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" -- (c)opyright�1996. +--------- - - --- - - - ------------------+ ------ - ---- -- +- -(table of contents)- -+ %1 editorial: "it's too late for apologies" by cerkit %2 article: "it's too late for apologies" by cerkit %3 article: "it's too late for apologies" by cerkit %4 article: "it's too late for apologies" by cerkit %5 article: "it's too late for apologies" by cerkit %6 goodbye: "it's too late for apologies" by cerkit +- -(table of contents)- -+ ----- -(edit) - ------------------------------------(orial)----------------+ "it's too late for apologies." by cerkit it isn't clear yet? i don't want YOU here. well, more and best wishes of falling down an elevator shaft, you puke. on to icon. the icon, may i add. the only icon. the saver of the mac and win users of america. thats us!!!!!!!!!!! you can't stop the icon. all you can do is slow it down or get it high. and it's too late for apologies. ------ -(art) - ------------------------------------(icle)----------------+ "it's too late for apologies" by cerkit it's too late. it's too late, too late for apologies. you can't redeem yourself in these cold eyes baby. you fucked up. end of discussion. plus, i hate you for it. don't call me in the middle of the night and tell me you're sorry, i got work in the morning, i don't wanna here your shit. thats why you're gone. denied. labelled. marked. thats why the operator won't put your calls through after i use call blocking. i mean come on. you can't have me. it's just too late. too late for your whining, too late for your crying, too late for your yelling, too late for you & your apologies. and i hope you die, bitch. connect the goddamn dots. and i will issue that restraining order, just you wait and see. ------ -(art) - ------------------------------------(icle)----------------+ "it's too late for apologies" by cerkit the cow jumped overt he moon and the spork ran away with the foon. mad ramblings you say!? fuck you. becuase you suck, and i hate your mother fucking bitch ass!!! connect the fucking dots. you're nothing. i'm everything. you wanna try me fat-so? i will fuck your shit up. i will beat the living shit out of you. side-bar cunt. you mean nothing, you back alley ass-doctor. nothing!!! you're just stupid. ------ -(art) - ------------------------------------(icle)----------------+ "too late for apologies" by cerkit icon records. act one. simon; no more nights of blood & fire. derrik; i smell pot. gary; me too! icon manager; thats me! bill; yeah yeah yeah! doobie or not doobie that is the question. adam; he got you too, bill!? bill; totally man. simon; the marked beast is coming!!!! gary; fuck we better sell some records today. derrik; we've used all this weeks profits for pot!!! gary; right on!!!! derrik; gary! thats bad thing. simon; a lil' ditty bout jack and dianne. icon manager; shut up!!! and get back to work!!! adam; yes sir. parnel; mo fuckuh always da white man tellin' the black man! well gotdamn! adam; it's always about race. * end of interest in this story, we now take to live to pip the angry youth * .. . for years, i've always wondered why i only took the clothes off my male barbie dolls, but i guess now i know. i mean, i sucked in gym class but i thought that was becuase of other reasons. i've always been truthful on your show and i'd hope i'd get better exposure in the future. your past actions have been more then dangerous to my reputation if not severly damaging. i'd sue if i wasn't such a firm fan.. . "mister youth!!! i have a question" "mister youth!!! i have a question" "mister youth!!! i have a question" "mister youth!!! i have a question" this is dick vertelli inside scooping on pip the angry youths address to the public in result of a news article published in icon magazine, an always in the news, shocking on-line magazine. pip has left the podium and it seems doesn't plan to answer any questions so we take you live now to the interview with a members of icon's writing team. manny; hello and i'm here with skin-head, nazi-verbalist, grand-poo-pah of the nation ferternity for faggot-hating-antelopes, the f.h.a., two time winner of the pulizer prize and well documented explorer of information, icon's main editor of magazine production's insirpation, satan. hello, i'm satan, folks, don't be alarmed. i'd like to clerify a few things for your viewers at home manny. first, by saying i didn't authorize this magazines production, nor did i intend to inspire such a magazine. this magazine is totally detached from my production company venial sins productions, located on 66th and Main, New York, NY. we're currently suing icon magazine for a hundred and fifty-two billion dollars. claims as to there settling-out of court has been rumored, but none as yet have been made. manny; so satan, i mean your a nice guy, why do you think today society would put the rap on a hard-working man like yourself? i'll tell ya manny. all i do is try to work hard, i got a good, clean job, and i try to bring home the bacon for the four little devils i got running around at home. i love my wife and i treat her good, and i just want a fair square shot at show business. when things like this happen, it's just so depressing. of course, i'm an easy target, but who will the government target next!! seinfeld!!?!? will you let your kids been born into a world of oppression people i mean come on!!!! manny; well we'd like to thank you for your time satan, but we have to goto commercial. when be get back the oprah-bot-3000 airs her 20 billionth show, having replaced a 90 year old oprah in 2054, and celebrates with a show containing memorable clips from every season of the oprah winfrey show. watch as oprah-bot-3000 sheds her first tears on the air, thats next on, hard copy. jack;it was all just a misunderstanding janice!!!! three's compan... just sit right back and you'll hear a tal.. FOR ONLY $14.95!@#!@#!@# here on giligans isle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hurt in an accident! i'm allen rothenburg, attorney at law, we handle accident victims, car crashes, bombs, fires, rapes, dog maulings, malpractice and even divorces.. i'm allen rotherburg and if you need an attorney call us!! 215-739-9292 giligan; skipper!!! skipper!!! butt-head; huh-uh-huh-huh-huh-uhhh-huh i'll just order pizza and watch a movie instead. ------ -(art) - ------------------------------------(icle)----------------+ "it's too late for apologies" by cerkit roses are red, violets are blue i hax you up, and now i own you. whatever you do, wherver you go. we secure in the fact, i definetly own you. rip up the man pages, bypass a clue no matter what you learn, i'll always own you. sticks, feds and stones may break my phones, by hax will never hurt me. ------ -(good)----------------------------------(bye)------------------------- beauty is only skin deep. but your ugly to the fucking bone. +--------- - - --- - - - ------------------+ ------ - ---- -- -- (c)opyright�1996. icon inc.