__ _____ __ ___ _ ______ __ _ _ __ ___ / _ __ ____ _ ( ) ___)\ /______ ______ _________ \ / ___ _____ ___)\ ___ __. _____ | /_ \ | /_ / | ___\ | (/ || // _ | | _ __ __ _ _ _\\ | | _______ |:(/ ( ) | | ( ) ) \/_ \ /( )\ ( ) \\| | /_ ____ ||\\ | | | | | | ) ) / ___) \\ | //__ || \\ | | | | | | | | \ (___ __ _ \) | // || \\_ __| |__| |__| | | |_ \_______ __ | |// ____ __/ | \___ ____ _ _ _ _ _ __ ______) | (/ / __ __ )/ \ \| | / / \ \ (\_____/ /___ _ ___ _ ____ \ ) \____ _____ __ ___ _ My Voice Is My Passport Verify Me _ _ ( 29 ) | | c/a 7.2002. _____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Words from the Editor -. � | *: [-] Introduction .......................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Contact Information ................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Link of the Month ..................................... The Clone :* *: (-) K-1ine Mirrors ........................................ The Clone :* ____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Documents -. � | *: (x) 'Edmonton 2600 Meeting - Location Proposal' ............ The Clone :* *: (x) 'SIT (Special Information Tones)' ...................... Phlux :* *: (x) 'International Signalling System Number 7 Point Codes'.. Phlux :* *: (x) '(ESN's, SID's, IRM(IN)'s and SOC's(CODES)' ............ Phlux :* *: (x) 'Common Language Location Identifiers' ................. Phlux :* _____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Conclusion -. � | *: [-] Credits ............................................... The Clone :* *: [-] Shouts ................................................ The Clone :* _____________________________________________________________________________ Introduction - Welcome to the latest issue of K-1ine 'zine - #29 'My Voice Is My Passport Verify Me'. Thanks to Phlux for submitting articles. Enjoy this issue of K-1ine zine, and don't forget to send me more articles in the future. Peace out, and have a nice summer! --> Contact Information; Comments/Questions/Submissions: theclone@hackcanada.com Check out my site: (Nettwerked) http://www.nettwerked.net --> -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --=[ LINK OF THE MONTH ]=-- Every month I post one really great "link of the month" on every issue of K-1ine magazine. The link can be anything in the technology industry, music scene, rave scene, punk scene, or even a good article you read on a news site. I'll be taking submissions via e-mail or IRC right away; so get your links in and maybe you'll see it in the next issue of K-1ine! For the month of July, the link of the month is: www.paypalwarning.com 'Paypal Warning to Investors, Merchants, Customers, and Users' [submitted by: The Clone] --==================================================================-- K-1ine Mirrors: http://www.mirrors.wiretapped.net/security/info/textfiles/k1ine/ (Now mirrored in two places, one in Belgium and another in Sydney) "Wiretapped.net is an archive of open source software, informational textfiles and radio/conference broadcasts covering the areas of network and information security, network operations, host integrity, cryptography and privacy, among others. We believe we are now the largest archive of this type of software & information, hosting in excess of 20 gigabytes of information mirrored from around the world." --------============================================================-- Edmonton 2600 Meeting - Location Proposal Written: Friday July 12, 2002 / The Clone The Low-Down: Since early 2002, the five year organizer of the Edmonton 2600 meetings (Cyb0rg/asm) allowed me (The Clone) to be in charge of scheduling and the overall rule enforcement for the meetings. Therefore I've taken the liberty of writing a proposal regarding the Edmonton 2600 meetings. The Current Situation: This weekend at H2K2 in New York City Emmanuel Goldstein will be speaking to a crowd of thousands regarding the state of the 2600 meetings. He worries that in the past couple of years, the meetings in North America have started to "die down" because the organizers of the local 2600 meetings aren't doing a sufficient job in keeping them together. This has hit closer to home than the Hack Canada & 2600 people would have ever expected. Since we moved to the Edmonton City Centre, the turnout rate for the Edmonton meetings went from the usual 20+ people to less than 10. We feel that the reason for this is the fact that people don't like sitting in a food court that has uncomfortable chairs, and an non-intimate atmosphere, while having security guards watch our every move. It could be a num- ber of things, but my theories on this are probably fairly accurate. The Proposal: What a long time 2600 attendee (Alan) suggested to me was that we move the loca- tion from the Edmonton City Centre to a better location in Edmonton - just off Whyte Ave on 109st at a place called "Parkallen Pizza". I have personally been to that pizza place a few times in the past, and I really enjoyed myself. The staff is friendly and down to earth, the prices for food are reasonable, and the social atmosphere is great. If we don't act quickly: If we don't act quickly to move the location of the 2600 meetings, I fear that they may die. I have personally made a lot of friends and exchanged a lot of useful information over the past few years by attending 2600 meetings. It would be a sad day in Edmonton if they suddenly ceased to exist. WHAT YOU CAN DO... Give me feedback on my proposal for the new 2600 meeting location. Let me know your thoughts on the potential location change, because this is YOUR meeting too. My e-mail address is: theclone@hackcanada.com. I hope to hear from you soon! THE NEW 2600 LOCATION... "Where is 'Parkallen Pizza' located?" Address: 8424-109 St. Edmonton AB. Telephone: 780-430-4777 --- SIT.TXT SIT (Special Information Tones) - 6/16/2002 Written by phlux - fraud@HackTel.com SIT's are often heard whilst scanning. They are the three escelating tones usually followed by a recording of the sort. "Your call did not go through, please try again later" Usually they are not very helpful. SIT's are also used by Telemarketing equipment. ADAD's or Automatic Dialing Anouncement Devices listen for SIT's and they will parse the dialed number from its calling database as it is not working. (this is how radio shacks telezapper works. A clean SIT recorded to an answering machine is just as effective) ADAD's are used by tele-marketing companies, either by stand alone hardware, or with a computer and a modem. This is usually the setup used by various schools to nark on you for skipping school. SIT's can be very useful to a phone phreak. ________ Encoding; SIT's have an encoding scheme. The duration and frequencies used in this scheme allows for 32 different possible encodings. Tones 1 and 2 consist of a Low or High frequency. The third tone is always 1776.7hz for easier decoding. Tone 1; Tone 2; Low: 913.8 Hz Low:1370.6 Hz High: 985.2 Hz High:1428.5 Hz These frequencies should be +/- 1.5% stable in frequency shift and +/- 0.2% in frequency flutter. The duration for the first and second tone is either short (274ms) or long (380ms), and should be stable within +/- 5% of its value. The duration of the third tone is always long. (380ms) The duration of silence between tones is not part of the encoding, but it should not be greater then 4ms. Interuptions of a tone should be less then 1ms for optimal decoding. The amplitude variation among the 3 tones should not be greater then 3dB. ____________ Announcements; The duration of silence between the third tone of the SIT and the prerecorded message should be no more then 300ms, and 400ms for localy recorded messages. The amplitude of the SIT should be 2dB lower then the annoucement so hand scanning phone phreaks do not get pissed off and try to own the system. Announcements try to identify to the user the condition and the respective action to be taken. Announcement types are as follows: No Circuit (NC) ReOrder (RO) Vacant Code (VC) Intercept (INT) Inneffective Other (IO) __ NC A No Circuit applies when there is a failure to find a trunk or to calls affected by Network Management Controls. The call should be tried again later. __ RO The ReOrder applies due to; Internal Switching Blockage, Failure to recieve wink on an interoffice call attempt, Insufficient or mutilated digits, failure to find an available resource, interoffice signalling link failure, all announcement trunks busy, switching equipment congestion or protocol errors. The call should be tried again later. (A ReOrder tone resembles a busy signal, but is twice as fast (120 interuptions per minute.)) __ VC Vacant Code applies as per the following conditions; Vacant Code, Unauthorized CAMA '1' or '0' plus unauthorized code (??), Nonworking 911, Out of area, terminating end office or tandem recieves digits for nonsubtending code, no route to specified transit network, or no route to destination. The following announcement should tell the user that the call could not be completed as dialed and any specific instructions for an encountered condition. ___ INT Intercept applies when the number has been changed, vacant number, disconnected number, non-working number, temporarily suspended service, incoming call restriction. The announcement should specify the reason for faulty call completion and any instructions. (this number is not in service, the new number is 313 333 3337) __ IO Ineffective other apply under the conditions; prefix or access code dialing irregularity, improper initial coin deposit, screened access denial, or any dialing irregularity. Anouncement should include instructions for proper dialing and wether or not to try the call again. ______________________ SIT Coding Assignments; Tone 1 Tone 2 Tone 3 Freq(Hz)/Duration(ms) NC 985.2 / 380 1428.5 / 380 1776.7 / 380 INT 913.8 / 274 1370.6 / 274 VC 985.1 / 380 1370.6 / 274 RO 913.8 / 274 1428.5 / 380 NC* 913.8 / 380 1370.6 / 380 RO* 985.2 / 274 1370.6 / 380 IO 913.8 / 380 1428.5 / 274 *interLATA call handling _____________ Contemplation This information can be used by hand scanners for more conclusive data. It would be interesting to see a small box with the ability to decode SITs in realtime. Computer software may be the easier solution however, perhaps a wardialer feature. I think this information is best suited for hand scanners as many announcements are vague. Also it may be possible to identify certain characteristics of the SIT generated at the far end by the silent intervals. Needless to say my next scan will include decoded SIT's. shouts to Lucky225 for schooling me on SIT back in the day, theclone, psyko, cyb0rg/asm and the HackCanada crew, pbang, dawson, RT, PoT. You guys keep it real. sksk. --- iSS7.txt International Signalling System Number 7 Point Codes phlux - fraud@HackTel.com --+ |_INTRO _| | |___ISPC FORMAT + \ |__# OF SPARE SANCs | *----LISTING OF SANCs _____ Intro: So you have owned a DMS-300 and want to take it a step further? Doubtful, however I am not really too sure how this information could be used unless you have personally infiltrated the SS7. Perhaps it may make for a good refrence. If you found this txt useful please email me! This file was written with the Hash Project in mind. When a working release is made public, code lists such as these will be made into a Hash Package and it will be part of a large telecom related database. Learn more by going to: http://www.HackTel.com/phlux/hash Identification of international SS7 SP's(Signalling Points) is done using a Network Indicator NI=00 in the MTP(Message Transfer Part). Instead of our 24bit point code system, ISPCs (International Signalling Point Codes) are only 14bit. ___________ ISPC Format: _________________________________________________ | N M L | K J I H G F E D | C B A | | 3bits | 8bits | | |<----------------------------------->|<--------->| | Signalling Area Network Code (SANC) | SP ID* | |<----------------------------------->|<--------->| | International Signalling Point Code (ISPC) | |<----------------------------------------------->| *SP ID= Signalling Point Identification The first three most significant bits (NML) have a range of 0 to 7 The following eight bits (K-D) have a range of 000 to 255 The fields(bits) NML and K-D represent the SANC. The three least significant bits (CBA) with a range of 0 to 7 identifies an SP when combined with the SANC. This is an ISPC. (ex, 3-133-7) The national SS7 PC Admin does not administer international PCs. If you were interested in assigning the 3-133-7 ISPC to your beowulf cluster, you would contact the director of the TSB; International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Director of the TSB Place des Nations CH-1211 GENEVA 20 Switzerland Tel: +41 22 730 5866 Fax: +41 22 730 5853 E-mail: tsbmail@itu.int _____________________ Number of spare SANCs: Numbering range Number of spare codes 0-000 to 0-255 reserved(for future use) 1-000 to 1-255 reserved(for future use) 2-000 to 2-255 13 3-000 to 3-255 149 4-000 to 4-255 179 5-000 to 5-255 195 6-000 to 6-255 201 7-000 to 7-255 220 Percentage of SANCs assigned = 579/1536 = 37.7 % (As of April 2001) ___________________________________________ List of Signalling Area/Network Codes (SANC) Code Geographical Area or Signalling Network 4-024 Afghanistan (Islamic State of) 2-152 Albania (Republic of) 6-006 Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of) 5-088 American Samoa 2-196 Andorra (Principality of) 2-197 Andorra (Principality of) 6-062 Angola (Republic of) 3-168 Anguilla 3-088 Antigua and Barbuda 7-043 Argentine Republic 7-044 Argentine Republic 7-045 Argentine Republic 7-046 Argentine Republic 7-047 Argentine Republic 2-200 Armenia (Republic of) 3-164 Aruba 6-116 Ascension 5-010 Australia 5-011 Australia 5-012 Australia 5-013 Australia 5-014 Australia 5-015 Australia 5-016 Australia 5-017 Australia 5-018 Australia 5-019 Australia 5-115 Australia 5-116 Australia 2-025 Austria 2-026 Austria 2-064 Austria 2-065 Austria 2-066 Austria 2-067 Austria 2-133 Austria 4-070 Azerbaijani Republic 3-128 Bahamas (Commonwealth of the) 4-052 Bahrain (State of) 4-140 Bangladesh (People's Republic of) 3-084 Barbados 2-204 Belarus (Republic of) 2-012 Belgium 2-013 Belgium 2-014 Belgium 2-015 Belgium 2-097 Belgium 2-098 Belgium 2-099 Belgium 7-004 Belize 6-032 Benin (Republic of) 3-100 Bermuda 4-072 Bhutan (Kingdom of) 7-072 Bolivia (Republic of) 2-218 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2-219 Bosnia and Herzegovina 6-104 Botswana (Republic of) 7-048 Brazil (Federative Republic of) 7-049 Brazil (Federative Republic of) 7-050 Brazil (Federative Republic of) 3-096 British Virgin Islands 5-056 Brunei Darussalam 2-168 Bulgaria (Republic of) 6-026 Burkina Faso 6-084 Burundi (Republic of) 4-112 Cambodia (Kingdom of) 6-048 Cameroon (Republic of) 3-004 Canada 3-005 Canada 3-006 Canada 3-007 Canada 3-008 Canada 3-009 Canada 3-010 Canada 3-011 Canada 3-012 Canada 6-050 Cape Verde (Republic of) 3-092 Cayman Islands 6-046 Central African Republic 6-044 Chad (Republic of) 7-060 Chile 7-061 Chile 7-062 Chile 4-120 China (People's Republic of) 4-121 China (People's Republic of) 4-122 China (People's Republic of) 4-123 China (People's Republic of) 4-124 China (People's Republic of) 4-125 China (People's Republic of) 4-126 China (People's Republic of) 7-064 Colombia (Republic of) 7-065 Colombia (Republic of) 6-108 Comoros (Islamic Federal Republic of the) 6-058 Congo (Republic of the) 5-096 Cook Islands 7-024 Costa Rica 6-024 C�te d'Ivoire (Republic of) 2-180 Croatia (Republic of) 3-136 Cuba 2-160 Cyprus (Republic of) 2-060 Czech Republic 2-228 Czech Republic 2-229 Czech Republic 2-230 Czech Republic 2-231 Czech Republic 4-135 Democratic People's Republic of Korea 6-060 Democratic Republic of the Congo 2-076 Denmark 2-077 Denmark 2-078 Denmark 2-079 Denmark 2-217 Denmark 6-076 Djibouti (Republic of) 3-132 Dominica (Commonwealth of) 3-140 Dominican Republic 7-080 Ecuador 6-004 Egypt (Arab Republic of) 7-012 El Salvador (Republic of) 7-013 El Salvador (Republic of) 6-054 Equatorial Guinea (Republic of) 6-114 Eritrea 2-092 Estonia (Republic of) 6-072 Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of) 3-179 Faroe Islands 5-084 Fiji (Republic of) 2-088 Finland 2-089 Finland 2-090 Finland 2-091 Finland 2-254 Finland 2-255 Finland 2-016 France 2-017 France 2-018 France 2-019 France 2-020 France 2-021 France 2-022 France 2-023 France 2-149 France 2-150 France 2-151 France 2-201 France 2-202 France 2-203 France 2-221 France 7-084 French Guiana (French Department of) 5-094 French Polynesia (Territoire fran�ais d'outre-mer) 6-056 Gabonese Republic 6-014 Gambia (Republic of the) 2-208 Georgia 2-033 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-034 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-035 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-036 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-037 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-038 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-039 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-121 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-122 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-123 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-124 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-125 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-126 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-127 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-128 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-129 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-130 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-131 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-242 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-243 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-244 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-245 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-246 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-247 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-248 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-249 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-250 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-251 Germany (Federal Republic of) 2-252 Germany (Federal Republic of) 6-040 Ghana 2-132 Gibraltar 2-004 Greece 2-005 Greece 3-018 Greenland (Denmark) 3-104 Grenada 3-156 Guadeloupe (French Department of) 5-070 Guam 7-008 Guatemala (Republic of) 7-009 Guatemala (Republic of) 6-022 Guinea (Republic of) 6-064 Guinea-Bissau (Republic of) 7-076 Guyana 3-144 Haiti (Republic of) 7-016 Honduras (Republic of) 4-105 Hongkong, China 4-106 Hongkong, China 4-107 Hongkong, China 4-108 Hongkong, China 4-109 Hongkong, China 4-177 Hongkong, China 2-032 Hungary (Republic of) 2-148 Iceland 4-008 India (Republic of) 4-009 India (Republic of) 5-020 Indonesia (Republic of) 5-021 Indonesia (Republic of) 5-022 Indonesia (Republic of) 4-064 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 4-036 Iraq (Republic of) 2-144 Ireland 2-145 Ireland 2-146 Ireland 4-050 Israel (State of) 4-051 Israel (State of) 2-001 Italy 2-003 Italy 2-041 Italy 2-042 Italy 2-043 Italy 2-044 Italy 2-045 Italy 2-046 Italy 2-047 Italy 2-048 Italy 2-049 Italy 2-050 Italy 2-051 Italy 2-093 Italy 2-094 Italy 2-095 Italy 2-157 Italy 2-158 Italy 2-159 Italy 2-181 Italy 2-183 Italy 2-207 Italy 3-076 Jamaica 4-080 Japan 4-081 Japan 4-082 Japan 4-083 Japan 4-085 Japan 4-032 Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) 4-033 Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) 4-074 Kazakstan (Republic of) 6-078 Kenya (Republic of) 5-100 Kiribati (Republic of) 4-100 Korea (Republic of) 4-101 Korea (Republic of) 4-145 Korea (Republic of) 4-146 Korea (Republic of) 4-147 Korea (Republic of) 4-148 Korea (Republic of) 4-149 Korea (Republic of) 4-150 Korea (Republic of) 4-151 Korea (Republic of) 4-152 Korea (Republic of) 4-153 Korea (Republic of) 4-154 Korea (Republic of) 4-038 Kuwait (State of) 4-078 Kyrgyz Republic 4-079 Kyrgyz Republic 4-114 Lao People's Democratic Republic 2-096 Latvia (Republic of) 4-030 Lebanon 6-102 Lesotho (Kingdom of) 6-036 Liberia (Republic of) 6-012 Libya (Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) 2-000 Liechtenstein (Principality of) 2-236 Lithuania (Republic of) 2-135 Luxembourg 2-140 Luxembourg 2-141 Luxembourg 4-110 Macao, China 6-092 Madagascar (Republic of) 6-100 Malawi 5-004 Malaysia 5-005 Malaysia 5-006 Malaysia 5-007 Malaysia 5-008 Malaysia 4-144 Maldives (Republic of) 6-020 Mali (Republic of) 2-156 Malta 5-105 Marshall Islands (Republic of the) 3-160 Martinique (French Department of) 6-018 Mauritania (Islamic Republic of) 6-034 Mauritius (Republic of) 3-068 Mexico 3-069 Mexico 3-070 Mexico 3-071 Mexico 3-072 Mexico 3-073 Mexico 3-074 Mexico 3-075 Mexico 3-172 Mexico 3-173 Mexico 3-174 Mexico 5-107 Micronesia (Federated States of) 2-224 Moldova (Republic of) 2-024 Monaco (Principality of) 4-056 Mongolia 3-108 Montserrat 6-008 Morocco (Kingdom of) 6-086 Mozambique (Republic of) 4-028 Myanmar (Union of) 6-098 Namibia (Republic of) 5-072 Nauru (Republic of) 4-058 Nepal 2-002 Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 2-006 Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 2-007 Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 2-008 Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 2-009 Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 2-010 Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 2-011 Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 2-142 Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 2-198 Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 2-253 Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 3-124 Netherlands Antilles 5-092 New Caledonia (Territoire fran�ais d'outre-mer) 5-060 New Zealand 5-063 New Zealand 5-065 New Zealand 5-067 New Zealand 7-020 Nicaragua 6-028 Niger (Republic of the) 6-042 Nigeria (Federal Republic of) 5-090 Niue 5-113 Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth of the) 2-084 Norway 2-085 Norway 2-086 Norway 2-087 Norway 4-044 Oman (Sultanate of) 4-020 Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) 5-110 Palau (Republic of) 7-028 Panama (Republic of) 5-074 Papua New Guinea 7-088 Paraguay (Republic of) 7-032 Peru 7-033 Peru 7-034 Peru 7-035 Peru 7-036 Peru 5-030 Philippines (Republic of the) 5-031 Philippines (Republic of the) 5-032 Philippines (Republic of the) 5-033 Philippines (Republic of the) 5-034 Philippines (Republic of the) 5-035 Philippines (Republic of the) 5-036 Philippines (Republic of the) 2-120 Poland (Republic of) 2-134 Poland (Republic of) 2-136 Portugal 2-137 Portugal 2-138 Portugal 2-139 Portugal 3-060 Puerto Rico 4-054 Qatar (State of) 4-175 Reserved 6-094 Reunion (French Department of) 2-052 Romania 2-100 Russian Federation 2-101 Russian Federation 2-102 Russian Federation 2-103 Russian Federation 2-104 Russian Federation 2-105 Russian Federation 2-106 Russian Federation 2-107 Russian Federation 2-108 Russian Federation 2-109 Russian Federation 2-110 Russian Federation 2-111 Russian Federation 2-112 Russian Federation 2-113 Russian Federation 2-114 Russian Federation 2-115 Russian Federation 2-116 Russian Federation 2-117 Russian Federation 2-118 Russian Federation 2-119 Russian Federation 6-070 Rwandese Republic 3-112 Saint Kitts and Nevis 3-116 Saint Lucia 3-016 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Collectivit� territoriale de la R�publique fran�aise) 3-120 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 5-098 Samoa (Independent State of) 2-184 San Marino (Republic of) 6-052 Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of) 4-040 Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) 6-016 Senegal (Republic of) 6-066 Seychelles (Republic of) 6-038 Sierra Leone 5-050 Singapore (Republic of) 5-051 Singapore (Republic of) 5-052 Singapore (Republic of) 5-053 Singapore (Republic of) 5-054 Singapore (Republic of) 5-055 Singapore (Republic of) 2-232 Slovak Republic 2-233 Slovak Republic 2-234 Slovak Republic 2-235 Slovak Republic 2-182 Slovenia (Republic of) 5-080 Solomon Islands 6-074 Somali Democratic Republic 6-110 South Africa (Republic of) 2-027 Spain 2-028 Spain 2-029 Spain 2-030 Spain 2-031 Spain 2-237 Spain 2-238 Spain 2-239 Spain 2-240 Spain 2-241 Spain 4-026 Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) 6-068 Sudan (Republic of the) 7-092 Suriname (Republic of) 6-106 Swaziland (Kingdom of) 2-080 Sweden 2-081 Sweden 2-082 Sweden 2-083 Sweden 2-192 Sweden 2-193 Sweden 2-194 Sweden 2-195 Sweden 2-205 Sweden 2-053 Switzerland (Confederation of) 2-054 Switzerland (Confederation of) 2-055 Switzerland (Confederation of) 2-056 Switzerland (Confederation of) 2-057 Switzerland (Confederation of) 2-058 Switzerland (Confederation of) 2-059 Switzerland (Confederation of) 2-061 Switzerland (Confederation of) 2-062 Switzerland (Confederation of) 2-063 Switzerland (Confederation of) 4-034 Syrian Arab Republic 4-170 Taiwan, China 4-171 Taiwan, China 4-172 Taiwan, China 4-173 Taiwan, China 4-174 Taiwan, China 4-157 Tajikistan (Republic of) 6-080 Tanzania (United Republic of) 5-040 Thailand 5-041 Thailand 5-042 Thailand 2-220 The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 6-030 Togolese Republic 5-078 Tonga (Kingdom of) 3-148 Trinidad and Tobago 6-010 Tunisia 2-171 Turkey 2-172 Turkey 2-173 Turkey 4-160 Turkmenistan 3-152 Turks and Caicos Islands 5-102 Tuvalu 6-082 Uganda (Republic of) 2-214 Ukraine 4-048 United Arab Emirates 4-060 United Arab Emirates 4-062 United Arab Emirates 2-068 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-069 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-070 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-071 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-072 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-073 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-074 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-075 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-147 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-153 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-154 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-155 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-161 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-162 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-163 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-164 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-165 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-166 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-167 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-169 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-170 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-174 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-175 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-176 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-177 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-178 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-179 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-185 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-186 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-187 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-188 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-189 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-190 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-191 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-209 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-210 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 3-020 United States of America 3-021 United States of America 3-022 United States of America 3-023 United States of America 3-024 United States of America 3-025 United States of America 3-026 United States of America 3-027 United States of America 3-028 United States of America 3-029 United States of America 3-030 United States of America 3-031 United States of America 3-032 United States of America 3-033 United States of America 3-034 United States of America 3-035 United States of America 3-036 United States of America 3-037 United States of America 3-038 United States of America 3-039 United States of America 3-040 United States of America 3-041 United States of America 3-042 United States of America 3-043 United States of America 3-044 United States of America 3-045 United States of America 3-046 United States of America 3-047 United States of America 3-048 United States of America 3-049 United States of America 3-050 United States of America 3-051 United States of America 3-052 United States of America 3-053 United States of America 3-054 United States of America 3-055 United States of America 3-056 United States of America 3-057 United States of America 3-058 United States of America 3-059 United States of America 3-180 United States of America 3-181 United States of America 3-182 United States of America 3-183 United States of America 3-184 United States of America 3-185 United States of America 3-186 United States of America 3-187 United States of America 3-188 United States of America 3-189 United States of America 3-190 United States of America 3-191 United States of America 3-192 United States of America 3-193 United States of America 3-194 United States of America 3-195 United States of America 3-196 United States of America 3-197 United States of America 3-064 United States Virgin Islands 7-096 Uruguay (Eastern Republic of) 4-164 Uzbekistan (Republic of) 5-082 Vanuatu (Republic of) 7-068 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 7-069 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 4-104 Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) 5-086 Wallis and Futuna (Territoire fran�ais d'outre-mer) 4-042 Yemen (Republic of) 4-046 Yemen (Republic of) 2-040 Yugoslavia (Federal Republic of) 6-090 Zambia (Republic of) 6-096 Zimbabwe (Republic of) Keep checking the following websites for additional(and perhaps more useful) SS7 Documentation www.HackTel.com www.nettwerked.net www.HackCanada.com www.telust.net props to theclone, Psyko, Fractal, Lucky225, cyb0rg/asm, pbang, Magma, RT 06/23/2002 --- celintel.txt - Cell Intell (ESN's, SID's, IRM(IN)'s and SOC's(CODES)) phlux - fraud@HackTel.com ____________ Introduction; This text file has been compiled by phlux more for a resource file rather then a primer of the sorts. Treat it is such, and may fate smile upon you. The codes herein are directed towards users of cellular telecom. mad props to Alan and theclone for extra input ____________ Intelligence; ESN's(Electronic Serial Numbers), SID's(System Identifier), IRM's(International Roaming Mobile Identification Number), SOC's(System Operator Codes). Lists such as these are welcome candidates to the HASH project. http://www.HackTel.com/phlux/hash ______________________________ Electronic Serial Numbers(ESNs) can be often be found on a sticker behind the battery on your mobile. Many phones also have codes that can be key'ed into the handset to display the ESN (along with other useful information) if the ESN is not already made public in the phones firmware. ESNs can be found in the air, and decoded. They are easy to social engineer out of most anyone, or you can always ask your carrier if you have troubles locating yours. ESNs are a 32bit identifier, like a fingerprint for your phone. The name should be self explanatory. However a Manufacturers Code is embedded into the first 8bits of the ESN, while the remaining 24bits houses the serial number. An ESN does not further identify a handset or any supported service associated with it. As of August '97 the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau is not in control of manufacture code assignments, however www.fcc.gov still has the old list in decimal form. The following is a listing of all ESN Manufacturers Codes current as of Janruary 2002 in decimal and binary. _ ESN MANUFACTURER'S CODE ASSIGNMENT Manufacturer/Decimal/Binary (See exceptions) 000 (See exceptions) (See exceptions) 001 (See exceptions) not assigned 002 0000 0010 not assigned 003 0000 0011 not assigned 004 0000 0100 not assigned 005 0000 0101 not assigned 006 0000 0110 not assigned 007 0000 0111 not assigned 008 0000 1000 not assigned 009 0000 1001 not assigned 010 0000 1010 not assigned 011 0000 1011 not assigned 012 0000 1100 not assigned 013 0000 1101 not assigned 014 0000 1110 not assigned 015 0000 1111 not assigned 016 0001 0000 not assigned 017 0001 0001 not assigned 018 0001 0010 not assigned 019 0001 0011 not assigned 020 0001 0100 not assigned 021 0001 0101 not assigned 022 0001 0110 not assigned 023 0001 0111 not assigned 024 0001 1000 not assigned 025 0001 1001 not assigned 026 0001 1010 not assigned 027 0001 1011 not assigned 028 0001 1100 not assigned 029 0001 1101 not assigned 030 0001 1110 not assigned 031 0001 1111 not assigned 032 0010 0000 not assigned 033 0010 0001 not assigned 034 0010 0010 not assigned 035 0010 0011 not assigned 036 0010 0100 not assigned 037 0010 0101 not assigned 038 0010 0110 not assigned 039 0010 0111 not assigned 040 0010 1000 not assigned 041 0010 1001 not assigned 042 0010 1010 not assigned 043 0010 1011 not assigned 044 0010 1100 not assigned 045 0010 1101 not assigned 046 0010 1110 not assigned 047 0010 1111 not assigned 048 0011 0000 not assigned 049 0011 0001 not assigned 050 0011 0010 not assigned 051 0011 0011 not assigned 052 0011 0100 not assigned 053 0011 0101 not assigned 054 0011 0110 not assigned 055 0011 0111 not assigned 056 0011 1000 not assigned 057 0011 1001 not assigned 058 0011 1010 not assigned 059 0011 1011 not assigned 060 0011 1100 not assigned 061 0011 1101 not assigned 062 0011 1110 not assigned 063 0011 1111 not assigned 064 0100 0000 not assigned 065 0100 0001 not assigned 066 0100 0010 not assigned 067 0100 0011 not assigned 068 0100 0100 not assigned 069 0100 0101 not assigned 070 0100 0110 New Horizons Technologies International, Inc. 071 0100 0111 Nokia 072 0100 1000 Nokia 073 0100 1001 Nokia 074 0100 1010 Nanjing Postel Wong Zhi Telecom. 075 0100 1011 Research In Motion 076 0100 1100 F & B InfoComm Co., Ltd. 077 0100 1101 Nokia 078 0100 1110 Qingdao Hisense Communications 079 0100 1111 GIGA TELECOM Inc. 080 0101 0000 Samsung 081 0101 0001 Motorola 082 0101 0010 Nokia 083 0101 0011 Westech Korea Inc. 084 0101 0100 Withus Info. & Telecomm. 085 0101 0101 SEMAX Wireless, Inc. 086 0101 0110 Cyberlane, Inc. 087 0101 0111 Cell Data, Ltd 088 0101 1000 Intercube Co., Ltd. 089 0101 1001 Telian Corporation 090 0101 1010 Novatel Wireless 091 0101 1011 Bellwave Co., LTD 092 0101 1100 Toshiba 093 0101 1101 Nokia Mobile Phones 094 0101 1110 AXESSTEL, Inc. 095 0101 1111 Air Prime, Inc. 096 0110 0000 Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd 097 0110 0001 QMTEL Co., Ltd. 098 0110 0010 Sierra Wireless, Inc. 099 0110 0011 Nokia Mobile Phones 100 0110 0100 Samsung Telecommunications America, Inc. 101 0110 0101 Ericsson, Inc 102 0110 0110 VACOM Wireless, Inc. 103 0110 0111 Motorola, Inc. 104 0110 1000 ZTE Corporation 105 0110 1001 Nokia Mobile Phones 106 0110 1010 GTRAN, Inc. 107 0110 1011 AnyDATA.NET Inc. 108 0110 1100 Yiso Telecom 109 0110 1101 Nokia Mobile Phones 110 0110 1110 Teliran Electronics Industries Ltd. 111 0110 1111 WIDE TELECOM, Ltd. 112 0111 0000 Acer Peripherals 113 0111 0001 Nokia Mobile Phones 114 0111 0010 Ericsson, Inc. 115 0111 0011 Qualcomm, Incorporated 116 0111 0100 LG INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS, Ltd 117 0111 0101 Telson Information & Communications Co., Ltd. 118 0111 0110 Motorola, Inc. 119 0111 0111 Sewon Telecom Ltd. 120 0111 1000 Alarm Device Manufacturing Company, Division of Pittway 121 0111 1001 Nokia Mobile Phones 122 0111 1010 Chapman Technologies 123 0111 1011 NEC AMERICA, Inc. 124 0111 1100 Standard Telecom Co.,Ltd. 125 0111 1101 Microelectronics Technology Inc. 126 0111 1110 Terion Inc. (formerly Raytheon TI Systems) 127 0111 1111 reserved for expanded ESN 128 1000 0000 Oki 129 1000 0001 Motorola 130 1000 0010 E. F. Johnson 131 1000 0011 Hitachi 132 1000 0100 Fujitsu 133 1000 0101 Mitsubishi 134 1000 0110 NEC 135 1000 0111 Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd. 136 1000 1000 Harris 137 1000 1001 Toshiba 138 1000 1010 Kokusai 139 1000 1011 Clarion Company, Ltd. 140 1000 1100 Goldstar Products Co., Ltd. 141 1000 1101 International Systcom (Novatel) 142 1000 1110 Ericsson 143 1000 1111 Manufacturer Decimal Binary Murata Machinery, Ltd. 144 1001 0000 DI-BAR Electronics, Inc. 145 1001 0001 Ericsson Inc. (formerly General Electric) 146 1001 0010 Gateway Telephone, Inc. 147 1001 0011 Robert Bosch Corporation (Blaupunkt) 148 1001 0100 Universal Cellular, Inc. 149 1001 0101 Alpine Electronics of America, Inc. 150 1001 0110 Verma Laboratories 151 1001 0111 Japan Radio Co., Ltd. 152 1001 1000 C M. Communications, Inc. 153 1001 1001 Sony Corporation (Japan) 154 1001 1010 Tama Denki Company, Ltd. 155 1001 1011 Mobira (Nokia-Kinex) 156 1001 1100 Ericsson GE Mobile Communications, Inc. 157 1001 1101 AT&T Technologies, Inc. 158 1001 1110 Kyocera Wireless Corp. (formerly QUALCOMM, Inc.) 159 1001 1111 Hyundai 160 1010 0000 Satellite Technology Services, Inc. 161 1010 0001 Technophone Limited 162 1010 0010 Yupitera Industries Co., Ltd. 163 1010 0011 Hughes Network Ssytems 164 1010 0100 TMC Company Limited (Nokia) 165 1010 0101 Clarion Manufacturing Corporation of America 166 1010 0110 Mansoor Electronics Ltd. (1M to 16M for UIM IDs) 167 1010 0111 Motorola International 168 1010 1000 Otron Corporation 169 1010 1001 Philips Telecom Equipment Corporation 170 1010 1010 Philips Circuit Assemblies 171 1010 1011 Uniden Corporation of America 172 1010 1100 Uniden Corporation - Japan 173 1010 1101 Shintom West Corporation of America 174 1010 1110 Tottori Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd. 175 1010 1111 Samsung Communications 176 1011 0000 INFA Telecom Canada, Inc. 177 1011 0001 Emptel Electronics Company Ltd. 178 1011 0010 Kyocera Wireless Corp. (formerly QUALCOM, Incorporated) 179 1011 0011 ASCNET 180 1011 0100 Yaesu USA 181 1011 0101 Tecom Co. Ltd. 182 1011 0110 Omni Telecommunications, Inc. 183 1011 0111 (formerly Valor Electronics, Inc.) Royal Information Electronics Co. Ltd. 184 1011 1000 Tele Digital Development, Inc. 185 1011 1001 DNC 186 1011 1010 HAITAI Electronics C0. Ltd. 187 1011 1011 Myday Technology, Ltd. 188 1011 1100 NEC America, Inc. 189 1011 1101 Kyocera Corporation 190 1011 1110 Digital Security Controls 191 1011 1111 CTCELL Digital, Inc. 192 1100 0000 Matshusita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd. 193 1100 0001 HS Electronics Corporation 194 1100 0010 Motorola, Inc. 195 1100 0011 Scientific Communications Sciences, Inc. 196 1100 0100 (formerly Pacific Communication Sciences, Inc.) Maxon Systems, Inc., (London) Ltd. 197 1100 0101 Hongsheng Electronics Company Ltd. 198 1100 0110 M/ACOM 199 1100 0111 CHANNLE LINK 200 1100 1000 L.G. Information & Communications ( formerly Goldstar) 201 1100 1001 Intel Corporation 202 1100 1010 Air Communications, Inc. 203 1100 1011 Ericsson GE Mobile Communications Inc. 204 1100 1100 Goldtron RF PTE Ltd. 205 1100 1101 Sierra Wireless Inc. 206 1100 1110 Mitsubishi International Corp. 207 1100 1111 JRC International Inc. 208 1101 0000 Sapura Holdings SDN. BHD. 209 1101 0001 Inex Technologies, Inc. 210 1101 0010 Sony Electronics (U.S.A.) 211 1101 0011 Motorola, Inc. 212 1101 0100 Motorola, Inc. 213 1101 0101 Standard Communications Corp ( formerly Philips) 214 1101 0110 Carillon Corp. 215 1101 0111 Nippondenso America, Inc. 216 1101 1000 International Business Machines 217 1101 1001 Nokia (Hong Kong) 218 1101 1010 Nokia (TMC Co. Ltd) 219 1101 1011 GlobeWave (formerly TEMIC) 220 1101 1100 Northern Telecom 221 1101 1101 Telrad Telecommunications Ltd. 222 1101 1110 Motorola, Inc. 223 1101 1111 Motorola, Inc. 224 1110 0000 Telital s.r.l 225 1110 0001 Nokia (Manau, Brazil) 226 1110 0010 ADI Limited Systems Group (formerly Stanalite Pacific) 227 1110 0011 Philips Consumer Communications 228 1110 0100 NEC America, Inc. 229 1110 0101 TELULAR Corporation 230 1110 0110 Ericsson Inc. 231 1110 0111 Siemens Business Communications Systems Inc. 232 1110 1000 Samsung Telecommunications America Inc. 233 1110 1001 Niigata Seimitsu Co., Ltd. 234 1110 1010 Nokia Mobile Phones 235 1110 1011 Wireless Link 236 1110 1100 Motorola 237 1110 1101 Telson Electronics 238 1110 1110 NEC America, Inc. 239 1110 1111 Ericsson Inc. 240 1111 0000 Samsung Telecommunications America Inc. 241 1111 0001 Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. 242 1111 0010 Appeal Telecom Co., Ltd. 243 1111 0011 Pantech Co. Ltd. 244 1111 0100 Trimble Navigation Ltd. 245 1111 0101 Innovative Global Solution 246 1111 0110 SANYO Electric Corporation, Limited 247 1111 0111 Ericsson Inc. 248 1111 1000 SK Teletech C. Ltd. 249 1111 1001 not assigned (not available) 250 1111 1010 Garmin International 251 1111 1011 Motorola 252 1111 1100 Nokia Mobile Phones. 253 1111 1101 Kyocera Wireless Corp. (formerly QUALCOMM, Inc) 254 1111 1110 not assigned (not available) 255 1111 1111 ESN EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER'S CODE ASSIGNMENT (Continued) EXCEPTIONS CODES 000 & 001 Manufacturer Decimal Hex Binary Reserved 00000 000[0,1,2,3] 0000 0000 0000 00 QUALCOMM, Incorporated. 00001 000[4,5,6,7] 0000 0000 0000 01 SONY Electronics, Inc. 00002 000[8,9,A,B] 0000 0000 0000 10 Reserved 00100 019[0,1,2,3] 0000 0001 1001 00 QUALCOMM, Incorporated. 00101 019[4,5,6,7] 0000 0001 1001 01 QUALCOMM, Incorporated. 00102 019[8,9,A,B] 0000 0001 1001 10 QUALCOMM, Incorporated. 00103 019[C,D,E,F] 0000 0001 1001 11 QUALCOMM, Incorporated. 00104 01A[0,1,2,3] 0000 0001 1010 00 QUALCOMM, Incorporated. 00105 01A[4,5,6,7] 0000 0001 1010 01 QUALCOMM, Incorporated. 00106 01A[8,9,A,B] 0000 0001 1010 10 QUALCOMM, Incorporated. 00107 01A[C,D,E,F] 0000 0001 1010 11 QUALCOMM, Incorporated. 00108 01B[0,1,2,3] 0000 0001 1011 00 QUALCOMM, Incorporated. 00109 01B[4,5,6,7] 0000 0001 1011 01 QUALCOMM, Incorporated. 00110 01B[8,9,A,B] 0000 0001 1011 10 QUALCOMM, Incorporated. 00111 01B[C,D,E,F] 0000 0001 1011 11 SONY Electronics, Inc. 00112 01C[0,1,2,3] 0000 0001 1100 00 SONY Electronics, Inc. 00113 01C[4,5,6,7] 0000 0001 1100 01 SONY Electronics, Inc. 00114 01C[8,9,A,B] 0000 0001 1100 10 SONY Electronics, Inc. 00115 01C[C,D,E,F] 0000 0001 1100 11 SONY Electronics, Inc. 00116 01D[0,1,2,3] 0000 0001 1101 00 SONY Electronics, Inc. 00117 01D[4,5,6,7] 0000 0001 1101 01 SONY Electronics, Inc. 00118 01D[8,9,A,B] 0000 0001 1101 10 Samsung Communications 00119 01D[C,D,E,F] 0000 0001 1101 11 Samsung Communications 00120 01E[0,1,2,3] 0000 0001 1110 00 not assigned 00121 01E[4,5,6,7] 0000 0001 1110 01 not assigned 00122 01E[8,9,A,B] 0000 0001 1110 10 not assigned 00123 01E[C,D,E,F] 0000 0001 1110 11 not assigned 00124 01F[0,1,2,3] 0000 0001 1111 00 not assigned 00125 01F[4,5,6,7] 0000 0001 1111 01 not assigned 00126 01F[8,9,A,B] 0000 0001 1111 10 not assigned 00127 01F[C,D,E,F] 0000 0001 1111 11 END OF RANGE EXCEPTIONS CODES 002 TO 008 The headings for this table indicate the following: Assignment will indicate the manufacturer to whom the range has been assigned. Decimal Range will indicate the range of serial numbers including the manufacturer code in 3,8 format. Hex indicates the possible 14 bit combinations in hexadecimal format for the serial number range. Starting Binary indicates the binary configuration of the first 14 bits at the beginning of the range. (e.g. 0000 0010 0000 00 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 to 0000 0010 0000 00 11 1111 1111 1111 1111 would represent all possible binary combinations for the first range below.) Assignment Decimal Range Hex Starting Binary Sharp Corporation (9/29/01) 00200000000 - 00200262143 020[0,1,2,3]XXXX 0000 0010 0000 00 Reserved 00200262144 - 00200524287 020[4,5,6,7] XXXX 0000 0010 0000 01 Reserved 00200524288 - 00200786431 020[8,9,A,B] XXXX 0000 0010 0000 10 Reserved 00200786432 - 00201048575 020[C,D,E,F] XXXX 0000 0010 0000 11 Infea Data Systems (1/18/02) 00201048576 - 00201310719 021[0,1,2,3] XXXX 0000 0010 0001 00 00201310720 - 00201572863 021[4,5,6,7] XXXX 0000 0010 0001 01 00201572864 - 00201835007 021[8,9,A,B] XXXX 0000 0010 0001 10 00201835008 - 00202097151 021[C,D,E,F] XXXX 0000 0010 0001 11 00202097152 - 00202359295 022[0,1,2,3] XXXX 0000 0010 0010 00 00202359296 - 00202621439 022[4,5,6,7] XXXX 0000 0010 0010 01 00202621440 - 00202883583 022[8,9,A,B] XXXX 0000 0010 0010 10 00202883584 - 00203145727 022[C,D,E,F] XXXX 0000 0010 0010 11 00203145728 - 00203407871 023[0,1,2,3] XXXX 0000 0010 0011 00 00203407872 - 00203670015 023[4,5,6,7] XXXX 0000 0010 0011 01 00203670016 - 00203932159 023[8,9,A,B] XXXX 0000 0010 0011 10 00203932160 - 00204194303 023[C,D,E,F] XXXX 0000 0010 0011 11 00204194304 - 00204456447 024[0,1,2,3] XXXX 0000 0010 0100 00 00204456448 - 00204718591 024[4,5,6,7] XXXX 0000 0010 0100 01 00204718592 - 00204980735 024[8,9,A,B] XXXX 0000 0010 0100 10 00204980736 - 00205242879 024[C,D,E,F] XXXX 0000 0010 0100 11 00205242880 - 00205505023 025[0,1,2,3] XXXX 0000 0010 0101 00 00205505024 - 00205767167 025[4,5,6,7] XXXX 0000 0010 0101 01 00205767168 - 00206029311 025[8,9,A,B] XXXX 0000 0010 0101 10 00206029312 - 00206291455 025[C,D,E,F] XXXX 0000 0010 0101 11 00206291456 - 00206553599 026[0,1,2,3] XXXX 0000 0010 0110 00 00206553600 - 00206815743 026[4,5,6,7] XXXX 0000 0010 0110 01 00206815744 - 00207077887 026[8,9,A,B] XXXX 0000 0010 0110 10 00207077888 - 00207340031 026[C,D,E,F] XXXX 0000 0010 0110 11 00207340032 - 00207602175 027[0,1,2,3] XXXX 0000 0010 0111 00 00207602176 - 00207864319 027[4,5,6,7] XXXX 0000 0010 0111 01 00207864320 - 00208126463 027[8,9,A,B] XXXX 0000 0010 0111 10 00208126464 - 00208288607 027[C,D,E,F] XXXX 0000 0010 0111 11 00208288608 - 00208650751 028[0,1,2,3] XXXX 0000 0010 1000 00 00208650752 - 00208912895 028[4,5,6,7] XXXX 0000 0010 1000 01 00208912896 - 00209175039 028[8,9,A,B] XXXX 0000 0010 1000 10 00209175039 - 00209437183 028[C,D,E,F] XXXX 0000 0010 1000 11 00209437184 - 00209699327 029[0,1,2,3] XXXX 0000 0010 1001 00 00209699328 - 00209961471 029[4,5,6,7] XXXX 0000 0010 1001 01 00209961472 - 00210223615 029[8,9,A,B] XXXX 0000 0010 1001 10 00210223616 - 00210485759 029[C,D,E,F] XXXX 0000 0010 1001 11 00210485760 - 00210747903 02A[0,1,2,3] XXXX 0000 0010 1010 00 00210747904 - 00211010047 02A[4,5,6,7] XXXX 0000 0010 1010 01 00211010048 - 00211272191 02A[8,9,A,B] XXXX 0000 0010 1010 10 00211272192 - 00211534335 02A[C,D,E,F] XXXX 0000 0010 1010 11 00211534336 - 00211796479 02B[0,1,2,3] XXXX 0000 0010 1011 00 00211796480 - 00212058623 02B[4,5,6,7] XXXX 0000 0010 1011 01 00212058624 - 00212320767 02B[8,9,A,B] XXXX 0000 0010 1011 10 00212320768 - 00212582911 02B[C,D,E,F] XXXX 0000 0010 1011 11 00212582912 - 00212845055 02C[0,1,2,3] XXXX 0000 0010 1100 00 00212845056 - 00213107199 02C[4,5,6,7] XXXX 0000 0010 1100 01 00213107200 - 00213369343 02C[8,9,A,B] XXXX 0000 0010 1100 10 00213369344 - 00213631487 02C[C,D,E,F] XXXX 0000 0010 1100 11 00213631488 - 00213893631 02D[0,1,2,3] XXXX 0000 0010 1101 00 00213893632 - 00214155775 02D[4,5,6,7] XXXX 0000 0010 1101 01 00214155776 - 00214417919 02D[8,9,A,B] XXXX 0000 0010 1101 10 00214417920 - 00214680063 02D[C,D,E,F] XXXX 0000 0010 1101 11 00214680064 - 00214942207 02E[0,1,2,3] XXXX 0000 0010 1110 00 00214942208 - 00215204351 02E[4,5,6,7] XXXX 0000 0010 1110 01 00215204352 - 00215466495 02E[8,9,A,B] XXXX 0000 0010 1110 10 00215466496 - 00215728639 02E[C.D.E.F] XXXX 0000 0010 1110 11 00215728640 - 00215990783 02F[0,1,2,3] XXXX 0000 0010 1111 00 00215990784 - 00216252927 02F[4,5,6,7] XXXX 0000 0010 1111 01 00216252928 - 00216515071 02F[8,9,A,B] XXXX 0000 0010 1111 10 00216515072 - 00216777215 02F[C,D,E,F] XXXX 0000 0010 1111 11 I know that list is ugly, perhaps it would serve better as part of some cellular phone software offering that extra bit of ID. _______________________ System Identifiers(SIDs) are most commonly used by your cellular telephone to identify and utalize the wireless system. For instance, without a home SID programmed into your phone essentially you can't access _your_ (home) cellsite, and you may have to roam with another carrier most likely being forced to pay ungodly rates. SIDs identify a certain system area just as the name says. I would hope in this day and age a SID would be common knowledge for carriers in your area as they are not confidential, one should be able to phone their local wireless carrier and obtain the necessary SIDs. For extra fun, I have also found software to track SIDs as your mobile hands off from one system to another, and report other information aswell. If a SID is odd, it will function on the A side, and even SIDs use the B side. SIDs are 15bit. Following is a listing of SID ranges assigned to their relative countries current as of April 2002. If a country is not listed they do not have an SID reserved (ex; Vatican City State) *NOTE: CIBERNET BID's(SID assigned by CIBERNET for accounting)= 4992 (range 26112-31103 :) Country/Quantity Reserved/SID Range Afghanistan (Islamic State of) 128 14976 to 15103 Albania (Republic of) 16 31456 to 31471 Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of) 32 8288 to 8319 American Samoa 16 11168 to 11183 Andorra (Principality of) 0 n/a Angola (Republic of) 32 9504 to 9535 Anguilla 0 n/a Antigua and Barbuda 16 8144 to 8159 Argentina Republic 128 32128 to 32255 Armenia (Republic of) 0 n/a Aruba 16 9648 to 9663 Australia 128 8320 to 8447 Australia - Reserved 128 7680 to 7807 Australian External Territories 16 9712 to 9727 Austria 128 22912 to 23039 Azerbaijani Republic 0 n/a Bahamas (Commonwealth of the) 16 8080 to 8095 Bahrain (State of) 16 31408 to 31423 Bangladesh (People's Republic of) 32 13472 to 13503 Barbados 16 8160 to 8175 Belarus (Republic of) 0 n/a Belgium 128 23936 to 24063 Belize 10 32640 to 32649 Benin (Republic of) 32 9088 to 9119 Bermuda 16 8096 to 8111 Bolivia (Republic of) 32 31232 to 31263 Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republic of) 0 n/a Botswana (Republic of) 32 10176 to 10207 Brazil (Federative Republic of) 256 31872 to 32127 British Virgin Islands 16 8112 to 8127 Brunei Darussalam 16 10880 to 10895 Bulgaria (Republic of) 32 15584 to 15615 Burkina Faso 32 8992 to 9023 Burma (Socialist Republic of the Union of) 128 15232 to 15359 Burundi (Republic of) 32 9952 to 9983 Cambodia (Kingdom of) 32 11104 to 11135 Cameroon (Republic of) 32 9344 to 9375 Canada 2048 16384 to 18431 Cape Verde (Republic of) 16 8848 to 8863 Cayman Islands 16 8128 to 8143 Central African Republic 32 9312 to 9343 Chad (Republic of) 32 9280 to 9311 Chile 128 31744 to 31871 China (People's Republic of) 768 13568 to 14335 China (People's Republic of) 512 25600 to 26111 CIBERNET BIDs 4992 26112 to 31103 Colombia (Republic of) 128 31616 to 31743 Comoros (Islamic Federal Republic of the) 32 10208 to 10239 Congo (Republic of the) 32 9440 to 9471 Cook Islands 16 11136 to 11151 Costa Rica 32 32544 to 32575 C�te d'lvoire 32 8960 to 8991 Croatia (Republic of) 0 n/a Cuba 128 32256 to 32383 Cyprus (Republic of) 32 31200 to 31231 Czech Republic 128 16128 to 16255 Democratic People's Republic of Korea 32 11072 to 11103 Denmark 128 22528 to 22655 Diego Garcia 16 8880 to 8895 Djibouti (Republic of) 16 8912 to 8927 Dominica (Commonwealth of) 16 9616 to 9631 Dominican Republic 16 8832 to 8847 Ecuador 32 31296 to 31327 Egypt (Arab Republic of) 32 8224 to 8255 El Salvador (Republic of) 32 32704 to 32735 Equatorial Guinea (Republic of) 32 9376 to 9407 Eritrea 0 n/a Estonia (Republic of) 0 n/a Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of) 32 9760 to 9791 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 16 7968 to 7983 Faroe Islands (Denmark) 16 7936 to 7951 Fiji 16 10960 to 10975 Finland 128 24448 to 24575 France 256 23680 to 23935 French Polynesia (French Overseas Territory) 16 11248 to 11263 Gabonese Republic 32 9408 to 9439 Gambia (Republic of the) 32 8544 to 8575 Germany (Federal Republic of) 256 22016 to 22271 Ghana 32 9216 to 9247 Gibraltar 16 31440 to 31455 Globalstar Mobile Satellite 64 7808 to 7871 Greece 128 24192 to 24319 Greenland (Denmark) 16 7952 to 7967 Grenada 16 8064 to 8079 Guadeloupe (French Department of) 16 31360 to 31375 Guam 16 9696 to 9711 Guatemala (Republic of) 32 32672 to 32703 Guiana (French Department of) 32 31328 to 31359 Guinea - Bissau (Republic of) 32 9536 to 9567 Guinea (Republic of) 32 8800 to 8831 Guyana 32 31264 to 31295 Haiti (Republic of) 32 32608 to 32639 Honduras (Republic of) 32 32736 to 32767 Hong Kong 16 10640 to 10655 Hungary (Republic of) 128 15744 to 15871 Iceland 32 24416 to 24447 ICO Mobile Satellite 64 7872 to 7935 India (Republic of) 384 14464 to 14847 Indonesia (Republic of) 128 10496 to 10623 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 128 15616 to 15743 Iraq (Republic of) 32 15456 to 15487 Ireland 32 24384 to 24415 Israel (State of) 32 8448 to 8479 Italy 256 23168 to 23423 Jamaica 16 8176 to 8191 Japan 1024 12288 to 13311 Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) 32 15392 to 15423 Kazakstan (Republic of) 0 n/a Kenya (Republic of) 32 9856 to 9887 Kiribati (Republic of) 16 11200 to 11215 Korea (Republic of) 128 2176 to 2303 Kuwait (State of) 16 11312 to 11327 Kyrgyz Republic 0 n/a Lao People's Democratic Republic 32 13440 to 13471 Latvia (Republic of) 0 n/a Lebanon 32 15360 to 15391 Lesotho (Kingdom of) 16 9600 to 9615 Liberia (Republic of) 32 9152 to 9183 Libya (Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) 32 8512 to 8543 Liechtenstein (Principality of) 0 n/a Lithuania (Republic of) 0 n/a Luxembourg 32 24352 to 24383 Macau 16 11296 to 11311 Madagascar (Republic of) 32 10048 to 10079 Malawi 32 10144 to 10175 Malaysia 128 10368 to 10495 Maldives (Republic of) 32 13536 to 13567 Mali (Republic of) 32 8768 to 8799 Marshall Islands 16 11280 to 11295 Martinique (French Dept. of) 16 31376 to 31391 Mauritania (Islamic Republic of) 32 8736 to 8767 Mauritius (Republic of) 32 9120 to 9151 Mexico 1024 24576 to 25599 Micronesia (Federated States of) 32 11040 to 11071 Moldova (Republic of) 0 n/a Monaco (Principality of) 16 10752 to 10767 Mongolia 32 15520 to 15551 Montserrat 16 8048 to 8063 Morocco (Kingdom of) 32 8256 to 8287 Mozambique (People's Republic of) 32 9984 to 10015 Namibia 32 10112 to 10143 Nauru (Republic of) 16 10896 to 10911 Nepal 32 15552 to 15583 Netherlands Antilles 16 31392 to 31407 Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 128 24064 to 24191 New Caledonia (French Overseas Territory) 16 11216 to 11231 New Zealand 128 8576 to 8703 Nicaragua 32 32512 to 32543 Niger (Republic of the) 32 9024 to 9055 Nigeria (Federal Republic of) 32 9248 to 9279 Niue Island 16 11152 to 11167 Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth of the) 16 9680 to 9695 Norway 128 22272 to 22399 Oman (Sultanate of) 16 11344 to 11359 Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) 128 14848 to 14975 Palau 16 10976 to 10991 Panama (Republic of) 32 32576 to 32607 Papua New Guinea 32 11008 to 11039 Paraguay (Republic of) 32 31104 to 31135 Peru 128 32384 to 32511 Philippines (Republic of the) 16 10624 to 10639 Philippines (Republic of the) 96 10656 to 10751 Portugal 32 24320 to 24351 Qatar (State of) 16 31424 to 31439 Reunion (French Dept. of) 16 8944 to 8959 Romania 128 16000 to 16127 Russian Federation (CIS) 163 11392 to 11554 Russian Federation (CIS) 44 11556 to 11599 Russian Federation (CIS) 687 11601 to 12287 Rwandese Republic 32 9728 to 9759 Saint Kitts and Nevis 16 8032 to 8047 Saint Lucia 16 8016 to 8031 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 8 8000 to 8007 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 8 8008 to 8015 San Marino (Republic of) 16 10768 to 10783 Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of) 16 8864 to 8879 Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) 32 15488 to 15519 Senegal (Republic of) 32 8704 to 8735 Seychelles (Republic of) 16 8896 to 8911 Sierra Leone 32 9184 to 9215 Singapore (Republic of) 16 9664 to 9679 Slovak Republic 0 n/a Slovenia (Republic of) 0 n/a Solomon Islands 16 10928 to 10943 Somali Democratic Republic 32 9792 to 9823 South Africa (Republic of) 128 10240 to 10367 Spain 128 23552 to 23679 Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) 128 15104 to 15231 St. Pierre and Miquelon (Collectivit Territoriale de Republique Francaise) 16 7984 to 7999 St. Pierre and Miquelon (Collectivit Territoriale de Republique Francaise) 16 10816 to 10831 Sudan (Republic of the) 32 9568 to 9599 Suriname (Republic of) 32 31136 to 31167 Swaziland (Kingdom of) 16 9632 to 9647 Switzerland (Confederation of) & Liechtenstein (Principality of) 128 23040 to 23167 Syrian Arab Republic 32 15424 to 15455 Taiwan, the Republic of China 32 13504 to 13535 Tajikistan (Republic of) 0 n/a Tanzania (United Republic of) 32 9888 to 9919 Thailand 32 8192 to 8223 The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 0 n/a Togolese Republic 32 9056 to 9087 Tokelan 16 11264 to 11279 Tonga (Kingdom of) 16 10912 to 10927 Trinidad and Tobago 32 9824 to 9855 Tunisia 32 8480 to 8511 Turkey 128 14336 to 14463 Turkmenistan 0 n/a Turks and Caicos Islands 16 10800 to 10815 Tuvalu 16 11232 to 11247 Uganda (Republic of) 32 9920 to 9951 Ukraine 0 n/a Unassigned 16 8928 to 8943 Unassigned 16 10784 to 10799 Unassigned 48 10832 to 10879 Unassigned 128 15872 to 15999 Unassigned 128 16256 to 16383 Unassigned 3584 18432 to 22015 Unassigned 128 22400 to 22527 Unassigned 16 31472 to 31487 Unassigned 22 32650 to 32671 Unassigned (not to be assigned) 1 0 United Arab Emirates 16 11376 to 11391 United Kingdom 256 22656 to 22911 United States of America 2175 1 to 2175 United States of America 1792 2304 to 4095 United States of America 3584 4096 to 7679 Uruguay (Eastern Republic of) 32 31168 to 31199 Uzbekistan (Republic of) 1 11555 Uzbekistan (Republic of) 1 11600 Vanuatu 16 10944 to 10959 Vatican City State 0 n/a Venezuela (Republic of) 128 31488 to 31615 Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) 128 13312 to 13439 Wallis and Futuna (French Overseas Territory) 16 10992 to 11007 Western Samoa (Independent State of) 16 11184 to 11199 Yemen Arab (Republic of) 16 11328 to 11343 Yemen (People's Democratic Republic of) 16 11360 to 11375 Yugoslavia (Federal Republic of) 128 23424 to 23551 Zaire (Republic of) 32 9472 to 9503 Zambia (Republic of) 32 10016 to 10047 Zimbabwe (Republic of) 32 10080 to 10111 ________________________________________________________ International Roaming Mobile Identification Number(IRM's) My good friend theclone has already released a txt on this subject (irm_min_codes.txt) and it is available at nettwerked.net. However as it was from 1999 when he published the txt, i will re-post the code list, also for people who can't access PDF files that www.ifast.org has made available. As theclone has already done a good job of explaining IRMs, if you haven't already read his txt i will borrow his intro ;) -- [_What is an IRM?_] 'IRM; International Roaming MIN' An IRM is a four digit prefix designated by IFAST (International Forum on AMPS Standards Technology) that attempts to assist international roaming by minimizing conflicts with North American MIN standards which are usually based on their 10 digit directory number. [_IRM Format_] + The format of an IRM is as follows: 0-XXX+6D or 1-XXX-6D + This format again is designated by IFAST constrained to having the first digit a "0" or "1". + The last 6 digits of an IRM are allocated by the carrier. -- [_MIN / MIN-Codes_] (Available in PDF format: www.edmc.net/~theclone/NETTWERKED_ALT/IRM.PDF) In the past a MIN is a 10 digit number that has been programmed as the Mobile Directory Number (MDN). As a result, conflicts with MINS in various countries hiders international AMPS based roaming standards. At the present time there are no centralized administration for MINS and their formats. By listing all the known MINs assignments we can get a better look at how MINs and roaming in the AMPS locations work. ! For the convenience of all fellow Canadians, I'll list the few Canadian Roaming MIN Codes (CRMC) first: 110X Canada Rogers Cantel 1627 Canada Mobility Canada 1982 Canada Mobility Canada 1987 Canada Mobility Canada IRM PREFIX / COUNTRY / CARRIER / STATUS 000X Worldwide Over-the-Air Service Provisioning 001X USA Cellemetry LLC 002X USA Cellemetry LLC 003X USA Cellemetry LLC 004X USA Cellemetry LLC 005X USA Cellemetry LLC 006X USA Cellemetry LLC 007X USA Cellemetry LLC 0080 USA Eflex Wireless 0081 USA TruePosition 008[2-5] USA TruePosition Reserved 008[8-9] Chile Entel Movil 0090 Global mobile satellite Orbcomm 010[1-4] Korea SK Telecom 0109 Korea SK Telecom 011[0-1] Korea SK Telecom (reserved until 2001) Reserved 011[2-8] Korea SK Telecom 0119 Brazil Telesp 0127 Vacant Vacant: previously BellSouth International Being unassigned 0128 Philippines Piltel 0129 Brazil Telesp 013[0-8] China Unicom Reserved 0139 Brazil Telesp 014X USA Cellemetry LLC 0157 Netherlands Antilles (Bonaire) Cellular One Caribbean/Paradise Wireless Assignment pending 0159 Brazil Telesp 016[2-8] Korea KT Freetel 0169 Korea/Brazil KT Freetel/Telesp request conflict. Conflict! 017[2-8] Republic of Korea Shinsegi 0179 Brazil Telesp 018[2-5] Chile BellSouth Chile [waiting for letter] Assignment pending 018[6-7] Chile BellSouth Chile [waiting for letter] Reservation pending 018[8-9] Malaysia Mobikom 0191 Brazil Telet 019[2-8] Korea LG Telecom 0199 Korea/Brazil LG Telecom/Telesp request. Assignment TBD. Conflict! 0209 Peru Tele2000 0213 Brazil Algar Telecom Leste (ATL) Assignment pending 0216 Brazil Algar Telecom Leste (ATL) Assignment pending 0218 Peru Tele2000 0219 Peru Tele2000 022[2-7] Global Satellite Globalstar 0229 Peru Tele2000 0239 Peru Tele2000 0240 Global Satellite Globalstar 0242 Global Satellite Globalstar 0243 Brazil Algar Telecom Leste (ATL) Assignment pending 0244 Global Satellite Globalstar 0249 Peru Tele2000 0259 Peru Tele2000 0269 Peru Tele2000 0273 Brazil Algar Telecom Leste (ATL) Assignment pending 0279 Peru Tele2000 0289 Peru Tele2000 0299 Peru Tele2000 030X China Unicom Reserved 0311 Brazil Maxitel Minas Gerais 0312 Brazil Maxitel Minas Gerais [waiting for official application] Assignment pending 0316 Brazil Telemig 0319 Brazil Telemig 0321 Brazil Maxitel Minas Gerais 0329 Brazil Telemig 0331 Brazil Maxitel Minas Gerais 0339 Brazil Telemig 0341 Brazil Maxitel Minas Gerais 0349 Brazil Telemig 0351 Brazil Maxitel Minas Gerais 0357 Netherlands Antilles Telefonia Bonairiano N.V. 0359 Brazil Telemig 0369 Brazil Telemig 0371 Brazil Maxitel Minas Gerais 038X USA NACN GSM Gateway 0391 Brazil Telet 0399 Brazil Telemig 0418 Brazil Telpar Celular [waiting for official application] Assignment pending 0419 Brazil Telpar Celular 0429 Brazil Telpar Celular 0439 Brazil Telpar Celular 0449 Brazil Telpar Celular 0459 Brazil Telpar Celular 0466 Argentina CTI Movil 0469 Brazil Telpar Celular 0470 Argentina CTI Movil 047[1-8] Argentina CTI Movil 0479 Brazil Telesc Celular 0489 Brazil Telesc Celular 0491 Brazil Telet 0499 Brazil Telesc Celular 05XX Mexico Wireless carriers 060X USA Cellemetry LLC 061X Thailand Communications Authority of Thailand Conflict! 0619 Brazil Americel Conflict! 0625 Curacao Setel 0626 Curacao Polycom Radio Communications 0629 Brazil Americel 0639 Brazil Americel 0658 Singapore Singtel Mobile 0659 Singapore MobileOne (Asia) 0660 Taiwan, the Republic of China Chunghwa Telecom 0662 Taiwan, the Republic of China Chunghwa Telecom 067[6-7] Panama Cable and Wireless 0679 Brazil Americel 0689 Brazil Americel 0691 Brazil Telet 0699 Brazil Americel 0702 Global Satellite Globalstar 0704 Global Satellite Globalstar 0706 Global Satellite Globalstar 0708 Global Satellite Globalstar 0710 Global Satellite Globalstar 0711 Brazil Maxitel Bahia 0712 Global Satellite Globalstar 0713 Brazil Maxitel Bahia [waiting for official application] Assignment pending 0714 Global Satellite Globalstar 071[8-9] Brazil Telebahia 072[6-9] Brazil Telest 0731 Brazil Maxitel Bahia 0732 Colombia Comcel 0733 Colombia Wireless carriers 0734 Colombia Comcel 0735 Colombia Cocelco 0736 Colombia Celcaribe S.A. (Millicom) 0737 Colombia Wireless carriers 073[8-9] Brazil Telebahia 0740 Paraguay Telecom Personal Paraguay 0741 Brazil Maxitel Bahia 0744 Paraguay Millicom 0748 Ecuador BellSouth Ecuador 0749 Ecuador BellSouth Ecuador 0751 Brazil Maxitel Bahia 075[6-8] Brazil Telerj 0759 Brazil Telebahia 0764 Bolivia Millicom 0765 El Salvador Millicom 0766 Guatemala Millicom 0767 Honduras Millicom 0771 Brazil Maxitel Bahia 077[6-8] Brazil Telerj 0779 Brazil Telebahia 078[6-9] Brazil CRT 0791 Brazil Maxitel Sergipe 079[6-9] Brazil Telergipe 080X USA Cellemetry LLC 0811 Brazil BCP Sao Paulo 0812 Brazil BCP Sao Paulo 0818 Brazil Telpe Celular [waiting for official application] Assignment pending 0819 Brazil Telpe Celular 0823 Brazil BCP Sao Paulo 0829 Brazil Telasa Celular 0833 Brazil BCP Sao Paulo 0839 Brazil Telpa Celular 0844 Brazil BCP Sao Paulo 0849 Brazil Telern Celular 0851 Brazil BCP Sao Paulo 0858 Brazil Teleceara Celular [waiting for official application] Assignment pending 0859 Brazil Teleceara Celular 0864 Brazil BCP Sao Paulo 0869 Brazil Telepisa Celular 0880 Global mobile satellite ICO 0882 Brazil BCP Sao Paulo 0883 Global Satellite Globalstar 088[6-7] International Satellite Iridium 088[8-9] Global Satellite Globalstar 0900 China Unicom Reserved 0901 Bolivia Entel Movil 090[2-9] China Unicom 091X China Unicom 092X China Unicom 093X China Unicom 094X China Unicom 0950 Russia Vimpelcom 0951 China Unicom Reserved 0952 Russia Vimpelcom 095[3-6] China Unicom Reserved 0957 Russia Vimpelcom 0958 China Unicom Reserved 0959 Russia Vimpelcom 096X China Unicom Reserved 097[0-1] China Unicom Reserved 097[2-3] Israel PelePhone Being returned 0974 Philippines Express Telecommunications 097[5-9] China Unicom Reserved http://www.ifast.org - 5 - IRM Allocations Status Country Carrier IRM Prefix International Roaming MIN (IRM) Codes (cont�d) 098X China Unicom 099[0-6] China Unicom 0997 China Unicom Reserved 0998 USA HighwayMaster 0999 Global Satellite Globalstar 1000 USA Cellemetry LLC 101X USA Cellemetry LLC 1024 Guatemala Telefonica de Guatemala 1027 Nicaragua BellSouth Nicaragua 1028 Peru Telefonica del Peru 1038 El Salvador Telefonica del Salvador 1048 El Salvador CTE Telecom Personal 109X USA GTE Mobilnet 110X Canada Rogers Cantel 1117 Peru Telefonica del Peru 1118 Peru Telefonica del Peru 1119 Peru Telefonica del Peru 1126 Brazil Telesp 1128 Brazil Telesp 1129 Peru Telefonica del Peru 1139 Peru Telefonica del Peru 1149 Peru Telefonica del Peru 1159 Peru Telefonica del Peru 1169 Peru Telefonica del Peru 1179 Peru Telefonica del Peru 1189 Peru Telefonica del Peru 1190 Korea SK Telecom 119[1-4] Brazil BCP Sao Paulo 119[5-8] Korea SK Telecom 1199 Peru Telefonica del Peru 1201 USA (data system) UPS 1212 USA (data system) UPS 1220 Argentina Unifon 1221 Argentina Unifon 122[2-5] Argentina Unifon 1227 GSM-AMPS Interoperability BellSouth International 125[2-9] USA (data system) UPS 126[2-4] USA (data system) UPS 126[6-7] USA (data system) UPS 1269 USA (data system) UPS 127[2-4] USA (data system) UPS 1276 USA (data system) UPS Conflict! 1276 USA Cellular One of Boston/ HighwayMaster Conflict! 127[8-9] USA (data system) UPS 128[2-9] USA (data system) UPS Conflict! 1286 USA Cellular One of Boston/ HighwayMaster Conflict! 1292 USA (data system) UPS Conflict! 1292 USA Cellular One of Boston/ HighwayMaster Conflict! 129[4-6] USA (data system) UPS Conflict! 1294 USA Cellular One of Boston/ HighwayMaster Conflict! 1297 Brazil Telesp 129[8-9] USA (data system) UPS 130[2-4] USA (data system) UPS 1306 USA (data system) UPS 1308 USA (data system) UPS 1311 USA ReadyCom 131[2-4] USA (data system) UPS 1316 USA (data system) UPS 1322 USA (data system) UPS 1327 USA (data system) UPS 1329 USA (data system) UPS 1333 USA (data system) UPS 1335 USA (data system) UPS 1339 USA (data system) UPS 134[2-9] USA (data system) UPS 135[2-3] USA (data system) UPS 1357 USA (data system) UPS 1359 USA (data system) UPS 1363 USA (data system) UPS 136[5-6] USA (data system) UPS 1369 USA (data system) UPS 137[2-8] USA (data system) UPS 1381 Brazil Maxitel Minas Gerais 1382 USA (data system) UPS 1387 USA (data system) UPS 139[2-6] USA (data system) UPS 1397 Brazil Telesp 139[8-9] USA (data system) UPS 1402 USA (data system) UPS 1404 USA (data system) UPS 1406 USA (data system) UPS 1408 USA (data system) UPS 1413 USA (data system) UPS 141[5-6] USA (data system) UPS 142[3-4] USA (data system) UPS 1427 USA (data system) UPS 1432 USA (data system) UPS 1439 USA (data system) UPS 1443 USA (data system) UPS 1459 USA (data system) UPS 1467 USA (data system) UPS 1472 USA (data system) UPS 147[5-7] USA (data system) UPS 1479 USA (data system) UPS 1486 USA (data system) UPS 149[1-2] USA AT&T PrePaid Services (formerly USA-TELL) 149[3-5] USA AT&T PrePaid Services (formerly USA-TELL) Reserved 149[6-7] USA (data system) UPS 1498 Brazil Telesp 1499 USA (data system) UPS 150[5-6] USA (data system) UPS 1507 Panama BellSouth Panama 1508 Panama BellSouth Panama 1509 USA (data system) UPS 1512 USA (data system) UPS 1515 USA (data system) UPS 1523 USA (data system) UPS 1525 Global Satellite Globalstar 1526 USA (data system) UPS 1532 USA (data system) UPS 1539 Brazil CTMR Celular 154[0-5] Argentina Miniphone and Movicom Conflict! 154[3-7] USA (data system) UPS Conflict! 1546 Argentina Miniphone and Movicom Conflict! 154[7-9] Argentina Miniphone and Movicom Conflict! 1554 USA (data system) UPS 1556 Argentina Movicom 1558 Argentina Movicom 1559 USA (data system) UPS 1562 USA (data system) UPS 1569 Venezuela Telcel 157[4-5] USA (data system) UPS 157[8-9] USA (data system) UPS 158[2-3] USA (data system) UPS Conflict! 158[2-9] Venezuela Movilnet Conflict! 158[5-9] USA (data system) UPS Conflict! 159[0-8] Venezuela Telcel 1599 St. Maarten TelCell 161X Australia Telstra 1627 Canada Mobility Canada 1630 Australia (reserved) Reserved 163[1-2] Australia Hutchison 163[3-4] Australia AAPT Wireless Pty. Ltd. 163[5-9] Australia (reserved) Reserved 164[0-1] GSM-AMPS Roaming NACN/AT&T Wireless 1642 Reserved NACN/AT&T Wireless 1653 Argentina Miniphone 1656 Argentina Miniphone Reserved 1658 Argentina Miniphone Reserved 1659 Brazil Americel 166[1-2] Taiwan, the Republic of China Chunghwa Telecom 1684 USA (data system) UPS 169[2-7] Chile CTI Startel 169[8-9] Chile Chilesat 1715 USA (data system) UPS 1718 USA (data system) UPS 1730 New Zealand Telecom New Zealand 1731 New Zealand Telecom New Zealand 1732 New Zealand Telecom New Zealand Reserved 174X Hong Kong Hutchison 175X USA (data system) AERIS Communications Conflict! 1751 USA GTE Mobilnet Conflict! 176X USA (data system) AERIS Communications 177X USA (data system) AERIS Communications 178X USA (data system) AERIS Communications 179X USA (data system) AERIS Communications 180X USA (data system) AERIS Communications 181X USA (data system) AERIS Communications 182X USA (data system) AERIS Communications 183X USA (data system) AERIS Communications 184X USA (data system) AERIS Communications 185X USA (data system) AERIS Communications 186X Brazil TESS 187[0-5] Argentina Telecom Personal (future reservation) Reserved 187[6-8] Argentina Telecom Personal 1879 Argentina Telecom Personal (future reservation) Reserved 1881 Global mobile satellite ICO 188[6-7] Global mobile satellite Iridium (reserved until 2000) Reserved 1888 USA IMC/WorldCell 1889 Brazil Teleceara Celular 189[6-9] Brazil Telesp 190[1-9] Japan DDI 1911 Japan DDI 1912 Brazil NBT (Norte Brasil Telecom) 191[3-5] Japan DDI 1916 Brazil NBT (Norte Brasil Telecom) 191[7-8] Japan DDI 1919 Brazil NBT (Norte Brasil Telecom) 192[1-9] Japan IDO 1931 Japan IDO 194[1-2] Japan NTT DoCoMo 1943 Japan DDI 1944 Uruguay Abiatar 1951 Brazil NBT (Norte Brasil Telecom) 195[2-3] Israel Cellcom 1954 Uruguay Abiatar Reserved 1955 Uruguay Ancel 1956 Uruguay Ancel Reserved 1958 Israel Cellcom [pending signed letter] Assignment pending 1959 Uruguay Ancel 196X Hong Kong Hutchison Reserved 197[0-1] PelePhone Assignment pending 1972 PelePhone Reservation pending 1973 Philippines Express Telecommunications 1981 Brazil NBT (Norte Brasil Telecom) 1982 Canada Mobility Canada 198[3-6] USA AT&T Wireless Services 1987 Canada Mobility Canada 1990 USA Cellemetry LLC 199[1-9] USA HighwayMaster ___________________________ System Operator Codes(SOC's) The SOC identifies the system operators in a given SID. Multiple system operators are used in Intelligent Roaming to select the service provider on a prioritized basis which is ultimately determined by the IRDB or Intelligent Roaming Database. The values(hex) 000 and 800 are reserved. _ International SOC Assignment(Values 801-FFF) System Operators/Value (hex) AT&T Wireless Services Inc. 801 Rogers Cantel Inc. 802 Bell South Cellular 803 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems 804 Bell Mobility 805 Telecom Mobile Communications Limited of New Zealand 806 Vanguard 807 Century Cellunet 808 Pacific Telecom Cellular 809 Rubicon Wireless Communications 80A Uzdunrobita 80B Radio Movil Dipsa TELCEL 80C Unitel Wireless Communications Systems 80D Telecom Personal, S.A. 80E United States Cellular Corporation 80F Midwest Wireless Communications 810 Rural Cellular Corporation 811 Cellular Mobile Systems of St. Cloud 812 Cellular Communications of Puerto Rico 813 Palmer Wireless, Inc. 814 Cellumovil S.A. 815 Dobson Cellular Systems, Inc 816 Cellcom Israel, Ltd. 817 CTE Telecom Personal 818 Mid-Missouri Cellular, Inc. 819 CMT Partners 81A SNET Wireless 81B Bluegrass Cellular, Inc. 81C Brazos Cellular Communications, Ltd 81D Houston Cellular Telephone Company 81E Minnesota Southern Wireless Company 81F MTA Wireless 820 Great Lakes of Iowa, Inc 821 Telefonica Comunicaciones Personales, SA 822 Hongkong Telecom 823 Advantage Cellular 824 Communication Cellulaire D�Haiti, SA 825 Citizens Mohave Cellular 826 Telefonica Cellular del Paraguay, S.A. 827 Western Wireless Corporation 828 CTC STARTEL 829 Valley Telecom Cellular 82A Douglas Telecommunications, Inc. 82B Tess, S.A. 82C CTBC Cellular, S.A. 82D Americel, S.A. 82E PROINTERNET DO BRASIL 82F Telecommunicaciones Movilnet C.A. 830 Triton Cellular Partners, L.P. 831 Union Telephone Company 832 Corr Comm, LLC 833 Illinois Valley Cellular RSA 2, Inc. 834 Farmers Cellular Telephone, Inc. 835 Telemig Cellular S.A. 836 MAXITEL S.A. 837 Cable & Wireless West Indies, Ltd. 838 Entel Movil 839 Missouri RSA #5 d/b/a Chariton Valley 83A Sussex Cellular, Inc. 83B Tele Nordeste Celular Participacoes 83C Texas RSA 15B2 Limited Partnership d/b/a Five St 83D Advantage Cellular Systems, Inc 83E Panhandle Telecommunications Systems, Inc 83F ANTEL 840 PixTel Communications India, Ltd 841 Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago Limited 842 Gaia, Inc. 843 Tele Celular Sul Participacoes S.A. 844 Celulares Telefonica, Inc. 845 SLO Cellular Incorporated 846 Wuhan Tianyu Info. CO.LTD 847 Telecel, S.A. (Bolivia) 848 Bermuda Telephone Company Mobility 849 Consorcio Ecuatoriano de Telecomunicaciones S.A 84A Tn Rsa No. 3, L.P. 84B Carolina West Wireless 84C New Cell Inc. d/b/a Cellcom 84D Amarillo Cell-Tell Co. DBA Cellular One of Amarillo 84E All other International SOC values are reserved __ National SOC Assignment(Values 001-7FF) Country/System Operators/Value (hex) US AT&T Wireless Services Inc. 001 Bell South Cellular 003 Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems 004 Appalacian Cellular 005 InterCel, Inc 006 Vanguard 007 Century Cellunet 008 Pacific Telecom Cellular 009 Pricellular 00A Cellular Holdings, Inc 00B Public Service Cellular, Inc 00C Unitel Wireless Communications Systems 00D Unicel 00E United States Cellular Corporation 00F Midwest Wireless Communications 010 Rural Cellular Corporation 011 Cellular Mobile Systems of St. Cloud 012 Houston Cellular Telephone Company 013 Palmer Wireless, Inc 014 Sygnet Wireless 015 Liberty Cellular 016 Wireless One 017 Mobitel 018 Mercury Cellular 019 CMT Partners 01A SNET Wireless 01B Indus, Inc. 01C Cellular XL Associates, L.P. 01D Puerto Rico Cellular Communications of Puerto Rico 013 Canada Rogers Cantel Inc. 002 Bell Mobility 005 New Zealand Telecom Mobile Communications Limited of New Zealand 001 Uzbekistan Rubicon Wireless Communications 00A Uzdunrobita 00B Mexico Radio Movil Dipsa TELCEL 00C Malaysia Mobikom 001 Argentina Miniphone, SA 001 All other National SOC values are reserved 06/23/2002 --- CLLI.txt - phlux fraud@HackTel.com _______________________________________________________________________________ Common Language Location Identifiers A CLLI is more/less like a serial number in the telecom industry. It can identify anything, but is most commonly seen in identifying switches, POIs(point of interface) and other physical aspects of telecom. You may need a CLLI if your social engineering a switch man. It should be pronounced as 'silly'. You may also find a CLLI while trashing, and so a list of exchanges and theyre respictive CLLI may prove to be useful. The CLLI code design was developed in 1966 believe it or not. There are many places a CLLI can pop up and as such it it helpful to be acquianted with them. Right now CLLI.txt only contains CLLIs for Alberta 403/780-NXXs but I hope to have this txt updated with a listing for all of Canada. Contribute if you can! Now they are up to date as of January 25th, 1999 according to Telus, so not _every_ switch/NXX in Alberta is here ofcourse, but the meat and potatoes are. These codes will be compiled into a HASH package compatible with the HASH client that is in the works, see; http://www.HackTel.com/phlux/hash Some things to note are the switch name; 205 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS1 CLGR MAIN DS1 CLGR MAIN DS1-- Calgary Main DS1 Now i don't know what CGX stands for, but DSX is where the switch may be accompanied by an SS7 link, however this is just speculation. _______________________________________________________________________________ NPA 780 CO Codes NXX CITY SWITCH CLLI SWITCH NAME NXX CITY SWITCH CLLI SWITCH NAME 305 BARRHEAD BRHDAB02RS0 BARRHEAD 413 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG5 EDTN MAIN CG5 307 WESTLOCK WLOCAB01CG1 WESTLOCK 414 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG5 EDTN MAIN CG5 312 WETASKIWIN WTKWAB02DS0 WETASKIWIN 415 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG5 EDTN MAIN CG5 321 ASSUMPTION ASMPAB03RS0 ASSUMPTION 417 SHERWOOD PARK SWPKAB01DS0 SHERWOOD PARK 322 NAMPA NMPAAB02RS0 NAMPA 418 ST. ALBERT STALAB01DS0 ST. ALBERT 323 GIROUXVILLE GXVLAB06RS0 GIROUXVILLE 419 ST. ALBERT STALAB01DS0 ST. ALBERT 324 MCLENNAN MLNNAB01RS0 MCLENNAN 420 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 325 WILDWOOD WLWDAB01RS0 WILDWOOD 421 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 331 CALLINGLAKE CLLKAB02RS1 CALLINGLAKE 422 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG5 EDTN MAIN CG5 332 GRIMSHAW GMSWAB01RS0 GRIMSHAW 423 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 333 SWAN HILLS SNHLAB08RS0 SWAN HILLS 424 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 334 ANZAC ANZCAB02RS0 ANZAC 425 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 336 VIKING VKNGAB01RS1 VIKING 426 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 338 BERWYN BWYNAB02RS0 BERWYN 427 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG5 EDTN MAIN CG5 339 TOMAHAWK TMHKAB02RS0 TOMAHAWK 428 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 348 CLYDE CLYDAB03RS0 CLYDE 429 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 349 WESTLOCK WLOCAB01CG1 WESTLOCK 430 EDMONTON EDTNABXLCG0 LENDRUM 351 SILVERVALLEY SLVYAB02RS0 SILVERVALLEY 431 EDMONTON EDTNABXLCG0 LENDRUM 352 WETASKIWIN WTKWAB02DS0 WETASKIWIN 432 EDMONTON EDTNABXLCG0 LENDRUM 353 BONANZA BNNZAB02RS0 BONANZA 433 EDMONTON EDTNABXLCG0 LENDRUM 354 BEAVERLODGE BRLGAB02RS1 BEAVERLODGE 434 EDMONTON EDTNABXLCG0 LENDRUM 355 FAUST FASTAB01RS0 FAUST 435 EDMONTON EDTNABXLCG0 LENDRUM 356 HYTHE HYTHAB01RS0 HYTHE 436 EDMONTON EDTNABXLCG0 LENDRUM 358 WASKATENAU WKTNAB02RS1 WASKATENAU 437 EDMONTON EDTNABXLCG0 LENDRUM 359 EAGLESHAM EGHMAB02RS0 EAGLESHAM 438 EDMONTON EDTNABXLCG0 LENDRUM 361 WETASKIWIN WTKWAB02DS0 WETASKIWIN 439 EDMONTON EDTNABXLCG0 LENDRUM 363 CHIPMAN CHMNAB03RS1 CHIPMAN 440 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 365 ANDREW ANDRAB01RS1 ANDREW 441 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 366 MYRNAM MRNMAB01RS1 MYRNAM 444 EDMONTON EDTNABXJCG1 JASPER PLACE 367 WILLINGDON WLDNAB01RS1 WILLINGDON 445 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 369 WIDEWATER WDWRAB02RS0 WIDEWATER 446 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 372 BASHAW BSHWAB01RS0 BASHAW 447 EDMONTON EDTNABXTCG0 WESTMOUNT 373 BAWLF BWLFAB02RS2 BAWLF 448 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG5 EDTN MAIN CG5 374 DAYSLAND DYLDAB01RS2 DAYSLAND 449 SHERWOOD PARK SWPKAB01DS0 SHERWOOD PK 375 ROSALIND RSLDAB02RS2 ROSALIND 450 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 376 STROME STRMAB02RS2 STROME 451 EDMONTON EDTNABXTCG0 WESTMOUNT 383 WARSPITE WSPTAB02RS1 WARSPITE 452 EDMONTON EDTNABXTCG0 WESTMOUNT 384 SEDGEWICK SDWKAB01RS0 SEDGEWICK 453 EDMONTON EDTNABXTCG0 WESTMOUNT 385 KILLAM KILMAB01RS0 KILLAM 454 EDMONTON EDTNABXTCG0 WESTMOUNT 386 LOUGHEED LGHDAB02RS0 LOUGHEED 455 EDMONTON EDTNABXTCG0 WESTMOUNT 387 MILLET MILTAB01RS1 MILLET 456 EDMONTON EDTNABXYCG0 LONDONDERRY 388 ALDER FLATS ADFLAB05RS1 ALDER FLATS 457 EDMONTON EDTNABXYCG0 LONDONDERRY 389 MULHURST MLHTAB01RS0 MULHURST 458 ST. ALBERT STALAB01DS0 ST. ALBERT 397 MARLBORO MRBOAB02RS0 MARLBORO 459 ST. ALBERT STALAB01DS0 ST. ALBERT 398 THORHILD TRHLAB02RS1 THORHILD 460 ST. ALBERT STALAB01DS0 ST. ALBERT 407 EDMONTON EDTNABXRCG1 NORWOOD 461 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 408 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG5 EDTN MAIN CG5 462 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 412 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 463 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON NXX CITY SWITCH CLLI SWITCH NAME NXX CITY SWITCH CLLI SWITCH NAME 464 SHERWOOD PARK SWPKAB01DS0 SHERWOOD PK 559 CONKLIN CNKLAB02RS0 CONKLIN 465 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 567 CLAIRMONT CRMTAB03RS0 CLAIRMONT 466 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 568 SEXSMITH SXSMAB01RS2 SEXSMITH 467 SHERWOOD PARK SWPKAB01DS0 SHERWOOD PK 576 NEWBROOK NBRKAB02RS1 NEWBROOK 468 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 582 FORESTBURG FSBGAB01RS0 FORESTBURG 469 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 583 GALAHAD GLHDAB02RS0 GALAHAD 470 ST. ALBERT STALAB01DS0 ST. ALBERT 584 FORT ASSINIBOINE FTASAB04RS0 FORT ASSINIBOINE 471 EDMONTON EDTNABXRCG1 NORWOOD 585 HOBBEMA HBMAAB04RS1 HOBBEMA 472 EDMONTON EDTNABXYCG0 LONDONDERRY 586 MA ME O BEACH MMOBAB02RS0 MA ME O BEACH 473 EDMONTON EDTNABXYCG0 LONDONDERRY 592 INNISFREE INFRAB05RS0 INNISFREE 474 EDMONTON EDTNABXRCG1 NORWOOD 593 MINBURN MNBNAB02RS0 MINBURN 475 EDMONTON EDTNABXYCG0 LONDONDERRY 594 GRAND CENTRE GDCTAB02RS1 GRAND CENTRE 476 EDMONTON EDTNABXYCG0 LONDONDERRY 595 BEAR CANYON BRCNAB02RS0 BEAR CANYON 477 EDMONTON EDTNABXRCG1 NORWOOD 596 WHITELAW WHLWAB02RS0 WHITELAW 478 EDMONTON EDTNABXYCG0 LONDONDERRY 597 BROWNVALE BNVAAB03RS0 BROWNVALE 479 EDMONTON EDTNABXRCG1 NORWOOD 603 VEGREVILLE VGVLAB01CG1 VEGREVILLE 480 EDMONTON EDTNABXRCG1 NORWOOD 604 EDMONTON EDTNABNE0MD EDMONTON 481 EDMONTON EDTNABXJCG1 JASPER PLACE 608 CAMROSE CMRSAB06DS0 CAMROSE 482 EDMONTON EDTNABXTCG0 WESTMOUNT 614 ST. PAUL STPLAB01RS1 ST. PAUL 483 EDMONTON EDTNABXJCG1 JASPER PLACE 618 PEACE RIVER PCRVAB01DS0 PEACE RIVER 484 EDMONTON EDTNABXJCG1 JASPER PLACE 619 EDMONTON EDTNABSAH02 EDMONTON 486 EDMONTON EDTNABXJCG1 JASPER PLACE 621 DRAYTON VALLEY DRVYAB03RS0 DRAYTON VALLEY 487 EDMONTON EDTNABXJCG1 JASPER PLACE 622 FOX CREEK FXCKAB01RS0 FOX CREEK 488 EDMONTON EDTNABXTCG0 WESTMOUNT 623 LAC LA BICHE LBCHAB01RS1 LAC LA BICHE 489 EDMONTON EDTNABXJCG1 JASPER PLACE 624 PEACE RIVER PCRVAB01DS0 PEACE RIVER 490 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 629 LITTLE BUFFALO LAKE LTBFAB05RS0 LITTLE BUFFALO LK 491 EDMONTON EDTNABXRCG1 NORWOOD 632 VEGREVILLE VGVLAB01CG1 VEGREVILLE 492 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG5 EDTN MAIN CG5 635 GLENDON GLNDAB03RS1 GLENDON 493 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 636 VILNA VILNAB01RS1 VILNA 494 HINES CREEK HNCKAB01RS0 HINES CREEK 639 COLD LAKE CDLKAB01RS2 COLD LAKE 495 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG5 EDTN MAIN CG5 645 ST. PAUL STPLAB01RS1 ST. PAUL 496 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG5 EDTN MAIN CG5 648 BLUE RIDGE BLRGAB02RS0 BLUE RIDGE 497 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 649 RED EARTH RDERAB05RS0 RED EARTH 498 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 656 SMOKY LAKE SMLKAB01RS1 SMOKY LAKE 499 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 657 TWO HILLS TWHLAB01RS1 TWO HILLS 505 GRANDE PRAIRIE GDPRAB01DS0 GRANDE PRAIRIE 658 LAVOY LAVYAB02RS1 LAVOY 512 GRANDE PRAIRIE GDPRAB01DS0 GRANDE PRAIRIE 659 FOX LAKE FXLKAB04RS0 FOX LAKE 513 GRANDE PRAIRIE GDPRAB01DS0 GRANDE PRAIRIE 662 TOFIELD TOFDAB01RS0 TOFIELD 514 DRAYTON VALLEY DRVYAB03RS1 DRAYTON VALLEY 663 RYLEY RYLYAB01RS1 RYLEY 518 GRANDE PRAIRIE GDPRAB01DS0 GRANDE PRAIRIE 671 ST ALBERT STALAB01DS0 ST ALBERT 523 HIGH PRAIRIE HIPRAB01RS0 HIGH PRAIRIE 672 CAMROSE CMRSAB06DS0 CAMROSE 524 VALLEYVIEW VYVWAB06RS0 VALLEYVIEW 674 BARRHEAD BRHDAB02RS0 BARRHEAD 525 GRASSLAND GRLDAB02RS1 GRASSLAND 675 ATHABASCA ATBCAB03RS1 ATHABASCA 532 GRANDE PRAIRIE GDPRAB01DS0 GRANDE PRAIRIE 679 CAMROSE CMRSAB06DS0 CAMROSE 535 MEANDER RIVER MNRVAB03RS0 MEANDER RIVER 681 FLATBUSH FLTBAB02RS0 FLATBUSH 538 GRANDE PRAIRIE GDPRAB01DS0 GRANDE PRAIRIE 682 WINFIELD WNFDAB02RS0 WINFIELD 539 GRANDE PRAIRIE GDPRAB01DS0 GRANDE PRAIRIE 683 ZAMA ZAMAAB08RS0 ZAMA 542 DRAYTON VALLEY DRVYAB03RS0 DRAYTON VALLEY 685 WORSLEY WRSYAB02RS0 WORSLEY NXX CITY SWITCH CLLI SWITCH NAME NXX CITY SWITCH CLLI SWITCH NAME 688 HOLDEN HLDNAB01RS1 HOLDEN 795 NITON JUNCTION NTJTAB03RS0 NITON JUNCTION 689 BOYLE BOYLAB02RS0 BOYLE 796 BRUDERHEIM BRHEAB02RS1 BRUDERHEIM 692 CADOMIN CDMNAB02RS0 CADOMIN 797 SEBA BEACH SBBHAB04RS1 SEBA BEACH 693 PEERS PERSAB03RS0 PEERS 798 PLAMONDON PLDNAB02RS1 PLAMONDON 694 WANHAM WNHMAB02RS0 WANHAM 799 FT. McMURRAY FTMMAB03DS0 FT. McMURRAY 696 BRETON BRTNAB03RS1 BRETON 805 SLAVE LAKE SELKAB01CG2 SLAVE LAKE 697 FT.CHIPEWYAN FTCPAB02RS0 FT.CHIPEWYAN 806 WAINWRIGHT WNWRAB01DS0 WAINWRIGHT 698 ROCHESTER ROCHAB02RS0 ROCHESTER 808 LLOYDMINSTER LLYDAB01CG1 LLOYDMINSTER 702 EDMONTON EDTNABMTDS0 EDMONTON 812 BONNYVILLE BNVLAB03DS0 BONNYVILLE 706 WHITECOURT WTCOAB04RS0 WHITECOURT 814 GRANDE PRAIRIE GDPRAB01DS0 GRANDE PRAIRIE 707 EDMONTON EDTNABNE0MD EDMONTON 817 HINTON HITNAB02DS0 HINTON 712 EDSON EDSOAB01CG0 EDSON 826 BONNYVILLE BNVLAB03DS0 BONNYVILLE 713 FT. McMURRAY FTMMAB03DS0 FT. McMURRAY 827 GRANDE CACHE GDCHAB01RS0 GRANDE CACHE 715 FT. McMURRAY FTMMAB03DS0 FT. McMURRAY 828 FT. MACKAY FTMKAB02RS0 FT. MACKAY 718 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 829 SMITH SMTHAB03RS0 SMITH 719 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 831 GRANDE PRAIRIE GDPRAB01DS0 GRANDE PRAIRIE 723 EDSON EDSOAB01CG0 EDSON 835 FAIRVIEW FRVWAB01RS0 FAIRVIEW 724 ELK POINT ELPNAB01RS0 ELK POINT 836 MANNING MNNGAB01RS0 MANNING 726 ASHMONT ASMTAB02RS1 ASHMONT 837 FALHER FLHRAB01RS0 FALHER 727 EVANSBURG EVBGAB01RS0 EVANSBURG 840 GRAND CENTRE GDCTAB02RS1 GRAND CENTRE 731 KEEPHILLS KPHLAB04RS1 KEEPHILLS 842 WAINWRIGHT WNWRAB01DS0 WAINWRIGHT 736 RADWAY RDWYAB02RS1 RADWAY 846 KITSCOTY KTCYAB04RS1 KITSCOTY 741 DERWENT DRWTAB02RS0 DERWENT 847 MARWAYNE MRWNAB01RS0 MARWAYNE 743 FT. McMURRAY FTMMAB03DS0 FT. McMURRAY 848 WARBURG WRBGAB04RS1 WARBURG 744 ISLAY ISLYAB02RS0 ISLAY 849 SLAVE LAKE SELKAB01CG2 SLAVE LAKE 745 PARADISE VALLEY PRVYAB02RS0 PARADISE VALLEY 852 JASPER JSPRAB01RS0 JASPER 751 GROUARD GRADAB02RS0 GROUARD 853 VERMILION VRMLAB01RS0 VERMILION 753 PROVOST PRVTAB01RS0 PROVOST 855 NEW NORWAY NNRYAB02RS2 NEW NORWAY 754 IRMA IRMAAB01RS0 IRMA 856 HUGHENDEN HGDNAB01RS0 HUGHENDEN 755 EDGERTON EGTNAB02RS0 EDGERTON 857 CZAR CZARAB02RS0 CZAR 759 JEAN DOR PRAIRIE JDPRAB02RS0 JEAN DOR PRAIRIE 858 CHAUVIN CHVNAB02RS0 CHAUVIN 763 MANNVILLE MNVLAB01RS0 MANNVILLE 864 SPIRIT RIVER SPRVAB01RS0 SPIRIT RIVER 764 MUNDARE MNDRAB02RS1 MUNDARE 865 HINTON HITNAB02DS0 HINTON 765 RYCROFT RYCFAB01RS0 RYCROFT 866 JASPER EAST JSREAB02RS0 JASPER EAST 766 WEMBLEY WMBYAB01RS1 WEMBLEY 869 PEERLESS LAKE PLLKAB03RS0 PEERLESS LAKE 767 GIFT LAKE GFLKAB02RS0 GIFT LAKE 871 LLOYDMINSTER LLYDAB01CG1 LLOYDMINSTER 768 HAIRY HILL HRHLAB02RS1 HAIRY HILL 875 LLOYDMINSTER LLYDAB01CG1 LLOYDMINSTER 771 WANDERING RV. WNRVAB02RS1 WANDERING RIVER 877 FERINTOSH FRNTAB01RS1 FERINTOSH 774 WOKING WOKGAB02RS0 WOKING 878 HAY LAKES HYLKAB01RS2 HAY LAKES 775 KINUSO KNSOAB01RS0 KINUSO 879 ALLIANCE ALNCAB02RS0 ALLIANCE 776 JOUSSARD JSRDAB05RS0 JOUSSARD 888 HARDISTY HRTYAB01RS0 HARDISTY 778 WHITECOURT WTCOAB04RS0 WHITECOURT 889 HEISLER HSLRAB02RS2 HEISLER 785 SANGUDO SNGDAB04RS0 SANGUDO 890 EDTN INTL AIRPORT EDIAAB01RS0 EDTN INTL AIRPORT 786 MAYERTHORPE MYTPAB01RS0 MAYERTHORPE 891 WABASCA WBSCAB02RS0 WABASCA 789 THORSBY THRSAB01RS1 THORSBY 892 WABAMUN WBMNAB01RS1 WABAMUN 790 FT. McMURRAY FTMMAB03DS0 FT. McMURRAY 894 LODGEPOLE LDGPAB08RS0 LODGEPOLE 791 FT. McMURRAY FTMMAB03DS0 FT. McMURRAY 895 LAMONT LAMTAB01RS1 LAMONT 794 ROBB ROBBAB05RS0 ROBB 896 ST. MICHAEL STMCAB02RS1 ST. MICHAEL NXX CITY SWITCH CLLI SWITCH NAME NXX CITY SWITCH CLLI SWITCH NAME 899 CHIPEWYAN LAKE CWLKAB03RS0 CHIPEWYAN LAKE 973 NAMAO NAMOAB01RS0 NAMAO 902 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 975 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 903 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 980 LEDUC LEDCAB01CG1 LEDUC 904 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 981 KEG RIVER KGRVAB01RS0 KEG RIVER 905 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 985 CALMAR CLMRAB02RS0 CALMAR 906 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 986 LEDUC LEDCAB01CG1 LEDUC 907 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 987 DEVON DEVNAB02RS0 DEVON 908 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 988 EDMONTON EDTNABXLCG0 LENDRUM 909 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 990 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 910 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 991 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 913 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 992 FT. SASKATCHEWAN FTSKAB01CG1 FT. SASKATCHEWAN 914 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 998 FT. SASKATCHEWAN FTSKAB01CG1 FT. SASKATCHEWAN 915 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 916 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 917 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 918 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 919 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 921 BON ACCORD BACDAB06RS1 BON ACCORD 922 ARDROSSAN ADSNAB01RS1 ARDROSSAN 923 GIBBONS GIBNAB01RS1 GIBBONS 924 ALBERTA BEACH ATBHAB01RS1 ALBERTA BEACH 925 DONNELLY DNLYAB02RS0 DONNELLY 926 HIGH LEVEL HILVAB01CG0 HIGH LEVEL 927 FORT VERMILION FTVMAB01RS0 FORT VERMILION 928 LA CRETE LCRTAB04RS0 LA CRETE 929 BEAUMONT BUMTAB01RS0 BEAUMONT 930 EDMONTON EDTNABXJCG1 JASPER PLACE 939 MORINVILLE MRVLAB01RS0 MORINVILLE 940 EDMONTON EDTNABXBCG1 BONNIE DOON 941 NEW SAREPTA NSPAAB02RS2 NEW SAREPTA 942 REDWATER RDWRAB01RS1 REDWATER 943 HEINSBURG HSBGAB02RS1 HEINSBURG 944 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG5 EDTN MAIN CG5 945 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 951 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 953 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 954 JARVIE JRVEAB03RS0 JARVIE 955 NISKU NSKUAB01RS1 NISKU 956 RAINBOW LAKE RNLKAB11RS0 RAINBOW LAKE 957 DEBOLT DBLTAB03RS0 DEBOLT 960 SPRUCE GROVE SPGVAB01DS0 SPRUCE GROVE 961 LEGAL LEGLAB01RS0 LEGAL 962 SPRUCE GROVE SPGVAB01DS0 SPRUCE GROVE 963 STONY PLAIN SYPLAB02CG1 STONY PLAIN 967 ONOWAY ONWYAB01RS1 ONOWAY 968 STONY PLAIN SYPLAB02CG1 STONY PLAIN 970 EDMONTON EDTNABXMCG3 EDTN MAIN CG3 971 DIXONVILLE DXVLAB02RS0 DIXONVILLE _______________________________________________________________________________ NPA 403 CO Codes NXX CITY SWITCH CLLI SWITCH NAME NXX CITY SWITCH CLLI SWITCH NAME 201 CALGARY CLGRAB49DS0 SHAWNESSY 251 CALGARY CLGRAB15DS0 OAKRIDGE 202 CALGARY CLGRAB09DS0 BOWNESS 252 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 203 CALGARY CLGRAB38DS0 OGDEN 253 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 204 CALGARY CLGRAB10DS0 FOREST LAWN 254 CALGARY CLGRAB49DS0 SHAWNESSY 205 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS1 CLGR MAIN DS1 255 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 207 CALGARY CLGRAB10DS0 FOREST LAWN 256 CALGARY CLGRAB49DS0 SHAWNESSY 208 CALGARY CLGRAB33DS0 CROWCHILD 257 CALGARY CLGRAB14DS0 BONAVISTA 209 CALGARY CLGRAB06DS0 MOUNT ROYAL 258 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 210 CALGARY CLGRAB04CG0 CAPITOL HILL 259 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 212 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 260 CALGARY CLGRAB01CG2 CLGR MAIN CG2 213 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 261 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 214 CALGARY CLGRAB07DS0 ELBOW PARK 262 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 215 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS1 CLGR MAIN DS1 263 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 216 CALGARY CLGRAB01CG2 CLGR MAIN CG2 264 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 217 CALGARY CLGRAB02DS0 KILLARNEY 265 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 218 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 266 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS1 CLGR MAIN DS1 219 CALGARY CLGRAB61CG0 AIRWAYS 267 CALGARY CLGRAB01CG2 CLGR MAIN CG2 220 CALGARY CLGRAB04CG0 CAPITOL HILL 268 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 221 CALGARY CLGRAB01CG2 CLGR MAIN CG2 269 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS1 CLGR MAIN DS1 222 WRENTHAM WRHMAB01RS2 WRENTHAM 270 CALGARY CLGRAB31DS0 HILLHURST 223 TABER TABRAB01RS2 TABER 271 CALGARY CLGRAB14DS0 BONAVISTA 224 BOWDEN BWDNAB01RS1 BOWDEN 272 CALGARY CLGRAB10DS0 FOREST LAWN 225 CALGARY CLGRAB14DS0 BONAVISTA 273 CALGARY CLGRAB10DS0 FOREST LAWN 226 CALGARY CLGRAB13DS0 HUNTINGTON HILLS 274 CALGARY CLGRAB13DS0 HUNTINGTON HILLS 227 INNISFAIL INFLAB07RS0 INNISFAIL 275 CALGARY CLGRAB13DS0 HUNTINGTON HILLS 228 CALGARY CLGRAB06DS0 MOUNT ROYAL 276 CALGARY CLGRAB46DS0 CRESCENT HEIGHTS 229 CALGARY CLGRAB06DS0 MOUNT ROYAL 277 CALGARY CLGRAB46DS0 CRESCENT HEIGHTS 230 CALGARY CLGRAB46DS0 CRESCENT HEIGHTS 278 CALGARY CLGRAB14DS0 BONAVISTA 231 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS1 CLGR MAIN DS1 279 CALGARY CLGRAB38DS0 OGDEN 232 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 280 CALGARY CLGRAB22DS0 TEMPLE 233 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS1 CLGR MAIN DS1 281 CALGARY CLGRAB15DS0 OAKRIDGE 234 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 282 CALGARY CLGRAB04CG0 CAPITOL HILL 235 CALGARY CLGRAB10DS0 FOREST LAWN 283 CALGARY CLGRAB31DS0 HILLHURST 236 CALGARY CLGRAB38DS0 OGDEN 284 CALGARY CLGRAB04CG0 CAPITOL HILL 237 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS1 CLGR MAIN DS1 285 CALGARY CLGRAB22DS0 TEMPLE 238 CALGARY CLGRAB15DS0 OAKRIDGE 286 CALGARY CLGRAB09DS0 BOWNESS 239 CALGARY CLGRAB33DS0 CROWCHILD 287 CALGARY CLGRAB07DS0 ELBOW PARK 240 CALGARY CLGRAB02DS0 KILLARNEY 288 CALGARY CLGRAB09DS0 BOWNESS 241 CALGARY CLGRAB33DS0 CROWCHILD 289 CALGARY CLGRAB04CG0 CAPITOL HILL 242 CALGARY CLGRAB02DS0 KILLARNEY 290 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 243 CALGARY CLGRAB07DS0 ELBOW PARK 291 CALGARY CLGRAB61CG0 AIRWAYS 244 CALGARY CLGRAB06DS0 MOUNT ROYAL 292 CALGARY CLGRAB01CG2 CLGR MAIN CG2 245 CALGARY CLGRAB06DS0 MOUNT ROYAL 293 CALGARY CLGRAB22DS0 TEMPLE 246 CALGARY CLGRAB02DS0 KILLARNEY 294 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 247 CALGARY CLGRAB09DS0 BOWNESS 295 CALGARY CLGRAB13DS0 HUNTINGTON HILLS 248 CALGARY CLGRAB10DS0 FOREST LAWN 296 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS1 CLGR MAIN DS1 249 CALGARY CLGRAB02DS0 KILLARNEY 297 CALGARY CLGRAB01CG2 CLGR MAIN CG2 250 CALGARY CLGRAB61CG0 AIRWAYS 298 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 NXX CITY SWITCH CLLI SWITCH NAME NXX CITY / TOWN SWITCH CLLI SWITCH NAME 299 CALGARY CLGRAB01CG2 CLGR MAIN CG2 501 BROOKS BRKSAB01CG1 BROOKS 301 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 CALGARY 502 MEDICINE HAT MDHTAB02CG1 MEDICINE HAT 302 RED DEER RDDRAB01CG1 RED DEER CG1 503 CALGARY CLGRAB01CG2 CLGR MAIN CG2 303 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CALGARY 504 MEDICINE HAT MDHTAB02CG1 MEDICINE HAT 304 RED DEER RDDRAB01CG1 RED DEER CG1 506 RED DEER RDDRAB01CG1 RED DEER CG1 306 OKOTOKS OKTKAB02H00 OKOTOKS 507 OLDS OLDSAB03RS1 OLDS 308 LETHBRIDGE LTBRAB02CG2 LETHBRIDGE CG2 508 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS1 CLGR MAIN DS1 309 RED DEER RDDRAB01CG1 RED DEER CG1 509 CALGARY CLGRAB01CG2 CLGR MAIN CG2 310 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 515 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 313 CALGARY CLGRABSPDS0 CALGARY 517 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS1 CLGR MAIN DS1 314 RED DEER RDDRAB01CG1 RED DEER CG1 519 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 315 LETHBRIDGE LTBRAB02CG2 LETHBRIDGE CG2 520 CALGARY CLGRAB46DS0 CRESCENT HEIGHTS 316 AIRDRIE ARDRAB02H00 AIRDRIE 521 CALGARY CLGRAB31DS0 HILLHURST 317 LETHBRIDGE LTBRAB02CG2 LETHBRIDGE CG2 522 LAKE LOUISE LKLSAB01RS1 LAKE LOUISE 318 RED DEER RDDRAB01CG1 RED DEER CG1 526 MEDICINE HAT MDHTAB02CG1 MEDICINE HAT 319 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 527 MEDICINE HAT MDHTAB02CG1 MEDICINE HAT 320 LETHBRIDGE LTBRAB02CG2 LETHBRIDGE CG2 528 MEDICINE HAT MDHTAB02CG1 MEDICINE HAT 326 CEREAL CRELAB02RS0 CEREAL 529 MEDICINE HAT MDHTAB02CG1 MEDICINE HAT 327 LETHBRIDGE LTBRAB02CG2 LETHBRIDGE CG2 530 CALGARY CLGRAB01CG2 CLGR MAIN CG2 328 LETHBRIDGE LTBRAB02CG2 LETHBRIDGE CG2 531 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS1 CLGR MAIN DS1 329 LETHBRIDGE LTBRAB02CG2 LETHBRIDGE CG2 533 ROCKYFORD RKFDAB01RS3 ROCKYFORD 330 LETHBRIDGE LTBRAB02CG2 LETHBRIDGE CG2 534 ARROWWOOD AWWDAB01RS3 ARROWWOOD 335 DIDSBURY DSBYAB01RS1 DIDSBURY 540 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 337 CARSTAIRS CRSTAB01RS1 CARSTAIRS 541 CALGARY CLGRAB06DS0 MOUNT ROYAL 340 RED DEER RDDRAB01CG1 RED DEER CG1 543 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS1 CLGR MAIN DS1 341 RED DEER RDDRAB01CG1 RED DEER CG1 544 RALSTON RLTNAB04RS0 RALSTON 342 RED DEER RDDRAB01CG1 RED DEER CG1 545 BOW ISLAND BWISAB01RS1 BOW ISLAND 343 RED DEER RDDRAB01CG1 RED DEER CG1 546 ACME ACMEAB01RS1 ACME 344 COUTTS COTSAB01RS2 COUTTS 547 CALGARY CLGRAB33DS0 CROWCHILD 345 COALDALE CODLAB01RS2 COALDALE 548 MEDICINE HAT MDHTAB02CG1 MEDICINE HAT 346 RED DEER RDDRAB01CG1 RED DEER CG1 549 STAVELY STVYAB01RS3 STAVELY 347 RED DEER RDDRAB01CG1 RED DEER CG1 550 CALGARY CLGRAB21RMD CALGARY 350 RED DEER RDDRAB01CG1 RED DEER CG1 551 CALGARY CLGRAB21RMD CALGARY 357 RED DEER RDDRAB01CG1 RED DEER CG1 552 ALTARIO ALROAB03RS0 ALTARIO 362 BROOKS BRKSAB01CG1 BROOKS 553 FORT MACLEOD FTMLAB01RS2 FORT MACLEOD 364 DELIA DELIAB04RS0 DELIA 554 CALGARY CLGRAB21RMD CALGARY 368 RUMSEY RMSYAB01RS0 RUMSEY 555 DIR. ASST 377 TILLEY TLLYAB01RS1 TILLEY 556 OLDS OLDSAB03RS1 OLDS 378 DUCHESS DCHSAB01RS1 DUCHESS 557 CALGARY CLGRAB21RMD CALGARY 379 BINDLOSS BDLSAB02RS0 BINDLOSS 558 LONGVIEW LGVWAB03RS3 LONGVIEW 380 LETHBRIDGE LTBRAB02CG2 LETHBRIDGE CG2 560 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 381 LETHBRIDGE LTBRAB02CG2 LETHBRIDGE CG2 562 BLAIRMORE CTPSAB04RS2 BLAIRMORE 382 LETHBRIDGE LTBRAB02CG2 LETHBRIDGE CG2 563 COLEMAN CTPSAB02RS2 COLEMAN 391 RED DEER RDDRAB01CG1 RED DEER CG1 564 BELLEVUE CTPSAB05RS2 BELLEVUE 395 CAYLEY CYLYAB02RS3 CAYLEY 565 EMPRESS EMPRAB01RS0 EMPRESS 442 TROCHU TRCHAB01RS1 TROCHU 566 CESSFORD CSFRAB01RS1 CESSFORD 443 THREE HILLS THHLAB01RS1 THREE HILLS 569 CALGARY CLGRAB10DS0 FOREST LAWN 485 VULCAN VLCNAB01RS3 VULCAN 570 CALGARY CLGRAB33DS0 CROWCHILD 571 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS1 CLGR MAIN DS1 NXX CITY SWITCH CLLI SWITCH NAME NXX CITY SWITCH CLLI SWITCH NAME 572 CARBON CRBNAB01RS0 CARBON 673 EXSHAW EXSWAB01RS0 EXSHAW 574 GADSBY GDSBAB02RS0 GADSBY 676 SIBBALD SBLDAB02RS0 SIBBALD 575 VETERAN VTRNAB02RS0 VETERAN 677 ROSEBUD RSBDAB01RS0 ROSEBUD 577 CONSORT CNSTAB01RS0 CONSORT 678 CANMORE CNMRAB02RS0 CANMORE 578 CORONATION CRNTAB01RS0 CORONATION 680 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 579 BYEMOOR BYMRAB02RS0 BYEMOOR 684 BLACKIE BLKEAB01RS3 BLACKIE 590 CALGARY CLGRAB22DS0 TEMPLE 686 CALGARY CLGRAB02DS0 KILLARNEY 591 KANANASKIS EVTHAB05RS0 EVAN THOMAS 687 GRANUM GRNMAB03RS2 GRANUM 599 MILO MILOAB02RS3 MILO 691 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS1 CLGR MAIN DS1 601 HIGH RIVER HIRVAB01RS3 HIGH RIVER 701 CALGARY CLGRABGU1MD CALGARY 602 HIGH RIVER HIRVAB01H00 HIGH RIVER 703 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 605 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 704 PONOKA PNKAAB01RS0 PONOKA 606 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 705 CALGARY CLGRABCDDSO CALGARY 607 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 708 CALGARY CLGRABAY2MD CALGARY 609 CANMORE CNMRAB02RS0 CANMORE 709 COCHRANE CCHRAB01HOO COCHRANE 612 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 714 CALGARY CLGRABAY2MD CALGARY 613 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 716 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 615 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 717 CALGARY CLGRAB61DS0 AIRWAYS 616 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 720 CALGARY CLGRAB38DS0 OGDEN 617 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 721 NORDEGG NRDGAB02RS0 NORDEGG 620 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 722 CAROLINE CRLNAB02RS1 CAROLINE 625 CLARESHOLM CRHOAB01RS2 CLARESHOLM 725 HAYS HAYSAB02RS2 HAYS 626 GLENWOOD GLWDAB01RS2 GLENWOOD 728 SPRUCEVIEW SPVWAB01RS2 SPRUCEVIEW 627 PINCHER CREEK PNCKAB03RS2 PINCHER CREEK 729 LESLIEVILLE LSVLAB02RS1 LESLIEVILLE 628 COWLEY CWLYAB02RS2 COWLEY 730 CALGARY CLGRAB13DS0 HUNTINGTON HILLS 630 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 732 PICTURE BUTTE PCBTAB01RS2 PICTURE BUTTE 631 TORRINGTON TRTNAB02RS1 TORRINGTON 733 NEW DAYTON NDTNAB01RS2 NEW DAYTON 637 CREMONA CMNAAB01RS1 CREMONA 734 GLEICHEN GLCHAB01RS3 GLEICHEN 638 SUNDRE SNDRAB03RS1 SUNDRE 735 CALGARY CLGRAB61CG0 AIRWAYS 640 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 737 STANDOFF STOFAB02RS3 STANDOFF 641 BASSANO BSSNAB01RS1 BASSANO 738 IRON SPRINGS IRSPAB01RS1 IRON SPRINGS 642 WARNER WRNRAB01RS2 WARNER 739 ENCHANT ENCHAB02RS2 ENCHANT 643 CARMANGAY CMGYAB01RS2 CARMANGAY 740 STETTLER STLRAB01DS0 STETTLER 644 STANDARD STDDAB01RS3 STANDARD 742 STETTLER STLRAB01DS0 STETTLER 646 NANTON NATNAB01RS3 NANTON 746 ECKVILLE ECVLAB01RS0 ECKVILLE 647 MILK RIVER MKRVAB01RS1 MILK RIVER 747 ALIX ALIXAB01RS1 ALIX 650 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 748 BENTLEY BNTLAB01RS2 BENTLEY 651 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 749 DELBURNE DLBRAB01RS1 DELBURNE 652 HIGH RIVER HIRVAB01RS3 HIGH RIVER 750 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 653 CARDSTON CSTNAB01RS2 CARDSTON 752 RAYMOND RYMNAB01RS2 RAYMOND 654 VAUXHALL VXHLAB01RS2 VAUXHALL 756 STIRLING STNGAB02RS2 STIRLING 655 GRASSY LAKE GYLKAB01RS2 GRASSY LAKE 757 BARONS BRNSAB01RS2 BARONS 660 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 758 MAGRATH MGRTAB01RS1 MAGRATH 661 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 760 BANFF BNFFAB01DS0 BANFF 664 OYEN OYENAB01RS0 OYEN 761 SASK. RIVER X'ING SKCSAB03RS2 SASK. RIVER X'ING 665 CRAIGMYLE CGMYAB02RS0 CRAIGMYLE 762 BANFF BNFFAB01DS0 BANFF 666 ETZIKOM ETZKAB02RS2 ETZIKOM 772 MORRIN MORNAB02RS0 MORRIN 670 CALGARY CLGRAB31DS0 HILLHURST 773 ELNORA ELNRAB01RS1 ELNORA NXX CITY SWITCH CLLI SWITCH NAME NXX CITY SWITCH CLLI SWITCH NAME 777 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS1 CLGR MAIN DS1 887 SYLVAN LAKE SYLKAB01RS0 SYLVAN LAKE 779 YOUNGSTOWN YNTWAB04RS0 YOUNGSTOWN 893 ELKWATER EKWRAB02RS1 ELKWATER 781 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 897 CHAMPION CHMPAB01RS3 CHAMPION 782 LACOMBE LCMBAB02RS0 LACOMBE 898 JENNER JENRAB02RS1 JENNER 783 PONOKA PNKAAB01RS0 PONOKA 901 STRATHMORE STMRAB01RS3 STRATHMORE 784 CLIVE CLIVAB02RS2 CLIVE 912 AIRDRIE ARDRAB02DS0 AIRDRIE 787 HUSSAR HUSRAB01RS3 HUSSAR 931 CALGARY PRDSAB01RS3 PRIDDIS 788 MIRROR MIRRAB01RS1 MIRROR 932 COCHRANE CCHRAB01RS3 COCHRANE 792 LOMOND LMNDAB03RS3 LOMOND 933 TURNER VALLEY TRVYAB01RS3 TURNER VALLEY 793 BROOKS BRKSAB01CG1 BROOKS 934 STRATHMORE STMRAB01RS3 STRATHMORE 803 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 935 IRRICANA IRCNAB01RS1 IRRICANA 804 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 936 LANGDON LNGDAB01RS3 LANGDON 807 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 937 WALSH WLSHAB02RS1 WALSH 813 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 938 OKOTOKS OKTKAB02RS3 OKOTOKS 815 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 946 CROSSFIELD CSFDAB01RS1 CROSSFIELD 816 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 947 BEISEKER BSKRAB03RS1 BEISEKER 818 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 948 AIRDRIE ARDRAB02DS0 AIRDRIE 819 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 949 BRAGG CREEK BGCKAB01RS3 BRAGG CREEK 820 DRUMHELLER DMHLAB01CG0 DRUMHELLER 958 PLT TEST 822 EAST COULEE ECLEAB02RS0 EAST COULEE 959 PLT TEST 823 DRUMHELLER DMHLAB01CG0 DRUMHELLER 964 ROLLING HILLS RLHLAB02RS1 ROLLING HILLS 824 NOBLEFORD NBFDAB01RS2 NOBLEFORD 965 BROCKET BRCKAB02RS2 BROCKET 830 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 972 ACADIA VALLEY ACVYAB02RS0 ACADIA VALLEY 832 SEVEN PERSONS SVPRAB02RS1 SEVEN PERSONS 974 CALGARY CLGRAB01CG2 CLGR MAIN CG2 833 BURDETT BRDTAB02RS1 BURDETT 989 SUNCHILD O'CHIESE SCOCAB02RS1 SUNCHILD O'CHIESE 834 IRVINE IRVNAB02RS1 IRVINE 999 CALGARY CLGRAB21DS0 CLGR MAIN DS0 838 HILDA HILDAB02RS1 HILDA 839 SCHULER SCHLAB02RS1 SCHULER 843 RIMBEY RMBYAB01RS0 RIMBEY 844 ROCKY MTN HOUSE RMTHAB07RS1 ROCKY MTN HOUSE 845 ROCKY MTN HOUSE RMTHAB07RS1 ROCKY MTN HOUSE 850 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 851 COCHRANE CCHRAB01RS3 COCHRANE 854 HANNA HANNAB01RS0 HANNA 859 WATERTON PARK WRTPAB01RS2 WATERTON PARK 860 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 861 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 867 FOREMOST FRMSAB01RS2 FOREMOST 868 MANYBERRIES MYBRAB02RS2 MANYBERRIES 870 CALGARY CLGRAB12DS0 KINGSLAND 876 BIG VALLEY BGVYAB03RS0 BIG VALLEY 881 MORLEY MRLYAB02RS3 MORLEY 882 CASTOR CASTAB01RS0 CASTOR 883 DONALDA DNLDAB03RS0 DONALDA 884 HALKIRK HLKRAB02RS1 HALKIRK 885 BLACKFALDS BLFDAB01RS0 BLACKFALDS 886 PENHOLD PNHLAB02RS0 PENHOLD shouts to the canadians www.hackcanada.com www.telust.net www.nettwerked.net 06/23/2002 --- -- Credits Without the following contributions, this zine issue would be fairly delayed or not released. So thank you to the following people: Phlux, The Clone -- Shouts: CYB0RG/ASM, Wildman, H410g3n, warVamp, The Question, plappy, rt, Magma, Hack Canada, HackTel Corporation, The Grasshopper Unit, Flippersmack, *Mandy*, soapie, `enjoy, littleyellowdot, Flopik, and lastly to everyone and anyone who contributes to the Canadian H/P scene. ;. .;.. ; ;. ;.. ;.. .;..; .;.; .;; ;.. .;..;. .;..; .;.;...; ;..;.. .;. A .;. .;. ;.. N E T T W E R K E D ;.. ;..;.. P R O D U C T ;..;.. .;..; ;..;.. ; .;..;.;.. .; . .;. ..;.. .;.. . .; ..;..;..;.. .; ;..;. .;.. . .;.. .;.;. ..;. ..;.. .;. ;.;..;;..;.; ;.;;..;.. ;.;.; .; . ;.;..;. .;. ;.;:.;. ,;....;. .;.;. .;.; .;.;.; .;.; ;..;. .;.;;.; .;. ..; ;. > > > > > > ... And that is THAT!