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So be sure to drop by to check it out and send mail if ya think its great or if it sucks. Basically we are always looking for ASCii Artists and Writers. We are also looking for coders who can help us enhance our Web Site. If you want to join, but you are unsure on what all you are responsible for, leave us mail. We still want YOU to write in comments on our newsletter, even if they are negative. We prolly will publish them in our next issue and one of the editors will reply to them. To state to the scene, we are a news publication here to bring you the lastest in the scene, whether good or bad. It's best to keep everyone informed even the lamers. - Raptor & Lester Send your articles, comments or suggestions to: - an407822@anon.penet.fi - ---=[ Contents ]=-------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Letters to the Editor.....Raptor & Lester 2. Warez Report..............Jimmy Jamez - "Special Biased Edition" 3. Reviews...................Avalon Blue and Operator 4. Interview.................Raptor - "Jimmy Jamez - Drink or Die" 5. Article...................Mr.ZigZag - Site Security 6. Internet..................INQUiSITION WEB Site, Plus More 7. Announcements.............Microsoft and Novell Crack Down (including Sub-Topics) 8. Closing...................Raptor & Lester ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ._____. ._______.________.________________.______________________. |___ | |Oo. |_ Oo. |___Oo. |__. |______. |_______. |_. |O | |_____. |o |: | : .o| |Oo. |__. |__ : | |o _|___|_. |___|__| |____|_|: |___| |____| _______|O__ |____| |. | __| ___| |. | |. |__o ___| |Oo _. | o |__. | | | |: | __|: |. ._| | |.oO |_. | _|_. | | |_______|_______|______| |______|__________|__|______|________| ---=[ 1. Letters to the Editor ]---------------------------------------------- This week we had a couple of comments, but we mainly had people asking about joing this Magazine. We will get back to all of you in due time, so please be patient with us. Thanks We will accept outside reviews, articles and other warez related topics. Thanks for expressing your wishes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .__. .__._____._____.__. ___.__. ._____. .__. .__._____._____._____.______. l |_l l __l __l |/ /l | l | | l |_l l l __ l __l_ / | : : | __| __| _/ | :__|___ | | : : | _| | _| __|/ /_ | | | | . \| � | | | | . | _ | | | |___|___|_____|_____|__|____|_____|_____| |___|___|__|__|__|__|_____|______| ________________.________._____________.________.______________.___________. \ __ l ___\ __ l \ __ l . \ \_____ /| ___\____ . | . |____ /___: :____\ | __ \| \ | :___/ : | | __ \ | | | | \ \ | | | | | | | \ | | |_____|______|_________\|_____| |__________| |_____|______| |_____| ��:=============================================================[MaNoWaR!]=:�� ---=[ 2. Warez Report - "Special Biased Edition" ]=---------------------------- Biased Utils Report made by Jimmy Jamez Issue #4: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WoW! What a fucking great time. The two Main groups dominated (DOD and PWA) and and released like 1/2 of all scene releases for past 7 days. Other groups were in the shadow of the two titans but still tried to compete. Of course, this issue is dedicated to DOD's and PWA's releases first of all because there was not many other groups awake. The busiest time of the week of course was Wednesday and Tuesday. It is strange because usually big groups activate their power on Monday and Saturday. This time we had an exception and it was cool! It was a week of inside releases and betas again! Hopefully, we will see more store releases next week! * in alphabet order * DOD (Drink Or Die) - Real explosion during this week. Over 200 megs of programs in 14 releases. First days of the week were really slow. We saw a couple of EASY CD programs, Easy CD for Win95/NT upgrade & Easy CD Backup/Workshop (Both 1 Disk) and SysView2 Windows Admin/Agent, a network tool for OS/2 WARP (7 Disks). Next 48 hours were the hours of DOD domination. 10 releases were out and couriers got a real hard time to move all this stuff to the boards. What did DOD released? Okay, there was: Microsoft TechNet Special Goverment Edition (24 Disks), TVG Multinet Enhanced Mosaic 1.2 (2 Disks), TVG Multinet 1.2 (5 Disks), bundle of 5 releases of Micro House (71 Disks Total), unlimited users license edition of PowerBuilder 4.03 Enterprise for Windows and Win95 and finally RUMBA for the Mainframe 4.1 for Windows (7 Disks). The other 2 days there were inactive and the week finished with another awesome PowerSoft release - Watcom SQL 4.0c for Windows and Wind95. What to say?? It was the time when DOD shown it's real power on insiders scene and gave PWA some big competition in this releasing way. Lack of store titles again due to the lame publishers that delay their releases and shit. Stores are truly empty. Only some lame multimedia junk present there that nobody will use. Wish DOD luck on future week and same good quality releases! Maximum points as group deserved. Current Week Points: 10/10 Overall Score : 38/40 PNT (Pantera) - Another good week for this young posse. Bunch of unknown releases but they remain legit and fine to be mentioned. The only shortcoming of this team - releasing too many crappy betas. Lets follow their releases during the past 7 days: AppleShare for Windows (c) Apple (4 Disks), EXTRA! Personal Client 6.0 beta 3 for Win95 and NT (8 Disks), Netwizard 2.5 NLS Intern. (1 Disk), Mesa/2 2.04 for OS/2 on (1 BIG Disk), very small Drafix Productivity Suite for Drafix CAD 3.xx, QuickMail 3.5 for Windows (2 Disks), ZMail 4.0 for Windows (2 Disks) and Lotus InterNotes beta 3 for Windows NT (1 Disk). What to say?? Pretty impressive for such young group! Leader himself thanked me for motivating them to release more! I am glad that I was useful for scene in this aspect! Nice score. Current Week Points: 08/10 Overall Score : 23/40 PNC (PiNNaCLE) - All is sad. Group is going down and down each week and if they do not increase quality of their products I will exclude them from my report really soon! What we saw again? Hopefully the last sequel of this old Adobe Photoshop Tutorial CD called Adobe Photoshop Expert Tips Series (15 Disks), Pueblo Internet Client 0.9 beta (3 Disks) (feel like releasing betas when nothing else to do!), Marineer 1.0 beta 4 for Windows 95 (1 Disk), TypeCase 2001 for Windows (28 Disks) that is sad - it is collection of CD-ROM fonts. That's all from them and I award only meggage here coz quality rating is 0! :( Current Week Points: 03/10 Overall Score : 12/40 PWA (Pirates With Attitude) - Another leader of the week as DOD (this already is becoming a good tradition that PWA and DOD lead the show). Bunch of huge titles but quality is brilliant as always! What they released during the week, here we go: Microsoft Wordview 6.0 (1 Disk), OmniPage Pro 6.0 rev B (6 Disks), 3D Architect for Win/Win95 (2 Disks) *STORE RELEASE*, Visual Basic 4.0 Enterprise Edition (finally!) (52 Fucking Disks), WildCat 5.0 Beta for Win95/NT (9 Disks), another week - another Windows NT 4.0 beta.. this week we saw build 1141 of Server and Workstation (31 Disks each), next was a bundle of Lotus Notes 3.33 progrmas (OS/2 Server & Client, NT Server & Client, Windows Server & Client and Netware Server). What to say?? Don't remember PWA releasing too many programs before. This is what I call good competition when groups motivate each other to release a shitload to remain on the road! We all hope to see something more impressive (more? i am kiddin'!) from PWA during next week. Of course they award maximum points due to no fuckups, dupes, fakes or freeware! Current Week Points: 10/10 Overall Score : 38/40 RBS (Rebels) - Week of ups and downs for these Sweden blondes. Some fine progrmas were along with some rude dupes. Let me show you, week started with Saber Control and Agents 5.0c (10 disks), small Al Bunny Typing Class 1.22 registered (the era of cracked sharewares continues!), and Vcomm terminal 1.55 cracked. On Wednesday, we saw a fine dupe of PNC in Visual Age for OS/2 (17 Disks), couple cool releases in the middle of the week: Laserfax for Windows (2 Disks), Wordfinder 3 for Windows (5 Disks), Infomap Lite 1.40 for Windows and NetShark 1.00.01 beta (2 Disks). Nothing serious done but they are trying and we respect the effort! Try harder next time and dupe check your releases on boards carefully! Current Week Points: 05/10 Overall Score : 15/40 Week is over, you all can calm down now. Hopefully next week will give us little break because many of active releasers are very tired (like me) of this neverending shit. I can compare past week only with fine August, 1995 weeks where we saw 200+ megs from groups in the few days of Wind95 stuff. It is really impressive that somebody can do such meggage in a lame autumn month when nothing serious can be released! Lets look forward to next week's issue in 7 days and hopefully it will bring us more suprises! Have fun! JIMMY JAMEZ [DOD BOSS] * All complaints/questions send to: dod@ns.extech.msk.su * ---=[ 3. Reviews - Avalon Blue and Operator ]--------------------------------- REVIEWS BY AVALON BLUE Command and Conquer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WAR...NEVER BEEN SO MUCH FUN! Back in 1992, I discovered a game for my Amiga call Dune II. Never before had I become so involved in a computer game that I would gladly forego food and sleep for the sheer pleasure of playing "just one more hour." Days would go by, as I shuffled around with bags under my eyes, trying desperately to think up a strategy that would dust the evil Harkonnen once and for all, and bring law and order back to the desrt planet Dune. It was, without a doubt, one of the best games I've ever played in my life. Well it's 1995 now. The Amiga is long gone, a shiny new Pentium 90 sits in it's place, and thanks to Westwood Studios, I shuffle about, sleepless and eyes-a-baggy once again. Command & Conquer, The Global Defense Initiative (GDI), and The Brotherhood of NOD form the sole protagonists. The valuable spice melange has been replaced by Tiberium, which must be mined to produce the capital needed to train troops and build the machinery of war. And talk about the machinery of war! As you progress from one scenario to the next, new levels of technology become available to you, and you allowed to build even more deadly weapons. Of course so can your opponent, so the battles become fiercer, the carnage more intense, and all the while the Tiberium must be mined, mined, mined to fund it all. All this is played out on a beautiful overhead-perpective map. There's rivers to be crossed, trees and forests to hide in, and impenetrable mountains to provide natural fortifications. This is one great looking game! All the action is controlled by mouse, and the sound effects are great too - from the hideous screams of dying to the snappy "yes sir, not a problem!" when an order is issued. Command & Conquer is certainly going to make my top ten list in 1995, and I heartily recommend it to any fan of the genre. REVIEWS BY OPERATOR Raiting System: 1-5 : Not worth getting. 6-7 : Fair 8-10: Good-Great Game. Well worth downloading. Hexen: Beyond Heretic - Well this is your basic 1st person shoot'em up, gory, Doom type game. But its much differant then the original Heretic. You can be a Fighter, Cleric, or Mage and according to who you choose, you have differant missions and monsters. Its a bit dark though, but many mazes and puzzles are instore. I think it was worth most of the hype. It has many unique traits that set it away from the never ending, boring levels in Doom 1 & 2 and Heretic. I personally dont care for the 1st person game but I enjoyed it. 08\10 Beavis & Butthead: Virtual Stupidity - Yes! Finally a small, UNIQUE, and enjoyable game. Actually its a 3 game pack: Hock-A-Loogie, Court Chaos, and Bug Justice. In Hock-A-Loogie (My Favorite) You stand on top of the school spitting on Cars, Squarels, Paper Airplanes, People on Bikes, and Principals. In Court Chaos you man a tennis ball shooter and you shoot tennis balls at all the Preppy People as they enter the tennis court. Bug Justice (The Funniest) Portaits Beavis and Butthead just being stupid. They throw candy on the ground and use a magnifying glass to burn bugs as they steal the candy. In all the games, Beavis and Butthead comment on there activity. I Loved this Game. Freakin Rules. Enough Said. Well Wait. "Mmhehmmeh You Sank My Battleship" 10\10 Tekwar - Uhm, Well there is no nice way of saying this. It Sucked. Grafics were good. Gameplay was horrible! The screen was extremely dark too. Prolly been better just to play it pitch black. Its a 1st person Doom like game with no point. You must have to be a complete Doom freak to rate this a fair game. Dont leech this one, not worth the 10 disks of downloading. 04\10 - The Operator MALiCE'95 (Cheap Plug, ehh) REVIEWS BY *UNKNOWN* (sent in) Beavis and Butthead ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beavis and Butthead in Virtual Stupidity consists of three completely tasteless Windows gamelets that are fun to play at first, but quickly grow tiresome. The games are presented as little cartoons, just like their MTV counterparts, with the familiar Beavis and Butthead title screen and crushing guitar riffs. Hock-A-Loogie, probably the most challenging (and disgusting) of the three involves spitting off the roof of the school at random passers-by. Score is awarded on the basis of the difficulty of the spit-shot and the sound effects in this one are completely appropriate and phlegmatically realistic. In Bug Justice, you attract bugs with bits of candy and snacks, and burn them up with the help of a powerful magnifying glass. Finally, Court Chaos finds you throwing tennis balls at innocent nerds trying to enter the tennis court to play a real game. Don't get me wrong. I like Beavis and Butthead. They rule. Hehe... I can't help but wish that someone would come up with a good game involving the characters, and not this junk which is obviously nothing more than an attempt to make a buck off the cartoon. I can't imagine playing this one more than once or twice, plus it's buggy as hell and crashed more than once on me while testing it for this review. Take A Break Crosswords ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Take A Break Crosswords is a nice little Windows diversion from Sierra. There's some 750 Dell crossword puzzles included, ranging in grid size from 13x13 to 19x19 squares. The graphics, while nice, are nothing mindblowing (how much CAN you do with the look of a crossword puzzle?). There are a number of customized color schemes to choose from however. The puzzles range from easy to hard, so there's a challenge here for even experienced puzzlers. There are hints available in case you get stuck. A hide option in the menu bar makes this perfect for wasting time at work. Loads of options like highlighting interconnecting clues, and automatic word checking are included. The Last Day ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This one is a little Win95 shooter. You are Commander "Big L", in charge of a group of trainee troops. Unfortunately for you, your troops have been captured by aliens and transported to different locations in time. Your job is to jump in your spaceship, and rescue your men. Gameplay consists essentially of shooting the bad guys while running around, grabbing your men and hustling them back to the ship before they get killed. There's various power-ups lying around that you can use to increase your firepower. While the graphics and sound are nice, there's really nothing new here. If you're a fan of this genre, and are looking for a fast-paced shootem' up for Windows 95, you'll probably like it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .__________ .___________ .__________ _________. .____________ l |___l___. \_____| \ \ l___l__ \ | / \ | \ \ . \___\ l \ \ \ |___\ | \ | : \ \ | | \ | | \ | . \ ._| | / \ | ._| . \ | | | :____/ \ __/ | \ :____/ | | \ | | .__| . \ \ | .__| | | | \ | | / \ \ \ \ | / \ | | \ \ | | | | | \ | | | / \ \./ \ | | | \__/ | \ /___________|_____\_______/__________/___/|______\_____\___________/_____/ ��:=============================================================[MaNoWaR!]=:�� ---=[ 4. Interview - Jimmy Jamez - Drink or Die ]----------------------------- INQ : What do you think of the retirement of Orion (founder of PWA)? Jimmy : Hhmm.. This is not a big news for me, you know. Scott was kinda inactive for last months. He was just a sign of PWA. The oldest and the smartest. Now he gave up and left this work for younger dudes. I don't think it will hurt PWA at all. INQ : Since two great leaders have retired, Orion and Liquidator (SCuM), do you forsee this becoming a habit? Meaning - That more older guys are making room for new school. Jimmy : Hehe.. Maybe, somebody will think so. Not me. They both have family and kids. They need to have a life. They did too much for scene so they deserved some rest. To stay in the scene forever you need to forget about everything else in your life. INQ : What happen to Cyber Angel? Jimmy : Cyber Angel? Nothing as I know. He just has a hard time lately. College, new work etc.. INQ : As you could notice - he still releases games under TYRANNY and beats Razor on that. INQ : Just seems that he has been inactive for awhile, we were wondering if he took a break? Jimmy : Yeah, think so. Coz, I dont have any other information about his inactivity. INQ : Has DOD's Leadership changed over the past month? Jimmy : Yes, we had some changes. First of all, we demoted our fair council Youngblood coz he left for good. We added well-known Hybrid supplying-god - Celestial Wizard coz he has talent to coordinate. A few other inactive councils will be demoted really soon. INQ : What happen with Youngblood? Jimmy : Youngblood. Hmm.. Don't think I am able to say, but he is in trouble and i think we lost him for good. Troubles with law. INQ : With the law? Does it have to do with anything that surrounds our fair hobby? Jimmy : No. Not with piracy. Something more serious, but I cannot say what exactly coz thats not my secret. INQ : Did you start the rumors that Unforgiven is a FED or is co-operating with the Spooks? Jimmy : No, I never started this rumor, but we all know that he can be FED. Not only him but also his friend Joe (Malicious Intent), just remember TAG story, and how they 3rd party billed my dudes' numbers. INQ : Do you have any proof behind this statement? Other than speculation? Jimmy : I have some facts and proof but i don't want to tell them right now. We will collect more facts first. How Unforgiven and MI acted against DOD and ex-PCY supplier is a good example of their loyality to scene. When the motto is "if you will quit - yu will be busted" INQ : So this is just not an DOD attack on Phrophecy? Jimmy : No, DOD vs PCY is a long story, but we decided to finish that, especially that we can get along with Scrooge now. What happened between us months ago as a result of PCY war activity. They just crossed forbidden line. We never started anything, but we were really mad after 3rd party billing and txt files about pseudo-DOD feds. INQ : When Prophecy was in shambles, did DOD deliberately go into the group to pick away at the bones? To snatch suppliers and couriers? Jimmy : DOD just beaten PCY with it's own weapon. We never offered anything to PCY suppliers and shit. They decided to come to us themselves when they understood who are leaders in reality. If you still see some active PCY suppliers - they prolly stay there coz they are scared. INQ : Do you think that the battle with PCY harmed DOD's image? Jimmy : PCY harmed our image? Never. It made some DOD image that we are big power that can bring down any enemy opponent. When all this shit with PCY started DOD had big problems, no suppliers, no couriers, weak boards, but we took it over. INQ : Including PWA, if it came down to it? Jimmy : I don't think that we will fight with PWA ever. I respect PWA and always was friends with PWA councils and leaders. On scene, I prefer friendly competetion but if somebody tries to fuck DOD up - I answer and you see the results of this - on Prophecy. Group must be able to answer to any opponent but never start war first! INQ : Let's discuss about your bust in Moscow. Who busted you? Jimmy : Okay. Lets do it, but it is kinda old story. :) Jimmy : Local software publishers INQ : What government agencies? Jimmy : No, not goverment (our goverment doesn't care about software at all). Just local software publishers, coz I used to sell illegal copies. INQ : So what authority did the local software publishers have? Do they hire some mafia-types to rough ya up? Jimmy : Hmm... Everything here is mafia, including goverment. Yeah, think so, coz of me they lost lots of money. I can understand that but they did nothing wrong to me coz i also have big contacts over here. INQ : IE - your father? Jimmy : My father too and lots of my friends. INQ : So it was not the FEDS? Jimmy : Not FEDS in american understanding. INQ : But a "FEDS" equilivant in Russia? Jimmy : Yeah, they tried to charge me etc. So, we can call them feds, but they are not from secret service or SPA as you have in USA/CANADA. INQ : Actually SPA is all over the world but only so many capitalistic countries allow them to cause hell. INQ : What do you think about CD-Rips since they are a factor in pirating? Jimmy : Hmmm.. CD-RIPS.. We all know that CD-RIPS take over scene lately, soon they will fully replace floppies and I don't think that it is bad. INQ : How will this change DOD perspective on releases? Jimmy : It will not change anything. We released and will release CD-RIPS, of coz if they are not that big. INQ : What was the conflict between DOD and TiTaN/Critical Mass? Jimmy : Conflict?? Main problem that critical Mass decided to put his group on the top, but decided just to steal some cool suppliers from big groups. But, he failed in DOD. All dudes contacted me when he tried to steal them and I prevented all this shit. TITAN got official warning not to mess with DOD anymore. Now they are quit, releasing old dupes and I am happy with that. INQ : Why do many groups tend to go after DOD rather than PWA when it comes to stealing suppliers and such? Jimmy : Coz in PWA, they will fail for sure, coz PWA dudes are old (for scene of coz) and very reliable and loyal. In DOD, we have younger kids, and they sometimes not that reliable. Now we also usually have 20+ old years dude. INQ : So you are saying that people under 20 are using unloyal to their groups? Jimmy : Main reason coz DOD is full of PCY dudes (ex of coz) that are famous for their backstabbing and unloyality Jimmy : Many people under 20 are UNLOYAL. Not all of coz, but it is more easy to deal with them if you wanna steal them just offer them some money and they will kill their moms for that. INQ : Ahhh... Does DOD pay their suppliers? Jimmy : Never. We can offer them something else but never payed anybody. For example, I hook up dudes with cards sometimes. They always get leech accounts on our HQs, sometimes we support their boards if they have any. Jimmy : In reality, scene is in a big lack of loyal dudes. INQ : Does it make you feel uneasy that you tend to cater to guys who are fickle-minded guys? Jimmy : No, I am absolutely clear in that. Enuff experience working with people to feel myself uneasy on scene ever. :) INQ : I know PWA and Park Central tend to stay away from Novell products, why does DOD release Novell products? Jimmy : Hmm.. You know, I am not scared of Novell - that's main reason. Also, Microsoft acts the same as Novell against pirates, so, if PWA and Park Central refuse Novell - will be smart idea to refuse Microsoft too. In DOD we release anything. INQ : DOD has bragged recently about their store releases. PWA is starting to make a dent in that area, will that push you guys to try for the insider-type releases? Jimmy : We already try and try successfully. All our last releases came from inside sources. Coz of the lack of software in stores on past week, but in store kingdom DOD collected many brilliant employers so, it will be hard to PWA really to compete in that. INQ : What do you think about the games' scene? Jimmy : Games scene sucks. :) INQ : Why? Too many crybabies? Jimmy : Yeah. Too many kids involved. Too many fights and bullshit. Too big competition. Also too many fuckups. INQ : Why does DOD allow a known felon to supply DOD MS applications? Jimmy : What you mean? Who is a felon? INQ : Killerette Jimmy : Never. Killerette never supplied anything to DOD, I swear. That's bullshit. She thought about joining DOD with Phonestud but that was just a thought. INQ : When was this? Jimmy : This last summer, but all MS stuff that DOD released came from absolutely different source, trust me. INQ : Why does DOD tend to release proggies that are not cracked properly. Jimmy : Like what proggies? INQ : Janna Contact. Jimmy : Hmm.. I am sure it was ok. The Ghost WInd packaged it. It must have came with a serial. INQ : Serial did not work. Jimmy : The Ghost Wind always check what he packages very carefully. Maybe he was mistaken in serial, or like I noticed last time - somebody is messing around with DOD releases. Jimmy : Like with ExCursion for NT, somebody repackaged thing without serial in nfo. I already complained to Dimention XXX sysop coz he spreaded thing without serial. And, I remember EXACTLY that I package WITH serial. Somebody is messing around, and I am sure Janna Contact works fine coz many ddudes used it and TGW is never mistaken in packages. He is packaging god. INQ : Is this just a side-effect of DOD when they pick up inexperienced packagers/suppliers? Jimmy : No, that's not the problem in packager. 90% of stuff is packaged by me and I don't remember when I fucked up ever. The rest packaged by TGW and his packages fucking rox. If you will see something like 'No one you know" it will be him. And, I repeat again, we had something like fucking our releases as removing cracks and fucking with nfos. I faced that several times. Met that first time with eXcursion thing. I have copy with serial and on few boards serial is removed from nfos! INQ : Does DOD plan to do anything different since the Busts? Jimmy : No, busts are not touching us and our politics will be not changed at all. Novell and Microsoft stuff will be released fully. INQ : What about your US members/boards? Any added security for them? Jimmy : You know usually DOD suppliers are not on scene. They are friends of us and never appear anywhere to worry. INQ : What happen to Quackers? Jimmy : Quackers? Nothing, he is returning to scene slowly. INQ : What happen to Hula/God's Realm? Jimmy : Hula and GR are deep down. Not busted as somebody think, they just quit. The above interview was left in context for those who are used to Jimmy Jamez english. I only changed a couple of grammar errors, otherwise - these are his exact words. Interview Conducted by Raptor on October 23, 1995. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .___________ .____________ /^\__.________._________.__________ l \_________l__ \ \ \ l \ | \ \ \____/ \ | | | __. \___ : \ \____ . \ | .__| | \| _| \ . \ | \.____/ /_____ \ | | __/ :____/ _| \ | \ .___| | _. | � \ | | \ : \ \ | : | \ \ | |_ / . | | | | | | | \ | / | | |_______|_______|____/|______|_____|_______|_________/_____________|______/ ��:=============================================================[MaNoWaR!]=:�� ---=[ 5. Article - Site Security ]=------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER ---------- I admit, I am no where near the master at security or coding and don't have the first clue how to hack. However, after being hacked about a week ago, I finally got around to beefing up my security. I had never been broken into, and security was something I kept putting off, but now I have no other choice but to add some. If anyone has something to add to this article, feel free to send it to me or the Inquisition team, and we'll include it in a possible follow-up article on this subject. First, password security, the KEY to system and account security are passwords. It is a good idea to change your password every 2 weeks, but most people don't because it is pain to have to memorize a new password every 2 weeks. Do it anyways, write it down on a peice of paper in a secured area if you have to, but do it. Another thing about your password, NEVER EVER give your password to someone or even "temporarily" change it to let someone on to upload something. It is dumb and can be extremely hazordous. One last thing on passwords, pick something with at least two words and a number or special character, don't pick something lame like "password" for your password which a lot of dumb people do. Second, the operating system comes into play. NO Unix operating system is ever 100% safe, but you can take steps to make it fairly safe. First off, a server is only as good as it's links. Meaning, if you have something like rlogin or nfs setup between you and another host, make absolutely certain that the host you have trusted has a good security system, which was my first mistake :-). It is EXTREMELY easy to hack rsh/rlogin. Some operating systems are much easier to hack than others (LINUX, SunOS). The only thing you can really do about it is to make sure you get the security updates and try to get on a listserv that talks about them for your specific OS. When you find out about a hole, make sure you doing something about it. Such as the infamous wu.ftpd root hacking hole in linux. I would have to estimate that despite the fact the hole is well known that at least 30% or more of the Linux servers on the net have it wide open. I could bore you with specific security items like password shadowing and tcp-wrapping, but I won't bother. This article is meant to be a simple overview. There are many sites with www pages and ftp archives specializing in security. I will print a small list here, from which you can build on if you are interested. ftp.greatcircle.com /pub/firewalls linux.nrao.edu /pub/people/alex/ bach.cis.temple.edu /pub/Linux/Security/ ftp.mathematik.th-darmstadt.de /pub/linux/ ftp.epinet.com /pub ftp.dhp.com /pub/linux/security sunsite.unc.edu /pub/linux As a rule of thumb, for just about every OS from linux to OSF/1 has some type of security site or mailing list you can get on to keep up to date. However, if a good hacker wants to get into your system there isn't much you can do about it except maybe limit the outside interaction with the net, which is called firewalling and I will look at in my next article. I will try to have interviews with people who know alot about security in my next article. - MrZiGZaG mrzigzag@fn.net If you wish to learn more on this subject - please submit mail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .__________ .___________ .__________ _________. .____________ l |___l___. \_____| \ \ l___l__ \ | / \ | \ \ . \___\ l \ \ \ |___\ | \ | : \ \ | | \ | | \ | . \ ._| | / \ | ._| . \ | | | :____/ \ __/ | \ :____/ | | \ | | .__| . \ \ | .__| | | | \ | | / \ \ \ \ | / \ | | \ \ | | | | | \ | | | / \ \./ \ | | | \__/ | \ /___________|_____\_______/__________/___/|______\_____\___________/_____/ ��:=============================================================[MaNoWaR!]=:�� ---=[ 6. Internet ]=---------------------------------------------------------- INQUiSITION has a World Wide Web page site. Please come by and check it out. You can grab the Previous issues of INQUiSITION there plus the WWN archives. INQUiSITION - http://www.hooked.net/users/tails/inq Here is list of other excellent pages: DOD - http://spl.co.il/zino Hybrid - http:// Razor 1911 - http: ZillionZ - http://www1.minn.net/~zillionz If your group has a WWW page, please leave us a note and we'll advertise here. Other Internet related news: If you are a Flight Simulator fan, there is a site where you can play against 300 other flight sim players. The site is currently beta and is free during this period. Here is the info you need: Go to CACTUS.ORG to grab the Front End Then telnet to ICI2.INFOHWY.COM Login as new user Have fun ---=[ 7. Announcements - Microsoft and Novell Crack Down ]=-------------------- During the past week there has been much talk about the busts that Microsoft and Novell have been involved in. A well known member of the Scene, Mikeysoft, has been involved along with a few others. A few boards have gone down which are suspect but have not been raided. Basically, we are going to present you with different sub-topics envolving this subject. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two days after Mikeysoft prompted the public that he was under investigation. Much speculation has been in the air around certain areas of the busts. We have interviewed a person who knows the situation quite well and who was in the same situation years ago. INQ : Let's start with MikeySoft. W00per : OK INQ : When did you find out about Mikey's peril? W00per : Down here there is a group of us that are old farts in the scene. TFF (The Final Frontier) has been up and running for years. So naturally when time passes by everyone gets to know everyone else. W00per : But, last week one of my friends gave me a call and said that mike got nailed. INQ : Last week? How did your friend know prior to two days ago when it was announced? W00per : Apparently mike was holding some computers for a guy (we will call him b0b), so when mike got poped he told b0b. We knew the day it happened. INQ : Because b0b's puters we taken away? W00per : Yup, b0b's computers all taken away. Well we proceeded to inform certian people and natually people didn't believe us. We believe it has something to do with Microsoft. Because there was an ad on our front papers about Microsoft offering a large amount of money for anyone distriubing Win95. That if you have any information on who is distributing Win95 you will get money for it :> W00per : Now check this out - Microsoft wasn't going to lose any money on beta's so, it was no big deal, but when NTA released the gold edition - well Microsoft started losing money. Microsoft is notrious; they are on every major warez board. INQ : What about PWA and DoD - they released similar versions of Win95 finals. W00per : I do not know what the current situation is with PWA and DoD as far as Microsoft goes. PWA and DoD may take better ways to cover up their tracks. We all know that mike doesn't. Mike was very sloppy. INQ : So what is the explanation behind the bond issue? 100,000 dollar bond? W00per : Oh, Mike is a good bullshitter and he has so many people wrapped under his finger and has an expensive lawyer. INQ : Mikey said that MS/Novell/large vender/etc. could post $100,00 bond with the courts and take your computers, no questions asked. W00per : Well lets put it this way. Gail Thackeray is probalby part of this bust. She has been after his ass for years, and plus so many other busts his name keeps pop'n up. Now this is how Gail works, she will give you a deal. I mean shit, anything but prison, and if you cooperate with her, she will work with you and pull strings. She is a very powerful woman and we should all except to see more of her. NOTE : (Another source confirmed that she WAS part of the bust) INQ : Who exactly is she - An U.S. attorney, private attorney who works for the software industry? W00per : She did many things at different times. Once she was one of the top people in computer fraud and rackteering. INQ : In the US gov't? W00per : For the state and local county, but she is also a consultant also. For she is supposely the best there is, and she can pull strings, good buds with every major software manufacturer and government agencies. INQ : So what is the plan of action against Mikey and Pieman? W00per : With mike, since he is coroperating with Gail - he probably get probabtion and won't get his hardware back. INQ : Will she ask him for all of the names of fellow people in his hobby? W00per : But this is the problem. Even if he didn't coroperate he was still MESSY. He left tracks. For example, I was inside ***** site (Name Protected) many numerous times. I was watching the RiSC people for the hell of it :> So, I was roaming around the system and found out that Mikey did not encrypt anything. It was open where the ***** site was. He had numbers to every major warez person in the scene - address's and phone numbers. Plus he had every RiSC member phone number and address right there in the open. Also what files they took and what they uploaded. Then when mikey went down and ***** went down. So, ***** has been compromised because I can assure that Gail is also good friends with every internet provider down here in Phoenix, so I'm sure they coroperated and monitored Mikey and his connections to places. So what information they got from TDN is now in the hands of the authorities, including anon.penet address's. INQ : So whether or not Mikey gives names' - they prolly have them already? W00per : Yes, they DO have them. INQ : So what will become of those people? W00per : Who knows, depends on how imporatnt you are to them. You see by targeting Mikey, it can lead off into multiple busts, making their job worthwhile. It's starts a chain reaction. But it looks like that NTA is being affected first. INQ : You know Gail better than most of us - will she ever stop? W00per : No, this woman is on a witch hunt; this is what she does and does best. INQ : What about other members of NTA and RiSC? W00per : Don't forget it's not just NTA, Mike has been a thorn in Gail's side for years. I sugguest this to everyone in the scene that associated with mikey at all to take it easy. INQ : How do you think he escaped so long? W00per : They had no proof and seriously, Gail said herself, No Proof. I like to know what kind of proof they have now. Or if they used his "drug habit" as an excuse INQ : Not even releases? He put his name on releases, isn't that proof enough or is that hearsay? W00per : It's hearsay. It's easy to forge electronic documents and data. W00per : Scenarios are a) they got something on him b) someone ELSE turned him in Gail knew that Mike pirated; she knew that TFF was one of the largest boards in Arizona. TFF was fucking large, it came out of the 80s into the 90s, and every major bust that happened TFF just kept running with no end in sight. So for gail to take down TFF is a prize trophy. W00per : For the time that Mike has been on the net, WHO knows what information he has gotten or some warez niggers he got to talk to him about sites or PWA sites or DOD sites or anything. Also, the bot's access - has anyone every thought of that? If he is on any of the major bots. INQ : It has been verified that Mikey is not or has been removed from sites. W00per : From the logs on ***** site, he used other people's accounts CONSTANTLY. He used other people's accounts to grab stuff and used his accounts either for nothing or upload. I been saying to everyone to change everything. W00per : Mikey is also a pathalogical liar. He fooled the entire scene. Mike is a bullshit artist, he tells ppl he is dying from cancer or he got in a car accident (which I think he did) or he writes for magazines. He did this and this or he is some kind of big corporate dude with tons of money. He would tell people that if they did this for him he would do this but never come through. Shit, he could tell some warez nigger right now he was god and that dude probably believe it, including some who should know better. W00per : Now when he got busted, I can understand not telling anyone or shutting up but, he lied about the coma and then denied the bust. Then pieman gets poped which makes people very suspicous and those who know him say "i told you so." BTW, on that he didn't cover up his tracks, he kept every log on his board from day 1. Also on ***** site, he has contacts in Europe, and their phone numbers, so this may not just end in the states. INQ : Lets go back to Gail. W00per : OK INQ : What exactly did she do to you? W00per : If you do not mind I will not list any details or my anonymous will be ruined :> INQ : That's fine. W00per : But, I have been prosecuted by her. INQ : So, 602 is or was a hotbed for Gail to gain a reputation? W00per : Arizona at one time was the place back in the late 80's INQ : Until Operation SunDevil. W00per : Gail gained her first major appecance in Arizona. Where people began to hear of her. OSD was a major raid across the United States on hackers. But, from what I still hear today no one has been procescuted. But, this is also the thing with gail - they will monitor you for a couple of years if it takes. INQ : For you to slip once right? W00per : Or collect enough evidence to put your away for a long time. For example, Gail has busted MANY people but, no one has heared about it. She even threatens these people if they talk they will make sure they never see the light of day again. So there are busts that no one ever hears about. You see Mike was a possible one of those. No one knew about it until someone spoke up. INQ : Anyhow - So what do we do next? Piraters? W00per : Not hanging in those channels (#warez) minimizes the risk but not totally. Don't be so goddamn public. Mind if i be frank here? INQ : Sure. W00per : This gives me a oppurtunity to say what I been wanting to say. The PC warez scene has so many ignorant fewls - 10-16 year punks who think they are some kind of god because they pirate warez. They go to school and brag - they think they are gods! Because they nickname pops up in NFO files or they download software they don't use or they play games all day, but the problem is they are so oepn about it. They make friends with everyone and they think they are kewl to phreak - use c0dez and shit. I'm surpised that old timers allowed this to happen. The solution is for these groups are to rid youself of these lamers. INQ : Let's talk about this USCA that was mention the other night. W00per : Refresh my memory, USCA? INQ : It's legal to check out software for a 24 hour period - then you must destroy it - Anything on this? W00per : Well from what I understand, you can get away with up to like $3000 in software before they can really *nail* you. So that means boards like TFF were pushing mucho money. This pretty much ends the interview. The interviewee's information will not be revealed regardless. This is the actual interview. The information in here may be taken seriously or jokingly. You are the reader thus it is your choice. We have not made any of this up nor do we intend to start rumors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Pits Bust On Tuesday night, October 24, 1995, The Pieman's home was raided by U.S. Marshals and Representitives of Novel Corporation. They took all his equipment. Novel said his board had a copy of Perfect Office available for download. As of now it looks like a civil matter. The Pieman business - High Speed Tech - needs some business desperately. You and your friends can help The Pieman by buying some hardware from his store. He has very competive prices. I have been a satisfied customer for years. So, if you know anyone looking for modems, hard drives, CD-ROM drives, complete systems, et cetera, send them his way. High Speed Tech 718-833-4949 Located in The Bayridge Section of Brooklyn New York The individual who caused the bust was DragonMaster. We would like to Rowdy Roddy Piper for suppling this bit of information to the scene. We would also like to thank The Pieman for notifing the scene immediately even though he was risking further prosecution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It was brought to our attention about a case that could be a breeding ground for busts. There is a group out there that releases questionable software which borderlines the shareware/pirated area. The group goes by DNTA. Certain members have been found on several boards including some NTA boards. It was led to believe that DNTA meant (Death NTA). We know of four members of this group - DA-Boner, Mustang (not NTA one), Bawna and Old-Fart. These members have requested pay accounts, donaters accounts and to purchase tapes. From our knowledge - they reside area codes 316 and 913, Kansas. Our suggestion would to take notice for these users or any who outright request for tapes or pay access. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Other News It has been brought to our attention that Novell has scheduled 22 busts in California. These are to occur the last day after Comdex in late November. In order to save your soul, try downgrading all your PC's to 286's or 386's. Move all your pirated material or the equipment you do not own into your server. They legally cannot keep any equipment that does not contain pirated material. If you want to be safer than that, move all your equipment elsewhere. They will continue the bust regardless if you have a board up or not. Microsoft and Novell invest at least $10,000 in each board they are investigating. Also, go research the copyright laws in your state. Each start has different laws since copyright laws are left to state legislation. In most cases, these busts are illegal, but they will continue to execute them since we cannot fight a Civil case. In most cases, they will loose, but it will cost the avergae man 2-4 years and at least $100,000 in attorney fees. It was been fought before, and the gentleman won damages for $50,000. He lost his home and his business in the long run. Hence, Microsoft and Novell know that we cannot afford this, they will continue to crack down on those who they feel threaten their profits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Resignation It was brought to our attention that Mikeysoft has resigned from RiSC couriers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To Mikeysoft It is safe to say we represent the scene. If not, then we would like to say that we are not angry at you for being busted. We are upset and skeptical becuase you were not completely honest with us when you were first notified. We are all in this together. Whether if we like each other or if we are lame or super-duper elite gods. We feel it was unfair to us not say something sooner especially when you jeopardize more people than just yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ )\_________ _____ _________________ ____ ________ ( ( | ) ) |____)\____/ (_____/ \ \ \ | / / \ o O ) \ \ ) | / ) |(____/( | )___/ ) ) (___ /_ | ( / _|___ \ |____ |____/ \_ / / / ) / \____( / ( _) ) \ \ | ( ( (___ / ( | | \ / ) ) | \ | | | \__________|___________)_____(___________/______|____)_____|_________| ---=[ 8. Closing ]=------------------------------------------------------------ With the severity of the busts, we at INQUiSITION brought you a longer than usual issue. Hopefully this will awaken some people out there, enlighten others or perhaps educate us. Hopefully you enjoyed this issue of INQUiSITION. Look forward to part two of Mr.ZigZag's article over site security, Hoson's Interview, a word from Ordnance and an upcoming debate. INQUiSITION will have weekly meetings on Wednesday's at 9p Central. The Inquisition Staff: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raptor [Editor] Lester [Editor] [Staff] Avalon Blue � GFK � Jimmy Jamez � Lotug � Lurch � Manowar � Mr.ZigZag Operator � Riot � Vile