__ _____ __ ___ _ ______ __ _ _ __ ___ / _ __ ____ _ ( ) ___)\ /______ ______ _________ \ / ___ _____ ___)\ ___ __. _____ | /_ \ | /_ / | ___\ | (/ || // _ | | _ __ __ _ _ _\\ | | _______ |:(/ ( ) | | ( ) ) \/_ \ /( )\ ( ) \\| | /_ ____ ||\\ | | | | | | ) ) / ___) \\ | //__ || \\ | | | | | | | | \ (___ __ _ \) | // || \\_ __| |__| |__| | | |_ \_______ __ | |// ____ __/ | \___ ____ _ _ _ _ _ __ ______) | (/ / __ __ )/ \ \| | / / \ \ (\_____/ /___ _ ___ _ ____ \ ) \____ _____ __ __ War is Terrorism _ _ ( 34 ) | | c/a 12.2002. _____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Words from the Editor -. � | *: [-] Introduction .......................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Contact Information ................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Nettwerked Discussion Board ........................... Nettwerked :* *: (-) Link of the Month ..................................... The Clone :* *: (-) K-1ine Mirrors ........................................ The Clone :* *: (?) Coming Soon ........................................... Nettwerked :* ____________________________________________________________________________ � .- K-1ine News; When It Happens, Where It Happens -. � | *: (+) New paper / e-zine: Steal This Computer ............... STC Crew :* *: (+) FLEX Technology Research Page - Retired ............... The Clone :* ____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Documents -. � | *: (x) 'Canadian University Dialup List (Updated)' ............ The Clone :* *: (x) 'Cyberpunk Video Game Review (ShadowRun!)' ............. Phlux :* *: (x) 'pussy(ain't always snatch)' ........................... Phlux :* *: (x) 'Wetware Virtual Boy Hacking' .......................... Phlux / TC :* ____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Conclusion -. � | *: [-] Credits ............................................... The Clone :* *: [-] Shouts ................................................ The Clone :* _____________________________________________________________________________ Introduction - Ho ho ho, it's that time again; time for another K-1ine issue for the masses. We have some kick ass articles for you this month; mostly written by good 'ol Phlux. K-1ine issue #34 promises to intrigue, confuse, and downright piss you off. So sit back, roll yourself some phat joint, and read K-1ine #34 before I magickally lose this issue like I did, issue #1, so many years ago. Wh00p@!#@!> (Musical inspiration for this issue >>>>> "Fluffy Little Clouds" by Orb.) --> Contact Information; Comments/Questions/Submissions: theclone@hackcanada.com Check out my site: (Nettwerked) http://www.nettwerked.net - Nettwerked Discussion Board; "Fuck the system? Nah, you might catch something..." POST YOUR NEWS, AND POST YOUR THOUGHTS FREELY ON: www.nettwerked.net/PHPBB --> --=[ LINK OF THE MONTH ]=-- Every month I post one really great "link of the month" on every issue of K-1ine magazine. The link can be anything in the technology industry, music scene, rave scene, punk scene, or even a good article you read on a news site. I'll be taking submissions via e-mail or IRC right away; so get your links in and maybe you'll see it in the next issue of K-1ine! For the month of December, the link of the month is: http://project.cyberpunk.ru/ 'The Cyberpunk Project' -- "A cyberspace well of files, related to those aspects of being, formed by modern life and culture." [submitted by: The Clone] -- K-1ine Mirrors: http://www.mirrors.wiretapped.net/security/info/textfiles/k1ine/ (Now mirrored in two places, one in Belgium and another in Sydney) "Wiretapped.net is an archive of open source software, informational textfiles and radio/conference broadcasts covering the areas of network and information security, network operations, host integrity, cryptography and privacy, among others. We believe we are now the largest archive of this type of software & information, hosting in excess of 20 gigabytes of information mirrored from around the world." -- http://www.hackcanada.com/canadian/zines/index.html#K-1ine Hack Canada - Canadian H/P - E-Zines -- *** NEW ARCHIVE !!! *** http://www.stealthiscomputer.org/k-1ine.html Steal This Computer - K-1ine Archive -- COMING SOON: There are two new web-pages that our adoring audience should look forward to in the near future for Nettwerked.net; "The Anti-Tempest Computer Project" --> tempest.nettwerked.net "The Virtual Boy Project Page" --> virtualboy.nettwerked.net Look for these sites to be online by late 2002 to early 2003! --- If I was a teenage teeniebopper, I'd have trillian posters all over my wall and I'd kiss pictures of trillian in teen magazine every night before I went to sleep --- --==================================================================-- ^xXXX**^Xx^**x^x*X**^xXx^*x^xxxxxxxx^***^XXXXXXXX^**X**^xXXXXXXX^****^ xXXXX**xXx*XxXXxx**xXxXX******XxXXx**x*xXXXXXx*xXXX*X**XXXx*********** XXXXXxxXX**x**X**x***xxx*xXXX*XXxX*****xXXxXX*x*xXXX*x*XXx**xXXx**xxX* XXXXXxxx***xXXXXxx*x*XXX*XXXx*XXXX*Xx*XXXXXXX*x**xXXX**XX**x**XX*xXXXX XXXXXxXXx*CxxXXXXX***xxx***XO*XxXX*x*MXXXxXXX*xXBXXXX**XX*****xO*xXXXX XXXXX***XX****xX****xXXXx*x***XXXX*Xx*XXXXXXX**X**XXX**xxX**x*****xxXX XXXXX*X**xXX*****XXXXXXxXxxx**XXXX****xXXXXXx*x***xXXXXxXXXXXXXXXxXXXX XXXXX*X*X**XX**Xx****x******xxXXXxX*x***x**x***x*******xxXxXxxxx**XXXX XXXXx*x*X**xxXxx*X**xxXxx**XXXXxxXXXXXXXx**xXx**XxXXXxXv*XXxX*****xXXX X********************************************************************X # \ / # # \ / # # SP\IN/AL ## ## \/ ## ## /\ ## ## ______ / \ ______ ## ### #####__ /KING\ __##### ### ### ########__ / \ __######## ### #### ##########___ ___########## #### #### #############__ __############# #### ###### ############## ############## ##### ####### *##########* *##########* ###### ####### ####### ######## __ __ ####### ######### ### ### ####### ######### .### ###. ####### ######### #### #### ###### ######## #### #### /##### #######\ \### ###/ /###### ########\ /####### #########\ /######## ##########\ /######### ###########\______ ____/########## ##################\ /############### ###################\ /################ ####################\ /################# #####################\ /################## ###################### ################### ###################### _ _ _ _ _ ################### ##Issue34############# # # # # # ################### ###################### K # 1 # n # e # . # . ################### ####Volume16########## K # 1 # n # e # . # . ################### ###################### K # 1 # n # e # . # . ################### ###################### K # 1 # n # e # . # . ################### ###################### K # 1 # n # e # . # . ################### ###################### K # 1 # n # e # . # . ################### ###################### K # 1 # n # e # . # . ################### ###################### K # 1 # n # e # . # . ################### ###################### K # 1 # n # e # . # . ################### ######################____#____#____#____#____#____################### ###################################################################### ############################Z####I####N####E####################phlux# -- heh it seems everytime I have that in my clipboard I always end up pasting it to someone lol you had 'want a bigger penis' in your clipboard? -- [[[ K-1ine News; When It Happens, Where It Happens ]]] * New paper / e-zine: Steal This Computer -- A Brand New Paper / E-zine is in the works, and we plan on making this happen, but we need YOUR help! This magazine is looking for ideas, thoughts, and inspiration. Continuing where Abbie Hoffman left off; WWW.STEALTHISCOMPUTER.ORG Discuss it on the official Steal This Computer Board: http://www.nettwerked.net/PHPBB/viewforum.php?f=19 -- * FLEX Technology Research Page - Retired -- NOTICE TO VISITORS: THE FLEX TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH PAGE IS NO LONGER BEING UPDATED. WITH THE ADVENT OF MOBILE PHONE TECHNOLOGY, PAGER SYSTEMS ARE SLOWLY BEING TAKEN DOWN FOR MORE COST EFFECTIVE CELL NETWORKS. THEREFORE, MY RESEARCH ON IT IS DONE. BUT HAVE NO FEAR, I PLAN TO KEEP THIS PAGE HERE FOR A VERY LONG TIME. :) - The Clone (Sun Dec 8, 2002) http://www.nettwerked.net/FLEX_Technologies.html -->> <-- Canadian University Dialup List Updated on: 12/13/02 By: The Clone E-mail: theclone@hackcanada.com URL: http://www.nettwerked.net Comments: Originally Posted on Phrack Magazine Volume Five, Issue Forty-Six, File 13 of 28 --> -= Alberta; University of Alberta (Edmonton) - 780-492-3110 - 780-492-3214 www.ualberta.ca -= British Columbia; Simon Fraser University (Vancouver) - 604-291-9514 [Premium Modem] University of British Columbia (Vancouver) - 604-822-1331 [Interchange Account] - 604-822-4477 [Netinfo Account] www.ubc.ca -= Manitoba; University of Manitoba (Winnipeg) - 204-275-6132 - 204-275-7771 www.umanitoba.ca -= Newfoundland; Memorial University of Newfoundland (St.John's) - 709-737-8302 www.mun.ca -= Nova Scotia; Dalhousie University (Halifax) - 902-494-2500 - 902-494-8000 www.dal.ca Saint Mary's University (Halifax) - 902-429-8270 www.stmarys.ca -= Ontario; Brock University (St.Catharines) - 905-688-4321 www.brocku.ca Carleton University (Carleton) - 613-520-1000 www.carleton.ca McMaster University (Hamilton) - 905-570-1889 www.mcmaster.ca Trent University (Peterborough) - 705-741-3350 - 705-741-3351 - 705-741-4637 www.trentu.ca University of Ottawa/Universit� d'Ottawa (Ottawa) - 613-564-3225 www.uottawa.ca University of Waterloo (Waterloo) - 519-725-5100 www.uwaterloo.ca University of Western Ontario (London) - 519-661-3513 www.uwo.ca -= Saskatchewan; University of Regina (Regina) - 306-586-5550 www.uregina.ca -= Qu�bec Concordia University/Universit� Concordia (Montr�al) - 514-848-4585 - 514-848-8800 www.concordia.ca Laval University/Universit� Laval (Qu�bec) - 418-656-7700 - 418-656-3131 www.ulaval.ca McGill University/Universit� McGill (Montr�al) - 514-398-8211 www.mcgill.ca University of Montr�al/Universit� de Montr�al (Montr�al) - 514-343-2411 www.umontreal.ca University of Quebec/Universit� du Qu�bec (Qu�bec) - 514-285-6401 www.uquebec.ca -= - END - --- : "Hi, I'd like two tickets to Exodus's house please, we are going to go kill him. : oh Exodus, he sure is a lame fucker isn't he? : yes ma'am. : make sure you fuck his pregnant girlfriend. Oh yeah, then we are going to perform an abortion on her with a weed wacker. Have a nice flight. --- Cyberpunk Video Game Review (ShadowRun!) by phlux for www.Nettwerked.net According to Tony Van(the producer/designer of Shadowrun); "Sega sub-licenced the Shadowrun IP from Data East. Due to a number of factors, the Genesis version was completely different from Data East's SNES version." This review is for the Genesis version only.(my friend says its better) Genesis version release date: Nov, 1, 1993 by DATAEAST ___________________________________________________________________________ Back of box description: "The year is 2050 and the megacorps rule by the power of information. Everyone is on file in the global main-frame... everyone but you and a handful of 'invisible' outlaws called ShadowRunners. Move through the grim and magical realities of futuristic Seattle and uncover a diabolical plot that could destroy the world. -Team up with spell casting mages, wire-headed deckers, or mythic orcs and trolls of the distant past. -Take on a variety of ShadowRuns including: Cleaning up the streets, jacking into the Matrix for a big tiem cyber-heist, or pulling off a risky 'Corporate Extraction'. -Stalk cities in real time combat and glide through the virtual battlefield of the Matrix, where an encounter with Black ICE may be your last!" (see shadow.jpg and shadowback.jpg for a scan of the box art &screenshots) __________________________________________________________________________ This game is ALOT better then i thought it could be! It is based largely from the book Neuromancer. It is a pretty complicated RPG, and as such, it is easy to get into tight spots if you don't think things through. It has taken alot of my time, and i still ended up using the cheat codes! When you start the game you must choose from a Mage, Samurai, or a decker. Magic is useless, because the real money is in the matrix, and you will be wasting yen in the short and long run with magic when you need to be buying wares. Magic will only help in the longterm. So choose; -Samurai for easy difficulty.(start with hand razors, get datajack later.) -Decker will be easier(and more fun) in the midgame. -Mage is easier for the end game. Keep in mind you can hire upto 2 runners to join you. ___________________________________________________________________________ In between doing runs for Mr Johnsons(usually playing mule, intercepting packages, or escorting) you really don't make any credits. Yet you will get fucked up by the authorities.(put karma points in reputation/charisma and negotiation skills early in the game) Combine things like the NEED for good weapons, armor, wares, which is really expensive. The money system is kind of fucked up. You will get rolled trying to walk the streets, so keep your prioritied straight! It is easy to waste nuyen(credits). So when a Lonestar(5-0) catches you with an illegal gun, it will be confiscated. So you need a duster(light armor) to conceal it. You might be able to pay off the 5-0, or even fight them off. Or if you have the right contacts and creds, you might be able to get a doctored permit. :) It is very difficult, even before you get to jack into cyberspace, but well worth playing if you have the time, or use the cheat codes. The game is built around a poor story, but the interesting gameplay makes up for this and the old school graphics. I know it is like 10 years old, but some of the repition can get annoying. However, usually just when you think you have memorized all the preprogrammed responses something cool happens. ___________________________________________________________________________ The vast amount of variables involved in staying alive, and making money is what makes this game fun. Where graphics cannot set the proper tone for a situation, words do. So it is pretty easy to get into this game... if you can find a way of making credits! >From One gang, i was able to buy affiliation for 1000 yen, after paying 750 just to see the boss. Then he wanted 500 to skool me on getting free taxi rides. He social engineered me and laughed. It seems when this gang does not get free taxi rides, the cabbie will not have a car in the morning. :) There is always loopholes, new contacts(making friends is expensive), and different ways of making money. One Johnson wanted me to do a shadowrun on this gang(he did not appreciate their graffitti), so i ended up shooting them in their turf for 380 Yen. Then i hired some people to join my possee, took everything from their inventory, and dismissed them, just to hawk their shit. (then i needed them later, and had to buy them guns to stay alive) To get anywhere, you need to get into cyberspace... __________ Cyberspace Shadowruns involving hacking the in the matrix are by far the coolest, and seem to make the most money. If you want to be a thug, you need a possee(and supplies to take care of them), big guns, armor, cybernetics, contacts, a good reputation, all which costs $$. If you put all your efforts into getting a datajack, deck, wares, in the mid game you should be allright, but... Then you need to worry about your deck, memory, storage, etc. With the money cheat, my deck was FILLED with the best offensive/defensive programs that i couldn't download the prisons hardware permits, security audits/procedure, or anything! "No Storage!" (i did however turn off the node that controls the cameras, and disable the alarms) I randomly hacked some bank account numbers, and this warez kiddy wouldn't give me shit for them! Yet he paid for some log files... The incoherencey is what makes this game fun to play. The cyberspace interface is very well done, the graphics are trippy, almost hypnotizing. When you hack some Black ICE and crash some systems, it feels pretty good. Erasing files is cool too. Or breaking into the police department, and jacking their ICE from the inside out, quite a bout. I never completed the game, it gets either too boring or complex. Im sure theres lots of shit i have yet to see. Find this game if you think you are a cyberpunk! ________ The Good LOTS of cool little things to get to keep you interested. -In Little Chiba if your taking the decker path, there's cool cyberware (hand razors, etc) -If you go thug, theres alot of cool guns and bombs, lots of shit to stir. -Lots of software that makes the cyberspace cool to fuck with for abit. -Always new people to talk to, places to go, and credits to make. The map is pretty big, i have yet to explore it all. -Battery backup with 2 save game slots! -CHEAT CODE! Hit ABBACAB when the ShadowRun title rolls across the screen. _______ The BAD -Kind of old school.(good or bad depending on your attention span) -The music/sound FX can get real annoying. -Trying to play legit is either near impossible, or will leave sores on your ass. -Multiplayer would have been cool. ___________________________________________________________________________ Very good game for its time! Go rent it now. --- hows school been treating yah decode? good how about you? what are you up to? umm ahh .. masturbating alot professionally? --- pussy(ain't always snatch) as told by phlux. dreamin' about pussy ...subconscious hacking still dreamin about that pussy my conscious mind lacking. still lookin' at the porn... i been cleaner then a nuns cunt ...ever since i was born! yo lets smoke a blunt. brain candy! now lets hack it up vision sandy yo.. uhhh, sup?? so now i digress and pussy is just a mess just wanna hack the press so i need the propogranda less i ph33r the mind control sex can make you worse than the hoe hey i took my toll now phlux just gonna lay low... but if i get the chance, ill rape that po' maybe even the 5-0. mentally unstable just a fable going to rape Mabelle... with a fuckin phone cable! wetware hacking code's that need racking paint packing? brain graffitti! fuck the needy. they just greedy so this is phluxs mail he ain't going to get distracted not even by some fuckin' tail.. ..mental note enacted! and fuck words! linguistics to be extracted their only as good as you can tell em love comes in fuckin' herds now pay attention to thy brain chem ...or self condemn. bro's before hoe's then a nigga ain't got no foes but niggas can't pose they always got some woes. shit talk walk the walk fuck em all brutha gotta stand tall nearing the end of my freestyle point is, give phlux a while give 'em a smile cuz that nigga ain't in denile. damn this jigga only took like 30 minutes uhm yeah i just feel bad because ive been fiending my info-maniac-ness. no i haven't gone wigga, for me.. mocking sanity allows me to extrapolate the insanity. (and no im not a gay man!) But don't feel sorry for me just cuz im a fuckin hermit, and i don't 'get any', or because i have the shittiest net connection, or because my room is in a quarantine. yeah that shit holds me back, but... im just sorry were not hacking the planet!@*( So im going to set a goal; im going to focus on nothing but my little wetware hacking text(which is also a good excuse to let mepull my pud, cuz everything comes down to the wetware hacking!;) Regardless, once i get some of that shit out of my system, its going to be time to get stupid!! ooka pow ninja now I got enough shit and friends to worry about, so i don't need anymore than the projects and friends i have now! and remember... phlux loves you!^&*@( and don't ever think otherwise. otherwise he might go poser on your ass EOF --- I AM 14F. YOU WANT CYBER? I AM BLONDE, VERY TIGT PUSIE I AM SO HARD FROM YOU --- theclone#############################################################phlux ########################################################################## #######################. .## ##########################. .###### ############################. .######## #############################. .########### #############################. ############# .#############################. .############## ############################## .################ .#############################. .################# ############################# ################### ############################. #################### ..#########################. ##################### .######################## .##################### ...############.... #####################. .####################. ####################. ################### .. .##################. . .########.. #################. ..####. ############ ###############. ######### .############. ############## .########### #VBhack3D.txt. ###########. ############## .#############. .########. ################ ############. ####.. ################# ..########. .################## .... #################### ##################### ###################### #####################. ....######.. ##################### .#######################. ####################. ##########################. ###################. ############################ ################## #############################. ################.. .############################## ################ .##############################. ##############. .############################## ############. ############################## ##########. ############################# ########. ############################ #####. #########################. ###. ###################### ########################################################################## theclone@hackcanada.com##############################fraud@verizonmail.com ______________________________________________________________________________ "Intelligence is nothing if not an institutionalized black market in perishable commodities" -(John le Carr�) ______________________________________________________________________________ Virtual=Third Dimension Hacking. Introduction: When the word 'hack' enters most anyones mind, the first thing they will liken it too is something of a digital nature. For me, when I hack, I am trying to exhaust all variables my problem solving skills allows, while they are in constant assessment with my rationale. It doesn't take long before I find myself holding my bladder until I can can relieve myself while my computer is left with a big CPU slice to hack away at. Then before I know it, the gut rot is back. Too much coffee? Not enough food? Indigestion? Or maybe I just need a smoke. (nicotine does aid digestion :) Soon I would make large feasts so i could skip snacking during times of intense hacking. Then I learned that much of the nutrients in large meals is wasted because they are digested too quickly, and small snacks are *much* more efficient. This is an example of simple wetware hack, if you will. I also learned to counteract the gut rot of caffiene and hunger with water. This may seem logical to anyone, but trying to make it stick was difficult! Frequent urination, each time refilling the water bottle. However this seemingly waste of time was very much worth the benefits hydration has to offer, learned from experience. Most people are under hydrated, keep a water bottle with you at *all* times and you will see a difference! Since drinking more water now than I used to coffee, I have even more energy. All of the above is an example of wetware hacking because I had to program myself, and my body. Another very interesting example of wetware hacking is that of urine therapy; the process of drinking ones own urine for health benefits. At first I thought this was just WRONG, but we have been conditioned to believe this. I would gladly insert a catheter into my urethra if it meant I could remain uninterrupted in the 3D that the Virtual Boy has to offer alongside this text. I could also insert the catheter right up into the bladder for real-time drainage into a vessel for consumption, if it meant I could stay inebriated by the possibilities of the cyberspace. As of yet, neither me nor The Clone has practised urine therapy (that I know of anyways) although someone said it tastes like beer. Practise on cold instant coffee, which tastes like kahlua! I have very much learned to control my gag reflex as cold coffee ferments into something very nasty very quickly. I find comfort in knowing I can hork a stomach full of caffiene at will without a finger down the throat. Mind over matter is what wetware hacking is all about, and digital hackers have an advantage, because cyberspace can be a loophole. Think this introduction is crazy? Us too! Now wait, what if there was one catheter in the bladder terminating into the vessell, and then the contents are routed through and out of the gateway via a second catheter which leads down your throat! Is that not a viable loophole?!? ______________________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: Wetware hacking can be hazardous to your health! That is why the foremost aspect should be accurate information! Google has a Web Directory for Urine Therapy. (Health>Alternative>Urine Therapy) Please check it out before you do anything silly. Always cross reference! ______________________________________________________________________________ In this document we use some neat-o buzzwords whereby the semantics are that of the oversimplified dictionary.com definitions, which will be pasted in. Some of these words may be psychological, spiritual, or paranormal in nature. Please do not let them defract from your enjoyment of this text. ______________________________________________________________________________ "If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything" - Emmit Brown((Doc) Back To The Future!) ________________________________________________________ #Who? The Clone (partner in crime!), phlux(instigator) #What? Hacking the Nintendo Virtual Boy for the benefit of all cyberpunks!@# #When? ETA UNKNOWN #Where? www.hackcanada.com\.Check here for newest version www.nettwerked.net/'of this text file and others like it! www.planetvb.com Great site, lots of information, and ROMs! www.emuunlim.com/VirtualE the BEST Virtual Boy Hacking site on the net! http://dana.ucc.nau.edu/~dbt/VBMain.html Another great Hacking site mad props to the above webmasters! _____ #Why? The motive is infite, while the Virtual Boys mono-red display seems limiting, it offers many possibilities. Read the intro and hardware overview from the VB Programmers Document: http://dana.ucc.nau.edu/~dbt/VBProg.html (also mirrored@nettwerked.net) One reason David Tucker fails to mention as to why the VB was a flop; It was way ahead of the time, hence the price, and the unimpressive games. The game that BEST makes usage of the 3D is Red Alarm, which I was able to conquer in under 5 hours, straight up, no breaks. The "Automatic Pause" option turned on by default scared people too, along with warnings for epileptics, and children. The warnings were there so Nintendo's lawyers would have peace of mind. Plus if you are 7 years old, or younger, it may damage your eyes as they are not fully developed. The automatic pause option is to give you a recomended 15minute break every hour. In using the Virtual Boy for 3 hours straight or longer, the only funny thing I noticed was a reality check after an immersive session. 16-bit stereo sound provided by the earbuds was rather hypnotic. The link port-to-interface one VB with another was never manufactured, but the hardware is there, and it is usable. This provides a good interface with a server computer - but what about interfacing with your body? ______________ Body Interface When you are asleep, the portion of your brain that is responsible for learning is active. Sleep: A natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost, so that there is a decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external stimuli. During sleep the brain in humans and other mammals undergoes a characteristic cycle of brain-wave activity that includes intervals of dreaming. This is why subliminal programming tapes will work with minimal effect, if at all. Hypnosis tapes are different however, and work just fine if you are open mind towards them. Using the VB could allow for a combination of both. With the Voodoo Machine (www.voodoomagickbox.com), light, sound, (taste?) and aroma therapy, altered states of consciousness are achievable. These states are great fun, and need exploring in the digital world! _______________________ The Nintendo Generation _______________________ Ever watch someone play what seems like a simple video game, say Super Mario Brothers #1 for the NES? They will often go into a trance like state, eyes wide open, mouth open, even bobbing their head/body as they make Mario jump. Personally, I noticed these gamers would get *too* into the game, forgetting it is a game, and becoming over-emotional during times of loss, and lack of satisfaction when they did win. These kids probably have developed Attention Defecit Disorder :) Good arguments for people addicted to gaming include; - It improves hand-eye cooridination. - Many games require+enhance problem solving skills (TETRIS). - Getting into the gaming industry starts by an interest in video games. - In RPG'ers especially, it expands the users vocabulary. The advanced gamers who recieved more mental stimulation were always PRO's at say Tetris, Fighting games, or RPGs. In Tetris, the best player that I knew of was my mom. She could play it on the hardest difficulty, where the blocks would fall so fast your brain would have mere milliseconds to check the next block about to fall, and then to check the play area, to see where it could go, and then you would have to rotate the block, and move it to the right column, using the spare ms to check what block was going to be next. WordTris she was just as crazy in. With experience, anyone could program themselves to automate the mental task of mastering tetris, perfecting necessary millisecond thinking/application. Problem is tetris was too damn boring. I wonder if 3D Tetris on the VB is any good? I always thought I was the best at fighting games. In Mortal Kombat, there was nobody I could not beat. It soon became boring because no one would play me, and the computer opponents were too predictable, and too difficult when you put it on MAX DIFFICULTY. So when I did come across someone who beat me, I thought they were cheating. And there are a lot of bugs/loopholes in video games to exploit. It was easy getting into most opponents heads, not when I came across the rare Mortal Kombat addict. They had the MAX DIFFICULTY Artificial Intelligence figured out, so you couldn't predict their moves according to their character of choice, or style. They had the code system required to execute any move, seemingly hardwired, like my mom had tetris wired. So I could never play Mortal Kombat 2, or Killer Instinct, the offensive/ defensive/air/ground hit combo's would be mapped into massive flow-charts in NES Power magazine. Naturally I discovered RPGs next... The Role Playing Games were KING for me. Single player, varying Artificial Intelligence/music, a real story line to keep you suckered was great too. Super Mario RPG only took me three days straight to beat, I didn't mind the overdue rental costs... I still never found the portal to Great Guys Casino though :( When I listen to my complete collection of Super Mario RPG music files (MP3), I can't believe the repition did not drive me mad. But even with the complexity of RPG's, if you can lose yourself in it, it feels like your getting somewhere real cool, real fast, right? Like how the time seems too fly out the windows, whilst hacking. ______________________________________________________________________________ trance 1: a psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation [syn: enchantment, spell] 2: a state of mind in which consciousness is fragile and voluntary action is poor or missing; a state resembling deep sleep ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ Sound _____ An MP3 from a classic Nintendo game can induce the emotions felt while playing the game years ago, listening to the music of a paticular level can bring back long lost memories. You might be able to remember one exact session where you experienced such great joy in beating a level boss - this is associative memory in action. Emotions can easily turn into physical reflexes. I can listen to the boss music from Streets Of Rage 2, at the end of the second level, where you make it out of the bar and into the alley. You have to fight Barbon, a very rude bartender with fatal round house kicks. It can induce an ardrenal rush if I use creative visualization. Even just by pondering the sound of the rain falling, the music, and Barbon taunting me to throw. But i always had the drop on that fuck, holding it down while his crew would jump me from behind. Mexican stand-off. I liked waiting for all the punks to circle about me while dancing around, boot fucking the occasional hood that got close until I could go toe to toe with that two story mother fucker Barbon, heaving him across the alley into the garbage cans, only to take out his own groupies in the process. Then, finishing him off with a knee to the genitals. NO MERCY! Heh, you get the picture. Personally, I have used this to a more physical means by associating my hacker gloves with intense concentration, similar to what was required for the 20 on 1 death match in that alley. Axel, my character of choice from SOR2 had similar red gloves, which inspired me. Plus the music in Streets of Rage 2 RULED. Therefore sound will be used to encourage the necessary emotional states of being. And I will continue to kick Barbons ass on MAX DIFFICULTY. ________ hypnosis An artificially induced altered state of consciousness, characterized by heightened suggestibility and receptivity to direction. A sleeplike condition. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Drugs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ______________________________________________________________________________ The thing I like about caffeine is it literally opens my eyes. I always look stoned; too many hours inducted by the enchantment of a screen I suppose. When a good buzz on my FOV and POV(field/point of view) is increased, and I have more energy to hack away at the task at hand, and my vision seems much more clear, instantly erasing the sleep from my eyes. Now while sitting at my desk this is bad, because one can easily be distracted by external stimuli that will compromise the task at hand. A messy room with neat-o stuff strewn about, or the infinity that is multi-tasking and the Internet. The Virtual Boy can feed both stimuli and efficiency if interfaced properly. With extended use, caffeine or other drugs (marijuana, sugar, etc) could and should be controlled, so as to aid the user in experiencing the entirety of most any altered environment. Some people do not know this. Combined with any form of meditation, a cyberspace construct hacked up on the Virtual Boy would prove to be a magical incantation in itself. ______________________________________________________________________________ __________Meditation__________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ The act of meditating; close or continued thought; the turning or revolving of a subject in the mind; serious contemplation; reflection; musing. ___________________________________________________________________ Meditation can be as simple as staring at your monitor while your harddrive clunks away, defragging, formatting, scanning, or whatever. The sound of the head drifting over the platters can be relaxing. When a bad cluster is found, you will hear it immediately, once the head has advanced far enough in the process. Before long even the neophyte computer user will see the benefits of defragging/scandisking. The same is true with meditation. It is as easy as self reflection while a large program compiles, or it can be much more complex. You will be able to troubleshoot problems with your soft or hardware. These issues may seem trite, maybe you forgot to say thank-you to your land lady for helping you take out your garbage. Or perhaps you have a specific phobia you would like to overcome. Often it is as simple lack of misunderstanding. "Maybe if I just hold that spider, in my hand, I will see no reason why he should have such control of my emotions. And just maybe he would not bite me, if I let him choose to crawl onto my palm. And if he bites, I most likely will not die." Or maybe who gives a fuck? Fear, uncertainty, doubt. In meditation you allow time for your train of thought to coast from thought to thought, until enlightment is achieved. This is why talking is a very good therapy, and why e-mail can bring a sense of fullfilment. Even if the recipient does not reply, you have computed your thoughts and emotions in your conscious mind, rather than let them be adrift in your subconscious. This is why irc can get so crazy. Personally, I always try to re-read an e-mail, or a /msg to make sure it is transmitting my message across properly. For therapy you can write a potential e-mail as a .txt, and then re-read it later. This would save a lot of stupid e-mailing. And when you come back and reread your e-mail, it may be easy to see that you were not unbiased in your writing, as one emotion seemed to dominate the overtone of the message. Or maybe you have real life friends! Meditating in quiet awe is extremely effective. The word meditation may conjure an image of a yogi with a white beard, sitting cross legged wearing ginch made from a white towel. Personally, I recommend a good book on Ninjitsu such as; Secrets of the Ninja by Ashida Kim ( FREE! www.ashidakim.com). It talks of the Kuji Kiri, the 9 cuts, or "The key to the mind gate". It really does justify the logic behind the different meditative positions/techniques. Good read. Practice your meditation with a combination or aromatherapy. Marijuana can be good for *some* people in clearing the mind, but try getting some inscense. Make sure you only use the one scent during meditation. Do not use cologne, even with good inscense you will experience smell fatigue. Like taste fatigue, where constantly eating plain ramen is undesirable. Now if you were to eat ramen every morning, you might look forward to the warm broth waking you up in the morning, akin to coffee and eggs. Even if you can not directly smell the inscense, indirectly your brain << is registering, and associating the aroma with the relaxed state. So when you first burn your flavor of choice, it will put you in the right mindset. Much how the video game music induces your endorphins, adrenaline and dopamine. Finding a trigger for your adrenal gland may be hard, this is where meditation can come in. Some triggers might not always work. My Streets of Rage trigger is effective, because when me and Barbon would throw down, it was for keeps. The local video gaming store at the time had a contest going to see who could get the maximum points in level 1. I lost because I went against my instincts, choosing Max instead of Axel :| Ever forget your first love? Maybe it was just the first time you got a mean endorphin fix, or fiddled with your joystick? The brainwave machine (read Cyb0rg/asm's file @ HackCanada.com) can aid meditation, or you can try looking at the back of your eye lids in order to calm all thought. You will see color swirlies in the light, which may feed your brain necessary stimuli, as it is hard to retain the idle mindset in this crazy 'on the go' world. Try to meditate in the dark. A hot shower/bath always helps! Don't forget the aromatic bath salts. Breathing exercises are good if you are a smoker. Eat a candy cane or maybe halls, or mentho gum to open your airway and promote pausitive associations. __________________________________________________________________________ "If you can not remember, it does not have to mean you have forgotten, unless you suffer from some form of amnesia." -phlux '02 ________ EXERCISE. For the mental body to be healthy, and for it to operate properly, you should have a balanced diet, and stimulis with exercise. Your exercise should promote mental stimulation as well; like Karate or skateboarding. I recomend the latter. Even with its explosive popularity, it still goes against authority, if it no longer boggles the average persons mind. Learning to apply what is seen on skate videos, while it looks easy, is very difficult. Skateboarding can be like riding a bike. Funny thing is, I have forgotten how to ride a bike. Skateboarding to me is about learning new ways to physically program your wetware, exercise is the great side effect. Even if you cannot do tricks, skateboarding is very good transportation as The Plague demonstrates in the movie "HACKERS". Before you know it you will be standing ontop of a phone booth, balancing on one foot, arms bent upwards in the air, ready to jump kick at a moments notice. And you won't need to eat the sushi! Phlux's every-time 0h day trick tip(TELE-Skarate): Balance on top of a phone booth, Karate Kid style. With the one leg in the air, the skateboard should be balanced on, until it is kicked into the air. Jump off the phone booth landing on the the skateboard. Roll away. Practise doing the TELE-Skarate kick off of a ledge untill enlightenment is achieved. (loophole: Blind 9ply deck+gummie wheels! Helmet?) DISCLAIMER: If you practise TELE-Skarete and hit your head on a payphone and become an amnesiac; I will show you how it is done. Just ask. In (Europe? I can't remember) a decal of a fly was placed in the toilet bowls of a mens restroom. This resulted in making the janitors job easier. Hand/eye cooridination? Or hand/eye/penis? Multi-tasking your brain is hard, just like pee'ing and skating. Practice! Practice! Practice! And don't give up. ______________ The Contructs? ______________ So if we are going to use the programming techniques that exploited our wetware... to recompile, memory associations should be the easy part. As this is a group project between Phlux and The Clone, we will need to agree on the associations. We both grew up in the Nintendo generation, so old school MIDIs will be great. Donkey Kong aquatic levels had very soothing music. To promote the proper state of consciousness, the Virtual Boy is well suited to handle light therapy, and our GUI. 50hz scan rate, and mono red graphics is perfect. Colours might be distracting, on that note: There are two ways to go about inducing the different states, read Cyb0rg/asm's Brain-Wave Machine file if you haven't already! So we can go with the easier, sensory deprivation, say just the Virtual Boy and some appropriate music. The unit could be portable with a laptop, and you could take it with you to the bath/hot tub. Or we can go all out, with crude AI. What does one hope to achieve? mnemonics; The art of memory; a system of precepts and rules intended to assist the memory; artificial memory. adj. Relating to, assisting, or intended to assist the memory. n. A device, such as a formula or rhyme, used as an aid in remembering. Speech synthesis would be great for super-learning programs. Remember the game Number Munchers? I actually learned some math from that game, but not flash cards. What about area code munchers, prefix munchers? What if we incorporated DTMF, and had DTMF Matrix Munchers? With proper algorithms, some spiffy GUI, you could learn to decode DTMF by ear, remember important phone numbers, recite learned strings of numbers, and watch out for Freddy the Fone Fraud Fox! Maybe he could cuss at you in the Telus/Bell/AT&T/Verizon automated operator voice, by cutting up the phonetics as .wav's, and putting them back together. A SIT (special information tone, get SIT.TXT from HackCanada) would be appropriate for a dramatic death. If you've ever downloaded a morse code training program, you most likely found it very boring. (However, I recomend SuperMorse for DOS) The memory techniques used are effective, but in the end I realized I really had no use for learning morse code other then 'it might be cool'. So I tried to loophole my brain by marking the dits and dahs on my keyboard with a permenant marker. Of course the friction wore it off, but it was effective. I often sit in odd positions with the cordless keyboard, (homerow is for pussies!) so even glancing helped. This, because I wasnt trying so hard, like *trying* to study for a pop quiz after a nite of hacking. Even in grade 5 I found myself exploiting All The Right Type's AI by going into max difficulty, using one hand to type a few screens of: fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj ff jj ff jj ff jj fjfj fjfj fjfj fff jjj ..however the testing was aranged. In a matter of milliseconds, you would have a mad high score! Is your typing a subconscious act? Can you speak french fluently? If you can carry on a conversation en francais, you would be deemed fluent. Can you IRC without looking at the keyboard? Do you ever find your fingers replacing words your conscious mind really meant to type? phlux in tha house. so i had cyber sex with Mabelle last nite uhh i mean Helga. HAH owned. Obviously clone wishes he wasn't cybering helga, but Mabelle instead. This is a common occurrence of free association (automagick writing). The Clone's fingers were probably on the keyboard after he thought of what he wanted to say, but he was watching VHS pornography, so his fingers did the talking. Of course this can happen vocally, and with any word. On the deck I commonl mix 'this' with 'shit', 'god' for 'dog', their, there, they're, etc, etc. What of the deck? Our conjured cyberspace surely will need some input! One handed keyboards work using chord. _____ chord; Any collection and arrangement in a condensed form of many particulars or values, for ready reference, as of weights, measures, currency, specific gravities, etc.; Also; a series of numbers following some law, and expressing particular values corresponding to certain other numbers on which they depend, and by means of which they are taken out for use in computations; as, tables of logarithms, sines, tangents, squares, cubes, etc.; annuity tables; interest tables; astronomical tables, etc. (d) (Palmistry) The arrangement or disposition of the lines which appear on the inside of the hand. Word on the street is they only take a few hours to learn, unlike QWERTY! With experience, proper R&D, logarithms, it should be easy using the one < wizbone theclone lemme buy you a pack of gum and I'll show ya how to chew it hey just calm down alright? --- -- Credits Without the following contributions, this zine issue would be fairly delayed or not released. So thank you to the following people: Cyb0rg/asm, Phlux, STC Crew, The Clone, and Wizbone -- Shouts: CYB0RG/ASM, Wildman, H410g3n, warVamp, The Question, plappy, Phlux, rt, Magma, Hack Canada, The Grasshopper Unit, Flippersmack, soapie, Breanne, Flopik, dec0de, caesium, oz0n3, Kris, to2600.org, and lastly to everyone and anyone who contributes to the Canadian H/P scene. ;. .;.. ; ;. ;.. ;.. .;..; .;.; .;; ;.. .;..;. .;..; .;.;...; ;..;.. .;. A .;. .;. ;.. N E T T W E R K E D ;.. ;..;.. P R O D U C T ;..;.. .;..; ;..;.. ; .;..;.;.. .; . .;. ..;.. .;.. . .; ..;..;..;.. .; ;..;. .;.. . .;.. .;.;. ..;. ..;.. .;. ;.;..;;..;.; ;.;;..;.. ;.;.; .; . ;.;..;. .;. ;.;:.;. ,;....;. .;.;. .;.; .;.;.; .;.; ;..;. .;.;;.; .;. ..; ;. > > > .................>>>>>>> and whats up with phrack they're turning retarded sure seemed like it why, what's going on? we're getting indicted and sent to the states! Didn't you hear? they took that protest as a serious thing . ' . . ' ` ,;;%$$$%%%&;,. ' ( . , ) ,&$$$&$&$$L.`'"4%%&,. . . ` * , ) &$$&$&$&$$$$$$&;, `"&%%&,. . ( . . , &$&$&$$&$$$$$$$$$$$%, `"&%%%&. ( ( ' * ` %&$&$&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&;, `"&%%%&. ` . `( . * ` *, ` ' ) $$&$&$&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&, `"&%%%&. ( ` . ) )' `$$&$&$&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&, `"&%%&. `( ( .* ` ` ) ' `$$&$&$&$&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%;, `"&%%&. ` . 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