__ _____ __ ___ _ ______ __ _ _ __ ___ / _ __ ____ _ ( ) ___)\ /______ ______ _________ \ / ___ _____ ___)\ ___ __. _____ | /_ \ | /_ / | ___\ | (/ || // _ | | _ __ __ _ _ _\\ | | _______ |:(/ ( ) | | ( ) ) \/_ \ /( )\ ( ) \\| | /_ ____ ||\\ | | | | | | ) ) / ___) \\ | //__ || \\ | | | | | | | | \ (___ __ _ \) | // || \\_ __| |__| |__| | | |_ \_______ __ | |// ____ __/ | \___ ____ _ _ _ _ _ __ ______) | (/ / __ __ )/ \ \| | / / \ \ (\_____/ /___ _ ___ _ ____ \ ) \____ _____ __ __ YOU WANTS A PIECE OF MY PANCAKES!? _ _ ( 31 ) | | c/a 9.2002. _____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Words from the Editor -. � | *: [-] Introduction .......................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Contact Information ................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Nettwerked Discussion Board ........................... Nettwerked :* *: (-) Link of the Month ..................................... The Clone :* *: (-) K-1ine Mirrors ........................................ The Clone :* *: (+) NEWS: HASH PROJECT PAGE HAS MOVED ..................... The Clone :* *: (+) NEWS: Legalize Marijuana Now Says Canadian Senate ..... Nettwerked :* ____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Documents -. � | *: (x) 'Intercepting & re-transmitting data over phone lines' . Captain B :* *: (x) 'FREE LONG DISTANCE ON TELUS PAY AND TALK!' ............ S.Sidekick :* *: (x) 'Handheld scanner police frequencies' [update] ......... Colt45 :* *: (x) 'Hand Scan: 1-800-200-03XX' ............................ Axion :* *: (x) 'My Mushroom Trip' ..................................... Anonymous :* *: (x) 'PADcodes.txt' ......................................... Phlux :* ____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Conclusion -. � | *: [-] Credits ............................................... The Clone :* *: [-] Shouts ................................................ The Clone :* _____________________________________________________________________________ Introduction - Welcome to the latest issue of K-1ine #31 'YOU WANTS A PIECE OF MY PANCAKES!?'. Thanks to everyone who submitted articles. Enjoy this issue of K-1ine zine, and if you forget to send me more articles in the future, I'll kick your fucking ass! :) --> Contact Information; Comments/Questions/Submissions: theclone@hackcanada.com Check out my site: (Nettwerked) http://www.nettwerked.net - Nettwerked Discussion Board; "Fuck the system? Nah, you might catch something..." POST YOUR NEWS, AND POST YOUR THOUGHTS FREELY ON: www.nettwerked.net/PHPBB --> -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --=[ LINK OF THE MONTH ]=-- Every month I post one really great "link of the month" on every issue of K-1ine magazine. The link can be anything in the technology industry, music scene, rave scene, punk scene, or even a good article you read on a news site. I'll be taking submissions via e-mail or IRC right away; so get your links in and maybe you'll see it in the next issue of K-1ine! For the month of September, the link of the month is: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~atm/adhoc/paper-collection/papers.html 'Papers on Ad-hoc Multihop Wireless Networks' [submitted by: The Clone] K-1ine Mirrors: http://www.mirrors.wiretapped.net/security/info/textfiles/k1ine/ (Now mirrored in two places, one in Belgium and another in Sydney) "Wiretapped.net is an archive of open source software, informational textfiles and radio/conference broadcasts covering the areas of network and information security, network operations, host integrity, cryptography and privacy, among others. We believe we are now the largest archive of this type of software & information, hosting in excess of 20 gigabytes of information mirrored from around the world." -- http://www.hackcanada.com/canadian/zines/index.html#K-1ine Hack Canada - Canadian H/P - E-Zines --==================================================================-- NEWS: HASH PROJECT PAGE HAS MOVED Phlux's HASH page is now officially moved to: http://lisa.luddites.ca/phlux/. Thanks to the Luddites for hosting it after HackTel Corporation died. Oh and don't worry Phlux, I'll still contribute what I can... - The Clone - NEWS: Legalize Marijuana Now Says Canadian Senate "Marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and should be governed by the same sort of regulations", says the Canadian Senate Committee. Read more at: http://www.medicalmarihuana.ca/legalize.html --------============================================================-- Intercepting & re-transmitting data over phone lines** - By Captain B Fax machines, modems, CID (Caller ID) units, and even TTY/TDD machines all transmit data over landline phone lines. And, of course, all data is sent over phone lines in the form of sounds. So, just as you can record a string of DTMF (touch tones), and play it back after recorded to dial that same number, or voice mailbox passcode, or whatever, so too could you also record a fax transmition, then play back that transmition over a phone line connected to a fax machine. Thereby retransmitting the same fax document. Much the same thing is the case for TTY/TDD machines. You could record an entire conversation between 2 people using a TTY/TDD on each end of the line, or even between a relay operator and a person using a TTY/TDD. After recording the TTY/TDD conversation, simply play it back while a TTY/TDD is on the other end of the line to re-transmit all the data (the TTY/TDD conversation) again. Recording CID data transmitions will, of course, enable you to spoof sent caller ID. (Orange box) But since that's already been covered in 2600 Magazine, and on the Internet, I won't bother going into that. With modems and computer networks however, things aren't as straightforward. Since you have such security features as the 3 way handshake with TCP/IP, things get more complex than they do with fax and TTY/TDD machines. I'll leave that sort of thing alone, and continue on about recording methods. The most common method is to use a cassette or micro cassette recorder. Radio Hack sells a "Phone cassette recorder" (Cat# 43-473 Cost: $99.99) but, any cassette recorder with either a mic input jack, or left/right channel "audio in" RCA phono jacks will work. You'll need to buy one of Radio Shack's recorder controls. 2 of which (Cats. #43-228 and 43-1236) connect between your phone and phone jack. Another, (Cat# 43-1237) connects between your phone and the handset. And the last one (Cat# 44-533) is nothing more than a suction cup mic that attaches near the receiver (earpiece) of your handset. The price range for these is between $24.99 for the deluxe recorder control, to $4.49 for the telephone pickup suction cup mic. All use a 1/8 plug for connecting to 1/8 jacks. But, with the countless audio plug adapters availible, you can adapt the 1/8 plug to an RCA phono plug, 1/4 plug, even the more obscure 3/32 plug. By using these adapters, you can connect up your phone line via a recorder to various types of equipment for audio monitoring or recording purposes. For instance, you could connect up to a stereo amp for monitoring, or a stereo amp with a cassette deck connected to the amp for recor- ding purposes. You could also connect up to standard cassette or micro cassette dictation- type recorders, and tapeless digital dictation-type recorders. With certain tapeless digital recorders, you can even upload the audio to your PC as a .wav file. 2 phone recorders that connect to your PC can be found at http://www.ahernstore.com/phonerecorders.html And, they also sell standard phone recorders, too. And, Radio Shack sells 2 digital tapeless dictation-type recorders you could use with a recorder control to connect it to your phone line, and then connect to a PC for uploading the audio. Or, you could just connect up the recorder control directly to the sound card on your PC, and run a program that records the audio as a .wav file. You could even connect up to a DJ stereo mixer, or CD recorder (burner). As long as you use the proper audio plug adapters, you can connect up to many different types of audio equipment. There's lots of possibilities. For example, when connecting to a single (Mono) RCA phono plug, use a 1/8 jack-to-RCA phono plug adapter. In the case of any stereo audio equipment with seperate L/R audio inputs, attach the 1/8 jack-to-RCA phono plug adapter to a RCA phono jack-to-dual RCA phono plugs "Y adapter". Ask them at Radio Shack about other adapters if you need to. It'll give them something else to do besides asking for your name/address/phone number when making purchases. Have phun. -- Haha You know all the movie quote you little poney's head -- FREE LONG DISTANCE ON TELUS PAY AND TALK! BY Stalins Sidekick Please note that I will not be held responsible for anything that happens out of the use or inability to use this information. This is for educational use only, and should be used accordingly. I'm just sharing what I learned. No, I'm not paying your bills, or paying you because some Telus asshole came and decided to make a punching bag out of you, or, knowing their employ, out of your ass. And no, if you fuck up and use this wrong or it doesn't work for you, you can't make a punching bag out of me or my ass either, no matter how much you might like it. And erase the thought from your mind you sick fuck!!! INTRODUCTION: I'm sure everyone who owns a phone (land line or cellular) would be very happy to be able to make long distance phone calls where the phone company gets stuck with their billing system's thumb up it's ass because someone learned how to confuse it. Well, it just so happens that I found a way to do just that. I will detail what you need below, and then I will describe how exactly I figured it out, and what you need to do to do it yourself. It's actually very easy, I can't believe that Telus fucked up so badly with their system. WHAT YOU NEED: 1. A cell phone would be nice, (digital is probably best, it might work with analogue phones but I don't have one so couldn't tell ya if it will or not) 2. Being signed up with Telus's Pay and Talk plan. (Please note that I am in southern Alberta, so I can't tell ya if this works elsewhere. Try it and find out.) 3. Having Evenings and Weekends (one of the add-on features available for $25 a month on Pay and Talk) Remember, that Pay and Talk means that the plan is totally flexable. That means that you don't need to lock into a constant evenings and weekends plan. If you don't buy it for the month, you just don't have it until you add it, and it's valid for 30 days after you add it on. 4. Was there something else, nope, thats all. A mouth to talk with and an ear to listen, and maybe a finger to punch buttons and you're set. HOW I FIGURED THIS ONE OUT: It all started when I was dating this bitch long distance. The opposite sex seems to have a way of making one do almost anything. Well, this was an issue of (pay big ass bills to those bastards at Telus so that I could be on the phone with my EX-GF (something which can't be avoided without serious female bitching because of the lack of communication), or indirectly still talking to a very bitchy EX-GF, but at the same time, kindly telling Telus to go fuck themselves while I make several hours free use out of their system. I discovered it by accident really, and when I found it I couldn't believe what I had going. I'd phoned her for the usual big bill of the day, but I decided to block my number before calling. At this time I restricted the call times to about 10 minutes max. At the end of the call I hung up first, and she hung up after. I checked my minutes and "WHAT THE FUCK!!! I DIDN'T GET CHARGED FOR THAT CALL!" So lets just say that Telus lost about on average of 1 or 2, sometimes 3 hours a day to my little exploit, which must not have made them happy at all. And, if you're lucky, and she'll give ya it, you might even get some free phone action!!! For anyone that has to sink to that, hey, it beats $5 a minute to listen to some whore tell it to ya over the phone. Not that this bitch wasn't a whore, I mean, I put the phone down one time to go and get a drink, and I guess she decided to kiss the phone, and she was kissing it for probably 5 or 10 minutes while I was gone, because when I picked up the phone again when I got back, she was still at it. Ok, so I don't know why you'd want to know that, just sayin that the pros aren't always the best. Ok, enough chatter, heres how you can do it. Really, you can. 1. Punch in the number like this "*671403xxxxxxx" (No dumbass, you don't put the quotes "" in it, just whats inside them and yes yes, the xxxxxxx part is the phone number, not real x's.) 2. Press talk or send or whatever the hell your cell's call button is. 3. "blah blah blah" away as long as you want. 4. Make sure that you hang up before your other person does. And thats it, a free call, courtesy of Telus. Make sure you test it first before you try making any extravagant calls with it. Remember that the number has to be blocked with *67 and you have to hang up first for it to work. On a land line, you have to dial *67 and wait for a dial tone to dial the number, but not on a cellular phone. It's all one string, and call blocking is free. Oh ya, one other thing, it does not work to phone another cell phone. It only works to phone land lines. I found this out the hard way. Have fun and happy freaking! Stalins Sidekick stalins_sidekick@hotmail.com August 27, 2002 --- i have to work on pulling my pud full time job you know --- Handheld scanner police frequencies Frequencies for the police departments of Ontario and others. By **Colt45** 21/08/02 The most paranoid phreak should have a scanner in hand while doing what he/she does best, so I�ve compiled a list of, but certainly not completed, police scanner frequencies for Ontario. I hope they are of use to you. The most common province wide frequency =142.7700 mhz., is used for inter-city communication. Frequencies used by police listed by city: Some cities only a few frequencies listed for each city as there are loads of cities and lots of frequencies for each. Some cities only have one frequency. If there is only one frequency for your city listed, that does not mean that there are not more. 142.5150-Alexandria 141.5850-Aliston 142.3350-Anderdon Twp 142.7700-Atikokan 141.5850-Barrie 139.5300-Belleville 139.6500-Belleville 140.1150-Belleville 140.1300-Belleville 142.0350-Belleville 142.6650-Blind river 138.1650-Bowmansville 142.4850-Bracebridge 141.5850-Bradford 142.1100-Bradford 140.1300-Brantford 141.5850-Brockville 142.4250-Burlington 142.5150-Carlton place 142.1700-Caledonia 142.1850-Cambridge 142.6200-Cambridge 142.1700-Cayuga 141.5850-Chatham 142.9800-Chesley 142.5750-Churchhill 142.1700-Clinton 139.8000-Cobourg 142.5150-Collingwood 141.5850-Cornwall 142.0350-Cornwall 142.7400-Delhi 142.1850-Desoronto 142.0650-Dresden 142.0650-Dryden 142.1700-Dunnville 142.1850-Durham region 142.9650-Elliott Lake 142.5450-Espanola 142.4400-Essex 142.9650-Exeter 141.5850-Fergus 142.5150-Finmark 141.7350-Fort Erie 143.1750-Franktown 142.6950-Gananoque 139.7700-Gloucester 142.0250-Gloucester 142.0650-Goderich 142.5750-Grimsby 141.5850-Guelph 138.7500-Guelph 142.1700-Hagersville 142.1450-Haldimand Norf 141.5850-Halton region 139.6500-Hamilton 142.3350-Hanover 142.3350-Harrow 142.2450-Hawkesbury 142.0650-Ingersoll 142.5750-Innisfil Twp 143.1300-Kapuskasing 142.4550-Kapuskasing 139.8000-Kenora 142.7250-Kincardine 139.8000-Kingston 142.0650-Kingston 142.2150-Kirkland Lake 140.0400-Kitchener 139.5300-Kitchener 142.3350-Lasalle 142.3950-Lemington 142.5750-Lincoln 142.0950-Lindsay 142.3950-Listowel 139.6500-London 141.5850-London 142.0350-London 142.1400-Marathon 142.1100-Meaford 142.1250-Metcalfe 142.4250-Michipicoten 142.4850-Midland 142.9950-Mitchell 142.6650-Mississauga 142.5300-Milverton 142.1400-Mount Forest 142.5150-Myrt Lake 142.0350-Napanee 139.8000-Nepean 142.3350-Nepean 139.8000-New Market 142.5450-Niagara falls 138.3600-Niagara region 141.5800-Niagara region 141.7350-Niagara region 142.7700-North Bay 142.8300-Orangeville 139.6800-Orillia 138.6150-Ottawa 139.5300-Ottawa 139.5450-Ottawa 142.1550-Owen sound 143.3350-Owen sound 142.2300-Palmerston 142.0450-Paris 141.5800-Peel region 139.0500-Peel region 142.1250-Perth 141.5800-Peterborough 140.1150-Peterborough 139.6800-Petrolia 139.8000-Pembroke 142.7500-Point Edward 142.1550-Port Elgin 142.1700-Port Dover 142.8750-Prescott 139.4700-Rainy river 142.9350-Red rock 142.3500-Renfrew 142.7700-Sault Ste Marie 142.2450-Sarnia 142.8450-Seaforth 142.8300-Shelburne 142.1700-Simcoe 142.3050-Smithfalls 142.1550-Southampton 142.0950-St Clair Beach 142.1850-Stirling 142.0950-Stratford 142.5300-Stratford 142.3350-Strathroy 142.5750-Stroud 142.1250-St Thomas 139.8000-Sudbury 142.0350-Sudbury 142.4250-Tavistock 142.2150-Teck Twp 142.5150-Thornbury 139.0350-Thunderbay 142.8150-Tilbury 143.0100-Tillsonburg 142.4850-Timmons 138.3150-Toronto 142.5600-Toronto 142.7700-Trenton 141.5800-Wallaceburg 142.4850-Walkerton 142.1700-Waterford 142.1850-Waterloo region 141.5800-Waterloo region 142.8000-Wawa 142.2300-Welland 142.6650-West Mcgillvray 140.1300-Windsor 142.0350-Windsor 142.8000-Wingham 142.8300-Whitby 142.9050-Wiarton 139.8000-Woodstock This is a small set of Ontario provincial police (OPP) frequencies. There are just WAY too many to list: 138.3450 138.6450 138.7500 139.0650 139.0800 139.0950 139.1100 139.1400 139.1550 139.1750 139.1850 139.2000 139.2150 139.2600 139.2900 139.3050 139.3950 139.4400 139.4550 139.4850 139.5000 139.5300 139.5300 139.5600 139.5900 139.6200 139.6500 139.6800 139.7100 139.7400 139.7700 139.8000 This is a set of frequencies used by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP): 139.7400-Brockville 139.8900-Brockville 139.7400-Cornwall 139.0000-Cornwall 140.1900-Cornwall 142.0350-Cornwall 142.0650-Kingston 139.7400-Kingston 139.8000-Kingston 139.8900-Kingston 139.7400-Ottawa 139.8900-Ottawa 140.1900-Ottawa 139.0350-Ontario A division This set of frequencies are used for police pagers: 138.000 to 143.000 This set of frequencies are for RCMP pagers: 423.000 to 426.000 If you know how to use a scanner well and know how to skip, here are a couple U.S. frequencies to try out: 39.280 - Sausalito city police 39.580 - Brown county, Arkansas police 42.060 - Missouri state troopers 42.120 - Las Angeles state troopers 42.500 - San Diego state troopers 42.560 - Artesia, california troopers 42.840 - Chicago troopers A fun little trick to play at your local fast food restaurant. If you have a hand held transceiver you can play some pranks at Mcdonalds drive thrus. You can turn your handheld to these frequencies and you'll be tapped in to the drive thru ordering system. For ontario only: 30.5800-Mcdonalds 30.8400-Mcdonalds 33.4000-Mcdonalds 35.8800-Mcdonalds 30.5400-Burger king 30.8400-Burger king 33.4000-Burger king 33.8800-Burger king 30.5800-Wendys 30.8400-Wendys 33.4000-Wendys 30.5800-Tim hortons 30.8400-Tim hortons 33.4000-Tim hortons 35.8800-Tim hortons 30.5800-Harveys 30.8400-Harveys 33.4000-Harveys 33.8800-Harveys 30.5800-KFC 30.8400-KFC 33.4000-KFC 30.8400-Mr Submarine 30.8400-Taco bell 30.8400-Long John Silver If one frequency doesn't work, try another. Have fun! --- if PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy, what does PHP stand for? Pretty Hip Privacy? --- /=============================\ (( Hand Scan: 1-800-200-03XX )) || by Axion || || axionrising@hotmail.com || (( http://axiontel.tk )) \=============================/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 00 - No answer 01 - Dialtone 02 - No answer 03 - "This is Devon..." (hillbilly) 04 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 05 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 06 - " 1-4 The number you have dialed in not valid, or is blocked from your area code." 07 - "... cannot be reached from your calling area. 2-C-K..." 08 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 09 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 10 - (...2-C-K) 11 - (...2-C-K) 12 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 13 - Someone's voicemail; he's mumbling too much to tell who, though. 14 - Carrier tones 15 - (...2-C-K) 16 - "The mobile satelite customer you are calling is unavailable." 17 - (...2-C-K) 18 - (...2-C-K) 19 - (...2-C-K) 20 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 21 - (...2-C-K) 22 - AT&T Easy Reach 800 (asks for access code) 23 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 24 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 25 - (...2-C-K) 26 - (...2-C-K) 27 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 28 - Strange NIS message 29 - Carrier tones 30 - AT&T Easy Reach 800 31 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 32 - (...2-C-K) 33 - (...2-C-K) 34 - "Thank you for calling (mumbles)" 35 - Strange 2-C-K 36 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 37 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 38 - AT&T Easy Reach 800 39 - (...2-C-K) 40 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 41 - (...2-C-K) 42 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 43 - (...2-C-K) 44 - (...2-C-K) 45 - "12-4... The number you have dialed..." 46 - "I'm sorry, this number is blocked from this area code." 47 - (...2-C-K) 48 - Some arab guy... He's rather angry. 49 - "I'm sorry, this number is blocked from this area code." 50 - (...2-C-K) 51 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 52 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 53 - (...2-C-K) 54 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 55 - VMB: Perry Vegas 56 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 57 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 58 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 59 - Not in service 60 - (tones), "Your call did not go through..." 61 - (...2-C-K) 62 - Strange ring, "Welcome! Please press the # key after each entry. Enter the PIN number you wish." 63 - (...2-C-K) 64 - (...2-C-K) 65 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 66 - "Thank you for calling Source Packaging (mumbles) and Source Technology Group." 67 - VMB: Stephanie Roth (she's a coach!), and some center for adolecent self-esteem. 68 - (...2-C-K) 69 - (...2-C-K) 70 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 71 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 72 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 73 - (...2-C-K) 74 - VMB: "Nefta-neft (?!?) Realtors in Middletown" 75 - (...2-C-K) 76 - SkyTel 2-way VMB for Steve Litt. 77 - PBX: "Electronic Record Keeping Services" (very perky/happy girl's voice) 78 - (...2-C-K) 79 - (some mumbling girl) "ahslagbvahiza Administration!" 80 - (...2-C-K) 81 - "Enter area code and telephone number, or numeric message. BEEP!" 82 - (...2-C-K) 83 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 84 - (...2-C-K) 85 - (...2-C-K) 86 - (...2-C-K) 87 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 88 - (...2-C-K) 89 - Wierd ring, same message as 1-800-200-0362. 90 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 91 - PBX: Wire Packaging "Your source for recycled reels & spools." 92 - Ameriplan Virtual Office 93 - Same as 1-800-200-0389 & 1-800-200-0362. 94 - "Personal" VMB of Crystal (mumbles) 95 - (...2-C-K) 96 - (...2-C-K) 97 - "There is a problem in completing your call" 98 - (...2-C-K) 99 - "There is a problem in completing your call" So what have I learned while I performed this hand scan? Well, lots of things. First of all, I've learnt that the most annoying person in the world is *not* Rosie O'Donnell, but the woman who recorded the "There is a problem in completing your call" message. Secondly, I've learnt that most people mumble a lot on the phone, especially if it's really important that people leave them messages. Lastly, and most importantly, I've learnt the value of a good old fashioned hand-scan. There are some really cool and useful numbers in this scan; and I'm sure you'll find tons more if you perform a scan of your own. C'mon, people! PBXs & VMBs aren't exactly advertised, you have to find them yourselves. 09.12.02 --- i suckz cox ph0r codez hahaha gib me gib me codez --- My Mushroom Trip - anonymous For k-1ine and my bad lad theclone. Exotic mushrooms containing psilocybin fuck you up because your poisoning yourself. The effects last some time, and mushrooms are most known for the fucked up open eye visuals. I just ate 4(+?) grams of mushrooms. There have been no deaths caused by overdosing on mushrooms. However 4 grams is a good dose considering it only takes 1 gram to have a real bad fucking trip, visuals/audible halucinations included. When i ate the caps i even had some messed up body sensations... yup this should be good. I like text files that have a bit of a story to them, so thats all this, i will try and update this txt as the trip is endured. Note that this file is being written by an avid phone phreaker and computer hax0rer. 12:33pm Well I just got home from a graveyard shift, where 3 shifts earlier i had purchased these apparently rude fucking shrooms of a cute couple. Got the chicks number too(!) I have chicken fingers and coffee in my stomach so im wondering how that will effect things. When i first got the shroomies i was eating the caps and when i got home i was fuckin wigging so this should be an interesting text. Note it will remain unedited. Just now iwondered what it would be like to masturebate on mushrooms, ive taken them many times before, along with lots of pot, but i have never wanked it. I do not do any other drugs then herbs(cocaine doesn't count as an herb in my mind foo). I am alone in my bedroom with two apple scented candles burning and im listening to some cheesy techno. What to do before it hits me? Lets find my pussy books... 1:01pm i was just under the covers and i thought a neat trick would be to stick a magnet up a coin return chamber for some easy change. I think i feel the mushrooms digesting ___ EOF (date unknown) -- PADcodes.txt 7/17/2002 by phlux - fraud@verizonmail.com Props to some lame shareware updater for FINDCIS.EXE which basically finds all dialup networks that can access CompuServe, and keeps this wares stored in plain ASCII. Now now, there are many packet based networks that can access compuserve around the globe, and here are the ones this compilation covers:(as ripped from the help file, includes approximations on 'access fees') Net Code Network Charges per Hour AKN AlaskaNet $4.00 CHL ChilePac $15.00 CPS Compuserve 800 $6.00 U.S. $20.00 Canada Direct Dial Charges: Africa $7.00-$11.00/$25.00-$40.00 Hong Kong $4.00 Hungary $4.00-$7.00/$12.00-$16.00 Japan $6.00 Mexico $1.55 Mexico 800 Call $15.00 Sweden(020) $5.00 CPN Compuserve Pacific Network Australia $4.00 New Zealand $4.00 CSR CSirNet $7.00-$11.00/$25.00-$40.00 # DPC Canadian Datapac $4.00 DXJ Germany-Connect (Datex-J) $1.00 DXP Germany-Connect (Datex-P) $21.00-$35.00 EIR Ireland-Connect $5.50 FAL Australia-Connect (FalNet) $6.00/$10.00 FEN CompuPass (Fenics2) $12.00 FTE France Telecom Free FTE Australia $2.00 GNS GNS Dialplus $4.20 HAN Hanjin-Net (S.Korea) $10.00 INF Info-Net - Europe $4.50 Info-Net - World $10.00 Info-Net - CPS $10.00 ISR Israkav $8.00 MER Mercury 5000 Free PAC Guam-Connect (PacNet) $20.00 POS ATEL (Pos-serve) $15.00 EQT Equant Network AfricaNet $10.00 EuropeNet $6.00 LatinNet $10.00 PacificNet $10.00 Hungary $10.00 WorldNet $10.00 All Others $49.70 SEV SEVA Net-Italy $8.00 SPR SprintNet Singapore $20.00 Eastern Europe $35.00 Latin America $35.00 Indonesia $33.00 Hungary $35.00 Bulgaria $20.00 Kuwait $43.00 All Others $49.70 # TEL SprintNet (Domestic-U.S.) $1.70/$11.70 TLP Swiss-Connect (TelePac) $4.50/$9.20 - 18.00/$30.00(9600) TPC France-Connect (TransPac) Free TRN Trendline $8.00 TTN Taiwan-Connect $3.95/$9.95 # TYM Tymnet Network (U.S.) $1.70/$11.70 Tymnet Network (AK,HI,CAN) $11.70 Tymnet Network (All others) $37.00 or $49.70 VNZ Venezuela Connect $7.20/$ 9.00 Now I support the the shareware concept (only after i read the excerpt in the FindCIS.HLP) However the help file and its Disclaimer made no mention of ripping their shit being a no-no so hack the system! (besides im sure they just stole it as well) I present this information to the underground community, knowing other such compilations must exist(never really searched) and having verified the integrity of some of the canadian dial-ups. If anyone has a more useful list please contact me. I recomend using this information to explore foreign networks, also to cover your ass when haxing locally, one can bounce their call effectively when a list of dialup numbers such as this is made convient. It is for this reason that the information contained herein will be formatted into a HASH package as a database to be accessed by the HASH Client program:: go to http://www.nettwerked.net/phlux/hash and contribute data to the effort! Until then you will have to rely on your wits, and your text editors Search function, and on that note.. I apologize for my laziness as this information has not been reformatted. Also note that from the time this data was collected (?) many area code changes have taken place, just check nanpa.com for the new one as the prefix and suffix are most likely still valid. PHONE CITY ST BAUD NET TYPE ----- ---- -- ------------------ --- ---- 201/567-8951 Englewood NJ 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 201/816-1642 Englewood NJ 9600 TYM V32 201/488-1726 Hackensack NJ 300-14,400 TEL V32 201/388-5288 Rahway NJ 300-14,400 TEL V32 201/251-7865 Ridgewood NJ 300-33,600 CPS V34 201/712-0479 Rochelle Park NJ 300-33,600 CPS V34 201/227-6722 Roseland NJ 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 201/864-8468 Union City NJ 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 201/617-9069 Union City NJ 9600 TYM V32 202/547-0103 Washington DC 300-33,600 CPS V34 202/429-0956 Washington DC 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 203/929-4918 Bridgeport CT 300-33,600 CPS V34 203/744-4640 Danbury CT 300-33,600 CPS V34 203/397-0512 East Haven CT 300-33,600 CPS V34 203/454-2129 Fairfield CT 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 203/686-1238 Meriden CT 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 203/686-1238 Middletown CT 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 203/225-7027 New Britain CT 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 203/865-5770 New Haven CT 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 203/789-1848 New Haven CT 9600-14,400 TYM V32 203/866-7404 Norwalk CT 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 203/444-7030 Norwich CT 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 203/324-1115 Stamford CT 300-33,600 CPS V34 203/756-6368 Waterbury CT 300-33,600 CPS V34 203/454-7935 Westport CT 300-33,600 CPS V34 204/489-9747 Winnipeg MB 300-33,600 CPS V34 205/933-6212 Birmingham AL 300-33,600 CPS V34 205/750-8524 Northport AL 9600 TYM V32 205/562-0062 Tuscaloosa AL 300-33,600 CPS V34 206/515-6000 Seattle WA 300-33,600 CPS V34 206/623-9951 Seattle WA 2400 TEL 224MNP 206/269-0538 Seattle-ISDN WA 57,600 CPS V120 207/795-6013 Auburn ME 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 207/782-4195 Auburn ME 9600 TYM V32 207/622-3083 Augusta ME 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 207/623-9590 Augusta ME 9600 TYM V32 207/622-7364 Augusta ME 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 207/941-9904 Bangor ME 300-33,600 CPS V34 207/990-9001 Bangor ME 9600 TYM V32 207/989-3081 Brewer ME 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 207/795-6013 Lewiston ME 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 207/784-0105 Lewiston ME 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 207/775-6249 Portland ME 300-33,600 CPS V34 207/764-4167 Presque Isle ME 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 208/386-9712 Boise ID 300-33,600 CPS V34 208/765-1465 Coeur D'Alene ID 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 208/522-3624 Idaho Falls ID 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 208/529-0053 Idaho Falls ID 9600 TYM V32 208/788-3433 Ketchum ID 300-33,600 CPS V34 208/743-5885 Lewiston ID 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 208/232-0123 Pocatello ID 300-33,600 CPS V34 208/734-0221 Twin Falls ID 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 209/383-7593 Merced CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 209/726-0960 Merced CA 9600 TYM V32 209/383-2557 Merced CA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 209/578-6524 Modesto CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 209/475-6000 Stockton CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 210/736-8645 San Antonio TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 212/766-2080 New York NY 300-33,600 CPS V34 212/812-7373 New York NY 56,000 CPS X2-USR 213/624-3730 Los Angeles CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 213/688-7363 Los Angeles CA 56,000 CPS X2-USR 214/720-9183 Dallas TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 214/953-1152 Dallas-ISDN TX 57,600 CPS V120 215/943-3700 Levittown PA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 215/561-1634 Philadelphia PA 300-33,600 CPS V34 215/343-6010 Warrington PA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 216/781-7598 Cleveland OH 300-33,600 CPS V34 216/861-6709 Cleveland OH 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 216/771-6480 Cleveland OH 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 217/356-1082 Champaign IL 300-33,600 CPS V34 217/442-1452 Danville IL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 217/422-3026 Decatur IL 300-33,600 CPS V34 217/223-9531 Quincy IL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 217/789-9412 Springfield IL 300-33,600 CPS V34 217/344-3400 Urbana IL 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 217/344-4466 Urbana IL 9600-14,400 TYM V32 218/722-0017 Duluth MN 300-33,600 CPS V34 218/262-3824 Hibbing MN 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 219/522-6127 Elkhart IN 300-33,600 CPS V34 219/447-9258 Ft. Wayne IN 300-33,600 CPS V34 219/981-5200 Gary IN 300-33,600 CPS V34 219/234-6410 Mishawaka IN 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 219/271-0016 South Bend IN 300-33,600 CPS V34 219/267-1463 Warsaw IN 300-33,600 CPS V34 225/383-9998 Baton Rouge LA 300-33,600 CPS V34 228/863-1368 Gulfport MS 300-33,600 CPS V34 228/769-0121 Pascagoula MS 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 228/762-0436 Pascagoula MS 9600 TYM V32 248/335-2680 Pontiac MI 300-33,600 CPS V34 248/424-8024 Southfield MI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 248/557-2106 Southfield MI 9600 TYM V32 248/827-4710 Southfield MI 300-14,400 TEL V32 248/244-8740 Troy MI 300-33,600 CPS V34 250/479-9452 Victoria BC 300-33,600 CPS V34 252/758-0102 Greenville NC 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 252/757-2168 Greenville NC 9600 TYM V32 252/937-4828 Rocky Mount NC 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 252/937-4202 Rocky Mount NC 9600 TYM V32 252/823-7459 Tarboro NC 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 253/735-3975 Auburn WA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 253/939-9982 Auburn WA 300-14,400 TEL V32 253/922-1246 Tacoma WA 300-33,600 CPS V34 254/690-6702 Killeen TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 254/773-2545 Temple TX 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 254/778-8801 Temple TX 9600 TYM V32 254/773-9723 Temple TX 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 254/751-9590 Waco TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 256/236-3342 Anniston AL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 256/231-5600 Anniston AL 9600 TYM V32 256/236-9711 Anniston AL 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 256/355-0206 Decatur AL 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 256/760-8580 Florence AL 300-33,600 CPS V34 256/543-3550 Gadsden AL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 256/543-4200 Gadsden AL 9600 TYM V32 256/533-0196 Huntsville AL 300-33,600 CPS V34 256/882-9199 Huntsville AL 9600 TYM V32 281/420-3389 Baytown TX 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 281/420-3283 Baytown TX 9600 TYM V32 301/777-9320 Cumberland MD 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 301/682-3260 Frederick MD 300-33,600 CPS V34 301/869-4191 Gaithersburg MD 300-14,400 TEL V32 301/403-1687 Hyattsville MD 300-33,600 CPS V34 301/293-9504 Meyersville MD 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 301/293-2460 Meyersville MD 9600 TYM V32 301/294-4522 Rockville MD 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 301/309-1501 Rockville MD 9600 TYM V32 302/678-3569 Dover DE 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 302/734-5018 Dover DE 9600 TYM V32 302/856-1788 Georgetown DE 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 302/856-2056 Georgetown DE 9600 TYM V32 302/292-0114 Newark DE 300-14,400 TEL V32 302/945-5207 Rehoboth Beach DE 300-33,600 CPS V34 302/452-1448 Wilmington DE 300-33,600 CPS V34 303/595-0123 Denver CO 300-33,600 CPS V34 303/684-9225 Longmont CO 300-33,600 CPS V34 304/325-0517 Bluefield WV 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 304/342-0153 Charleston WV 300-33,600 CPS V34 304/624-1451 Clarksburg WV 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 304/733-0026 Huntington WV 300-33,600 CPS V34 304/529-0339 Huntington WV 9600 TYM V32 304/291-6783 Morgantown WV 300-33,600 CPS V34 304/424-6003 Parkersburg WV 300-33,600 CPS V34 304/292-3092 Westover WV 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 304/233-9508 Wheeling WV 300-33,600 CPS V34 305/294-5979 Key West FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 305/262-9325 Miami FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 306/352-7168 Regina SK 300-33,600 CPS V34 306/242-4660 Saskatoon SK 300-33,600 CPS V34 307/266-2392 Casper WY 300-33,600 CPS V34 307/235-1260 Casper WY 9600 TYM V32 307/632-0486 Cheyenne WY 300-33,600 CPS V34 307/739-2280 Jackson WY 300-33,600 CPS V34 307/742-2320 Laramie WY 300-33,600 CPS V34 308/382-3176 Grand Island NE 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 309/829-0156 Bloomington IL 300-33,600 CPS V34 309/688-9500 Peoria IL 300-33,600 CPS V34 309/788-3713 Rock Island IL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 309/788-0892 Rock Island IL 9600 TYM V32 310/516-1007 Compton CA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 310/643-4228 El Segundo CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 310/536-0657 El Segundo CA 9600 TYM V32 310/370-2831 Lawndale CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 310/306-3450 Marina Del Rey CA 300-14,400 TEL V32 310/548-7146 San Pedro CA 300-14,400 TEL V32 310/390-4188 Santa Monica CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 312/201-0711 Chicago IL 300-33,600 CPS V34 312/895-7373 Chicago IL 56,000-57,600 CPS X2/ISDN 313/535-1466 Detroit MI 300-33,600 CPS V34 314/291-0067 Bridgeton MO 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 314/291-6744 Bridgeton MO 9600-14,400 TYM V32 314/925-3924 St. Charles MO 300-33,600 CPS V34 314/421-5651 St. Louis MO 300-33,600 CPS V34 314/622-0900 St. Louis MO 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 315/451-8093 Syracuse NY 300-33,600 CPS V34 315/737-0114 Utica NY 300-33,600 CPS V34 315/788-1816 Watertown NY 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 315/786-3394 Watertown NY 9600-14,400 TYM V32 316/663-2192 Hutchinson KS 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 316/269-3625 Wichita KS 300-33,600 CPS V34 317/638-8129 Indianapolis IN 300-33,600 CPS V34 318/445-0020 Alexandria LA 300-33,600 CPS V34 318/234-0416 Lafayette LA 300-33,600 CPS V34 318/433-6737 Lake Charles LA 300-33,600 CPS V34 318/322-0412 Monroe LA 300-33,600 CPS V34 318/327-3200 Monroe LA 9600 TYM V32 318/861-0158 Shreveport LA 300-33,600 CPS V34 319/752-2516 Burlington IA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 319/236-9020 Cedar Falls IA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 319/362-4075 Cedar Rapids IA 300-33,600 CPS V34 319/365-0063 Cedar Rapids IA 9600 TYM V32 319/322-6898 Davenport IA 300-33,600 CPS V34 319/582-3599 Dubuque IA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 319/556-0783 Dubuque IA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 319/337-9844 Iowa City IA 300-33,600 CPS V34 319/236-9020 Waterloo IA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 319/232-0990 Waterloo IA 9600 TYM V32 319/232-0195 Waterloo IA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 320/202-6500 St. Cloud MN 300-33,600 CPS V34 323/588-8128 Inglewood CA 9600-14,400 TYM V32 323/587-7514 Inglewood CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 323/587-7514 Vernon CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 323/588-8128 Vernon CA 9600-14,400 TYM V32 330/836-0679 Akron OH 300-33,600 CPS V34 330/454-1155 Canton OH 300-33,600 CPS V34 330/678-8330 Kent OH 300-14,400 TEL V32 330/677-7780 Ravenna OH 300-33,600 CPS V34 330/392-2555 Warren OH 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 330/393-4006 Warren OH 9600 TYM V32 330/856-7265 Warren OH 300-14,400 TEL V32 330/345-1023 Wooster OH 300-14,400 TEL V32 330/965-6800 Youngstown OH 300-33,600 CPS V34 334/702-8257 Dothan AL 300-33,600 CPS V34 334/712-6967 Dothan AL 9600 TYM V32 334/660-6948 Mobile AL 300-33,600 CPS V34 334/270-5845 Montgomery AL 300-33,600 CPS V34 334/742-9040 Opelika AL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 334/705-8000 Opelika AL 9600 TYM V32 336/584-5823 Burlington NC 300-33,600 CPS V34 336/292-3461 Greensboro NC 300-33,600 CPS V34 336/883-6121 High Point NC 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 336/883-6106 High Point NC 9600 TYM V32 336/889-7494 High Point NC 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 336/838-1663 N. Wilkesboro NC 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 336/724-9748 Winston-Salem NC 300-33,600 CPS V34 352/371-0661 Gainesville FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 352/360-1110 Leesburg FL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 352/360-1068 Leesburg FL 9600 TYM V32 352/787-0799 Leesburg FL 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 352/732-3707 Ocala FL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 352/840-5900 Ocala FL 9600 TYM V32 352/351-3790 Ocala FL 300-14,400 TEL V32 360/671-7750 Bellingham WA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 360/647-8544 Bellingham WA 9600 TYM V32 360/733-2873 Bellingham WA 300-14,400 TEL V32 360/332-2134 Blaine WA 300-33,600 CPS V34 360/377-2792 Bremerton WA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 360/377-5640 Bremerton WA 9600 TYM V32 360/423-9072 Longview WA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 360/423-0233 Longview WA 9600 TYM V32 360/577-3992 Longview WA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 360/352-0335 Olympia WA 300-33,600 CPS V34 360/452-6800 Port Angeles WA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 360/457-1863 Port Angeles WA 9600 TYM V32 360/604-6016 Vancouver WA 300-33,600 CPS V34 360/574-0427 Vancouver WA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 360/576-6830 Vancouver WA 9600 TYM V32 360/693-6914 Vancouver WA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 401/849-1660 Middletown RI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 401/846-8088 Middletown RI 9600 TYM V32 401/849-1660 Newport RI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 401/849-0229 Newport RI 300-14,400 TEL V32 401/295-7100 North Kingston RI 300-14,400 TEL V32 401/435-1100 Providence RI 300-33,600 CPS V34 401/766-2000 Woonsocket RI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 401/765-0326 Woonsocket RI 9600 TYM V32 401/765-0019 Woonsocket RI 300-14,400 TEL V32 402/474-2316 Lincoln NE 300-33,600 CPS V34 402/343-2042 Omaha NE 300-33,600 CPS V34 403/294-9120 Calgary AB 300-33,600 CPS V34 403/440-2744 Edmonton AB 300-33,600 CPS V34 404/841-0578 Atlanta GA 300-33,600 CPS V34 404/261-2944 Atlanta GA 56,000 CPS X2-USR 404/814-9138 Atlanta-ISDN GA 57,600 CPS V120 404/532-9880 Gainsville GA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 405/942-7278 Oklahoma City OK 300-33,600 CPS V34 405/742-4600 Stillwater OK 300-33,600 CPS V34 406/259-0299 Billings MT 300-33,600 CPS V34 406/585-9719 Bozeman MT 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 406/586-0596 Bozeman MT 9600 TYM V32 406/494-6682 Butte MT 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 406/494-1038 Butte MT 9600 TYM V32 406/727-9510 Great Falls MT 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 406/453-0529 Great Falls MT 9600 TYM V32 406/771-0067 Great Falls MT 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 406/449-0083 Helena MT 300-33,600 CPS V34 406/542-0472 Missoula MT 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 406/721-0737 Missoula MT 9600 TYM V32 406/543-5575 Missoula MT 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 407/633-0149 Cocoa Beach FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 407/267-0800 Cocoa Beach FL 300-14,400 TEL V32 407/932-0018 Kissimmee FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 407/870-7419 Kissimmee FL 9600 TYM V32 407/639-3022 Merrit Isle FL 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 407/896-6122 Orlando FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 408/432-8618 Los Altos CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 408/432-0804 Los Altos CA 9600 TYM V32 408/356-1818 Los Gatos CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 408/432-8618 San Jose CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 408/432-0804 San Jose CA 9600 TYM V32 408/294-9067 San Jose CA 300-14,400 TEL V32 408/980-1044 Santa Clara CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 409/835-0397 Beaumont TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 409/823-1090 Bryan TX 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 409/823-4900 Bryan TX 9600 TYM V32 409/779-0713 Bryan TX 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 409/696-4488 College Station TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 409/756-8219 Conroe TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 409/766-1133 Galveston TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 409/633-0001 Lufkin TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 409/722-7162 Nederland TX 300-14,400 TEL V32 409/721-3400 Port Arthur TX 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 409/729-3517 Port Arthur TX 9600 TYM V32 410/273-0872 Aberdeen MD 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 410/273-9600 Aberdeen MD 9600 TYM V32 410/266-9547 Annapolis MD 300-33,600 CPS V34 410/494-8403 Baltimore MD 300-33,600 CPS V34 410/749-2484 Salisbury MD 300-33,600 CPS V34 410/543-8575 Salisbury MD 9600 TYM V32 412/856-1330 Monroeville PA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 412/471-6417 Pittsburgh PA 300-33,600 CPS V34 413/549-6024 Amherst MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 413/787-0048 Holyoke MA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 413/732-2118 Holyoke MA 9600-14,400 TYM V32 413/586-0510 Northampton MA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 413/442-2008 Pittsfield MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 413/499-0971 Pittsfield MA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 413/442-9841 Pittsfield MA 9600 TYM V32 413/499-7741 Pittsfield MA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 413/747-4460 Springfield MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 414/785-0630 Brookfield WI 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 414/796-1087 Brookfield WI 9600-14,400 TYM V32 414/553-9044 Kenosha WI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 414/553-9603 Kenosha WI 9600 TYM V32 414/552-9242 Kenosha WI 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 414/453-3010 Milwaukee WI 300-33,600 CPS V34 414/632-2174 Racine WI 2400 TEL 224MNP 414/334-1755 West Bend WI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 414/334-2206 West Bend WI 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 415/956-0290 San Fran-ISDN CA 57,600 CPS V120 415/434-1580 San Francisco CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 415/956-0290 San Francisco CA 56,000 CPS X2-USR 415/444-5200 San Rafael CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 416/367-8122 Toronto ON 300-33,600 CPS V34 417/339-3550 Branson MO 300-33,600 CPS V34 417/781-8718 Joplin MO 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 417/887-8767 Springfield MO 300-33,600 CPS V34 418/649-7082 Quebec City QC 300-33,600 CPS V34 419/420-7200 Findlay OH 300-33,600 CPS V34 419/427-1600 Findlay OH 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 419/422-8188 Findlay OH 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 419/228-6343 Lima OH 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 419/747-6200 Mansfield OH 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 419/747-9068 Mansfield OH 9600 TYM V32 419/589-0276 Mansfield OH 300-14,400 TEL V32 419/627-0050 Sandusky OH 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 419/242-5706 Toledo OH 300-33,600 CPS V34 423/323-1962 Blountville TN 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 423/968-2480 Bristol TN 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 423/892-7064 Chattanooga TN 300-33,600 CPS V34 423/434-0590 Johnson City TN 300-33,600 CPS V34 423/975-9184 Johnson City TN 9600 TYM V32 423/239-0052 Kingsport TN 300-33,600 CPS V34 423/378-5746 Kingsport TN 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 423/558-8180 Knoxville TN 300-33,600 CPS V34 423/482-1466 Oak Ridge TN 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 423/481-3590 Oak Ridge TN 300-14,400 TEL V32 423/453-0401 Sevierville TN 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 425/303-8377 Everett WA 300-33,600 CPS V34 425/774-7466 Lynnwood WA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 435/752-3421 Logan UT 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 435/649-0121 Park City UT 300-33,600 CPS V34 440/324-7156 Elyria OH 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 440/322-8645 Elyria OH 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 440/960-1771 Lorain OH 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 501/273-7747 Bentonville AR 300-33,600 CPS V34 501/521-3774 Fayetteville AR 300-33,600 CPS V34 501/442-0234 Fayetteville AR 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 501/442-3742 Fayetteville AR 9600 TYM V32 501/785-0047 Ft. Smith AR 300-33,600 CPS V34 501/623-3576 Hot Springs AR 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 501/623-0129 Hot Springs AR 9600 TYM V32 501/376-8544 Little Rock AR 300-33,600 CPS V34 501/442-0234 Springdale AR 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 502/781-5711 Bowling Green KY 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 502/796-2958 Bowling Green KY 9600 TYM V32 502/843-0632 Bowling Green KY 300-14,400 TEL V32 502/223-0724 Frankfort KY 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 502/223-3532 Frankfort KY 9600 TYM V32 502/875-2911 Frankfort KY 300-14,400 TEL V32 502/568-6250 Louisville KY 300-33,600 CPS V34 502/691-0011 Owensboro KY 300-33,600 CPS V34 502/683-4319 Owensboro KY 9600 TYM V32 502/443-1086 Paducah KY 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 503/274-6400 Portland OR 300-33,600 CPS V34 503/362-0358 Salem OR 300-33,600 CPS V34 504/585-1120 New Orleans LA 300-33,600 CPS V34 504/646-2900 Slidell LA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 504/641-6668 Slidell LA 9600 TYM V32 505/268-8748 Albuquerque NM 300-33,600 CPS V34 505/326-5338 Farmington NM 300-33,600 CPS V34 505/541-4549 Las Cruces NM 300-33,600 CPS V34 505/662-6971 Los Alamos NM 300-33,600 CPS V34 505/623-3591 Roswell NM 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 505/995-0068 Santa Fe NM 300-33,600 CPS V34 505/471-0606 Santa Fe NM 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 505/473-2181 Santa Fe NM 9600 TYM V32 507/388-4240 Mankato MN 300-33,600 CPS V34 507/252-9800 Rochester MN 300-33,600 CPS V34 508/226-6441 Attleboro MA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 508/226-5200 Attleboro MA 9600 TYM V32 508/226-8956 Attleboro MA 300-14,400 TEL V32 508/588-3585 Brockton MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 508/674-1377 Fall River MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 508/628-9439 Framingham MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 508/541-8300 Franklin MA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 508/541-7400 Franklin MA 9600 TYM V32 508/481-0026 Marlborough MA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 508/229-0041 Marlborough MA 9600 TYM V32 508/359-7603 Medfield MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 508/533-2722 Medway MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 508/478-0653 Mendon MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 508/634-0449 Milford MA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 508/999-1860 New Bedford MA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 508/999-0322 New Bedford MA 9600 TYM V32 508/990-3300 New Bedford MA 300-14,400 TEL V32 508/676-3087 Somerset MA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 508/824-3816 Taunton MA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 508/880-6125 Taunton MA 9600 TYM V32 508/366-2617 Westborough MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 508/540-4085 Woods Hole MA 300-14,400 TEL V32 508/849-1000 Worcester MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 509/783-1315 Kennewick WA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 509/783-2201 Kennewick WA 9600 TYM V32 509/332-3760 Pullman WA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 509/332-6205 Pullman WA 9600 TYM V32 509/943-6117 Richland WA 300-14,400 TEL V32 509/326-0318 Spokane WA 300-33,600 CPS V34 509/663-9482 Wenatchee WA 300-14,400 TEL V32 509/248-1462 Yakima WA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 509/452-1824 Yakima WA 9600 TYM V32 509/575-1060 Yakima WA 300-14,400 TEL V32 510/490-7366 Fremont CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 510/498-4400 Fremont CA 9600 TYM V32 510/249-9220 Fremont CA 300-14,400 TEL V32 510/889-6009 Hayward CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 510/251-8304 Oakland CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 510/724-0271 Pinole CA 300-14,400 TEL V32 512/326-1155 Austin TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 512/887-2891 Corpus Christi TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 512/576-9200 Victoria TX 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 512/572-0158 Victoria TX 9600 TYM V32 512/572-3197 Victoria TX 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 513/771-0592 Cincinnati OH 300-33,600 CPS V34 513/874-1744 Hamilton OH 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 513/863-4116 Hamilton OH 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 514/879-5826 Montreal QC 300-33,600 CPS V34 515/232-0157 Ames IA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 515/233-2603 Ames IA 300-14,400 TEL V32 515/276-7231 Des Moines IA 300-33,600 CPS V34 515/753-0670 Marshalltown IA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 515/682-0857 Ottumwa IA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 515/683-8254 Ottumwa IA 9600 TYM V32 516/471-6080 Centereach NY 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 516/254-6021 Deer Park NY 300-14,400 TEL V32 516/485-7422 Hempstead NY 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 516/565-0111 Hempstead NY 9600 TYM V32 516/292-2820 Hempstead NY 300-14,400 TEL V32 516/932-3198 Jericho NY 300-33,600 CPS V34 516/471-6080 Lake Grove NY 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 516/471-4020 Lake Grove NY 9600-14,400 TYM V32 516/981-0029 Lake Ronkonkoma NY 300-33,600 CPS V34 516/420-4579 Melville NY 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 516/420-4190 Melville NY 9600 TYM V32 516/222-8050 Williston Park NY 300-33,600 CPS V34 517/695-6751 Freeland MI 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 517/695-9766 Freeland MI 9600-14,400 TYM V32 517/780-9025 Jackson MI 300-33,600 CPS V34 517/332-7141 Lansing MI 300-33,600 CPS V34 517/832-7068 Midland MI 300-14,400 TEL V32 517/753-5100 Saginaw MI 300-33,600 CPS V34 518/464-5457 Albany NY 300-33,600 CPS V34 518/562-1890 Plattsburgh NY 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 519/741-1100 Kitchener ON 300-33,600 CPS V34 519/663-1880 London ON 300-33,600 CPS V34 520/774-3857 Flagstaff AZ 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 520/779-9775 Flagstaff AZ 9600 TYM V32 520/773-0588 Flagstaff AZ 300-14,400 TEL V32 520/459-5955 Sierra Vista AZ 300-33,600 CPS V34 520/571-0207 Tucson AZ 300-33,600 CPS V34 520/539-0019 Yuma AZ 300-33,600 CPS V34 520/329-0098 Yuma AZ 9600 TYM V32 530/897-5900 Chico CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 530/343-4401 Chico CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 530/342-2007 Chico CA 9600 TYM V32 530/758-3551 Davis CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 530/749-8015 Marysville CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 530/749-0171 Marysville CA 9600 TYM V32 530/222-0298 Redding CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 530/245-0308 Redding CA 9600 TYM V32 530/541-0151 So. Lake Tahoe CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 530/544-1347 So. Lake Tahoe CA 9600 TYM V32 530/661-9296 Woodland CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 530/758-3551 Woodland CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 540/552-9181 Blacksburg VA 300-14,400 TEL V32 540/962-2217 Covington VA 300-14,400 TEL V32 540/374-5115 Fredericksburg VA 300-33,600 CPS V34 540/371-0188 Fredericksburg VA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 540/433-6333 Harrisonburg VA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 540/432-7921 Harrisonburg VA 9600 TYM V32 540/434-0374 Harrisonburg VA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 540/338-6900 Purcellville VA 300-33,600 CPS V34 540/633-6000 Radford VA 300-33,600 CPS V34 540/362-1126 Roanoke VA 300-33,600 CPS V34 540/851-1700 Staunton VA 300-33,600 CPS V34 541/924-9486 Albany OR 300-33,600 CPS V34 541/389-0146 Bend OR 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 541/757-6341 Corvallis OR 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 541/758-0056 Corvallis OR 9600 TYM V32 541/754-0559 Corvallis OR 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 541/689-6031 Eugene OR 300-33,600 CPS V34 541/386-4405 Hood River OR 300-14,400 TEL V32 541/882-6282 Klamath Falls OR 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 541/857-2917 Medford OR 300-33,600 CPS V34 559/453-1487 Fresno CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 559/625-4891 Visalia CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 559/635-4289 Visalia CA 9600 TYM V32 559/627-1201 Visalia CA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 561/367-0732 Boca Raton FL 300-14,400 TEL V32 561/471-9310 Boyntn Beach FL 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 561/272-7900 Delray Beach FL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 561/278-1636 Delray Beach FL 9600 TYM V32 561/466-5661 Ft. Pierce FL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 561/337-1992 Port St. Lucie FL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 561/337-0254 Port St. Lucie FL 9600 TYM V32 561/567-1588 Vero Beach FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 561/624-7451 West Palm Beach FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 562/989-7012 Long Beach CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 562/802-2275 Norwalk CA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 562/436-6033 San Pedro CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 562/945-1984 Whittier CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 562/698-4281 Whittier CA 9600 TYM V32 570/271-0102 Danville PA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 570/961-2759 Scranton PA 300-33,600 CPS V34 570/822-3315 Wilkes Barre PA 300-33,600 CPS V34 570/321-8520 Williamsport PA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 570/320-0420 Williamsport PA 9600 TYM V32 570/494-1796 Williamsport PA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 573/335-1518 Cape Girardeau MO 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 573/339-5995 Cape Girardeau MO 9600 TYM V32 573/499-9540 Columbia MO 300-33,600 CPS V34 573/761-5625 Jefferson City MO 300-33,600 CPS V34 573/635-0035 Jefferson City MO 9600 TYM V32 573/364-2084 Rolla MO 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 580/226-1260 Ardmore OK 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 580/242-0113 Enid OK 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 580/355-8118 Lawton OK 300-33,600 CPS V34 601/582-0286 Hattiesburg MS 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 601/582-3051 Hattiesburg MS 9600 TYM V32 601/352-5182 Jackson MS 300-33,600 CPS V34 601/482-4335 Meridian MS 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 601/437-8916 Port Gibson MS 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 601/324-2155 Starkville MS 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 601/841-0090 Tupelo MS 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 601/841-0184 Tupelo MS 9600 TYM V32 601/638-1551 Vicksburg MS 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 601/636-0114 Vicksburg MS 9600 TYM V32 602/468-0285 Phoenix AZ 300-56,000 CPS V34/X2 603/225-7322 Concord NH 300-33,600 CPS V34 603/868-1502 Durham NH 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 603/868-1440 Durham NH 9600 TYM V32 603/643-7666 Hanover NH 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 603/666-4266 Manchester NH 300-33,600 CPS V34 603/886-6080 Nashua NH 300-33,600 CPS V34 603/964-7779 North Hampton NH 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 603/964-4929 North Hampton NH 9600 TYM V32 603/924-7090 Peterborough NH 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 603/924-7829 Peterborough NH 9600 TYM V32 603/431-7984 Portsmouth NH 300-14,400 TEL V32 603/643-7474 West Lebanon NH 9600 TYM V32 604/739-8194 Vancouver BC 300-33,600 CPS V34 605/224-7700 Pierre SD 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 605/224-0931 Pierre SD 9600 TYM V32 605/224-2257 Pierre SD 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 605/348-1664 Rapid City SD 300-33,600 CPS V34 605/334-0085 Sioux Falls SD 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 605/331-6467 Sioux Falls SD 9600 TYM V32 605/334-4953 Sioux Falls SD 300-14,400 TEL V32 606/254-6557 Lexington KY 300-33,600 CPS V34 607/773-3111 Binghamton NY 300-33,600 CPS V34 607/962-4481 Corning NY 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 607/962-4898 Corning NY 9600 TYM V32 607/737-9065 Elmira NY 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 607/735-0621 Elmira NY 9600 TYM V32 607/257-4264 Ithaca NY 300-33,600 CPS V34 608/362-4655 Beloit WI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 608/363-0912 Beloit WI 9600 TYM V32 608/362-2433 Beloit WI 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 608/784-9466 La Crosse WI 300-33,600 CPS V34 608/256-6716 Madison WI 300-33,600 CPS V34 609/641-1460 Atlantic City NJ 300-33,600 CPS V34 609/753-4700 Berlin NJ 300-33,600 CPS V34 609/667-8865 Cherry Hill NJ 300-33,600 CPS V34 609/988-7800 Marlton NJ 300-14,400 TEL V32 609/663-7730 Merchantville NJ 300-14,400 TEL V32 609/327-2898 Millville NJ 300-33,600 CPS V34 609/665-5902 Pennsauken NJ 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 609/665-0637 Pennsauken NJ 9600-14,400 TYM V32 609/497-2384 Princeton NJ 300-33,600 CPS V34 609/452-9529 South Brunswick NJ 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 609/452-8388 South Brunswick NJ 9600-14,400 TYM V32 609/530-1517 Trenton NJ 300-33,600 CPS V34 609/692-8943 Vineland NJ 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 609/692-8337 Vineland NJ 9600 TYM V32 609/696-3883 Vineland NJ 300-14,400 TEL V32 610/530-4032 Allentown PA 300-33,600 CPS V34 610/865-6978 Bethlehem PA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 610/882-3883 Bethlehem PA 9600-14,400 TYM V32 610/383-0440 Coatesville PA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 610/384-0852 Coatesville PA 9600 TYM V32 610/265-2812 King of Prussia PA 300-14,400 TEL V32 610/277-1301 Norristown PA 300-33,600 CPS V34 610/374-4450 Reading PA 300-33,600 CPS V34 610/328-9002 Springfield PA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 610/604-9884 Springfield PA 9600 TYM V32 610/666-9190 Valley PA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 610/436-7406 West Chester PA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 612/339-1805 Minneapolis MN 300-33,600 CPS V34 613/237-0400 Ottawa ON 300-33,600 CPS V34 614/461-9044 Columbus OH 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 614/764-2957 Dublin OH 300-33,600 CPS V34 614/717-9700 Dublin-ISDN OH 57,600 CPS V120 615/367-0014 Nashville TN 300-33,600 CPS V34 616/964-9303 Battle Creek MI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 616/964-7733 Battle Creek MI 9600 TYM V32 616/961-9927 Battle Creek MI 300-14,400 TEL V32 616/927-0003 Benton Harbor MI 300-33,600 CPS V34 616/465-3248 Bridgman MI 300-14,400 TEL V32 616/775-9242 Cadillac MI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 616/956-0075 Grand Rapids MI 300-33,600 CPS V34 616/355-5600 Holland MI 300-33,600 CPS V34 616/373-3750 Kalamazoo MI 300-33,600 CPS V34 616/739-3453 Muskegon MI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 616/726-5723 Muskegon MI 300-14,400 TEL V32 616/933-3400 Traverse City MI 300-33,600 CPS V34 617/426-9295 Boston MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 617/338-0093 Boston-ISDN MA 57,600 CPS V120 617/661-7071 Cambridge MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 618/277-9551 Belleville IL 300-14,400 TEL V32 618/529-4300 Carbondale IL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 618/529-1769 Carbondale IL 9600 TYM V32 618/874-4311 East St. Louis IL 300-33,600 CPS V34 618/632-3993 O'Fallon IL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 618/628-4758 O'Fallon IL 9600 TYM V32 619/585-0309 Chula Vista CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 619/679-0200 Poway CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 619/679-2024 Poway CA 9600 TYM V32 619/467-9508 San Diego CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 626/308-1800 Alhambra CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 626/289-1035 Alhambra CA 9600-14,400 TYM V32 626/303-3869 Monrovia CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 626/308-1800 Pasadena CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 626/331-6611 W. Covina CA 300-14,400 TEL V32 630/801-9468 Aurora IL 300-33,600 CPS V34 630/345-9100 Forest IL 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 630/790-4955 Glen Ellyn IL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 630/469-2694 Glen Ellyn IL 9600 TYM V32 630/261-0040 Lombard IL 300-33,600 CPS V34 630/345-9100 Maywood IL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 630/844-0700 St. Charles IL 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 650/361-8701 Belmont CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 650/367-0334 Belmont CA 9600-14,400 TYM V32 650/588-3043 Burlingame CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 650/361-8701 Palo Alto CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 650/367-0334 Palo Alto CA 9600-14,400 TYM V32 650/361-8701 Redwood City CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 650/367-0334 Redwood City CA 9600-14,400 TYM V32 650/591-8578 San Carlos CA 300-14,400 TEL V32 650/802-0130 San Mateo CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 701/223-5165 Bismark ND 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 701/223-9365 Bismark ND 9600 TYM V32 701/241-4457 Fargo ND 300-33,600 CPS V34 701/237-0337 Fargo ND 9600 TYM V32 701/746-0344 Grand Forks ND 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 701/775-7813 Grand Forks ND 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 701/663-6339 Mandan ND 300-14,400 TEL V32 701/838-2140 Minot ND 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 701/839-7670 Minot ND 9600 TYM V32 702/796-4877 Las Vegas NV 300-33,600 CPS V34 703/352-3136 Bethesda MD 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 703/385-7587 Bethesda MD 9600 TYM V32 703/591-0461 Fairfax VA 300-33,600 CPS V34 703/359-3916 Fairfax-ISDN VA 57,600 CPS V120 703/787-6719 Herndon VA 300-14,400 TEL V32 703/335-1259 Manassas VA 300-33,600 CPS V34 703/494-0836 Occoquan VA 300-14,400 TEL V32 703/934-2267 Reston VA 300-33,600 CPS V34 704/358-8991 Charlotte NC 300-33,600 CPS V34 704/867-2203 Gastonia NC 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 704/867-0046 Gastonia NC 9600 TYM V32 704/865-4708 Gastonia NC 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 704/932-4131 Kannapolis NC 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 704/933-4532 Kannapolis NC 9600 TYM V32 706/353-6120 Athens GA 300-33,600 CPS V34 706/722-3361 Augusta GA 300-33,600 CPS V34 706/321-8805 Columbus GA 300-33,600 CPS V34 706/327-4214 Columbus GA 9600 TYM V32 706/855-0442 Martinez GA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 706/650-0207 Martinez GA 9600 TYM V32 706/234-0102 Rome GA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 706/234-1428 Rome GA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 707/445-3021 Eureka CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 707/445-2458 Eureka CA 9600 TYM V32 707/444-3091 Eureka CA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 707/427-5600 Fairfield CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 707/421-0106 Fairfield CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 707/434-1040 Fairfield CA 9600 TYM V32 707/426-3860 Fairfield CA 300-14,400 TEL V32 707/257-0234 Napa CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 707/579-1588 Santa Rosa CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 707/645-1534 Vallejo CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 707/553-2616 Vallejo CA 9600 TYM V32 708/474-1422 Lansing IL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 708/355-2910 Naperville IL 300-14,400 TEL V32 712/258-8432 Sioux City IA 300-33,600 CPS V34 713/650-5143 Houston TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 713/970-4250 Houston TX 56,000 CPS X2-USR 713/718-9541 Houston-ISDN TX 57,600 CPS V120 714/563-9431 Anaheim CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 714/379-1728 Garden Grove CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 714/379-7400 Garden Grove CA 300-14,400 TEL V32 714/558-1501 Santa Ana CA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 715/833-0121 Eau Claire WI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 715/833-7608 Eau Claire WI 9600 TYM V32 715/836-0097 Eau Claire WI 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 715/359-5959 Wausau WI 300-33,600 CPS V34 715/848-6171 Wausau WI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 715/845-9589 Wausau WI 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 716/633-0562 Buffalo NY 300-33,600 CPS V34 716/488-0794 Jamestown NY 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 716/488-9984 Jamestown NY 9600 TYM V32 716/925-7351 Limestone NY 300-33,600 CPS V34 716/278-3600 Niagara Falls NY 300-33,600 CPS V34 716/385-5710 Perinton NY 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 716/586-4100 Perinton NY 9600-14,400 TYM V32 716/385-5710 Pittsford NY 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 716/586-4100 Pittsford NY 9600-14,400 TYM V32 716/254-1390 Rochester NY 300-33,600 CPS V34 716/694-5551 Tonawanda NY 300-33,600 CPS V34 717/243-6477 Carlisle PA 300-33,600 CPS V34 717/541-0210 Harrisburg PA 300-33,600 CPS V34 717/581-9500 Lancaster PA 300-33,600 CPS V34 717/975-9881 Lemoyne PA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 717/975-8168 Lemoyne PA 9600-14,400 TYM V32 717/755-5060 York PA 300-33,600 CPS V34 718/210-0599 New York NY 300-33,600 CPS V34 719/522-1049 Colorado Sprngs CO 300-33,600 CPS V34 719/546-1574 Pueblo CO 300-33,600 CPS V34 724/285-2194 Butler PA 300-33,600 CPS V34 724/838-1920 Greensburg PA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 724/830-0580 Greensburg PA 9600 TYM V32 724/658-5056 New Castle PA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 724/657-1802 New Castle PA 9600 TYM V32 727/441-1621 Clearwater FL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 727/896-8007 St. Petersburg FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 732/764-0925 Bound Brook NJ 300-33,600 CPS V34 732/935-0137 Eatontown NJ 300-33,600 CPS V34 732/780-2680 Freehold NJ 300-14,400 TEL V32 732/220-0405 New Brunswick NJ 300-14,400 TEL V32 732/562-8550 Piscataway NJ 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 732/562-0570 Piscataway NJ 9600 TYM V32 732/396-8550 Rahway NJ 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 732/574-9278 Rahway NJ 9600 TYM V32 732/758-0337 Red Bank NJ 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 732/224-0873 Red Bank NJ 9600 TYM V32 732/571-0003 Red Bank NJ 300-14,400 TEL V32 732/525-9507 Sayreville NJ 300-14,400 TEL V32 732/914-1954 Toms River NJ 300-33,600 CPS V34 732/632-9384 Woodbridge NJ 300-33,600 CPS V34 734/761-9300 Ann Arbor MI 300-33,600 CPS V34 734/451-2400 Plymouth MI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 734/455-1441 Plymouth MI 9600 TYM V32 734/326-4210 Wayne MI 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 740/594-7800 Athens OH 300-33,600 CPS V34 740/439-3032 Cambridge OH 300-33,600 CPS V34 740/363-9395 Delaware OH 300-33,600 CPS V34 740/689-4400 Lancaster OH 300-33,600 CPS V34 740/376-5700 Marietta OH 300-33,600 CPS V34 740/349-1000 Newark OH 300-33,600 CPS V34 740/284-0020 Steubenville OH 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 740/284-0020 Wintersville OH 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 740/454-2893 Zanesville OH 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 757/723-0277 Hampton VA 9600 TYM V32 757/596-0898 Newport News VA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 757/595-7180 Newport News VA 9600 TYM V32 757/596-9232 Newport News VA 300-14,400 TEL V32 757/855-6499 Norfolk VA 300-33,600 CPS V34 760/324-0728 Cathedral City CA 9600-14,400 TYM V32 760/324-0920 Cathedral City CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 760/352-5823 El Centro CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 760/352-8114 El Centro CA 9600 TYM V32 760/753-0235 Encinitas CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 760/738-0203 Escondido CA 300-14,400 TEL V32 760/430-0613 Oceanside CA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 760/778-3524 Palm Springs CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 760/471-5268 San Marcos CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 760/955-7050 Victorville CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 760/241-3580 Victorville CA 9600 TYM V32 760/951-2612 Victorville CA 300-14,400 TEL V32 760/941-6700 Vista CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 760/941-9793 Vista CA 9600 TYM V32 765/864-6500 Kokomo IN 300-33,600 CPS V34 765/456-1305 Kokomo IN 9600 TYM V32 765/452-0073 Kokomo IN 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 765/476-5300 Lafayette IN 300-33,600 CPS V34 765/662-1928 Marion IN 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 765/668-0969 Marion IN 9600 TYM V32 765/281-0095 Muncie IN 300-33,600 CPS V34 765/935-3590 Richmond IN 300-33,600 CPS V34 770/451-3362 Doraville GA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 770/451-1546 Doraville GA 9600-14,400 TYM V32 773/693-4100 Chicago IL 300-33,600 CPS V34 775/885-8411 Carson City NV 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 775/885-0188 Carson City NV 9600-14,400 TYM V32 775/322-8968 Reno NV 300-33,600 CPS V34 781/271-0420 Bedford MA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 781/275-5077 Bedford MA 9600 TYM V32 781/326-4064 Dedham MA 300-14,400 TEL V32 781/582-1200 Kingston MA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 781/585-0300 Kingston MA 9600 TYM V32 781/862-9124 Lexington MA 300-14,400 TEL V32 781/592-0207 Lynn MA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 781/592-5424 Lynn MA 9600 TYM V32 781/986-0500 Randolph MA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 781/961-4809 Randolph MA 9600 TYM V32 781/642-9050 Waltham MA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 781/642-9074 Waltham MA 9600 TYM V32 785/749-2900 Lawrence KS 300-33,600 CPS V34 785/776-9665 Manhattan KS 300-33,600 CPS V34 785/776-9803 Manhattan KS 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 785/825-4845 Salina KS 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 785/825-1338 Salina KS 9600 TYM V32 785/825-7900 Salina KS 300-14,400 TEL V32 785/232-1317 Topeka KS 300-33,600 CPS V34 787/722-0995 San Juan PR 300-33,600 CPS V34 800/848-4480 WATS 800 OH 300-2400 CPS 224MNP 800/331-7166 WATS 800 OH 9600-33,600 CPS V34 800/473-6282 WATS ISDN OH 57,600 CPS V120 800/333-4474 WATS ISDN/IP OH 64,000-128,000 CPS ISDN/IP 800/572-1959 WATS X2 OH 56,000 CPS X2-USR 800/843-0378 WATS/Canada ON 300-33,600 CPS V34 801/544-3791 Kaysville UT 300-33,600 CPS V34 801/393-5280 Ogden UT 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 801/393-9924 Ogden UT 9600 TYM V32 801/627-1640 Ogden UT 300-14,400 TEL V32 801/375-1748 Provo UT 300-33,600 CPS V34 801/521-9777 Salt Lake City UT 300-33,600 CPS V34 802/229-4508 Barre VT 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 802/860-0550 Burlington VT 300-33,600 CPS V34 802/864-5485 Burlington VT 9600 TEL V32 802/362-2264 Manchester Ctr VT 300-33,600 CPS V34 802/229-4508 Montpelier VT 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 802/229-0722 Montpelier VT 9600 TYM V32 802/223-0758 Montpelier VT 300-14,400 TEL V32 802/775-1676 Rutland VT 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 802/295-7631 White River VT 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 803/648-0237 Aiken SC 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 803/776-2229 Columbia SC 300-33,600 CPS V34 804/295-2846 Charlottesville VA 300-33,600 CPS V34 804/727-0572 Hampton VA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 804/847-2501 Lynchburg VA 300-33,600 CPS V34 804/861-1788 Petersburg VA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 804/863-0180 Petersburg VA 9600 TYM V32 804/287-8566 Richmond VA 300-33,600 CPS V34 805/324-4303 Bakersfield CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 805/948-7298 Lancaster CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 805/922-3308 Los Alamos CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 805/531-9840 Moorpark CA 9600 TYM V32 805/523-0203 Moorpark CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 805/985-2514 Oxnard CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 805/985-7843 Port Hueneme CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 805/984-5636 Port Hueneme CA 9600-14,400 TYM V32 805/544-0137 San Luis Obispo CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 805/549-7811 San Luis Obispo CA 9600 TYM V32 805/968-8210 Santa Barbara CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 805/297-0546 Santa Clarita CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 805/937-5490 Santa Maria CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 805/499-6110 Thousand Oaks CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 805/644-7860 Ventura CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 806/345-2782 Amarillo TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 806/359-1124 Amarillo TX 9600 TYM V32 806/355-7088 Amarillo TX 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 806/797-0479 Lubbock TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 808/934-0406 Hilo HI 300-33,600 CPS V34 808/935-5717 Hilo HI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 808/528-0430 Honolulu HI 300-33,600 CPS V34 808/667-7591 Lahaina HI 9600 TYM V32 808/246-2651 Lihue HI 300-33,600 CPS V34 808/877-6041 Maui HI 300-33,600 CPS V34 808/661-7688 Maui HI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 808/536-3886 Oahu HI 300-9600 TEL V32 810/743-8350 Burton MI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 810/743-5396 Burton MI 9600 TYM V32 810/238-8555 Flint MI 300-33,600 CPS V34 810/468-1301 Mt. Clemens MI 300-33,600 CPS V34 810/982-0301 Port Huron MI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 810/987-1560 Port Huron MI 9600 TYM V32 810/982-8364 Port Huron MI 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 810/774-1000 Roseville MI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 810/573-7300 Warren MI 300-14,400 TEL V32 812/330-1424 Bloomington IN 300-33,600 CPS V34 812/348-7000 Columbus IN 300-33,600 CPS V34 812/426-7112 Evansville IN 300-33,600 CPS V34 812/235-1800 Terre Haute IN 300-33,600 CPS V34 813/229-3200 Tampa FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 814/941-2852 Altoona PA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 814/941-8548 Altoona PA 9600 TYM V32 814/949-0310 Altoona PA 300-14,400 TEL V32 814/864-5184 Erie PA 300-33,600 CPS V34 814/459-0307 Erie PA 9600 TYM V32 814/539-5059 Johnstown PA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 814/535-3356 Johnstown PA 300-14,400 TEL V32 814/443-1477 Somerset PA 300-33,600 CPS V34 814/231-0252 State College PA 300-33,600 CPS V34 815/748-2705 Dekalb IL 300-33,600 CPS V34 815/232-7111 Freeport IL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 815/723-0167 Joliet IL 300-33,600 CPS V34 815/939-0129 Kankakee IL 300-33,600 CPS V34 815/877-8759 Loves Park IL 9600 TYM V32 815/633-2080 Loves Park IL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 815/226-9871 Rockford IL 300-33,600 CPS V34 816/221-3817 Kansas City MO 300-56,000 CPS X2 816/232-1455 St. Joseph MO 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 816/279-4797 St. Joseph MO 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 817/685-2737 Ft. Worth TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 818/789-9557 Beverly Hills CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 818/841-4795 Burbank CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 818/558-1508 Burbank CA 9600 TYM V32 818/789-9557 Canoga Park CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 818/507-0511 Glendale CA 300-14,400 TEL V32 818/752-8045 N. Hollywood CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 818/789-9557 San Fernando CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 818/789-9557 Sherman Oaks CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 818/995-0517 Sherman Oaks CA 9600-14,400 TYM V32 818/988-9791 Van Nuys CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 818/887-7420 Woodland Hills CA 300-14,400 TEL V32 828/684-0773 Asheville NC 300-33,600 CPS V34 828/326-9860 Hickory NC 300-14,400 TEL V32 831/648-0139 Monterey CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 831/754-1858 Salinas CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 831/462-9666 Santa Cruz CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 843/763-3423 Charleston SC 300-33,600 CPS V34 843/664-0550 Florence SC 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 843/669-0042 Florence SC 9600-14,400 TEL V32 843/842-7007 Hilton Head SC 300-33,600 CPS V34 843/448-4350 Myrtle Beach SC 300-33,600 CPS V34 847/670-9522 Arlington Hghts IL 300-14,400 TEL V32 847/267-9120 Deerfield IL 300-33,600 CPS V34 847/888-8113 Elgin IL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 847/556-7373 Evanston IL 300-56,000 CPS X2-USR 847/835-1143 Glencoe IL 300-14,400 TEL V32 847/295-7075 Lake Bluff IL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 847/549-0309 Libertyville IL 300-33,600 CPS V34 847/501-4536 Northfield IL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 847/991-7171 Palatine IL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 847/991-0303 Palatine IL 9600 TYM V32 847/698-9800 Rosemont IL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 847/781-6962 Schaumburg IL 300-33,600 CPS V34 850/243-1644 Ft.Walton Beach FL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 850/243-2921 Ft.Walton Beach FL 9600 TYM V32 850/763-2907 Panama City FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 850/433-1828 Pensacola FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 850/474-9283 Pensacola FL 9600 TYM V32 850/422-9604 Tallahassee FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 850/897-3421 Valparaiso FL 300-14,400 TEL V32 860/242-1986 Bloomfield CT 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 860/243-9446 Bloomfield CT 9600-14,400 TYM V32 860/526-8600 Deep River CT 300-33,600 CPS V34 860/727-8708 Hartford CT 300-33,600 CPS V34 860/435-4020 Lakeville CT 300-33,600 CPS V34 860/437-5100 New London CT 300-33,600 CPS V34 860/763-3521 Somers CT 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 860/684-8800 Stafford CT 300-33,600 CPS V34 864/676-9228 Greenville SC 300-33,600 CPS V34 864/585-0337 Spartanburg SC 300-33,600 CPS V34 864/579-9087 Spartanburg SC 9600 TYM V32 870/935-7957 Jonesboro AR 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 870/535-2629 Pine Bluff AR 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 870/535-2595 Pine Bluff AR 9600 TYM V32 901/661-0904 Jackson TN 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 901/661-0153 Jackson TN 9600 TYM V32 901/454-6851 Memphis TN 300-33,600 CPS V34 902/457-0669 Halifax NS 300-33,600 CPS V34 903/677-1712 Athens TX 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 903/753-0596 Longview TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 903/868-0089 Sherman TX 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 903/893-4995 Sherman TX 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 903/832-1066 Texarkana TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 903/792-4521 Texarkana TX 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 903/509-0680 Tyler TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 904/238-5354 Daytona Beach FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 904/252-1609 Holly Hill FL 9600-14,400 TEL V32 904/257-4770 Holly Hill FL 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 904/730-0046 Jacksonville FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 904/673-0034 Ormond Beach FL 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 904/673-6237 Ormond Beach FL 9600 TYM V32 905/529-4601 Hamilton ON 300-33,600 CPS V34 906/228-3780 Marquette MI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 906/228-4622 Marquette MI 300-14,400 TEL V32 907/562-3835 Anchorage AK 300-33,600 CPS V34 907/458-8988 Fairbanks AK 300-33,600 CPS V34 908/852-0303 Hackettstown NJ 300-33,600 CPS V34 909/824-5571 Colton CA 300-14,400 TEL V32 909/737-5510 Corona CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 909/278-1211 Corona CA 300-14,400 TEL V32 909/860-0057 Diamond Bar CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 909/860-2881 Diamond Bar CA 9600-14,400 TYM V32 909/860-0057 Ontario CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 909/865-0553 Pomona CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 909/358-0205 Riverside CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 909/882-6646 San Bernardino CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 909/985-1153 Upland CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 909/946-7676 Upland CA 9600 TYM V32 910/860-8600 Fayetteville NC 300-33,600 CPS V34 910/423-0576 Fayetteville NC 9600 TYM V32 910/323-4148 Fayetteville NC 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 910/392-5543 Wilmington NC 300-33,600 CPS V34 912/435-1540 Albany GA 300-33,600 CPS V34 912/888-0154 Albany GA 9600 TYM V32 912/265-0527 Brunswick GA 300-33,600 CPS V34 912/741-2108 Macon GA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 912/353-8559 Savannah GA 300-33,600 CPS V34 912/226-6822 Thomasville GA 300-33,600 CPS V34 912/922-2179 Warner Robins GA 300-33,600 CPS V34 913/651-8094 Leavenworth KS 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 913/651-2543 Leavenworth KS 9600 TYM V32 913/651-0015 Leavenworth KS 300-14,400 TEL V32 913/384-5012 Mission KS 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 913/384-0071 Mission KS 9600 TYM V32 914/339-1463 Kingston NY 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 914/339-0210 Kingston NY 9600 TYM V32 914/343-4646 Middletown NY 300-33,600 CPS V34 914/634-0388 New City NY 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 914/485-1203 Poughkeepsie NY 300-33,600 CPS V34 914/761-9780 White Plains NY 300-33,600 CPS V34 914/561-9103 Windsor NY 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 915/698-9650 Abilene TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 915/771-9669 El Paso TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 915/563-0009 Midland TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 915/561-8108 Midland TX 9600 TYM V32 915/561-8401 Odessa TX 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 915/942-6680 San Angelo TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 915/658-4590 San Angelo TX 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 915/653-3300 San Angelo TX 9600 TYM V32 916/568-0241 Sacramento CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 918/336-5283 Bartlesville OK 300-33,600 CPS V34 918/621-1036 Tulsa OK 300-33,600 CPS V34 919/929-0443 Chapel Hill NC 300-33,600 CPS V34 919/309-7100 Durham NC 300-33,600 CPS V34 919/751-3200 Goldsboro NC 300-33,600 CPS V34 919/664-5848 Raleigh NC 300-33,600 CPS V34 919/549-0542 Research TriPrk NC 300-14,400 TEL V32 920/830-8352 Appleton WI 300-33,600 CPS V34 920/733-4195 Appleton WI 9600 TYM V32 920/498-8874 Green Bay WI 300-33,600 CPS V34 920/432-0293 Green Bay WI 9600 TYM V32 920/731-1560 Neenah WI 9600-14,400 TEL V32 920/731-9687 Neenah WI 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 920/235-7473 Oshkosh WI 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 920/451-1832 Sheboygan WI 300-33,600 CPS V34 925/754-8222 Antioch CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 925/778-0982 Antioch CA 9600 TYM V32 925/935-1507 Concord CA 1200-2400 TYM 224 925/687-0216 Concord CA 300-14,400 TEL V32 925/606-9460 Livermore CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 925/935-1507 Pacheco CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 925/682-2055 Pleasant Hill CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 925/462-2101 Pleasanton CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 925/484-1025 Pleasanton CA 9600 TYM V32 925/829-6705 San Ramon CA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 925/935-1507 Walnut Creek CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 925/935-9806 Walnut Creek CA 9600-14,400 TYM V32 931/647-2859 Clarksville TN 300-33,600 CPS V34 931/645-8877 Clarksville TN 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 931/552-0032 Clarksville TN 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 937/224-4576 Dayton OH 300-33,600 CPS V34 937/642-3940 Marysville OH 300-33,600 CPS V34 937/322-8855 Springfield OH 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 937/325-8871 Springfield OH 9600 TYM V32 937/324-1520 Springfield OH 300-14,400 TEL V32 940/484-0037 Denton TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 940/723-2386 Wichita Falls TX 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 940/723-6248 Wichita Falls TX 9600 TYM V32 940/322-3774 Wichita Falls TX 300-14,400 TEL V32 941/334-0071 Cape Coral FL 300-14,400 TEL V32 941/334-9270 Ft. Myers FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 941/646-0239 Lakeland FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 941/566-7015 Naples FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 941/951-6755 Sarasota FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 941/365-8089 Sarasota FL 9600 TYM V32 941/291-4038 Winter Haven FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 949/252-1131 Irvine CA 300-33,600 CPS V34 949/261-0583 Irvine-ISDN CA 57,600 CPS V120 949/752-1493 Newport Beach CA 9600-14,400 TYM V32 949/852-8141 Newport Beach CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 949/458-0811 Saddle Brook CA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 949/240-9424 San Clemente CA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 949/489-0986 San Clemente CA 9600 TYM V32 949/852-8141 Santa Ana CA 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 949/752-1493 Santa Ana CA 9600-14,400 TYM V32 954/426-0228 Deerfield Beach FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 954/489-0001 Ft. Lauderdale FL 300-33,600 CPS V34 954/467-1870 Hollywood FL 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 954/779-3445 Hollywood FL 9600-14,400 TYM V32 954/941-5545 Pompano Beach FL 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 956/233-1241 Brownsville TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 956/928-1222 Edinburg TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 956/423-0051 Harlingen TX 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 956/725-9163 Laredo TX 300-33,600 CPS V34 956/618-0320 McAllen TX 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 956/631-8967 McAllen TX 300-14,400 TEL V32 970/920-4565 Aspen CO 300-33,600 CPS V34 970/668-3384 Dillon CO 300-33,600 CPS V34 970/259-3017 Durango CO 300-33,600 CPS V34 970/229-0246 Ft. Collins CO 300-33,600 CPS V34 970/221-5154 Ft. Collins CO 9600 TYM V32 970/928-0507 Glenwood Spring CO 300-33,600 CPS V34 970/241-5116 Grand Junction CO 300-33,600 CPS V34 970/356-6538 Greeley CO 300-33,600 CPS V34 970/667-7681 Loveland CO 300-33,600 CPS V34 970/870-0501 Steamboat Spngs CO 300-33,600 CPS V34 970/949-4614 Vail CO 300-33,600 CPS V34 972/542-2641 McKinney TX 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 973/276-8088 Caldwell NJ 300-33,600 CPS V34 973/827-0636 Franklin NJ 300-33,600 CPS V34 973/984-5113 Morristown NJ 300-33,600 CPS V34 973/623-5666 Newark NJ 300-33,600 CPS V34 973/777-2700 Passaic NJ 300-14,400 TEL V32 973/742-0752 Paterson NJ 1200-2400 TYM 224MNP 973/523-8622 Paterson NJ 9600-14,400 TYM V32 973/701-0767 Summit NJ 300-14,400 TEL V32 973/872-9576 Wayne NJ 300-33,600 CPS V34 978/667-1765 Billerica MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 978/371-0354 Concord MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 978/630-1002 Gardner MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 978/448-8616 Groton MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 978/568-8019 Hudson MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 978/725-0155 Lawrence MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 978/537-6451 Leominster MA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 978/840-0342 Leominster MA 9600 TYM V32 978/452-5112 Lowell MA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 978/458-0623 Lowell MA 9600 TYM V32 978/459-2350 Lowell MA 300-14,400 TEL V32 978/526-1506 Manchester MA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 978/526-1444 Manchester MA 9600 TYM V32 978/897-4746 Maynard MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 978/897-5559 Maynard MA 9600 TYM V32 978/499-0062 Newburyport MA 300-33,600 CPS V34 978/744-1559 Salem MA 300-2400 TEL 224MNP 978/939-4459 Templeton MA 9600 TYM V32 978/939-4849 Templeton MA 300-2400 TYM 224MNP 907/592-2557 Adak AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/258-7222 Anchorage AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/852-2425 Barrow AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/543-2411 Bethel AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/768-2700 Cantwell AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/424-3744 Cordova AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/826-2948 Craig AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/659-2777 Dead Horse AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/895-5070 Delta Junction AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/842-2688 Dillingham AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/456-3282 Fairbanks AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/822-5231 Glennallen AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/766-2171 Haines AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/683-1350 Healy AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/235-5230 Homer AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/789-7009 Juneau AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/225-1871 Ketchikan AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/246-3049 King Salmon AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/486-4061 Kodiak AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/442-2602 Kotzebue AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/524-3256 McGrath AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/746-2121 Neklasson Lake AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/832-5214 Nenana AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/443-2256 Nome AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/778-2301 Northway AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/745-0200 Palmer AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/772-3878 Petersberg AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/224-3126 Seward AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/747-5887 Sitka AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/983-2170 Skagway AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/262-1990 Soldotna AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/546-2320 St. Paul AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/366-7167 Tanana AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/883-4747 Tok AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/581-1820 Unalaska AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/835-4987 Valdez AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/472-2467 Whittier AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/874-2394 Wrangle AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 907/784-3453 Yakutat AK 300-9600 AKN V32uds 204/725-0593 Brandon MB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 204/638-3025 Dauphin MB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 204/687-7986 Flin Flon MB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 204/822-6824 Morden MB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 204/239-0355 Portage La Prai MB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 204/482-7050 Selkirk MB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 204/326-2972 Steinbach MB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 204/623-4543 The Pas MB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 204/677-2376 Thompson MB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/287-9583 Campbell River BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/334-9702 Courtenay BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/489-5371 Cranbrook BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/782-8964 Dawson Creek BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/748-9993 Duncan BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/774-4096 Fort Nelson BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/785-9483 Fort St. John BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/374-7852 Kamloops BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/868-9658 Kelowna BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/753-5729 Nanaimo BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/354-1246 Nelson BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/954-3891 Parksville BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/493-7596 Penticton BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/724-7329 Port Alberni BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/949-8976 Port Hardy BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/564-9246 Prince George BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/627-4346 Prince Rupert BC 9600 DPC MTRLA 250/992-9084 Quesnel BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/832-7825 Salmon Arms BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/847-8859 Smithers BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/638-8908 Terrace BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/364-0928 Trail BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/549-5187 Vernon BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 250/392-3090 Williams Lake BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 306/634-1916 Estevan SK 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 306/752-4899 Melfort SK 300-2400 DPC 224 306/692-1026 Moose Jaw SK 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 306/445-5673 N. Battleford SK 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 306/763-6441 Prince Albert SK 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 306/773-2966 Swift Current SK 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 306/842-0441 Weyburn SK 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 306/786-7734 Yorkton SK 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/234-7740 Airdrie AB 300-1200 DPC 212 403/762-9475 Banff AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/674-2575 Barrhead AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/826-4726 Bonnyville AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/362-0452 Brooks AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/672-0003 Camrose AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/542-6022 Drayton Valley AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/823-5055 Drumheller AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/743-4226 Fort McMurray AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/532-4527 Grand Prairie AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/594-0108 Grande Centre AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/926-2341 High Level AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/865-1477 Hinton AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/421-0250 Leduc AB 300-1200 DPC 212 403/320-6294 Lethbridge AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/875-0121 Lloydminster AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/526-8721 Medicine Hat AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/624-2552 Peace River AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/346-6660 Red Deer AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/421-0268 Sherwood Park AB 300-1200 DPC 212 403/421-0280 St. Albert AB 300-1200 DPC 212 403/645-1831 St. Paul AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/421-0236 Stony Plain AB 300-1200 DPC 212 403/223-8299 Taber AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/632-4002 Vegreville AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 403/842-6700 Wainwright AB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/668-6911 Alma QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/629-6451 Amqui QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/296-8927 Baie-Comeau QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/689-5581 Chandler QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/748-8151 Chibougameau QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/698-0097 Chicoutimi QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/679-8499 Dolbeau QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/285-3852 Donnaconna QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/368-4251 Gaspe QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/589-2911 Hauterive QC 1200 DPC 212 418/698-0097 Jonqui/Chicouti QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/665-7561 La Malbaie QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/387-7635 Marie de Beauce QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/562-7800 Matane QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/248-3555 Montmagny QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/752-6048 New Carlisle QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/722-7519 Rimouski QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/867-3566 Riviere du Loup QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/275-1252 Roberval QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/962-7517 Sept-Iles QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/679-8499 St. Felicien QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/227-3282 St. George Beau QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/338-0183 Thetford Mines QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 418/851-4259 Trois Pistoles QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 450/699-0396 Chateauguay QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 450/378-3916 Granby QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 450/752-5360 Joliette QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 450/562-2403 Lachute QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 450/746-1799 Sorel QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 450/358-2570 St. Jean QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 450/565-4871 St. Jerome QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 450/227-4532 St. Sauveur QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 450/796-5178 St. Thomas QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/547-0114 Bathurst NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/753-3297 Campbellton NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/727-6630 Caraquet NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/684-1819 Dalhousie NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/739-0889 Edmunston NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/392-5995 Florenceville NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/457-0491 Fredericton NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/473-4337 Grand Falls NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/375-4639 Hartland NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/622-0120 Miramichi NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/852-3041 Moncton NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/622-0120 New Castle NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/523-6408 Richibucto NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/536-1879 Sackville NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/633-0105 Saint John NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/533-3180 Shediac NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/336-1085 Shippagan NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/529-3920 St. Andrew NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/235-2079 St. Quentin NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/465-0996 St. Stephen NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/433-1625 Sussex NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/395-9748 Tracadie NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 506/325-2937 Woodstock NB 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 514/774-9532 Ste Hyacinthe QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 514/377-2907 Valleyfield QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/758-5161 Brantford ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/351-8948 Chatham ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/482-5496 Clinton ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/235-4709 Exeter ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/524-1149 Goderich ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/763-3690 Guelph ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/364-3240 Hanover ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/291-3300 Listowel ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/432-3201 London ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/973-3909 Maidstone ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/942-4526 Orangeville ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/371-8317 Owen Sound ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/339-9134 Sarnia ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/428-8018 Simcoe ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/633-5593 St. Thomas ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/272-2001 Stratford ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/688-3117 Tillsonburg ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/881-3070 Walkerton ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/825-9391 Wheatley ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/973-3909 Windsor ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 519/421-2550 Woodstock ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 604/850-8413 Abbottsford BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 604/795-4589 Chilliwack BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 604/485-9457 Powell River BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 604/892-5173 Squamish BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 604/932-4293 Whistler BC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 613/623-5748 Arnprior ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 613/969-8888 Belleville ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 613/498-1441 Brockville ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 613/584-1557 Chalk River ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 613/936-2215 Cornwall ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 613/584-1557 Deep River ON 9600 DPC MTRLA 613/632-1207 Hawkesbury ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 613/547-0051 Kingston ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 613/567-4537 Ottawa ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 613/789-1483 Ottawa ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 613/735-7026 Pembroke ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 613/267-7019 Perth ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 613/432-9098 Renfrew ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 613/284-1702 Smiths Falls ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 705/435-5104 Alliston ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 705/737-9311 Barrie ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 705/645-6789 Bracebridge ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 705/444-5656 Collingwood ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 705/789-4383 Huntsville ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 705/324-3544 Lindsay ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 705/527-5745 Midland ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 705/497-9877 North Bay ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 705/329-2862 Orillia ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 705/746-9057 Parry Sound ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 705/876-0884 Peterborough ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 705/946-0213 Sault Ste Marie ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 705/671-1127 Sudbury ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 705/268-9540 Timmins ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 709/463-2483 Arnolds Cove NF 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 709/786-0946 Bay Roberts NF 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 709/596-0576 Carbonear NF 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 709/466-1457 Clarenville NF 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 709/634-0384 Cornerbrook NF 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 709/635-4407 Deer Lake NF 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 709/256-8216 Gander NF 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 709/489-4656 Grand Falls NF 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 709/896-3381 Happy Valley NF 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 709/944-2602 Labrador NF 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 709/535-0475 Lewisporte NF 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 709/279-1310 Marystown-Burin NF 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 709/695-9771 Port Aux Basque NF 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 709/673-2782 Springdale NF 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 709/454-2634 St. Anthony NF 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 709/739-0357 St. John's NF 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 709/643-2035 Stephenville NF 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 807/223-7172 Dryden ON 300-2400 DPC 224 807/467-3480 Kenora ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 807/623-5762 Thunder Bay ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/732-0503 Amos QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/357-9436 Arthabaska QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/562-2725 Deauville QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/475-0080 Drummondville QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/298-4306 Gentilly QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/275-2723 L'Annonciation QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/333-1099 La Sarre QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/583-5193 Lac Drolet QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/583-5193 Lac Megantic QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/523-5651 Latuque QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/228-8417 Louiseville QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/449-3544 Maniwaki QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/739-2300 Matagami QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/623-6986 Mont Laurier QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/797-2915 Rouyn/Noranda QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/537-9330 Shawinigan QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/647-6301 Shawville ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/562-2725 Sherbrooke QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/326-9414 Ste Agathe QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/425-9841 Ste Jovite QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/693-7946 Trois Rivieres QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/874-1156 Val D'Or QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 819/752-3079 Victoriaville QC 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 867/983-8870 Cambridge Bay NT 300-2400 DPC 224 867/695-8870 Fort Simpson NT 300-2400 DPC 224 867/872-8870 Fort Smith NT 300-2400 DPC 224 867/874-8870 Hay River NT 300-2400 DPC 224 867/777-8870 Inuvik NT 300-2400 DPC 224 867/979-3282 Iqaluit NT 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 867/587-8870 Norman Wells NT 300-2400 DPC 224 867/668-9600 Whitehorse YT 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 867/920-9600 Yellowknife NT 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 902/667-4524 Amherst NS 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 902/863-1977 Antigonish NS 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 902/437-6548 Borden PE 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 902/543-5699 Bridgewater NS 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 902/628-8701 Charlottetown PE 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 902/679-1943 Kentville NS 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 902/765-3003 Kingston NS 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 902/755-9170 New Glasgow NS 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 902/625-5430 Port Hawksbury NS 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 902/888-2247 Summerside PE 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 902/567-1460 Sydney NS 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 902/895-9348 Truro NS 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 902/257-2108 Wallace NS 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 902/798-0614 Windsor NS 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 902/742-3003 Yarmouth NS 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 905/428-3207 Ajax-Pickering ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 905/727-7172 Aurora ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 905/453-4844 Bolton ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 905/453-4844 Brampton ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 905/854-1952 Campbellville ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 905/372-8378 Cobourg ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 905/871-4748 Fort Erie ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 905/875-3327 Milton ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 905/836-1706 Newmarket ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 905/357-4872 Niagara Falls ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 905/404-2095 Oshawa ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 905/688-4824 St. Catharines ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 905/852-4502 Uxbridge ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 905/788-2001 Welland ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA 905/430-9880 Whitby ON 300-9600 DPC MTRLA COUNTRY AREA CITY CODE CODE PHONE NUMBER NETWORK BAUD RATE ------------------- ------- ------ ------------ ------- ------------------- < but at least I'm not a bastard. I enjoy being a bastard. --- -- Credits Without the following contributions, this zine issue would be fairly delayed or not released. So thank you to the following people: Anonymous, Axion, Captain B, Colt45, CYB0RG/ASM, Oprah Jemima, Phlux, Stalins Sidekick, The Clone -- Shouts: CYB0RG/ASM, Wildman, H410g3n, warVamp, The Question, plappy, Phlux, rt, Magma, Hack Canada, The Grasshopper Unit, Flippersmack, Nettwerked666, soapie, littleyellowdot, Breanne, Flopik, and lastly to everyone and anyone who contributes to the Canadian H/P scene. ;. .;.. ; ;. ;.. ;.. .;..; .;.; .;; ;.. .;..;. .;..; .;.;...; ;..;.. .;. A .;. .;. ;.. N E T T W E R K E D ;.. ;..;.. P R O D U C T ;..;.. .;..; ;..;.. ; .;..;.;.. .; . .;. ..;.. .;.. . .; ..;..;..;.. .; ;..;. .;.. . .;.. .;.;. ..;. ..;.. .;. ;.;..;;..;.; ;.;;..;.. ;.;.; .; . ;.;..;. .;. ;.;:.;. ,;....;. .;.;. .;.; .;.;.; .;.; ;..;. .;.;;.; .;. ..; ;. > > > > > > ... Son of a gun, a simple equation.