Balázs Botond balazsbotond at
Wed Nov 10 20:40:28 GMT 2021
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Hi all,
I'm sure most of you know Stéphane Bortzmeyer's crawler and hisgeminispace statistics page:
With his kind permission, I wrote a script to download and parse thispage daily, store the data in a SQLite database and generate 38different charts to visualize the data. The charts are regeneratedevery night by a script to show the result of the latest crawl.Historic data has been included from Stéphane's archive (monthlyresolution).
You can see the charts here:gemini://
You can also download the latest SQLite DB, updated daily, from hereif you want to play with it / use it in your own projects:gemini://
I hope you'll find the charts useful. Please report any bugs youencounter. All ideas to improve the page are welcome. I'm planning toopen source the script but I have to do some cleanup first.