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D### ,, #### ,, ######## ####### # .W## f### ## #### ## #######' ,####### # ;### f### ## #### ## ######W ,######## # ;### D### ## #### ## ######' ,##' ### #########K' j#### ## #### ## #####P ,##' ### ########t' f##### ## #### ## #####' ,##' ### ######L' ,E###### ## #### ## ####P ,##' ### ####L' .L######## ## #### ## #### ### ### ##K' t########## ## #### ## #### #D ;W########### ## #### ## #### P &############# ## #### ## #### #### '' #### '' ############# ### #### #### ############# ### ####t j####t j############# ### ######. .########. .############### ### / K-1INE / NUMBER-FORTY-TWO / 1984-BY-2004 / JANUARY-FIRST / TWO-THOUSAND-FOUR / _________________________________________________________________________________ � .- Random Words -. � | *: [-] Introduction ............................................ The Clone :* *: (-) Inspirational Music ..................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Contact Information ..................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Link of the Quarter ..................................... The Clone :* *: (-) K-1ine Magazine Mirrors ................................. Nettwerked :* *: (-) Community News: Nettwerked Meetings ..................... The Clone :* _________________________________________________________________________________ � .- Documents -. � | *: (x) 'The Clone e-mails the CEO of TELUS' ..................... The Clone :* *: (x) 'K-1ine Interview; Kybo Ren, Montreal 2600' .............. Clone / Kybo :* *: (x) 'Why 7-11 Can Suck My Cock' .............................. Cyb0rg/asm :* *: (x) 'West Nile Epidemic' ..................................... Cyb0rg/asm :* *: (x) 'The WEM Discovery' ...................................... Cybersk4nk :* *: (x) 'BEATING PROTEL'S PROGRAMMING SECURITY CODE' ............. MaNiAK :* *: (x) 'A newbie's guide to Wardriving' ......................... H1D30u5 :* *: (x) 'MS Access Security Breakdown' ........................... Tesko905 :* *: (x) 'The Neiman Marcus (QCCS) Wardial Scan' .................. H1D30u5 :* *: (x) 'After school special scan' .............................. Tek :* *: (x) 'A Review of the SMC 2532W-B Wifi PC Card' ............... Cybersk4nk :* *: (x) 'TELUS CUSTOMER SERVICE MESSAGES' ........................ A.P.H(s). :* *: (x) 'Bootdisks for fun and/or profit!' ....................... Port9 :* *: (x) 'Elmer's Web Safety Poem' ................................ Elmer :* _________________________________________________________________________________ � .- Conclusion -. � | *: [-] Credits ................................................. The Clone :* *: [-] Shouts .................................................. The Clone :* _________________________________________________________________________________ Happy Holidays to all! Welcome to the latest installment of K-1ine magazine and happy new years to those of you sitting at your terminals reading my magazine after a night of celebrating. Think of this special issue as your excuse to be at the computer instead of in the bathroom puking your guts out because you drank too much eggnog and rum whilst embarrassing yourself in front of your co-workers, friends, and family. You fool, never mix eggnog and rum! What were you thinking? Where are your brains in your ass? Anywho, before I get even more sidetracked, I just wanted to say; enjoy the issue and please give me feedback. Feedback, whether it's positive or negative (constructive) helps me to improve the quality of the issues every-single-time. Thanks again to everyone who contributed to this issue. Without the support of the writers and our dedicated ascii artist, K-1ine Magazine would disappear. Without further delay, I am thrilled to bring you all Nineteen Eighty-Four by 2004. (#42). p.s. I released this issue on Christmas as a surprise present to the Canadian H/P scene. Also, extra supa-d0pe thanks to Cyb0rg/asm for the awesome K-1ine ascii. Great job, mang! =) --> This issue of K-1ine was inspired by the song: 'Get Yourself High' by The Chemical Brothers (Watch the hilarious music video at www.astralwerks.com) --> Contact Information; |*> Comments/Questions/Submissions: theclone@hackcanada.com |*> Check out my site: (Nettwerked) http://www.nettwerked.net |*> Check out the Web-forum: http://nettwerked.mg2.org/phpBB2/ --> --=[ LINK OF THE QUARTER ]=-- Every quarter I post one really great "link of the quarter" on each issue of K-1ine magazine. The link can be anything in the technology industry, music scene, rave scene, punk scene, or even a good article you read on a news site. I'll be taking submissions via e-mail or IRC right away; so get your links in and maybe you'll see it in the next issue of K-1ine! For the winter, the link of the quarter is: http://www.cryptophone.de In case you missed it from Off The Hook, here it is finally; secure GSM! http://www.cryptophone.de. This hardware currently only works on European GSM systems but the inventor of it (who happen to be from the hacker collection CCC - Chaos Computer Club) said the company will have hardware available for North American systems by January 2004. The cool thing about this is, it's open source and will use the best encryption available. And if you don't have your own hardware like your buddy does, you can use the free software the CryptoPhone folks provide!" [submitted by: The Clone] --> K-1ine Magazine Mirrors: http://www.mirrors.wiretapped.net/security/info/textfiles/k1ine/ (Now mirrored in two places, one in Belgium and another in Sydney) "Wiretapped.net is an archive of open source software, informational textfiles and radio/conference broadcasts covering the areas of network and information security, network operations, host integrity, cryptography and privacy, among others. We believe we are now the largest archive of this type of software & information, hosting in excess of 20 gigabytes of information mirrored from around the world." -- http://www.hackcanada.com/canadian/zines/index.html#K-1ine Hack Canada - Canadian H/P - E-Zines -- http://www.to2600.org Toronto 2600 - K-1ine Archive -- http://www.bawks.net/geek/k-1ine/ Bawks.net - Wizbone's web-site. ---> [Community News: Nettwerked Meetings] NETTWERKED MEETINGS! Starting on Friday, January 30, 2004, Nettwerked Meetings will be a reality. The local Edmonton scene is strong as ever, and will have people from the old Edmonton 2600 meetings, Hack Canada, and of course the Nettwerked community. We're very excited about making an appearance at our very first official meeting. We'll see you all there! Read: http://www.nettwerked.net/meetings/ for all the necessary details. ---> so i smacked em in the head and downed another carling ---> From: theclone@hackcanada.com To: ceo@telus.com Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 10:07 PM Subject: Dear Darren Dear Darren, We at the HackCanada.com / Nettwerked.net collective would like to show our appreciation for our favorite telecommunications CEO by requesting a few goodies for Christmas. As you are probably aware, we are big fans of Telus. We regularly write articles about telecommunications "hacks" as many of us work in your industry as consultants, programmers, and installers and have that knowledge behind our articles. Infact, a few of us even work for Telus, Sprint, and Bell Canada. We are honored to write to our beloved Telus CEO who brings us great service while always improving technologically. Our christmas wishlist: Why can't we get free fone calls? Can you give us free phone cards? Can you give us a tour of the CO? Can you guarantee our legal safety? Are we dreaming? We don't ask for a lot. If these are too much to ask, please, at least write us a Merry Christmas letter back. It would make our holiday Warm Regards, The Clone - From: darren_entwistle@telus.com To: theclone@hackcanada.com Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2003 12:15 AM Subject: Re: Dear Darren Mr. The Clone, Thank you for the kind words. Merry Christmas to you, Hack Canada and your friends. Sincerely, Darren Entwistle Telus Communications Corp. ---> royal canadian muffin police? ---> The Clone Interview's Kybo Ren This interview was conducted via e-mail between The Clone and Kybo Ren (Montreal 2600) on Friday, December 12, 2003. -- The Clone: Kybo Ren, I've known you for about 4 1/2 years. I know you're one of the older school phreaks in Canada, and you've been into field phreaking and the like since you were a wee young punk rock dude in the early 1990's. What would you say inspired you to want to learn about the Canadian telephone system? Kybo Ren: Inspired me? well it was more out necessity. Back in my youth, my brother and I used to download a lot of games off of pirate boards and once I found a got in shit for making a $30 phone to a board in the UK. So I ran a line to the next door and made tons of calls and downloaded to my hearts content. Then later I found files on some boards about beige boxing, wardialing, pbx's, etc. One thing lead to another and here I am today. The Clone: Where did you get your name 'Kybo Ren' from anyways? You've told me the story behind it but never have you told the world. Here is your chance! Kybo Ren: Good question. back in the day nicks that i heard of were more geared around comix, cartoons, movies and books. You would see names like Prophet, Punisher, even Emmanuel Goldstein for exemple. So I took "kybo_ren" from a series called "Droids" a Star Wars based cartoon which played on saturday mornings. Kybo Ren was one of the bad guys in the show, little round fat guy who tried to rule the galaxy, but always by the end fucked up somehow. And he was a "space pirate" and I thought it sounded cool, so you can call me kybo for short. The Clone: Phreaks around the country will be able to rejoice once a month at the official Nettwerked meetings in Edmonton Alberta, home of Hack Canada and Nettwerked. Are you going to attend?! Kybo Ren: I just may. I have to save my pennies tho, expensive to fly down dude, but i'll try to attend once. Maybe we could set up a conference again... The Clone: In the summer of 2003, some of us had the pleasure of speaking with you and other H/P'ers on a voice conference while you attended the August 2003 Montreal 2600. How do Montreal 2600 meetings differ from say, the ones in Ottawa? Kybo Ren: Montreal meetings are really cool, lotsa interesting topics and we go for drinks after. Since Hackfest we had the December meeting with 40 people, biggest one they had. Comparing it to Ottawa well, I kept it alive in that town and now TheCount and Forge and taking care of it now. It's my home town meeting it will be always special to me, not as big and diverse as Montreal but still cool old friends at the Ottawa meeting and memories there but i haven't attended since early 2002 so can't really compare for the people and the talent with both... The Clone: You've become quite the hacker conference person. You were at 2600's H2K in 2000 (where you met ex-Dead Kennedy's lead-singer Jello Biafra), at Def Con 9 where I threw your Fidomatic Pre- Paid phone into a pool filled with baby oil, and at H2K2 last year. Will you be attending Def Con 12? Will you be at H2K4? I'll be at DC12, by the way. I really hope you can make it so the Hack Canada / Nettwerked crew can finally rejoice in real social interaction :) Kybo Ren: Yes i'm going back to New York for HOPE 'cause it cheaper and closer. I love going to big CONS, it's like being on vacations from your regular life and do what I love. Geek it up "hahahahaha" no really, cons are great places to let loose and just be yourself, with my regular "non-hacker" friends I have to censor what I talk about all the time cause they either A: don't get it and/or B: don't care so much so at cons I can talk about phones, 'putering, games, lockpicking, etc... but since I'm going to hope, sorry clone no defcon for me... next year probably?!? The Clone: We've all been waiting to hear it from the man himself; how the hell was HackFest?! Tell us; what were some examples of the *best* times for you personally, during the conference. If you don't mind publicizing this; were you involved in any interesting h/p projects during HackFest? If so, tell us about it! If not at least make something up... our K-1ine readers want it. Kybo Ren: Argh!!! Ok, reading this questions sucks cause it means that I gotta finish my review/video on Hackfest... I won't says much on it yet (wait 'til I'm done the review) but this Hackfest has the potential to be the first big CON in canada, and if your wondering about the french aspect (since its in Quebec), I spoke English all weekend, so don't let that change your idea of coming next year... The Clone: Was the Hack Fest after-party all it was hyped up to be? Did you take another 10 shots for every province in Canada (excluding the terrorities?) Kybo Ren: The afterfest was soooo cool, soo much weed/booze, WOW!!! And I was able to convince the cops to not bust us and take our dope (my best social engineering scam all year!!!) it may not be caesar's party at Defcon but I was close to the target... The Clone: Speaking of 10 shots for every province in Canada, when will you be releasing your movie? The trailer was fantastic and most humourous... we're all waiting for the official release! Kybo Ren: HAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!! no i didn't... i think i'll never be able to top that night dude. Okay! Check this out next time someone sees me on IRC... tell me if you want me to finish the montreal drunk video or finish the Hackfest video??? I'll tally the votes and edit the video you guys choose, cool??? The Clone: Kybo Ren, as you know, K-1ine Magazine had a theme based around the hit Canadian (Ottawa) television show 'You Can't Do That On Television'. You almost made it on to one of the seasons. Tell us why you didn't make it, and how the rejection affected you as a youth. You weren't a star of the 1980's but you surely are a star of the 00's. How does it feel to have so many fans worshipping the very ground you walk on? (Remember: we do not censor on K-1ine. If you want to vent your frustrations with YTV, and myself go right ahead...) Kybo Ren: It's so embarrasing. my mom thought it would be "nice" if i would be on tv, hence there was an open casting call for You Can't Do That On Television. I auditions for a role but I was not picked 'cause I had a thick french accent... (Dammit!!! I could of been Jean-yves, the french kid) CTV is a bunch of NAZI bigots.... TI-HI! The Clone: If you had three pieces of advise for Canadian hackers and phreakers to-be, what would it be? Kybo Ren: The kids today, just don't know what all the JAZZ it all About!!!! With the bip-ing and the bop-ing and hip-ing and the hopp-ing... phreaking is like Jello pudding no wait, it like Kodak film, wait it's like the New Coke, It'll be around forever... P.S. People are stupid. Remember that kids; people are STUPID!!! You can quote me on that... Joyeux noel!!! and vou sentez comme du frommage a la WIZ!!!!! -- Thank you Kybo Ren! (Kybo Ren can be reached at: kybo.ren@mtl2600.org) ---> anyone have any experience with NoCat? I have experience with SomeCat heh he likes fingers up his bum ;-) ---> Why 7-11 Can Suck My Cock Cyb0rg/ASM 2003-10-16 I went to 7-Eleven tonight for some late-night hacker snacks. While deciding whether I wanted to try the new "Nacho Italiano" or get my usual "Zesty Cheese" from the Doritos line-up of crap-food, a guy about my age walked in wearing a black hooded sweatshirt. Nothing unusual there, after all this is Canada and it is below zero tonight. Indeed, I myself was wearing a big black jacket, a toque, and gloves (so as not to leave any fingerprints or DNA evidence *wink*wink*). But lo-and-behold, the heifer behind the counter (honestly, just because you work at 7-11 doesn't mean you should get your breakfast, lunch, and dinner there), where was I? Oh yeah, this frigging bloated gas-bag starts shrieking "take off your hood! take off your hood!" At first the guy ignores her, but as her shrieks become more frantic he starts saying things like "uh, no". The beached whale wails "it's policy! it's policy! the cameras need to see you! it's policy!" The guy replies "I don't care, I live two blocks away, you see me everyday", and continues browsing the ridiculously priced toxic waste food-items. At this moment the big man himself steps up to the plate. Doogie Howser Security Wanker struts his 98 pound frame out from behind the twizzler rack and declares that the guy had best be leavin' before he has to call someone who doesn't weigh 98 pounds and actually has some authority under the law. So the guy leaves. And then, on principle, so did I. Completely Dorito-less. As I skated toward a less hostile environment to find semi-edible flavour wafers to pollute my body with, I thought more about what I had just witnessed. It's clear Lard-Lady and her sidekick Doogie were simply power- tripping because they were both total losers and here was an opportunity to assert their imaginary power over some innocent guy thereby making themselves momentarily forget what pitiful minimum-wage 9-5 loser roles they play in the world. At first glance, the "no hood" policy is there for the protection of the employees. At least this is what head-office is telling the counter-cows. But, I not being a counter-cow am not fooled by this sanctimonious platitude. I'm pretty sure the employees heads can be just as easily blown off by someone regardless of whether they have a hood on or not. So how does this policy protect the employees? It doesn't. My guess is some dildo at head-office in Dallas pulled his head out of his ass and scrawled down this policy in between naps in an effort to justify his fat salary and try and convince his superiors that he's actually thinking. Furthermore, shouldn't this "no hood" policy have been posted at the door if it's so damn critical? More obviously, is a robber even going to pay attention to such a sign or some fat bitch behind the counter telling him what to do? "Hey! Take your hood off! It's Policy!!!" "Huh? Empty the fucking register before I empty my clip into your fat fucking head, fat bitch." Yeah, this policy was really well thought out. Wouldn't it simply make more sense to locate a camera at the counter so it could catch every customers face? Wow, that's so crazy it just might work. So what next? They better start making women wipe off their make-up. Keep those god-damned Halloween trick-or-treaters the hell away. Sunglasses and eye-patches should obviously be unacceptable. If your hair is hanging in your face you're gonna have to cut that shit off. Forget coming in with any sort of facial hair. And it would be good policy to ban blacks, asians, and any other races that us ignorant white folk can't tell from one another. Better keep those with turbans at bay too. Besides, the Bush administration has me totally convinced that anyone with a turban is a terrorist anyway. And speaking of those kind of folk, aren't there some East Indian women whose religions demand that they keep their faces covered in public? What about those people? Are they not allowed into 7-11 unless they violate their religious dictum? What about burn victims? If I had my face all scorched up and had to wear bandages over my face while going through the process of having skin peeled off my supple ass and grafted onto my face would I too be denied heavily salted snack-treats? Ok, I think I've made my point. Discrimination should be nondiscriminatory. If you're going to persecute one group of people for something retarded, then for the sake of fairness and logic, bloody well make sure you persecute everybody that even remotely falls into the same classification. So, what to do? I will never spend another cent at 7-11. See, I'm good that way. It's called being a good consumer and I pride myself on being a great consumer. First, I consume very little. Most crap for sale is not worth owning. Furthermore, if someone sells me crap, treats me like crap, or serves me food that makes me crap uncontrollably, I NEVER DO BUSINESS WITH THEM AGAIN. NEVER. I don't care if I have to go 50 blocks out of my way. That's what I will do. If I can buy something across the street but know I can get it cheaper on the other side of town, I bloody well go across town to get it! Imagine what would happen if everyone followed a similar code of conduct? Why, merchants in this country might actually start treating their customers with respect! You probably can't even imagine what that would be like since it happens so bloody rarely in Canada. We've got to travel to other countries to experience proper service. You know, service where they treat you like they actually appreciate the fact that you're giving them your hard-earned money? Where if you've got a legitimate complaint they make an effort to correct the situation rather than telling you to fuck-off because they know there's a whole city full of lazy fucking people who will keep spending their money there regardless of the fact that they are treated like shit. And North America is full of people that are too freaking lazy to walk an extra block or two to pay a buck less for a bag of chips at a grocery store, or god forbid buy something healthy to eat. If people took the time to be good consumers we'd have great service and great prices. And all it would take is a tiny little bit of effort and conviction. But that's clearly too much to ask for I guess. I'm going to ask you anyway. Make an effort to be a good consumer. Don't do business with people that mistreat you or have retarded policies like 7-11. Just try. Like most everything, it gets easier the more you do it. Find the lowest price. Reward those that treat you with respect with your continued patronage. And most importantly, stop buying crap simply because you are bored or because TV tells you to. The more of us that do these simple, common-sense things, the better the service industry in this country will get. Now, even though I don't expect it to make any difference in the world, I'm going to send this article to 7-11 headquarters because that is also part of being a good consumer. (Heh, seems they don't take their server security nearly as seriously as they take their store "security". Windows NT -- the swiss-cheese of network operating systems!) Oh, and before any overweight slobs out there start spewing bullshit about me being prejudice against fat people, let me just make it absolutely clear that I hate everyone equally. So fuck right off. Copywrong (x) 2003 www.hackcanada.com ---> wizbone you liar. You work for NAMBLA I don't work, I volunteer. hhahahahah ---> West Nile Epidemic Written by Cyb0rg/ASM (based on research by Furious George) 2003-10-19 So, The Clone and I were skating down Jasper Avenue in Edmonton (breakin' the law! breakin' the law!), and on the corner of 109th we see this guy with his dog and he's got some signs. This is a common corner for protesters and I usually don't pay them too much attention. The guy had a microscope and this caught my eye. I suggested we stop and see what he's up to. He introduces himself as George, Furious George, and he lays down the gist of his crusade for us. He's been noticing people all over the city displaying weird symptoms. Scratching around the eyes, nose, mouth, and all over their bodies. He's noticed an abundance of people with sores on their faces. People suffering irritability, fatigue, back pain, cold chills, and an inability to concentrate. He noticed people on TV exhibiting these symptoms, people like David Letterman and all of his guests. George himself has been experiencing many of these symptoms and so he started to investigate. He went to medi-centres. They were chock full of people with the same symptoms but far worse than his. Even the medics there were displaying the symptoms. Yet they ignored what he had to say and sent him on his way. So he started to do some research, went to the library, bought some books on human body parasites. He followed his hunches and concluded that the root of the problem is the Bird Louse (Family Philopteridae). An extremely small form of lice that is common to birds. Well, we've all been told that the West Nile virus is killing birds so this seems logical. He thinks it may be these Bird Lice that are carrying the West Nile virus. By the way, there were a reported 600 new cases of West Nile in Alberta in the past week alone. He noticed his dog exhibiting some odd behavior. Snapping at the air around her head even though there was nothing visible that could be irritating her. Then he started seeing them, the tiny Bird Lice. He managed to catch one, which was not an easy thing to do. See, once these tiny critters die they dehydrate very quickly, and once they are all dried up they crumble and blow away very readily. But he did catch one and he bought a microscope. He showed me the bug under the microscope and then showed me the picture in the National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Insects & Spiders that he got from the library. What I saw under the microscope sure looked like the picture in the book. According to George's research, the Bird Louse is attracted to the carbon dioxide in our breath. Apparently the Bird Louse buries it's body into your skin and breathes through a tube which extends from its behind. The breathing tube was clearly visible under the microscope and in the pictures. George thinks the breathing tubes are visible on your skin under a black light and that they glow an orange color. I'm skeptical about this, I could see them on George's skin under the light, but they were not visible on my skin. So who knows. He also says that they attach their eggs to the hair follicles in your affected areas. Places such as your nose hairs and ear hairs. He showed me a sample of this as well under his microscope. My hairs showed no signs of the eggs. He contacted people at the biology lab at the University of Alberta, they were not interested in helping. He contacted Wing Kang (780-413-7927) at Capital Health. He didn't care. He tried contacting the media. They wanted him to prove all his theories to them. Well George is a smart guy, but entomology and disease certainly isn't his field of expertise. What George had to say really had my attention. I myself have been getting irritation in my nose and it began sometime this past summer. I've also been experiencing lower back pain for the past month. It's not going away and I've never ever had back pain before in my entire life. Could there be a connection here? George has been watching people more closely. He estimates there may be as many as 90% of people exhibiting some or all of these symptoms. He advises that Kwellada-P lotion is an effective treatment for these parasites and that personal hygiene is crucial. The lotion is available over the counter at any pharmacy. Though it is not cheap and costs $25 for a small bottle and $80 for a large bottle. Is George onto something here? Is it related to West Nile or is it something else? Is this an epidemic and if it is, just how serious is it and what will the eventual consequences be? Are you experiencing these symptoms out of the blue? Will anybody who can actually answer these questions pay attention? www.hackcanada.com ---> kankraka - I'll never take the position at mcdonalds. Unless it was regional president. Then I'd make all the little mcdonalds kids toys with small parts that kids could swallow and choke on! HAHAHAHA My name is The Clone. And I am the fucking anti-christ. Drive thru at next window. Thank you ---> The WEM Discovery by Cybersk4nk Fielding help and support by H1D30US and Kankraka Sunday, December 7, 2003 Abstract Some of you may of heard of a small little mall in Edmonton called West Edmonton Mall (WEM). Well, you'd never belive me if I told you that there are stores that use Wifi in WEM. Not only that, but half of the APs that were war-walked in the mall used no WEP! Maybe they use MAC address blocking, but still. This is very interesting and definitely warrants another trip to our local world class mall. Details See below for the scan details. I used Kismet 2.8.1 with a standard Prism2/cs card and an old klunky laptop running Gentoo Linux which I highly recommend if you have patience and a slightly newish comp. The AP with an SSID of "TELUS" seems particularily interesting as it has no WEP encryption and we received a very nice 2700 dBm signal strength from it when we set up near the Ice Palace. WEM definitely has potential as we were buying shit there too and didn't scan even anywhere near the entire mall. It warrants another all-day trip. Please keep in mind my disclaimer: Breaking into these networks is illegal. Don't try it. If you get caught, you'll be in deep shit and could face many years of ass-rapage in prison at the hands of your cell mate named Bruno who killed his entire family with an axe and who hasn't seen a woman in 30 years. This includes trying to break WEP encryption because that is basically illegal inter- ception of a private network. IANAL, but it seems that in Canada, sniffing networks is perfectly legal just as it is legal to tune into a radio station or use a scanner. In the US it may be illegal even to Wardrive due to DMCA provisions. Check you local laws, and above all, fight them if they are unjust. Network 1: "151" BSSID: "00:A0:F8:46:6A:BB" Type : infrastructure Carrier : 802.11b Info : "None" Channel : 01 WEP : "Yes" Maxrate : 11.0 LLC : 1 Data : 0 Crypt : 0 Weak : 0 Total : 1 First : "Fri Dec 5 21:54:09 2003" Last : "Fri Dec 5 21:54:09 2003" Network 2: "default" BSSID: "00:04:23:63:65:C0" Type : probe Carrier : 802.11b Info : "None" Channel : 00 WEP : "No" Maxrate : 11.0 LLC : 1 Data : 0 Crypt : 0 Weak : 0 Total : 1 First : "Fri Dec 5 21:55:05 2003" Last : "Fri Dec 5 21:55:05 2003" Network 3: "TELUS" BSSID: "00:40:96:A0:9B:44" Type : infrastructure Carrier : 802.11b Info : "W-AB5037-AP-1" Channel : 01 WEP : "No" Maxrate : 11.0 LLC : 72 Data : 0 Crypt : 0 Weak : 0 Total : 72 First : "Fri Dec 5 21:55:13 2003" Last : "Fri Dec 5 21:56:10 2003" Network 4: "default" BSSID: "00:04:23:68:99:8B" Type : probe Carrier : 802.11b Info : "None" Channel : 00 WEP : "No" Maxrate : 11.0 LLC : 1 Data : 0 Crypt : 0 Weak : 0 Total : 1 First : "Fri Dec 5 21:55:15 2003" Last : "Fri Dec 5 21:55:15 2003" Network 5: "linksys" BSSID: "00:06:25:98:7A:0C" Type : infrastructure Carrier : 802.11b Info : "None" Channel : 06 WEP : "Yes" Maxrate : 11.0 LLC : 49 Data : 0 Crypt : 0 Weak : 0 Total : 49 First : "Fri Dec 5 21:55:18 2003" Last : "Fri Dec 5 21:56:11 2003" ---> Anyone here modded LED's before? How would one modify a Light Emitting Diode... ---> BEATING PROTEL'S PROGRAMMING SECURITY CODE Written by: MaNiAK Credit: A very large majority of this information has been given to me thanks to El Jefe. I am solely the bearer on information as far as this text file goes. Also, thanks to Cyb0rg/ASM for the tips and suggestions. ***************************************************************************** DISCLAIMER: I nor anyone else mentioned in this file is responsible for your actions. This information is being released for educational purposes only. You are responsible for what you do with this information! ***************************************************************************** Protel pay phones were founded in 1983 in Lakeland, Florida. Since then they have been a world leader as a supplier of pay phone equipment in more than 60 countries worldwide. To my knowledge, Protel is the only pay phone manufacturer that has not filed for bankruptcy. Protel makes many different models of pay phones, many of which are programmable from remote locations using their Expressnet software. Knowing how to detect a Protel can sometimes be difficult as they look physically similar to many other brand of pay phones. Sometimes it might say Protel somewhere on the instruction card. The best way to determine if you are using a Protel is to actually use the phone and look for the following features: - Collects money at the end of the call - *#6x codes can used to obtain bits of info about the phone* * - Companies can program the phones so *#6x codes are disabled, if they want to, however it doesn't appear possible or common in Canada and USA. Most of their models look physically similar to each other with minor differences, like card readers and such. Also, all Protel phones to my knowledge are line powered. A few of the newer models like the XP 1230 and the Ascension have a more updated look. A mostly complete list of their models follow: - Protel 1000 Express (Seen in Mexico) (http://payphonepictures.imess.net/mex1.jpg) - Protel 2000 (Seen in the USA) (http://www.payphone-directory.org/protel.jpg) - Protel 4000 (Seen in the USA and Canada) (http://payphonepictures.imess.net/protel.jpg) - Protel 7000 (Seen in the USA) (http://www.aicphone.com/catalog/ghousings/AC-2100P.jpg) - Protel 8000 (Seen in the USA, has been discontinued) (http://www.payphoneproducts.com/img/products/product_wm_west_large.gif) - Protel 1230XP (Seen in Canada and Australia, has been discontinued) (http://payphonepictures.imess.net/paytelpro.jpg) - Protel Ascension (Seen in the USA) (http://www.protelinc.com/main/images/ascension_series.jpg) Strangely, Protel doesn't have the most intelligent security system in place as far as programming their phones go. All that is required once one has the proper software is a 4 digit Security Code. Sometimes these codes can be guessed, but why guess when you don't have to. All one needs to do is to capture the data from a certain companies Protel by calling it. You can then use the captured data and pretend to be a payphone when you call the phone company's computer number. (*Hint: The company computer number can be obtained by pressing *#65 while using a Protel*). Anyhow, the company.s computer will think that one of their Protels is calling and will send you the Security Code. Of course it will be encoded; usually in easily read ASCII text or Binary Coded Decimal (BCD). From here, you're off to the races as far as programming goes. Have fun. Below is a list of companies in the Pacific Northwest and their respective Protel computer numbers and 4 digit Security Code. Now, I'd like to bring the attention of the class towards the Telus security code, that.s right it's 0000. Or in other words, they didn't even bother to set it. You could input any code for a Telus phone and it would be accepted. That's sad huh? Computer Security Company Name Phone code Comments Mountain Paytel 406-777-4688 0697 Computer number disconnected Qwest 800-525-0385 7117 Verizon/GTE 800-483-6599 4004 Verizon/PTM 800-860-7798 8383 NSC 866-479-2730 9347 Western Comm. 425-338-9517 8811 Integrity Cointel 406-777-0105 ???? person answered phone TELUS/Landline 800-465-0615 0000 Security by Obscurity TELUS/Cellular 604-293-1374 0000 Security by Obscurity Paytel Canada 604-821-1374 5474 OUT OF BUSINESS CoinOp Management 604-872-0595 5474 KTS 253-472-3910 3910 Paycom 425-392-9395 1974 CostTel 253-639-0394 2463 Northwest Paytele 800-978-7483 4321 Code has changed America West 866-305-5075 1454 Telcorp USA 206-275-0476 4321 TelService NW 253-630-1770 1770 Paytel Communic. 425-455-1341 4055 CMS 503-643-0915 9753 NCF 425-821-2634 5474 MetroPhone 800-959-2643 0977 OUT OF BUSINESS PhoneTel 800-999-1479 7723 WestTel 425-254-0949 4166 Smoke Signal Telecom 509-585-7937 4444 The Expressnet software can be difficult to obtain. You could buy it from Protel or if you're lucky, maybe you could get it from someone who already has it. There are free upgrades available at http://www.protelinc.com. If one knows what they are doing, they could download the free upgrade only version and if they know what they are doing, they could get around the "Upgrade Only" restriction to obtain a full version of the Expressnet software. Research and/or pictures courtesy of the following sites: http://www.protelinc.com http://www.hackcanada.com http://www.nettwerked.net http://www.payphone-directory.org http://payphonepictures.imess.net Copyright 10/03 - MaNiAK 2003-10-24 ---> heya theclone oh! i should read kay-line 41 it's a good one. haha foreplay is for pussies so true you've been touched by a girl Avatar-X? ---> A newbie's guide to Wardriving written/compiled by H1D30u5 Dec 1 2003 *****Beginning Transmission***** Wi-Fi is one of the coolest technologies to play with. Imagine connecting to the Internet from anywhere.. the possibilities are endless. Wardriving is hopping in your car, carrying your laptop with a wireless nettwerking card, and driving around hopping on to wireless nettwerks. And here's a detailed, idiot-proof (yes...even you port9), and Windows XP based approach to it. Okay, there are tons of freenet's to connect to out there. I found a good list at http://www.freenetworks.org First step. go to www.netstumbler.com and download the free program "network stumbler" it will locate the nettwerk, and give you some info on it such as: SSID, encryption yes/no and of course the channel it's on. Now if it's a "freenet" then you should be able to connect to it...if not...well...it's your call from there. Some folks that find wireless nettwerks will leave a mark to let other wardrivers/warwalkers know that there is a nettwerk there. Some symbols are )(, (), and (W). Ok, now that you've found a nettwerk, exit network stumbler. Then to connect to the nettwerk, double click on the small nettwerk icon in the System Tray. The wireless nettwerk conn- ection status screen will appear. From this screen choose Properties-->Wireless Nettwerks. If the screen doesn't show the nettwerk that you found with networkstumbler, then click Refresh. If it still doesn't appear, you need to get closer to the origin of the signal. Meaning the signal is too weak for you to connect to... To connect to a nettwerk shown on the screen, click Configure and the proceed to fill in all the info and shit. You'll then get into the nettwerk. Network Stumbler is a great program, although it doesn't play nice with everyone. Some cards can't use it. According to my research, it works well with the following cards: Lucent Technologies WaveLAN/IEEE (Agere ORiNOCO); Dell TrueMobile 1150 Series; Avaya Wireless PC Card; Toshiba Wireless LAN Card (PCMCIA and built-in); Compaq WL110; Cabletron/Enterasys Roamabout; Elsa Airlancer MC-11; ARtem ComCard 11Mbps; IBM High Rate Wireless LAN PC Card; and 1stWave 1ST-PC-DSS11IS DSS11IG, DSS1ES, and DSS11EG. To find out for sure, check the ReadMe at the Network Stumbler website. Network Stumbler will find all the networks within your range, not just those that are freenets. You may find wireless networks belonging to people who don't realize that others outside of their homes or places of employment can tap into their network. BE FOREWARNED: some cops will tell you this is illegal... even if it isn't, some cop is still gonna waste your time. Network Stumbler can save your wardriving/warwalking info in a file and you can then upload it to Cybersk4nk's wi-fi mapping site (wifimapping.ca). I'd encourage doing so. Or if you're a wanker, then you'll upload it to some faceless site like wifimaps.com. Please submit them to Cybersk4nk, I'm sure that he'd appreciate it and give you a little recognition on his site. Hey, everyone likes to see their name in lights... CANTENNAS What the hell is a Cantenna you ask? okies, I'll explain. Cantennas are a way of expanding the range of your wardriving and the strength of the signal. It's essentially your own wireless antenna. You can build em for a couple o bux using a tin can and some spare shit you prolly have lying around your house. If you're afraid of a little solder...skip to the next article... Ok, now that we've weeded out the solder-impaired... I'm not the expert on Cantennas, but I'll give you an idea of what's involved... Get a coffee can, bigger the better. The giant 35 ounce ones work best. Empty out the coffee, wash the can in the sink. You're gonna build the small antenna that will go inside of the coffee can by soldering a short piece of thick copper wire to a small piece of hardware called an "N Connector". Then, drill a hole in the can and insert the small antenna you just soldered. Attach the antenna to the can by securing it with small screws and bolts. Attach one end of the pigtail to your wireless card, and the other to the other end of the N connector. There ya go! your first Cantenna. I'd reccommend anyone interested in Cantennas go to: www.oreillynet.com/cs/weblog/view/wlg/448/ www.netscum.com/~clapp/wireless.html www.turnpoint.net/wireless/cantennahowto.html If you haven't bought a Wi-Fi card yet, I'd recommend that you pick up an Orinoco card. It's easiest to find a pigtail connector for it. That's the device that you'll hook your cantenna to. Happy Wardriving/Warwalking Shouts to: The Clone and Nettwerked.net, Kankraka, Cybersk4nk, Port9, hades, Cyb0rg/Asm and Hackcanada.com, The Question, Treephrog, And anyone else in #Hackcanada or #Nettwerked. *****End of Transmission***** ---> where's theclone with a smart-assed remark when you need him? hmmm? lol He's off with his jessboobs. :( har har har joked further proof that women really ARE the root of all evil... shut up ghetto superstar! yeah, but sex, think of the sex * coercion thinks ehh * coercion rolls a doobie * tek pets coercion saaaaafe ---> ******************************** * MS Access Security Breakdown * * * * By: Tesko905 * * Date: November 11, 2003 * ******************************** Introduction ------------ Recently, I stumbled across a security hole that may be present in many MS Access based systems. The whole thing started one day at work when I was assigned the task of making an addon for one of our client's custom information systems, which was based on MS Access and VBA. At first I made a prototype and got the basic functionality working. Then it hit me, this program is operational for all intents and purposes, yet I haven't even touched user authentication! How can this be I thought? So I tried to lookup information on how MS Access authenticates users, but it took quite some time and I had to piece bits together from different sources. From the data that I put together, I have come up with the following security structure: 1. Database Password A single password can be assigned to the database to control access. 2. Workgroup File The database can be checked against a file containing users & groups. 3. Network Permissions The network share permissions of the database file. How Did I Do It? ---------------- Now, I'll discuss how I was able to access the DB without any kind of authentication. This particular DB had no initial DB password in place, so there goes the first obstacle. The next part was also trivial. It involves connection strings when setting up DB connections in your programs. Below is an example of a standard DB connection in VB: Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=;" _ & "Jet OLEDB:System Database=;", _ , The above code compares and to entries in the workgroup file and opens a connection to the DB if authentication is successful. Now here is the simple part, remove "Jet OLEDB:System Database=;" AND AND from the parameters and there is nothing to compare, thus allowing the connection to be established! So, simply forgetting to include some parameters in my connection call allowed me to gain more insight into MS Access. For the Non Programmers ----------------------- If you don't know how to program, but want access to the database through MS Access, here is how you can accomplish it. (Provided there is no initial password, just a workgroup file to compare logins to) 1. search your workstation for a file named "wrkgadm.exe" 2. run it 3. click join 4. select "system.mdw", it's usually located in "c:\windows" 5. open the database file with MS Access What the above does is changes your workgroup file from the custom one that is installed with the information system to the default windows one. Network Permissions ------------------- If the database is located on a network share, you may be thinking that you can just control access that way, but you'd be totally wrong! Think about it, the users of this database need to be able to lookup data (READ) and input new data (WRITE). So regardless, the user will be able to manipulate any data in the DB, and there is no way to restrict the user to specific areas. This is what the information system is supposed to do, and does. But if you're coding your own fronted, or using MS Access you're bypassing the information system totally and working with the inards, which have no security restrictions in place. But there is an initial password, what do I do now? --------------------------------------------------- This can be a pain, but this is what you can do. 1. Since you have access to the network share (needed to lookup and input data) you can simply copy the entire DB to your HardDisk. 2. grab a password cracker off the net, there are a bunch out there. 3. let it run until it cracks it. How do I, a programmer, secure my information system? ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Always have an initial password, make it huge, funky characters and don't base it on a dictionary word. 2. If you're using an interpreted language, like VBA, find a way to protect the code, for example, the "protect project" feature in VBA. This is needed because you don't want people running your application to go nosing around in the source and pick out the initial password from the connection string. 3. Switch to a real DB like PostgreSQL or MySQL. Honestly, you'll thank me. You'll be able to control access to specific areas of the DB and you won't be pissed off with the little annoyances of MS Access. Not to mention the props you'll get for saving the company some $$$. Outro ----- If you have any comments or questions, feel free to email me at rasterburn@sympatico.ca Remember to checkout the Canadian Hacking Scene at http://www.hackcanada.com or http://www.nettwerked.net ---> * theclone goes back to watching zoolander Only stears and queers watch zoolander! * theclone ridiculously ridiculously good looking Well there aren't many queers in here so that kinda narrows it down now doesn't it :P GO BACK TO TEXAS, PORT9. AND YOU TELL THOSE REAL ESTATE NEGOTIATORS WE AREN'T SELLING, YOU HEAR! I AIN'T GONNA BE TERRORIZED! ---> The Neiman Marcus (QCCS) Wardial Scan By: H1d30u5 Scanning from: 378-0000 to 378-9999 378-0011 registered a carrier. 378-0074 registered a carrier. 378-0128 registered a carrier. 378-0190 registered a carrier. 378-0210 registered a carrier. 378-0212 registered a carrier. 378-0214 registered a carrier. 378-0216 registered a carrier. 378-0218 registered a carrier. 378-0220 registered a carrier. 378-0222 registered a carrier. 378-0227 registered a carrier. 378-0229 registered a carrier. 378-0231 registered a carrier. 378-0233 registered a carrier. 378-0235 registered a carrier. 378-0237 registered a carrier. 378-0239 registered a carrier. 378-0241 registered a carrier. 378-0243 registered a carrier. 378-0245 registered a carrier. 378-0247 registered a carrier. 378-0249 registered a carrier. 378-0283 registered a carrier. 378-0285 registered a carrier. 378-0287 registered a carrier. 378-0549 registered a carrier. 378-0745 registered a carrier. 378-0754 registered a carrier. 378-0845 registered a carrier. 378-0880 registered a carrier. 378-0975 registered a carrier. 378-1079 registered a carrier. 378-1115 registered a carrier. 378-1187 registered a carrier. 378-1263 registered a carrier. 378-1438 registered a carrier. 378-1542 registered a carrier. 378-1624 registered a carrier. 378-1697 registered a carrier. 378-1746 registered a carrier. 378-1807 registered a carrier. 378-1847 registered a carrier. 378-1849 registered a carrier. 378-1851 registered a carrier. 378-1853 registered a carrier. 378-1855 registered a carrier. 378-1857 registered a carrier. 378-1859 registered a carrier. 378-1861 registered a carrier. 378-1863 registered a carrier. 378-1868 registered a carrier. 378-1870 registered a carrier. 378-1872 registered a carrier. 378-1886 registered a carrier. 378-1888 registered a carrier. 378-1890 registered a carrier. 378-1892 registered a carrier. 378-1897 registered a carrier. 378-1899 registered a carrier. 378-1901 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registered a carrier. 378-9915 registered a carrier. 378-1213 registered a carrier. 378-3094 registered a carrier. 12/03 ---> And I'm seriously considering getting another penis attached. I've always wanted to be a porn star, and I could star in the sequel to that two dong man movie. ---> # After school special scan -- a quick scan on my bus ride home # tek / j.miller@shaw.ca # Victoria BC, Canada # 12/17/03 *NOTE: For more information regarding Shaharov networks visit www.shaharov.com SSID - mildon Channel - 5 Type - Managed BSSID - 00:06:25:A2:66:18 WEP - Yes Key - unresolved Location - Vancouver at Fairfield SSID - towlie Channel - 12 Type - Managed BSSID - 00:06:25:F2:C6:E3 WEP - No Key - null Location - Vancouver at Fairfield SSID - tsunami Channel - 6 Type - Managed BSSID - 00:40:96:5B:56:0B WEP - Yes Key - Unresolved Location -Douglas and Belleville SSID - ap2s.standrews.Shaharov Channel - 12 Type - Managed BSSID - 00:60:B3:79:1B:9A WEP - No Key - Null Location - Douglas at Burdett (courthouse) SSID - ap1n.standrews.Shaharov Channel - 12 Type - Managed BSSID - 00:60:B3:7A:19:D3 WEP - No Key - Null Location - Douglas and View SSID - ap2w.standrews.Shaharov Channel - 2 Type - Managed BSSID - 00:60:B3:79:1B:95 WEP - No Key - Null Location - Douglas and Pandora SSID - tsunami Channel - 12 Type - Managed BSSID - 00:40:96:A0:4A:5C WEP - Yes Key - Unresolved Location - Douglas and Pandora SSID - Apple Network e84bac Channel - 12 Type - Managed BSSID - 00:03:93:E8:4B:AC WEP - No Key - Null Location - Douglas and Pembroke (Westworld Computers WLAN) SSID - Channel - 12 Type - Managed BSSID - 00:30:BD:8F:D8:D3 WEP - No Key - Null Location - Douglas and Pembroke SSID - linksys Channel - 12 Type - Managed BSSID - 00:06:25:9B:A2:8A WEP - No Key - Null Location - Douglas and Pembroke ---> urinetrouble - you have urine trouble because there is something blocking your vas deferns Use a q-tip and unjam it. i should prolly just see a doctor I'd suggest a q-tip and a hammer I'm a doctor for fuck sakes A doctor of love * theclone winks ---> +-----------------------------------------------+ | A Review of the SMC 2532W-B Wifi PC Card $ +===============================================+ by cyberSk4nk of Wifimapping.ca Initial testing, funding support and help by theclone , kankraka and H1D30U5! These guys saved my royal ass when I fried my last card, and made the continuation of my site possible. Thanks guys! Fuckit! You know you're stupid when... -------------------------------------- Last Thursday, just before I was about to go out with my buddies wardriving on Friday, I did something incredibly stupid: I thought I'd be smart and upgrade my Linksys WPC11's firmware because it was super old and the card was flaky. *Boy, wast that ever a big mistake! Never update your firmware with non-factory supplied files unless you know what you're doing!* Obvisously I was fucking around and didn't have a clue. Living without wifi sucks - but at least our scene is tight ----------------------------------------------------------- So anyway, after I broke things and pissed my fucking evil landlord off and he threatened to beat me with a bat and then throw me out, I regained my composure. I started browsing the web to see what kind of new card would break the supersonic 802.11 barrier and yet not take a huge chunk out of my university education fund. I'm living under the poverty line right now, so I wasn't looking forward to it. You know what it's like being a student: Lots of work and _no_ pay! Luckily, H1D30U5, the super 1337 and commie best bud he is decided to pitch in $50 bucks! Fuck, was that ever cool! And not only that, theclone and Kankraka were nice enough to pitch in $10 each! What a k-rad krew do we have here at Hackcanada/Nettwerked/Wifimapping or what? The quest for the uber-wifi card -------------------------------- Seattle Wireless has an absolutely sick hardware comparison page. It lists most known cards, routers and gateways that are 802.11x compatible. However, it's non-OS centric, so I needed to find a reliable hardware compatiblity list for linux, which IMHO is a much more stable OS and has better hacking tools. It seems that the Linux Wlan project has a very good compat list . I was looking for a prism2 based adapter, since they are the most common, are cheap, and are all 100% compatible with linux and the linux-wlan drivers. Further, Kismet and Airsnort both work with prism2 cards too, which are the best wardriving and WEP cracking tools around. After reading more on Seattle Wireless and various computer vendors in my local area, and comparing available cards to the Linux Wlan compatiblity list, I came across a vendor that sold the SMC 2532W-B card. Now, I was looking for a very nice card for under $100, and preferably one that had an external antenna jack. After reading more about this card on Seattlewireless, I learned this: Honestlly, the 'uber' card should be the SMC2532W-B card. It is a 200mW Prism card that has 2 MMCX antenna connectors like the Senao, BUT has a built in antenna also - not like the Senao, where you get one or the other. Also has same receive sensitivity specs as the Senao, and comes at a price of around $55 compared to the higher Senao!? This should be clearly the winner here, I don't know why everyone is going crazy over the Senao cards?? Hmm. This looks interesting, I thought. What the hell does a 200mw card mean, and how sensitive is it? The 2 antenna jacks look really cool, and an internal antenna would be a must to get started without having to buy a pricy external antenna. The specs and what the hell they mean ------------------------------------- For a detailed list of specs, see the PDF file from SMC. This card is absolutely 1337, just like Seattlewireless said. Basically, there are three great things about this card. They are: 1. The 2 mmcx external antenna connectors 2. The incredible receiver sensitivity 3. The 200mw transmitter power output Basically, the 2 antenna jacks use a somewhat-standard mmcx antenna connection, which is really small but is compatible with most 802.11x antennas. The card also uses an antenna diversity scheme by default, meaning that if you have two antennas connected, one to each jack, that the card will pick the antenna with the strongest signal when receiving. This can increase the receive speed of the card in noisy conditions and improve the transmitting capability greatly. This technique has been used for years on cell phone towers and in the telecom industry. The 200mW power output on this card is phenomenal. Sure, it will drain all your batteries in your lappy much quicker than some of the wimpier 802.11 cards, but this means that in the transmit or uplink direction, this card far surpasses any other. To get an idea of what most prism2 cards have for power output, we can look at my old Linksys WPC11 card. According to this page at Seattle Wireless, the WPC 11 v.1 card that I used to have has a wimpy-ass 16mW output power! This isn't even enought power to expect any reliable range! The linksys WPC11's v.2.5 and v.3 both use 40mW power out, which is acceptable compared to most other brand cards. Don't ask about the WPC11 v.4.0 card because it's not even a prism chipset and isn't even compatible with Linux. Basically, 200mW is the most power on a card that is acceptable under FCC regulations! This card is power to the max, as long as you don't mind less battery life when unplugged. Lastly, a very important feature of any card is its sensitivity. Receiver sensitivty is usually measured in negative dBm's. This is apower measurement which can roughly be compared to mili-decibels except that decibels are on a log scale so tagging a mili onto it makes little sense. The formula is complex and not important here, but suffice it to say that a change in 3dBms is basically a doubling or halving of power or sensitivity. Since logs add up, a 6 dBm change would be equivalent to *four times* an increase or decrease in sensitivity. A change of 3 dBms means a powers of two change in real power, get the idea? Anyway, the SMC 2532W has one of the highest sensitivity ratings of all prism 802.11 cards, and it's only narrowly beaten by some very high-priced and fancy cards by Demarc. You can see the comparison at Seattle Wireless again. After taking this card for a spin with theclone, H1D30U5 and Kankraka, I came to the conclusion that this is the ultimate wifi card for the money. It picked up connetions even across the other side of the street from people's houses and the packet rate when wardriving was at least double that from my previous experiences with the Linksys WPC11 card. This card rules! Get it! Get your friends to pitch in! -Sk4nk out- Copyright (c) 2003 Wifimapping.ca, all rights reserved. Reproduction without permission in any form, including in print or electronic media is strictly prohibited by international copyright law. ---> I want to hack the brick and change their little digital sign when it says "DO NOT PAY UNTIL 2005" I'll make it say "DO NOT PAY UNTIL 2085" ---> 'TELUS CUSTOMER SERVICE MESSAGES' (A.K.A. WE SUCK AND HERE IS WHY...) "A Tale of Telus SWAT Teams, CLEC Smear Campaigns, and really pissed off employees and customers." November 7, 2003 Liberated By: Anonymous Phone Hero(s) Shouts; Hack Canada, Nettwerked, K-1ine. [ The Issue ] * We are aware of the frustration customers may experience while waiting for a TELUS representative to answer the phone, deliver the service they have ordered, or repair a trouble. * We apologize for keeping our customers waiting. * The entire TELUS team, from our executives to our front line team members, is united and working hard to provide our customers the level of service they deserve. * Across all public measures, our customer service performance will be superior to what it was before we implemented the Operational Efficiency Program (OEP). We are committed to achieve these levels of service in December 2003. [ Where are the challenges? ] * The problems are largely confined to the consumer aspect of our business. * On the retail business side we are now deilvering superior levels of service compared to what was provided before the OEP. * We are currently not meeting four CRTC service indicators: Access to the Business Office (310-2255), Access to Repair Bureau (611), Out of Service Troubles Cleared within 24 Hours, and Repair Appointments Met. [ Why did these challenges occur? ] 1. Unpredictable events during our highest volume period * The fires and floods were the worst experienced in B.C. over the last 100 years and put a lot of pressure on the services side of our organization. * Similarly, the computer virus attacks and power outages in the East were a drain on our resources. * Two weeks ago the inadvertent act of a third party construction company caused problems. * The construction company blasted through one of our main telecom cables in Vancouver, inflicting what has been assessed as the worst infrastructure damage TELUS or its predecessor BCTel has ever experienced. Considerable efforts were made to quickly fix the damage. * These vents occurred in August, September and October - typically our highest volume period for new installations and repairs. * Our services challenges are not entirely due to external events. We also had technology and other problems of our own making that are being addressed. 2. Operational Efficiency Program * We have been working to effectively balance customer service needs with the need for a competitive cost structure. We implemented our OEP, a massive business transformation, to create a competitive cost structure and steamline and refocus our team. * The magnitude of the change on the consumer front was significant. * We expected to experience some pressure on service as a result of the OEP. * While scheduled team member reductions proceeded according to plan, we have not hired at the rate needed to backfill against exists. * Because departures were voluntary, we could not be precise in anticipating reductions. * Feeling it would be in TELUS' long-term best interests to retain high standards when it comes to adding talent, we did not hire at the pace originally planned. We felt it essential to bring the right talent on board to underpin the long-term competitiveness of our company. 3. Consolidation of call centres * TELUS has gone from 66 call centres in 19 locations across B.C. and Alberta, to 19 call centres in six locations through a significant consolidation, centralization and rationalization program. * In the long-term the efficiency we gain through this approach will mean better service for our customers. * It is easier to deploy new call centre technology and deliver high-quality customer service training through a centralized call centre model. 4. Implementation of our new trouble management system * We also experienced short-term implementation issues when we introduced a massive operational system change. * Our new trouble management system consolidated separate legacy systems that existed prior to the integration of BCTEL and TELUS Alberta. * In introducing the new system we experienced stability problems that affected our service capabilities. We have since invested considerably into debugging the system. * The problem is now rectified; we are enjoying stabilization; and, moving forward, we expect enhancements to service as a result of the new system. 5. Negative media and public advertising about TELUS' customer service * The number of complaints increased significantly in October, in part due to Western-based media attention and advertisements critical of TELUS' service. * Customers were essentially encouraged to complain to the CRTC in what appaered to be an orchestrated effort against the organization. * Do actions of this nature help our team members, our customers or our company? No. * Only our competitors benefit from public comments that are derogatory to TELUS. * Sprint clearly agrees. On November 3, they took out full-page newspaper advertisements encouraging TELUS customers to try their service. [ Is low morale causing customer service challenges within TELUS? ] * Categorically, the answer is: No. * If you ask people in the Interior who rose to the challenge through the forest fires, the company on everyone's lips would be TELUS. TELUS is not a nameless or faceless corporate entity. In these situations, TELUS was seen in the blood, sweat and tears of the people we employ - many of whom are unionized. * Our team responded in a similar way to the floods and to the third party construction damage in Vancouver: TELUS team members worked non-stop, seven days a week and 24-hours a day to get customers back in service quickly. * We are extremely grateful for the efforts and the commitment our team members demonstrated in meeting seemingly endless challenges. [ What is TELUS doing to overcome these short-term customer service challenges? ] * We have already turned the corner with our Customer Service. * Many of our customer service performance indicators are now at higher levels than they were before the Operational Efficiency Program. In most cases, while staffing levels have been reduced, our process, system and technology adjustments area allowing us to perform at higher levels. * We are currently meeting 15 of 19 CRTC indicators. Our objective is to meet all indicators in December 2003. By the end of this year we will be delivering superior levels of service to pre-OEP levels. * We have had various meetings with the CRTC and are in regular contact with CRTC staff to report progress on our action plans. The CRTC support the actions we are taking to meet and surpass our service objectives. [ Our customer service objectives ] 1. Objective: Decrease the time it takes to reach a TELUS representative * To provide quicker access we have strengthened our customer service team. Over the last few months, TELUS has carefully selected and hired over 500 skilled team members. * These team members are completing intensive six-week training programs and at regular intervals are coming into our call centres to supplement our call centre team members in answering customer calls. * In August, TELUS launched an Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR) tool that directs customers more immediately to the area that will resolve their service issue (ADSL, Customer Care, Business billing and Credit). Prior to introducing the IVR, up to 8,000 calls per week were misdirected. That number has dropped to less than 4,000 per week. * Our average speed of answer is quickly decreasing, and we expect to hit our 80% Telephone Service Factor (TSF - the % of calls we answer within 20 seconds) by the end of November 2003. 2. Objective: Reduce the wait time for service installation and repairs * 99 per cent of all repair calls are cleared in 20 days; 37 per cent are cleared in less than one day; and, the majority of repair calls are cleared in four days or less. * For the period of August to October this year, we saw a 31 per cent increase in the number of fielded repair trouble tickets compared to the same period in 2002. In September alone, the year over year increase was 40 per cent. * This significant repair call increase is due to the rash of rainstorms, fires, windstorms, snowstorms and viruses that hit B.C. and Alberta in the last three months. For example, a windstorm in the lower mainland could generate more than 300 repair calls. TELUS team members are working overtime and we are reallocating personnel and moving build/construction staff into service delivery to support customer needs. * The increase was also due, in part, to the launch of our new trouble management system. We experienced stability, performance and training issues due to the learning curve associated with the new technology. These factors created extensive workload beyond normal activity and a backlog of 16,000 installation and repair tickets in the queue when we normally would have about 2,500. * We are calling through to the customers with repair tickets to confirm these troubles and whereever possible, advance repair dates. We are also redeploying construction crews and other internal resources to act as SWAT teams to go out and clear backlogged troubles and installs. * In the annual plan for the field operations area, work hours in three categories are assigned: installation, repair and network construction. In 2003, TELUS assigned the same number of work hours as in 2002, prior to the OEP coming into effect. The repair delays being experienced by some customers are not due to a reduction in employees, but rather an unprecedented increase in repair appointments. 3. Objective: Reduce missed repair and install appointments * If we find we cannot make an appointment, team members in our dispatch centres are calling customers to notify them and re-schedule another appointment. 4. Objective: Improve rural service availability * We are investing $46 million in expanding our network in rural BC and Alberta, greatly improving our ability to extend our reach and provide the "last mile" of connection to service rural customers. * In September, TELUS formalized a program to provide cell phones to customers waiting for local customer service. The cell phones bridge the service gap for our customers while facilities and services are being provisioned. TELUS' Commitment to Customer Service Excellence is Unwavering * Many changes are underway in our service process. We are confident customers will soon see noticeable improvements. at the same time, there is much more work to be done. Our entire team is committed to these efforts. While we make these changes, we appreciate the patience, continued support and understanding of our customers. * We will hit the service improvement goals we have set for ourselves. We will make service a positive differentiator for this company. We will put a smile on the face of our customers. And we will grow their confidence in this organization. * The quality, value and affordability of telecommunications services in Canada are second to none globally. TELUS is intent on continuing to provide the high quality, affordable services our customers have come to expect. * In the last three years, TELUS spent close to $1.8 billion rolling out our ADSL and TELUS Mobility's next generation 1X wireless networks in B.C. and $1.5 billion in Alberta - an enormous investment for a private sector company and a testament to our unyielding commit- ment to the communities in which our customers and our team members live and work. * PUKE...* .eof ---> The amount of CHEESE WHIZ roaming around in this room is so potent that you would not be able to recognize that you're actually smelling it. i know that her tastelike robots It's like when the US Government releases oderless poisons into the air to kill off minorities. Works the same way. ---> Bootdisks for fun and/or profit! port9 Wadup. I am the nine, and this month I've had too much free time on my hands. The bootsector is rather easy to code for. There are a crapload of tutorials on the net that can teach you faster and better than I could (mostly blacksun's), thus I won't bore you with detals and crap. Just a quick overview. *Disclaimer* | This is meant for entertainment and educational purposes on your own hardware. I take absolutely no responsability if you fry your or someone else's box. I'm not too sure how one could use this illegally, but I take no responsability for it. If you can't handle reading this file and dealing with it using half a brain, close this window and go jack off to goatse. *Overview* A bootsector is 512 bytes large. As I'm too lazy to load more sectors from the floppy, this means that my bootproggies are limited to 512 bytes in size. Quick thing one realizes in assembly though.. you can do a rather lot of enjoyable things with 512 bytes. Buahaha... anywho, the data is read and the last word of the segment is checked to see if it's 0AA55H. If so, the sector is copied to 07C0:0000 in memory and jumped to. *Evil Plot* So, this got my mind racing. Since comps boot up in real mode, I can do whatever-tf I want with the hardware, skipping all of that protected mode crap. I think, "The nine, you have total access! What do you do^ WHAT DO YOU DO^" What else could I do^ I made a little text animation of a guy humping a cow with sound effects. This of course would be a rather phasing image for some jerk who is just logging on to the library computer, now wouldn't it be^ *Code* Forgive my lack of commenting in the code. I'm a lazy bi-oh-ch. If you know your x86, you should be able to figure out what I'm doing. *reads code* wtf was I doing here... anyway, this works well and was tested on two comps, my 20 buck 486 I use for such tests, and a 1ghz HP desktop. Seemed to work fine.. *shrug* If your comp gets screwed over, it's just your fault. What you get for executing someone elses assembly code! But it shouldn't. ; * ; | ; * | * ; \ $$$ / ; \$ $/ ; *----- $$$$ ----* ; / $\ ; / $$$ \ ; * | * ; | ; * ;cowpr.asm ;cowpr ;Comps of port9 [BITS 16] [ORG 0000H] [SECTION .text] Start: mov AX, 0003H int 10H mov AX, 0B800H ;set seg to vid memory mov ES, AX ;" mov DI, 028EH ;set startpoint for draw mov AX, 07C0H mov DS, AX ;Prep timer mov AL, 0B6H ;Move value 0B6H to DL out 043H, AL ;Warn the timer that we're loading a new countdown mov AX, 0094H ;Move countdown to DX out 042H, AX ;Send low byte to timer mov AX, 0023H out 042H, AX ;Send high byte to timer mov AH, 0AH ;set background color mov BP, cf1 ;put addy of cf1 into BX xor CX, CX ;set drawn counter to 00H lp1: mov AL, [DS:BP] ;grab byte cmp AL, 00H ;cmp to EOL jz lp1l ;jump if so stosw ;draw byte to screen inc BP ;move one char forward inc CX ;add one to drawn counter inc CX ;" jmp lp1 ;jump back lp1l: inc BP ;move one char forward mov AL, [DS:BP] ;grab byte cmp AL, 00H ;check if EOF jz lp1end ;jump if so add DI, 0A0H ;add one line (160 chars) to DI sub DI, CX ;Minus chars written xor CX, CX ;reset CX jmp lp1 ;jump back for next line lp1end: ;Kill speaker push AX in AX, 061H ;Get speaker stats and AX, 0FCH ;Clear bits 1 and 2 (0 and 1) out 061H, AX pop AX call timer ;delay system mov DI, 028EH ;reset DI to startpoint inc BP ;move one char forward xor CX, CX ;reset drawn counter lp2: mov AL, [DS:BP] ;grab byte cmp AL, 00H ;compair to EOL jz lp2l ;jump if so stosw ;write to screen inc BP ;move one char forward inc CX ;inc drawn counter inc CX ;" jmp lp2 ;jump back lp2l: inc BP ;mov one char forward mov AL, [DS:BP] ;grab byte cmp AL, 00H ;compair to EOF jz lp2end ;jump if so add DI, 0A0H ;add one line to DI sub DI, CX ;take away what's been written xor CX, CX ;reset drawn counter jmp lp2 ;jump back for next line lp2end: ;Rig to speaker push AX in AX, 061H ;Get speaker stats or AX, 03H ;Set up bits 1 and 2 (0 and 1) out 061H, AX pop AX call timer ;delay proggy mov DI, 028EH ;reset DI loc mov BP, cf1 ;move cf1 addy to BX xor CX, CX ;reset drawn counter jmp lp1 ;jump back for more joy and happiness timer: push AX push DX mov AH, 086H mov DX, 04240H mov CX, 04H int 015H pop DX pop AX ret cf1 DB "***", 00H DB "*00 _", 00H DB "\_-_// * (__)", 00H DB "/(__/ / (oo)", 00H DB "| | /-------\/", 00H DB "|__|===>| ||", 00H DB "||| ||----||", 00H DB "|||_ ^^ ^^", 00H DB "|_}_} ", 00H, 00H cf2 DB "***", 00H DB "*00 _", 00H DB "\_-_// * (__)", 00H DB "/(__/ / (@@)", 00H DB "\ \ /-------\/", 00H DB " |__|===| ||", 00H DB " ||| ||----||", 00H DB " |||_ ^^ ^^", 00H DB " |_}_}", 00H, 00H TIMES 510-($-$$) DB 0 sig DW 0AA55H *Assemblage* | So, to assemble this bitch, go "nasm16 cowpr.asm" or whatever. This should spit out a blank binary file with no file extension. Now, if you're on win, open a command shell up, type "debug cowpr", then "-w 100 0 0 1". This should rawrite the data to the first sector of the disk. If you're not on win or you have a phobia of the command shell, just use a rawrite proggy. I didn't test with any, but they should work. *shrug* *Use* You know have a uber9prankbootdisk. Yes that is a noun. Stick disk in drive. Shut off computer. Turn on computer or wait for moron#1 to turn on computer. Jack off to the seductive ascii porn and the realistic moaning sounds. *Conclusion-expansion* Don't get caught. Don't blame me. If you don't have nasm or are just too lazy to assemble the thing, meet up with me and I'll dcc you the binary (with a few added features.. buahaha.. BUAHAHA! *takes his meds*). I don't really care wtf you do with the code. Fix my ascii art for one. I suck. Make the tone sound more like a "moo". This is the consumation of 20 mins of coding and 3 weeks of debugging only to find out that the whole time it was because I wrote 0100H instead of 0000H. I'm bitter. Anywho, tranq and such. *shouts* The hc crew kraka for inspiring me in the way of the humped cow hades for the great orgies. blacksun for their solitary texts *eof* ---> crap.. I don't get charged from jolts... I need coffee.. dude, I am so buying one of those. like 25 bucks for near expresso quality... port9, you are near expresso quality! Infact, you are better than expresso quality. I'm starbucks quality! You are freaking eXXXpresso quality. Purez Starbucks. The ladies are gonna love you. And you're gonna show them your O face. Ohh... ohhh.... you know what I'm talking about. ohhh! :P ---> Elmer's Web Safety Poem I have a special secret whenever I'm online. I don't tell others about the things that really are just mine. My e-mail and my home address, my phone number and name, these are just for me to know when chatting or playing games. Instead, I use my nonsense name, It's my online identity! When people ask me who I am, I introduce my "cyber-me." And when I want to surf the Web, to visit places that are cool, I get some help from mom or dad, or teachers from my school. Copyright� 1999 Media Awareness Network --- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| || | K-1ine | ||'|";\,___. |_..._...______===|=||_|__|...,] | "(@ )'(@ )""""*|(@ )(@ )****(@ ) --- -- Credits Without the following contributions, this zine issue would be fairly delayed or not released. So thank you to the following people: Anonymous Phone Hero(s), Cybersk4nk, Cyb0rg/asm, Elmer, H1D30us, KanKraka, Kybo Ren, MaNiAK, Port9, Tek, Tesko905, and The Clone. -- Shouts: CYB0RG/ASM, Wildman, H410g3n, warVamp, The Question, plappy, Phlux, rt, Magma, Hack Canada, The Grasshopper Unit, Flippersmack, soapie, Ms.O, Flopik, dec0de, caesium, oz0n3, Kris, *Senorita Chandelier*, port9, Azriel J Knight, hades, deadprez, kankraka, coercion, math, irc.2600.net #hackcanada / #nettwerked, and the Canadian H/P scene. ;. .;.. ; ;. ;.. ;.. .;..; .;.; .;; ;.. .;..;. .;..; .;.;...; ;..;.. .;. A .;. .;. ;.. N E T T W E R K E D ;.. ;..;.. P R O D U C T ;..;.. .;..; ;..;.. ; .;..;.;.. .; . .;. ..;.. .;.. . .; ..;..;..;.. .; ;..;. .;.. . .;.. .;.;. ..;. ..;.. .;. ;.;..;;..;.; ;.;;..;.. ;.;.; .; . ;.;..;. .;. ;.;:.;. ,;....;. .;.;. .;.; .;.;.; .;.; ;..;. .;.;;.; .;. ..; ;. > > >\/ < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <\_| \/ "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin, Sept. 11, 1773