;jj; WEGWt .kfkE: ,. .WfWE: ;EDKL tWLWD ;EfjWt fELWi ;kDfkt .HGfE: ;kfDH, fkLWD tkfWE, .GkfH, DkfWt' :EGfE: ,EDfWt ,WLWD. fkDfW: GfLHD :GkfkG: ij. :ELGH, .EkfWE. ,WW, ;#LGE: ,EGfWt ,: :G#L. kfLWE fWfkW: .LEEf; ij. :DfLWj .LKfkL. ,tGWG; :EGLHt .. .kEGHL .iDWEt: :#GE#DdEKEEEKWEK; :tEp :;iiiii;;E#KEGtttttttfGKf: ,ijGKKKDDGGGDDE#KtttttttttttttGWDDfjt;: ;jLKKEDGLffffffffffGWfttttttttttttttL##WEGDEEDj; iEWEDGfffffffffffffffffLDKEEDGLLLLLLGDEWEGfffffffGEWL; tjii,:. G#WKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKWWWKKEDDLLfffffffffffffGEEt ijLGEEEED, ;KLffffffffffffffffffffffLLLLGGGDDDEEKKKKKKKEEDDGGGLLffffDWE: . ,KGfffffLGDDDDDDDDDDLLLLffffffffffffffffffffffLGGGDDEKWKKKKK#Wj LWffffL##777999LLLLLLLEEEEK##WWWKKEDDDGLffffffffffLWWEDGEKfffGWi WEffffD#Gi' `````''"tttfLGK#WEfffffGWWGtD#K#EffLKf ,#GffffE#G' // ?KEffffD#;,ED;;WDfffKf iWLffffK#t GKfffffDK#DfLKKffffKR jKffffLW#i GKfffffGKW#WKLfffffKf LKffffG##i YOU CAN'T DO THAT IN ;WDfffL##DGffEKffffLWf GEffffD##' i#GffLWEi:tDjL#DfffD#' DDffffD#G _ _ _ L#fffLWi,Ef..;#GfffK# :EDffffE#G | |__ ___ / |(_) _ _ ___ :E#ffffLEWELGEKGffffWW :KDffffK#G | / / |___|| || || ' \ / -_) i#Kfffffffffffffffff#G :KDffffK#L |_\_\ |_||_||_||_|\___| f#KffffLDDGGLffffffL#j :EDffffW#i G#DfffffGDDEEGfffffDK' DDffffW#i ##LfGKKKWWKKEEDffffKG' GEffffE#WL, 37! :#KffLDDDGGLLLLLfffLWR fKfffffLEKW#KEDLLLttt;,,,,,. t#DfffGGDDEEKKDffffD#; i#GffffffffLGDDDEEKKWW#####KEEEEEEELLLLLGWKLffffGKKKEGffffffE#. .#EffffffffffffffffffffffffLLLGGGDDDDDDDDGffGWDWDffLEKEDLffLEW D#GGLLffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffD#fL##GGWWGK#KffD#j .DWDDEK#WWKKEEEDGGLLLfffffffffffffffffffffGWLf#DfEWi,D#Kff#K, i#LtLKj: ''""itttLLGEEDKWKKEEEDDGGGLLLffffLLffffLDEEDffGWi iLGj; ''""tttfLLLDEEWWKKEEEEEDDDDEWt' ''' ''""ittGWKGGDD#D' "WDjGWL" `cyb' "Duhhhh... I-I-I Heard That!" this special episode of K-1ine has been brought to you by... `:::::::. `:::. `:::::::.. `:::::::::::: :: .:' ;;;'';;' ;;`;; ;;;;``;;;; ;;;;;;;;'''',;; ;;, [[[__[[\. ,[[ '[[, [[[,/[[[' [[ ,[[[,,,[[[ $$""""Y$$c$$$cc$$$c $$$$$$c $$ "$$$"""$$$ _88o,,od8P 888 888, 888b "88bo, 88, 888 "88o ""YUMMMP" YMM ""` MMMM. "W" MMM. MMM YMM. `:::::::. ... :::'::::::.. .,-:::::/ .,:::::: `:::::::.. .::::::. ;;;'';;' ;; ;;; ;;;;``;;;; ,;;-'````' ;;;;'''' ;;;;``;;;; ;;;` ` [[[__[[\. [[' [[[ [[[,/[[[' [[[ [[[[[[/ [[cccc [[[,/[[[' '[==/[[[[, $$""""Y$$ $$ $$$ $$$$$$c "$$c. "$$ $$"""" $$$$$$c ''' $ _88o,,od8P 88 .d888 888b "88bo,`Y8bo,,,o88o 888oo,__ 888b "88bo,88b dP ""YUMMMP" "YmmMMMM"" MMMM. "W" `'YMUP"YMM """"YUMMM MMMM. "W" "YMmMY" MMIII-III-XV _______________________________________________________________________________ � .- Words from Our Sponsor -. � | [-] Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Clone : (-) Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Clone : (-) Link of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Clone : (-) K-1ine Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Clone : (-) News: 120 FBI agents arrest 1 Saudi student . . . . . . . E. Brandt : _______________________________________________________________________________ � .- Articles -. � | (o) 'When a Journalist and a Prosecutor Lie to the Public' . . The Clone : (o) ''Cheap' Auto Insurance' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CopSKilla : (o) 'Elcotel CPC 9520C/Eclipse; National Payphone Compilation' The Clone : < updated (o) 'Paytel Canada COCOT National Payphone Number Compilation' The Clone : < updated (o) '"Borrowing" ADSL service for fun and (possibly) profit' . Kankraka : (o) 'Phrozen BloodFlame's Guide on How to get free AirMiles' . P BloodFlame : (o) 'Intellicall Remote Payphone Software' . . . . . . . . . . Dub Psyke 7 : (o) 'Terminating Test Line Access+Capabilities' . . . . . . . Phlux : (o) 'Aquiring satellite signal, please wait...' . . . . . . . Kybo_Ren : _______________________________________________________________________________ � .- End Transmission -. � | [-] Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Clone : [-] Shouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Clone : _______________________________________________________________________________. Welcome to the newest episode of K-1ine... issue #37. We have a bunch of great article compilations for your liking. Take the time to view them, and don't forget to submit something - you might just be in the next episode. I hope you enjoy this episode... see you next month. Same phreak-time, same phreak-station. Your phearless leader, The Clone - --> Contact Information; Comments/Questions/Submissions: theclone@hackcanada.com Check out my site: (Nettwerked) http://www.nettwerked.net - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --=[ LINK OF THE MONTH ]=-- Every month I post one really great "link of the month" on every issue of K-1ine magazine. The link can be anything in the technology industry, music scene, rave scene, punk scene, or even a good article you read on a news site. I'll be taking submissions via e-mail or IRC right away; so get your links in and maybe you'll see it in the next issue of K-1ine! For the month of March, the link of the month is: "You Can't Do That On Television" http://www.ycdtotv.com/ A site dedicated to the 1980s cult classic children's show, You Can't Do That on Television! You guys remember it, right? If you don't, then you should check out this site to refresh your memory or at least introduce you to a kids show that was made in Canada and ended up being on the air for 20 whole years! (Longer than many of our readers have been alive...) Submitted by: The Clone -- K-1ine Mirrors: http://www.mirrors.wiretapped.net/security/info/textfiles/k1ine/ (Now mirrored in two places, one in Belgium and another in Sydney) "Wiretapped.net is an archive of open source software, informational textfiles and radio/conference broadcasts covering the areas of network and information security, network operations, host integrity, cryptography and privacy, among others. We believe we are now the largest archive of this type of software & information, hosting in excess of 20 gigabytes of information mirrored from around the world." -- http://www.hackcanada.com/canadian/zines/index.html#K-1ine Hack Canada - Canadian H/P - E-Zines -- http://www.stealthiscomputer.org/k-1ine.html Steal This Computer - K-1ine Archive --- News: 120 FBI agents arrest 1 Saudi student Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 13:13:12 -0800 (PST) From: Bilal Elamine To: Left Turn , no blood Subject: [No] 120 FBI agents arrest 1 Saudi student From: Prof. Elizabeth Brandt from Univ. of Idaho: Well, yesterday was an exciting day in my small town. The FBI flew in 120 agents, fully armed in riot gear, on two C-17 military aircraft (I think -- they were BIG planes) to Moscow Idaho (population 17,000+/-) to arrest one Saudi graduate student for visa fraud. The raid went down in University of Idaho student housing at 4:30 a.m. in the morning, terrorizing not only the suspect's family (he lived in student housing with his wife and three elementary school age children) but also the families of neighboring students who were awakened by the shouting and lights and were required to remain in their homes until after 8:30 a.m. At least 20 other students who had the misfortune to either know the suspect or to have some minor immigration irregularities were also subjected to substantial, surprise interrogations (4+ hours) although none were detained or arrested yesterday. Now, however, a witch hunt for additional unamed suspects who supposedly helped the guy who was arrested is on. The INS and FBI are working together using gestapo tactics to question the students -- threatening their immigration status (and hence their education) if they don't answer questions which are really aimed at the criminal investigation. They have also threatened their partners and spouses with perjury charges if they don't talk. I spent yesterday working with our immigration clinic director and local criminal defense attorneys to organize legal representation for the students who are being swept into the hunt for co-conspiritors. We have reached out to our entire area (40 -mile radius) to find enough attorneys. Now I'm working on getting resources and support to them. The Saudi government is providing financial support. Reading about this stuff is one thing. Having it in your backyard is another. The international students at the University of Idaho are terrorized and scared. Liz Brandt Elizabeth Barker Brandt Professor University of Idaho College of Law -- ---> When a Journalist and a Prosecutor Lie to the Public These series of e-mail's were sent to me from a concerned reader who ran across this news article while browsing through Hack Canada. "After reading the statements made by Keith Gerein and Steve Bilodeau, I can't help but feel a deeper sense of dislike towards the media, especially the ones controlled by CanWest Global Communications who amount to virtually all the major media outlets in Canada. I felt I needed to express my feelings on this and so I passed it on to Nettwerked and Hack Canada. This goes to show that people shouldn't believe anything they read in the newspaper. Infact I recommend you try and get news from various sources, and of course alternative media. Don't forget to do your homework because you never know when you'll be flat out lied to. The crap that was published on Friday by the Edmonton Journal was a joke, and a complete farce" said 'Anonymous Hero', who requested we keep their real name private. Here are the e-mail messages sent between Anonymous Hero and Keith Gerein. You decide what is truth and what is made up bullshit. Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2003 14:55:24 -0500 (EST) From: anonymous@domain.com To: kgerein@thejournal.canwest.com Subject: "Wreaking havoc on the Net will bring down wrath of the law" Keith Gerein, I don't know where to start. I've never read a technology article filled with such mis-information in my life. This e-mail isn't meant to offend, but when you write articles on subjects such as computer crimes, you should probably consider doing research and communicating with people who have real knowledge on these technical subjects. "Computer and Internet crime is a growing global problem, he said, noting that the proceeds from Internet fraud around the world in 2001 amounted to more than $1 billion Cdn. Since then, it has likely gone up." - On the contrary, according to Fraud.org: 'The amount of money consumers are losing to Internet fraud is increasing. Losses overall are $6,152,070, up from $3,387,530 in 2000.' 'The average loss per person rose from $427 in 2000 to $518 in 2001.' (Proof: http://www.fraud.org/internet/2001stats.htm) -- "Bilodeau said his interest in high-tech crime was piqued when he heard about a case in the United States. A teen in Massachusetts who wanted free long distance calls decided to tap into the phone switch box at the end of his block. In the process, he knocked out power to an entire grid, including the system that controlled the runway lights at the local airport." - Again no references to this ever even happening. If someone claimed this happened, it was an outright lie. The teen in Massachusetts who was trying to get free telephone calls was likely doing what the hacker (more specifically the 'phreaking') community calls "Beige Boxing". Where they take a regular telephone handset, strip the wires and attach alligator clips to the red and green wires. By hooking this device to a telecom TNI box, it is possible to use the phone services of a resident or business for toll-fraud purposes. If you talk to a switchman with Telus, they'll tell you that taking out power to the grid through the beige-boxing method is completely impossible. For one, power grid's are not even connected to the phone switches, and neither are systems that control runway lights at local airports. These systems are completely separate and are not even controlled by telecomm- unications switching equipment such as DMS-100's and GDA5's that Telus, the companies in the states such as Verizon Bell, Qwest, and Sprint use. Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers and Competitive Local Exchange Carriers around the world have never had such systems in place where a phone switch is connected to critical infrastructure such as airports and power grids. Even in areas of the world where countries still use old Crossbar and Step- By-Step switching, beige boxing a TNI Box will give the same results; free telephone calls, nothing more. -- "Bilodeau, 37, said he's been involved with computer technology since grade school but has had little formal training. He's done some work for Microsoft and has written technology articles for The Journal, mostly video game reviews. As a prosecutor he's spent the last 11 years working in Edmonton, including two years at the Court of Appeal." - Somebody with so little formal security training and experience now has the ability to prosecute people for cyber-crimes - this really doesn't fit well in my stomach. Perhaps what Mr.Bilodeau should do is visit SANS.org and register for a formal information security course, or two, or three before taking on the task as an Internet Crime Czar. Because if all Steve Bilodeau has for is experience is writing some video game reviews for the Edmonton Journal, non-cyber crime related court work, and unknown work with Microsoft, then what he has on his nicely shined resume isn't what I feel qualifies him to take on the tasks of finding criminals on the Internet. By coordinating with law-enforcement, security experts, and good intentioned hackers, tracking down online criminal activity on the 'net can be done with efficiency and integrity. Regards, Anonymous Hero From: "Gerein, Keith (Edm Journal)" To: anonymous@domain.com> Subject: RE: "Wreaking havoc on the Net will bring down wrath of the law" Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 10:56:04 -0700 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19) Anonymous, thanks for your note. My article was intended to be a profile of the new prosecutor and not technical expose on the world of computer crime. That's probably a worthwhile subject for an article, but it wasn't what I set out to do. As for Mr. Bilodeau's qualifications, I can't really comment. Alberta Justice felt strongly enough to hire him. I don't think he ever claimed to be a technical guru. His job title is prosecutor, meaning his primary area of expertise is the law surrounding computer crimes. As for the statistic quoted in the story, I got that from Mr. Bilodeau. There are likely several reputable organizations that have tried to measure the gross value of Internet fraud. I'm not sure why you think fraud.org's numbers are better than anyone else's. Perhaps I'll look into this a little further. Anyway, if you truly believe the figure quoted in the story is wrong, and if you believe the tale about the Massachusetts kid is false, then I suggest you also take these things up with Mr. Bilodeau. He works in the Special Prosecutions Branch for Alberta Justice. Hopefully you can track him down that way. Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 22:19:47 -0500 (EST) From: anonymous@domain.com To: kgerein@thejournal.canwest.com Subject: RE: "Wreaking havoc on the Net will bring down wrath of the law" I don't think it matters whether your intention was to profile a new prosecutor or not, because any real journalist would certainly try and do some research into a subject that they know nothing about. I suppose I should of remembered that mass media is a money and deadline driven industry where facts are irrelevant. Sensationalizing is what really sells newspapers, right Keith? Geez, this is worse than the garbage that the Edmonton Sun's Shane Holladay publishes. How embarrassing. By taking Steve Bilodeau's statements as 100% fact, you've shown that you're nothing more than a broadcaster who lacks any real journalistic integrity. If you were a real journalist you would have done your homework and actually discovered that many (if not all) of Mr.Bilodeu's statements are inaccurate. If you don't think that the numbers fraud.org indicated were accurate, then perhaps this whitepaper by the National White Collar Crime Centre and the Federal Bureau of Investigation will be more to your liking: http://www1.ifccfbi.gov/strategy/IFCC_2001_AnnualReport.pdf You see with a little bit of research on a popular search engine such as Google, you'll see that even though the numbers on Internet fraud are often times different, they do not even come close to the one billion dollars that Steve claimed. Talk about blowing numbers out of proportion! And of course the TALE of the Massachusetts kid is false. I plan on contacting Steve Bilodeau personally to discuss where he got this so-called information, or if he did like a lot of people in his (and your) profession and simply made that all up. If you wish to contact Telus's Network Operations Centre directly, you're welcome to do that to verify if using a handset on a TNI box may cause the power to an entire grid to be knocked out including systems that control the runway lights at airports. Hit the 'ol 0 button on your touch tone phone. Don't worry, it won't cause you to launch a nuke against Iraq. ;-) Anonymous Hero -- well, gotta run... i'm off to do this uber-'leet exploit where i turn my outside lights on and off in morse code sequence, which lets me take control of the entire NS telephone system.... no doubt i'll be prosecuted by Steven Bilodeau... anyone know any 12 year olds that wanna play my defense lawyer? -- Disclaimer: This file is for entertainment purposes only. Illegal activities are discussed. The author of this file and K-1ine do not condone or encourage the activities detailed in this article and accept no liability for your actions. 'Cheap' Auto Insurance by CopSKilla 2003`03`03 . . .. Auto insurance is a scam. Those feces-felching frauds will financially fuck you 8 ways from Sunday and when it comes time for them to pony up the dough after some half-blind eskimofo plows into the side of your ride they'll basically tell you to suck their cocks but while you're down there on your knees don't forget next months payment. Motherfuck! In this icy ghetto they've cooked up another layer to their ass-raping insurance shenanigans, whereby if your car is more than 10 years old you have to get a vehicle inspection by a mechanic. Now, this isn't to keep mechanically dangerous vehicles off the road. Fuck no, that would make sense. They'll still let you drive your piece-of-shit car on the road, you just got to pay the insurance-pimp *more money*. What kind of racket is this? Pay money to "save" money. Fuck that! Besides, my ghetto-ride won't pass any mechanical safety inspection. Wouldn't it be nice to save $600 per year on your car insurance without shelling out money or fixing up your ghetto ride? Well of course it's fucking nice you ignorant eskimo, now here's how it is done. Scam unto them as they scam unto us. Using Micro$oft Word or some desktop publishing application (AOL Keyword 'warez'), create a nice form like the one below. Find a nice little clip-art picture of a car on the net and use it as a logo. Grab the yellowpages and pick some hillbilly garage in some buttfuck little town at the other end of your province. Pick a phone number in the hillbilly towns prefix that isn't even assigned and use that. Experience shows that the insurance pigs don't even call the garage to verify that they actually performed an inspection. Even if they do, you create plausible deniability by picking a hillbilly garage that would likely mishandle records, or not even keep records at all for this kind of stupid shit. Oh, and make all this shit look nice and professional, that means shit should line up and there shouldn't be typos and shit. Learn how to use your publishing warez properly with tables and all that jazz. Don't be a lazy fucking bastard your whole life. Jesus christ. Quick Tip: If you already have a vehicle inspection, scan that bitch in, fix it up proper, print it out and skip all that DTP shit. Yo, that means Desktop Publishing. Fucking grab a brain will ya? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Logo and garage address and phone number go here.] AUTOMOBILE INSPECTION CERTIFICATE --------------------------------- To be completed and signed by a qualified Automobile Mechanic Policy No. ______________________ Name of Insured ______________________________ Year ________________ Make ______________________ Type _________________________ Serial No. ______________________________________ Mileage ______________________ FRONT END Roadworthy Unsafe Roadworthy Unsafe --------- ---------- ------ ---------- ------ Alignment _____ _____ Wheel Bearings _____ _____ King Pins _____ _____ Ball Joints _____ _____ Left Shock Absorber _____ _____ Steering Arms _____ _____ Right Shock Absorber _____ _____ Steering (Slack) _____ _____ Tie Rod Ends _____ _____ Springs _____ _____ BRAKING SYSTEM LIGHTS -------------- ------ Brakes _____ _____ Head Lamps Braking Effort _____ _____ Right High _____ _____ Brake Hose _____ _____ Right Low _____ _____ Parking Brake _____ _____ Left High _____ _____ Brake Drum (Rt. Frt.) _____ _____ Left Low _____ _____ Brake Lining Brake Lamps _____ _____ (Rt. Frt.) _____ _____ Tail Lamps _____ _____ Directional Lamps _____ _____ GENERAL Roadworthy Unsafe ------- ---------- ------ Tires: Frt. Left _____ _____ Door Latches _____ _____ Right _____ _____ Left Rear Suspension _____ _____ Rear Left _____ _____ Rt. Rear Suspension _____ _____ Right _____ _____ Muffler _____ _____ Spare _____ _____ Exhaust Pipes _____ _____ Horn _____ _____ Front Bumper _____ _____ Windshield Wipers Rear Bumper _____ _____ & Defroster _____ _____ Rear View Mirror _____ _____ Body Condition Speedometer _____ _____ (Rust - Damage) _____ _____ Hood Latch _____ _____ Indicate any damaged, cracked, or broken glass _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Describe any motor or body modifications _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Has Insured arranged to have defects remedied? (If yes, please attach evidence) ________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Garage _________________________ Date of Examination __________________ Signature of Examiner __________________ Mechanic's Certificate No. ___________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, now print it out (duh!), check off everything as being super-green, get someone else to fill in the date and sign it illegibly (you don't want it to match your hand-writing, duh!). NOTE: The date you put on the inspection should be about 1-2 years ago. The inspection is good for 5 years. Again, this is just to add to the plausible deniability - just in case. Especially great if the date on the inspection is before the date you purchased the car. If questioned you say the inspection came with the car. The "Mechanic's Certificate Number" appears to be either a 6 digit number or a 5 digit number followed by a letter. I can't really tell because hillbillys don't can't print no good. So either do the fucking research and find out what it's supposed to be, or just make some semi-legible ape-fisted scrawl in the space provided. What the fuck do I care? It's your ass. Also remember, you're not the only person who has read this file. If everybody copies the form exactly as shown above the insurance agents may start noticing. Mix it up a bit, be creative, and do a good job. Ok, now photocopy it with some ghetto photocopier and put some creases in it and grunge it up a bit like hillbillys have been handling it and like it's been in your glovebox for a couple of years. When it comes time to get a new vehicle inspection, just change insurance companies and do it again. Oh, a couple last things... If you are dumb, don't bother trying this. This is fraud. Fraud is illegal. Will this even work? It has. Has anyone been caught doing this? Not that I know of, but there's plenty of morons out there that assuredly can / will / and do fuck this up. So don't. Written for: www.hackcanada.com All Rights Reserved, Mo'fucker! -- Elcotel CPC 9520C/Eclipse; National Payphone Number Compilation By: The Clone Last updated: Saturday March 15, 2003 (Started: Early 2000) -- TOTAL: 60 Numbers Number of 9520C carriers: 50 Number of Eclipse carriers: 10 Legend: * = 9520C ! = Eclipse -- Province: Alberta Cities: Calgary and Edmonton Area Codes: 403 and 780 (Calgary) (403)-253-9876 - [Dairy Queen on Elbow & Heritage Drive South] * (Edmonton) (780)-420-9258 - [Eaton's Centre: 10250 102 Ave] * (780)-420-9569 - [112 104 Ave, Red Robin's] * (780)-463-6601 ! [Southside] (780)-447-9700 * (780)-447-9860 - [127 Street, 139Ave] * (780)-471-9845 - [101 118 Ave, New York Steak-House] * (780)-482-9963 - [124 101 Ave] * (780)-483-9747 * -- Province: British Columbia Cities: Vancouver and Victoria Area Codes: 250 and 604 (Vancouver) (604)-215-0735 - [2066 Commercial] * (604)-215-2121 - [2787 Commercial] * (604)-215-2188 - [2787 Commercial] * (604)-434-0571 - [C+T Food Market Nanimo/Kingsway] * (604)-602-0679 - [616 Seymour] * (604)-602-0976 - [616 Seymour] * (604)-605-0652 - [Seymour Cambie Hotel-515 Seymour Street] * (604)-605-0658 - [Seymour Cambie Hotel-515 Seymour Street] * (604)-605-0659 - [Seymour Cambie Hotel-515 Seymour Street] * (604)-638-1094 - [2897 W.Broadway] * (Victoria) (250)-370-4391 - [Esso parking lot 1700 Hillside Ave] * (250)-380-9569 - ['Esquimalt Inn', 856 Esquimalt Rd] * -- Province: Ontario City: Kitchener and St.Catharines Area Code: 519 and 905 (Kitchener) (519)-624-6188 ! (519)-746-5474 * (519)-748-1098 * (519)-749-9462 * (519)-749-9526 ! (519)-894-5919 * (St.Catharines) (905)-641-5450 * (905)-662-8441 ! (905)-682-6449 * (905)-682-6580 ! (905)-684-4943 * (905)-685-0740 * (905)-685-1361 * (905)-685-1362 * (905)-685-1363 * (905)-685-3099 * (905)-685-3547 * (905)-685-4043 * (905)-685-4328 * (905)-685-4347 * (905)-685-4909 * (905)-685-5618 * (905)-685-5934 * (905)-685-6269 * (905)-685-6530 * (905)-685-6678 * (905)-685-7505 * (905)-685-8182 * (905)-685-9196 * (905)-685-9544 * (905)-685-9712 * (905)-688-4978 * (905)-688-5844 * (905)-688-6158 * (905)-688-8254 * -- Province: Qu�bec City: Montr�al Area Code: 514 (Montr�al) (514)-496-0256 ! (514)-496-0281 ! (514)-496-0317 ! (514)-496-0566 ! `` Contributions: Axle (250), CYB0RG/ASM (780), Itch (250), Magma (519), Niteshade (514), Poppa Smurf (604), RT (905), Tekk250 (250), The Clone (780), Yellowdot (780) .. If you live anywhere in Canada and you come across any Elcotel 9520C/Eclipse AT&T payphones, please write down the location/number and e-mail: theclone@hackcanada.com Don't know what a 9520C or Eclipse looks like? >> 9520C: http://www.nettwerked.net/9520C.jpg >> Eclipse: http://www.nettwerked.net/eclipse.jpg >>> See Also: http://www.nettwerked.net/paytel_compilation.txt .eof --- damn them and there security there or their? or they're No one really knows anymore. The Internet Generation - Anti-Social and illiterate. --- Paytel Canada COCOT; National Payphone Number Compilation By: The Clone Last updated: Saturday March 15, 2003 (Started: Summer 2000) -- TOTAL: 4 Numbers Number of Intellical-2 carriers: 3 Number of other (unknown) carriers: 1 Legend: * = Intellical-2 ! = other (unknown) -- Province: Alberta City: Edmonton Area Code: 780 (Edmonton) (780)-483-9783 * (780)-456-9843 - 'Waysafe', 109st Castledowns Road ! (780)-456-9983 - 127St/139Ave: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada * -- Province: Ontario City: Kitchener Area Code: 519 (Kitchener) (519)-576-0354 - * -- Got some Paytel number(s) to add to this list? E-mail me: theclone@hackcanada.com Not sure what a Paytel looks like? >> http://www.nettwerked.net/paytel.jpg >>> See Also: http://www.nettwerked.net/elcotel_compilation.txt .eof --- I swear people with mullets have a disease because they don't even KNOW they have mullets "What? MULLET?! NO I DONT! SAY WHATS THAT?" "GO OILERS!!! GIMME BEER, WOMEN, AND INCEST!" --- Kankraka Presents.... "Borrowing" ADSL service for fun and (possibly) profit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Introduction: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is probably a pretty obvious thing to do, but I got inspiration from the update on the beige box. What I figure, and will test soon enough, is that, if you can use a beige box and "borrow" fone service off the un-educated, why can't you use their broadband internet service too? will test soon enough, is that This is what this file will tell you to do, and you will listen, and you will like it. If you don't climb a fence with a razor wire topping while naked and greased, and if you enjoy getting ripped apart, well to hell with you. Disclaimer: ~~~~~~~~~~~ This file is for entertainment/educational perposes only. If you choose to use the information and get caught, don't even think of crying to me, I'll just tell you sew your ass shut once you are imprisioned, it's for the best. Theft of service is wrong/ilmoral/illegal so don't do it. Read past this point and you've agreed to the above. Don't agree to my disclaimer, don't read past this point and go fuck yourself. Purpose of File: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Telus and Shaw run a monopoly, and anyone who managed to pass grade 6 knows that monopoly's suck. We can't beat them, but we can cause them to spend money or fix stuff that they shouldn't (in their minds) have to. Broadband cost too much for us poor kids, so we must stick to the hell of dial-up, which also costs too much money. (And if you have ever tried to download games or long movies with dial-up, you know how big of an asset broadband is.) Some of us poor kids have managed to get our hands on a laptop with an ethernet card, and I'm going to tell you how to use this to your advantage. What You Need: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - One laptop with a decent ether card, my friend suggested dragging his desktop around, so I hit him. The more you have to carry, the bigger your chances of being caught. - A cable or adsl modem and extension coord. They may cost alot, but that will pay for its self, at least if you use it enough. The extension cord is for the modems power, I don't recommend the use of a battery pack with expensive stuff.) - The desire to commit crimes (most teennagers like me do, so no worries there) - And at least a little knowledge on tellco and cable boxes. (What? Are you going to use the internet with your fridge??? Are you stupid???. You need to know what to look for and how to use it for your advanatage.) Procedure: ~~~~~~~~~~~ Take your super duper laptop and modem and stick it in your packpack. (Batteries must be fully charged. Or a few hours could turn into 20 minutes) Walk, drive or whatever to a house that you know has the kind of service your modem will work with. (cable or adsl, ya dumbass.) A cable modem needs a cable box or splitter, I have a splitter on the side of my house, and one output isn't used so all you have to do is connect your modem. (do this at my house and I will kill you, I recently stepped into the world of cable net for my PS2 gaming needs. It ssucks and I get disconnectyed every five minutes, ADSL is gunna be in in a week.) Once the adsl modem is connected, the lights on the front with blink a bunch. This is called "training". A modem with a green "status" or "link" led lit indicates a modem "has train". This usually only takes between 10-30 seconds, depending on many variables such as line loss, loop length, signal quality, modem, etc. In any case, I just wanted to give you a heads up on that. Hide in some bushes or underneath something so your out of view. Now you just savage their internet for your needs (packet sniff, hi-jack IPs, whatever you want, they are the ones getting burned.) With ADSL the setup is more or less the same, plug in modem, connect modem to your laptop. Cut one end of the phone cord used for connecting modem to phone line. Then separate the green and red wires, then strip them each about an inch or so. Take the bare copper and wrap it around a paper clip, one clip for the wires coming from the red wire and one clip for the green. (you could just use alligator clips, but I'm to lazy to sodder any to fone line.) After you do this, you must open the small grey box on the side of the targets house and attach the paper clips to the screws that hold down wires of the same colour. red to red, green to green. Now, I don't know much about ADSL, but it should configure to there line's settings like a cable modem would. Now you just do whatever you want online, download large files, packet sniff and seize IP's, be a bastard. You can get away with it. But if you don't want to then thats your own choice, I don't care. After it's all hooked up, hide yourself where ever it's convenient for you, and hard to be seen by others. Conclusion: ~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, I've shown you how to free yourself from the grip of dial-up for a few hours, or if the family is on vacation, a few days (please stop to eat, food is every hacker/phreakers friend. I recommend whipping out the beige and ordering some Boston Pizza, and get a cabbie to pick you up some booze.) Don't get caught, and don't squeal on those that you see doing it. And just relax and have phun. And spread the word to all your friends that Telus and Shaw can be beat, hell get a group of people to buy a modem and share it, one day per person, or don't. Whatever. Hax0ring and Phr34king r00ls. +grinz+ Shouts: ~~~~~~~ Shouts go out to: The Clone - for his great 'zine, his information and inspirement. Wizbone - for encouraging me to write this phile and helping me with a crap load of stuff. +grinz+ you knows what. RedShadow - a great friend and valued team mate. Kaborockies - one fucked up kid, but I dunno where I'd be without him. (If ur reading this man, we gotta go chuck rocks at trains again. He he he.) HellKat - another good friend and part of my l337 Spruce Grove crew. Palangas - another member of my Grove crew, and also a good friend. And everyone else in the 780 Hack/Phreak community!!! Email me at: kankraka@hotmail.com A Phreaky Press Publication Copyright 2003 == -- phlux is so poor... how poor is he? he's so poor, that when he wants mayonnaise on his sandwich he has to jerk off! yeah, so? -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Phrozen BloodFlame's Guide on How to get free AirMiles 03/10/03 Yes, it's my first file. 'Bout damn time, too, since I've been reading them for about 8 years now. I finally have an exploit worthy of sharing! Yay! For BloodFlame! This file is for informational purposes only. If you do this, and get into shit, it is your own damn fault, cause I'm not going to be held responsible for your mistakes. Now, if you live in Ontario, you have probably been to an A&P. If not, you're probably asking "BloodFlame... what's an A&P?" Well, I'll tell you. An A&P is a supermarket that is all over Ontario. I don't know about other provinces, but apparently they are scarce to non-existent in Alberta. "Wow, BloodFlame! You're 1337, cause you live in Ontario!" Shut up. I'm trying to teach. In these supermarkets, there are change-counting machines. These are usually located at the front of the store, on the way out. They are green, about 6 feet high, and maybe 2 feet wide. They have a small TV screen on them, and a couple of buttons. When you have a jar full of pennies and other small change, these machines can be very useful, since you just dump the change into the machine, and it counts it up, and spits out a coupon you can use right there, at that very store to get groceries, cash, and AirMiles. The downside is that it takes something like 9.8 cents for every dollar in change. But who cares? We won't be putting in dollars! Here's the story, gather round, and listen, as I tell a tale of terror, excitement, and comedy... One day, Kay-Vyn, SpiderClone, Hangman's Joke and I were terrorizing the local 24 hour supermarket (A&P), throwing pie plates around in a game of Ultimate, scratching ourselves with the pasta forks (a BloodFlame trademark... always wash your pasta forks!), and the like, we discovered a machine. A machine of great wonder, and mysterious powers. The mysterious power to count change. K-rad! So, just for shits and giggles, I decided to put in a penny, just to watch this machine in action, and learn a little bit more about the world around me. The machine had a start button, which I pushed, and the internal motor started churning. The screen told me to put all my change on the tray, and filter it into the machine. So I placed my penny (hey, I'm a poor mother canucker... whaddaya want?) on the tray, and tilted it up. Then I pressed the "Done" button. The machine then gave me a coupon I could use for a penny's worth of groceries, or a penny back from the till, and one AirMile. I don't know how much you need to spend to get another AirMile, but I assume it's 10 bucks. The thing is, the machine gives the AirMile for every 10 dollars, even the INCOMPLETE ten dollars. This 0wns, because for a mere 3 dollars in pennies, and an hour of your time, you can get a few packs of gum, plus three hundred AirMiles. Isn't that nice? If the bitch behind the cash register complains tell her to eat a dick, cause it's 3 am, and she's really got nothing better to do than to count all those coupons anyways. Give the chick your AirMiles card (You don't have one? You dolt! Get one!) and tell her to give you the full three hundred AirMiles. You've earned them, cause it'll prolly take you somewhere around an hour to finish this off. After you receive your reward, go to Florida, harass some old people, then laugh when they have a heart attack while trying to beat you with their canes. (Yeah, I'm a mean bastard... You got a problem with that? Didn't think so.) "Wow, BloodFlame! You really ARE 1337!" Yeah, I know. Now get out of my face, and go earn yourself a free trip to Florida. Mad props go to theclone for inspiring me to write this file wizbone for being the sexy beast he is and to DayLightAssassin, for helping me to revive the CPU/CRU werd This file brought to you by: *insert 1337 ascii here* Phrozen BloodFlame -- iop is more hapless than a one legged man in an ass kicking competition... -- Intellicall Remote Payphone Software; Codes, Errors, and Indicators By: Dub Psyke 7 For: Nettwerked.net / K-1ine (03/10/03) This file contains some interesting (and useful) Payphone Administration 'Incoming Call Request Codes', 'Phone Errors', and 'Transaction Indicators'. Ever wonder what that sneaky and mysterious COCOT company is up to behind the scenes? Are you a paranoid phreak who thinks they're trackin' your shit? Well you've guessed right, son. This document will show all the Intellicall Corporation payphone information. I hope you enjoy this document. Thanks! -> Phone Errors The following status codes are those that are specific to problems with the phone. Code Message Description 78 Unauthorized Entry Incoming call received from a phone reporting unauthorized entry. 79 Hardware Error Incoming call received from a phone reporting hardware error. The HW is shown in the data field. If there is no entry in the data field the error is intermittent (i.e. phone coin jam). 80 Collection without clear Someone has collected the money without clearing the running totals. 82 Credit card hardware error Phone reports credit card reader problem. 83 Time out in Service Mode The payphone has had the service key unlocked too long. 84 False incoming Call This is caused by the phone line in the Modem ringing once and then stopping. 85 Non-Intellicall incoming call There is an incoming call detected by IFW, but upon answer, no communications were established. The call was probably not placed by an Intellicall payphone. 86 Bad transmission for 3 incoming 3 attempts to communicate were unsuccessful. 87 N o IFW Response (no hybrid) Upon answering an incoming call, a four tone herald was received but when a message was sent there was no response. This sometimes means that the hybrid is bad or missing. 88 Program RAM error An incoming call was received from a phone which reports a bad program. An automatic program download will begin if the program file is available, as specified in the download configuration. 206 Overdue billing records The billing records have been in the phone beyond the requisite number of days specified in the payphone's rate table. 207 Billing record area full The billing area cannot hold any further long distance billing records. If this situation occurs the payphone reverts to the AOS for handling of long distance calls. -- ______________________________ Incoming Call Request Codes ______________________________ Code Definition Logged to Supp.log 42 Stuck key SK 43 Low battery LB 44 PCC error PCC 45 CDR full CRF 46 Card reader sensor fail CRS 47 Card left in reader CCL 48 Low activity, Direct LCD 49 Low activity, 0+ LA0 50 Low activity, OSP 51 Low activity, offhook LAO 52 Serviceman callout SCO (using serial number) 53 Serviceman callout SCA (using ANI) --- INET Status Codes for Errors When IFW connects to a payphone and an error is present, IFW will log a 031 code in the Status Code field of the Trans.dbf. The Errbyte field will contain a number representing the error or errors that are currently detected in the payphone. The Errbyte field will continue to log this number for each command given by IFW until the error is corrected. Example: D SERIAL DATE TIME CURTOT RUNTOTAL RE STA DWNLDFILE RE TRANS ERRBY O 051234 06/27/1999 19:46:04 02 031 00 00257 32768 O 051234 06/27/1999 20:37:06 102.0000 224.40 02 055 00 00257 32768 O 051234 06/27/1999 20:37:07 02 067 00 00257 32768 In the above example, when IFW connected to the payphone an error was detected and logged as 031, extended error (CDR full). The batch performed the commands in the group command. However, since the error still existed, the Errbyte field remains as 32768. The actual error can be found by examining the Supp.log file for a status code of 031. If you cannot find the error number in the Error Word Integer Table, it means it is a multiple error. You can use simple subtraction to find out what the multiple error is. (Usually done by an external program but can be done manually.) 1. Find the nearest number from the table that's less than or equal to the error from the phone. Write down the error represented by this number. 2. Subtract the number in the list from the error number received. 3. Use the result of the subtraction to start over with step 1 again. For example, if the error number in question is 00024, the nearest number (less than or equal to) this error number is 16. This corresponds to Dime Slot Sensor Error. When you subtract 16 from 24, the result is 8. Code 00008 corresponds to Nickel Slot Sensor Error. -- Transaction Indicators Code Message Description 1 User abort User clicked Terminate Batch icon while a batch was running. 2 No modems installed No modems are installed in the computer. 4 Communications error Various types of error (see additional errors following this status code table). 5 Out of memory There is not enough computer memory to perform the requested operation. 6 Parse error on batch file IFW cannot find the serial number, schedule number, or the Group Command name that was used in the batch file, schedule file or the group files. Each error gives a record / line number that contains the problem. Open the batch file and use the GoTo command to locate and correct the error. 7 Parse error on schedule file The schedule file has been damaged. 8 Parse error on group file The group file has been damaged. 9 Phone database file error General error for the phone database file. 10 Phone index create error Unable to create the phone index file. 11 Phone index file error Phone index file read or write error. 12 Serial number is zero Serial # was 0 when IFW called the phone. 13 Rate table error A rate table error was detected in the phone. 14 Bad program RAM Phone program was bad when IFW called the phone. 15 Wrong serial number The Serial number sent by IFW does not match the Serial Number in the phone. 16 No Answer The phone that was called never answered with a herald. 17 Max Retries Reached The maximum retry count set in the Configuration->System view has been reached for this phone. 18 Modem removed from service If any Modem has 10 communications errors in a row, the modem will be removed from service. 19 Human answered phone Someone answered the phone that IFW was calling. 25 Get serial number successful Serial number successfully retrieved from series 100 phone. 26 Get serial number failed Communications error or invalid data. 27 Set serial number successful Set serial number successfully completed. 28 Set serial number failed Communications error. 29 Get software version number Software version number successfully retrieved. successful 30 Get software version number Communications error. failed 31 Get error word successful Error word successfully retrieved. 32 Get error word failed Communications error. 33 Get rate table date successful Rate table date successfully retrieved. 34 Get rate table date failed Communications error. 35 Get model number successful Model number successfully retrieved. 36 Get model number failed Communications error. 39 Zero grand totals successful Zero grand totals successfully completed. 40 Zero grand totals failed Communications error. 41 Zero current totals successful Zero current totals successfully completed. 42 Zero current totals failed Communications error. 51 Get time successful Get time successfully completed. 52 Get time failed Communications error. 53 Set time successful Set time successfully completed. 54 Set time failed Communications error. 55 Get totals successful Get totals successfully retrieved. 56 Get totals failed Communications error. 57 Read call counters successful Read call counters successfully completed. 58 Read call counters failed Communications error. 59 Zero call counters successful Zero call counters successfully completed. 60 Zero call counters failed Communications error. 65 Download rate table successful Download rate table successfully completed. 66 Download rate table failed Communications error. 67 Download program successful Download program successfully completed. 68 Download program failed Communications error. 69 Get rate table successful Get rate table successfully completed. 70 Get rate table failed Communication error. 74 Set 5-minute timeout failed Command to set timeout was unsuccessful. 75 Authorized entry Incoming call received from a phone reporting authorized entry. 76 Collection with clear Incoming call received from a phone reporting a collection in which totals were cleared. 77 Full cash box Incoming call received from a phone reporting a full cash box. 78 Unauthorized Entry Incoming call received from a phone reporting unauthorized entry. 79 Hardware Error Incoming call received from a phone reporting hardware error. The HW is shown in the data field. If there is no entry in the data field the error is intermittent (i.e., intermitten coin jam) 80 Collection without clear Collection was made without clearing the totals. 81 Low activity The programmed activity levels expected were not reached for the last 24 hours. 82 Credit card hardware error Phone reports credit card reader problem. 83 Time out in Service Mode Phone has had the service key unlocked too long. 84 False incoming call This is caused by the phone line in the Modem ringing once and then stopping. 85 Non-Intellicall incoming call There is an incoming call detected by IFW, but upon answer, no communications were established. The call was probably not placed by an Intellicall payphone. 86 Bad transmission for 3 tries Three attempts to communicate were unsuccessful. (Incoming) 88 Program RAM error An incoming call was received from a phone that reports a bad program. An automatic program download will begin if the program file is available, as specified in the download configuration. 91 Clock stuck in phone The clock in the phone has stopped working properly. This has not been implemented and is reserved for the future. 93 Low activity, Direct The payphone did not make the number of direct completed calls within 24 hours based on the setting in the .pac file. 94 Low activity, 0+ The payphone did not make the number of 0+ calls within 24 hours based on the setting in the .pac file. 95 Low activity, OSP The payphone did not make the number of dial out Operator Service Provider calls within 24 hours based on the setting in the .pac file. 96 Low activity, offhook The payphone did not make the number of direct completed calls based on the setting in the .pac file within 100 offhooks. 97 Service Callout IFW processed a request for Service Callout and performs the commands in the Group file, Init.at2. 101 Starting get serial number IFW started the get-serial-number command. 102 Starting set serial number IFW started the set-serial-number command. 103 Starting get software IFW started the get-software-version-number command. version number 104 Starting get error word IFW started the get-error-word command. 105 Starting get rate table date IFW started the get-rate-table-date command. 106 Starting get model number IFW started the get-model-number command. 108 Starting zero grand totals IFW started the zero-grand-totals command. 109 Starting zero current totals IFW started the zero-current-totals command. 114 Starting get time IFW started the get-time command. 115 Starting set time IFW started the set-time command. 116 Starting get totals IFW started the get-totals command. 117 Starting read call counters IFW started the get-speed-dial-counters command. 118 Starting zero call counters IFW started the zero-call-counters command. 121 Starting download rate table IFW started the download-rate-table command. 122 Starting download program IFW started the download-program-file command. 125 Starting to get billing records IFW started the get-bill-records command. 126 Starting to reset billing IFW started the reset-bill-records command. records 127 Starting download speech file IFW started the download-speech-file command. 128 Starting to get billing history IFW started the get-bill-history command. 130 Starting to get rate table IFW started the get-rate-table command. 146 Starting to reset phone IFW started the reset-phone command. 147 Starting to get common IFW started the get-common-config command config file 148 Starting to get battery level IFW started the get-battery command. 149 Starting to get CDRs IFW started the get-cdr command. 150 Starting to set ANI IFW started the set-ani command. 152 Starting to set elock code IFW started the set-elock-code command. 200 Warning: NO billing password The billing password has never been set in the payphone. 201 Invalid billing password. The billing password is invalid. 202 Bad phone billing header. The billing record header has failed checksum. Data is corrupted. This produces a .bad file. Refer to your POSTREC User's Guide for infor- mation about processing .bad files. 203 Bad ANI in phone The ANI number does not match the phone number dialed when retrieving the billing records. 206 Overdue billing records The billing records have been in the phone beyond the requisite number of days specified in the pay- phone's rate table. 207 Billing record area full The billing area cannot hold any further long distance billing records. If this situation occurs the payphone reverts to the AOS for handling of long distance calls. 209 Warning: Incorrect date & time. The payphone.s date/time disagrees with the PC's date/time by +/- 5 minutes. This can effect proper processing of billing records. Go into Manual Mode and set the date and time for the payphone in question. Consider modifying IFW system config- uration to enable Auto-Update Date and Time field. 210 Bad money totals The money totals have been corrupted. 211 Bad configuration A version of phone code resides in the payphone Software /Hardware that is not compatible with the hardware. 212 VICS access error A phone was erroneously programmed to call the number for IFW instead of VICS for VICS validation. 214 Phone called IFW IFW received a call from the phone. 215 ANI corrected in phone IFW found bad ANI; updated it with the home area code in (old ANI / new ANI) the Rate Table plus the last 7 digits dialed to reach the phone (this is true if the Use Phone Database for ANI Check field in the Configuration->System view isn't selected). If this field is selected, then the ANI will be changed to whatever 10-digit number is in the Phone.dbf. 219 Group Command Not Found This message appears when there is a Group Command (Group Cmd) specified in the Phone.dbf and the Group Command does not exist when the phone calls in to IFW. 220 Download common config Download common config successfully completed. successful 221 Download common config failed Communication error. 222 Phone will reset after hang-up Phone will reboot after disconnect from IFW. 223 Phone may not reset after Communication error. hang-up 224 Get common config successful Get common config successfully completed. 225 Get common config failed Communication error. 226 Get battery level successful Get battery level successfully completed. 227 Get battery level failed Communication error. 228 Get CDR records successful Get CDR records successfully completed. 229 Get CDR records failed Unable to retrieve Call records. 230 Clear CDR area failed Unable to clear Call records. 231 Init CDR area failed Communication error. 232 CDR area full Call detail records are over 136 records. 233 Call counter read successful Call counter read successfully completed. 234 Call counter read failed Communications error. 235 Set ANI successful Set ANI successfully completed. 236 Set ANI failed Communications error. 237 Set elock code successful Set elock code successfully completed. 238 Set elock code failed Communications error. 300 Cannot transmit Communications error. billing password 301 Reset billing records failed Unable to clear billing record area. 302 Download speech successful Download speech successfully completed. 303 Download speech failed Communications error. 304 Get billing records successful Get billing records successfully completed. 305 Get billing records failed Communications error. Invalid billing password. Bad billing header. IFW renames this file with a .bad extension. Refer to your POSTREC User.s Guide for additional information and instructions on processing .bad files. 306 Get billing history successful Get billing history successfully completed. 307 Get billing history failed Communications error. 308 Set billing password successful Set billing password successfully completed. 309 Set billing password failed Communications error. Invalid billing password. 320 Reset billing area failed Unable to reset billing area. - EOF - -- I'm not quoting anything by dec0de until he gets off his lazy ass and writes me at least one article for K-1ine. Don't worry I'm only saying this for his own good. -- testline.txt - Terminating Test Line Access+Capabilities (OAM+P(Operations, Administration, Maintenance, and Provisioning)) phlux 2/26/2003 ############ Disclaimer: # ################################################################### So i was talking to the phantom phreak. He was all schooling me on the ups and downs of redboxing, little did he know canadian tones are different. So i then proceeded to 3 way a loud test tone, then hes going off on that tone all like 'o0o0o that sounded like the old 1000hz... no wait, 1004? hey 3 way it again..' so he then proceeded to school me. Said he had this doc(t1207) from 2000(current) and that it originally started off as the Test Line Dictionary back in '89. What follows is my one way conversation with the phantom phreak as he babbled on and on about this test line dictionary. It is kinda leet, good thing i record all my calls. If you have any issues with this file, direct your email to the phantom phreak. Respect:You probably got this file from hackcanada.com, nettwerked.net or ghu.ca so thanks go their way. Dedicated:my gramma, she drop yo trunk, make it flop like a grand mal' funk. gets mad props fo schoolin shes tolds ANI F'in the law, keeps codes in her bra, under skin folds. my gramma, whistles 26 hun on the run, packs a 9 hacks on defcon party line gets mad slops, drops dentures fuckin cops, BOI the shit she stirs gives good head, then POPS unlike a kitten she purs some fed, in her bed can in tha purse, paints walls with merz. filled with lead that fed is DEAD. ########## Contents; # ##################################################################### # Scope # Definitions # Abbreviations # Intro # Terminating Test-Line Definitions # Test Connection Arrangements # Test Line Access Methodology # Bibliography ###### Scope # ######################################################################### Defines types of terminating test lines and their operational functions, provides numbering plan arrangements to access these capabilities for testing across interconnections in the PSTN. Outlines in this standard applies to both end user and network providers access to existing and proposed terminating test lines from originating, intermediate and termianting points in the network. This standard also described access to termianting test lines for exchange carriers, ixc's, and CPE's such as PBX's, ISP's, etc. This standard does not include originating control devices. General descriptions of test line types are included in this standard since they link specific test access to test lines that perform specific functions in a defines manner to ensure uniform operation across network interfaces. ############ Definitions # ################################################################### CPE Customer Premises Equipment=Equipment located at customers location. Subscriber Line = Herein, the term subscriver line is defined as a dedicated facility between a network provider's switch and a customer's POI(point of interface) Trunk = the common(outside plant) facility between a network providers switch and the POI to another switch, which may or may not include a PBX. Originating line side access = the ability to dial the appropriate 7 or 10 digit test # from a subscriber line. Originating trunk side access = the ability to dial the appropriate test line # with trunk access utilizing the appropriate test equipment. ############## Abbreviations # ################################################################# AT=access tandem(exchange carrier(EC)) ECT=Exchange Carrier Tandem EO=End Office IC=Interexchange carrier ICT=Interexchange carrier tandem IPM=Interruptions per minute LS=Line side OSPS=Operator Services Position System P/AR=Peak to avg(average) ratio RLMS=Return Loss Measuring Set TOPS=Traffic Operator Position System TP=Test Pad TPT=Test Progress Tone TS=Trunk Side ############# Introduction # ################################################################## The trunk maintenance process ensures that trunks are accessible to traffic function properly during call setup and termination providing a proper transmission path during the call. Trunk maintenance procedures may involve manual operations conducted from a test position as well as a fully mechanized testing. In both instances, test lines provide far end test termination functions. Therefore, all service providers shall provide terminating test line access as part of the basic plan for the overall maintenance of trunks. Terminating test lines range in complexity from those that provide the relatively complex function of recognizing and responding to specific signals. All of the terminating test lines discussed in the following clauses can be accessed (where appropriate) from the auto control devices, or manual test positions, However, features that control the utilization of test lines may be unique to each originating device. The general descriptions of the test lines included as part of this standard are operational descriptions. In no case should these operational descriptions be considered as detailed design specs. In some cases, power levels, freq's, and timing intervals are specified where they are considered to be critical to the operation of the test line. Unless otherwise indicated, timing intervals should be considered as minimums. In general, timing intervals can increase by as much as 20%. ____________________________ Test Line Naming Conventions When the North Americanm DDD(Direct Distance Dialing) Number Plan was first formed, a need was recognized for routing codes to be assigned in tandem offices to provide interoffice test line capability for trunk maintenance. The NANP has reserved 10X(X=0-9) group of codes for this purpose. This naming convention(10X) will be the standard in referencing the functions of test lines that have 10X codes assigned to them. Test lines that do not have 10X codes assigned to them will be referred by generic description (ex, synchronous line). The 10X routing codes are reserved for the termianting test lines in tandem offices. _____________________________________ Terminating Test Line Classifications Terminating test lines can be classified into three types; transmission test lines, digital loop-back test lines and operational test lines. In general, the terminating test lines have the following characteristics; Operation: Following seizure or ring-trip, off-hook supervision is normally provided unless onhook supervision is the initial condition of the test sequence. Following off hook sup(ervision), test lines that send tones provide a quiet period(300ms) to permit the single frequency(SF) signalling units to change sup status. In many cases, periods of onhook sup are applied at timed intervals to facilitate taking down the connection once the originating end has disco'd. Most test lines can be optioned to remove tone during these periods to ensure proper SF signalling unit operation. Supervision: To provide supervision, test lines typically have supervisory control circuits that may be in the transmission path. These control circuits are designed to have a negligible effect on the transmision specs in the voice band. Test line frequency: The stated freqs of test line tones, as stated below, includes an additional 4 Hz above the nominal freq to avoid modulation by products that may be produced in a PCM type carrier. ################################## Terminating test line definitions # ############################################# Transmission Test lines 100 type test lines are in use industry wide to facilitate connection to a termination for balance and noise testing. There are 2 general versions of the 100 type test line. The early version provides only a quiet termination for balance and noise testing. The later version, in addition to a quiet termination, also provides a 1004hz tone for one way loss measurements. Quiet Termination The quiet termination consists of 900 or 600 ohms(depending on office impedance) in series with a 2.16 microfarad capacitor. In some cases, this termiantion is built out to the nominal office capacitance with a build out capacitor. Exceptions include; In 4 wire analog offices, the quiet termination is a 4 wire 600 ohm termination. In digital offices, the office provides a termination to idle code that is the equivelant of an analog 600 ohm, 4 wire quiet termination. Some offices have 2 versions of quiet termination. The older ver consists of a 900 ohm resistor in series with a 2.16mf capacitor as described above. The newer ver is more complex with 2 states, tandem and local. The tandem state provides a termination consisting of an 887 ohm resistor in series with a 2.16mf cap. In some cases, this termination may be built out to the equivelant of 400ft of office cabling(junctor grouping frame to the termination) with a build out resistor and build out cap. The local state provides complex impedance designed to simulate a typical local loop. In some cases the termination may be built out to the equivalant of 400 feet of office cable. ______________________________ 1000hz milliwatt(mw) test tone Frequency. Several versions of mw tone supplies exist. The older unmodified version provides a 100hz +/- 10hz tone, the newer, modified ver provides a 1004hz +/- 1hz tone. Level. These tones are adjusted to 0.0dBm +/- 0.03dBm(for switching offices with 0dB test access loss), 2.0dBm +/- 0.03dBm(for switching offices with 2dB test access loss), and 3.0dBm +/-0.03dBm (for switching offices with 3dB test access loss). The level of the tone is measured at the center of the switching machine. (ex, at the trunk or line distro frame or at the junctor grouping frame) Impedance. The nominal impedance of the tone source is either 600 or 900 ohms, depending on the nominal impedance of the office. EXCEPTIONS. Digital Offices may provide; A 0.0dBm0, synthesized, 1004hz digital encoded signal, or, A 0.0dBm0, synthesized, 1013.8hz, 797byte sinewave, digitally encoded reference signal(DRS) that provides a sine wave for analog testing and a specific digital sequence for bit error ratio testing(BER). Operational Parameters The minimum capabilities of the 100 type test lines provide only a quiet termination. Upon seizure of the test line, the operational sequences are as follows: Off hook(answer) supervision is returned and quiet termination is places across circuit. Some test lines return a short interval(approx 1 sec) of onhook disconnect sup every 11secs, starting approx 11seconds after the initial connection. The preferred 100 type test lines provide a 1004hz tone followed by a quiet termination. Upon seizure of the test line the operational sequences are as follows; Offhook(answer) sup is returned. After approx 300ms delay(min 200) a 1004hz tone is applied for approx 5.5secs. After the tone is disco'd, a quiet termination is applied til the caller disco's. Certain 100 type test lines may return a 1, 2, or 3second onhook disconnect signal approx 11seconds after the quiet termination has been applied. Others may return a series of 1, 2 or 3 second on hook disconnect signals approx every 30 seconds after the quiet term has ben applied. _________________________________ 101 type test line-communications The communications test line provides a circuit into a test board or test position that can be reached over any trunk incoming to the switching system served by that test position. It is used for reporting troubles and making two person manual trunk tests from test positions. _____________________________ 102 type test line -Milliwatt The milliwatt test line provides a 1004hz tone for one way loss measurements. The features of this termination are as follows. Transmission paramters; 1004hz tone Level. These tones are adjusted to 0.0dBm +/- 0.03dBm(for switching offices wiht 0-dB test access loss), 2.0dBm +/- 0.03dBm(for switching offices with 2dB test access loss), and 3.0dBm +/-0.03dBm (for switching offices with 3dB test access loss). The level of the tone is measured at the center of the switching machine. (ex, at the trunk or line distro frame or at the junctor grouping frame) Impedance. The nominal impedance of the tone source is either 600 or 900 ohms, depending on the nominal impedance of the office. EXCEPTIONS. Digital Offices may provide; A 0.0dBm0, synthesized, 1004hz digital encoded signal. Operatonal Paramters Upon seizure of the test line, the operational sequences are as follows; Off hook (answer) sup is returned. After a delay of approx 300ms a 1004hz tone is applied, note; one version may be optioned for a 175ms delay. The test line may be installed to provide, at regular intervals ranging between 9 and 12 seconds, a 1,2, or 3second interval. Note that one version may be optioned for a 2sec interuption every 2min. ____________________________________________________________ 104 type test line-transmission measuring and noise checking Transmission measuring and noise checking(test line) provides a test termination for two way transmission testing and a near end noise measurement and far end noise check. This termination may be used to test trunks from offices equipped with automatic trunk test frames. It may also be used for manual one person two way transmission measurements from a test position. The 104 type test termination; Provides test pads as required by the office in which it is located. In order to ensure consistent and symmetrical measurement when testing across network interfaces, both EX and IC tandem digital switch test lines should be arranged such that a digital reference signal is decoded to a -6dBm test level points. Provides offhook supervision. Measured the 1004h loss of the trunk from the originating end to the far end. Adjusts a transmitting(tx) pad to equal the trunk loff measured. if this loss exceeds 10db the tx'ing pad value is reduced by 10db subsequent TPT equals 225hz +/- 5hz at -10dbm +/- 0.5dbm) signal indicated this fact to the originating end. Performs two self checks to determine if the pad has been properly adjusted. In case of failure in either of these checks a repetition of the measurement is requested. Applies 1004hz test tone (0dbm) directly to the trunk to permit a rx'ing measurement at the originating end. After a timed interval, sends 1004hz test tone (0dbm) through the tx'ing pad adjusted in the fourth bullet above, preveded by a TPT signal if it had been reduced by 10 dB. The difference between the levels of the two tones rx'ed at the originating end (adjusted by 10 db if necessary) equates to the loss measured. A quit termination is provided for 5 seconds so that a noise measurement can be made at the originating end, and at the same time, a noise measurement is made at the test termination.If the noise exceeds the threshold(41 dBmC), an alternating on and off TPT disconnect signal is returned. Otherwise a steady onhook signal is returned. ___________________________________________________ 105 type test line-automatic transmission measuring The automatic tx measuring test line provides far end access to a responder and permitys 2 way loss and noise measurement to be made on trunks from a near end office equipped with a remote office test line(ROTL) and responder or other suitable control device. A number of 105 type test lines may be associated with one common responder. The test lines provide a queuing mech for callz awaiting connection to the responder. The near end ROTL and responder may be controlled by an automated test system or a manually operated ROTL unit. humph. In an integrated responder unit, the 105 type test line performs the responder functions in addition to its normal funmctions. The calls in auque are serves one at a time on a cyclical basis in the order in which they were recieved. boohyeah, as each call from a 105 type test line is connected, the test line provides the proper supervision and impedance conversion between the trunks to be tested and the responder. Queuing delay could be upto several minutes. These test lines provide indications to the responder regarding the impedance at which the measurement is to be made (600 to 900 ohms) and the test access loss to be applioed (ex, 0-, 2-, or 3-dB). In order to ensure consistent and symmetrical measurement when testing across network interfaces, both the EC and IC tandem digital switch test lines shoiuld be arranged such that a digital reference signal is decoded to a - 6- dbm test level point. When the 105 type test line is seized, an off hook sup signal (min 300ms) followed by a test progress tone is returned to the originating office. (test progress tone equals 2225hz +/- 25hz at -10dbm +/- 0.5dbm) If the responder is idle, the quieing circuit connects the test line to the responder after a min of 900ms of TPT. When the responder is attached or the control device disco's, the TPT is removed. If the responder is busy, or other test lines in queue have already been seized or both conditions apply, the TPT continues to be send back to the originating end to indicate that the call is in queue and is awaiting cut through to the responder. When the access circuit in queue has progressed to the test line under consideration, the test line is cut through and the TPT is removed. Prior to connecting to a responder, the 105type test line requires two or three timing intervals depending upon the type of trunks being served. These timing intervals are provided by a timing circuit incorporated into the test line. The first timing itnerval of 150ms is required in some offices to allow the switching sys to perform continuity tests prior to cut through. The second timing interval of 150 ms is required to allow SF signalling units to stabalize. All 105 tye test lines provide the third timing interval, which is a min 900ms. A TPT is returned to the orig end indicating that a test line has been seized. IF at the end of this third timing period, the 105 type test line has not seized a responder, the TPT remains on the line till the connecton is made or til the originating end releases the connection. After the testing sequence has been completed, the responder signals the 105 type test line to release. A just released 105 type test line remains connected to the trink till the originating trunk disco's or till the office time out feature kicks in. In end offices using 105 type test lines, the line also returns an onhookm signal to the orig office,. When the teastline has been released from the truck is restores idle state, hungry for more. Reponders. Several types of responders exist. The 51B type can be used in conjunction with the 105 type test line and is capable of making 2 way loss and noise measurements. However, these responders are no longer being manufactured. The 52 type responder provides additional testing capability as outlined below. The 56A type responder is designed for small EOs, community dial offices, and PBXens. The responder testing capabilities are as follows; 51B Type responder; Loss, C-Message noise 52 type responder; Loss, C-Message noise, C-notched noise, 3tone(gain) slope, return loss(balance), measure and terminated '3card option') 56A type Mini responder; Loss, C-message+notched noise, 3tone gain slope, balance loss, terminate only. RTTU(remote trunk test unit) responder; all 52 type capabilites. Balance measurement and termination. Remote Measurement System - Digital responder (RMS-D) Provided in digital switching offices. Updated to employ DSP tech, all 52 type capabilities included. Batteries sold seperately. Auto echo canceler tester. Note; the 56A mini responder provides an additional manual sequence in which one way(far to near) measurements of loss, gain slope, and C message noise can be made by personnel at the near end. The mini responder combines the functions of a single 105 type line and responder. ______________________________________________ 107 type test line-data transmission test line The data transmission test line provides connection to a signal source that generates test signals for one way testing of data and voice transmission parameters. The test line supplies a peak to average (P/AR) signal, gain slope freqs, quiet termination, and intermodulation distortion test signals. The test line also allows measurement of return loss, freq shift, phase jitter, C notched noise, impulse noise, gain hits, phase hits, and dropouts. x| The P/AR signal, having a spectrum similar to many high speed data sets, permits a repid check of the quality of a facility for data tx'ing. The P/AR signal is particularly sensitice to the envelope delay distortion. The 3 tone sloper freqs (1004, 404, and 2804hz) at -16dBm0 permit measurement of the trunk freq characteristic. A 1004hz -16dBm0 tone permits measurement of freq shift, phase jitter, C notched noise, impulse noise, gain hits, phase hits, and dropouts. ___________________________________ 109 Test line echo canceler testing The echo canceler test line provides loop back arrangements for in service testinf of far end echo cancelers. Upon access the test line returns offhook sup and, after a 2sec delay, returns tha 1004hz tone at -10dbm0 for approx 8sec. After an onhook flash, a connection is made to a quier termination. Measurement made at the near end with a return loss measuring set (RLMS) should indicate a very high reading for this condition. After approx 16sec another onhook flash is followed by a 16 second interval in which the trunk is looped back with no attenuation. The RLMS should show a very low reading since most echo cancelers cannot function with less then 6dB of return loss. And then, after the 3rd on hook flash, the trunk is looped through a 10dB pad for 16 seconds. The echo canceler should now function and a high level of return loss will be measured. The near end canceler has no effect on these tests and must be checked with a similar test performed with the functions reversed at the far end. At any time after the first interval of 1004 hz tone has started, a ring forward(rering) signal will cause all timing to stop in the test line. Each subsequent ring forward signal will cause the line to advance to the next state. The four stop sequence tone followed by the 3 loop back conditions is repeated till disco, wether the test line is timed or manually controlled. ____________________________ Digital loop back test lines 108 type test line - digital non inverting loop back The noninverting loop back test line provides for digital testing capabilities between digital exchange/digital PBXs or both. The digi loop back test like provides a dialable, 4 wire test line capability, which consists of circuitry that accepts and loops back recieved octets, which are re-tx'ed so that the positions of the bits within the octets are preserved. This means that the most significant bit of the re-tx'ed octet corresponds to the most significant bit of the rx'ed octet. The 108 type test line provides for a noninverting loop back test line capable of passing 64kbit/s clear signals. In this manner, all digi services(ex, 56kbit/s, 64kbit/s Restricted, and 64kbit/s Clear) can pass digi test signals through this test line. The 108 can also support loop backs for calls at any n by x DSO rate, where 1 < n < the number of channels in the primary rate(24 in the north american digital hierarchy, or 30 euro). The digital loop back test line may be integrated into the switching network(preferred implementation in a digital switching sys) or may be provided in a stand alone config similar to some existing test lines. Aswell, digitally encoded analog test signals can be passed through this test line. Refer to t1.206 for more information on this test line. ________________________________________________ 606 type test line - digital inverting loop back The digital loop back inverting test line provides operational and digi testing capability for switched digital trunks originating or terminating into 2 wire offices. This line is used for diagnostic (routine+demand) tests of digital trunks. A loop back is provided with circuitry to alter the rx'ed bit stream before transmission. The bit stream must be inverted to prevent errors due to reflections from a hybrid in the 2 wire analog switch maintenance circuit. Maintenance techs perform manual tests on digi exchange trunks in the loop back mode. A single maintenance tech can perform a loop back test by originating a data test call to the test line. The data test call number assigned is 959 6060. After the test call has been setup to this test line, the tech will use a test set to perform digital tests. No 10X code is available for this test line. ______________________ Operational Test lines 103 type test line - signal supervisory testing The signal supervisory test line provides a connection to a supervisory and signalling test circuit for overall testing of these features on inter toll trunks equipped with ring forward features that can be reached by an automatic trunk test frame or by dialing manually. The features of the 103 include; On seizure, the test line returns an off hook signal. On receipt of a ring forward signal, the test line returns an onhook signal. On receipt of a second ring forward signal, the test line returnms a 120 IPM flash. ____________________________________________ Synchronous test line - no 10X code assigned Synchronous test lines are required for offices(usually in connection with x bar offices) where ring, trip, and sup features are in the incoming trunk relay equipment. Marginal tests of the sup and trip functions are provided. Tests may be originated on either a manual or auto basis. In Stored Porgram Control(SPC) offices, an equivelant program controlled test line operation is provided to satisfy the requirements of the originating office test frames. All synchronous test lines utilize a 7 digit code to access test lines. The test line is required to perform the following functions; Tests for application of the ring signal and return audible ringing tones for approx 2 sec followed by a 3 to 4 sec silent interval. Tests for pretrip of machine ringing during silent interval. Provides a 120IPM tone till disconnect, if pretrip fails. If pass, then a test for tripping the machine ringing is performed during the same 3 to 4 sec silent interval. If the trip test fails, the 2sec audible ring and the 3 to 4 second silent interval are returned till disconnection. The pretrip and trip tests are performed in seperate silent intervals by some versions of test lines. In certain tandem versions, a single 2 second interval of TPT is applied instead of the initial 2 second 120IPM tone. When reringing successfully trips, the following supervisory tests are provided: An offhook signal of approx 1.3 secs for synchronzing with automatic progression test equipment in originating offices is returned. During the offhook period, soak current is applied to the sup circuit. Return .2 sec on hook supervision; release current is applied to sup circuit. Return .3 sec off hook sup; soak current is applied to the sup circuit. Return .2 second onhook sup; release current is applied to the sup circuit. Return .3 sec off hook sup; soak current applied to the sup circuit. Return .2 sec on hook sup; release current is applied to the sup circuit. Return 1.3 sec off hook sup; operate current is applied to the sup circuit. Return .2 sec on hook sup; an open circuit condition is present to sup circuit. Return .3 sec offhook sup; operate current is applied to the sup circuit. Return .2 sec on hook sup; an open current is applied to the sup circuit. Return .3 sec off hook sup; operate current is applied to the sup circuit. Return continuous onhook sup and provide audible signal. An audible interrupted signal may be applied at a rate of 120IPM which may consist of interrupted dial tone, test progress tone, or high tone. NOTE; one test line circuit returns off hook sup during this stage. Soem test lines provide a Centrex Treansfer test capability during this stage. _________________________________________________ Nonsynchronous test line - step by step test line A nonsynchronous test line provides an operational test which is not as complete as the sync test but can be made more rapidly. The nonsync test line is the only type required for eletromechanical offices where marginal type tests cannot be applied directly to the incoming trunk circuit, as is frequently the case with steppers. In some instances, connector test terminations can be used to apply marginal tests to such circuits as toll transmission selectors. All nonsync test lines utilize a seven digit test line code for access. The minimum requirements for non sync test lines look like this; Starts to function under the control of the ringing signal Permits the audible ringing signal to be returned for a min .5 sec to the originating office. Causes ringing to trip After the ringing has been tripped, it returns the 60 IPM line busy signal which consists of alternate .5 second off and on hook signals with low tone applied during each offhook period till it is disconnected. The nonsync test line, used in many step by step offices for the application of marginal tests when applied to connector circuits, operates in the following manner; Starts to function under the control of the ringing signal Permits the audible ringing signal to be returned for 1 to 1.5 seconds Returns an initial offhook signal of 1 to 1.5 secs during which time ringing is tripped. Provides the following sup signals sequentially after the initial off hook tests are applied; 0.5 sec onhook 1 to 1.5 sec offhook .2 sec onhook .3 sec offhook .2 sec onhook .3 sec onhook .2 sec onhook .3 second offhook A 2 second onhook period to permit disconnection from the test line. Alternate 5.5 second offhook and 2 second onhook intervals are repeated untill disconnection. The first two 5.5 second intervals are provided to facilitate testing of the ring forward(rering) and control features provided on some operator selected trunks to end offices and are desirable where these features are provided. ############################# Test connection arrangements # ################################################## This standard is based on the test connection arrangements as shown in ASCII. The matrix is utilized by reading from the originating test access to terminating test line location. Where the matrix contains dashed, the combo of originating access to terminating test lines is not within the scope of this standard. Where the matrix contains a number, that case is described with the appropriate numbering scheme for the terminating test line. These case descriptions are provided below. The intent of this standard is to describe access to termianting test lines at the first point of switching, unless otherwise indicated. CPE _________________________________ __________/ \ | / \ | [TELE]__line___(EO)_______(ECT)______(ICT)---------- | /\\ | / | / \\__(EO)__(ECT)___(OSPS) | TR/UNK \ | / | / \__|_____________/ |_________(CPE SWITCH) ################################################################################ ._______________________________________________. | Terminating Test line | TEST |_______________________________________________. CONNECTION | Customer | | MATRIX | Provided | Network Switch | | Equipment | | |____________|__________________________________| | LINE |TRUNK| EO | ECT | ICT | OSPS | IC Direct| .______________.______|_____|____|_____|_____|______|__________| O | | | | | | | | | | | R |C|L| POTS | - | 1 | 2 | - | *4 | - | - | I |P|I|_______|______|_____|____|_____|_____|_________________| G |E|N|inter | | | | | | | | IT | |E|state | - | - | 3 | - | - | - | - | NE | | |outwats| | | | | | | | AS | |_|_______|______|_____|____|_____|_____|______|__________| TT | | TRUNK | - | 1 | 2 | - | - | - | - | I |_|_________|______|_____|____|_____|_____|______|__________| N | |EO | - | 5 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 8 | - | G |NETWORK|___|______|_____|____|_____|_____|______|__________| | |ECT| - | - | 6 | 7 | 7 | 8 | - | | SWITCH|___|______|_____|____|_____|_____|______|__________| | |ICT| - | *5 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 8 | - | |_______|___|______|_____|____|_____|_____|______|__________| A |CPC | | | | | | | | | C |Direct |Line| - | - | - | - | - | - | 7 | C |Connect| | | | | | | | | E | TO |____|_____|_____|____|_____|_____|______|__________| S | IC | |_ | | | | | | | S | |Trunks|- | - | - | - | - | - | 7 | .__|_______|______|___|_____|____|_____|_____|______|__________. - = Not included in this standard * = Access may be provided beyond first point of switching. ############################# Test line access methodology # ################################################## This final section describes a test line numbering plan for cases 1 through 8, as shown in the above matrix. TO locate the appropriate test numbering plan case, use the ASCII chart by identifying the terminating test line application in the vertical column and then selecting the originating test application in the horizontal row. ex; a test connection terminating to an EO(vertical columb) and originating from an IC tandem(horizontal row) would be test numbering plan case 6. This numbering plan uses variables; T = Identifies type of test line (0-9) W = 0 or 1 Y = 8 or 9 N = 2 to 9 X = 0 to 9 D = Dunt give a fuck(filler digit) The numbering plans for these cases may contain a preferred scheme that provides a recognizable test line pattern. The pattern is based on the 10X codes associated with test lines. One objective in the standard is to allow for availability of locally assigned numbers. In those cases where the preferred and allowed schemes cannot be provided, the default option is provided.(results may vary) Operational test line access methodology The numbering plans for synchronous end office test #s, synchronous IC and EC tandem test numbers, and nonsynchronous(SXS type) are outlined below; Synchronous EO test # NXX-XXXX Synchronout IC and EC tandem test numbers are 959-1530 or 96Y-XXXX. The non synchronous(SXS) type is numbered NXX-XXXX. ______ Case 1 Applies CPE line or trunk access to CPE terminating test lines: NXX-X10T Preferred NXX-XX0T Allowed NXX-XXXX Default ______ Case 2 Applies to CPE line or trunk access to EO terminating test lines: NXX-X10T Preferred NXX-XXXX Allowed ______ Case 3 Applies to interstate outwats line access to serving EO terminating test lines: 95Y-X10T Preferred 95Y-XXXX Allowed ______ Case 4 Applies to CPE line access to an ICT. This case provides for a built up connection from a subscriber line through an end office, either through an EC access tandem to the IC switch, or direct from the EO to the IC switch. 700-95Y-10TD Preferred 700 95Y-11WT ______ Case 5 Applies to an EC end office or ICT to CPE trunk. The NXX and thousands digit are those assigned for normal traffic. NXX-X10T Preferred NXX-XX0T Allowed NXX-XXX Default ______ Case 6 Applies to an originating network switch, terminating to an EO. This case is intended for intraLATA connections, where no intermediate switch is involded in the connection. NXX-X10T Preferred NXX-XX0T Allowed NXX-XXX Default ______ Case 7 Applies to an originating network switch, terminating to an EC or IC tandem. (EO to IC tandem is via direct trunking, not EC tandem) 10T Preferred 95Y-10TD Allowed 95Y-11WT Allowed Note; the 10T code has traditionally been used to route a call in a combined local tandem office to the tandem test line termination. If the 7 digit code is used for this purpose, different numbers must be used to differentiate between local and tandem terminations. ______ Case 8 Applies to a network terminating to OSPS/TOPS 95Y-12TD Note; The 95Y dialing code as outlined is restricted to interstate outwats lines in end offices only. ############ Bibliography# ################################################################### T1.206-1994, Telecommunications - Digital exchanges and PBXs - Digital circuit loop back test line with N x DS0 capability ANSI/IEEE 743-1995 Standard Equipment requirements and measurement techniques for analog transmission parameters for telecommunications TR-NPL-000175, Compatibility Information for Feature Group B Switched Access Service, Issue 1, Bell Communications Research, Inc. July 1985 TR-NPL-000258, Compatibility Information for Feature Group D Switched Access Service, Issue 1, Bell Communications Research, Inc October 1985 SR--2275, Bellcore Notes on the Network, Issue 3, Bell Communications Research, # Inc. Dec 1997 # ################################################################################ Hi nice name like mikal jacksin - "Aquiring satellite signal, please wait..." Story I heard from close collegue of mine that works at a major call center in canada (tech support in satellite tv) so as the story goes... One night 03/13/2003 business as usual, but (major but) around 5:00pm est there was a problem, when a CSR (customer service representitive) would answer the phone, at company ...(thank you for calling Bell express Vu, my name is bob how can I help you?) at the same time a CSR from the competitors would also answer saying ...(thank you for calling starchoice, my name is jane how can i help you?) at this point, the customer that dialed the 1-800 number for his satellite provider would get two representitives, one from each company! Also put to my attention was that every call coming thru was on the famous '0' queue, hence, the people who don't take the fucking time to go thru the options to get on the right path to getting help with the proper department, they just smash zero, hear a voice and start barking at the CSR cause they too stupid to work the hi-tech remote to buy some porn at 3:00 in the after- noon on pay-per-view, or they got cut off after four months of not paying their bill (damn welfare case). Well... when I heard this, first a laughed, then I got him to do a little research, first I asked him for a small list of all the prefixes of the calls that were doing the strange cross lined thingy, well I was very lucky cause he got me a list from the telephone admin that flaged every fucked call that came in the '0' queue. Here are the prefixes affected: area codes: 416 & 514 336, 337, 338, 339, 426, 428, 429, 457, 473, 475, 630, 693, 694 695, 697, 699, 782, 783, 903, 879, 880, 881, 882, 883, and 884. If you notice anything, those are all telus cell prefixes in Ontario and Quebec... so I laughed a little more. Now it's not that I didn't believe him but I wanted to confirm all this, so I took the liberty to verify myself and I called Starchoice. I said I was Paul Jones with Johnson Security, and I was hired by Telus Mobility to investigate the problem on 03/13/2003. First I got a CSR answer thank you for blah, blah blah... asked to be transferred to a director, cause it was saturday, no one was in but a lowly supervisor, ask if he could confirm the problem, first it was no, then I said; "I'll just put you on hold to call telus and verify..." and I had a coffee and smoke, I came back and he mystically had an answer. He confirmed that yes they had the same problem, but did not want to confirm the prefixes over the phone. He wanted contact info at this point to call me back, (fuck that!) so I said that because I'm on contract with Telus, they would have to talk to them directly, then they would send me a memo... ha! Well then a said thanks and quickly ended the call. So TO END the story, they haven't had the problem since. I wish I had some kind of tech follow-up to add on why this happened, but sorry to say, I don't. It's probably some error at the switch (cell CO), and since all the calls were coming in through the '0' queue, it was probably easy to set up as both companies have that same queuing system (I checked). If anybody wants to add to this story like a valid explanation, all the power to you... Hope you enjoyed it! Kybo_Ren 03/15/03 -- -- Credits Without the following contributions, this zine issue would be fairly delayed or not released. So thank you to the following people: CYB0RG/ASM, CopSKilla, Dub Psyke 7, Elizabeth Brandt, Kankraka, Kybo_Ren, Phlux, Phrozen BloodFlame, The Clone -- Shouts: Cyb0rg/ASM, H410g3n, Wildman, warVamp, Wizbone, The Question, plappy, Phlux, rt, Magma, Hack Canada, The Grasshopper Unit, soapie, Fractal, dec0de, breeder, caesium, oz0n3, Kris, to2600.org, #a, #b2600, Axle, Alanis Morissette, the entire You Can't Do That On Television crew, and lastly to everyone who contributes to the Canadian H/P scene, and ... ____ ___ ___ ____ __ ______ __ _ ____ ___ __ __ l j | \ / \ | \ T || T | l/ ]| \ / \ | T__T T | T | \ Y Y| _ Yl_ || | | ' / | _ YY Y| | | | | | | D Y| O || | | \ll_j l_j | \ | | || O || | | | | | | || || | | | | | Y| | || |l ` ' ! j l | |l !| | | | | | | || | |l ! \ / |____j l_____j \___/ l__j__j l__j l__j\_jl__j__j \___/ \_/\_/ th:s has b..n a ;KKL KKt KKKK# KKKKKK KKKKKK.DKG iKK, KKt;KKKK# KKKKKk. 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