k-12-(6)-01 OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> : -`- -`- OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> ; _|_--oOO--(_)--OOo--_|_ OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> | � K-1ine Zine ! | OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> ! issue 12, volume 5 � OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> ---------O^O---- OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> ;. |__|__| OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> || || OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> ooO Ooo OoO=o=oOO=o=O= OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O= OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=> ;`-.> February 2001 <=o=O=o=O=o=O 'Riding the Sine Waves' "I know this girl, has eyes as big as Jolly Ranchers. Beautiful girl, she's a beautiful girl." - Dj Shadow _____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Words from the Editor -. � | *: [-] Introduction .......................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Contact Information ................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Affiliate Web-Links ................................... Nettwerked :* *: [X] News; Brand new web-site venture ...................... The Clone :* *: [X] E-mail; British Telecom Record Manipulation ........... The Clone :* ____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Documents -. � | *: (x) 'What is Gravitational Engineering?' .................. Cenobyte :* *: (x) 'The Battle for your PC' .............................. Cenobyte :* *: (x) 'Security Camera Looping' ............................. Magma :* *: (x) 'December 6' .......................................... Mandy :* *: (x) 'Namezero Fun' ........................................ P1asm1c :* *: (x) 'SNMP AT&T scan (1)' .................................. Psychospy :* *: (x) 'SNMP AT&T scan (2)' .................................. Psychospy :* *: (x) 'SNMP AT&T Wireless scan' ............................. Psychospy :* *: (x) 'Telus OCA IP Hijacking' .............................. eth0 :* _____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Conclusion -. � | *: [-] Credits ............................................... The Clone :* *: [-] Shouts ................................................ The Clone :* _____________________________________________________________________________ -- Introduction Welcome to the February 2001 issue (#12) of K-1ine zine, once again I am your editor and chief architect - The Clone - bringing you another great compilation of writings from various people in the Canadian hacking and phreaking community. Before you go sending off that e-mail to me asking why I didn't submit anything for this issue, the answer is simple; been working too much to be able to finish off the articles I was planning to put in here. But by next month I promise you I'll have two supa-dope philes for you all in K-1ine 13 to intake faster than cocaine at a Telus Corporate employee dinner party. Enjoy ~ Clone -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- - oooaah :) *french aussie canadian soapie kisses* - Contact Information; =-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-= Comments/Questions/Submissions: theclone@hackcanada.com On IRC: irc.at0mix.net, #altphreakingfaq, #cpu (key required), #hackcanada, #k-1ine Shoot me an ICQ message: (UIN) 79198218 Check out my site: (Nettwerked) http://www.nettwerked.net --> Affiliate Web-Links: =-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-= B0G http://www.b0g.org Damage Incorporated http://www.freeyellow.com/members6/damage-inc/index.html Fuck Rogers AT&T http://www.fuckrogersatt.com * Grass Hopper Unit http://www.ghu.ca Hack Canada http://www.hackcanada.com IAMHAPPYBLUE http://www.iamhappyblue.com PyroFreak http://www.multimania.com/pyrozine/index.html TRAPFONE http://www.trapfone.com * * = featured sites of Nettwerked Incorporated --> =`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=`` - ariba ariba andale andale - News; Brand new web-site venture `-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=- [02.16.01] - The Clone This month I've taken on several other web-site development projects while Nettwerked has stayed down for technical maintenance ... 'Alt.Phreaking FAQ official web-site' Get all the answers to the questions you've always asked yourself while lurking around on the USENET newsgroup; 'alt.phreaking'. Originally started by telco-guru 'Seuss', the alt.phreaking faq has grown into a several hundred page Q&A guide for newbies and telecom enthusiasts alike, and just this month was passed onto me for permanent bi-monthly updating. http://members.tripod.com/SeusslyOne -- 'Fuck Rogers AT&T' The name says it all - Fuck Rogers AT&T is site for the wireless phreak to spread knowledge about the technical infrastructure of Rogers/AT&T's TDMA/Analog cellular network, as well as a place for irrate (former) customers to rant about why they think the service Rogers/AT&T offers just plain sucks. This site features the following sections: security advisories / files, rants, message board, and hosted sites. http://www.fuckrogersatt.com -- 'TRAPFONE' Still undergoing major construction, TRAPFONE is a site for the wireless phreak to spread knowledge about the technical infrastructure of TRACFONE's analog cross-country cellular network, but mainly as a place for irrate (former) customers to rant about why they think the service TRACFONE offers just plain sucks. http://www.trapfone.com =`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=`` - clone has the best rolled r's whilst sucking dick in all of canada - E-mail; British Telecom Record Manipulation `-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-= [02.16.01] An interesting e-mail I received last week on potential British Telecom Record Manipulation... hell it could be just another beiger fuckin' with this poor girl. At any rate, I felt it deserved to be in this issue of K-1ine. - The Clone Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 00:05:32 -0700 (MST) From: The Clone To: [name withheld] <-------@hotmail.com> Subject: Re: Help [ The following text is in the "X-UNKNOWN" character set. ] [ Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set. ] [ Some characters may be displayed incorrectly. ] - I don't know a lot about the way British Telecom handles it's billing record keeping system, but if its security is anything like Canadian and the American phone system then the likelyhood of records being altered is rather slim, BUT if anyone who framed her knows about the security of the telephone like myself and my associates do, then yes call log altering is completely possible. Is there anyone out there who could tell us if it is possible for BT Phone > Records to have been manipulated so that call times and dates are not > necessarily where you would have expected them to be, and there are also > other discrepancies on some calls? Is it possible for calls logged to have been moved around? - There is a device that is widely used by phone techs and phone phreaks alike, which goes by the official name of "buttset", also known as "linemens handset" and most commonly called 'beige box' by the underground community. By hooking up this device which is, in simplest terms a "hand set with an alligator clip on the red wire and alligator clip on the green" which is hooked up to the phone box outside of peoples houses to set the QoS (Quality of Service) of a line, and by phreaks to tap lines, and by criminals to make fraudulant calls. This is probably what was used to make those phone calls that the young lady you represent is now in allegations over. I recommend you check for any signs of tampering by looking at the phone box outside of her house... any forced entry into the box for one, open the box up wearing gloves (the persons finger prints are likely on them, don't want yours there too), and look at the wires... if any of the wires (green/red) were stripped then you have your answer. Do not hesitate to use this as a defence, BT has a history of dealing with these types of situations though they don't like to admit it to the public ("us vulnerable? NEVER!"). Good luck, and write me back if you have any more news. I'd like to know how this turns out. The Clone We have no idea how this young lady^Rs phone records can show calls logged at times and dates that are completely incorrect and hope that someone out there picks up this e-mail and can help us. On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, [name withheld] wrote: > Dear All, > > We are writing this e-mail in the hope that someone may be able to assist > us. We feel that the expertise and knowledge we are seeking is likely to be > found via your web site. > > We are representing a young lady who is facing a very serious allegation > that could ultimately result in a long custodial sentence here in the UK. > The young lady in question is actually innocent of the allegations against > her and we are desperately searching for some information that would help us > to prove this. > > Is there anyone out there who could tell us if it is possible for BT Phone > Records to have been manipulated so that call times and dates are not > necessarily where you would have expected them to be, and there are also > other discrepancies on some calls? Is it possible for calls logged to have > been moved around? > > Has anyone heard of complaints about discrepancies on BT records? > > Another alternative may be that certain calls from one line are redirected > so that they appear to have been made from somewhere else, and then vice > versa ^� certain calls from another number may have been made to appear to > have come from the young lady^�s line. > > We have no idea how this young lady^�s phone records can show calls logged at > times and dates that are completely incorrect and hope that someone out > there picks up this e-mail and can help us. > > Signed > > [name withheld] --- do you hate clone? ? for kb'ing you no good you mean to tell me when you're around 25 you're not going to be seeing a doctor about this... "emotional regression due to abuse in adolesence"? haha good -- What is Gravitational Engineering? Gravitational Engineering is, simply put, the manipulation of gravity through means other than the movement of masses. In order to understand how this would be possible one must first begin to understand the nature of gravity. What is it? How does it work? In 1916, Einstein came up with his theory of gravity called General Relativity. In GR gravitation is no longer a force acting through space, from one mass to another, but rather a local effect. That is to say a massive object creates a curvature of space and time. Objects then follow the geodesics of this warped geometry. As John Archibald Wheeler put it "mass tells space how to curve, and space tells mass how to move" The second major theory to come about in this time period is Quantum Mechanics. A theory describing the nature of matter and energy at small distance scales. In quantum mechanics we no longer talk about particles having definite position and momentum, rather we deal with probabilities. The behaviour of matter is governed by the Schr�dinger wave equation in the non relativistic case, and quantum field theory in the relativistic one. Without going into the details surrounding both of these theories it sufficient to say that they have contradictory viewpoints when it comes to gravity. Quantum field theory roughly describes forces as an exchange of virtual particles, whereas gravitation is described as being purely geometric. The recasting of relativity theory in light of the quantum description is one of the major challenges of modern physics. Out of the unification of quantum theory and general relativity will come a new understanding of the fundamental nature of space and time. Once we begin to understand the interaction between geometry and matter it is hoped that we can control it. It is the goal of this Institute to bring together researchers and scientists from around the world in pursuit of this knowledge and to seek what benefits can be gained by it. 'The Thiiring Institute' http://home.edmc.net/~thiiring - Cenobyte 02/15/01 -- anybody wanna take over the world tonight aww how about tomorrow.. too tired to do it tonight. damit ;) - The Battle for your PC We are coming to a crossroads my friends, a point where Corporate America is trying to take control of your machine early days of computing and even up to now, these machines have been empowering. Now I know not everyone uses every feature or knows the intimate detail of how their computer works. Some of us just use them for the basics, games, e-mail, web browsing and word processing. Others write code and have control over every single aspect of their processors from speed to output channels ... right down to the arcane knowledge of assembly. Regardless, the power to do as you please is there. To me, my computer is my territory. What is on it is mine, not somebody else's. Corporate America, no friend to personal liberty would like to see this changed. They don't want you to have control over your computer ... rather, like the governments and people they manipulate, they'd like to see it as their property. In the past several months several schemes have come out. There has been talk of building hard drives with copy protection built in, software that encrypts the signals sent to your sound card, and even encryption of the video signal going to your monitor. Microsoft's latest offering while chocked full of bells and whistles has one built in feature they gloss over. Copy protection built right into the OS. Rumour has it that you will only be able to install the OS 50 or so times and that either every installation, or the 50th time you'll have to phone MS to get permission to reload it. What's more, various forms of licenceware are coming out (Office XP) that force upgrades and upgrade charges on you, whether you need them or not. Macs aren't invulnerable to this trend either. Their writable DVD device won't allow copying of various programs and DVDs. It doesn't matter if you're just making a backup copy, or even time shifting a TV program, the hardware won't let you. That being said, the hardware also won't let you copy protect your own works. If I produce a video and want to protect it, I can't. Only the members of the RIAA and other media corporations have this ability. The seemingly obvious answer to this is to simply not buy the corporateware that's being pushed. Yet in order to run the programs, browsers, games, etc that are out there you may be forced to. Try browsing the web in lynx or old versions of IE and Netscape). Worse yet, the average user isn't going to have the savvy to know when they are buying crippled hard/software, and that is the majority of what will be offered. It is up to those in the open source community to find ways around this, to ensure that hardware without corporate control is still available, and that OSs like Linux become easier to use and competitive with the likes of Microsoft. These companies are relying on the fact that there will be no competition. Something that is completely against the capitalist spirit. I as a consumer should have the right to choose whether or not I want built in copy protection. These companies want to ensure that I don't have that choice. This is a wake up call to everyone out there. Lest you find yourself paying rent to use your own computer. -Cenobyte 02/19/01 - u give some j to 10 yr olds, and s/he will be like "sod off, little wanker, i want heads!" - Security Camera Looping [Intro] Walk into any public area and your sure to find many of them. Now, hypothetically speaking of course, lets say that you are wanting to access a payphone in an area lacking in people like a parking garage. the only thing from hindering you in your adventure is that camera. Heres a way to avoid being identified without cutting the cables to the camera, disabling it completely. [Body] In general, security cameras do not have the greatest resolution so the chances of you cutting in modifying the display and having it noticed are greatly reduced. as mentioned above you can simple cut the cables but why arouse suspicion when all you may be doing is inserting a tap into a payphone. First off your going to need a camcorder to do this failing that a VCR and access to A.C power it can be done just impractical. Next, you'll need things like a pair of wire strippers, a screwdriver, extra wire, a "Y" plug (a Y shaped cord that attaches to digital and most analogue camcorders allowing you to view what's on the tape on a TV) that will be destroyed so it would be wise to buy another one, and lastly a friend to stay back, out of view to watch the camera. Most important is to find out when the busiest hours of the parking garage are so as not to do this at that time. After that it would be wise to find out when security does their rounds, this information can be found quite simply by calling the company or the city, which ever runs the security, and simply asking. Prior to you need to strip the wires of the Y plug and attach a pair of alligator clips, much like a beige box. Now to the camera, you need to find what's called the "Access Panel" where technicians patch in to fix/install the security system. Mind you your only going to need the camera access panel unless you want to do other things such as disable the phone/lights/power but these aren't necessary and may just attract unneeded heat. The panel for the camera is a silver rectangular shaped panel secured to the wall/pole with the same screws use to secure the ceiling in millennium phone booths, which are quite easy to remove using a small flathead screwdriver. Now once you have it open here is how you create the looping effect. As soon as you remove the panel you will notice a few wires (if your camera happens to be in a pole then all that will remain are the camera wire(s) and the power source for the lamp) within the panel used for other things within the system. All you need are the white and yellow ones. Once locating the needed wires splice them but be carefully not to cut through, then with the camera on attach the wire(s). Remember there may only be one relevant wire for the camera because most are not equipped with sound. now what you need to do is hit record and tape a few moments of film. Preferably footage without moving people/cars/etc. After this is done unplug and review the film, if all it set well and there isn't a time stamp in the corner then re-attach and hit play. The camera should override the signal sending the data your inputing instead of film of you in the top of a payphone. Now to back track a little if the film does have a time stamp, then it would be wise to come back the next day and attach and hit play at the same relative time as to what is on the display, however this is not entirely nesessary. [Closing Statement] When you are finished doing whatever it was you were doing close everything up and leave it as it was. If by chance this did not work then mostly you completely disabled the camera which won't make much of a difference if you stole a payphone, I think someone would notice the missing phone whereas with a tap the case may be different. [Info] E-mail - Magma@SunOS.com Web-site - www.GHU.ca 02/15/01 -- pepper spray to be used as alternative for ADD/ADHD kids! "no more ritalin for me", said little hyper-active Johnny. THAT my friends, is innovation. -- 'December 6' I often wonder why we are put here. I mean we go through life not knowing what tomorrow will bring; we suffer from all sorts of problems like disease, disaster, loss, and death. We fear tomorrow's coming and worry about what happened yesterday. We've lost all sense of security from society, and lies are so common, you don't know whom to trust. People are constantly changing and you never know how they will react to you. Weapons are a fad and drugs are cool. Peer pressure is normal and not taken seriously anymore. Kids don't care about it and parents are either blind to it or they don't discuss it enough. Society isn't made up of true people who are honest and good anymore; it's made up of people who wear masks and act like everyone else. They aren't themselves; they are what people want them to be. They will tell you what you want to hear even it isn't the truth. It's not often when you meet a person who shows their true selves and isn't afraid to do it. You don't meet a lot of honest people, or people who talk with any sort of intelligence behind their words. Half the time people talk just to hear themselves, and they don't even understand it or know why they are saying it. These people I can certainly do without. We have to choose our friends wisely now and watch what we say. People react in such a way today, that even the smallest thing could set them off. People are killed for stupid reasons, and fighting is cool with kids. If you're different then you are a loser, even if you are a good kid with good grades. That part doesn't matter anymore. If you look like them, talk like them, and act like them, then your in. It's an easy concept. Hide your true self, put on your second face and forget about the person who you were... you're cool now. Right? Wrong... those people might make it far in life, and be rich or famous, but in the long run they won't be truly happy. Their happiness is fake, what money buy's will sooner or later be gone. It's being happy with yourself that will get you through. And you can't be happy with yourself if you hide it under a mask. It might work for some, but certainly not many. People take things for granted and don't really see the important things. Addicts live for the next high, not noticing things around them, or looking at who they are stepping on in the process of finding their next hit. Alcoholics look for their next drink not seeing what they are doing to them selves or loved ones. They can't look past the glass or see through that high, and see that every swig or every hit that they take is a form of slow suicide, but for them I guess that the thrill of the buzz or that taste of that high is enough for them. Who they hurt in the process proves doesn't really matter to then, they have what they want and that's all that matters. Nobody is perfect, and I don't expect anyone to be. If we knew everything and if we were perfect then there wouldn't be a point of living. This is all one big learning experience, and it goes back to the first part. We are here to experience all this stuff in life, and learn everything we can, but why? Just for the experience? I just don't understand why we need to go through this if we aren't going to be around anyways. But I figure there is a reason, and I'm going to do my best. Even if I don't' get anything more than knowing that I tried my best, lived my life the way I wanted to, and I was myself, I will be happy. I am happier now than I was a year ago, and I think I'm finally figuring my life out. - Mandy -- wouldnt matter, my ass is pretty tight it hurts when i shit -- Namezero Fun -or- Ridding your Domain of Corporate waste (c) p1asm1c 2001 -------------------------------------------------------- So you've finally made you're incredibly l33t homepage and are ready to publish it, but what's this? NBCi/Fortunecity don't approve of your kerberos security 'notes', packet sniffer collection, or password lists? (I suggest www.f2s.com for a decent host to redirect to)=20 Unfortunately all our friends at namezero offer is a redirecting domain, nevertheless having a domain of your own (albeit redirecting) can come in handy. So to get started, go on over to www.namezero.com and sign up, use plausible information (even if fake), as they seem to watch over the applications with a close eye these days. You'll receive a conformation e-mail, and after that (2-4 weeks) a welcome e-mail. You're now ready to use your brand new domain! But wait.... there's a 2 inch high tampon commercial beneath your uberl33t site. But this can be remedied, after a few hours of searching, a loophole was found. Once your domain is registered you can configure your site and the address it redirects to. This information is entered at (controlpanel.'your Namezero domain goes here'.com/net/org) Here you can enter the redirecting address and a 'description' for your site. Enter your password and click on homepage, and enter the code below: "> =20 The same method can be used for subdomains (called 'bookmarks' at your Namezero domain, simply click advanced for the subdomain and you'll once again have the description box, then just use the code listed below. Explanation: Basically the way this works is once someone goes to your domain, they receive a page at Namezero, with your page in one frame, and ads for toiletries, 'N Sync Concert Announcements, Easy Bake Oven Ads and other garbage in the other. The key to the exploit is the description box (basically anything entered into this box is inserted into the meta tags of the above mentioned page). Since they don't filter out actually html tags in the field, with a little handy-work you can alter the page from scratch, eliminating the ad bar. Start with a closing quote and right bracket (terminating the metatag, and you're free to code the rest of the page. So just put the code below into that box and your page will be displayed in all its glory... p1asm1c -- tell me something, s0mething... do you honestly expect us to believe you have a boyfriend and are going to ice-capades together on your next date? - AT&T - to : Agri Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 9379579 Software +7.10.5 : CABLE2 Description: Windows NT Workstation Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 7 Stepping 3 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows NT Version 4.0 (Build Number: 1381) Contact: loser Location: haha Accounts: Administrator Guest Inky SQLExecutiveCmdExec VUSR_CABLE2 : AGISERVER Description: Windows NT Server Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 6 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Accounts: Administrator albertbridge andreday arogers bamquaid bateston bemis bepoirier Bernie bigpond binnstob birchgrove bob biosdale chistmasisland coxheath dattwood degraem desilcar djulian dominion donkin eastbay ebbinrud Eric florence forence francqui frenchvale gabarus georgesriver gibbovir glacebay grandlakeroad griffmar gtatlock Guest houstama howiecentre Ian IUSR_WEBSERVER IWAM_WEBSERVER jasampson jcunningham jneary John jryan jspurr lawdave louisbourg marionbridge mgmacdonald miraroad mpeach newvictoria newwaterford northsideeastbay northsydney Paul pereiedw peterse pims portmorien qfrancis reservemines rick sampstyr scotchtown smithbel smithfre smithlug southbar southside stikkalar stikkarlar sydney sydneymines sydneyriver thornchr towerroad trottoli TsInternetUser turneton tviney vineytim waldrcal warrecra westmount : PacketWare Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 9408437 Software +7.10.5 Contact: John Location: Vulcan Ave : SeaScape2611.galaxy-data.com Cisco 2611 Description: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-I-M), Version 12.1(1)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-2000 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Fri 17-Mar-00 02:54 by cca : Civic2 Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 9408974 Software +7.10.5 : VMP Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 9398972 Software +7.10.5 Contact: Shawn Green Location: Reeves Street : VMP Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 9398972 Software +7.10.5 Contact: Shawn Green Location: Reeves Street : SERCAW2 Description: Windows NT Domain Controller Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 1 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Accounts: (blank) Administrator Guest IUSR_SERCAW2 IWAM_SERCAW2 krbtgt TsInternetUser : CB Travel Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 9398979 Software +7.10.5 : BT Auto Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 9408960 Software +7.10.5 : Butts Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 9409071 Software +7.10.5 : First Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 9418267 Software +7.10.5 : First Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 9418267 Software +7.10.5 : Helix Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 10629192 Software +7.10.5 : CIDC Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 10629238 Software +7.10.5 : CIDC Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 10629238 Software +7.10.5 : Schwartz Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 9398917 Software +7.10.5 Contact: Brenda Location: Vulcan Ave : Schwartz Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 9398917 Software +7.10.5 Contact: Brenda Location: Vulcan Ave : Agri Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 9379579 Software +7.10.5 : PacketWare Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 9408437 Software +7.10.5 Contact: John Location: Vulcan Ave : Nardocchio Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 10629768 Software +7.10.5 : ICBBOT Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 10629712 Software +7.10.5 : ICBBOT Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 10629712 Software +7.10.5 : Mediaspark Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 10629219 Software +7.10.5 : Mediaspark Description: Ascend DSLPipe DSL-HS S/N: 10629219 Software +7.10.5 : KHIMONITOR Description: Windows NT Server Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 7 Stepping 3 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Accounts: Guest IUSR_KHIMONITOR IWAM_KHAMONITOR khiadmin TsInternetUser : ZEUS Description: Windows NT Domain Controller Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 6 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Accounts: abaggs aday Administrator bcreamer bpelley bpenney britchie cbksys_vol cblackmore cmacleod dash dmac donnie dsnow fbrophy golive Guest hdacey hdoyle hmacinnis IUSR_CO3 IUSR_ZEUS IWAM_CO3 IWAM_ZEUS jburns jhussey jmackinnon jmerill jthomson kbechard kepifano klangley klynch krbtgt lchapman lhachey mbarnaby mbishoff mdejong mhayes mholland mikeb mkemp mklaamas mpeach mperry mpino mryan nmacdonald oj pboutilier pmatlock rmackinnon swilsack tcourtney test TsInternetUser webmaster writchie : dns1 Sun Microsystems SunOS Description: ALLDES Contact: ALLCONT Location: ALLLOC : Description: AXIS 540+/542+Print ServerV5.38 Jul 23 199 : IT_FS Description: Novell NetWare 5.00.09 September 21, 200 : DEV_FS Description: Novell NetWare 5.00.09 September 21, 2000nul : CROSSGP Description: Windows NT Server Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 3 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Accounts: Administrator cblackmore dmac Guest IUSR_CROSSGP IWAM_CROSSGP jhussy jlock jmackinnon jmerrill jthomson kjollimore lchapman lhachey mpeach mryan tcourtney TsInternetUser : APP Description: Windows NT Server Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 6 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Accounts: Administrator Anon000 Anon001 Anon002 Anon003 Anon004 Anon005 Anon006 Anon007 Anon008 Anon009 Anon010 Anon011 Anon012 Anon013 Anon014 cblackmore dmac Guest IUSR_APP IWAM_APP jhussey jlock jmackinnon jmerrill jthomson kjollimore lchapman lhachey mpeach mryan pmatlock tcourtney TsInternetUser : Description: IBM Network Printer 1 : LXK16A005 Description: Lexmark Optra S 1855 Version 1.10.10 Ethernet 10/100 : Switch 1 3rd Floor SGR Description: (c) Intel Corporation, 510T Express 510T Switch, Version 2.6 : Switch 2 3rd Floor SGR Description: (c) Intel Corporation, 510T Express 510T Switch, Version 2.6 Contact: Wally Rogers Location: Spring Garden Road : nsdev5 Description: IBM PowerPC CHRP ComputerMachine Type: n 7044-270*SN-n 1010D5F Serial Number: n 1010D5F Base Operating System Runtime AIX version: 04.03.0003.0000TCP/IP Client Support version: 04.03.0003.000 : Description: Ag200 2.13 Copyright 1998, 1999 by Black Box Corporations. , all rights reserved : TESTDB1 Description: Windows NT Server Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 6 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Accounts: Administrator Guest IUSR_NSTEST4 IWAM_NSTEST4 NetShowServices TsInternetUser : Windows NT Workstation Accounts: Administrator Guest Peter Labelle : MAIL Description: Windows NT Server Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 3 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows NT Version 4.0 (Build Number: 1381) Contact: Les Attwood Location: Brantford, Ontario Accounts: admin Administrator attwood1 brenwall Guest IUSR_MAIL IWAM_MAIL : BHG_ADM_S51 Description: Novell NetWare 5.00i May 15, 200 : BORDER-B Description: Novell NetWare 5.00.09 September 21, 2000nul : TRC-ADM-S51 Description: Novell NetWare 5.00i May 15, 2000nul : EC-ADM-S51 Description: Novell NetWare 5.00h December 11, 1999 : helpdesk_nt.gedsb.net SNMP Research agent on Windows NT Description: Windows NT version 4.0 (Build Number: 1381) Contact: Brent Wallace Location: Brantford School Support Centre : INTERNET 216/206 Description: AT-3726XL, AT-S20 version 3.1. : Panasonic_Inter Cisco 1601 Description: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 1600 Software (C1600-Y-L), Version 11.1(12)AA, EARLY DEPLOYMENT RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-1997 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Mon 09-Jun-97 14:20 by krunya : FS-AIR1 Description: Novell NetWare 4.11 August 22, 199 : WWW Description: Novell NetWare 5.00d August 3, 199 : GW Description: Novell NetWare 5.00i May 24, 2000nul : Unknown Description: Sun SPARCstation Solaris2. Check Point FireWall-1 Version 4. : Chase.jamieson Description: IOLAN+RACK Terminal Server -- firmware version 4.03.00 Contact: System Administrator Location: System Location : rtr-jwwmtl01 Cisco 2610 Description: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-I-M), Version 11.3(7)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-1998 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Tue 01-Dec-98 12:27 by cca : jamieson Cisco 1605 Description: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 1600 Software (C1600-BNOR2SY56I-M), Version 11.3(3)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-1998 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Tue 21-Apr-98 00:22 by cca Contact: Stuart Rorison,srorison@jamiesonvitamins.com Location: Windsor : rtr-jwihod Cisco 2610 Description: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-I-M), Version 11.3(7)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-1998 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Tue 01-Dec-98 12:27 by cca : BIAXWING Description: Windows NT Domain Server Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 1 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Accounts: Administrator BartR BradH Cahn CarlG CarlR colleen Control crystal david Default diamond DonB DonC DVA_MNGNODE Guest Hendi IUSR_FKSAB IWAM_FKSAB karen krbtgt Lab Main montego pallet pegasus phil Pravin rework Sandra ship slit slit1 slit2 slit4 Tom Tony TsInternetUser Winder : PULSAR Description: Windows NT Domain Controller Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 5 Stepping 2 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows NT Version 4.0 (Build Number: 1381) Contact: Tim Huitema Location: I.S. Pegasus Accounts: aahmad ABosciglio ACOLE admin Adminassist Administrator AGoof AJAITLY AKhan AKhokhar AldeC andrewd andy asi_srv asifa AThorpe barry beacon2 beacondb Beaconr BGaffoor bharper bill Bill_h BLynch BLyons booksinprint BParsons Brett bspencer btrahey cathy CFrail CGillies Chris chrisr chriswe CKular colleen_d CRidout CSTemp1 CSTemp2 CSTemp3 CSTemp4 customerservice DAbdel dallgood daphne data entry data1 data2 data3 Dave Dbarkley DBatoo DCOBER DCull DEng diane DIrwin dlilly DRutledge DSunderic dzook EAsrula Ematthews EMontgomery enrique EOrders erica FMieres FNelson fsiddiqui gale GBowes GCripps Geoff GFabian ggibson GKaur Graham GSauners gstepanek Guest Hal9000 heather helen HR2 IC1 ic2 ic3 Imran info internet IUSR_PULSAR IUSR_QUASAR IWAM_PULSAR jackie jacqueline janet Jasodra jason jasonj JBoone JDobbin JenniferM JFernandes JHawkins jhull jim_m JLeblanc jmaynard JMDobbin joea john JRehr jtourett Karen KAyow KBerry kcarter Keitho Keri kevin_c kfoo Kim Klandry KMcKimm LAndrade LArachchi lclarke LGraye LGrindlay lmoore Logpro Lora Lori LRosario lschonberg Lston Mahdi marina mbevilacqua MCrocker michel michelle Mike_H mikem MJohnson mlagatdu MLindsay MMarciano MMartella mmoore movement MScott MSmith MStone myoung Ncurtin New_stores NHarris NHermiston Nigelb NMorgan nscott NSobers Parora parttime Part-Timers paul PChan pegasus Peter PFCUser pheasman Phones PKoumbari ppayne Pricing PSousa Quasar rajinder RBarnes RBicketon RCheema RDriscoll Receiving renardm repl RGosbee RGrewal Rjassy rkukreja rmarithasan Robertf rpinkrah rrozmahel RShiwlochan rsimpson RSnow RSpeer RSTEEVES RTamakuwala Rupas RWarha SBal SHannigan sharlene shawn Shelda Sherri SMahadeo smiller SNASERVER Solly SPayne spersaud SQLAdmin SQLAgentCmdExec sqlbackip SRenton SSharma SSostaric SSteuart Susan_m tburke tedgett TElliot temp1 temp2 temp3 temp4 testuser TGayler Thomas thuitema tkahlon TKubow TMilnes TMulnrooney tracyr TRAIN01 TRAIN02 TRAIN03 TRAIN04 TRAIN05 TRAIN06 TRAIN07 TRAINING Transfer tsmith TTennant vashti vbarnes vendors Voula walter Warren yolanda : io-5000 Description: Windows NT Server Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 5 Stepping 1 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows NT Version 4.0 (Build Number: 1381) Accounts: (blank) Administrator Enterprise FTPUser-DoNotDelete Guest IUSR_IO-5000 IWAM_IO-5000 Manager User : EDI_SRV Description: Windows NT Server Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 5 Stepping 2 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows NT Version 4.0 (Build Number: 1381) Contact: I.S. Accounts: Administrator Guest PFCUser : Backbone Description: SSR 2000 - Cabletron Systems, Inc. Firmware Version: PROM Version: prom- Contact: Mike Lewis Location: SooNet Office : explorer Description: Cabletron ELS100-24TXM SW:2.00.0 Contact: Mike Lewis lewism@soonet.ca Location: SooNet Office Sault Ste Marie : Unknown Description: Sun SPARCstation Solaris2. CheckPoint FireWall-1 Version 2.0 : cisco2511.soonet.ca Cisco 2511 Description: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 3000 Software (IGS-I-L), Version 11.1(6), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-1996 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Mon 09-Sep-96 13:58 by te : EXCELSIOR Description: Windows NT Workstaion Hardware: x86 Family 5 Model 2 Stepping 5 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows NT Version 4.0 (Build Number: 1381) Contact: Mike Lewis Location: SooNet SUPPORT Accounts: Administrator Guest : Description: Gandalf 5242ER Edge Router X10145L-2.4.3June 9/9 Contact: Bill Robertson Location: Sault Ste. Marie : Backbone Description: SSR 2000 - Cabletron Systems, Inc. Firmware Version: PROM Version: prom- Contact: Mike Lewis Location: SooNet Office : Backbone Description: SSR 2000 - Cabletron Systems, Inc. Firmware Version: PROM Version: prom- Contact: Mike Lewis Location: SooNet Office : SERV_SSM_COMM_KONTROL' Description: Novell NetWare 5.00d August 3, 1999nul : Backbone Description: SSR 2000 - Cabletron Systems, Inc. Firmware Version: PROM Version: prom- Contact: Mike Lewis Location: SooNet Office : Backbone Description: SSR 2000 - Cabletron Systems, Inc. Firmware Version: PROM Version: prom- Contact: Mike Lewis Location: SooNet Office : co Description: FlowPoint/2200 SDSL [ATM] Router fp2200-18 v3.0.5 Copyright (c) 1995-1999 FlowPoint Corp. All Rights Reserved : co Description: FlowPoint/2200 SDSL [ATM] Router fp2200-18 v3.0.5 Copyright (c) 1995-1999 FlowPoint Corp. All Rights Reserved : cpe Description: FlowPoint/2200 SDSL [ATM] Router fp2200-18 v3.0.5 Copyright (c) 1995-1999 FlowPoint Corp. All Rights Reserved : Backbone Description: SSR 2000 - Cabletron Systems, Inc. Firmware Version: PROM Version: prom- Contact: Mike Lewis Location: SooNet Office : co Description: FlowPoint/2200 SDSL [ATM] Router fp2200-18 v3.0.2 Copyright (c) 1995-1999 FlowPoint Corp. All Rights Reserved : co Description: FlowPoint/2200 SDSL [ATM] Router fp2200-18 v3.0.2 Copyright (c) 1995-1999 FlowPoint Corp. All Rights Reserved : cpe Description: FlowPoint/2200 SDSL [ATM] Router fp2200-18 v3.0.5 Copyright (c) 1995-1999 FlowPoint Corp. All Rights Reserved : Description: Gandalf 5242ER Edge Router X10145L-2.4.3June 9/9 Contact: Bill Robertson Location: Sault Ste. Marie : Description: Gandalf 5242ER Edge Router X10145L-2.4.3June 9/9 Contact: Bill Robertson Location: Sault Ste. Marie : Description: Gandalf 5242ER Edge Router X10145L-2.4.3June 9/9 Contact: Bill Robertson Location: Sault Ste. Marie : cpe Description: FlowPoint/2200 SDSL [ATM] Router fp2200-18 v3.0.2 Copyright (c) 1995-1999 FlowPoint Corp. All Rights Reserved : co Description: FlowPoint/2200 SDSL [ATM] Router fp2200-18 v3.0.5 Copyright (c) 1995-1999 FlowPoint Corp. All Rights Reserved : Backbone Description: SSR 2000 - Cabletron Systems, Inc. Firmware Version: PROM Version: prom- Contact: Mike Lewis Location: SooNet Office : co Description: FlowPoint/2200 SDSL [ATM] Router fp2200-18 v3.0.5 Copyright (c) 1995-1999 FlowPoint Corp. All Rights Reserved : Backbone Description: SSR 2000 - Cabletron Systems, Inc. Firmware Version: PROM Version: prom- : AUTHENTICATION Description: Windows NT Domain Controller Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 7 Stepping 3 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Accounts: ac_gstone Administrator Astrocom Barnes cuonline dalereid Gloria Guest hawki hawkiadmin IUSR_AUTHENTICATION IWAM_AUTHENTICATION jason jsmith krbtgt NetShowServices rtf scott scotty Smitty SQLAgentCmdExec test TsInternetUser : NS2 Description: Windows NT Server Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 1 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195Z) Accounts: Administrator Guest IUSR_NS2 IWAM_NS2 NetShowServices TsInternetUser : SIMM2000AS Description: Windows NT Server Hardware: x86 Family 5 Model 4 Stepping 3 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Accounts: Eulothg Guest ifaxqeii IUSR_SIMM2000AS IWAM_SIMM2000AS NetShowServices SI_Admin SQLAgentCmdExec TsInternetUser : LINDSAYNET-NT Description: Windows NT Server Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 5 Stepping 2 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows NT Version 4.0 (Build Number: 1381) Accounts: Administrator Guest : Description: Livingston PortMaster PM-3 ComOS 3.8.2c : Description: Livingston PortMaster PM-3 ComOS 3.8.2c : LOCALHOST Windows NT Workstation Accounts: (blank) : ISDN1 Description: Windows NT Server Hardware: x86 Family 5 Model 2 Stepping 5 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows NT Version 4.0 (Build Number: 1381) Accounts: Administrator Guest rmh ross : SPIDE Description: Novell NetWare 4.11 August 22, 199 : ISDN3 Description: Windows NT Server Hardware: x86 Family 5 Model 2 Stepping 5 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows NT Version 4.0 (Build Number: 1381) Accounts: Administrator denure Guest : Virtual Library Inc. Description: Image: rel/13.01/ Created on Thu Oct 22 16:46:34 EDT 1998 Contact: Avita Technologies Corp. Location: Lindsay Public Library : LIPL1AVLS98VLI Description: Windows NT Server Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 3 Stepping 4 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows NT Version 4.0 (Build Number: 1381) Contact: Scott Bermon Location: sbermon@avita.com Accounts: (blank) AVLS_SysAdmin Guest IUSR_RHPL1AVLS98LI IWAM_RHPL1AVLS98LI Lindsay SQLExecutiveCmdExec Userl : LIPL1AVLS98VLI Description: Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 3 Stepping 4 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows NT Version 4.0 (Build Number: 1381) Contact: Scott Bermon Location: sbermon@avita.com Accounts: AVLS_SysAdmin Guest IUSR_RHPL1AVLS98LI IWAM_RHPL1AVLS98LI Lindsay SQLExecutiveCmdExec Userl : spider.delmarcan.com HP 9000/800 Description: HP-UX spider B.11.00 A 9000/86 : INLANDWS_DO7 Description: Windows NT Workstation Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 6 Stepping 0 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Accounts: (blank) Guest : ??? Technical University of Braunschweig ??? : Windows NT Workstation Accounts: (blank) Administrator andreas exotic Guest joop ph - Psychospy 02/15/01 --,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : raq2.superaje.com Description: Technical University of Braunschweig Linux version 2.0.34C52_SK (root@brainy.cobaltnet.com) (gcc version 2.7.2) #1 Tue Nov 30 18:14:40 PST 199 : Burnbrae Cisco 3640 Description: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 3600 Software (C3640-IOS56I-M), Version 12.0(4)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-1999 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 29-Apr-99 17:43 by kpm Contact: Elizabeth Bevan,613-341-2002,ebevan@bon-ee-best.com Location: Brockville, ON : Burnbrae Cisco 3640 Description: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 3600 Software (C3640-IOS56I-M), Version 12.0(4)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-1999 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 29-Apr-99 17:43 by kpm Contact: Elizabeth Bevan,613-341-2002,ebevan@bon-ee-best.com Location: Brockville, ON : glab_rtrl Cisco 2610 Description: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-D-M), Version 12.0(4)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-1999 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Wed 28-Apr-99 16:34 by kpm : ICCD_SPARE Description: Windows NT Server Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 10 Stepping 1 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Accounts: (blank) Administrator Guest IUSR_ICCD_SQL IWAM_ICCD_SQL SQLAgentCmdExec TsInternetUser : glab_rtr1 Cisco 2610 Description: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-D-M), Version 12.0(4)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-1999 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Wed 28-Apr-99 16:34 by kpm : io-5000 Description: Windows NT Server Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 5 Stepping 1 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows NT Version 4.0 (Build Number: 1381) Accounts: (blank) Administrator Enterprise FTPUser-DoNotDelete Guest IUSR_IO-5000 IWAM_IO-5000 Manager User : rtr-emi-toronto.emrigna.com Cisco 2501 Description: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-JS-L), Version 11.2(15a), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-1998 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Mon 24-Aug-98 00:49 by tmullin : CA-RTR1 Cisco 2501 Description: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-D-L), Version 11.3(3), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-1998 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Mon 20-Apr-98 18:46 by phanguy : SeaScape2611.galaxy-data.com Description: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-I-M), Version 12.1(1)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-2000 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Fri 17-Mar-00 02:54 by cca : Gateway Description: Smart 3U Jupite : Teralink 1000 Description: Terayon's TeraLink-1000 SNMP Agent : Max20 Description: Ascend DSL MAX-20 T1-CSU S/N: 9391838 Software +7.10.6 : SeaScape2611.galaxy-data.com Cisco 2611 Description: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-I-M), Version 12.1(1)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-2000 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Fri 17-Mar-00 02:54 by cca : DES-3224 Ethernet Switching Hub Description: 10/100 Fast Ethernet Switching Hu Contact: D-Link Systems Inc., (714)788-0805 Location: 53 Discovery, Irvine, CA 92618, USA : SeaSide Intel Switch Description: (c) Intel Corporation, 510T Express 510T Switch, Version 2.6 Contact: Shane T. Ferguson Location: SeaSide Cable Headend : Glace Bay Fire Intel Switch Description: (c) Intel Corporation, 510T Express 510T Switch, Version 2.6 Contact: Shane T. Ferguson Location: Glave Bay Fire Station : EXTRANET-S7 Description: Windows NT Server Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 1 Stepping 7 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows NT Version 4.0 (Build Number: 1381) Location: London Life Insurance Company Accounts: Guest IUSR_EXTRANET-S7 IWAM_EXTRANET-S7 LDAP_ANONYMOUS LLEXMAN llgrsmemstmt MBSDMO_EXTRANET-S7 MemProxyUser1 MemProxyUser2 MemProxyUser3 MTS Administrator temp : EXTRANET-S8 Description: Windows NT Domain Controller Hardware: x86 Family 5 Model 2 Stepping 12 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows NT Version 4.0 (Build Number: 1381) Contact: London Life Employee Location: London Life Insurance Company : WEBTESTS3 Description: Windows NT Server Hardware: x86 Family 5 Model 2 Stepping 12 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows NT Version 4.0 (Build Number: 1381) Contact: London Life Employee Location: London Life Insurance Company Accounts: Guest IUSR_WEBTESTS2 IWAM_WEBTESTS3 LDAP_ANONYMOUS lladman MemProxyUser1 MTS Administrator Panther : Ldn2916vpn Cisco Catalyst 2916 Description: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) C2900XL Software (C2900XL-H-M), Version 11.2(8)SA3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-1998 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Fri 11-Sep-98 17:00 by rheato : AASWLLDONR1.nucomm.net Cisco 2610 Description: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-I-M), Version 12.0(4)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-1999 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Wed 28-Apr-99 16:50 by kpm Contact: Anthony Pasto Location: St. Catharines : CA-RTR1 Cisco 2501 Description: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-D-L), Version 11.3(3), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-1998 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Mon 20-Apr-98 18:46 by phanguy : secure1 Description: SunOS secure1 5.6 Generic_105181-16 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-1; CUEB13s-d3 CUEI573-a1 CUEP573-a; SNMPD Version cue5.7.1-; 46.5 : secure2 Description: SunOS secure2 5.6 Generic_105181-15 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-1; CUEB13s-d2 CUEI572-a1 CUEP572-a; SNMPD Version cue5.7.1-; 46.5 : Descriptio: VANGUARD 642 - Psychospy 01/15/01 -- HI SON4R! ME SO HORNY! ME LOVE YOU LONG TIME! SUCKY SUCKY! ONLY FIVE DOLLAR! -- AT&T Wireless - : SFRITZ Description: Windows NT Workstation Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 4 Stepping 2 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Accounts: Administrator Christ christ fritz cwork Family Guest Sheila Services: COM+ Event System Computer Browser DHCP Client Distributed Link Tracking Client DNS Client Event Log Internet Connection Sharing IPSEC Policy Agent Logical Disk Manager Messanger Network Connections Plug and Play Print Spooler Protected Storage Remote Access Auto Connection Manager Remote Access Connection Manager Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Remote Registry Service Removable Storage RIP Listener RunAs Service Security Accounts Manager Server Simple TCP/IP Services SNMP Service Still Image Service System Event Notification Task Scheduler TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service Telephony Windows Management Instrumentation Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extentions Workstation Shares: work - C:\work Games - C:\Program Files\Games My Pictures - C:\Documents and Settings\Sheila\My Documents\My Pictures Cwork_backup - C:\Cwork_backup UDP Services: 7 : echo 9 : discard 13 : daytime 17 : qotd 19 : chargen 53 : domain 67 : bootps 68 : bootpc 138 : netbios-ns 139 : netbios-dgm 161 : snmp 520 : route : DUKIE Description: Windows NT Workstation Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 2 Stepping 2 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Accounts: Administrator chien cwang Guest IUSR_DUKIE IWAM_DUKIE wlchen Services: Alerter Application Management COM+ Event System Computer Browser Creative Service for CDROM Access DHCP Client Distributed Link Tracking Client Distributed Transaction Coordingator DNS Client Event Log FTP Publishing Service IIS Admin Serbice Internet Connection Sharing Service IPSEC Policy Agent Logical Disk Manager Message Queuing Messenger Network Connections NT LM Security Support Provider Plug and Play Print Spooler QLview for SCSI NT Agent Remote Access Auto Connection Manager Remote Access Connection Manager Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Remote Registry Service Removable Storage RIP Listener RunAs Service Security Accounts Manager Server Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) Simple TCP/IP Services SNMP Service Still Image Service System Event Notification Task Scheduler TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service Telephony Win32sl Windows Management Instrumentation Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extentions Workstaion World Wide Web Publishing Service UDP Services: 7 : echo 9 : discard 13 : daytime 17 : qotd 19 : chargen 53 : domain 67 : bootps 68 : bootpc 137 : netbios-ns 138 : netbios-dgm 161 : snmp 520 : route Shares: z11 - Lexmark Z11 Series ColorFine,LocalsplOnly * Lexmark Z11 Series ColorFine SYJET - D:\ : WILLSTER Description: Windows NT Workstaion Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 5 Stepping 1 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Accounts Administrator broom Gurest IUSR_ÆON IWAM_ÆON : HOME-SERVER1 Windows NT Workstation Description: Hardware: x86 Family 5 Model 8 Stepping 12 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Accounts: Administrator Bigboy bill2day Donnajorn Guest Patrick Services: Alerter COM+ Event System Computer Browser DHCP Client Distributed Link Tracking Client DNS Client Epson Printer Status Agent Event Log FTP Publishing Service IIS Admin Service Internet Connection Sharing IPSEC Policy Agent Logical Disk Manager Messenger Network Connections Plug and Play Print Spooler Protected Storage Remote Access Connection Manager Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Remote Registry Service Removable Storage RIP Listener RunAs Service Security Accounts Manager Server Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) Simple TCP/IP Services SNMP Service Still Image Service System Event Notification Task Scheduler TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service Telephony Windows Managemetn Instrumentation Windows Managemetn Instrumentation Driver Extensions WMDM PMSP Service Workstation World Wide WEb Publishing Service Shares: d - d:\ * asdf EPSON 740I - EPSON Stylus COLOR 740,LocalsplOnly * EPSON Stylus COLOR 740 EPSONSty 900 - EPSON Stylus COLOR 900,LocalsplOnly * EPSON Stylus COLOR 900 UDP Services 7 : echo 9 : discard 13 : daytime 17 : qotd 19 : chargen 53 : domain 137 : netbios-ns 138 : netbios-dgm 161 : snmp 520 : route : CTS-DEV Description: Windows NT Domain Controller Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 3 Stepping 4 AT/AT COMPATIBLE Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Accounts: Administrator Brian Bruce Guest IUSR_CTS-DEV IWAM_CTS-DEV krbtgt Les Leslie Melanee NetShowServices Rick Roy TsInternetUser VUSR_CTS-DEV Services: Alerter Cold Fusion Application Server Cold Fusion Executive Cold Fusion RDS COM+ Event System Computer Browser DHCP Client DHCP Server Distributed File System Distributed Link Tracking Client Distributed Link Tracking Server Distributed Transaction Coordingator DNS Client DNS Server Event Log File Replication Service FTP Publishing Service IIS Admin Service I nternet Authentication Service Intersite Messaging IPSEC Policy Agent Kerberos Key Distribution Center License Logging Service Logical Disk Manager Message Queueing Messenger Microsoft Search MSSQLSERVER MSSQLServerOLAPService NAV Alert NAC Auto-Protect Net Logon Network Connections Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP) Norton Program Scheduler NT LM Security Support Provider Plug and Play Print Spooler Protected Storage Remote Access Connection Manager Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator Remote Registry Service Removable Storage RunAs Service Security Accounts Manager Server Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) Simple TCP/IP Services SNMP Service SQLSERVERAGENT System Event Notification Task Scheduler TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service Telephony Windows Management Instrumentation Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions Windows Media Monitor Service Windows Media Program Service Windows Media Station Service Windows Media Unicast Service Windows Time WMDM PMSP Service Workstation World Wide Web Publishing Service Shares: SYSVOL - C:\WINNT\SYSVOL\sysvol * Logon Server Share NETLOGON - C:\WINNT\SYSVOL\sysvol\CTS-Dev.com\SCRIPTS UCD Services: 7 : echo 9 : discard 13 : daytime 17 : qotd 19 : chargen 53 : domain 68 : bootpc 88 : kerberos 123 : ntp 137 : netbios-ns 138 : netbios-dgm 161 : snmp : 49754 Description: Microsoft Corp. Windows 98 UDP Services: 137 : netbios-ns 138 : netbios-dgm 161 : snmp - Psychospy 01/15/01 -- you're mom is so fat that he is sitting in your house when you say he is really ! -- Telus OCA IP Hijacking Being the first text I ever contribute to this zine, I am afraid that this information is already well-known to us Alberta/BC lads. However, for the ones who've been spaced out.. Our local telco, Telus, has been in this ADSL business for quite some time, and they have changed their rental equipment(i.e. ADSL modems for users): from Motorola CyberSurfer to Cisco 675e router, and then now 3com "HomeConnect" modem, which is by far the shittiest ADSL router in terms of stability. Anyhow, if you've been paying attention to our old k-1ine issues & HC articles, there is an sploit on hijacking IP addresses from your neighbours and etc. To prevent such activities, 3Com has come up with a new interface; http://oca.ab.hsia.telus.net The site lets users to log in and register their NIC's MAC address, and then issues IP address. (Before the IP you'd get is 10.xxx.xx.xx, etc) The problem now is with Telus(as always). They have this default password 'telus 99' or 'telus00'. They occasionally do, however, ask you to set the password for your account, but that's your TELUS account password (the stuff you put in on their lame ass webmail), NOT this oca site password. (I spent countless hours on oca site trying to figure out what da hell happened to my passwd) So what is it worth, you say? Well, not all residential ADSL users use 2 boxes. In fact, not all users are even aware that they get 2 IPs for what they're paying, which leaves us free IPs. If you're one of my type, lazy as hell, and don't wanna set up a router for 1 more IP, you might get away with another poor telus customer's IP. Who knows, you're never smart enough to set up a router so you just wanna steal other people's IP even if you have like 15 boxes running on your network. (why would any sane person do that?) * Loggin in: ------------- 1. go to http://oca.ab.hsia.telus.net (use nutscape, M$IE, Mozilla, whatever that's capable of Java; more on this later) 2. put in your victim's username and default passwd. 3. on Main Menu, go to "Manual Registration and Administration of PC's and Devices". 4. there, you see 2 text forms to put in your NIC's MAC address. Use the one that's empty (or something like 0:0:0:0:0). 5. click on 'submit' on the left frame and see the "Mac Address is registerd successfully" message. 6. go to #hackcanada @ irc.at0mix.net and let others know how 31334 you are.. and k-line .. ugh.. /* FYI "When a normal Mark Renton calls troubleshoots" ********************************************/ *dials 310-tech* *listens to the e-slut rep's answering machine, presses 1, 2 for the high speed technical support* "Telus Technical support, Sickboy speaking." "Ugh.. my internet don't work" "okay, what's your username?" "David" (FYI, 'david' uses default passwd 'telus00') "Is the modem lights on?" "Ugh yes, its green lights are on" "okay Mr.Renton, could you please hold" *Sickboy trys to check the connection by connecting to Renton's ADSL modem* "The connection seems to be fine. Could you try 'winipcfg' and tell me what your MAC address and IP?" *Renton tells the MAC and IP* "Okay, it seems to be some other MAC address's been registered in our network. I will reset the password to your account, so that no more break-in would be possible" "Wow, thank you very much!" "No problemo, it's part of our telus high-speed internet service." /****************************************************************************************************/ * You don't want this happen to your poor Mark Renton. So don't delete the MAC address that's already filled in and put yours. IOW, use your common sense. ** interesting fact: If they issue an IP to your machine A, you can go back to oca.ab.hsia.telus.net and delete machine A's MAC address, and put in machine B's MAC address in the same field, register, and both machine A and B will have the connection to the net, until you reboot the machine. *** I have yet to figure out how to code in java or any scripting. Coders out there, you can write a script to pull out a list of users with the default password. - eth0 02/19/01 -- i actually went out today. woohoo no way? You left your house!? congradulations yeahhhh -- -- Credits Without the following contributions this zine issue would be fairly delayed or not released, so thank you to the following people: Cenobyte, eth0, Magma, Mandy, P1asm1c, Psychospy, and myself (The Clone) -- Shouts: Hack Canada (#HackCanada), #CPU, #k-1ine, #altphreakingfaq k-rad-bob @ b0g, Blackened @ Damage Inc., The Grasshopper Unit, Pyrofreak, iamhappyblue(.com), Yellowdot, soap, Mel (for being the official fuckrogersatt.com vixen) Becky and lastly to everyone and anyone who contributes to the Canadian H/P scene. ;. .;.. ; ;. ;.. ;.. .;..; .;.; .;; ;.. .;..;. .;..; .;.;...; ;..;.. .;. A .;. .;. ;.. N E T T W E R K E D ;.. ;..;.. P R O D U C T ;..;.. .;..; ;..;.. ; .;..;.;.. .; . .;. ..;.. .;.. . .; ..;..;..;.. .; ;..;. .;.. . .;.. .;.;. ..;. ..;.. .;. ;.;..;;..;.; ;.;;..;.. ;.;.; .; . ;.;..;. .;. ;.;:.;. ,;....;. .;.;. .;.; .;.;.; .;.; ;..;. .;.;;.; .;. ..; ;. > > > *I love roller skating in California, I could do that all day long!*