2021-12-02 The Mariah Carey Challenge
2021-11-23 Review - Entangled Life
2021-11-23 Review - How to Take Smart Notes
2021-11-21 I saw School of Rock live and it was very strange
2021-11-16 Why is Hermitcraft fanfiction uncomfortable? (or, the boundaries of fictional worlds)
2021-11-05 Linux isn't fun any more (or, my journey from Linux bro to reluctant Linux user)
2021-10-25 Why Not 3d Printing?
2021-09-10 Neotrellis Monome Grid
2021-07-28 Vegan Cinnamon Rolls
2021-07-26 Notes on the Prusa i3 MK3S
2021-07-23 Xduoo X3 music player
2021-05-31 Book Scanning (for cheap)
2021-05-21 The Freenode Situation Has a Larger Lesson - the Importance of Open Protocols
2021-05-19 Vanilla ice cream base
2021-05-19 Koss KSC75 Headphones
2021-05-10 mi sitelen kepeken toki pona ala tan seme?
2021-04-18 A little tool for exporting dino logs
2021-03-06 Kobo eReader development notes
2021-03-03 From vimwiki to acme
2021-03-02 Some Experiments With a 3D Printer and Sharpie Markers
2021-02-06 My IKEA FREDDE standing desk conversion
2021-01-31 vegan chocolate cookies
2021-01-26 Elecom Deft Trackball
2020-12-26 Antifa Supersoldier Cards
2020-12-16 Blabrecs, an un-word game
2020-12-09 Assorted Commodore 64 Notes
2020-11-30 Some Unstructured Thoughts on The Dispossessed
2020-11-23 Protonmail suck. Avoid them.
2020-11-20 Sike - A radial menu for linux
2020-11-16 Hard Drive Shucking
2020-11-10 Why this site is like it is (or, my problem with blogs)
2020-11-10 8bitdo M30 controller