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We decided to leave the WWN name behind, and if you miss it - too bad :) The staff is basically the same with myself an addition to the Editor position. For the time being - INQUISITION will be using the same format as WWN until we have a nice newsletter hammered out. Currently we are looking for ASCii Artists and Writers. If you want to join, but you are unsure on what all you are responsible for, leave us mail. We still want YOU to write in comments on our newsletter, even if they are negative. We prolly publish them in our next issue and one of the editors will reply to them. We do need an able person to review games. If you have the time to conduct a review similiar to the fashion of Jimmy Jamez, please send e-mail. Also like to express my apologies to those who were expecting this mag earlier. - Raptor Send your articles, comments or suggestions to: - an407822@anon.penet.fi - ---=[ Contents ]=-------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Warez Report..............Jimmy Jamez - "Special Biased Edition" 2. Letters to the Editor.....Raptor & Mercury 3. Interview.................Riot - "The Snake & Vile : ZZ/NBK" 4. Article...................Riot - "MALiCE" 5. Closing...................Raptor ---=[ 1. Warez Report - "Special Biased Edition" ]=---------------------------- Biased Utils Report made by Jimmy Jamez Issue #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here we go! Welcome to the 2nd Utils Report for the Inquisition mag! The week was very busy for utils (not for games finally!), and i have a shitload of work to do here:) No conflicts happened on scene for past 7 days and that stimulated groups to release many, many cool releases. Also I decided to include PiNNaCLE to this report because they have shown us a few major titles besides those crappy Win95 games or educational kiddie warez. RiGiD does not look enough cool to be here yet! Hope they will reach necessary quality level someday, and we will write a note about them too. Lets start! Of coz in alphabetic order. DOD (Drink Or Die) - Budget week. Many releases but not many megabytes. Totally, the group released around 75 megs for last week in 13 utilities. The week started with a funky program called Foodware 1.0 for Windows. That's truly a budget release and will not collect as many points. DOD continued with a very cool OS/2 Network ware, SysView2 for OS/2 Warp Server 96 Disks). After that we saw bunch of new store titles. No big names but the quality awarded the group very, very good points due of no fuckups and activity. We saw Instant Multimedia (c) Gold Disk (creators of Astound) (3 Disks) which happens to be a very cool multimedia Powerbuilder update, and one of the expensive exceptions on this week was Magic Help Desk Software 2.1 that costs for $10,000 (another database ware). In the middle of the week, a bomb exploded with 6 releases in 24 hours: Print Artist 3.0 for Win (6 Disks), Star Designor for NT (2 Disks) from Watcom, small but cool Photo-design program, Photoworks for Windows 95 (1 Disk), Smart Sketch 95 (5 Disks), Wall Street Analyst (7 Disks) (awesome stock manager), Planix 3-D Exterior Designer for Windows and ASAP Type Click Present for Windows. The week finished with another fine OCR, TextBridge Pro 3.0 and files toolkit for Windows 95 called QuickView Plus! 3.0 for Win95 on 2 disks. As I told - DOD did nothing serious but shown stable and quality work during the week. Current week points: 10/10 Overall rating : 19/20 PNT (Pantera) - Not much to say. Only 2 releases so far and one is just a very big beta. Extra Personal Client Beta 2 (21 Disks) and OS/2 Web Explorer (1 Disk). Looks like that my report is not stimulating their activity as I thought it would have. Before, they released better programs. Dudes - try harder. Current week points: 02/10 Overall rating : 06/20 PNC (PiNNaCLe) - Finally, they awaken after a deep september sleep. Still released many crap programs like Legend of Kyrandia 2 for Win95 and some Poker shitty game. But, they also came with few fine and big titles like Interactive Art Show for Win95 (17 Disks), Announcement 4.0 for Windows 95 (12 Disks) (cool cheap graphix maker), and Microsoft Visual FoxPro 3.0a. Want to say special? I am glad that these kids still participate in the race. They will make competition better, of course if they do not give up. Current week points: 05/10 Overall rating : 05/20 PWA (Pirates With Attitude) - Bah, what a weird week for PWA. Hehe... What did we see? Many small releases and few big ones. Nothing in the middle. The group decided to crack all possible sharewares and demos for scene:) We saw around 8 of them. I will just name them because I do not wanna pay attention to 400-500kb programs. Here we go: 1) Commerce Builder Web Server 1.0a for Win95, 2) HTMLed Pro 1.0 HTML Editor, 3) Keynot Music Drills 1.40 for NT and Win95, 4) Intermail 2.29G Multi-line, 5) WinPack32 for Windows 95, 6) ISDI Drivers for ISDN, 7) CFOS 1.05 ISDN Fossil, and 8) TERM Comm Software for Windows Cracked. All that stuff is below one megabyte but it shows some big cracking abilities for PWA. IF crackers dont have something to do - let them crack shareware! Why not, somebody will use them anyway. PWA also presented a bunch of betas for the past 7 days. We saw Qemm 8.0 beta 1 for Win95 and WinFax 7 for Win95 Final Beta. In beta releases, nobody will beat PWA for sure:) Thank god, that it is quality betas, no shit! About commercial store things? We saw 4 of them. FIlenet Workforce Desktop 4.03 (9 Disks) on wednesday, 2 days later - PowerSoft PowerBuilder 4.03 Update (ANOTHER WEEK - ANOTHER POWEBUILDER! YoHo!) (27 Disks), and on weekend, 2 smaller programs - EasyCD Pro Multimedia (2 Disks) and OfficeBlox for Win95 (2 Disks). Finally, PWA tried to compete on store budget scene with DOD, and it is worth a try! We hope to see more competition next week. No fuckups/dupes came from PWA this time and they get the best points for meggage/release numbers and prolly quality too. Current week points: 10/10 Overall rating : 19/20 RBS (Rebels) - Very low week for them. Only a few small titles like Remove-It 2.04 update and OS/2 Object Desktop Preview and Release. This posse can do better, and we count on them! Low points due to low meggage, not many releases, and low quality. Current week points: 02/10 Overall rating : 07/20 Thats all for this issue. Nothing really changed. 2 leaders remained the same - DOD and PWA. Nobody can come closer to these 2 monsters and they just share the utils scene between each other. Let's see if any younger teams can provide some REAL competition sometime soon. Maybe next week? Read this report in the next issue and find out. Any complaints or questions are welcomed on dod@ns.extech.msk.su JIMMY JAMEZ [DOD BOSS] * All complaints/questions send to: dod@ns.extech.msk.su * ---=[ 2. Letters to the Editor ]---------------------------------------------- This week we had only one comment, so we hope to get more. Hello, Just a few quick little comments about Inquisition... I guess my main complaint is that it doesn't really fill the void that I would like filled. Let's face it an awfull lot of shit gets released every and the average joe doesn't have the time or the energy to check it all out.... so we need a "magazine" or whatever to sift through the shit and tell us if a ware works, and if it does what it does. Inquisition gave me no clear indication of wether or not you tested most of the warez that you mentioned. Also your reviews of what anyone one thing was were too concise. How about a little less "this group rocked this month" and a little more " this is an excellent accounting program usable by most"..... my 2cents Subterfuge ( 613/819 ) Sys TMODI Raptor - Well, currently I am working on producing a dupe/shit list that runs weekly thru the mag. Hopefully, we can have readers and other people report to us dupes and shit releases to us to make the "end-user" more confortable in leeching an application or game w/o the worry of lost credit or time. As for the indication of wether we test the warez - that is up to Jimmy Jamez. Basically it is his area of the mag to review utils, so all reins of that area are in his hands. So we will see :) I would like to thank Subterfuge in writing in to the mag and hopefully others won't be as bashful. ---=[ 3. Interview - The Snake & Vile - ZZ/NBK ]------------------------------ WWN: Who prompted the merge? TS : I prompted the merge because ZillionZ needed new blood and fresh suppliers WWN: Was there a change in the WHQ or the other HQ'S? TS : Yes, we moved Carnel Infatuation to Central HQ and we moved S.E.L. to the Courier HQ. The reasoning behind that was S.E.L has more nodes and is connected to the net. TS : We are currently looking for a WHQ to support at the moment. WWN: ZillionZ has not been doing much lately in the releasing area. When will the releases start to pick up again? TS : We have finally worked out the details with a few of the suppliers that were involved in the merge. We should be rocking by the end of the month. WWN: That's good to know. TS : Yes, it is :) WWN: How much better do you think the group will be before the NBK merge? TS : Restate that :) WWN: Why NBK? There are many other small release groops, such as FTA. TS : We brought in good leadership with Vile and in addition, a couple of other council members from NBK. With this new blood we should be much better than before and a few others... WWN: Why NBK? There are many other good release groops such as FTA, RiGiD and a few others. TS : I like NBK for 2 reason. TS : 1) Vile is a good leader. TS : 2) The group had alot of potential for a new group. WWN: Which group's couriering was stronger? TS : We have some good couriers from both groups. However, that is one thing we intend to work on soon. WWN: Who are your guy's official COURiERS? TS : Malice is our unoffical courier group. It hasnt been made offical as of yet. WWN: Why malice? Besides the fact that vile is a senior in the group. TS : I liked Malice because we are tying to restructor everything. We used RiSC for a very long time. Now I wanted to give Malice a shot at it. They are very good. WWN: So will you keep ZillionZ hard to get into as a group or are you accepting members? TS : We kicked out about about 1/3 of the members last night. We will be taking ACTIVE and PRODUCTIVE members now. WWN: What are you looking for? Couriers? Suppliers? TS : We are looking for suppliers/crackers/and good couriers. WWN: With the big boys in the scene, DoD and PWA, do you guys can make your nitch now into the seen? TS : We respect both groups but I do intend to give it my best shot. The future does look good however. TS : We have reorganzied the group to allow new membership. I encourage good suppliers and traders to contact a senior for ZillionZ soon. This interview was conducted by Riot on October 18, 1995. ---=[ 4. Article - MALiCE ]=-------------------------------------------------- MALiCE is an old courier group, headed by Dorian Hawkmoon just re-vitalized into the scene. Yes, MALiCE from way back when, and they are boomin! Just ask one senior, Vile. He ranks the tope five courier groups as follows: 1. RiSC 2. MALiCE 3. fATE 4. HTC 5. RTS He also predicts MALiCE to catch up to and eventually surpass RiSC within a couple of months. "MALiCE was the best back then and it will be again," says Vile. MALiCE has 8 official FTP sites AND their WHQ is DiMENTiON-XXX. They are the official couriers for PNC (Pinnacle), PWA (Pirates With Attitudes), and ZZ (ZiLLiONZ). If you are interested in applying for a courier position, they are looking for LD (Long Distance) couriers or people who are local to big boards like: S.E.L., AKiRA, and yes, Park Central who they hope to beat RISC on. Well that's all from me; look for my next article on the ZiLLiONZ/NBK merge. SEE YA! -RiOT [INQ] ---=[ 3. Closing ]=------------------------------------------------------------ We hope you enjoyed this issue of Inquisition, if you have any questions or comments, find us on the IRC or through e-mail. We are setting up a WebSite to grab the issues of INQ - Stay tuned for more news from your warez mag group The Inquisition Staff: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raptor [Editor] Mercury [Editor] [Staff] Jimmy Jamez � Lotug � Lurch � Lester � Mr. ZigZag � Riot