�� s$ .d""b. impulse reality press no. 293 [-- $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------------------ --] $$ $$ "An Open Apology to a Blogger" $$ $$ written by linear $$ $$ released 11/13/04 [-- $$ $$ ------ ------------------------------------------------------ --] november is world ascii month! BACKGROUND: Cherilyn is/was a blogger. if you know me, you know i HATE blogs. i used to give her a hard time. so i sent her this in an email recently. -oo-OO-oo-OO-oo-OO-oo-OO-oo-OO-oo-OO-oo-OO-oo-OO-oo-OO-oo-OO- Dear Cherilyn Last weekend I celebrated my 21st birthday in Las Vegas. After losing a good portion of money, and getting tired of throwing money away, my party went to a cheesy piano bar. The drunker we got, of course, the funnier the piano bar, or rather the losers that went to the piano bar, got. Ironically, I'm sure we were just as funny to watch as the other losers there. Anyway, at one time or another, they were playing a shitty rendition of Buffet's "Margaritaville," which made me get to thinking of you. Maybe it was just the intoxicated thought process, but I came to realize something... YOU'RE NOT THE ENEMY, CHERILYN. As fucking retared as blogging is, especially when the blogger is 30 years old, you're still not the enemy here. This is ever so apparent, now, in realization that just slightly over half the country was stupid enought to vote for their own demise (assuming the vote was legitimate - which I don't really believe). You're not the enemy. Bloggers aren't the enemy. 48% of the country is not the enemy. So consider this my apology. Take it however you'd like. Jer. [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] http://www.impulsereality.com [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] permission is granted to spread material within this text document freely. we kindly ask that you properly credit it's author(s) for their hard work! all rights are retained by the author(s), respectively .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | | | FOR IMPORTANT, UP-TO-DATE TEXT SCENE NEWS, VISIT... | | http://www.textscene.com | | | | THE OLD WORLD IS BEHIND YOU. | | | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------'