k-11-(5)-01 OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> : -`- -`- OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> ; _|_--oOO--(_)--OOo--_|_ OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> | � K-1ine Zine ! | OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> ! issue 11, volume 5 � OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> ---------O^O---- OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> ;. |__|__| OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> || || OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> ooO Ooo OoO=o=oOO=o=O= OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O=> OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=oOO=o=O= OoO=o=oOO=o=O=OoO=o=> ;`-.> January 2001 <=o=O=o=O=o=O 'Narcotic Teardrop' _____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Words from the Editor -. � | *: [-] Introduction .......................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Contact Information ................................... The Clone :* *: (-) Affiliate Web-Links ................................... Nettwerked :* *: [X] News .................................................. Nettwerked :* ____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Documents -. � | *: (x) 'Fuck Bill C-68' ..................................... CYB0RG/ASM :* *: (x) 'An Introduction to A-TIP' ........................... The Clone :* *: (x) 'Mind Control: A Plausible Threat' ................... Tezcatlipoca :* *: (x) 'YTV (Youth Television) Satellite Dish Information' .. Nettwerked :* *: (x) 'u. freakin' ess.ay.' ................................ Pug Wannamaker *: (x) 'Theoretical Attack Against 3Com HiPer ARC' .......... PsychoSpy :* *: (x) 'The Irony of Anger' ................................. PsychoSpy :* *: (x) 'How To Meditate' .................................... PsychoSpy :* *: (x) 'Wardial of 452-(4000 to 6999)' ...................... PsychoSpy :* _____________________________________________________________________________ � .- Conclusion -. � | *: [-] Credits ............................................... The Clone :* *: [-] Shouts ................................................ The Clone :* _____________________________________________________________________________ -- Introduction The twenty first century... feel like it? Probably not, because so many skeptics out there force their theories of the "REAL Millennium" on us making us suffer through the utter irrelevant bullshit. Welcome to 2001, welcome to K-1ine 11 - I am your editor and chief text-architech; Mr. T Clone bringing you (no surprise) the latest h/p related files of the year and *wince* Millennium from several hackers and phreakers in the Canadian scene. Now sit back, have a cup of tea, and read through my assorted collection of happy zinie stuff. - The Clone -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Contact Information; =-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-= Comments/Questions/Submissions: theclone@hackcanada.com On IRC: irc.at0mix.net, #cpu (key required), #hackcanada, and #k-1ine (!NEW!) Shoot me an ICQ message: (UIN) 79198218 Check out my site: (Nettwerked) http://www.nettwerked.net --> Affiliate Web-Links: =-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-= B0G http://www.b0g.org Damage Incorporated http://www.freeyellow.com/members6/damage-inc/index.html Grass Hopper Unit http://www.haxordogs.net/ghu/index.html Hack Canada http://www.hackcanada.com IAMHAPPYBLUE http://www.iamhappyblue.com PyroFreak http://www.multimania.com/pyrozine/index.html --> =`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=`` i saw sailor moon making love with pacman on abc .. News; K-1ine zine opens IRC channel for the readers `-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-= [01.19.01] K-1ine zine officially opened its virtual irc doors about two weeks ago with the creation of the '#k-1ine' channel on the independent and free speech advocating server; 'At0mix' (irc.at0mix.net). Feeling the obligation to shorten the barrier between the maintainer and reader, I have decided to use irc as the main communication tunnel for me to keep everyone updated on future issues, as a place to discuss past issues, and for anyone to conveniently submit original article(s) to me. Since the K-1ine's mailing-list demise several months ago because of inactive subscribers and full/invalid e-mail accounts, I've taken on another approach in hopes that this form of safe and real-time communication will prove successful. Now what the hell are you waiting for? Get over to #k-1ine now... note: these rules apply; *NO* flooding, *NO* begging for credit cards, *NO* asking for help with DoSing users/hosts, *NO* "how do I hack?" questions (or any variation of it). Say what you want, but expect and respect other users' constructive criticism. Don't break any of these rules and you should be fine. - News; uprising.ca: Edmonton zine; 'h/p, poetry, punk, rave, graphix' `-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=` [01.21.01] In the near future you might just be able to walk down to your local Edmonton Whyte Avenue stores such as 'Colour Blind', 'Divine', 'Foosh', or 'Sanctuary' and pick up an issue of "Uprising.ca". Uprising.ca is your typical counter-culture independent magazine complete with the latest h/p files from familiar (and not-so-familiar) faces, miscellaneous poetry, punk music/scene articles, rave music/scene articles, surrounded by some purdy darn fly graphix. The 'Editors In Chiefs' team consists of four studly supa-dope players who go by the crazy names of; The Clone, Wizbone, Wraith, and Mike (da gnarly graphics guru). At the moment Uprising.ca's site & zine are in the beginnings of their production mode; it's typically outragously time consuming for the editors who at the same time have full-time jobs, maintain their own servers & web-sites, have very diversified projects, oh and lives too... honestly. ^o; Magazine Formats and Prices ;o^ .,. format --> paper --> $3.00/CDN each .,. format --> paper/CD-R --> $8.00/CDN each (limited amount of audio CD-R's) .oOo.. A Work In Progress .oOo.. Official news bytes will be available on: www.uprising.ca & www.nettwerked.net =`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=``=`=`=`=`` - clone. how can i get a good free unix? - Fuck Bill C-68 Registration is only for two things; taxation and confiscation. As of Jan 01, 2001, approximately 1 million Canadians have registered their firearms. This leaves an estimated 6-9 million Canadians who have opted not to. The majority of Canadians have stated time and again that they did not want firearms registration. And here we stand. This "project" has clearly failed. What now? The appropriate thing to do would be to admit it failed on a grand scale, and to rethink the plan here, or even drop the whole idea. Not likely I say. So what now? 6-9 million Canadians become criminals overnight? Yeah. I could feel it coming fast when Kim Campbell was used as a sacrificial cow to railroad oppressive gun legislation into place in 1992. It all lead up to a moment we all knew was coming sooner or later. Forced firearm registration. We stand at the pivot to complete disarmament of honest Canadians. First taxation, then mass confiscation as even more opressive and restrictive legislation is brought forth. Now, I am not going to rant on about the many reasons so many Canadians feel they should have the right to bear arms. Regardless of which side you stand on in the firearms debate, "are guns good or bad?" is really not the issue. The issue is that our government has blatantly gone against the wishes of the majority of this countrys citizens. What will happen to the majority of gun owners who chose not to register still remains to be seen. I saw this coming and I see the next giant one coming too. Mark my words, the next big one you will be facing is an Orwellian cashless society. No more paper and coin currency. All digital; all purchases, income, and movements tracked. Think really hard about that one for a while. Then decide whether your credit/debit cards are convenient for you, or convenient for Big Brother. Think about that as you watch our government take away honest citizens firearms, while the criminals/cops keep theirs. From this point on, the unarmed masses will be easily forced to follow the rules dictated by the elite group of people that control this country. Fuck Bill C-68. cyb0rg/asm www.hackcanada.com 01.02.2001 - An Introduction to A-TIP (Alarm-Triggered Internet Protocol) Date: Sunday January 14, 2001 Contact: EMAIL theclone@hackcanada.com URL http://www.nettwerked.net table.of.contents Intro - * A-TIP: What is Alarm-Triggered Internet Protocol? Tech - * VINE: What is Versatile Intelligent Network Environment? - Introduction: On July 5th 2000 the Seal Beach and Los Alamitos Police Departments announced that after three months of rigarous beta-testing the Alarm Triggered Internet Protocol Video Project has demonstrated to be a successful proof of concept tool for law enforcement agencies. Seal Beach and Los Alamitos Police Departments inaugurated the program in an effort to enhance the law enforcement response to the high risk calls for assistance, provide a much greater security to the public in buildings (i.e. banks), schools and high crime urban areas. By using the A-TIP Video system, the law enforcement response to an emergency call for assistance is greatly enhanced due to its noteable technological benefits: * A-TIP Video system allows a police dispatcher and responding officers to view, via a wireline secure Internet site (https) from the office or the Mobile Vu daylight readable computer monitor utilized in police vehicles... the internal video feeds from the location where a call for police assistance has been initiated. * A-TIP Uses triple DES encrypted wired as well as wireless spread spectrum modulation to route three to five frame per second real-time video data via the VINE (Versatile Intelligent Network Environment) technology relaying video monitoring network. Spread spectrum technology, which was invented in 1941 by famous actress/inventor Hedy Lamarr, is a radio-frequency enhancement which takes a packet of RF data and forces it to "channel hop" making it next to impossible intercept properly. Spread spectrum technology is most commonly associated with CDMA/TDMA/GSM standard wireless telephone networks. For example, today when a bank robbery alarm is activated officers take the proper positions around the bank and closely observe the exterior activity and attempt to determine the conditions within the location. More often then not the alarm activation itself was a simple error. A-TIP technology would allow an informed cautious law enforcement deployment without exposing the public, bank employees or law-officers to any unnecessary risks. The Seal Beach and Los Alamitos Police Departments are extremely confident that implementing a secure, stable, password protected video network via spread-spectrum wireless and wired connection to the Internet will be a very valuable tool in crime suppression while enhancing the law enforcements response to emergency calls for assistance. The sponsors of this project are: 1. Loronix Information Systems, Inc., "a publicly held company headquartered in Durango, Colorado, designs, manufactures and distributes networked digital video management systems to industries worldwide. Loronix Digital Video Management Systems provide innovative technical solutions, which enable users to manage, control and integrate digital video data throughout their enterprise in a cost effective and easy to use manner." 2. Litton Industries, Inc. "a publicly held company headquartered in San Diego, California, designs, manufactures and distributes the Mobile Vu daylight readable computer monitor utilized in police vehicles." --- VINE (Versatile Intelligent Network Environment) technology relaying video monitoring network The following VINE features are critical to the A-TIP application: * high bandwidth - streaming video requires fast data circuits (i.e. cable-modem) - approximately ten times faster than what a typical high-end dial-up modem can provide. * Roaming Mobile Subscribers (RMS) - the police vehicles need a wireless system to get access to the audio/video data; modem connections over cellphone circuits are at a deathly slow maximum speed of 9600 baud. General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) implemented in police vehicles would, in theory, produce speeds at approximately the same rate as DOCSIS-compliant/Motorola CyberSURFER cable modems. * unlicensed radio bands allow rapid deployment - the system operates in the "Industrial, Scientific and Medical" radio bands, which do not require an expensive and time-consuming license application and filing process before the system can be assembled. * spread spectrum modulation is jam-proof and resistant to eavesdropping - originally developed for special military applications, spread spectrum is now widely used for civilian CDMA/TDMA/GSM standard wireless telephone data networks. * uniquily-designed repeater feature allows a city-wide coverage area - the proprietary VINE protocol, which allows the network designer to extend service to areas that cannot establish direct line of sight to the network hub by equipping a subscriber node with a second antenna which serves as a remote access point for further nodes. * dynamic reconfiguration allows a roaming mobile node to be detected and then forced to join the A-TIP network when it appears in the service area. .eof - everytime i see legolas' nick on my monitor, I have an uncontrollable urge to play with building blocks - 'Mind Control: A Plausible Threat' A: Introduction The advances in technology have granted the human race an efficient and effective method of computing on a day to day basis. But with every gain, there is an equally destructive and devastating effect. For example, the widespread implementation of computers created mass simplicity for most of the operations in which we engage in. On the other hand, computers now offer a whole new level of terrorism and illegal acts. This basic principle can be applied to practically all types of major technology advances. In this paper I will be focusing in one specific region of technology, that being Electro- magnetic Radiation (EMR). EMR is very common in many devices including cell phones, and our brains, among countless other things. But with the study of EMR and it effects some disturbing capabilities have been proposed and also implemented. Those effects being mind control. Mind control technology is very real, and should not be overlooked. I intend to prove that mind control technology does exist and should be considered a threat to the entire popul- ation of the world. Throughout this paper I will briefly explain the applic- able types of EMR, show evidence of mind control technology and explain the threats and possibilities of such technology. B: Exposition Extremely low frequency electromagnetic radiation (herein referred to as ELF EM Radiation) is a naturally occurring, as well as synthetically produced form of radiation. In most cases it is an unavoidable byproduct emitted from such devices as electronic motors and fluorescent lights, and, our brains. ELF EM Radiation is also very easily absorbed into the human body. An AC current can be loosely defined as the movement of electrons through a conductor, in roughly the same direction. Within this current both an AC electrical field and an AC magnetic field are created. Both of these fields combined are called an electromagnetic field (EMF). The AC electrical field is created from the strength of the AC charge, where the AC magnetic field is created by the motion of the charge. These fields are emitted into the air, and can be picked up by the skin on a human, usually a slight tingling sensation on the skin. This effect can usually be felt near high voltage power lines and power stations. EMR is basically the same thing as EMF. Scientists and other professionals usually refer to EMR as EMF to eliminate the confusion within the word `radiation', as it is usually associated with the deadly emissions from nuclear reactors and x-ray machines. Rather, ELF EMR is a specific reference to a certain range of wavelengths within the EM spectrum, more-so the 1 - 70Hz frequencies. Evidence of electrical activity was first discovered in 1875 by an English physician named Richard Caton. Later on, in 1929, a German neurologist was able to demonstrate the electrical activity within the human brain, and record it on paper. This recording is known as an EEG or an Electroencephalogram. It is only comparatively recently that the brain has been regarded as the main coordinator of all the body's activities. Because of its well-protected position within the cranial cavity, the brain was the last of the body's organs to be exposed and dissected. Since the liver was believed to be the largest organ and the most richly supplied with blood, it was the first organ to be considered the seat of the mind and soul. Later the heart was assigned this function, and this notion still persists to some degree, especially in songs and poetry. But today's technology and scientific advances have proven to us that the brain is, in fact, the mediator for the entire body. Under most circumstances our brains emit ELF EMR, specifically between 6Hz and 12Hz. Brain waves that are below 8Hz are considered Theta waves. This type of brain wave is found to be closely related to creative thinking, for example, a musician writing a piece of music. Between 8Hz and 12Hz are the Alpha waves and are directly related to deep meditative states, such as REM sleep. It has been found that these waves are only stable when the eyes are closed. When the eyes are open, the Alpha waves become interrupted and irregular. This phenomenon is known as Alpha Blocking. The highest of this range are the 12Hz frequencies and are considered Beta waves. Beta waves are directly related to analytical thinking, for example, solving an arithmetic problem. Slow, irregular brain waves are called Delta waves, and these brain waves are considered to be an abnormal emission and are good evidence of a brain tumor, or brain damage in a particular area. The discovery and research of brain waves has brought amazing capabilities in studying the brain's logistics. Amazing medical breakthroughs in diagnostics of the brain can be attributed to the study of brain waves. But this knowledge has lead to some of the most threatening possibilities mankind has ever encoun- tered, that being mind control. C: Evidence Evidence of mind control has been existent since the early 1950s. The most comm- only known incident is Project MKULTRA. Project MKULTRA began in 1953 when CIA Director Allen Dulles, concerned about communist brain washing of Korean POWs, authorized Project MKULTRA. Although this project was primative and hardly of any comparison to the power of ELF EMR, it did lead to unusual and inhumane testing financed by the CIA. 5-years later when MKULTRA was reviewed a concern was voiced and the consensus was made to keep MKULTRA away from the public at all cost. One CIA auditor wrote "Precautions must be taken not only to protect operations from exposure to enemy forces but also to conceal these activities from the American public in general. The knowledge that the agency is engaging in unethical and illicit activities would have serious repercussions in polit- ical and diplomatic circles." Between 1955 and 1975 the US Army enlisted 7 000 soldiers and used them for test- ing of experimental chemical and biological warfare agents including LSD, PCP and BZ (See appendix A). In 1975 most of the records from Project MKULTRA were destroyed, but some escaped to be viewed by the entire population of the USA, uncovering the schemes of the CIA against high political leaders. The most common of the incidents was the CIA's fascination with LSD, during MKULTRA. They experimented with it in hopes of find- ing a method to make victims vulnerable, thus giving CIA interrogators an upper hand at gaining the knowledge held in ones mind. Dr. Jose Delgado was a pioneer in electronic mind control, but also a ruthless man who had no regard for human rights or humanity in itself: "We need a program of psychosurgery and political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated�. The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective�. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electrical stimulation of the brain" (Delgado, 1985). Fascinated with the brain and its effects when stimulated by electronic radio waves, Delgado initiated in extensive research regarding mind control and manipulation. In 1966 Delgado publicized his findings. He had created a small electronic device, which could be implanted into the brain and wielded extremely frightening results at the push of a button. He called this device the stimoceiver, which used FM waves to manipulate subjects. Using this device he was able to remotely induce a wide range of human emotions including rage, lust and fatigue. Approximately 300 people have been secretly implanted with one of these devices and used as a test subject without their consent. There are no records of victims being able to get implants removed, nor records of an implant being confiscated. He also announced "the distasteful conclusion that motion, emotion and behavior can be directed by electrical forces�. Humans can be controlled like robots by push buttons." Delgado even went as far as to remotely manipulate a bull on CNN in 1985. Other neurophysicists took this concept to another level. During 1982/1983, a Dr.Ross Adey of the University of California created a device he called the LIDA (See appendix B). Using ELF EMR it was proven to alter a victim's EM brain waves, thus manipulating behavior. "It looks as though instead of taking a valium when you want to relax yourself it would be possible to achieve a similar result, probably in a safer way, by the use of a radio field that will relax you" said Dr. Ross Adey, chief of research at the hospital. Allen Fray, another neurophysicist, took this research to a new level. By transmitting electromagnet pulses, he was able to induce sleep on a victim and transmit acoustic sounds such as booming, and buzzing. Developing on Frey's earlier work, a Dr. Joseph Sharp at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, was able to transmit actually voice directly to the brain via pulsed EMR waves. Sharp, sitting inside an EMR Field was able to clearly hear the words spoken by a colleague. The US military and intelligence community was quick to capitalize on these new discoveries. Secret research programs on electromagnetics have never been made publicly accessible under the Freedom Rights Act. Fortunately the US military hasn't been so quick to snuff the voices of actual victims. A few victims have released letters and WebPages regarding their alleged testing and what exactly they are experiencing. One man, here in Canada, has released a let- ter claiming he is a victim of mind-control and that the RCMP is involved (See appendix C). Mr. Koski's allegations blatantly prove the fact that mind control technology does exist and is being secretly tested on humans without prior consent. The effects and states that Mr. Koski was experiencing are directly related to those of all the mind-control devices prev- iously listed. If, in fact, Mr. Koski is a victim of such inhumane experiments, doesn't that make all of the World, let alone Canada, at risk to such attacks? What if the government was able to harness such a manipulative power? What would become of freedom? Would humans no lon- ger have the right to live? These are very real risks and should not be taken lightly. D: Threats and Prevention Mind control devices used as weapons against humans can yield a variety of different results ranging from induced sleep, to even heart attacks (See appendix D). If the government could wield such a power in today's world, war would be imminent. For example, if the CIA were able to implant any of the world's political or military leaders they could manipulate the workings of the whole world. That is where our freedom ends, no more freedom of speech, nor human rights. The world as we know it today would cease to exist; humans would simply be puppets on a large stage, the government being the puppet masters. You may be thinking that this is a remote threat and very outlandish, but it is not. As everyday passes the world becomes more corrupt. More and more devices are being constructed which will seize control over the general population and sooner or later destroy humans. Unfortunately, there is no prevention against these threats. Civilians just don't have the power in today's society to change anything anymore. We are told we live in a democracy, but it is more of a dictatorship. The future for mankind is looking dim and bleak. E: Conclusion You may think that this paper is a pile of rubbish, which contains neither factual data nor hard evidence, or you may entirely believe what I have written. Whichever route you choose to take in your life you will be faced with the fact that the world is changing around you, regardless of what you choose to believe. Human rights are soon to be stripped and we will be sacrificed in the name of profit. As The Clone puts it: "Our conception of reality is nothing but a dance of electronic images fired into our forebrains, a gossamer construction of our masters, designed so that we will not under any circumstances perceive the actual. Our lives, controlled by electronic connections - the media manipulator, the cyberneticist, and of course the government. We're nothing but the puppets, and they are the puppetmasters" (Oct. 10, 2000, http://www.nettwerked.net/emc.txt) Hopefully my writings inspired you to go out and research this dilemma yourself. If the population has any chance in saving themselves, it's through the masses. We, as humans, must join together and deny the government their wish of pure mass domination. Bibliography: (Unknown Author), "Edgewood Guinea Pigs" http://www.parascope.com/gallery/galleryitems/edgewood/edgewood.htm (Accessed on 25th of November 2000) Eleanor White, "The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology Capable of Some Mind Control Effects" http://www.raven1.net/uncom.htm (Accessed on 26th of November 2000) George S. Letcher, "Article On Electromagnetic Fields Published in Medical Electronics" http://www.milligauss.com/info.html (Accessed on 25th of November 2000) Jon Elliston, "MKULTRA: CIA Mind Control" http://www.parascope.com/ds/mkultra0.htm (Accessed on 24th of November 2000) Martti Koski, "Mind Control - My Life Depends On You" http://www.netti.fi/~makako/mind/mylife.htm (Accessed on 26th of November 2000) The Clone, "Electronic Mind Control - Remotely Altering Our Lives" http://hackcanada.com/homegrown/wetware/misc/emc.txt (Accessed on 25th of November 2000) - Tezcatlipoca 01/14/01 - - anyone else like AOL as much as me? - -=- YTV (Youth Television) Satellite Dish Information -=- "What Canadian National Television Station do you want to hijack today?" * INSTALLATION DATA DigiCipher Decoder 1) Unit ID: 0830-0082-FF86 2) Phone ID: 0203-0000-4057-7606 3) 4) Version: Module 1.4 5) DEC P:MP 6) 7) Network ID 151 8) DigiCipher Signal 71 (+72) 9) Trip Counter 10) Message Rate 54 11) Category 12) Location - u. freakin' ess.ay. -- By Pug Wannamaker excerpted from 'Rivet' the first time I went to america i got so drunk i shit in my pants we borrowed a car and drove down to buffalo there was a lot of snow there and we were unprepared but after a few frostybrews who cares? the first thing i noticed was how cheap the booze was i mean, really cheap forget the chicken wings lets get pissed! we rented a room at the lafayette hotel but we didn't sleep there i slept face down in a snowbank with my pants full of hist my girlfriend at the time her name escapes me now was not impressed but i'd hid the car keys, so there we started at a bar called Quinns it was a small dumpy bar full of old geezers there was old fight posters on the walls i ordered a beer and a scotch it came to two dollars and twenty cents the next round i ordered a beer and a double scotch again it came two dollars and twenty cents it tipped the bartend a buck, and he said you're not from around here i asked him if he knew where the punk bars were he said, this is a punk bar the sun was till up when we left there the girl, i think her name was sandy was already a weevin we bough a six pack of cans and started wandering around we eventually found allen road where all the bars were we went into one a poster said, jack dekesyer was playing that night so we went to another bar we ordered more drinks and my gal, actually i think her name was sally that it, sally ordered a fired bologna sandwich it was so beautiful that i had to order one too me and sally were having a great time and it was only eight o'clock we met lots of nice americans who were used to hanging out with drunk canadians one guy said, you know what i like about you canadians? nothing jammed my cigarette into his eye we had to go to another bar this next bar was a disco i staggered up to the dj's booth and said you know what i like about you americans? nothing he smiled i turned around and threw my beer across the room the next bar we went to was more like a sports bar i said to the bartender, as he deposited my drink how about them bills? he man, have you got a gun? i heard all you yanks have guns, lets shoot em up sally said, why don't you calm down i said, lets fly to persia drape an american flag over a machine gun and flay some babies sodom insane the guy next to me smiled at that one guns and cars rape and murder god bless america we staggered around some more and got lost sally started to cry i said, are you crying cause we wasted fifty dollars on the motel room yes, she said, through the tears i think that's when i shit my pants fried bologna sandwich, a dollar seventy nine i took my shit home with me the next day america has enough shit already the guy at customs said, what smells? i said, america smells my friend and he let us through. - your mother's so fat that when you put her on the back she can wake up -> like a turtle but without the mask - Theoretical Attack Against 3Com HiPer ARC - By PsychoSpy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After hours of scanning my local prefix my eyes where becoming heavy, my bed looked more and more tempting, and the pain of failure began to set in as no carriers where found. Then suddenly, out of the dark I hear the all too familiar, and absolutely distinct sound of my modem connecting to a another. My scanning program pops up with what the box had displayed upon connect. What's this I see? ------------------------------ CONNECT 2400 Welcome to 3Com Total Control HiPer ARC (TM) Networks That Go The Distance (TM) login: ------------------------------ SWEET!! This, my friends, was the beginning of an adventure. Most of this adventure, however, took place in my mind, and that is what this file is about. I did gain full access to this system and could have, theoretically, done all of the things which I will talk about. However, due to my current situation, I did not. The methods and ideas which I put forth to this specific application could be easily adapted to any router which a person hacks, and could be just as much fun. About the 3Com HiPer ARC Box ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The 3Com HiPer ARC is actually one part of a larger system. The larger system which the HiPer ARC is part of is called the "3Com Total Control� 1000 Multiservice Access Platform." This whole system and it's intricacies are beyond the scope of this file, and therefor will not be discussed in any great detail. The HiPer ARC system itself is basically the Total Control 1000's router. ARC stands for Access Router Card. The ARC is best described in 3Com's own words; "The Total Control 1000 access router card (ARC) functions as the secure IP gateway between the public switched telephone network (PSTN) and the service provider's network. The ARC is a high-speed IP forwarding system that processes digital and analog calls, with embedded security mechanisms to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the network. After the access router card processes ingress signals, user data is routed to various destinations across the network. The ARC includes an advanced RADIUS client that supports centralized authorization, user attributes (which services are allowed), and administration, such as accounting, to further reduce the cost of ownership and easily deploy new revenue-generating services. The router card set provides full access routing functionality, including firewall, protocol filtering, compression, and authentication. In a dual card set implementation, it can be configured to share the workload and provide redundancy in case of a hardware failure. The ARC also offers powerful flexibility to network designers by providing multiple NIC interfaces. All NIC interfaces include standard 10/100 Ethernet, with options for V.35 Frame Relay/PPP, T1/E1 Frame Relay/PPP, X.25, and DS-3 ATM. Such flexibility enables service providers to support multiple customer needs in a single Total Control 1000 platform." Information Gathering ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One key to every successful attack of any kind online is to be efficient at gaining enough of the right information on the company, hardware, software, techies, etc. The most important information, obviously, in this scenario however, is either the dial-in phone number for the ARC, or the Telnet address to it. Either one will work, and both can be found using the same good old scanning, or social engineering skills as have been in use since the dawn of the personal computer, and modem. Once you have the phone number/ip address, you must first learn the system and its commands as much as possible. This is needed so that you can work your way throughout the system with ease, and efficiently. The less time you need to spend in the system the better off you are. Here's a list of documents you may want to take a look at; Configuration Procedures; http://totalservice.3com.com/ISP/arc/acon.html Various HiPer ARC Documentation; http://totalservice.3com.com/ISP/arc/doc1.html HiPer ARC Reference Manual Release Addendum; ftp://totalservice.3com.com/pub/.docs/arcref10ad.pdf An On-Line Quick Reference for Command Line Interface; http://totalservice.3com.com/ISP/arc/acli.html I suggest printing off the appropriate Quick Command Refence for what you're doing, as it can really help on the fly. Another thing to figure out is the targets business hours. It is best to target the ARC when they are closed for the business day (if possible) and when there will be a maximum amount of traffic across the ARC. This will only be possible if it is a small ISP, and possibly in a few other occasions. Possible Vulnerabilities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section is quite short as there has only been one major vulnerability which I have, personally found, in the ARC system. This is the classic problem of a weak login and password. In fact, all three of the HiPer ARC systems I have played with, or even seen, have had a default password or two in them. The two default passwords I have found are; Login Password adm (none) 3Com 3Com Also, if neither of these work, take a look for any other 3Com default passwords at; http://packetstorm.securify.com/docs/hack/defaultpasswords.txt This list will also be helpful for any other switches/routers you decide to take on. Equipment Needed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 - Old Computer Setup with a Packet Sniffer, and IP Forwarding 1 - Old Computer with a modem, terminal emulator, etc. The only piece of equipment which may take a little time to setup is the router/sniffing box. All you have to do for this is setup a computer with two ethernet cards, and a *nix operating system with a packet sniffer, and IP Forwarding enabled. Theory Behind The Attack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that we have gained most of the knowledge which we will need for this attack, I will briefly explain what exactly it will entail. Once I have finished this section, I will get into the nitty gritty of it all. What we are basically going to do, is break into the system in question, exploit it's weak passwords, and reroute traffic through our routing/sniffing box. What this will do, along with the proper filter on the sniffer, is give us all the information which anyone connected to this router is sending across the net. This information can include personal/business e-mails/communications, credit card numbers, bank account information, passwords to personal web accounts, a business, e-mail, etc. This method of attack could also be used for corporate espionage, to black mail, or expose people. The possibilities are truly endless. Attack Time ~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that we have the manuals for this box memorized (hahaha, right!), our router/sniffer box up, running, and TESTED, we're ready to go. That is assuming of course you have the dial in, or IP Address. The first step of the actual attack, and most crucial, is to dial in to the ARC system. Once you've got the login prompt in front of you, try the default login/passwords which I gave you above. Once you've got a correct login/password you'll see a prompt resembling this; HiPer: At this command Line type "manage"; HiPer: manage manage: This command will give you access to all of the management functions within the ARC. For our purposes, we are only going to be concerned with the routing tables at this time. However, lots more could be done from this area, all of which is covered in the documents linked above. One thing which could be accomplished before we type manage, while at the HiPer: prompt, is to telnet, or rlogin into a system. This could allow someone the ability to attack other systems within the routers trust network, or other systems online. Now that we're into the management area, we're going to want to get right to work on the routing tables. Before we actually modify the routing tables you'll want to view the current configuration and be sure to write it down for when we need to switch everything back. You'll also need this information to modify the IP Routing table for your routing/sniffer box, so everything works out. To display the current IP Tables type: list rtab preferred This will display all the current IP Table settings. You'll also want to run the "list ip defaultroute" and "show ip routing" commands. Be sure to take this information as well. Now, add a static route from your IP address to any outside address. This will keep the information from just looping between your computer and the router, which could cause a horrible situation. To do this try the command; add ip route gateway [gateway_addr] metric [hop_count] An example of its usage would be; add ip route gateway *.*.*.* metric 3 This is assuming that your router/sniffer box is, and that the traffic will be on its third hop before it hits the ARC again (for the second time). Now we'll want to double check and make sure that static routing is actually enabled. Just to be sure throw this command into the ARC; enable ip static_remote_routes Next, we'll finish the job off by telling the system to send all other traffic through your box. This can by done by using; set ip defaultroute gateway metric 1 This again is assuming your IP is and that the traffic would be on its first hop in the network. Now that that is completed, you can expect to see tons of traffic going through your box. If you find that there is so much traffic running through the single router box you have, try running through the ARC manuals and figuring out how to section off different IP blocks to send to different router addresses. Once you've done this, you could setup multiple router/sniffer boxes and gain more information than you'd even WANT to know. Also think about leaving an extra user or two on the system before you leave. Be careful with this because the admin might be alerted to the presence of a new account. The options and commands to create a few different kinds of new accounts are listed below. Adding a new user add user [name] Enabled [yes|no] Login_service [rlogin|telnet|cleartcp|ping] Network_service [ppp|slip] Password [password] Type [login,network,callback,dialout,manage] Adding to the table of SNMP authorized users add snmp community Address [IP_address] Access [ro|rw|adm] Community_pool [name] Validate_address [use_address|use_pool] Another place of interest is the SNMP information you can gain from here. SNMP can allow you to monitor and change much of the same information which you just did. To view the SNMP communities installed on the ARC server (which will allow you to get in), use; list snmp communities Also think about adding your own SNMP community. add snmp community Address [IP_address] Access [ro|rw|adm] Community_pool [name] Validate_address [use_address|use_pool] You'll also need to find out what community pools you can choose from; list snmp community_pools As well as add yourself to the authenticated users list for the community; add snmp community Address [IP_address] Access [ro|rw|adm] Community_pool [name] Validate_address [use_address|use_pool] There are TONS of other fun things you could do in here to dig yourself into the system, and all of them are covered in detail in the reference guides, and user manuals. Cleaning House ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You're probably not going to want to leave this routing going on for longer than a weekend, otherwise you'll probably be noticed by some techie out sitting beside the ARC. Because of this, I HIGHLY suggest that after these couple days you return the routing to what it was. All you need to do is the reverse of everything we did before. It's as simple as that, and only takes a few minutes. Don't worry about not having enough e-mails, passwords, sites, etc. to play with, because you'll have more than enough for months and months of fun. Outro ~~~~~ Well, until next time, take care everyone and try to stay out of trouble. Shouts out to The Clone, Cyb0rg/asm, Ne0nRa1n, Agent_Smith, and everyone else out there who's helping the scene up here in the great white north. -- PsychoSpy PsychoSpy@HushMail.Com ICQ: 5057653 01/19/01 -- (theclone/#flirt) because I'm now in the position of authority with ops, does that make it illegal for me to have cyber-sex with an underage girl? -- The Irony of Anger Anger is quite ironic. Anger is that devil inside of us which pops up in our daily lives over and over again, like a plague. Then again, anger can turn into our greatest ally by helping and driving us through those troubled times. Anger can be forced out of the strongest emotions, from hate, to love. One can become angry because they hate a person, or they themselves are being hated. Then again anger can also be exposed in a person when they love another, or are being loved. Anger makes us do things which we would not normally do. It makes us irrational, and rush into things. It can also make us open our minds, and realize point of views which we have never seen before. Anger can hurt, yet it can help. Anger is quite ironic. -- PsychoSpy 01/19/01 - when i gonna get my hands on that centrex i gonna kick partie liberale ass is that some kind of PQ discotech? ;^) - How To Meditate - By PsychoSpy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meditation is so easy that it takes very little time to do during your day. Because of this, it can easily be done first thing in the morning and last thing at night. You could be in front of your computer, on a bus, or even at work during a break. It really doesn't matter where you are, so long as you have an extra five minutes or so, you can meditate. We will start with a simple meditation which can be done first thing in the morning. When you first wake up take a few minutes to yourself to actually let yourself wake up. To do this, give yourself a good shake (not the drink), then find a place where you can sit without being bothered. This place can be a chair, the floor, your bed, or anywhere else you feel comfortable. Feeling comfortable while sitting is one of the keys. You can also have some soft music playing, or you can have absolute silence. The choice is really up to you. Once you find yourself comfortable, start focusing on your body. Start with your feet. Focusing on your breath, you should start to notice the temp and rhythm of your breath. Slow your breath down, while bringing your awareness to your feet and traveling up your whole body from your knees to your hips, from your hips to your stomach, and from your stomach to your heart. Now notice the beating of your heart. Begin breathing in rhythm with that of your heart, try to stay focused. If you find that your mind wanders, do not be alarmed, as with everything practice makes perfect. After practicing for awhile, you will be able to stop this from occurring. By breathing with your heartbeat, you will be able to better understand the rhythm of your body. This is also the start of learning to listen to the natural language of your body. Once this art has been mastered, you will be able to better read warning signals in your body when something goes wrong. When you are ready, bring your focus back to your body. Focusing on your shoulders, breathing slowly, bringing your awareness shoulders, breathing slowly, bring your awareness to your neck, and then still breathing slowly bring your awareness to your head. Once you have reached your head, slowly bring your whole awareness to your whole body. Now listen to your whole body, listen to the sounds coming from your body and breathe with those sounds. After you are done this, bring yourself back to reality. Slowly allow your mind to start its thinking process and allow your breathing to return to normal. Now, just sit there for a few minutes and feel how calm and relaxed you are. When you are good and ready, get up and start your day. You will notice by doing this morning meditation, that your whole day will feel more peaceful and there will be much less stress around you. This is because you will have given your mind a rest. You can also use meditation to help you with many problems which you may have in life. To do this, focus on the problem and ask your higher mind to help come up with answers, before your start meditating. Once you have completed meditating, see if you have received any advice or hidden insight that could help you with that problem. It could be that you will see the problem from a different perspective. If you are after some sort of emotional healing within yourself, you can also focus on the issues that are causing you pain, grief or worry before you go into your meditative state. Ask your "inner child" to help you heal these situations. After the meditation, you may find that you see your pain, fear, and worries in a different light as well. Because mediation gives your mind a rest, you find that your mental awareness, knowledge retaination, and observation skills are increased exponentially. I use mediation for all the reasons noted above, plus to allow myself to fully see the problem at hand, just before attempting a hack. This allows my mind to focus completely on what needs to be done. You never know until you give something a fair go. -- PsychoSpy 01/20/01 - your mother's so fat that you can distingue his face from his stomatch - Wardial of 452-(4000 to 6999) - By PsychoSpy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, after long evenings of my laptop busily buzzing away, here's my latest WarDial. This dial was ranged towards 3M Corp. here in London Ontario. A majority of the numbers within the 4000 to 6999 range are extensions at 3M Corp's Canadian Headquarters. I later figured out that it also covers a few downtown business' and Fanshawe College. It may also cover some parts of London Intl. (CYXU) Airport, as I heard the London Airport Commissioner answer the phone one time when I left the modem speaker on. Anyways, have fun with these, there's some pretty interesting systems found here. As always, be safe with them as well. -- PsychoSpy ------------------------------------ 452-5010 C: CONNECT 2400 E E E E E E E hphx{{ ------------------------------------ 452-5861 C: CONNECT 2400 ------------------------------------ 452-6075 C: CONNECT 2400 Welcome to UnixWare 2.1.3 The system's name is caoxsc01. tty01h: Welcome to UnixWare 2.1.3 The system's name is caoxsc01. tty01h: Welcome to UnixWare 2.1.3 The system's name is caoxsc01. tty01h: Welcome to UnixWare 2.1.3 The system's name is caoxsc01. tty01h: Welcome to UnixWare 2.1.3 The system's name is caoxsc01. tty01h: Welcome to UnixWare 2.1.3 The system's name is caoxsc01. tty01h: Password: UX: login: ERROR: Login incorrect tty01h: tty01h: tty01h: tty01h: tty01h: tty01h: tty01h: tty01h: tty01h: ------------------------------------ 452-4402 C: CONNECT 2400 (B)0(B)0 (B)0(B)0 (B)0(B) 0 (B)0(B)0 (B)0(B)0 (B)0 [22;1H(B)0 (B)0(B)0 (B)0(B)0 [K (B)0(B)0 (B)0(B)0 ------------------------------------ 452-4053 C: CONNECT 2400 login: login: login: login: login: login: login: login: login: login: ------------------------------------ 452-5566 C: CONNECT 2400 <*CARRIER LOST (23 sec.)*> ------------------------------------ 452-4293 C: CONNECT 2400 Welcome to: Fanshawe College's Library Services For Internet access to the Online Catalogue Please login as FCLINK, there is no password. Username: Username: Username: Username: Username: Username: Username: Username: Username: Username: Error reading command input Timeout period expired ------------------------------------ 452-6256 C: CONNECT 2400 ------------------------------------ 452-4041 C: CONNECT 2400 ------------------------------------ 452-6115 C: CONNECT 2400 ------------------------------------ 452-4067 C: CONNECT 2400 X } .Please press ... | Enter login name: ------------------------------------ 452-5761 C: CONNECT 2400  Welcome to Octel's Voice Processing System 0= (1= 01= 81= @1= H1= P1= X1= `1= h1= i20= (1= 01= 81= @1= H1= P1= X1= `1= h1= i2 Welcome to the Octel voice/data network. All network data and programs are the confidential and/or proprietary property of Octel Communications Corporation and/or others. Unauthorized use, copying, downloading, forwarding or reproduction in any form by any person of any network data or program is prohibited. Copyright (C) 1994-1997 Octel Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Please Enter System Manager Password: =2F ------------------------------------ 452-4663 C: CONNECT 2400 login: login: login: login: login: login: login: login: login: login: ------------------------------------ 452-4250 C: CONNECT 2400 fG0 !2g.3=7 OUsername : .3 OUsername : .3 OUsername : .3 OUsername : .3 OUsername : .3 OUsername : .3 OUsername : .3 Time limit expired! ------------------------------------ 452-4712 C: CONNECT 2400 X } .Please press ... | Enter login name: ------------------------------------ 452-4057 C: CONNECT 2400 % login: login: login: login: login: login: login: ------------------------------------ 452-6239 C: CONNECT 2400 Unknown Command > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------ 452-6783 C: CONNECT 2400 ------------------------------------ 452-6002 C: CONNECT 2400 ------------------------------------ 452-6726 C: CONNECT 2400 ------------------------------------ 452-4655 C: CONNECT 2400 ------------------------------------ 452-4061 C: CONNECT 2400 PRILINK ------------------------------------ 452-4664 C: CONNECT 2400 C OK Username: Username: Username: Username: ------------------------------------ 452-6271 C: CONNECT 2400 X } .Please press ... | Enter login name: ------------------------------------ 452-5571 C: CONNECT 2400 (@ Remote console connected. ------------------------------------ 452-4239 C: CONNECT 2400 ------------------------------------ 452-4728 C: CONNECT 2400 ------------------------------------ 452-6302 C: CONNECT 2400 ------------------------------------ 452-6274 C: CONNECT 2400 X } .Please press ... | Enter login name: ------------------------------------ 452-6490 C: CONNECT 2400 ------------------------------------ 452-4624 C: CONNECT 2400 X } .Please press ... | Enter login name: ------------------------------------ 452-4054 C: CONNECT 2400 (B)0(B)0 (B)0(B)0 (B)0 [K(B)0 (B)0(B)0 (B)0(B)0 [K (B)0(B)0 (B)0(B)0 (B)0 [K(B)0 (B)0(B)0 ------------------------------------ Greetings out to The Clone, Cyb0rg/asm, Ne0nRa1n, Agent_Smith, Mischief, #HackCanada, #CPU, and all the other people out there striving to make the Canadian scene better. -- PsychoSpy PsychoSpy@HushMail.Com ICQ#: 5057653 01/26/01 - clonie i oh so love you oh so much! :) - -- Credits Without the following contributions this zine issue would be fairly delayed or not released, so thank you to the following people: Cyb0rg/asm, Pug Wannamaker, PsychoSpy (big thanks!), Tezcatlipoca, and myself (The Clone) -- Shouts: Hack Canada (#HackCanada), #CPU, #k-1ine, k-rad-bob @ b0g, Blackened @ Damage Inc., The Grasshopper Unit, Pyrofreak, iamhappyblue(.com), Yellowdot, soap, and lastly to everyone and anyone who contributes to the Canadian H/P scene. ;. .;.. ; ;. ;.. ;.. .;..; .;.; .;; ;.. .;..;. .;..; .;.;...; ;..;.. .;. A .;. .;. ;.. N E T T W E R K E D ;.. ;..;.. P R O D U C T ;..;.. .;..; ;..;.. ; .;..;.;.. .; . .;. ..;.. .;.. . .; ..;..;..;.. .; ;..;. .;.. . .;.. .;.;. ..;. ..;.. .;. ;.;..;;..;.; ;.;;..;.. ;.;.; .; . ;.;..;. .;. ;.;:.;. ,;....;. .;.;. .;.; .;.;.; .;.; ;..;. .;.; ;.; .;. ..; ;. > > > *mofo*