s$ .d""b. impulse reality press no. 168 [-- $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------------------ --] $$ $$ "A Letter and Some Poetry" $$ $$ written by kreid $$ $$ released 1/14/02 [-- $$ $$ ------ ------------------------------------------------------ --] LINEAR: you can include my story or just the poems. hiya... dear linear, kreid here. i like your 'zine. too bad the scene is dead... anyway, what can i do besides write a t-file, right? perhaps the second (or third) coming of the 'zine scene's greatest living author will activate the scene... some kind of revival. i sure hope so. no, seriously, i do. i care. oh - to my beloved fans: hi! i am back. doubtlessly you are all wondering where i've been for the past five, six, maybe ten months. well, it's a long story. the obligatory here's-where-i'm-at-now update follows. you can skip this part if you don't care. but know this -- the moral of the story: DRUG ADDICTION SUCKS! GET HELP. to put it quite simply, i was addicted to heroin, and couldn't muster the energy to write. i was too busy scoring drugs and getting obliterated. when my best friend od'd this july, a sort of scandal erupted and i decided, one way or another, that i needed to get clean. so i've been in rehab! uh, here. in the spirit of keeping this t-file interesting: FUCK! CRAP! ANARCHY! i apologize for appealing to the lowest common denominator. fuck all, i'm a people's author. it's my nature to insult your intelligence - it's for your own good anyway! i detoxed at home, cold turkey, vomiting profusely all the while... and when i was healthy enough to walk again, of course the first thing i did was run off to new york city and wander the streets for six days, high on smack. that was in august, during the big heat wave. that wiped me out pretty quick. so i checked into rehab, first in new jersey, followed by another 28-day stint in california -- at the betty fraud center. now i'm in port townsend, WA, at a halfway house, doing my thing once again. taking a class, tutoring, writing for a newspaper, going to AA, etc. short-attention spans, bear with me. story's almost done. here's a non-sequiter: SEX DISEASE TELEPHONE MISERY PLANKTON HEART ATTACK... sobriety is all right. but enough about me. as for my writing, which you are all highly interested in: i'm writing a novel. more on that later. i started it in my disease and am going to finish it clean. rock. and, uh, here's some poetry. here's the meat. my submission... THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE 1 half-hearted hoping for something at the halfway house waiting on nothing a withered and wet cigarette smoking in an ashtray that�s floating in the ocean she�s been sleeping on the beach she stares out like an actress on a stage she�s been talking to strangers hanging out with men ten times her age are you waiting on something or just proving a point? hey beauty, we see you a little too often a little too often to say you�re not crazy it�s okay with me crazy and patient is okay for a long time a long time�s okay with me oh sadness some day you�ll get what you want, oh dear what shall become of your charms? your face like a milk carton baby will sizzle into alka-seltzer, apathy, and doubt which does not stand out in a crowd talking to strangers is okay 2 her hand�s in the pill jar she�s hard to the core she�s fast as a freeway cold like a whore the best things in life, the best things in life she�s running on treadmills she�s always got more whatever, whatever a slow death is better so get busy living: one foot in the grave grandmother had cancer john od�d last week... you see what I mean? a long time�s okay with me her tears anesthetic can make it okay I couldn�t keep her away, cuz it�s beauty it�s sadness aesthetic whatever, whatever a slow death is better 3 it�s sad to see that someday we will be running away to a land-locked and lonely ashtray passing the days with faces familiar and friends that we see on tv godforsaken perfect harmony sex is the key sex is misery. let�s fuck each other in the street! I�m going out painting the town when I get home, you�re going down - I bought you a ring I pay for this house you better not fuck around it�s you and me, baby and sex is the key locked are we three in perfect harmony the best things in life are free [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] the clever thing to do here would be to put some sort of copyright. no. http://www.phonelosers.net/ir [-------------------------------------------------------------------------]