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We prolly will publish them in our next issue and one of the editors will reply to them. To state to the scene, we are a news publication here to bring you the lastest in the scene, whether good or bad. It's best to keep everyone informed even the lamers. Also would like to send a sincere apology to Ordnance and RTS on screwing up their name. It's Request to Send. See what a lack of sleep does to a person. The lateness of this issue is due to Comdex. Unfortunately, we were unable to get info on Comdex since we have not gather those who have gone. But, we will get some info for the next issue. We also offer a subscription now - look for info in the Internet Section - Raptor & Lester Send your articles, comments or suggestions to: - an407822@anon.penet.fi - ---=[ Contents ]=-------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Letters to the Editor.....Raptor & Lester 2. Utils Warez Report........Jimmy Jamez - "Special Biased Edition" 3. Games Warez Report........Ionizer 4. Reviews...................Various Writers 5. Interview.................Lester - "Anonymous - RTS Rebuttle" 6. Interview.................Lurch and Raptor - "Ordnance - RTS" 7. Articles..................(Submission) - "Rebuttle - Busts" Darwin/DWi - "Net Ethics" (Submission) - "SPA Threats" 8. Internet..................INQUiSITION WEB Site, Plus More 9. Announcements.............Final Epidsode News on the Subscription? Competition for INQ? 10. Closing...................Raptor & Lester ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ._____. ._______.________.________________.______________________. |___ | |Oo. |_ Oo. |___Oo. |__. |______. |_______. |_. |O | |_____. |o |: | : .o| |Oo. |__. |__ : | |o _|___|_. |___|__| |____|_|: |___| |____| _______|O__ |____| |. | __| ___| |. | |. |__o ___| |Oo _. | o |__. | | | |: | __|: |. ._| | |.oO |_. | _|_. | | |_______|_______|______| |______|__________|__|______|________| ---=[ 1. Letters to the Editor ]---------------------------------------------- More letters like usual, and we appreciate them. One of the requests we have received is to get a TOP TEN BOARD section in our mag. We plan to do so as soon as we gather some capable and qualified reviewers. I just wanted to drop ya a line to tell ya what a great mag your running is. Let me start by saying I enjoyed reading it, it allowed me to find out what is new in the warez scene. I come from a small town in Canada. Half of the warez listed in the mags never reach us. Thanxs For such a GREAT! MAG! and keep up the GOOD work. Thanxs Stimpy RAPTOR - We appreciate that you are happy with the mag. Better luck on the warez though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .__. .__._____._____.__. ___.__. ._____. .__. .__._____._____._____.______. l |_l l __l __l |/ /l | l | | l |_l l l __ l __l_ / | : : | __| __| _/ | :__|___ | | : : | _| | _| __|/ /_ | | | | . \| � | | | | . | _ | | | |___|___|_____|_____|__|____|_____|_____| |___|___|__|__|__|__|_____|______| ________________.________._____________.________.______________.___________. \ __ l ___\ __ l \ __ l . \ \_____ /| ___\____ . | . |____ /___: :____\ | __ \| \ | :___/ : | | __ \ | | | | \ \ | | | | | | | \ | | |_____|______|_________\|_____| |__________| |_____|______| |_____| ��:=============================================================[MaNoWaR!]=:�� ---=[ 2. Util Warez Report - "Special Biased Edition" ]=---------------------- Biased Utils Report made by Jimmy Jamez Issue #6 PART 1: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like a good habit, you read my weekly report again! I am really sorry that I was a reason of INQ#6 delay because I have been really busy lately due to my participation in the scene. Anyway I checked all passed stuff and made notes for myself. Good releasing week, some major titles happened and groups were active again. We all had suprises as newbie groups with fine releases, like ROR succesfully beaten all big bands on long awaited Adobe Pagemaker 6.0. Also, we saw three different FINAL releases of QEMM 8.0. I know your question. What to get, PNC release, FINAL FINAL release or the ShrinkWarp release - the answer - get the FINAL FINAL release, it is really the final code. Now lets travel among big the groups' releases for past 7 days from 11-07-95 till 11-13-95. * in alphabet order * DOD (Drink Or Die) - Brilliant week for DOD again. 13 very nice releases occurred, including some big, long-awaited titles, shown good store and internal pick up this time. Now let me list all releases names here: it started with a nice word processor, Accent Express 2.0 for Win95 (supports 20 different languages), after it we saw couple of budget titles: Family Tree Maker 3.0 (3 Disks) and Quicken Family Laywer (2 Disks), after that there were some two days silence and big bundle of software on weekend! Four packages of another nice word processor, Describe Voyager 5.0, versions for Windows, Windows 95, OS/2 Warp and Add-on Dictionaries. Small psychological proggy Decide Right for Windows (2 Disks) and FINAL CD-RIP of Micrographix ABC Snap Graphix Suite (28 2.8mb Disks). Many new unreleased Micrographix programs were included there. The week finished with PowerSoft PowerBuilder 4.03 for Windows NT (30 Disks) and a cute expensive astronomy product called Win*Star + some add-ons to it. Very impressive work this time, DOD is awarded excellent points this time. Current Week Points: 10/10 Overall Score : 55/60 PNT (Pantera) - It is not news that this group is doing better and better each week! This week is not an exception! They released 8 programs, but one game that they put out (Power Poker for Windows) was old dupe of Nexus from 1994. Others were fine; here they are: Attachmate APPC Client 3.10 for Win (2 Disks), DbWeb 1.0 for Windows NT (6 Disks), MS System Management Server 1.1 (45 Disks) and several 1 Disk releases: Winframe Clients for Win 16 and 32 bit, DbWeb Service Pack 1 and Winframe for DOS. The group is releasing usually internal programming related programs. Current Week Points: O7/10 Overall Score : 35/60 PNC (PiNNaCLe) - Still a very sad picture here, from all of the group releases I noticed only three valid ones: Multimedia WWW PC 3.0 for Windows (1 Disk), NCompass 1.21 for Win95 (3 Disks) and Netware Client 32 for Win95 Open Beta (7 Disks). All others were dupes like Conner BackUp Exec 5.0a, Asymetrix Multimedia Toolbook 3.0 (very strange release, because I have 3.0 from late 1994 and it is on 10+ disks). But, they still try to be on top with us and we need to respect this try. Lets hope that they will dupe check their releases better. Current Week Points: O4/10 Overall Score : 21/60 PWA (Pirates With Attitude) - Not the best week for PWA too, they started with two very huge CD-RIPs as Platinum Asset Manager SQL for NT (39 Disks and Mathlib + Calculus 1.2 (36 Disks). All the other releases were small and we saw a nice ammount of cracked sharewares. Computer Based Training TCP/IP (4 Disks) and many 1 disks programs: Electroson Gear 3.23 for NT, GrabNet 2.0 cracked, Intermail Interecho 1.14, Interdrive 95 NFS Client Beta Cracked, Cubase Score 1.12 dongle cracked (not cracked properly), WinU 1.03 Security, and WBS Chart for Project 3.0. Also there were some bigger utils like InterAp Internet Suite (4 Disks), Intergra Business App Builder 3.0 (7 Disks) and a huge beta 3 of Microstation CAD 95. No well-known titles and a big lack of store pick-up. Anyway, not too many betas as always and we all saw huge amount of work from the crackers. :) Hope they will try harder next time. Current Week Points: O8/10 Overall Score : 54/60 RBS (Rebels) - Guess this Euro team frozen with first snow. Absolutely nothing for last 7 days. Hope to see something from them in next issue. Current Week Points: OO/10 Overall Score : 18/60 That's all I can tell you about past week. December is coming and it reminds us that we will see shitload of fine utils soon. New groups will hopefully work better and I will write something about them exactly. JIMMY JAMEZ [DOD BOSS] Biased Utils Report made by Jimmy Jamez Issue #6 PART 2: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Comdex finished and nothing happened. :) We expected something serious to come from this great computer-related event and we're really dissapointed. Anyway this week shown us some rare brilliant utilities and let me show you some of them. * in alphabet order * DOD (Drink Or Die) - Impressive but not perfect. It started with Microsoft Access 7.0 FINAL FLOPPY for Win95 (10 Disks); it was a long race with many scene groups DOD won it this time. What else was released? Of course, I want to mention a brilliant and the best multimedia presentation package called Astound 2.1 for Win/Win95! If you ever try that you will forget about MS PowerPoint forever. :) I was very surprised with the quality and power of this program. Also there were: IRMA for Internet 3.1 (c) Attachment (3 Disks) (very nice internet package), Yamaha Visual Arranger for Win (2 Disks) - to all musical fans and a bundle packages from stores: Counters Creator for Win95 (13 Disks), FloorPlan 3-D 2.0 for Win (2 Disks), Suretrack 1.5 for Windows (8 Disks) and Netscape Power Pack (7 Disks). The whole week was quiet except MS Access and on the weekend, the group shown it's real ability on scene. We expect more and more from them in future. Current Week Points: O9/10 Overall Score : 64/70 PNT (Pantera) - Kinda slow week for those dudes. Only three valid releases and one dupe occurred. The releases are: IRMA TCP Suite for WFW/95 and NT (13 Disks), IRMA for Internet / Teleview 3.11 (5 Disks) (not sure if it's the same as DOD version) and Your Personal SAT Trainer (2 Disks). The dupe happened in the last day of the week and was called Distinct TCP/IP (2 Disks). Lame to compare with previous work and small points awarded coz of that. Current Week Points: O4/10 Overall Score : 39/70 PNC (PiNNaCLe) - Still bad quality. Six valid releases and two dupes. Nothing really known or cool but some releases were OK. Let me tell them all for the past 7 days: W3C Source Code Library (1 Disk), dupe of Scan Wizard for Win95 that appeared to be one for Win and old (2 Disks), UDIWWW 32-bit English (1 Disk), VR Scout VRML Viewer (2 Disks), Patter Maker Cross Stich for Windows (1 Disk), Quarterdeck's WebAuthor 2.0 (2 Disks), dupe of Portfolio 2.0 and Visual Reality Bonus CD (7 Disks). The whole group is doing better this time, but still has shitload to fix and main problem is dupe checking! Lets see what they will show us on next week. Current Week Points: O5/10 Overall Score : 26/70 PWA (Pirates With Attitude) - Due of the lack of finals group turned into totally beta releasing. There were 8 programs released and 6 (!!!) of them were betas, usually huge. We saw pre-releases and not betas of: Microstation CAD, Imagineer Technical (PWA is releasing betas for this programs with 1 week delay ), Dr. Solomon's Antivirus for NT 7.51 beta, Lotus Notes 4.0 beta (only one really cool beta released), CA-Open Ingres 1.0 Beta and CA-Visual Telon 1.0 Beta. Also 2 final compiled programs: one is very big Visual Reality 2.0 CD-RIP (46 Disks) and AlertTrack (2 Disks). Weak week, hopefully because all active PWA leaders spent their time on Comdex! Lets hope they will not release as many betas as they did now. Current Week Points: O7/10 Overall Score : 61/70 RBS (Rebels) - Still nothing from the Swedens this time! If they will not start next week - I will replace them with ROR!!! Current Week Points: OO/10 Overall Score : 18/70 So, the week of Comdex is over, and over with some results - such big titles like MS Access 7.0 and WinFax Pro for Win95 are released! The other programs were less popular but definite quality. Only one shortcoming this time - less overall group activity. You are free to email me on dod@ns.extech.msk.su JIMMY JAMEZ [DOD BOSS] * All complaints/questions send to: dod@ns.extech.msk.su * ---=[ 3. Games Warez Report - Ionizer ]=-------------------------------------- |=========================================================================| � ������� ������� �� �� ������� ������� � | � � � � � � � � � Series #2 | � � ���� ������� � �� � ������ ������� Issue #2 � | � � � � � � � � 11/12/95 | � ������� � � � � ������� ������� � =========================================================================== Un-Releastic: "I have never played a game I didn't like." -Stew Pid Fewl Realistic : "FUCK, This game sucks more than all those releases that aren't working!." -Ionizer (Please note, The Game Review (c) Ionizer, will be released every SUNDAY, if) (you miss it, it will also be included in the week's edition of Inquisition.) SCANTRON QUIZ: What pisses you off the most about downloading games? (a) Those fucking overnight aborted downloads. (b) When they are fucking fake releases. (c) Finding out it's some EGA old crap. (d) All of the above! -If you even had to ANSWER this question, well the solution is here. Upon POPULAR DEMAND: It's back, it's better then before, and it's got the GAYEST ascii at the top AND THE BOTTOM! -Do you live for games? Do you want to play games every second of your life? Do you find yourself pondering over where there are hidden rooms in doom2 while eating dinner with your family? if so then you need a LIFE, but that's besides the point. - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * -NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW N.. "ok shutup and tell us what's new already!"----- New in the review, will be a section that includes the following; Top Selling Games and Release Dates for Upcoming Games! GAME REVIEWS, RATINGS, UN-BIASED OPINIONS, HELP/TIPS FOR INSTALLING GAMES! [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] -Rating scale: (0-20)/100 = In a nutshell, it sucked! (21-40)/100 = Still crap but slightly better. (41-50)/100 = Possibly worth downloading. (51-70)/100 = Pretty decent game. Might want to check it out. (71-80)/100 = Worth the download if you like that type. (81-89)/100 = Very good, 9 outta 10 its worth the download. (90-99)/100 = Excellent game, a MUST download. 100/100 = HOLY SHIT I'VE NEVER SEEN A BETTER GAME! -Enough of the crap, it's time for the reviews. The format is usually like this. Name of game, group, # of disks, review, rating. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE GAME REVIEW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =Serious Pinball 2000= ROR, 1.7 megs. I know I've played these two tables before. Includes the "rocket" table and the "gravyard" table (Outer space/Scary themes). It's the outdated pinball type boards of old times. Nothing special, and to add to it, the Graveyard pinball's sound was fucked up. Decent small pinball if that's what you're looking for. Oh, did I forgot to mention 2 letters? SW! RATING: 39/100 =The Nemesis Mission= Tdujam, 8 disks. Class, can we say "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome"? That's exactly what you'll get after playing this one for more than 15 minutes. You are a ship, you roam the little playing area and shoot at asteroids. Speaking of asteroids, thats exactly what this game is like, except in VGA & for win. Just have fun banging away at the shift key and blowing up shit until sumtin good comes out. However 8 disks for this sucker is a bit too much. RATING: 42/100 =The Jungle Book= Tdujam (surprise surprise a floppy), 3 disks. If you can get the it out of your mind that it's a kiddie game, you might be able to find it some- what enjoyable. It's practically a lot like the Lion King game release about a year ago. Your that jungle dude, you have to find the dimaonds. You swing from vines, jump around, kill creatures etc. Nice graphics and assortment of characters and scenery. Despite the fact that many will look at it and say, "kiddie crap" it's a very well layed out game, especially for its small size. PS: Don't be doing something important when you go to play this, b/c the only way to exit, is that big button on your computer that says "RESET". RATING: 79/100 =Earthworm Jim= RPC, 8 disks. Yes it works, but it's just some beta or homemade shit certainly not final release. It looks homemade, or like a beta. It has no sound and the graphics fuck up. Although if it had sound, and worked 100% it would be decent. Since it would be easy to classify games from now on, I'll refer to this as the Super Mario Gameplay (SMG), where you walk around and shoot things, and kill other characters. RATING: 10/100 =Mafia 2= Don't work. Install.exe just reboots computer. RATING: NA/100 =Ran Soccer -German-= I decided to give it a shot, I was able to install my soundcard, and learn that "Ja is german for yes, and nein is german for no". However the game didn't load, it just exited with some crap in german. RATING: NA/100 =Fifa Demo '96= . It seems that all too many games are moving away from the fast action arcade fun to the more sophisticated number playing games. But I'm happy to report that this is not one of them. The game is still fun, flows nicely, and has great action. And according to the menu, it will have modem play. Now if only they would let ME define my keys. Anyhow, the game looks to be a great hit, however it may be a little to big for it to be ripped and still enjoyed. RATING: 82/100 =Stonekeep Playable Demo= It's not playable if it don't work. The usual CD problems that you can't solve no matter what you do. RATING: NA/100 =Stonekeep CD= Tdujam, and a measly 35 disks. Jesus, by the time this thing was done loading it was the next day. I would estimate the actual time it takes from when you type "sk" till the game begins, on a 486/33, to be about 2 min. My hd spinned more than it has it's entire lifetime. The game is your doom catacomb atmosphere, with the RPG style fighting and keeping of weapons. You can't complain about the details and graphics in this one, but for 35 disks it damn well better have good graphics. It's still nothing to get all hiped up about, as it's just another RPG wasting away 88 megs installed. RATING: 50/100 =Actua Soccer= *Before the fix: Hoodlum , 8 disks. "Can't read data file". Ok that's nice. "Can't play game." "Can't rate a game you can't play." "Error #634bs482release35 has occured". Get the pt? RATING: BS/100 *After the fix: Hoodlum? Back from the dead? Wow, and impressive release too. The intro was kinda neat, nice sound to it. However the sound seem to be lost during the game, simply b/c, there was NONE. The game is soccer, but with those virtua fighter looking characters. The game is also not full screen. The movement is fine, and the graphics are semi decent. However the camera angles can get a big annoying, because it forces your movement towards a destination to change to left or left-right, etc. Overall I think I'm still a little stunned that it works. RATING: 66/100 =Gameboy= You've seen the emulator, you've seen those thousands of packs being offered, but your just too damn fucking lazy to get it and try it out. Well, that is the reason you're reading this isn't it? Yes it does work. It is slow, it has no sound, and it is B&W. There's over 215 games out, thanks to GWA for the release of them. The games bring back memories, and it's just kinda neat to be able to say you have 215 gameboy games on your PC. Gameboy RATING: 51/100 (creativity) =Jazz Jackrabbit Holiday Hare= He's back! Jazz Jackrabbit is back in the holiday edition. Sorry, but he's not going to make Aunt Thelma's turkey taste any better, and he's not going to take away the humilating clothing your grandma bought you for christmas/chanukah, but he will provide you with 5 minutes of nonstop, heart beating, SW action. Nothing different then the orig. cept the scenery. RATING: 48/100 =Radix, Beyond the Void= Anothe....heart pound...zzzz..OH sorry, um right, another heart pounding Epic Megagames. Doom atmosphere in a ship, wow something new . Annoying soundtrack, and crappy sound effects. Maybe the other two missions in the reg. version will really kick ass! Pff right, and maybe dragon will release something in english (j/k guys ya know i love ya). Not much else to say about this one. RATING: 41/100 =Tyrian Full Final CD= RazorCD,3disks.whyAMiTYPINGw/oSPACESyouMAYmayBEasking.Wellthatsb/cim tiredfromholdingdownthespacebartoplaythisgame.ThisissupposedtobetheFINALFULL CD,butafterplayingitforawhole5minutesIdontseeanythingdifferentfromtheFINAL FULLCDIalreadyd/l.I'llquotetherazorcdnfoforthereview: "Razor CD is proud to present Tyrian full CD from Epic Mega Games, one of the best verticle scrolling shoot 'em up games ever. The game delivers heart pounding music, dynamite sound effects, and unbelievable graphics that will blow you away. Tyrian lets you challenges friends over modem (2 ppl) or via network." RATING:50/100 =Fighter Duel= Tdujam, 3 disks. Damn, I was really hoping to have a fun dog fight. "TDU-JAM! proudly presents: FIGHTER DUEL from PHILIPS! This is cool modem play compatible dog-fighting game. Expect yet much more from TDU-JAM! today..." Fear a bunch of pitbulls attacking each other. Kick the shit out of some poodle (No I'm not retarded.) But alas, it needs a crack, for cdemu2 and subst just won't do the job. RATING: NA/100 =Destruction Derby= -Install Notes: Run your cdrom (mscdex) and make sure there is a data cd in your cdrom drive. The follow the directions in the nfo! Tdujam, 6 disks. OH MY! This baby was worth the wait, and pain in the ass installing instructions. It's nascar, but bumper car style! Theres a special part of the game just meant for you to crash and bash!! This game has decent sound fx, and a funny announcer, with funny voices. It even has modem capablities. This is a must download for any racing enthusiast, or anyone looking for a game that's fun. RATING: 91/100 =Tang Chi= Tdujam, 4 disks. First off it worked, that alone deserves a cheer. The game is sort of like those brain teasers you'd be given in grade school in project venture or some smartass program. You have to fit the differently shaped pieces so that they match the shadow'ed puzzle on the right. You are timed, and you got some nice oriental chinese restaraunt music in the back- ground. I couldn't get the first puzzle on 3 attempts, but then again it's 1:48am. Overall it could provide some brain teasing fun. RATING: 67/100 =MPC Battle Chess 100% CD= Velocity, 7 disks. 100% NOT WORKING! Yet another, cd check problem. Someone need's to start a revolution of "Game Testing Before Releasing". RATING: NA/100 =The Elder Scrolls, Chp 2: Daggerfall Demo= Doom atmoshphere, with that rpg twist. Nice sound effects, and looks like it will have great characters and options. RATING: 63/100 =The Dame Was Loaded, Nonplayable Preview= Wow, it was like watching a full motion movie. I thought I was a game critic, not Siskel and Ebert. Didn't even look like a game. Full motion video, and it wasn't just 3 seconds long either. If they make the entire game like this, it'll only be around 500 CD's. Check out the cleavage on the `dame'. RATING: Two thumbs up =Quake Fake= Someone actually had to make an effort to put this one together. What it does: Loads that beginning screen with all those init's and crap that you know from doom/doom2, then after that's done, it shows a little disk in the bottom right flickering as if it were loading. Then it splatters some crap colors and reboots your computer. No harm or viruses noticed in it, at least I hope not. RATING: fake/100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Please note, due to my refusal to install that crap you know as Win95, I am of course not able to review win95 games. -That's it for this week, hope it was of help. -Ionizer (INQ. Game Reviewer/MALiCE Senior Courier) Comments/Complaints send to ionizer@cw.bridge.net (NO QUESTIONS OR REQUESTS!) |=========================================================================| � ������� ������� �� �� ������� ������ � � ������ ������ � | � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � | � � ���� ������� � �� � ������ � � � � ����� ������ � | � � � � � � � � � � � � � � | � ������� � � � � ������� ������ � ������ � �� � =========================================================================== ---=[ 4. Reviews ]------------------------------------------------------------ Fighter Duel - Avalon Blue Years ago, Fighter Duel made it's debut on the Amiga platform. In terms of flight mechanics and individual plane's performance, it was one of the most advanced simulators of it's day. It's biggest drawback at that time was that it's 16 color polygon graphics and completely crude ground obstacles. One I remember in particular was a gigantic white Stonehenge - like arch smack dab in the middle of the battlefield. It didn't look too hot but the World War II era planes sure performed historically correct. Corkscrewing into the ground over and over upon takeoff was my major frustration as I learned to handle these old-time fighters. In this release for the PC, the utterly realistic flight model is the only thing carried over from the original Amiga release. The blocky surreal landscape has been replaced by gorgeous 256 color SVGA graphics. The instrument panels are particularly striking. You can fly any of thirteen different prop-driven fighters including such storied planes as the Spitfire, Hellcat, Mustang, Corsair, and Me-109. You fly your plane against up to eight computer controlled opponents, also flying planes of your choosing. There are no real missions in Fighter Duel but you can shoose to start in any of a number of scenarios, such as a catapult launch from the deck of the U.S.S. Lexington or a surprise attack, which has you swooping down on your enemies in a high-speed dive from their blind spot. This is still no walk in the park as far as flight simulators go. Just trying to get the plane in the air and level can bring you to tears. It pays to go to the library and get a book on these old warbirds, to learn their individual idiosyncrasies. If you're looking for a realistic World War II flight sim though, look no further than Fighter Duel. ---=[ 4. Interview - Anonymous - Rebuttle ]------------------------------------ INQ : Why do you feel RTS broke up? Incognito : I felt RTS broke up due to the lack of commitment in the whole Team. Certain areas were more commited than others, but if Seniors don't show much commitment than it doesn't exactly set a good example for the rest of the team, hence this started in my own opinion the breakup of RTS INQ : Do you think Dorian tried to break RTS up? Incognito : No, I did not feel Dorian tried to break up RTS, as a courier of RTS, I got the impression he was the one trying to rebuild RTS, afterall he was taking the reigns of RTS, while Ordnance was away for quite a while. And, for a person to do that requires great strength. If I hadn't been for Dorian putting time and effort into RTS, RTS would have fell apart even earlier. INQ : So he was not getting help from the other council members? Incognito : The only council member I felt that was trying to help Dorian co-ordinate on the Net side was Aslan, but it took me 4 weeks as a courier getting in; like Aslan approved of me, but another council member needed approval from Dorian even though Aslan told me Dorian approved of me. So from the outset it looked like council had problems anyways. INQ : Why do you think Dorian decided to quit and reform MAliCE? Incognito : I believed Dorian quit, because he was getting no support from anyone at all. The fact that Ordnance as a Senior was not around certainly did not help him. In terms of motivation, however I believed the final straw was when Ordnance returned and decided to implement policies without consultation with Dorian at all. After that, I think Dorian had enough, he gave his time and effort to RTS, and got Zippo back, as a courier. I believed he was the main driving force for RTS. INQ : How successful do you think RTS will be now? Incognito : RTS, I think they can make a come back but I don't think they can be as strong as what they were in their haydays. But, if the same beaucratic bullshit appears in RTS, then I believe there is no hope as a competitive couriering force. Well the answer to that is to look around on the boards and the major sites. MAliCE in my opinion has done alot more in 6 weeks than RTS has done in 4 months. I am a courier in MAliCE and I think the spirit in MAliCE is more relaxed; the Council and the President always talk. And, things actually get done. For example, the MAliCE NFP is updated weekly if not daily. I feel as a group, MAliCE, is more co-ordinated. INQ : Allegedly Dorian was trying to reform MAliCE back in the summer, any truth to this? Incognito : Yes that was true. Dorian was trying to reform MAliCE back then because, although I dont know for sure, RTS was beginning to have internal problems from there. Like council members bickering and things getting disorganized. INQ : So was Dorian trying to break up RTS so he could reform Malice? Incognito : No, I dont think that was in his heart, I think he was trying to reform Malice by himself and probably other members of RTS, who were getting pissed at the disorganization, but that was what I was told, by someone higher up. This interview was conducted by Lester ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .___________ .____________ /^\__.________._________.__________ l \_________l__ \ \ \ l \ | \ \ \____/ \ | | | __. \___ : \ \____ . \ | .__| | \| _| \ . \ | \.____/ /_____ \ | | __/ :____/ _| \ | \ .___| | _. | � \ | | \ : \ \ | : | \ \ | |_ / . | | | | | | | \ | / | | |_______|_______|____/|______|_____|_______|_________/_____________|______/ ��:=============================================================[MaNoWaR!]=:�� ---=[ 6. Articles ]=---------------------------------------------------------- "Rebuttle - Busts" Okee dokee, the first thing to point out, in your interview with W00per, he attempted to explain some stuff on a bond issue and what happened with that. Any time a company files a civil suit and wants to seize equipment, they are required by law to file a bond of 1.5 times the estimated value of the equipment seized. In order to cover potential damages that happen durring the seized period of time until the case is ended or settled. They had to file a $150,000 bond when they got the search and seizure order for my board. As for your things to "help" out in case someone gets busted. You said, "Move all pirated material into your server. They legally cannot keep any equipment that does not contain pirated material." To be perfectly concise, that's complete bullshit. If it were a criminal case that was going on, then there is a lot of truth to that, and many other things that make it difficult on behalf of the people who seized things and much nicer for those who were busted. For a civil case, which is ALL that is being filed lately, there is no such case law, and no precedents that apply at all, it's entirely new ground, and they can seize basically whatever the hell they want to as long as it's vaguely connected in some way. Plugged in counts, network counts more. My system was ran in a manner that would go along with what you're trying to tell people to do. It was a novell system where everything was on the server. The board was run by 9 diskless workstations with USR modems, and 2 USR CommServers (also diskless). All of it was seized because the civil case was filed along the grounds of "contributing to" copyright infringement. That means that I (or others as cases are filed) were "providing the means" that allowed people to infringe on their copyrights. That helps give them the ability to seize anything and everything that assists in providing those means. Which is the entire network, the modems, the diskless stations, etc. Even UPSs and surge bars. Also, you tell people to research copyright laws in their own states. This has no bearing on anything at all. The cases that are filed are filed in federal court, citing federal copyright statutes. These take all precedence over any state or local laws, so knowing what your state says won't make a bit of difference. Anyway, just wanted to point those things out. They way it's all going is that MS/Novell and others aren't intelligently pursuing pirates at all. They really don't have the foggiest fucking clue on how the system works or who does what. They attack boards based on someone calling in to their piracy hotlines and supplying a login account, and they begin research from there. Someone had supplied them a login to my system and that's where it started. I researched as best I could all the cases ever filed by them previous to my bust, and found the same procedures were followed. It's not an "intelligent" thing on their part, but a lucky one. Just takes advantage of how upset someone is with anyone's BBS and what kinda access they have. Scott This person's handle is kept confidential since I was unable to get a confirmation to publish it. Though many of us know Scott, so thank him the next time you talk with him for enlightening us ignorant fools. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Net Ethics" Hello, this is Darwin, your friendly neighborhood net courier, coming to you live and direct. I've been noticing a lot of bullshit in the net scene lately, and I'd like to toss out some ideas and address some issues that I think need adressing. The net scene is the future; people and standards have to be maintained. The best boards are what the best FTP sites will have to become; a place where the best and most capable hang with intense competition. Notice I don't say friendly competition, because it isn't always. I'd like it to be, but people have egos. So, the same bullshit happens over and over again. Whatever, just let your reputation and your uploads stand as an indication of your skills. There's no need to talk trash, and the worst thing in the world is when someone proves your trash talking wrong. I have to say my peace about the way that things are released and traded on the net today. If you were a BBS trader, would you upload disks 1, 2, 10-16 and 25 to a board? Of course you wouldn't. So, why the hell do people do it on sites? I don't think that the competition is to get individual disks up, people; it's to up a *complete*, *tradable* release. Look at Screamer, look at Lemmings Chronicals, I Have No Mouth, et cetara. I try to make a point not to up a release until I have *all* of the disks. People start upping the 4 out of twenty disks they have, and those 4 disks get spread everywhere. Do you know how much time I've wasted checking sites every few hours for more disks? What is happening here? How are the releases getting spread from the release groups? The way I would envision releases to the net is basically the way that releases to BBS's work now. The release gets upped to the release group's WHQ FTP site. The group's net traders grab the release and send it to the sites they're on once it is complete there. After all, is there competition between two traders in the same group? There shouldn't be. The objective is to get the full release traded as quickly as possible. From experience, I know that this isn't happening, and it looks bad for *everyone who ups an incomplete*. I mean, who wants to see five different upload names for one release? That's just silly. How do you divide the creds, how do you make a name for yourself? I think it's a mess. This brings me to my next point : credits for uploads. Many sites now-a-days have Top-Up lists or logfiles of who uploads and downloads. Now, I don't have any problem at all with these, but they don't help you see who has been uploading that day or week. My personal solution to this is to let people see who won on a given release on a given site by putting the name of the courier on the end of the directory. I mean, seriously, people, what the hell is the problem with it? It's really hard to ignore that a trader has gotten every release on a given day or whatever other feat of trading that occurs if the name is all over that days' listing. In this way, a trader can make a name for himself on a given site or in a group of sites. It's not like there are a specific group of sites, like the top ten boards or whatever. A person makes himself the best on whatever site they choose, and they should be able to have their name known. After all, what is this scene about if it's not competition? Is it about how useful the files are? How many traders used Netscape Plus Pack or played The Hive? Not too many, especially those who dial-in to a shell account. Who wants to download 30 disks at 28.8k? Not most people, especially if the game may very well suck? Most of all, we must be try to have *fun*. That's why we do this, people, because it's amusing and it passes the time in a way we like. If it's not fun, we should hang it up. I personally don't enjoy rag wars, group fights, incompletes, dupes, trash talking, et cetera. I don't have fun when this shit is going on, and I want to stop it. If someone has a problem with me, then talk to me about it. I'm a reasonable guy, if you're reasonable to me. I think that this is true of most of the people who have been with this scene as long as I have, and I think it's a damn shame that people can ruin a fun thing for some cruel selfish kicks. Anyway, peace out, this has been dWi/darwin for Inquisition Mag. -darwin [rts/pwa] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following exchange is the result of e-mail exchange between one CHRIS CARTER @iia2.org (supposedly either the offices of SPA or an account used by SPA) and the sysadmin of a local provider in an eastern state. Not only is Mr. Carter not happy that the SysAdmin will NOT violate the privacy laws, he resorts to threats and intimidation in an attempt to coerce the SysAdmin into becoming a co-conspirator in his dirty work. According to Mr. Carter, the OTHER 200 administrators were more co-operative. Please consider, if your SysAdmin is one of the 200 which Mr. Carter claims are co-operative, your every word and thought may be open to Mr. Carter's prying eye. Before this crackpot's tactics succeed in violating the private mail and business of each and every person who has ever used a computer or ever been on the internet in any manner, perhaps the internet community would do well to e-mail Mr. Carter and let him know your views. It should be sufficient to simply return this mail to Mr. Carter with the following thought to Mr. Carter at: carter@iia2.org Since Mr. Carter will no doubt quickly change his e-mail address, a copy should also be sent to: root@iia2.org Let your voice be heard before Mr. Carter determines he has the right to read your e-mail also. Should you really feel incensed about this episode which really does amount to a private employee of the SPA trying FORCE someone else into the illegal act of violating every privacy law we hold dear, you might also e-mail a copy to your own state and federal elected officials. Only if we make it known to elected officials how we, the American public, view the creeping intrusion into our privacy, will we be able to make a contribution to a future free of this type of intrusion. *************************************************************************** To: Mr. Carter: Re: Your violation of privacy laws Mr. Carter, while your personal views regarding software piracy may be deemed by some to have merit, the citizens of the United States of America are not willing to dump our Constitution and Bill of Rights on the trash heap of history for the benefit of the SPA or ANY software developer. To the contrary we feel your gestapo tactics are far more sinister and if you persist, the American public (to say nothing of those in the local, state and federal government who are sworn to uphold the law) may deem that YOU Sir are a real threat to our way of life and decide that in order to send our message loud and clear, we will no longer support ANY software company who is found to support your methods of invasion of privacy. ============================================================================== Personal Note From This Writer: Mr. Carter, I was influential in the purchase of at least $500,000 worth of software for my company in the past year alone. Each and every product used by my company is properly licensed and I also purchase each and every product which I use on my personal computer. However, like many others, I do indeed download and review many "pirated" copies. Not because I wish to bankrupt the developers by not paying for the product, but because I do not wish to have my company bankrupted by hugh investments into products that do not work as intended. Tomorrow I will be spending my company's money to travel to Comdex to view the offerings of your employers. However, I do think that I shall be VERY reluctant to purchase any more product than is ABSOLUTELY essential. We can do very well with what we have already bought and paid for. Until the developers decide they have better things to do with their money than promote your illegal acts, I will continue to refrain from supporting them. ============================================================================== ___________________________________________________________________________ The initial e-mail from Mr. Carter, together with the sysadmins response was as follows with all names and e-mail addresses substituted with xxxxx's to protect the parties. Naturally, Mr. Carter's address has been left intact since he is no doubt PROUD of his efforts. ___________________________________________________________________________ ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 08:50:19 -0500 (EST) From: xxx xxx To: Chris Carter Cc: xxx@xxxxxx.com Subject: Re: Software Piracy from xxx@xxxxx.com > Administrators - > > I have been monitoring the #warez channels online the Internet > Relay Chat looking for pirated software. The following log was taken > from the #warez channel, it shows a user with the nickname "xxx" at > "xxx@xxxxx.com" who is transfering the illegal copyrighted > software: (Name of Program) > > It is under your jurisdiction to take action against this user. > I suggest that you scan his home directory for the above programs, and > then take appropriate action in accordance to your Internet Policy > Agreement or Network Etiquette Policy. > > Thank you. > > Evidence - > > EXACT DATE/TIME: Fri Nov 10 02:42:03 1995 EST > > IRC WHOIS: > *** xxx is ~xxx@xxxxx.com (xxx) > *** on channels: #warez > *** on irc via server irc.rutgers.edu ([bazooka.rutgers.edu] > > IRC LOGS: > -------------------------------------------------------- > ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG xxx XDCC SEND #N to autosend pack > +#N > ** There are 3 of 11 DCC slots available. > #1 [DOD] Describe Voyager for OS/2 [1-3/7] [o-DaY] [4212kb, > +3 files] > #2 [DOD] Describe Voyager for OS/2 [4-5/7] [o-DaY] [2817kb, > +2 files] > #3 [DOD] Describe Voyager for OS/2 [6-7/7] [o-DaY] [1480kb, > +2 files] > -------------------------------------------------------- > > Chris Carter > International Internet Association > carter@iia2.org > I have no such evidence of any illegal activity. It is possible that this is a hacked IRC server or a spoofed username. I can not and will not violate the privacy of our users without a court order, in accordance with the Electronic Privacy Act of 1986. I suggest that you take your "evidence" or lack thereof to an appropriate law enforcement agency if you believe a crime has been committed. Thank you for your concern, xxx M. xxx Open Internet Exchange xxx@xxx.com Subject: Re: Software Piracy from XXXX@XXXXXX (fwd) Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Status: O Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 08:50:19 -0500 (EST) From: xxxx xxxxx To: Chris Carter Cc: xxxxx@xxxxx.com Subject: Re: Software Piracy from xxxxxx@xxxxx.xxx > Administrators - > > I have been monitoring the #warez channels online the Internet > Relay Chat looking for pirated software. The following log was taken > from the #warez channel, it shows a user with the nickname "xxxdcc" at > "xxx@xxxxxx.com" who is transfering the illegal copyrighted > software: (name of new release inserted here) > > It is under your jurisdiction to take action against this user. > I suggest that you scan his home directory for the above programs, and > then take appropriate action in accordance to your Internet Policy > Agreement or Network Etiquette Policy. > > Thank you. > > Evidence - > > EXACT DATE/TIME: Fri Nov 10 02:42:03 1995 EST > > IRC WHOIS: > (Inserted here was the name and address of the user) > *** on irc via server irc.rutgers.edu ([bazooka.rutgers.edu] > IRC LOGS: > -------------------------------------------------------- > ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG xxx XDCC SEND #N to autosend pack > +#N > ** There are 3 of 11 DCC slots available. > #1 [Name of file was here [1-3/7] [o-DaY] [xxxxkb,> +3 files] > #2 [Name of file was here [o-DaY] [xxxxkb,+2 files] > #3 [Name of file was here ] [xxxxkb, > +2 files]1 > -------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > This is the reply to the initial e-mail > > > International Internet Association > carter@iia2.org > I have no such evidence of any illegal activity. It is possible that this is a hacked IRC server or a spoofed username. I can not and will not violate the privacy of our users without a court order, in accordance with the Electronic Privacy Act of 1986. I suggest that you take your "evidence" or lack thereof to an appropriate law enforcement agency if you believe a crime has been committed. Thank you for your concern, (Sysadmins Name was here) xxxx@xxxx.com ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 14:01:00 -0500 (EST) From: xxx xxx To: Chris Carter Cc: xxx@xxxxxx.com Subject: Re: Software Piracy from xxx@xxxxxx.com > > On Fri, 10 Nov 1995, xxx xxx wrote: > > > I do not have a lack of attention in any matter concerning illegal activity, > > but I simply do not jump through hoops because some irrate IRC user e-mails > > me. If I was to look through ANY user's files on our system, that would be > > illegal. We here at XXXXXXX are strongly against software piracy, but we > > are also *STRONGLY* against invasion of privacy. > > > [snip] > > > > Your opinions concerning violating the privacy of our users in regards to > > administration policies are not welcome. We follow existing legislation in > > regards to the law, and do not permit illegal activity of any sort...including > > the violation of the privacy of our users. > ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Our friend with the SPA was not at all happy with the response from the sysadmin and raised the level of his intimidation as shown from the next e-mail from Mr. Carter to the same sysadmin. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > Look Mr. Xxxxxxxx, > > The next time I catch "xxx" (xxx@xxxxx.com) transfering > pirated software online IRC from xxxxxxxx.com, I will contact your > local police authorities and have them contact you. If you want to make > things difficult, then so be it. > > End of discussion. > > -- > Chris Carter > International Internet Association > carter@iia2.org > > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Sysadmin then replied as follows: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Well Mr. Carter, perhaps your technical understanding of networks is much to be desired. Anyone can forge connections or packets, especially on an insecure platform such as TCP/IP. I suggest you right now contact the local (name of city) police department. I will tell them the same thing I have told you. I WILL NOT RELEASE ANY USER INFORMATION OR VIOLATE THE PRIVACY OF OUR USERS WITHOUT A COURT ORDER. Furthermore, I consider your e-mail of a threatening and harrassing nature. If you contact me again in any form, e-mail, phone, or in person; I will file a formal complaint against you, this is your final warning. (Name of sysadmin) xxxx@xxx.com ____________________________________________________________________________ ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 12:10:06 -0600 (CST) From: Chris Carter To: xxx xxx Cc: xxx@openix.com, mark@openix.com, postmaster@openix.com Subject: Re: Software Piracy from xxx@xxxxx.com On Fri, 10 Nov 1995, xxx xxx wrote: > I do not have a lack of attention in any matter concerning illegal activity, > but I simply do not jump through hoops because some irrate IRC user e-mails > me. If I was to look through ANY user's files on our system, that would be > illegal. We here at OPENIX are strongly against software piracy, but we > are also *STRONGLY* against invasion of privacy. > [snip] > > Your opinions concerning violating the privacy of our users in regards to > administration policies are not welcome. We follow existing legislation in > regards to the law, and do not permit illegal activity of any sort...including > the violation of the privacy of our users. Look Mr. xxx, The next time I catch "xxx" (xxx@xxxxx.com) transfering pirated software online IRC from openix.com, I will contact your local police authorities and have them contact you. If you want to make things difficult, then so be it. End of discussion. -- Chris Carter International Internet Association carter@iia2.org ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 12:51:31 -0500 (EST) From: xxx xxx To: Chris Carter Cc: xxx@xxxxx.com Subject: Re: Software Piracy from xxx@xxxxx.com > > On Fri, 10 Nov 1995, xxx xxx wrote: > > > > IRC LOGS: > > > -------------------------------------------------------- > > > ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG xxx XDCC SEND #N to autosend pack > > > +#N > > > ** There are 3 of 11 DCC slots available. > > > #1 [NAME OF FILES] [1-3/7] [o-DaY] [xxxxkb, 3 files] > > > #2 [NAME OF FILES] [4-5/7] [o-DaY] [xxxxkb, 2 files] > > > #3 [NAME OF FILES] [6-7/7] [o-DaY] [xxxxkb, 2 files] > > > -------------------------------------------------------- > > > > I have no such evidence of any illegal activity. It is possible that this is > > a hacked IRC server or a spoofed username. I can not and will not violate the > > privacy of our users without a court order, in accordance with the Electronic > > Privacy Act of 1986. I suggest that you take your "evidence" or lack thereof > > to an appropriate law enforcement agency if you believe a crime has been > > committed. > > The next time I download pirated software from "xxx" who > frequents the IRC warez channels, I will personally contact the (Name of City), > (Name of State) police authorities. They will handle the problem. I am > getting very tiresome of the amount of copyrighted software that is being > exchanged online IRC. I think it is wonderful that you are tired of illegal activity. I do not believe IRC logs to be evidence, since they can be altered easily. Did you DCC a copy of this software from him to verify that it was illegitimate? If you did then you are just as guilty as he is, if you didn't then you don't know that it was a real copy. How do I know that you are not just unhappy with a user here and have not forged the logs? > It is very interesting to note your lack of action in this > matter. I've talked with over 200 administrators in the past few months, > all of which have taken a strong standing against software piracy. I do not have a lack of attention in any matter concerning illegal activity, but I simply do not jump through hoops because some irrate IRC user e-mails me. If I was to look through ANY user's files on our system, that would be illegal. We here at OPENIX are strongly against software piracy, but we are also *STRONGLY* against invasion of privacy. > It is also interesting to note that your business does not have a > user contract which permits you to do standard administrative > investigations against illegal activity. If a court order is what you > need, then I will contact the (Name of State) police and have them contact > you. Your opinions concerning violating the privacy of our users in regards to administration policies are not welcome. We follow existing legislation in regards to the law, and do not permit illegal activity of any sort...including the violation of the privacy of our users. SO IN CONCLUSION: I AM NOT SEARCHING THROUGH USERS FILES OR COOPERATING WITH ANYONE WANTING TO GO AGAINST THE ELECTRONIC PRIVACY COMMUNICATION ACT OF 1986 WITHOUT A COURT ORDER. Again, thank you for your concern, xxx xxx@xxx.com ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 11:23:57 -0600 (CST) From: Chris Carter To: xxx xxx Cc: xxx@openix.com Subject: Re: Software Piracy from xxx@xxxxx.com On Fri, 10 Nov 1995, xxx xxx wrote: > > IRC LOGS: > > -------------------------------------------------------- > > ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG xxx XDCC SEND #N to autosend pack > > +#N > > ** There are 3 of 11 DCC slots available. > > #1 [NAME OF FILE] [1-3/7] [o-DaY] [xxxxkb, 3 files] > > #2 [NAME OF FILE] [4-5/7] [o-DaY] [xxxxkb, 2 files] > > #3 [NAME OF FILE] [6-7/7] [o-DaY] [xxxxkb, 2 files] > > -------------------------------------------------------- > > I have no such evidence of any illegal activity. It is possible that this is > a hacked IRC server or a spoofed username. I can not and will not violate the > privacy of our users without a court order, in accordance with the Electronic > Privacy Act of 1986. I suggest that you take your "evidence" or lack thereof > to an appropriate law enforcement agency if you believe a crime has been > committed. The next time I download pirated software from "xxx" who frequents the IRC warez channels, I will personally contact the (Name of City), (Name of State) police authorities. They will handle the problem. I am getting very tiresome of the amount of copyrighted software that is being exchanged online IRC. It is very interesting to note your lack of action in this matter. I've talked with over 200 administrators in the past few months, all of which have taken a strong standing against software piracy. It is also interesting to note that your business does not have a user contract which permits you to do standard administrative investigations against illegal activity. If a court order is what you need, then I will contact the (Name of State) police and have them contact you. -- Chris Carter International Internet Association carter@iia2.org ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .__________ .___________ .__________ _________. .____________ l |___l___. \_____| \ \ l___l__ \ | / \ | \ \ . \___\ l \ \ \ |___\ | \ | : \ \ | | \ | | \ | . \ ._| | / \ | ._| . \ | | | :____/ \ __/ | \ :____/ | | \ | | .__| . \ \ | .__| | | | \ | | / \ \ \ \ | / \ | | \ \ | | | | | \ | | | / \ \./ \ | | | \__/ | \ /___________|_____\_______/__________/___/|______\_____\___________/_____/ ��:=============================================================[MaNoWaR!]=:�� ---=[ 6. Internet ]=---------------------------------------------------------- INQUiSITION has a World Wide Web page site. Please come by and check it out. You can grab the Previous issues of INQUiSITION there plus the WWN archives. INQUiSITION - http://www.hooked.net/users/tails/inq Here is list of other excellent pages: DOD - http://spl.co.il/zino Hybrid - http://www.tripnet.se/~electro/home Razor 1911 - http://ionet.net/~razor/razor1911.html ZillionZ - http://www1.minn.net/~zillionz The Review Board Online - http://www.bcpl.lib.md.us/~wdaddino/trb.html If your group has a WWW page, please leave us a note and we'll advertise here. Other Internet related news: If you are a Flight Simulator fan, there is a site where you can play against 300 other flight sim players. The site is currently beta and is free during this period. Here is the info you need: Go to CACTUS.ORG to grab the Front End Then telnet to ICI2.INFOHWY.COM Login as new user Have fun ---=[ 7. Announcements - Final Epidsode ]=------------------------------------ Devast : Oyl is here, what do you want me to ask her? MikeySoft : Umm... Stuff. Devast : Like? MikeySoft : Oh... Whatever tunes you fork. MikeySoft : Fill in the blanks Oyl Patch : Evening. MikeySoft : Ah Devast : Fill in the blanks. :) Oyl Patch : Mikey, you mean MOI? Oyl Patch : Well, basically, not much to fill in. Mikey got busted as we all know. For personal sufficient reasons, Mikey did not think it was essential that he broadcast it. Devast : Uh-uh. MikeySoft : And it had nothing to do with Scene stuff. Oyl Patch : Anyway, Mikey and I had had a LONG discussion about the events. Mikey knows that I was concerned about certain security issues, and thought it was absolutely essential that a few people knew of the bust. Naturally, Mikey did not really want to let it all hang out, and based on his attorney's advice, he tried to keep it quieter. Whole truth and nothing but the truth is that the bust was a bit earlier than Mikey had said. MikeySoft : Yup Oyl Patch : No real biggy and many have said, they would not want it broadcast either. And he was also following his attorney's advice. MikeySoft : Yup! Devast : OK. MikeySoft : That's true too! Oyl Patch : Mikey and I have been friends for MANY MANY years, and because we have been so close, there was no way he could hide it from me. MikeySoft : This is also true. Oyl Patch : So turns out, it was me, who has been as close to him as any, was the one who actually blew the HORN, not a wee whistle but a DAMNED BULL HORN! Not a first, but again because of my concerns for security. I did let a couple of seniors know the facts. MikeySoft : This is also true. Oyl Patch : Finally, I just told Mikey, cut the bull shit, lets get rid of the issue, admit it was a bit earlier than alledged and forget it. MikeySoft : I'm asking everyone to please understand that the few days that we are talking about, I never ever compromised anyone. Basically this is the final epidsode. We meant to put this out much earlier since it is old news. Anyhow - good luck to Mikey and his pursuits in the future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We still like to announce that our good friend, Pieman needs support. Please contact his business if you have any hardware needs. High Speed Tech 718-833-4949 Located in The Bayridge Section of Brooklyn New York ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well boys and girls, I don't know whether I should be pleased or sorry to say that there have only been about 60 subscriptions to the E-Mail service. For me, that is plenty to keep the service up. And 60 may seem like a lot of people, but compared to the total amount of readers of this mag, it ain't much. Then again, if there are only 60 readers of the mag (which I don't THINK is true), then we must be really doing a sorry ass job. The subscriptions that we did get, however, were very pleasing. Seems like the INQ is really making it all the way around the world. There are subscriptions from Canada, Italy, numerous spots in the US, Finland, Russia, Japan, and a few other countries. I'd say that's far from bad. Once again, if you wish to get a subscription to INQuisition magazine by E-mail, either MSG me on iRC (Lurch) or e-mail me at lurch1@intac.com and tell me your E-mail address and whether you want the mag in Plaintext or UUencoded. Subscriptions for friends are also welcome but please no BillG@msn.com :) NOTE! I collected all the URLs that people sent me in a file. Unfortunately, due to Mr. Gates that file was lost. (The HD got full, and apparently something in Win95 did something it wasn't supposed to. So the file is gone). Please re-mail me with the URLs you want added to the InterNET page list, and they'll be added in the next issue. There was also an error correction, I do not know if there will be enough time to fix it in this issue, since I don't remember which URL was the one that was claimed not to work. Sorry 'bout that. - Lurch (lurch1@nile.intac.com) Once again, my email is : lurch1@nile.intac.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Raptor : Tsunami: What's the new e-zine called? Tsunami : Reality Check. Coming out tonight or tomorrow morning with coding done etc. You know I have a coding team bored with nothing to do :) Since my suppliers are not exactly good at getting stuff to crack. Raptor : Tsunami: Going to be better than INQ, eh? Tsunami : Well, at least the Coding part will be better. BootKnock: INQ is the best. Tsunami : I mean, isn't that insured? INQ has no real competition and I thought that I could either join INQ, and get them the coding they need, or start a new e-mag that would run well. And, I really didn't like it when JJ (Jimmy Jamez) threatened PNC, he said like, do this, or I'll give you guys bad advertisement. That was bad, so I want to start a coded e-mag/music et cetera, and perhaps kick some butt. Raptor : Tsunami: I know - JJ is real competive - He'll prolly try to bury you guys himself. Tsunami : Well, let him try. None of the guys doing this are in the scene much. :) But of course, any INQ guys who'd like to join are welcomed. That is, once we get the first issue out, so people can read it. Raptor : Tsunami: So you are going to take INQ guys :) Tsunami : Of course! :) Why not? If they want to join, go ahead. I don't care; I'm not like JJ. First, I'm an American. :) Thank God! :) Second, I don't give a damn. I just want to do and see what happens. If it's fun, I'll keep doing it. Raptor : Tsunami: Cool! Then, you prolly won't get any interviews from PWA, DOD, RZR and other groups by taking guys from the Mag that Lester and I started. Tsunami : Really? Okee :) Raptor, it doesn't matter does it? I was talking more about YOU and LESTER. Not the guys from INQ. Do you know what I mean? Raptor : Tsunami: Not to be an asshole, but when you openly admit that you are going to steal guys from INQ - then you basically start a little battle - I am sure Marlenus is logging this and I can pass it to everyone to enjoy the ethics of the new mag. :) Tsunami : Go ahead :) I said, I don't care if they apply, and I was implying THEY = Raptor and Lester. Raptor, are you afraid of competition? If not, then you should be happy. Raptor : Tsunami: Good luck with your new mag - BTW - Why would Lester and myself leave a mag we created. No, I am not afraid of competition, but when they say they are going to take guys from my group - I tend to be a little hostile. Tsunami : There's a new e-mag that might do just as well as INQ if not better. Raptor : Marlenus: You running a log? Marlenus : Always logging automatically, you need not ask :') Mercy : Rap: I got one going :) Tsunami : Good, then at least we're clear that you are not afraid of competition. :) Then all should be well, and all should be fun :) Raptor : Well - someone send me a log of what's taking place in here, so that we can publish how our competition likes to do business - I'll have fun watching JJ going AWOL on you guys. DruidKin : Hmm.. Methinks Tsunami that you need to think about what you say a little more. Marlenus : Ask me when you are done fighting for the log :') Magellan : Tsunami, I think you best do yer yapping after you atleast have a few issues under yer belt. :) Tsunami : I know. That's why I've stopped talking. :) At least Raptor and I have it clear that he's not afraid of competition and that this is all in good fun :) Raptor : True Magellan : Yea, well you stopped a little late me thinks man. :) Raptor : You guys might have a pretty mag, but we cover the nitty-gritty shit. DruidKin : I got a copy of some other mag and all the guy did was say shit and fuck everyother word. Well, I first like to wish Tsunami good like with Reality Check. This log was conducted on in the middle of last week. Interesting how confident a person is before their product is produced. As for Jimmy Jamez, well he's his own thing and we do not condone his deeds at time, but we support him along with the rest of our staff. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ )\_________ _____ _________________ ____ ________ ( ( | ) ) |____)\____/ (_____/ \ \ \ | / / \ o O ) \ \ ) | / ) |(____/( | )___/ ) ) (___ /_ | ( / _|___ \ |____ |____/ \_ / / / ) / \____( / ( _) ) \ \ | ( ( (___ / ( | | \ / ) ) | \ | | | \__________|___________)_____(___________/______|____)_____|_________| ---=[ 8. Closing ]=------------------------------------------------------------ Another issue is produced to the masses. Ah... We'll be on time next week if Jimmy decides to get his review done earlier. Hopefully you enjoyed this issue of INQUiSITION. We have plenty of interviews to cover and other other topics to touch. If you wish to join INQ - please send us your EMAIL address and a SAMPLE. If you want a subscription to INQ, E-Mail: lurch1@intac.com INQUiSITION will have weekly meetings on Wednesday's at 9p Central. The Inquisition Staff: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raptor [Editor] Lester [Editor] [Staff] Avalon Blue � GFK � Ionizer � Jimmy Jamez � Lotug � Lurch � Mr.ZigZag Operator � Riot