k-13-(6)-01 OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> : -`- -`- OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> ; _|_--oOO--(_)--OOo--_|_ OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> | � K-1ine Zine ! | OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> ! issue 12, volume 6 � OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> ---------O^O---- OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> ;. |__|__| OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> || || OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> ooO Ooo OoO=o=oOO=o=O= OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=LoveO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=> ;`-.> March 2001 <=o=O=o=O=o=O 'Light Architecture' "I'm not a slave to a god that doesn't exist, I'm not a slave to a world that doesn't give a shit." _____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Words from the Editor -. � | *: [-] Introduction .......................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Contact Information ................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Affiliate Web-Links ................................... Nettwerked :* *: (-) Advertisment .......................................... HackerSalvage:* *: [X] News; K-1ine Mailing List ............................. The Clone :* *: [X] News; New Zine 'Flippersmack' ......................... FlipperSmack :* *: [X] News; Ministerial-level Summit of the Americas ........ CMAQ 2001 :* ____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Documents -. � | *: (x) 'Myth: The U.S. has a liberal media' .................. William James:* *: (x) 'The TracFone Trap' ................................... The Clone :* *: (x) 'Furtive Looks' ....................................... Pinguino :* *: (x) 'The Telus 4O3-31O-5555 Divertor Exploit' ............. The Clone :* *: (x) 'Heterosexuals' ....................................... ECOL :* *: (x) 'h410g3n presentz h410G3n's PalmOS Programming Primer'. H410g3n :* *: (x) "Untitled Rants" ...................................... Anonymous :* _____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Conclusion -. � | *: [-] Credits ............................................... The Clone :* *: [-] Shouts ................................................ The Clone :* _____________________________________________________________________________ -- Introduction K-1ine issue #13, March 2001; Welcome to the newest collective compilation of 'hacking', 'phreaking', '(political) ranting', 'news bytes', and 'advertisments' pieced together from within some tiny dark stuffy room in Edmonton Alberta Canada. We have some great articles for you this month, boys and girls. Can you feeell the K-1ine e-zine love energy bond growing? All these new writers have come out of the woodwork to produce some extraordinary articles for my zine and for that I must thank the contributors. As always, send me your articles and enjoy this months issue! [Connection to l-swift.dnd.ca closed by foreign host]� 6�����%+�Eoǿ?~�?�?^��}��� �^�^�^\�_�������{��f�/s���'=�x�UUUE�ՊWMtՊWMtՊW]UUUUUUU�U�WMtՊW��6"C�!�W� ��2�Y�n;� � ,6�`�sv0�O# `]�W1�ׁt�PpC0�h� �C��<� s^�T5�U�WMtՊWMt�:�8RM� 4X�D5��E��]���'���U�Ty�U�WMtU`i]':!+!� OK ATH .eoi _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ du bist shiznit - Contact Information; =-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-= Comments/Questions/Submissions: theclone@hackcanada.com On IRC: irc.h410g3n.com, #altphreakingfaq, #cpu (key required), #hackcanada, #k-1ine Shoot me an ICQ message: (UIN) 79198218 Check out my site: (Nettwerked) http://www.nettwerked.net --> Affiliate Web-Links: =-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-= B0G http://www.b0g.org Damage Incorporated http://www.freeyellow.com/members6/damage-inc/index.html Fuck Rogers AT&T http://www.fuckrogersatt.com * Grass Hopper Unit http://www.ghu.ca Hack Canada http://www.hackcanada.com IAMHAPPYBLUE http://www.iamhappyblue.com PyroFreak http://www.multimania.com/pyrozine/index.html TRAPFONE http://www.trapfone.com * * = featured sites of Nettwerked Incorporated --> =`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=`` -- Advertisment -- +++ WWW.HACKERSALVAGE.COM +++ HackerSalvage.com is a non-profit website dedicated to keeping old hardware in circulation. Many of us have piles of it sitting around but can't just toss it out. Here you can post computer items for sale or post a want ad for items you are looking for. A perfect place to get rid of perfectly good junk.... and get some new stuff to rebuild the pile. +++ +++ - News - 'K-1ine Mailing List' Months after its demise, the K-1ine Mailing List is back and better than before; offering an automated web-form (by server.com) apposed to my e-mail address and the subject=Subscribe/Unsubscribe to label the appropriate users' request. As before, the K-1ine Mailing List is modified and low-volume making receiving news a treat rather than another annoyance in your INBOX. If you were on the list before March 2001, please re-subscribe. If you've never been on the list before, please subscribe. The subscription and unsubscription form is available at: http://www.nettwerked.net - News - New Zine 'Flippersmack' (taken from Flippersmack issue #1): "Flippersmack is a culturemag for a penguin generation. What does this mean? Articles and reviews from your favorite writers. The low-down on what's fresh in tech, comics, movies, and music. Wrapped in a style all its own." "We will strive to release Flippersmack every week; a taste of insanity to inspire, inform, and entertain. From the creators of System Failure and Avalanche, there's a new zine out on the net: FLIPPERSMACK!" You can read the first three issues at: http://www.nettwerked.net/flippersmack001.txt http://www.nettwerked.net/flippersmack002.txt http://www.nettwerked.net/flippersmack003.txt More issue update info will be posted on the Nettwerked Discussion Board 2.0 http://disc.server.com/Indices/150061.html FLIPPERSMACK WEB-SITE: [WWW.FLIPPERSMACK.COM] COMING SOON! - News - Ministerial-level Summit of the Americas 'Unveiling "NAFTA for the Americas" NAFTA + WTO = FTAA' (HTML VERSION AT: http://www.cmaq.net/viewarticle.ch2?articleid=530) What is "FTAA"? The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) is the formal name given to an expansion of NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement) that would include nearly all of the countries in the western hemisphere. This massive NAFTA expansion is currently being negotiated in secret by trade ministers from a total of 34 nations in North, Central and South America and the Caribbean. The goal of the FTAA is to impose the failed NAFTA model of increased privatization and deregulation hemisphere-wide. Imposition of these rules would empower corporations to constrain governments from setting standards for public health and safety, to safeguard their workers, and to ensure corporations do not pollute the communities in which they operate. Effectively, these rules would handcuff governments' public interest policymaking and enhance corporate control at the expense of citizens throughout the Americas. FTAA would deepen the negative effects of NAFTA we've seen in Canada, Mexico and the U.S. over the past seven years and expand NAFTA's damage to the other 31 countries involved. The FTAA would intensify NAFTA's "race to the bottom": under FTAA, exploited workers in Mexico could be leveraged against even more desperate workers in Haiti, Guatemala or Brazil by companies seeking tariff-free access back into U.S. markets. A quick look at NAFTA's legacy reveals disastrous consequences: It's estimated that over a million U.S. jobs have been lost since NAFTA as companies relocated to Mexico to take advantage of the weaker labor standards. These workers usually find jobs with less security and wages that are about 77% of what they originally had. The U.S. trade surplus with Mexico has become an $18.6 billion deficit. Despite promises of increased economic development throughout Mexico, only the border region has seen intensified industrial activity. Yet even this small "gain" has not brought prosperity. Over one million more Mexicans work for less than the minimum wage of $3.40 per day today than before NAFTA, and during the NAFTA period, eight million Mexicans have fallen from the middle class into poverty. In addition, the increase of border industry has created worsening environmental and public health threats in the area. Along the border, the occurrence of some diseases, including hepatitis, is two or three times the national average, due to lack of sewage treatment and safe drinking water. Although it's hard to imagine that anyone would push for more of a failed model like this, what little we do know about FTAA is that is likely to look quite a bit like NAFTA. In fact, some FTAA texts are reported to be literally based on NAFTA, with additional countries added in. We know what results to expect! Who is involved in the FTAA negotiations, and how did it get started? High on their NAFTA victory, U.S. officials organized a Summit of the Americas in Miami in December 1994. Trade ministers from every country in the western hemisphere (except for Cuba) agreed to launch negotiations to establish a hemispheric free trade deal. After the "Miami Summit," however, little more was done on FTAA until the "Santiago Summit" in Chile in April 1998. However, at this second summit the 34 nations set up a Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC), consisting of vice ministers of trade from every country and headed by Dr. Adalberto Rodriguez Giavarini of Argentina. Negotiators also agreed on a structure of nine working groups to deal with the major areas they agreed to cover under FTAA: agriculture, services, investment, dispute settlement, intellectual property rights, subsides and anti-dumping, competition policy, government procurement and market access. You would never know it from news reports, but since late 1999, the working groups have been meeting every few months to lay out their countries' positions on these issues and try to develop treaty language. As with the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), many Members of Congress have no idea this is even going on. Congress has set no goals for the U.S.'s participation in these talks and has not delegated to the Executive branch its Constitutional role of setting the terms of international commerce. However, a variety of corporate committees do advise the U.S. negotiators; under the trade advisory committee system, over 500 corporate representatives have security clearance and access to FTAA NAFTA expansion documents. Organizations such as the Organization of American States (OAS), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), collectively known as the "Tripartite Committee," also provide direction. Early on, non-governmental civil society organizations (NGOs) demanded working groups on democratic governance, labor and human rights, consumer safety and the environment. These were rejected, and instead a Committee of Government Representatives on Civil Society was established to represent the views of civil society to the TNC. Yet this committee is little more than a mail in-box. It has no mechanism to incorporate civil society concerns and suggestions into the actual negotiations, so these are mainly ignored. The U.S. is represented by the U.S. Trade Representative's office (USTR), headed by Charlene Barshefsky as of November 2000. The lead USTR negotiator on FTAA is Peter Allgeier. What will FTAA's practical effects be? Because negotiations are occurring in secret and no texts have been made publicly available, we cannot know the details of the draft text. However, our conversations with the USTR have given us some clues about what to expect once a final agreement is unveiled -- in other words, once it's too late to change it! Essential Social Services Endangered: The FTAA will contain a series of commitments to "liberalize" services, which is much like the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) within the WTO. "Services" is a broad category that includes education, health care, environmental services (which can include access to water!), energy, postal services and anything else we pay for that isn't a physical object. Possible effects of the FTAA services agreement include: removal of national licensing standards for medical, legal and other key professionals, allowing doctors licensed in one country to practice in any country, even if their level of training or technological sophistication is different; privatization of public schools and prisons in the U.S., opening the door to greater corporate control, corruption and the temptation to cut critical corners (such as medical care for inmates or upkeep of safe school facilities) in the interests of improving profit margins; and privatization of postal services transferring U.S. Postal Service functions to a few delivery companies like FedEx, which could then send postal rates through the roof. Investment and a Backdoor MAI: FTAA NAFTA expansion provides a potential "back door" for the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), through negotiations focused on investments and in the financial services sector. We didn't call the MAI "NAFTA on steroids" for nothing! MAIN is based on NAFTA and direct NAFTA expansion is just another way to impose these rules. Like in NAFTA's Chapter 11, the USTR says that FTAA will include "investor-to-state" suits. These allow corporations to sue governments directly for the removal of standards or laws designed to protect public health and safety, which may cost the corporations a little more in operating costs. In other words, the FTAA would provide a hemispheric "regulatory takings" clause that explicitly values corporate profits over human costs. NAFTA cases that set a likely precedent for FTAA actions under this provision include: The Canadian funeral home chain Loewen Group used NAFTA investor protections to sue the U.S. government for $750 million in cash damages after a Mississippi court found Loewen guilty of malicious and fraudulent practices that unfairly targeted a local small business. (NAFTA permits companies to sue governments over rulings or regulations that may potentially limit their profits.) Loewen argues that the very existence of the state court system violates its NAFTA rights. The U.S.-based Ethyl Corporation forced Canada to pay $13 million in damages and drop its ban on the dangerous gasoline additive MMT, a known toxin that attacks the human nervous system. Other regulations protecting public health and the environment remain open for attack under NAFTA and FTAA. In a similar case, U.S.-based Metalclad Corp. sued a Mexican state to allow a toxic waste disposal site, claiming that the environmental zoning law forbidding the dump constituted an effective seizure of the company's property a seizure that, under the property rights extended by NAFTA (and to be perpetuated in FTAA), requires that the offending government compensate the company. Food, Agriculture & GMOs: The U.S. is trying to force all countries to accept biotechnology and genetically modified (GM) foods in which unregulated U.S.-based corporations have taken a lead. Yet food security organizations all over the world agree that these technologies will increase hunger in poor nations. Being forced to buy expensive patented seeds every season, rather than saving and planting their own, will force traditional subsistence farmers in the developing world into dependency on transnational corporations and closer to the brink of starvation. If the U.S. position wins out, FTAA will promote the interests of biotech and agribusiness giants like Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Cargill and Monsanto over the interests of hungry people in developing nations. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): The U.S. is trying to expand NAFTA's corporate protectionism rules on patents to the whole hemisphere. These rules give a company with a patent in one country the monopoly marketing rights to the item throughout the region. These rules are enforced with cash fines and criminal penalties, making these rules even harsher than the WTO IPR rules. These rules have been used as justification for pharmaceutical companies to quash compulsory licensing mechanisms to allow competitor companies to manufacture a drug in exchange for a fee for "renting" the patent. This monopoly control allows pharmaceutical corporations to keep drug prices high and block production of generic versions of life-saving drugs, which spells disaster for the ill and impoverished, especially in developing nations. These rules also allow companies to "bioprospect" and lock down patents for traditional medicines that are considered "traditional knowledge," effectively robbing indigenous people of their cultural heritage to fatten corporate wallets. What is the current status of the FTAA negotiations? All the negotiating groups have held meetings at two to three month intervals throughout 2000. Negotiators have laid out the positions of their governments on the nine core issues. As of fall 2000, they are in the process of consolidating proposed text to find points of agreement among the governments. A complete "bracketed" (draft) text will be ready in December 2000. Vice ministerial level meetings on FTAA NAFTA expansion will begin in early 2001. The next ministerial-level Summit of the Americas is planned for Quebec City, Canada on April 18-22, 2001, at which negotiators will start building a whole text. The agreement is to be complete and implemented in 2005. - .documents. Myth: The U.S. has a liberal media. Sat, 03 Mar 2001 Look at the programming. Sitcoms portray liberals as normal and anyone not extreme left as either an idiot or evil. Find one example to the contrary and anyone here can easily point out 6 to back me up. Look at the commentaries, same thing. Even in pop commentary, shows like "Politically Incorrect" regularly have three or four leftists and a single conservative to attack while pretending to be balanced. Look at the ratings vs commitment. Helen Degenerate's show had to drop below Sunday morning informercials and stay there for months before they even considered canceling it, while Rush regularly had primetime ratings but with few exceptions was assigned 2:00 AM time slots. Look at the news and commentary. Gore's defeat speach was coveret, Baby Doc's victory speach wasn't. Every conservative in government is attacked relentlessly while Liberal officials are ignored through every kind of scandal. How many times (how many have even heard of it) was the check kiting or postage scams mentioned? Clinton banks every babe in town and gets a free ride. Even the stained dress only gets the media interested in attacking Linda Tripp. Yet Newt is hung out to dry for his sleeze. Dan Quayle makes a joke about speaking Latin in Latin America and gets painted as an idiot while Gore can't recognize busts of the founding fathers, makes up wild stories about visiting places he didn't and inventing the internet and the press accepts it. Hillary makes a more lucritive book deal than Newt ever did and the press ignores it. Gore trades nuclear secrets for donations of millions from munks, makes secret deals with the Russians (in clear violation of the law) and the press still rants about Iran Contra of 16 years ago. Barney Frank's boyfriend runs a homo prostitution ring out of his office and the press is too busy ridiculing Reagan's Altzheimers to bother discussing it. Recuctions in rate of growth of government programs are still referred to as "cuts" and the media goes along with the scam. The phrase "paying for tax cuts" is used by every station as if the tax money belongs to, was earned by, and it rightfully the property of government! William R James - soapie.. am I "cool" am I one of those "cool guys"? heh yes cloney .. you're definitely cool :) soo cool. heh - The Tracfone Trap Written by: The Clone Date: March 20, 2001 *% Introduction *% Tracfone Trap *% Technical Notes *% TracFone TOS *% Tracfone Complaints *% TrapFone Dot Com *% Conclusion *% Contact - Introduction - What is TracFone? TracFone is a wireless phone company in partnership with Telefonica de Mexico based out of Orlando Florida which offers 'Nation-wide Pre-paid service' (a partnership with Verizon Wireless) which bills your analog phone on a "pay as you go" basis, letting you control your own costs as you need them. With TracFone there are no credit checks, no contracts, no age limits, and no costly cellular phone bills. What makes TracFone such a unique pre-paid wireless company is that on the phones' themselves is a time-counter that keeps track of the minutes you use, by sending a real-time roaming update to the closest b-side wireless carrier and then eventually to Verizon wireless who perform the necessary updates. For example; if you are roaming on TracFone while in Edmonton Alberta Canada, your ESN/NAM header information will be sent to Telus Mobility's Home Location Register (HLR) system which recognizes the account, processes it, and from there it immediately diverts it to Verizon. - TracFone Trap - TracFone Incorporated currently offers two analog Nokia model phones to its customers: the Nokia 252, and the Nokia 918. Both models are sleek and fully loaded with features that make using these products enjoyable. -NAM PROGRAMMING- Unfortunately, TracFone has really limited its customers freedom by putting a limit on what other numbers - but specifically what other carriers can be programmed into the phones NAM memory bank by locking the first A-side SID. The truth is customers do not have the ability to program other numbers into the phone AT ALL, meaning you're stuck having only one account on one phone; that being the TracFone account on the TracFone phone! The NAM memory bank looks something like this: (1st) phone # - 666-313-3370 (1st) SID - 0 (A-side) (2nd) phone # - [blank] (2nd) SID - 1 (B-side) On the attempt to program the second memory bank you'll get the following: "Location NAM error" Lets say you successfully hacked the NAM programming menu code for the phone... couldn't be too tough if you consider all the available web-sites and mailing- lists on the Internet that focus on just that... ie. (list) gsm_underground@yahoogroups.com (site) http://www.hackcanada.com/ice3/cellular/index.html (site) http://www.nettwerked.net/TFA/cell.html Now to take advantage of the hack you would be required to have firstly broken the NAM programming menu code, followed by entering in the exact same account information (phone # and SID) that appears in the first memory bank into the second memory bank. By roaming on the B-side you are likely to get lots of extra time even AFTER the TracFone's unit-counter time runs out because it can take from several days to a few weeks for the header info (ESN/MIN/NAM) to be sent from say Telus or Rogers/AT&T to Verizon and then finally to TracFone's HLR provisioning system for "current account updates". After this time, the TracFone's unit-counter will realize the customers account is out of air-time and will finally boot them off the network until the phone is re-filled. What else sucks about TracFone? - There is no way to buy phone units online with a credit card; only through an authorized retailers. - Finding authorized retailers in Canada is one thing, but finding a retailer at all that will accept Canadian dollars and Canadian addresses is another thing. - The web-forms on tracfone.com do not accept Canadian addresses (ie. 12274-123st Edmonton Alberta Canada, T5X-2R9) - If you wanted to change your account information, you would be required to mail your Nokia analog to TracFone (you pay the shipping fees) to be reset... for a fee of $75.00/USD. Call 509-710-4619 for more information. - TracFone will not let you receive calls when on roaming due to the carrier and number assignment. The message the person who's calling your roaming TracFone will hear is Verizon's "unable to reach subscriber" message - this was verified by calling a roaming TracFone from a Telus landline. - Technical Notes - (note: The Nokia 252 is virtually the same as the Nokia 918 in respects to programming, so don't fret my pets.) Technical specifications on the Nokia 918 model phones offered by TracFone Incorporated can be read at this site: http://www.nettwerked.net/nokia_918.txt - Terms and Conditions of Service: Upon activation of cellular radio service ("Service"), customer ("You") agrees to the following terms and conditions: To maintain TRACFONE cellular service and keep the local phone number, purchase and activate a 30, 100, or 260 unit prepaid cellular card every 60 days or a 10 unit card every 30 days. You may purchase as many TRACFONE Prepaid Cellular Phone Cards as you want. TRACFONE will display the due date reminder every time you turn your phone on. If you do not purchase, and redeem, at least one TRACFONE Prepaid Cellular Phone Card within 30 or 60 days of initial programming and set-up, the Service will be suspended. You can reactivate your Service by purchasing and redeeming a TRACFONE Prepaid Cellular Card; however, a different phone number will likely be assigned. You (the customer) have no property interest or other proprietary interest in any telephone access number assigned. Each card redeemed will extend service by 30 or 60 days from the date of redemption, depending on the card value. Any and all tampering or falsification or entering of codes not properly authorized by TRACFONE may result in immediate discontinuance of Service and prosecution to the full extend of the law. TRACFONE reserves the right to cancel any Service without notice. - TracFone complaints: The following are a few examples of horror stories that current and former TracFone customers have written about over the last four months: (taken from http://www.bitchaboutit.com/ReadPages/telephone_complaints.htm) Date: 04 Jan 2001 Tracfone, the biggest joke I have ever heard of! I have been trying for four unsuccessful weeks to contact them to activate this phone that they screwed up. After being disconnected over 100 times I got mad enough to just let it alone. They told me the hold time was 94 minutes! I work customer service too and that is unacceptable! This company is going to get a piece of my mind if I ever get a person on the phone. They sure do have excuses though! Heard em all so far! - Christina Hull, MD Date: 04 Jan 2001 I purchased a Tracfone on December 12th, for my boyfriend for his birthday. I had it "activated" on December 21st. After 3 days the phone still did not work, so I called back. After 5 or 6 calls and 2 hours on hold, I reached a "technician" who "reprogrammed" the phone. He then performed a "test call" and the phone didn't work. So he asked me a couple of questions and I am mid-sentence and next thing I know I am back at square one, waiting on hold again for "an estimated wait time of 45 minutes." 3 days later I waited another 45 minutes, this time late at night, and reached someone who again "reprogrammed" the phone and assured me that whomever I spoke with previously did not program it right. It has now been a week since that call and still the phone does not work. I've been trying to call for about 4 days now, and you can't even wait on hold anymore, they tell you to wait 60 minutes and call back. Please do not purchase this phone, it is a real hassle. There are many other pre-paid cellulars out there - buy one from a company with a local office where you can go and get decent service. I will be returning my Tracfone this weekend - thank God I saved the receipt. - Jodi Rapes, MI Date: 02 Jan 2001 Tracfone has the worst customer service I have ever experienced in my life. I will take every chance to steer possible customers away from buying into this piece of doodoo service. If you call the 1-800 # then you better bring the book War and Peace while you wait for service. You will make it cover to cover and then some. - Mark Vatcher, NH Date: 26 Dec 2000 I bought a tracfone (prepaid cellular service) from Wal mart after I had visited Tracfone's web site. On the site They say: Instant activation or in 24 hours in some areas. It is now 4 days and in a few hours 5 days after over 100 phone call attempts, busy signals, excuses etc. claiming the christmas rush, then blaming southwest bell and one excuse after another my #$%$*&@#% phone is still not activated!!! I see you have another complaint on this site for TracFone. Their # is 800-867-7183 - Brent Gould, MO - TrapFone Dot Com - 'TRAPFONE' Still undergoing major construction, TRAPFONE is a site for the wireless phreak to spread knowledge about the technical infrastructure of TRACFONE's analog cross-country cellular network, but mainly as a place for irate (former) customers to rant about why they think the service TRACFONE offers just plain sucks. http://www.trapfone.com - Conclusion - There you have it folks; TRACFONE Wireless Incorporated is a trap sucking unsuspecting customers into its us-only plan through carefully crafted advertising / hardware programming techniques, and have THE worst pre-paid cellular customer service in the world. I advise that you let all your friends and family know about this deceitful company so they won't be lured into the tracfone trap either. Too many people have been hurt already by this company... it's time we all take a stand and run these guys out of business once and for all. - Credits - I'd like to give credit to Alan (780) for his story and support while working on the development of this article. Contact - You can contact me by; e-mail: theclone@hackcanada.com irc: irc.h410g3n.com (#hackcanada) url: www.nettwerked.net -- Furtive Looks by pinguino [pinguino@inker.com] I feel people walking behind me Empty footsteps passing pause to stare Pinned against a graf-laced wall Reaching deep into velvet darkness There's no room for hiding There's no chance for escape The streetlights seem to mock me A doorway appears one second late -- `- <| The Telus 4O3-31O-5555 Divertor Exploit |> -` notes: this article has been written to point out a small yet potentially hazardous vulnerability within the 'Band 1 INWATS' regional (403)-310-5555 Telus customer care system in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. docs: For the last couple of months I've of received several (approximately 20) annoying repeat calls from the Telus customer care line; (403)-310-5555, from slack-jawed marketing bastards who want me to sign up for their rip-off long-distance plans. Normally my reaction to such calls is always to pick up the receiver and slam it down as fast as I can in a hopeful attempt that they'll take a hint that I don't want their long-distance shit service (T-MAX calling cards all the way, bay-be!). However today I felt a little bit of love in my heart for the capitalist pigs (or maybe it was the vodka doin' the thinkin'?), so I decided to actually pick up the phone and wait for a chipper Telus employee to coheres me into becoming a LD subscriber. To my surprise I wasn't greeted with a voice, but instead a total of 30 seconds of silence. "What the hell is going on?" I thought to myself. Immediately after, a sweet enchanting female voice said aloud: "Hello, Telus communications? Hello, anybody there?" "Hi, you just called me from 310-5555, are you going to drown me out with your marketing crap or what?" I asked her. "Oh no! You must be another customer who got routed to our main office. See what Telus has done for all of Alberta is about a couple of months ago we upgraded our router software and since then around 50-75% of the calls me make out to customers gets automatically re-routed back to us." she responded. I then proceeded to ask "I see, well I have a question for you. I hope you don't mind answer it." "sure... annyyything" she responded with such young cheerfulness it struck a thousand evil sexual ideas in me all involving whips, chains and butt plugs. "Well, when my call got routed back to you what was displayed on your screens for ANI information?" I asked. "Excuse me, ANI?" she said with confusion. "Caller ID..." I responded. "Ohh... it says, hrm... 403-310-5555" she said again with confusion. (musta been a blonde) "all right. That's all I wanted to know. Thanks a lot." I concluded. "No problem. Thanks for calling Telus Communications, have a WONDERFUL day!" she ended with more cheerful glee. Fuckin' bitch musta taken too much Prozac before her shift. Figures. - Wowwy, she didn't even see me as being in the same area code! Now, what do you think one has the ability to do when they get re-routed to the main line at Telus Communications with their ANI information displaying "Telus Communications, 310-5555"? Social engineering of course! :) http://www.dictionary.com/cgi-bin/dict.pl?term=Social%20Engineering Having such an obvious divertor is wonderful when social engineering a Telus employee out of their bounties and bounties of useful information. Imagine for a second that you have just found a map to the hidden cave of fortune, but when you got there you were confronted by a big scary ogre who wanted you to prove you were the true prince of riches that he's been waiting for for 15 years. You've gotta use wit, charm and charisma to get into that cave or else he's going to crush you like a little bug and eat your dead carcass. The same goes for social engineering Telus employees. So if sometime in the future you *DO* get that phone call from 403-310-5555 and just happen to get re-routed to a ditsy operator broad, you'll know how to get whatever information you want (ie. DATUs, routing codes, test #s, an outdial, etc) because *YOU* went to the url explaining social engineering and *YOU* read my horrible analogy! Now go get 'em my telco tigers! The Clone 02/21/01 www.nettwerked.net -- im gonna go hack my sisters hotmail - 'Heterosexuals' Sun, March 04, 2001 ecol@nature.com Heterosexuals are like viruses which multiply and destroy other resources. Viruses must be controlled, so heterosexuals must be controlled also. In october 1999, the world population has reached 6 billions. Mankind is exploiting, depleting and destroying the resources of nature. Mankind is also living at the expense of other species. For example, chickens are being produced, killed and consumed on an industrial scale. Chickens are deprived of their natural lives in nature. To remedy the situation people must reproduce less and consume less. The population number must be allowed to fall. The means employed must be good, honest and ethical. Those who do not have children are rendering a great service to humanity, to nature and to the planet. Those who do not have children must be rewarded. People must be encouraged to have less children. Let the population number fall. When it reaches about 3 billions mankind can start to replenish the earth. Note that abortion is not being justified or encouraged. Men and women must practise abstinence. Now those who do not reproduce must be rewarded because they are rendering a great service to humanity and nature. Note that it is heterosexuals who are a majority, who are exploiting, depleting and destroying the resources of nature more.Some examples are: The destruction of trees and forests, the excessive and uncontrollable consumption of animals, the pollution of the atmosphere by fumes coming from vehicles and factories, the pollution of nature, seas and rivers by chemicals and oil, etc. Heterosexual people live more at the expense of other species. Heterosexual people are much more responsible of this ecological disaster. They are more responsible of the greenhouse effect which will cause the temperature of the world to rise, causing the ice of the north and south poles to melt. This melting of the ice will cause the oceans to rise and submerge the coasts of almost all countries and thus killing millions of people and destroying natural lives. You see heterosexuals proliferate like harmful and deadly viruses. -- The clone thrills with his telco skillz...there's the byte on the light...make yer netwerk right - "h410g3n presentz - h410G3n's PalmOS Programming Primer." [Contact.nfo] #URL: http://www.h410G3n.com #e-mail: h410G3n@h410G3n.com #IRC: irc.at0mix.net on #HackCanada + irc.2600.net on #2600 #shoutz: Cyb0rg/ASM, theclone, wizbone, wraith, wildman -- Disclaimer: I do not assume ANY fucking responsibility for what you do. For Example: if you just so happen to lean back in your chair after using these techniques, knock your momma's DSS receiver out of your window and land it in a swimming pool full of 'leet wannabe hack0rs killing them and rupturing a fault line, sending half of California into the ocean. IT'S NOT MY FUCKING FAULT! -- Okay peepz. I finally worked up the nerve and cash to go out and pick up a Palm Vx, and I wanted to plunge into developing appz for it in C/C++ under *NIX. I ran into a few complications with this plan. First off all of the sample programs wouldn't compile properly with the sdk from http://www.palm.com. After pissing around with the sdk, I finally got a simple app working. It was way too much fucking work! Some gawd damn rsc file, app, and Makefile. damn! There has got to be an easier way.. finally after pissing around with my new palm for almost two days I found a really good compiler that runs on the Palm itself!! wow. So now I can write code on the road, compile and link all of the shit completely on the Palm computing platform! Nifty. I will now share with you the secrets of building apps with the tools I will provide to you a bit later on in this txt. Simply download the following files and install them onto your Plam III/V: http://www.h410G3n.com/releases/files/palm/OnBoard.zip http://www.h410G3n.com/releases/files/palm/RsrcEdit.zip http://www.h410G3n.com/releases/files/palm/pedit32.zip http://www.h410G3n.com/releases/files/palm/qed.zip (aka OnBoardC... http://www.individeo.net/OnBoardC.html) Notes on the compiler: - It will compile C/C++ and it has a separate assembler/dissembler (damn handy tool for all that shitty crippleware out there) - It can make "Hackmaster Extensions" - It has a full Rsrc editor that can edit every bitmap+piece of asm on the unit (careful, don't corrupt your palm with it) - All of the above files *must* be in the same "category" or you will crash your Palm. I learned this real fast. :D - The pedit is by far the best text editor for PalmOS, and the reg screen is busted?? just enter in any old code and it will register in a snap for you. (Or don't if you like the nag screen). Okay, don't get too crazy at first. Some of the components are really touchy, and if you do something you are not supposed to, you *will* crash the unit. (Hope I didn't scare you) :) Simply run the OnboardC program, select "New project" from the pulldown menu. Check the "generate skeleton" and make a name for your app (no spaces) and select "memo" as your source editor. (DO NOT SELECT pedit32 or it will CRASH the unit). Now you should see your new project. Click the "Build Button" and watch it compile a binary. Neat-o! Exit the program, and run your new app. Nice! It executes. Go back into OnboardC, and select the Rsrc file and click RsrcEdit. This is the GUI editor. You can now customize all the buttons in your program, add pulldown menus, draw in bitmaps -- the works! When you have a nice GUI, simply save it, exit OnboardC and load pedit (If you do not get a list of memos, click the OK button near the bottom), and open your C++ code. Simply edit it, save, and compile a finished app. Have fun! -- h410g3n 2001.02.18 -- I liked kriss kross.. those crazy oreo br0thahz with backwards clothes - Untitled Rants by: Anonymous dead of night. the world sleeps. all is at rest. here i sit. in my room. utter darkness save the light emnating from my 17inch monitor. the world falling apart. piece by pice. slowly a new world emerges. what will the future bring? change. if only i could take this time, save it forever. maybe to be taken out years in the future. one last beacon of hope. of what life used to be. my generation will die off. all around me, my time is death. yet i wont be relieved. i will long for it. my time is gone. everything to me. nothing to others. whoever said change is good. still hasnt grown up... mgkvj_pqycm if your wondering what this is. its nothing... shadow of guilt... well of doubt... which is which?... theres nothing save, about... broken and sore... it seemed so divine... on a steady incline... quickly shot down... occult... malign... a beautiful thing... the nights flowing gown... which way to go... no coice... they go down... what once would distress... passes without fuss... they tag and colar... we accept it all... confine us to pens... often labeled "mall"... catatonic now... at least in their eyes... which is all that matters... mine are crusted and blind... Why not get drunk?... forget all this pain... heh, i now realize... thats an action in vain... what the fuck has happened... i think in disdain... We hate ravers. They are the scum of the earth. They are robots, fashion victims with bad clothes, bad haircuts and seriously substandard drugs. We hate skaters. Get a job, quit clogging the streets. We hate Goths. Goth is dead. They can't dance because they are too worried about breaking into a sweat and having their make-up run. We hate punks, punk is also dead. The symbols are meaningless in the 90's. We hate indie kids: face it, m(orr)isery is a sad bastard, Robot Smith is a prick and flares really did go out in the 70's. That also goes for shoegazers because they are "sensitive" pseudo intellectual gits who can't dance either. We hate industrial kids and cyber punks. Putting NIN on the back of your jacket does not make you cool. We hate Metallers, especially fluffy metallers: perms are for poodles, open shirts are for Burt Reynolds and head banging/air guitar gits who can't play. We hate crusties: the new age will not be hastened by wandering the streets with backpacks, dogs on string, dreads and sitting on your arse listening to the Levellers or NMA smoking far too much dope. We hate rap kids: "Yo Homey" means something in South Central, it means fuck all here. Most of all we hate collective identity: every day of your pathetic life you are being put in a little box by society by the way you look or the bands you listen to. Collective identity sucks. Be an individual, don't make it easy to be dismissed in a sentence. -- Credits Without the following contributions this zine issue would be fairly delayed or not released, so thank you to the following people: Anonymous, ECOL, H410g3n, Pinguino, William James, and myself (The Clone) -- Shouts: Hack Canada (#HackCanada), #CPU, #k-1ine, #altphreakingfaq k-rad-bob @ b0g, Blackened @ Damage Inc., The Grasshopper Unit, Flippersmack, Pyrofreak, iamhappyblue(.com), Yellowdot, soap, and lastly to everyone and anyone who contributes to the Canadian H/P scene. ;. .;.. ; ;. ;.. ;.. .;..; .;.; .;; ;.. .;..;. .;..; .;.;...; ;..;.. .;. A .;. .;. ;.. N E T T W E R K E D ;.. ;..;.. P R O D U C T ;..;.. .;..; ;..;.. ; .;..;.;.. .; . .;. ..;.. .;.. . .; ..;..;..;.. .; ;..;. .;.. . .;.. .;.;. ..;. ..;.. .;. ;.;..;;..;.; ;.;;..;.. ;.;.; .; . ;.;..;. .;. ;.;:.;. ,;....;. .;.;. .;.; .;.;.; .;.; ;..;. .;.;;.; .;. ..; ;. > > > Simon says: "lets make love in space!"