WATS Scan of 1-888-253-81xx to 1-888-253-85xx
By: Cuebiz -- Team Black Sheep
Personal bordom: Http://www.t1s.8k.com
The ereEt group: Http://www.BlackSheeps.8m.com
Scans Started and Finshed: Sunday, September 2nd, 2001
0x01 Best if viewed at 800x600 via GTK-VIM 0x01
Note from the scanner: I haven't scanned for a LONG time, so be patient with me. Now,
if this is your first scan of ours that you're reading, this is what some of the abbreviations
mean (if you can't figure it out) VMB; Voice Mail Box, VMS; Voice Mail System, Reorder; that
fast busy tone you sometimes get, and everything else, is almost exactly what you get when you
give it a call. Recently, I've noticed more "warnings" being sent into multiple sub-systems all
over the US-PSTN; and now, sequential scanners are actually being marked down for further
investigation. FYI, all of these numbers were randomly scanned and then put into sequential
order for your convenience. This is ONE of our many 888 WATS scan sets, which will be released
as soon as we can find a web-server that'll hold them all. So, Have fun; Be safe; and dont give
Mr. Telco Agent any excuse to come over to your house and look through your things.
- Cuebiz (BSC)
= Number = = Notes =
1-888-253-8101 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8102 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8103 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8104 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8105 755-1354 is being checked for trouble
1-888-253-8106 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8107 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8108 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8109 The number you have dialed is disconnected
1-888-253-8110 2 rings ..... and then, Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8111 Someone picks up the phone. "Hello?"
1-888-253-8112 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8113 083p, Not available in my calling area
1-888-253-8114 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8115 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8116 Reorder
1-888-253-8117 Some dude picked up the phone, "Yo?"
1-888-253-8118 A lady that sounds like she just woke up. (*sniffle* Hello?)
1-888-253-8119 Your call cannot be completed as dialed or is disconnected
1-888-253-8120 VMB -- You've reached the voicemail of Chris and Jennifer.
1-888-253-8121 Answering machine; couldn't find remote code (yet)
1-888-253-8122 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8123 The number for the talk line is ... 800-400-TALK
1-888-253-8124 Busy.
1-888-253-8125 You've reached a number that has been disconnected
1-888-253-8126 You've reached a number that has been disconnected
1-888-253-8127 You've reached a number that has been disconnected
1-888-253-8128 You've reached a number that has been disconnected
1-888-253-8129 You've reached a number that has been disconnected
1-888-253-8130 You've reached a number that has been disconnected
1-888-253-8131 You've reached a number that has been disconnected
1-888-253-8132 You've reached a number that has been disconnected
1-888-253-8133 You've reached a number that has been disconnected
1-888-253-8134 The number you have dialed is disconnected or is NOT in service
1-888-253-8135 The number you have dialed is disconnected or is NOT in service
1-888-253-8136 Answering Machine (some dude); The remote code is 777
1-888-253-8137 Some chickie picked up the phone hello?
1-888-253-8138 VMB, sounds kinda far away?
1-888-253-8139 583-2340 has been disconnected
1-888-253-8140 VMB, if you press star, you get a FAX carrier!
1-888-253-8141 Some kind of test line. Two chirps, then a steady chirp, then three.
1-888-253-8142 Reorder
1-888-253-8143 Answering Machine
1-888-253-8144 Answering Machine
1-888-253-8145 Not is service or cannot be reached from my calling area
1-888-253-8146 Ring out. I let it ring 12 times.
1-888-253-8147 Answering Machine
1-888-253-8148 The number you have dialed is not in service
1-888-253-8149 Heh, an old lady picked up the phone. (hello? please talk to me ...)
1-888-253-8150 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8151 The Virtual Voice - VMS (5 digit logins/default pw's are 1111)
1-888-253-8152 Busy
1-888-253-8153 Some foxy sounding chickie.
1-888-253-8154 Reorder
1-888-253-8155 Busy
1-888-253-8156 This number cannot be called from your calling area
1-888-253-8157 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8158 Automated personal operator (more fun by pressing #)
1-888-253-8159 Your call cannot be completed as entered
1-888-253-8160 VMB
1-888-253-8161 Reorder
1-888-253-8162 This number has been disconnected
1-888-253-8163 The number you have called has been disconnected
1-888-253-8164 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8165 711, the 800 number you have called is NIS
1-888-253-8166 Answering Machine
1-888-253-8167 Reorder
1-888-253-8168 Answering Machine
1-888-253-8169 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8170 2 rings ... Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8171 Busy
1-888-253-8172 The Virtual Voice VMS
1-888-253-8173 Ring out; I let it ring 12 times
1-888-253-8174 Some dude picked up (uhh, hello?)
1-888-253-8175 The Virtual Voice VMS
1-888-253-8176 Another chickie picked up the phone.
1-888-253-8177 Automated personal assistant (more fun by pressing #)
1-888-253-8178 FAX
1-888-253-8179 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8180 VMB
1-888-253-8181 Reorder
1-888-253-8182 This number has been disconnected
1-888-253-8183 Answering Machine
1-888-253-8184 This number has been disconnected
1-888-253-8185 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service
1-888-253-8186 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service
1-888-253-8187 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service
1-888-253-8188 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service
1-888-253-8189 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service
1-888-253-8190 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service
1-888-253-8191 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service
1-888-253-8192 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service
1-888-253-8193 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service
1-888-253-8194 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8195 Some PBX number of some law firm somewhere ;)
1-888-253-8196 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8197 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8198 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8199 Some kid picked up the phone.
1-888-253-8100 Reorder
1-888-253-8201 The number you have reached has been disconnected
1-888-253-8202 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8203 GENIE Electronic secretary for Tony and Carol
1-888-253-8204 Answering Machine; Remote code = 123
1-888-253-8205 A lady picked up, (Hello?)
1-888-253-8206 Enter the PIN number you wish
1-888-253-8207 The Virtual Voice VMS
1-888-253-8208 FAX
1-888-253-8209 Ring out; Phone rang over 12 times
1-888-253-8210 Some old lady picked up, Hello? *cough* Helloooo?
1-888-253-8211 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service
1-888-253-8212 This number is not in use. Thank you; goodbye.
1-888-253-8213 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8214 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8215 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8216 The number you have dialed cannot be processed from the line you're using
1-888-253-8217 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8218 VMB
1-888-253-8219 The number you have dialed is NOT in service
1-888-253-8220 Progressive Auto Insurance (automated)
1-888-253-8221 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8222 This number is not available from your calling area, 083p
1-888-253-8223 *cheep* Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8224 The number for the talk line is ... 800-400-TALK
1-888-253-8225 This Patt live toll free number is NOT active; 411-190 (then reads ANI)
1-888-253-8226 This Patt live toll free number is NOT active; 411-191 (then reads ANI)
1-888-253-8227 This Patt live toll free number is NOT active; 411-192 (then reads ANI)
1-888-253-8228 Your call cannot be completed as dialed, Recording US-Link 1
1-888-253-8229 This Patt live toll free number is NOT active; 411-193 (then reads ANI)
1-888-253-8230 Some dude, Hello?
1-888-253-8231 The number you have reached is NOT in service
1-888-253-8232 The number you have reached is NOT in service
1-888-253-8233 Answering Machine, can't find remote code
1-888-253-8234 Reorder
1-888-253-8235 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service
1-888-253-8236 VMB
1-888-253-8237 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service
1-888-253-8238 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service
1-888-253-8239 This Patt live toll free number is NOT active; 411-194 (then reads ANI)
1-888-253-8240 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service
1-888-253-8241 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service
1-888-253-8242 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service
1-888-253-8243 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service
1-888-253-8244 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service
1-888-253-8245 Reorder
1-888-253-8246 Reorder
1-888-253-8247 Privat Jet International (automated)
1-888-253-8248 Busy
1-888-253-8249 This Patt live toll free number is NOT active; 411-195 (then reads ANI)
1-888-253-8250 Dude picks up (eeeeeloooo!)
1-888-253-8251 This Patt live toll free number is NOT active; 411-196 (then reads ANI)
1-888-253-8252 Dude picks up (uh, hello?)
1-888-253-8253 This Patt live toll free number is NOT active; 411-197 (then reads ANI)
1-888-253-8254 This Patt live toll free number is NOT active; 411-198 (then reads ANI)
1-888-253-8255 This Patt live toll free number is NOT active; 411-199 (then reads ANI)
1-888-253-8256 The number you have dialed is not in use, goodbye
1-888-253-8257 Reorder
1-888-253-8258 The number you have dialed is disconnected or not in service (cheesy)
1-888-253-8259 Reorder
1-888-253-8260 Reorder
1-888-253-8261 Reorder
1-888-253-8262 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8263 Reorder
1-888-253-8264 Some country dudes Answering Machine
1-888-253-8265 Reorder
1-888-253-8266 Reorder
1-888-253-8267 Your call cannot be completed as entered
1-888-253-8268 Cool, office/CENTREX ring - Automated Personal Assistant
1-888-253-8269 Reorder
1-888-253-8270 Reorder
1-888-253-8271 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8272 Toll free nunber cannot be accessed by my calling area
1-888-253-8273 Answering Machine
1-888-253-8274 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8275 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8276 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8277 The number you have reached is NOT in service
1-888-253-8278 Ring out; I let it ring about 12 times
1-888-253-8279 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8280 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8281 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8282 Your call cannot be completed as entered
1-888-253-8283 Your call cannot be completed as entered
1-888-253-8284 Weird VMS. It has a weird ring, and a weird answer... WEIRD!
1-888-253-8285 Some residential. A kid answered.
1-888-253-8286 Phone Sex.. young virgin college boys wanna make you SHOOT!
1-888-253-8287 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8288 Your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8289 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8290 Your call cannot be completed as entered
1-888-253-8291 The 800 number you have dialed cannot be reached from your calling area
1-888-253-8292 Private Jet International (Automated)
1-888-253-8293 The number you have dialed i not in use. Thank you. Goodbye
1-888-253-8294 VMB (press # and get their FAX)
1-888-253-8295 Western State Voice Messaging Center
1-888-253-8296 2 rings .... The number you haved dialed has been disconnected
1-888-253-8297 Your call cannot be completed as entered
1-888-253-8298 Ring out; Phone rang for over 12 rings
1-888-253-8299 Your call cannot be completed as dialed.... Message DM1
1-888-253-8200 Reorder
1-888-253-8301 Western State Industies VMS
1-888-253-8302 Personal Assistant for Katy
1-888-253-8303 Answering Machine, Remote Code = 1234
1-888-253-8304 Personal Assistant for Wesley Miller
1-888-253-8305 Personal Assistant for Matt
1-888-253-8306 Personal Assistant for John Cruz
1-888-253-8307 Personal Assistant for Chuck Churchhill
1-888-253-8308 Personal Assistant for Russ Dickinson
1-888-253-8309 Personal Assistant for Jerold Mitchell
1-888-253-8310 Personal Assistant for CC And Company
1-888-253-8311 This Number is NOT assigned
1-888-253-8312 Welcome, Enter the PIN number you wish followed by number sign
1-888-253-8313 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8314 Busy
1-888-253-8315 VMS - Press # for prompt
1-888-253-8316 You have reached a non working toll free number
1-888-253-8317 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as entered
1-888-253-8318 Dude picked up the phone (hello? I said hello?)
1-888-253-8319 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8320 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8321 FAX Number - You've reached the mailbox for 8882538321
1-888-253-8322 FAX Number - You've reached the mailbox for 8882538322
1-888-253-8323 FAX Number - You've reached the mailbox for 8882538323
1-888-253-8324 Answering Machine - ITT Tech - Remote Code = 51523
1-888-253-8325 DT3, You've reached a non working number
1-888-253-8326 Answering Machine Remote Code = 12345
1-888-253-8327 Phone Sex - "Hi honey, I'd hate to waste a nice juicy orgasm ...."
1-888-253-8328 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8329 AIR-FAX, Air Inc, Automated Fax
1-888-253-8330 Busy
1-888-253-8331 The number you have reached is NOT in service
1-888-253-8332 The health and wealth hotline
1-888-253-8333 Metro Plus, Press *
1-888-253-8334 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8335 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8336 Answering Machine
1-888-253-8337 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8338 VMS, Press # and then *
1-888-253-8339 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8340 The number you've dialed is NOT in service
1-888-253-8341 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8342 Lady picked up, Hello?
1-888-253-8343 Answering Machine
1-888-253-8344 Someone picked up, and then hung up without saying anything
1-888-253-8345 Welcome, enter the PIN number you wish.
1-888-253-8346 The Verizon customer you've called is out of the calling area
1-888-253-8347 Kinda different recording, The number you've dialed is NOT in service
1-888-253-8348 You've called 1-800-BRAND-IT, press * for prompt
1-888-253-8349 This number does NOT allow blocked calls
1-888-253-8350 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8351 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8352 Telephone # dialed is NOT being used, please call ........
1-888-253-8353 This number has been disconnected
1-888-253-8354 Ring Out, I let it ring for over 20 times.
1-888-253-8355 This number has been disconnected
1-888-253-8356 Beep, Beep, Beep, Beeep.
1-888-253-8357 VMS
1-888-253-8358 Iam sorry, but this person has a mailbox that is not setup yet.
1-888-253-8359 A chickie picked up, (Hello?, Hi, Hello?)
1-888-253-8360 CARRIER !!!!!!
1-888-253-8361 Reorder
1-888-253-8362 Cleavland Map CO.
1-888-253-8363 Answering Machine
1-888-253-8364 VMB (Press * for password prompt)
1-888-253-8365 Some company voice line, "Hello, blah blah blah blah ...."
1-888-253-8366 You've called 1-800-BRAND-IT, press * for prompt
1-888-253-8367 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8368 Some cheesy recording
1-888-253-8369 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8370 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8371 This number has been disconnected
1-888-253-8372 Your call cannot be processed
1-888-253-8373 Your call did not go through
1-888-253-8374 The VoiceMail System.
1-888-253-8375 VMB
1-888-253-8376 E-Term Dot Com
1-888-253-8377 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8378 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8379 CARRIER !!!!!!
1-888-253-8380 Lady, (Ask for Casy)
1-888-253-8381 Some dude picked up, Hello?
1-888-253-8382 VMB in another language
1-888-253-8383 Crappy recording
1-888-253-8384 Virtual Voice
1-888-253-8385 Busy
1-888-253-8386 Some dude picked up, Hello?
1-888-253-8387 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8388 Welcome, Enter the PIN number you wish followed by number sign
1-888-253-8389 Answering Machine
1-888-253-8390 VMS
1-888-253-8391 Welcome, Enter the PIN number you wish followed by number sign
1-888-253-8392 Reorder
1-888-253-8393 Answering Machine
1-888-253-8394 16-4 - Invalid number
1-888-253-8395 This offer has ended ......
1-888-253-8396 Dude "Hello, Network Design"
1-888-253-8397 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as entered
1-888-253-8398 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as entered
1-888-253-8399 VMB
1-888-253-8300 Reorder
1-888-253-8401 Beep, Beep, Beep
1-888-253-8402 Reorder
1-888-253-8403 FAX
1-888-253-8404 Ring out, I let it ring 12 times
1-888-253-8405 Virtual Voice
1-888-253-8406 Ring out, I let it ring 10 times
1-888-253-8407 Enter the PIN number you wish, followed by pound.
1-888-253-8408 VMB - ITTI (Press # for password prompt)
1-888-253-8409 Your call cannot be completed as dialed, message 541
1-888-253-8410 All systems are busy
1-888-253-8411 VMS, "Press # for prompt"
1-888-253-8412 Your call cannot be processed by the line you're using
1-888-253-8413 Your call cannot be processed by the line you're using
1-888-253-8414 All circuits are busy
1-888-253-8415 The number you have dialed is NOT in service
1-888-253-8416 *cheep* *cheep* ; Woman picked up, "Hello? helloooo?"
1-888-253-8417 Personal Assistant for Janet Chung
1-888-253-8418 Personal Assistant for Pen Graw
1-888-253-8419 Personal Assistant (Webley) for Arnold Williams
1-888-253-8420 Personal Assistant for Nathan Broman
1-888-253-8421 Personal Assistant for Merilyn Marshall
1-888-253-8422 Enter the PIN number you wish
1-888-253-8423 Personal Assistant for Mark Smith
1-888-253-8424 Ring out, I let it ring over 15 times
1-888-253-8425 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8426 Answering Machine; Code = 10
1-888-253-8427 1-800-BRAND-IT
1-888-253-8428 Cannot be processed from the line you're using
1-888-253-8429 VMS - Horoscope Corp. Office
1-888-253-8430 Reorder
1-888-253-8431 16-4 ; The number you have dialed is Invalid
1-888-253-8432 Cannot be completed as dialed, 44850
1-888-253-8433 VMS - Press # to get prompt
1-888-253-8434 Disconnected
1-888-253-8435 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8436 Reorder
1-888-253-8437 Reorder
1-888-253-8438 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8439 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8440 Ring Out, I let it ring for over 12 rings
1-888-253-8441 Busy
1-888-253-8442 Busy
1-888-253-8443 Ring out, Ring over 12 times
1-888-253-8443 Ring out, Ring over 12 times
1-888-253-8444 Ring out, Ring over 12 times
1-888-253-8445 Weird kinda busy tone
1-888-253-8446 "Goodbye" *click*
1-888-253-8447 Personal Assistant for Gordon-James
1-888-253-8448 Enter the PIN number you wish followed by pound
1-888-253-8449 Personal Assistant for Joc Mckenzie
1-888-253-8450 Personal Assistant for Joc Mckenzie
1-888-253-8451 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8452 Personal Assistant for John Anderson
1-888-253-8453 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8454 Reorder
1-888-253-8455 Personal Assistant for Sheridan
1-888-253-8456 Ring Out, I let it ring for over 12 rings
1-888-253-8457 Personal Assistant for Bart
1-888-253-8458 Personal Assistant for Robin Greene
1-888-253-8459 Beep! (Verizon Pager)
1-888-253-8460 Answering Machine ; Remote Code=1234 (college chick or something)
1-888-253-8461 Beep! (Verizon Pager)
1-888-253-8462 Beep! (Verizon Pager)
1-888-253-8463 VMB - Press * ; if you get an account wrong, it reads DTMF tones
1-888-253-8464 Recording
1-888-253-8465 You have reached a mailbox that is out of service
1-888-253-8466 Pat-Live toll free number NOT active (ANAC)
1-888-253-8467 Recording.
1-888-253-8468 Iam sorry, the system is currently NOT available
1-888-253-8469 Pat-Live toll free number NOT active (ANAC)
1-888-253-8470 Pat-Live toll free number NOT active (ANAC)
1-888-253-8471 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8472 FAX
1-888-253-8473 Ring Out, I let it ring for over 12 times
1-888-253-8474 Beep! (Verizon Pager)
1-888-253-8475 Reorder
1-888-253-8476 Beep! (Verizon Pager)
1-888-253-8477 Your call cannot be completed from your calling area
1-888-253-8478 Pat-Live toll free number NOT active (ANAC)
1-888-253-8479 Woman voice, "hello?"
1-888-253-8480 Reorder
1-888-253-8481 Dude picked up the phone ("Hellllloooooo?")
1-888-253-8482 Reorder
1-888-253-8483 If you would like to use this number, call 714-901-9955
1-888-253-8484 Beep! (Verizon Pager)
1-888-253-8485 Ring out, 12 times
1-888-253-8486 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8487 Phone Sex -- Hi Tiger, Thanks for callin' ......
1-888-253-8488 VMS - Press # for prompt
1-888-253-8489 083p, Not available in my calling area
1-888-253-8490 You have reached a mailbox that is out of service
1-888-253-8491 Pat-Live toll free number NOT active (ANAC)
1-888-253-8492 Beep! (Verizon Pager)
1-888-253-8493 Pat-Live toll free number NOT active (ANAC)
1-888-253-8494 Pat-Live toll free number NOT active (ANAC)
1-888-253-8495 Pat-Live toll free number NOT active (ANAC)
1-888-253-8496 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8497 Some publishing Company, a lady picked up, "Hello?"
1-888-253-8498 VMS - Press # for the prompt
1-888-253-8499 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8400 Reorder
1-888-253-8501 A dude picked up (some motel)
1-888-253-8502 Bible people; VMB
1-888-253-8503 Ring out, I let it ring over 12 times
1-888-253-8504 Answering Machine
1-888-253-8505 Another dude picked up, from the same motel
1-888-253-8506 Another dude picked up, from the same motel
1-888-253-8507 Enter the PIN number you wish followed by the pound sign.
1-888-253-8508 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8509 silent line
1-888-253-8510 Answering Machine
1-888-253-8511 Please continue to hold ... Welcome to Global Crossing ...
1-888-253-8512 Ring out, I let it ring over 12 times
1-888-253-8513 VMB
1-888-253-8514 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8515 Old Pager
1-888-253-8516 Not in Service
1-888-253-8517 This number has been disconnected; GoodBye.
1-888-253-8518 Reorder
1-888-253-8519 Dude picked up with a quick, "hello?"
1-888-253-8520 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8521 Law Firm (recording)
1-888-253-8522 Reorder
1-888-253-8523 Reorder
1-888-253-8524 083p, Not available in my calling area
1-888-253-8525 VMS
1-888-253-8526 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8527 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8528 Answering Machine
1-888-253-8529 All circuits are busy.
1-888-253-8530 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8531 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8532 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8533 VMB - Press # for prompt
1-888-253-8534 Disconnected
1-888-253-8535 Reorder
1-888-253-8536 The number for the talk line is ... 800-400-TALK
1-888-253-8537 083p, Not available in my calling area
1-888-253-8538 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8539 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8540 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8541 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8542 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8543 VMB/FAX
1-888-253-8544 DS2, your call cannot be completed at this time ....
1-888-253-8545 A lady picked up (hello? Hellloooooo?)
1-888-253-8546 Disconnected
1-888-253-8547 Disconnected
1-888-253-8548 Disconnected
1-888-253-8549 Dude picked up, "Hello?"
1-888-253-8550 Another dude picked up the phone, "Hi. Umm, Hello?"
1-888-253-8551 Your call has been properly delievered, but the party you have ....
1-888-253-8552 Disconnected
1-888-253-8553 Disconnected
1-888-253-8554 Disconnected
1-888-253-8555 FAX
1-888-253-8556 Disconnected
1-888-253-8557 Ring ...
1-888-253-8558 VMB
1-888-253-8559 VMB/VMS
1-888-253-8560 Virtual Voice
1-888-253-8561 Recording
1-888-253-8562 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8563 Ring out, I let it ring for over 12 times
1-888-253-8564 Forwarded to a Meridian Mail type VMB
1-888-253-8565 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8566 FAX
1-888-253-8567 Good Evening, you've reached the collection box call in system .....
1-888-253-8568 VMB
1-888-253-8569 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8570 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8571 VMS (press * to get the prompt)
1-888-253-8572 VMS
1-888-253-8573 Meridian Mail Voice Mail System
1-888-253-8574 *beep!* It then turned silent
1-888-253-8575 Medical Esthetic Voice Mail System, press * then #
1-888-253-8576 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8577 We're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
1-888-253-8578 Some weird lady picked up the phone, "hello? I said; HELLLOOOO!"
1-888-253-8579 VMS
1-888-253-8580 Iam sorry, the system is currently not available.
1-888-253-8581 Reorder
1-888-253-8582 15, your call did NOT go through.
1-888-253-8583 Reorder
1-888-253-8584 Reorder
1-888-253-8585 Some Union system. Recording/PBX/VMS/ETC
1-888-253-8586 The Cell-Link customer is currently out of the service area.
1-888-253-8587 Reorder
1-888-253-8588 Ring Out, I let it ring for over 12 times
1-888-253-8589 Ring Out, I let it ring for over 12 times
1-888-253-8590 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8591 World Comm, Paging System. Enter the PIN number you wish followed by #.
1-888-253-8592 Disconnected
1-888-253-8593 Ring Out, I let it ring for over 15 rings
1-888-253-8594 A lady picked up.
1-888-253-8595 The number you have dialed cannot be processed from the line you're using
1-888-253-8596 Answering Machine
1-888-253-8597 Ring out, I let it ring over 12 times
1-888-253-8598 The toll free number you have dialed is NOT IN SERVICE. 027p
1-888-253-8599 Disconnected
1-888-253-8500 Disconnected
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