14 Jan, 2021

Man, I don't really even know what to say today. But I like to keep my hand in, just so I don't get entirely out of practice.

Fountain Pens

I've been playing around with fountain pens a lot lately, just inexpensive ones. My dear wife, who doesn't really understand the infatuation, still bought me two nice ones for Christmas. I've been having fun with them, even though my handwriting is still absymal. But at least with a fountain pen I have to begin to have some form of technique, like, holding the pen in a specific orientation at all times. So it's practice.

And honestly I've started to let go of the idea that I have to be good at everything I do. I've stopped caring if my books sell, or if I ever get to publish a "real" novel through a real publisher or whatever. Maybe that's not what I'm doing with this life. That's fine. I can keep trying but I can also stop pinning my hopes on things that are out of my control and just enjoy the life I'm living.

Medical Stuff

My doctor was impressed with how my diabetic self-care has been going; enough that she suggested we back off on my medication and said that I might even get to the point where I don't need medication. I'm not planning on that; again, it's not entirely in my control. But it's nice.

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