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Please read on, you'll find out why and what we are doing to resolve the matter. - Lurch [Temp. Editor] We still want YOU to write in comments on our publication, even if they are negative. We prolly will publish them in our next issue and one of the editors will reply to them. To state to the scene, we are a news publication here to bring you the latest in the scene, whether good or bad. It's best to keep everyone informed, even the lamers. We also offer a subscription now - look for info in the Internet Section Please welcome our new staff members in INQ! - Raptor & Lester Send your articles, comments or suggestions to: - an407822@anon.penet.fi - ---=[ Contents ]=-------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Letters to the Mag........INQ Members 2. Whud up with INQ???.......Lotug & Lurch 3. Reviews something.................Minor Threat 4. Articles Group Loyalty and Pride...Darwin Ware Maker Busted.........Fet Scene News................Judge DRedd 5. Funny Corner MikeySoft/Jabbers affair..Anonymous The Joke Corner...........unknown??? Season's Greetings........Mr. ZigZag 6. The Game Review...........Ionizer 7. Internet..................INQ WEB Site, subscriptions, and more 8. Closing...................Raptor & Lester ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ._____. ._______.________.________________.______________________. |___ | |Oo. |_ Oo. |___Oo. |__. |______. |_______. |_. |O | |_____. |o |: | : .o| |Oo. |__. |__ : | |o _|___|_. |___|__| |____|_|: |___| |____| _______|O__ |____| |. | __| ___| |. | |. |__o ___| |Oo _. | o |__. | | | |: | __|: |. ._| | |.oO |_. | _|_. | | |_______|_______|______| |______|__________|__|______|________| ---=[ 1. Letters to the Mag - INQ Members ]----------------------------------- [Letter from ba95grob@konrad.hj.se] Hi!!! please send me INQ thanx Robert Gunnarsson Gastgivarevaegen 9 556 33 JONKOPING SWEDEN TEL 036 - 663 98 [end of letter] Lurch: To put it simply - NO way. If people are STUPID enough to send their real address and phone number over the NET, well then to simply put it I won't mind putting their real address in here. [Letter from Gravityo7@aol.com] i would like to be subscribed to the INQ mag...my address is as follows.. dave kas 3001 jacktar ave oxnard ca 93035 [end of letter] Lurch: This only prooves one thing - Our mag is spreading like wildfire. Yet another total idiot applying... But hey - somebody's gotta be an example, right? (I get enough e-mail as it is, this type of garbage is not even understandable. WHY do they think i'm gonna SNAILMAIL it to them? Oh well) P.S. I recieve 2/3 subscriptions DAILY, usually about 10 on the night INQ comes out - so please don't tell me that we weren't making it clear that an E-MAIL address was asked for) [Letter from DummbBlond@aol.com] MANY years ago I was Dox Princess. On the scene I wrote..... big surprise coming.... Dox. This is back when the C-64 was the big game scene, and there was one crack group, the Gods of EagleSoft. (If you aren't in your forties you never heard of them, but trust me, they were Gods, and they ruled.) Mitch cracked, Librararian supplied and Tinman was the courier. But then I retired (at least from writing Dox) Dox Princess is no more but we (mostly ladies, mostly older) have moved to MS-Dos and still flit about the scene in the US, but not in any major way. I'd love to get on your web page but can't figure out how to do it from this dumb AOL. So I'll write you instead. Tell the guys at Inquisition to keep it up, good stuff, and I like the try not to bash deal. But it's great, a great mag. [end of letter] Lurch: Thanks a lot! Always nice to know someone still encourages what we do. (I won't bother posting the 4 flames of the past 2 weeks. I don't think our readers will enjoy reading about "HOW FUCKING STUPID DO WE THINK WE ARE" and how "WE ARE GOING TO GET THE WHOLE WORLD [BUSTED]"...) ---=[ 1. Whud up with INQ??? - Lotug ]---------------------------------------- Yes, Issue #10 Should have been released by long ago. It hasn't been released because our head editor, Raptor, has been missing for the past weeks... He had all the articles when he left, so we are currently looking for him.. If we are unable to contact him within the next few days, we will ask for copys of the articles from our writers, and quickly put togeather an Issue For you. Again, we're sorry for the delay, but we are working our butts off for you, so give us a break once in a while... =) Regards - LoTuG[INQ Webmaster] & Staff. [12/31/95] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, that pretty much says it all. This issue was released simply to let everyone know that INQ is in NO WAY DEAD. We're experiencing a few technical difficulties, yes.Our head editor is gone, yes.But we're still kicking ass! :) The final decision for making this was made at 14:55:37 on 1/3/96: AWAY MESSAGE(14:55:36-1/3/96): is inq dead or what? So, now you know. The next issue will be out either this Sunday or next Wednsday. That's all there is to it. If you think that this INQ has more in the jokes section then in the scene related stuff, sorry - but we did have a problem, and it a slow season. The jokes are still great. :) - Lurch (apd@openix.com) P.S. Just got some words on Raptor. He is not dead. :) But, I know this much: Hehe, Nah I talk to his brother and he's has no time cause he's getting pussy from his girl all the time. So, you make your own conclusions on just how soon he'll be back. :) P.S.S. Just personally confirmed that Raptor is alive. Also confirmed that he doesn't have a brother. :) ----------------------------------------------------------------_______------- ______________________________ ________________ ____\__ \ {____ _ \ __ \ |-------\ \ __ \ / / \ / / _/ ________/\ | / / ________/\ _/\_ \ /____/ \___________/\___________/______/\___________/_____/\ \ ~~~~~\________/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~syc\______\~ ---=[ 4. Reviews ]------------------------------------------------------------ Power Toys For Windows 95 by Mercy Now here is a little release that I must say I love. Its just prefect for that moment when you are fed up with everything and you just want to take out your aggressions. This thing is better than your normal shoot em up game, because what it does is take a screen shot of your current screen and you get to do all kinds of funky stuff to it! My personal favorite is blasting shit with the mortar. Though, I must admit I love the Flame Thrower to. There are about 30 different things you can do to the screen, mostly relating to blowing various things up, such as a roast chicken, a cockroach, and other assorted goods. You'll love it when you finally get a mega-splat with the roach ,..it's truly nasty. I also love the funky little dewd that twists and distorts the screen while laughing this bizarre laugh. I'm sure it's one of those that I'll get fed up with in a matter of days and maybe use once in a blue moon afterwards...but these past couple days have been fun as hell! I'm giving it an 7/10 (would be higher except that i know i'll get sick of it) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .___________ .____________ /^\__.________._________.__________ l \_________l__ \ \ \ l \ | \ \ \____/ \ | | | __. \___ : \ \____ . \ | .__| | \| _| \ . \ | \.____/ /_____ \ | | __/ :____/ _| \ | \ .___| | _. | � \ | | \ : \ \ | : | \ \ | |_ / . | | | | | | | \ | / | | |_______|_______|____/|______|_____|_______|_________/_[MaNoWaR!]__|______/ ---=[ 4. Articles ]----------------------------------------------------------- Group Loyalty / Group Pride by Darwin Hey all, it's your friendly neighborhood webslinger, come to bring you some holiday cheer and some thoughts about this scene and what drives us all to be involved in it. Today's installment is about groups, and group loyalty. A lot of you out there are in groups, courier groups, release groups, channel takeover groups, stunts track creation groups, groups of lamers, groups of people from #warez5, local groups, sysop groups (TSAN?), etc. Now with all of you people in groups out there, there has to be *something* to them, right? Well, I think that the "group" phenomenon is an interesting thing, and that's why I chose to examine it for Inquisition Scenemag. There are three big things about groups that attract most people : "Power", "Glory", and "Belonging". All three of these are about ego, in their own little interesting ways. Our scene is based around releases, access and activity. Power means resources, being invited by people who have the most resources to be active in higher echelons of the scene. For bbs traders this means being able to trade on the bigger, faster, best run bbses. For net-traders, it's the fattest sites, with the best competition. It also means that people give you stuff, whether it is Cookies, leech accounts, modems, free dope, whatever. This is a pretty odd, but it makes some sense, because the wares economy is a supply-side based economy. Those who control the limited resources (0-days, fast boards, good sites) can dictate the terms of their release to the have-nots. This is the definition of power, in the real world, and in the scene. Glory is about people looking up to you. It's about being the best trader, the biggest big-wig in a group, etc. However, it is curiously *not* about being the best supplier or cracker, which is friggen stupid. Anyway, this is a big thing for most people from age 13 to 33 in the scene, because a lot of people in the scene are.. (dare I say it?) computer geeks. I mean, most of the prototypical wares dudes are computer geeks gone the the "dark side". Think about it, people get kicked around in school, harassed, etc, and they like to play with their computer. They get a modem, and all of a sudden they are "Bunny Foo-Foo, Elite eXtraordinaire" elite modemtrader. Everyone loves him and everyone is so impressed by his ability to sit in front of a computer for like, 18 hours a day. That's a good feeling, I have to say, but it's not something you can base your life around. Just being a good trader is not enough for self-respect. Belonging is an important aspect of group membership as well, for one of two reasons. The first is the ego thing again - that Joe Computer Geek is "BuNNY Foo FOO - ELiTE RiMalHTCRAZBID KKOURIER". This is pretty shallow, and it doesn't really go too far. I mean, whatever. This is the sort of attitude that has people jumping from group to group for more power and glory. This is one of the largest problems with the scene, in my opinion, and starts most of the stupid group wars. People in groups can't just be proud to be in a good group that releases the best that it can, or trades the best that it can, etc. I have to say that I am very proud to be in both PWA and RTS, because we just try our hardest, we don't talk trash, we just release what we can, trade it the best we can and will be around and friendly with whomever is reasonable in the scene. This is group pride, and this is the *real* reason I think for joining any group. This is about maturity in the scene, about not talking trash, about just being *pleasant* with people. Being *honest*, being *sincere*, giving people their due respect for the effort they put into the scene. Everytime a group messes up a release (and cd-ripping is *not* easy), everyone jumps on their backs about it. These are the people who are getting games for *free* because of *AT LEAST* three hours of work for the *simplest release*. Think about the time that the supplier took out of his day to go down to the software store, the time he worked with the cracker to get the release working, the time packaging things, dupe checking the release, and then spreading it to the headquarters. Now, I know that this is sounding like "How a Bill Becomes a Law" (How a Game becomes a Ware?), but the next time you rag on a group, think about the energy that people have put into it. And the next time you see one of those people from the .nfos in a channel on IRC, give them some props. Honestly, it doesn't take much to say "hey, good job on that release", or "hey, I really dug Super-Magic-Jimmy-Man from Cyberion Inc, your latest ware!!! Thank you for releasing it!". So, finally, this yuletide season, thank your friendly neighborhood wares dude, because he helps keep your stockings stuffed with 0-day wares and scene fun. Until next time I get a chance to write, a merry christmas to all, etc, etc. Shouts to my all my homies, you know who you are. Peace, -Darwin [Request To Send/Pirates With Attitude/Inquisition] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ware Maker Busted by Fet Well, as most people have probably heard, on Wednesday the 13th of December Ware Maker of DOD/RZR/RTS was raided and busted. I ran into him this past Saturday night on IRC, where he was extremely nervous, and didn't really want to talk about the situation. He related to me a great deal about his bust, but at the same time he was very evasive -- he didn't want to talk about it at all, and he didn't want me to talk about it to anyone else [unfortunately, this situation being as it is, I think everyone in the scene deserves to know]. --- legally i'm not suppose to use an computer/internet right now --- Ware Maker was pulled from school on Wednesday afternoon by the police [he did not say if they were FBI or Local] and raided. All of his computer related equipment was confiscated, including his database of all of the people and boards that he knew of [real names, fone #s, etc] that he kept on his computer. He told me that he was charged with 10 counts of Grand Theft, probably related to his heavy carding/calling card activities, and also with Racketeering, stemming from the multiple counts of GT. He also mentioned that he had been charged in a Civil suit, but he did not say by whom. --- Well its been fun, I don't have an computer at home anymore, I'll try to protect you all... but they just got my phone record and i'm scared they will press charges on other issues now --- He told me additionally that his phone HAS been tapped, and that he does expect to be forced/coerced to NARC in the next couple of days -- and knowing that the authorities DO have his "database.txt" of many of the major players in the scene -- it is in everyone's best interest to truly steer clear of him for a while. --- Trust me, they already have my computer equipment, they have everything, if they want to bust you they can, they have ur real name, voice #, etc I have an database.txt that has around 30+ major pirate boards and shitload of major traders/suppliers --- Ware Maker was known by many people in the scene for his rampant carding/CCing activities in the last year, including "fishing" on AOL, all of which most likely contributed to his bust. This bust unfortunately will have effects beyond his own, mainly due to his "database.txt" which he didn't delete due to the raid... To WMaker.. sorry Charles, but everyone needs to know what happened. -fet [RTS] [12.17.95|2:25a EST] ADDENDUM: WMaker is on IRC right now [2:25a EST] lying about his bust. Most likely this is him attempting to either narc, or escape being blacklisted. Beware. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scene News by Judge Dredd Well here it is..The new year of the scene yet..1996! First week had just started. No major news nor releases. The only 2 groups who managed to put up games are RAZOR 1911 and LEGACY, as for utils it's completely quiet. I think we can now officially say that there is no more "floppy scene" as there was before. RAZOR 1911 successfully finished 1995 with 1st place, and in my opinion there is no more need for TSR and RZR staff to have separated RZR CD and RZR original..The only group that was giving at least some fight to RZR floppy was TYRANNY who actually had a chance to either come very close to RZR or even beat it in 1995, but before we knew it TRN as well as CA and his Warez Report were gone. Why? Will they ever come back? Read the next Inquisition issue for full interview with Cyber Angel... Last year there were a lot of new groups going around. And I very much was disappointed when people were saying :"damn some other lamers" Well I personally am SURE that the only thing that is keeping the scene alive is COMPETITION without it there would be no scene. I admire people trying to do something on their own. I although feel sorry that 80% of them die right after they born, but some of them turn out to be some great groups...I asure you we will see the same thing this year... I guess this is it for now. Inquisition is still defently #1 around here. - Judge DRedd - ----=[ 5. Funny Corner ]=----------------------------------------------------- MikeySoft/Jabbers Affair Shocking Scandal on IRC by an Anonymous Writer Once upon a time in an irc channel far far away there was a beautiful princess (we'll call her Juile AKA Jabbers :) and a handsome warez god (we'll call him Mike AKA MikeySoft :) and a evil jealous madman who wanted the hand of our fair princess (we'll call him Nick AKA Prae :) Now Juile and Mike were getting along quite well.. They were talking exchanging gifs. And just having a jolly old time... This went on for a few weeks. And then comes out villian Prae who tried to take Juile From Mike. But Mike would not stand for this and took back his princess with his charm and might (yeah right :) And the latest rumor is that Juile plans to meet Mike in the near Future. Is there wedding bells in out heros' futures? Who knows, but many people have been reporting Mike calling Juile, JabbySoft, as if she took his last name.. Stay tuned next week, same Warez time, same Warez channel.. .........in the following weeks For PART II :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Joke Corner by Mercy! I was hanging out tonight thinking about what I could write for Inq. I mean where should I start? Should I talk about how lame the scene is? Should I defend the scene? Should I brag about how much PWA rules? (Can't do that, JJ has the bragging area covered). Finally I decided I'd just write something short and hopefully interesting. I have tons of little gripes about the scene. (The AoLUSERs moving in, the #warez pups, the "d00d, trade me a site!" or the whole silly little infighting that goes on in the group channels. I mean come on guys! Screw that. We're all friends here. It's something we do for fun. I could talk about how we actually help out the software industry rather than hurting it, I could write about the EBGC (Evil Bill Gates Conspiracy) or I could even write about how lame I am. Instead I'm gonna give us a couple of things to laugh at :) First off, I'm gonna do an updated "You're a *true* 3133+ d00d if" and thn I'm gonna do a Top Ten List. You're a True 3133+ d00d If: 1.) You are in PWA (yes, we rule!) 2.) You are Darkhosis (face it the dude is FAST!) 3.) You stick with your group and only go to another if your group merges or dies 4.) You understand that boards are dying 5.) You hear about something released 45 minutes ago and can honestly say "shit! that's OLD man!" 6.) You dont have to stuggle when coming up with people who can vouch for you. 7.) People use you as a voucher. "Dude, *I* know Mercy! :) 8.) You get a greet from me. 9.) Code3 lets you connect to his computer with pcANYWHERE 10.) Jimmy-Jamez is on your auto-op list (man he gets pissed if he doesnt get ops!) 11.) You have 500MB sitting in you new directory that you keep saying "I'll install this one right after i finish downloading this next one" 12.) You never install *anything* 13.) You know the PUTZ! 14.) You never ever use the word elite...leet is ok and weet is ...well....weet! 15.) You are me. And Now Ladies and Gentleman, the Top Ten List! Coming to you from the Home Office in Intercourse, Pennsylvania, the Top Ten Reasons that we all trade warez! 10.) They make great Christmas presents (for us cheap bastards) 9.) You have NO LIFE! Face IT! You're a LOSER! 8.) warez? shit! I thought this was for porno gifs! 7.) "I absolutely needed that util that would turn all my gifs 180 degrees, invert the color and rename them" 6.) It's better than working! 5.) It cracks me up that I can have 400MB of software in /var/tmp and my sysadmin never notices! 4.) If enough of you lamers card netcom acct's the place will finally go out of business 3.) someone on aol gave me leisure suit larry and it was cool! 2.) because if I dont upload more than Darkhosis this week im gonna be SOOOOOOO pissed! 1.) You mean there really aren't any porno gifs in these zip files? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seasons Greetings by Mr.ZigZag Just thought i would post this nice christmas story =) BTW, I didn't write this. - MrZigZag A young man wanted to purchase a Christmas gift for his new sweetheart, and as they had not been dating very long, and careful consideration, he decided a pair of gloves would strike just the right note: romantic, but not too personal. Accompanied by his sweetheart's younger sister, he went to Nordstrom's and bought a pair of white gloves. The sister purchased a pair of panties for herself. During gift-wrapping, the clerk mixed up the items. The sister got the gloves and the sweetheart got the panties. Without checking the contents, the young man sealed the package and sent it to his sweetheat along with this note: I chose these because I noticed that you are not in the habit of wearing any when we go out in the evening. If it had not been for your sister, I would have chosen the long ones with the buttons, but she wears the short ones that are easier to remove. These are a delicate shade, but the lady I bought them from showed me a pair she had been wearing for the past three weeks and they were hardly soiled. I had her try yours on for me and she looked really smart. I wish I was there to put them on you for the first time, and no doubt, other hands will come in contact with them before I have a chance to see you again. When you take them off, remember to blow in them before putting them away as they will naturally be a little damp from wearing. Just think how many times I will kiss them during the coming year. I hope you will wear them for me on Friday night. All My Love P.S. The latest style is to wear them folded down with a little fur showing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&$$$$$a. $$' . `$$' `$$ ' `$$' s `$$' s `$$ $' $ $$ $ $$ a a $$ $ $$ $ $$ ISSUE #8 $ $ssss$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ssss$$ $ o o$ $$ $ $ $$ sssss$$ssss. $$ 12/22/95 $. $ $$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $$. $ ,$$ $ $$ $ $ $$. $ ,$$. $ ,$$ `$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$$&@%o%@&hd' "All the games that's fit to print." ---=[ 6. The Game Review ]---------------------------------------------------- THE GAME REVIEW =============== Un-Releastic: "I have never played a game I didn't like." -Stu Pid Fewl Realistic : "This game sucks!" -Ionizer !EXTRA! Special Holiday Issue (In other words I'm releasing it before (sunday because of the holidays. ============================================ HOW TO GET THIS MAGAZINE ON A REGULAR BASIS: -------------------------------------------- ("WHERE and WHEN can I GET The Game Review?" The Game Review (c) Ionizer,) (will be released every SUNDAY, in IRC, in #warez5 and other channels and) (can be obtained by /m iondcc xdcc list or /m ionizer xdcc list on Sunday) (This magazine is also released in the magazine Inquisition) (Which can be obtained at the following web site) ( http://www.hooked.net/users/tails/inq ) (You can now also The Game Review via the WWW @) ( http://www.aych-dee.com/tgr.html ) NOTE: THERE IS NO MAILING LIST OF ANY KIND! Subscribe to INQuisition if you want to be on the mailing list. =========================================== -Do you live for games? Do you want to play games every second of your life? Do you pray to god before you go to bed everynight and ask that Santa bring you a new computer and a ton of pc games? If so then you need a life, but that's besides the point... - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * GAME REVIEWS, RATINGS, UN-BIASED OPINIONS, HELP/TIPS FOR INSTALLING GAMES! [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] -Rating scale: (0-19)/100 = In a nutshell, it sucked! (20-39)/100 = Still crap but slightly better. (40-49)/100 = Possibly worth downloading. (50-69)/100 = Pretty decent game. Might want to check it out. (70-79)/100 = Worth the download if you like that type. (80-89)/100 = Very good, 9 outta 10 its worth the download. (90-99)/100 = Excellent game, a MUST download. 100/100 = HOLY SHIT I'VE NEVER SEEN A BETTER GAME! -It's time for the reviews. The format is like this: Name of game, group, # of disks, review, rating. RATINGS are based on if you would have fun playing it NOW. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -<*><*> THE GAME REVIEW <*><*>- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =Red Ghost= RazorCD, 14 disks. A multi-challenging stratigical tank/plan/etc game. The graphics aren't as good as Razor makes it sound in the nfo. The game is a little complicated and would require in depth playing to figure it all out. You're presented with missions to accomplish, and a playing field with icons of tanks, buildings, roads. Wouldn't reccomend this to anyone who is looking for some fun quick. RATING: 61/100 =Defcon5= RazorCD, 3 disks. Me unzip, me run install, me subst E: D:\games\ defcon5\install, me run install, install bad, install tell me no open install.ini, me no happy, me want to play game that razor nfo say "This game is a killer!" Me now wonder why me talk like caveman. RATING: NA/100 =Wayne Gretzky and NHLPA All Stars= RazorCD, 30 disks. Ahhh, nothing like a game where you can sit back, relax, and KICK SOME ASS! An EXCELLENT hockey game, it's not NHL '96, but at least the sucker moves more than a frame per minute, has sound, pictures and real players/stats! It even has close up fighting! This game is a must for all hockey fans. It may not be the best out their, but it's pretty good. The playing field is a view from center ice, but up a few rows for an angle. Oh, but one thing, umm can anyone figure out how the hell to score? I think I took about 75 shots off of Brodeur and not one in. Actually, I finnaly got a few in, it's hard, you gotta like shoot and have it deflect and then have another guy smack it in, or you can try to get lucky around the post. RATING: 81/100 =Mystic Midway: Rest In Pieces= Legacy, 9 disks. I followed the directions for exactly, cept I used D: instead of C:, and it just didn't work/install properly. I then went for help from someone from Legacy, and his directions did not work either. It would keep saying "cannot find data, please run install" . They told me I wasn't missing out on much anyway. RATING: NA/100 =Congo: Descent into Zinj= Legacy, 38 disks. An excellent adventure game for windows. You are in the congo, a vast jungle. You're equipped with nothing but a knife, you must use mad skillz to get this bitch your supposed to rescue. Excellent graphics, music, and sound effects. A walkthrough for this one would be great, since I'm stuck. My boat doesn't seem to go anywhere when I go in it. RATING: 86/100 =Impact (Full CD)= RoR, 5 disks. A jump and shoot arcade like game, similar to Realms of Chaos. Nothing special, nothing negative. You'll get what you expect from it. Graphics nothing to brag about, music ok, sfx are limited. Move- ment is normal, characters are boring ;). RATING: 53/100 =Commodore 64 Action Pack= RazorCD, 5 disks, Win95. This collection of 15 games is sure to put you to sleep. We have PC's for a reason, why bring back this old crap? I mean they are not classics, so who the fuck wants them? I could understand bringing back pacman, donkey kong, jumpman, etc... but games like "Toy Bizzare", come on...what a waste of production. RATING: 37/100 =Battle Stations: USS John Young= Energy, 5 disks. The intro worked, too bad the game didn't. There's no method of subst/fakecd/cdemu2/etc, that worked for it, I tried the all, in different ways, and everytime it would say it needs the cdrom. RATING: NA/100 =Cybermage= RazorCD, 23 disks... "RAZOR CD brings you Origin's Cybermage. This is Origin's answer to DOOM. In this hot release you can use tanks, aircars, skybelts or just walk. You have 14 weapons and 8 super powers to chose from. This is an excellent game and well worth the download. From all of us at Razor 1911 and in the spirit of the holiday season. ENJOY!!" If this is Origin's answer to doom, boy are they in fucking trouble. This is a cartoonish like doom, the graphics are cartoonishy smoother than doom, but the game is a gay ripoff. The game is not even full screen . You'll either hate this or love it, but in my opinion it's a waste of time. If you like doom types, then you'll probably like this, but if you've seen enough, then don't even bother. RATING: 47/100 =Power Dolls= RazorCD, 18 disks. They knew it sucked, yet they released it anyway. Let's just forget about the downloading part, this one isn't even worth the effort of installation. It's a chinese-character type game with battle plans and tactics, but it's not exactly your classic war game. Save some energy and move on to something else. RATING: 24/100 =Fatal Racing (DISK)= Razor, 6 disks. No sound, but not such a bad car game. It's not N4S or Screamer, but it's pretty decent for a 6 disker. The absence of sound makes it seem empty however, and if your computer can handle the SVGA in full screen, it looks very good. It'll keep you occupied for a little, just pop a cd in your box. RATING: 51/100 =Brainiacs 2nd Edition= RoR, 3 disks. Another 3 win/win95 board games of high quality. These include some games you've prolly never heard of. Reversi-like othello, Hoppers-like Chinese Checkers but with a square board, and Hex-like..err.. like....it ain't like anything, it's a weird ass game where you connect your balls to the other side (it doesn't hurt don't worry). RATING: 68/100 =This Means War= RazorCD, 8 disks. It's a cross of C&C and Sim City, for windows. The graphics are like Sim City, the style of game is a little like C&C, but the sound effects and voices are annoying as hell. "The Com- The Comman- The Command center is under attack!" GAME OF THE WEEK<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Small selection this week (der small week), but If it does in fact work 100% and I just can't figure out hwo to get the boat working, then the game of the week would have to go to Legacy for their release of CONGO: DESCENT INTO ZINJ The voices are all in tact in this release, and you won't remember your even in winblowz. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>UPCOMING RELEASE DATES<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE MM/DD/YY Operating System -Please excuse this week's list, it is in order by date of release, the OS is next to it (ex DCD= Dos CD, WCD= Windows CD, W95CD= ya get the pt). -This format is not my fault so don't blame me, hopefully it'll be fixed by the time I get back. 12/20/95 Cybermage DCD EA Gabriel Knight 2 WCD SIERRA Kyrandia Trilogy DCD VIRGIN Rebel Assault 2 MCD LUCAS ARTS Star Trek:tNG MCD SPECTRUM 12/21/95 Grand Prix Mgr DCD SPECTRUM 12/26/95 Mastr Lvls Doom DCD GT 12/27/95 Deep Space Nine DCD SSI Sport Hits 2 DCD WEA 12/28/95 Psychc Detcv DCD EA Top Gun DCD SPECTRUM 1/1/96 Escalation DCD GAMETEK Mile High Club II DCD VELOCITY 1/9/96 T-Mek WCD WEA 1/10/96 Atmofear MCD WEA Atmosfear DCD WEA Daedalus Encounter W95CD VIRGIN Ganster Bundle DCD AM LASER Phantasmagoria MCD SIERRA Sensible Soccer DCD WEA 1/12/96 NFL Qback Club DCD ACCLAIM 1/15/96 Cyberia 2 DCD VIRGIN Elk Moon WCD ACTIVISION Elk Moon #1 MCD ACTIVISION Grand Prix 2 DCD SPECTRUM H! Zone DCD WIZARD WRKS Net Mech DCD ACTIVISION 1/16/96 Battlcrsr 3000 DCD TAKE 2 X-Wing Collector MCD LUCAS ARTS 1/17/96 Fast Attack D/W5C SIERRA 1/20/96 AH-64D Longbow DCD EA Dinotopia WCD TURNER NBA Live 96 DCD EA 1/26/96 Silent Hunter DCD MINDSCAPE 1/30/96 Space Bucks WCD SIERRA 2/1/96 Cry.Sys W95CD SIERRA CYBERJUDAS DCD MERIT Descent II SHWR DCD INTERPLAY Empire II WCD NEW WORLD Gabriel Knight 2 MCD SIERRA HARVESTER DCD MERIT Heroes M&M MCD NEW WORLD MetalLords DCD NEW WORLD Promised Land DCD VIRGIN Shadows Over Riva DCD SIR TECH Skins/Bighorn MCD INTERPLAY Spr Bubsy/WIN95 WCD WEA Starship DCD MERIT Warhmmr:Horned Rat W95CD MINDSCAPE Wing Commander 4 DCD EA 2/5/96 Doom II W95CD GT Ult Doom: Flesh W95CD GT 2/6/96 Nicklaus@Muirfield DCD WEA Star Control 3 DCD WEA 2/7/96 Chronomaster DCD INTRACORP 2/8/96 Pro Pinball:Web DCD ENT INTRNTL 2/10/96 Madden NFL 96 DCD EA 2/15/96 Maximum Roadkill DCD TAKE 2 Racing's Greatest DCD ROCKET SCIENCE 2/16/96 A10-2:Silent Thunder W95CD SIERRA 2/20/96 Ripper DCD TAKE 2 Wooden Ships&Iron Men DCD AVALON HILL 2/21/96 Whiplash DCD INTERPLAY 2/25/96 Daggerfall DCD BETHESDA 2/26/96 Adams Pinball DCD GT Wizardry Gold HCD SIR TECH 3/1/96 Bioforge + DCD EA 3/1/96 Citzns:Blckwtr Affrs DCD SPECTRUM Civilization 2000 W95CD SPECTRUM Confirmed Kill DCD SPECTRUM Deathtrap Dungeon DCD SPECTRUM Dragon's Lair II DCD READYSOFT Hoyles Classic MCD SIERRA Indy Jones & Adv W95 LUCAS ARTS Jagged H2H DCD SIR TECH Lost Admiral II DCD AM LASER MAGIC/GATHERING DCD SPECTRUM Master of Antares DCD SPECTRUM Mortimer DCD LUCAS ARTS MT:Earthsiege W95CD SIERRA Nemesis DCD SIR TECH Pax Imperia DCD DAVIDSON Police Quest 5 MCD SIERRA Shivers MCD SIERRA Space Hulk 2 DCD EA St Trk Generations W95CD SPECTRUM St Trk Judement Rites DCD INTERPLAY Super Heroes DCD SPECTRUM 3/3/96 Mortal Kombat 3 W95CD GT 3/4/96 Tommy WCD INTERPLAY 3/5/96 RBI '96 DCD WEA 3/6/96 Rise&Rule/Anc Emp WCD SIERRA 3/11/96 Hexen W95CD GT 3/12/96 The id Anthology DCD GT 3/13/96 Descent 2 DCD INTERPLAY 3/18/96 Crystal Skull DCD INTRACORP VR Soccer DCD INTERPLAY 3/19/96 Hexen MCD GT Mission Force:CyberstoW95CD SIERRA 3/26/96 Hammer Slammer DCD INTRACORP 3/27/96 VR Baseball DCD INTERPLAY 4/1/96 Aikman Football MCD GT Colonization Gold DCD SPECTRUM Klingon DCD DAVIDSON Pinball Classics DCD GT Ripper MCD TAKE 2 Sensory Overload DCD TAKE 2 Toy Story Strybk DCD DISNEY 4/10/96 NFL Football/Aikman DCD GT 4/24/96 Conquest/New World MCD INTERPLAY 5/1/96 F-16 Fighting Falcon DCD INTRCTV MGC Third Reich DCD AVALON HILL 6/1/96 Chessmates WCD INTERPLAY Northlands DCD AM LASER Vision of Glory DCD AM LASER 7/1/96 Jetfighter III DCD INTERPLAY 8/1/96 Dragon Dice WCD INTERPLAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>CORRECTIONS<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -After further, more in depth review of Terminator: Future Shock, I have decided that I underrated the game. The rating of 44/100 is nowhere near what it deserves, and I have decided to give it a 75/100 upon further playing of the game. I also would reccomend a computer above 486/66 for it. -Legacy's release of Tony Larusa Baseball 3 was in fact, not a dupe, and I apologize for stating it as one. The previous release of TLB3 was a beta. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>LEGAL MUMBO JUMBO<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS MAGAZINE IN NO WAY WHATSOEVER, CONDOLES THE PIRATING, STEALING, OR ANY OTHER ILLEGAL MEANS OF OBTAINING SOFTWARE. I AM IN NO WAY RESPONSIBILE FOR YOUR ACTIONS AS A RESULT OF READING THIS MAGAZINE, NOR HAVE I DONE ANYTHING ILLEGAL TO OBTAIN THE REVIEWED GAMES. IF YOU LIKE THE REVIEW OF A GAME THEN BY ALL MEANS PURCHASE IT AND SUPPORT THE SOFTWARE COMPANY. ANY AND ALL MAGAZINE GROUPS HAVE PERMISSION TO USE THIS IN THEIR MAGAZINE, AS LONG AS IT HAS NOT BEEN EDITED IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM Federal Law prohibits editing and dispensing or something. You may not edit this file and spread it w/o the expressed written consent of The New York Yank.. er, anyway the point is: Feel free to spread this wherever as long as I don't get in trouble for it, and as long as it has not been edited. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>CLOSINGS<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Please note, due to my refusal to install that crap you know as Win95, I am of course not able to review any win95 games. HOWEVER recently my sister got a computer w/ that shit pre-installed, so occasionally I will be able to rev- iew some win95 games. (+)I'll be away during the vacation, and therefore unable to review any games. (+)Depending on how much and what is released during this time will determine (+)if I plan to catch up or not. Have a Happy Holiday(s). -That's it for this week, hope it was of help. -Ionizer (Game Reviewer/MALiCE & Razor Courier) Comments/Complaints send to ionizer@ns2.clever.net (NO QUESTIONS OR REQUESTS) .a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$a. $$' . `$$' `$$ ' `$$' s `$$ $' $ $$ $ $$ a a $$ $ $$ $ $ssss$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ o $$ $$ $ $ $$ sssss$$ $. $ $$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $$. $ ,$$ $ $$ $ $ $$. $ ,$$ $$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$ $$' o '$$$ $ $$' s `$$ `$$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ $ $$ $o $$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ $ $$ ~' o$$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ sssss$$ %. ^$$$$$ $$ $ $$$s s$$ $ $$ $$ $$$$$ $$. $ ,$$$$@. .@$$$. $ ,$$ $$ $$$$$ `$$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$hd' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .__________ .___________ .__________ _________. .____________ l |___l___. \_____| \ \ l___l__ \ | / \ | \ \ . \___\ l \ \ \ |___\ | \ | : \ \ | | \ | | \ | . \ ._| | / \ | ._| . \ | | | :____/ \ __/ | \ :____/ | | \ | | .__| . \ \ | .__| | | | \ | | / \ \ \ \ | / \ | | \ \ | | | | | \ | | | / \ \./ \ | | | \__/ | \ /___________|_____\_______/__________/___/|______\_____\_[MaNoWaR!]/_____/ ---=[ 7. Internet ]=---------------------------------------------------------- INQUiSITION has a World Wide Web page site. Please come by and check it out. You can grab the Previous issues of INQUiSITION there plus the WWN archives. OUR NEW KICKASS PAGE IS UP! New design, new everything! Check it out! INQUiSITION - http://www.terminalp.com/inq Here is list of other excellent pages: DOD - http://spl.co.il/zino Razor 1911 - http://ionet.net/~razor/razor1911.html The Review Board Online - http://www.bcpl.lib.md.us/~wdaddino/trb.html fATE - http://www.ceic.com/fate The Game Review - http://www.aych-dee.com/tgr.html If your group has a WWW page, please leave us a note and we'll advertise here. If you would like an E-MAIL subscription to INQuisition, please e-mail Lurch at apd@openix.com and ask for one. All I really need is your e-mail address (if it is not the same as the return address), and I need to know how you want to recieve the mag. If no specifics are there, I assume plaintext, and send you the mag that way, however you can ask for a UUENCODED copy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We still like to announce that our good friend, Pieman needs support. Please contact his business if you have any hardware needs. High Speed Tech 718-833-4949 Located in The Bayridge Section of Brooklyn New York ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ )\_________ _____ _________________ ____ ________ ( ( | ) ) |____)\____/ (_____/ \ \ \ | / / \ o O ) \ \ ) | / ) |(____/( | )___/ ) ) (___ /_ | ( / _|___ \ |____ |____/ \_ / / / ) / \____( / ( _) ) \ \ | ( ( (___ / ( | | \ / ) ) | \ | | | \__________|___________)_____(___________/______|____)_____|_________| ----=[ 8. Closing ]=----------------------------------------------------------- Another issue is produced to the masses. Hopefully you enjoyed this issue of INQUiSITION. We have plenty of interviews to cover and other other topics to touch. If you wish to join INQ - please send us your EMAIL address and a SAMPLE. If you want an EMAIL subscription to INQ, E-Mail: apd@openix.com INQUiSITION will have weekly meetings on Wednesday's at 9pm Central. All members should attend. The meeting will be held on the bot, but all are welcome to come to #inq and voice your suggestions. The Inquisition Staff: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raptor [Editor] Lester [Editor] [Temp. Editor] Lurch [Staff] Avalon Blue � Cyberphreak � Darwin � GFK � Ionizer � Jimmy Jamez � Judge DRedd Lotug � Mercury � Mercy � Minor Threat � Mr.ZigZag � Operator � Riot