__ _____ __ ___ _ ______ __ _ _ __ ___ / _ __ ____ _ ( ) ___)\ /______ ______ _________ \ / ___ _____ ___)\ ___ __. _____ | /_ \ | /_ / | ___\ | (/ || // _ | | _ __ __ _ _ _\\ | | _______ |:(/ ( ) | | ( ) ) \/_ \ /( )\ ( ) \\| | /_ ____ ||\\ | | | | | | ) ) / ___) \\ | //__ || \\ | | | | | | | | \ (___ __ _ \) | // || \\_ __| |__| |__| | | |_ \_______ __ | |// ____ __/ | \___ ____ _ _ _ _ _ __ ______) | (/ / __ __ )/ \ \| | / / \ \ (\_____/ /___ _ ___ _ ____ \ ) \____ _____ __ __ Freedom 35 _ _ ( 35 ) | | c/a 1.2003. _____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Words from the Editor -. � | *: [-] Introduction .......................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Contact Information ................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Nettwerked Discussion Board ........................... Nettwerked :* *: (-) Link of the Month ..................................... The Clone :* *: (-) K-1ine Mirrors ........................................ The Clone :* ____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Documents -. � | *: (x) 'K-1ine Interview with Azriel from Comatose Rose Mag' .. The Clone :* *: (x) 'A new addition to your Beige Box' ..................... Colt/Wizbone :* *: (x) 'Fun things to do with DSL in a local Bell monopoly' ... Copernicus :* *: (x) 'clsthack.txt' ......................................... Phlux :* *: (x) 'PhluXs Wake Up Juice *cough*OLDSCHOOL*cough*' ......... Phlux :* *: (x) 'Ward Drivx0ring in the G-hett0' ....................... m0f0 :* _____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Conclusion -. � | *: [-] Credits ............................................... The Clone :* *: [-] Shouts ................................................ The Clone :* _____________________________________________________________________________ Introduction - Happy New Years to you. It's that time again; time for another K-1ine issue for the masses. We have some kick ass articles for you this month; lots of submissions by my friends, and for the first time ever: a special interview with another zine. Oh and in approximately 5 days (Jan 20, 2003) Kevin Mitnick will officially be allowed to use the Internet for the first time in nearly 8 years. Cheers, Kevin - this issue is dedicated to your final TRUE freedom since the late 1980's. Enjoy. --> Contact Information; Comments/Questions/Submissions: theclone@hackcanada.com Check out my site: (Nettwerked) http://www.nettwerked.net - Nettwerked Discussion Board; "Fuck the system? Nah, you might catch something..." POST YOUR NEWS, AND POST YOUR THOUGHTS FREELY ON: www.nettwerked.net/PHPBB --> --=[ LINK OF THE MONTH ]=-- Every month I post one really great "link of the month" on every issue of K-1ine magazine. The link can be anything in the technology industry, music scene, rave scene, punk scene, or even a good article you read on a news site. I'll be taking submissions via e-mail or IRC right away; so get your links in and maybe you'll see it in the next issue of K-1ine! For the month of January, the link of the month is: http://naturalvoices.att.com/demos/index.html 'AT&T Natural Voices Text-to-Speech Engine demo' -- "Here you have the opportunity to 'test drive' what we believe is the most realistic, human-sounding synthetic speech system today." - AT&T Research [submitted by: The Clone] -- K-1ine Mirrors: http://www.mirrors.wiretapped.net/security/info/textfiles/k1ine/ (Now mirrored in two places, one in Belgium and another in Sydney) "Wiretapped.net is an archive of open source software, informational textfiles and radio/conference broadcasts covering the areas of network and information security, network operations, host integrity, cryptography and privacy, among others. We believe we are now the largest archive of this type of software & information, hosting in excess of 20 gigabytes of information mirrored from around the world." -- http://www.hackcanada.com/canadian/zines/index.html#K-1ine Hack Canada - Canadian H/P - E-Zines -- http://www.stealthiscomputer.org/k-1ine.html Steal This Computer - K-1ine Archive --- i wanna be cained by theclone.. and dec0de too!PING LAG1394849548 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- K-1ine Interview with Azriel from Comatose Rose Magazine It is my pleasure to introduce you to Azriel J. Knight from Comatose Rose - Canada's only Gothic Print Magazine. This interview was conducted via e-mail on Thursday January 9, 2003 by The Clone of K-1ine 'zine / Nettwerked.net. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Clone: How and when did Comatose Rose Magazine come into existence, and where do you see it in a couple years? Azriel: Sure, start with the hard one :P Comatose Rose Magazine has gone through many incarnations over the last four years. But the print version has been around for the last year. How did it start? Well, music has always been my first passion, and I was beginning to expose myself to a lot of wonderful underground music. Gothic, industrial, EBM and the like. I wanted to share the music I found, with others. The Clone: If people want to pick up a copy of your zine, they can go to your web site and find locations, but what if someone doesn't have Comatose Rose in their community? Is there a way to get a copy of it online? Azriel: There is a locations section on the web site that is live, that is to say that we will scratch off the location once they have run out of copies, so you won't go home empty handed. Depending where the magazine is being held, there is an optional donation, but most places it's free. If you're outside of the locations, then you can send me a money order or buy a copy with any major credit card. The Clone: The gothic scene is much like the hacker / phreaker scene in a lot of ways - both started and exist in the 'underground';your scene focuses a lot on music and our scene focuses a lot on technology. What are your thoughts on hackers and phreakers, and are you at all surprised that we have so many hackers & phreakers who are also involved the gothic scene? Azriel: I am not at all surprised. My scene is going through a major transition, and has been for the last few years. Basically a lot more bands are using a lot more synth work in their music. Gothic as we once knew it in the mid to late eighties is long dead, sure some bands still play the old flavor, but electr- onics is simply the way things are going. My thought on hackers and phreakers? It's quite fascinating, I think the government should stop arresting you guys and start hiring you for work. I hate getting viruses in the mail, which I do all the time, but I know those are not "real" hackers, so no worries. The Clone: What would your first pieces of advice be for anyone (in Canada, the United States, and International) looking to start their own gothic print magazine? And do you welcome "partnerships" between other 'zines? (I might be interested, hehe). Azriel: Establish yourself as an online magazine first, make friends with people in the business, and work your way up. Don't let up, don't be lazy, and avoid frustration. Partnerships are easy with Comatose Rose. We have a page rental program, it's costs less than advertising because you're adding content to the magazine. Anyone can do it, as long as your writing fits the magazine and we like it. The Clone: If someone with special talents (such as writing, graphic design, and marketing) wanted to help out Comatose Rose, how would they go about contacting you and your staff? Azriel: Anything involving that can be brought to my direct attention, just e-mail me at azriel@comatoserose.com. What really catches my attention is people who are just themselves, but are straight forward in what they want to do for Comatose Rose. Don't send me an e-mail with an overdose of big words to try and sound all fancy, I won't be impressed, especially when you forget to run the damn thing through a spell check (it has happened). The Clone: Azriel, what are your staff's plans for the upcoming (5th) issue of Comatose Rose Magazine? Azriel: We have lots of great stuff planned. Issue #5 will be released on Valentine�s Day and will feature interviews with Covenant, Mortiis, Assemblage 23, Sam Rosenthal, Z Prochek and more. Scene reports from Calgary, Vancouver and Toronto. A rant or two, 30 album reviews, the list goes on. Thank you, Azriel. --- well well well fools, I have come again hi pundit. what the fuck is a pundit? _____________________________________ / / / A new addition to your Beige Box / / / \ by colt45 \ \ and wizbone \ \_____________________________________\ [[[[[[[[[||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[ ]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[ This file was not brought to you by Telus. ]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[ Bringing the technology of tomorrow to yesterday ]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[ and selling it to today for twice as much. ]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[ ]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||]]]]]]]]] With the outbreak of DSL, more and more people are giving up their dial-up connections for it. So with this in mind you need to update your beige box. When you subscribe to DSL, a high frequency data signal is sent through your line on the same pair as your current voice service resides. DSL service requires special filters on the customer premise for a voice line and DSL service to coexist happily on the same pair. If you dont plan on climbing into someone's home to connect your beige box to their filter, you will hear a constant "beep........beep...boop" in the line. This makes conversations difficult. A few notes on DSL -DSL does not require voice service to operate. Just a copper pair. However, Telus, being the gestapo-esque corporation they are, has a policy of "no voice service, no dsl!" This is a good way to ensure people will keep landlines which are growing useless with the advent of cheap (:P) wireless (cancellular) service. -Most DSL lines are run off of fax lines. -There are two types of filters available for DSL: POTS splitters, and inline-filters. The inline filters are a simple box with an rj11 port on one end, and a short (2-3") cord with an rj11 crystal on the other. This type of filter is only for voice. For example, you get DSL on your fax line so you plug your DSL mowdun (stands for mow-dalawn dun-dalawn) into the phone line, and your fax (aka "PH4CKS") into the inline filter, and then into the line. The only possible downfall of these types of filters is that the voice can potentially cause a small amount of interference with the DSL connection, but unless you have a terrible line, or a long run from your CO, you won't notice. / / | (1337 ASCii) | your mom's | [Telco]----telephone line---|-[demarc]----[inline filter]--[ph4cks masheen] | \ \----[DSL mowdun] The POTS splitter usually has three ports: 1. LINE, LINE-IN, or POTS -- This is where the phone line comes IN to the pots splitter. (POTS stands for Plain Old Telephone Service... I didn't name this shit, don't blame me). 2. PHONE -- This is where the voice channel is split out to. duh. 3. MODEM, DSL -- The mowdun is plugged in through this port. Everything but DSL signals is filtered through this port. No voice. / / | (1337 ASCii) | your mom's ___________ | [pots filter] [Telco]----telephone line---|-[demarc]-----[ LINE ] | [ PHONE ]--[ph4cks masheen] [ MOWDUN ]----[DSL mowdun] [___________] The POTS splitter has it's advantages because it can be installed at the Demarc and doesn't require any extra ugly filters to hang out of your wall jacks. There's also the aforementioned potential for interference with the inline filters. Probably for the beige box, the inline filter would be ideal and very simple to modify for beiging use while a POTS filter would be alot more trouble to splice in properly. Plug your BB into the filter and then splice the filter onto the pair upon which the DSL service resides. Your beige box will still work with out the in-line filter, but it will be harder to successfully social engineer your targets, especially operators with all that line noise. But remember kids, beiging on private phone lines without prior permission is against the law, and soon reading this article will also be against the law. So be careful, and remember, only YOU can prevent forest fires. `~12/23/02~` Sh0uts to the whole HC crew: cyb0rg_asm, The Clone, Question, h410g3n, wildman and WarVamp !/!/! [http://www.hackcanada.com/] Support local 'zines before free speech disappears. -2600 magazine -- available at any non-corporate bookstore or magazine shop -k-1ine -- available at www.nettwerked.net -Steal This Computer -- http://www.stealthiscomputer.org/ --- hahah magm Is FOOL i'm a fool? you can't even type haha Fun things to do with DSL in a local Bell monopoly Notice : I'm not responsible for anything stupid you do with this Well first off we all know that Bell sucks and because they were forced to upon up their lines to other companies they screwed up even more than they would have. Basically how everything works: Your phone line is hooked into a DSL slam providing you dsl access. Depending on the type of service you have (1.0, 1.2 , 1.5 , 3.0 , 3.5) this is where the cap is place (remember this its important later). Now when you want to connect to DSL you have to run PPPoE and stick in your user name and password so that it knows which ISP to route your connection to. What this means is that if you have a 3mb line from some cheap company which gives you very little bandwidth and you have a friend who has a cheap 1.2 line with some one who has unlimited bandwidth (Primus) you can get unlimited bandwidth on your 3mb line by using their user name and password - in most cases. When you connect authentication is handled by looking at the @ sign in your user name and forwarding you to the owner of that networks radius authentication server. Each radius authentication server handles you differently; Bell will allow three simultaneous connec- tions under the same account, Primus 3 to 4, Trytel 1 to 2 (if you know about other ones I'll add them). Some more interesting stuff can be accomplished with linux by taking the user names and pass- words of all of your friends on different networks and connecting to multiple networks; set the default gw to whoever has the cheapest bandwidth; and add static routes so that anything directly connected on the networks that your connected to will go through their connection (very good for P2P and other stuff). I'm thinking of writing a perl script which will take a look at your connections and try connecting through each network and determining the fastest way (normally you could use routing information but its highly unlikely you can convince them to send you routing updates - even if you could it would probably tip them off). --- CYB Canada Copernicus cyberarmy@pigscanfly.ca Subject line : Copernicus ----- SignOff rt: #hackcanada (Quit: .) I think rt must hate me. no rt loves all even the bad guys even me then? that's right little terrorist, even you I'm only 16! I can't be a terrorist! clsthack.txt For Stealthiscomputer.org __________________ Closet Hacking 101____________ phlux - fraud@verizonnmail.com ___ ," ", ; ; ': :' :.: :.: ........, Contents: ........: What is closet hacking? Why become a closet hacker? Closet Setups Closing ......................., What is closet hacking?: .......................: Closet hacking is the act of personal computing within a closet. A terminal can be fit inside a closet, be it just the monitor(s) and keyboard(s),or the entire setup with subwoofer and all,closet hacking should appeal to some people. Here are some reasons why: -Stealth/Security , if you are evading someone, chances are they won't look in the closet. In a raid, when you hear "ROOM CLEAR" wait until no one is in the room and book out the window hoping the place isn't surrounded, or that you can escape it by running like hell. -Closets hot box perfectly.(black lighting should be installed) -In some cases, there is room for multiple hackers, or systems. (rack mounting on the overhead shelf if applicable) -Fun. It is like the clubhouse you never had. -Good for local multiplayer gaming, ensures no cheating. The purpose of closet hacking is to create an enjoyable, and in some cases, an effecient computing experience. For me it's the way my sub rumbles the closet walls, and the inability to see my monitor though the smoke that makes closet hacking so appealing. ..........................., Why become a closet hacker?: ...........................: If the above section leaves you still asking this question then piss up a rope. Fuckin clausi. ............., Closet Setups: .............: My closet is portable, basically its a big wooden box: __________________ / / | /________________/ | | _________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | o| | | | | | | | | | | | / |__|_________|____|/ So with the front wall/door removed, it looks something like this (kinda): ________________________________________ | \__________________________________/ | -that pipe that you hang your | X X | clothes on. I have a rope light | | wrapped around it to keep | o..00*~o | things warm. No CPU temp problems. | -fuCkeDCc. . *TOKE* | | "cc@fr0 0 , *TOKE* _________ | | o@o@ > . | || X is the speakers strung | x0o / , |(display)|| from the pipe. | 'x __<====o~` *TAP* |www.world|| | \ _/ ___________ *TAP* |sex.com || | | / /|\ |_________|| | | / ==========/_______\ | ========= is the keyboard being | |/ | || heldup der the monitors | | | || weight. | | | || | | ______ | || | | / \ | || | ______^__ \ |Fulltower|| |(_CUSHION_) \ |Case || ||Little |*BOOM* \_____foot | || ||subwoofer|*SHAKKA*|||||)rest| || Wiring comes out here, between ||_(chair)_|*LAKKA*___________|_________|| / the doorjam. +--- This set up allows me extended comfort for long term use, and use of multiple monitors. I spent New Years eve/day in my closet, only problem was my monitor lost alance atop my case and fell as I was exiting. In this scenario, this was the only time my old school logitech wireless keyboard shined! It's not bulky like the new ones with Internet keys and shit, so it worked good. The only thing I didn't like is the monitor being so close to my eyes as my closet is rather small. Luckily it has a zoom-out function; LCD/laptop monitor use would be optimal. There was still room for various paraphernalia, and a telephone. In a really small closet, the CPU could be outside the closet concealed. Wireless tech could be used for networking. A low-cost fix would be to use infrared. Transmitters and reciever plans are readily available on the net. For most effecient use, you should completely clear out your closet, and experiment with different set ups and seeing what works best for you. Some things to keep in mind: excessive heat - you may want to outfit your computer with an airflow package with air filters. If you have a nice hot box going and don't want to break it, you should stock bottled beverages. NOTE: beer bottles make poor urinals. They don't hold as much as you may think they do. Learn from your mistakes while perfecting closet hacking skill. Black lighting in the enclosed space is highly effective for closet set ups. ......., Closing: .......: Well I could go on giving more ideas, but half the fun is doing things your own way as you go. Personaly I would like to rig up an LED alarms/control panel. Now I am completely agoraphobic, so being in my closet with the computer and everything I need makes it all seem really secure. There is less distractions and it is easy to hide from friends and family. If you do a closet hacking setup, be sure and take a picture of it to motivate friends to join in on the fun of hermetics (also e-mail it to me!) Ring rings and bling blings to LATAs 888&999 --- :P That tongue of yours must raise the spirits of lonely teenage boys all across this server :x touche PhluXs Wake Up Juice *cough*OLDSCHOOL*cough* By PhluX see updates. "JOE! lets make some wake up juice" Okay first off, this isn't a joke txt like that buffer overflow exploit if you cook cup 'o noodles in the microwave for 5 min or something. If you're too cheap for jolt, and hate coffee, here's some stuff that keeps you up, tastes good, and gives you a cool buzz the first few times unless you ingest large amounts of caffeine and sugar often. Even then you can make 2 mugs, put milk in and slug them back fast for a cool buzz. First off acquire a larger than normal sized mug, and get the following ingredients: Sugar: Fill the mug so it's about a quarter full of sugar, maybe a little less or a little more depending on how you like it. Instant Coffee: The stuff I got is a little strong, but a non-heaping table spoon (the normal sized guys - not the big ones). If you like the taste of coffee, put more in; if you don't, the other stuff covers up most the taste leaving you with much needed caffeine. Chocolate milk: I like the stuff with little marshmellows in it. I put 3-4 heaping table spoons of this stuff in. Mmm cocoa.. this shit has caffeine too.. not much though. Cinnamon: (Optional) put 1-2 pinches in, otherwise it's too much, and real cinnamon is powder and doesn't dissolve. It's not fun to chew powdered cinnamon. Or if you have cinnamon spread, this stuff works great because it dissolves and is sweet. Milk: Just a quarter of a cup to cool it down, but you MUST put it in after, cuz you need it hot to dissolve the other stuff. Irish Cream coffee whitener: this is essential. It adds that weird cool flavor, not so much Irish cream like when mixed with everything else, but it's not the same without it. I think I put either one or two heaping table spoons in, try one to start.Okay so with all the powder stuff, you got half a mug of powder, mix it up while the water is boiling. It should be a light brown in color with specks of instant coffee. Put the hot water in, not too much 'cause we need to add a bit of milk to cool it down. Ok so all the stuff is mixed, put the milk in and let the mixture cool for a bit. Then slam it back, if you drink it slowly like your at a tea party or some shit or it doesn't give you the nifty buzz. This stuff gives me energy for quake, and keeps me up for a few hours. When it wears off you get tired fast!The first few times you make this stuff, it tends to give you a stomach ache. That's ok you get used to it. There you go; a poor man's Jolt Cola. I'll update this article when i make 4 mugs and slam them all back in under 5 minutes.. i'd prolly ralph but do it and find out for yourself. Oh yeah, seriously this stuff tastes good so don't bash it 'til you tried it. *UPDATES* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This is phlux's reciepe for Magickal Black Elixer (aka GO GO Gadget Go Juice) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Conjure a whiskey flask, and the following:-Kahlua/SilentSam Vodka (so everything dilutes nicely) -Powdered Iced Tea (for sugar and taste!) -Instant Coffee -Wake-Ups -Water -Controlled gag reflexes Mix 50% Kahlua(or 25% Kahlua and 25% Vodka) with 50% water Add 33% Iced tea, 33% instant coffee, and 33% powdered Wake-Ups (caffeine pills). Shake before consuming, vent the gas caused by chemical reaction in between shakings. You WILL feel a buzz after one swig. NOTES: The gel- atin in the Iced Tea reacts with some chemicals or something, because when you get to the bottom you get a fairly large solid chunk of gelatin to chew on. --- if david tucker wants to be a fucker, i will fuck him up. *phlux in regards to the (C)opyrighting of the unofficial Virtual Boy Programmers manual* ************************************************ ***********Ward Drivx0ring in the G-hett0.****** ************************************************ _______ | |_____ "bustacapinyoass!!" | by m0f0 |_____ |___________________| shiz0uts to GenderBender for dixcovering wireless netwh0rkin, and leading the industry in Anti-anti-virus software. Yoyoyoyoyoyoy. So, whazzup homez. I wuz lookin' ta reelees this artikul in the last ishoo of ch1x0rz1ne, but afta rytin' it all up, I couldn't figger out howta fax it to the innah-net. Werd. So, here she iz. Innahdukshun ta wardrivin ---> Werd ho. so, evra one knows how ta wardial. Ya hooks a device called a "mowdun" (whish be standin' fo' "mow-dalawn dun-dalawn" ...fuckin "engineers", those kizatts dunno nuthin.) up ta yer computer an it diZials all these leet pho#'s. dis wun time i wardial'd the whole 1-976 aria code. it was k-r3d. ennyh0e, whatevah you lerned about wardiallin, you sh00d forget. Ahz gots the g00dz on w4rdrivin. 1sT 0ff, yous gots ta have a car, or atle4s7 a buspass. the buspass is fo' ridin' the biZZuss. The bus letZYou go to da sto' an buy some grosheri3z, vi5it yo mama, vizi7 mah mama, or G0 WARDRIVN!... Whatch00 g0nna need ---> You says: "But m0f0, I 4in't gots no computah! How thafuck, amma sposed to do dis sh333AT??". WTF j00 talkin 'bout b333zatch. th3 0nly thing j00 needs a computa fo' is da innahnet an' pr0n. see, peepz seem to think ya need all dis fancy, expensuv why-ar-liss an cordliss sheeat to find netwh0rks. nah, h0mes. Getch4 self whuts calld a SEEBEE radeo. j00 can get wunna these inna truck, at j3r uncle's cr1b, mebbe even at da st0re...but 0nly suckas go to da st0re beeeatch! Proseedjer fo' wardrivin--> so ya gets into da car ya just jackd... I me4n, b0ught... (r1ght 5ive-0H?) anyway, ya turn the SEEBEE radi0 switch from "OFF" ta "ON". ah red dis in a f1le wunce sumw4re. d0n be forgettin' it. IT'S IMPOh-TENT! now ya drives... drive like a sunnofabitch... j00'll notice k-r4d squeels c0min outta da SEEBEE. deez n0iz's ar cozzed by the difrent nowires netwh0rks j00r passin' by. whatcha needs to do is drive around an ar0und til j00 hears a squeal, then you drives FAST in the direkshin j00 was facin when you heard it. The noiz mite get l0uder, if it duz, go faster, it shood get lowder. Dis meens j00r gettin' close to the network.... jus K33P DR1VIN! Wen s0me0ne gets to da netwh0rk befo' gettin bust'd by the 5-0h fo sp33din', dey sh00d lemme kn0w an ah'll add it to dis file. in da meent1me j00 sh00d try i7. st0rie ---> n0w dis wun time some mothafucker on irc wuz sayin how the squealz was caused by intafeerens causd by tha cars altanator. ah punt3d hiz ass 0ffa aol. evrywun kn0s dat da altanator is fo' altanatin from g0in' to st0ppin. tha 0nly thing in mah car cozzin innahfeerens would be a rade0, but ah aint gots no rade0 f00! PHUCK H1M! UPDATE: 12/17/02 Dis k-r4d cat on msn done tol' me dis wy-are-liss tip: VVarden: you know aobut pringles right? m0f0: no m0f0: what? VVarden: add the pringles can to end of your wirdlez and you can craxz into networkz..find the url 4 ju No lyin', ah tried it mahself an' itz g0ld, y0 'Tha End. --- btw people k-1ine 35 won't be out till late tomorrow... around 8pm my timeish.... phlux has shit he wants to finish up for me that's kewl. it's funny that the only way I could have found that out is by being on toronto's 2600 IRC server at 2:30 AM -- Credits Without the following contributions, this zine issue would be fairly delayed or not released. So thank you to the following people: Azriel J. Knight, Colt45, Copernicus, Cyb0rg/asm, m0f0, Phlux, The Clone, and Wizbone -- Shouts: CYB0RG/ASM, Wildman, H410g3n, warVamp, The Question, plappy, Phlux, rt, Magma, Hack Canada, The Grasshopper Unit, Flippersmack, soapie, Breanne, Flopik, dec0de, caesium, oz0n3, Kris, to2600.org, and lastly to everyone and anyone who contributes to the Canadian H/P scene. ;. .;.. ; ;. ;.. ;.. .;..; .;.; .;; ;.. .;..;. .;..; .;.;...; ;..;.. .;. A .;. .;. ;.. N E T T W E R K E D ;.. ;..;.. P R O D U C T ;..;.. .;..; ;..;.. ; .;..;.;.. .; . .;. ..;.. .;.. . .; ..;..;..;.. .; ;..;. .;.. . .;.. .;.;. ..;. ..;.. .;. ;.;..;;..;.; ;.;;..;.. ;.;.; .; . ;.;..;. .;. ;.;:.;. ,;....;. .;.;. .;.; .;.;.; .;.; ;..;. .;.;;.; .;. ..; ;. > > > .................>>>>>>> You know nothing(s)! 5 days till mitnick is on the internet wow... he'll probably sign up for a hotmail account and click all the "click here to speed up your internet" banners hehe