleza !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ehiii ot�rioooooooooooooooooooooos beleza beleza !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ehiii ot�rioooooooooooooooooooooos beleza beleza !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *** K9 sets mode: +b *!*conta@200.199.50.* *** NERD_BROT was kicked by K9 ((SetBy: DayZ) Just another ignorant lamer in chatnets #TEEN.... *** pditty has joined #TEEN lol * ch3RyjAne points "pditty" oh jeez * ch3RyjAne laughs damn reject. hay who what????????? r u trippin or.................????? yesh im trippin :/ that aint cute hun hmm.. did you just call me hun?!!?!? PMS.............????????????/ hahaha lol ?????????/ ya there????????/ PMS............./////////???????????? * ch3RyjAne yawns ur fucking weird. your the one talkin shit biznight hehe. you know nan biznight? hmm.. biznight biznight blah? cum on know ???????? BIZNIGHT IS YOU STUPID???????? biznight? lol shan do you know what the artist formally known as puff daddy is talking about?!? lmao biznight eh? sure dont i know CUEBIZ!!!! cuebiz!!!!!! cuebiz!!!!!! i dont speak retard PUFFDADDY MY ASS dewd.. if you didnt know... pditty=puffdaddy ;/ QUIT PLAYIN DUDE FUCKIN PREPY ASSHOLE ur callin ME a prep??? LOL you should take yer fuckin fat ass finger off the damn shift key and turn down those caps HELL NAW THANK YOU IM NOT FAT AT ALL HUN i didnt say all of you....retard i said your fat FINGER maybe you should learn how to READ AND MIGHTY CUTE IF I SAY SO MYSELF READ THIS BITCH * ch3RyjAne chuckles *PDITTY* kiss my ass you like those lower caps ?????????? lol hahahaha WHO00000000 * ch3RyjAne LOVES BILLY_JOE!!!!! hotboyzzzzzz silk lil wayne ???? know them they are fine as hell!!!!!!! omg lol ur female! wtcrap HAH lmao huh? what? a female!!!!!!!! i thought that pditty was male.... heck yeh ur gay? * ch3RyjAne laughs pditty is a homo! no not quite hah pditty is a FREAKING guys name POOF DADDY * kikiness dies *** ch3RyjAne is now known as Puffdaddy this isnt my computer sherlock * Puffdaddy = pditty :D well SHERLOCK.....change the nick then stupid pditty: if you change ur nick... ill be NICE you must be white?????/ heh lol yesh i AM i wont and u must be gay cuz im black biznotch figures pditty: im damn proud too~! :/ fuckin dorq. change ur nick and ill be nice. ;D i promise. fuck you awww what language eh?! aint my type what lol bad boy!!!!!!!!!!!1 *** sassychic has joined #TEEN be nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 pditty: change ur nick damn it! ooooooooooohhhhhhh!!!!!! now! hello peeps how WHO DO I GET TO BAN?!!! big p!!!!!!!!!!!! lol LET ME MEGUH! who000 meg PEAS?! to the rescue!!!!1 pditty: ./nick whatever nick you want. k9 op kikiness *** K9 sets mode: +o kikiness dude *** sassychic has left #TEEN lol wh000 go shan go shan!!! its ur birthday!!!! *** Puffdaddy is now known as ch3RyjAne [pditty:#TEEN AWAY] takein a piss *** pditty was kicked by kikiness (THANK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY! oh..and i aint black...) Pditty Came back.... under a fucking alias! eheheh!$#@ *** pookie has joined #TEEN hay ch3ryjane a/s/l pookie: 18fus kool what state?????/ pookie: alaska realy hrmm wonder what happened to that pditty character :D who? *** ch3RyjAne is now known as pditty hah lol rut roh wh0a!!!@!! RETARDS BACK! lol ???????/ who is pditty hah *** Wh|teWolf has joined #TEEN pookie: some idiot who is pditty haha i dunno do i? why such an idiot? im makin fun of pookie right now! :D lol pookie: don't be talking about pditty...while your the one with the homo name right now *** h0sepipe has joined #TEEN im alright huh okie... this nick is highly... gay. *** pditty is now known as ch3RyjAne * ch3RyjAne stretches why r u hateing on my name? pookie: because its funny!! lol me too. pookie: before you talk to me, learn some english grammar, thanks pookie: ur a homosexual right? no cherryjane: yeah laterz * ch3RyjAne pets Wh|teWolf never that i am pditty hahaha i dont speak the language of the retarded pookie: ur such a retard... now go away! ;/ bleh.. infact stay. so i can tease you more! you kicked me off loser why * ch3RyjAne points and laughs *** ch3RyjAne is now known as cRay0n i love you o0o ur gay??! you dont love me back no hmm.. no. no\ no\ no\ lol your not a guy ???????? you should learn how to type... lol lol you thought that i was a dewd???? hmm.. haha check the nick idiot. your funny * cRay0n <-- Cherry-Jane *** cRay0n is now known as ch3RyjAne dumb ass :P you really should learn how to read before you go on irc.. your name could mean ryan! lol hmm.. no it couldnt. CHERRY-JANE HELLO!!!!!!!! yaeh End of #TEEN buffer Mon May 14 14:55:26 2001 Session Ident: ^quantum (~Xchat@pgpm3-1-35.olg.com) <^quantum> Hi Ch3ry. Care to step beyond the so called "generation gap" and have a safe chat with 41 m usa? :) eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww PEDOPHILE!!!!!!!! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWEWEWERWEWEWWWWWWW <^quantum> sorry... didn't know you were obviously sooo young. <^quantum> Hey Chery... I really DON'T want to chat. Dunno how many times I hv to tell you that. So quit msg me and making crude suggestions!!! hrmm... im not msgin you dumb ass <^quantum> Enough is enough.. don't you think. :) wtf would i msg you? the ips are different. <^quantum> nope! It's you. <^quantum> Maybe I'll post you crude vulgar stuff all over the room too. hrmm... <^quantum> i invited you to a safe cledn chat and this is the crap i get from you??? I think it's time to grow up honey. End of ^quantum buffer Fri Apr 13 15:08:14 2001 Session Ident: _Snake_ (~snake@ni-10-05.cytanet.com.cy) * _Snake_ shakes his hand and waves hi wtf do you want? <_Snake_> why the fuck r u nasty? <_Snake_> i mean why r u so nice with everyone else besides me? <_Snake_> if u have a problem with me just say it and stop acting like that im not nice to everyone else. trust me. <_Snake_> well why is that?? <_Snake_> i'm trying to be ice but u're not:/ ok. ill try <_Snake_> :]]]] <_Snake_> hugs <_Snake_> now i don't know what to say and thats unusual for me dont hug me. <_Snake_> why not? because i said so. <_Snake_> why r u so mean? <_Snake_> has someone done something to u to make u hate everyone on irv? End of _Snake_ buffer Wed Mar 28 10:05:08 2001 Start of AhMed_KaM buffer: Mon Apr 16 03:24:51 2001 Session Ident: AhMed_KaM (Pak@nas3-153.cubexs.net.pk) i listen somebody a side of your sea you don't wear anything is this true hmm.. yes are you see that in real yes but men have problme nope they do it also then he see some women in naked yep is he out of control in the sea side and fuck her? yes are you going there in naked yes what your figure 5 10 7 are tyou there yes what's a joke your size of breast just [5] yes please be quick i want to suck a milk lol you want to what are you provide me? to say yes yes i want you beautiful photo mine address aiali@yahoo.com lol what you say ? ill send you some nudies okey can i send you also yes once upon a time i suck a girl's milk when you were what 2 i don't understand.....please repeated ONCE UPON A TIME MEANING WHEN YOU WERE TWO YEARS OLD End of AhMed_KaM buffer Mon Apr 16 03:24:51 2001 Start of Andos buffer: Thu Apr 26 01:39:50 2001 Session Ident: Andos (~nobody@cm-d0625.resnet.ucsc.edu) hi who are you? im andy and i like cats what about u you like cats? HA! heh whats wrong with that *shurg* i dont care i dont want to talk to you oh geez you didnt even give me a chance so? im actually the coolest guy in the world u just dont know that yet riiiiight... heh asl? NO! youre a weirdo ..... ? i dont speak english. yes you do no i dont. do you speak english? of course why? i dunno damn youre weird i am NOT weird~! ok, im sorry youre not weird how old are you 12 oh, heh where u from cherryjane you cant call me cherryjane! its ch3RyjAne :/ sorry shhure... dfjk;sakfafja;sfas;fjasfkja;fj;sja;sfjasf;sa sad;fkdfa;ljfa;sfja;ljf;asjf;asfj;askfj;afjk;klavcmoweairjafl ;kdfja;m;woie;afleka alk;fsj;asdlfjdas;fj;asfjwoafjaflkjgmmoaifk;lafdrreakl;das mca;knv;a do you smoke pot or something s;adfkjas; dskf yes no really? yes no heh yes no do you fuck sheeps? youre not going to make a lot of friends on here if you act all crazy no id ont fuck sheep yes you do EVERYONE does heh geez youre on crack you think? i dont know why dont you just act normal i mean, if youre that bored then go watch tv or something ha! yeh i should watch some pr0n er somethin eh? yeh i should watch some pr0n er somethin eh? pron? porn oh god youre on drugs you dont know leet language youd almost be cool if you were normal cause you suck leach u mean? leach? heh no leet... are you male or female l33t what the hell is leet both heh ok, well youre too weird for me, sorry, bye :( ur the one bein mean.... sorry but youre not even telling me whether youre male or female male oh heh ha~! i lied ok, well why dont u go watch some pron you lied? yes about what i lied what did u lie about everything... im going to stop talking to u but you probably dont care ur right i dont care ;D :( End of Andos buffer Thu Apr 26 01:39:50 2001 budsmoker: ur weird cheryjane you suck you go to school blonde yup you dont? lol budsmoker: sure i do school is for dorks! no i work as a forestry worker heh I got a friend in forestry, but he goes to school too. lol im 6'1,115 kgs thats why im in forestry im 16 so i left school heh, we cant until we are 17 if you ask me, the way the world is going, forestry is a plague forestry is a mans job,its hard fucken work oooh Im a big guy, I lift logs ya know, those logs create the air you breath idiot pruning and chainsaws stupid people like me do it I couldnt agree more peple that get 25% in maths me in other words and a 10% in natural science, you shouldnt even be allowed outside. i neraly did school cert i am a tipical forestry worker yeah, you cant spell worth shit typical. ;/ heh 6'1,115 kgs,blonde mo hawk,tatoos,stupid,doesnt know much heh all round shady individual budsmoker: ur fucking pathetic what do ou mean sahady,you make it sound dodgy cheryjane what do you mean by that I wrote a poem for you bud, its called 'put a shirt on, your scaring the children' Put a shirt on, your scaring the children, they run and hide, and cry, boohoo, from your big mean tatoo and your job thats taboo.. hrmmm.. very poetic whats does taboo mean thats peom didnt make much sense *** budsmoker has left #teen *** budsmoker has joined #teen god i am cool it made perfect sense if you arent an idiot i must be an idiot End of #teen buffer Fri Mar 23 11:27:11 2001 Start of beefkilz buffer: Fri Apr 27 02:58:17 2001 Session Ident: beefkilz (~beefkilz@cn-629.cableinet.co.uk) hello whisper meplease asl please who the hell are you? who the fuck u talking to like that heh. asl please you fuckin dorq. fuck u bitch go and finger yourself hmm.. just joking uhuh what do u like doing jessicas a bitch no shes NOT why? shes my sister well go and fuck your sis hehe we do really yes i bet u do yep tell me what u do to her than if u have sex with her what do you think i do with her? nothing u chicken chicken? your sceared to do something to her ok whatever and everyone in the room is gay because she is going to but this on so ever1 can see is ha ha hA HA HA HA HA HA HA HS HA HA HA] VVVVVVV21beefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnhellor21 nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnwhisper mepleaser21nb eefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnasl pleaser21nch3RyjAne whispers to beefkilz:rnwho the hell are you?r21nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnwho the fuck u talking to like thatr21nch3RyjAne whispers to beefkilz:rnheh.r21nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnasl pleas 21beefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnhellor21nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnwhisper mepleaser21nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnasl pleaser21nch3RyjAne whispers to beefkilz:rnwho the hell are you?r21nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnwho the fuck u talking to like thatr21nch3RyjAne whispers to beefkilz:rnheh.r21nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnasl pleasernch3R 21beefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnhellor21nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnwhisper mepleaser21nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnasl pleaser21nch3RyjAne whispers to beefkilz:rnwho the hell are you?r21nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnwho the fuck u talking to like thatr21nch3RyjAne whispers to beefkilz:rnheh.r21nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnasl pleasernch3R 21beefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnhellor21nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnwhisper mepleaser21nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnasl pleaser21nch3RyjAne whispers to beefkilz:rnwho the hell are you?r21nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnwho the fuck u talking to like thatr21nch3RyjAne whispers to beefkilz:rnheh.r21nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnasl pleasernch3R 21beefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnhellor21nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnwhisper mepleaser21nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnasl pleaser21nch3RyjAne whispers to beefkilz:rnwho the hell are you?r21nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnwho the fuck u talking to like thatr21nch3RyjAne whispers to beefkilz:rnheh.r21nbeefkilz whispers to ch3RyjAne:rnasl pleasernch3R End of beefkilz buffer Fri Apr 27 02:58:17 2001 Start of #TEEN buffer: Fri May 18 12:33:46 2001 Start of BorgiE buffer: Thu May 17 16:23:59 2001 Session Ident: BorgiE (~serbqueen@ hey wanna chat about? sex if u want LMFAO!!!!!! k LMFAO!!!!!! wat the fuck is lmfao LMFAO!!!!!! wat is that LMFAO!!!!!! fuck u LMFAO!!!!!! eat a dick u slut LMFAO!!!!!! End of BorgiE buffer Thu May 17 16:23:59 2001 Session Ident: Bradtt (~Bradtt@cn-715.laurel4.md.pub-ip.psi.net) hi you...18/m/usa here...want to flirt on the phone ??? can i have ur number? ill call. or call me on my room mates toll free line its free for you ok whats your a/s/l ? 19-f-us ny k hold on ok here it is 1-888-227-2127 im Brad call in 2 minutes ill go wait for u End of Bradtt buffer Mon Apr 02 02:35:14 2001 Start of #teen buffer: Sat Mar 17 21:13:33 2001 altorin is cool cherry:) Illusi0n... jane-star is cool budsmoker: i know i am. heyas im babysitting... errr... hehehe shes sleeping sooo.. yeah <^Slack^> hey jane slack is cool and fat richard... hush. you get that in the jungle <^Slack^> budsmoker: I am 6' 175lbs <^Slack^> that's not fat skinny ass hoe heh fuck im fat,6'1/105 vkgs and im 16 kgs i eat all the time thats why im fat lol hehe' <^Slack^> shit...105 _is_ fat <^Slack^> that's like...200lbs no 150 kgs did i say 105 not 105 lol my tattoo expand coz im fat i am a fat arse did i mension im fat hi <^Slack^> budsmoker : get a membership to the gym im to fat to fit in the gym (#G410E010M1T_Cj_) hi damn.. my sister is up... * Illusi0n pokes your tummy <_Cj_> :P <_Cj_> brb. <^Slack^> budsmoker : You're just a lazy bastard....admit it. if i put my hand in my stomach i will lose my hand i am not lazy i get the munchys all the time im not hell fat *** budsmoker has left #teen *** budsmoker has joined #teen hrmmm.. hi you are cool richard why did you leave? to get food End of #teen buffer Sat Mar 17 21:13:33 2001 Session Start: Sat Mar 17 21:13:50 2001 * Logging #teen to 'budsmoker2.log' *** budsmoker has joined #teen hi ok... what do you want it's saint patty's day, hey hey hey hey what else can you tell me about urself? im fat can i know where you live? no why? i live on the dtrrt street oh because.. ur kewl. im fat because she wants hot dirty cyber sex with you. omg ewww... you know yew dew. god is a fagat the devil is cool two words: j00000rrr momma ok... im cool you arent this isnt.. as fun as i thought it would be.. imma stop logging... Session Close: Sat Mar 17 21:17:02 2001 Start of #teen buffer: Sun Mar 18 00:37:24 2001 marilyn manson is god no hes not hes a fucking queer. your a queer you fucking wiedo wiedo? lol * Altorin he-bitch man-slaps budsmoker who askes question about where someone lives whats the answer to? wtf are you talking about? my question what was the question? the beautiful people why did you want to know where i live budsmoker: you have NO taste what so ever... music wise... because i want to have something to do... ya know to past time. you listen to the red nex probably * ch3RyjAne nods nothing wrong with red necks. * Altorin gits down sup ppl cotton eye joe budsmoker: drugs are bad. you are a tossy goat fucker lol i dont care what they are,is doesnt mean shit to me uh huh... you probably use drugs you wench am i logging this for nothin... budsmoker... entertain me... i hate people like you that pay everyone out :D thank you. altorin are you a west side guy i have to say you all are a bunch od losers nope yesh we are... you jes like to get on everybodies badside, personnally I could give a shit i dont like saying this but im cool and you all are not budsmoker.. would you mind if i put my logs on a site? i hate those black gangs what are logs you prolly hate black people to, ya fuckin' idiot its a record of everything you say * ch3RyjAne pats Altorin you are correct. we'll get you arrested with the new zealand police for racial crimes * Altorin grins i hate black people do i fuck off is that good what racial crimes are those *** Littlevi| has joined #teen ...All Your Base Are Belong To Us... no i dont want to so go fuck your *** budsmoker has left #teen loser. lol *** budsmoker has joined #teen its rich, lol god that was funny next time you try a joke warn me so i can get off the computer can any of you masturbate infront of your pets? what a rude cunt that was funny my turtle just stares from his terrerium i have to put books infront of him he makes me sad * Altorin looks at AK-47 and chuckles jane you satupi loser you dont know anything aboput me havin' turtle-masturbation problems again? yeah sure. yeah it happens we know your name and where you live, thats enough what can you do with that in formation budsmoker.. * Altorin comforts AK-47 'thats gotta suck, could be worse, he could wanna help' this is my first time usin mirc in a long while so i need help there is ather family in ther house we can order a hit where are all the heffers at? in new zealand,the road knight is just up the road janr you are capible of being a corner girl but i dont care *** AK-47 has left #teen where did dick head go who are you talking about? altorin ahhh.. dont know. well budsmoker.. imma stop ok.? ill be nice. hes your best cobber so where the fuck is he cobber? wtf. friend for fuck sake ahhh.. Im here hes not my best friend. I jes dun care what the hell ya say bud * ch3RyjAne looks at Altorin **ur not my best friend** altorin your gay :( heh *** mi18 has joined #teen * Altorin bitchslaps budsmoker again awww... theres no point in wrighting that coz its pathetic and poibtless whos the most insane person in this room,i think its altorin am i wright no. why dont you fuck up then huh? why dont i fuck up? i a nice guy and i never swear shut the hell up the both of u hrmmm.. *** Virgin20m has joined #teen hotbabest: dont start with me ok? b4 I slap u and trust me I dont get a name like bitch project for nuttin *** Virgin20m has left #teen fuck up bitch im trying to make him stop. heheh hes stubborn is all. okie... I am a bitch and nuttin is gonna change that i not violent by natture I am goin cos I am goin cheerleadin I will c u guys l8r i can tell by your speech you are a bitch,fuck off then **sneeze** bye hotbabest (#GJ10E027RM1) so long wanker uve got me so wrong *** hotbabest has left #teen god im a charmer oh yeah you have the girls under your thumb. you know im not violent all the time shut the fuck up altorin lol who the fuck was that girl * Altorin shrugs some chick who speaks fluent german? you spesk fluient bullshit so you two can relate awwww... budsmoker how do u bring your fat ass to this room u must broke the fuckin doors your mum broke them oooh leave my mum alone alone plz is it true your mum broke the doors leave my mum alone alone plz go fuck yourself you start a argument then to bad or i'm gonna fuck your big ass are you gay your fuck fagat its the time to fuck u budsmoker: its faggot. *** VJ has joined #teen *** _shaDy_ has joined #teen *** VJ has left #teen piss off faggot dont talk to me atleast ur spelling has improved eh? End of #teen buffer Sun Mar 18 00:37:24 2001 Start of casca buffer: Wed Apr 18 04:33:03 2001 Session Ident: casca (ask@modem-247.jewel-puffer.dialup.pol.co.uk) what part of the uk? im from hampshire hampshire near southamton? yes ohh.. i dont believe you, say a town near southampton i could live near you! Fleetwood never heard of it got any pics? yes cool lets see ok. i have a digital camera by me, so i could send one just pick a pose, and i will do it stand on ur head. i am not that athletic! please no way, i might give myself a hernia ill do any pose um.. stand on one leg and touch your nose with your left hand ok only if you stand on ur head :D and also be naked!!!, what no... darn... ok are you going to stand on ur head? just getting the pic of the camera... no i want you to stand on ur head stupid camera... nearly there so are you trying to stand on ur head? already done, stupid camera is giving me jip you stood on ur head? DID YOU STAND ON UR HEAD? sort off.. no, pick something else way to hard can i have a picture of ur penis? why? i dont know so i could put iton mmy website sure ok. depends can i have a pic of you? yes but i want urs first. d3th_acid#excite.com @ heh no # send it to me there i can do a dcc send no i cant accept anything here okay, gonna email it in a minute ok. did you send it? i want a fucking picture of you standing on ur head i want a fucking picture of you standing on ur head i want a fucking picture of you standing on ur head i want a fucking picture of you standing on ur head i want a fucking picture of you standing on ur head i want a fucking picture of you standing on ur head i want a fucking picture of you standing on ur head i want a fucking picture of you standing on ur head End of casca buffer Wed Apr 18 04:33:03 2001 Start of CRUSH buffer: Fri Mar 30 09:57:16 2001 Session Ident: CRUSH (CRUSH@ i'm dead how u doing ur pathetic i told you no but i'm DEAD dose not mean anything to u nope lolol im fucking serious u know i'm sure now so stop msgin me very sure,,,,,, u r a FUCKEN BITCH i bet u look ugly too maybe fat with no life at ALL AT ALL * ch3RyjAne laughs ur funny lol yeah i know End of CRUSH buffer Fri Mar 30 09:57:16 2001 Start of CRUSH buffer: Mon Apr 09 01:06:22 2001 Session Ident: CRUSH (CRUSH@ CRUSH wanna suck your breast uh huh CRUSH sad now CRUSH wanna have SEX with u do i care? dont think so CRUSH want u to care because CRUSH will give u a good time if u do wtf are you? CRUSH horny now look sweety do not play smart ass with me or with anyone ha ha ha u know why???? because u r simply dumb ass got it u BITCH yesh i am realy yup im a dumb ass so let me fuck u if u r a bitch no let me fuck you or let me fool u if u r a dumb ass ok u wanna fuck me go head let me fuck you ok u wanna fuck me go head common i said yes can i kill you first? ok no pro go head but if u kill me then i'll be DEAD do i care? do u wanna fuck DEAD u just said u wanna kill me and fuck me go head BITCH GIVE IT TO ME now do not try to fuck with me again ok ha ha ha ha ha ha haha hohohohohoho hehehehehe thats nothing thats easy so what nothin ur funny is all what ever happend to hrmm.. frost? u can do ha ha ha ha er somethin. big deal now do not fuck with me again ok and by the way stop acting like BITCH hrmm... whatever. i asked you a question hows frost its bad for u because the bitch always get fucked its bad for u because the bitch always get fucked i think that was his nick. no no no no do not try to act friendly now its fucken too late im not tryin to act friendly hrmm.. ok. ur annoying. u bring it to u self remember that i'm not a bad person now bye lol End of CRUSH buffer Mon Apr 09 01:06:22 2001 Session Ident: dsa (sf@rasta77.akunet.org) im 15 so? do i care? u probably have a bf yes ever kissed him haha yes what does it feel like have you ever kissed ur boyfriend? im a boy i know and i dont have a gf aww ever had sex wid ur bf yes how does i feel awesome did ur parents know yes they watched us aww come on dont lie im fer real they watched us do u have well toned legs hmmm.. describe urslef why? just wanna know End of dsa buffer Mon Apr 16 02:52:35 2001 Start of dundudda buffer: Mon May 14 11:21:42 2001 Session Ident: dundudda (dondudda@cn-675.ed.shawcable.net) i want to fuck you excuse me?! for real hmm no. my dixk is hard nd shit and so? you dont want to fuck me why WHATEVER!!!! no really why well? ok bye babe mastubating all the time are you masturbating right now? yea do you have a dog? yea can you fuck ur dog? why have you? because its seckzy. have you? well? let ur dog fuck you. you kweep putting this shit on the chaty page i know. its funny. i want you only but yu wont im a guy. are you a homosexual? nope oh well STOP HARASSING ME!!!!!! damn it! hehe. i am still hard so? wtf should i care? yea wtf should i care? you are a girl and you got me this way how did i do that? i want you ... no you dont. why not i told you imma dewd. End of dundudda buffer Mon May 14 11:21:42 2001 Start of fukman buffer: Fri Apr 20 15:44:22 2001 Session Ident: fukman (~fukman@ i just jetted semen into the bowels of a 13 yr old girl o0o wtf are you? brought down her shit hmm.. ok... i wanted to bugger her a long time and she finally gave in really? did she scream? no but she made noises when the cock bit her really? yes lol ur one sic fuck you know.. it was hot messy fuck really i don't mind getting my groin soiled 'how old are you? 20 how old was the girl.? 13 lol are you serious? i buggered her in my pop's garage would you ever do that to a 11 yr old? i think so where are you ? would you have phone sex with a 11 year old? no - i want the body ahh hehe why dont you screw someone ur own age? it was a 58 yr old woman who introduced me to buttfucking why dont you screw someone ur own age? that doesnt answer my question i bugger any female i can get uhuh would you ever screw a guy? i haven't tried that would you tho? i don't think so hmmm.. ur no fun. i suspect that u're the 11 yr old lol no i just find it funny... ok why dont you screw a guy? r u a guy? no as i said i just find you funny i like pussy if i can't get to fuck the butt so why dont you fuck a dewd? hes got an ass? maybe someday yeh i love doing it to girls but why would it make a diff what about a transexual? a dewd in female clothing.. there's something special in being up a real female's ass really well i wouldnt know.... i know - it makes me cum big hmm.. so you get turned on by womens asses? yes - especially when i feel stuff in there hmm.. stuff? i like my cock to be very dirty dirty from what? shit ur shit? her shit uhuh you should get help lol yep fo sho well hmm.. ur boring me and the logs pretty funny... so bye yeah lol thank you for the log. laters later. End of fukman buffer Fri Apr 20 15:44:22 2001 Start of Gotmogh buffer: Sun May 13 04:06:42 2001 Session Ident: Gotmogh (Gorgoroth1@sa1-448.dialup.tiscalinet.it) come here who the hell are you?! they call me...the penetrator HAHAHAHA i will fuck u till the death HAHAHAHA wtf are you sending me ur picture?!?!?!?! accept it NO! End of Gotmogh buffer Sun May 13 04:06:42 2001 Start of gru6y buffer: Mon Apr 16 05:24:01 2001 Session Ident: gru6y (~mfmhfmh@ hi hi. who are you? i am your new frien and u m/f? lol new friend yes dear u male or female dear? ch3ry JANE what do you think? nothing u tell me pls? JANE is female dumb ass so what i do? pls tell me clearly? JANE IS A FEMALES NAME DUMB ASS!!!! ok your age and location ? lol dont talk to me why? i am your new friend if u not talk me i shoot u you shoot me? with what with a kiss lololololololololol if u not talk me i go court and camplane there and u will be arrest] fuckin loser shut the hell up ok i am shut up and u talk thanx to this heh shame on u to useing this words what words? i am just jooking and u say me shut up the hell k whatever ok i think u have no acticats that how to talk with any one yep End of gru6y buffer Mon Apr 16 05:24:01 2001 Start of hahaha buffer: Fri May 04 14:29:24 2001 Session Ident: hahaha (......@ hi hi. h r u asl plz 18fus i am v old 4u you are v old 4 me? huh? 38 m ????????????? huh omg why are you in a teen channel? i am wrong you should go to like chatworld er somethin. plz don,t kill me kill you? hehe ok i go but u miss me haha no. ok i miss u ... no you wont. cool d ok now go away my sweet hart ok bye End of hahaha buffer Fri May 04 14:29:24 2001 Start of hootowl buffer: Mon May 14 13:21:09 2001 Session Ident: hootowl (ccsgastrom@cn-387.kih.net) 13/m & 8 / f usa lol how cute. are you bro and sis? yea hehe * ch3RyjAne introduces herself hi im Cj. nice to meet you. thank you :) why are you people in a #teen channel hehe. i am becasue i am 13 hehe . ur right... you ARE a teen! yep and we have to shar a bed room you must hate it eh? not realy you and ur sis get along? when i was ur age i lived with my dad.... my brother lived with our mom... sorry to hear that naw its alright... last year i moved with my mom... cool yeh.. my bros 15. hes a good kid i guess. i wish my sister was heh ur sisters how old 8? what can she do thats so.. not good?! yes 8 she just sleep weard lol where in the us are you at? it not that funny kentucky ahh ive never been there. it a good state i guess yeh. i saw her get a spanked lastnight hmm. k it was not pritty oh? u want to hear hmm.. doesnt matter mom spanked her k. she told her to take her clothes off and told her to lay on the bed face down u want to hear more ... k mom whipped her from her back down to her legs aww she was all red omg. ther more ...k... u want to hear after mom got done with her back side she told her to turn over ...k... whipp her from her chest down to her legs then mom spred her legs open and hit her with a belt on her pussy u still here ... ur moms weird. ur weird... she was mad End of hootowl buffer Mon May 14 13:21:09 2001 *** Now talking in #teen hi cheryjane oh hi richard whats up cheryjane nothin much *** Twiggy has joined #teen hey peeps hmmm... peeps? *** Ehren10in has quit IRC not my grammer choice.... yeah people i know heh i know ghetto slang too sorry!! i got that right huh? not gangster but ghetto could have been worse: p33p$ true *** kate` is now known as kate is your name melissa twiggy? no twiggy off marilyn manson idiot. is that it budsmoker: marilyn manson is pathetic I knew someone who went by that name whose real name was melissa rewi who u callin idiot? bud hes an idiot. oohh wont take long for the truth to come out where u from? BC Canada hey room cool scotty any guys want to chat with a 12/f/canada press 777777 or whisper me!!!!!!!!!! any guys want to chat with a 12/f/canada press 777777 or whisper me!!!!!!!!!! hi cheryjane you are wierd k9 kick twiggy out yes *** Twiggy has left #teen k9 kick kate out yes *** Jr_Melly has left #teen right. umm *** rascal has joined #teen wtf was that all about? i dunno weird. hehe Start of Joanna buffer: Fri May 18 16:38:05 2001 Session Ident: Joanna (~Cool_Gurl@cn-745.roadrunner.nf.net) can i be a host? nope. heh you shouldnt ask that either. DO U HAVE TO PUT A PERIOD AT THE END OF EVERY SENTANCE!!!!!!! UR A BITCH lol GO TO HELL well, actually don't how old r u? Hello? how old r u? 18 and u think i'm a baby right? well I'm not I AM NOT A BABY hmm.. i didnt say anything. lol SHUT UP lol what chat room r u in? #teen #teenchat #teens ok, well i just went into teen because a person invited me so then i went in and then the person that invited me said for the person to ban me for harrassing when i wasn't even talking to them and i am not harrassing you, ur taunting me heh im not doing anything to you. ur taunting mr me* stop lol ok. End of Joanna buffer Fri May 18 16:38:05 2001 Start of kel buffer: Fri Mar 30 03:07:07 2001 Session Ident: kel (~dsdas@ some kind of snobby...! me? naw... where you from? hrmm.. why are you talking to me? is talking to you a crime? i jaz want 2 b your fren... may we? hey! don't wory i'm not a cannibal infact, i luv fruits and vegetavles vagetables hey. i dont eat human supladaaaa..... hhhheeeellllooooo....!!!!1 hey! hello hello hello hello hi hi hi hi hi hgello hello hello hello ha ha you are a very persistant person. finnally you answered... wat u do? do you hate boys? pls... reply... don't worry i'm not a boy..1 maybe sonn 2 b girl zzzzzzrrrrrrrrr....... excuse me. can you say whats wrong with me. hey.. i did my toothbrush! End of kel buffer Fri Mar 30 03:07:07 2001 Start of LaCtaCyd buffer: Fri Apr 20 17:13:12 2001 Session Ident: LaCtaCyd (hehe@pcd064148.netvigator.com) ch3RyjAne! hmm.. wtf are you? hello im from seattle you?? wer u from?? asl pls lactacyd? yeah its me!! why?? are you on drugs er somethin? never heard such thing as lactacyd??? nope normal... hmm.. i know that lactacyd isnt a drug... but what is it? its nothin he he hmm.. k its girl thing as far as i know i see how r u??? how old are you? im 20 u?? 18 cool wer u from?? im from seattle well im livin in hawaii now... cool nice.. place he he ok... ur stayin late tonite? well no ive got work. oh k.. yep hows the family?? hehe are you sure that ur not on drugs...? theyre fine i guess im normal.. i have a sister too shes 18.. ok... thats nice. yeah it is.. how abt u got brother?? yes cool younger or older ?? younger ok.. u know my sister is weird .. uhuh why is that? because we share bed in sleeping and shes 18 and ur 20? yeah hmm.. thats a little weird... i know what u thinkin but its not it... no im thinkin wtf are you and ur sis sleepin in the same bed because we use to share bed since childhood and its normal for us well hello... ur NOT children anymore ur fuckin 20 shes 18 we know.. then why share a bed? yes i am.. because we have only two rooms the other is for our parents well cant one of you sleep on the floor or on the couch or somethin? why do yah think its weird to share bed with my sister well it just is... its not normal yeah it is.. because sometimes i want to do somethin and i cant do it coz my sister is beside me u know wat i mean?? uhuh so wtf are you tellin me this? nothin well ur fuckin weird... are u mad at me?? the shit ur tellin me is fuckin weird.. really// yes its fuckin sic. wat make u said that.. well not really i dont know its not weird as long as i didnt screw my sis wat do yah think..? hehe true but still ur 20 why are you still livin with ur parents coz were still in school uhuh maybe u said that im weird coz ur thinkin that i screw my sis isnt it?? well.. i wouldnt be surprised.. he he really?? why?? i dont know yeah i know. uhuh whatever... anyway ive read a lot of stories abt it whyd you tell me that you and ur sis sleep in the same bed? screwin family members heh what did you think i was goin to think? and i think its weird well... i supposed that ur thinkin that i fuck my sister i dont care if you do or dont End of LaCtaCyd buffer Fri Apr 20 17:13:12 2001 Start of LaCtaCyd buffer: Fri Apr 20 18:09:52 2001 Session Ident: LaCtaCyd (hehe@pcd064148.netvigator.com) ch3RyjAne! hmm.. wtf are you? hello im from seattle you?? wer u from?? asl pls lactacyd? yeah its me!! why?? are you on drugs er somethin? never heard such thing as lactacyd??? nope normal... hmm.. i know that lactacyd isnt a drug... but what is it? its nothin he he hmm.. k its girl thing as far as i know i see how r u??? how old are you? im 20 u?? 18 cool wer u from?? im from seattle well im livin in hawaii now... cool nice.. place he he ok... ur stayin late tonite? well no ive got work. oh k.. yep hows the family?? hehe are you sure that ur not on drugs...? theyre fine i guess im normal.. i have a sister too shes 18.. ok... thats nice. yeah it is.. how abt u got brother?? yes cool younger or older ?? younger ok.. u know my sister is weird .. uhuh why is that? because we share bed in sleeping and shes 18 and ur 20? yeah hmm.. thats a little weird... i know what u thinkin but its not it... no im thinkin wtf are you and ur sis sleepin in the same bed because we use to share bed since childhood and its normal for us well hello... ur NOT children anymore ur fuckin 20 shes 18 we know.. then why share a bed? yes i am.. because we have only two rooms the other is for our parents well cant one of you sleep on the floor or on the couch or somethin? why do yah think its weird to share bed with my sister well it just is... its not normal yeah it is.. because sometimes i want to do somethin and i cant do it coz my sister is beside me u know wat i mean?? uhuh so wtf are you tellin me this? nothin well ur fuckin weird... are u mad at me?? the shit ur tellin me is fuckin weird.. really// yes its fuckin sic. wat make u said that.. well not really i dont know its not weird as long as i didnt screw my sis wat do yah think..? hehe true but still ur 20 why are you still livin with ur parents coz were still in school uhuh maybe u said that im weird coz ur thinkin that i screw my sis isnt it?? well.. i wouldnt be surprised.. he he really?? why?? i dont know yeah i know. uhuh whatever... anyway ive read a lot of stories abt it whyd you tell me that you and ur sis sleep in the same bed? screwin family members heh what did you think i was goin to think? and i think its weird well... i supposed that ur thinkin that i fuck my sister i dont care if you do or dont sometimes i heard my sister moanin while were in bed hmm.. ok..? last night shes masturbatin i saw her she didnt know that im still awake lol ok... im inda turned too last night.. im kinda turned too then im thinkn.. wtf my sister is trying to do.. ok../ End of LaCtaCyd buffer Fri Apr 20 18:09:52 2001 I FOUND A FUCKING IMP0STER!$#@ Start of buffer:LiLKanDy Sun May 13 04:16:18 2001 Session Ident: KanDyAc|d (KiTtIE@cn-837.dialsprint.net) WTF!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONOOOOOOO ahh :) * ch3RyjAne <-- kandyacid NOT j00!!!! here i'll change it still! thats NOT NICE!!!! * ch3RyjAne <-- kandyacid ITS MY MOTHER FUx0ring birthday!!!!!!!!!! * ch3RyjAne cries hmm.. are you going to say sorry?!?! im sorry dont get mad please *** KanDyAc|d is now known as LiLKanDy *** LiLKanDy (KiTtIE@cn-837.dialsprint.net) Quit End of buffer LiLKanDy Sun May 13 04:16:18 2001 ** wh0 is she?!?*** Start of Status Window buffer: Sun May 13 04:11:25 2001 *** Connecting to detroit.mi.us.chatnet.org (6667) KanDyAc|d is KiTtIE@cn-837.dialsprint.net * LiCk ME KanDyAc|d on #teens #CYBERCHAT KanDyAc|d using Washington.DC.US.ChatNet.Org Wildabar Network - www.wildabar.net KanDyAc|d End of the Incantation of that that Who is. ( what the fuck #CYBERCHAT?! LiCk ME?!?! eeewww! SICKY!!! ) Start of majak_cam buffer: Fri Mar 30 01:00:33 2001 Session Ident: majak_cam (majak_cam@cn-465.ipt.aol.com) hi what would you like to see???? see what? me jacking off ever seen a guy do that??? o0o really? asl??? 10-f-nz have a cam??? yes wanna see??? yes sure how old are you? asl 15 15/m/usa you alone??? wanna see??? you ever seen one??? you there???? hello\ you fucking loser. i was just messin with you. can i post this convo in #teen? no End of majak_cam buffer Fri Mar 30 01:00:33 2001 Start of Nephew buffer: Fri Apr 20 15:26:42 2001 Session Ident: Nephew (~chatnet@cn-796.clt.bellsouth.net) hi 24/m 24 and ur in #teen? yeah, i adore young girlies really? mmm, yeah define adore for me please i admire their bodies, their young faces theur bodies? their* nevermind bye no i adore older men.. oh, i see yes i love watching them blossom into women yeh do you want to see me blossom into a women? perhaps got any pics? can i call you? my parents arent home. no sorry no sorry whynot? cum to #flwrgrlsex i just don't want to get us in trouble lol we wont itll be our secret. yer parents will see my # on the bill by the way, your away statements are getting annoying hmmm.. i like my away and dewd im just fuckin with you... hehe im not a little girl that you can watch blossom... hehehe im way past that. figues just wanted to see if you were a pedo * ch3RyjAne laughs i'm a loser yeh you are its sad why little girls? i dunno, i like girls in general uhuh say if i was 11... would you do anything with me? nah, too young ahh whats the youngest? heh this is interesting.. 15 ahh still a youngin you should get out more i would never touch a 15 yr old. and im only a few years older... i told you i'm a loser naw more of sic i wouldnt call you a loser just sic. End of Nephew buffer Fri Apr 20 15:26:42 2001 Start of ogg buffer: Sun May 06 01:33:01 2001 Session Ident: ogg (~ogg@cn-589.syd.ihug.com.au) hello hello. a/s/l? are you stalking me?!? yep a/s/l? wow!!! hehe. 18fus ive got a stalker.. hmm.. whats up? well who are you? im me dont be an idiot. ;/ what do you mean, who am i? you mean my name? no der. Dan u? hello why are you stalking me? do you not want me to? yeh... i think that its kind of weird ok i mean you msgd me on undernet also... and i thought that it was crazy that you msgd me on chatnet also.... End of ogg buffer Sun May 06 01:33:01 2001 Session Ident: pookie (pooh_b112@cn-761.lansing6.mi.pub-ip.psi.net) why you gotta hate im not hateing... why you so mean then? im not mean. im the sweetest thing. im sure yep. ok me too than well you thought that i was a dewd. you though i was gay????? welll HELLO!!! pditty=puffdaddy puffdaddy = guy der! ok i see but............ you could have asked lol are you trying to be nice to me?! without being sarcastic ahh yep! ok. ok????? ok. r u being sacastic nope. so i guess we can drop this than yeh its kewl. oh and i am proud of being white :D alrighty i am hlf white myself sooo.......... it doesnt matter.... yeh. either way kool yep. k End of pookie buffer Mon May 14 15:10:25 2001 Start of ray12 buffer: Fri Apr 20 01:36:46 2001 Session Ident: ray12 (ray@ why???? because go ahead wtf go ahead what? bufh hmm.. bufh bastard user from hell lol thats pathetic asl plz bufh what the hell u r fucking into ur head what the hell u r fucking into ur head bufh lol asl no what the hell u r fucking into ur head? lol bufh lol lol hey heyeheyeyeyeyeye what the hell u r fucking into ur head? bufh what the hell u r fucking into ur head? I am fucking your heaD OFFFFFFFFFFFF YOU BUFH what the hell u r fucking into ur head? I am fucking your heaD OFFFFFFFFFFFF make me laugh more ur funny ur funny ur funny ur funny ur funny JOKE FOR YOU ONLY ur funny make me laugh more make me laugh more make me laugh more ur funny ur funny make me laugh more make me laugh more what the hell u r fucking into ur head? APERFECT HUSBAND IS ONE WHO CAN EARN MORE THAN HER WIFE SPENDS AND A PERFECT WIFE IS ONE WHO CAN FIND SUCH AN EARNING HUSBAND APERFECT HUSBAND IS ONE WHO CAN EARN MORE THAN HER WIFE SPENDS AND A PERFECT WIFE IS ONE WHO CAN FIND SUCH AN EARNING HUSBAND APERFECT HUSBAND IS ONE WHO CAN EARN MORE THAN HER WIFE SPENDS AND A PERFECT WIFE IS ONE WHO CAN FIND SUCH AN EARNING HUSBAND APERFECT HUSBAND IS ONE WHO CAN EARN MORE THAN HER WIFE SPENDS AND A PERFECT WIFE IS ONE WHO CAN FIND SUCH AN EARNING HUSBAND APERFECT HUSBAND IS ONE WHO CAN EARN MORE THAN HER WIFE SPENDS AND A PERFECT WIFE IS ONE WHO CAN FIND SUCH AN EARNING HUSBAND APERFECT HUSBAND IS ONE WHO CAN EARN MORE THAN HER WIFE SPENDS AND A PERFECT WIFE IS ONE WHO CAN FIND SUCH AN EARNING HUSBAND APERFECT HUSBAND IS ONE WHO CAN EARN MORE THAN HER WIFE SPENDS AND A PERFECT WIFE IS ONE WHO CAN FIND SUCH AN EARNING HUSBAND i can soooooooooooo do that too okay HIKING IS MORE FUN WHEN IT IS DOWNHILL i can soooooooooooo do that too End of ray12 buffer Fri Apr 20 01:36:46 2001 Start of Shogun buffer: Wed Apr 25 13:30:53 2001 Session Ident: Shogun (Shogun@ penguin who is bird it is yes cant fly black and white ive got a pink penguin you have yesums i havent i aint got no penguin aww you suck then thats not nice heh get a penguin but i dont want 1 i want a tiger that can eat you penguin :( * penguin bites ur head off :) so where you get this pink peng :/ which room you in? why? just been nosy #penguin and wot you do in there penguin yes is it a mixed age room or a young room an old people rooom it is how old? you have to be 30 well thats rools me out then how old are you? 42 damn old mother fuck oh fanx heh no prob. i'm not that old ha! 42? ha~! you will be that old 1 day yeh in like 24 years i said the same thing 24 yrs ago hahahah age is not important yes it is ur gonna die before i do!@! naw how do you know? because my penguin told me... you arent you? you arent you? End of Shogun buffer Wed Apr 25 13:30:53 2001 Start of Shottis buffer: Mon Apr 16 01:44:54 2001 Session Ident: Shottis (Zkeptron@ti48a63-0136.dialup.online.no) hi hi. asl? 18-f-us 17 m norway pic? nope wanna roleplay? no why not? why do you want to roleplay? because im horny uhuh well guess what im not ok ok do u like to suck cock? no do you like to suck cock? yes really? yes and ur a guy? yes so are you a homosexual? bi heh bi-sexual i know idiot do u like to suck cock??? NO End of Shottis buffer Mon Apr 16 01:44:54 2001 Start of spass14 buffer: Wed Mar 28 12:03:33 2001 Session Ident: spass14 (spass14@cn-771.as51.sol.superonline.com) 14m u 10-m-nz ok do you still want to talk? byee i like to have homosexual relations. do you want to have homosexual relations with me? hello?????? a u homo i prefer gay 10yo yes and gay 10 year old homosexual from nz. h hahahaha do you want to have homosexual relations with me? i m not homexual do you want to have homosexual relations with me? do you want to have homosexual relations with me? do you want to have homosexual relations with me? do you want to have homosexual relations with me? do you want to have homosexual relations with me? do you want to have homosexual relations with me? awwee damn ignore ;/ Start of Stephen1 buffer: Tue Apr 10 18:02:33 2001 Session Ident: Stephen1 (wixellie@kunde0681.alfanett.no) The persons you talking to must be very good at entertaining you since you rearly are talking to me. i guess i`m have a whole lot of chat training to do, before i`m worhty your attention im busy having sex with someone. :/ WHAT........YOU ARE KIDDING blah?! LISTEN TO ME. WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME THAT YOU WANTED THAT. THEN I WOULD NOT BEHAVING LIKE SUCH A ANNOYING CHILDISH LOOSER LIKE I DID. MY GOOD I AM VERY AT SEX LMFAO!!!! No....no....no.... stop it at once who who is that give you such pain End of Stephen1 buffer Tue Apr 10 18:02:33 2001